#hwa pyung x choi yoon
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halosmoon · 8 months ago
why am i always a victim to doomed yaoi ships
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beyondevilslut · 4 months ago
ok ok SO, i started a drama last week anddd i finished it just yesterday and OH MY GOD. WHY IS THIS GEM SO UNDERRATED??? WHY IS THE FANDOM SO TINY?? WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THEM?? WHY IS THERE NO HYPE?? AND WHY IS THERE SO LITTLE FICS ABOUT THEM?? LIKE I'M NOT EVEN JOKING THIS WAS SO GOOD I WAS TWEAKING. i simply need ya'll to tune in and watch this and just GET my obsession. i honestly need someone to watch this to talk about it.
oh and if you're wondering, i'm talking about the guest.
the sea exorcism lives rent free in my head, i'm never forgetting them.
this kind of had BE vibes ngl.
the arrest scene is equal to the exorcism scene.
i actually didn't find this as much scary as people made it to be tho? it was mostly just a bit disturbing but unhinged at best. the chemistry between choi yoon and yoon hwa pyung is gonna be the death of me cuz the tension was there throughout the entire show. i need to post some stuff about them in a while or else i might explode.
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burningembers91 · 1 month ago
The Guest Masterlists
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Father Choi Yoon Masterlist
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Yoon Hwa-Pyung Masterlist
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mizldrizl · 7 months ago
How pairings (from TV shows, movies, etc.) are named in Korean.
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What made me think about this, in fact, is the Han Joo Won/Lee Dong Sik pairing from Beyond Evil. As many might already know, it is commonly called "JWDS" in English and "주원동식" in Korean. However, does "JWDS" indicate that Joo Won is the top in the relationship? Because it explicitly does with "주원동식."
In Korean fandoms, it is sort of a rule to put the name of the top first, and then the name of the bottom when naming a slash pairing. For example, if you intend to inteprete Joo Won and Dong Sik's relationship as top!Dong Sik and bottom!Joo Won, the pairing should be called "동식주원." Even if the two characters do not appear to be sexually intimate in a fanfic/fanvid, the name shows how the writer/maker sees what their positions in bed eventually would be -- or, who the more "dominant" one would be/who would lead the relationship.
This way of naming pairings in Korean is much easier comparing to the one in English because typical Korean names almost always consist of a one-syllable family name + a two-syllable name. Other examples of pairing names than "주원동식" are:
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요한가온 = top!Kang Yo Han x bottom!Kim Ga On
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도영동수 = top!Seo Do Young x bottom!Han Dong Soo
Then what about when one of the characters has a one-syllable name? In this case, usually their full name is put in the pairing name. For instance:
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최윤화평 = top!Choi Yoon x bottom!Yoon Hwa Pyung
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남신영훈 = top!Nam Shin x bottom!Ji Young Hoon
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서휘선호 = top!Seo Hwi x bottom!Nam Seon Ho (I saw some fic writers use "휘선호" though)
Lastly, when both of the characters have a one-syllable name? Yep, full name + full name.
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이곤조영 = top!Lee Gon x bottom!Jo Yeong
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mkayswritings · 1 year ago
[MULTIMUSE ASKS] 8-10 & 14
Multimuse Ask
8. what is each of your muses otps? notps?
I don't really have NOTPS for my muses since I'm pretty open to roleplaying any type of ship minus a poly relationship since that's the one shipping I've never been able to get into. But there are my ships for my muses Sanji - ZoSan " Alec Lightwood - Malec Peter Parker - none Mika - YuuMika Yoichi - KimiYoi Makoto Tachibana - MakoRin Kuroko Tetsuya - KagaKuro Sugawara - DaiSuga Nishinoya - AsaNoya Kunihiro - KaneHori Rin - BonRin Noctis - GladNoct Wei Ying - Wangxian Xie Lian - Hualian Lan Sizhui - Zhuiling Ye Xiu - none Wu Xie - Pingxie Bai Yutong - Zhanyao Lee Cheong-San - Cheong-San/Su Hyeok and Sizhui/Cheong-San (crossover ship) Chen Yuzhi - Yuezhi Yoon Hwa Pyung - hwa pyung x choi yoon Kim Gaon - Gahan Shen Yi - DuShen
9. why were you drawn to each one of your characters? There usually is something that I like about them or I related to them because of an event, etc that they went through. Like with Sanji, I do relate to him since I know how it feels not to have a bio father there, but we both have a father figure which helped. My favorite ship plays apart in it as well even if I won't be able to get the chance to interact with my ship because dead fandom or lack of RP pages.
