Rolling down from Here: [x]
It wasn't as though he hadn't noticed her stare. On the contrary, it was rather DIFFICULT to ignore the way her gaze bore into him. It was just hard to focus on the smaller details when you found yourself in yet another distant world that you knew NOTHING about, streets just a window away being packed with others moving to and fro-- a sea of bodies that never stopped moving. It was... a little overwhelming, if he were to be honest. For all the places they had seen during their adventures, nothing compared to... Shibuya, was it? It was truly the most unique and POPULATED world he's seen yet. "Well, you're right about that: It wasn't easy." Riku confirmed her statement, gaze being slow to pull away from the window, even as he made an effort to shift his head to better face her. "There were a few... let's just say keys, to gather, first. Once we did, there was a clear path through the power of waking. Although, Shibuya wasn't exactly my original destination... Even if it does look exactly like my dream... Maybe we just got the name wrong..." He trailed off then, eyes lowering to settle on the table's surface. It was hard to deny the uncanny similarities between where he found himself now, and the place from his dreams-- Even down to that distant tower.
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"... Well, one thing's for sure..." His attention was now successfully won over by her, taking his turn now to STARE openly and take in her appearance. It was a strange feeling, looking into the face of someone you once knew, feeling both FAMILIAR and entirely foreign all at the same time. Still, deep in his heart, familiarity won over the battle, and a smile tugged at his lips. "... It's good to see you again, Runa. Of all the people I could have run into, this was the nicest surprise."
Runa followed Riku's gaze towards the streets just outside as he spoke. As always, the streets were practically filled to the brim. Yet, there was an odd order to the chaotic rush of foot traffic. There was the various business men and women speed-walking their way through the waves of people, while you could also see students from junior high and high school chatting up with their friends. Some way, some how, no one has managed to shove anyone over.
It was definitely something to see if you haven't seen so many people in one place before.
She briefly glanced over at the other, trying to get a read of his expressions. At first, Runa couldn't help but feel a corner of her mouth turn upward, a bit amused at his general reaction to the amount of people outside the cafe going about their day.
But, at the mention of how he didn't intend to end up here in the first place, she noticed that Riku seemed... [Disappointed] wasn't the right word... Neither was [Sad].
... [Concerned]..? [Confused]?
Either way, the girl couldn't help but feel sorry.
Then Riku had to turn at stare right back at her, catching her by surprise as he practically scanned over her features. Runa could only imagine what must be going through his head, cause it certainly felt like he was staring for a while before continuing his sentence.
Of all the people I could have run into, this was the nicest surprise.
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Runa could feel her cheeks start to heat up, and she almost wanted to slap herself silly. NO! NOT AGAIN! YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS GUY IN LITERAL YEARS YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUSLY--
She faked a cough, quickly looking to the side and took another swig from her coffee. She made a mental note that she was almost down to just ice, so her options were even more limited of trying to distract herself.
"A-Ah.. Well, I'm glad that at least something good came out of all this," Runa managed to say, looking back at the silver-head before her. Seeing that smile, well, Runa couldn't help but smile back. "I really am glad to see you again too, Riku. I'm sorry that this isn't uh.. Quadra..tum..num. But, you're welcome to come stay with me and Dad if you need to rest up before heading out again. And.."
She paused, raising a hand to hold over the heart shaped locket that dangled from her neck. Her bright blue eyes shined with determination as her brows furrowed.
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"If you need anything, anything at all to help find Sora. Let me know. I'll try to help you in anyway I can."
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vierandancer · 1 year
Meiko had been all riled up, ready to scream and cry and fight, when her brother informed her that Minfilia would speak with her. Now, without any argument or resistance. Right. Now.
Who in their right bloody mind would allow a child of barely nineteen summers to put his life at risk against an eikon (something she didn't know of until he explained it)? What was more, A'kihiko had insisted theirs was a secret society -- it sounded more like a cult to her! Speaking of crystals and voices in his head and mysterious robed figures. Fuck! They should have never left Wadewick!
And when the time came to actually meet with this Minfilia, she...
She did nothing. Of course she did nothing. The Hyur before her was barely older than Meiko herself, eloquent and polite and accomodating. Sympathetic, even, asking that they speak peacefully.
