#hyejin fanfiction
heartbeatan · 1 year
The Art of Revenge (Chapter 8)
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Chapter 8
You woke up the next morning bright and early after another night of great sex… like really, really great sex. You didn’t stay up all night, the way you had on your first night together, but you did make love until the early hours of the morning. But last night, everything between you was just so much more… intense.
You looked over to look at a sleeping Jungkook beside you, and admired the soft way his bare chest rose and fell with each of his deep breaths. It made you think of how good it felt when that chest of his was dragging over your hardened nipples, while he had you caged beneath him and was rolling his body into yours. You remembered the breathy way he moaned your name, or called you “baby” or told you how fucking good it felt to be inside you. And you remembered when he could no longer form words, how instead his appreciation and mounting pleasure began to wheeze out of him in whining pants. And when he came… God, you loved how he crushed your body, and the hard way he ground his pelvis into yours. Most of all, you remembered the feel of him shuttering in your arms with every single burst of pleasure he spilled into you.
The sex had been sensual, sweet, and dirty - and your minds and bodies had been so incredibly in sync. You marveled at how you had achieved such intimacy with someone you weren’t in a relationship with, nonetheless, someone you hardly knew. Wasn’t that kind of connection reserved for great loves? Or was it reserved for people who had no-strings arrangements? Was it the lack of attachment that allowed all your inhibitions to be cast aside - because you didn’t worry if he saw you completely undone, or cared that he knew how crazy he made you feel?
The sex had also been long and unrushed. Instead of fighting to come as many times as you could fit into a night, you both were patient… taking your time to pleasure each other, to tease each other, to drink in every single sensation, and bring yourselves to the brink over and over again - until finally you came, and it felt like every unsung orgasm had burst out of your soul all at once.
After it was all said and done, after you cleaned yourselves up in an unnecessarily long shower together, you changed the sheets (because, well, that was necessary.) Then, you crawled back into bed, and you fell asleep over his chest to the steady lullaby of his heartbeat, and the feeling of his fingers tracing the length of your spine.
Now, you looked past Jungkook to the alarm clock on his side of the bed. You were surprised to see it was barely half-past six. But after the week you had, you figured your survival response was kicking your REM cycle to the curb. You pulled yourself out of bed and tiptoed off towards the bathroom to clean up.
Fifteen-minutes later, you sat on the edge of the mattress, hovering over a still-sleeping Jungkook. Just as he had woken you up a couple days ago, you smoothed a palm gingerly over him, and called his name softly until he began to stir.
He opened his eyes, just enough to see that it was you above him, but then close them again as sleep fought to keep him from you.
“Hey,” he said groggily, stretching a blind hand out to touch you, finding gentle purchase over your wrist.
“I’m gonna go into town for a little bit,” you said softly.
“Mm,” he acknowledged with a subtle nod. “Just gimme a minute, I’ll come with you.”
“No, stay. Sleep. I’ll get out of your hair for a bit.”
“I like you in my hair.”
You bit down on your beaming smile. “Do you need anything?”
“Mmmm,” he hummed again as he thought. “Where are you going?”
“I was going to get a present for Hyejin.”
“You don’t need to do that. I got her something.”
“I want to. I’m just gonna get a bottle of wine.”
“I have wine. You can take one.”
“I wanna get out for a bit.”
A sleepy smirk curled his lips. “I said you’d get sick of me first.”
“That’s not it,” you chuckled. “I got some stuff I should check up on. You know… when the real world starts calling your truck looking for me, I figure I should do a check-in.”
“Okay,” he said, stroking his fingers along your arm. “Just promise to come back.”
“I promise. Text me if you think of something.”
He nodded, then went fairly still - you could tell sleep was overtaking him again. You moved to sit up, but before you could, Jungkook’s hand tightened around your wrist. You looked back at him.
“That’s not how you leave a man’s bed, Y/N,” he said.
You stifled a blush, then did as he asked. You leaned forward and pressed your lips to his. You kissed him chaste and gentle, letting your lips linger a touch longer than they probably should.
“One more,” Jungkook mused when you pulled back. And once again you complied, kissing him a touch firmer and a touch longer.
“One more,” he said again.
“Last one,” you said sternly, kissing him a final time, then jumping to stand up before he could distract you from your schedule. With a sweet and self-satisfied smile on his face, he rolled over onto his side, showing off his impressive arms and muscular back, and pounded a squishy pillow beneath his body.
You were in town a little after 7AM, but since the liquor store wasn’t open for another hour, you grabbed yourself a coffee and a breakfast bagel, then parked your car in some lot overlooking the public beach, and jeered at all those eager go-getters who were jogging along the boardwalk. On any other day, you might have been one of those go-getters, but today, they just made you feel lazy.
You decided it was time to turn on your phone. You thought it might be a good idea to make sure your stepmother hadn’t forced your father to call in the military or something. You were relieved when you discovered no one had. You were also relieved that the volume of daily messages flooding your notifications had dropped significantly. People were getting your message: you didn’t want to be bothered.
The eviction notice for Chris was prepared by your lawyer, and she informed you that she sent it to him in a registered letter. She also emailed you a copy for your records, or for you to issue to him yourself. You fantasized about what he would look like if you were the one to hand it to him. You even workshopped a few punchy lines you could say. But then again, cutting him off from you cold turkey was thus far proving to be driving him mad. A registered letter would be just the cutthroat coldness he deserved. If you were lucky, from this point onward you may never have to see that man’s face ever again. Regardless of how he got the notice, however, this PDF in your box was a sobering reminder that this was really happening. This chapter of your life was officially beginning to close. You needed to start looking to begin a new chapter.
You also found another important email from your travel agent about the honeymoon trip. It was scheduled for the late fall, so you would have been escaping the first of the winter chill, then returning in time to celebrate your first Christmas together as a married couple. The first two weeks you were going to spend traveling like tourists, seeing historic landmarks, eating delicious foods, and appreciating the cultures of the places you visited. The final two weeks were a complete and total winddown at a romantic resort. You were going to spend your days lazily sunbathing in the sand, and making love every night to the soundtrack of crashing waves on the beach. You hadn’t been on a proper vacation in years - or ever, really - and your honeymoon was a dream trip. But you weren’t going anymore - and you almost hated Chris the most for that.
The email from your travel agent was full of apologies and regrets.
Yes, he was also a friend of yours, and yes, he had heard the news.
Unfortunately, you couldn’t be completely refunded for the trip. That didn’t seem so bad, except that the part that couldn’t be refunded equated to about half the cost. Poetic, since half of the parties involved caused the honeymoon’s demise. But the whole trip could be postponed for a year, or he could offer you vouchers which would be good for five. You had until the end of the month to decide. You typed out a reply to him, letting him know you would think about it, and asked him about other potential options. As you did, you began asking yourself the what-ifs of not canceling the trip. You had already blown away your vacation time by taking this month off, but perhaps they’d allow you to take an unpaid leave – emotional distress and all - and you could just go by yourself. Or perhaps you could take a friend with you. In the past, that friend would have been Stephanie, so that option was tricky. She had been your best friend and all - it’s not like there was a dugout full of best friends waiting for their turn at the plate. One would think a free month-long vacation would be something people would jump at. But the truth was, most of your friends were married with small kids, and had jobs that wouldn’t let them blow off work for a month.
Perhaps… Jungkook would go with you? If anyone had time, he would…
You licked your lips as you thought about it.
You could see it so vividly in your mind. Walking hand-in-hand through cobblestone streets, not unlike how you had already walked together along the streets of his town. You would have your bucket hat and dorky waist bag, and he would probably look like some cool Ray-Ban Sunglass model. You could also imagine how it would smell when you made love in your oceanside hotel room. The salty air, his natural scent mingling with sweat, and how amazing the cool breeze from the window would feel over your bare and heated skin.
Sitting alone in your car, your hips began to subtly move as you thought about it. It was a fantasy too perfect to ever be a reality. Today was only your third day together. Five days ago… or maybe six… you were engaged to be married to someone else. You lived hours away from each other already, and soon he’d be going on tour. You barely knew each other… this was just about sex. This was just about revenge.
But… when you thought about the way he touched you, and looked at you, and the way he fucked you… was it really all that crazy to think that there was more happening between you than sex and revenge? If you stayed with him longer – the way he had offered - would it be so unrealistic to think that after his tour, he’d be willing to jump on a plane with you and do it all again for another month? What if it became more than a month…
“You gotta stop,” you said out loud to yourself. Even if by some chance Jungkook was feeling the way you were feeling after only two nights together, you knew pursuing anything more right now would be stupid. You were grieving, and he was a warm body that showed you affection. Even with a level head, daydreaming about uprooting your life for a fuckbuddy after barely three days was insane. So certainly, and unlevel head couldn’t be trusted to know if your feelings were anything more than insecure need.
Maybe I need to leave, you kept this thought in your head, in case saying it out loud might make it happen. You didn’t want to leave. You wanted to stay – for as long as he’d have you. But the longer you stayed… the more likely it was that you’d end up with two broken hearts in under thirty days. Maybe you should go back to your home… even though, as you thought about it, it didn’t feel like much of a home anymore.
“Not today,” you rationalized, shaking your head as you came to a resolution. You couldn’t leave him today. When you left him this morning, he made you promise that you would come back to him. You also said you would go to a party with him.
Plus, you looked up to a bright, clear, cloudless sky, it might rain today, and driving in the rain is unsafe.
Nope. Today would not be a good day to drive back to your broken life. You could check the weather tomorrow – and with any luck, it might actually look like it could rain.
With that, you tossed your phone into your purse, turned the ignition, rolled out of the parking lot, and made your way to the liquor store.
