#hyperfixation go brrrr
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justamultifandomartist · 2 months ago
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pablogavira · 8 months ago
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Gavi dancing in the locker room (ft. Nico and Rodri) 🕺🏻🏆
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miwiheroes · 6 months ago
every time i watch a byler edit i like, have to take a deep breath afterwards
chat is this normal
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0nelittlebirdtoldme · 1 month ago
I know nobody cares about me writing for my silly gay romans but yeah that fic in which Domitian cuts off Hermes' tongue but then decides to spare him from his execution IS happening
I just need all the angst and deranged hurt/comfort at the moment.
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turnthefriggingfrogsgay · 3 months ago
I just watched Deadpool and Wolverine AND I just discovered Mouthwashing
I feel new hyper fixations coming on
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starpixiie · 1 year ago
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Some opla doodles bc this show has a fuckin grip on me rn
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chaoticmannamedoliver · 1 year ago
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oddly-reclusive · 13 days ago
i posted the angst~~
In the Stars:
There was never any sign, any indication that this would be his life, his fate, written in the stars of the universe with no room for any alternatives or even the luxury of a warning.
Though, Scorpius mused as he clutched his father's hand, it wouldn't be a curse otherwise.
alternatively; with inexplicable fatigue, father-son trauma bonding, and a totally-not-obvious crush on his best friend, Scorpius Malfoy tries to survive his seventh and final year at Hogwarts
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turtle-sister-april · 1 year ago
Only mildly obsessed with this song now.
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shadowthescarecrow · 9 months ago
Bro Alice in Borderland is amazing!! I feel like it is everything Sword Art Online tried to be, but in a way better way! I'll definitely be watching the anime and reading the manga.
Also Chishiya is the best character in this series, I love him so much!
Also also, Ann is a machine man, I wish I could be that cool!!
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rifusaki · 1 year ago
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rocky is all i can think about now I feel im going insane
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alias-main · 16 days ago
Ages (eldest to youngest)
Eldest, existed long before Earth formed life
Close in age to one another, North was originally a human while Tooth lived as a fairy for most of her life
The youngest bunch, only a few hundred years old respectively
translated to human years Jack is 18-ish while Bunny is 20-ish
Background ideas:
Tooth creates her fairies from her own feathers but it takes a while for them to form
because of this, Bunny created a system where by planting Tooth’s feathers and a seed of his own making, he accelerates the process of them forming into a fairy
Baby Tooth was born when instead of tooth’s feather, a snowflake of his landed with one of the seeds
Fairies have season species
Tooth’s are summer tooth-fairies
baby tooth is a tooth-fairy but winter season
each guardian represents a season
North is Winter
Jack is winter-turn-spring
Bunny is Spring
Tooth is summer
Pitch is Autumn (spooky season)
Sandy is Autumn-turn-winter (sleepy time)
(If theres any writing inaccuracies, I'm just too lazy to do anything about it sorry
I took inspo from both the books and other people's ideas/fanfics. Specifically, This Video )
Manny assembled the guardians in order to give his brother a chance to fight against his grief in losing his daughter.
Pitchner was the general of the moon while his younger brother, Manny, is the ruler of the capital. The fearlings have long since devastated their side of the universe, growing in power the more people began to fear them. Pitchner became a beacon of light in this dark time.
He had been alerted to a help call from an egg shaped planet filled with a species called Pookas. Pookas, while warriors, were also peaceful. Preferring to spend their days nurturing their young rather than setting off to war. A decision that was accepted but now they were in danger.
Yet when Pitchner arrived, the planet was already massacred. The call was received too late, the only thing left was an egg shaped storage unit that Sanderson took with him. When they returned home, they realized that if the call was received late than something was wrong with their communications. Just as they entered into the Moon’s atmosphere, they received another help call. From the Moon.
Pitchner raced back to the Moon, just making it in time to save the Capital and the residence there. But he was too late in making it back to his own house, which was situated away from the Capital.
His dreams of retiring peacefully with his beloved daughter, Mariposa, were in shambles.
He became a recluse, only being in contact with Manny and Sanderson. Even then, avoiding them when he could. The fearlings were dead and so was his daughter. He didn’t want to continue on.
Manny found out that a small portion of the fearlings made their way down to Earth, eating away at the easy to scare innocent children living there. He saw there, a chance to give his brother a purpose, a new life.
Pitch became the first guardian, the guardian of fear, harbinger of caution. He changed his appearance to look similar to fearlings, so that children would know to be scared of them. (perhaps also so he wouldn’t get close, wouldn’t get hurt as much when he failed)
The second guardian was Sanderson, a pilot who fought alongside Pitch in his campaign against the fearlings. Sandy has been a life long friend to both Pitch and Manny, which makes him the perfect person for Manny to use to check up on his brother. Sanderson was actually quite the looker, but per his request, Manny changed him into a form more befitting of the Guardian of Dreams.