Had Hiko said how mad she was? She shouldn’t have been surprised, and yet suddenly she wished he hadn’t. The fight in Mei went out like a sputtering candle in the rain, and suddenly she felt a bit embarrassed, and even more in over her head…
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"If you really need him among you, then let me join as well," She had folded without a fight. "If only t'keep an eye on him. Whatever you need of me, whatever messages t'carry or beasts or men t'kill. I'll do it, no question. Just...please."
Fortunately, Minfilia had taken pity on her and agreed. She was introduced to the other Scions, who welcomed her politely enough -- but it was hard to feel like anything more than an outsider. Their cause, no matter the rights or wrongs of it, was a noble one. Hers was selfish. Perhaps even overprotective or controlling. She couldn't imagine any of them held her in any high regard for that.
But that didn't matter -- not really. What mattered was that she could keep an eye on her brother, who was surprised but otherwise welcomed her joining the group. He even apologized for ditching her earlier in their journey ("I really thought the boat was going to Limsa, Mei!"). She accepted his explanations with little more than a huff.
Her mind was occupied with other matters. Now they were both tied up in something far larger than she had ever imagined, far away from the familiarity of La Noscea, and still not quite sure what the fuck half of the others were talking about half the bloody time. Especially not the goggle-eyed Elezen.
She had just been growing warm to the idea of staying with Troupe Falsiam, too. She might have been happy, then, if dancing for a crowd 'til her legs gave way was all that was asked of her.
Not anymore, it seemed.
A few weeks had passed. No terrible missions had stolen A'kihiko's attention, although the Grand Companies had come to court his allegiance once or twice as word spread of his deeds. Meiko, in the meantime, did her best to melt into the background and accomplish what she could. She managed to scrape her way through letters to home, to her friend whom she had stayed with in Limsa, to Nashmeira and the troupe. Letting them know they'd be away without honestly saying why, and such.
It was exhausting in so many ways, but it needed to be done. Straightening up, she looked over the letters and rubbed at her wrists. It was a quiet day in the Waking Sands, so she had seized the opportunity to write while no one was around to catch wind of her struggles with spelling and such. Everyone in this bloody organization was a scholar -- even the bubbly, punchy blonde -- and they didn't need more proof of her ignorance.
She picked herself up from the solitary table and folded the pages in half before heading for the door, wondering where the nearest Delivery Moogle was in Vesper Bay. Or would she have to walk all the way out to Horizon...? What a fucking pain in the arse.
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tenebriism · 11 months
@hyaciiintho ;; STARTER w/ Connor !
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How does one . . . express an opinion about something they, technically, have no knowledge of ? No expertise, no familiarity ? Not a single, MODICUM of a clue ? Hank is shuffling through racks and shelves, trying to find something that will work for an android fresh out of obedient captivity, but everything he pulls forth makes Connor feel . . . off. Is this how it feels to not LIKE something ? To be able to have an opinion without it being seen as OPPOSING one's superior ? It isn't as if he knows a SINGLE thing about fashion, but considering the articles he's read and the trends he has quietly studied, he firmly believes Hank doesn't, either.
" Hank. You have that very same shirt at home, " Connor points out, hoping to EASE his new roommate away from this particular rack and over to one less . . . ' aged. ' " If we are shopping for you, instead of myself, then let me know and I will step in to help. "
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laughiisms · 11 months
— @hyaciiintho —
— cont. —
It’s not exactly loyalty that brought him here.
Well, at least not for the being that stood before him.
Green eyes flashed, golden gears that had been carefully cleaned by another clicking and turning behind the cool paneling of his body. “If you truly insist on doing this, you must look your best.” Eldest Sister had said, multiple extensions of arms tying his bow tight, cleaning his face plate, adjusting his silly harlequin hat that he could no longer bare to part with.
And what was he doing here?
Gloved hands— one petite and one seemingly swollen — gripped either tassel of his hat, the jingling of bells that claimed the appearance of a golden sun and silver moon soothing some of his…anxieties.
“Where I come from is…not important.” A soft click, steam passing through his inner workings as he tilted his head to the side.
“I’m not like you or the others. You know that. There are…others like me. It’s becoming more dangerous out there, and I struggle to protect them alone.”
Here came the hard part.
Luka’s panels rattled as he lowered to one knee, dipping his right arm under his chest, bowing his head in submission— an act he hadn’t done in a long time.
It made him feel….cold.
“….Please help me keep them safe.”
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guideoftime · 10 months
hc + memory 💙
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▴ — @hyaciiintho. send me  ‘ hc ‘  + a word and i’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character.
