#hypocrite dean
ambersock · 8 months
i dont remember 11x11, did sam say something about looking for dean during purgatory there? honestly i always just took that he didn’t look for him and i didnt even question, god forbid sam lives for himself once
From the 11x11 transcript:
When you were in Purgatory, I… I should've turned over every stone.
[Dean hangs his head as he listens]
But I didn't. I stopped. And I've never forgiven myself for it.
Louder for the people sticking their fingers in their ears:
*** I STOPPED ***
You can't stop doing something if you never started doing it to begin with. It's canon, folks: Sam DID start looking for Dean, but he couldn't keep going for some reason that was never concretely explained.
And even if he hadn't looked for Dean at all, he does not owe anyone an apology, nor would Dean have any right to feel butthurt for Sam honoring an agreement that they both made with each other. Especially when Dean didn't lift a finger to try to get Cas out after he failed the first time, nor did he lift a finger to try to get Mary back from the AU world because he was certain she was dead. You know, the way Sam was certain that Dean was dead.
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horrorshow · 1 month
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DEAN looks at SAM for a second with surprise and then shrugs in agreement.
SUPERNATURAL 3.09 Malleus Maleficarum
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cockworkangels · 5 months
it's genuinely infuriating how badly dean and sam treat kevin or how little they actually even care about him like out af all the side charcters they interact it with they truly just care the least about his wellbeing and the most about his utility. they just dgaf. it's ok to abandon kevin for a year when he's been kidnapped and its ok to try and kill his mom when she's possessed by crowley and it's ok to keep him isolated in a boat even after sam and dean find that they have access to what's apparently the most secure place on the planet and it's ok to give kevin uppers when he's already over-exerting himself to the point his body is literally shutting down. girl like genuinely this is just the first 3rd of s8 that's just a part of what happens. kevin you have the license to kill.
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today-in-the-bunker · 5 months
Today, Sam and Dean are angry with each other. They're not sure what exactly started it, but they've been locked in an intense battle of mutual silent treatment for about 3 hours. Later in the afternoon, Dean wordlessly joins Sam on the couch as he watches Grey's Anatomy. After some light teasing, the two then fall easily back into their usual sibling banter, past frustration forgotten.
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its-alittleobsessed · 4 months
Ive decided that i actually dont want to hear anything the actors say, actually. Like Misha said—no. I dont wanna know. But Jensen actually emphasized!— no. Nope. No. I dont wanna know. I wanna live in my little bubble of complete delusion for as long as i can.
I wanna live in my world where the series finale never happened and actually, Dean Winchester is thriving. He is. He is living his cottage core dream out in the woods with Cas and they’re both so fucking happy, man. You wouldn’t believe how happy they are. And it doesn’t matter who emphasized what or admitted what because Dean and Cas don’t really care. They’re happy without anyone approval and I’m. I’m so glad for it dude. I am just. So goddamn content about their lives. You cant hurt me.
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sampegger · 9 months
btw. whenever certain deangirls bring up sam leaving dean in purgatory they always fail to mention that dean also knowingly left sam in the cage.
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saltygilmores · 6 months
I Will Never Let Anyone Forget How Lorelai Repeatedly Flips The F Out Over Jess And Rory Making Out When This is How She Reacts to Dean and Rory Making Out Unsupervised
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Posting this because Jess and Rory are about to get busted in Let The Games Begin for sharing a kiss so innocent and chaste that even Mama Kim wouldn't bat an eye at it. (even though it's Luke who walks in on them in this episode, I'm sure Lorelai will have something to say about it, and she'll have her own bust down the door moments in due time)
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john @ sam
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jessmalia · 1 year
Look, I like the Samruby “I can make him worse” jokes as much as the next guy, they’re funny, but just as jokes. I think anyone who believes that’s genuinely Ruby’s mindset has vastly misunderstood her character and their relationship. Ruby doesn’t think she’s making him worse! She thinks she’s making him better!
You have the understand, Ruby genuinely believes that what she’s doing is good. She’d probably admit that the things she’s doing to reach her goal are bad, but she genuinely believes in the righteousness of her cause. She sees the angels as the oppressive rulers (which… they are) and the devil as their benevolent savior.
And then there’s Sam. Satan’s vessel. The Antichrist. She’s just a regular demon and Sam is this wonderful human who’s been chosen for their righteous cause. The man who’s been granted these wonderful powers to help save the earth by freeing the devil. And then she finally meets him, and learns that he’s been taught to hate all these things about himself. He’s got a father who would rather see him killed than fulfill his destiny and a brother who thinks he’s a freak, who wants him to suppress all these things that make him beautiful.
She can’t stand it. This man that she grows to love has been chosen for this beautiful destiny and he’s been ostracized for it. She teaches him to use his powers. Guides him down his chosen path. And yeah, she’s lying to and manipulating him, but it’s only what she has to do to help him. And when he’s freed the devil she reassures him that what he did was good and amazing and that he’s going to be rewarded for it.
He didn’t need the feather to fly. He had it in him the whole time.
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scrunkly-scribe · 4 months
I’m Dean Winchester’s biggest hater. I can’t stand his ass. Stupid fucking manlet. I hate on him all the time. The real villain of spn😡🤬
Anyways this is my build-a-bear, his name is Dean and he smells like pumpkin pie love him ❤️❤️❤️
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runawaydr3amerao3 · 4 months
The Road to Hell(erism)
Loorrddd. Looooooorrrrrdddtttt. Lord have mercy.
Just came across a Heller post. On the For You feed, naturally. Wtf, Tumblr.
Big, pissy DNI wail, threats of blocking (stop, wait, come back... 🥱). Went to their blog to block them so I don't accidentally interact and hurt their very important feelings. Saw they'd reblogged another Heller post, so couldn't resist briefly peeking at the notes. The tags on the reblogs alone...
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You fucking what. 😂
Bitch, your angel didn't show up until four seasons in. We built this fandom.
(Sorry, Cas, I don't actually dislike you. Some of your fans are just...)
Anyway, that's not the best part. The original poster, who was yelling about blocking and DNIs over our immoral, incestuous fantasies?
Six posts down:
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maybeimissu · 8 months
okay so i was wrong in my prev post and sam and cas were not the ones making a bad decision for once... in dean's defense, though, i love him and i already know i'm going to love the moc arc so who the fuck cares if it was a technically 'bad' decision? babygirl can do no wrong
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bloodsalted · 2 days
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dean would like to say that @qapsiel hanging out with his dead body is very much NOT THE SAME as when he hung out with sam's trying to figure out what the hell he was gonna do. okay?? TOTALLY different circumstances! he was in denial and guilt and it was sammy. (okay so what if he was starting to get a lil ripe? still SAMMY just a ripe sammy!!!) not his own dead ass, alright?! don't believe cas when he says it's the same thing. cause.. that's a lie.
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we were ROBBED of the scene where MOC!Dean kills everyone in the Styne house
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penisbrigade · 1 month
sometimes i listen to dean winchester and realize he talks like a teen girl, which like…all that bitching and moaning about sam being a little girl or a wussy and you’re just an older male version of your adopted daughter
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otrtbs · 2 months
The day life gets tags is the day I start reading tags. Do you know where I was when I read the mcd in ahb? I was in a physics class where I then started crying and the professor stopped the lesson to ask if I was okay. And I wouldn't have changed a single thing about that moment.
you get the vibes!!!!! u get the vibes!!!!!
lmfaoo so sorry to cause a physics cry sesh. tbh i also cried in physics but bc it was hard and i was clueless in that class so im sure your prof has seen it before hahaha
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