#hurl hurl hurl I’m having fun haha I’m having so much fun
romanromulus · 10 months
you have to write a book really fast to outrun the self-doubt and constant second-guessing
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cambion-companion · 2 years
fic with kiss prompt 27 and 58 ?? maybe a fight of dominance over one another low-key in a play fighty way (not necessarily in a smutty way lol just fluffy) where reader KNOWS aemond is always in control bc cmon now…he’s aemond…nobody can overpower him
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Hi guys! Yes, I love this idea of playful Aemond. Also this fic is an apology for the heavier subjects I've posted today haha! have some fun!
27. Giggly Kiss
58. Moving Around While Kissing, Stumbling Over Things, Pushing Each Other Back Against The Wall/Onto The Bed
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“Aemond, that is so not fair!”  
“I don’t remember agreeing to any rules, Y/N!”
You chased after the Targaryen prince as he bolted into the empty library, holding aloft the book you had moments before been engrossed in.  
“Now.”  He opened the tome, holding it close to his face in the dim light, his eye flicking across the page as he read aloud. “‘Donnick moved to the center of the room, his feet sinking amorously into the plush carpet.’”  Aemond pulled a face, looking across at where you stood frozen, your face beet red. “‘He began unlacing the back of Polly’s dress, pulling down the fabric to free her bouncing-’”
You dove across at Aemond, tackling the book out of his grip, ripping several pages in the process. “That’s quite enough of that!”  You panted, stumbling back as Aemond tried to take it back.
He advanced on you, a wickedly mischievous smile curving his lips. “You’re reading smut?”  He leapt forward, unsuccessfully trying to wrest the tome from your clutching hands. “I didn’t think you capable of such depravity, Y/N.”
In desperation you turned, hurling the book into the crackling fire which greedily swallowed it up.  Aemond looked rather disappointed, his hands coming to rest against your waist as his eye flickered from the flames to your heated face. “My, my.  You’re turning a fascinating shade of red.”
You tried to slap his hands away, but Aemond’s grip only tightened as he pulled you a step closer.  “I wanted to find out what Donnick intended with Polly.”
“I’m sure your imagination wouldn’t strain too much figuring that one out.”  You quipped, giggling as his dexterous fingers dug into your sides.  
He grinned down at you, chuckling as he dipped his head toward your face, his breath intermingling with your own.  Your heart stuttered at his sudden proximity, your lips parting of their own accord.
Aemond’s face became serious, a soft look in his violet eye.  He tilted his head, moving in to brush your lips with his own.  “Perhaps he should’ve started like this instead.”
You giggled, pushing at his shoulder playfully as you rolled your eyes.  Your laughter was caught by a moan as Aemond pressed his mouth firmly against your own, molding his soft lips to you as your breath caught in your throat.  His fingers tickled your sides again, causing you to jerk away, trying to escape without breaking the kiss.  
His hands moved to your armpits where he prodded enough for you to break away, laughing in earnest now, your chest heaving with effort as you writhed to escape his firm grasp.  Aemond’s mouth descended to suck kisses upon your neck and shoulder as he moved with you, the two of your stumbling against tables and chairs.  Your hands sent neatly stacked papers cascading to the stone floor as you tried to feel your way backward, gasping at the sensation of Aemond’s teeth grazing your throat.  
He captured your lips again, holding you to his chest to prevent you falling over as your legs connected with another chair, sending it toppling back.  He chuckled sinfully into your gasping mouth, his tongue suggestively stroking your own.  In a swift, strong movement, Aemond released you, pushing you so that you fell flat on your back atop the cushioned sofa he had cleverly guided you towards.
The breath was expelled from your lungs, your mouth remaining open in a shocked “o” as Aemond looked smugly down upon you.  “I’m offended you feel the need to resort to terribly written smut when you know I am always eager to please you.”
“It’s nothing like that, Aemond.”  You snorted as he smiled wryly. “Just a guilty pleasure of mine.”
