#hvitserk and ivar love triangle
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majesticwren · 3 years ago
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! CHAPTER UPDATE ! Be my guest, come around, and enjoy the journey! I wish to see my project grow and I hope this is the right place to find some more support! ✨ This is a WIP AO3 fanfic IvarxAngrbodaxHvitserk, word count: just reached the 200k.
What if Angrboda, daughter of Floki and Helga, never died?
She is gifted and cursed. She who walks the Earth guided and inspired by the Trickster. Grown to become a gifted witch, a skilled warrior, a determined and loyal woman. She who takes guard over her loved one, her people and even the Gods.
And in her life, made of choices, and war, and magic, and whispers, she is destined to always choose the side of a man she loves dearly, over her soulmate. As much as she would always choose Loki, over any other God.
Behold! A tale about a War of heart, cultures and Gods.
The events of this fanfic start at S402 continuing to S602. It may contain flashbacks.
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honestsycrets · 4 years ago
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Two idiots back at it again.
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therealcalicali · 7 years ago
Synopsis: Upon moving to a new city,  the Reader crosses paths with Ivar, Hvitserk and the rest of the Lothbrok clan. Since her own life is already filled with internal demons from a strict upbringing, their introduction into her life only adds to the drama. As things progress, Reader discovers that there is more to her interactions with Ivar and Hvisterk than meets the eye.
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Read Chapter 1 here: CLOSER TO ME: CHAPTER 1
Read Chapter 2 here: CLOSER TO ME: CHAPTER 2
Read Chapter 3 here: CLOSER TO ME: Chapter 3
Read Chapter 4 here: CLOSER TO ME: CHAPTER 4
Read Chapter 4 here: CLOSER TO ME: CHAPTER 5
Read Chapter 6 here: CLOSER TO ME: CHAPTER 6
Read Chapter 7 here: CLOSER TO ME: CHAPTER 7
Read Chapter 8 here: CLOSER TO ME: CHAPTER 8
Read Chapter 9 here: CLOSER TO ME: CHAPTER 9
Read Chapter 10 here: CLOSER TO ME: CHAPTER 10
Prologue Warnings: None     
Word Count: 6500+         
Setting: Modern Vikings
Genre: Romance/Drama                   
Pairing: Ivar x Reader x Hvitserk (Love Triangle)
Tagged: @irishhiggins  @mblaqgi  @i-care-bout-you-boo  @peaches-seed  @sajess98
You suddenly felt very stressed out. Not that it didn't happen to you once in a while but this particular day was different. It was as if the conversation with your mother had taken you back to the awkward childhood and teen years you've tried so hard to escape.
“Come on Y/N. Let’s forget about it for now.” You advised yourself about your mom’s criticism of your personal life.
Despite it being a Friday night, you were scheduled to work so you didn’t have time to mope around. After a quick shower, you hastily dressed and put on your make-up. Since you didn’t have enough time to do any type of hairstyle, you opted for a sleek ponytail. After putting on your earrings, you grabbed your purse before you realized you had misplaced your car keys. For what seemed like forever, you tore up the apartment before you finally found them under the couch.
“How the hell did they wind up down there?” 
By now, your make-up had begun to smudge a bit due to your increased activity. The light layer of sweat was not only on your face but on your body as well. 
Grateful to have located the keys to your 1998 Honda Civic, you dashed to your balcony and opened the sliding glass door. Relaxing yourself, you allowed the cool night air to wash over you. You crisp white blouse and black pencil skirt finally stopped sticking to you as the moisture on your body dried away.
"Ugh! Why can't we ever just have a normal conversation? Just once!!" You pondered with exasperation looking off into the distance.
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In silent contemplation, you stared into the beautiful night sky a few minutes before returning indoors to head for work. You had barely finished sliding on your black work pumps when you knocked over the forgotten cup of cold coffee onto the beige carpet.
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"For the love of God! Can anything go right today?" You screamed in frustration. Your voice almost echoed in the one bedroom apartment you had resided in for only 4 months.
It was a new place as well as a new city. Just what you needed to get away from your overbearing family and nosey friends. And despite what they all thought, you didn't go running back home in defeat. Truthfully, you had surprised everyone. No one actually thought you could live so far away from home, but so far, so good.
You glanced at you cell phone for the time as you stepped out of your apartment door.
"Crap! 7:45 pm!" You observed with a roll of your eyes.
Your shift was supposed to start at eight but thanks to your mom, you had really lost track of time. Luckily, you lived pretty close to the freeway. Despite running late, with some luck you could probably get there at a decent time. You quickly made your way down the steps of the second floor all the way to the gated parking garage. 
"Hey Y/N! How have you been?" 
The sweet voice belonged to your neighbor and acquaintance Marianna. She was seated her red BMW waiting for the gate to open wide enough for her to leave. Looking at her immaculate makeup and her professionally styled hair, you immediately felt frumpy.
"I'm doing pretty good. Just running late." You replied with wave.
"Oh? So, what's his name?" Marianna gave you a devious grin. 
“Nothing like that. I'm just going to work." You said in a soft tone as you unlocked your car door.
Marianna shook her head with feigned disappointment and pulled her lips into a toddler-like pout. It actually got a genuine giggle out of you. She was quite a raven haired beauty with a very outgoing personality. You could definitely see that she had what most people would refer to as an A-type personality. The funny thing was that despite you being quite the introvert, you admired her jovial, outgoing nature. 
Besides, if it hadn't been for her picking conversations with you by force in the laundry room and apartment gym, you wouldn't know anyone except the people at work.
"Well, I guess I'll see you in three days. I'm working the New York route for extra money. Saving up for VEGAS you know." 
She made sure to emphasize the word Vegas because she had recently made you promise to go. For whatever reason, as busy as Marianna’s social life was, she seemed intent on befriending you. Why, you had no clue. But then again, you thought it would be sort of nice to experience new things with her leading the way.
With the gate finally opened all the way, Marianna threw you a peace sign and drove off.
When you finished buckling in, you tried to start your car. To your horror however, it took three attempts for the ignition to finally kick in. Upon hearing the engine and radio come to life, you heaved a huge sigh of relief. After the day you had so far, the car not starting would have just been the icing on the cake.
"Guess I do have some luck left after all." You though to yourself.
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Loud music and boisterous conversations hit you as soon as you walked into "Club 52". The state-of-the-art nightclub was a hot spot almost seven days a week. Obviously, the weekends were jammed packed. From live performances, burlesque shows and much more , it was lit. Needless to say that when it came to atmosphere, your workplace had it all.
"Well, well, well. Glad to see a certain somebody finally decided to join us. Welcome, il mio timido (Italian: my shy one)." Your boss; Frank Pesci's; deep voice boomed as you tried to quickly put on your apron behind the main bar counter.  
He was a dark haired, blue-eyed Sicilian who always wore tailored suits that fit him to perfection. And today was no exception. Even in late fifties, he was quite the head turner. Women of all ages flirted with him on a regular basis but he only had eyes for his wife of 25 years.
You gave your boss a nervous smile and hoped you weren't in any real trouble. Weekend were important in the club scene so you hated that you were almost half an hour late. Frankie; as he liked to be called; was the kindest man you had ever met so he most likely wasn't going to be too harsh. 
As you finished tying your apron, you tried to decide whether or not to lie about why you were late. As if he knew what you were up to, Frankie watched you with an amused expression as you brainstormed. His blue tie made his blue eyes seem even brighter as they gazed into Y/C eyes.
"Oh forget it! I better just stick to the truth." You told yourself finally.
"I'm so sorry. I guess I lost track of time while talking to my mom. It won't happen---."
Frankie lifted one finger up to cut off your apology. The action spoke volumes about what he was going to say. He had hired you after you practically begged for the job despite not having any experience. Being generous, he had taken pity on you after initially trying to dismiss you from the job interview.
You had explained how you were new in town and that he was your last hope before your rent was due. It was safe to say he was touched by your plight because he hired you despite better candidates interviewing that same day. 
Frankie shot you a genuine smile and calmly informed you it was going to be a busy night due to several private parties going on. The biggest private party was in the Blue Room and he wanted you and your coworker Folaki to host the event.
"ME? PRIVATE PARTY HOSTESSING? Nope!" You internally objected.
Just the mere thought of it made you feel queasy. Unfortunately before you could protest the duty, Frankie gave you a sly smile and walked off to talk to patrons. 
"Ugh! He did that on purpose!" You said aloud without realizing just how loud you had really been.
"You need to relax Y/N. It's not as bad as you think it's going to be."
Folaki, with her slight Nigerian accent, playfully bumped your hip with her own. She had worked at Club 52 for over three years and was super popular with the patrons. And much like Marianna, she was extremely sociable. 
Before you could get a word in edgewise, she grabbed you wrist lightly and soon had you struggling to keep up with her pace. As the two of you walked towards the Blue Room, Folaki enthusiastically tried to encourage you.
"Look Y/N, it's about time you worked the private parties. Trust me. They're so much fun. Just chat people up and play games with them. You'll get the biggest tips you’ve ever seen." Folaki said as she turned to you and swayed her hips seductively. "It's the best tips you'll ever get without working at a strip club girl. Trust me." 
You were quite horrified at the thought of chatting up strangers. It was all good and well when you worked the regular floor because you could be reserved and speak when necessary. But with party room guests, they were expecting a superb host/hostess for the money they dished out. 
"Do you think I could just switch out with Jason? I mean, he's done this tons of times. Besides, it will make things go smoother for you if he’s helping instead of me." You said attempting to convince Folaki as you passed by the Red Room. 
The Blue Room was within sight and your heart began beating in your ears so loudly that it drowned out all other sound around you. Folaki glanced at you after checking her makeup in her compact one last time.
"Don't even try it Y/N." She giggled while shaking her head. Seeing how nervous you were, she put her arm around you as you walked side-by-side. "Look, Frankie said he wants you to get out of your comfort zone. He strictly forbid everyone from switching assignments with you.”
Noticing your still apprehensive expression, Folaki gave you a tight squeeze. “Don't worry  so much. We're going to kill it. You and I are going to make a great team."
"Great.” You thought. 
The Blue Room was buzzing with activity, music and lots of laughter. Despite being nervous as hell, you noticed that whomever had rented it out, had really good taste. The color scheme was white, black and blue and very upscale in decor. 
Typically the themes chosen by patrons ranged from amusing to gaudy but this was stylish all the way. You were so lost in thought that you almost forgot why you were there in the first place. That was until Folaki yelled your name. 
Looking up, you saw her at what appeared to be the main table beckoning you with her hand. Apprehensively, you began making your way through some attendees. As you neared the table, you nearly froze when everyone seated there turned to look at you. If it had been possible to run away at that very moment without getting fired, you would have.
There were several men and two women staring at you with various facial expressions. One of the women; a blonde; looked you up and down with some disdain before sipping her water. You noted that the men at the table were all very handsome. Not that you got a really good look because you tried to keep your eyes on Folaki. 
"So, as I was saying guys, I'm Folaki and this here is my partner in crime Y/N.”
You gave a polite wave to the group upon hearing your name. As you did so, you noticed that a guy with a somewhat solemn expression was looking at you instead of Folaki. It made you uneasy because you had always hated when people stared at you for too long. It made you self-conscious.
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“We'll be your hostesses for tonight so don't be shy if you need anything." Folaki spoke with so much passion that everyone at the table was hanging on her every word. "And for the record, I'm not just talking food and drinks. If you need REAL competition come game time or karaoke, holler at your girl." She added pointing to herself with a haughty shift of her shoulders.
The last bit got a huge amount of laughter from everyone at the table to your surprise. The guys especially seemed entertained by her cocky declaration. One guy promptly slapped a hundred dollar bill onto the table. 
"Alright Folaki. You and me! We'll play Punch-Out when I'm ready!" The dark haired guy said with a distinct accent. His blue eyes danced as he playfully scowled at your coworker thinking she would back down.
"Well, it’s your money. Don't say I didn't warn you." A confident Folaki responded before pulling out the work tablet from her apron.
"Well then, two hundred says Folaki whips your ass Ivar!" Another guy said as he too slammed money down.
This caused ruckus and chatter as the others also placed bets. As this was going on, Folaki leaned down to a muscular blonde guy to get drink instructions. You watched all of it totally unsure of what to do or say next. Boy, were you ever out of your element. While lost in your thoughts; as usual; you felt a tug on your apron.
"What are you daydreaming about?"
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You looked down to see the attractive guy that had been staring at you earlier. He still had hold of the hem of you apron despite having gained your attention. Tilting his head slightly, he smirked at your uncomfortable expression.
"I...um, I'm so sorry. Uh, is there anything I can do for you sir?"
He seemed genuinely amused by your nervousness and chuckled a bit. The blonde chick at the table didn't seem as entertained though. You noticed that she had leaned over to whisper something to the brunette. The two women looked at you and inaudibly laughed which caused the back of your neck to get hot. 
You knew very well they were talking about you and it wasn't anything nice, of that you were certain. You composed yourself as best you could and turned your attention to the attractive guy again and waited for his order. As he pondered, you took out your tablet. 
Fiddling with it at least gave you a reason not to look at anyone. Especially the two bitches who kept eyeing you for whatever reason. 
"You don't have to be so formal you know. Take a note from your friend Folaki. We don't bite." The blue eyed guy said with an innocent raise of his eyebrow. 
"That is….unless you want us to. Isn't that right Hvitserk?" A curly haired blonde exclaimed as he put the guy you were speaking with into a playful choke-hold.
"Get off me Sigurd, you jackass! Can’t you see I'm trying to get drinks?" Hvisterk said as he tried to get out of the wrestling hold. 
Finally, when he had set himself free, he elbowed Sigurd and looked at you again. You noted that all of them had heavy accents but couldn't quite place the origin. 
"Can’t you see I'm trying to get drinks?" A voice mimicked Hvitserk. 
You looked to see a handsome man walk up. The blonde man was so striking that you almost lost your train of thought. His expressive eyes danced over you a moment before turning them to Hvisterk.
"Happy Birthday son. So, think you’re man enough to take me down yet?" The man said as he wrapped a strong arm around Hvitserk's neck.
For his part, Hvitserk was stronger than he looked. He managed to escape his father’s sturdy clutch and stood up. The two of them stared each other down for a few moments, sizing each other up. You shifted on your heels nervous about what was going to happen next. To your relief, the father opened his arms and Hvitserk quickly embraced him.
“Thank God.” You thought.The last thing you wanted to do was clean up the aftermath of a fight.
As you observed them all, you noted that these people were quite aggressive. Not only in their actions but manner of speaking as well. You only hoped that the alcohol wouldn’t make them worse before the night was done.
"Ragnar! Well, I guess the Gods do have a sense of humor after all.” A slender and tall woman nonchalantly said arriving at the table. I'm glad to see you could make it. I thought for certain that you weren't coming. I guess your warden let you out for a change."
She placed her hands on Sigurd's shoulders and gave an obviously fake smile to the man. A few of the guys at the table noticeably cringed at her words. You could feel the tension at the table now and wished you could go check on other party guests. However, you decided to stay put. After all, it would have been rude not to wait for Hvitserk’s order. Especially now that you knew he was the guest of honor.
Ragnar scowled at the woman a moment before popping on a great big smile to your amusment.
"I see you're as beautiful and charming as ever Aslaug. You can rest your mind now because as you can see, I am very much present for my son's party." He added a crooked smirk at the end which seemed to irritate the Aslaug.
"Politely bickering as usual, aye?" A tall man happily jeered. 
He patted Ragnar on the shoulder and waved to Aslaug to her obvious annoyance. With a fake smile still plastered on her face, she departed causing almost the entire table to sigh in relief.  
"Was it something I said?" The tall man mischievously asked aloud. 
Ragnar and the others laughed at his remark but one guy in particular remained stone-faced. It was the boisterous one that had bet on the arcade game against Folaki. You knew his name started with an “I” but just couldn't remember what it was.
"Uncle Floki, mother is very sensitive." He gently stated with sincerity. "We shouldn't make light of her concern for us all." He stressed. 
The Floki gentleman laughed harder as did Ragnar. Even the other guys; who were trying not to laugh; couldn't contain their snickers.
"Ivar, please! You mother is the last person anyone would ever describe as sensitive." The muscular blonde guy chimed in as he ate a tortilla chip. 
Everyone burst into laughter again as Ivar glared at all of them with the most intense eyes you had ever seen. He had a storm in them no doubt. There was definitely something uncontrollable and ominous hidden underneath his handsome facade.
"Bjorn, my dear brother, you wound me." Ivar said in an oddly calm tone. "My mother has been through a great deal. Perhaps you could be more, oh, I don't know, understanding? He leaned back into his chair as he continued. “After all, your mother did everything in her power to make sure she won father back. Now mother is all alone. So you see, she has every right to be sensitive." A stern Ivar concluded.
Bjorn rolled his eyes and without a word got up to talk to other people, you assumed. From your peripheral view you saw Folaki finish speaking to a group of people near the door before leaving the Blue Room. Most likely to fill orders. The tension was still quite thick when suddenly Ivar's eyes landed on you.
"Hey you!" He snapped. "Why are you just standing there? Do your damn job and fuck off!"
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Boy, did you wish you were dead. Everyone turned their attention to you. The blonde chick seated near Sigurd and Hvitserk covered her mouth as she giggled loudly. The brunette smiled slightly but seemed uncomfortable by what had just occurred. If there was ever a time where you wished the ground could open up and swallow you whole, this was it.
"Ivar! That's uncalled for." Sigurd said in your defense. 
"Shut up Siggy. He turned from Sigurd and looked you square in the face. “She's a worker who's supposed to be fetching food and drink not standing around listening to private conversations." 
Ivar silently taunted you upon noticing that your eyes were welling with tears. You were trying so hard to hold them in but knew that they could begin dropping at any moment. Your hands gripped the tablet so hard you thought for sure you would crack it eventually. Ivar looked quite satisfied with himself for whatever reason and was smiling in victory at you. 
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"Um, I...I'll go check on the catering and your other orders. If...uh, you need anything else I'll be back in a few minutes." You quickly said and turned on your heels as quickly as possible. 
You were so eager to leave the scene that you navigated through the packed party effortlessly. As you were leaving, you faintly heard your name being called but chose to ignore it. You had to get away from those people at the head table NOW!
"Air. I gotta have some fresh air!"
Somehow you managed to get into the employee break room before the tears finally fell. The bitter saltiness hit your tongue as you wept uncontrollably.
“Why are some people such assholes?” You wondered.
After a few minutes, you managed to pull yourself together. You wiped your face with Kleenex tissues and looked yourself over in a large mirror. Aside from your eyeliner being smudged, you looked alright. However, the slight puffiness of your eyes did giveaway the fact that you had been crying. You powdered your face and reapplied you lipstick before tossing them back into your locker  
“Jerk! I should have cracked this damn tablet over his head." You said aloud as you sat down on the sofa. 
