#hypothetical za tag
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reestallized · 6 months ago
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things from my one of my other sketchbooks. again in no particular order
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ilexdiapason · 1 year ago
Repostober Day 17 - strangely are our souls constructed
DanTDM knew a lot of things about himself - the exact date he'd gone into the pursuit of science, the number of laws he'd broken in the name of discovering the secret to engineering artificial Players, precisely how to kill a sprouting blood vine. He didn't know how to deal with the world's most awkward family reunion, or reconcile the fact that apparently, since the last time they'd met, one of his experiments had grown wings. (or, dad-tdm and lab experiments tommy and eryn! slow burn strangers to father-and-son :D)
Have you ever looked at a tag and wondered exactly what the hell was going on in someone's head to make them think of that relationship? Yeah, once you get to about "Captain Puffy & DanTDM" on this fic, that's gonna kinda fade into a grey buzz of this may as well happen. I put Dan on the Dream SMP and I forced him to confront the reality of having kids! This is something the QSMP couldn't manage! Are you impressed? Be impressed. Anyway, yeah, this explores the absurd hypothetical of Tommy, Eryn and Freddie all having been experiments from Diamond Minecart Industries' laboratory which were far more filial than Dan ever realised, and kills a second bird with the same stone, because Eryn's bloodvine connections run deeper than they ever managed to in canon. This is the fourth part in a series, but you don't really need to read the series - it just tells you how Tommy got to this point in his hybrid journey, and all the baggage that Dan isn't yet aware of. Also, I made Dan(TDM) and Phil(za) a thing before the QSMP did, so that's also a win. The closest I've ever come to winning NaNoWriMo!
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acebytaemin · 1 year ago
i just cant keep silent on THOSE tags okay first of all the funniest thing to me is that you go into notes and its just #bang chan #pretty #🐺and then two air suns fire moons just BLOCKS of tags. SECOND. da li vidim viziju? NE UME NI BENZ KO JA DA VOZI..... dalje. ja i u ovom scenariju frigidna lutkica with mars in virgo violently sick bc someone is acting like a male peacock. him NIZAK crn i mlad. INSANJFCANEVKJSDF............. i mean. hes shorter than me but that automatically makes him not 1cm but 10cm shorter kinda. i za kraj BIOLOGY BARBIE i genetika ana ovo je hit after hit after hit ne mogu to je bilo prvo što sam videla kad sam ustala i znala sam da će biti dobar dan i so far so good MWAH thank u for being you
the #🐺 KILLING me also ofc you see the vision now i realise it was more a hypothetical question 🥲 heheeeeee i knew you’d giggle i was listening to your blud i nemoral playlist and thought to myself Well… kristijan needs to see/hear/experience this and then you rb that post w those tags i mean it was natural organic etc you already know alsooo 💋🫶🏻 hope ur day was great!!
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roseonne · 1 year ago
pillars made of stars
The GOD-za trio ponders on a whimsical, hypothetical motif for their fabulous troupe.
happy 7th a3!nniversary ! ( ao3 link )
And thus comes nightfall.
The entirety of Veludo Way lights up in a wink, making sure that all life shall keep moving even through the sun's temporary absence.
The star-filled expanse of the evening skies seem to invite those who happen to look up to witness its beauty from their homes to come out and admire it some more. The moon's gentle rays add the perfect touch to invoking senses of introspection and gratitude meant for such a special night like this.
Within the safety, comfort, and warmth of being indoors, Shift is quietly glued to a corner, just right by the window.
Haruto notices. The top actor's been watching the outside world go by since the moment he stepped inside his senior's apartment; with Madoka tagging along, of course.
"Wow..." Shift mumbles softly to himself, but clear enough for Haruto to perceive.
Is there something out there that he likes? If so, what is it? Could he perhaps be eyeing a little trinket being sold just across the street that he's too embarrassed to ask about? Odd. The word 'embarrassed' isn't normally partnered with Shift's name.
"Hey," Haruto speaks at last, after coming from the kitchen and helping himself onto the couch, "what's wrong? You're being too quiet, it's quite alarming."
Shift merely lets out a stifled laugh. "Don't worry Haruto-san, it's nothing," he assures his senior with a raised thumb.
"Maybe you're just hungry?" Madoka too must have heard and hence he asks; a phone remains in his hand as he returns from receiving a quick call. "The food's on its way, I think."