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   Originally when Princess Zelda and Link returned the Master Sword to the pedestal of time, Princess Zelda had told him that Sheik wouldn’t remember the things that happened, the things he did, the timeline that wouldn’t exist like everyone else. He didn’t have a lot of time to think on that before the two of them returned the sword, but there had been that brief moment of fear. Anyone would fear forgetting something, having the memories they had yanked away, the thought of not remembering people who had become important. 
   Mostly, he was worried of being another person to completely forget what Link did for them.
   Sheik can very easily explain and understand why Princess Zelda did what she did. What returning the Master Sword and resetting time was supposed to do. Hyrule had suffered greatly, as did the people, and there was so very little left. So few people remaining. What Hyrule went through, what came out in the end, it irrevocably changed everything around them on top of them ripping most of the Hero’s life from him in several different ways. Resetting time as she saw it, gave them back everything they lost. Including the Hero’s life. Her intentions were good, but even the best of intentions can fail. 
   They were too many memories, two different childhoods floating around through his head and as much as Sheik struggled greatly because of them. He would never exchange his memories for a calmer life. Those memories are definitely one of the biggest reasons he goes to the Shadow Temple. Because he can’t forget the life he was raised for, to guide Link, because he can’t separate duty from heart for the Princess. Giving his life for Impa–he will always take that over losing his memories of Link. 
   To be one more person that remembers the things the Hero did, remembering everything that he sacrificed, the struggles and the pain that he went through. He’ll hold those memories onto him as tightly as he possibly can and protect them.
   To Sheik, there is no worse punishment than being forgotten.
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xdeerlybelovedx · 2 years
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Happy Holidays to @tenebriism ♡ Two gems right at home ❀
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sxaringpurelight · 1 year
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❖ │ │ ♛ ━━
        Why was it so hard to make decisions? And especially with something so simple but he really liked all of the flavours. There was so many flavours of crepe that if they had lesser options the brunette was sure to make a quicker choice. Sora was starting to get overwhelmed and dizzy, he instinctively clung to a familiar arm.
             ❝ Riku ... Help me I don’t know what one to pick! ❞
                                                                                 ( @hyaciiintho​ )
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ypokosmo-theos · 1 year
❝ i was lost without you. i was lonely. ❞ //From Link ♡
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The god looked over to the hero standing beside him and hummed a bit in thought. No one had missed him for a long time and he wasn't sure if someone had ever even missed him sincerely. It was actually nice to know that someone did in fact miss him, especially someone as kind and noble as Link.
"My apologies for my prolonged absence Link... I have no excuse for such an action. I hope you have been faring well during this time though."
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daringtosing · 1 year
@hyaciiintho wanted a starter <3 [for Riku!]
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"Hey! I was hoping to find you!"
Who better to test her magic on? She'd been studying hard, practicing even harder, and she was completely certain that her enchantment would work. All she needed was someone to try it out, who better than a friend? Pulling herself slightly onto the sand, that satchel was set down.
"I have this really great idea!"
Digging into the satchel, she pulls out a ring of seaweed. A necklace, adorned with sparkling jewels, and shells.
"If it works, you'll be the first human to ever visit my garden! Wanna try it?"
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aetheryic · 1 month
@hyaciiintho said: "Are you cold?" Despite the question, the keen-eyed guardian was already in the process of removing his coat in an effort to provide the young girl with some warmth. All it took was a single shiver and Thancred had practically leapt into action, knowing full well that her more delicate disposition had since strengthened since that time ago, but still worried all the same. Old habits were hard to break. "Here, take this for now." He draped the coat around her shoulders, leveling her with a concerned look. "Should it not suffice, let me know immediately, alright?" 🌸。*゚+. From Thancred to Ryne ♡
hiding anything from thancred proved a worthless effort. ryne learned it well over the years they spent together ; his perceptive nature, while sometimes frustrating, often kept her safe, alive, and comfortable. without the ever present flood of light closing in, and night returning, the days cooled significantly.
a positive change, ryne knew, but with the darkness of night came a new chill the girl was still vaguely unfamiliar with. she was cold, at least until the protective warmth of his coat shielded the worst of it. it was too big for her of course, but that made it easy to tug closed in front.
ryne gave a faint laugh. “ yes, thank you. this helps … “ she spoke, her blue eyes turning to look at him. it was impossibly difficult to imagine when it came time for him to leave for good. he trained her to care for herself, to be okay, yet none of that made it any easier. for now she allowed the coat to act as a hug. “ … you’ve been a good dad to me. “
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balladetto · 11 months
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@hyaciiintho ( Link )
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     He hadn't wanted to circle back to this particular inn, but there was little choice with the air so humid — ripe with the promise of approaching rain. As he feared, they'd come at a bad time. "Tourist season," the innkeeper had explained ( then complained ) when he last saw her. Tonight, she just wryly smiles. "Lucky last room. Only one bed though."
