#hyrule magick
knightofhylia · 1 month
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solarwreathe · 1 year
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let’s not talk about this, ever
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yourlocaltreesimp · 1 year
could you do yan legend and/or hyrule? i love your writing so much! ❤️
Both? Both.
TW: Yandere and all it’s accompanies (obsession, violence, etc)
Yan!Chain Headcannons
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Really sweet once you first met, definitely one that became your friend before shit began to spiral. The familiarity of his old guide made becoming close friends really easy.
Once he fully realised who exactly you were, however, platonic standards are thrown out the window. Chances are he’s latched to your side, constantly making sure you’re happy and healthy. Lord forbid he found out that you aren’t, he’d spend all his magic fixing your ailments to whatever degree of success before striking down whatever dared try and harm you.
He’ll hold your hand or give you a kiss when you need healing, savouring being the one to hold you
Love languages are probably Physical touch and Acts of service. Making sure to be close to you, to shield you from the horrid world he’s seen. He likes to know you’re close, that you’re there.
Not to say he’s adverse to singing your praises. He’d write hymns and gospels if you asked. Afterall, who was Hylia to think she was divine when you stood right there.
Keeping up my love of Fae!Hyrule he definitely thinks you’re married to some extent
To him, he’s utterly devoted to you, at your beck and call. He’d bring the greatest of warriors, including the very deity that traveled with the chain to their knees if you said the word. The world would burn to ash and yet he’d shield you from the fire if it ment you could be close. He’d fight drove after drove of monsters if it ment he could collapse into your arms at the end. And in turn you give your time and compassion, you grace him with your presence. You let him heal you not that there’s any other option and you let him fawn and you keep his gifts. That’s as good as married to him.
Definitely uses his magic to… pull some strings. Make his words more persuasive, make the colours shine a little brighter, make his words more alluring, make the blood on his clothes less noticeable. Your clothes are enchanted, your jewellery as well. Your food magicked to calm your nerves and ease your heart.
You’ve met his faerie sisters. They love you. They’d riot if you were hurt. They’d tell him if you ran off.
Not to mention that it’s good practice to gift the fae with silver jewellery for safe passage or protection (yeah i mentioned this in a post before, idc). If you so happened to do this, he’s sold. Done for. Any question of his feelings for you? Gone. He’d pierce his ears to don your trinkets, flaunt the necklaces, adore the bracelets. But goddesses above, if you got him a ring? Well my friend, you’ve sealed your fate. He’d flaunt it, proud of his successful courtship, if his divinity being pleased by him. No one can touch it, no damage will come to it, it will be just as pristine as when it was in your hands.
Probably not one to kidnap you per say, but would be confused if you didn’t want to come with him. You gave him your ring, that’s binding to humans isn’t it? Your his and he’s yours. Why would you want to leave? He has everything you want. And anything more you could possibly want, all you’d have to do is utter the words and it’s yours.
For nicknames, Love, Honey, Sweetheart, Flower, a variety of faerie nicknames
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Off the bat remembered your guidance. While this led to some shakiness in his trusting you. The second he realised you’re real and not some cruel imposter, that too is thrown right out.
Doesn’t spare you from the sarcasm, in fact, he’s right on your nerves. He itches for your own snarky comments and blows. Itches for your voice and your attention.
Again with the enchanted jewellery. Earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, whatever it is that you want, it’s yours. No questions asked.
Sleeps on you… and odd headcannon, but sprawls out completely over you like a starfish whenever he needs to sleep.
Love language is Quality time and Gift giving. Quietly letting you braid his hair or run errands side by side, getting you rings and clothes. Picking flowers to bring back to you while he’s on patrol. The quiet things. Lest someone find out his moth eaten heart still beats.
Protective to a T. Literally feral. Will bite a man.
Snide comments? Only from him, watch your back. Dirty look? Pulling you close and glaring right back. Directly rude? Hope you have enough rupees to foot a medical bill (do they have those? do now.) But if you’re the unlucky soul that lay a hand on his heart? I hope you have good locks.
Definitely keeping up with the long lived headcannon that animal traits stick to their respective people. Will make a home for you if you happen to land in his Hyrule. Idealises the quiet life with you, getting the life he never got. Loving parents, kids *cough* breeding kink *cough* , happy life, free of Hylia’s trials and falling through his own reality.
Would probably kidnap you, he isn’t loosing again. His poor heart, battered and beaten as it is won’t just let you walk out. Nope. Not on his watch. He knows every forest, every cave, every home in every village. You’re not going to up and leave him again.
Nicknames: Babe, Love, Beloved on special occasions
Not really one for using pet names infront of others, not until there’s a competition for your favour.
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lunavagans · 6 days
Another rambling thing: the dekus. In the dark forest that Vio ends up in. Why did they start worshipping Ganon?
What would a people made of essentially plant value? Sunlight, maybe? What if, in addition to the ‚being seen as monsters‘ thing that exists in some games (Oot at least), he promised them to bring them MORE sunlight in exchange for their loyalty? Maybe he spun a narrative where the sunlight is being kept from them by the hylians (I‘m thinking by banishing them to the forest, or some sort of magicks barring it from reaching into the forest), and he will defeat them and give it back to them?
Why would he bother to do so anyway? They don‘t seem to ever really put up a fight against anyone. Ganon has their devotion, but not their troops, as far as the manga shows. Do they have any, or do they just build? Maybe their one strength is building, but why would Ganon need it, anyway? Does he just want temples? Am I imagining that the dekus told Vio they were too busy building a temple for Ganon to help him? I‘m too lazy to look it up.
And if the dekus really do follow Ganon for the sunlight thing, and Shadow thinks that with Ganon‘s victory, the darkness will fall over Hyrule completely, then one of the two would have had a rude awakening; I think, since Shadow wouldn‘t have had a purpose by then anymore and assuming the thing with using the dekus as tenple builders to satisfy his vanity - persisting beyond his victory - is true, it would‘ve been Shadow. Only one of the two can be kept happy, after all. Priorities and all.
Did Shadow and the dekus ever interact? How would that have gone?
Why is Vaati following Ganon? By the logic that being loyal to the biggest monster will grant you some safety? Does he think he can betray Ganon and get his own victory that he was denied in minish cap?
I‘m thinking too much about this, aren‘t I.