“What an odd pastime.” Aemond laughed, kneeling between your dangling legs.  Helping pull off your shoes and stockings before placing a kiss to your ankle.  
“You’re not one to judge.”  You faked indifference as his lips grazed across the bare flesh of your inner knee.
“Hmm, you’re right of course.”  He flashed a smoldering look up at you before moving the fabric of your skirts still higher. “Polly wishes Donnick was a lover of my caliber.”  
You giggled again, your breath hitching and your hands coming to tangle in Aemond’s long hair as he placed more searing kisses to your sensitive skin.  Your lover seemed intent on proving he was far superior to any fictional man you had encountered in your adventurous readings.
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lifenconcepts · 2 months
In communities I’m apart of, people often remark how they are never bored around me, how I have a surplus of creative questions and ideas, and how I must never feel bored with such an “overactive mind”.
What they fail to recognise though, is that most of those strange and wacky statements or questions I come up with are in a desperate attempt at interacting with others, and that I’m practically chronically bored and suffer from inactivity (unable to pinpoint the exact cause as it could be many, so I just call it that). That whenever they dismiss it with a quick response that something inside me hurls off a cliff as the sole reason I was probably asking it was to have someone talk to me, have fun conversing, and feel delighted to have their own mind and presence stimulated and regarded. I would do so much to have someone just yap to me about their stance on things, to have them muster up an opinion or counter argument to a statement I made, or think of a resolution to an interesting scenario I came up with. Just anything but a “haha lol, that’s nice” or “cool thought! Very interesting.”
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mizunetzu · 4 years
haha it's me again! could i get iida dating a delinquent male reader? (stuff like he smokes and breaks rules) like iidas trying to get the reader to follow the rules and he's like "i'll do that if you go on a date with me" so he does and the readers actually a really chill guy and they have a fun time, some fluff please?
IIDA DUDE MY GOD. MY RELIGION. MY SAVIOR. ok. Okok so. You said fluff and I delivered. But like-I mayyyyybe sprinkled in some angst. No worries. Fluff ending guaranteed. Also you know I enjoyed writing something when I broke my 1000 words rule. Like sheesh this is 3000 pLUS WORDS-
Also if iidareaders reblogs I’ll eat my shirt in joy
Iida x reader - Selfish Promise
⚠️warnings - delinquent reader? Selfish-y Iida? Idk. None lmao
Pronouns - male, he/him
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(Y/n) wasn’t going to lie. Iida really got on his nerves. He’s always up his ass about sagging his pants down low, or running in the hallways. It’s not like it was his business. He was in class 1-B, for god sakes.
Everyone in 1-A knew him as that “1-B boy” who always liked fucking with Iida. And he did, it was fun to see him get all pissy and red when he unbuttoned his dress shirt to the point you could easily flash him if you tugged hard enough. Iida was pretty, but even more pretty when he’s flustered. He wasn’t going to deny the fluttery feeling in his chest when he sees an opportunity to interact with Iida.
Which is how (y/n) found himself smoking outside the UA dorms, sitting outside on the steps and staring up at the sky. He didn’t smoke much, only when he really needed to destress, but something felt compelling to just pull one out today.
He already heard the engine boosted footsteps hurling his way, a smile growing on his lips. Once the blue haired boy was in sight however, he wiped it off and replaced it with a neutral expression.
“You shouldn’t be smoking on school property, (L/n)-kun!”
“Mm? And you shouldn’t be on 1-Bs dorms. Wait til Vlad or Monoma finds out.”
Iida stumbled back, biting back the scowl forming on his face. He took the cigarette out from (y/n’s) fingers, and stomped on it. (Y/n) clicked his tongue as Iida hiked his glasses up his nose further.
“Stop acting like such a ruffian!”
“Then go on a date with me.”
Iida choked on his own spit. He knew that (y/n) joked around a lot, but this was just excessive.
