#hwang hyunjin cheater au
dazed--xx · 8 months
💔You Broke Me First💔
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Summary: Now suddenly you're asking for it back Could you tell me, where'd you get the nerve? Yeah, you could say you miss all that we had. But I don't really care how bad it hurts…..When you broke me first
Member: Hyunjin x Reader
T/W: Mentions of Cheating, Break Ups, arguments, drinking, manipulation, crying, heartbreak, ANGST…, swearing, mentions of being drunk, yelling, sad ending
Word Count: 2.7K
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Maybe you don't like talking too much about yourself But you should've told me that you were thinkin' 'bout someone else…
“I know…”
You state stoically, your eyes stuck on the quaint maple table that sat between you and your boyfriend. You brushed your tongue over your bottom lip biting back tears “I know about her..” Your voice is just above a whisper. “Y-Y/N…” His tone is full of pity and guilt, you scoff to yourself shaking your head in disbelief.
“Why?… What did I do so wrong?”
“Then how could you?”
“I-I don't know…”
You stare blankly, not able to find the words to express how you feel right now. Your head grew heavier and heavier the longer the silence continued. You could feel Hyunjin’s gaze burning holes into your face. “I do care about you, Y/N…please don't think that I don't.” He sighs, his fingers fidgeting with each other as he bit the inside of his cheek. “She just made me feel…different. I’m sorry…” Another scoff is released from your chest, rolling your eyes at his apology. “I mean you could have told me you didn't love me anymore…” You mutter, trying your hardest to seem strong in this moment. “That someone else was catching your eye…instead of stringing me along for a while just to throw me away,” you growl as anger bubbles in your gut. “Y-Y/N—That’s not tr—It's fine, Hyunjin” you cut off his stammering.
Finally meeting his eyes, you could see the exhaustion and hint of something you couldn't quite place. You take in his image. Allowing yourself for a moment to memorize every single inch of his face, your heart ached the more time passed. You should have known this was coming eventually. He was always just out of reach when it came to you. Hwang Hyunjin was an enigma when you first got together, your relationship was passionate and lustful. Spending every moment you could in each other's arms or beside each other; as the honeymoon phase left your relationship so did Hyunjin. Whilst, He physically stayed beside you; emotionally you could tell he checked out. He was no longer interested in what you were doing, or if you were safe. Your sex life quickly became nonexistent and soon so did you. He was never the most open with how he felt, but you stayed. As the months passed you continued to reach out and try to attempt to get closer to your boyfriend once again, only to be met with unanswered calls and missed dates. You couldn't understand why, that is—until two weeks ago.
You couldn't understand why it had taken you accidentally stumbling upon the two, inside this very cafe, on a date. You had been walking home from your part-time job and in your tiredness you stopped outside of the quaint little coffee shop and contemplated going in. Until you saw that familiar mop of midnight locks. You had seen the way he stared at her longingly. Hyunjin broke your trust and after you avoided him for two whole weeks he was now here to break your heart.
You saw the way he stared at his lap, struggling to find the words he wished to say. You should have known that when he suddenly started paying attention to you again, it was the guilt that ate at him. You know because he felt he'd wronged you he wouldn't just leave you alone, so you decided to do what he couldn't. He released a heavy sigh placing his hands around his cup on the table “Y/N—It's okay, you don't have to say it…” you cut him off once again, giving him a sad shrug. “N-no I do…I-I—Hyunjin!” you stare at him as you reach across the table to take his large hand in yours.
“I don't resent you. Thank you for the memories you've given me…” a small glint of something appeared in his eye, and it looked almost as if his face was about to light up. You give him a mournful smile “But let's stop” you state, your voice cracking at the end. He stared at you in bewilderment as his mouth hung open. “Y/N..” He gasped almost inaudibly the rest of his words not coming to him. You nod in response “I'll leave first…I hope things work out with her and she makes you happy” Your tone is laced with dejection and sadness. You stare at where you had connected your hands, even now as you hold his hand tightly; he sat with his sitting loosely on the table. With a final nod, you pull your hand away and lift yourself from your seat. Hyunjin stared at where your hand once was, flabbergasted. Disbelief decorated his face as you made your way out of the cafe.