Placing the tablet on your lap, you checked on their order statuses. Despite everything, you didn't want to make trouble for Frankie by not doing your job well. As you were getting ready to go outside for fresh air your cell buzzed. When you looked and realized it was your parent’s number you decided to let it go to voicemail. After all, you had enough bad things occurring at the moment without your mom coming for round two. You went out into the club and past the main floor without stopping to speak to anyone. 
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You made your directly towards the exit anticipating fresh air. You finally got it as you stepped out onto the busy sidewalk. The streets were full of pedestrians of all ages out for a good time. Observing them almost made you forget the humiliation you had just endured.
The city was affluent and safe so you were never surprised to see the preteens out and about as well. As a group of them passed by you, one girl handed you a giant pink lollipop. You smiled and thanked them as you leaned against a streetlight. The owner of the flower shop across the street; Ms. Zimmel; noticed you and waved. She was most likely out for her regular smoke break. Unlike most flower shops, she was smart enough to keep her store open late into the night. 
But then again the location was unique. There was always heavy foot traffic so naturally she made a killing much like the other businesses on that strip. As you waved back to Ms. Zimmel, you felt a light tap in your shoulder.
"Excuse me. Y/N, correct?"
You turned around and came face to face with the curly haired blonde who had defended you.
“Yeah, that’s right.”
"I don't mean to bother you but…oh, where are my manners. I'm Sigurd by the way." He said extending his hand.
At first you were apprehensive but he looked at you with kind eyes which made you relent and shake his hand. Pleased by your willingness to listen, he immediately continued speaking.
"My father asked me to come and apologize to you, as did my brother Hvitserk. He's the one we’re throwing the party for." He grinned.
"Thanks Sigurd. Look, don't worry about it. I...I'm a professional and I'm going to finish the event despite what happened." 
You replied looking down at the pavement so he couldn't see that you didn't believe your own words. In actuality, you had no desire to return to the Blue Room but, knew you had to. At least you received an apology despite it not being from creep who insulted you in the first place.
Almost like he read your mind, Sigurd stated that he was sorry that Ivar had not apologized. 
"Don't take it too personally though Y/N. When my brother does stuff like this…he NEVER apologizes.” Sigurd shook his head in a show of exasperation. “It's just unfortunate that you happened to be within his gaze at the wrong time."
His words seemed very genuine so you finally decided to look up at him again. As you did, you took notice of a taller blonde guy with a long ponytail walk up behind Sigurd. 
“What the hell are they? A rock band or something?” You wondered.
"So what devious little things is my little brother convincing you to do? Rob a bank, knock off a few liquor stores?"
The blonde guy roughly tussled Sigurd's hair triggering Sigurd to elbow him hard in response. 
"For your information Ubbe, I was just making sure our hostess was okay."
"Well, are you?" Ubbe asked with a twinkle in his light blue eyes. He looked you up and down in a peculiar manner but you pushed it out if your mind. 
"Yeah. Thanks um..."
“Ubbe.” Ubbe interrupted to provide you his name.
“Thanks Ubbe. I appreciate the concern.” You said with a faint smile.
"We Lothbroks are gentlemen for the most part. You'll see." Ubbe gave you a crooked smile that resembled his father's. "Well, shall we go in and do this party up or what?" He asked you.
You knew it was time to do your job despite your heart not really being in it. Besides Folaki needed you and that outweighed some jerk talking down to you.
"Okay. I'm ready."
When you entered the Blue Room behind Sigurd and Ubbe, you made a bee-line towards Folaki who had just finished placing a massive tray of tequila shots on the table. In her other hand she balanced an equally large tray of lemons, limes and salt shakers. How she managed to be so skillful and coordinated, you would never know.
When you reached her side, you thought she was going to be angry that you had vanished without telling her where you were going, but she wasn’t.
“Everything okay Y/N?”
“Uh, yeah. I was actually about to ask you the same thing.” You replied a bit surprised at her concern.
She placed the other tray down and whispered that she had heard about your incident from the Hvitserk. He had even asked her to find you and make apologies but she was unable to locate you.
“Oh, that’s because I was outside. Thanks for telling me though.” You said as you tried to stealthily glance at Hvitserk.
He must have been looking at you already because your eyes met as soon as you turned your head. You felt like such a dork as the two of you looked at each other for a moment. After all, you had not intended on getting caught. Without breaking his glance, Hvitserk lifted his tequila shot up as if to toast you. As you watched him as if you were hypnotized, he took the shot and winked flirtatiously. 
The wink made you turn from him immediately. What you didn’t know was that the abrupt manner in which you turned away amused Hvitserk. He leaned over to laugh about it with Ubbe, Sigurd and his Uncle Floki.
“I think our other hostess is one of those shy types. It’s so different than what I’m accustomed to.” Hvitserk chuckled as he grabbed a lemon wedge and another shot of tequila from the tray.
Ubbe looked over at you and back to the guys. 
“Indeed. No one would ever describe our women as shy.” Ubbe said with another glance in your direction.
Sigurd nodded his head in agreement and took a shot. Hvitserk took another shot and stated that he found it fascinating to interact with a woman who wasn’t aggressive. Ivar rolled his eyes at their conversation but said nothing. He was too busy trying to keep the blonde girl; now seated next to him; from giving him a hickey.
“We’re at a party with my family. Control yourself woman!” He commanded as she playfully leaned on him and stroked his cheek.
“But you said you liked it when I’m the initiator. Besides, I’m bored.” She cooed in a phony erotic tone.
The brunette girl swigged down her tequila and bit her lemon wedge. After she threw the peel down, she looked at the blonde.
“What my cousin means to say, Ingrid, is that it’s all good and well when we’re hanging out but not with our parents and extended family around. I mean, it’s kinda gross.” The brunette added with a bit of irritation in her voice.
“Whatever Tonna. Unlike you, I am not afraid of public displays of affection...or what people think about me for that matter.” Ingrid replied with pride.
Tonna, wanted to say something else but decided against it. She instead turned to chat with Ubbe. The fair-haired Ingrid snuggled her head on Ivar’s shoulder who, for whatever reason was scowling at you. 
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He watched as you served some attendees and then arrive back at the head table. Folaki had gone to speak with the caterers about the cake so you were on your own.
“Hey everyone.” You said softly. “The food is going to be served soon but I wanted to know-”
“Louder! For the love of Odin, who exactly is supposed to hear anything you’re trying to say?” Ivar bellowed.
Your heart started beating rapidly as you tried to remain calm. You had hoped that the asshole was done harassing you for the night but obviously he wasn’t. A drunk Floki; who was standing behind Ivar; shook his head as he patted the young man’s shoulder. It was his silent way of telling his nephew to take it easy.
“Don’t pay him any mind, my dear. He’s just having a bit of fun with you.” A jovial Floki said.
“Fun? This is the little bastard’s idea of fun?” You thought.
Ivar’s sinister glare didn’t diminish. You could literally feel his intimidating energy all over your body despite avoiding looking in his direction.
“I, I was saying that, if there’s anything you need before I go check on your guests, please-”
“This must be the work of Loki! I mean, this can’t be real. Seriously, were you a death-mute when you were younger Y/N?” Ivar cupped his hand to his ear as if he was struggling to hear you. “Speak up!”
Everyone watched to see what your reaction was going to be. Naturally some were laughing because the liquor had kicked-in with the exception of Sigurd, Hvitserk and Ubbe. Ubbe especially, was over Ivar’s behavior. As he sipped his rum and coke, he glared at his younger brother. Despite giggling a little bit, even their cousin Tonna seemed to feel a bit sorry for you. She hit her cousin’s shoulder and told him to stop.
Remorseless, Ivar shrugged his shoulders and acted stunned that she would defend you.
“What cousin?” He said innocently. “Do you not see that she isn’t made for this? Hun er en skæftig mus! (Danish: She’s a timid mouse!) You can tell she’s never been popular.” He impishly looked at you. ”Isn’t that right mus?”
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You felt like someone had exposed you. As if his words had left you naked in front of everyone. You were angry and sad all at the same time. It was a familiar mixture of emotions you hadn’t felt since moving to your apartment. Your mind flashed with images of your youth and college years. It was just a blur of bad memories.
“Look at her. She’s like a deer in headlights.” A pleased Ivar said as he swigged his tequila down.
A dark haired guy placed his hand on your shoulder snapping you out of your daydream.
“Apologies, my dear. I’m afraid he gets quite temperamental when he drinks. To answer your question, we are in need of several pints of beer. Guinness, if you please.”
“Tell her to make some of them extra stout, Alfred.” A drunk Ragnar said as he walked past the two of you.
“Well, I suppose you heard my Godfather’s request.” Alfred laughed. 
You were just about to do as Alfred had asked when Ivar’s voice stopped you in your tracks.
“Hey, Y/N! Not only are you apparently quite incompetent at your job but daft as well. Look, I’ll spell if for you. B E E R! ” He wrinkled his nose at you and furrowed his eyebrows like a mischievous child. “Now.......fetch!”
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Ivar continued drinking his beer and chuckling at the same time. His amusement at your expense was bad enough but commanding you as if you were a dog pissed you off. At that moment in time, his smug face and chuckling was all you could see. It simply pushed you over the edge. And that’s when it happened.  
You don’t know why you did it, but you did something you didn’t know you were capable of. After all, you were always nice even in the worst of situations. But not this time. You snatched the commemorative beer horn out of a stunned Alfred’s hand. In a heartbeat, you leaned past a tattoo-faced man and poured all of the horn’s contents on Ivar. 
Ingrid, the blonde chick, must have perceived what you were about to do because she moved quickly enough from Ivar’s shoulder that only a few drops hit her.
Cold, dark beer washed over his head, face and down his upper body before he even realized what was happening. You didn’t stay to see his reaction, or anyone else’s for that matter. Still clutching the beer horn, you rushed towards to exit of the Blue Room as quickly as your pumps would allow. You heard the great ruckus behind you but didn’t turn around. If you weren’t imagining things, you could swear it sounded like applause and laughter.
In the Blue Room, the word of what you did spread like wildfire. The men especially got a huge kick out of your actions. The reason for their admiration of your actions was due to whom Ivar was. Not that the other men in his family weren’t feared but Ivar was another story altogether. Despite being the youngest Lothbrok, he was as savage as he was cunning. And when it came to him dishing out cruelty, let’s just say no one had ever given a dose of his own medicine.
“You deserved it, Ivar.” A tipsy Hvisterk said to his brother who was being dried off by Ingrid. 
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The blonde was going on and on about how you would be fired once your boss got word. As she continued to dry him the best she could, Ivar stood motionless with a scowl that could kill. If you had been there, he may have very well done so.
“We should complain to her supervisor as soon as possible.” Ingrid suggested wiping Ivar’s hair with a towel your coworker Folaki had provided. 
Despite knowing what you had done, Folaki was keeping it to herself. She knew you needed time away from everyone so worked the floor herself. Since the food was already being served by catering, she didn’t have to do anything except serve drinks.That was something she could do with her eyes closed so she kept working hoping you were alright.
It didn’t take long for Aslaug, their mother, to rush over to the head table. She looked at her son Ivar with shock. Almost as if she thought the story about a hostess pouring beer on her son had been a lie. Without asking, she snatched the towel from Ingrid’s hand and continued drying Ivar’s hair herself.
Hvitserk wasn’t going to watch his mother dote over Ivar when he was in the wrong. He stood up and in his typical quiet manner, began to walk away. 
“Son, I hope this didn’t ruin your party.” Aslaug said as she finished drying Ivar’s hair.
“Of course not mother. I’m just going to mingle with some of our guests. After all, I can’t sit at the head table all night.” He added glaring at Ivar.
Ivar was unfazed. He wasn’t a stupid man and knew very well what his brother was implying my the look he gave. Despite what Hvitserk or anyone else thought, Ivar simply didn’t see anything wrong with his actions. In his eyes, you were the only one in the wrong and that was then end of it as far as he was concerned. 
Floki; who was seated nearby with his wife Helga; knew you were in trouble. All the enjoyment everyone got out of Ivar’s comeuppance most likely increased his rage towards you. 
“Ivar, let us see if we can do this without making the poor girl lose her job.” Floki leaned and whispered in his nephew’s ear.
But Ivar’s mind was made up. He didn’t process things like most people so you would have to make amends. What that was, even he didn’t know what he wanted from you just yet. But he knew he wanted you to grovel.
“If I am satisfied that she is remorseful Uncle, then fine. But if not, she can live on the streets for all I care.” He looked at Floki with a very sedated expression. “She would learn what happens when you don’t think of the consequences of your actions.
“You’re one to talk.” Bjorn said taking a seat with a massive beer mug in hand.
“No one was speaking to you, brother. I was the one offended and I will deal with it as I see fit!” Ivar replied with flared nostrils.
“Why don’t we all just have some more drinks first.” Harald Finehair suggested as he got Folaki’s attention. He asked her to bring bottles of a strong liquor called Akvavit.  
It was a smart move on Harald’s part. He and his brother Halfdan knew that if they let Ivar keep going on, he would only wind himself up even more. They had seen what he was capable of in his moments of blind rage and didn’t feel like seeing any of it that evening.
In the breakroom, you had been seated on the floor by your locker for what seemed like forever. You were still shocked about everything. If the beer horn hadn’t been laying by your side, you wouldn’t have believed that you had poured beer on a patron.
“That little shit! Now I’m going to lose my job. I should have held it together better.” You vented. “I shouldn’t have let him push my buttons like that.”
You decided not to delay the inevitable. You knew you had to face the music and there was no use in hiding in the breakroom. Because sooner or later, the word was going to spread to Frankie. As you stepped out of the breakroom, you almost crashed into Jason. He was one of the nicest people at your workplace and the two of you hit if off from day one. He was Jewish but he would always  inform everyone that he wasn’t a “practicing Jew”.  Whatever that meant. The two of you were pretty close so naturally he took the opportunity to tease you about working your first private party.
“So, virgin, how’s it going so far? Was it all you thought your first time would be?” He joked.
You hesitated a moment before you ran down the whole story about being harassed all night and what you did prior to hiding in the breakroom.
“Well, personally, it sounds like he deserved that shit. You should have hit him with the beer horn too.”
You burst into laughter at Jason’s response. His funny remark actually made you feel better than you had all night. 
“Look, if they try to get you in trouble with Frankie, I’ll go to bat for you.” Jason said giving you a quick hug. “Now, let me go check on my VIP’s”
With that, the two of you went your separate ways. Since you had made up your mind to tell Frankie everything yourself, you began walking towards the main floor of the club. 
I’ll just tell Frankie everything and hope for the best.” You thought. “One thing’s for sure, I won’t apologize. Jason is totally right. That guy deserved even worse!”
As you turned left into one of the corridors near the private party rooms, you were caught off-guard by a sight that made your heart sink.
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You saw the man you were wishing death and all other types of natural disasters upon headed in your direction. You weren’t sure if he had been trying to find your boss or another manager but you suddenly didn’t care. All your anger dissipated as you watched him wince with each step he took. You just felt terrible for what you had done now that you saw his true condition. Having grown up with a cousin who was Autistic, you had a real soft spot for people with disabilities.
Despite the numerous people in the corridor, Ivar’s blue eyes somehow found you. Clearing your throat you approached him quickly so he wouldn’t have to walk any further. As soon as you were in front of him, his eyes darkened and his expression was that of a man who could strike you down on the spot.
“Y/N! You have some nerve! You think you could embarrass me and just walk away? Well, you’re--”
“I’m sorry.”
Ivar’s voice broke as you interrupted him. He looked at you with confusion and anger. Regardless, he was taken aback.
“What I did was beyond unprofessional. It was also very rude to do that to you in front of your family and friends.” You added.
He looked at you for a little while before he finally said that he wanted you to apologize to him in front of everyone at the party. 
“You did it publicly so you can apologize publicly.” He added.
“Okay. It seems like the right thing to do.” You replied.
Ivar scoffed as he began walking towards the Blue Room again. 
“Right thing to do?” He echoed your words. “Are you always so eager to make amends Y/N?” He looked at you as he took his painful steps. “Should I assume you to be a pushover?”
Your actually pondered his question for a moment instead of getting mad. In actuality, your friends back home had always accused you of being a pushover despite them being the one’s who took advantage of you most.
“I’m not a pushover.” You asserted to his amusement. 
“Sure. A smirking Ivar said. “Is that why you apologized without me even speaking to your boss?”
Since he was actually somewhat correct, you said nothing. The rest of the walk to the Blue Room was silent. Ivar didn’t say anything else and you felt that you had pushed your luck with him far enough for one night. 
When you entered the Blue Room, the party was in full swing. People were having too good of a time to pay any attention to the two of you. Everyone except Hvitserk, who swiftly made his way over to see what Ivar was up to.
“What’s going on here?” He looked at you and then to Ivar.
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Ivar rolled his eyes without giving response. He instead grabbed a cocktail off the tray a passing Folaki was holding. She locked eyes with you briefly as if to wish you luck before disappearing into the crowd.
“I’m going to give an apology to your guests...and Ivar.” You answered.
“What?” A displeased Hvitserk looked at Ivar. “Why are you making her do this?”
“No. Listen, it was my idea.”It wasn’t your idea of course, but you could tell that the two brothers differed on how you should make amends. “I crossed the line. After all, it’s my duty to remain professional no matter what’s going on.” You assured him.
As you tried to walk past the two brothers to go find a microphone, you felt a strong hand grasp your arm. You turned around to see a smug Ivar leaning on his crutch and holding your arm with his free hand. He then looked at Hvitserk who seemed as confused as you were. With his eyes still on his brother, Ivar spoke to you.
“Y/N, it is okay. Now that I think about it, the apology in the hallway will suffice.” He said letting go of your arm.
You had no clue as to why he had changed his mind but whatever the reason was, you were grateful. 
“Thank you so much...Ivar. And you as well Hvitserk.” You began walking in the direction of Folaki. “If you two are okay for the moment, I’m going to help Folaki. Let me know if you need anything.”
Hvisterk watched you walk away until he could no longer see you which, of course, didn’t go unnoticed by Ivar.
"Enjoying the view brother?”
A blushing Hvitserk shook his head and popped a potato chip in his mouth so he wouldn’t have to give Ivar an answer.
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therealvikingstrash · 3 years ago
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Uh-oh! I did it again 😂 So, here are my fic rec's no one asked for! This time I included WIPs as well 💕
I will put "(WIP)" behind unfinished fics, those who are finished do not have any addition. (Here's the first rec list I made) The pictures used for my header are partly from @underragingwaves and pinterest.