“(L-L/n), you shouldn’t joke about such intimate matters like that with someone you barely kn-“
“I’m not joking.” (Y/n) stood up from his step, and stood infront of the taller boy. “I’m dead serious.”
Iida opened his mouth, then closed it. “(L/n) it is highly inappropriate for two students, let alone boys, to go on a romantic outing! This is a place for learning!”
“How bout we make a promise then? A deal if you must.” (Y/n) seemed completely calm, but inside he was sweating like a clam. He had said it on impulse, and there was no going back. Either sell it till he declines or hell, he has a date.
“If you be my boyfriend and go out with me for one full day, I’ll stop acting like a ‘ruffian’ or something. I’ll follow the rules and whatnot.”
“B-boyf...” Iidas words got caught in his mouth. “W-WHY?”
“I’m not going to try anything...! It’s..it’s just for my own...reasons...! If...that makes sense...”
Iida ran a hand through his hair. Did (L/n), a delinquent, like-like him? A proper former man from the Iida family? He wasn’t romantically attracted to the shorter boy at all, but this was a good chance! He could finally be set on the right path if he agreed to be his significant other for one day! Easy enough!
Iida pushed up his glasses once more. “Fine. I will do it. But afterwards you better keep your end of the bargain.”
(Y/n) held the tiniest smile and extended his pinky. Iida looked at him confused, before hesitantly interlocking their fingers and shaking it.
“Gimme your number. I’ll text you the info later.” They exchanged phone numbers, and Iida bid him goodbye.
(Y/n) felt like he was on top of the world.
“Oi Iida! Over here!” (Y/n) waved his arms around frantically, trying to get the boys attention. Iida spotted him, and made a beeline towards him. He gave a smile and bowed slightly.
“Good morning, (L/n)-kun.”
“Morning! Haha, I’m glad you came! I didn’t think you’d actually show...and you’re on time aswell! As expected of uptight iida.”
(Y/n) was in a pink, slightly oversized hoodie and black sweatpants. Iida was expecting him to be in full black, ripped clothing with skulls on it. He wasn’t expecting him to look so...soft? If you looked at him, you wouldn’t think he was the same person smoking on the steps of a prestigious school.
“Oh well, what time did you get here?”
“An hour ago.”
Iida deadpanned. Even he wasn’t that extra. “Why...”
(Y/n) rubbed the back of his neck shyly and chuckled. “I was so happy I couldn’t wait, ahaha!”
(Y/n’s) probably smiled more times today then the whole time he’s been enrolled into UA. It was an odd sight, but Iida felt a sort of proudness that he was probably the only one who got to see this side of him. He glanced at his face one more time, this time, looking at his red eyes and cheeks.
“...are your eyes swollen..?”
“Oh I...I couldn’t sleep...”
(Y/n) awkwardly chuckled for the 100th time that morning. Iida was about to go on a tangent about how sleep is important to you, but (y/n) suddenly grabbed his wrist, and pulled him forwards. He was practically dragging the poor boy.
“Is there anything specific you wanna do, Iida?” (Y/n) mused, looking around the plaza.
Iida shrugged.
“No, not really. Today’s more of your day, so I’m fine with anything.”
A bright red painted itself onto (y/n’s) cheeks, as he turned back around to hide it. It was usually iida getting all red and flustered, (y/n) wasn’t used to it. Still, it felt kinda nice.
“Awesome dude!”
(Y/n) went on rambling about places they could go to or eat at, but Iidas ears drowned out the noice as he looked at his smiling face. He didn’t know someone so...rude, could look so sweet. (Y/n) tugged at Iidas shoulder.
“...though I suppose, we could just go to a field and train, right?”
(Y/n) got back up to his feet for the 5th time, and charged at Iida. He knew he couldn’t beat him with speed, so he’d have to rely on his quirk as much as he could. They were sparring in a little patch of grass near a small clearing, with a big tree providing the two boys shade. Iida swerved out of the way, making the smaller boy tumble onto the ground face first.
“Ah! (Y/n)! Are you okay?”
