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warriors-but-cats-die · 2 years ago
windclan — year twelve — allegiances
leader: duskstar (8y). ginger tom with amber eyes.
deputy: hurricanefang (6y). white tom with grey patches and teal eyes.
seer: flametail (5y). tom with broad shoulders and blue eyes. (apprentice: birchpaw)
brightshore (8y). small, scarred, dark she-cat.
echofang (7y). white tom with black and grey patches, banded legs and tail, and teal eyes.
gorsetail (7y). very pale she-cat with grey patches.
needlewing (6y). clever tom.
sequoiabird (6y). slender, fluffy, white tom with very pale ginger patches and teal eyes.
breezepelt (6y). massive, lean black tom with amber eyes.
heathertail (6y). lithe, light brown tabby she-cat with wide, smoky, heather-blue eyes, and sleek, soft, and thick fur. she has a long scar.
cariboustripe (6y). sleek tabby tom.
fireye (6y). white tom with ginger patches and teal eyes.
poppyblaze (6y). tom with mottled ginger patches.
woodglow (5y). large, thickset, cream tom with pale stripes, good battle tactics, and orange eyes.
sugarfoot (5y). thin, brindled, dappled she-cat with teal eyes. (apprentice: galepaw)
thundershine (5y). red tom with dark stripes and orange eyes.
cypressfall (4y). she-cat with yellow eyes. (apprentice: shadepaw)
baywillow (4y). long-furred, white tom.
ashdawn (4y). clever she-cat with hazel eyes.
greystep (4y). tom with a black-tipped back and green eyes. (apprentice: maplepaw)
hopberry (4y). tom with dark spots and amber eyes. (apprentice: leafpaw)
oatclaw (4y). intimidating, brown tabby tom.
dusksky (4y). she-cat with orange eyes. (apprentice: pinepaw)
emberfoot (4y). grey tom with darker paws.
furzepelt (4y). grey and white she-cat.
cottonfoot (3y). blind brown she-cat with copper eyes.
ashface (3y). heavy red tom with hazel eyes.
featherpelt (2y). tabby she-cat.
deerwing (1y). she-cat with red patches.
springnose (1y). tom with a mottled pelt.
cariboutail (1y). she-cat with yellow eyes.
whitetail (10y). energetic she-cat. (kits: sierrakit, sprucekit, pumicekit)
halofur (9y). grey she-cat.
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warriors-but-cats-die · 2 years ago
windclan — year nine — leafbare
ashface and redantler become warriors.
frostpaw dies.
patchpaw is apprenticed to hurricanefang, and cascarakit dies.
sedgewhisker and emberfoot have two kittens, featherkit and larkkit.
halofur has five kittens, blizzardkit (white tom with pale grey paws, ears, and tail), dappledkit (tortoiseshell she-cat with white paws and faint stripes), echokit (she-cat with gold eyes), fernkit, and iciclekit (grey tom with white streaks and green eyes).
hareflight dies. windclan has no more stupidly old elders.
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warriors-but-cats-die · 2 years ago
windclan — year eight — newleaf
cypressfall becomes a warrior.
ashpaw, greypaw, hoppaw, juniperpaw, and oatpaw are apprenticed to hurricanefang, cedarflight, halobriar, weaselfur, and sequoiabird.
fiddlekit and thriftkit die.
heathertail also loses alderkit, skykit, and sprucekit, leaving her and emberkit otherwise alone.
brightshore has three kits: bristlekit (white tom with flecked patches and gold eyes), hootkit, and pinematkit (white she-cat). unfortunately, not long after his birth, bristlekit dies.
and aspenfall dies.
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warriors-but-cats-die · 3 years ago
windclan — year six — leafbare
crowfoot dies.
cariboustripe, fireye, hurricanefang, poppyblaze, and sandthorn become warriors.
antpaw dies.
sedgepaw is apprenticed to owlwhisker. thistlekit dies.
baylight has one kit, whiskerkit. woodpaw is reapprenticed to sapsnow.
dewspots has three kits, boulderkit, sugarkit (dappled she-cat), and thunderkit (pale tom with dark stripes).
mudclaw dies.
