#hypnosis microphone translation
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matchagyudon · 6 months ago
Andante - Doppo Kannonzaka English Lyrics Translation
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Lately, I’ve found a way to move ahead once more, Just through peering into the subtleties of my heart The words I tossed aside, now float on the wind, I want to bundle them up and offer it to you
No longer can I see any similar faces as I walk through the waves of people I just really wanted to be like everyone else
Paying my electricity bill, every day is like walking on a tightrope In a country where nothing is equal, there’s only so much you can do The sound I wish for won’t ring out, it’s pathetic Perhaps you can hear the breathing of this city in the blooming flower beds Someone’s humming cuts through the fleeting breath, and I ask, “What is Happiness?”
I forced a smile on my face in the mirror, to pretend to be happy, To see if I could hypnotize myself into calling it love I wanted to be equal to you If I don’t have to walk alone, I wouldn’t mind braving the crowds, even for just a moment
In the silence, we move forward, one by one, toward the path of survival, A skyscraper pierces through the clouds and lightning, to clear the skies of Shinjuku
Childish emotions and fragile bodies, social systems and borderline expectations, This is the reality of a still suit until the half-price sticker is pressed on The dissonant and disorderly soundscape feels like a song that lulls me to sleep The gears I oil nightly creak on, like a rondo playing towards tomorrow
I don’t need to scream out anymore, The sound I wanted to drown out was the sound of my heartbeat, beating away Tomorrow I will put on my suit once more, Tighten my necktie, lace up my shoes, and let the notes carry my words
I forced a smile on my face in the mirror, to pretend to be happy, To see if I could hypnotize myself into calling it love I wanted to be equal to you If I don’t have to walk alone, I wouldn’t mind braving the crowds, even for just a moment
Lately, I’ve found a way to move ahead once more, Just through peering into the subtleties of my heart The words I tossed aside, now float on the wind, I’ll bundle them, for you
Andante - Doppo Kannonzaka English Lyrics Translation @MatchaGyudon (google.com)
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theocoeuur · 10 months ago
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Some recent scanned pages from my sketchbook…. There are hypmic worms in my brain
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noctilu-uca · 6 months ago
i doodle a lot in spanish class so here are my guys
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doppotranslations · 1 year ago
Alcohol, Sakura and Kangaroo ~Cherry Blossom Evening Stroll~ - Part 2
Hypmic ARB in-game event story (Doppo, Hifumi, Jyuto), Rio, Rei, Hitoya
Recording Link:(in case you wanna read along with the in-game voice lines and sound effects :D) https://youtu.be/3twqvBhDtso
Chapter 1
[At the bar]
Jyuto: Well then, let’s have a toast, shall we?
Doppo: Y-yes…
Doppo and Jyuto: Gulp gulp gulp.
Jyuto: Phew… *lights a cigarette* Now that I think about it, the two of us haven’t had a drink together ever since I interrogated you that one time, right?
Doppo: That’s right… Haha… That one time, you mistook me for a molester, didn’t you…?
Jyuto: Hahaha! Now that you mention it, back then your behavior seemed so suspicious that I simply had to address it.
Doppo: My behavior seemed too suspicious you say…? In a way, I probably looked like a pretty creepy guy if you suspected me of being a molester…
Jyuto: No no, that’s not at all what I meant.
Doppo: T-that’s right, isn’t it… I guess it can be hard to spot a pervert…
Jyuto: Yeah, and to me you looked about the same as one.
Doppo: Is that so… I guess a suspicious person is suspicious regardless…
Jyuto: Hey, that time is over now. It’s about time we let it go.
Doppo: That’s true… Gulp gulp gulp…! Barman, pour me another!!
Jyuto: Looks like you hold your liquor quite well. Gulp gulp gulp… Well, I’ll have another too… Doppo and Jyuto: Gulp gulp gulp.
Jyuto: Now that I think about it, since you received a thank you letter that one time, did you boast about it to your co-workers?
Doppo: A-ahaha… guess I did receive a thank-you letter, huh… it’s one of the 1000 things that I want to forget…
Jyuto: 1000 you say…? That’s way too many things you want to forget… Then let us enjoy tonight to the fullest and drink until you forget it all.
Doppo: It’s the same as always… I do something and then it turns out to have been no good at all… Yesterday was just that… It started raining heavily all of a sudden so I went to a convenience store to buy an umbrella, but just as I went outside the rain had stopped… The day before yesterday, I saw a person who lost their travel pass, so I picked it up and handed it to them, but then they looked at me as if I was some kind of suspicious person…
Jyuto: Kannonzaka-san…?
Doppo: There’s really nothing good about it… my life I mean… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I…
Jyuto:  Let’s drink! Let’s drink and forget all that bad stuff!
Doppo: Uhhhh… Y-you’re right…
Jyuto: Barman, we’d like two tequila shots.
[Out in the city]
Doppo: Yeeeeaaaaahhh~~~~~! Today was soooo fun!
Jyuto: That’s good to hear… What do you say? The sakura blossoms are in full bloom, so how about we get some canned beer and go view the sakura blossoms at night?
Doppo: That sounds great~~~~~! Let’s gooooo~~~~~!
Jyuto: Where would there be a nice place to go in this area I wonder…
Doppo: I think Shinjuku Central Park would be a really nice place to goooo~~~~~
Jyuto: Sounds good. Well then, let’s get going.
Doppo: Let’s goooooo~~~~~!
Chapter 2
[At the park]
Hitoya: ……
Rio: ……
Hitoya: Hey……
Rio: What is it?
Hitoya: Why are you trying to eat a kangaroo?
Rio: Why…? Well, it may sound pretty strange but kangaroo meat is quite an extraordinary ingredient. I can’t just let a delicacy like that slip between my fingers.
Hitoya: No… what I meant to say is that rather than bothering to catch that kangaroo, wouldn’t it be easier to just go to a butcher’s shop and buy some chicken or beef…?