Iida rushed to the boys side and tangled his fingers in his hair. “It’s a little swollen but it’s not bleedi...(L/n)-kun...?”
(Y/n) hid his blush with the back of his hands and tensed up. “You..called me...(y/n)...dude..”
It was Iidas turn to tense up. His glasses fogged up as he swung his arms around madly. “IM TERRIBLY SORRY! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, I SWEAR! IJUSTGOTWORRIEDANDSAIDITONACCIDEN-“
“Dude it’s fine! I-I dont mind..!” (Y/n) jabbed him lightly on the chest.
“L-let me treat you to some food! As apology for your head I mean!” Iida stood up, pulling (y/n) to his feet aswell.
(Y/n) was rambling on nervously again, with chopsticks resting nimbly between his fingers. Iida couldn’t help but gaze at his face. His eyes were softer than he expected, softer than the mockingly hardened eyes he pointed like a sword towards people at UA. His gentle clad smile could raise the heavens, with one crinkle near his left eye and a dimple dangerously close to the corner of his mouth. He had unusually long eyelashes for a guy, but it made him look even more pretty for a bad boy.
“Why are you a delinquent at school when you’re such a sweet and funny person?” The words dripped out of Iidas mouth unconsciously, quickly covering his mouth too late.
(Y/n) flushed bright red, squeezing his chopsticks a little too tightly. “W-well...I don’t know. It’s not like I’m doing it on purpose. People just think I am because i don’t like socializing with everyone I meet? Like-id rather hang out with someone I know and like than go out of my my way to befriend all of class B, y’know? Does that make sense? Ahaha sorry I’m rambling again. I don’t get to talk much with my few friends. And they’ve pretty much heard everything I have to say so it’s refreshingtotalktoa-“
Iida cut him off before he talked his tongue off. “If you don’t talk to people you don’t know well, then why are you talking to me so openly?”
“Because I like you.”
(Y/n) said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He wasn’t tripping over his words, or laughing nervously. He looked at Iida and said it like saying “the sky is blue” with so much certainty, it made a knot tighten in iidas throat.
Iidas question was, why though? Why did his heart thump along the buttery smooth rhythm of (y/n’s) voice? Why did his head reel every time he saw (y/n’s) eyes light up talking about something he found interesting? Why was he at such a loss for words when his gaze fell on him so attentively?
Iida cleared his throat. Maybe he was just excited to have a new friend. He didn’t see him in a romantic light! How could he? He’s just worked up on the fact that this hardass delinquent boy wasn’t who he thought he was.
“Shall we go, then?”
The date went by like a dream. Technically it wasn’t over yet, as the promise was for a full “day”, but window shopping and dicking around while Iida chops aggressively really tires you out. They both ended the day by sparring at the same clearing, before taking refuge on a bus stop bench. The sun was completely gone. Leaving behind the pasty purple and blue sky, washing over and killing the clouds.
“Ahhh, time flies by so fast! Damn, well, the days still not yet over soooo.”
“Yes, yes I know.” Iida chuckled. He thought he was going to have to bear through this day, but it was actually quite splendid. He definitely feels like he’s made a new friend.
“Well, is there anything you wish to do before the day is over?”
“Yeah um, so,” (y/n) cast his eyes down, fiddling with his fingers. “C-can we hold hands..?”
Iida wordlessly set his hand on top of (y/n’s) smaller one, waiting as he interlocked their fingers together. His hand was warm, way warmer than (y/n) was expected. He didn’t know, Iida seemed like a cold hands guy.
They sat quietly under the ambient streetlight, occasionally rubbing a thumb over the others hand, feeling it’s warmth and staring off into the distance. Iida didn’t notice his eyes drooping lower and lower until they were finally closed.
Iida let his thoughts roam. It was something he did when he was going to bed, or simply just resting his eyes for a bit. He thought of his family, what he would do for class on Monday, and finally, (y/n). It was the most prominent thing on his mind, and not because he was unconsciously resting his head on his shoulder, softly but firmly gripping the warm hand underneath his own.