You wandered alone through town for another hour or so. It hadn’t been your intention - you were planning on returning to Jungkook’s house after you dealt with a few more break-up details and bought the wine. But as the town became more and more lively, you felt yourself drawn into it. It was a gem of a place - like something you would see in a movie or read about in a romance novel. A romance novel that probably wouldn’t have started out much unlike your own story. A heroine, escaping her big and busy life due to some tragedy, taking a pilgrimage to a quaint, coastal village to stay in the house her estranged Aunt had bequeathed to her, then falling in love with the hunky grounds keeper or something like that. Tragedy you had, inheritance you didn’t have, but hunky man you definitely had several times over. Two out of three. The question now was how the story was going to end. You didn’t know. But as you thought about it, as you walked the concrete sidewalks, and wandered through the farmers market, and peered into the restaurants and shops - which all seemed to have a live and in love display couple canoodling in their front windows - you wished he was there with you.
Your phone began to vibrate, and you were relieved to find Jungkook’s number pop up on the screen, and wondered if your fantastical thoughts had somehow willed him to call you. Maybe he’d meet you down here, and you could go on an adventure like you had the day before, and maybe even give his truck another test run.
“Hi,” you greeted him cheerfully.
“Heyyy,” he drawled out the greeting, and you knew something was up. “Where are you?”
“Still in town. What’s up?”
“Well… had a bit of an emergency up here, and I was hoping you could maybe do us a favour?”
Us? you wondered who the us in the equation was.
“Sure,” you replied.
“I’ve got some clients that showed up here needing to use the studio, and the lawn, and they want me to take some photos. They’re on a pretty tight deadline.”
“Oh?” you sounded surprised. Which was fair… this wasn’t the type of “emergency” you were used to getting called about.
“Yeah, sorry… If we could have scheduled it for another day I would have but… they won’t be here long though.”
“No, no, no,” you shook your head. “It’s fine. You do what you need to do.”
“Thanks, babe.”
You went still when you heard the pet name roll so casually off his tongue. You couldn’t see him, but he seemed to pause as well as he registered the slip. “Babe” was something that was okay in the bedroom, but to be used outside of the bedroom was… different.
“Thing is…” he sounded sheepish now, like he was embarrassed about what he was about to say. “They need something from town, and I was hoping you could pick it up? And maybe some pizzas?”
“Of course!” you exclaimed. In fact you were relieved you could make yourself useful and finally find a way to help him out. “What do I need to get and how many pizzas?”
“Body paint. Specifically the edible kind.”
You paused again, tilting your head as your mind ticked with why on earth edible body paint would be needed for a photoshoot. “What kinda clients are these, Jungkook?” you teased.
“I swear, it's not a kinky thing,” he laughed. “Although, it could be if you’re into it.”
You smiled, “Maybe not in front of an audience.”
“Fair enough,” he chuckled. “Basically, my friend got a cool opportunity to be a costume and makeup artist for a theater production. But she needs to submit her proposal by tomorrow - hence the emergency. But, apparently some of the colors from the edible brand at the adult store look better or show up better on camera or something - and she is out.”
“Which colors do I need to get?”
“Umm…” he thought, then you heard him moving through his house, and then you heard the chatter of people in the background. “Colleen, what colors do you need?”
“They come in a pack. Can she get two?”
“Did you catch that?” Jungkook said to you.
“Yup. And where is this place.”
“Well, it’s a small town and all, so it’s in a strip mall right next to the highway exit, facing the road so that everyone can see your shame and gossip about it.”
“Oh, great. I was really looking to build a reputation for myself,” you mocked. “And where should I get the pizza?”
“Right next door. I’ll pay you when you get back?”
“Not unless you want me to tan your ass next,” you quipped, then began looking around you since you had just recklessly made a sex joke in the middle of a wholesome market full of people.
“Well, shit,” Jungkook laughed. “Try to keep it professional, Y/N. This is work.”
You rolled your eyes, "You literally just propositioned me with leftover edible body paint."
"Did I?" he feigned ignorance.
“Alright, buddy," you gave up with another laugh and another eye roll. "Is there anything else I can get you?”
“No. That’s all. Call me if you have trouble.”
“Will do. See you soon.”
Jungkook’s house looked like pure chaos when you returned. There were five cars, several people running across the lawn, a few more running in and out of the house, and equipment and props strung randomly across the property.
You went inside, smiling at a few frantic strangers with garment bags who rushed by you with a short and polite “hello!” then made your way to the kitchen to set down the pizzas. You hadn’t spotted Jungkook yet, but you deduced from the phone call that he would likely be in his studio. You took the paint packages you had bought, and made your way towards the studio - a bit excited since you hadn’t had the chance to see inside it yet.
The first thing you saw, however, stopped you in your tracks. There were two people - a man and a woman - standing on some sort of platform in the middle of the space. They were naked. Well… depending on ones definition of naked. They had on tight, shiny blue underpants, and the rest of their bodies were half covered in blue paint to match. You were also staring down two asses. The one on the left, the one in front of the man, definitely belonged to Jungkook. At this point, you could recognize that cake from the Hubble. He was bent over, with a canister of paint in one hand and a brush in the other, while he colored over the man’s legs. The other ass was that of a woman’s, also bent in front of the female model as she painted - and you reasonably assumed it was Colleen.
“Sorry,” you looked down and put your hand up like a visor to shield your eyes from the models. You weren’t sure what protocol was here when in the presence of nude professionals, or if you had broken it. “I brought the paint.
“You can look!” the woman model called to you, then laughed, “Everyone else has already seen it.”
That was a relief. You looked back up to meet the eyes of the artist in question, as well as Jungkook.
“Oh my God,” Colleen rushed up to you. “Thank-you so much! You’re a lifesaver,” she beamed, then aggressively grabbed the packages from your hands and began tearing them open.
Jungkook laughed at the exchange, then whinked at you before returning to his painting.
Poor Colleen looked frantic - and it made you feel frantic, like you should be doing something instead of just ogling over her work, her naked models, and your busy revenge partner's tight butt.
“Can I do anything to help?” you offered, and the question seemed to give her a stroke.
“Actually,” Jungkook jumped in, then walked over to you and handed you the paint and the brush. “Can you help with this for a bit? I’m gonna get my camera ready and take a few shots of the process. Is that okay?” he looked to Colleen.
“Perfect!” she sang.
“I’m really not a painter,” you warned.
“You don’t have to be,” Colleen said. “This is only the base coat, I just need you to slop it on, then I go back and do all the details. And then when you’re done, I’ve got four more models for you to paint, but Greg might be able to help by then.”
You didn’t know who Greg was, but, it was probably fair to assume he was one of the people darting across Jungkook’s grass.
“I’ll come back and help,” Jungkook said. “Just gimme 15.”
“Yeah, sure,” you nodded, although you didn’t sound sure.
Jungkook leaned in, offering you a polite “welcome home” kiss before he uttered a “thank-you,” then left the room.
You pursed your lips in a bashful line, then looked back to the models, catching both their stares on you - which then made your cheeks heat. You stepped up to the male model, which made you blush even further.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, although you weren’t sure what you were apologizing for. “I’ve never painted a strangers body before. Tell me if I’m being weird.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” the man shook his head empathetically, “I was swindled into this too, and now I’m seven tequila shots into the process. I’m well beyond feeling weird,” he then flung his arms to the side, offering himself like a sacrifice. “Just paint away and try to avoid my balls.”
You chuckled, and Colleen rolled her eyes.
The whole morning was wild, and rushed by at a pace that seemed inhumanely slow but also disturbingly quick. You were recruited for task after task, becoming yet another body running around the house and across the lawn. You didn’t even get a chance to grab a slice of the delicious smelling pizza - which was fine, since you didn’t even have the mindset to recognize if you were hungry or not.
By early afternoon, the models were painted, and then partially covered with whimsical garments small enough to make even pornstars blush. But the end result was remarkable. The models all looked like some sort of elven creatures. Their skin glimmering in various shades of blues, purples and greens, and adorned with intricate details to make them look like a truly undiscovered species - rather than guys and gals covered in body paint. Then the real photos began to happen, and you were once again put to work, holding up white sheets and mirror looking things to try to capture the proper lighting. This portion of the day was mostly under the direction of Jungkook, and it was endearing to see how he worked. Cool, calm, and casual. Just like he was the first day you saw him. And just like that first day, his presence commanded everyone’s attention. He gave clear, patient instruction, and it was clear he had a great eye for seeing and capturing things that others didn’t. He was a true artist, completely in his element and it made your chest swell with pride to watch him work.
By mid-afternoon, everything was completed, packed up, and the entourage that had invaded the property were barreling down the dirt road with a cloud of dust behind them. Jungkook spent the clean-up time making edits to the photos he took, and handed Colleen a drive of the best ones, before she gave him the tightest of hugs, then ducked into her car to speed off with the rest.
When you returned inside, you both crashed onto his giant bed, sprawling out your limbs, laying flat to stretch out your aching backs, and closed your eyes as you took in a few heavy breaths of air, and reveled in the sound of a once again quiet house.
“That was fun,” you said to him after a few minutes of much needed silence. “And pretty cool, I can’t believe how talented she is.”
“It’s pretty unique what she does,” Jungkook said, linking his hands up behind his head over the pillow. “There’s not a huge market for it yet, but it’s growing. Talent like that should be appreciated.”
“Mm hm,” you agreed, rolling your stiffened body over so you could cuddle yourself over his sturdy chest - a place you had become well accustomed to. “You’re really talented too. Have you ever thought of doing more with photography?”
You felt him shrug. “Yeah, I guess. But, I’ve got my graphic design stuff, and the band and all - who knows how long that will last. I’m not in a rush to run off with National Geographic. But maybe one day. Who knows?”
“How about your painting and digital stuff? Weren’t you supposed to do a gallery event or something?”
He dropped one of his hands and began softly tracing his fingers over your arm strung across his chest. “I didn’t know you knew about all that,” he sounded surprised. “Have you been stalking me, Y/N?”
“Maaaybee,” you said with a sheepish laugh. “Like I said, I needed to know you weren’t a serial killer.”
“Yeah, I was supposed to have a show. In town, but the gallery went under before I could.”
“Oh no!”
“Yeah, it was actually Hyejin’s gallery. That’s how we met. It’s hard to make a go of it up here.”
