teaboot · 10 months
Are you still doing the numbers asks? If so could I please ask for 44 and 44?
I guess I am!
The largest snail species in the world is the Australian Trumpet Snail, which can grow up to three feet long and weigh up to 40 pounds.
Cyanide does not taste like almonds- almonds taste like cyanide. Bitter almonds contain amygdalin, which metabolizes into hydrocyanic acid inside the body- hydrocyanic acid is a solution of cyanide in water. Consuming under 50 unprocessed bitter almonds can kill a grown adult.
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mothmiso · 2 months
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Kantia (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) by Koutroufi
Via Flickr:
(1) (4) (5) (6) This is how a Greek beach looks like during winter. This photograph was taken on Kantia beach, 30 minutes from the town of Nafplio. (2) Dimorphotheca ecklonis is an ornamental plant that is native to South Africa. This plant contains hydrocyanic acid, which makes it poisonous if consumed. (3) Cakile Maritima (Sea rocket) is a beautiful seaside annual plant found mostly in Europe, north Africa and western Asia. It is also present in North America on the East and the West coast, where it has the potential to become an invasive species.     
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sumeruin · 4 months
i can’t believe u put junk into ur body like that. so many chemicals can’t be good for u, plus all the cancer causing ingredients? ur def gonna die early. USAmericans are so stupid omg
so let’s play a game!! i’m gonna describe a food item, and you have to guess what i’m talking about. ready?
these can contain up to 20 milligrams of formaldehyde, as well as ungodly amounts of ascorbic acid, sulfur, chlorine, hydrocyanic acid (aka cyanide), and neoxanthin all of which have been associated with cancer in multiple studies. everyone who’s had cancer has eaten at least one of these in their lifetime. it also has an ingredient that has been scientifically proven to accelerate corrosion and cause suffocation in humans.
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chickensoupbmc · 1 month
"kill them with kindness" WRONG!! Hydrocyanic acid!!!! In capsule form!!!!!!! 🕵️🕵️🕵️🕵️🕵️🔎🔎🔎🔎🔎🔎🔎🔎‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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doodledoggg · 1 year
Humans and toxins
(part 3)
Many humans often have allergies as well. This can cause issues with dairy products, nuts, and even pollen. However you don't need to have allergies to be wary of almonds. Though almonds aren't typically cause for concern for the average human they can be deadly. Unprocessed almonds can contain hydrocyanic acid, which is another name for cyanide. I've recently discovered many human foods contain this deadly component. However your human will most likely know the difference between safe and unprocessed almonds.
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MP 4536, Texarkana, AR
We are looking west at what I thought may be L936 off of the Bonham Sub arriving in track #18 at Texarkana, but surely that "candy striper" hydrocyanic acid car second out did not come off the branch, so this is likely a cut of cars is being pulled out to class by the north end yard job? But the yard job usually works with a single GP38/38-2. Puzzling to say the least. The MRS car in fresh paint looks good, and the yardmaster's tower can be seen on the left. This was a Sunday morning and looks like L930 may be building in #9.
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lucys-place · 1 year
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Dental check-up: Some facts about Silva's super fancy prothesis!
Actually, a prothesis like this is called epithesis, as it replaces not only teeth but major parts of the facial bone, in Silva's case maxilla and zygomatic.
In Skyfall, it is said that Silva's teeth and facial bones were eroded by hydrocyanic acid. In fact, hydrocyanic acid is even less corrosive than citric acid. It does not lead to chemical burn of bones or tissue but inhibits cellular respiration which leads to organ failure and, without any medical help, to death.
It's also said that the acid was imbedded in Silva's molar. I wonder if this is medically possible...? I mean, does he have a crown with some kind of space underneath where the toxic capsule is in? How is this crown attached to his natural tooth, assuming the fact that it's hollow? And how is it guaranteed that the capsule is not activated by accident? I'd like to have a talk with Silva's dentist. And there's another point: In a previous take, we see Silva taking out his epithesis.