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shannonsketches · 11 months
how does the big man feel about his two moms, what's their relationship like
Oh god OP I have so many feelings about this why would you ask me that here wE GO:
Ganondorf is a total mama's boy -- or was, until he accepted the truth of her.
H'okay, to understand my ridiculously involved perspective on Ganondorf and Twinrova, I am going to remind the audience that I spent a solid ten years working on a Ganondorf backstory webcomic prior to and shortly after Skyward Sword came out. When SS came out, I was angry, obviously, but I adapted my headcanons to include Demise, as it became clear his influence wasn't going to leave in future games.
So. oh god I'm gonna try and make my brain spaghetti as digestible as possible for people who have not known me that long lol bear with me, okay sO!!! SO!!
Demise. Happened. Whatever. But for me, to preserve my precious autonomous complex gremlin from becoming the baby from The Omen, in my little safe space bubble headcanon, Demise was sealed inside of the Triforce, and has been deteriorating for as long as he's been in there. We'll come back to that, okay, just stick that on the corkboard and remember I said that.
Cut to Twinrova. She's 300+ years old. She's lived through two previous Gerudo Kings. In my headcanon, Gerudo males are always born sickly and often don't live very long, which is why the Gerudo kind of ceremoniously decided they're godkings, since they tend to be tragic births, often killing the mother and then dying days or weeks later.
Twinrova, and her magicks, changed this for the king prior to Ganondorf. She helped stabilize his health, and he lived long enough to fight in the civil war. When he died, she realized that she had an opportunity, and when Ganondorf was born, she took it.
You may have noticed that Twinrova is the only Gerudo who can do magic (in OoT, at least). This contributed to a headcanon that she is an arcane practitioner, and a follower of the deadgod Demise. Do you see where I'm going with this? Walk with me.
Ganondorf is born, his mother dies, Twinrova is the only magic user and the only one with the ability to keep this child alive. So she takes him, and isolates him, and not only keeps him alive through his sickly infancy, but also raises him herself. She becomes a strict teacher, and a harsh trainer, and an unapologetically intense parent.
This is, to Ganondorf's knowledge, because the desert is cruel, and Ganondorf is of divine birth (all Gerudo Kings are), and he will have to not only be a protector of his people, but also walk the fine line between ally and threat to Hyrule. He needs to be elite. He needs to be perfect. He needs to embody a god, because quite frankly she intends him to do that.
She's raising a vessel in which to resurrect Demise, and take revenge on Hyrule for all the shit it's pulled for the last 300 years.
But Ganondorf doesn't know this. He fully believes she's preparing him for the realities of his role, and of the world he'll be stepping into as a leader. So he defends her at every turn. When Nabooru points out how horrible she is (she hates Nabooru, if that's not clear), when the late Queen questions her motives and her mothering toward Ganondorf, when anyone speaks ill of her, Ganondorf speaks in her defense. That's his mother, and she was the Gerudo Queen for a time, and she is to be respected as both.
And then he gets the triforce, and that godmatter hits, and he consumes what is left of Demise, and he knows the truth, and he understands, and he is angry.
But she is useful.
So she is not his mother anymore. She is a flunkie, like any other, and he is, for the first time in his life, more powerful than she could ever hope to be. And Demise is dead. He ate what was left of that god's heart and his power is the proof. There is only Ganondorf.
And she'll get what she wants. Hyrule will fall. But she will not take part in it. She's confined to the temple as a watchdog, since she was so eager to be subservient, unless he personally summons her elsewhere. And when she dies, he is much too far gone in his battle with sanity to care.
So, tl;dr:
It's complicated.
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obraveyouth · 4 days
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❝ △ — past incarnations / i.
note: ramble i'll clean up later dealing with link's connection to his past incarnations and how it involves the triforce of courage and the spirit fi , that rests in the master sword.
there  is  a  point  during  the  journey  (  leaning  towards  it  being  after  his  third  or  forth  hidden  skill  learned  ):  that  link  is  able  to  physically  connect  with  all  of  his  past  incarnations  that  have  either  carried  the  soul  of  the  hero  or  those  that  where  marked  with  the  triforce  of  courage.  whereas  before  their  connection  was  one  that  was  more  silent  ,  solely  an  unspoken  spiritual  bond  that  was  moreso  a  faint  thread  that  connected  each  and  every  hero  with  the  past  incarnations.  whereas  the  triforce  of  courage  grants  its  current  user  exceptional  proficiency  and/or  a  downright  mastery  over  a  varied  arsenal  of  weapons  and  artillery  (  except  those  of  the  blade  ):  at  first  only  being  able  to  give  the  current  link  their  stacked  proficiency  at  various  weapons.  however  ,  due  to  the  effects  of  link  dabbling  in  magicks  (  in  hopes  of  regaining  contact  with  midna  ):  a  visage  of  that  specific  past  incarnation's  spirit  will  appear  before  him  as  he  seeks  their  wisdom  (  it  is  akin  to  how  the  hero  shade  bares  a  physical  appearance  before  the  hero  of  twilight  ):  at  first  the  only  past  hero  he  can  speak  directly  with  is  shade  (  his  direct  past  incarnation  ):  however  ,  that  is  no  longer  the  case.  the  connection  between  all  of  the  past  and  current  hero's  are  much  more  physically  based  and  not  just  spiritual  in  a  sense.  each  and  every  past  hero  ( regardless  of  timeline ):  link  is  able  to  speak  with  them.  in  the  hopes  that  one  of  them  will  have  some  sort  of  answer  or  insight  on  how  to  grasp  at  how each  previous  link  overcame  various  feelings.  i.  losing  what  once  was  ,  ii.  the  fear  that  his  life  and  experiences  might've  also  been  pre-ordained  ,  and  iii.  nothing  that  he  thought  ,  felt  ,  nor  loved  was  really  his  own  merit.