Rio: Hm… I am a soldier…
Hitoya: ? (Why the hell is this guy saying that out of the blue…)
Rio: To be a true soldier, one must be content with giving up the convenience of urban life, that’s why I must handle this all on my own.
Hitoya: ……
Rio: By doing this, in case the unexpected happens, I will be able to use my survival experience to help everyone out.
Hitoya: O-okay… I see…(In case the unexpected happens, he says… when does he think that will be…)
Rio: That’s why, finding food should be something I can handle on my own, as someone who takes lives, I think it’s a given that this is my duty. Nowadays people have let go of these values, there’s way too many people with weak senses who are afraid even of taking the life of another species.
Hitoya: Well, if you think about that a little, the explanation will be obvious. It makes sense that many people feel that way when they’ve spent most of their lives in cities, you know?
Rio: ……
Hitoya: What is it?
Rio: This is around where I ambushed my target…
Hitoya: Rope…? What are you gonna do with it?
Rio: It’s for when the time for you and I to catch our target comes. We’ll use it to prevent it from moving.
Hitoya: That’s awfully primitive…
Rio: It’ll prove to be more effective than just looking for it blindly, with no plan…
Hitoya: That may be so…
Rio: Well, let’s hide in the bushes.
Hitoya: Right…
Kangaroo: Gwooo gwooo gwooo!
Rio: It’s here…
Hitoya: ……
Kangaroo: Gwooo gwooo gwooo!
Rio and Hitoya: ……
Kangaroo: Gwooo gwooo gwooo!
Hitoya: HYAAAH!
Kangaroo: GWOOO!
Rio: What the!?
Hitoya: It jumped and dodged it!
Kangaroo: Gwooo gwooo gwooo!
Hitoya: Looks like we lost our chance once again, huh?
Rio: Affirmative. Seems like we have underestimated our target. From here on I will give it my all… I’ll use a trap. Give me a hand.
Hitoya: A net…? No way…
Rio: Spread it out on that side. Anything that steps on it will get caught.
Hitoya: H-hahaha… (Looks like this turned out to be a long hunt… Guess it can’t be helped, I’ll just do my part and help lay the groundwork.)
Chapter 3
[At the park]
Hifumi: *pants* ……
Rei: That chick sure is fast.
Hifumi: She didn’t tire out at all after all that running…
Rei: Right? Must have gotten a lot of training, huh. I mean, even the average young person would’ve gotten worn out by now.
Hifumi: *pants* … That really hurts to hear, huh… If only I had a bit more stamina…
Rei: Now then… We know she entered the park but where the hell did she head to, maaan~
Hifumi: Maybe she’s hiding somewhere… Let’s try to find her!
Rei: Yeah, let’s.
Kangaroo: Gwooo gwooo gwooo!
Hifumi: Woah! A k-kangaroo!?
Rei: Mm? Oh… for real? What the fuck is that thing doing in a place like this?
Kangaroo: Gwooo gwooo gwooo!
Hifumi: S-somehow it’s looking pretty scary, huh…
Rei: Oh, come here, little guy!
Kangaroo: Gwooo gwooo gwooo!
Hifumi: A-are you trying to take it with you?
Rei: Let’s say I’m taking it along on our little journey.
Hifumi: This doesn’t really feel like a journey…
[Somewhere else in the park]
Jyuto: Hoo… Viewing the trees in full bloom is surely splendid.
Doppo: For sure. Even though I pass through this area every day, I haven't really been able to pay much attention to this since I was always running to work… Now that I get to look at it properly, I can really see what a spectacular view it is…
Jyuto: …Kannonzaka-san, don’t you think it would be a little better if you lived your life a bit more leisurely?
Doppo: Hahaha… How great it would be if I actually were able to do that… I am always so busy with work that it’s completely impossible…
Jyuto: Busy as you may be, balancing work and life is about the same for everyone. Among other things, finding time for yourself can even improve your performance at work the following day. I personally think these things are connected.
Doppo: Right… that may be so…
Jyuto: Sure is. So, don’t you think even just having a drink while viewing the sakura trees is a great way to wind down?
Doppo: I do…
Jyuto: Well then, let’s have ourselves a toast once again!
Doppo and Jyuto: !?
Doppo: W-what was that…?
Jyuto: Screaming? …Let’s go check it out! *runs away*
Doppo: Ah, wait up! *runs after him*
[A bit earlier]
Hifumi: We really can’t find her…
Rei: Hey, if you can’t find them you can’t find them, but you find them when you find them.
Hifumi: Well, that’s just obvious…
Hifumi: !? T-that was loud…
Rei: Shall we check it out?
Kangaroo: Gwooo!
Chapter 4
[A bit earlier]
Rio: Good, it’s complete.
Hitoya: Problem is how are you gonna lure that thing in here…?
Rio: Shh… I heard running…
Hitoya: Mm? For real…?
Rio: Let’s hide!
Hitoya: O-okay…
Hifumi’s Former Client: KYAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Rio: Hmm… that’s not the target…
Hifumi’s Former Client: AAAAAHH…
Hitoya: No, no, no! Don’t you go saying such careless things! We gotta hurry up and help her!
Rio: Right.
Hifumi: You guys are from the Yokohama and Nagoya divisions… What are you doing here…?
Hitoya: I get what you’re saying, but there’s also you from Shinjuku division and also that guy from Osaka division too, strange isn’t it? …huh!?
Rio: Target spotted!
Kangaroo: Gwooo gwooo gwooo!
Hifumi: Hey! You! Why are you hanging up in the air?
Hifumi’s Former Client: Uhhhh… Rei: Now then, lady. Are you gonna pay what you owe?
Hifumi’s Former Client: *gasps*
Hifumi: W-wait a second… May I talk to her a little?
Rei: *sighs* Sure. A little talking is no problem.
Hifumi: Thank you… At last we caught up to you… All I wanted to ask is why have you been indulging so much with borrowed money…?
