#Choi mujin is my complete husband
dgtor-writes · 3 years
Fic Idea For the K/DA Universe (Akali-centric)
My Name Fic AU K/DA
Lee Cho-min is a schoolgirl, lonely, harassed, and bullied for rumors that her mother is a gang member. Her mother, the only family member who gave a rat’s ass about her is a wanted woman and mysteriously missing, though she tries to keep in touch over the phone.
One fateful day, on the young girl’s 17th birthday, her mother is shot dead at her doorstep. Cho-min is heartbroken at the woman’s death, her last words to her being ones of pain, loneliness, and anger. The police won’t do shit, and even the mysterious gang her mother belonged to, “Kinkou”, won’t seek vengeance on her behalf. When Cho-min’s own methods almost get her killed, leader of the Kinkou, Zed, decides to mold her into the perfect revenge tool and take her under his wing.
She flourishes, proving herself to be a formidable asset and promising member of the Kinkou. However, training her with the rest of Kinkou’s neophytes proved disastrous when another rookie, Kayn, conspires to assault her. Her fighting spirit is brutally tested she’d as she injures her assaulters. Under Shen’s orders, both of them are expelled from the Kinkou in scarred disgrace while Cho-min is transferred to train under him privately.
Four years later, Lee Cho-min has become Ah Ka-ri, an agent doubling as a police corporal working with the violent crimes division. She has close to no leads on who killed her mother but a suspicion that the head of the narcotics division Lee Relia, However, a drug bust gone wrong leads to her transfer there, as a partner to sergeant Tsai Kai’sa, The two get off to a rocky start, with Kai’sa not deigning to hide her doubt in Akali’s abilities, though their differences must be put aside to solve a case involving a new drug out on the streets.
This is just what I have right now, I can’t really put much out without spoiling the show.
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amortentius · 3 years
Hello! I loved it “𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖙 𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖊 | cmj ”, I was wondering if you could do a second part but when they get home there is an obscenity mixed with fluff ...
𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖚𝖘 | cmj. (ii)
part two of 𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖙 𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖊
choi mujin x fem!reader
warnings: slightly toxic relationship; age-gap; fluff; jealousy; smut; dom!mujin; sub!reader; teasing; oral; penetration
song: venus — dprlive
word count: 4k
disclaimer: thank you so much for the request and im so sorry to only be posting it now, but this was kinda long, also psa i usually don't write hardcore smuts in my stories, mainly because i prefer to write more realistic sex in a way (also i really don't like violent sex, if that's what you're aiming for, then you better find it somewhere else because i won't be doing that here) so, i really wanted it to be really natural between them and more real, since they're husband and wife, so yeah (sorry for the long intro lmao, i babble a lot)
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               THE DROP OF THE TEMPERATURE THICKENED THE AIR WITH WHICH YOU FILLED YOUR LUNGS AS YOU SLOWLY INHALED IT, LETTING THE BURN OF THE COLD CUT THROUGH YOUR CHEST AND WASH AWAY THE DRUNKNESS. You fairly remembered your husband exchanging a few whispered words at his right hand as he soothed your skin, which led to your eyes slowly becoming heavier and heavier as the clock signaled three in the morning and the lights around you becoming sharp enough to give you a headache. Funny enough, your alcohol had been cut short by no one other than your husband once your drunk sessions became way too dangerous not only for the people around you but also for yourself. And when you had complained at how dramatic his worry had become over you, he simply reminded you of the time you were in Bangkok during one of his travel businesses, and you had poured shots for the wife of the Prime Minister right before sharing a very adventurous session of karaoke.
In all fairness, it had been your first time tasting rum and your husband had his hands full with the negotiations. He couldn't possibly discuss his most important business and keep an eye on you at the same time, yet he trusted you completely not to harm yourself or anyone important. Safe to say he has never let you drink alcohol on your own ever again. Or hang out with the Prime Minister's wife, whose husband was less than amused by his companion's behavior. If you were to be honest you barely remember the night; only the giggles that had left your mouth as your husband grumpily dragged you to your hotel room.
