nihoneshi · 10 months
Plotted starter for @hxuse-of-muses //
Volteer truly hoped that the message was able to be relayed to this part of the Realms' leaders. Of course, when you have to cross an entire ocean, and then some, it made sense why the other Sages were not fully confident their letter had made it to them, hell, Volteer isn't even sure. But, after spending a few minutes exploring the wide expanse that was the Monastery.
That was until he found castle interior inside of caverns and the like! How intriguing, they mused to themselves, the radiance of his electric affinity bouncing off of his heart and his scepter, Volteer took a moment to compose himself, before eventually flying up to the level of the cavern entrance, and curiously looking inside, he didn't hear any commotion, yet, but seeing the cavern expand into walkways and various rooms, it excited him to no bounds!
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Barely able to keep in his excitement, Volteer took his time exploring the area, the countless libraries, books scattered about in studies, the concentrate of magic at its purest point, not to be confused with the affinity of Arcane magic, but this was a completely different form of magic, separate from the affinity itself. And then he began to hear commotion coming from the end of the hall, and...
There they were, standing at the beginning of the clearing to stare at Cosmos.
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aslyfcx · 2 years
@hxuse-of-muses​​ || x
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Nick seemed to be relieved that he was able to get the other’s name right. He tilted his head a bit with curiosity in his eyes as he murmured out, “Ah, right. Those are buildings and stores along with a few other interesting places, Crash.” He explained, his tail swagging back and forth out of curiosity. “Zootropolis is a huge city, consisting of predators and prey living together in harmony. Zootropolis has several districts where its districts accommodates each mammals and their environments.” He pointed out to the bandicoot.
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soul-of-muses · 1 year
     Thank you all for the follow I definitely recognize you all from past rps and it warms my heart to see how you’re all still relatively active on Tumblr/ Blog still exists. I hope to interact with you all sometime! And I hope you have a wonderful day !
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fledglingartisan · 1 year
@hxuse-of-muses continued from X:
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The dragon in question appeared to be young. Not incredibly young, but it was clear that he was not fully grown. Any attempt to fly out of here and back home wasn't going to take him far, and the last thing he wanted was to tire out over the ocean and crash into the water.
His only option really was going to be to wait. When the balloon didn't show up the Artisans would no doubt worry and start looking for him. But that could take a while, considering they would have to find out about the storm and the way the balloon ended up blowing. No he would be on his own for now. The land around him made him nervous. As if a foreboding feeling was surrounding it, like he was being watched by someone or something. He wanted to find a spot to rest, a spot not in the open. Gathering up the remains of the balloon and putting it in the basket, he would push what remained of it into one of the large open caverns, just so he wouldn't be out in the open. Perhaps he could fashion the remains into a tent of some kind.
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hcttrick · 1 year
@hxuse-of-muses for Chomper!
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The magician groaned as he woke up, the world felt like it was spinning as he looked around, taking note of his surroundings as he seemed to be on a island.
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He slowly got up before adjusting his hat, venturing forth as he picked up on some growls and such, causing him to jump slightly as he kept his wariness up.
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pcrplevenom · 1 year
@hxuse-of-muses ; Smaug
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Soldan remained oddly calm, around this large dragon. His hoard of treasure was impressively built, and getting to know Smaug was interesting. Laying across on a large broken pillar in partial beast form, the long tail end taking over the legs and inverted pupil colors instead of looking normal. Seemingly comfortable, for the time being at least.
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rcngcr · 2 years
@hxuse-of-muses risked an adventure for glamrock freddy ! ( starter call , accepting ! )
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❝   Oh,   boy.   Big   guy,   aren't   you   ?   ❞   Trust   him   to   once   more   end   up   in   a   situation   where   he   is   staring   up   at   a   much   larger   individual,   hulking   bear   with   neon   colors   and   markings   that   strike   him   as   retro   —   futuristic.   An   entertainer   ?
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darkenigma32 · 1 year
@hxuse-of-muses From here
"?" Upon setting foot on the entryway to the Bonnie Bowl, Riff stopped at the bot suddenly shutting down, kneeling down to check if it was out of energy or something in it's system malfunctioned, seeing nothing wrong.
Either something supernatural forced the shutdown, or someone may have hacked into the bot to stop it when entering Bonnie Bowl.
She didn't want to leave the inactive bot there, but had no choice but to continue in her investigation... It was leading her here for a reason.
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professorbat · 2 months
“Now your wings requires the some kind of magic or it comes in styled form?” Gizmo the bat ask Lateef, flying around him to look at his wings to study as he’s professor after all.
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twelvedozenterrors · 11 months
Conniving Children Concealing Celebrations
{♚}—; Upon setting Andy down, he expected him to do something like at least continue to explore around or run off but instead he just stood there starring straight ahead. It couldn’t be said if Cosmos’ spell would let him walk around normally or if he could just use it again if he tried but regardless, he wasn’t testing that. “Come now Andy, you wanted to be let down but you’re still staying put?”