Hifumi’s Former Client: Uhhh… because without money I couldn’t go out to meet you, Hifumi…That time I went and requested that other host… because otherwise I’d have to tell you about the debt…
Hifumi: …Is that because of the warning I gave you? Then I can’t help but ask why did you order such expensive alcohol on borrowed money…? In the end, it’ll just cause more hardship for yourself…
Hifumi’s Former Client: I’m sorry… I’m sorry… I’m sorry…
Hifumi: Mistakes can’t be helped sometimes. You also can’t really go back in time to fix them, you know. That’s why you’ll have to learn from the past and keep going. We can start by going back to that club and apologizing. It’s about time you take responsibility and pay back yourself…
Hifumi’s Former Client: H-Hifumi…
Hifumi: Amayado-san, may she and I go back to the store she left without paying?
Rei: Sure. Since you helped mediate this, I’ll give you the favor of waiting a bit longer for her payment.
Hifumi: Thank you… Well, shall we get going?
Hitoya: Wait, wait, wait. What’s with ending things so selfishly?
Hifumi: What do you mean?
Rio: Hand over that kangaroo!
Kangaroo: Gwooo gwooo gwooo!
Rei: I don’t like where you’re going with this.
Rio: Why are you so adamant on giving it up?
Rei: If you’re a man and you want this, why not just take it from me?
Rio: Looks like it can’t be helped… Then… let’s do this…!
Rei: Heh… Just try me…
Jyuto: Hey, what the hell is going on… Rio, Amaguni Hitoya, Izanami Hifumi, Amayado Rei… Then there’s also a kangaroo and a crying lady… What the hell kind of ritual is this… 
Doppo: H-Hifumi…! What are you doing here!?
Hifumi: Hey, Doppo-kun! Coincidence, is it not?
Rio: That’s what you get for getting in my way. Here I go!
Rei: Same here!
Jyuto: *stops Rio* Oh no you don’t! What the fuck do you think you’re doing!
Rei: That felt just like getting hit by Jyuto…?
Jyuto: STOP IT! Explain yourselves right now!
Jyuto: So, in short, you set up a trap to catch a kangaroo, but the girl over here got caught in it I guess while Izanami Hifumi and Amayado Rei were tagging along with a kangaroo… or something?
Rio: Affirmative.
Jyuto: *long sigh* … That’s a very ridiculous yet specific story…
Rio: That was all.
Jyuto: *sighs* … You and your antics. Did you really want to catch and eat that kangaroo so badly?
Rio: Of course I did.
Hifumi: E-eat it…?
Rei: Hahaha! Didja really wanna eat this guy?! You’re way too funny!
Jyuto: Rio… There are no wild kangaroos in Japan. That kangaroo was probably under someone’s care, you know? That’s why, I’ll be taking it in for a while.
Rio: … guess it can’t be helped.
Rei: Ya done talkin’?
Jyuto: Eh? Yeah…
Rei: Well then, let’s all buy something to drink and enjoy viewing the sakura trees at night.
Hifumi: Viewing the sakura trees at night, huh… That’s quite elegant. I was told I am off work today, so I will surely be joining. You too, let’s drink together!
Hifumi’s Former Client: Y-yeah…
Hifumi: Doppo-kun, you’re drinking too, right?
Doppo: Y-yeah. Of course, I’m in…
Rio: It’s nice to sit and drink with people every now and again, isn’t it?
Jyuto: Well then, I shall take this kangaroo to the police station and return.
Rei: Great! Then let’s go buy some alcohol!
Hitoya: W-what the hell is with those guys…
Rei: Oii! We’re leaving!
Hitoya: Yeah yeah, I’m coming…!
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kobedivision · 2 months ago
Knock Knock Merry Christmas! It seems like Kaiji Sano has gotten a few gifts this year! Opening the first one reveals…
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…a pink knife.
Opening the second gift reveals a….
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…a creepy pink plushie.
Finally opening the last gift reveals….
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….a pink collar with a bell with a matching leash.
Merry Christmas! I hate it so much that I can't spend it together with you. Stupid fucking parole officer. Anyway I hope you enjoy the gifts I got you! The knife is just in case anyone gets too close to my beloved Kai-chan, the plushie I made after seeing your speakers and the collar and leash is for when I come over next time and for our anniversaries soon. I am so excited for that! I just know it's going to be amazing! Happy Holidays and see ya soon! I love you so much!
– Touya 💋 💕
Kaiji sighed longingly and stared at the letter with lovestuck eyes, he could still smell Touya emitting from it and he had half a mind to sniff it like it was high quality cocaine but he refrained from doing so, as desperate as he was to see his beloved Tou-chan, he knew that it would be worth it the moment he’d have him in his arms. He smirked at the collar and leash, thinking of all sorts of fantasies that the two could recreate once they could see each other, even just thinking about it made Kaiji all hot and bothered but unfortunately his love wasn’t here to relive him of his problem which made the snow haired male sigh and hug the plushie close to him, twirling the knife in his hand, he figured he’d get himself off and send the footage to Touya later as a little teaser for what was to come.
“Wait for me, Tou-chan, I promise I’ll give you the world and more, you deserve that much, ma chérie bien-aimée.”
Thank you for the gift!
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shiiiiiosposts · 2 years ago
Illuminated by the Spotlight!
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Translation, tap here
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youngmastereraqus · 2 years ago
HYPSTER magazine vol 3 Q&A translation, part 1
Originally posted on my twitter DISCLAIMER: My japanese is weak, i usually do this for myself, and i am not a professional. please do not post/share elsewhere.
Question: How are you spending New Year's Eve?
ICHIRO: On New Year’s Eve, i go to the shopping district with my brothers and pick out their favorite foods. Then, we put them in a stacked bento box (jubako) and make it into the yamada family’s special new years dinner! (osechi). It’s a lot of fun
JIRO: i’m going to visit the shrine with my siblings! There’s a lot to ask for, like prosperity (for business) and good health… fulfilment ? You can ask for all sorts of things. My friends also invited me, so i’ll be making a lot of new years visits!