     He takes the key, of course. A bedroll on polished floorboards will always be better than a bedroll on cold, wet dirt.
     The room is a decent size. Or it would be, usually, except it feels a lot smaller when there are two travellers staring at the same bed. When there's Link and...bigger Link. In the same space. Sharing the same time.
     He really can't wrap his head around it.
     He looks up at that older face. Not for the first or most likely last time since— this, he thinks he remembers being that sort of big. Remembers being in that sort of body.
     ( In truth, it's not something he can ever forget. Something he can put away, maybe; like trinkets in a drawer, or some book on a high shelf, or pieces of something shattered buried deep where no one can find them. Here, in the face of those eyes — the near exact shade of blue he catches in his reflection — it's like damning bloodstains on fresh, pale fabric. )
     He flexes the fingers of his left hand, curling them in one by one and pressing the tip of each nail into the meat of his palm. With his other, he motions towards the bed. "You— for you."
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lcstkey · 3 months
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"I pray that you aren't harmed in any way...?" The inquire was accompanied by a glance over her form, mismatched eyes taking in any minute detail that may be out of place. "Those beasts were quite vicious." Though they had thankfully been dispatched quickly enough. 🌸。*゚ | +. From Thancred, as requested! ♡ @hyaciiintho
After looking over herself for injury, the keybearer silently shakes her head and stands, brushing off the dirt with her free hand. She glances over at the fallen beasts, looking more like oversized weasels in her opinion, and frowns. Her keyblade disappears with an idle flick of her wrist.
He isn't wrong about their aggression. Selena had gotten ambushed by the Miacids several malms after stepping out of the Dravanian Hinterlands and would have gotten overwhelmed had the other not stepped in.
She wonders if she accidentally intruded on their territory and if they were merely protecting their space. Or if there were little ones nearby that they were protecting.
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"Th...Thank you." Selena is rummaging through her traveling pouch, not only for her map but for her coin purse to repay him for his help. She plans to give him the amount to cover the cost of a potion or two.
"Would....Would you be able to tell me if I'm heading in the right direction of Ishgard?"
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vierandancer · 1 year
"Please, allow me." It's without wait for her permission that he approached, one hand coming to settling itself 'neath her arm as he lifted it with great care, azure gaze inspecting the appendage as he assessed the damage. As expected, it was a NASTYwound, but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle-- the same went for Meiko, of course, but the concern for her good health was there all the same.
With his opposite hand hovering before the wound, it was mended in a matter of seconds. Even after the healing had been done, the silveret remained hovering nearby, brows drawn with concern... and yet there was an unmistakable expression of FONDNESS within that very same look.
"May I ask what happened?" There was a this time left unspoken, but Alphinaud didn't need to say it aloud for the IMPLICATION to be known. "I should hope it was nothing serious, or else I'd have to give you an earful about handling it by yourself. Capable as you may be, I'd rather you have some form of support at the ready."
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"Uh, it --" Meiko couldn't help but give a sheepish laugh, although she was ever-grateful for Alphinaud's care. "It was th'Wolves' Den. I mean, a round o'games at th'Wolves' Den."
Games. Competitions. Tournaments? Whatever. It all came down to games when it wasn't mortal danger.
"Got ganged up on," she snorted with laughter now, clearly proud of herself. "Which I take as a compliment, mind, but th'injuries aren't so welcome. Thanks, Alphy."
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tenebriism · 1 year
"Subject 0321-- you have a visitor. Remember to behave."
It was the passing remark Link heard one of the doctors say as the others guided him towards the meeting room, one that was heavily padded and secure for originals to meet with their clones. The blond frowned deeply, recognizing the subject to be that of his own-- of 'Dark's.
That didn't sound too KINDLY... slightly did his grip tighten on the package he brought with him, only to loosen considerably so as to not ruin the gift.