You found your resolve breaking as soon as you turned the corner. Your legs finally give way as a sob rips through your chest. You release all the pain, anger, and sadness you held back. You felt broken, forgotten, and useless. You cried and cried feeling deep in your soul, that while Hyunjin will be completely fine you sat here broken.
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Your phone's been off for a couple months, so you're calling me now I know you, you're like this. When shit don't go your way you needed me to fix it, And like me, I did But I ran out of every reason….
“Y/N He's drunk!” Felix pleaded as he grunted from the other line. “That's not my problem anymore, Lix” you grumble as you chew on your bottom lip. You hear him whisper something to whom you can assume, is Hyunjin. A heavy sigh is heard through the line “He won't listen to any of us right now!” Felix argues as you hear a shuffle “…You came any other time…He needs your help right now. He's hurting” Felix confesses, his tone is pleading and almost enough to convince you. Almost…and while Felix was correct you had run to help Hyunjin, a lot in these past two months since you had broken up. You no longer wished to do it “I'm sorry Lix, truly I am. But it was no longer my responsibility to take care of Hyunjin and I made the mistake of continuing to help after we ended things. But I don't owe him shit if he needs help then you should probably call his girlfriend.” you state matter of factly.
“Y/N He doesn't—” you cut the call off not wanting to hear any more of what Felix had to say; you toss your phone to the side onto your couch. As Guilty as you felt for not going to help Hyunjin; it was no longer your place to. It had taken these few months to stop running to help the person who had betrayed you. Every time you received a call from either Hyunjin himself or a mutual friend, you always found yourself dropping everything and rushing to assist him. When you finally had enough, you received a text from Hyunjin stating his car broke down and he asked for your help bringing him to the store and then his friend's house, only when you got to the house a familiar face popped out of the door. You scoffed to yourself as you saw the girl he had cheated on you with give him a bright smile as she waved at him. Quickly peeling away from the house, you laughed at your stupidity as well as his audacity. Ever since that moment every call from Hyunjin has gone unanswered and when requests from your mutual friends came in to help Hyunjin with something, they were rejected. You'd finally run out of reasons to continuously correct his mistakes and come running to his rescue.
You were no longer together so you no longer needed to be at his beck and call.
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Now suddenly you're asking for it back. Could you tell me, where'd you get the nerve? Yeah, you could say you miss all that we had But I don't really care how bad it hurts When you broke me first…
A loud panicked knock against your door pulls you out of your sleep. Quickly checking the time on your phone 3:32 AM. Your eyes widen as another round of raps begins on your door once again. Pulling yourself out of bed ready to tear the head off of whoever has the nerve, the AUDACITY to wake you up at such an ungodly hour. You state out the peephole only to be met with the view of the street, you crack your door slightly. You're met with Hyunjin drunkenly leaning against your door. His arm supported his head against it. His free hand shakes nervously as he attempts to bang on your door again, that's when you hear it.
The most heartbreaking sob tears through his chest. He whimpers inaudible words to himself as he opens and closes his fist before allowing it to fall limp at his side. “Hyunjin?” you question visibly confused. His head whips up “Y/N!” He slurs almost excitedly, and the smell of liquor quickly fills your nose, “You opened the door…” his voice cracking behind his drunk smile.
“Do you know what time it is? You smell like a distillery” you growl at him as he tries to shove his way inside. You roll your eyes pulling the door open fully making him stumble forward. “Why are you here, Hyunjin?” you don't mean to be so hostile but you were very clear with Felix earlier. His hands encase your face, his eyes meeting yours as tears continue to cascade down his cheeks. His eyes are bloodshot, and his lips look swollen and raw, probably from biting them as you notice him repeatedly doing it. His hair was a tousled mess.
“Y/N…” He lets out a sigh of relief, placing his forehead against yours something he always did when you guys were together and happy. Your hands tug on his wrists at the familiar action. “You didn't come...why don't you come for me anymore?” He whines as he squeezes his eyes shut trying to steady his breathing. “I shouldn't come for you. There's no reason for me to…” you respond stoically.