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Spyro knew taking Craig up to the dessert table would make him happy, and he could easily get him some of what he wanted. Though as soon as he jumped up and nosedived straight into his back it made his knees bend momentarily but he stood his ground. He’d carried him before, but it had been a bit since he decided to take a dive into position but luckily he didn’t accidentally land on a wing. Though seeing this Sparx couldn’t help but begin giggling, his buzzy voice heard loud and clear by the purple dragon who rolled his eyes at his friend making fun of this. Although neither of them really minded, since Spyro was just trying to help the little one. So he quickly spread his wings and began to take their short trip to the top of the table. “Here we go kiddo!” With that he took off, a few jumps and hovering with his wings and there they were able to now feast their eyes upon various desserts all made to perfection by Devlin whom he was sure was proud of these. “Here we are! What would ya like to try first?” Zantor chuckled at the idea, Argus could shout pretty good sometimes if he got to that point. “Trust me, I can see it now!” He could already imagine the various ways in which they would get scolded and that he would no doubt come at them, or any other culprits in full force. Nils smirked, he knew how much she enjoyed getting a gift of sorts from any one of them and so having her balloon returned to her serving as practically what was like a pause button. It was clear that she had completely shifted her mood from being as excited as she was to being much calmer now.
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With a chuckle Nils nudged Lindar playfully. “I can see that! It looks like things changed pretty quick like we didn’t just have a speedster on our hands not long ago. I bet you wish you could do that with Spyro too whenever he gets the drop on you.”  Now that Daisy was calm now, Zantor decided he could go along with an idea Nils shared with him a bit ago. “Maybe now, we could do a game with some of my cards.” Zantor suggested, as he began to levitate a few of them.
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Even then, Andy’s expressions and posture remained static. He had his freedom and he was going to use it however he wanted; being obedient to an irritatingly literal degree wasn’t the best of time - especially at a party - but coming out on top of the mind game he was subjecting Trondo to would be an ample source of entertainment.
A kid like him wouldn’t dare let a smile peek through during an episode, but rest assured, deep down Andy was quite pleased with himself.
Everything Spyro and Sparx said went through one of Craig’s ears and right out the other. The only thought in his noggin (if there even was one) was to devour; he spared no time alighting from Spyro’s back and switching to autopilot the second he set foot on the tablecloth.
The event horizon had been crossed - the black hole known as Craig began his onslaught by yanking the nearest unclaimed cupcake into a bear hug and wolfing it down.
Rife with smug satisfaction from achieving what the parents of overly rambunctious children could only dream of doing, Lindar had been relishing in Nils’ compliments - that was, up until he struck enough of a chord to make his confident aura falter.
Great. Cosmos already reminded him of the pink hair debacle a while ago, and now everyone’s favourite beanpole was stirring the pot.
To be fair, it was probably karma for what he’d done to Nestor.
“Wouldn’t I just.” the humbled horologist groaned, rolling his eyes. “Nils, from the day he was born we’ve been trying - and failing - to neutralise him.” Of all the dragons that could have gotten their dragonflies early, the Artisans really lucked out with it being Spyro...not that Sparx fared much better with reining him in.
All annoyance soon faded once their whereabouts reminded him of the perfect evidence to support his claims.
“Now concerning party favours and other merry little souvenirs specifically, we know from experience that teeny toddler Spyro wouldn’t be mesmerised into borderline catatonia by a helium balloon,” yet again nodding his head towards the example on the floor, “he’d snatch up as many as he can the instant Nestor spends over a second looking away from him, then get yanked back down before his maiden voyage takes him more than six feet into the air.”
Lindar’s grin widened the further he went into his tale, culminating in more laughter once he reached the point where it could have been the epitome of comedy or horror. “So far, that has been the only time in my life I can say I’ve heard the most stalwart Artisan there is shriek like a little girl!”
A tickle in his throat made the blue dragon realise he was still feeling hoarse from putting his lungs through the wringer and he coughed into his hand to clear it.
Seemed like it was also time for him to calm down.
Daisy hadn’t appeared to listen to the conversation at all and remained unresponsive on the floor, not even when Zantor announced what he had planned; staring at the big pink balloon was basically everything she needed to reach nirvana.
Lindar cocked an eyebrow, intrigued as the Magic Crafter prepared his cards and took it upon himself to get the tot out of the trance he indirectly put her in. “Hey sleeping beauty, are you still with us?” When glancing down and speaking directly to her proved ineffective, he gingerly nudged her with his tail to no avail. “Oh good, I’ve broken her.”
Shrugging, Lindar’s eyes darted towards the clock hanging from his waist and he jokingly insinuated “Yep, definitely hypnosis. I may need to reconsider my wardrobe.”