The idea of (y/n) so soft and vulnerable in front of anyone else didn’t sit right with him. He wanted that sweet, kind side all to himself. It was selfish, and even wrong if he thought about it. (Y/n) was so sweet and respectable during this “date” of theirs. Perfect manners for when inside the classroom. If anything, he should be more than glad to have the world share this side of him.
So why was he feeling this way?
He felt a shoulder nudge from under his head, before a hand started vigorously poking at his cheek. He initially ignored it, but once he registered the current situation he jerked up and
“Iida. Iida wake up. It’s 11:40. We should be heading back before midnight. A-at least I want to so we can um...we can still technically legally hold hands by promise-“
Iida rubbed at his eyes in embarrassment. “My sincerest apologies for falling asleep! It was not my intention-“
”oh no it’s all good! I-I kinda fell asleep too. It’s been like...2 hours.”
Iida checked his watch. (Y/n) was right. 11:45 pm. He knocked his glasses up higher on the bridge of his nose and stood up. He extended a hand to (y/n) who tiredly accepted it and pulled himself off the bench.
They spedwalked towards the train station to catch a train back to UA, when (y/n) tugged on his sleeve, halting temporarily.
Iida turned around with a hum. (Y/n) kept his eyes fixated on the ground, but held on to the sleeve of Iidas jacket like a lifeline.
“Today...is almost over.”
“Yes, um, it’s about 11:57 so we should hurry back-“
“Before the day officially ends,...can you kiss me?”
Iida focused on (y/n’s) downcast face. It wasn’t an expression of nervousness or any sort of flustered emotion. Instead it held a look of unreadable shame.
“If you do, then I would have no regrets. My feelings for you will also end here. I’ll try my best to end it. My feelings grow stronger for you everyday when we bicker or when I simply just see you, so I want to end this with a grand fina-“
“I refuse.”
(Y/n) looked up. Iida glasses glared white, preventing him from seeing his cerulean eyes. But he got his answer from the frown Iida was sporting on his face. Even he could agree, it was a silly request, but he couldn’t help by feeling just a tad bit hurt by how quickly he was shut down.
“I understand.”
(Y/n) averted his eyes, flushing with embarrassment. He scanned the area for something other than Iida to look at, before his eyes landed on the parks clock.
12 am.
The date was officially over.
(Y/n) was quick to let go of the sleeve he’d been clutching for a while now. “A-ah! The day has ended. The dates over.”
He stepped back and ducked his head into a 90 degree bow. “Thank you so so much for coming with me today.”
“I’m really happy.”
His expression betrayed his words. If there was one word to describe it, Iida would say it looked dead. Hollow, even. It looked hollow, like the sinking feeling harboring itself in his chest. He knocked against his ribcage multiple times to shake the achy feeling in his chest, but it never went away.
“Well, let’s head back now. It’s late.”
(Y/n) silently walked past Iida. It wasn’t until seeing his watery face drenched in silent hot tears walk by that Iida realized,
He was in love with (L/n) (Y/n).
He was in love with the sweet delinquent boy who smokes and sits on desks, but also has the most hypnotizing laugh. He was in love with the boy who wore saggy pants to school, but also wore an oversized pink hoodie that made Iida reluctantly imagine him wearing one of his own jackets. Oh, how cute he would look.
He was hopelessly, graciously, entirely in love with (L/n) (Y/n).
Iida ran up to (y/n), who had walked past him and kept going with the assumption that he was behind him. His breath crystallized in the form of fog when he ran, faster than he ever did without using his engines. There wasn’t enough time to hike the fabric of his pants up, and he’d rather not burn them to a crisp with the steam from his engine.
He wasn’t sure if he heard him. He was still a great length away.
He was closer now. Close enough for him to hear. He was either lost in his thoughts or outright ignoring him.