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But, oh my, there are some rotten teeth beneath it! Which dentist on the planet would do that??? These teeth do not look as if they have any use for attaching the epithesis. They do not look like telescopic crowns, OBVIOUSLY. They are extremely decayed and might be a chronical focus of inflammation, which means a lot of avoidable stress for poor Silva's immune system. I don't have to mention that they should be removed as soon as possible.
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natalieina · 1 year
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Perfect blue Spring
The hydrocyanic shadows of memories of an early spring that has sunk into eternity, hidden behind the dusty tulle of years and covered with a warm evening blueness.
Natalie Ina
Model - Daria Skupova.
Natalie Ina Photography.
March 2020.
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mus1g4 · 1 year
What uniform would you choose for a gas execution role play?
Excellent question!
Colorado, Missouri, Arizona and California all used the gas chamber at some point. My inclination would be to use one of their uniforms from the period of use.
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I would use a pair of button fly, Fisher stripe denim pants, white prison socks, boxers and tee shirt, black or brown prison boots, and either a blue chambray shirt or hickory stripe shirt. My shirt would be tucked in with cuffs and collar buttoned for the walk to the gas chamber. If I had a long, cool season walk (as Colorado inmates did) I would wear my blue denim yard coat.
The uniform would be freshly laundered and lightly pressed with my prison number stenciled visibly.
I would be showered, cleanly shaven, and have a close cropped or shaved head haircut.
On arrival at the gas chamber, I would remove all clothing but boxer shorts and pants before being strapped in to the chair and a stethoscope taped to my chest.
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All four men executed by hydrocyanic gas asphyxia.
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lilu-the-almighty · 3 months
Every time that I have to do chemisty I remember that I almost went to art school. I could be drawing right now. I could be making a pretty little painting. But no. I have to find the pH of a hydrocyanic acid solution. sobbing and crying
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theloverstomb · 1 year
Constance can put her hand upon a bewildering array of deadly substances without ever leaving home; she could feed you a sauce of poison hemlock, a member of the parsley family which produces immediate paralysis and death when eaten. She might have made a marmalade of the lovely thornapple or the baneberry, she might have tossed the salad with Holcus lanatus, called velvet grass, and rich in hydrocyanic acid. I have notes on all these, madam. Deadly nightshade is a relative of the tomato; would we, any of us, have had the prescience to decline if Constance served it to us, spiced and made into a pickle? Or consider just the mushroom family, rich as that is in tradition and deception. We were all fond of mushrooms—my niece makes a mushroom omelette you must taste to believe, madam—and the common death cup—
— Shirley Jackson, We Have Always Lived In The Castle
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With projected food shortages now is the time to plant Chaya Tree Spinach and other edible perennials.
The 3m high Chaya Spinach Tree Chaya Tree Spinach (Cnidiscolus chayamansa) is a fantastic and abundant food.
Chaya leaves do need some cooking preparation as do Cassava leaves and Warrigal Greens. Wikipedia states up to 5 raw leaves a day can be eaten but other sources are more cautious. Although blending and drying also seems to remove the toxic hydrocyanic acid substances, boiling for 20 minutes is recommended. The leaves survive the boiling still looking green and attractive. The broth that is left can also be consumed as the toxic substances have been destroyed by the heat.
Cooking in aluminum cookware can result in a toxic broth, causing diarrhea.[13]
Tasty green leaves are used as a spinach or chard substitute or can be used in a salad and smoothies.
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Chaya is a good source of protein, vitamins, calcium, and iron; and is also a rich source of antioxidants.[10]" Wikipedia
The plant does burn off a little from cold but seems to survive well in a microclimate in a warm temperate-subtropical climate. There are reports that Chaya will regrow from the root after frosts. In colder climates try growing in a greenhouse.Leafless stem cuttings are best left to dry and callus before potting up. Keep the cutting reasonably dry to avoid rotting. 