And today was no different from that same memory. Here you were, hugged by Mujin's black jacket as your husband gently grabbed your waist, hard enough for you not to trip on your own feet. He carried your heels on his free hand, whilst barking orders at the security that surrounded you both as you made your way to the black SUV. And as if the situation wasn't already chaotic enough, your lips had wandered through his chin until they dropped on the curve of his neck, where you entertained yourself with staining his tanned skin with the red of your lipstick. He had shuddered slightly at the beginning, sending you a warning look that you knew so well, yet the dizziness in your brain ignored all the red lights he sent you.
⸻ At least let me get us to the car, darling. ⸻ He had hushed you quite harshly as if biting the words in between his teeth. You knew the precise points to press in order to distress him, and his sensitive neck was one of them. Also, the fuzzy region right under his belly button, which you loved to trail with both your fingers and your mouth, quickly brought him to his undoing. More memories of the both of you sitting by the fireplace, your lips and tongue painting his skin as he discussed something quietly on the phone, eyes shut close in meditation and breath uneven. It was all fun and games until he tossed the damned phone aside and pulled you to his lap showing you why you should always finish what you started.
Taeju opened the back door quickly, and you were the first to step inside the vehicle as your husband carefully sat you on the cream seat, the cold of the leather bringing goosebumps to your skin that was easily softened by the warm ambiance inside of the car. Your head fell against the widow as your husband took his place by your side, exchanging a few words with Taeju before the man softly closed the door on you, only to take his place next to the driver. The car was large and spacious, the front and back seats separated by a partition that was only opened when Mujin had to order any of his men. It wasn't exactly used only for your lustful endeavors. Mujin liked his privacy, even if it meant he could drink his Scotch in peace from any outside noise. Which was now the case.
The quiet man poured himself some caramel liquid with two blocks of ice, twirling them slightly before he brought them to his dry lips as you entertained yourself with putting your shoes back on. When you were done, you gestured for him to pass you the glass, but he only grabbed your fingers and pressed them to his chest, which was exposed from the lack of tie that he decided to not wear in that evening. Although annoyed, you still massaged the skin under your palm and ran your fingers on his torso, soothing the nerves still present from the scene that had happened in the club with the Japanese businessman.
⸻ Tell me what's happening in here. ⸻ You tapped your finger in his forehead, earning a snort of his in response. The tip of your thumb slid down the length of his curvy nose, resting at its button. You smile wickedly before moving it once again, this time stopping right in between his lips, lifting your eyes so that you could see how intensely he watched you. You felt yourself burn under his gaze, the dress becoming too heavy and the jewels too cold.
He nibbled at your finger before kissing it softly, as if to soothe the pain. ⸻ Too much.
⸻ We have... ⸻ You grabbed his arm so that you could check his expensive watch, noticing how the arrows almost reached four in the morning. ⸻ At least twenty minutes before reaching our destination. Use your time wisely.
He sighed tiredly before reaching over his cigarettes, pulling one in between his lips. You searched on the inside of his jacket for the golden lighter you had gifted him on your last birthday, one that included both your initials and the date on which you had tied the knot. Once you finally felt it against your fingers, you brought it to his face and calmly lighted the brownish cigarette, his exhausted gaze never leaving you or your movements. He puffed some clouds of smoke, carefully as to not throw them in your face, before he finally spoke.
⸻ The man at the club, Akio, knew of your family. ⸻ He had revealed, keeping his tone as low as possible, not that anyone inside of the vehicle dared to eavesdrop on your conversation. But you understood Mujin's worry and the way his forehead creased at the thought of the criminal he just killed.
⸻ He didn't seem to know me, though. That, or he's a great pretender. ⸻ You had tried to ease him whilst finding the perfect spot in his lap to sit yourself on, and once you did, you eased your body against his, your curves melting against his muscles, and waited for him to finish.