The boy whipped his head around so fast, his tears flung into the cold air and landed beside him on the ground. Iida didn’t think far ahead as to brace for landing, choosing instead to glomp (y/n) into a soul crushing hug. Though, it was more of a tackle with the the way they both tumbled over and hit the ground with a thud.
(Y/n) was able to soften the blow with his quirk, but the impact of Iida landing on his chest still knocked the wind out of him. He was waiting for Iida to start swinging his hands and start apologizing profusely, but instead got pulled up to his knees and encased in a more gentle hug.
He was buried in the crook of Iida neck, who in return nuzzled himself into (y/n’s) hair. They stood, or rather kneeled, in a stiff silence, rocking back and forth ever so gently.
“Wah! Don’t apologize! You did nothing wrong, you had the full right to deny my request-“
“No, not for that.” Iida untangled himself from the warmth of (y/n’s) body to look at him seriously. “I’m sorry for breaking our promise. Our deal.”
(Y/n) wiped his stray tears away, all bitterness turning itself into lighthearted confusion. “But you didnt-“
(Y/n’s) words fizzled out in his throat when a pair of lips shut him up. His eyes fluttered closed as he wrapped his arms shakily around Iidas neck, drawing him closer than he already his. After what seemed like forever, Iida suddenly jumped back with fogged up glasses and heavy blush on his face.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I wasn’t thinking! Forgive me!”
“You know, all you’ve done was apologize all day. Is this what you normally do in class?”
“NO!” Iida fell back on his ass, a yelp escaping from his throat. (Y/n) chuckled ironically, pushing himself up to his feet and extending a hand towards the blue haired boy.
“I still don’t see how you broke our deal.”
Iida dusted himself off and adjusted his glasses. “Well-listen I-“ For once in his life, he was at a loss for words.
“I...want to e-extent it. O-Our date, I mean.”
Iida stood rigid as a board as (y/n) blinked.
“Wait-so like, you’ll go out with me tomorrow?”
“And the day after that.”
“Yes I suppose so.”
“A-and how bout a week from now-“
Iida grabbed (y/n’s) shoulders and shook him roughly. And by rough, I mean rough. This boy has enough beef to throw (y/n) into the sun.
Iida has never considered himself selfish. He wasn’t the type to want something all to himself. If his friends wanted to be friends with someone he disapproved of, so be it. If he bought food but a fellow classmate was starving, he’d be eating only half as his classmate would be happily munching on their portion. If it was reasonable, he’d be willing to give up anything. It was the right thing to do.
Surely all of those good deeds would permit him to be selfish just this once. He’d never known the feeling of wanting something so bad to the point you felt like you were boiling. Of wanting no one else to have someone look at them the same way they looked at him. And how utterly satisfying it felt to have someone to claim as your own. Just this once couldn’t hurt anyone.
And by god, the impossibly wide smile (y/n) held was one thousand percent worth it.
“Halt! No running in the hallways, (L/n)-Kun!”
(Y/n) slowed down to a stop and sighed. “Dude, get off my dick.”
“Still pestering (L/n) huh? As expected of Iida!” Mina and Uraraka giggled, as they both disappeared inside the 1-A classroom. The hallway was empty now, making both Iida and (y/n) relax. (Y/n’s) pissed off expression softened, a smile now growing on his face. Iida swears it’s like talking to two different people. It’s kind of scary.
“Good morning, Tenya-Chan~”
“Uh-uh. Don’t ‘Tenya-Chan’ me. You know the rules. You owe me a kiss for breaking a rule. Gimme.”
Iida made grabby hands at (y/n), puckering his lips jokingly. God, he didn’t want to admit it but (y/n’s) sense of humor was rubbing off on him.
(Y/n) snorted at his boyfriends antics, pressing a gentle kiss onto his mouth. “Well-I gotta go, bye bye, Tenya! See you later. Call me, you sexy lamppost.”
(Y/n) timpered off to his classroom, his bad boy attitude returning once he stepped inside. Iida stood there, in utter confusion, before turning around and walking inside his own class.