The links will take you to the AO3 version(except for two), because I think we all should give more credit there- as much as I love people engaging on tumblr, leaving kudos and comments on AO3 as well is not a hardship and most authors will give you the chance to comment as a guest. A little PSA: Kudos can always be left as a guest and are much appreciated! 💕
Rec list:
In This Life by @author-morgan - T - Halfdan/f!Reader - 1,562 words
I really like the clean writing style and how Halfdan was granted someone who loved him. That was something that kind of bugged me in the show and even though it's bittersweet, I will just accept this as canon!
Summary: If not in this life, then you will be reunited in the next to the joyous resounding of Valhalla’s horns.
A Day at the Lake by @prepare4trouble - G - Ragnarssons - 2,728 words
Slice of life kinda fic that I enjoyed a lot. For its shortness, it makes up with character insights and shenanigans. A lot of love for that!
Summary: Just the brothers hanging out together at the lake, before Ragnar came back and everything fell apart.
homeland, heartland by @underragingwaves - E - Ubbe/OFC - 41,555 words (WIP)
Those who don't read it are missing out big time! We get wonderfully written in-character Ubbe, Hvitserk- and I can only assume since I enjoy this fic slowly- Ivar. Very sweet nods to Aslaug are continuing to get me emotional. There are original characters that will suck you into their little world, make you care for them and of course: MERMAIDS. Do I have to say more?
Summary: Ubbe encounters a mermaid on his journey home from England. The deal he strikes with her has far-reaching consequences for the future of Kattegat, while the Great Army’s motions may be impeded by the Sea Empire’s meddling. As Ubbe attempts to build bridges, he may come to find that there is no way to stay neutral when trouble washes over him..
A New Life by @adrille88 - M - Hvitserk/OFC - 5,664 words (WIP)
One of the WIPs I will wait patiently for their continuation and until then enjoy what is already available to read! I love post-canon stories and how Hvitserk is followed on his new life journey in here.
Summary: Hvitserk was left in England feeling lost and unsure following the Battle of Edington. How he adjusted to his life in England and found his destiny there. (Contains spoilers for series finale!)
Stupid Games by @serasvictoria - E - Hvitserk/Reader/Ubbe - 29,133 words (WIP)
Everyone who knows me, is aware of my little obsession with love triangles or flat out polyamory relationships with Hvitserk and Ubbe. This right here? Scratches that itch really nicely!
Summary: When you were growing up you used to live next to the Lothbroks, but you eventually moved away and haven't seen them since. A wedding brings you back to town and during a bachelorette party you run into the brothers again.
Denmark and Danishes by @quantumlocked310 - G/E - Hvitserk/Reader - 5,042 words
This one is something very sweet and very hot. That I think this author is talented are not news. Loved this one to bits! I linked the series, so you can have an overview, the summary belongs to the first of two fics.
Summary: You're a new resident in Denmark, and this is your first time heading to work in the morning. Maybe the coffee shop around the corner will be your new regular spot. The cute barista certainly hopes so.
Lust by @grimeundglow - E - Hvitserk/Reader, Ivar/Reader - 7,943 words
If you like when it hurts, but also are a sucker for forbidden love, dig in! This one made my heart go out for Hvitserk, gave me the urge to knock sense into Ivar, but managed to make me coo at the end. It also has nome guest appearances of Helga and Floki! I really like how all of them are in-character.
Summary: Hvitserk liberates a farmer’s daughter from her quiet life in Northumbria, only to have his younger brother take a keen interest in her.
Before Love Came to Kill Us by @ritual-unions-gotme - T - Ubbe/OFC - 7,387 words
So, I have a confession to make: I'm a sucker for Soulmate AUs and here they see color for the first time when they meet their soulmate. And how heartbreaking is it, to find them and then have no chance to be with them? This one hurts in all the right places!
Summary: SOULMATE AU - Senta is dutifully waiting until the day she meets her soulmate, the day her world will explode in a burst of color, unfortunately the gods have given her the one mate she cannot have.
Aftermath by @whenimaunicorn - E - dark!Ubbe/Reader - 2,861 words
This, this right here is delicious, Ubbe smut and I fucking love it. Gimme pagan King Ubbe, I'll be a happy lil idiot!
Summary: Ubbe stayed in East Anglia and took over the Danes as pagan king. (PWP and Spoilers for the series final)
Midsummer by @niishiki - T - Ivar & Sigurd centric - 7,316 words
Another slice of life fic, modern setting and beautifully written. It explores the dynamic of Sigurd and Ivar's relationship, but also has a little bit of Hvitserk, Ubbe and Bjorn in it. Really loved it!
Summary: A traumatic childhood experience comes back to the surface when Ivar vanishes from a party under Sigurd's supervision.
Two Shieldmaidens by @artemiseamoon - T - Gunnhild/Reader - 517 words
A sweet little drabble that made me go all 'Aww' with my fav Gunnhild! We love us some wlw rep! (Story link will lead you to the tumblr post, since it's only available there)
Summary: Gunnhild's birthday party was a success and you reminisce over the events of last night while cleaning up...
My daughter, my girl by @pomegranates-and-blood - G - Lagertha & Gyda - 2,300 words
I cannot describe how this fic had me in my feels. I do love Gyda, but I never liked Lagertha- this fic though? It makes you like her and grief with her. And we always need more female rep in this fandom! (This fic is only on tumblr, so the link will take you there)
Summary: Lagertha thinks back on her years and her losses as her life nears its end. A retake on her choice of burying her sword in 6x01 with Lagertha as Demeter and Gyda as Persephone.
Don't forget to let the authors know you enjoyed their story's, you are never annoying as reader/commenter! 💕
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jadelynlace · 4 years ago
NSFW Prompts / Ink Drinker Modern Vikings AU Request [Ivar x F!Reader]
full series is here
request by: @quantumlocked310 
author’s note: you can find the complete NSFW prompt list here, and you can find the request by the love of my life, I mean @quantumlocked310 here. also, see if you can spot my new favorite HC for this series!
content warnings: we’re taking another trip (no, not in our favorite rocket ship), back to before these two dumb asses were out to everyone. even though, everyone basically knew it. this is mostly just sweet fluff, like you’ll need an insulin shot.
prompt: “to skinny dip with my muse”
synopsis: a weekend retreat proves to you how much Ivar is already devoted.
“Ivar went up to the lake house for the weekend, he said ‘for inspiration’ but I’m sure it to fuck,” Ubbe said. 
“Oh, I bet Y/N went up there too!” Hvitserk laughed. “I’ll have to text her, see what her excuse is.”
“I wonder how much longer they’re going to hide it from us, they’re practically a couple anyways.” Ubbe groaned, tossing the popcorn through the air to land on his tongue.
“Do you know how hard it is not to turn to her in the ambulance and just go “so how big is my little brother’s dick, Y/N’?” Hvitserk said. “I just want to see the look on her face before she kills me.”
“Probably the same as yours,” Ubbe started. “You two are fraternal twins after all.”
“Thanks, Ubbe, not a thought I wanted to think.” Hvitserk groaned.
The drive isn’t very long, low hum to the playlist in the mustang, your reflection in the glass as you tell Ivar about the week’s worth of calls, detail by ever loving disgusting detail. And not once does he stop you, not once does he grimace or groan, he tells you to keep going and he asks you questions about such as you blabber to him. The sun had just set as the gravel road takes to the tires, crunching as the engine slowed, rolling around the bend of the driveway and parking next to the cabin. You’re silent as you gaze at the view, pure water with the rays of diminishing sun and the breeze blows an immediate calmness through your whole body. 
Dotting the sky with a speckle of tiny lights, when night finally crept over, you two had taken to the blanket on the small patch of grass that lead to the dock. Cobble stone path in between you and the shore line as you rested your head across Ivar’s chest. Steady beating of his heart in your ears while his hands never stopped their small strokes over your shoulders, tracing your spine, but going no lower, no dirtier than he was known for. Almost as if he was trying to gauge your time together with something other than the tangles of sheets and the moans, and you gladly accepted this side of Ivar. The peaceful, relaxed side.
“Those three dots are—”
“The summer triangle,” Ivar answers. “And those, make up Sagittarius,” He adds, pulling you closer to him as the summer air laps at bare skin. 
“What about that one?” You ask, pointing your finger back at the sky. 
“That’s Libra—kinda like you,” Ivar answers through a breath of clouds as he chuckles before pulling your hand back down as he places a peck over you knuckles. 
“I’m not a Libra, actually, I’m a—”
“I meant the air sign part,” Ivar snorts. “You have strong intellect and a good mind,” He adds, taking his finger down the bridge of your nose. Your face wrinkles into a smile as your own eyes sparkle in the moon light, rivaling the great sky before you two. 
“I didn’t know you knew about constellations,” You whisper. 
“My mother used to bring me outside at night when I couldn’t sleep and she would show me the stars, and tell me the tales about each one. Sometimes I made myself stay awake just to hear her talk,” Ivar hums, turn of his lips against your forehead.
“You think I have a good mind?” You whisper, curling back up against him, inhaling the scent of his cologne from his neck line and he only hums as you nuzzle closer. “Not a dirty one?”
“I never said good can’t mean dirty,” Ivar laughs, bringing and arm out to his side to crack his elbow, popping it with a snap before curling it back around you. “Did you tell Hvitserk what you were doing this weekend?”
“No, I don’t always have to talk to him, goof ball. And he doesn’t always need to know what I’m doing, even if it’s you.” And Ivar only snorts.
“I didn’t just bring you out here for sex,”
“Oh, you’re going to kill me? Great, thank you.”
“I can’t spend time with you, without my dick being inside of you?” Ivar asks and there was a tone in his question that warranted a serious answer, like he was baring his soul and opening it before you in the night sky.
“You can, Ivar. I really like it actually,” You answer, pushing yourself up and pecking the corner of his mouth. His eyes are closed as you do so, and he fears if he opens them you’re not going to be there—it’ll all have been a dream and he’s asleep in his bed in his flat, cold and alone and sad. But they finally peel apart and catch the moon light, glimmering and lightening and you lean down to kiss his mouth, only to pull back up so you can look at him. “Your eyes are really blue…” You hum.
“I let my Dad know that you said that,” Ivar teases, cheeky smirk and you only giggle, lean back down to peck his mouth a final time but his hand stops you. Holding your head near his as his mouth takes on a war against yours, a low vibration through Ivar’s chest as he kisses you, and you can feel it from where your hand is stationed. You’re moved slowly, pushed back along the blanket and Ivar is over you, holding his weight on his forearms as his lips move with yours. It’s a slow dance they take to, a waltz that’s not hurried like most of his kisses have been. He’s savoring you now, enjoying the hours with just you and no worry for the moment you two might be caught by someone. And Ivar realizes this is what he likes more—most of all so far, between the two of you, the hidden times alone where he can enjoy you, savor you and worship you like the Goddess you are.
Your nails rake against his neck as he settles between your bent knees, nose squishing against yours and you moan as one of his hands takes on a journey down your curves. Supple touches and soft strokes from his fingerprints gracing you, touching you like a prized relic he wants to admire. Ivar’s mouth finally pulls back enough as he rests his forehead against yours, and when you open your eyes to peek up, his are still closed and there’s a soft smile on his swollen lips.
“Do you want to go swimming?” He asks suddenly.
“Yes, I love the thought of whatever is lurking in those waters having a chance to touch me.” You say back.
“I’ll hold you,” Ivar starts, moving away. “It’ll be fine trust me,” And he’s pulling you up to sit, peeling his own shirt off and then taking yours with you and you can’t help but laugh as he moves. Fingers unhooking your bra and his lips trace your shoulder blades as he works.
“Ivar—no—not fucking naked!” You squeak as he lifts you up.
“I can throw you in?”
“Don’t you fucking dare,” You hiss as he wraps you in his arms. “I will give you blue balls for the next six months,”
“Noted,” Ivar chuckles, bare feet slipping into the shore line and you shriek quietly as the water graces the backs of your thighs, chilling the heated skin and your arms are wrapped around Ivar for dear life.
“We’re not having sex in the lake,” You mumble against him and he nods, lets out a fake whine and you laugh as you feel his hands swarm your back. “And you’re going to cut your feet on the rocks,”
“Would you stop worrying for thirty seconds?” Ivar asks you, his hands dipping into the lake before he lets the water trickle down your back.
“My record is twenty, but I can try,” You answer, lips on his neck as the same wet hands start against the ends of your hair, easing you into the lake as you shiver against him slightly. “Feels nice,” You whisper and he hums as you take your own hand and drip water over his shoulder.
“Thanks for coming up with me,” Ivar says to you suddenly and you move your head away to look at him when he talks.
“Of course, Ivar,” You smile back and he can still see it, even in the darkness of the evening as you push your mouth against his gently. His hands skim your thighs, around the swell of your ass and take to your hips. You hum against him as his hands roam, sending butterflies through you. “We’re still not having sex in the lake,”
“I’ll be quick,” Ivar tries.
“As suppose to what?” You tease and Ivar scoffs. His noise makes you laugh and there’s water splashed in your face a second later; small waves you’re eager to give back before laughter rings between the two of you. “I’m only teasing, you know that I like it.” You giggle and you sag against him as he relaxes beneath the water. 
“I like it too,” Is all Ivar replies as you two stay still, relishing in each others company as the lake moves around your bodies. You know Ivar’s caught feelings, it’s so evident in how he’s holding you, how he’s being around you, and you keep you mouth closed under tight lock and key, and simply enjoy the moment. Because you know that you’ve caught them too.
Ink Drinker Tags:
@smileysam13579 @dreamtherapy @heisentwerk  @angelofthenightposts @ill-skillsgard @youaremyfamiliar @unbetaedimagines @kathryn-jane @readsalot73 @skrsgardspam @lihikainanea @queen-sarang   @anastasiaskarsgard @andmyannabellee @walkxthexmoon  @flowers-in-your-hayr @peachyboneless @heavenly1927 @istorkyou @victoria-styles @quantumlocked310 @xbellaxcarolinax @mighty-ragnarssons @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom @queen-of-upshur @nanahachikyuu @fandomlifeandeverythingelse @ivarhoegh @a5hl3y5ibley  @hashimily @youbloodymadgenius @love-all-things-writing  @theanxietyqueen17 @trip2themoon @tgrrose @synnersaint
*please message me to let me know if you would like to be added or removed from my tag list. specifications for series/etc. are also welcomed, as well as feedback.*
full masterlist can be found here.
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peaceisadirtyword · 5 years ago
Fic recs🥰
Hello!♥️ So as you know, I'm disappearing constantly because I can’t write and I feel really bad if I come here without a fic to post. After posting that last fic (the Hvitserk/Reader one), I received a couple of bad asks :( I know that lately my writing hasn’t been the best and it’s taking me too much time to write things, but I’m doing everything I can as I work, study and making decisions about my future (I'm not liking adult life). I really appreciate your patience and your support💕 thank you!
Right now, I'm working on Move On III, Neon Lights II and an Ivar/Reader request... I hope I can post the three of them these days. But as I finish them, I decided to post a fic recommendation! I know you’ve been tagging me and my work on some posts like this, I couldn’t reply to most of them :( but thank you so much, you’re all so sweet and I love you a lot💜 now it’s my turn to do one of these! This fandom is full of many talented writers, I'll link my favorites, but you’re welcome to add more so we all can enjoy them! So let’s start!
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· To Kill A King  by the talented @hecohansen31​. It’s honestly one of the best fics I've ever read. Ivar is so... Ivar, and the reader is so sweet and I love her🥺 I’m sure you all will love it♥️
· Not The Right Time also by @hecohansen31​. This one is how I’d love my life to be. Ivar with kids is one of my weaknesses, I love him😭 I admire the reader a lot, too :’) 
· Maybe In The Next Lifetime @hecohansen31​ made me the happiest person in the world by creating this, I just love the whole concept so much🥺 there’s a Part 2 which is also amazing. As I already said, she’s really talented, so check her blog and her masterlist because she’s literally an artist!
· Irreplaceable by @honestsycrets​. I absolutely love this, I lost count of how many times I read it! 
· Wretched Little Angels by @honestsycrets​. I’m a huge fan of her Hvitserk fics, so check her masterlist and her blog because she’s really talented, I'm sure you all know her already but just in case!💕
· Et Bånd Mellem Krigere by @lisinfleur​. After watching Et Bånd Mellem Mennesker and Kriger and falling in love with both Adrian and Mads I felt like they deserved a lot more (if you’ve seen them, you know what I'm talking about). Then she came and wrote this and I can assure you, my life was much better🥺 I love this fic so much.Lis also has other amazing fics and I love her Ragnarssons In, so check her blog!
· The Apartment by @whenimaunicorn​. I read it on AO3��and it’s one of the hottest things I've ever read. Read it, you won’t regret it. Now I want to share an apartment with Ivar and Ubbe but, unfortunately, that’s not possible.
· Puck's Dream by @whenimaunicorn​. I remember reading this and then sitting on my bed for like ten minutes looking at the ceiling and trying to assimilate what I had just read. I have no words. She’s really talented and has a lot of amazing fics so check her blog🥰
· Here In My Arms by @tephi101​. This is so sweet and cute🥺 I'm so in love with Ivar, I read it when I'm sad :’) 
· A Promise To Keep by @tephi101​. Hvitty smut. Also good for when you’re sad👀 She’s one of the sweetest persons in here and really talented, so check her masterlist♥️
· Closer To Me by @therealcalicali​. One of the first fics I read in here, I love a good love triangle, and the ending is perfect🥺 I love it!
· Syndrome by @therealcalicali​. It’s really dark, but it’s so beautifully written! I read it a thousand times, it’s so good!
· Permission by @laketaj24​. I love her work because she’s really good, but this one is one of my favorites🥺💕
· Unrated Truth Or Dare by @alicedopey​. I love Ivar on this one, but I'd also punch him in the face. Anyway is so good!
· A Royal Night by @alicedopey​. This is so hot and so well written😭 I love all of her work, seriously, she has really good fics with Harald so... Check them out!
· Faint Of Heart by @dreamwritesimagines​. I’m sure you have read it already, because it’s one of the best fics ever, but just in case you haven’t or in case you want to read it again... You should💕
· We Move Lightly by @ofhoneyandrosepetals​. I love this fic so much, it’s so sweet and Ivar is the cutest, I want a relationship like this one, it’s perfect🥺 check her masterlist because she has amazing fics!
· Friday by @car-karaoke​. She has a lot of Alex fics, and they’re so good! this one was her first one and it’s amazing, so read it and thank me later.
· Reunited by @justacripple​. It’s so good! And the ending is 🔥 
· Thor's Lightning by @lordoffiction​. It’s one of my faves right now! I love it so much♥️
· Beautiful, Faithless by @rhxegals​. I love season 6 Ivar, and she captures him so well... I’m in love with the reader and her story, also I have a love-hate relationship with Oleg. 