⸻ He didn't know what you looked like. Or that you were married to me, anyway. His shock tasted too... Real, for it to be a farse. Yet he did mention your father. And you. ⸻ Although his eyes wandered far off before the both of you, he still held you tight against him, lips finding your forehead as he lovingly kissed your brow. His breath smelled of alcohol and cigars, a too familiar odor that you had grown used to since you had met him. ⸻ I think it finally clicked to him who you were when I revealed that your family was half Japanese.
⸻ If you knew that he was acquainted with my family, why on earth would you do that? ⸻ You slightly shifted so that you could properly look at your husband, his deep eye bags and the smooth wrinkles of his skin that gave him a different type of charm. Yet no matter how handsome he might be, you still felt uneasiness burn in your insides.
Mujin seemed to taste that fear of yours, like a hunting hound searching for hares, yet he simply grabbed a lock of your hair and twirled it in his finger, deep in thought. ⸻ He was to be your husband.
Your brain seemed to fail you after your husband's revelation, however, memories from your past self quickly emerged and rocked you like a wrecking ball. Three years ago, briefly before you were sent off to marry the great Choi Mujin, your father had been receiving marriage proposals from all sides of his business partners, being legal or not. Yet the only option which had stood out was the right-hand of a Yakuza drug lord whom your father had been making business with for over three decades. Still, moving to South Korea as a Japanese man was as taboo as one could imagine, not only to its normal citizens but also to its criminals. The illegal nets of the Korean underworld were as accepting of your father as the rest of the Korean society had been, and a major mobster like him had to earn an important reputation quickly before he ended up gutted on a street corner. And for that, he used his most valuable card: you. His youngest and only daughter, born of a Korean woman who he had married briefly after landing in Seoul. Your double nationality had offered him opportunities in both countries, yet here is where you were most needed. And so, he sent a tempting proposition to the most known man in their field at the time, one that was expanding his business so quickly that mobsters left and right begged to be on his good side.
It had been an interesting meeting, yours. You had already been informed of your father's plans beforehand, which not everyone, especially mobster's daughters, had the luxury of. Yet the thought of marrying a stranger, known for their violence and ruthlessness, forced you to throw the biggest tantrum from your whole existence right in front of your future husband. However, watching his fiancé childishly scream at their father and throwing them a shoe brought a genuine smile to his face, one he hadn't felt since Donghoon's departure. And that was enough for him to hurry the process and put a ring in your finger in less than a month.
You suspiciously narrowed your eyes at your husband.
⸻ Did you kill him because you were jealous? ⸻ It seemed so ridiculous that you couldn't help but to giggle at the thought of your always-serious-husband throwing a fit because of a man that you barely knew of. And still, when he refused to meet your gaze and the laughing finally died down, you allowed yourself to hang your mouth wide open without a word coming out of it. Mujin had killed the right-hand of a Yakuza just because he didn't like the fact that he was supposed to marry his now wife. It would've been amusing if not for the recklessness of it all. ⸻ Mujin, are you fucking with me?! He was a Yakuza! Do you realize that they will order for your head on a goddamn plate when this reaches his boss?!
⸻ The original plan wasn't this. When he arrived in Korea, I was informed about his connections with your family, and although I was out of my mind, I still didn't plan on doing anything. I swear. ⸻ He took another sip of his drink before nestling you against his chest and colliding your foreheads, allowing him to whisper the rest. ⸻ But when I saw him looking at you, dancing and smiling and looking so fucking perfect tonight, Taeju had to remove my knives before I sharpened their blades on his skin. And imagine my delight when his boss calls me informing me that he was a mole that had to be removed. Safe to say I was more than glad to help my potential business partner.
⸻ How convenient. I'm glad everything went according to plan. ⸻ The sneer in your face made Mujin wince in disapproval like he always did when you used that prickly attitude of yours towards him. You paid him no mind, though. Sometimes he had to hear it from someone, might as well be from the only person he paid any mind to.
⸻ I won't apologize for laying out my services to a future ally. ⸻ He said nonchalantly, and that was enough to make you snort in response. Sometimes he could be pettier than a teenage girl, and it was as endearing as it was annoying.