“Mm,” you nodded against him as you thought. Your work brain was beginning to spin. One of your past clients had been a gallery. Albeit the gallery, as far as you knew, was still fully functioning, and they were in a more populated place, but even then, you remembered how they struggled - and how rewarding it was when you helped them restructure their finances into something more viable. “I wonder if I could help?” you said out loud, mostly to yourself.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, this is part of what I do. I look at the books, and help businesses navigate their finances. There’s tons of grants she could get for a place like that.”
“She could probably use the help, to be honest, I don’t think she’s all that moneywise. Actually a lotta people up here could use the help. You should set up your own practice.”
“There’s none around here?” you looked up at him, intrigued by the idea.
“Nah,” he shook his head. “I think most will get someone from the city. But, you know, it makes it tough when they're not here and don't get our economy. You’d make a killing - we love to support local.”
“Hm,” you nodded, raising your eyebrows and pursing your lips as you considered it. That would certainly be a sure-fire way to start over and put Chris and Stephanie far in your rearview mirror. You were selling your house and all already. You might have enough after the sale to start-up your own business - but it would be tight…
“I would be in on all the town gossip. I'd hear about all your skeletons, Jungkook," you smirked. "You find out a lot when you look at someone's books. Could you handle that?”
He narrowed his eyes and spoke in a mocking tone, “I think I’ll survive. Besides, what scandal would you discover? That I'm sleeping with the town's bookkeeper?"
Now that was a thrilling suggestion. An escape, a new home, a lovely new town, and still getting fucked on the regular? By Jungkook? Maybe more than just fucked? What a dream. A dream that you liked a little too much that, once again, it frightened you.
"Bookkeepers and accountants are two very different things, sir," you diverted with feigned offense.
"My mistake,” he feigned an apology. “What’s the difference?”
“Mmm…” you thought. “Well… technically, I guess an accountant can function as a bookkeeper too, but a bookkeeper needs their license to do accounting. Bookkeeping is like… recording and organizing finances. Accounting can be that, but we also analyze and find inefficiencies and report through proper channels. And, well…” you scrunched your nose, “…taxes.”
“Hmm,” he thought for a second. “So it’s like the difference between edible body paint and non-edible body paint? One can make something beautiful and the other can make something beautiful but can also act as nutrition?”
You snorted a laugh. “Umm… that’s a weird analogy, but I guess so.”
“I just wanted to circle back to the fact that we have an unused pack of edible body paint that’s been burning a hole in my mind all day.”
Desire instantaneously began flooding through your system. Between the long day and your aching muscles, you had nearly forgotten about your inspiring trip to the sex shop that morning, but now, it was all you could think about.
You pushed yourself off his chest, then crawled a little further up his body, so you could hover over him. “Well,” you gave him the most seductive look of approval you could offer. “I appreciate the reminder.” You leaned in and kissed him, which he graciously accepted. Then you whispered against his lips. “Let’s do some accounting,” you said, trying to sound sexy without snorting another laugh.
“Ooo, baby, I love when you talk dirty.”
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Go to Chapter 9.
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namluve · 4 years
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summary: everyone had a crush on her. hyejin, also known for her soundcloud name ‘hwasa’ was one of the most popular girls in school that everyone adored and would do anything for. everyone was after her heart, but what they didn’t know is that it was already stolen by you, the art student with a habit of having her as your muse.
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paring: art student!reader x music student!hyejin genre: fluffy collage au with a hint of smut in some parts rating: pg/mature note: it’s your local bi girl with a love for hyejin so strong she wishes she was an art student that could draw. enjoy these romantic drabbles of what I wish that to be! 
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» the love story 
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» her vibrant colours  » her studio (M)  » her starry night » her healing touch    » her song to you
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authorforrosie · 2 years
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Dating HWASA From Mamamoo Would Include:
•HWASA first met you when she was at a concert with Rihanna for the first time. She couldn’t help herself from staring at you with admiration when you started dancing. She enjoyed dancing with you in rhythm. At the end of the concert she got your number. 1 year later you both started dating.
•You kiss her cheeks with a grin when she cooks for you and her bandmates. Which caused her cheeks to flush red. You knew she loves to cook that’s why you always get her cookbooks. Her bandmates could only admire your relationship.
•HWASA always felt her cheeks flushing red when you showed affection towards her in public. Especially in interviews about your relationship together.
•You buy her merchandise from Rihanna which always caused HWASA to squeal like a fan girl and attack your face with kisses.
•HWASA would buy you her merchandise all the time. She would clap fast in her hands with excitement and squealing before hugging you. After you pulled her card.
•You would always take care of HWASA especially after long and draining days working as an Idol. You knew it must be very hard after all you’ve heard and seen.
•HWASA would create a whole meal ready for you. While she gets a relaxing bath with vanilla scent for you on hard and draining day’s. Then she would give you a whole body massage with lavender massage oil.
•You would always sing and dance along on tour in the front row while taking pictures in between. You would go on every tour with her since you are a celebrity photographer.
•Everyone loved and admired the relationship that you have with HWASA. Especially her bandmates since they could clearly see how much you both love and admire each other.
•Her bandmates would message you both cute admiring wishes for your anniversaries and celebrate with you both. Besides birthdays.
• Especially her management loved your relationship together since they could clearly see that you both love each other. They know you are in love with her and it doesn’t matter to you that she’s an idol.
•Her management and bandmates would sing love songs covers in concert when you both celebrated your anniversary on stage. On the exact anniversary date.
•HWASA would ask you to marry her when you both go on a picnic date. It was very romantic since she gave a fake rose with a ring around it. The ring had a beautiful diamond on it. You would cry while saying ‘Yes’ after her romantic speech. Her bandmates recorded everything and celebrated with you both the engagement.
•You both marry in the backyard in your house. You and your friends wore a beautiful white dress from YSL while HWASA and her bandmates wore Gucci suits. Everyone cried at your wedding because of how beautiful and poetic you both wrote your ‘vows.’
•Everyone loved your wedding pictures that got released on social media a few days after your marrying. The journalists couldn’t stop complimenting you both on your wedding outfits.
• Many popular magazines wanted to have you both on their covers and interviews. Since many magazines are big fans of you both. They admired your relationship together.
•At one point of your lives together you both decided to create a documentary and a very honest interview about your relationship together. You both taught everyone that a relationship isn’t like a fairytale and how only sharing the happy best moments of your relationship on social media is toxic. That’s what everyone admired the most about you both.
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mochiiikko · 3 years
➸❥ Woken
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Cg!Mamamoo, Little!Reader, 5th member reader
↳ Ahn Hyejin, Moon Byulyi, Kim Yongsun, Jung Wheein
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The members worked till deep into the night. Especially Wheein and Moonbyul. You know that very well, your group even went as far as to write a 'diss' track about it.
Though right now you couldn't really care any less.
The dorm was dark, You could barely see and had stumbled over quite a few things on your way to Hyejin's bedroom.
With a bit of effort you finally arrived at her door, the tug in the back of your mind getting stronger.
You almost went straight back then and there.
Nevertheless you went with the part of you screaming for comfort, knocking on the door.
Within seconds the light turned on, you heard rapid footsteps coming for the door, taking a step back so you wouldn't get slammed when she opened it.
Instead of the frantic opening you expected, the woman gently opened the door, looking at you with a warm smile. It broke your resistance, tears welling up in your eyes.
Immediately worry filled Hyejin's eyes. "What happened darling?" Hwasa completely opened the door gently taking your hand and leading you inside. Tears started spilling, the dark haired quickly taking you in for a hug.
"Nig-Nightmare." You managed to sniffle out.
Hyejin cooed softly, tapping the bed to let you know she's gonna touch you, guessing you’d regressed, before hugging you close. 
She gently rubbed your back, creating a soft white noise by blowing in your ear.
“You’re alright dear.” Hyejin spoke softly, gently playing with your hair. She waited for your breathing to even out before speaking again, not wanting to cause a greater panic that could have been avoided. 
The woman gently let you go, chuckling when you shoved your head onto her shoulder again. “Wanna talk about it baby?” You shook your head, Hyejin nodding in understanding, humming in thought.
“Are you okay?” You asked out of the blue, Hyejin having to take a second to process before worry took over her eyes. 
“Yes of course i am. Why do you ask honey?” The woman gently took your hand, tears pooling your vision again. “You in it. You were hurt. Unnie was hurt.” Hyejin hummed, hugging you again. “I’m alright dear. I’m okay.” You nodded against her chest, the raven haired nodding.
After a moment of silence you continued. “Others. Are others okay?” You asked, your voice quiet as if you could break at any moment. “Yes of course they are, I promise.” Hyejin softly smiled at you, though her words didn’t completely set you at ease.
“Can we call them please?” Hwasa nodded. “Of course we can.” With that she leaned over to the nightstand next to her bed, taking her phone.
After a few seconds of skimming contacts and you getting to choose which member you wanted to call, Solar’s number was ringing and you were eagerly waiting for her to pick up. 
When she didn’t answer the first time your face flooded with worry, Hyejin quickly reassuring she was probably just busy. After the second time she didn’t pick up you started letting whines of worry out, Hyejin quickly took to squeezing your hand. When she finally picked up just before the last ring on the third try, even Hyejin let out a sigh of relief. 
“I AM SO SORRY- I was busy filming a solo shoot and wasn’t allowed to grab my phone till i finished.” Yongsun quickly apologized the moment the call started.
“It’s alright unnie it’s alright.” The younger reassured. Yongsun giggled before talking again. “Aren’t you supposed to be asleep, by the way? Or have we worked THAT long?!” Hyejin laughed at the pure panic in Solar’s voice at the end.
“No no, I was asleep. Just so happens that a certain little had a nightmare and i was the only one in the dorm.” Yongsun hummed, almost inaudible for you even with the call on speaker. 
“And they wanted to check in on us? How sweet.” She cooed, making you giggle. “Well i’m doing alright, My legs are numb from having to sit for so long. But i’m okay.” Yongsun said, smiling warmly though you couldn’t see. Hyejin hummed, laughing softly. “Good to know. You see little one? She’s alright.” She turned to you, giving a gentle kiss on your forehead. 