the  past  incarnations  influence  more  than  just  link's  ability  over  his  arsenal  of  weapons  but  also  other  minute  details.  specifically  ,  it  involves  the  direct  incarnation  --  the  one  that  came  directly  before.  it  is  why  the  hero  of  time  and  the  hero of  twilight  share  many  similarities  ,  which  are  as  follows:  i.  both  live  in  hollowed  out  tree  homes  ,  ii.  both  have  a  horse  named  epona  ,  iii.  both  go  through  a  period  of  losing  their  childhood  best  friend  ,  and  iv.  both  are  not  directly  from  hyrule.  this  is  something  that  actually  began  with  the  hero  of  time  towards  the  future  incarnations  of  his  soul  and  the  connection  is  felt  strongest  in  the  hero  of  twilight  ,  as  he  is  the  next  in  line  to  be  hyrule's  savior.  while  ,  there  are  specific  maneuvers  with  the  blade  that  each  link  will  learn  on  the  fly  during  their  various  battles  and  others  that  must  be  taught  from  elsewhere  (  such  as  time/shade  staying  as  a  spirit  until  he  could  pass  on  his  seven  hidden  skills  ):  these  where  unique  techniques  he  came  up  with  during  his  journey  and  cannot  rest  until  passed  on.  there  is  one  exception  to  this  mastery  rule  and  that  is  the  spirit  fi  ,  that  rests  inside  the  master  sword.
once  a  link  overcomes  their  personal  trials  in  truly  being  recognized  as  a  hero  of  legend  upon  pulling  the  master  sword  from  its  pedestal  once  more:  the  spirit  fi  makes  her  presence  to  the  hero's  spirit  known  once  again.  while  ,  neither  the  current  hero  nor  fi  can  have  a  conversation  ---  their  connection  is  made  known  by  link  being  able  to  do  either  a  sword  beam  or  great  spin  but  only  when  their  connection  is  strongest  (  in  game  ,  this  is  expressed  by  being  at  full  health  ):  it  is  also  due  to  the  master  sword  that  subconsciously  fi's  own  record  of  every  past  hero  leaks  through  to  link's  own  connection  to  them  via  the  triforce  of  courage:  the  mixture  allows  link  to  look  at  their  past  memories  as  if  he  was  that  very  specific  incarnation  ---  so  while  twilight  is  say  speaking  with  an  ocarina  of  time  zelda  ,  she  might  sense  he  is  of  the  future  but  his  outward  appearance  will  look  like  that  of  time  or  if  link  speaks  with  hylia  ,  he  will  have  the  guise  of  sky  and/or  the  first  hero  ,  etcetc.
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notmuchtoconceal · 9 months
verily, verily, i say unto you -- so yeah. i don't need to do this part.
the only way the zelda downfall timeline makes sense to me is if you treat the production order as a chronology in its own right.
let me explain.
(so) the legend of zelda (the original, which is always best) takes place at the end of a later-to-be-revealed fallen timeline, yet even in the stated status quo of the original game, the kingdom of hyrule is in ruins.
ganon has seized the triforce, of which there are now only two.
zelda divides the second piece, pertaining to wisdom -- into eight pieces, which the hero link must find to prove himself worthy to ender the secret 9th dungeon, the sprawling underground skull rock which you enter through a recurrent formation in the shape of an eyeglass.
link, in the sequel, must then locate the hidden triforce of courage.
he does this --(in a mysterious northern isle actually the main body of the previously glimpsed southern aisle) through a dramatic shift where the poles of his awareness are flipped to a narrow and unnatural side-on perspective, necessitating steep grinds and a mastery over magic and the vertical axis, he renders inert an enchantment by placing six crystals in six statues to open the gate to a palace hidden on the most-distant near-proximity of the new continent ;-- where he must thenface-off against a vaguely deco-inspired monster of Native American myth before overcoming his own dark side and claiming his place as rightful inheritor and possessor of the final enchanted triune artefact.
(this is also the first (and only) time there seem to be two zeldas in existence at the same time ;-- the rescued maiden and the awakened beauty.)
so, yeah.
that's the classic NES duology and that's where it ends.
the north american title of the SNES prequel is particularly relevant, for though a significant upscale in terms of graphical fidelity and precision of control, the narrative posits itself as deliberately backwards looking ;-- this is an attempt by the now unified kingdom of hyrule to reckon with its history. in the intro cinematic to this story about a good king assassinated and usurped by a conniving enchanter, we hear of the imprisoning war, seemingly the source of all this cute lil redneck kingdom's seemingly endless woe. it tells of how the triforce was first bloodied by human hands, perverting the sacred realm and contaminating the magickal-psychic matrix of the land's consciousness.
After a detour where Link realizes that life is merrily, merrily but a dream and collects the Eight Instruments of the Sirens in what is not-at-all a deliberate mirroring of his future-forerunner's collecting of the 8 Shards of the Goddess's Wisdom, he cracks the world egg atop a mountain by playing live an extended lullaby for the Wind Fish who is more accurately a Land Whale, and slays the Nightmares who held him to slumber, incidentally liberating the only freedom-loving soul from its illusion --
After that brief detour, what seems to occur -- you being jaunty enough to continue to humor this, among my many other thought experiments -- is this hypothetical backwards looking perspective (related to Zelda's later archeological ambitions...? I haven't played either BotW, do allow your own knowledge to fill-in or contradict as necessary) which deigns to witness the Imprisoning War (I suppose they could be so direct as to ask the Triforce itself?) seems to split the timeline by observing it (Butterfly Effect, quantum fluctuations, the atomic weight of consciousness) in effect erasing the original from existence as it creates the two.
If this seems absurd, do be aware -- Ganondorf receives the Triforce of Power in Twilight Princess seconds before his death by execution at the Light Swords of the Sages. This is a deliberate deus-ex-machina which the narrators refer to as a "divine prank" and seems to rely on the player's familiarity with the events of the previous games (so much of what, in Twilight Princess's narrative seems to be nostalgia points simply reinforcing -- it's eerie familiarity. This land's status as the shadow of a former (or estrange contemporary's) glory.
That is -- the knowledge that Ocarina of Time ends with Link possessing foreknowledge, his meeting with Zelda in the post-credits will ensure that a change will occur.
The Triforce is a Divine Object belonging to the Sacred Realm and so Exists Above and Outside of Time.
If Ganondorf possesses the Power of the Gods in One Timeline, he possess them in All Timelines -- even one's where he's a loser convict on death row about to get iced by elderly nerds.
How do the two interact?