SABURO: it's just a regular day. I play board games with my brothers on new year’s.
SAMATOKI: the yakuza (gokudo) have a lot to do. ah? … its just various things. Nothing’s gonna gwt done if we leave it to the younger guys
JYUTO: Working. For some reason, there are a lot of occurrences during the year end holidays. So i’ve been pretty busy these last few years.
RIO: New Year’s Eve…? For us military, it’s just one day of the year. As usual, we just train and prepare for the battle
RAMUDA: I’m participating in some kind of countdown event ☆ one of these days, i’d love to celebrate with a huge fireworks display with all of shibuya!
GENTARO: during new years eve, we are all running towards one thing. The first to reach their destination will be the luckiest person of the year. It is truly a battle for men’s prestige. Well actually, that’s a lie
DICE: Its fortune telling! Pick up a nice looking stick and break it in half. If it snaps cleanly, it’s good luck! Easy, right? A gambler has to take good care of his money!
JAKURAI: I’m on duty at the hospital where i work. I want people with families to be able to take time off, so i try to take the initiative when there are holidays or events.
HIFUMI: I’m participating at the countdown event at the club!~ The interior has flashy decorations, we’re gonna pop open a bunch of champagne and welcome the new year with our customers!
DOPPO: extravagantly!! I spend my time at home watching TV while eating soba! I also try to fall asleep, take a nap, or even just coast along the day. It’s pure bliss…!!!
SASARA: i’ll be preparing myself for my special on new years day, so i wont have much time to relax. You should see me making people laugh on various tv shows!
ROSHO: I don’t really do anything special… i just go to the tenmangu shrine on new year’s day to pay my respects. I spend most of my afternoon in bed
REI: New years is the perfect time to drink. i’ll find a suitable house, slip into a family gathering, and have a lot of fun together
KUKO: dont talk about the new years holiday!! Just thinking about it makes me sick… it’s so fucking cold and i still have to ring the bell! there are so many customers, it’s just too much
JYUSHI: I’m intrigued by the festivities of the musicians in the castle square. the day i stand side by side with them and change the world with our beauty is on the horizon…!!
HITOYA: touring. Just wandering around aimlessly is fun enough for me. Also, I don’t eat rice cakes. I don’t like mochi, either
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meitanteiarisugawahomare · 2 years ago
Two Shadows (Futatsu no Kage) - Hypmic Rule the Stage Track 1 Ichiro and Kazusato duet translation
yes it's been like four years since track 1 don't @ me about this. i went insane after rewatching it with a friend
unfortunately unavailable for listening but boy they sure gave ichiro a gayass childhood friend duet!!!
Kazu: I figured these days nothing stays the same anymore, but you didn’t change at all. After meeting you again, I feel like a little like my old self.
Ichiro: Hah, what are you talkin about? You haven’t changed a bit either!
Kazu: Icchan…
Ichiro Hey Kazu, so much has happened Before we knew it, this much time passed With each of our feelings going round and round Our voices overlap once again
Kazu Yeah, Icchan, I’m glad we met again Cause I’d always looked up to you You’re shining as brightly now as you did before I miss those days we used to walk together
Ichiro Time and time again, You calmed my raging heart Because of your straightforward kindness I could run straight ahead
Kazu Sometimes I still remember Those streets we would pass Making up for what the other didn’t have We’d support each other, laugh together
Ichiro I want to keep moving forward from now on With you who won’t change when everything else will
Kazu Rather than being alone, it’s better together When we meet again let’s meet with a smile
Ichiro So that I don’t forget, I'll keep it in here [tl note: he means his heart.]
Kazu Locked away, and walk ahead alone
Ichiro This bond
Kazu Our reins
Ichiro, Kazu Connected under the same sky The two shadows burned into my memory Seem like they’re turning into one Even when we’re apart This bond we have doesn’t change
Kazu: It really has been a while, hasn’t it? You haven’t changed at all.
Ichiro: You haven’t either!
Kazu: Ahaha! …Icchan…
Ichiro: Gross, what is it?
Kazu: Ehehe!
Ichiro: Hehe…
Ichiro, Kazu The two shadows burned into my memory Seem like they’re turning into one Even when we’re apart This bond we have doesn’t change
The two shadows burned into my memory Seem like they’re turning into one Even when we’re apart This bond we have doesn’t change
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bukuro-owl · 1 year ago
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Manga: Hypnosis Microphone / ヒプノシスマイク
Sentence: だから兄貴!
Color Coded: だから兄貴!
だから: So; Therefore
兄貴: Elder Brother / Referring to Older Brother
俺: I; Me / Masculine
と: too / with — connecting particle
本気で: in earnest; seriously
勝負: match
してくれて: to do a favor / requesting
So—Elder Brother—I—Too—In Earnest—Match—Requesting
Buho’s Translation: Therefore, Older Brother! Have a earnest match with me!