10. which muse is the most fun to write for? So far, it's been Sanji since he is my most active at the moment and the one who I get plenty of interactions with. My sideblog is slow and since I am rebuilding that one I don't have a lot of followers on there to interact with yet.
14. which muse has the most aus or verses?
I think it is Wei Wuxian from The Untamed since he is one of my older muses that I have since I found myself involved in the series. Sanji probably would be next because of how many ideas I have floating around for him.
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film-in-my-soul · 3 years ago
choi yoon to hwa pyung (or vice versa, i'm okay with either) : "i leave you alone once, i'm not doing it again"
(I really wanted to fit this into canon but I just couldn't make it work for the episode I was going to base it after. I hope you enjoy it regardless.)
After everything that he’s gone through, Choi-yoon knows that salvation, in the sense of how he’s been taught, is not on the cards for him. There’s too much he’s seen, done, and wanted and he knows his shortcomings well enough now that he's disillusioned.
It’s never really been about that, he supposes, not his salvation at least. If Choi-yoon could secure it for someone else, ensure that at least one soul, more, was going to a heaven he would likely never see, it would be enough.
Then, they lose Hwa-Pyung and he’s not so sure anymore.
It’s not a crisis of faith. Choi-yoon can’t forsake a god he’s put so much of his life into, so much of his heart, but he can admit that he’d been shaken. More than the exorcisms, more than the curse placed on him, losing the other man had rocked the foundations of his very belief like nothing ever had.
How could a man like Hwa-pyung, a good man, be taken like that?
Choi-yoon’s only comfort some nights, when his skin aches and he’s terrified that the invisible, festering wounds on his chest will reappear, is that Hwa-pyung had died selflessly. It’s also, if Choi-yoon is being honest with himself, his biggest regret. Not being there in time to stop it.
So, with all that in mind, no one can particularly blame him, that when he and Gil-young find out that Hwa-pyung's alive, Choi-yoon takes the opportunity to indulge in the pure relief he feels.
It’s after they get the tough things out of the way, the apologies, the explanations, the tears, that the three of them are sat, two days later, in Hwa-pyung’s small fishing cottage, a few bottles of soju split between the three of them. Gil-young is filling them in on a case she’s been working, trying to keep the tone as light as she can. It’s a moving gambling ring, dog fighting, and for them, it’s easily digestible small talk over drinks.
Choi-yoon is doing his best not to drink more than what will get him just to the edge of drunk but each time he looks over at the other man, hair so much longer but shoulders relaxed, Choi-yoon’s rosary around his neck, there’s an itch in his throat. It would be a lie to say that he’d chosen to sit on Hwa-pyung’s blind side unintentionally. Choi-yoon is still not convinced that this is real. The two days he’d had to come to terms with Hwa-pyung’s resurrection doesn’t feel like enough, and there’s a part of him that doubts, that believes if the other leaves his line of sight, he’ll turn into smoke and vanish like he’d done a year ago in the ocean.
Choi-yoon feels less self-conscious knowing that Hwa-pyung can’t observe him back from this angle. Then he feels guilty for those feelings and reaches for the shot that’s already been poured for him.
Out of the three, Choi-yoon is still the quietest, but he attempts to make it clear he wants to be here with thoughtful hums and acknowledgments that he's paying attention. He’d offered his own recap of the year for Hwa-pyung had been gone when the night had started, so there isn't much he can add to the conversation at large now.
When they finish off their last bottle Choi-yoon is a bit further gone than he’d intended to be, collar and jacket discarded, down to just his dress shirt, one button at the very top of his throat undone, vulnerable. Choi-yoon will blame his fuzzy head and flushed skin for the lack of composure. He thinks it’s more to do with wanting to be bare for these people, to shed away the stone walls of the clergy and be at peace with his friends (because that’s what they are) for the first time. No impending demonic possessions to facilitate the exposure of his secret self.