If Ganondorf does something in one timeline, does it effect what he does in all timelines? Do the two newly introduced split timelines somehow feed into one another? Perhaps Ganondorf's brief ascension in TP -- his feeding off of his symbiosis with Zant and the associated corruption of the Twilii people -- is enough to give Ganondorf in the Wind Waker timeline the strength he needs to break free of his bindings? This would, in effect, make TP as much a prequel to WW as sequel to MM!
Does this imply -- do indulge me this detour, let us see together to what fruitful avenues it may lead! -- that the more Hyrule's history is revealed, the more its awareness of itself seems to diverge and fragment into dead-ends, side-roads, alternate possibilities, predecessor upon predecessor, past upon past, coming to accrue as much as it clarifies -- bouncing like a ping-pong ball ball (by which i mean that more exquisite art -- the energy tennis match between hero and villain) as the chaos gives way to shape and the chaos to some deeper form?
Conclusions in one windswept corner in time, from bouncing back and forth from some fairy tale past about an enchanted cap and a world of little people and a blade which divides one into four ... and a land where your kingdom was drowned for good, your patriarch renouncing his entitlements, to bless you to open and terrible freedom to not repeat the mistakes of your ancestors, setting sail for a distant land you will make you own ... which you discover is spider-webbed with train-tracks which were already there. designed by a more mechanically advanced-prior civilization. train-tracks. across the entire-continent. already there.
not connected to some heartland city, no -- of course not. simply another variation on the tower of babel and wasteland motifs you've already glimpsed in that other other timeline's alternative alternate world.
i confess, on my first and only playthrough of Spirit Tracks (despite or perhaps precisely because of its inoffensive nature) i found myself so bored, i put it down halfway through and didn't pick it back up for six months, and when i did it was only because -- there would be a new game soon.
skyward sword was yet a glint on the horizon. there were no plans yet announced for a zelda on the wii which wasn't already on the cube.
i had a dream where i was in a sprawling floral-lattice work of a stream-shrouded 1920's train station and there was an inkling i needed to finish that last zelda there would be another one soon.
i needed to finish it, there would be another one soon.
i can't recall if there were skylights, yet i seem to suspect.
skyward sword, it is my regret to feel, though not openly repeat -- was so bad, i fear despite being intellectually open to another zelda, it left me feeling i had outgrown video games as a general hobby and this was a good place to stop. i feel it was giving me a dreadful warning.
all technology from this point on is simply training you to play fetch for the AI girlfriend who is submissive waifu masking claustrophobic smother-demon timesink. It was telling me get out all now. All further digital games will simply be coded nanny state propaganda.
i feel the entire series Zelda herself has been slowly transitioning from Mother-Sister to Sister-Wife and Now Link Has to Put His Dick In Her and It's Repulsive. I don't want it. I understand why infinite access to bitches and bling turned Ganondorf into an insipidly hunky blue swine beast.
I do not wish to wed the nanny state through a symbolic incestuous union with the machine. I can't imagine the level of loneliness and feelings of personal disempowerment would could ever possibly drive one to wish to own, let alone interact with an Alexa. I have no idea why anyone would consider this histrionic. I suspect most are half-aware, barely alive.
The first Demon to which I ever bore witness was the Microsoft Office Paperclip and I immediately knew it was evil; a withering force of infantilization which yearned to strip me of my savvy and I rightfully shunned it! I do not wish for my interfaces to have personalities or crack jokes! I want machines to be machines! A machine with a soul should be cathartic only for it reflects a solitary intellect's capacity to endure.
If you've ever seen The Film Simply Called Moon by David Bowieson, they did it right in that. That was a good AI companion. He was one step above Wilson from Cast Away. He was basically a totem comfort object with a short term data cash which functioned as semi-authentic short term memory. He was a simple machine, but it was real. That was honest.
Why would anyone ever love a son? It takes a saint to love a son. Autism is basically Son: The Personality cause They're All Like That. That's what it is to be a Boy, which is why it is so confusing when you are an Autistic Girl who is also Heterosexual! Being An Autistic Lesbian makes everything hilarious, oh my God. That level of natural detachment, if properly harnessed -- constant lazer vision. Carve microchips into people's faces. Rub your swampy crotches together to create fungal blooms live-erupting out of hot spring geysers scarring lily-white flesh!
A son is a little whelp you fuck emotionally until it's manly.
It's horrible. You have to actually love that to do it right. Look at yourself and see how hard it is to love you, apparently. It doesn't make any sense to me when you're repulsed by yourself. Why would you find either you or me repulsive? We're having fun maybe you should get that checked out.
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ladyfarona · 1 year
If Ganondorf is doing what I think he's doing with the Princess Zelda sightings across Hyrule, consider:
Everyone is magicked into thinking they're seeing Zelda but it's really huge thicc Ganondorf in a delicate white gown and he's never felt SO PRETTY in all his lifetimes.
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fiiirsthero · 5 months
This is a blog for the First Hero Link. This blog will not be spoiler free for any Zelda game. I have played most Zelda games, with the exceptions being some of the handhelds.
This version of Link does not strictly follow the First Hero manga.
In general, he is written as physically appearing 28, though often he is much, much older. He is 5'6" with golden blond hair that is kept longish and slightly shaggy. His frame is more slender than muscular, but he is strong and possesses a wide arrange of knowledge.
A brief summary: After being framed for a murder he did not commit, Link spent ten years in prison until he was finally exonerated and released. Being exonerated wasn't just because evidence was found proving he could not have committed the murder; that had been found at the initial time of the incident and had been discarded as 'someone had to have been the culprit'. Instead the driving need to free him was the rise of the Demon King Demise. Link, being a capable knight and swordsman, was needed to fight against him.
Link refused.
The village that now begged for his help was the same village that kept him imprisoned for 10 years. Why should he do anything to help them? If their doom was coming for them then so be it; they had dug their own grave and now needed to lie in it.
Link was not so heartless as to not care about a young priestess who had been chosen to go on this journey, however. The young priestess who went by the name of Zelda, though she was actually the Goddess Hylia in disguise. Link did not know this but agreed to travel with her as her sellsword and mercenary; she was a capable fighter, much more capable than he would have imagined a simple priestess ever could be, but even she alone would not have been able to stand against the hordes of Demise.
Their travels took them across Hyrule and, with her guidance, Link reforged a weapon she called the Master Sword. Zelda refused to ever try to wield it, and the pieces began to fall into place for him that she was not just an ordinary priestess. This, along with several close calls where a more vicious and bird-like form was shown in silhouette, had him realizing that she was truly the Goddess.