Definitions Credit: https://ichi.moe/cl/qr/?q=%E3%81%A0%E3%81%8B%E3%82%89%E5%85%84%E8%B2%B4%EF%BC%81++%E4%BF%BA%E3%81%A8%E6%9C%AC%E6%B0%97%E3%81%A7%E5%8B%9D%E8%B2%A0%E3%81%97%E3%81%A6%E3%81%8F%E3%82%8C%EF%BC%81&r=htr
A bit more information on してくれて ⬇️
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swantranslations · 1 year ago
Viva la liberty - Amemura Ramada & Yamada Saburo (Translated Lyrics)
From Hypnosis Microphone Division Rap Battle, Disc: The Block Party -HOODs-
Compose: TeddyLoid, TOPHAMHAT-KYO
Arrange: TeddyLoid
Turn it turn it up
Turn it turn it up
どうしようもないって 諦めそうでも
Even when you feel like there’s nothing you can do, like you want to give up
You still have to dress up with your boundless positivity
天真爛漫に I walk down the street
I walk down the street innocently and purely
Our gain is always building up
立ち止まってたって 悩みは止まらない
Even if we stop our steps, it wouldn’t make our troubles vanish
いち抜けちゃおう キックス弾ませて
So let’s just leave before it catches up with us, start a beat with our kicks
縦横無尽に行こうぜ I walk up the street
Let’s go without limitations, I walk up the street
It doesn’t matter when, we live on as usual
僕らで It’s on, ON&ON
It’s always on, on & on for us
Let’s sketch out more of our shining glory
いつまでも Don’t stop the music
No matter when, don’t stop the music
どこまでも Don’t stop the music
No matter where, don’t stop the music
Bad day yay yay yay スワイプして
If it’s a bad day-yay-yay-yay, just swipe left on it
Good day yay yay yay スマイルみて
If it’s a good day-yay-yay-yay, then show your smile
See, we are closing our distance step by step
空 Sundown 繋がるストーリー
Our story goes on even when the sun is down
Say yeah yeah yeah yeah 楽しむだけ
Say yeah yeah yeah yeah, just enjoy the moment
いつも忙しないシティを尻目に進む Smooth
Going forward smoothly in this always bustling city
Follow me 夜風に背中押されて綴る Groove
Follow me on my groove that’s inspired by the night wind
Alright 誰もが通る
Alright, everyone has times like this
There’s no reason for us to not be honest with ourselves
ビターな想い出 がむしゃらに掴んで
Grabbing our bitter memories by force
流星のような Three point シュート
Like a shooting star, let’s throw them out like three pointers
It doesn’t matter when, we live on as usual
僕らで Let’s go, More and more
Let’s go more and more with us
Moving forward lightly as we turn and jump
軽やかに Don’t stop the music
Freely, don’t stop the music
鮮やかに Don’t stop the music
Brilliantly, don’t stop the music
ありきたりなプライドで 着飾る真似はやめて
Stop masking yourself with such generic pride
ありのままで 至る Faraway
Just let it go and it shall reach faraway
And turn into shining stars
Ride on 銀河に浮かんだコットンキャンディー
Let’s ride on the cotton candy that’s floating in the Milky Way
掻き分ける Space ship 打ち鳴らす Break beats
Chase the spaceships away, break up the beats
響け Music
Let music fill up the sky
More freely
僕らが見せてあげる とびきりの Liberty
We will show you the best kind of liberty
It doesn’t matter when, we live on as usual
僕らで It’s on, ON&ON
It’s always on, on & on for us
Let’s sketch out more of our shining glory
いつまでも Don’t stop the music
No matter when, don’t stop the music
どこまでも Don’t stop the music
No matter where, don’t stop the music
Bad day yay yay yay スワイプして
If it’s a bad day-yay-yay-yay, just swipe left on it
Good day yay yay yay スマイルみて
If it’s a good day-yay-yay-yay, then show your smile
See, we are closing our distance step by step
空 Sundown 繋がるストーリー
Our story goes on even when the sun is down
Say yeah yeah yeah yeah 楽しむだけ
Say yeah yeah yeah yeah, just enjoy the moment
Translator’s notes:
I only saw the song’s teaser last night, and I made some kind of $#@&* noise which made my sis give me the stinky eyes. They are SO CUTE!!! My two favs singing a duet is like a dream come true for me, and since I’m not seeing any translations on google so I thought ok I guess I’ll do it myself lol. Luckily these two aren’t the type to use really archaic words xD so I managed to finish the translations relatively fast.
Ramada and Saburo’s voices go along so well! Them together is just cuteness overload and I’ve been longing for a team up between them for super long. Can’t believe it really happened!!
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obihiro-division · 1 year ago
"Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary." -Gerard Way
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Daiki Kamiyama may appear as an ordinary high school graduate working as a waiter, but at night he crusades by his more commonly known name, PALADIN. As the second member of the Veiled Vanguard, he proudly represents the small city of Obihiro whilst trying to avoid the inevitable association he has with his family.
Born into a large family with a massive influence, Daiki is the seventh child to the Kamiyama family and is treated as the baby brother. Despite this pampered and sheltered life, Daiki craved to leave his pompous family behind and make a name for himself without the help of his family’s money or power. So, as soon as Daiki had graduated from his private school he snuck away from his family’s estate and made a journey to Obihiro city as a way to start anew and achieve his longtime dream of being a superhero.
Although these dreams are still far off, Daiki manages to keep a tiny apartment with the money he makes as a waiter. And as soon as he is off from work or out at night, Daiki dons his handmade costume and does his best to do what he can to help everyone he comes across. Unfortunately he is constantly harassed by his personal butler Jack, who insists on following him around everywhere.
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Although Daiki's hair is naturally black, he has gotten his hair dyed a light blue color. He keeps his hair on the longer side, often tying it in a little ponytail in the back. His eyes are an off gray color, with a mole under each eye.
While his outfits change drastically from moment to moment, he is almost always seen with a black and white baseball cap. His normal civilian outfit is that of a waiter's uniform, with a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow, some black pants, and a black and gold apron, with the team's symbol imprinted on the bottom left hand corner. Daiki's sneakers are colored black, white, blue, and yellow. For accessories he has black sweatbands on each wrist and an additional two golden bracelets on his left arm. He has golden rings on each earlobe, and a silver tongue piercing.
Hypnosis Microphone
Daiki’s microphone looks a lot like a toy cell phone, but upon closer examination it appears as a sentai hero’s special gadget colored red, blue, yellow with black and gold accents. His speaker takes the form of a giant boombox, with his MC name messily spray painted across the top. An LED screen below the name scrolls with the title to his songs.
Daiki’s rap ability is called “Buffer”, a defensive ability that will block any attack for a certain period of time. Once the ability wears off however, the damage that was absorbed will immediately affect Daiki, usually incapacitating him instantly.
For such an immature young man, Daiki has a strangely calm and soothing voice that tends to sing and harmonize more often than rap and rhyme. This is due to his backing music seeming to fit more towards R&B and soul music. Still, even with his soft voice his lyrics often feel pretty childish with tons of references to pop culture, darkness versus light, and other good against evil allusions.
