melihbayramdede · 2 years
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kj-bishop · 5 months
Wigs In Space, an AI adventure, Episode 6: Ep 1 (see for notes) Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4 Ep 5
Some factions in space still earnestly pursue a diplomatic solution...
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...but the plot keeps them sidelined.
"Get tae fuck!"
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The human space fleet prepares to stop running and start fighting. Ships are flipped for war. Before they depart, massed pipers inspire the onboard AIs with a stirring rendition of "Daisy Bell":
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Armed, fueled, and tuned up, the formidable fleet pulls out of orbit, shifts to hypergear, and jumps to meet the foe. Crews accustomed to civilian missions must swiftly adjust to the new reality:
"Fire torpedoes!"
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"Get tae fighters!"
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"Pow! Pow pow pow! Pow pow!"
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"It's a good steady well-paid job, they said. It'll be just like driving a bus, they said..."
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And as if the fighting itself wasn't enough, intrepid space crews must deal not only with the UF-Foe but with the vagaries of their feline consultants:
"A minute ago the cat said fall back!" "Well, now it says go in!"
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End of Episode 6.
Tune in next time for more Wigs In Space, intrepidly brought to you by Slime Mold Chocolate -- now in new, high-energy Spore flavour, with the wholesome natural biology of fruiting bodies and a smooth, uniform composition!
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Let's hear what a real space captain says about Slime Mold Spore:
"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and Slime Mold Spore gives me the energy and nutrients I need to do the hardest, sharpest job in the galaxy. With Slime Mold Spore for breakfast my crew and I can work hard, play hard, stay sharp and look sharp, all space day long, and all space night, and most of the next space day, without sleep or even a short nap. And man, those fruiting bodies taste like something!"
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There you go, folks. To keep active and stay on high alert, slurp down some Slime Mold Spore today, and don't forget to tune in to the next fruity episode of Wigs in Space!
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prettybirdy979 · 1 year
GO/MCU for the WIP Game this week please!
For WIP Wednesday
Things move into hypergear after that. Crowley is bundled into a helicopter by Rhodes, along with two other soldiers and the pilot. It’s a bit cramped but Crowley has been in worse and would endure worse for Tony. But there’s a problem.
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cormacblog · 7 months
made this :D
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blizzmarts · 1 year
Check it out and enjoy your blissful shopping smart savings with rewards throughout the year 💥💥💥
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sportanos · 1 year
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HyperGear® DRY PAC AERO. 📐 Capacidad 25L. 🧷 Seguros Duraflex. 🎒 Correas acolchadas ajustables | Manija. 🦘 Bolsillo exterior | Zipper waterproof. 🗒️ Bolsillo interior plano | Zipper. 🧃 Bolsillos interiores elásticos. 🔦 Multiples reflectores. 🏷️ USD $157.50 🎖 #SportanosCR #HypergearCostaRica #HypergearLatinoamerica #ExpertosWaterproof #MochilasWaterproof 🗺 #TurismoDeAventura 🥾 #Outdoors #Montañismo #Senderismo 🏖 #Playa 🎣 #Pesca 🚣 #Kayak 🏐 #VoleibolDePlaya https://www.instagram.com/p/CrbPBjOug37/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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askvectorprime · 3 years
Were there any timelines where Cybertronians made First Contact with one of the ofshoot branches of humanity from "All Tomorrows"?
Dear Evolution Enthusiast,
In some highly divergent realities, the Commandrons who inhabited that far-future era adopted organic alternate modes based on these strange post-human creatures to fight back against their enemies, the Maladroids. While the Maladroids sought to destabilize these societies from within and plunder the technologically advanced ruins of the precursor races who had twisted humans into these forms, a number of Commandrons became deep cover agents, adopting new alternate modes that would allow them to move about undetected on the myriad colonies.
On a world of tropical islands and archipelagos, Ether Walker used her sail person form to match wits with Iron Fang, who chose the form of a native pterosaur-like creature. On another planet, Galaxy Questrian used a mantelope form to defeat Hypergear. On an arid planet, Deep Blue and Thunderclap posed as a highly-evolved lizard and its mindless humanoid mount to battle Helterskelter. Sonic Ronin the killer person used powerful fangs and claws to subdue both posthuman prey and the Maladroid warrior Coldstar.
Ultimately, the Commandrons were triumphant in protecting the myriad posthuman races form within; eventually, however, the destructive ascent of xenophobic, highly-evolved machine-people—not unlike the Renegades of other realities—forced the Commandrons back towards intergalactic space.
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findasongblog · 5 years
Find A Song about the sense of desolation and distress after a great loss
Hypergear - Greyzones (2nd Zone)
via Musosoup
"Greyzones (2nd Zone)" is the second part of the Zones trilogy (the first part is "Air (1nd Zone)", released in 2018).