Having met and grown to care for her as just a simple woman, Link found he didn't care. This 'deceit' was not meant to harm him but to keep him safe; if he knew about the identity of the Goddess then Demise would try to kill him with even more fervor than he currently possessed.
The Blade of Evil's Bane would seal away Demise. Zelda's plan was for her to use her magic to bind him in place while Link killed him with the weapon. A fine plan that failed upon facing Demise and realizing his power had grown beyond their imagining with the infusion of Malice.
There would be no hope of killing him, but trapping and binding him was still possible. Instead of Zelda's magicks holding him in place, Link fought the Demon King to give her time to prepare a spell that would seal him away temporarily. The battle was long and while he ultimately succeeded in his goal, Link was mortally wounded by the time the Demon King had been trapped in his temporary prison.
As he laid dying, Zelda confessed to her true nature - which Link admitted he already knew and didn't care. He was happy with his death, feeling like he had been able to find one other person he could truly trust and care about.
Only death... did not quite come.
It was hard to say if it was a fragment of Demise's magic that cursed Link, or perhaps a misguided 'gift' being given to him from the Goddess - in truth, probably both blended together with a beautifully horrible result. Link... did not die. Could not die. Could not age.
Link is forever trapped in the moments before his death. His body can be damaged, can fall ill, but cannot die. His wounds from the battle with Demise have healed, but there is a scar over his heart that causes him pain if he exerts himself too much.
Instead of being bitter over this cursed eternal life, Link has devoted himself to watching over all future incarnations of himself to help guide them to help the Princess save Hyrule, all in the hopes of being reunited with Hylia again when Demise and the Malice have both been fully destroyed.
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pestilight · 1 year
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What has been done to you, @lunaright...?
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Gone were the golden antlers they once bore, signifying their fallen divinity, now replaced by horns that jutted from one side of their head. The scourge staggers — but fall not they did, puppeted by invisible strings that guided their way upwards; their footing unsteady as the world shifts under their feet. Cocking their head up and to the side ( the horns heavy enough to tilt balance ) its pupil darts afoot, attempting to focus on the face in front of them.
Even through the malice clouding their vision with crimson, they knew.
“Rauru…” his name leaves its mouth in a whisper, guttural and raspy. Though its voice is undoubtedly theirs, it merely acts and speaks for its puppeteer, stumbling closer towards the Zonai and reaching with outstretched arms, a mockery of a smile painted on their face. Gesture kind, even though its intent is not, it speaks all too softly, too kindly; a cruel lure. “It's been too long, once King of Hyrule.”
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     It washes over him as though a spreading affliction. A traitorous, blasphemous thought. In the staggered spaces between their halting motions, as Rauru looks upon his once-ilk's taint — their decay, their corruption, their erosion — he feels it take form as a serpent writhing through his veins: accrued remnants of some ancient, seething, inexplicable wrath.
     The gods are truly wretched, to continue testing him past even death.
     It is instinct, as it was in life, to shatter the notion before he can dwell on it. Its pieces fall away like glass shards slitting past his fingers, but the outrage remains — fueled by a regret that hangs ever heavier from his shoulders and a heartache so profound, it has him numb for the first time since he's awakened from a sealed slumber.
     They call him by his name. They reach for him with beseeching hands.
     It should not make him yearn as harshly as it does.
     He lurches back beyond their grasp. "Iroha," lies on his tongue, a gentle hand ready to be extended in turn, but he holds it there. He holds it there, close, like it is a fragile thing: like he daren't say it aloud for fear of losing something else — someone else — he has never been willing nor prepared to let go of.
     ( He holds it there, close, like he hasn't already lost them. )
     "My friend," he murmurs instead. His breath does not rattle. But he imagines, if he were made of bone and blood and sinew once more, not even thralling magicks would be able to keep it steady. "I wish, dearly, I could say it is good to see you again."
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chrisgaughan · 6 years
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A small hint at a work in progress
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hyruletarot · 7 years
The Z-Targeting Spread (For Rising your Happiness)
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You are going to use a little quick spread to focus on things that will improve your sense of aventure. Why? Because life is waiting for you out there: your beloved friends, the love of your life, justice, fun, mysteries, magick and much more!
This is a spread to be done in the morning before going out, things to get excited about that will serve you well, and blessings to heart-lock. 
When you wake up, eat your breakfast and are about to go out, please spare some few minutes to lovingly shuffle the cards while asking the universe for a sense of adventure and awe, because nothing gets the magick of life flowing beautifully than an open eager and joyful heart. 
This spread is not traditionally numbered because it also is used to gradually fine-tune your intuition. So, relax and breath deeply before turning the card face up, one Blessing at a time, following the order of the reading of the Blessings as explained below. Just select a card for the Blessing in turn.
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Blessing from the Fairies: A jolt of energy, a flash of inspiration, laughter heard from within the woods, healing waters and a friend´s company. The card you select talks about the Positive Undercurrent Energy this day that will inspire you to venture forth, knowing deep in your spirit that you are loved and adored and protected by forces beyond your grasp that are always at hand. Even when a negative card, it shows something that was averted because the universe loves you. So take heart, say thanks, and part because this day is going to be awesome.
Blessing from the Princess: A voice that calls you from inside and outside dreams, that knows you, that trusts you and the is in need of you. The card you select talks about the Ideals to pursue this day, that calls you on a mission to restore light in your life and in the lives of others. Even if it is a negative card, it is always about other´s suffering, not your own. Keep you eyes open and your heart ready.
Blessing from the Sage: An useful artifact, a secret song, a mysterious legend, words of wisdom and of optimism. The card you select for this blessing talks about that which you must acquire to complete your day´s quest. It is always a surprise. Keep an eye out for it, even if it is a negative card, for even apparent darkness, shadows and twilight can be of help.
Blessing from Within a Hero´s Heart: Courage that, even in the face of your greatest fear, still gives you the power to saddle on. Courage, the power to help a friend´s need. The light that shoots from the forest holding a green mystical stone. The last card will be the one that speaks and inspires Courage inside your heart, that gives you a reason to venture forth even when darkness engulfs everything. Even if it is a negative card, it is an augur of your victory.