He’s still clear-minded enough to know it would be unwise for any of them to leave if his own inebriation is any indication. Hwa-pyung, who’s held his drink better than any of them, shares the same sentiment, and he and Gil-young squabble back and forth over who’s going to take the couch.
Hwa-pyung ends up winning, sending the girl off to get comfortable while he changes his sheets for her. In the meantime Choi-yoon busies himself with cleaning up their takeout boxes and bottles, limbs heavy and movements sluggish as he turns Hwa-pyung’s rusty taps to rinse the glasses.
He gets distracted like that, warm water flowing over his fingers, his head pleasantly heavy and the soju bottles clinking lightly as he sets them aside to dry out.
It’s how Hwa-pyung is able to sneak up on him so easily, the man offering a smile in apology when Choi-yoon jumps and almost shatters what’s in his hands. They stare at one another for a moment, the atmosphere somewhere between neutral and undercut with the tension that’s always been wrapped around them, before Hwa-pyung's smile softens into something smaller and he reaches forward, turning off the faucet.
“C’mon,” He takes Choi-yoon’s sleeve between his forefinger and thumb and pulls him towards the living room. Choi-yoon follows easily, leaving the last bottle on the kitchen counter as they go. The small table they’d been eating and drinking at is moved, pushed to the side of the room, and in its place is a large but thin-looking mat. The couch is also done up with a wool blanket and pillow.
Choi-yoon goes to kneel wordlessly by the makeshift bed on the floor and is stopped, Hwa-pyung’s hand going to his shoulder to halt him. He’s smiling still, looking at Choi-yoon like he’s being silly.
“You take the couch.” He makes an effort to pull Choi-yoon up by his shirt, but the priest stays stubbornly frozen in the awkward half-squat he’d been caught at.
“You’ve already given Gil-young your bed. I won’t.” Choi-yoon is used to being uncomfortable, the beds at the monastery are more like slabs of stone than the springs and foam they’re promised to be.
Hwa-pyung rolls his eyes at him and it’s odd, but the flare of anger that hits Choi-yoon's chest is welcomed. He’s missed it.
“I don’t want to argue over sleeping arrangements father, just sleep on the couch.”
If Hwa-pyung is somehow under the impression that a year has made Choi-yoon more agreeable, less bullheaded, he’s mistaken.
Instead of offering an answer, Choi-yoon lowers himself finally to the ground, even as the other man yanks on his shirt collar in a futile attempt to get him to stand. He bats away Hwa-pyung’s hand easily and slides under the thin sheet that’s been laid out and then rolls to face away from the other man, leaving no space to argue further.
When the light in the living room goes out he thinks he’s won.
He shouldn’t have assumed that Hwa-pyung had gotten any less stubborn himself.
Choi-yoon doesn’t expect the sheet to shift and a warm body to settle in next to him on the mat. He turns and feels his breath catch in his throat. Hwa-pyung is laying on his back, hands behind his head, his functioning eye turned towards Choi-yoon and a smirk dancing on his lips, triumphant.
“Hwa-pyung-!” The man throws out a hand to slap at Choi-yoon, silencing him.
“Let’s not argue about it, we both got what we want, no need to complain now.” They both know very well that Choi-yoon had not gotten what he wanted but he bites his tongue. It will only lead to a circular conversation and somehow he knows that Hwa-pyung will still end up on top.
Choi-yoon lets out a sigh and mirrors the other, moving to lay on his back as well and willing sleep to come and take him.
It doesn’t happen. Choi-yoon counts the minutes in his head until he gets to fifteen and cracks his eyes open.
He’s not used to sharing a sleeping space so close to others, even when he was a boy, the beds at the school had been a respectable distance away from one another, lest the boys get any idea to goof around in the middle of the night. Hwa-pyung is a living, breathing thing beside him, their shoulders practically touching, and Choi-yoon can’t help that his brain locks into the way that the other's body shifts and the heat of it, radiating towards him while they’re both under the blanket.