Both of them did this gig for a while before they heard of a man in Russia, creating and delivering toys in all of Russia. Manny got to him first, asking him if he wanted to become a guardian. Of course, North was delighted to be able to spread wonder to children everywhere. He was formally introduced to the other two with light hearted comradery.
Not long after, they encountered a fairy out in Asia. Toothiana was a half fairy half woman spirit. The half fairy originating from southeast Asia while her human counterpart from Europe (vikings apparently often brought their children’s first tooth out to battle with them for good luck)
It was revealed that Tooth and North actually knew each other. North was out travelling Eurasia in his younger days when he happened upon a group of bandits smuggling children. He, of course, fought them off but when Tooth arrived she assumed it was him that was the bandit. They fought it out, swords against swords when the children explained to Tooth what actually happened. They both brought them back to their village. North was planning on asking her for her name when he realized he disappeared. He would only realize the next day that he also lost a tooth fighting her.
Toothiana was a collector of teeth, using them as trophies to decorate her home. But she had always had a soft spot for children, often going out of her way to play with children. When they first met, Manny didn’t immediately ask her to join the guardians. But over time, with her joining their travels more often than not, they realized she would fit right in. Tooth didn’t change all too much, but she did stop bringing her swords with her everywhere, choosing to utilize her fairies more as they didn’t scare children as much.
(Hummingbird design: I imagine it’s similar to racoons and tanukis. Looking very similar but not actually the same. Hence why she doesn’t have humingbird wings.)
Around this time, the group started settling into their respective places. North went back home to Russia, Tooth to Asia, Pitch went to the Americas, and Sandy continued flying around the world every night.
One such night, he ended his journey in Australia, falling asleep the moment the sun rose up. He didn’t notice that the little egg shaped package on his cloud had fallen out onto Australia.
The egg cracked.
Inside, was Bunny who was incredibly shocked. The egg was a storage device used to freeze items and suspend them in time. His family used it on him and sent him out into their stratosphere where the fearlings avoided him since they couldn’t sense his fear. The egg capsule would only open in an environment that was suitable for the item, or if you put in the right password. Australia was very similar to the climate and environment that Pookas lived in.
Pookan young looked just like rabbits, something Sandy almost mistook him for if he hadn’t started talking up a storm. The guardians assembled for the first time to decide what to do with Bunny.
Pitch and Bunny ended up bonding, as they shared their respective experiences with the fearlings. Pitch was afraid that Bunny would resent him for not making it in time, but Bunny told him he was their hope, something that he held onto in his last lucid moments before entering the egg. Now though? Bunny found he had no more hope.
At least, before he got to know the rest of the Guardians.
Sandy took on a fatherly role to Bunny, bringing him with him everywhere. He floats closer to ground with Bunny aboard yet Bunny never did shake off his fear of heights. Tooth mothered Bunny a lot, always bringing him sweets and lecturing him on etiquette. It took the longest for Bunny to warm up to North, with his loud demeanor and excitable nature. But also because he was like 5 times his size, he ends up running away for most of their early interactions.
But throughout all of this, Bunny got to interact with the world and meet the children that they all swore to protect. Slowly but surely, his hope rekindled. He created the Burrow, growing and planting the way his family had taught him once upon a time. It was hard to do what with his rabbit like body, but the other guardians helped him with his creations during this time. When the day came that the preparations were done, Bunny finally got to talk to Manny.
Manny, who hasn’t asked anyone to become a guardian in centuries upon centuries, asked Bunny to become the Guardian of Hope. Bunny, of course, agreed. Pookas usually took much longer to age physically vs mentally, its why they’re so keen on protecting their young. But Bunny asked to become a older version of himself, with a body capable of doing things independently.
Pookas, while warriors in their own respect, were also scholars. They had their technology and knowledge about the world, things that Bunny had to essentially reverse-engineer from just the egg capsule that he was brought onto earth with. But even then, he was able to fully transform the Burrow into the Warren. Connecting it to all over the world.
A century passed when Pitch began acting strange. While the other Guardians concerned themselves with the children and their beliefs, Pitch was the one in charge of keeping the fearlings at bay. He didn’t have to worry as much as the others in terms of belief since fear was a normal part in every childhood. Whether they believed in the boogeyman, the monster under the bed/closet, or were just plain scared of the dark. All of it went to Pitch.
