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leejaewooknation · 2 years ago
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2 Tickets to Barbie please 💖
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minhyunxsuhoxrowoon · 8 months ago
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seoyulworshipper · 2 years ago
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first star master and now the mc :)))
~ still sad yoo seungeon didnt debut
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crishel2 · 2 years ago
Hwang Min Hyun 13/05/23 🥰🌹
Hwang Min Hyun ❤️
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@wkorea @optimushwang Hwang Min-hyun participou do evento de lançamento da nova 'Jelly Collection', uma marca de perfumes Trudong, reconhecida pela família real francesa Hwang Min-hyun revelou recentemente que usa o perfume Tru-dong 'MEDIE' e mostrou um carinho único por Tru-dong.
Lançado para comemorar o 380° aniversário de Trudong, a coleção Henry foi inspirada nos 'Registos do Traje da Rainha', um documento raro preservado nos Arquivos Nacionais Franceses e foi feita de uma rosa que a Rainha Marie Jeanette mais amou durante a sua vida. O elegante pacote rosa e a rosa nos dá uma sensação diferente das velas perfumadas Trudong existentes @trudon_kr @trudon @optimushwang
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idolskpop · 1 year ago
Kim So Hyun and Hwang Minhyun: The Truth Behind Their Dating Rumors
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Kim So Hyun and Hwang Minhyun have been the talk of the town since they starred in the hit rom-com series “My Lovely Liar”. The chemistry between the two actors was so undeniable that many fans and netizens speculated that they were dating in real life. But what is the real score between them? Here’s what Kim So Hyun herself had to say about the dating rumors.
Kim So Hyun on Choosing “My Lovely Liar” as Her Comeback Project
Kim So Hyun is one of the most versatile and popular actresses in South Korea. She has been in the industry since she was a child and has proven her skills in various genres and roles. However, she has been mostly known for her historical dramas, such as “Moon Embracing the Sun”, “Ruler: Master of the Mask”, and “River Where the Moon Rises”. In an interview with Korea Herald, Kim So Hyun revealed why she decided to take on a rom-com project after a long hiatus. She said that she wanted to show a brighter and more cheerful side of herself to the viewers, as well as challenge herself with a new genre. “I have met viewers with a lot of historical dramas and wanted to show a brighter look through a rom-com, that was why I agreed to star in ‘My Lovely Liar’,” she said. She also added that she was drawn to the story and the character of Lee Ji Eun, a webtoon writer who falls in love with a mysterious masked man named Do Ha, played by Hwang Minhyun. “I liked how Lee Ji Eun is honest and confident about her feelings. She is also very passionate about her work and has a strong sense of justice. I could relate to her in many ways,” she said.
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(Photo : tvN Drama Official) Hwang Minhyun, Kim So Hyun
Kim So Hyun on Working with Hwang Minhyun
Hwang Minhyun is not only a talented actor but also a member of the popular boy group NU’EST. He made his acting debut in 2018 with the drama “The Liar and His Lover” and has since appeared in several web dramas and movies. He is also known for his handsome visuals and charming personality. Kim So Hyun admitted that she was excited to work with Hwang Minhyun when she heard that he was cast as her leading man. She said that she was a fan of his music and that many people around her also liked him. “I was enthusiastic when I heard I was going to do a rom-com with him. People around me also like him. My friends, in particular, said he was very handsome,” she said. She also praised his acting skills and his attitude on set. She said that he was calm and quiet at first, but as they got closer, he became more playful and funny. She said that he was very considerate and supportive of her, especially during the romantic scenes.
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(Photo : tvN Drama Official) Hwang Minhyun, Kim So Hyun “He understood my acting style very well and adapted to the changes on the set. He also helped me relax by joking around and making me laugh. We had a lot of fun filming together,” she said. She also shared that their chemistry was so natural that they had many NGs (no good takes) during their kissing scenes. She said that they became comfortable with each other as they filmed more episodes. “In the beginning, when he was still wearing a mask, we were a bit awkward. But as he revealed his face, we became more relaxed and friendly. We became close and joked around to the point that we had tons of NGs during romance scenes,” she said.
Kim So Hyun on The Dating Rumors with Hwang Minhyun
The dating rumors between Kim So Hyun and Hwang Minhyun started when the director of “My Lovely Liar” posted a behind-the-scenes photo of their kiss scene on his Instagram account. Many fans and netizens commented that they looked like a real couple and wished that they would date in real life. However, Kim So Hyun clarified that the director posted the photo not because they were dating but because he liked their chemistry so much. She said that he was very proud of their work and wanted to share it with the public.