Unable to fight the urge, Choi-yoon turns his head to look. Hwa-pyung’s eye is closed, and his mouth is open slightly, breathing even and low. He looks surprisingly comfortable for essentially being on the hard ground.
“I can feel you staring.” Hwa-pyung’s voice is low, not a whisper but not exactly at the volume he usually speaks. Choi-yoon hadn’t expected him to still be awake but he isn't surprised either. The other man turns to face him and opens his eyes to meet Choi-yoon’s gaze through the darkness. Choi-yoon can still make out the stark whiteness of Hwa-pyung’s damaged eye and it makes his stomach churn, a terrifying reminder of all of their sacrifices. But Hwa-pyung is the only one who has to bear them...
It’s unfair.
Neither of them says anything for a long while, just staring at one another. It’s strange in that it’s not strange at all. Eventually, Hwa-pyung seems to find the words he needs to say.
“When you and Gil-young leave in the morning…” he pauses, and Choi-yoon feels like he’s suddenly on the edge of something scary, whatever the man is going to say, it won’t be favorable. “You should probably stay away for a while.”
Choi-yoon feels himself go very tense. He should have expected as much. The reconciliation had been too easy, the acceptance that they’d found him, even after learning the reason he’d never reached out. Choi-yoon feels like something is scooping at his insides. Even now, after all the loss, after all the struggle, Hwa-pyung is still offering his neck and wrists for shackles, content to keep the burden all to himself.
It makes Choi-yoon sick.
Unbidden, unstoppable, he reaches forward, face doing something complicated he’s sure, and the tips of his fingers find the top of Hwa-pyung’s scar, slicing into his eyebrow. To his credit, the other man doesn’t shrink away, just follows the path of Choi-yoon’s arm with his good eye. Choi-yoon traces the line and lets out a shaky exhale, forcing his thoughts to gather into something coherent.
“I leave you once…” Choi-yoon breathes the words, finger sliding down to where the scar ends, just at the top of Hwa-pyung’s cheekbone. ‘I leave you once and this happens,’ is what he’s saying.
Choi-yoon is tired, floating on whatever this strange energy between them is and wishing that it didn’t circle his heart like a vice. Choi-yoon knows what it’s called, but years of fear beaten into him refuses to let him name the emotion for now. He pauses there before letting his gaze drop to meet Hwa-pyung’s again.
Something deep inside, maybe the fact that Choi-yoon’s rosary is catching the soft moonlight from the half-shuttered windows, still around Hwa-pyung’s neck, is telling him he needs Hwa-pyung to know this. Maybe it’s just that selfish voice in the back of his head.
“Choi-yo-” Hwa-pyung looks sad, and Choi-yoon doesn’t like it, not how the expression makes him look years beyond his age, and not how it makes him feel.
“I’m not doing it again.” He’s resolute in this, Park Il-do’s possible return, the curse that may or may not remain, lingering over his head, he won’t leave Hwa-pyung alone again.
The other man sighs and even though he closes his eyes and offers a small nod of acquiescence, Choi-yoon knows that this conversation isn’t over. He’ll have Gil-young keep tabs on him just in case he tries to leave. He doubts Hwa-pyung would, not with his grandfather still needing him, but Choi-yoon feels like his minor paranoia is justified. Hwa-pyung opens his eyes again, and Choi-yoon doesn’t know what he sees. Whatever it is, however he looks at the other man, it takes the rest of the fight out of Hwa-pyung and the small frown is replaced with a tired smile.
Choi-yoon is slightly startled when a hand comes up to wrap around his own, having not fully realized he was still touching Hwa-pyung’s face, thumb absently tracing the lines of the scar.
“Go to bed Choi-yoon.” Hwa-pyung guides his hand down to the space between them and Choi-yoon notes, even as his eyes grow heavy, that the other isn’t pulling away from the contact. He uses that as some kind of justification for turning his palm and lacing their fingers together, a part of his brain still buzzed and exhausted, supplying that now Hwa-pyung can’t leave.