"Nah, I'm alright!" Shift insists, beaming with his signature smile. "Really, I am."
Haruto grunts, not so much as satisfied with Shift's minimal responses. But, regardless of how curiousーno, he's not worriedーhe is, he won't pry. This kid doesn't get a lot of chances to act his actual age in the first place. So as his respectable senior, Haruto will no longer criticize him for how he chooses to behave. (He mentally wishes for Shift to take it easy, though.) "Fine, if you say so. Just tell us immediately if you need anything, ya hear?"
"Ayeeee, sir!" The easygoing cheer in Shift's voice that Haruto and Madoka are used to hearing is now back in full effect. Finally. The two consider it a relief. (A big one, at that.)
"Uhm... If you don't mind me asking though, what exactly were you looking at?" The playwright bashfully asks. He walks over to where Shift is seated, and crouches down to his knees beside him.
Curiosity may not have overcome Haruto, but it evidently got the better of Madoka. Oh well. The youngest gladly points to the sky anyway, poking at the little twinkling lights scattered all over it.
"I see." Haruto proceeds as well to stand alongside his juniors, an arm proudly resting on his hip. "Fabulous, aren't they?"
One may think, stargazing is a common recreational activity that families and friends enjoy together on lovely, starry evenings. And it certainly is; until the 'families and friends' in question is GOD-za's famously inseparable trio. With how busy these three are individually and collectively, any supposed time to spare for leisure is rather spent either addressing matters of urgent concern and/or perfecting themselves for the utmost performances to ever grace theater's centerstage. So brief moments like this when the spinning of their worlds slow down a notch (or two), truly equates to a breath of fresh air that each of them hasn't fully realized they all needed at this point.
"Ah!" Madoka suddenly springs to his feet. As if having remembered, he hands the phone he used earlier back to Haruto. "Thank you very much."
"Anytime." He graciously accepts it. "Were you able to contact who you were planning to?"
Madoka politely nods. "I just ordered flowers for my brother."
"Oh, from the flower shop I know of?"
"That's the one!" A chuckle escapes the youngest Ikaruga sibling's lips. "I figured my brother would probably like his motif flowers as a present... Erーaside from onigiris, of course."
"Probably?" Haruto raises an eyebrow. "Madoka, he'll love anything as long as they're from you."
With a remark as such, Haruto could almost see for himself just how heartwarming this brotherly interaction will turn out when it does actually happen. The wishful smile on Madoka's face screams years and years of yearning for a family's love; something he's ever wanted, deserved, and will from now on have to get used to living with for the rest of his life. Good for him.
"Hm... Motif flowers? Mankai Company has them, right?" Shift recalls out loud, breaking the silence that once filled the room (and the mood). "If I remember correctly I think Azami has one assigned to him too!"
"All of them each have their own distinct flower. Although it also depends on the troupe they belong to, I believe." Haruto explains, as a-matter-of-fact-ly; while reclaiming his seat on the sofa. How did he know all this? Let's just say he's that keen as an observant of important details.
"Whoa!" Shift also scoots over to the center table only a couple inches away from him. "We should have flowers for us too!"
"Flowers, huh? Well, it does suit their aesthetic." Madoka considers, clutching his chin in thought. "But I'm not really sure if it's in line with GOD-za..."
"Exactly!" Haruto demands, hysterical in both word and deed. "If we're to set a motif for ourselves then it has to reflect GOD-za as a theater company. It has to accurately capture the essence of each member, not only as an employee but also as a person. It should also... And with a... But it must not..."
Amidst the pink-haired's nearly endless rattling, it's as though a lightbulb has been lit that Shift and Madoka come to what appears to be a telepathic agreement between them.
"Whimsically," Shift begins.
"Hypothetically," Madoka adds.
"Haruto-san. If you had to choose something to represent us, GOD-za, what would it be?"
Taking a sip from the cup of tea he brought with him from the kitchen a while ago, Haruto lets out a snarky sigh. "That's easy. We all know the answer to that."
"Uhm... Birthstones?" Madoka attempts a guess, despite hesitating. 
"Eh. Not bad. But too predictable."
"How about our favorite food, then?" Shift also tries swinging his take around. Anyone who knows him likewise knows that he's thinking about just one type of food to assign himself to.
Haruto smacks a palm onto his forehead. "What are we, a restaurant?"