“You just disappeared on me…” his words becoming more incomprehensible as he cried “Why did you abandon me?”
“Hyunjin! We aren't together anymore. You can't just expect me to pick you up or help you out anymore!”
“How else would I see you then?!?”
“You shouldn't be seeing me! We shouldn't hang around each other, it's too painful for me. I understand our relationship didn't mean much to you but it meant a lot to me…” you state sadly, Hyunjin’s pitiful expression now replaced with a puzzled scowl. “Who told you that?” disgust filled his tone. “You're kidding me right?” you counter. Hyunjin bites his bottom lip once again before clenching his jaw “No, who lied to you like that?” you stare at him wide-eyed “You did! With your actions or lack thereof. You cheated on me and ignored me for months” You snap. He can't be serious… you think to yourself.
“B-But I was trying to fix it!” He cried, seeming almost sober at this point. “You-you weren't supposed to find out!”
“So what?” you snarl “You would have continued to just string me along? String us both along?!” He shakes his head rapidly “N-No! I-'m sorry I should have explained better that day…” His tone is laced with regret and panic. “I-I ended things with her…Y/N—I wanted to fix things. I never wanted you to know...” He confessed behind shaky nervous breaths, he finally released you as he steadied himself. Slowly, taking a seat on your couch he quickly buried his face in his hands; his elbows resting on his knees as he took a deep breath “I didn't—I didn't want this to happen...I missed you so much I just—I wanted everything back to the way it was. You loved me so much and when I realized what a huge mistake I was making I ended it. I swear I ended it before we ended things…the last two weeks, when I couldn't see you I was only trying to see you. I only wanted you, I didn't want to lose you. W-When you told me you knew about her…it felt like my entire world was collapsing around me.” He rubs his face and tries uselessly to wipe away his tears. “I just wanted to explain. And when I processed what was going on—what you said…you were gone..” his soft cries turn back into full-on sobs.
“I was trying to fight for us those nights I begged you to come and see me, to talk to me only for me to be ignored while you went and made damn sure you had time to see her. And to make things worse, you used my feelings for you to manipulate me into driving you to her house?! You made me look like a fucking idiot! I'm wondering where the hell do you get the nerve to sit here and act like this?” you snap. He winced at your words “T-that wasn't her house! I-I don't know why she was there that's Seungmin’s new place I swear!” Every second you spent glaring at him felt like another stab to the heart. He knows he made so many mistakes, but he felt like he was dying with you looking at him. He wished he could go back and tell himself how it feels right now. How it felt to watch your hand leave him but deny that it was happening at that very moment. He'd tell himself how embarrassingly hard he had cried when he noticed she was no longer in her seat in front of him. How he'd run out of the cafe not knowing which direction you had gone in but how desperately he felt he'd needed to find you…how dejected and nauseous he felt when he couldn't. How he'd cried himself to sleep every night since you had left his life.
Your blood boiled as you saw him sitting there staring at you apologetically. “Y/N…Please” he swallows his tears “please just give me a chance to fix this…” he pleads. “What did you think would happen?” you question your voice laced with venom as you glare daggers at him. He can't meet your eyes only able to stare at the ground near your feet. He hung his head low “Not this…Not me being without you. Not being this hurt over the mistakes I made. I love you…when you ended things before I could have a chance to fix them, it broke me” He confesses staring up at you. You can't help the genuinely demeaning laugh that rips through your stomach. “Of-fucking-course it did. God, you really are something huh? You have some nerve to come in here to ask me for another chance. You want to know something?” you challenge raising your eyebrow as you cross your arms over your chest allowing all the anger pain and hurt to spill into your tone “I don't care…” you shrug before you throw your hands in the air as Hyunjin stared at you in horror.
“Y-You don't mean that…” He stammers in denial more to himself than to you “Yes, I do Hyunjin. I don't care that you're hurting. I don't care that you're finally opening your eyes. I don't really care how bad it hurts” You confess shaking your head “Not When you broke me first now see yourself out and move on…”
He stared at you for a moment, not wanting to give up on you, on the love he still has for you, but he could see it. You truly meant your words, you wanted nothing to do with him. He sighs heavily as he wipes his hands on his jeans before he lifts himself from the couch and makes his way toward the door; stopping in front of you he yearns to hold you one last time but the way you won't meet his gaze makes him sigh. He continues on his way pulling your door open he stares back at you only able to hear the pain in the words that are now circling around in his mind.