The Chaya Spinach Tree (a large bush) fits well into a vegetable patch. It takes up a small ground footprint and provides some shade to other vegetables).
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luc3 · 1 year
Black Elderberry.
[Excerpt arranged by me from the Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of France by P..V Fournier.]
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Elderberry, Suseau, Susier, Sus, Seus, Seuillet, Seuillon, Haut-bois, Grand Elder, Tree of Judas.
Sambucus nigra. This name is surely linked to the Greek σαμβύκη, sambukê which among the Greeks designated a flute or a harp, the hollow stems of the elderberry allowing music to be made.*
Generalities : Shrub or small tree from 3 to 10 m, the Elderberry is widespread everywhere in the hedges, the villages, less often in the woods and on the banks of the rivers. It bears numerous opposite branches, leaves and flowers.
They bloom in May-June, giving off a very pronounced particular odor and become yellowish as they dry out. They give birth to spherical berries, first green, then purplish black, shiny, with red juice.
Its flowers are not very nectariferous and therefore of no interest to bees.
Toxicity: The leaves and the second bark are toxic due to their hydrocyanic acid content when fresh and in high doses.
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History : Already, prehistoric populations collected elderberries and perhaps made a fermented drink from them, as can be concluded from seed heaps found in Stone Age and Bronze Age sites in Switzerland. and in Italy.
This shrub was well known in antiquity. Theophrastus describes him as Aktê. The Hippocratics (4th century BC) attribute laxative, diuretic and gynecological properties to it.
Dioscorides says that the leaves and the young shoots cooked like vegetables chase away bile and pituite*; the root cooked in wine is given to dropsy, acts against the bites of vipers and is an emmenagogue*; it is also used as an ointment against gout.
The same indications are found in the Middle Ages, Saint Hildegarde recommends against jaundice, baths prepared with the leaves.
Saint Albert the Great (12th century) declared the bark, leaves and stems purgative and emetic. He reports a belief, stemming from sympathetic magic, according to which the bark would be laxative when it was detached from the trunk from top to bottom, and emetic if one operated in the opposite direction.
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Properties :
The bark, leaves, flowers and fruits are used. All these parts appear unequally sudorific, dieuretic, purgative, emetic, and externally: detergent and resolvent.
The inner bark or second bark (liber) which forms a green base under the gray outer bark (suber), is in the fresh state, the most active part of the Elderberry. Sweetish at first, its flavor then becomes bitter, acrid and nauseous. The root would act even more energetically.
Externally ringworm has been successfully treated with an ointment made from pounded fresh bark and boiled in lard.
In addition, in application or in the form of an ointment, they are used to soothe hemorrhoid pain and heal them.
Leaf powder that is inhaled is also said to stop nosebleeds.
Perspiration caused by Elder flowers can abort bronchitis, angina, pneumonia.
The decoction of dry flowers provides excellent compresses on eczema and erysiple, good lotions against conjunctivitis and chronic ophthalmia.
The fresh flowers (very energetic) are used effectively against engorgements, cold tumours, paronychia, gangrenous wounds, ulcers, strong local inflammations and burns.
The fruits are very good for acute rheumatic fever because they also have calming properties in addition to diuretics.
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Manual :
Diuretic decoction: 2 handfuls of second bark in a liter of water. Reduce by half by boiling.
Sudorific infusion of dry flowers: 10 to 50g per liter of boiling water. To be taken by hot cups close together.
Diuretic wine: 150g of second peel in 1 liter of white wine infused for 36 hours.
Powder of dry leaves: 10 to 15g in honey.
Surard vinegar: 10g of dry flowers macerated for a fortnight in 1 liter of wine vinegar. 4 to 10g in a cup of hot sugary water (very good for colds, high fevers and rheumatism.) This preparation can be used as toilet vinegar (?!)