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quirkle2 · 2 years
This is sorta a strange AU in that it doesn't have the Hero's Cycle or Ganon or even possibly the Triforce as a real thing??? Possibly might end up more generic but i hopefully made up for it with All The Stuff Happening
So! We have Legend, who's a warlock that lives in a lil hobbit hole in the woods and generally doesn't wanna talk to anybody EXCEPT MAYBE for those few people that come by and say hi every once in a while. Maybe them. Hobbit hole and surrounding land is like covered in plants and stuff. He generally deals in more "man-made" magicks, enchantments on jewelry and man-made objects and written spells n things (just a heads up the magic and how they use it is gonna be like. super up in the air for a while so i might change it. except for wild. you'll see in a bit)
Hyrule! One of Legend's closest buddies and Half-Fae High Mage (in training)! Also lives in a hobbit hole in the woods; he and Legend are hobbit hole buddies. Because of his half-fae status, he gets to pick and choose what rules, fae or human, he is beholden to at any given time. Thiiiis has a bit of a stigma, I'll say that much.
Rulie's more attuned to magic as a part of nature, not requiring written word to cast anything, and generally isn't as bound by rigid structures as humans who classify magic (this may possibly be because of the Triforce, which i have now decided is real in this AU). He could tell you right off the bat if something is cursed (he's got experience, after all!)
Wild! Also one of Legend's closest buddies and a witch! He can cast enchantments over the food he cooks and is very good at brewing potions and drinks. Possibly wants to open his own tavern someday. (Apparently the origins of the witch possibly came from lady brewers who worked in taverns and bars! I thought that fit way too well for Wild)
Twilight! Werewolf, plain and simple. He bothers Legend sometimes (affectionate). He's the son of Time and Malon and lives on Lon Lon Ranch.
What is Lon Lon Ranch? Why, no mortal knows! They couldn't tell you where it is, how to get there, or even how it never seems to be marked by the passage of time or space! They just know you can get some dang good milk from there.
Time! Just An Old Man, Promise. Definitely nothing going on here. Definitely not somehow outside the bounds of time and functionally immortal along with his wife Malon and possibly his son Twilight. Nope. Just Some Dude who works on a farm and goes fishing with Wind and Wild and somehow has vast tomes worth of knowledge and history that Legend is itching to get his hands on. And also has a soft spot for fairies.
YUP. Just a normal dude.
Warriors! Royal Captain of the Guard and Right-Hand to Sky and Sun. Generally suspicious of magicks and their goings-on. Totally not backstory relevant (wink).
Sky! Prince-Consort, God-Killer, and betrothed to the soon-to-be Queen of Hyrule, Sun! Yes, while the King was much adored, his time is swift coming to an end, but it's okay, he lived a good long life, and- what do you mean the King won't die? What do you mean he got a new advisor with possible ill-intent? Well that doesn't sound good, hopefully some prince-consort won't go harrying off to the woods to some random hermit in the woods because he's been having dreams about something going horribly wrong and magic being involved! That'd be absurd because that's something only prophetic seers can do - aw dangit there he goes.
Four! Has possibly the most wild backstory of them all, but suffice to say he's the apprentice and grandson of the Royal Blacksmith who has the ability to weave elemental enchantments into the blades he forges. Has a twin brother changling (Shadow) and four younger brother who might be spirits and might have pieces of his soul because of backstory shenanigans.
Wind! Possibly a mer. That's all I got so far, I'm sorry buddy.
This got long wow. Um... can you tell I've thought about this a lot?
idk much about some fantasy creatures like faes or changlings or anything like that but i love them anyway that's so fuckingcool,, i actually Love that the ranch is outside the bounds of time that's actually so fucking sick ?? that's such a cool concept??
wild wanting to open his own tavern,,, that'sso cute i love that. AND LEGEND IN A HOBBIT HOLE i love himso bad . yes. put the leedol boye in the leedol hobbit hole. also hyrule bein good at magic my beloved :)
this is so cool this isso cool dude what the hell,, ur insane /pos very very pos
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bhujerban · 4 years
Louder Than Sirens: Chapter 3
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BoTW-ish ZeLink. Urban Fantasy Noir AU.
Chapter Title: More Questions Than Answers Rating: T+ Chapter Word Count: 4940
Chapter Summary: Link is called to action.
[AO3 and FF.net]
AN:  Thanks to everyone for your enthusiasm for the story and patience with me as I work on it! It's a pretty difficult time in the world right now and I'm in the midst of my comprehensive exams/dissertation proposal so please continue to bear with me.
So now that HW AoC has shown us what young Impa, Purah, and Robbie look like. I am going to retcon the red streak in Purah’s hair!!
Thanks to @jenseits-der-sterne for looking this over for me! Thanks to @muselover1901 and @dontwaitupxx​ for their feedback!!
Toss. Catch.
Link adjusted his grip on the beanbag before tossing it back into the air.
How did the perp get into the house?
Using the amulet made by ZBH.
Why did they leave the amulet behind?
To send a message.
Who was the message for?
Jovani Gengle. Zelda Bosphoramus Hyrule. Him?
What was the message? Why take the statue? Why not any of the other expensive artifacts? Why leave something even more valuable in its place? What is the connection between the Princess of Magicks and a ridiculous gold statue? Why did her magicks feel so familiar?
Link caught the beanbag in his left hand. There were way more questions than answers. He sat up straighter in the recliner he had been sliding down and tossed the beanbag onto the coffee table.
[Continue reading on AO3]
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4-s-shadowlink · 4 years
Magicks huge gorgeous bat wings onto Twilights back. They are black with a purple sheen to the faint velvety fuzz. "So you can go fly with your brother for awhile!"
Twilight gasped in surprise, eyes widening as he looked over his shoulder at the wings “woah” he breathed, reaching back to touch one before he grinned “thank you!” He quickly ran off to go find Carmine to show him.
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viewtifu1backlog · 4 years
2020 Backlog Progress in Retrospect
2020 was the year of finally finishing the backlog. The final game ended up being Disco Elysium back on July 1st but in the months since I’ve built up a list again. Going forward I’m hoping to keep the backlog at 10 games or less since I’ve found I do like having a wider list of games to choose from after finishing something. After finishing over 100 games in 2020 there were a ton of classics that I finished for the first time, so many so that making a top 20 list was very difficult. I’ve always made this end of year breakdowns for my own archives but I thought it would be fun to share it this year alongside the full list of what I finished!