“Ne ne, Iida, I’ve noticed you’re kinda like...less strict with that 1-B baddie. What’s up?”
Mina followed behind Iida with a curious, shit eating smile on her face.
“Ah. We...became good friends. He’s not as bad as I thought, I suppose.”
Mina looked at Iida unconvinced.
“You know, I saw you and bad boy kissing out there. My god. Iida. You gay liar.”
Iida, along with probably everyone else in class 1-A, collectively choked on air.
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tsukishumai · 4 years
First Kiss - Tsukishima, Kageyama, Hinata, Yamaguchi (Karasuno First Year edition!)
Aoba Johsai Edition
It’s a little long, I have zero self control
Can you tell I love Tsukishima  (。◕‿◕。)
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Before, you used to spend your days in school with your cousin, Yamaguchi, and his less-than-pleasant-but-ridiculously-good-looking best friend, Tsukishima.  
He was a jerk, to put it lightly, but hey, you can be a jerk too.
“Your hair looks like a damn bird’s nest, and your bow’s all crooked. Did anyone even teach you how to be a girl?” “Did anyone teach you not to be such an insufferable asshole?” “Do you even know what ‘insufferable’ means?” “Uh, yeah, it means Tsukishima Kei.”
Yamaguchi regrets ever introducing you two.
Things may have started like that, but it wasn’t long before the biting tone in Tsukishima’s words was replaced by something more playful, each remark followed by a smile. He started walking you to your classes, saving you a seat next to him during lunch, even going so far as to share music with you. (He’ll never show you the playlist he’s made of all the songs you’ve recommended.)
But that was before. Now, you were doing your best not to melt under Tsukishima’s heated gaze, paying no attention to the golden brown eyes that have followed you around for days.
The bell rang to signal the end of class, and you quickly gathered all your things, throwing them haphazardly into your bag, and running out before Tsukishima could get to your desk.
You got to your locker in record time, quickly changing out of your school shoes so you could start your trek home. Usually, you would wait for Yamaguchi and Tsukki to get out of practice but… this was better for you. 
“You’re avoiding me.”
You jumped at the voice that was suddenly right behind you, knowing exactly who would be there if you turned around, so you didn’t.
“Don’t you have volleyball practice?” “That’s beside the point.” “Avoiding you? I haven’t been –“ “I’m not a dumbass, so don’t play games with me. You’re avoiding me. Why?”
You gulped, gripping the school bag that hung off your shoulder until your knuckles turned white. You wanted to lie, but there’s no point. Tsukishima was always able to see right through you.
“I heard you tell Tadashi that you liked someone…” “… So?”
You tried to pretend that your heart didn’t just crumple up like a piece of paper. “SO! I didn’t want to ruin your chances; she might get the wrong idea if she sees us together all the time.”
He scoffed. “That is the single most idiotic thing I’ve seriously ever heard. Did you hit your head as a kid?”
You could feel your face turn red, anger beginning to bubble in your throat. You finally turn around to face Tsukishima, ready to give him a snarky comment. “No, YOU’RE the single most idiotic thing –“
The words died on your tongue, muffled by Tsukishima leaning down and pressing his own lips onto yours. 
He pulled back, and couldn’t help but smirk at your flushed appearance.
“I was talking about you. Stupid.”
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You had always found it extremely fun to mess with Kageyama Tobio
The boy was a genius when it came to volleyball; but maybe that’s where his genius ends.
It didn’t escape your attention that he would get flustered every time you smiled at him, or that his friends would tease him whenever you walked by, or that it was him dropping off a juice box and melon bread on your desk every morning with a note that says “have a good day.”
You enjoyed it; the way you could make him short circuit just by giving him a hug, the crimson on his face when he catches your eye from the court, and the deer-in-headlights look he gave you when you confessed your feelings.