· Stuck With You by @youbloodymadgenius​. I just hoped my quarantine has started like this, to be honest. I can’t really choose between all of her amazing works, so check her masterlist!
· The Guy Next Door by @geekandbooknerd​. I know a lot of people recommended this one already but it’s so good I couldn’t leave it out. 
·Here I wanted to link one by @waiting4inspiration​ but she has too many good ones and I don’t want to make this too long so check her masterlist and read as many as you want to, I assure you all of them are good!
As I said before, there’s a lot of talented writers in this fandom, and I probably missed a lot of them :( so please share your favorite fics/blogs!
Also check @naaladareia​‘s blog, she makes beautiful edits and she’s the sweetest♥️ 
And my friend @strkydrw​ recently started writing too! She hasn’t written for Vikings, only for Outer Banks I think! I didn’t linked her before because of that but if you’re interested, here’s her masterlist, go and support her!💞
I hope you like them and enjoy reading them as much as I do! I hope I can post something one of these days. Thank you!💜
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hcrringtonshair · 4 years ago
Ivar x Reader
Word count: 1405 (wtf what’s going on with me)
Summary: You know Ivar, who is your husband now, since childhood. You love him but he changed and there is his Brother who his on your mind.
Warnings: angst.. yes, kind of love triangle, betrayal (mentioned), murder
a/n: Well idk what to say. I have never been a fan of writing angst. Reading it is nice but I could never imagine that I would write it myself. That English is not my first language is one of the reasons why it’s difficult to express the feelings right.. anyway I hope you like it! I recommend to listen to the song 👆🏼 it has given me the right mood to write this :)
I would appreciate it if you tell me what you think!
I‘ll add the keep reading tomorrow. I‘m on my phone rn 🙃
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The stars looked beautiful. Thousands of the little lights blinking at the dark sky. It was so beautiful you didn’t want to close your eyes.
It was a peaceful night, this wasn’t usual you had to admit.
Not that far from you, you could hear people talking, men growling and laughing. There was a feast tonight in the great hall in Kattegat. You were there for a while, but decided to sneak out because you felt uncomfortable.
The presence of your husband Ivar was not your favorite these days. To be honest you weren’t so sure if he ever was a good company.
Everyone in Kattegat knew what happened to his first wife that made it even more complicated for you.
It was like you could read his mind when you were watching him. You knew Freydis was the love of his life, you could see it in the way he looked at her. The shining in his eyes as he announced that he would marry her and the time when Freydis was pregnant.
The scene of her lying dead on the bed was burned in your brain.
You weren’t dumb, that Ivar married you was only to fill the whole. He always appreciated you, but this wasn’t love. Not in that way.
You knew Ivar since you both were children, he was always a silent child. Silent but angry.
A few years from now you spend a lot of time together. Somedays you were in the woods and train your fighting skills or you lay the whole day or night at the same place where you were now. While watching the sky he talked about his ambitions to be as famous as his father, you talked about your dreams for the future.
You were always there for him before his father came back, before he went to England.
But then he changed so much and there was a huge desire inside you that wanted the old careless Ivar back. The one you loved, because that's what you were feeling.
- Every time when you looked at him and it hurt to know he didn’t love you back.
How much did you wish that your feelings weren’t so strong, because even he noticed that you weren’t happy. He noticed that he was the reason why you were sad.
On the other hand there was Hvitserk, Ivars older brother.
He was always the caring one, you both liked each other very much ever since. He always stood by you, took care of you when Ivar was mad at you.
Hvitserk was the reason why you sometimes regretted that you married Ivar and you hated yourself for thinking that way. But it wasn’t possible to ignore the uprising heartbeat in your chest when he was near you.
“He would never find out y/n. I know you want it as well. Just one time, let me show you how real love looks like.”
Hvitserk’ s eyes showed pure desperation under your stern look.
“Hvitserk shut your mouth. I’m married to Ivar, so I belong to him. You missed your chance long ago.”
He shakes his head slowly, both hands on your thighs as he went down on his knees in front of you.
“But he doesn’t love you! He’s still in love Freydis, and he killed her. Please… Just imagine what he could do to you…”
His voice died while he rested his head in your lap.
You knew he was right and there was something inside you that wanted to know how it would feel to be with Hvitserk.
Your heart was beating heavily against your rib cage and you were not far away from giving in.
For a moment you closed your eyes to hold back the tears.
“I can’t Hvitserk. I’m sorry.”
You mumble as you stand up and watch him fall back.
Without a word you run out of the room, run away from the man where you know he was right for you.
The memories of this what happened only a few hours ago let you sigh loudly. Unlike Hvitserk you could never betray Ivar. You could never be that heartless.
You had to forget this, forget Hvitserk and be a good wife to Ivar.
Still staring at the sky you noticed how the grass under your body was cooling down your body and left your clothes wet, so you decided to go back.
Before you could stand up you felt somebody next to you.
“What a beautiful night.”
Shivers running down your body as you recognized the voice of your husband.
Your face turned to the side to face him, he had a light smile on his face. In one hand he played with a knife as he watched the night sky.
“How did you find me?”
His smile grows as he hears your uncertain voice and a pain going through your chest. How you missed this side of Ivar. Now he was like a few years ago, looking careless and satisfied.
You could punch yourself for the things you thought before.
“You are always here when you want to be alone.”
He remembered it, how many times he found you here. You didn’t respond, just watch his face in the small light of the moon.
“Why are you crying?”
You didn’t notice the tears on your cheeks before. Hastily you whipped them away with the sleeve of your dress.
“I don’t know.” A shaky laughter slipped out of your mouth, but he raised his eyebrows.
“Someone told me my dear brother was in your rooms in the afternoon.”
His voice was now threatening and you looked away. Someone was there when you talked to Hvitserk hours ago. You knew it.. you thought you heard someone walk away but ignored it then.
The upbuilding fear lets more and more tears stream out of your eyes. Through your blurred view you saw Ivar’s face now close to your face.
“What did he want?”
His lips lightly touching the sensitive skin on your ear as he whispered.
“Nothing, I’m serious Ivar. You know we’re friends. That’s all. He just wanted to talk.”
Unfortunately your voice was too low and it didn’t sound convincing.
“Don’t lie to me.”
His fingers on your chin forcing you to look him in the eyes. He inspected your face with his piercing blue eyes, his thumb whipping away some tears.
“It’s the truth Ivar. I swear by the gods nothing happened. He is just a friend, and your brother. There would never-“
“But he wants you!”
His hand pushed your face away and a little scream escaped your mouth as you fell on your back.
“I know exactly what you talked! He wants to be with you!”
You eyed the knife in his hand before you crawled back without losing eye contact.
“But that’s what he’s feeling! I would never… I could never be with him! I’m your wife Ivar!”
Loud sobs filling the silence.
“Please… Ivar whatever Hvitserk wants, I don’t care… I love you.”
His reaction was laughter, against all expectations.
“And that’s the problem y/n.”
With one fast movement he was over you.
Your head hit the earth again and for a moment you couldn’t breathe.
“I love you too y/n, but I can’t lose you. Not to my brother… I choose the way how I lose you.”
The knife in his hand scratches the skin on your throat. You tried to fight the tears by blinking fast to have a clear view but it didn’t work.
His eyes showed pain, the battle inside of him. But you knew him too well to know that he already made his choice.
“I’m sorry y/n. I wish it would have not been like this.”
Once more you wished he would change his mind, returning to the old Ivar.
You could still see him, even as the knife in his hand stabs inside your chest and his eyes grew wide in shock.
Your breath slowed down your eyes locked with his.
Even that he was the one who was causing your death you wanted to take him in your arms and tell him that everything will be fine.
That everything will be like years ago when the both of you were happy.
He went out of your sight and the stars came back in your view.
They were still beautiful.
What a beautiful night.
✧ • ✭ • ✩ • ✦ ✧ • ✭ • ✩ • ✦
Ivar the boneless Taglist
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niishiki · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Vikings (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bjorn & Hvitserk & Ivar & Sigurd & Ubbe (Vikings), Bjorn & Sigurd (Vikings), Bjorn & Ivar (Vikings), Bjorn & Ubbe (Vikings), Bjorn & Hvitserk (Vikings), Ivar & Ubbe (Vikings), Ivar & Sigurd (Vikings), Hvitserk & Ivar (Vikings), Hvitserk & Ubbe (Vikings), Floki & Ivar (Vikings) Characters: Bjorn (Vikings), Hvitserk (Vikings), Ivar (Vikings), Ubbe (Vikings), Sigurd (Vikings), Floki (Vikings), Rollo (Vikings), Torvi (Vikings), Margrethe (Vikings) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Background Margrethe/Ubbe, past Bjorn/Torvi, no love triangles here, Family, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Family Drama, Family Issues, Family Bonding, Family Dynamics, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Ivar, Hurt Ivar Ragnarsson, Character Death, Canonical Character Death, Serious Injuries, Brothers, Brotherly Love, Brother Feels, Brotherly Angst, Protective Older Brothers, protective Bjorn, Protective Ubbe, mother hen Ubbe, Anger Management, Self-Worth Issues, Self-Esteem Issues, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
A car accident leaves Sigurd dead and Ivar in a wheelchair. The sons of Ragnar now have to deal with the loss of one of their own and with the new challenges their youngest brother has to face.
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mercy1997 · 7 years ago
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Walking down the beach is one of the best ways to calm down all the thoughts going through your head, I personally love when I go the beach for that specific thing.
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Ivar’s eyes watched you as you walked along the waters edge. he barely noticed Ubbe had joined him until Ubbe’s hand went to his shoulder, “i see we have both noticed this habit of hers.” Ubbe stated.
Ivar shrugged, “i enjoy watching her walk.”
“as do i.” Ubbe stated, sitting next to his brother. 
they both watched you a little longer then Hvitserk sat down next to them, “i see im not the only one noticed the pretty little dove.”
Ivar rolled his eyes, “Pretty little dove? how did you come up with that one?”
Hvitserk shrugged, “you have to admit it fits.”
Ivar clenched his jaw. it did. 
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artemiseamoon · 4 years ago
I found one of my older Vikings fics (unfinished). It’s a Ivar x reader x Hvitserk love triangle neighbor au
🤔🤔🤔 I’m tempted to revise that baby and add it to my wip list
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majesticwren · 3 years ago
The Trickster's Kiss ᚲ
! CHAPTER UPDATE ! pssst, we have more smutty stuff *wink*
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Be my guest, come around, and enjoy the journey! I wish to see my project grow and I hope this is the right place to find some more support! ✨ This is a WIP AO3 fanfic IvarxAngrbodaxHvitserk, word count: 150k+
What if Angrboda, daughter of Floki and Helga, never died?
She is gifted and cursed. She who walks the Earth guided and inspired by the Trickster. Grown to become a gifted witch, a skilled warrior, a determined and loyal woman. She who takes guard over her loved one, her people and even the Gods.
And in her life, made of choices, and war, and magic, and whispers, she is destined to always choose the side of a man she loves dearly, over her soulmate. As much as she would always choose Loki, over any other God.
Behold! A tale about a War of heart, cultures and Gods.
The events of this fanfic start at S402 continuing to S602. It may contain flashbacks.
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therealcalicali · 7 years ago
Closer To Me: Chapter 1
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Synopsis: Upon moving to a new city,  the Reader crosses paths with Ivar, Hvitserk and the rest of the Lothbrok clan. Since her own life is already filled with internal demons from a strict upbringing, their introduction into her life only adds to the drama. As things progress, Reader discovers that there is more to her interactions with Ivar and Hvisterk than meets the eye.
Chapter 1 Warnings: Angst, Foreplay and  Bullying  
Word Count: 8000+         
Setting: Modern Vikings
Genre: Romance/Drama                  
Pairing: Ivar x Reader x Hvitserk (Love Triangle)
Read the Prologue here: CLOSER TO ME: PROLOGUE
Read Chapter 2 here: CLOSER TO ME: CHAPTER 2
Read Chapter 3 here: CLOSER TO ME: CHAPTER 3
Read Chapter 4 here: CLOSER TO ME: CHAPTER 4
Read Chapter 5 here: CLOSER TO ME: CHAPTER 5
Read Chapter 6 here: CLOSER TO ME: CHAPTER 6
Read Chapter 7 here: CLOSER TO ME: CHAPTER 7
Read Chapter 8 here: CLOSER TO ME: CHAPTER 8
Tagged: @irishhiggins  @mblaqgi  @i-care-bout-you-boo  @peaches-seed  @sajess98
You gave a warm smile as you placed two pints of beer at a table full of mostly women.
"Praise the Gods." A honey blonde with intricately styled braids said as she leaned towards you.
She was obviously the most popular person at the table so you nodded politely. You then handed her the disposable pair of ballet slippers she had requested from the vending machine.
The vending machines at Club 52 were not your average vending machines. They were upscale and offered everything from phone chargers to high-end fragrances.
"Thank you so much Y/N. You’re a lifesaver." She said as she took the packet from you and kicked off her Louboutins. "The price of fashion, huh?
You giggled as the woman began placing the slippers onto her feet. As she was doing so, she asked how long you had worked at the club. You calculated the time in your head a moment.
"It's been a little over two months."
"Oh, a newbie. So do you like it?" She asked before cutting you off before you could reply. "Lagertha, by the way." She added extending her free hand.
"Nice to meet you Lagertha." You said, shaking her hand firmly "To answer your question, it's not exactly a dream job but it pays the bills.” You shyly played with your apron as you continued. "Besides, everyone's pretty friendly and my boss is amazing. Guess I can't really complain."
Lagertha sipped her beer and looked at you with a crooked smile. As she did so, a woman with very light blonde hair leaned over to hear what you two were discussing. 
"Lagertha, let the poor girl do her job." The woman said jokingly.
"I will Torvi. I just wanted to hear what her dream job was." She tapped the side of her horn as she waited for you to respond. 
No one had ever taken you seriously when you spoke about your dreams back home. Well, with the exception of "him", but that was story for another day. Uncertain for a moment, you decided to reveal what had been in your heart for as long as you could remember. After all, there were no friends and family nearby to ridicule you.
"I..." You almost choked on the words. "I've always wanted to be a famous artist. Oil painting and pencil sketching are my main mediums but I've taken up sculpting recently."
By sheer habit, you braced yourself for disapproval but to your surprise, Lagertha and Torvi both nodded as if they were impressed. 
"So, you have a talent most people can only dream of. You should use it." Torvi said as she leaned her cheek against her hand.
"Yeah. One of these days." You said as you picked up some empty beer pitchers. "I'll be back with the rest of your order ladies.”
You first dropped off the empty pitchers in catering and then went to the main bar. After getting two more pints of beer, you returned to the Blue Room and served a table of very drunk men who were arguing about some historical battle. Though you heard bits and pieces of their heated debate, you didn’t really pay allot of attention. You were just ready to go home. Hopefully, it would be on time because the birthday party was nearing its peak despite the fact it was 3:12 am. Everywhere you looked, the private hall was buzzing.
"I sure hope they know we close at 4:00 am." You thought looking forward to curling up in your bed and binge-watching Hey Arnold.
The game room, karaoke rooms and dance floor had the most action. Even the silver bikini clad go-go dancers were still energetically entertaining people on the stages and poles. It was safe to say, Hvitserk's birthday party was a huge success by any definition of the word.
As you turned to go to fetch more drinks, you felt a tug your apron.
"Looks like I turned you out Y/N. You're serving beer like a pro." A teasing Folaki said.
"Please. You serve up eight pitchers in one trip meanwhile, I'm carrying in two pitchers at a time." You giggled. "I hardly think that's a pro."
"Well, you know what they say. We all gotta start somewhere." She replied before pulling you by your hand.
Realizing Folaki was taking you deeper into the hall and you had more beer to serve, you spoke up.
"Where are we going? I'm not done with my tables.”
"Don't worry about it. They can wait a moment. Besides, this won't take long."
"What won't take long?"
Folaki didn't utter a response but instead gave you a smug "You'll see" expression. It wasn’t long before you found yourself at the head table once again. Since you had been lucky enough to receive Ivar's forgiveness for your momentary lapse of judgment, you had avoided him. You worked every table with the exception of theirs the entire night. Now, there you stood in his cross-hairs once again. Despite glaring at you for a moment, Ivar luckily didn't say anything. 
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Perhaps he had his fill of mocking you for the night. The blonde who was now practically sitting in his lap however, stared at you much longer. She looked at you with great contempt but you avoided eye contact.
"It's almost over." You assured yourself.
Folaki gingerly picked up two shots of tequila and handed one to you which made you look at her with confusion.
“Um.....am I supposed to give this to someone?" You asked you giddy coworker.
"Duh, silly. It's for you."
"For me? Are you nuts? We're on shift."
"So, it means we can't drink. That's Frankie's cardinal rule."
Folaki giggled and pointed to your right. When you looked over, there stood your boss patting Ragnar on his shoulder. From the way they were speaking to one another, you could tell they knew each other very well.
Bjorn, who looked much more relaxed than earlier, hopped on stage and said something to the DJ. Slowly, the DJ brought the Sai "Chandelier “song down until it was quiet.
Taking a mic, Bjorn put a hand in his jean pocket and spoke.
"Hey everyone!" He paused a moment. "I’m sure we all know why we’re here tonight---"
“Yeah! To call you a cunt!" A heavy accented male voice yelled. 
Your eyebrows raised but the entire hall burst into thunderous laughter, clapping and whistling. Bjorn laughed too and proceeded to remove his hand from his pocket to shoot the middle finger. 
"As I was saying, Hvitserk...." He looked down the stage at the head table. "Can you get up here please?"
Everyone applauded as Hvitserk ascended the stairs and joined his brother onstage. 
Bjorn good-naturedly placed his arm around his brother's neck. As you watched leaning against a pillar, you found it pretty adorable to see these rowdy people have a tender moment.
“As the eldest, I've witnessed the best and the worst of you. Especially in your teens."
"Ubbe was far worse!" Ragnar yelled with a smirk.
More laughter emanated from the crowd. Ironically, Ubbe actually seemed proud of his father's comment about him and gave a gentlemanly nod of his head.
"I want you to know that as the years have gone by, we've all witnessed you mature and become a capable and responsible man. So on this special day the Gods have bestowed upon you, I want you to know that we all love you...." Bjorn said as Hvitserk looked at him warmly. "And wish you many more to come."
People applauded while others yelled well-wishes and banged on tables. Boy, were these people ever loud. Ragnar was the first person to hug Hvitserk when he got off the stage. He held his son's face a moment and surveyed him with a pride. 
"Father, what are you doing?" Hvitserk asked a bit embarrassed by the adoration.