You whined in discontent. “Others.” You said, holding onto Hyejin’s arm tightly. Both women laughed. “Alright alright. Well Moon’s currently busy- so how about we go to Wheein first?” You clapped your hands happily, nodding. Hwasa laughed.
“It seems like a yes.” Yongsun chuckled. “Then give me a bit, i’ll yell for her.” You nodded again, at this point hugging Hyejin’s arm to which she rolled her eyes playfully.  There was a yell, almost inaudible, then running towards wherever Solar was. 
With a pant came Wheein’s strangled voice. “I’m here!” She yelled before taking over the phone from Yongsun.
“Hi sweetheart! I heard about your nightmare, But i’m alright!” She reassured happily. “How about we talk until Moonbyul unnie can get here?” Wheein suggested. “Mhm, Mhm!” You quickly answered, happy to talk to her. 
Wheein giggled. “Alright dear! So have we put your mind at ease?” She asked to which you whined, Wheein cooing in response. “I know i know. You haven’t talked to unnie yet.” She laughed. “But she’s fine~, though i get wanting to hear her voice to be sure.” She hummed, “She’s almost done.” She confirmed.
“But yes, Me and Yongsun unnie are okay, and so is Byulyi unnie. I’m sorry you had such a horrible nightmare baby.” Wheein’s voice was gentle, so much so it kind of surprised Hyejin. 
“Nightmares have quite the nerves to plague the mind of our sweetheart.” Yongsun quickly butted into the conversation, You could hear Wheein’s aggravated sigh, though she hummed in agreement. 
"Don't worry though baby~ I'm sure they won't be coming back tonight." Wheein cooed, continuing for the older. Hyejin laughed. "Yeah i chased them all away." Yongsun let out an exagerated groan making you giggle.
Wheein couldn't help but laugh as well. "To be fair, we weren't there." She said to Yongsun. Almost inaudible to you and Hwasa though you managed. Solar merely groaned again.
"Oh! I believe Byulyi is done, Let me go get her for you." Yongsun said, before running over to the mentioned, Wheein letting out a yelp of surprise.
Hyejin laughed in amusement, before asking Wheein if she was alright. “Yeah yeah, I’m okay. Unnie was just really, really fast.” She giggled. “And you baby, Are you alright?” She asked, cooing gently when you clapped. “I okay!” You quickly answered. “That’s good darling.” Wheein smiled warmly though you couldn’t see.
“Oh, Unnie’s here!” Wheein said, before handing over the phone to Moonbyul. There were a few coughs from Moonbyul before she spoke. “Hi darling!” You clapped once again, You could faintly hear Yongsun’s awwing.
“Sorry i took so long, The producer was being a meanie to us again.” Wheein laughed at the word choice, To which Moonbyul responded with a groan.
“I’m sorry about your nightmare, little one, But as you can hear all of us are alright.” Moonbyul’s voice was sympathetic, possibly the most sympathetic you’ve heard.
“How about when we get home we all watch a movie togheter. Though Hyejin hummed in agreement and you started bouncing you leg in excitement, the other two on the other line groaned.
“Please haven’t we deserved some rest?!” Wheein whined, to which Solar only laughed. “You guys can fall asleep to a nice movie.” The other two hummed in consideration at that, You giggling at the contrast between the groaning and the humming.
“Alright alright good idea, when we get home we’ll all watch a nice movie. Alright baby.” You agreed happily, the other four giggling.
Yongsun took back her phone, Moonbyul whispering what you could only geuss was a stupid joke to her making her groan.
“We’re gonna finish up here and then we’ll be heading back. We love you! See you in a bit!” And with that the call ended.
Hyejin hummed, putting down the phone.
“See my love? They’re all alright.” You cooed happily as she wrapped you in her arms. “Now let’s wait for them to get back.”
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mingiswow · 3 years
Pairing: Hwasa x afab!reader
Genre: Smut
Word count: + 900
Warnings: oral sex, swearing, slightly degradation, overstimulation, use of toys, facesitting, dom!Hwasa, dirty talking (let me know if I missed something)
⚠ If you’re under the age of 18 and/or don’t feel comfortable reading that type of content, I have a lot of other content here.
⚠ English is not my first language, so please warn me if there's any mistake. thx <3
Request: could I request dom!hwasa x reader? I love your blog sm <3
Thank you so much for your request, sweetie. Sorry it took so long :( hope you enjoy <3
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You knew you had turned her buttons that night. You knew she was going to punish you. But in all honesty, that’s what you wanted.
Most people see off-stage Hyejin as this cute bubbly woman. And she is. But behind closed doors her whole demeanor changed.
And that’s how you got yourself in this position.
Your legs were spread open while your thighs and calves were tied up together. Your hands holding the sheets underneath you while she kept edging you with the hitachi for probably the tenth time.
“Look at you, hun. Look at your pathetic state. Do you really think you were going to get away with all the bullshit?” She sped up the vibration, making a loud choked moan leave your lips. At this point you could barely make any sound, you were completely fucked out. “You know I hate when you tease me baby and you decided today to do that?” the singer shook her head in denial, taking the toy away from your clit once again. Your body convulsing with the closeness of your climax.
It was your first event as an official couple, Hyejin was nervous because of how people would treat you, how they would react from finally seeing you two together. But you had other plans in mind. You spend the whole afternoon teasing her, putting your hand on her thighs and squeezing it, moving your finger dangerously close to her clothed vulva, intentionally leaning on the table, exposing part of your breasts through the cleavage. At one point you just decided to whisper all the dirty things you wanted her to do to you. To say she was getting worked up, hot and bothered was a statement.
You felt her fingers slide through your wet and sensitive pussy, a high pitched whine leaving your lips. “Please, Jin-ah! I… I just wanna cum. Please. Please let me cum!”
“Do you think you deserve to cum? Do you think I should let you cum after all the teasing? All you had to do was behave as the good girl I know you are” her fingers grabbed your chin and brought your face close to hers.
Your face was blushed, hair sweated and all messed up from the constant friction with the pillow, eyes glossy with tears and pupils dilated to the max. Droplets of sweat running down your face, signs of your effort. “God, you look so fucking hot like that” she licked your lips. She hadn’t kissed you all night.
“I know i don-ah!” She slapped your clit, a wave of pleasure crashing onto your body again, legs trembling restrained by the ropes. “So why are you asking, sweetie? Let’s make a deal, if you can make me cum in less than 5 minutes then I’ll let you cum as well” you nodded fervorously.
The woman took her clothes off, revealing her gorgeous body, your mouth watering with the thought of her taste.
She climbed the bed over your side and straddled your face. She didn’t lower herself until you gave her a confirmation. As soon as she sat on your face you made your mission in life to make her cum. But for your luck she always got turned on when she punishes you.
Your tongue played with her lips, going up and down collecting her juice and teasing her entrance. She held a little moan when you squeezed her hips, holding her in place. You kept your ministrations, alternating between sucking and licking her clit, and teasing her hole with the tip of your tongue.
It wasn’t long until she started to ride your tongue mindlessly, hands grasping your hair as you could feel her legs starting to squeeze your head, showing she was close. You grabbed her hips once again, holding her in place, and started to suck her clit harder, alternating with licking in circular motions. Her moans started to get louder, not caring to hold it anymore, praises and dirty words in between them.
With one last moan she collapsed on top of you as you kept licking her clean, getting all she had to offer.
“I always forget how good you are with your mouth, baby” Hyejin left your face, the glisten from her orgasm in it mixing with the sweat. She finally kissed your lips, tasting herself in your tongue. “You’re such a good girl for me aren’t you?” You nodded. “Do you think you deserve to cum now?”
“Yes, please, Jin-ah! Please! I need to cum! I’m desperate! ” She smirked at your pleas.
The singer grabbed the hitachi and turned on again, setting on the highest vibration and attaching to your clit. Your mouth instantly dropped, whines and moans mixing in the air as your overstimulated clit got attention again. The nub engorged from pleasure. Without you noticing she entered two fingers in your pussy and just like your orgasm finally snapped through your body. The sensation was overwhelming and almost numbing.
She helped you ride your orgasm and untied your legs, instantly grabbing the pomade to sooth the pain in the place.
“Thank you, unnie” you said and both smiled as she softly kissed your lips.
“Wasn’t I too harsh with you, was I? you denied while still smiling. She cleaned you both up and came behind you on the bed, cuddling your naked body. “Thank you for tonight, you were incredible” the singer kissed the nape of your neck “I know I couldn’t have chosen a better girlfriend”
“God! Will you always get this corny every time you go rough on me?” You laughed, turning your body around so you could look at her beautiful face in the dim light. “I love you”
“I love you too, baby” she pecked your lips one last time before holding you close to her chest and let you fall asleep to the rhythm of her heartbeat.
Requests are open 
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dgtor-writes · 3 years
Fic Idea For the K/DA Universe (Akali-centric)
My Name Fic AU K/DA
Lee Cho-min is a schoolgirl, lonely, harassed, and bullied for rumors that her mother is a gang member. Her mother, the only family member who gave a rat’s ass about her is a wanted woman and mysteriously missing, though she tries to keep in touch over the phone.
One fateful day, on the young girl’s 17th birthday, her mother is shot dead at her doorstep. Cho-min is heartbroken at the woman’s death, her last words to her being ones of pain, loneliness, and anger. The police won’t do shit, and even the mysterious gang her mother belonged to, “Kinkou”, won’t seek vengeance on her behalf. When Cho-min’s own methods almost get her killed, leader of the Kinkou, Zed, decides to mold her into the perfect revenge tool and take her under his wing.
She flourishes, proving herself to be a formidable asset and promising member of the Kinkou. However, training her with the rest of Kinkou’s neophytes proved disastrous when another rookie, Kayn, conspires to assault her. Her fighting spirit is brutally tested she’d as she injures her assaulters. Under Shen’s orders, both of them are expelled from the Kinkou in scarred disgrace while Cho-min is transferred to train under him privately.