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trickislanders · 9 months
(🍹): The snake kid just gone through the mysterious portal when he’s trying to get the pages of magical music book back when the strong wind blows them away from snake’s grasp, prompting himself to get it back or his work would be undone by time he goes to musical theater. Made it through, he’s somehow landed on the platform where he’s been able not to get himself in water since he can’t swim, “Um… where am I?… exactly?” Answer to that, Dragon Realms.
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nihoneshi · 10 months
continued from here - (repost) @hxuse-of-muses
Reading the full contents of the message sort of put Ragnar at a crossroads of sorts. For one, the message doesn't look malicious now that the full thing was there for the three of them to read, but, at the same time, his worst fears were made a reality--it was another one of them who did this, but even then--whoever did this has remorse and immense guilt, and it nods to someone behind even their own actions. There's a culprit and a true culprit at the same time--two, not one.
What hurt, however, was in the end, Halvor's mercy to not expose who was the culprit in the first place, but, they were never a violent-minded being, Halvor was a bit timid and introverted, busying themselves with their profession instead of being with everyone else. And then it made sense, Halvor was never in a mentally sound state, and whether or not whoever sent this knew was.. unknown at the current state of events.
Ragnar simply sighed.
[ This complications things even further. They speak as if they themselves are manipulated by an outside force--Blackmail, perhaps... ]
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The end of the note sounds like if they didn't do this to Halvor, the Artisan's leader would be put into grave danger, or at least if they disobeyed whatever they were told. This truly complicates Ragnar's overall feelings about the situation.
While it was messed up for the betrayal to even happen in the first place, if they were being taunted with a fate worse than death if they didn't go out with it...? Ragnar looks over to Titan, trying to read their expression to any form of an answer, and unfortunately, he could read Cosmos' expression. Like they had an idea of who it could've been already.
[ I have an sickeningly odd feeling the two of you already know. ]
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white-witcher-wolf · 2 years
@hxuse-of-muses​ | x
This world was... strange, for a lack of a better word. It felt mystical and magical, filled to the brim with arcane energies all around him. The faint smell of water and potions filled his nose with each short breath he took, the Witcher’s eyes focusing in on his surroundings as he just wandered about, taking in the scenery, even crouching down next to a nearby pond to scoop up the water and have a sip of it.
“Hmf...” he’d mutter under his breath, thinking to himself. “Oddly sweet... but it has magical properties. Rejuvenating, almost. Just what kinda world is this...” however, his senses soon alerted him of a nearby presence, and as his first instinct in an unknown world was to defend himself he’d quickly reach for one of the two swords on his back, clutching the hilt of his silver blade as he’d pull it partially out of its scabbard, his other hand stretched out before him, the Sign of Quen glowing faintly upon the palm of his gloved hand.
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-- But upon spotting the odd dragon-like creature before him, he’d halt himself as he’d just stare at the dragon as it approached him, still keeping his defensive stance. “I’m not here to cause trouble if you are. But I will not hesitate to strike you if I have to.” A warning.
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fledglingartisan · 1 year
@hxuse-of-muses​ continued from X
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Bravad would follow closely behind Cosmos as he guided him along. Taking a second to look around the passageway that led through the mountain as he did so. It reminded him of the path leading to the balloon landing of the artisan lands, though this path was much more open then that one it looked like.
“I have to admit, the idea of magic sounded really interesting to me. The thought of being able to cast some sounds like it would be really fun to try and learn it.” Bravad would respond with a smile. “Really, I wouldn’t mind learning from all the realms, provided I get the opportunity to learn from them. I’m just very curious right now to see what the magic crafters are like in person. I’ve only read and heard about you all in the books we keep.”
It really didn’t surprise the young dragon the idea of Spyro himself showing interest in the magic crafters. Magic usually was something that would pique interest, especially from those who didn’t usually make use of it.
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rxignitxd-dragons · 2 years
It was with no short amount of anxiety that Todor had begun to step up towards Titan’s quarters in the mainlands of the Peace Keepers, already feeling quite homesick for his house in the Ice Caverns. He was nervously fiddling with his fluffy tail-tip a bit, just walking up towards the door leading to his quarters. He was not normally nervous when it came to talking to Titan, but for something like this...?
He couldn’t help but to feel anxious on how his leader would react. But still, he would reach out, and knock firmly on the door.
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“Um... Titan, sir? It’s Todor... requesting permission t--... erm, c-can I come in?”
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pcrplevenom · 1 year
@hxuse-of-muses; King Ghidora
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Three heads, one body. Soldan tried to piece this together, but her results ended up as a blank. Sitting up in a tall tree as usual, a scowl stayed on her face until relaxing. They were all interesting! She had no fear, yet curiousity was high on the list. A quiet hum escaped, shoulders slacked down and legs swinging idly.
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