A blue song, which talks about the huge sense of desolation and distress after a big loss.
Synthy and ethereal guitar sounds creates hazy landscapes that are the main background for this song; miles of almost creepy nothingness which finds its climax in the middle section.
Struggle, hope and fight for a love that probably never truly ends.
Hypergear is an Italian based power trio. (press release)
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jeffriezal · 2 years
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Come ride with me through the veins of history 😎 #happy #life #bepositive #agv #alpinestars #hypergear #motosport https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce8lZfPJzYR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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technologybrandnews · 4 years
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melihbayramdede · 2 years
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Paramore - Ignorance Welcome back here on "A Drummer's Story" like every Tuesday a new song from my "60 Favorite Songs". Today, the song I want to share with all of you is "Ignorance" by Paramore. I chose this song because, very simply, it's great to play on drums!! Unfortunately I never had the chance to play it at a concert, but I studied it by myself and the drum line is really nice: first of all it is unique, very energetic and every time I listen I get up and start jumping/dancing/moshing. I love this band and this is one of their coolest songs; besides Hayley Williams has a magnificent voice (and she is also beautiful <3) As always I hope will you enjoy it and see you next week with a new song. Gianluca - “A Drummer’s Story”. P.S: "Heavy Ricochet" is released the first single of my band (Hypergear) from today and also in the next days I'll let you listen, hoping you like it! - ————————————————————————— - Bentornati qui su “A Drummer’s Story” come ogni martedì una nuova canzone dalle mie “60 Favorite Songs”. Oggi, la canzone che voglio condividere con tutti voi è “Ignorance” dei Paramore. Ho scelto questa canzone perchè, molto semplicemente, è fantastica da suonare alla batteria!! Purtroppo non ho mai avuto l’occasione di suonarla ad un concerto, ma me la sono studiata da solo e la line di batteria è davvero bella: prima di tutto è unica, molto energica e ogni volta che l’ascolto mi viene da alzarmi e iniziare a saltare/ballare/pogare. Adoro questa band e questa è una delle loro canzoni più fighe; inoltre Hayley Williams ha una voce magnifica (e lei è anche bellissima <3) Come sempre spero possa piacervi e ci vediamo settimana prossima con una nuova canzone. Gianluca - “A Drummer’s Story”. P.S: è uscita “Heavy Ricochet” il primo singolo della mia band (Hypergear) da oggi e anche nei prossimi giorni ve la farò ascoltare, sperando che vi piaccia!
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metalshockfinland · 4 years
HYPERGEAR To Release "What Are We Going To Do With These?" EP On April 24th
HYPERGEAR To Release “What Are We Going To Do With These?” EP On April 24th
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Electronic Rock trio HYPERGEAR will release their “What Are We Going To Do With These?” EP on April 24th via Volcano Records.
HYPERGEAR are an Electronic Rock trio born in late 2017 from the ashes of two bands formerly very close, though the first core of the band could be traced back in 2012 when Sascha Giordano began to write his first songs. The recordings for the debut album “Persona” began…
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ladiesguy1122 · 7 years
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I’ve Always Enjoyed Listening To Music While I Duel & With A Hypergear Bluetooth Speaker, I’m Ready To Take It Up A Notch In A Ravelike Way. #perspective #collage #arrangement #hypergear #bluetooth #speaker #rave #party #transformers #optimusprime #autobot #megatron #decepticon #yugioh #yamiyugi #darkpaladin #setokaiba #blueeyesultimatedragon #yugioh5ds #stardustdragon #reddragonarchfiend #lightup
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sportanos · 1 year
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HyperGear® WAIST POUCH MEDIUM. 🧷 Seguros Duraflex. 🎒 Correa ajustable. ☁️ Respaldar acolchado. 📸 Bolsillo exterior | Zipper. 🔦 Reflector. 🏷️ USD $84.00 HyperGear® DRY BAG. 📐 Capacidad 40L. 🧷 Seguros Duraflex. 🎒 Correas ajustables | Manija. 🏷️ USD $94.50 🎖 #SportanosCR #HypergearCostaRica #HypergearLatinoamerica 🗺 #TurismoDeAventura 🥾 #Outdoors #Montañismo #Senderismo 🏖 #Playa 🎣 #Pesca 🚣 #Kayak 🏄 #Surf 🏐 #VoleibolDePlaya 🏊 #Natacion https://www.instagram.com/p/CrOo7Egugdn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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justin5015 · 5 years
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Hyper Gear Dry Bag (2L) Test the cheap dry bag from hyper gear cost only RM9.90 and it fits a even a note book. That’s an Awesome deal #hypergear #hypergearmalaysia #drybag2l #waterproofbag #sportaddict https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxcyd9NgKbZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fkhyadglke1q
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