Four years later, Lee Cho-min has become Ah Ka-ri, an agent doubling as a police corporal working with the violent crimes division. She has close to no leads on who killed her mother but a suspicion that the head of the narcotics division Lee Relia, However, a drug bust gone wrong leads to her transfer there, as a partner to sergeant Tsai Kai’sa, The two get off to a rocky start, with Kai’sa not deigning to hide her doubt in Akali’s abilities, though their differences must be put aside to solve a case involving a new drug out on the streets.
This is just what I have right now, I can’t really put much out without spoiling the show.
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lvlyhao · 4 years
finished series!!
Zombie apocalypse au! ➵ Qian Kun x Reader
Synopsis: this is a story dedicated to people and their silly ventures and ways—hope, fear, familiarity, and adoration. Nothing short of catastrophic, but nothing short of human.
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𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓻𝓮𝓼: fluff (♡), angst (❆), action (♖), sci-fi (∞).
𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼: graphic violence and gore, mentions of death, one mention of vomiting, zombies, a bit of swearing, minor character death.
Part one: hope 
Part two: fear 
Part three: familiarity 
Part four: adoration
Tumblr likes to fuck up the tags in the chapters but this is gender neutral!
If you’d like to see more of my work please consider reading my NCT Dream reaction fic to finding you he’s not your bias :))
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be-lis-mamamoo · 3 years
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I know it's not Sunday but I got so much time and motivation that I finished this chapter today 😂 Please enjoy ✨
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ipostartidontown · 5 years
Take a look at 보린 (@Borin99): https://twitter.com/Borin99?s=09
Art is NOT mine
I repeat: Art is NOT mine
Please support this artist by following her on twitter by click on link above
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moonmoon2102 · 4 years
Before I start posting bits of “Call of the Moon” [Werewolf AU]
As some of those who do read the story bits I post on here know, I also work on Call of the Moon, a werewolf AU; This idea is one that’s actually been brewing in my head since quite a while
I know it’s nothing new because stories about werewolves already exist but I do have my own way of writing it, a different kind of story to tell which I would like to share with you. The whole plot is already worked out, some of it written, some not.
To avoid confusion (because heck, I’m confusing myself sometimes) I’d like to give a tiny bit of background information about this particular story before I do start posting written bits of it since they’ll probably be in a random order. So I’d say... leggo!
Call of the Moon will feature both, MoonSun and WheeSa
Byulyi is a born Alpha werewolf; as the term suggests she was born as an Alpha which makes her the strongest and most feared type of werewolf existing; a werewolf being born as an Alpha is quite rare
Wheein, a Beta werewolf is part of Byulyi’s pack
Yongsun and Hyejin are both humans
Humankind is not aware of the existence of werewolves so there won’t be any hunters; right now I don’t have plans to change that
Call of the Moon won’t be chapter based; I’ll write whatever scenario comes to my mind; I found out it’s a lot easier for me to write without having to stress about chapters and keeping a strict timeline since my mind likes to bounce from one thing to the next; it’s also because I usually end up discontinuing chapter based stories due to a massive writer’s block or struggling with how to connect the notes I took to make sense with the previous chapters
And most importantly: Call of the Moon is NOT an omegaverse; it’s not related to that in any way, shape or form. It does have similarities but this story is purely about werewolves who for example do have ranks within the pack such as Alpha, Beta and Omega so please do not confuse this werewolf AU with the omegaverse. I didn’t even know what the omegaverse is or that it existed when I started working on Call of the Moon until one of my friends talked about it and explained the whole thing to me.
I think that’s it for now, at least for what I thought could be at least some helpful information for when I post something regarding Call of the Moon
To whoever reading this: Thank you very much and have a nice day :)
Until next time, stay healthy y’all!
~ Moon Moon
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heartbeatan · 1 year
The Art of Revenge (Chapter 11)
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Chapter 11
The birthday party was held at a restaurant that overlooked a wide, open lawn which backed onto the reservoir of the town’s waterfall dam. It had a huge patio covered by pergola-esque beams, which were strung enchantingly with Edison bulb lights and creeping vines of lush ivy. You thought the party would be relatively small, but as it turned out, the whole place had been booked out just to celebrate Hyejin, and the restaurant and patio were packed full of friends and family. Turns out, Jungkook wasn’t going to get his wish of paying for dinner, since everything was already paid for. The food was catered by the restaurant, mostly focused around the barbeques grilling burgers of all types, a long table full of buffet style sides and fixings, and several scattered counters covered in trays of appetizers. There was an area set up outside on the patio where three women and two men - who Jungkook told you were all family - played live music for the night.
It was a lot for just a birthday party - you were lucky some years to even get a cake. You assumed Hyejin was hitting some sort of milestone birth year, and so Abe decided to go all out.
You were a touch tipsy already from the bottle of wine you demolished in the bathtub, but kept a safe high throughout the first part of the evening as the copious amounts of food, socializing, and dancing, kept your body nourished and moving.
It was the perfect atmosphere to be in. You and Jungkook weren’t the center of anyone’s attention - which was something you worried about, expecting a small group of friends would lead to inquiries about “who the hell the new girl was and why was she with Jungkook out of the blue?” You weren’t completely safe, however, when someone Jungkook introduced as his friend Mira, became curious enough to bluntly ask.
“So, what’s the deal with you two?” Mira said as she glanced at Jungkook at the bar, who was grabbing another round of beer. “I’ve literally never heard of you before, no offense. How do you even know each other?”
Mira, you suspected, might’ve been christened in the Church of Town Gossips. She had already given you the dirty details on several people at the party - which essentially was harmless since you had no idea who the hell they were, nonetheless, who they were related to. But Mira was clever. She buttered you up with the friendly, girlfriend banter you had been missing, made you feel safe in her presence, then when the last beer kicked in, she dug for your secrets which you were all too ready to tell. The girl was good.
“Ughh!” you let out a sigh that could be heard over the loud noises of the bar. “We knew each other from a long time ago. But until about…” you looked up to the ceiling as you tried to count how long it had been since the kitchen, “five days ago?... I was engaged to this other guy. He was having an affair with my best friend. So, I ran away and came here,” you confessed, sober enough to know which details of that decision you needed to hide.
“No!” Mira’s eyes widened and her mouth fell open as she gawked at you. “You’re kidding?”
“I wish I was.”
“I’m so sorry, that’s awful. What did you do when you found out?”
“I just left. I did get my lawyer to send an eviction notice, and everything I could get refunds for from the wedding, I kept myself, so… the bastard’s broke and homeless.”
“Good girl,” Mira stuck up her hand and demanded a high-five. “Where were you when my ex was fucking around on me?”
“Oh, damn, I’m sorry,” it was your turn to be empathetic.
“Yeah, we were married for one month,” she punctuated by pointing up her index finger, “then I found out. He missed his sidepiece while we were away on our honeymoon, apparently.”
“What is up with these guys?” you began to fume. “Like, I never held a gun to this man’s head and forced him to propose to me.”
“Seriously,” she shook her head. “We had been together forever, and I wanted to move forward or move on. I told him, we either take the next step, or we break-up. He proposed. He should have chosen the break-up. But nooo… he didn’t wanna be the bad guy who didn't wanna get married, so he became the real bad guy who cheated constantly.”
“People suck,” you narrowed your eyes as you took another drag of your beer.
“They do,” Mira agreed. “Men suck.”
“Hear-hear,” you stuck up your bottle and the two of you clinked the necks together, then sucked back another gulp.
“What are we celebrating?” Jungkook stepped up to the bar table you two had been slouched over, but instead of being greeted with two set of eyes happy to see him, he saw two predators ready to tear him apart for simply existing as a man, nonetheless, interrupting their girl time.
“We’re bonding over how much men suck, Jungkook,” Mira pointed a finger at him, and the way she slurred her words made you realize she too was a little drunk. “And you’re interrupting.”
Jungkook suppressed a grin, put his hands up in surrender and took a step back. “My bad, Mira.”
“You can have her back in a while,” Mira continued. “I like her.”
“I like her too,” he handed you a fresh bottle, along with a peck on the cheek. “Don’t send her back too angry, Mira, we got plans later,” he winked, you blushed, and she rolled her eyes.
“I make no promises,” she gestured with her hand to shew him off. “Now go away.”
Jungkook backed off, then you both watched him as he strode across the floor and made his way towards some friends. You weren’t quite sure where Mira’s eyes were focused - nor did you much care - but you were definitely eating up all of Jungkook.
“Well,” Mira sighed, “I gotta say you have high standards for your rebounds, Y/N. I’m jealous, Jungkook is so much hotter than mine was.”
“You mean after your divorce or whatever?”
“Yeah. But my rebound was really fucking good at going downtown. Best head of my life, I swear. Better than my current husband,” she then leaned in close and whisper-yelled, “but don’t tell him I said that.”
You laughed loud and long. You were really liking the dynamic with Mira, the girl time, the camaraderie, and the funny and lewd banter. You could easily see yourselves becoming good friends if given the opportunity. But something she said was sticking with you. Rebound.
She wasn’t necessarily wrong. You didn’t really see Jungkook as a rebound relationship… and honestly, you didn’t really believe that relationships could be so easily boxed in and labeled with such terms. But still… the concept wasn’t exactly the stuff of myths. You had jumped quickly into something relationship-adjacent as a result of a failed relationship. You had done so before you were truly over what happened - in fact, you had done so because you weren’t over what happened.
“Mira,” you sighed, “Am I crazy if I kinda started to fall for my rebound?”
“No,” Mira shook her head supportively. “I don’t believe in hard and fast rules like that. But - I will say - surviving infidelity doesn’t just happen in a day.”
“Yeah,” you lamented. “I think I’m figuring that out.”
“Hey, ladies!” you heard the familiar voice of Hyejin as she stepped up to join you at your table. “You look like you’re bonding!”
“We are!” Mira said.
“Hey, Hyejin,” you called her attention. “I wanted to talk to you about something - but I don’t want to overstep.”
“What about?” she looked a touch confused.
