#Xkit bugged out reblogging my original draft
fledglingartisan · 1 year
@hxuse-of-muses​ continued from X
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Bravad would follow closely behind Cosmos as he guided him along. Taking a second to look around the passageway that led through the mountain as he did so. It reminded him of the path leading to the balloon landing of the artisan lands, though this path was much more open then that one it looked like.
“I have to admit, the idea of magic sounded really interesting to me. The thought of being able to cast some sounds like it would be really fun to try and learn it.” Bravad would respond with a smile. “Really, I wouldn’t mind learning from all the realms, provided I get the opportunity to learn from them. I’m just very curious right now to see what the magic crafters are like in person. I’ve only read and heard about you all in the books we keep.”
It really didn’t surprise the young dragon the idea of Spyro himself showing interest in the magic crafters. Magic usually was something that would pique interest, especially from those who didn’t usually make use of it.
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the-rat-house · 1 year
HEY I'm finally getting around to making this visual guide! Apologies for how long it has taken. But, let's go. Feel free to reblog this if you find it useful, by the way!
Please note that I am not an expert in any of this! I am going to cover what I have noticed while using XKit Rewritten; this could easily change with a Tumblr update or if new code is added to Xkit Rewritten. I am not affiliated with either, nor a coder of any sort!
So, real quick, what is a legacy post? A legacy post is a post that uses Tumblr's old post editor. Tumblr is pushing a new post editor, commonly known as the Beta Post Editor, and you can toggle between the two.
I'd recommend dropping Legacy Post Editor asap, btw. I know for rpers esp that it can be nice for fancy formatting, but Legacy won't be around forever, and it also is causing issues with fellow rpers.
There is use for both New Xkit and Xkit Rewritten at the moment, you can check those out for yourself through @new-xkit-extension.
Alright, under the cut is your visual guide.
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So, this is a post of a rp I'm in that is currently in my drafts. MAKE SURE YOU ARE DOING THIS FROM YOUR DRAFTS AS YOU CANNOT TRIM A POST THROUGH THE EDITOR DIRECTLY. As you can see, my icon makes it seem as if the blog is not there (it cannot be clicked on, and there are also times where it may show the expected deactivated account icon). This is due to me trimming the post incorrectly.
So let's trim it the right way this time. There will be a warning that pops up if you are trimming a post that is currently or once was a legacy post. Acknowledging it, I am going to choose what responses I want trimmed.
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Easy peasy!
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This is why. The post only showed my response once when I initially trimmed it, but after I refreshed my drafts? It has now duplicated the response. I don't know why this happens, but it does.
An easy fix, just edit the post and delete the duplicated, right? Well, no. Cause you can only edit the last reblog, aka the second one on there. And while it seems like "okay, I will just remove that one by erasing the text", YOU DO NOT WANT TO DO THIS!
Remember how up at the beginning my icon indicated a blog that wasn't there? Yeah, as far as Tumblr can tell, that post doesn't exist. If that post had a Read More on it? You couldn't access it, the post wouldn't exist. Again, I don't know why this happens, only that through testing that it does.
Thankfully, there is an easy way around that.
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See that X? That is a function that allows you to get rid of reblogs (I believe that is a function built into the Beta Post Editor? I could be mistaken). It will get rid of all reblogs EXCEPT for your latest response if you've put one. So, I click it, and...
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Tada! Now, just to make sure this has worked, I am going to save the post, and refresh my drafts.
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LOOK AT THAT! No duplicate! And if I were to post this and my partner reblogged it, you would actually be able to go back and access the post on my end.
Again, I am not an expert, so I don't know what causes this beyond the fact that it has something to do with conflicting code, and whether or not that can be fixed is not something I'm aware of (and please don't bug the XKit Rewritten creator about it, either).
Best bet to avoid this? Just use the Beta Post Editor (if you are making a post from mobile, I DO NOT KNOW IF MOBILE BUSES THE BETA EDITOR OR LEGACY!) Of course, please be kind to each other and don't get on each others asses for using the different post editors. Just talk to your rp partners about it.
And of course, hopefully this helps!