“You broke me first…”
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⏪| ⏸️| ⏩
taglist: @yangbbokari @slayhyunjin
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bangcrizpychan · 4 years
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Last Updated: 28.04.20
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Tainted Daisies [Psychological Thriller, 16+, Stray Kids fic] (ongoing)
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Love Is Sweeter The Second Time Around [Fluffy-angst, gang!au, wife!Reader au, Jeon Wonwoo fic] (fin)
Taste of Habit [Fluffyyyyy, Jeon Wonwoo scenario] (fin)
Rap Your Way To My Heart [Fluff, enemies to lovers!trope, Han Jisung fic] (ongoing)
You're the Reason Why I Live [Fluffy-angst, wife!Reader au, Bang Chan fic]
Untitled [Angst, cheater!au, Hwang Hyunjin fic]
Untitled [Angst, fwb!trope, Jung Jaehyun fic]
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Angst Prompts
Prompt no. 14 [Johnny Suh] (fin)
Prompt no.11 [Nakamoto Yuta] (fin)
Prompt no.7 [Wong Hendery] (fin)
Prompt no.2 [Seo Changbin] (fin)
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Fluff Prompts
Prompt no.5 [Lee Felix] (fin)
Prompt no.4 [Lee Seokmin] (fin)
Prompt no.8 [Wong Lucas] (fin)
- cee
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ohmyuqi · 6 years
♡ʙᴀᴅ ʙᴏʏ (ʜʏᴜɴᴊɪɴ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)♡
Series: Bad Boy (Hyunjin x Reader) ♡
Part: pt.2
Pairings: Hyunjin x Reader
Genre: Humou, Fluff, Angst, Highschool AU,
Rating: 14+
An: this is based of the song Bad Boy by Red Velvet. It’s so good and you’ve probably already heard it, if you haven’t, listen to it before you read the fic. ♡
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“Cause I, I know how to make the devil cry
Break ‘em down, looking in my eyes
That’s what I’m doing here tonight”
“달라 도도한 날 웃게 하잖아
알잖아 요즘 내가 Hot
날 보는 시선 너도 느껴봐”
desc: started with a bet, ended with a broken heart. ♡
You’re hands we balled into uncomfortable fists, sweaty with nervousness and anticipation. You didn’t know if this was the way to go about it, but you didn’t care. What happened, happened. 
That’s the spirit.
As soon as your index finger made contact with the doorbell you hid behind your abnormally clammy hands. 
You heard heavy and brisk steps to the front door, everything going as planned. 
“The the hell are you doing at my house?” 
You looked around in the dark surrounding you to make sure you were the person he was yelling at, and to your dismay, yes, it was you he was yelling at. 
You let out a nervous laugh. 
“You know, a simple ‘What do you need?’ would’ve sufficed.” 
He stepped out of the doorway and into his front porch, pointing an angry, slender finger in your direction. 
“I don’t give a damn,’what would’ve sufficed’. You don’t come to my house in 3:00 in the fucking morning and tell me what would’ve “sufficed”.
You looked to his left and into his house and clear as day their was another girl sprawled over his huge leather couch, who for sure was not Jennie Kim.
So that’s why Hwang Hyunjin had a leather couch. 
 Actually, ew, no, let’s not think about that. 
“You know, for guy that has had so many girlfriends, you are terrible with girls.”
You crossed your arms over your chest, it was three am and it was pretty chilly. 
The frigid air  was giving you a cold slap in the face and pricking at your bare legs. You honestly didn’t mind, anything felt better then the little indirects Hyunjin was throwing at you. 
Throwing at you faster than he cheated on his girlfriend, may I add.
“If I was really terrible with girls and treated them like shit, why would so many of them fall for me?” 
He looked as if he was really proud of that one, which honestly wasn’t a surprise. Most thinking he’s done in a couple days.
“Maybe all the girls after you are just brain dead.” 
“Is that why you’re here?”