Guiding his juniors onto the same page as he is, is proving to be a much harder task than he expected. But they ought to step up their game; for Haruto's just about to show them what it looks like to be inside the realm of someone already treading the path of eternal beauty.
In one, quick swoop of his round lilac eyes towards the window, Haruto urges them to see once more, what's lies ahead from there. He witnesses a familiar fire light up in both Shift's and Madoka's gazes as they follow through not long later.
The three all share a knowing, insightful look. And without saying anything else, they all turn their heads to the sky; the fabulous answer they so seek, now presents itself gloriously before them.
"The stars!" Madoka exclaims, clearly convinced.
"OHHH!" Shift adjusts himself to view the heavens again, rightfully intrigued.
"Constellations," Haruto repeats, raising his arms up and lacing his fingers together at the back of his head, utterly fulfilled, "there is no other match."
Indeed. The evening has progressed nicely into a darker shade of the night; the moon reigning high up on her throne. And just as the stars seem to sparkle more than they ever have so far, but way before any of them could even recognize the various patterns these glistening lights form into, the food they ordered for dinner that Madoka referred to arrives at long last; pausing any and all sorts of discussion the trio's in the middle of tackling.
Haruto fills in the duty of accepting its delivery and providing payment for such. While he's away, however, mischievous Shift has a secret plan up his sleeve.
Suspiciously crawling his way towards Madoka, he whispers to him with a hoarse voice, "do you think we can talk Reni-san into this?"
"Into having our own motifs!?" Madoka's eyes turn as round as donuts in surprise. "But I thought this was only a hypotheticalー"
"Oh, c'mon. Let's try it! Just once, I promise!" Shift clasps his hands in plea. He doesn't look nor sound like he's backing down from this one any time soon.
Causing Madoka to find himself in a tight pinch. "Well... Maybe we could, butー"
"Great!!" Shift rapidly rubs his palms together. "Let's surprise Haruto-san!!"
Madoka scrambles forth into a panic. "W-Wait! I think we should talk everything out to everyone first..."
"Talk about what?"
Hearing Haruto's stern, regal presence all of a sudden leaves their insides tingling with either anxiety or excitement. Well. Actually, maybe both.
"Haruto-saaaaan!" Shift rushes to his fellow actor in a swift, carefree sprint. "We'll live up to all your expectations, just you wait and seeeee!"
Madoka scurries close after him, desperately hoping to stop him in his tracks on time. "Shift-san, noooo!"
And thus is how the dearly adored GOD-za trio concludes their 27th of January. Loud, but fun. Unironically usual, and perfectly on brand.
Their not-so whimsical, hypothetical zodiac-based motif proposal must still undergo a rather tedious evaluation by the higher-ups, unfortunately; but in hindsight, doesn't it make total sense?
Madoka as Pisces; creative, gentle, and kind.
Haruto as Virgo; hardworking, loyal, and sympathetic.
Shift as Libra; charming, friendly, and acts as a bridge between people.
Whether or not GOD-za approves of such a gig, no thing nor person can ever take away the fact that these three are ultimately meant to be the pillars of the most fabulous theater troupe in Veludo Way.
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turtle-steverogers · 6 years ago
Highlight Our Bad Decisions
Ships: Platonic Ralbert
Warnings: Dumbassery
This ain’t edited chiefs
the sharpie bit was directly inspired by a legit exchange between me and @newsies-of-nyc where i tried to eat a sharpie
“Hey, Al,” Albert looked up from the youtube video he was watching to see Race enter the kitchen, twirling a teal sharpie in his hand, “Hypothetically, what would happen if I took a bite out of this sharpie?”
“Okay, how about we don’t try doing that,” Albert said, watching as Race held a hand up to his mouth, spitting into it.
“Race, did you take a bite out of the sharpie?”
Race grimaced, “I took a bite out of the sharpie.”
“Was it worth it?”
“Okay, glad you reflected on that. Now, c’mere, I wanna show you something.”
Race tossed the sharpie onto the kitchen counter and slid into the chair next to Albert, “Whatcha looking at there, buddio?”
“Don’t say that, it doesn’t make you cool,” Albert said, shifting the phone so that Race could have a better view, “So I was watching slime videos-”
“-Basic bitch-”
“-Shut up, let me finish.”
“Sorry, continue.”