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serabellymrph · 3 years
EDIT 1/14/2022: I realized this PSA isn’t as descriptive or helpful as I would have liked so I put together a very short guide for a few of the xkit modules here! It covers installation, a few modules that are useful as a roleplayer to configure, & more detail on how editable reblogs actually work.
okay so here’s a psa because xkit rewritten is way less buggier than “new xkit” and i’m trying to transition to using it.
so you know how xkit editable reblogs get rid of avatars when you use the editable reblogs? yeah, guess what -- xkit rewritten's 'trim posts' does not do that. it preserves them, and preserves the new reblog format instead of using blockquotes/indents to determine it. there is no backspacing the old stuff out. it just cuts it down to what you need with the click of a button. ONE BUTTON, GUYS. ONE. BUTTON.
Now -- here's the biggest downside. YOU NEED TO USE THE NEW BETA EDITOR IN THE BROWSER. You reblog, you save to drafts, and bang. It's there! Now, I know you're all wary about this, because if you edit and work on a draft, old xkit does dumb shit and posts your drafts and *angry @ tumblr noises*. XKIT REWRITTEN DOES NOT DO THAT. It will preserve the formatting and not obnoxiously post your post if you go in and out of the draft.
The only downside is, if you're writing with someone using the old xkit, then it basically just copies your old post into their post, and you can't actually 'cut' anything, because your old reblog no longer exists, so guys -- transitioning to this is going to be key. Wanna know why? The legacy editor won't be staying. "beta" means it's probably going to be coming out soon, and you need to take the moment and transition NOW in order for it to work.
Take a sec and take another deep breath. I've sent a bug request in to the xKit Rewritten creator, so hopefully, that will get looked at, HOWEVER, in my sleuthing, I have discovered a workaround. Open your original post -- the first post of that thread, the original reblog, etc--in the NEW EDITOR. If you can't switch to the new editor, OPEN IT ON A MOBILE DEVICE. make the tiniest change -- change a format or italics or something, and save the post. YOU WILL NOW BE ABLE TO USE THE NEW TRIMMED REBLOGS FEATURE.
The above also cleans up the notes so old posts aren't repeating. I'm probably going to be transitioning myself to not using the old xkit, so if yall can't transition with me, you can deal with my uncut posts. I'm v much about moving ahead before things are obsolete, and frankly the old reblogs look horrible IMO.
they're working on transitioning a lot of the other features over, but this one is designed to work with the new tumblr formatting and the new tumblr code, so i heavily recommend transitioning to it before the old xkit becomes obsolete and you're scrambling.
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unbossed · 4 years
@riotbat  It's not the ads I'm objecting to but the interface. I have uBlock Origin, DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials, Privacy Badger, and Disable HTML 5 Autoplay taking care of the ads. The thing that bugs me about not having access to XKit is having no way to stop seeing certain posts’ notifications on my dash, not being able to reblog, queue, or save in drafts with a single click, and (as petty as it might seem) seeing the mellow old dashboard blue instead of the godawful bright blue it is now.
Fortunately, I’m still able to opt out of the new style for a bit and resume using XKit for a while longer.
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occasionallygrovyle · 7 years
Blog organization: A guide
Mama bird here, gonna give ya a rundown on how to make ur bloggos 👍👍 so y’all can gain more traffic and love for all ya lovely blogs and mons.
Been doing this pokemon blogging business for 4 years, been here and back, so lemme give ya the 411 on how to make them blogs sparkle n shine
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Pokeask/daily blogs should be focused on exactly that: interactions and the such. OOC should be limited to munday memes and the such. I know some folks prefer to keep ooc meme prompts to weekends and munday, I’m more neutral on that. Do what you like, just tag it accordingly so people can blacklist if they don’t want to see meme content. Use a meme tag. I myself have a personal tumblr where I reblog all sorts of stuff, cuz tbh when I look at a blog I want to see stuff relating to the theme of the blog, not random ooc reblogs (been seeing a blog reblogging animals relating to their muse under a specific tag, I’d say that’s perf fine since it’s related, and there’s a tag that can be blacklisted if folks don’t wanna see it!).
But Yonder I want to talk to other people and jab about the stuff I like! How do I talk to others if I’m gonna clog up daily/ask content here? Fam I feel you. I talk bout myself all the time lmao. On my twitter, and in discord chats! Got twitter a year ago, It’s a perfect platform to get to know others better, and you can do memes there too! Nowadays when people talk to me via IM I redirect them to my twitter cuz it’s just easier for me. The formatting of twitter just makes it easier to start convos b/c everyone’s pretty much constantly making new convo starters you can respond to whenever. This is more of a personal note but I don’t really show my personality much here on my blogs so by looking through my twitter peeps’ll be able to better judge if we’ll get along!