“Well… see I’m an accountant, and I used to work with a lot of smaller clients. I work for one stupid conglomerate now, but… one of my clients used to be an art gallery. I thought, if you were interested…” you began to feel awkward now, and wished you were a touch more sober when you decided to approach her. “In short, if you’re looking to try again, I would love to help you. There’s tons of grants and tax breaks out there that people just don’t even know about.”
“Really?” Hyejin’s eyes widened. “You’d do that?”
“Yeah. I really liked working with that other gallery. It was… exciting for an accountant, ha-ha!”
“How much?”
“Oh, no, I’ll do it for free. I can’t legally help others out anyway. It’ll be our secret.”
“I would love that,” she crossed her hands over her heart. “That place was my dream.”
Your heart felt light and warm as you watched tears threaten to well behind her eyes. Moments like that were why you loved your job.
“If I don’t see you before I go home, I’ll leave my contact with Jungkook to give to you.”
“Oh, when are you going home?” Hyejin tilted her head curiously and looked a bit hurt.
You shrugged and shook your head, “I don’t know yet.”
“Well, if there’s anything I can do to convince you to stay, let me know. You and Jungkook seem so cute together.”
“It’s annoying, right?” Mira elbowed Hyejin. “They’re so fucking happy.”
“I don’t know, guys,” you laughed. “It’s only been a few days, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
“Oh,” Hyejin tsked, “Who cares? I have an eye for these things - I just know it’ll work out.”
You caught Mira shaking her head at you, letting you know that - at least in her opinion - Hyejin didn’t have the “eye” she was bragging about.
“Hyejin,” Jungkook called when he returned to the table with Abe and another man - whom by the way he stepped up behind Mira - you assumed was her husband. “You stood in our grocery store and promised me you wouldn’t pester her,” he teased as he stepped up beside you.
“Did I say that?” she quirked her head and pretended to not recall the exchange.
“There were witnesses,” he retorted.
“Well,” she shrugged. “File a complaint with my lawyer, I guess. But before then, we need you and everyone outside. We’ve got a surprise.”
Everyone looked at each other, searching for a face among the table that knew what was going on - aside from Abe and Hyejin. But, if anyone knew something, no one slipped up.
“Sure,” Mira’s husband nodded, then took his wife's hand, and began to lead the group out onto the patio.
When everyone was gathered outside, Abe and Hyejin stood excitedly in front of the microphone which the band had been using when performing. They had huge smiles plastered to their faces and held hands so tight, like they were afraid to lose each other in a violent storm.
“Hey, everyone!” Abe was the one who spoke. “Thank you all for coming. As you know, we brought you here under the guise that we were celebrating Hyejin’s birthday. Some of you know, however, that today is not actually her birthday – it's on Tuesday. The reason why this is important, is because years ago, when we started dating, she told me – I think halfway through our appetizers on the first date – that she wanted to be married before she turned 35.”
The crowd laughed nervously, and you smiled. But you also developed a sinking feeling in your stomach, as you pulled together the pieces of what was happening. Jungkook, who had his hand rested over your shoulder while his thumb caressed the back of your neck, squeezed you lightly – seemingly catching on to what was happening as well.
“She told me this at this very restaurant – and, well, since she’s turning 35 on Tuesday… we actually gathered you all here to... umm,” he looked adoringly down at Hyejin before he mustered the courage to speak the punchline. “To witness our marriage vows.”
“We’re getting married!” Hyejin squealed into the mic, and the crowd erupted with awes and applause. “Right now! This is our wedding! Sorry about the seating, most of you will have to stand but, we promise it’s going to be quick!”
The crowd laughed, then the space became scattered and chaotic as people tried to move tables out of the way, and place chairs in some sort of fashionable order.
You and Jungkook ended up standing to the side, next to the large flower boxes that contained the patio from the lawn. He leaned precariously over the edge of the box and strung his arms around your waist as you leaned against him. It was the nicest spot, in your opinion. You could see the stage perfectly, but were far enough away that you could also catch the cool breeze coming up from the water.
“Are you okay with this?” Jungkook asked his question low, so not to alert anyone standing near you.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “It’s fine.” You weren’t sure if it was fine – but you didn’t want to somehow offend a special moment like two people celebrating their love by needing to duck out and go cry in the bathroom.
Despite how casual and rustic the wedding was… it was so incredibly beautiful. It was personal and intimate, and even though you didn’t know Hyejin and Abe all that well, you knew that somehow this atmosphere suited them perfectly. You felt foolish watching it all, because all you could think about was yourself. You had a huge, beautiful, lace ballgown wedding dress, while she had a cute white-silk two-piece pant and halter crop outfit. Chris was going to wear a tux, Abe had on a teal Hawiian shirt covered in Flamingos. You were supposed to get married in a grand hall, surrounded by roses and lilies. They were getting married surrounded by geraniums and beer bottles.
Your wedding was supposed to be the most lavish display of love and commitment - and yet, here, in the middle of nowhere, on the patio of a restaurant bar… you were witnessing true commitment. That much was evident by their self-written vows which no flower or expensive architecture could capture in terms of beauty. You were brought easily to tears - both happy for them, and sad for yourself. You and Chris were never ones for speeches.
That - what Hyejin and Abe had - was what you wanted. You couldn’t help but wonder if you had been trying to fabricate all that with Chris. Had you really loved him as much as you once thought you did? Or did you only love the thought of him?
You put on a brave and smiling face for everyone. Today wasn’t about you - even though your inner turmoil didn’t know that. Fake smiling eventually convinced you to really smile. You ended up having a lot of fun, and with time, you became better at squashing the returning desire to burst into tears.
But it didn't last...
After all the food was gone, the Edison’s hanging from the pergola were turned off, and replaced with tiny, blue fairy lights that had been discreetly strung through the beams and ivy. Hyejin and Abe had their first dance, then everyone who was paired up was invited to join. You were slow dancing with Jungkook under the new ambience, surrounded by love and good vibes - but, internally you were cursing yourself for not being as present in the moment as you wanted to be. Everything was so fucking romantic, from the lighting to the music, to the way you moved together, and looked at each other. But you felt the dam inside you beginning to crack.
“Do you want to go somewhere?” Jungkook asked, when he noticed your throat bob away a potential sob.
You sucked on your lower lip, and blinked rapidly as you nodded your head. "Just for a minute. I need a break."
“Okay,” he whispered, then he took you by the hand, grabbed the two nearly full beer you had opened before you took to the dance floor, and guided you across the lawn, towards the water, and away from the crowd.
You picked a space on the grass that angled downward towards the water and - as best as you could deduce in the moonlight - wasn’t containing any animal shit. You laid along the grass, resting yourself up over your elbows, and Jungkook laid propped up on his side next to you. You both looked out over the river, letting the peaceful scene relax you as you sipped on your drinks.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, if I had known I would have said something.”
“No, it’s fine. The world doesn't stop turning just because mine did. It was just… fresh, you know?”
“Yeah,” he agreed. “I wish I could help.”
“You have,” you looked hard towards him, trying to emphasize the depth and genuinity behind what you were saying. “In a lot of ways. You’ve been so… great. Even just seeing how you live up here, it’s given me a lot to think about.” You sighed, then looked out over the water as you thought about where you thought your life should go, and what you now believed you wanted. “It’s making me reconsider what I think I want out of my future.”
“What did you want?”
“I don’t know… success. A big house. A family.”
“And you don’t want that anymore?”
“No, I do want all that. I just think that maybe… there’s a lot of things I thought I needed to achieve in order to have all that. A lot of things that I guess I’m realizing don’t matter. I don’t need the perfect house or the perfect job. I just need… good people around me.”
“Do you like it here?” Jungkook asked.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “It’s quiet, and feels friendly. Safe. It would be a great place to raise a family I think. How lucky would a kid be to have all this wide open space and freedom.”
“I think that’s why I decided to stay up here.”
“Yeah? You wanna get married and have kids and all that?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “One day for sure.”
“What were you doing before?”
“Well… right after school I was living in the city. I had a good time and all. I had an okay job doing web design. I liked it but it was a means to an end. Mostly paid for nights out at the clubs," he laughed to himself, "I wasn’t really great at planning for the future.”
“Well, you and I aren’t similar in that regard. I’m always planning. I think that might be what Chris meant - he was more go-with-the-flow.”
“Ah, fuck him. He’s an idiot. Having an ambitious girlfriend isn’t a burden.”
“So what changed?”
“Luck,” he laughed. “I inherited my house. I wasn’t really sure what I was gonna do with it at first. I thought maybe about selling it and buying a condo, but I had good memories up here. So I decided to hold onto it for a bit – keep it a getaway cabin. Then, one day, I got away and didn’t go back. I quit my job, broke my lease,” he shrugged, “now I’m here.”
“You started over.”
“Yeah. I wasn’t leaving much behind though.”
“Maybe I should do that,” you took a few good chugs of your beer.
“It’s never too late.”
People said that all the time, like it was some sage wisdom - but you always balked at the idea. Starting over was hard and risky, and seemed like something reserved for Hallmark movies. Yet, you were sitting in the presence of someone who had actually done it - so, you supposed it wasn’t such a myth afterall. Granted, he had a real estate advantage - but still.
A soft breeze wafted over the river, and rustled the leaves of the nearby trees. You closed your eyes and embraced the way it cooled your skin which had been damp in the summer night’s humidity.
“I think you should start over,” Jungkook broke you from your trance.
“I don’t know what I’d do.”
“Move here. For real, open up your own firm. I know people would come to you.”
“I don’t know. It’ll be a lot of money to just start up. I need rental space and software and licenses and insurance and so much more. I need to figure out what I can afford after I sell my house. I don’t even know what homes cost up here. Maybe… I could stick it out at my job for a little bit and save up.”
“Orrr… you could just stay with me.”
You loved that idea, and were terrified of it as well.
“I can’t do that.”
“Why not? You can use one of the spare rooms as your office. You don’t need any formal storefront around here to make it. The only lawyers in town run their business out of their backyard sheds.”
“And where would I sleep,” you looked down at him with a suggestive curve to your mouth.
“Well,” he rolled forward, and pressed a kiss to your bare shoulder. “I think I’d be willing to let you sleep in my bed. I promise you the rent is reasonable.”
