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hubertxpascal · 2 years ago
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Hubert blushing while picking a mask for Pascal. Happy to see them again ❤️🎊
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lilradridinghood · 2 years ago
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I miss themmmm
Hubert x Pascal sketch commission drawn by @viinas <3
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windor-truffle · 3 months ago
I forgot about this ask I answered 4 years ago, I kinda wanna update my graces answers even if that's a tumblr faux pas 😅 Long weird ramble below the cut:
First of all I'm a lot more into shipping than I used to be, mainly bc I realized "shipping" just meant "an interesting relationship" and not always "wholesome and perfect ideal relationship" or required to focus on the "mwah mwah hanky panky" 😅 So yeah I'm a diehard Richass shipper, I still like Cheribel it managed to grow on me in the most recent playthrough though I'd still say it's far from my favorite ship, and I think Huscal is plenty cute though I feel it may be one-sided 😅 And while I don't actively ship it myself there's some fun Cheriscal stuff out there, good to get more wlw!
I've actually recently started shipping Cheribert even though there's nothing for it and in canon they're pretty platonic 😅 I have a whole document of random thoughts about it though and the start of a fic so I ended up taking it more seriously than I anticipated 😅 It mostly boils down to them both being the more practical, grounded members of the group who are both hopelessly pining after someone who just can't seem to notice them. So they meet up frequently over tea to bitch about their heartaches, and end up in a fake-dating instill-jealousy scheme (thanks to Richard and Malik's meddling) that backfires when they start finding each other's company preferable to chasing the unattainable. Strangely it actually IS cute and wholesome 😁
...Unlike the Asbel-Richard-Lambda love triangle thing i still find highly entertaining 😅 No official fics about it so far but plenty of WIPs, AUs, and daydreams with that general vibe, ranging from comedic drama to actually geniunely fucked up. I cannot be trusted with these 3, I enjoy their suffering too much 😂
Also this is practically a crackfic but I kinda like shipping both Asbel and Cheria with the Little Queen 😂 Asbel out of an exaggeration of his masochistic tendencies into heightened bisexual attraction to people who have actively threatened his life before (though I believe he would not even be aware of his own tastes 😅), and Cheria as part of a specific AU in which the LQ is the one to heal her chronic illness, and they both bond over their profound loneliness. Again, weirdly wholesome 😅
All in all I'm pro-ship so I'm down with most things, I swerve the things I don't like personally (age gaps like Sophie or Malik/party members, incest like Asbel/Hubert) but I'm fine with their existence, I might even read them someday anyway just cause I've found it's geniunely enlightening to read about things outside your comfort zone. It's not like the things *I* like are normal either 😅
Moving on from weird shippy stuff! I still know I suck at Graces combat but I have definitely improved. I can now firmly say that my A Team is Asbel, Sophie, Cheria, and Pascal. Asbel and Sophie are great physical fighter aggro tanks who combo like motherfuckers, and Sophie can even heal well which makes her very flexible! Cheria has slow but very powerful spells and heals, and while she's physically frail her evasion is quite good so she can cancel a spell and run and hide behind the tanks 😂 Pascal tends to be literally hit or miss with her low accuracy but she does do massive damage when she hits, and she can also take some hits compared to the remaining 3 party member options.
Malik is just Pascal but worse since he tends to be a bit vulnerable while casting/throwing his bladerang, Richard requires twice as much effort to do the kinds of things others pull off easily (you have to combo perfectly in order to shorten his egregiously long cast times, or risk being hit and stunned and OHKOd), and Hubert faints like a Victorian lady if you so much as breathe on him. I can't have a party of weaklings when Hard mode bosses already hit like a truck 😅
They're all very fun in their own ways though 😁 And like I said, I'm still kinda bad at the game. I'm sure more talented players can make each of them viable (like if I could use Iron Stance more reliably that'd help the casters so much 😩).
As for the rest of the Tales series, I obviously took a bit of a break from it this year though I still love it loads 💜💜💜 I'm happy to keep this Graces fixation going into next year, but I think when it finally dies down a bit I might replay Zesty--- it's the only other title who could possibly dethrone my Graces obsession, so I've been deliberately avoiding it 😅
For the tales of ask game!!
3, & 7 for Graces
1 & 10 for zesty
2 & 8 for Vesperia
And have a nice day/evening whatever in your time zone!!
Oo lots of games, alright I get to talk about my favorites!!
Graces 3. Any ships?:
I'm not huge on shipping in general but most of the popular ships are fine with me, mainly Asbel/Richard, Asbel/Cheria, and Hubert/Pascal. (Spoilers ahead:) I always find it kind of funny that Asbel merges with Lambda after him and Richard fall apart, it feels like he's dating Richard's abusive ex and making it work better 😂 maybe I'll write a fic someday with that premise, who knows...
7. Main team of 4/mainly play as:
Going back to Graces and figuring out all the other characters is on my to-do list, I mained Asbel mostly, though I did try out Richard, Sophie, and Hubert a little. I tend to rotate that party pretty often but I always had Asbel and Sophie, would probably put in Hubert and Cheria as my other 2 or Richard if he's available.
Zestiria 1. Best girl:
Lailah!! I loved Lailah much more than I thought I would, having a group mom to make puns and snacks really makes the party dynamic charming. She has her own burdens based on her perceived former failings with Michael but she is still trying again to bring about a legacy of good people and that is so inspiring. What a great mentor figure.