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warriors-but-cats-die · 2 years ago
windclan — year eleven — allegiances
leader: duskstar (7y). blind ginger tom.
deputy: hurricanefang (4y). white tom with grey patches and teal eyes.
seer: flametail (4y). tom with bright eyes.
whitetail (9y). energetic, small she-cat with dark eyes.
brightshore (7y). dark grey calico she-cat with pale eyes.
echofang (6y). tom with teal eyes.
gorsetail (6y). mottled, very pale gray-and-white tabby she-cat with a gray-and-white paw and tail.
halobriar (6y). she-cat with faint stripes.
redspark (6y). red she-cat.
needlewing (5y). clever, small, white tom with grey and black patches.
sequoiabird (5y). fluffy tom with pale patches.
breezepelt (5y). slender black tom.
heathertail (5y). lithe, brown tabby she-cat with heather-colored eyes, and sleek and thick fur. she has a long scar.
cariboustripe (5y). sleek, slightly clumsy, brown tabby tom with hazel eyes.
fireye (5y). tom with pale ginger patches are blue eyes.
poppyblaze (5y). white tom.
woodglow (4y). cream tom.
sedgewhisker (4y). light she-cat. (apprentice: deerpaw)
sugarfoot (4y). thin brindled she-cat with teal eyes.
thundershine (4y). pale tom.
baywillow (3y). tom with dark patches and hazel eyes.
ashdawn (3y). stocky grey she-cat with hazel eyes.
greystep (3y). white tom with a black-tipped back and green eyes.
hopberry (3y). light grey tom with darker spots and amber eyes.
oatclaw (3y). scrawny tabby tom.
emberfoot (3y). gray tom with two darker gray paws.
furzepelt (3y). grey she-cat.
pinematspark (2y). white she-cat with teal eyes.
cottonfoot (2y). blind, golden-brown she-cat with copper eyes.
ashface (2y). golden red tom with hazel eyes.
featherpelt (1y). large, grey tabby she-cat.
dusksky (3y). very small light brown she-cat with orange eyes. (kit: springkit)
cypressfall (3y). small, dark brown she-cat with pale yellow eyes. (kits: birchkit, cariboukit, dewkit, pinekit)
halofur (8y). study, fluffy, mangy calico she-cat with copper eyes.
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warriors-but-cats-die · 2 years ago
windclan — year nine — new leaf
juniperbird dies, so hurricanefang becomes deputy.
pinematspark becomes a warrior.
onionpaw is apprenticed to fireye. madronakit dies.
pinekit dies.
dusksky and fireye have four kits, ashkit (grey tortoiseshell she-cat with long fur and copper eyes), blizzardkit (she-cat with dappled red spots), galekit (dark grey tom with a white chest and hazel eyes), and pumicekit (she-cat with white paws).
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warriors-but-cats-die · 3 years ago
windclan — year seven — allegiances
leader: tawnystar (5y). big she-cat.
deputy: duskthroat (3y). blind tom with amber eyes.
seer: ploverfrost (3y). bulky, deaf, mottled, pale brown tom with a white belly, and hunting skills.
cloudrunner (15y). lithe, pale tom with sleek fur. (apprentice — cedarpaw)
aspenfall (13y). big, gray-and-white tom with sleek fur, long legs, and a wiry tail.
whitetail (5y). energetic, small she-cat with dark eyes.
halofur (4y). sturdy she-cat.
brightshore (3y). dark she-cat with pale eyes.
juniperbird (3y). dark, smoky grey and white tom with yellow eyes and a scar.
sapsnow (3y). pale cream tom with gold eyes.(apprentice — woodpaw)
echofang (2y). white tom with black patches and banded legs and tail.
gorsetail (2y). tabby she-cat with a patched tail.
halobriar (2y). she-cat with a red ear, faint stripes, and blue eyes.
owlwhisker (2y). light tom. (apprentice — sedgepaw)
weaselfur (2y). lithe tom.
redspark (2y). pale red she-cat with green eyes.
vanillaeye (2y). lithe tom with pale eyes.
needlewing (1y). white tom with yellow eyes.
sequoiabird (1y). fluffy, white tom with very pale ginger patches and teal eyes.
heathertail (1y). she-cat with smoky eyes and sleek, thick fur.
breezepelt (1y). lean, slender, black tom with amber eyes.
orangespark (1y). she-cat with mottled ginger patches.
cariboustripe (1y). brown tabby tom with hazel eyes.
fireye (1y). tom with ginger patches and teal eyes.
hurricanefang (1y). tom with grey patches and teal eyes.
poppyblaze (1y). white tom with pale, mottled patches and teal eyes.
sandthorn (1y). muscular, thin, white tom with amber eyes.
baylight (3y). she-cat with white patches and a twisted leg. (kit — whiskerkit)
dewspots (2y). beautiful, spotted grey tabby she-cat. (kits — boulderkit, sugarkit, thunderkit)
hareflight (15y). brown tom with golden eyes.
ryestalk (14y). heavy, grey tabby she-cat with tufted ears.