Choi-yoon is not destined for salvation, he’s promised no place in heaven, and he doesn’t know if Hwa-pyung is either. The least he can do, what he wants the do, is walk that path, if not next to Hwa-pyung, behind him, so that this time, if the other man stumbles, it’s not by himself. If the devil comes rattling at the door once again, they can both be there holding him back.
Mostly, selfishly, it’s so that neither of them has to walk it alone.
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benka79 · 4 years ago
Queer Subtext in "The Guest" (Korean Dorama)
Or... how I justed wanted to watch a Gen Supernatural show and ended up falling for it's Beautiful M/M love story.
I don't know if you watch korean doramas, I do. This time I was on Netflix with my husband looking for a supernatural show, after watching a couple of it, and we crashed into "The Guest".
This attempt of analysis of the queer Subtext will have some spoilers so, If you don't want to be spoiled, jus scroll down. But go watch this show. Hahahaha
Disclaimed that, let's go to the East Sea...
Pansexual Flag for CHOI YOON and gay flag for HWA PYOUNG.
First apparition of Father Choi YOON, walking down a dark alley. You will find by his right, against a closed business shutter, Pansexual Flag Colors. What a presentation card for a priest, and is so symbolically beautiful, because philosophically, the spiritual leader should have the ability to love every creature, no matter what. So it applies to the decision of the writers to make Yoon linked to that kind of love.
Then we have Pyung, the medium. This boy is very enthusiastic, but he has surrounding him his grandfather and his best friend asking him, almost continually, to find a girl and get married. The poor medium doesn't answer, and he looks annoyed each time they mention that.
In one opportunity his grandfather asks if there's something wrong with him, and the boy snorts slightly, avoids eye contact and says, frustrated "No, grandpa."
Jumping to another scene... Yoon and Hwa Pyung are in the car, and Pyung's best friend, the shaman, is alone in another car. While they're talking by the phone, we can see behind the shaman the pride flag colors. And now you will ask... Why? Well... There's this part of the dialogue between Pyung and the shaman, in which he asks why he has to be alone in the car and Yoon and Pyung are together in the other car... Ahem... Pyung hungs the phone without answering. And the scene cuts to the shaman, with the pride flag in the background. The shaman frowns confused.
Nothing to add here...
Heart broken
There's two opportunities in which Pyung shows how heartbroken he was... Because of Yoon and how the writers wrote it with romantic subtext.
The first time Pyung faced Park Han, the assamblywoman, Choi YOON got mad and tells the detective he won't work anymore with Hwa Pyung.
Scenes after this, we have a very sad Pyoung in the shaman house, and his friend notices his sadness and asks if he was dumped.
Pyung looks somewhere and he repeats: "Yeah, I was dumped..."
Who just had dumped our cute medium? Well... Our cute priest.
Another scene in which he is in a worst depressed shape, again, in his best friend's house, he mentioned, gloomy, that at least someone is bothering him... Why? What had just happened in this episode? Well, Choi YOON said to him he couldn't trust him.
The shaman, insightful as he was, says that he looks too sad those days. And when Choi YOON goes surprisingly to his house, the shaman asks the priest if Pyung's depression is because he is in love with the detective. Well, kind of. I can't be very specific with the dialogues because I watched it with spanish subtitles. But that was the idea they transmitted.
Always looking when the other is not looking. And the handsome priest...
And remember in the police station when Pyung called Yoon the handsome priest that gives advises to the congregation in front of the cop?
Gif credit @setsmaker
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Another huge subtext is Yoon looking at Pyung when he's not looking and Pyung looking at Yoon when he's not looking. Always related to sad things of their last being revealed or called back. And why is this meaningful and it has to be taken as queer Subtext or romantic?
Kang Hil Young is their female detective friend. As a very insightful person, she notices the relationship between these two boys and in the scenes, she's always separated from them but also she's a kind of nexus. Because both boys talk with her, instead of talk with each other, as the stubborn and shy boys in love they're.
All the "stealing glances" scenes are centered between Pyung and Yoon. And less about Hil Young. This is written on propose to show Yoon and Pyung relationship is different to Pyung and Hil Young or Yoon and Hil Young relationships. Because the boys have this aura between them, this romantic tension always around them. That doesn't happen when they're with Him Young.