Daiki - Meaning "big" and "shining". Put together, it means "great radiance".
Kamiyama - Literally translates to god mountain.
Daiki is left handed, but his family has forced him to do most tasks like eating and writing with his right hand.
Daiki loves anything involving superheroes and as a result absolutely loathes anyone who may have committed the smallest of crimes. His scale goes from murder (the highest sin) to lying being the lowest crime, although you can rectify such lower-tier "crimes" if you take back your actions or ask for forgiveness.
He loves anything packed with sugar but hates broccoli.
Being so young and naïve, Daiki often runs into people who have more knowledge in "justice" whether they be law enforcement, martial artists, or even just a kindly neighbor. These people he will often dub as his teach/teacher/sensei or master/shishou; the last title being the highest title Daiki gives out.
Ironically, he dubs Shuu Edogawa as "Master Shuu" after repeatedly running into the detective.
Daiki being half British is fluent in English on top of his fluency in Japanese. He also can speak basic German, French, Spanish, and a little bit of Chinese in total.
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matchagyudon · 3 months ago
This time around, I subbed an event!
This is only Track One of the Ichiro hero event from Hypdori.
Please enjoy!
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xehanortsreport · 2 years ago
Heya! So, I'm not super familiar with Hypmic, but I figured I'd ask someone who's into it- What's the best place to start for getting into it? I'm only even half-certain of what it all is, tbh.
'Course!! So I'm still relatively new to the franchise myself so I'm definitely not going to be your be all and end all source for this. That said!
Basic plot synopsis:
It's a post-WW3 world and the warmongering government has been brought to heel by the power of all-women political organization known as the Party of Words, lead by the stoic Otome Tohoten. Using the newly developed Hypnosis Microphones, Otome demonstrates their devastating effects - less than lethal soul manipulation capable of torturing grown men into submission - on the Prime Minister, initiating a coup and bringing about the dawn of the H. Era. All lethal weaponry is banned and the only way to fight is with the power...of rap.
Establishing this new woman-led government, Otome further divides Japan into divisions, with Chuoku being the central seat of power where only women (and particularly women who work for the government) are allowed. Everyone else, including civilian women and all men are exiled to the outer divisions, where they must fight for control with the usage of the Microphones...and also it has to be via rap bc that's just where we're at.
At first, said Microphones are handed out willy-nilly, as all structure and government outside of Chuoku has been stricken to zero. Want a house? Rap for it. Need to defend your house from someone who wants to take it? Rap for it. Powerful individuals form gangs and eventually those gangs turn into organizations representing entire divisions. At the height of the consolidation of local divisions under the largest of the powers, Chuoku makes another announcement: rapping is no longer a free for all.
To ensure the safety of the public and to add order to chaos, Microphones are now only allowed to be used by those personally selected by the government. Moreover, the established divisions will now have a fixed set of representatives - a trio of rappers for each division. And lastly, these divisions must compete in the Division Rap Battle, a gladiatorial event in which the territories of each division are now officially decided by who wins and who loses.
The winner gets to take pieces of the other divisions' territories, expanding their power and influence, and also get a shitton of cash.
And thus begin the adventures of Hypnosis Mic!
Genrewise, I'd compare the tone to a delinquent manga with light sci-fi/fantasy elements. The plot is pretty thin and it's mostly just an excuse to serve up some really good characters and excellent music, which is what we're actually here for.
The CDs! THE primary format for HypMic and the base canon are the albums, as HypMic is first and foremost a music project. They are all free to listen to on Spotify!
It is very important to listen to the Drama Tracks, as those are your main story! On youtube, there is a playlist of all the Drama Tracks arranged in chronological order for easy listening, and all Drama Track translations can be found on the Wiki right here, also conveniently organized in chronological order.
Afterwards, if you're really interested in the characters and story, I recommend reading the manga! It does a great job fleshing out a lot of the aspects of each group, including important backstory information that isn't included in the tracks!
The manga is canon, so everything in it is relevant!
The events of the story are currently split into the First and Second Division Rap Battles. Ideally, you listen to the 1st DRB tracks, then read the manga that correspond to those (called "BB/MTC", "FP/M", "BAT/DH" and the important prequel manga "TDD". And yes that is what they're called those aren't just abbreviations lmao.)
Afterwards, listen to the remaining tracks and then read the rest of the manga! ("BB/MTC+", "FP/M+", "BAT/DH+", and a second prequel manga "DoD")
Don't worry as all the manga are relatively short and the drama CDs release very slowly. Once you catch up you'll stay caught up for a while, so take your time!
The anime, game, stage plays, etc. are all non-canon, so don't worry about those. You can enjoy them on your own free time if you get invested!
I've written a lot but the tl;dr is:
Listen to the CDs, read the Manga, then go wild on whatever else you want! And remember, the entire thing is very, very silly, so have fun!
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noctilu-uca · 7 months ago
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doppotranslations · 1 year ago
Alcohol, Sakura and Kangaroo ~Cherry Blossom Evening Stroll~ - Part 1
Hypmic ARB in-game event story (Doppo, Hifumi, Jyuto), Rio, Rei, Hitoya
Recording Link: https://youtu.be/u9RnJaY2gfI (in case you wanna read along with the in-game voice lines and sound effects :D)
Chapter 1
[At the Police Station]
Jyuto: I deeply apologize…
Detective: Hey now… Iruma-san, you're going to have to assume responsibility for that case…
Jyuto: Be more careful in the future, for my sake as well......
Rio: ……
Jyuto: Well then, I’ll be off…...
Jyuto: *lights a cigarette* Phew… that whole debacle from before was solved thanks to Samatoki… Rio, why did it have to be in Shinjuku......?
Rio: How many times do I have to say it? I came here to look for a kangaroo.
Jyuto: …... what I meant was that I don’t get your reasoning at all, so why did you have to drag me into this? If I didn’t know you, I’d probably end up interrogating you too. Furthermore, what is it about this wallaby that would make it worth being taken in by the police for…... 