⸻ Yes, I'm sure it was quite the sacrifice, my love. The rest of us only hope to be half the benevolent man you are. ⸻ You ironically stroked the beard around his chin, giving him a quick peck on the corner of his mouth as you patronized his whole existence. And when you looked back at Mujin, his face was as stoic as a rock, excluding the warning in his eyes that always made you hot in the right places.
⸻ I don't like when you use that dirty mouth of yours against me. You already know that, darling. ⸻ He had closed his fingers around your chin gently, yet the pull he gave you to come closer to him was anything but. Your faces were as close as proximity allowed you to be, and right before he opened his mouth to reprimand you once again, the car came to a stop, right under a familiar building. ⸻ What a perfect time to arrive home. Right when I was going to teach you some manners.
He let go of you quite harshly, even though his other hand held you tight against him. The cold air hit you once again as Taeju opened the door for the both of you to step out, bowing as he always did before muttering his goodbyes, which were shared by the both of you. The car was then taken to the underground garage whilst your husband opened the front door and carefully took you in his arms to the second floor, the darkness engulfing both of your bodies. It was warm and comfortable inside of your home like it always was when he was there, different from the times where he had to leave you behind to travel to some dangerous location. Yet those were rare events, and he much preferred having you as his prime traveling companion. Like he did with everything else in his life.
Laying your elegant body on the soft mattress, he carefully took off his jacket from your shoulders and put him somewhere across the room, leaving you to stretch a little before his hands had found their way around your ankles, where he tried to slowly remove your heels. Once your feet were finally allowed to relax, his fingers pressed themselves in the sweetest spots in your flesh, massaging them well enough for you to squirm like a cat against the bed. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up and his watch was now gone, as well as his shoes, yet you could barely think about clothing when his lips had found their way to your calve, trailing an invisible path on your leg until the curve of your knee.
⸻ My sweet, sweet wife. ⸻ The palm of his hand pressed the inside of your tight, allowing you to sprawl yourself on the gray mattress, as exposed as your body allowed you to be. He then ran his thumb over the lace of your underwear, appreciating the piece he himself had bought for you. The intensity of his gaze made you shudder. ⸻ I would kill for you. I would die for you. There isn't a single thing that you could ask me that I would deny. Even if it meant burning this fucking world to the ground and building you a castle from its ashes.
⸻ What about a child? ⸻ You carefully asked your husband, the question so quietly voiced that you swore he hadn't heard you. Yet from the shift of expressions on his face, the way he watched you with disbelief softening his glassy eyes, it was more than confirmation enough that he had, indeed, understood your words quite clearly. You were just scared at how he would interpret them. And his silence made you shrink even more against the mattress as if its softness could swallow you whole.
You haven't exactly dreamed of being a mother your whole life. You weren't those type of people who, at twelve years old, had the name of your children picked out and how your wedding would look like. It's not like you hated the thought of it, you just had different goals for yourself. Like having a stable life, away from crime and death, and, most importantly, the mafia. Yet seeing that neither of those wishes would be granted to you, after marrying the man you so dearly loved, having a child didn't seem that scary anymore, even with the whole crime, death, and mafia thing. And it didn't exactly have to be through pregnancy, especially if you weren't able to conceive, however, the thought of starting a family felt more and more right the more you started at your husband's eyes.
⸻ Is that your wish, then? ⸻ You meekly nodded, terrified at how stoic his voice sounded in your ears. If he denied you that, although you weren't going to leave him for it, you would still be pretty devastated. In three years of matrimony, children have only been mentioned at least twice in your conversations, and Mujin had always been awfully quiet when those moments happened. He didn't exactly show any sort of protest against it, yet he also never voiced his support.