"Just looking at my handiwork. Isn't my son a strapping lad?" Ragnar shouted causing the men nearby to chuckle in agreement.
He then whispered something to Hvitserk and handed him a pair of keys. From where you were standing, you could tell that they were keys to a car. Hvitserk looked at them and a huge smile spread across his face. Whatever the car was, he definitely seemed over the moon out it. He gave his father another heartfelt hug and began hugging the other attendees. Since you were a bit tired, you continued to lean on the pillar as the well wishes continued.
Folaki, being who she was, was happily chatting away with Ubbe, Bjorn and some other people. 
"Wow. She's really good at making friends." You thought as you watched her. 
Soon, your mind wandered to your art and the advice Lagertha and Torvi had given you. 
"If it was only so easy to chase a dream." You sighed to yourself.
As you pondered your situation in life, you felt a tickle on your right cheek. You turned slightly to only come nose to nose with a very tipsy Hvitserk.
"Oh my God!” You jumped due to being startled. "You almost gave me a damn heart attack." You chastised him as your heart rate tried to return to normal. "Seriously, you really shouldn't sneak up on people like that."
"I don't. I only snuck up on you because you make it so easy. Seems like your head is always lost the clouds." He said scrutinizing you with soft eyes and warm smile. 
Timidly, you looked away because of the intensity of his gaze. Undeterred, Hvitserk gently lifted your chin with his hand to make you look at him again. Despite it being a bit dim in the Blue Room, his eyes sparkled as he looked down at you. Needless to say, you were beyond uncomfortable, yet unsure of what to do to get out of the situation. 
"What is it that you think of so much Y/N?" He asked in a very genuine tone. 
You looked away from him with his hand still holding your chin. The question held more weight than he could fathom. From your reasons for leaving your hometown to the overdue bills, you had allot on your plate. Something, an obviously rich man such as himself, wouldn't understand.
Hvitserk licked his bottom lip as his stare fell to your own which were slightly red from your now fading lipstick. 
"Hitting on service girls as usual, huh brother? I suppose another birthday hasn't changed that old habit." Ivar's voice interrupted your uncomfortable moment. "Well, they do say old habits die hard." He chuckled.
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Hvitserk rolled his eyes as he gently let go of your chin. Ivar smugly informed his brother that it was time for the ceremonial toast. As Hvitserk walked towards the main table, you followed, not far behind Ivar. Acknowledging your presence, he looked over his shoulder with an eyebrow raised in a condescending manner.
"Well, Y/N, I must say that you surprise me. I would have never have guessed someone as timid as you, likes to be low-hanging fruit."
"Excuse me?" You looked at him with a confused expression. 
You had no clue what he eluding to but knew is that it was most likely an insult. After all, that's all he seemed to direct at you.
"Low-hanging fruit!" Ivar repeated slowly with a grin. "Do you flirt or go home with patrons often?"
You stopped dead in your tracks. Whatever Ivar was insinuating, you did not appreciate it. You had never so much as given a patron your number let alone bedded one. Not that you judged those who did. You knew lots of your co-workers did but you always kept things professional no matter who flirted.
Besides, your Aunt warned you that nightclubs were not a place to find a good relationship. Ivar could tell his words had gotten under your skin because he began to snicker. He looked at you with satisfaction before he continued on towards the main table. No! You just weren't going to allow him to insult you and not at least defend yourself. You quickly caught up with Ivar and stood in front of him, nervous, but determined.
"I would like you to know that I, in fact, do not flirt or go home with patrons." Your voice was wavering but you pushed on. "So...I don't appreciate you implying that I do. I'm nobody's low-hanging fruit!"
With that said, you stomped off to the head table ahead of Ivar. Despite him laughing, you at least you made yourself heard. 
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When you arrived, Ingrid, the blonde that had been all over Ivar most of the night, rolled her eyes. She made a beeline for him and handed him a shot glass. With everyone in place and Hvitserk at his father Ragnar's side, the toast began.
Naturally, Ragnar was first to speak followed by his brother called Rollo and other respected people. You thought the speeches by the men with tattooed faces were the best cause they were pretty hilarious. You could really tell that the two of them knew how to work a crowd. Hvitserk’s brothers all spoke after his mother Aslaug, who made a point to mention how many sons she had several times. You noticed that Lagertha, the lady you had spoken with earlier in the night, was not fond of Aslaug at all. 
Of all the speeches, Ivar's surprised you the most because it was actually kind and heartfelt. Since he had been nothing but a holy terror from the moment you met him, it was quite odd to witness. From the corner of your eye, you watched Lagertha take position next to Ragnar and wrap her arm around this waist as the speeches went on. He pulled her close as the two of them watched Hvitserk make the final remarks.
"This has been a really awesome night. I thank everyone for coming out." He turned to a man standing with Floki. "Let’s not forget to thank Aethelwulf Wessex and his clan for coming to celebrate with us.” To which the nicely dressed man man nodded. Hvitserk paused a moment in contemplation.
"You know, our father has always taught us that nothing is more important than family. The older I get, I understand. You have all made this day a truly great memory. Skål!” (Danish: Good Health/Cheers)
“Skål!” The crowd roared.
Hvitserk raised his shot glass and everyone in the hall took his lead.
"Now let's get shitfaced!" Ubbe yelled.
Everyone drank their shots with the exception of you. You were hesitant. Despite wanting to toast, you had always hated strong liquor and the tequila you were holding smelled awful. It reminded you of gasoline or the paint thinner you used for your oil paints.
Abruptly, you felt an arm wrap around your neck. It was Ubbe. 
"Are you going to just nurse it or are you going to drink it?" He asked with his lips only inches from your cheek.
“What is with these people and personal space?" You wondered as you smiled at him.
Before you even had a chance to speak, Hvitserk was suddenly in front of you again and looking at the shot glass in your hand. Ubbe let go of you as you his younger brother scowled at him. An exchange you didn't catch.
"Y/N, you didn't drink to my health?" Hvitserk asked sounding like a spoiled child.
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You were going to tell them about your hatred of strong drinks but decided against it. You simply said that you had never tasted tequila before but would drink it out if respect for their tradition.
"To your health Hvitserk."
You salted the back of your hand as you had seen tons of patrons do and braced yourself for the wretched taste. As expected it was horrific. You snatched a lime wedge from the platter and sucked it hoping the bitterness would overpower the atrociousness of the tequila. Hvitserk, Ubbe and a newly arrived Sigurd laughed at you as you shook you head in disgust. 
It was indeed gross but you got warm all over in less than a minute. It might have been nasty going down but you felt pretty good. Hvitserk gave you a horn of mead. It was an intricate commemorative one celebrating his birthday and heritage. Just like the one you snatched from Alfred.
"Oh no! Poor Alfred!" You blurted out to the amusment of a drunk Ubbe.
He laughed so hard that he almost spit out some of his mead. You handed the horn of mead to Sigurd and asked him to hold for you. 
"Huh? What’s going on now?" A perplexed Sigurd asked as he gulped down some cocktail.
"I need to speak to him." You said as you craned your neck trying to find Alfred. "Oooh, I think I see him." You pointed.
Hvitserk was a bit annoyed but tried his best to seem indifferent. 
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"Why do you wish to speak with him?" He asked.
"I just remembered that I never apologized to him." You said heading off towards the brunette with the angelic face.
Hvitserk watched you leave despite wanting to ask if you would return. Ubbe could read his brother’s body language and so whispered something to him. Whatever he said made both he and Hvitserk laugh.
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It didn't take long for you to arrive in front of Alfred who was seated and in deep conversation with another handsome brunette. When you touched his shoulder to get his attention, he looked up and immediately put on a kind smile.
"I'm so sorry to interrupt you both." You said looking to the man next to him.
"No worries Y/N." Alfred said patting the area next to him in the booth.
You hesitated a moment. Noticing your reluctance, Alfred assured you it was perfectly fine.
"Besides, my Godfather knows your boss very well. You won't get in trouble for sitting while on duty. Trust me." He gave you a boyish grin. "Consider it a request."
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Since he had reassured you that you were not taking a risk, you took a seat next to him. Pointing to the man next him, Alfred informed you that it was his half-brother Aethelred.
"Nice to meet you...." Aethelred leaned closer and shook your hand.
Before you could tell Aethelred your name, Alfred did it for you. He kept looking at you so kindly that you almost forgot why you had wanted to speak with him in the first place.
"Oh, I before I forget why I came over in the first place..." You said feeling the tequila very well now. "I wanted to apologize for snatching your drink earlier." You shrugged a bit embarrassed by your actions. "I have the commemorative horn in the break room. I'll go get it and return..."
Both of the brothers burst into laughter since your words made them recall what you did to Ivar earlier. 
"No Y/N. You keep it. Think of it as a consolation prize for putting up with our clan tonight." An amused Alfred said.
"Are you sure? I mean it's so expensive looking." You stated making sure he was aware of what he was saying.
Aethelred confirmed that the commemorative horns were indeed expensive and crafted with silver and ivory. 
"The more reason to keep it Y/N." Alfred added. "They were made in the old country. You won't see such craftsmanship like that anywhere else."
You nodded your head and swiftly took the opportunity to ask where exactly the "old country" was. Especially since the origin of their accents had been bugging you all night. Now, you could finally get an answer to the mystery. 
"Denmark. But we also have lineage across Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Poland." Alfred replied as he moved some of his long brown hair behind his ear. "I think you would love the Blue Lagoon in Iceland. You seem like the spa treatment type."
"Me?" You were a bit flabbergasted at his statement because you hadn't even seen the inside of a proper hair salon in years.
You shook your head shyly. Though, you did admit that you hoped to travel to see the museums of the countries he mentioned along with The Louvre in Paris. Aethelred nodded and informed you they had both been to The Louvre, many times in fact.
"Wow! I'm so jealous." You said with liveliness.
"You seem to be interested in Art Y/N. Or am I mistaken?" An intrigued Alfred asked with a dimpled smile.
You nodded with enthusiasm and informed him that you adored all mediums of the Arts and spent a great deal of your free time at the local museum.
"Since you love art so much, is it safe to assume you've heard about the private exhibit and auction at the Heritage Centre?"
Alfred's question was like a twist of a knife. You definelty knew all about the event but there was no way you would ever be able to attend. Basically, you didn't know anyone of high caliber to get an invite and weren't wealthy enough purchase tickets.
"Yeah. But that’s for celebs and people like that. I guess I'll have to keep admiring Tata Vega's work online."
"Or, you could just attend with me." A very straightforward Alfred replied.
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Your eyes widened at his invitation. Was this guy serious? The thought of being in the same room with your favorite Artist was too much. You could barely contain your eagerness and said yes before you could stop yourself. You didn't typically go places with practical strangers but this was Tata Vega!
Alfred relished in your excitement and said he was happy to see someone appreciate Art as much as he did. He reached into the inner pocket if his black blazer and pulled out a silver card case. He opened it and took out a sleek looking metal business card and handed it to you. You gleefully thanked him to which he only smiled.
Standing up, you acknowledged Aethelred again and informed them both you needed to get back to work.
"Just don't misplace that." 
Those were Alfred's parting words to you. To be on the safe side, you placed the card in the zippered portion of your apron and gave it a secure pat. As you went to fetch some pints of beer, you felt like the whole miserable night had been worth it. You were beyond excited.
You returned from the main bar quickly and served the last-call pints to Lagertha, Torvi, Floki and the rest if their table. When you glanced at your watch, you were pleased to see it was 4:01am.
“It’s over!” You said to yourself with relief.
As you were taking shot glasses away on a tray, Sigurd made his way to you.
"I am still in possession of your mead, my dear." He said with a drunkard's smile.
"You must have had a great conversation with our cousin. So much so you forgot all about your drink." Ubbe's voice entered your right ear as he leaned over your shoulder from behind.
"Was it that interesting?" He questioned with inquisitive eyes.
You looked up at Ubbe who seemed to practically tower over you. He had an odd grin that conveyed that he knew something that you didn't. It was a very devious smile to say the least.
“I suppose so.” You replied.
"That matters not. It only matters that she has returned, right brother?" Sigurd quipped.
"Agreed. So, let's just put this down..." Ubbe said taking the tray of shot glasses from you and putting it aside. "And enjoy the last round."
With that, Sigurd handed the horn of mead back to you. Despite your attempts, the two brothers refused to listen when you kept insisting that you had to finish your shift. To your relief, you noticed your boss, Frankie, approach. Perhaps he could make them understand that you needed to do your job since you weren't getting through.
"There you are Y/N.” Frankie said as he slapped Ubbe and Sigurd on their shoulders. “I got good news. You and Folaki are done for the night. The two of you are free to leave."
"Done? But we have to help shut down."
"Not tonight, you don’t.” Frankie leaned in and whispered. "Seems that Mr. Lothbrok liked the job the two of you did. He added proudly. "So look at this early dismissal as a reward on his behalf." 
Sigurd grinned at you like the Cheshire cat once Frankie left the three of you alone.
"See." A vindicated Ubbe boasted. "I told you that you can drink with us.” Ubbe pointed towards the head table. "Folaki got into the spirit of things right away."
You looked at where he was pointing and spotted your coworker and friend laughing it up with Floki, Bjorn, the Finehairs, Ivar and others. Ivar? Laughing and actually having what appeared to be normal human interaction? It was quite the sight to behold.
"What the hell? Is she some kind of whisperer or what?" You pondered in surprise.
How else could you explain her ability to tame such a vicious person as Ivar? As you watched them having fun, Sigurd's hand slipped around your waist causing you to jump.
"Don't worry, I'm just being a gentleman." He said with a grin.
He gently led you towards the others as Ubbe walked alongside the two of you. As the three of you made it to the head table, Sigurd eased you next to a now lively Hvitserk.
"Bullshit! I don't believe it!" He said to an amused Bjorn. "I want to see for myself."
"Me too." Ivar chimed in after him. "It's impossible!"
"I agree babe.” Ingrid piggybacked his statement as she wrapped her arms around Ivar's neck.
You, Ubbe and Sigurd were completely lost. The three of you had no clue what they were all loudly disagreeing about until Bjorn killed the rest of his mead. He put the mug down with a thud and shrugged.
“Fine! I will take you guys so I can prove I'm not making it up.” He looked around with genuine shock. "I can't believe none of you have heard of her before. Delilah is famous for her Ping-pong act."
"Ping-pong act?" You turned to Hvitserk.
"Yeah. He claims this stripper ejects Ping-pong balls out of her vagina." He answered very loudly sending Sigurd and Ubbe into fits of laughter. 
You sort of regretted asking and shyly sipped the mead Sigurd had given back to you. Folaki, who was seated in-between Ivar and Bjorn, acknowledged your presence. She shouted to you that Bjorn had invited the two of you back to he and Ubbe's, for an after-party.
"After-party? But it's 4:00 am!" You responded before you could stop yourself.
"Okay, mother." Floki said with a chuckle making everyone laugh at your reply.
"I told you she would say something along those lines." Ivar sneered to Folaki totally ignoring you.
Folaki rushed over to you and whispered.
"Please come Y/N. It'll be allot of fun. Besides, you stay home too damn much."
You thought about her advice a moment and realized she was right. But you didn't feel too comfortable going to a stranger’s house, regardless of how nice they were.
"Yeah. But we don't even know them like that." You replied.
Folaki rolled her eyes at your assertion. 
"Ugh! I keep forgetting how sheltered you are." She giggled. "Come tonight and I'll fill you in on the Lothbroks over coffee. Hanging with them is a huge step-up in life Y/N. Like for real." Folaki looked at you with eagerness. 
"Fine." You agreed unenthusiastically. 
Delighted that you had given in, Folaki hugged you and rushed back to speak to Bjorn. You watched her with apprehension still not convinced you would have fun with Ivar and his bitch around.
"So, you're coming?" Hvitserk turned to you as Sigurd also waited for your answer.
"Uh...um, yeah. She convinced me." You said still a bit indifferent.
"What is it, daydreamer? Hvitserk impishly said, leaning down near your cheek. "Wish you were speaking to Alfred instead of me?"
His bit his bottom lip in a very suggestive manner and eyed you as if you were a forbidden dish. At least that's how it appeared to you. Nevertheless, you persuaded yourself that you were seeing things. You never really had men ogle you before so you chalked it up to the alcohol.
"I....um...I gotta do something real quick."
Before Hvitserk could stop you, you rushed to the exit. You made your way past some departing patrons and clean-up crew, straight to the employee break room. Leaning against your locker, you sighed heavily. One thing was certain, you had to stay away from Hvitserk's drunk flirtation. He had been drinking heavily and would most likely not even remember your name after some sleep.
As you were deep in thought, Jason barged in swearing that he was going to blow up Misty's car. She was a coworker who always managed to get "cramps “at the most opportune times.
"That girl is a joke! Tell me why we're in the midst of shutting down and all of a sudden, her pain level mysteriously rises?" Jason fumed as he explained what happened. "Tell you what! I'm going to start tracking her period and prove she's nothing but a fraud." He added slamming his locker after locating his vape pen.
You laughed and gave him a comforting hug. You knew exactly where he was coming from. All of you had dealt with Misty's bullshit one time or another so you totally understood his rage. She was an amazing server and hostess but hated to do things that she considered "menial tasks"
“Don’t let her ruin your night. Besides, Frankie’s been on to her lately.”
"Let me get back out there before she leaves." He cocked his head with confidence. "She can go home early tonight but two can play her game. I'm not gonna give her the schedule adjustment she asked for!" 
With that, Jason left you in the break room. You opened you locker, grabbed your purse and shoved a makeup pouch inside. Wanting to refresh yourself, you used the mirror on the inside of the locker to reapply your powder, lip liner and lipstick. As you were looking down to put the MAC lipstick back, you felt a pair of hand wrap around your waist. The cologne was unmistakably familiar since you had smelled it all night.  
You looked up into the mirror to see your reflection and Hvitserk's. He was looking down at your body so he didn't even notice your stunned expression.
"You…you can't be in here!" You protested as he pulled you closer to him.
"Why not Y/N?" 
Hvitserk asked tenderly with his lips against the back of your neck. His warm breath tickling your skin as he spoke. Before you could do or say anything else you felt the warm, wet sensation of his lips on your flesh. He pecked you at first but then, he tilted your head gently to the side exposing more of your neck. 
Hvitserk straightaway began licking and sucking the side of your neck. It was something he had been dying to do all night. You almost lost your balance because your knees went weak with the sensation his tongue and lips were providing. Your neck had always been a very sensitive part of your body and he was making your eyes close with pleasure against your better judgment.
Even when you tried to speak up, all that left your lips was a hushed gasp. Seeing that words were failing you, you tried to free yourself from his firm grip around your waist. As you tried to do so with both hands, he paused briefly to whisper in your ear. 