He got you there. 
You hated this stupid bet. Why were you here again? Oh yeah, cause you’re a little loser who doesn’t like feeling like a little loser and apparently is very susceptible to peer pressure and dumb bets.
You said this out loud but you were NOT going to let him win. Not after all he said. 
You pushed past him to enter his home, pointing a accusing finger at the body laying on his couch. 
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s not your girlfriend.” 
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s none of your fucking business.” 
You couldn’t tell if he was mad or he just always sprinkled his speech with profanities, either way you didn’t like it. 
His tone made you were really mad, maybe you were dumb but you were certainly not a pushover. 
But you were a child. 
You ran around his large living room and skillfully slipped out your phone from your skirt pocket. 
Opening up snapchat you started recording, you had everyone in your school added, so everyone would know. 
It’s not like everyone didn’t know of his repulsive cheating ways, they did, they just dismissed it. 
Plus Jennie always denied any allegations and claimed everyone was just jealous of her and were trying to ruin her perfect relationship. 
When clearly the only person trying to her ruin her relationship was her own boyfriend. 
“Hey everyone, It’s Y/n letting you know that Hwang Hyunjin is a literal piece of garbage.” 
You ran over to the girl topless on the black couch. Making sure her face was crystal clear. 
“And here is his ugly, cheap, whor-” 
Hyunjin ran over to you and jumped over the couch to get you and your phone in reaching (and harming) distance. 
Next thing you knew, your phone was gone. 
It wasn’t the pretty little iPhone X you once knew, loved, and cherished. 
It was just a mess on his expensive rug. 
“What the fuck, Hyunjin?” 
“What do you mean “What he fuck?” Do you realize what you were doing?”
“I was very aware of what I was doing, yes, thank you very much.” 
Yes, I know, you know, we know what you were doing was messed up in so many ways but who cares, it was Hwang Hyunjin? 
It was like stealing from the rich, or offing a murder. At least that’s how you rationalized it. 
He had it coming. 
He scoffed under his breath and slightly shook his head. 
“God, you are such a bitch.” 
You sat yourself down and put your face in your hands. Purposefully sighing loud enough for Hyunjin to hear. 
“Fuck, what do I do now?” You looked at the sleeping girl beside you. 
Maybe this was a bad idea. 
“Shit, I don’t know. I’ve never had a girl show up at my house at 3:00 am, let herself in, record the girl I was with and then had me have to break her phone so she doesn’t do anymore stupid shit.” 
“You didn’t have to break my phone, you asshat.”
“Now I can’t call Yeri to pick me up. And I sure as hell am not calling my parents.” 
How were you going to explain to your parents how you got here, for gods sake you sometimes even can’t process how you got here.
“Um. hey mom, hey dad, could you get me from this fuckboy’s house? Oh no, we didn’t do anything. Why am I here? Oh yeah, I was just trying to prove my friends I was ‘naughty’ and could get this guy if I wanted. Thanks, love you,bye ~”
Hyunjin walked over to you and sat beside where you were sitting, making sure to stay at a distance. 
                       “Why did you come to my house anyways?”