The precious one, the fight and the "Titanic like" scene.
Pyung will ask Hil Young to save Yoon instead of him. He is determined to give his life in exchange of the priest. He calls Yoon THE PRECIOUS LIFE THAT YOUR MOTHER SAVED, when he asks Hil Young to take care of Yoon. Why would a bro ask to his friend to take care of his bro? Why he didn't ask to this bro to take care of his friend instead? 🤔😜
Pyung always showing up at Yoon's place after a hard day? Why Yoon? Why not Hil Young's place too?
Also the scene of Pyung trying to hide a talisman but at the same time, sliding his hand with it inside of Yoon's pants and Yoon gay panic face yelling: 'What are you doing?' And Pyung insisting in puting that talisman inside Yoon's pants and then failing, frustrated because Yoon discovered it was a tasliman?
Gif set credit @achiara
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Priceless... And gay.
The scene of the fight between Yoon and Pyung WAS HELLA DRAMATIC AND FULL OF ROMANTIC SUBTEXT!
First of all, we had that music playing while Yoon tried to force himself to believe Park Il do (the demon) was inside of Pyung, because if he wasn't... That's would mean the demon was possesing Father Yang, that was like a second father to our cute priest.
Second, both friends had UNSHED TEARS in their eyes.
Third: Pyung was too heartbroken to react.
Fourth, the Yoon ended up ON TOP OF HIM WITH HIS HAND ON HIS THROAT, that, my friends, was one of the most hot m/m scenes. They remained like that, not strangling, but just his hand holding his throat. Like... Yeah. Go get a room.
When they thought everything was finished. Pyung was staying in his town and called Hil Young asking her to bring his stuffs from his apartment. To which she replies 'why don't you ask Yoon?' And our shy medium replies "He's too busy."
So, Yoon and Pyung didn't call each other, but they both called Hil Young.
She asks Yoon to be nice with Pyung because PYUNG HAD ASKED HER TO TAKE CARE OF HIM INSTESD OF PYUNG. (Yeah, she confessed that to the priest)
And i suspect she told Yoon about Pyung asking her for his stuffs because the medium considered Yoon was TOO BUSY. Why? Because the scene in which Yoon shows up in Pyung's town to check the people that had been posseses, he calls Pyung.
Our cute medium goes immediately : BUY MEAT, I'M FEELING SICK, STAY TONIGHT TO SLEEP IN MY HOUSE, and what does reply the priest? I'LL THINK ABOUT IT. NOW I HAVE TO GO BECAUSE I'M TOO BUSY. And he hangs the phone smirking!!!! Translation?
'I'm too busy because you said I'm too busy to bring your stuffs! I thought you didn't want to see me and now you are too happy to see me!!?? Watch me flirt with you and show you I'm not that easy.
And also, the poor girl is so tired to be the third wheel...
When they said goodbye in the road, Hil Young goes inside the car but Yoon and Pyung were there... Trying to sound cool, and 'You did well's 'Yeah, you top's, like two dorks, while the female friend watched them as if she was saying COME ON!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS? At the end Pyung confessed he was about to give his life in exchange of Yoon's life... And shy priest just goes inside the car.
But everything goes to hell when Park Il Do posseses Pyung and tries to strangle Yoon.
What did our cute medium yell to the demon? 'Don't touch him! Don't you dare to touch him!"
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Gif credit @knights-in-whumperland
Okay... Those are not words you would say for a not boyfriend bro.
Then... Scene in the water...
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Gif set credit @r-a-n-x-i-e
The scene is so romantic I showed my friend (who didn't watch the show) a gif and she said WTF IS THAT? TITANIC?
Because, yeah, hella gay. They hel hands and then... Pyung reacts and before pushing Yoon's hand to release him to the surface, he rubbed his freaking fingers!!!!!
Not to mention he wss carrying with the rosary the priest left in his hand under the water for one entire year even when he wasn't catholic!!! HE DID IT BECAUSE YOON GAVE IT TO HIM!