"Stop med at løbe fra mig, dagdrømmer." (Danish: Stop running from me, daydreamer.) He hummed in his native tongue.
He used the hand that had initially been tilting your head to the side to restrict your two hands. Since Hvitserk was quite strong, he had you trapped where he wanted. His breath, lips and tongue continued making you feel things you hadn't in a long time. Even though you were thoroughly enjoying it all, you knew he was drunk. You also recognized that he was probably horny due to all drinks he had been downing. As much as you hated to admit it, Ivar was most likely right about the easy target thing.
As you wriggled to free yourself, you were relieved when the loud and obnoxious voices your co-workers made him stop your little make-out session. They hadn't entered the locker room yet so you had time to compose yourself before one of them would walk in and assume the worst.
Hvitserk didn't budge and seemed indifferent about being caught in a restricted area. He watched you with a pleased expression as you arranged your purse items in an attempt to look busy.
Manny, one if the bartenders, walked in and you braced yourself for a barrage of questions. Oddly though, he didn't even flinch when he saw a non-employee with you. He casually greeted Hvitserk and grabbed a pack of cigarettes before leaving. You exhaled in relief.
"Get out! You need to leave before you get me in trouble. Please." You commanded.
"If you insist." Hvitserk said as he walked backwards. “I’ll see you at the after party." He added with a wink.
In the Uber with Folaki, you were as tense as a cat about to receive a bath. The two of you had decided to leave your vehicles at work since you planned on drinking. At least Folaki did. She pretty much forced you to go along with the plan.
"Will you relax? Sheesh!" Folaki laughed at your expression. "You look like we're going to a beheading." 
You couldn't contain your thoughts to yourself any longer. 
"He kissed me." You blurted out. 
Folaki stopped texting and grinned at you with astonishment.
"Well...not technically a kiss... it wasn't on the mouth. More like on the neck and stuff. He caught me off guard and--."
"Wait." Folaki interrupted to slow you down. "Who?” 
"That Hvitserk guy."
"Oh wow. You got a Lothbrok trying to get with you?  That's quite an achievement." Folaki said as she elbowed you.
"No, it's not. He just wants some drunk sex.” You protested. "And what's so great about the Lothbroks anyway?"
Folaki’s eyes got large as she looked at you like you had said something insane.  
"Gee, I don't know......for starters, they're all fine as fuck."
She motioned like she was zipping her lips shut and added that the rest would have to be explained face-to-face.  
"Like I said, we'll talk over some coffee."
"Why not now?" You asked a bit confused.
Folaki pointed to the Uber driver and repeated that she would fill you in privately. You weren't sure why there was a need for secrecy but relented. 
"Oh, by the way, Frankie said we got paid big time? She emphasized her statement by doing the money motion with her fingers. “Three grand for each of us." 
She began dancing around happily to the song on the radio in celebration.
"Three thousand dollar? You exclaimed happy and stunned by the news.
It was an insane amount of money. The tip was basically your entire paycheck in one night. Definitely more than enough to catch up on your student loan and still have some money left over. 
"Whoa! Who can afford to throw money around like that? They must be richer than I thought."
"Try wealthy as hell. Rich comes and goes baby. Wealth is forever. Folaki said sipping her Corona.
You felt tranquil knowing your bills were no longer a standing issue. Perhaps you could allow yourself to have some fun at the party after-all. Still, you were determined to not be "low hanging fruit".
The Uber driver was just as impressed with the beach-side estate as you and Folaki were when he pulled up to the gate.
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Folaki, who was seated into the back with you, leaned out the window and pressed the security touch screen. A voice boomed over the intercom with music blaring in the background.
"I see you guys. I'll buzz you in." Ubbe's voice came over the device before your friend could say anything.
The driver pulled into the large driveway full of cars and went around large fountain to park. 
"Damn! They are living the life aren't they Y/N?" A psyched Folaki said as the two of you exited the Uber.
"You're not kidding." You said in awe. You then turned to the driver as he began to back up in order to leave. "Thanks for the ride."
The stunned driver waved to you as he drove away still admiring the residence. 
When you rang the doorbell, Ingrid, the blonde that had been eyeing you all night, answered. She had changed into a blue bikini top and jeans but still had the same arrogant expression on her face. She smiled at Folaki but lost the pleasantries when she turned to you. Ingrid looked you up and down as she let the two of you in.
"Thank you." You managed to say despite her rude behavior.
"Whatever." Ingrid replied and instantly began ignoring you again. “Most of the party is outside but there are people in the main living room too." She said directing the dialogue to Folaki.
The two of you followed Ingrid but were admiring the house and decor at the same time. Bjorn was the first to spot you guys when you entered the living room that led to the backyard pool area. He rushed past some people with a beer in hand and before you could even greet him, he swooped Folaki over his shoulder one handed.
She laughed and begged him to let her down but he refused.
"Feel free to mingle Y/N, I'm taking her to meet some friend of mine." An energetic Bjorn said he carried your friend outside.
Since Ingrid had already walked away, you were standing all alone. It was a bit awkward because you didn't see anyone you recognized. You wandered around until you eventually found yourself in the kitchen. Boy was it massive. Thankfully, it was empty and boasted numerous types of alcohol, mixers and beverages on the island. You could also see various beer brands in the see-through fridge.
You helped yourself to a Heineken since the opener was on the counter. It wasn't the fanciest of beverages but it was one you knew you could handle at least. As you drank, you watched the partiers by the pool through the massive arched window. It wasn’t long before you heard some shuffling of feet behind you. You turned to see who it was and there stood Ivar leaning on his crutch and gazing at you.
“Just, great!” You thought.
Since you were in no mood for another round of insults, you turned your attention back to the window.
"Passive-Aggressive. Can't say I'm surprised. You seem like the type." Ivar said.
You could hear him walk closer to you and stop by your side. Determined to not respond, you fixated your eyes on the action outdoors. Despite you ignoring him, he continued on.
"I bet you always try to please everyone even though no one appreciates it." 
You became very irritated and clenched your jaw. Not just because you found him insufferable but because he was actually correct. Despite this fact, you wanted him to leave you alone.
"That's why you get nervous around people. You hide from people so much that you don't know how to behave when you're forced to interact socially." Ivar added. "Do you want to know how I know this?"
"Not really." You replied in a cold manner. 
Ivar smiled and sipped some of the iced liquor he had in his glass. 
"You're so easy to read Y/N. I can see right through you." He chuckled as he crinkled his nose and brows.
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"Look, if you're going to start insulting me again, then...." You were at a loss for what to say next and pursed your lips in frustration. 
Ivar was quite amused by your expression and laughed.
"See. You just proved point Y/N. He smiled. "You truly are entertaining.” He smiled and leaned closer to you. “Min skæve mus.” (Danish: My timid mouse)
You had no idea what the hell he called you in his native tongue but you didn’t care. You were totally fed up with his nonsense and definitely had your fill for one night. At the club, you had to put up with his bullshit because he was a patron. But not here. This was a party and you were not going to spend it near him another minute.
You turned to leave as Ivar continued gloating. 
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However, his smile quickly changed to a grimace as pain shot through his body. He audibly gasped which caused you to turn around. As you watched, you noted that he was looking at the ground and moving very slowly towards the island. Certainly not his usual body language despite being on a crutch.
He didn’t reply but instead tried to place the glass in his hand on the counter. The ice clanked together as his hand trembled violently. He lost his grasp on it, and the sound of shattering glass echoed in the kitchen.
“Ivar!” You hurried to his side. “Say something.”
Still he said nothing. But he didn’t need to. When he looked at you, you could see the pain in his blue eyes. It must have been very bad to say the least because he seemed unable to say anything to you. You were quite alarmed at was happening to him. You patted the back of his hand that was griping the island in hopes of offering some comfort.
“I’ll go find one of your brothers.”
Before you could leave his side however, Ivar grabbed your wrist with some force. It wasn’t intentional. It was only due to the extreme amount of agony he was in. Letting go of your wrist, he motioned for you to come closer to his side. Once you had done so, he placed his arm around your shoulder for support and began walking with you.
“Take….take me to my room.” He grunted in-between the bouts of pain. “My stuff is there.”
You nodded as the two of you left the kitchen. You had to let him stop time-to-time due to the discomfort but eventually, with his instruction, you made it to the room. You carefully set him down on the bed as you waited for him to tell you what to do. Throwing his crutch to the ground, Ivar pointed to a large Louis Vuitton duffle. When you unzipped it, you realized it was full of medical supplies. Gauze pads, bandages, antiseptic, alcohol swabs and things of that nature.
Carefully, you listened to his directions about what items were needed and gathered them all. Once you had finished, you laid everything beside him on the bed and knelt down on the floor by his legs. Looking up at Ivar with concern, you waited for him to tell you what to do next.
“You……you can go…..now.” He said with a contorted expression and labored breathing. “I’ll……do it myself.”
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You were dumbfounded. There was no way that someone in as much pain as he was in, was going to be able nurse himself.
“What? That’s crazy!” You said with worry. “Let me at least get that girl…..your girlfriend, to help you.”
Despite being in pain, Ivar slightly chuckled and shook his head. He was really in agony and you could see the sweat forming on his forehead.
“She…doesn’t like...medical things.” He said as he grabbed a pair of disposable gloves and a medical mask. “It’s okay. I….I know what to do.” He winced.
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“Fine! I won’t get her but I’m not leaving. You said firmly. “I’ll do it for you.”
Before Ivar could reject your offer, you grabbed another mask and put it on, you also snatched the gloves out of his hand. He opened his mouth as if he was going to say something but stopped himself.
“Okay. Just tell me what to do one step at a time.” You said.
Putting on a mask as well, Ivar looked at you with hesitation but reluctantly removed the hard brace on his right leg. Since he was wearing basketball shorts, it was easy to access his leg properly. Gently, you unwound the bandages as he watched you quietly only making noise when he felt some discomfort. He was mainly quiet because he wasn’t sure how you were going to react to his numerous scars. Despite your touch being very gentle, he was beginning to regret allowing you to see something only a handful of people had seen.
Once you had disposed of the last of the old bandages, you finally saw the extent of his issue. From what you could tell, he had been through countless surgeries due to the amount of scars. Many went further up towards his upper thigh. In front of you now was a recent operation because you could see bolts on each side of his knee and fresh sutures.
“Okay, I’m listening.” You said.
It didn’t take long for you to clean, treat and reapply his bandages as he talked you through the process. As you worked cautiously, Ivar couldn’t take his eyes off you the entire time. When you had fastened the last of the new bandage, you lightly patted Ivar’s foot to let him know you were done. He removed his mask and balled it up in his hand without saying anything.
When you stood up and looked down at him, you were very surprised by his expression. He was looking at you in an oddly serene manner.
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“I think the topical painkiller will kick in soon enough.” You said removing your mask. “If you hadn’t been drinking, you would have been able to take your Vicodin.” You slightly giggled sitting on the bed next to him.
You hesitated a moment, unsure about touching him as he sat in silence, but then began rubbing his back.
“Are you starting to feel better now?” You asked as you continued rubbing his back in the same manner your dad often did when you weren’t feeling well.
It was something that you were good at. Comforting people and making them feel better even in the worst of situations. Your parents had always praised you about that, if nothing else. You felt Ivar’s forehead with the back of your hand as he eyed you guardedly.
“Well, there’s no fever. That’s a good sign.” You smiled warmly and stroked his cheek “So quiet all of a sudden? You smiled. “Guess you’re not a roaring lion all the time, huh?”
You stood up and began gathering all the wrappers when suddenly the door to the room flung open. Ubbe and Hvitserk entered with drinks in hand. Ubbe looked at Ivar and then to you with an inquisitive expression. That was until he saw the wrappers and such you were placing in a medical waste bag.
“The pain again? Ubbe asked Ivar.
“Yes. I was going to take care of it myself but…well…Y/N insisted on helping.”
Hvitserk sauntered over to you once you stood up and wrapped his arm around your waist. You had your guard up instantly because of what Ivar had said back at the club. His “low-hanging fruit” comment was stuck in the back of your mind. “I was worried that you had left the party early.” He said. “Thanks for taking care of Ivar.” Hvitserk removed his hand from your waist and took you by the hand. “Come on. I want you to show you something.”
“Feel better Ivar.” You shouted as Hvitserk wasted not time in dragging you from the room.
Ivar sat in silence on the bed avoiding eye contact with Ubbe. He hated how his older brother pried into everything and was always getting in his head.
“Are you alright, brother?”
“Of course I am alright! Why wouldn’t I be? An irritated Ivar snapped. “As I have told you before, one mother is enough.”
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“I know. Just trying to show some concern for my little brother. Ubbe said as looked at his drink and then Ivar. “So, anything you want to tell me?”
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Since Ivar knew what his brother was driving at, he ignored him. Ubbe titled his head and studied Ivar a few moments before speaking again.
“Well, I will be by the pool if you need me. I Hope you can join the party again.”
Ivar was clenching his jaw but Ubbe couldn’t see it since he was already near the bedroom door. When Ivar didn’t respond, he left him to be alone with his thoughts.
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When Hvitserk finally dragged you to the front driveway, he walked you past some of the parked cars to an area full of balloons on the ground. Your eyes nearly jumped out of your head when you spotted the Bugatti.
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“My dad got it for me. You want to go for a ride?” He asked as he placed his forehead against yours.
A freakin luxury car! He had just received car that cost more than most people’s homes and yet there he was acting like it was a common occurrence.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea. Folaki will wonder where I went off to.”
Hvisterk scoffed and informed you that she was in the capable hands of his eldest brother Bjorn. He let go of your hand and spun you into his arms so that you were face-to-face. With your chest pressed firmly against his, you prepared yourself to reject his advances.
“Trust me, I don’t think she’ll be looking for us anytime soon.” He added as he brushed his nose against yours for an Eskimo kiss.
Sensing you tense up, he pulled you in closer and sensually caressed the small of your back with his hands.
“Okay. Time to end this.” You asserted in your mind.
“Do you have to be so close to speak to me. It’s...it’s making me uncomfortable.”
“That’s because you like me.” His blue eyes twinkled with boldness as he responded.
You weren’t surprised by his straightforward assertion. His entire family seemed to be comprised of a bunch of Alpha Males.
“Thanks for making assumptions.” You replied making Hvitserk grin. “Besides you don’t even know if I have a boyfriend.”
“Why would I care? I’m the better option, regardless.”
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“That....that’s really arrogant.” You said a bit amused at his confidence. 
Before you could speak, you felt Hvitserk’s lips press against yours. He gave you succession of soft, probing kissing that urged you to respond. In-between the pecks, he commanded you in a hushed and irresistible tone.
“Kiss me Y/N.”
Against every bit of logical advice you had given yourself the entire night, you parted your lips and soon found yourself engulfed in one of the most passionate kisses you had ever experienced. His kiss made you feel like you were on fire. You let out little moans that made him kiss you with more urgency. He moved his hands from your waist up to your face and caressed your cheeks with his hands. Breaking the kiss a moment, Hvitserk looked down at you with passion in his eyes. With both of you sensually gasping, you stared at one another. 
He rubbed his thumb against your bottom lip and then parted them slightly. Hvitserk then leaned down and licked your lips in one swift motion before pulling you in for more. You wrapped your arms around his neck out of instinct as he moved his hands back down your waist again. The two of you were lost in the fiery embrace until a female voice broke the quiet of the night.
“What the fuck?!”
Hvitserk stopped and you both turned to the direction where the voice came from. There stood a blonde woman with a scowl that could kill.
“Margrethe.” He said a bit startled. “What, are you doing here?” 
“Ivar invited me.”
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shannygoatgruff · 4 years ago
Hiiii! I'd like to join your bday challenge! I'll be using Call Me When Your Sober by Evanescence for an Ivar and Hvitserk story (probably a love triangle) 👀
Oooh, I’m intrigued!  It’s all yours!
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hecohansen31 · 6 years ago
Well I was thinking about a little love triangle btw ivar x reader x Roman...if you would want to write this?! I’m open about anything and would like to see what comes to your mind but i also could give you an imagine idea...whatever you would like more:)
(A/N): Hey, sweetie! 
I kind of had this idea, to explain at least the story behind it (sorry I am sucker for backstories) and I honestly loved writing for these two (although I am sure that I wrote them a bit OOC, and hope it wasn’t rushed).
So I hope that you like it, and will suggest more asks about this couple, because I HAVE IDEAS and now I love my obsessive and jealous assholes with anger issues and mommy issues!
WARNINGS: Mention of Sex (Spoilers of “Vikings” season 5), Anger Issues and Mean Words.
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She and Ivar had been best friends for as much as she could remember.
She basically had been the only child in her neighborhood that didn’t care in the slightest about his disability.
She had actually managed to find a way to work around it and have him play with her, as any normal child and because of that their bond was unbreakable.
And soon what had started as a friendship, had swiftly blossomed in a romance…
… at least on her part.
Ivar was an enigma with his self-conscious tendencies and its way to scream even the harshest words to his most loved ones; and although that hadn’t been enough to make her run away, she still felt extremely insecure about her feeling being reciprocated, no matter how much Hvitserk giggled and gossiped with her about his bother…
… she just didn’t know what she truly was for Ivar.
But that year she had decided to be bold, mostly because her parents had told her that they would be moving for her last year of high school, so she hadn’t much time to spend with him.
But she hoped that eventually that little time would be enough.
She had felt particularly bold for the entirety of the year, but suddenly Ivar disappeared… constantly, whenever she planned her confession.
She wasn’t used to it, and she couldn’t help but hate the way he would constantly bail out every date they programmed, whether it was with just her or even with the brothers, and she couldn’t help but be exhausted by the entire thing.
If he had a problem with her, she preferred he discussed about it with her.
And also, she couldn’t help but feel like the brothers were hiding something to her.
But not for long…
The day of the Summer Solstice, a traditional event for the Lothbrock family, she had presented in her best dress, sure that Ivar wouldn’t be missing that night no matter what and she was determined to let him know that she didn’t see him anymore as a friend.
That she wanted more: to be able to hold his hand, to kiss him and to tease him.
But when she had gone to make the confession, Ivar had stopped her, wanting to reveal his own secret, the reason behind his constant disappearances, and for one minute she had hoped, with the way he had told her that she was truly special and meaningful and that it pained him to keep this a secret for her, that he might have loved her…
… and he had smiled so brightly and…
… she had just broken down, internally when he had moved next to a pretty girl, blonde and definitely what a model looked like, pretty like the sun, with a small devilish smile and beautiful blue eyes, matching Ivar’s one: she was definitely the type of woman that should have been beside Ivar.
Not her, definitely.