“Mmm,” you hummed. “I don’t like to get into quid pro quo arrangements, but I can’t say I’m not tempted.”
Jungkook leaned in a little closer, and pressed his lips soft and long to your neck. “I can sweeten the offer if you need more convincing.”
His nose traced the skin of your neck, and you bit your lip as your body tried to slouch away from the way it tickled you and threatened to puddle you into a fit of laughter.
“You’re going on tour soon,” you managed to finally push him off. “You really wanna leave me alone in your house?”
“Actually, I was thinking you should just come on tour with me.”
“What? No. I can’t do that. I need to work.”
“Do you?” he raised an eyebrow. “Why can’t you take some time off? You’ll have money from your house. You won’t have any rent to pay. You can come on the road with me, and when we get back in October, you can set up shop then.”
“I don’t know,” you bobbed your head side to side as you agonized over the idea. It sounded fun and all, but you weren’t sure if you had the guts to do it. “What if we get sick of each other and you kick me off the bus halfway across the country. Then I’ll be the one who is homeless and broke.”
“I don’t think that’s something we need to worry about, Y/N. You and I get along pretty great.”
“Trust me, I want to say yes. I’m just… trying to be smart here. The only way I was successful in ending things with Chris so quickly was because I held all the cards. This is all so risky - I’d be putting my life in your hands.”
“It would be a risk,” he nodded. “You’d have to trust me. I know that’s a hard ask after everything. But I promise I won’t just kick you to the curb. And even if we started hating each other's guts… you’d be fine. I'm not sure of a lot of things, but I’m sure of that.”
“I don’t know,” you shook your head. “I need to think about it.”
“And you should. You’ve got a month at least, right? And after that - hell, even if you aren’t ready to move up here for good, like, come on the road with me anyway. You can store your stuff in the barn. You’ll be living for free - everything is already paid for by the label. You can think about what you wanna do for another three months.”
You nodded slowly at the moon’s reflection in the water as you considered it. He was right. You were free now that you no longer had Chris. Jungkook was offering you a chance to capitalize on that freedom.
“I’d have to sell my house before then. I have some money saved, but I can’t afford the mortgage payments for too long without a steady paycheque.”
“We can figure it all out.”
“Okay,” you nodded more firmly now. In your heart, it was an easy choice. But your head wasn’t completely sold on the idea quite yet. But you were committed to at least really considering it. “I'll think about it. Seriously,” you looked at him. “If you’re up for it, I’ll think about it.”
“I am serious.” He then sat up, and you followed by pushing yourself off your elbows to sit with him. He shuffled close, propping his arm over his bent knee resting behind your back - somewhat caging you into him so you could look closely at each other as you spoke.
“I don’t know when the right time is to say anything,” he began slowly. “But… I figure how I feel is pretty obvious at this point. I like you… I wanna see where this goes.”
You felt the return of your butterflies, and you felt sheepish underneath the watchful eyes of the stars and his unguarded and pleading gaze. You supposed you should be thankful for his honesty. You hadn’t had a lot of honesty in your life, apparently. But - amidst the butterflies and the thrilling fantasy of a future together - you couldn’t help but notice something sour and repulsive wrenching inside your gut. You chalked it up to the long and taxing day: from the stress of your legal matters; the confrontation with your ex fiance and your ex best friend; and, the impromptu wedding that only sharpened the blow. You hoped the feeling wouldn’t last. Not when you had someone wonderful like this, touching you so tenderly, looking at you so vulnerably. Not when he made your broken heart feel like it could be whole once again.
“I like you too,” you confessed. It was the truth - even though it felt like it came with a caveat you didn’t quite yet understand. “I kinda think…” you wanted to say more, but you paused as apprehension stiffened your vocal cords. “It’s stupid fast and all, but…,” you winced, “I think I might be falling for you.”
A beautiful smile, that made your heart sing, widened across his face and lit up his eyes.
“Good,” he said with a nod as he tried to wrangle his facial expression. “Because I already have.”
Your lips pulled into a smile, and you wanted to burst into a million particles. But at the same time, your stomach began to twist with guilt - like it didn’t believe you deserved this perfect moment.
“Are you trying to one-up me?” you accused, once again, retaliating against the way he made you feel. You were doing a lot of that too today.
“Nope,” he playfully shook his head. “I would never.”
His hand came down to rest over your knee, his thumb once again making soft passes over your skin. You loved and hated the simple ways that he touched you.
You both looked back up the hill towards the patio, as a deep and thumping bass began to pulse from inside the restaurant - signaling the beginning of the real party.
“Do you wanna go back?” you asked him.
“Do you? We can just go home if you want.”
“Hmm,” you thought about it, then thought about his hand on you and how you maybe wanted it to start creeping a little higher. “I think we should get back up there, have a piece of cake, do a couple shots, and makeout like horny college kids on the dance floor.”
“We can do that,” he agreed with a mischievous grin. “And then we can go home and have sweet, sloppy drunk sex?”
“Yes,” you cheered.
He stood up, brushed himself off, then offered his hand to help you off the grass. “Let’s do this.”
Morning poured itself through the windows. First with an indigo blue, then in a pale gray, then in pink streaks of sunlight, until finally the room was bathed in the soft yellow of another beautiful, clear sky. You saw all the colors of a new day cast itself over the ceilings of Jungkook’s bedroom, since you had been awake to witness it all.
You had awoken only an hour or two into your sleep, and fought for and hour or two more to fall back without success. You were so restless, yet too tired to move or do anything about it. So, you laid on your back, with Jungkook’s heavy arm loosely strung over your waist, while he snored softly at your side for hours, and you - finally truly alone with yourself for the first time in forever - mauled over everything you had been hiding deep within you.
Last night - instead of stumbling home, knocking into furniture, and collapsing on the bed in a rushed and clumsy attempt to get naked, only to barely fuck for five minutes before the whiskey dick kicked in - you didn’t have the sloppy drunk sex you had been looking forward to. Instead… you made love. It was sweet, tender, and attentive. Instead of pounding into you hard, like your body was made of concrete stone, Jungkook rocked himself into you slowly and methodically, like you were made of glass. Instead of marking his skin with your nails and your teeth, you delicately inspected the ways his muscles moved beneath your soft hands, and tasted his flesh with gentle presses of your lips. Instead of a string of expletives falling from his lips, he told you how beautiful he thought you were, along with a hundred other whispered praises that made you want to melt into the earth.
It was a perfect night… but something felt wrong.
You thought about it all as you looked up to the daylit ceiling, and regretted every way it which your fucked up feelings were sullying the memory of it. You closed your eyes as a tear escaped and rolled down your temple. After the long night, you knew why the droplet had fallen, and you were pretty sure what you needed to do.
You stretched for your phone resting on the nightstand beside you, and noticed a text message which had arrived from Chris.
Chris: I’m out of the house. [3:14 AM]
You weren't sure whether or not you should have been impressed or depressed at how quickly he had untangled himself from your life. Clearly, after he left you, he made the 14 hour trek home and didn’t stop until he was out of the house. You wondered if he had even grieved the loss. A second message had come through, however, and it seemed to answer your question.
Chris: I’m staying at Steph’s apartment. [3:28 AM]
“That fucking prick,” you whispered as you pinched the bridge of your nose, like you were feeling the onset of a migraine. You were sure he had only said that to get back at you, and you hated how much it hurt. Even worse, you felt like you deserved the hurt, despite knowing that you didn’t.
“Surviving infidelity doesn’t happen overnight,” was what Mira had warned you. She was right. You had perhaps staved off the inevitable because of a few blissful days with Jungkook, but today, everything was catching up.
You felt Jungkook begin to stir beside you. You tossed the phone aside and quickly wiped at your cheek, hiding any evidence that even that single tear had fallen.
“Hey,” Jungkook said groggily, as he raised his head to reveal droopy, sleep-filled eyes and a mop of disheveled hair.
“Morning,” you tried your best to sound cheerful.
“You been up for long?” he asked.
You nodded slowly, then confessed, “Yeah, I have.”
Even in his foggy state, he sensed at once that something was off.
“Everything okay?” he asked, concern clear in his throat.
You thought quietly about how to answer his question, but chose not to answer it at all.
“Do you think you could cover my tattoo today?”
He looked at you long and hard, like he was trying to crack the code of a complicated cipher. But the truth was, what you hadn’t said wasn’t all that well hidden.
He swallowed, before he asked the question he dreaded asking. “Are you going home today?”
You nodded, then an intense silence fell between you as you both marinated in the declaration, until you felt you needed to break it. “Chris moved out last night. I need to go pack.”
He nodded tepidly, as he hoped for the best outcome of his next question. “Are you going to come back?”
You looked at him for a long moment while you thought about your answer. Then, mustering all the courage you wish you didn't have, you said, “I don’t know…”
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Go to Chapter 12.
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namluve · 4 years
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↳ Under The Blue | hyejin x reader | 0.9k | drabble | pg  genre: college au, established relationship warnings: none in this one, fluffy introduction! note: the start of my first female x female fanfic, give it your love. I also want to thank hannah @spicykoreantatertots​ and anna @knjoodles​ for beta reading this. thank you guys for your help ❤️ 
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Sitting in the schoolyard with your sketchbook in your hand, you try to focus on your assignment. You were supposed to find something vibrant that would catch your attention and really challenge you when it came to colouring. This week, the assignment was vague, meant to really open your perspective and look for inspiration around you, rather than just be given something to draw off. Initially, you loved the assignment, loved how your teacher was giving you the opportunity to think outside of the box.
Right now, however, you were just frustrated. Everything around you seemed vague, colourless, stuck in time and not captivating at all. Nothing caught your eye. Nothing except for her.
When you saw her open the grand hall doors, stepping outside of school, walking down the stairs to the schoolyard, your breath was caught in your throat. Her long black hair flying through the air as the wind caught it. Looking behind her with a wide smile on her lips, eyes squinted as her friend probably told her something funny. That smile. It was the smile she always wore on her face whenever she saw you.