“Anyway, I was watching slime videos and then I saw a link to a video of some guys microwaving highlighters and look! The tip gets all spindly afterwards!” He rewinded the video and watched the expression on Race’s face morph into awe as the highlighter expanded, then burst into a pile of neon string.
“We gotta try that, hang on,” Race darted out of the room, returning a moment later with three different colored highlighters.
Albert slid over to the microwave and opened it, snatching the highlighters from Race’s hand and placing them onto the revolving glass plate, “How long should we put em in for?”
“How long did the guy in the video do?”
“I dunno, one or two minutes?”
“Three minutes it is.”
They set the timer to three minutes and backed away as it started. Nothing happened for the first minute and a half, then faint popping sounds began to echo from within the microwave. Albert and Race exchanged nervous glances.
“Uh,” Race said, apprehensively, “Maybe this wasn’t a good-”
Both boys yelped as a loud bang reverberated around the kitchen. The microwave was still going, but it was obvious that there had been an explosion inside.
“Shit, Al. Turn it off!” Race said, hopping up onto the counter.
“I don’t wanna go near it,” Albert whined.
“What do we do?”
“You think I know?” Sparks were beginning to flicker inside the microwave.
“It’s literally gonna catch fire, man, we gotta stop it.”
“I hear shit going down,” Albert and Race looked to the kitchen entrance to see their other roommate, Spot, poking his head in, “Are you two high again?” He took in the alarmed looks on Race and Albert’s face, then looked at the microwave.
“Oh, what the fuck,” He mumbled, walking over to the microwave and pressing cancel, “What did you put in there? Peeps or some shit?”
“Uh, no, not peeps,” Albert said.
“What then?”
“Highlighters,” Race said, sheepishly.
“In what world did that seem like a good idea?” Spot asked, exasperatedly.
“I don’t know, but this whole thing started when Race walked in here eating a sharpie, so we were already off to a bad start, Spottie-boy,” Albert said.
Spot blinked a few times, “Race, you ate a- you know what? It’s Monday, which is way too early in the week to deal with y’alls bullshit. Clean this up. I wanna be able to make oatmeal in the morning.”
Race snorted, “You eat oatmeal?”
Spot crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows, “And you eat sharpie, Higgins. You have no room for judgement.”
“Yeah, that’s fair.”
Spot jabbed a finger at them, “Clean. Now.”
“Jesus, okay mom,” Albert rolled his eyes and wet a paper towel in the sink, then grabbed a dry one for Race.
Race tentatively opened the microwave to reveal several mounds of multicolored string.
“Well, it worked at least,” he stated.
“It’s gonna be a bitch to clean, though.”
“Then you’d better fuckin’ start!” Spot’s voice carried from the living room. Albert and Race looked at each other with amused expressions.
“Jesus, we’re idiots,” Albert laughed.
“Ya think?” Race replied, bumping his shoulder.
Albert nudged him back, “I know.”
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courage-a-word-of-justice · 7 years ago
BnHA 41 - 42 | Lupin III Pt 5 4 | Hinamatsuri 4 | Boueibu HK 4
The tags should be rolled out soon.
BnHA 41
The kid in the corner is funny…with that soul hanging from his mouth like that.
Is it just me, or does the grass around Deku look weird?
Is breathing fire what his (Deku’s) dad does?
Eyyy! It’s the carrot and stick approach! Thank you, politics classes!
Oh dear, this entire Dabi scene looks like Ao no Exorcist because of all the blue flames…
Lupin III Pt 5 4
“Bitmoney”, LOL.
Interesting fact: The Onion Router is a secure browser where the Pirate Bay (inspiration for Marco Polo) was previously hidden. Therefore, whatever the Ponion thing Ami mentions is, it’s likely to be under multiple layers of security (because that’s what the “Onion” is meant to stand for).
Interestingly, hikikomori always seem to object to the fact they were actually hikikomori (or have a different take on the matter that just amounts to being a hikikomori in the end, like “house protector”), which I think is part of the problem in the first place.
This entire desert scene reminds me of Avatar. Not the blue-skinned people, of course…
Team dad number 4 (Lupin) over here, folks (no. 1 = Nitta from Hinamatsuri, no.s 2 and 3 = Wakura and Taiju from Boueibu Happy Kiss). Or is it Zenigata?