10. Favorite music track:
Oh that's so hard, Zesty has so many amazing tracks! I think Zaveid's Theme, the Fire Trial and the Water Trial are all tied as some of my favorite songs of all time, but Sorey's theme and the song that plays when Rose joins are also both great. They really knocked it out of the park with these songs, I tell ya
Vesperia 2. Best boy:
Another hard one, they're all so good, but I am always so proud of Karol. He's really trying his best alongside a party of mainly adults and teenagers and he absolutely pulls his weight, he just needed to hear them validate him. He's resourceful and a hard worker and I feel like he's gonna surpass Raven and Yuri someday, maybe even Flynn, and I know they'd all be super proud of him.
(I answered 8 in a previous ask, but my favorite town is Dahngrest for its atmosphere.)
Thanks for the asks, everyone! Love getting to blab about my favorite series 😁
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peachgels · 4 years ago
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they’re* stargazing
*hubert is looking somewhere else
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lulu-croissant · 5 years ago
Tales of Graces anniversary party Blue Ray
Sorry for the poor quality, I could only film my screen 😭 if a Japanese speaker can tell me what they are saying, that'd be great 😁
Anyway enjoy a little Huscal moment 🤗😍
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tumblezwei · 5 years ago
1. What made you ship it?
Honestly I didn't ship it all that much until the epilogue. My poor suffering boy just wanted his crush to notice him.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Hubert being so fucking annoyed that he likes Pascal but not being able to do anything about it because he's a dumbass in love. And Pascal just being herself.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Do enough people even ship it to start forming unpopular opinions? I guess that's it, Huscal deserves to be more popular because it's top tier.
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aurantia-ignis · 5 years ago
“oh god, you’re bleeding.” with Huscal?
The front door was wide open.
When Hubert peered inside, he saw a complete mess. Chunks of metal, varying in size from tiny to massive, littered almost every inch of the floor. Various pieces of brightly coloured equipment filled up the rest of the space.
Pascal herself was nowhere to be found.
Wondering for the umpteenth time how she can live like this, Hubert turned to go. But the moment he stepped on the front doorstep, it creaked.
A loud thunk of bone on metal, followed by a cry of pain, sounded from within the room.
“I’m heeeeeeeereeee…” came the weak reply from beyond a particularly rusty and large purple metal chunk, leaning precariously against one wall. Hubert rushed over as quickly as he could, stepping in holes of empty floor as if he were playing the weirdest game of twister.  
Pascal was lying underneath a horizontal piece close to the base of the purple metal, a line of red trickling down her forehead.
“Oh god, you’re bleeding.“ Hubert knelt down. Sliding his hands beneath her arms, he lifted her carefully out. “Healing Wind!”
The cut stopped bleeding, and Pascal smiled gratefully, leaning back against his shoulder.
“Thanks, Hu.”
“What on earth were you doing down there?” he demanded.  
“There’re several lines of code engraved into the metal there, so I was trying to read it,” Pascal explained. “But then I heard your footsteps, and I forgot where I was, so I sat up, and…” she gestured to the sharp broken edge of the base metal, and giggled sheepishly.
Hubert rolled his eyes. “Carelessness aside, most normal people would turn the whole piece over and read it from a safer position.”
“Well yes, but it’s kind of heavy, and there isn’t really much space here to move it around, ya know? I’d have to shift everything else out first, and that’s such a waste of time. I’d much rather be deciphering the code!” Pascal beamed.
“Stop looking as if that explanation justifies everything, because it doesn’t.” Hubert sighed. “Come on.”
“Come on what?”
“It’s time for lunch. Did you forget?” They had agreed to eat together a week ago.
“I know, but—”
Hubert grabbed her wrist. “We’re going to eat. Then I’ll come back and help you shift everything.”
Pascal’s eyes lit up. “Really?”
“Yes, really. But you have to eat first.”
“Yayoooookay!!” Pascal leapt at him, throwing her arms around him. “You’re the best, Hu!”
Hubert hugged her back, his lips tugging into a reluctant smile.
“I warn you, we’re getting a proper meal. Not just chocolate bananas.”
“Yes, yes, okay, you fusser.” Rising on her toes, Pascal kissed him on the cheek. “Can we get choco-banana pie for dessert?”
Hubert chuckled. “Only if you promise to shower tonight.”
“For you,” she whispered. “I’d even use soap.”
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gothamangelwings · 7 years ago
I’ve been playing Tales of Graces again; for like the 5th or 6th time, and I am overcome with Hubert x Pascal feels.  Seriously these two were made for each other. I need to expand my Huscal doujinshi collection.
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vancoor · 7 years ago
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sparklysharkly · 8 years ago
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I love Huscal!!!
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lilradridinghood · 4 years ago
Finally finished up a Huscal fic that I mostly wrote years ago. It felt nice to revisit these characters.
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maginpui · 8 years ago
Odd Cookie
Fandom: Tales of Graces Rating: General Words:  2761 Tags: Fluff- 100% Characters: Hubert Oswell & Pascal Relationships: Hubert Oswell/Pascal Summary: Baking is often seen as fun way to kill time but for Hubert he was quite lost to why Pascal was baking in three in the morning. Links: AO3
A GIFT FOR @cyandlne!!! because why not?? sammi is one of these super duper cool cute and adorable mutuals and gifts should be given to her on a daily basis!!! also shes needs her dose of huscal to live.
Also a thank you for @letmereachforthestars for being a big help with this fic- really couldn’t have done it without u!
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peachgels · 4 years ago
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kiss attack!!!
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lulu-croissant · 5 years ago
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Old drawing I never posted before, that I finally decide to post. Don’t be like Hubert and Pascal, don’t go out, be safe ❤️ 😘
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hubertxpascal · 7 years ago
This is simple and yet, so adorable.
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I drew a thing for my sister!
Hubert and Pascal from Tales of Graces
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strahtas · 3 years ago
halfway through toa--!
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