Rio: It’s not a wallaby, it’s a kangaroo.
Jyuto: *sighs* …... I don’t care which one it is…...
Rio: Getting accurate information about this is important.
Jyuto: If there really was a kangaroo in this city, there would immediately be a fuss about it. Don't you think so too?
Rio: In that case even I’d find out about it, wouldn’t I?
Jyuto: *sighs*...... That’s right…...
Rio: Though it’s true that I have brought you trouble. Jyuto, I apologize.
Jyuto: Don’t worry about it. What are friends for after all…... it was a cheap arrest too. After all, it was all thanks to that idiot Samatoki being used to getting people out of trouble.
Rio: Right.
Jyuto: Well, what do you say? Since we ended up in Shinjuku and all, shall we go drinking in this golden city?
Rio: Hm…... I would love to join you, but I must look for that kangaroo.
Jyuto: …...and if you happened to find it, what would you do?
Rio: That’s a weird thing to ask. I’d make a meal out of it, of course.
Jyuto: I see…
Rio: Kangaroos…... Their meat is easy to cook and delicious. There surely must be a stray kangaroo somewhere around Japan…...
Jyuto: …...just please don’t get arrested again.
Rio: Got it. Well then, I’ll be off.
Jyuto: Then…... guess I’ll be drinking alone, huh?
[At a Temple]
Doppo: (Aah…... The manager of the company I was doing business with today…... was so cruel…... What do you mean by “You look like you’re emanating an aura of misery so much so that it’s annoying. If you let me slap you, I’ll buy what you’re selling.” W-well,  it can't be helped. If it’s for the sake of my company, I’ll take the hit… but if it’s just one hit I promised, why do you have to go all in… What do you mean “I was only joking when I said I’d buy it!”...) Fuck……………………………………… Fuck fuck……………………………………… Fuck fuck fuck……………………………………… FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKING HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELL!!
???: Wait…...
???: You over there!
Doppo: HYAH, HYAAAH!!!
Jyuto: I was thinking some idiot was screaming around here, but it was just you, Kannonzaka-san.
Doppo: I-Iruma-san… A-are you by any chance here to arrest me for being so loud…? I was being a bother, wasn’t I?
Jyuto: I’m not really impressed by the screaming, but I’m not gonna arrest you either.
Doppo: I-I’m glad…
Jyuto: By the way, Kannonzaka-san.
Doppo: Yes?
Jyuto: You seem to be feeling pretty stressed about something, don’t you? So, how about I treat you to a drink.
Doppo: Sounds great! Let’s go!
Chapter 2
[At Hifumi’s host club]
Hifumi: …...Um? What the?
Host A: Old man! Quit being so arrogant! The table isn’t a foot stool!
Host B: What the hell do you want!?
Rei: Right, sorry for that. Looks like our precious prince charming here is pretty rotten.
Host C: Asshole…... are you messing with us…...?
Rei: *lights a cigarette* It’s pretty fun being a wild guy with a temper, you know?
Host A: Ah?
Rei: If you would give me the favor of getting involved, then I would say we’re about to have a pretty fun twist.
Host A: You bastard…...
Hifumi: That’s enough!
Host A: H-Hifumi-san!
Hifumi: You guys, what do you think you’re doing acting like that in the host club? As usual, you’re supposed to behave elegantly here.
Host A: M-my apologies!
Rei: Oh, at last mister number one showed his face, huh?
Hifumi: Huh? You’re Osaka’s… Why are you here?
Rei: I’m here to collect some debts.
Hifumi: Why are you doing that…?
Rei: It’s something I simply cannot turn down. You see, I am a pretty influential person of the nightlife in Kabuki.
Hifumi: …...really? You talk about needing to collect debts, but I don’t think there’s anything to collect from here, is there? 
Rei: That’s right…...
Hifumi: Then why did you come here?
Rei: See the chick in this photo? Ya get it now?
Hifumi: That woman…... Some time ago, she was a guest here and requested me…... What’s the matter with her?
Rei: She’s been messing around at this host club with borrowed money. And…...
Hifumi: She ran away because she couldn’t pay it back…...?
Rei: You got it. I came here to ask you if you know about the whereabouts of that hoe.
Hifumi: I know nothing about it…... And even if I did, I would not be able to share any information about my beloved clients.
Rei: Heh…... Well, since you say you don’t know anything, should I ask you what the truth is by force?
Hifumi: ……
Rei: Hahaha! Juuuust kidding! Lil’ old me only does such unreasonable things on special ocassions.
Hifumi: What do you plan to do if you find her…...?
Rei: Ummm. Let’s see… if she pays back the money it’s all good, but if she doesn’t…... ya dig?
Hifumi: !
Rei: Hey, don’t look at me like that! I don’t want to come face to face with a young woman that has a bright future about something like this either, you know. Though rules can’t be broken no matter how much you complain about it. Since you work at a place like this you get it, don’t you?
Hifumi: …...Yeah.
Rei: I mean, it would be good for you too if she paid up since she’s got a tab to pay for you, right?
Hifumi: …...I forbid my customers from putting their payments on a tab.
Rei: Heh...... that’s uncommon.
Hifumi: It’s because we don’t want problems like this with debt.
Rei: Nonsense. Well then, looks like I gotta bounce.
Hifumi: Wait a second…...
Rei: What’s up?
Hifumi: I simply cannot let this go by, having a woman I know be met with mean eyes. I will go too.
Rei: You’re coming to do what exactly?
Hifumi: Once we find her I shall scold her.
Rei: Scold…... huh? Haha, sounds fun. ‘s all good then. Come.
Hifumi: ……
Chapter 3
[Out in the city at night]
Hitoya: (*sighs*... The Supreme Court is so tiring…...) It’s still early, I could probably get a drink and go home...... (How about viewing the sakura trees while having a drink? Maybe I could find a nice place for that, huh.) Oh, right, Shinjuku Central Park is right around the corner. I’ll get going.