The two of you were girlfriends, that much you had established but Hyejin was not ready to tell everyone, not yet. You understood that since you still hadn’t fully come out to a few friends and family members.. It did not matter to the two of you, you knew where you stood and as she turned her head, swaying her arms slightly as she walked you could not help but smile. Catching your pencil between your lips as you watched her scan the schoolyard, hoping she would catch a glimpse of you.
When your eyes finally met, she stopped in her tracks to observe you as you sat under the tree, legs curled up with a sketching book in one hand, the other one holding the pencil caught between your lip. You sent her a wink, your playful nature that always came out whenever you were around her. She chuckled, looking down on the ground for a second before biting her lip,shyly tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.
The moment was caught short by her friend,, Jaehyun, walking up to her and starting conversation, dragging her along with him, probably to the studio to show her some lyrics he has written. Jaehyun was one of Hyejin’s closest friends and one of the few that knew about the two of you. He was funny, caring and often hung out with the two of you. Over the months, he had grown to be one of your closest friends as well.
As Hyejin and Jaehyun disappeared into the side building of the school where the studio was located, you went back to try and focus on your assignment. No matter how hard you tried to think of something else, she was all you could think about. The way her high waist jeans hugged her curves perfectly, how her smile could probably light up the night sky, how she was the brightest person you had yet the pleasure of getting to know.
She was vibrant. Her eyes were filled with hope. The way she walked was as if she was up in the clouds, bouncing slightly with the energy her soul held. Hair so shiny and fluffy you could play with it for hours. Her playful and shy nature matches yours perfectly.
Before you even knew it, you had sketched her, biting her lip as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. Just as she did before, the memory stuck in your brain and now forever saved by your drawing. She was your muse. No matter how dry your inspiration was or low your motivation was, you always found yourself drawing her with ease. So that is what you did, sitting and sketching her until you had to get back to class. A smile cracked across your cheeks, your phone chiming as you received a text. 
Hyejin bear ❤️ [1:21 PM] 
-          You looked so pretty sitting so peacefully under the tree
-          Can’t wait until I get to have you all to myself
-          Want to make a mess out of you so bad
You let out a deep breath you did not know you were holding in as you read her message. She had always been good with her words, being a songwriter and all; she always made you weak. Especially with her teasing, knowing the two of you would not be seeing each other until the weekend, both being busy with your separate assignments and projects. But damn, if you did not want to get a taste right now, just a little something until the weekend. Right now, you would do just about anything to get that.
That was the beginning of your plan, how you would surprise her and hopefully get a little payback for those messages. All you needed now was her schedule, and you knew exactly who to ask. 
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cutehardcore · 5 years
Marry, Lust, Kiss → MLK♥
A summary of stories that I experienced while living in a dorm with 17 other people. You’ll never get bored in this dorm. I changed everyone’s names and added a little bit more spice to some of the stories. So don’t take everything literally.
December 31, 2019
Most of your dormmates gathered in the living room to celebrate the new year. “Come on, drink at least one glass before the next year.” Wheein offered with a cup full of beer in her hand. “Maybe I’ll start drinking next year.” You politely rejected the alcohol. You would believe that as someone who majors in law she wouldn’t support irresponsible drinking behaviors. But you guess, especially with these studies you have a lot to cope with. With Wheein’s attention turning back to Johnny, your gaze wanders around the room.
Jowoon places her beer bottle on the table to join Hyejin on the balcony to get a smoke. She’s majoring in philosophy and literature and like every philosophy student she’s probably a university girl for life. You get along well with her because like your old teenager self, she’s a hobby actor.
Next to her stands Hyejin with probably her fifth cigarette this evening. She was the first one welcoming you to the dorm. Your conversation lasted for hours before you were able to unpack your stuff. Now, she’s the best friend you have in the dorm. Which is probably an advantage relating to your future essays because her majors are English and Geography for tutoring.
The guy joining these two now is Jeno. It’s actually a miracle that he’s attending this party. Whenever you ask about him no one sees or knows about him. The only fact known is that he’s studying engineering which seems to be the cause of his absence.
Right next to the balcony door stands a big couch on which three boys are seated.
On the one end Yuta was holding a vodka bottle in his hand trying to convince Mark to take some shots. You've never seen him before you met in the dorm but since he was born near your own hometown you get along well with him. He moved here to do his master’s degree in economics. Yuta might have a fuckboy facade but you believe despite his image he’s a nice guy.
On the other end sits Mark. You can definetly see he’s currently completely wasted. Mark is the type of guy who gets easily drunk with just one beer bottle. At first you couldn’t believe that the black-haird boy who seems just so unknown to this world, studies social work.
Inbetween these two friends sits Jaemin. The kindest and sweetest guy you’ve ever met. He’s from another country and moved in to study English. He’s still in language school but soon he’ll be able to go to university. You hope he’ll have the happiest life here.
Beside the three friends stands another smaller sofa. On which Kun is invading Kahei’s personal space while chatting with her.
Kun gets cuddly whenever he’s drunk. But usually he’s fun to be around and he loves cooking. Which is ironic when he’s majoring in IT security and his sleep shedule resembles that of a vampire’s. Sometimes even his jokes seem a bit off which could be the biggest sign of his subject.
You clearly see that Kahei tries to get some space from Kun but he’s too drunk to notice. You would help her if it wouldn’t be this amusing. She’s one of the closest friends you got to make in this dorm. Her major is medicine and probably becomes your future personal trainer since Kahei were a professional athlete.
Your gaze goes back to the diner table where you’re sitting at and where at the moment Johnny and Wheein are having a very vivid conversation.
Johnny is that guy who constently makes ambiguous jokes and he’s also the only one in the room who graduated. You suppose he just recently started working since he still seems very young. But because of his job you barely get to see him. Most of the time you’re eating dinner together in the kitchen.
In front of the dark-haired guy: Wheein. As a law student she most definetly process her studies with alcohol whenever she can. Her and your beliefs don’t match up most of the time but you still respect her nevertheless. She’s the mother of the house.
“Guys! Why didn’t anyone keep an eye on the watch? It’s already new year!” Hyejin screams at everyone from the balcony as you could already see the first fireworks outside. And before you can realize what’s happening everyone was already heading out of the living room to get to the roof terrace. 
The only one left was you with a smile on your lips. You really found a family in this chaos of people and if you were honest to yourself: it was better than home. Well, this dorm was now your new home.
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nayutai · 5 years
6 || UC
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<< Part 5 | Part 7 >>
Shauna didn’t intend to drown her sorrows in wine. She didn’t intend to drunk dial her cheating ex and leave a voicemail. When she wakes up the next day to a motivating voicemail from a stranger with a nice voice she finds more than just the strength to move on.
- it’s been 84 years since I last updated this but hopefully the next update won’t take as long! 💗
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yongonyong · 6 years
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A mini strip dedicated to the cutest and most genuine relationship I've ever seen. Wheesa, everybody.
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imagine-korea · 6 years
Dinner - Hyungwon
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I hope you like it :)
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Group: MonstaX Genre: Angst Warnings: verbal fight?
Admin Hyejin
Time was going slow.
You were working from home but didn't seem to be getting anything done. Merely staring at your work in hopes that at some point it'd make sense to you, yet it was false hope.
You were waiting for hyungwon to come home as he had asked you to wait for him to have dinner, but the later it got, the more you stomach began to growl, only making you grumpier.
So you made yourself a small meal and plopped  in front of your television.
When Hyungwon arrived home, all traces of a good mood had long gone, and he didn't exactly have any to spare either.
"You're late." you stated, not even glancing his way.
"I'm aware." was his only answer, he made his way to the kitchen before coming back to you. "Where's dinner? Don't you need to eat?" he asked in confusion.
"I'm not hungry anymore, I already ate something." you stated once more.
"Weren't we eating together?" you could now clearly hear the annoyance in his voice and you knew he was in a bad mood, but you couldn't find it within yourself to care. "Well if you'd have come home earlier, we could have." you hadn't looked at him during this entire conversation, having your focus on whatever was on, and he let out a deep sigh.
"You could have just waited for me. Can you at least look at me when I'm talking!" he raised his voice and you immediately directed your eyes to him. But not in surprise, but in anger.
"If I have to wait for you every time, I might as well go ahead and starve. You're never home when you say you will!"
"I specifically told you I'd have dinner with you, does it matter if its a bit later? I don't have to be wherever you want me to be all the time. You're not my mom, nor my manager."
"Yes, because you're manager is so much more important to you than I am, believe me, I've noticed."
"That's not even what I said. I wanted to come home and get away from management and all the stress for damn once, but you’re just causing me more stress! Can you just drop it, I'll eat a damn sandwich or something." He sighed, going from angry to plain tired of it.
"Fine, I'll drop it. Goodnight Hyungwon." you said in a rather passive aggressive tone before walking off to your bedroom.
“Y/N! Yah! Aish.” He yelled after you but didn’t follow behind. Instead he came up late at night and layed down to sleep, facing away from you.
The next day he had left early, as he thought you were asleep, and right before he quietly left the house, you felt his lips leave the most delicate kiss on your forehead.
You had expected this fight to last with the usual mutual silent treatment, but all determance had just left your body.
That day Hyungwon was home earlier than usual. You were working in the living room and he slowed for a second, glancing your way, before going upstairs to the bedroom. A while later you put all your stuff away and went to find him.
He sat in the large bed, scrolling trough his phone, when he noticed you leaning against the doorframe. He sighed, his eyes almost signaling for you to come closer as he put his phone down. So you walked closer to him, laying down and wrapping his arms around him.
"I'm sorry I reacted that way yesterday." he said before you even could "I was just stressed and looking forward to dinner with you." he sighed hugging you closer.
"I know, me too. I'm sorry." You sighed into his chest “I made you kalbi.” You smiled up at him. “What, really? That takes a lot of time though.”
“I couldn’t sleep after you left so it’s fine.” “Let’s go have dinner.” He chuckled, kissing your head before leading you to the kitchen so the two of you could have a nice dinner together.
♥ Thanks for reading ♥
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