To Conclude:
The subtext of a queer love story was magnificencia displayed, but it was more beautiful to see how inncoents, and shy and cute these two were with each other. So if you wanna see a cute m/m love story plus friendship loyalty and action, watch this dorama. I plenty recommend it!
PS: I'm calling this ship PYOON!
Buenos Aires, February 19 2020, 00:15 AM
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hwapyungah · 3 years ago
choi yoon and yoon hwa pyung really argued over who was going to be the most self-sacrificial bastard to save each other and protect gil young and if that isn’t love idk what is
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teafiend · 4 years ago
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Love these scenes from Ep 6. Every time I rewatched these segments, I could not help but be blown away by how stunningly beautiful they made Kang Gil Young; bloody, bruised and as exhausted as she was here. Never expected to be as in love and obsessed with the visuals and aesthetics of this show as I am.
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street-of-mercy · 6 years ago
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What happened?
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beyondevilslut · 4 months ago
This edit of hwa pyung and choi Yoon has me hysterical for days now
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burningembers91 · 1 month ago
Adding to Fic List - The Guest Kdrama
I’m on my third rewatch of this show and have soooooo many ideas for the hot priest and angst-filled psychic 👀
Yoon Hwa-Pyung
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Choi Yoon
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lacrimosasuit-a · 6 years ago
Angel & Demon, Saint & Sinner // Voice x The Guest Crossover
Mo Taegu & Choi Yoon’s relationship // @lacrimosa-suit & @choi-yoon
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Mo Taegu usually visited any church near in the city wherever he did business, not because he was religious, but because he felt like he gain an affirmation that God allows him to do lawlessly anything; like his father cleaning up his murder, like the chief of Police covering up his crime; and he wanted to see that every place is the same. But in a certain church, he met someone who has similar (even identical) facial feature as him that people could resemble them as twin. The man was a Priest --the first Priest who ever greeted him. Thus, Taegu was interested in him (the similar interest as of how he's attracted to Kang Kwon Joo). He decided to play a game with The Priest, name is Matteo. 
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In the confession room, he then confessed about his hobby of murdering people and treating them like playing a toy. He knew enough that a faithful Priest like Matteo is ready to die like a martyr so murdering him wouldn’t be fun. Instead of torturing Matteo physically, Taegu would rather torture The Priest’s soul by keeping visiting after he’s murdering someone, showing the blood on his hands and his kettlebell, or proudly present that he used Bible Quote in the murder scene to justify it, or terror him by giving a part of his victim’s body in box of gift . He told his "Mirror" to stop him if he really didn’t wanna let more innocent people die--he even challenged to be exorcized but of course, it didn't work. He said the only way to stop him is by Matteo killing him and he wouldn’t defend himself if it happened. He also threatened if Matteo’s friends (Hwa Pyung and Gilyoung) ever tried to stop him because Matteo is too coward to do it, he’d kill them and it was easy. Of course, if Matteo ever desperately did it, Taegu won because what he wanted is to crush The Priest’s faith. 
NOTED: Mo Taegu’s fate here is same as VOICE’s ending. After being arrested by Moo Jin Hyuk and Kang Gwon Joo, he was sent to mental hospital and Matteo take the turn to visit him regularly. Whether The Priest genuinely helped him to repent or else, the visitation tortured him as he kept begging Matteo just to kill him…. and he finally died by the hand of another patient someday.
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hwapyungah · 3 years ago
before the sea - hwa pyung x yoon
just a little post-canon smut-with-feelings fic i wrote because i absolutely could not contain myself. there is also a big nod to the found family trope between them and gil young and i will die on the hill that it’s literally the best dynamic in the world and i would kill and die for all three of them
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hwapyungah · 3 years ago
Amnesiac!Hwapyung anon here. I just want to share this kfan fmv of what I think is a similar concept (i can’t understand korean for shit) but the angst!! The pining!!! Here’s a visual aid to hurt ourselves more
ohhh god this hurts so much
i also don't know korean but i definitely recognize the scream in the first part of that video as the one where yoon tried to approach hwa pyung after he took park il do in and hwa pyung screamed for him to stay back. that part resonates with me because of how desperate he sounded, and apparently, it resonates with the yoon in this fmv ughhh my heart
i gather like yoon keeping his distance here bc hwa pyung doesn't recognize him or maybe even because he knows hwa pyung won't remember him if he were to approach and he's in so much pain, because as awful as what happened to them was, it aches to see that hwa pyung doesn't remember any of what they went through
in the universe of this video i gather the impression that hwa pyung's memory loss brought him to the city to try and pick up the pieces and make a living for himself, and he's doing really well, and yoon is reluctant to get in the way of that. what if he stirs up memories? what if he drags hwa pyung, who deserves the world and then some, down? he couldn't possibly...