⸻ I know it's early, and I know I'm still young and I have my whole life ahead of me to make this decision but... I want to have children with you. Not because it's what tradition demands, or because of other silly reasons. I want it because I love you, and nothing would make me happier than to carry a piece of you inside of me. ⸻ Just when you thought he was going to get up and leave the room to cool off, he placed a peck on your knee, and another on the inside of your tight. Kisses after kisses until he finally reached your lower belly, which he was now exposing by delicately lifting your golden dress until it reached your chest. Your toes curled when he rubbed his nose there as if he was getting himself high at the mere smell of your skin.
⸻ Then I suppose... I will have to give you one. ⸻ He seriously spoke whilst lifting his head to meet your narrowed eyes, heavy from the events of the night before while everything inside of you awoke at his touch. You knew things weren’t that simple and that you were probably going to discuss it more thoroughly in the morning, yet his answer made you so giddy that you couldn't help but caress his face and bring him to you so that you could slide your tongue against his and taste all the alcohol and drugs he had so fiercely denied you.
Yet he only kissed you long enough to remove you out of the dress, leaving you with your chest so beautifully exposed to him that his pupils dilated at the work of art you were in his eyes. As if in a trance, he traveled his hand through the mold of your breasts, tasting how they felt against his large palms and how hard your perfect nipples were at the ecstasy entering your body through his touch. You arched when he squeezed one of them, his eyes finding your face as you mumbled something in sweet pleasure, and then he dipped his head on your torso so that his warm tongue could devour the other neglected breast, engulfing it as if it was his last meal as a dying man. Your hands closed themselves around his hair, now so handsomely disheveled and tickling your skin only to deepen even more the mixture of sensations you were feeling.
⸻ G-give me more... I n-need more. ⸻ It felt pathetic to stutter with such simple movements, however, the love and passion and desire you felt for this man ran so deep in your veins that he could be staying fully clothed in front of you and yet you would still be turned on by his simple presence. And without stopping his movements, Mujin simply freed his mouth in order to tease you even further.
⸻ Someone's being very demanding today. First alcohol, then a child, and now this. I should've known you were easily spoiled. ⸻ He gave you one last lick in your nipple before putting some distance in between your bodies, earning an exasperated exhale from your lips. He felt so far away it physically hurt you. ⸻ But since that's my mistake, I figured I have to fix it.
You were barely registering his words, too focused on the way his hand carefully abandoned your breast so that it could lower itself on the way down to your abdomen until it reached the hem of your pretty underwear, the gift Mujin had so lovingly picked for you on your last date in Italy, and that you had waited so obediently to wear. He had insisted for it to only be worn on special occasions, and the prospect of a new partnership seemed good enough reason for you to finally put it to use.
⸻ I'd never thought I'd be so angry at a lace for keeping you from me. But since I bought it, I have the right to ruin it. Don't you think, my love? ⸻ You dutifully nodded at him, hair falling against your face as you did so, and your confirmation was all that he needed to rip the piece of expensive fabric from your waist and throw it on the floor, without even sparing a glance at it. Your husband then grabbed the back of your tights so that you could close your legs around him, and once you did, he slowly removed the shirt from his torso and gave it the same destination as your underwear. ⸻ Don't want to feel overdressed, especially when you are looking this good.
You bit your lip at the sound of his belt being opened, and even harder when Mujin's hands grabbed your legs once more, this time to rest them around his shoulders, the warmth of his skin making your toes curl as a shiver touched your spine. He was a constant fever and you were already delirious. Even more when he knelt in front of the bed once more, only to lick his lips at the sight of you completely bare before him. Open-mouth kisses were pressed on your crotch, right next to where you really wanted him, and yet you couldn't help but whimper at the saliva dripping against your folds, almost touching that one sensitive spot you so desperately wanted him to touch.
And without breaking eye contact with you, your husband opened his mouth wider and devoured you like a famished beast, tongue circling your clitoris as his jaw moved against the inside of your legs. The harshness of his beard only excited you more, it was so familiar and so him that it could never bring you discomfort like one would assume. You grabbed the back of his neck to hold yourself in place, while the other hand found his own, — which was resting on your stomach —, and intertwined its fingers with his, giving you the reassurance you needed to let yourself be surrounded by all of him and his wonders.