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kettlewrites · 6 years
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Updated: Feb. 6th, 2019
symbol meaning:
✿ - angst
☾ - fluff
ϟϟ - mature content
♡ - favorites/popular
what i hate like about you - na jaemin ✿☾♡
yestoday - wong yukhei ✿ϟϟ♡
coffee & water paints - huang renjun ☾♡
game over - mark lee☾
cinematic love - zhong chenle✿ (indefinite hiatus/quit)
rich college student - yoo kihyun☾
love me goodbye - huang renjun✿
demons - kim doyoung ✿ϟϟ (quit)
i’ll be your home - nct dreamies☾✿ (indefinite hiatus)
my first and last - stray kids✿☾
___!nct au/texts:
skater!jaemin bulletpoint au ☾♡
boyfriend!jeno social media au ☾
boyfriend!mark social media au ☾
boyfriend!jaemin birthday special au ☾
enemies-to-lovers!jaehyun au ☾♡
enemies-to-lovers!donghyuck au ☾♡
drifter!johnny short drabble au ☾
reverse idol!renjun bulletpoint au ☾♡
doctor!jaehyun bulletpoint au ☾
fireman!yukhei short drabble au ☾
private school!jaemin bulletpoint au ☾♡
boyfriend!mark (disney date) bulletpoint au ☾
prince!yukhei bulletpoint au ☾♡
reverse idol!jisung bulletpoint au ☾
waiter!jungwoo bulletpoint au☾
boyfriend!mark (social media au) ☾♡
boyfriend!jaemin texts (birthday special) ☾♡
soft boyfriend!jaemin texts ☾♡
boyfriend!yukhei texts☾♡
boyfriend!jaemin texts☾♡
dreamies!plan a party texts ���
best friend!taeyong bulletpoint au ✿
soulmate!renjun ✿ϟϟ (tw: implied death, blood)
yukhei has a crush and nct clowns him for it texts☾
soft boyfriend!jaemin social media au☾
vampire!renjun bulletpoint au☾
boyfriend!renjun social media au✿☾♡
___!svt au/texts:
boyfriend!mingyu social media au ☾♡
accidental confessions!meanie☾
accidental confessions!vercheol☾
jealous!wonwoo confesses☾
jealous!wonwoo ft. jihoon☾♡
accidental confessions!dokyeom☾
97 line!confession to dokyeom☾
song lyrics prank!dino☾
accidental confessions!seungkwan☾
accidental confessions!woozi☾
accidental confessions!joshua☾
accidental confessions!jeonghan☾
teacher!woozi bulletpoint au☾♡
song lyrics prank!jeonghan☾
boyfriend!woozi ft. jajjangmyeon☾
almost lovers!woozi✿
___!skz au/texts:
where is the love;lovers-to-strangers!han [jisung] ✿♡
[pt. 2] break my heart again ✿
negative utopia bad boy!han [jisung] au ✿☾♡
soft boyfriend!bang chan social media au☾
boyfriend!seungmin social media au☾
boyfriend!changbin social media au☾
first kiss!skz ☾♡ chan / woojin / lee know (minho) / changbin / hyunjin / han (jisung) / felix / seungmin / i.n (jeongin)
painted petals;hanahaki!jeongin [i.n] au✿☾
negative utopia bad boy!changbin au✿
boyfriend!chan social media au☾
boyfriend!minho (lee know) social media au☾♡
cardiac surgeon!minho (lee know) au☾♡
the hardest part hanahaki!hyunjin au✿
skz wishes you a happy birthday!txt au☾
boyfriend!jeongin (i.n) social media au☾♡
boyfriend!hyunjin social media au☾♡
boyfriend!jisung (han) social media au☾♡
___!bg au/texts:
boyfriend!wonho ft. kihyun texts✿ϟϟ (cheater tw)
drunken confessions!exo cbx texts [pt.1]☾ϟϟ (alcohol tw)
drunken confessions!exo cbx texts [pt.2]☾ϟϟ (alcohol tw)
boyfriend!woojin [W1] daily texts☾
wanna one finds out you’re dating seungwoo texts☾
accidental confessions!99 liners [W1] texts☾
confessions!woojin [W1] texts☾
___!gg au:
girlfriend!seulgi social media au ☾♡
girlfriend!irene social media au☾
summer’s gone - lee jeno ✿♡
[pt.2] winter starts - lee jeno ✿♡
i am in love with someone else - huang renjun ✿
birthday surprises - na jaemin ☾♡
three words: y, o, and u - wong yukheiϟϟ☾♡
if you ever - yoon jeonghan✿
when i realized - jeon wonwoo☾
running into a breakup - hwang hyunjin✿♡
days without you - kim hyojong (e’dawn) ✿
right here, right now - lee minho (lee know) ✿☾
nothing was the same - insert bias ✿
nightmares - lee jeno☾✿
hold me while i cry - kim hanbin (bulletpoint format)✿☾
composure - bang chan✿☾
eternity wasn’t forever for us - moon taeil✿
out of love - lee minho (lee know)/han jisung (han)✿
smile the pain away - han jisung☾✿♡
in your arms - han jisung☾
operation breakup (bulletpoint format) - bang chan☾
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