Top 20 of 2020 First Time Finished
1 Sakura Wars (Sega Saturn) 2 Skies of Arcadia (Dreamcast) 3 Dragon Quest XI S (Switch) 4 Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune & the Dice of Fate (Switch) 5 Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss (PC) 6 Red Dead Redemption 2 (PC) 7 Mega Man Legends 2 (PS1) 8 Shining Force II (Genesis) 9 Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U) 10 Super Mario Odyssey (Switch) 11 Sea of Thieves (PC) 12 Phantasy Star IV (Genesis) 13 Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair (Switch) 14 Shenmue (Dreamcast) 15 Last Window: The Secret of Cape West (DS) 16 killer7 (PC) 17 Moon: Remix RPG Adventure (Switch) 18 Maniac Mansion (PC) 19 ZeroRanger (PC) 20 VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action (PC)
Favorite game of 2020: Sakura Wars
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When I was looking back at this year, the game that stuck the most with me was easily the original Sakura Wars for the Sega Saturn. Back in December of 2019 the english patch released online and I was so excited to finally be able to play the first entry in one of Sega’s biggest franchises for the first time. I had yet to play any games in the series beyond just fumbling around an import copy of various games on Saturn and Dreamcast and I was glad to be able to experience it with such a well-made fan patch. It’s a very simple strategy game mixed in with lite RPG and Dating mechanics but there’s such a great charm to how well everything mixes together. The way they mix in the animated cutscenes throughout each chapter make it feel like you’re playing a classic mid 90′s anime and it was just a nice cozy experience the whole way. I managed to play through it twice this year and tinkered around with later entrees in the series but I’m hopeful that the sequel will get picked up as a fan translation project soon, otherwise I’ll probably be going through those games the old fashioned way with a printed out GameFAQS guide at my side.
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Date breakdown of everything new or finished in the backlog this year:
12-13-20 Started: Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer  (Switch)
12-12-20 Beat: Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate  (Switch)
12-06-20 New: Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light  (Switch)
12-05-20 New: Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate  (Switch)
12-02-20 Beat: Super Mario Sunshine  (Switch)
11-30-20 Beat: Dragon Quest Builders  (Switch)
11-27-20 New: Steins;Gate  (PC)
11-26-20 Beat: Shantae and the Seven Sirens  (Switch)
11-25-20 Started: Shantae and the Seven Sirens  (Switch) Beat: Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes  (Switch)
11-21-20 New: Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer  (Switch) New: Vitamin Connection  (Switch) New: Paper Mario: The Origami King  (Switch) Beat: killer7  (PC)
11-18-20 Beat: Metal Slug 6  (ARC)
11-14-20 Started: Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes  (Switch)
11-13-20 Beat: ESP Ra.De. Psi  (Switch)
11-12-20 New: Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes  (Switch) New: ESP Ra.De. Psi  (Switch)
11-11-20 Completed: No More Heroes  (Switch)
11-08-20 New (Null): Cave Story 3D  (3DS)
11-07-20 Completed: Gate of Thunder  (TGCD)
11-06-20 New (Null): No More Heroes  (Switch) Beat: No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle  (Switch)
11-01-20 Beat: Danmaku Unlimited 2  (PC) Beat: Triggerheart Exelica  (DC) Completed: Gradius II  (NES)
10-28-20 Completed: Costume Quest  (PC) New (Null): No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle  (Switch)
10-25-20 Started: Murder By Numbers  (Switch) Beat: Blue Wish Resurrection  (PC) New: Blue Wish Resurrection  (PC)
10-22-20 Beat: A Hat in Time  (PC) New: A Hat in Time  (PC)
10-17-20 Beat: Thunder Force AC  (Switch)
10-16-20 New: Thunder Force AC  (Switch)
10-14-20 New (Null): Slime Mori Mori Dragon Quest 3: Daikaizoku to Shippo Dan  (3DS)
10-13-20 New: Shantae and the Seven Sirens  (Switch)
10-12-20 Beat: Chex Quest  (PC) Completed: Mega Man 5  (Switch)
10-07-20 Beat: Mega Man Zero 3  (Switch)
10-05-20 Beat: Cave Story+  (Switch)
10-04-20 Completed: DELTARUNE Chapter 1  (Switch) Started: DELTARUNE Chapter 1  (Switch)
10-03-20 Completed: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Trials and Tribulations  (3DSDL)
10-01-20 Started: Dragon Quest Builders  (Switch)
09-27-20 Beat: Star Ocean: First Departure R  (Switch)
09-25-20 New: Murder By Numbers  (Switch)
09-20-20 New: DELTARUNE Chapter 1  (Switch) New: Dragon Quest Builders  (Switch) New: Romancing SaGa 3  (Switch)
09-19-20 Beat: VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action  (PC) New (Null): Super Mario Galaxy  (Switch) New (Null): Super Mario Sunshine  (Switch) New (Null): Super Mario 64  (Switch)
09-16-20 New: Star Ocean: First Departure R  (Switch)
09-14-20 Beat: Armed Police Batrider  (ARC)
09-13-20 Beat: Moon: Remix RPG Adventure  (Switch)
09-10-20 New: Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura  (PC)
09-07-20 Beat: Disgaea 5 Complete  (Switch) New: VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action  (PC)
09-05-20 Beat: King's Quest: Quest for the Crown  (PC)
09-02-20 Completed: Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss  (PC)
08-27-20 Started: Moon: Remix RPG Adventure  (Switch) New: Moon: Remix RPG Adventure  (Switch)