What’s a…oh. Ghillie suit. I never knew they had names, those things…
This series has such good cliffhangers…which keeps me wondering why I haven’t watched more of Part 4 yet…
Hinamatsuri 4
Whew! Just finished another duo of collab posts in the nick of time (with an hour or so on the clock)! I could not have a better show to destress with (aside from maybe Rokuhoudou).
I don’t think I noticed it in previous times (or just didn’t react to it), but Hina brings her bowl of ikura to school. Kind of like Mahou Shoujo Ore’s initial gimmick.
Seriously, is that guy with the slicked-back hair Nitta? Nitta’s twin? Or someone else entirely?
Hinamatsuri’s face game is the best! Seriously, it is!
$29 for a vase is somewhat cheap, but it must’ve been tough on Hina to get all that money…at first.
BnHA 42
Wasn’t it that some Quirks are hereditary? I wonder if Kota’s is as well…
“Your face is my type.”
Wa-hey, wouldn’t you know? I was right! Kota’s power is water generation!
Boueibu Happy Kiss 4
I watched Usagi Drop earlier this year, so sometimes when I read the name “Happy Kiss” I think of that anime’s OP…(Just look at it!)
Just how does Japanese get away with sticking HAPPY in places it doesn’t belong? Seriously, some episode titles in this show don’t make sense and it’s why I’ve given up trying to translate episode titles until CR gives them to me.
‘“Ugh” camp’ = Kyotaro uses “omoshirokunai” (not interesting), so “ugh” is just there to make it funnier.
I never figured this out while pillaging spoilers, but the katakana word “roman” means “sense of adventure” and not “romance”, “romantic” or “Roman” as I kept thinking of it. Dang wasei-eigo!
See? He exposes his pun right there – if you listened to the discussion just then, maizoukin is the word for “buried treasure”. (Of course, some kanji are substituted out as they tend to be in this show…) (The show is named Maizoukin GO!, for extra hilarity.)
Just to top it all off, Kingo’s got gold eyes, LOL.
Have I seen these background characters before? No? Yes?
Apparently the phrase used to transform monsters means “hold me tightly”…?
Ah, Taishi. You’re a boy after my own heart!
Wow! We’ve come a long way from s1 if we can see subtle trembles of Ichiro’s hand while he talks.
“Maizoukin za-kunzakun!” means something along the lines of “Buried treasure, hit the motherload!” Ah, I understand now!
Hmm…Taishi believes in miracles, and yet he’s the knowledgeable one. What an interesting juxtaposition.
The kanji on the top of the marquee (aside from “Unazuki”) say 建設 (kensetsu), or “construction”. I wouldn’t be surprised if Unazuki were a rich kid with such connections…Update: Well, that rendered my Google Translate trip moot, but…now you know what it means!
I claim I don’t have a moe instinct, but smol Dougo really trips off the moe radar! He’s so dang cute!
Statute of limitations(LOL)? Is there even one on something like childhood letters (LOL)?
I think Dougo might’ve used the –ssu pattern Yumoto tended to use, but maybe that’s my imagination…?
Wow…that really is a fundoshi (notice you can get an eyeful of monster butt if you pause…although it’s kinda disturbing in its own way).
Well, there’s a twist – you’d think the shield-shaped item is the mouth, but the mouth’s actually the line above it!
Didn’t notice this, but their transformation sequence is about a minute for all of them.
Once again, there’s an eyeful of somewhat objectionable fanservice. I don’t think anyone know the reference to the bill with the dirt though, and that includes me.
I paused specifically to hear Happy Ready. Let’s go! (By the way, the absence of individualised attacks is something I miss from the LOVE! days, but it does mean we get more characterisation. The Boueibu staff really do learn after many years!)
Hypothetically, shouldn’t Ryoma be worried about the bath facility? I mean, it’ll take business away from the Kurotamayu…
Is anyone a fan of the ED? I know there’s quite a few fans of Happy Ready and I’m one of a few fans of the intensely catchy OP, but the ED…?
Yonekura’s father is voiced by Shinpachi Tsuji.
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reestallized · 6 months ago
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a bunch of things i drew (totally not an excuse to post "Rei absolutely slaying in a y2k fit i drew from memory")
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this was the fit i was trying to draw (obviously messed it up big time)
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reestallized · 6 months ago
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I love freeform
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reestallized · 6 months ago
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what the fuck am i doing
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reestallized · 6 months ago
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game got me so hyped up idk what I'm doing at this point
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reestallized · 7 months ago
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Flower Pales Compared To You
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