The slurping sound was messy and nasty, arousing you even more as you felt another spasm attacking your body. His fingers curling inside of you also didn't help your case. You felt so ridiculously high that you didn't even realize how close you were to finally reaching your peak of pleasure, not that your husband would stop after that. You chanted his name like a prayer and squeezed your eyes shut, taking in the wave of ecstasy that made you arch against Mujin's mouth. The orgasm came so quickly you almost felt ashamed, yet the pretty high-pitched noises that left your lips were anything but. You weren't scared of being loud for your husband, you just didn't feel the need to scream at the top of your lungs to express how good he actually made you feel.
Yet you were always such a mess after your first orgasm that he couldn't help but to adoringly smile as he cleaned his mouth with his own thumb, only to delicately bring it to your half-open mouth. And like the sweet, obedient girl you were, your lips softly closed around his finger as your tongue swirled around it, making Mujin's gaze harden over you and your figure.
You gave it one last loving kiss before he moved his hand to your lower back, raising you in his arms so that you could sit in his lap. And the quickness of it all, especially after you came, was enough for your head to feel dizzy. Noticing this, your husband removed your hair from your sweaty cheeks before kissing you hungrily, mouth wider than yours as it swallowed every uneven breath that you let out. The man distracted you with his kisses and he carefully positioned you on the tip of his dick, already so patiently waiting for you to properly receive him. He guided your hips for a while so that you could prepare yourself for him, relaxing you so that he wouldn't hurt you like he always worried would happen, even with your constant reassurance. And when you were finally wet enough, he slid inside you so swiftly that you had to get a hold of his shoulders to prevent you from convulsing from the sensation.
It was all so overwhelming to both of you. How his length filled you whole, the way your walls felt around him. How right it all felt. You moved your hips in order to get more of that addictive feeling, earning a low breath from your husband in return, and both of his hands had to grab your ass so that you could ride him in that exact way that made you both lose your minds. As soon as you felt his touch on you, lifting you up slightly, you returned to your movements and tiredly worked on your hips, bringing them in sloppy circles as his own body started to mimic them. You both moved in clumsy synchrony, your arms resting on his shoulders and neck as you put enough distance for you to look at how he threw his head back in bliss, teeth tearing up the skin of his lower lip as he did so.
The sight of it made you move faster, breasts moving at the sudden rush and hair completely falling against your sweaty back. Noticing the change of pace, and how much his body had hardened at it, Mujin positioned his hands so that he could hold you closer, both of your chests glued together as you wildly jumped on his lap, moans caressing his ears and bringing him even closer to his own release. And like the loving husband he was, he reached for your sensitive folds so that he could stimulate you as much as you were stimulating him, and the mere touch of his thumb on your clitoris was enough for you to melt against him and whimper on the skin of his shoulder as if you were marking your words on it. Those sounds were his undoing, for he too came right after you, the white liquid spilling warmly inside of you in the strangest of sensations. Yet, you welcomed it.
⸻ You did so well. So, so well. ⸻ Your husband mumbled against your hair, fingers running up and down your back as you clung to his embrace with an iron grip. You always craved his touch when the both of you were done, and although this time it was no different, your exhaustion made it harder for you to maintain yourself in this position. So, you allowed him to remove himself from inside you and get up from the bed, but not before caressing your cheek with adoration in his eyes. When he returned, his body was cleaned and his hands carried a warm towel, which he used to remove any liquids or marks that you might have after such a messy affair. After he made sure you were in no way uncomfortable, or in need of anything else besides a cup of water, the man sat beside your laying figure and squeezed your shoulder, right before speaking. ⸻ You should go to the toilet before bed. You can shower in the morning, but you have to do this now, ok? I'll open the bed for us in the meantime.
And once everything was set, you in his clothes and him holding you against his chest, you had pleasantly smiled to yourself before allowing your brain to take a rest, hearing the constant slow beating of your husband's heart as it lulled you sleep.
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