08-23-20 Beat: Wario Land III  (GBC)
08-19-20 Started: Wario Land III  (GBC) Completed: Broken Age  (PC) Beat: Bomb Monkey  (3DS)
08-17-20 New: Chicken Wiggle  (3DS) New: Mutant Mudds Super Challenge  (3DS) New: Xeodrifter  (3DS) New: Bomb Monkey  (3DS) New: Mutant Mudds  (3DS)
08-16-20 New: Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss  (PC)
08-15-20 Beat: Maniac Mansion  (PC)
08-14-20 Beat: Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition  (Switch)
08-10-20 New: Wario Land III  (GBC)
08-09-20 New: Maniac Mansion  (PC) Beat: Red Dead Redemption 2  (PC)
08-03-20 New: Disgaea 5 Complete  (Switch)
08-02-20 Beat: Star Wars: Dark Forces  (PC)
08-01-20 Beat: Donkey Kong Country 2  (GBA)
07-31-20 New: Star Wars: Dark Forces  (PC)
07-25-20 New (Null): Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition  (Switch)
07-24-20 New (Null): Cave Story  (Switch)
07-20-20 New: Shin Megami Tensei  (SNES) Beat: Mega Man X4  (Saturn)
07-17-20 New: Donkey Kong Country 2  (GBA)
07-16-20 Beat: The Wonderful 101: Remastered  (Switch)
07-12-20 Completed: Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers  (NES) Completed: Rockman 8 FC  (PC)
07-11-20 Completed: Mega Man 8  (Saturn)
07-09-20 New (Null): The Wonderful 101: Remastered  (Switch)
07-06-20 Completed: Darkwing Duck  (NES) New: Red Dead Redemption 2  (PC)
07-04-20 New (Beat): Streets of Rage 4  (Switch)
07-01-20 Beat: Disco Elysium  (PC)
06-30-20 Beat: ZeroRanger  (PC) New: ZeroRanger  (PC)
06-25-20 New (Beat): Super Puzzle Fighter II X  (Saturn) Beat: Resident Evil  (Switch)
06-20-20 Beat: Xenoblade Chronicles X  (WiiU)
06-17-20 Started: Resident Evil  (Switch)
06-16-20 Completed: G-LOC: Air Battle  (Switch) New: Resident Evil  (Switch) New: G-LOC: Air Battle  (Switch)
06-08-20 Started: Disco Elysium  (PC)
06-06-20 Completed: Time Bokan Series: Bokan to Ippatsu! Doronboo Kanpekiban  (Saturn)
06-05-20 New: Disco Elysium  (PC) Completed: Mega Man X3  (SNES)
06-04-20 New (Null): Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition  (Switch)
06-01-20  Completed: Super Mario Odyssey  (Switch)
05-28-20  Beat: Mega Man Zero 2  (Switch)
05-25-20  Completed: Diablo  (PC)
05-15-20  Completed: Aladdin  (Switch)
05-13-20  Beat: Bayonetta 2  (Switch)
05-10-20  Completed: Seaman  (DC)  Beat: Shining Force III  (Saturn)
05-02-20  Completed: Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin  (GEN)
05-01-20  Beat: Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard  (NDS)
04-29-20  Beat: Phantasy Star IV  (GEN)  New: Spider-Man  (GEN)  Beat: Mega Man Legends 2  (PS)
04-25-20  Started: Phantasy Star IV  (GEN)  Started: Seaman  (DC)
04-24-20  Beat: Shenmue  (DC)
04-20-20  Completed: Last Window: The Secret of Cape West  (NDS)
04-19-20  Beat: Sea of Thieves  (PC)
04-14-20  Started: Last Window: The Secret of Cape West  (NDS)
04-13-20  Beat: Shining the Holy Ark  (Saturn)
04-10-20  Completed: Professor Layton and the Unwound Future  (NDS)  Beat: Professor Layton and the Unwound Future  (NDS)
04-02-20  Beat: Boktai: The Sun Is in Your Hand  (GBA)
04-01-20  Started: Professor Layton and the Unwound Future  (NDS)  Completed: Mega Man Legends  (PS)
03-29-20  Completed: Phantasy Star II  (GEN)
03-27-20  Beat: Panzer Dragoon: Remake  (Switch)  New: Panzer Dragoon: Remake  (Switch)
03-26-20  Beat: Skies of Arcadia  (DC)
03-22-20  New (Null): Animal Crossing: New Horizons  (Switch)
03-17-20  Beat: Goldeneye 007  (N64)
03-14-20  Completed: Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair  (Switch)
03-09-20  Beat: Kirby and the Rainbow Curse  (WiiU)
03-07-20  Completed: Popful Mail  (SCD)  Completed: Retro Game Challenge  (NDS)
03-06-20  Beat: Mega Man Zero  (Switch)
03-05-20  Beat: Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair  (Switch)
03-03-20  Beat: Bangai-O Spirits  (NDS)
03-02-20  Beat: Super Monkey Ball 2  (GCN)
03-01-20  Beat: Shining Force II  (GEN)
02-29-20  Started: Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair  (Switch)
02-26-20  Completed: Aliens Infestation  (NDS)  Beat: Banjo Tooie  (N64)
02-21-20  Completed: Ecco: The Tides of Time  (SCD)  Beat: Kirby & the Amazing Mirror  (GBA)
02-18-20  Completed: Shinobi Legions  (Saturn)  Beat: Phantasy Star Online Ver. 2  (DC)
02-16-20  Beat: Super Mario Odyssey  (Switch)
02-14-20  Started: Super Mario Odyssey  (Switch)
02-13-20  Beat: Blazing Chrome  (Switch)
02-12-20  Beat: Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition  (Switch)
02-08-20  Completed: Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle  (GEN)  New: Shinobi Legions  (Saturn)
02-04-20  Beat: Shinobi  (Switch)  New: Shinobi  (Switch)
01-30-20  Beat: Sakura Wars  (Saturn)  New: Blazing Chrome  (Switch)
01-23-20  Beat: Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves  (DC)
01-21-20  Beat: River City Girls  (Switch)
01-20-20  Completed: Charge 'n Blast  (DC)  Beat: Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX  (Switch)
01-17-20  New: Sakura Wars  (Saturn)  Beat: Iconoclasts  (Switch)
01-16-20  Beat: Guilty Gear X  (DC)
01-14-20  Beat: Daytona USA: Championship Circuit Edition  (Saturn)
01-12-20  Beat: Power Stone 2  (DC)  Completed: AI: The Somnium Files  (Switch)
01-11-20  Completed: Azure Striker Gunvolt 2  (3DS)  Beat: Azure Striker Gunvolt 2  (3DS)
01-09-20  Completed: Super Return of the Jedi  (SNES)
01-08-20  Beat: Mega Man ZX Advent  (NDS)
01-06-20  Beat: Disgaea PC  (PC)  Started: Mega Man ZX Advent  (NDS)
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