[At the park]
Hitoya: Woah…... this is pretty impressive, huh… Since I bought both a drink and something to eat, I can enjoy the evening in peace over here. *opens his drink* Gulp… gulp… gulp… Pwaah~. Having a drink after work is simply exceptional. (When I’m in Nagoya either Kuko or Jyushi always find a way to destroy my peace and quiet…... That’s why, I’ll make use of this alone time while I’m here.) …...This park seems to be pretty big and all, so I’ll go for a little walk around here.
[Somewhere else in the park]
Rio: According to the intel I gathered, that thing is lurking inside this park...… as expected…...
???: Gwooo… Gwooo… Gwooo…
Rio: Mm? That sound is…
Kangaroo: Gwooo… Gwooo… Gwooo…
Rio: Just as I thought, the information seems to not have been wrong… Goddamn…...
Kangaroo: !?
Rio: Kh…!
[Somewhere else in the park]
Hitoya: Gulp… Gulp… Canned beer around the sakura blossoms at night… This is just the best, isn’t it? A night like this would make even cheap alcohol feel luxurious.
Kangaroo: Gwooo… Gwooo… Gwooo…
Hitoya: Hm? What was that sound…?
Kangaroo: Gwooo gwooo gwooo!
Hitoya: Wha!? A k-kangaroo!!????? Why is there a kangaroo in a place like this…...
???: Mm!!
Hitoya: Huh…? *gets hit and everything turns black* Gwah!
???: Guh!
Hitoya: *gets up* That hurts, man…
Rio: …...I apologize. I was in a hurry.
Hitoya: Right…... huh, you’re from Yokohama Division?
Rio: And you’re from Nagoya Division…?
Hitoya: What are you doing in a place like this?
Rio: I was chasing a kangaroo.
Hitoya: Chasing a kangaroo, you say… The hell kinda joke is this?
Rio: Looks like it completely got away…I know this is an embarrassing request to make but…...
Hitoya: …What is it?
Rio: Could you do me the favor of helping me catch that thing?
Hitoya: Why me… is what I would normally say, but I bumped into you and got in the way and all, so fine. I’ll help out.
Rio: …Thank you!
Hitoya: Was that kangaroo your pet or something?
Rio: No, it’s my food.
Hitoya: ???????????????????????????
Chapter 4
[Out in the city at night]
Hifumi: Is this the place?
Rei: According to what I was told, yeah. 
Hifumi: *tries to go in*
Rei: Wait a second.
Hifumi: Why…?
Rei: Just to be sure you’ll have to stay here. We’re in this together, so in case she tries to run away you’ll have to do something about it.
Hifumi: Got it…
Rei: Good, I’ll get going then.
[Inside the club]
Hifumi’s Former Client: I’ll have another drink, please~
Host: Which one would you like?
Hifumi’s Former Client: Open the bottle of Golden Dom Perignon~
Host: Really? A glass of Golden Dom Perignon then…
Rei: That order is canceled.
Hifumi’s Former Client: Huh? Who the hell are you…?
Rei: Who I am? Let’s see…
Host: That’s right, what’s with this jerk…?
Rei: Sorry to be a disturbance, but this young lady’s and Romeo’s little affair will have to wait. ‘Cause you see… I am a scary old man.
Host: Do you want to have your ass kicked…?
Rei: Haha! I like being threatened, lil old me is happy to hear that, you know?
Host: Hey…!
Manager: S-stop that…
Host: What was that?
Manager: Don’t you go yelling at that man!
Host: Is there a reason for that? The way we earn money here is by selling lots of drinks, you know?
Manager: That’s enough…! That man is Amayado-san and is one of the people who works in the shadows in this neighborhood.
Host: I-...i-in the shadows…?
Manager: Keep bothering him and our store will surely be shut down…
Host: R-really…?
Rei: Huh? You’re not gonna kick my ass anymore?
Host: A-ahaha…
Manager: P-please… enjoy your stay…
Rei: Oh, really? I’ll make sure to take my time then. *turns to the girl* Yo, sorry to have kept you waiting.
Hifumi’s Former Client: W-what do you want…?
Rei: What do I want…? You see, the reason a scary old man like me came here is… something you should know about as well, right?
Hifumi’s Former Client: ……
Rei: Oi oi… Don’t make me look like the bad guy here. Got it?
Manager: H-he’s talking about…...
Rei: You’ve got a debt to pay, so if you give me the favor of paying up right away nothing bad is gonna happen.
Hifumi’s Former Client: !!! *gets up*
Rei: !!
Host: Uwah!
Hifumi’s Former Client: *runs away*
Rei: *sighs* …What a pain in the ass…...
Hifumi’s Former Client: *pants*
Hifumi: You…...
Hifumi’s Former Client: H-Hifumi…...!
Hifumi: Why…...
Hifumi’s Former Client: !! *runs away*
Hifumi: Agh…...
Rei: Hey! Stop zoning out and let’s chase her!
Hifumi: ...…right.
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absentmindedadmirer · 1 year ago
Hypnosis Microphone A.R.B. Rhyme Anima+ Broadcast Commemoration Bingo Missions [ENG Translation]
Happy Rhyme Anima+!! For the Commemoration campaign, ARB is handing out tons of rewards so make sure you take advantage of them :p
New G-Collect: Rhyme Anima+
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Gain various single and 10-pull tickets for this G-Collect through missions and login bonuses~ After 150 pulls, choose a guaranteed SSR~
New Bingo Missions: Rhyme Anima+ Broadcast Commemoration! {ENG TRANSLATION}
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The Missions close off at 01/12/2024 at 10:59 JST The G-Collect closes on 02/15/2024 at 23:59 JST
Additionally, make sure to collect your free 10-Pull on the New Event Banner, Catch Me on the Road to Makiba ~Boy Meets Cow~
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Event ends on 10/20 at 10:59 JST
So grab it before then-! Good luck! === Follow me on Twitter || Check out my other stuff on Tumblr
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