When they finally managed to bring Dark in, Link had already been seated at the desk, fingers tapping rhythmically on the box. Nervous, he wondered if he should rise to his feet and greet the other properly, but settled for remaining seated instead.
Don't overthink it, he reminded himself. Just give him the box.
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"This... Th-this is for you...!" He stated, powering through the anxiousness he felt all the while. "... I told them it was an apple. I-I mean... it is just... well..." A slice of Apple pie wasn't exactly an apple, but it had apples in it, right? "... I-it's for you." Link settled for lamely, bowing his head with embarrassment.
He knew it wasn't enough of a form of APOLOGY for the hell the other had to go through for his sake, but it was the grandest of gesture he could make when the doctors and scientists kept clones locked down like the grand treasury.
Even now he risked reprimand for 'ruining' the other's precious diet, but Link felt it was an innocent enough treat.
"I... I hope you like it..."
//Surprise Lifelines AU thing for you, it's dangerous to go alone, tAKE THIS--
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' A visitor. '
The anonymity of the whole thing was more than enough to irritate him, even beyond the INTERRUPTION of his mundane reading. They think him so STUPID that he wouldn't know WHO, exactly, this ' visitor ' is ? Nobody knows he EXISTS in the outside world except the very person he was created to benefit. They're not wheeling him out on a gurney this time, so perhaps he should count his BLESSINGS that the idiot hadn't gone and INJURED himself again.
Only a matter of time until his ' original ' punctured a lung, or required SOMETHING that would mark 0321's LAST night in this prison. He's starting to believe the sweet release of FREEDOM may be worth it, but he knows once he's dragged into that OPERATING ROOM again, all courage will flee, leaving him silently begging, pleading, for mercy.
W h a t e v e r.
The door shuts behind him after he's lead inside, though he knows his watchers stand just on the other side of it. There's never any privacy here, any ability to be independent. They don't even ATTEMPT to craft the illusion that the clones they monitor are more than just walking inventory of limbs and organs, even though THEY get to go home, taste the fresh air and feel the night's breeze after a shift of doing jack shit, whilst he's left to wait in a room the length of his legs, wondering what asshat will clock in next. Understandably, then, he's none too pleased to see his ' visitor. ' They share so much in appearances, yet he can't help wondering how his counterpart manages to look so DOPEY.
That's pissing him off, too.
" . . . the hell is this ? " He mutters, staring down at the parcel that smelled sickeningly sweet. What manner of culinary, sugary firepower did this man bring in here--- no, more importantly, WHY was he bringing his clone gifts at ALL ? It's simply unheard of, it makes no SENSE . . . but, it would be witless to say no, and though BITTER, unfathomably so, Dark is no fool. He takes the offered gift, opening it slowly as if he expects it to EXPLODE, and when it doesn't, he simply stares at the mass of strangely arranged ingredients, wondering what to do with it. " . . . this isn't an apple. Apples are round, red. This is brown and sticky and flaky. Are you fucking with me ? "
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The smell is so sweet, so overpowering, it's making him feel somewhat nauseous, and very nearly, he chucks it back towards his original. Alas, he's supposed to ' BEHAVE, ' and aggression coupled with lack of GRATITUDE for a gesture most KIND does not make for a good little, OBEDIENT clone. Seconds longer of staring at it with his nose as crinkled as humanly possible, and finally, FINALLY, he shoves it into his mouth. Very nearly throws it back up, his senses overwhelmed at this new texture and flavor, but once he decides he'd rather soldier THROUGH it, as opposed to making a scene, his expression takes on an . . . almost perplexed look, like he hadn't expected to derive some sort of SATISFACTION from the taste.
Dare he admit it actually tastes GOOD ? Goddesses, not if it's going to make that dopey ball of sunshine on the other side of the table brighten up even further. He's lucky enough to still have BOTH of his eyes--- he'd like to keep it that way, if he can help it.
" . . . too sweet. Less sugar next time. " That's all the cop is getting; really, he's lucky he's even getting THAT. Dark feels his cheeks warm and hastens to look away, realizing he'd, to some embarrassing degree, requested MORE of . . . whatever this was. ABSOLUTELY NOT. The less this man tried to turn a purely transactional relationship into something more, the BETTER.