Sudorific infusions composed of: Elder flowers and Linden flowers and the flowering tops of Sage (dosage in "one for one".)
For external use:
In infusion and decoctions 100g of flowers per liter of water.
Hot sachets of Elderberry (sometimes with Chamomile) applied locally against pain in the ears, teeth, stomach and joints.
Use against insect and viper bites: in friction and in decoction of leaves.
*Pituite (from the Latin pituita), also called phlegm or phlegm, is an old medical term, which has hardly been used since the middle of the 20th century, and which could be related to phlegm or mucus produced by mucous membranes.
*Medicinal plants that stimulate blood flow in the pelvic region and uterus are called emmenagogues.
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ebookporn · 2 years
Panic at the Library
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The sinister history of fumigating “foreign” books.
by Brian Michael Murphy
In late spring 1928 librarians in the rare book collections at the Huntington Library in Southern California noticed that something was feasting on the volumes in their care. Rail and utilities titan Henry E. Huntington had established the library in 1920, spending a small fortune to gobble up a number of the largest and finest rare book collections in a relatively short time, and creating a truly priceless set of artifacts. Though Huntington died in 1927, he intended his collection to live on long after him, but as the librarians discovered, the volumes were literally too full of life. The problem with assembling a massive collection of books is that you necessarily collect the very organisms that feed on books.
Variously known as Anobium paniceum, the bread beetle, or the drugstore beetle, bookworms had been known to eat their way through “druggists’ supplies,” from “insipid gluten wafers to such acrid substances as wormwood,” from cardamom and anise to “the deadly aconite and belladonna,” wrote the librarian Thomas Marion Iiams, who led the preservation effort at the Huntington Library. He noted in an account of his struggles in Library Quarterly that the bookworm displays a “universal disrespect for almost everything, including arsenic and lead.” Iiams was new to the librarian profession and was certain that more experienced overseers of fine collections would have a solution to his bookworm problem. In haste, Iiams wrote letters to much older libraries and repositories—the Huntington itself was only eight years old—to learn precisely how they rid their precious books of the pest. He was alarmed to find that no one, not librarians at the Vatican nor at the oldest libraries in Britain, could offer a definitive prescription for how to protect books against the hardy insect. A number of the librarians he consulted thought bookworms to be a myth, and thus offered no help at all.
The letters, telegrams, and reading recommendations Iiams received mainly offered reasons why you can’t kill bookworms. His colleagues elaborated from afar the bookworm’s astounding resistance to traditional pesticides, its voracious appetite not just for book pages but for leather covers, for even the starchy glue that holds book bindings together. From those that did not doubt the bookworm’s existence or tenacity, Iiams received suggestions that ranged from the highly toxic, such as spraying books with formaldehyde—which is effective for preserving dead humans but a potent carcinogen for living ones—to the comical, such as sprinkling the shelves of the library with “a little fine pepper.” Other correspondents suggested that the latter tactic would have been ineffective since, according to The Principal Household Insects of the United States (1896), bookworms are actually “partial to pepper.” The United States Bureau of Entomology responded to Iiams’ query by admitting it had “never made a thorough study of insects affecting books.” It had, however, fumigated libraries with hydrocyanic acid gas, but mainly to destroy “such external feeding pests as cockroaches and silverfish and such nuisances as bedbugs.”
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silvercaptain24 · 1 year
Tucupi is rich in hydrocyanic acid, which can be deadly for those who are not used to drinking it o3o
Aaaaaaaaaannnnd there it is
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sagarimg · 3 days
Adiponitrile Market Recent Trends,In-Depth Analysis, Industry Share,Size And Forecast 2024 To 2028
Market Overview:
Polaris Market Research announces the release of its latest research report titled Adiponitrile Market Share, Size, Trends, Industry Analysis Report, By Application (Electrolyte Solution, Nylon Synthesis, Hexamethylene Diisocyanate); By Production Method (Electrochemical Hydrodimerization of Acrylonitrile, Hydrocyanation of Butadiene); By End-Use; By Regions; Segment Forecast, 2021 - 2028. The study provides an extensive outlook of the market, covering all the major industry aspects stakeholders need to know. The report sheds light on the Adiponitrile Market share, size, growth drivers, and top developments in the industry. It combines exhaustive quantitative and qualitative analysis to study the latest updates in the market, along with their impact across the market. Also, the report assesses the market on the basis of various segments and sub-segments to offer a more thorough market understanding.