Speaking of tagging: Abuse the tagging system! Got an ooc post? Tag it ooc! Got an art post? Use an art tag (you don’t have to, that’s getting fairly specific, but I do)! For example: I use the tag #out of park for my ooc posts. And specific mons are tagged as is too! So if someone wants to dig up a specific response they can via a species tag like #pangoro or w/e.
As a side note when people search up tags on tumblr, only the first 5 tags of any given post are put into those tumblr searches. If you want people to find your art tagged under #pkmnart or w/e, be sure it’s one of the first 5 tags in your post! This’ll make sure your content will be seen by more people who otherwise wouldn’t have seen it.
Have all info on a muse easily accessible (aka, a ref)! If I can’t find it within 5 clicks or so (this is relating to user interfaces in general on the web), I’m probably not gonna bother to dig around for it. Got other things to do fam, job, college, commissions, adult life n all that jazz. And we all know social media gives us terribly short attention spans lmao.
Clean up outdated material. Done with that meme you did a few days ago? Delete the prompt so it’s not cluttering your content. If you really wanna save those meme responses, make them into a private post, or compile them all in a draft and delete the original posts. It breaks my heart when I see a lovely blog, but I gotta dig through 10 meme prompts to see any actual content. I usually don’t follow a blog back if I see that.
This is a huge pet peeve of mine but Trim Ya Posts!! See this?
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I’ll instantly unfollow if I see this. If you’re going to reblog something like this please, I implore you to 1) use ya personal blog homie, this really shouldn’t be on an ask/daily blog. 2) tag as #long post so that blacklist extension can do it’s magic. This extends to untrimmed rps. Xkit has extensions that allow for deleting the older replies in threads, so when you reblog something your followers aren’t seeing the same starter post for the 20th time.
What if I can’t get Xkit? Well, usually in that case the best alternative is to draw/make the reply and put a [previous post] link either above or below your reply! Trust me, your followers will thank you for it.
Some other tips:
Don’t use super bright colors for blog headers and themes. If them colors make my eyes hurt I’m avoiding it like the plague.  https://coolors.co/ is a great color palette generating site! How we perceive color varies from person to person but generally super saturated colors should be avoided for blog headers.
Don’t reblog 4 memes at once. It’s a bit much, at least to me;;
If someone’s taking requests and is asking for a reblogged ref, reply to the original post instead of making a giant thread of ref pics
People might be tearing into each other for w/e reason on your dash but honestly even if the people involved made it public don’t get mixed into it if it doesn’t involve you. Be mature and know when to mind your own business. 
Adding to this: talk about issues privately. Not everyone needs to know your beef with so-and-so unless they’re a threat to minors or they’re doing something undeniably nasty, ect.
Don’t gossip. Dude. You may not think so but we can tell who you’re vauging about. Just. Stop. Vent to a friend in private or something. 
Dumb anon bugging you? Just. Block em hun. Take a breather, they have no power over you. Just reply with  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and move on. 
Communicate. If something someone does bugs you, talk to them privately. Vauging and gossiping does nothing to solve the problem except make it incredibly hard to discern what’s truth and what’s not in a situation.
Don’t force a friendship by saying “can we be friends?” It makes things incredibly awkward. You don’t become a friend with someone via request. The best friends I’ve made on here? I don’t even remember when or how we started talking, it just happened naturally.
Generally, peeps have an internet alias that isn’t their muse’s name. For example, my name is not Grovyle. My name is Yonder, and I don’t wish to be addressed as Grovyle as she is one of many fictional fabrications I have. She’s not my identity, not by a long-shot. I’ll only resort to using the muse/url I know them by to address someone if I literally have no other way to distinguish them in a chat.
Oneliners and incoherent sentence structure (not on part of the muse’s personalty but rather the person’s writing) on a regular basis in a response tend to make it very hard for people to reply or maintain interest. Though generally this applies more to text-based blogs where text is what people are coming to the blog for.
Ur all wonderful n I know many of you are new to this and I want you all to enjoy blogging and avoid the mistakes I made when I was a wee blogger back in 2013. Feel free to ask for clarification, I write this in an attempt to help things be more streamlined and easier for everyone in this community! And of course, I’m sure plenty of this is subjective on my part. 
Love y’all!
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