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warriors-but-cats-die · 2 years ago
windclan — year ten — allegiances
leader: duskstar (6y).
deputy: hurricanefang (4y). (apprentice: patchpaw)
seer: flametail (3y).
whitetail (8y).
brightshore (6y).
echofang (5y).
gorsetail (5y).
halobriar (5y).
redspark (5y).
vanillaeye (5y).
needlewing (4y).
sequoiabird (4y).
breezepelt (4y).
heathertail (4y).
cariboustripe (4y).
fireye (4y).
poppyblaze (4y).
woodglow (3y).
sugarfoot (3y).
thundershine (3y).
cypressfall (2y).
baywillow (2y).
ashdawn (2y).
greystep (2y).
hopberry (2y).
oatclaw (2y).
dusksky (2y).
emberfoot (2y).
furzepelt (2y).
pinematspark (1y).
cottonfoot (1y).
silverantler (1y).
slightfoot (1y).
onionfeather (1y).
ashface (1y).
redantler (1y).
sedgewhisker (3y). (kits: featherkit, larkkit)
halofur (7y). (kits: blizzardkit, dappledkit, echokit, fernkit, iciclekit)
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warriors-but-cats-die · 2 years ago
windclan — year nine — allegiances
leader: duskstar (5y).
deputy: juniperbird (5y).
seer: flametail (2y). (apprentice: frostpaw)
whitetail (7y).
halofur (6y).
brightshore (5y).
echofang (4y).
gorsetail (4y).
halobriar (4y). (apprentice: slightpaw)
redspark (4y).
vanillaeye (4y). (apprentice: pinematpaw)
needlewing (3y).
sequoiabird (3y).
breezepelt (3y).
cariboustripe (3y). (apprentice: cottonpaw)
fireye (3y).
hurricanefang (3y).
poppyblaze (3y).
woodglow (2y).
sedgewhisker (2y).
sugarfoot (2y).
thundershine (2y). (apprentice: silverpaw)
cypressfall (1y).
baywillow (1y).
ashdawn (1y).
greystep (1y).
hopberry (1y).
oatclaw (1y).
dusksky (1y).
emberfoot (1y).
furzepelt (1y).
staglight (1y).
heathertail (3y). (kits: madronakit, onionkit)
cedarflight (3y). (kits: ashkit, pinekit, redkit, verbenakit)
hareflight (17y).
cloudrunner (17y).
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warriors-but-cats-die · 3 years ago
windclan — year eight — allegiances
leader: tawnystar (6y). golden she-cat.
deputy: duskthroat (4y). ginger tom with amber eyes.
seer: ploverfrost (4y). bulky, deaf, mottled, pale brown tom with a white belly, and gold eyes.
aspenfall (14y). big grey tom.
whitetail (6y). energetic, beautiful she-cat with dark yellow eyes.
halofur (5y). sturdy, mangy she-cat.
brightshore (4y). scarred she-cat.
juniperbird (4y). small, dark, smoky grey and white tom with yellow eyes and a scar.
sapsnow (4y). pale cream and white tom with gold eyes and a long tail.
echofang (3y). tom with black and grey patches. (apprentice — cypresspaw)
halobriar (3y). white she-cat with blue and red ears, faint stripes, and blue eyes.
weaselfur (3y). tom with white paws, silky fur, and green eyes.
redspark (3y). red she-cat with green eyes.
vanillaeye (3y). pale grey tom with a golden tone and copper eyes.
needlewing (2y). small tom.
sequoiabird (2y). slender, fluffy, white tom with pale patches and teal eyes. (apprentice — boulderpaw)
breezepelt (2y). slender tom.
cariboustripe (2y). sleek, slightly clumsy, brown tabby tom with hazel eyes. (apprentice — skypaw)
cedarflight (2y). dappled brown she-cat.
fireye (2y). white tom with pale ginger patches and teal eyes. (apprentice — baypaw)
hurricanefang (2y). white tom with grey patches.
poppyblaze (2y). tom with pale, mottled patches and teal eyes.
sandthorn (2y). muscular, thin, white tom with amber eyes.
woodglow (1y). cream tom with pale stripes and orange eyes.
sedgewhisker (1y). nimble, brown tabby she-cat.
sugarfoot (1y). brindled she-cat with teal eyes.
thundershine (1y). pale tom with dark stripes and orange eyes.
ashkit (1s). clever, dark grey she-cat.
fiddlekit (1s). mottled tom.
greykit (1s). tom with a black back and grey eyes.
hopkit (1s). light grey tom with darker spots and amber eyes.
juniperkit (1s). red she-cat.
thriftkit (1s). big white tom with striped red patches, one hooked tooth, and dark gold eyes.
oatkit (1s). brown tabby tom.
gorsetail (3y). very pale grey she-cat. (kits — duskkit, furzekit, stagkit)
heathertail (2y). lithe, brown tabby she-cat with smoky, heather-blue eyes, and sleek, soft, and thick fur. (kits — alderkit, emberkit, skykit, sprucekit)
hareflight (16y). light brown tom.
cloudrunner (16y). grey tom with sleek fur.
owlwhisker (3y). light brown tabby tom with yellow eyes.
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