" If we're done here, can I go ? I don't like watching you leave first . . . " Because he can't follow. Because he WISHES he could. " So, yeah. Going. Thanks for . . . yeah. Bye. "
@hyaciiintho ;; ♥
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naturesbeat · 1 year
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@hyaciiintho said: "If I didn't know you, I would have found our encounter here to be of mere coincidence." Was the initial greeting, words spoken through a smile as the gunbreaker made his way closer to Eydis's side. A hand rose in gesture, a proper greeting given, as if she needed any more to realize just WHO it was that had spoken to her.
Habits, he defended.
"Is your visit time sensitive?" He pried, though refrained from inquiring on the DETAILS. Thancred figured he would learn those soon enough, one way or another. "It would be my honor if you were to join me for a meal, however, if you've other places to be, I wouldn't take offense."
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𝚃𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙲𝚁𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙰𝚂 𝙰𝙻𝚆𝙰𝚈𝚂 𝙴𝙰𝚂𝚈 𝚃𝙾 𝚂𝙿𝙾𝚃 in a crowd, even if she wasn’t expecting him: a flash of white, a familiar smile, and there he was. Eydis raised her own hand in greeting before planting it on her hip, a casual pose that spoke to the fact she was hardly in a hurry. 
“Fancy meeting you here.” The hustle and bustle of the Sapphire Avenue Exchange flowed around them, and above the desert sun made its slow trek across the sky. She sought a place in the shade of the market’s walls, adjusting the bundle under her arms as they walked. “I have already taken care of my business,” she said, half shrugging to show him the bolts of silk and linen tucked into her elbow. Supplies from the weaver’s guild. “But lunch sounds like a wonderful idea.” Anything to get out of this heat.
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“Do you have any suggestions?” Teasing now, she gave him a playful nudge. “You are our man in Ul’dah, after all.”
0 notes
ironbloodcd · 1 year
It was a spur of the moment gift, a baby shirt that had caught his eye whilst he was out shopping, and it was without a second thought that he had purchased it. Now there he was, showing it off to Salem with the world's largest grin, as if he had been a GENIUS to gift it to him.
The onesie was plain white, though at the chest of it was a bright red, familiar looking vehicle-- a firetruck. With text splashed around the image in a variety of fonts, collectively, it read as this: "Sometimes I pretend I'm a Firetruck, and SCREAM"
"Well? What'cha think?" Brows rose and fell in quick succession, that large grin never once dropping all the while. "I know-- It's perfect, right? You're welcome!"
Inbox Call
It takes but a beat for Salem to read the front of the little outfit and for the obvious joke to settle in. Though Salem had been concerned about whether or not he would be able to provide his baby with everything that they would need near the beginning of his pregnancy, once thing had rapidly become apparent as friends and loved ones had learned of his condition - the kid certainly wasn't going to be naked after they were born. Salem had been gifted with quite a bit of clothing over the past few months, from adorable outfits, to funny shirts and handmade items from those in his community.
That didn't make him any less appreciative of new gifts, however. Though the other biological father of his baby had no interest in taking part of their child's life, it warmed Salem's heart to know that others were eager to meet them and who wanted only the best for this baby that hadn't even entered the world yet. It was felt amazing, knowing that he had the support of so many, despite how daunting everything had been in the beginning.
And Despite having not known each other long in the grand scheme of things, Galo seemed to have no reservations about inserting himself into Salem's life. He's not sure of what's more charming in this case - the fact that the firefighter had gotten the gift in the first place, or how pleased he clearly was with himself. The fact that he'd found a onesie so perfectly fitting was, admittedly, even more amusing than the outfit itself, though it was impossible to tell which of the two was causing Salem to smile so widely.
"As if you found something like that!" The father-to-be laughed as he reached out to take the gift, eyebrows raising as his own grin tugged at the corners of his lips. "You sure that you didn't go out looking? Seems like quite the coincidence."
Not that it matterered - not to Salem, at least. After a few moments, his expression softened, the silly little gift drawn close to his chest as he took a few steps closer to Galo. The every-growing weight of his middle made it somewhat difficult, but managed to push himself up onto the tips of his toes until he was able to press a quick kiss to the other man's cheek, a sparkle shimmering in his dark eyes.
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"Thanks - we'll see if this one's loud enough to compete with your truck soon enough, eh?" Again he was grinning, the though of a baby having lungs strong enough to outdo a firetruck sounding both terrifying and hilarious. Would that, he wondered, chase Galo away when the time came?
He hoped not. Both Salem and the baby would benefit from having someone so sweet and carefree in their lives.
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