-This is Fredys, I have been seeing her for a bit… and…- he was clearly in love with her, watching as the Moon that shine brightly in the sky.
She couldn’t even hold a grudge towards the girl, who immediately went for a hug, almost screeching in her ears, and chanting about how happy she was to meet Ivar’s best friend.
Yeah… his best friend.
She would later, mentally, protest on her stupidity, on her tardiness and on the way she held onto hope.
She held onto the thought that maybe Ivar felt something more, and the dread of feeling her love was unrequited… shut her down completely.
She hadn’t talked with the Lothbrock for the rest of the summer.
She couldn’t help but feel betrayed by the brothers, who were supposed to her friends who told her nothing about it, breaking her faith and loyalty.
She had moved at the start of the high school year, without letting others know, ignoring Ivar, not that he had searched her much after he had Fredys, with whom she couldn’t even be mad, since the girl was lovely and nice and she just hoped she would treat Ivar gently.
High school was tough, not only because she was new, but also because, no matter how much Ivar had hurt her, she couldn’t help but miss him.
College helped her a lot and the little job she had managed to get in order to support herself, made her feel occupied enough that relationships, broken hearts and lovers didn’t interest her in the slightest.
That was true, till she had met Roman Godfrey, the one celebrity of Hemlock Grove, the owner of the “White Tower”, asshole extraordinaire, handsome playboy and constant client at the little coffee shop she worked at.
Roman constantly taunted her, at first his flirting had been very annoying, but slowly it had downed to a sweet teasing and everyone on the bar had bets on who would end up asking the other out first, if they managed a date, before they feel into each other’s bed.
She honestly was a bit scared and had still Ivar in her heart.
It almost felt as cheating to accept Roman’s courting, no matter the fact that she liked the gentleness and the cockiness of the elegant man, who charmed her with sweet words, generous tips and on her birthday (he had learned it through Destiny, a fellow barista) flowers, sunflowers, her favorite.
Slowly, slowly she had found herself forgetting about the bound with Ivar, although he still had a part of her heart, no matter what, and she had allowed herself to jump into bed with Roman.
“I don’t want nothing serious” she had mumbled, meanwhile she undid the buttons of his silky shirts, looking at him in those devilish green eyes “… we are not a couple, we just fuck and enjoy each other’s teasing, got me?”.
Roman had just kissed her on the mouth and with time, she had found herself to be the first one to catch feeling: not only the sex was amazing (and the fact that he was one of her first partners didn’t help) but Roman sure knew how to make a woman feel special.
If she had loved Ivar as a first and eternal love, she loved Roman the more she knew about him, the more darkness she dove in.
So, she was thankful each time Roman would suggest that she became his “plus one” at any kind of event, which meant luxurious one, where she would be wearing elegant clothes and nice lingerie under it.
“It doesn’t break our rules” he affirmed, almost as if he wanted to instead confirm the contrary, daring her to reveal each of her feelings “We are not a couple… we are just two friends who occasionally fuck and sometimes… we have accompany each other to mundane events”.
He then felinely grabbed her legs and pushed a hand on them, slowly tracing it till it reached her inner thighs and lightly slapped down there.
“… get ready, wouldn’t want to be late!”
She hadn’t expected to find Ivar again, in one of those events: she hadn’t certainly let Ivar out of her life and she knew that he was also a millionaire exactly like Roman, too young and too much money, but he usually worked outside of America, since he had taken over his father’s agency.
So, she hadn’t expected to see him in the small and lifeless Hemlock Grove.
She had been standing alone, after Roman had promised her a glass of champagne, mostly checking out around herself before a shaky hand was gently put on her shoulder and she turned around, thinking that it might have been Roman’s joke, just to be met with ice-blue eyes, and not leaf-green ones.
-(Y/N)? – he had seemed surprised enough that she had thought she was herself a ghost.
-Ivar- her tone was much calmer and it didn’t hold the same surprise of his, she tried to keep it calm and under control, trying to be the bigger person -… long time no see-.
-You sure have grown up- he breathed out, taking her in further and she couldn’t help the little blush that spread across her face.
-Yeah it’s been a lot- five years, three months and twenty days…
She hadn’t counted each day.
-You moved and didn’t tell us anything- his tone was suddenly betrayed and she could totally see a rage attack come over him and she couldn’t help but bring her arms around her body, in order to shield herself, just to have another pair of arms do the same, and softly Roman purring in her ear.
-Is everything alright, lovely? – he asked, sending Ivar an annoyed look, clearly considering him a cockroach under his shoe, and Ivar replied with a rageful gaze, his fist coming at his sides.
-Yeah yeah- she reassured Roman, pushing herself away from his hold, finding herself uncomfortable with affection like that: that was why she had had trouble into letting Roman be with her.
She hadn’t forgotten Ivar, no matter what.
-… Lothbrock, do you have some business with my girl? – proceeded to ask Roman, immediately respecting your space, although you knew with the way his voice sounded and he was hurt.
-Your girl just distanced yourself from you, so… I don’t think she is… anymore- Ivar replied, viciously, and she just shot him a warning glance, telling him not to step further -… but she used to be my best friend-.
-Ohh, you were in the friendzone, weren’t you Lothbrok? – made fun of him Roman, and she immediately pushed an hand on Ivar’s chest to stop him (she couldn’t help but love the fact that his chest hadn’t become less firm in the years they had spent apart).
-Go to Hell, Godfrey- he simply replied, meanwhile she led him away from the crowd.
-What the hell has taken you, Ivar? - she asked once they were outside; she was shivering miserably in her low-cute dress, but an angry Ivar was a time-bomb and Roman was worse than gasoline, when he wanted to.
-What about you, (Y/N)?! – he replied, angrily, meanwhile she rolled her eyes -… you leave and never come back, without telling nothing…! And don’t answer texts…! It’s like you disappeared off the face of Earth! -.
She knew that if she hadn’t been through the heartbreak she had been and without the personal growth she had gone through, she would have just asked for Ivar’s forgiveness, but she wasn’t that girl anymore, no matter her feelings for him… he needed to hear something, the truth.
-Oh, sorry, Ivar…- her voice was so sarcastic that Ivar flinched at the tone -… but I honestly didn’t think that you cared in the slightest, since you spent all the year AVOIDING ME-.
She had been scared that he might have been the one to do a scene, but apparently… it was her.
He looked at her shocked, probably unused to her sass.
-… you literally not only did that, but you know what got me even more angry? YOU DID IT FOR A GIRL! – she took a deep breath, much to regain her voice after the scream than to give Ivar a break -… I never let a boy come between us, not that there would have been, because I liked you, but…-.
She couldn’t keep going, because of the truth she had spit out.
But could you blame her? It had been on the point of her tongue for so long…
… and now it was out.
-(Y/N)… I …- but before he could say anything, she run away, as fast as she could and when she moved inside, to grab quickly her coat, she was met with Roman’s broad chest and although he looked a bit angered, he seemed worried for her, but she was in too much panic.
-… Earth to (Y/N)… is everything ok? – he asked, pushing her chin up to check her face, as if he was expecting bruises -… did Lothbrock hurt you? -.
-No, Ivar would never hurt me- it was one of the few things she knew; Ivar could scream at her and be all enraged but he would never hurt her, even playfully -… but I am tired and I prefer to go home-.
-I can escort you, home, this event was boring…- he suggested, gently putting an hand over her hipbone, which made her react roughly, pushing herself away from his hold and seeing he hurt in his eyes.
-I prefer to go home, alone- and then she bit her lip, trying her best to find a way to lessen Roman’s bad mood -… I am sorry-.
-He is the one who broke your heart, isn’t he? – he asked, meanwhile he scratched her head -… I kind of thought that you might just be playing hard to get, but you are truly broken-.
The words were meant to bring her to her knees, to hurt her and before she knew it, she had slapped Roman’s smirk off his face, and she stumped out of the ballroom, screaming in his direction.
-Never contact me again, ASSHOLE! -.
The following day she awoke at noon, after she had cried out her entire heart a bit out of anger and bit out of pure sadness, at the simple thought that she might have fucked up each of her relationships.
An headache was storming in her head, so she didn’t dare get out of her little apartment, meanwhile her roommate tried to get her up, in the end leaving her there, with a tray of breakfast next to her bed, and pushed her phone near the night stand, in order for the girl to finally “shut him up” since it had been bleeping and trilling for the entire morning.
She had expected Roman’s calls, and she felt extremely good ignoring them, but the unknown number which presented himself as Ivar was something she hadn’t thought about, mostly because she hoped that he would be off for good after that night.
She had scared him enough with both her screams and her confessions, but she couldn’t help but be curious about the messages he had sent her.
At first they were simply just “I am sorry” and “It’s me Ivar, your hot grumpy boyfriend gave me your number” “No I didn’t beat him up for it” (she almost laughed at it) “… and I didn’t know you felt that way”, she just replied quickly with a “Hello, there and I am glad you didn’t beat him”, she was halfway through mentioning the “I like you” confession… but before she could there came a knock from her door, and she just simply rolled off, since it was either some marketer or just Roman.
She didn’t know which option was worse.
She simply rolled onto her side, and gently focused on the screen and Ivar’s icon appeared changed with the writing “is writing” and soon there was his reply “… I mean… I don’t think that he wanted to beat a cripple so… you know there is an advantage into being one”.
She couldn’t help but feel fifteen again, when her and Ivar would chat back and forth, with him making fun of disability and hers chastising him for her; it wasn’t so difficult to move onto that complicity again, and she realized that nothing had changed.
That she still loved him.
In her attempt to ignore Roman, who had with no delicacy shouted her to let him in, she just decided to continue to chat with Ivar, since it was something that made her feel better, although she was bit too pissed with both of them.
“… the thing with Freydis ended” she honestly hadn’t asked nothing about it, but Ivar seemed to bring it up naturally “… she kind of… it is very fucked up to say, but she… cheated on me and I was almost a father to child that wasn’t mine… Gosh that is fucked up”.
She hadn’t known about this, mostly because as soon as anything talked about her and her relationship with Ivar she started to read away, not out of disrespect to the woman, but more out of respect for her heart.
So, she had no idea, and her heart couldn’t help but clench at that news.
“I am extremely sorry, Ivar” she simply, messaged, knowing perfectly that it had probably hurt even more because she wasn’t there with him.
“She wasn’t my match, definitely” he simply replied, but she knew that he harbored much more “… and I have to talk about something with you, and I don’t think that I can do it on the phone”.
And then a message followed:
“Can I come over?”.
She had to wait something like a quarter of an hour, before hearing Roman greet Ivar roughly, and Ivar just huffed, hence, it was her cue to welcome her guests.
“I am not talking with him near me” Ivar protested and Roman just rolled his eyes as if to say “likewise”.
“I have a storming headache, because I have been crying about you two, so I am not giving yo the luxury to choose”
And then she strutted into the kitchen, after she had thrown out her roommate’s cold tea, to make a new one, and two coffees.
Soon she heard grumbling and Roman was showing Ivar the place where he could leave the jacket, meanwhile he pulled a chair out for himself, stretching his long legs, meanwhile he sent her a dirty look, mostly due to her wearing a nightgown he had gifted her.
“It was cold, outside” he mumbled, just as Ivar joined them, stumbling a bit awkwardly on his crutch.
“… I didn’t think that your cold heart felt coldness” she replied, pointedly, earning Ivar’s laugh “… and don’t you dare laugh, I am pretty curious about knowing how you managed to get my number without fighting someone”.
Both the men sat down, with their tails between their legs, and waited to raise their heads till she put the coffee in front of them: Roman’s black, Ivar’s with too much sugar.
Waiting for them to speak up.
Ivar seemed at unease so Roman went first:
“I am sorry for those horrible things I told you, last night” he lowered his head, before hitting her with those guilty green eyes “…I was scared, because I was jealous, I mean… he is quite handsome, if you put something in his mouth”.
Immediately, Ivar almost went to hit him, but was stopped from a pointed glance of hers.
“It was stupid, childish and irresponsible” he pointed each word with meaning and she couldn’t help but hold out an hand which he kissed tenderly.
And this got Ivar to act up, pushing her attention away from him, when he started confessing.
“I am sorry for ignoring you for an entire year… I…” he looked around, before letting out a meaningful breath “… actually have had a crush on you for the longest, but you never acted out on it, so I thought I was indeed on the ‘friendzone’ “.
Roman didn’t laugh just because he threatened with his eyes.
“Freydis was a simple filler, I thought she might help me to forget you, but once you went away, you probably brought my heart with you”.
She was a bit teary and shushed the tears turning around to check the teas, before pouring it into a cup, sitting in front of the two awaiting males.
“I know this will sound stupid…” because it wasn’t something that was said useful “… you both broke my heart”.
She sipped her tea, to leave out a dramatic pause, eyeing with her side-eye the two males, who were holding a grudge against each other.
“… but… for some fucked up way… I really really like you two, both” they looked at her incredulous “… without Ivar, I wouldn’t have met you Roman: you helped me seeing the world and that there is love even after an heartbreak, I wouldn’t seriously be the woman I am now”.
She gently caressed Roman’s face, who leaned into her touch, but before Ivar could be left out she did the same to his face, leaning in for a long awaited first kiss:
“… but without Roman, I wouldn’t have met you again and you are my first love, the one I won’t be able to forget no matter how many years pass, you’ll always own a part of my heart”.
She felt him melt on her lips, and Roman gripped a bit more forcefully her hand, searching her look.
“You want us both?” he asked, curious “… I didn’t think that you would be into this, greedy girl”.
Ivar just mumbled:
“I don’t like this, and I don’t like him” but it just took him a nice smile from her, and another kiss to loosen the grudge he owned “I don’t like sharing what is mine”.
“… I think that the word you are looking for Lothbrock is ‘ours’ “.
“Say that again, Godfrey and I will slit your throat in your sleep”.
Well they certainly had their way to get along.
Even more when she just huffed, exiting the kitchen, and they both sent her questioning glazes… before she elegantly slipped off her panties from under her nightgowns, leaving them on the carpet.
They almost got into another fight for that trophy.
But she got the final prize.
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peaceisadirtyword · 4 years ago
Here is an idea if you need one on hate- I bet you already thought of this idea but when you last ended the last chapter it ends where Hvitserks wants to tell ivar something (I’m dying to know what he wants to tell ivar but I might know what he’s gonna say but it might just me writing my own plot and just waiting for the next chapter-) If he says he likes Y/N again what if Ivar gets mad and maybe they get into a fight kind of like what happened in the show but instead ivar starts the fight.
Hi!♥️ Sorry, I meant to answer this just after posting the chapter, bc I didn’t want to spoil it for you (or for anyone) but it was late and I forgot💔
Anyway, I did think about making it a love triangle, but then again, I love the friendship between Y/N and Hvitserk too much to ruin it :( It would be huge, because Ivar wouldn’t like it at all, but I couldn’t write it 😔
It could have been a very good twist though!👀Thank you for the idea love!🥰
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lisinfleur · 6 years ago
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Author’s Notes | Some things simply can’t be explained: like how did this smutty thing become so BIG?  Universe | Vikings Pairing | Ubbe x Reader x Hvitserk dynamics Info | Modern AU, requested by @grungyblonde for 5CW5. Þríhyrningur means “Triangle” in Icelandic. Words | 4660 ⁑ Warnings: NSFW, SMUT content, explicit content included. Mentions of polygamy. Cursing. 18+ ONLY.
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It started before your marriage. Ubbe and you were still dating when you first heard about his stories with his brother, sharing his ex-girlfriend... It wasn't supposed to be something for you to hear: they were talking to each other in the living room while you and Hvitserk's girlfriend of that moment were preparing each other for a date you were to enjoy together. She took a little more to get ready and you left the room to wait with them in the living room, but when you were approaching, you heard their laughs and the whole conversation...
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 "...like we used to do with Margrethe. I mean, it's not that I don't respect Frigga or Y/N as your girl, but man, you have the touch to find the most good-looking asses I ever saw!" Hvitserk said.
And you stopped near the door, not believing what you were hearing.
"C' mon, brother. We don't need this kind of stuff in between each other," Ubbe said, and you heard Hvitserk straightening himself at the chair.
"Want me to be honest then? Well, your girl is fucking hot, Ubbe. Frigga is nice, yeah, but I would be a happy man licking everything I could find in the middle of Y/N's legs..."
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You remember hearing Ubbe's laugh before your surprised sigh attracted their attention and the sound of Frigga's high heels echoing at the corridor gave you the perfect excuse to wrap your hand around her arm and coming into the living room as if you didn't have listened to anything.
But fuck, you did.
And for months you couldn't take that shit outta your mind.
Of course, you never told your boyfriend about what you heard that night - also, you never dared to tell him anything about how many times you touched yourself thinking about him sharing you with his little sexy brother and Hvitserk lapping your juices as he said he would be happy to do.
But now you weren't his girlfriend anymore. You were Ubbe's wife. And the subject about his girls and the sharing games with his brothers already had danced in your conversations with him. You even heard some of Margrethe's stories and other girls he shared with his brothers, and it gave you a good view of Ubbe's preferences in this kind of situation.
He liked to watch...
He loved to hear his women moaning for another...
And more than anything: Hvitserk was his favorite.
He had his histories with Sigurd and even Ivar had shared some girls in his bed, but it was speaking about Hvitserk's stories that Ubbe would show himself hornier.
Your curiosity also seemed to make him interested, but you always tried to keep it just as curious questions. Until that night...
The two of you were talking after sex. Your marriage was still recent - not far from five months - when you decided it was time to try and tell him the truth.
So, when he finished telling you about the day Hvitserk and he took Margrethe to the mall and somehow managed to fuck her in turns at the dressing room of a store, you tried to show yourself more interested.
"You and Hvitserk... It always seems you guys have some kind of interesting synchrony when the two of you are together," you said, generic.
But Ubbe was always one step forward: he turned himself in bed and looked at you.
His deep blue eyes quite into yours, limpid, full of something between lust, interest, and desire.
"Why don't you tell me you're interested, love?"
His question surprised you, causing him to giggle.
"You really thought I didn't notice? I'm a watcher, Y/N. Hvitserk may not have noticed you at the corridor that day, but I know you heard what he said... I know you have been trying to approach... But now that you're my wife, I think I can feel safer to tell you these things, can't I?"
So, he was living the same dilemma you were... Saving words to tell you when you were closer and more than just an ephemerous relationship.
You smiled.
"I was thinking the same," you confessed. "I mean... I never wanted you to think I want to exchange you for your brother. That's not what I want. And I didn't stop loving you either... It's just..."
"It gets you wet thinking about me and Hvitserk, taking turns on you as we did on Margrethe," he said with all the words and letters and spaces to make you gasp.
And your gasp turned his eyes even bluer.
His smile, even darker...