so he keeps his distance, being happy for hwa pyung from afar, but close enough that if something were to happen he could be there for him.
the end of the video almost implies a sweet ending??? it could just be that they finally met and hwa pyung doesn't remember him but warms up to him quick, but because i'm sappy, i get the feeling it's more like yoon is the first one he does recognize. maybe he doesn't know yoon by name or by the memories they shared, but he knows they're connected, and he smiles broadly because he feels like he's somehow talking to someone he loves uncontrollably even if he doesn't know this person
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hwapyungah · 3 years ago
Hi!! I just want to talk about these choiyoonhwapyung thoughts that I can’t get out of my head.
What if when hp comes back, he had no memories of the past? Somehow the trauma supressed all memories of park il do. For all hp knows he comes from a family of shamans and he’s lost them all due to a freak accident. He remembers going through the orphanage system (HC: grandpa didnt want him to live in a town where people are scared of him and keep whispering about his family’s death) and working in the city as a taxi driver, living an ordinary lonely life.
Choi yoon, having lived all his life under the influence of father yang (it was him who convinced yoon to enter priesthood for a chance to find his brother, recommended parish where he can serve, saying that the city has more people for him to help etc) decided to put in a transfer to the countryside.
That’s when he coincidentally met reclusive hp, blind in one eye, hair hasn’t been cut in what looked to be more than a year and wearing yoon’s rosary around his neck loading fish at the docks.
His heart soared, eyes getting misty and softly called out hwa pyung’s name only for it to plummet and shatter to the ground when hp with zero recognition in his usually fond eyes said “Do I know you?”.
Like!! I just think he’d be devastated!! He knows it’s probably for the better that hp doesnt remember all those heartbreaks and devastating nightmare but he can’t help but want for hp to see him again, to look at him and know that just a year ago they’d both lay down their own life to protect the other. To be his friend, his other half who shared the same tragic past who only have each other in this cruel world. That urge to be in hp’s life again for him to look at him and only him clashes with his desire to make sure hp only knows happiness and none of his dark past. Therefore, yoon decides that he will stay by hp side in whatever way possible, someone who lives in the same small town, nextdoor neighbour, newfound acquaintance. Whatever he would be to hwa pyung, however much it would hurt for hwa pyung to KNOW him but not REMEMBER him, he would stay with him.
First off, I read this ask while I was at work and got SO EMOTIONAL. Dear god it hurts to think about and I was a mess for a hot second lmfao.
That said, your interpretation of how Yoon would handle Hwa Pyung not remembering him is so spot-on ughhhh. It says a lot for how much he grew as a character during the show. I think a lot about how he went from being cold and standoffish because he simply didn't understand why Hwa Pyung behaved the way he did, all the way to how utterly SOFT he was for the dude following his release from jail, and like...god I love him so much.
I feel like a Choi Yoon before the Assemblywoman Park situation would have responded to that kind of reaction very coldly and taken it personally. But the Choi Yoon who saw just what kind of person Hwa Pyung was and how his own trauma shaped him (the dude can relate okay), he would be willing to stay by the guy's side. Hell, he probably feels like he owes it to him.
On that same note, it might be kind of bittersweet to see how an amnesiac Hwa Pyung who doesn't remember his trauma might address someone as rigid and formal as Yoon. He wouldn't have his obsession with getting rid of a demon obscuring his thoughts. He and Yoon would probably still bicker, but conversation would grow easier and a different kind of bond would form. It wouldn't be what they had before, but Yoon will take it.
Hwa Pyung sure looks peaceful when he smiles.
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