The study focuses on the competitive status and development trends within the market. Also, a thorough overview of the cost analysis and supply chain optimization has been provided in the report. Market dynamics and consumer behavior patterns have been detailed in the study to help stakeholders make strategic decisions. Furthermore, the study uses graphs, charts, tables, and other pictorial representations to help readers comprehend the information easily. The study serves as a vital resource for anyone involved or planning to foray into the market. 
Report Value
According to the research report published by Polaris Market Research, the Global Adiponitrile Market Size Is Expected To Reach USD 13.94 Billion By 2028, at a CAGR of 5.3% during the forecast period.
Competitive Landscape:
This section of the research report offers a thorough examination of the competitive landscape in the market. It introduces the [Adiponitrile Market key players from the perspective of market share, concentration ratio, etc. Also, it details the company overview, market revenue, and products/services offered to help readers gain a thorough understanding of the competitive landscape of the market. Also, it sheds light on all the major strategic developments, such as mergers, collaborations, and acquisitions, adopted by industry participants to maintain their competitive edge in the market.
Here are the major players operating in the industry:
Asahi Kasei Corp
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Acros Organics B.V.B.A.
Tokyo Chemical Industry
Merck & Co. Inc.
Ascend Performance Materials
The Dow Chemical Company
LyondellBasell Industries N.V.
Kishida Chemical Co. Ltd
Spectrum Chemical Mfg. Corp
Shandong Runxing Chemical Technology Co. Ltd.
Growth Factors
Market Dynamics: The research report details all the key factors and trends anticipated to drive the growth of the market. Also, it sheds light on all the major strategic developments projected to support the market expansion over the forecast period.
Technological Innovations: The study provides a thorough understanding of all the emerging technologies that can influence [Adiponitrile Market demand. Also, the introduction of novel products and services by industry participants has been covered.
Regulatory Policies: The implementation of favorable regulatory policies by governments worldwide to boost market development has been covered in the report. Besides, the study sheds light on all the major investments made by government and private entities to support market expansion.
Regional Analysis
This section of the research report examines the competitive landscape of the [Adiponitrile Market. It details several industry aspects like industry share, gross margin and growth rate to provide an in-depth analysis of every region. Also, it examines the regions with the highest growth potential and examines all the top sub-regions in the market. Understanding the regional analysis can help stakeholders identify what products or services to offer and where to provide them.
The geographical analysis covers the following key regions:
North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, and the Rest of Europe)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, and Australia)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and the rest of South America)
The Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, South Africa, and the Rest of the Middle East and Africa)
Key Features of the Report:
The research report provides a thorough [Adiponitrile Market analysis to support informed decision-making.
The study supports your business strategies and adds substance to your presentations with accurate research.
Provides critical information on key industry participants, giving you a strategic edge.
Accurately examines the shifting market landscape, keeping stakeholders updated on the latest developments and trends.
Provides a deep dive into the industry with a meticulous breakdown of several market niches.
The Report Answers Questions Such As:
What is the current market size and estimated forecast value?
What are the key opportunities and challenges industry players might encounter?
How emerging trends and technologies are shaping the industry’s growth trajectory?
What is the anticipated demand for different types of products/services in the [Adiponitrile Market?
Who are the top players operating in the market?
What are the market projections considering capacity and production value?
Click here to Access the Full Report: https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/adiponitrile-market
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