"That's it... That's why you like to hear me talking about these stories. Tell me the truth, love... How many times did you close your eyes and imagine yourself in her place? Uh?"
His words making you hornier and hornier, wet as if the two of you didn't have just finished intercourse.
You felt his body closer and his hand sliding in the middle of your legs, finding your wetness, causing you to softly moan as his lips curved more, satisfied.
"So wet... Only speaking about this... Such a good wife I have. Here is what I'll do, little wife," you listened to his voice, moaning a little louder when his fingers slid into you as he kept talking, hoarse, looking into your eyes directly. "I'll enjoy these sweet juices you're giving me now. And while I do it, you'll think about how good it will be when the weekend comes and with it, my brother Hvitserk, to share our bed and fuck you senselessly for me to watch. Oh, it will be such a beautiful show... My beautiful wife, moaning and cumming around him, just for me to enjoy. Tell me, pretty wife... Tell me you'll fuck my brother for me."
You never felt so wet in your whole life.
To speak about that so clearly and openly with him was something absurdly exciting.
Through that whole night, the two of you fucked without a limit, always with Ubbe's voice repeating how good it would be to see your body dancing under Hvitserk's thrusts on the weekend...
You had to admit the rest of the week was kinda hard. It was impossible not to blush when talking to Ubbe about the most stupid things, or seeing the weekend in every single smile he gave you that week.
However, with Friday approaching, you started becoming more anxious.
Friday's afternoon was a test of resilience to your mind, seeing Ubbe at his phone, texting to his brother, giggling or laughing causing you to think he was talking about the weekend and your plans...
At night, the two of you went to dinner together and you tried to calm yourself down. Maybe Hvitserk would arrive on Saturday. Yeah, it kinda made your nerves stop sliding under your skin and go back to their places and you enjoyed good food and a glass of good wine with your husband without shaking.
However, the two of you had just arrived when someone knocked on your door. Distracted, you opened the door still talking to Ubbe - who was at the kitchen and came to the door to see why you suddenly stopped talking.
His lips curved in a smile when he saw you there, still on the beautiful black dress you used for the dinner, standing in front of your open door, looking at his little brother who was staring back at you with a smile.
Like a wolf smiling to a lamb alone in the pasture.
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"Won't you invite me to come in?"
Why even the most innocent expressions were sounding sexual now?
You kinda recovered your consciousness with Hvitserk's small hint and opened the door a little more, a little clumsy.
"Yes, yes, I'm sorry... I think I got distracted. Welcome home, Hvitserk," you said, feeling your whole body shake in goosebumps when he leaned himself to kiss your cheek as he always did.
"Thanks, Y/N," Hvitserk said, smiling and passing through you to shake his brother's hand and embrace Ubbe.
A normal visit.
Except for the fact that your heart was racing into your chest every time Hvitserk's green eyes were landing on you.
Ubbe opened a new bottle of wine, serving the glasses for the three of you, sitting down to engage in a normal conversation about the last travel Hvitserk had to do. Something about the company business in Latin America or stuff you couldn't really understand, so you kinda lost yourself from the conversation, thinking about how nervous you were and how silly it was to be nervous about something that should be good for the three of you.
You were so lost in your mind that you didn't even notice when the subject changed in their conversation until Ubbe touched your back softly with his warm hand.
"... and she's so distracted... I love when she tries to run into herself like this..." your husband smiled.
Hvitserk was looking at you and you noticed they were talking about you, blushing.
"Sorry..." you started, but Ubbe brought you softly closer to him.
"You don't need to apologize, love. We know you're feeling shy... But see," he got up, placing his cup and your cup near each other at the center table as Hvitserk seemed to relax a little more at his chair, drinking from his wine with a smirk. "I told my brother about our conversation... And he said he didn't know you were listening to him, isn't it right, Hvitserk?"
You saw Hvitserk drinking the whole content of his glass before getting up as well.
Ubbe softly pulled you up from the couch, turning you to Hvitserk, your back against your husband's chest.
You started feeling Ubbe's beard tickling your skin as he softly started kissing the crook of your neck.
"I didn't know you were listening to me that day, kitten... If I knew, I wouldn't have said those words."
You looked at Hvitserk, seeing the same wolf stare you were used to seeing into Ubbe's eyes in his. And he softly lifted your chin with two of his fingers, smiling at you.
"I would have been more detailed and thorough," Hvitserk continued, causing your body to shiver when his fingers started slowly sliding down on your neck, reaching your cleavage and slowly pulling aside one of the strings of your dress. "I would have said how thirsty I was for your flavor or how envious I am, for my brother can taste you and drink from you as much as he wants... But it seems you decided to be good to me, didn't you, kitten?"
Fucking word to make you shiver!
Ubbe giggled on your back, pulling aside the other string of your dress, exposing your chest with the cloth on the line of your breasts, line Hvitserk was tracing with his index, slowly creating small waves of chills through your whole body, making your nipples hardened under your dress.
"I... I told him I would... Like to..." you could barely form sentences and it made both of them smile to each other.
"Don't worry, kitten. I know where you're trying to go. Let us put on my brother's favorite show... I'm sure he'll be very satisfied tonight, won't you, brother?"
You felt Ubbe kissing the exact spot he knew would make you moan softly. And almost at the same time, Hvitserk's hand slowly invaded your dress, touching your hardened nipple, causing your moan to sound in a little higher note than you were pretending.
"Oh, yes... I'm sure I will," Ubbe said, hoarse, slowly conducting your body into Hvitserk's embrace.
You saw your brother-in-law's body coming closer and felt his other hand embracing your waist while his fingers were pinching and playing with your nipple as if it wasn't unthinkable for you a few seconds ago. His lips mashed to yours and you heard Ubbe's grunt of pleasure, shivering your whole body with the mix of your husband's sounds into your ears and your brother-in-law’s spices invading your mouth.
Your mind was a whole mess!
A part of you were screaming you were acting like a slut, fucking your brother-in-law, breaking your friend Frigga's trust - since you knew she wanted to go back with Hvitserk...
There were so many wrong things going on there!
But at the same time, Ubbe seemed to be smiling so satisfied! And you couldn't deny Hvitserk's rough hands on your skin were delicious, even more than you imagined it could be. It was good. Your husband wanted and agreed with it. You weren't being forced to anything you didn't were throbbing for.
What could be wrong then?
You felt your dress sliding down your body as Hvitserk's hands started exploring your skin, bringing you closer. His mouth kissing you deeper when you dared to embrace his neck, sinking your nails into his hair, having a grunt of pleasure from him and a satisfied giggle from your husband.
"Yeah... Get in, love. Take her to our room, Hvitserk."
You could feel Ubbe was the boss there: as soon as he spoke, Hvitserk lifted you up to his lap, carrying you to your bed. You heard Ubbe pulling the armchair from your reading table, comfortably sitting to watch as his brother's mouth was slowly running through your body, kissing your neck, your naked chest, starting to suckle on your breasts and fill the whole room with your moans.
"Fuck... You gonna get me crazy tonight, love. Just like that, Y/N, don't hold yourself back," Ubbe asked, and you could see his hand sliding into his own pants, stroking his hardness with his eyes almost not blinking, trying not to lose any detail of your body arching to his brother's mouth.
Hvitserk's fingers invaded your panties and then, your moans became louder. He wasn't slow like Ubbe, but his fingers settled a fast pace against your sensitive bud, creating a huge wave of warmth and pleasure that flooded your channel for him in a matter of seconds.
You were so horny...
"She's so fucking wet, Ubbe... Jez, I can't wait!" Hvitserk growled, lowering himself down.
Your panties went away through your legs but you barely could complain: Hvitserk sunk his tongue on your folds, eagerly licking the juices you could feel coming once again, flooding your channel, wetting you even more for him.
His hands embraced your hips pulling you closer, and you felt him humming against your folds, moaning in satisfaction.
"Fuck... Fuck!" Your words were stuck and Ubbe giggled again.
His own cock already exposed as he was stroking himself openly in front of you.
"Roll your hips for him, love. Ride his face, he loves it!" your husband suggested, teaching you how to please his hungry brother that had attached his lips to your folds, sucking and licking as someone who came from the closer desert, thirsty for any sweet wetness he could find.
You couldn't exactly control yourself, but instinctively, your hips started rolling against Hvitserk's face, causing him to embrace you stronger, sinking his tongue into you. Your husband was good with his mouth, that was undeniable, but fuck... His little brother was a master!
Hvitserk got you cumming in his mouth twice, and he didn't seem satisfied, sucking your throbbing clit and licking your wet pussy until he had your body contorting for him a third time.
Collapsed on the bed, you saw him cleaning his beard with his hand and licking his fingers from your juices, looking back to your husband with a smirk.
"Damn, brother... You have a fountain here... She's so sweet and wet! I could drink from her for hours!" he praised, and you heard your husband's small laugh.
"She can give you pretty more, brother. You should take your chance. She's throbbing now... You should see how tight she is." Ubbe praised back.
Two pairs of devilish eyes looking at your naked body.
Hvitserk got rid of his clothes, dragging you closer to him, opening your legs as your eyes could see his free hand stroking a large cock.
He wasn't bigger than Ubbe. Instead, he was shorter but surely thicker.
You saw him spitting on his palm and spreading it over his hardness, stroking it some more times before placing the tip against your throbbing entrance. Slowly, your body started embracing his thickness as he pushed himself in the middle of your legs, moaning against your neck.
"Fuck..." his voice sounded hoarse and his hand gripped your hips firmly placing you under him as he pushed deeper, filling your channel almost whole. "Fucking tight... Damn, Y/N, you're so fucking tight!"
You sunk your fingers in his shoulders, moaning loud. And then, Ubbe came closer, getting rid of his clothes as well to sit by your side, caressing your hair. His loving blue eyes deeply into yours while his brother started thrusting into you, bouncing your body under his.
Fuck... It was so wrong...
And at the same time, there was so much pleasure, lust, and passion into your husband's eyes...
"Look at you..." Ubbe mumbled.
Hvitserk's face nestled in your neck, his lips kissing your skin as he was moaning low with his hips slapping against yours.
Ubbe's fingers slid through your hair in a passionate caress. And then, his hand cupped your face admiring your expression contorted in pleasure.
"Such a beautiful wife I have... You look so beautiful moaning in bliss this way, my dear. Stronger, Hvitserk. She likes it harder."
It was so arousing to have your husband dictating the pace, telling Hvitserk your deepest secrets and the ways to have you screaming in pleasure under his hard grip!
You closed your eyes, feeling Ubbe's thumb sliding through your cheek, touching your lips and drawing them while you were moaning to his brother's thrusts.
"She's moaning low... Keep going, Hvitserk. She'll cum around you soon," Ubbe said, revealing your customs, your behavior.
Commands that Hvitserk followed blindly, keeping the pace, moving to hit your sweet spots, following Ubbe's instructions to melt you down in pleasure under him.
Ubbe smiled when you came again, shaking under Hvitserk's sweaty body. You felt his hands holding you tighter and his voice echoing in choked moans that soon became a growl of pure pleasure when he buried himself entirely deep inside of you, cursing while filling you with his thick seed.
The hot air of Hvitserk's heavy breath shivered your neck for a while as Ubbe allowed his brother to enjoy the whole high of his pleasure into you, thrusting slowly, coating your walls with his pleasure, sliding his throbbing cock through your sensitive walls until he was satisfied.
Hvitserk was gentle in the end, kissing your chest, your neck, and your mouth almost passionately before slowly sliding to your side at the bed, still panting, but smiling.
"She's amazing, Ubbe... Just amazing..." He mumbled, relaxing by your side.
You saw your husband smiling.
Ubbe's hand started slowly caressing your body, sliding through the sweat on your skin, tracing patterns with his fingertips around your nipples, your belly button. He softly sunk his middle finger into your throbbing channel, getting a small moan from your mouth when he started caressing your walls, pulling out his brother's seed from you.
"You made a mess, brother..." he mumbled, with a smile.
"Do you want me to clean it?" Hvitserk asked, causing your face to contract in a curious expression.
"Sure... But be gentle with our sweet Y/N. She's sensitive..." Ubbe answered, caressing your thighs before Hvitserk could come down on you again, kissing your thighs, licking your folds with gentleness, slowly cleaning you from his seed and getting you fully wet once again.
"Good boy," Ubbe joked when Hvitserk finished, kissing your womanhood.
He pulled away and Ubbe sat on the bed, slowly lifting you up to straddle his lap.
Your body was soft and numb. You straddled him like a doll that he gently placed closer to his body, embracing your waist after wrapping your arms around his neck.
"So sweet, my queen... Did you like my little brother into you, love?" he asked, teasing you with his words as his hands were pulling your hips slowly against his, sliding his warm hardness in your folds creating a comfortable and pleasurable sensation.
"Yes..." You mumbled against his lips and Ubbe softly sucked your lower lip, kissing your mouth slowly, treating you carefully, tenderly.
"Would you be good and have me as well? Uh?" he muttered against your lips.
A mixture of devilish lust and love in his words.
"Can I sink myself into your warm pussy and have you warming my cock as you did to his?"
His dirty way to talk, to expose what you did, causing you to feel wetter.
"Would you let me fuck you good and deep as he did? Uh? Do you want it, love?"
"Yes... Please, Ubbe... Fuck me deep!" You moaned.
Your hips moving against his, the sensation of his cock sliding warm into your channel getting louder moans from your mouth. His growls you loved so much started echoing and Hvitserk's voice sounded near...
"She moans so well, brother... Do you think she can hold us both?"
It was a part of that situation you haven't focused on, but you couldn't deny how aroused that idea made you feel.
You knew Ubbe would like to explore that moment in all the perspectives he could, but yet, his lips caressed your neck and as he was moving into your dripping wet womanhood, he asked your permission, mumbling into your ear, still giving you the full power to decide.
"Would you like to feel us, Y/N? Can we both fuck you together? Right now?"
His hips went deeper into you and you felt how harder it made him. You could remember how aroused he was when talking about the moments in which Hvitserk and he fucked the girls together, filling them entirely.
But more than knowing it was your husband's favorite fantasy, you wanted that sensation. You wanted to know how Margrethe and the other girls they shared felt in the middle of them both, filled with them both...
You wanted it.
Your mind just junked away your reason wrapped with any kind of thought that could prevent your mouth from begging for that. And you moaned, full of lust, dancing slowly over Ubbe's lap.
"Please... I want it! I need it... Fill me in! Fill me whole!"
"Such a good wife... Be gentle, Hvitserk. She's tighter from behind," Ubbe advised, sliding one of his hands down to rub your clit, getting you wetter for him before you could feel Hvitserk's fingers touching your butt hole, wetting it with some kind of lube he seemed to have picked up while Ubbe and you were talking.
Anxiety kicked in, but it was too late: First, his fingers got in, causing a whole new sensation that made you moan and relax enough. Then, Hvitserk replaced his fingers with his cock tip, pushing himself in slowly, a little bit more every time Ubbe was coming out of your pussy, following the pace Ubbe was dictating with his rhythm until you felt his pelvis touching your butt.
He was entirely in.
Immobile, heavy breathing on the back of your neck, but yet, entirely sunk into your butt, causing you to feel stretched and full every time Ubbe was moving into your front entrance.
Everything became hotter. You could feel the thin layer of you in between their cocks. Ubbe moving slowly, sliding in your thin wall as you could feel Hvitserk's cock throbbing, compressed in a space smaller than his thickness, making everything thinner in between them both.
But the true moment when your wetness and pleasure exploded was when he started moving into you. First slowly, then following Ubbe's path, coming into your body when Ubbe's cock was coming out, alternating movements, making you feel constantly full.
"Fuck... You were right, she's fucking tighter. Fuck, Y/N, you're so good... So good!" Hvitserk moaned.
Your voice had died into your throat. Your open mouth wasn't letting go a single sound but the heavy breath with which you were trying to keep your brain working in the middle of so much pleasure.
"Shit... This is so good, Y/N. I wanted this so hard, love... So hard!" Ubbe grunted under your chin, so aroused, so satisfied.
As much as you, he wanted that moment and it was terribly good for him so as it was being new and delicious to your body.
You weren't sure which one of them was caressing your spots, which one of them was brushing them. But all your spots were being touched and soon, your hips moved and your holes became tighter around them both.
"Fuck!" Hvitserk cursed, kissing your nape a little rougher.
"She's cumming, brother. She'll fucking cum on us!" Ubbe moaned, fully horny, increasing the pace clearly wanting to follow your pleasure.
"Ubbe!" your voice finally came out as you held Ubbe's shoulders, trying to get any kind of support. "Hvitserk!" you moaned again.
But your air was too scarce to fulfill your sentences.
You wanted to tell Ubbe you would cum if he increased the pace that way!
You wanted to ask Hvitserk to go slower or your pleasure would increase too much!
But everything was more than you could handle and you were sure you died in the middle of them both when your body seemed to explode in pleasure and you squirted, wetting Ubbe's lap in your juices and filling the room with your voice.
Ubbe's embrace became tighter and you felt him throbbing into you, surely filling your channel with his seed.
And soon your back hole also became warmer, accusing Hvitserk was panting on your neck because he also had cum into you once again.
The three of you remained that way, all together, for a long while. The heavy breaths and small moans were everything that could be heard before Hvitserk and Ubbe slowly started moving out of you and then, slide your body through them until the three of you were comfortably laying over your bed.
Ubbe laid a little closer to the headboard of the bed, nestling your body against his chest. His mouth kissing softly your forehead as his fingers started caressing your hair.
"My beautiful wife..." He mumbled, and you slowly turned your face up, receiving a loving kiss from his lips.
Soon, you could feel Hvitserk's lips petting your shoulder. Laid a little bit lower than you, Hvitserk embraced your waist and nestled against your back, pulling up your blankets over the three of you, making everything even cozier.
"You're incredible, princess," he mumbled, kissing your nape before nestling his face on your neck, sighing tiredly.
Ubbe stretched himself to the nightstand, messing with the remote, turning the air conditioner on to climatize the room with a cozy temperature. Soon, everything became so comfortable that your body started immersing itself into its own tiredness and relaxation.
Hvitserk slept first. But you still felt Ubbe's caresses for a while.
His soft words relieving any guilt you could feel for desiring this so bad into your heart.
"You made me happy today, love. And this was better than I ever had before. To do it with the others was good... But to have it from you was amazing. I love you... More than yesterday, surely less than I'll love you tomorrow."
The sweet words he told you in your marriage day.
More than yesterday.
Less than tomorrow.
"Show me when we wake up, my love," you answered, kissing his neck and feeling his loving kiss on your forehead again. "Show me tomorrow, when we wake up."
You knew he would.
And maybe the three of you could do it more times... Whenever he wanted, you would be glad in having them both and feel complete again.
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