But the fearlings also fed off the same strand. Slowly, meticulously, they chipped away at Pitch. And the final crack in the nail? A small piece of a an enchanted mirror falling into his eye. It transformed Pitch, turning him from a slightly weird looking guy to a eldritch like monster. The guardians banded together to stop him but to no avail, he merely slinked back into the darkness.
With no clue on how this happened, the guardians decided it was best to double down on their jobs, separating as they fully committed to their roles.
A hundred years later, Jack Frost makes his first appearance.
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cerberusdreams · 2 years ago
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Oh, my love Did I mistake you for a sign from God? Or are you really here to cut me off? Or maybe just turn me on?
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merryhaze · 1 year ago
Anyone interested in an AU where Carol Perkins enters the upside down, and interacts extensively with Will, and where she and Nancy end up friends?
Inspired both by this fic - https://archiveofourown.org/works/47137369/chapters/118763662- and by @slayernina’s excellent post on Carol and Tommy -
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an-unraveling-unknown · 1 year ago
My thoughts on Undertale and philosophy
This short thought barf has so many holes and ramblings and the concept in itself could probably be explained far better by the countless video essays that genuinely had hard work into them and I recommend them no questions asked but I need to gush and further procrastinate on my French or else my brain will eat itself and explode (I’m sorry Ms. L)
Undertale is a game based in Nihilism that wants you to think that it’s based in Existentialism, while simultaneously having elements of both. Oough okay here we go
The basic outline for Nihilism is that nothing matters and we’re all going to perish unceremoniously. In broader terms, everything and anything we do as human beings does not change anything, it doesn’t matter, we are bound to fate and there is no meaning to life - meaning is a social construct per se. 
Existentialism, however, was created in more optimistic direct opposition to Nihilism, saying that we make meaning. We are defined by our existence, in our actions, who we are, people must choose a direction and meaning in life. 
Undertale happens to juggle both of these with humor upon a polka-dotted unicycle with mirth in its eyes.
One of the coolest things about the Undertale is that its game mechanics are a very real part of the world. You die, you can reset, you can reset at any point whatsoever, whether you choose mercy or fight or both has a specified outcome, you have control. A few select characters know this, like Flowey and Sans, but they can’t really do anything to stop you if you’re determined enough because determination is in ALL human souls - the will to keep living and change fate. It is RIGHT THERE is the description, Existentialism, where we make meaning, where we are in control, where we can change fate because we are determined to make meaning. Everything matters because we think it does (which could also tie into trying to decipher the story and make sense of things where they are chaotic and unknowable, like the elusive W.D Gaster. That, and that’s what a lot of the games were striving for at the time - rewarding the player by making sense, for all the puzzle pieces to satisfyingly click together.)*
But no matter how you play the game, Genocide route or Neutral or Pacifist, no matter what you do, you always end up back in the underground. If Chara goes up to the surface and presumably murders everyone she sees or something along those lines, it all resets. If Flowey decimates you and does whatever he does, it all resets. If you die in a fight with a monster, if Asgore defeats you and uses your determination soul to break the surface barrier, if you do the morally correct thing and find a way to break the barrier so the monsters can be free from the underground’s confines, it all has to reset.
The Monsters cannot truly go back up to the surface, and neither can you. 
Everything you did, all that you accomplished to help them, to break the mold, or to betray them and slaughter them all (or just a select few,) as a whole, It did not matter. What’s more, you will likely reset, regardless of any ending. You may reset, again and again and again, perhaps to see what will happen because of human curiosity, mayhaps because its just a really good game, or perhaps to subconsciously get proper closure - but regardless of any of these, you always end up back in the underground. You cannot win, but isn’t that what games are for?
The only way to ‘win’ at this game is to never play it, really.
Undertale game mechanics are a very real part of the world built up around it and is a game that is self-aware in more ways than one - it knows what you do, it judges you for it, and it knows you cannot get out.
HOWEVER, like most things, there are two sides to that coin.
In all of this, you’re allowing yourself to have Determination - Hope. That’s what’s keeping you going as you claw and scrape your way through fights and levels of the story, what’s keeping you kind through the pacifist run (it takes a lot of effort to be kind sometimes, that’s not for nothing), that’s what’s keeping the Monsters going, the hope that they’ll see the surface again, that you can help, that again and again and again is hope. You are all in a perpetual state of hope.
Isn’t that an incredibly human thing to be?
Even better, that’s the games point. That we can come together, respect our differences and get along. Regardless of who we are, we are all bounded together by determination and hope. We can, and should care for each other, and learn and grow.
Heck, in the act of doing all this, we are making meaning, Cos’ we play games and everything feels alright for a bit.
“The human soul can be indomitable” Hell yeah it can.
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arbellas-bakery · 1 year ago
brb gonna go pass out from that
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