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Kim So Hyun Faces a Huge Dilemma in ‘My Lovely Liar’ Episode 14 “The director posted it because he liked our chemistry so much. He was very satisfied with our performance and wanted to show it to everyone. It was not because we were dating,” she said. She also expressed her gratitude for the positive response that they received for their on-screen pairing. She said that she did not expect such an explosive reaction from the viewers and that she was happy that they enjoyed their romance. “I think we looked good as a couple on screen. I didn’t expect to receive such explosive responses for our synergy. Since chemistry is very important for a rom-com, I was relieved that our chemistry was successful,” she said. She also emphasized that they were just good friends and colleagues who respected each other. She said that they still keep in touch and support each other’s careers. “We are not dating. We are just friends who worked well together. We still contact each other and cheer for each other. I hope he will continue to do well in his future projects,” she said.
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(Photo : tvN Drama Official) Hwang Minhyun, Kim So Hyun Kim So Hyun and Hwang Minhyun may not be dating in real life, but they certainly gave us one of the most memorable and adorable rom-coms of the year. Their chemistry and acting skills were undeniable and impressive, and we hope to see them work together again in the future. What do you think of Kim So Hyun and Hwang Minhyun’s chemistry and dating rumors? Do you want them to date in real life or just remain as friends? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below! And don’t forget to check out “My Lovely Liar” if you haven’t already. It’s a fun and heartwarming series that will make you laugh, cry, and swoon. Subscribe to IDOLS KPOP for exclusive updates and captivating content.   Read the full article
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everythingpavloves · 2 years ago
🍸 슈취타 EP.16 SUGA with 황민현
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kpopdramanews · 2 years ago
NU’EST’s Hwang Min Hyun Could Join as Lead for Webtoon-Based KDrama ‘Study Group'
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bts-trans · 2 years ago
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230807 Big Hit's Tweet
[#오늘의방탄] #슈취타 EP.16 with #황민현 황도를 사랑한 황제와 아미를 사랑한 웨옹의 만남🐱🦊 비슷한 부분이 꽤 많은 우리… 좋은 친구가 될지도?💜 #오늘의슈가 #SUGA #슈가 #HWANGMINHYUN #프로유튜버민윤기 #여기슈가친구추가요 #배낭여행가보자고
[#Today'sBangtan] #Suchwita EP.16 with #HwangMinhyun The emperor* who loves Hwangdo*² met the kitty who loves ARMY🐱🦊 We are similar in so many ways… maybe we'll become friends?💜
#TodaysSuga #SUGA #HWANGMINHYUN #ProYoutuberMinYoongi #AddingAnotherSugaFriend #BackpackingTripLetsGo
(T/N: *The word for 'emperor' is 'Hwang-je', which contains Hwang Minhyun's name in it. 2. Hwangdo is Minhyun's fandom's name.)
Trans cr; Aditi & Eisha @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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bangtanitalianchannel · 2 years ago
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"[#OggiBangtan] #Suchwita EP.16 con #HwangMinhyun
Incontro tra l'imperatore* che ama i Hwangdo** e il gatto che ama gli ARMY 🐱🦊
Abbiamo molte cose in comune... Magari potremo diventare amici?💜
#SUGADiOggi #SUGA #HWANGMINHYUN #YouTuberProfessionistaMinYoongi #EccoUnAltroAmicoDiSUGA #AndiamoAFareUnViaggioConLoZainoInSpalla"
(N/B: *La parola 'imperatore' in coreano contiene il nome dell'ospite, Hwang)
(N/B: **Nome del fandom di Hwang Minhyun)
Traduzione a cura di Bangtan Italian Channel Subs (©ImVali) | Trans ©BTS_Trans
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idolkpop · 1 year ago
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kpopspain · 1 year ago
#KimSohyun responde a los rumores de que está saliendo con #HwangMinhyun
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jwsomin · 3 years ago
- Alchemy of souls
like if you save 💖
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minhyunxsuhoxrowoon · 8 months ago
늦어서 미안😅
용기 내서 찍어보았습니다😆
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seoyulworshipper · 2 years ago
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🤣 the aos fan in boys planet
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crishel2 · 2 years ago
Hwang Min Hyun Meu Adorável Mentiroso 16/07/23
"MEU ADORÁVEL MENTIROSO" #MyLovelyLiar Instagram @optimushwan @rakutenvikibrasil #KimSoHyun e #HwangMinHyun estrelam na história de uma mulher que consegue "ouvir" as mentiras de outras pessoas - e o seu vizinho que é imune ao seu poder sobrenatural! Assista a estréia de "Meu Adorável Mentiroso" #MyLovelyLiar no Viki, Viu e Dramaclub
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neomu-namwoo · 2 years ago
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