You were never one to make the first move, sometimes wondering why you did it for Karasuno’s genius setter, but you’re reminded when you feel the shiver in his body as you slide your hand into his, and you see the sweet look in his eyes when you ask him to walk you to class.
You didn’t mind that you had to initiate most of the affection if it meant you got to see the blush that Kageyama always tried to hide.
Today, you found yourself in the perfect position to mess with him. The two of you were having a movie night, and even though you shared the same blanket, Kageyama was sitting on the other end of the couch like a perfect gentleman.
“Tobio,” you whined, “I want to cuddle.”
You didn’t even give the poor guy a chance to reply before crawling from your side of the couch, and situating yourself on his lap, arms reaching up around him as you buried your face into his neck.
You could feel Kageyama’s entire body stiffen, steam practically beginning to come out of his ears. 
Laughter threatened to spill from your lips, so you decided you’ve done enough to the guy, and started to make your way off until you felt two strong arms snake around your waist.
You lifted your head to face Kageyama in surprise, but your breath was caught in your throat when you noticed the look he was giving you. 
It was like slow motion – Kageyama’s head lowered and your eyes fluttered close before you felt the velvety soft pressure of his lips against yours.
Omg d-did he just kiss you?!
Now it was your turn to be flustered. The corner of Kageyama’s mouth turned upwards ever so slightly, and his hold around you tightened, causing the pink tint of your cheeks to deepen into crimson. 
“Let’s stay like this for a while.”
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Everything. Was. Going. Wrong.
This was not how Hinata imagined your first date together would go!
Do you have any idea how long Hinata has been waiting to ask you out? Ever since he met you at National’s last year, he’s been planning this day. 
You were beautiful, funny, and you could teach him (more than) a thing or two about volleyball? *Chef’s Kiss*
When you finally agreed to go on a date with him, he thought he was dreaming. He knew he had to make it the best date ever.
He definitely didn’t go to the bathroom six times the morning of.
There was a summer festival that weekend, and he figured it would be the perfect place to take you on your first date.
Ten minutes in, Hinata had spilled Kakigori all over his Yukata. He had been in the middle of beating himself up about it when you reached over and dabbed at the stain with a napkin, laughing at his clumsiness.
An hour in, Hinata had spent nearly all his money trying to win you a stuffed animal to no avail. (You got it yourself in one try.)
Two hours in, Hinata had accidentally stepped on your obi, ripping the delicate material. He wanted to die right then and there, but you insisted it was old, and you were planning to get a new one anyway.
Just as Hinata thought he would redeem himself by taking you on the Ferris wheel, he found out that he got motion sickness, and you ended up having to rub his back, while he fought the urge to hurl the whole time.
“I’m so sorry,” he apologized once the two of you exited the metal death trap, sitting him on a bench, “I swear I had planned for this day to be much better.”
“What do you mean? I had a great time,” you said, and Hinata gave you a look that clearly said he didn’t believe you. You just laughed. “Hinata, when we first met, you threw up on my shoes. Today was a big improvement.”
He laughed. “Still – I wanted you to have a cooler memory of me.”  
“You don’t have to try so hard,” you giggled, “I came here because I like you.” 
Just then, the sky lit up with different colors of reds, greens, and blues; dancing together to create a pattern that illuminated your face in a way that made Hinata’s heart race.
You smiled then, sitting beside him on the bench and laying your head on his shoulder. “At least we have these fireworks.”
It was there, on a random bench under the glow of summer time, that you shared your first sweet kiss with Hinata Shoyo.
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 Enter Yamaguchi Tadashi; Captain of Karasuno Volleyball Club, Pinch Server, and all-around good guy.
He’d like to think he was a completely different person now; no longer the shy, timid first year that was stuck on the bench while his classmates shone on the court.
Now, he was in charge, and one needed to have all the confidence in the world if they had to keep his demon classmates in line.
But all that confidence just went down the drain whenever you were around.
“Good morning, Yamaguchi-kun!” “Oh, hey! Hi, yeah, it’s a good morning right? Aha, the homework last night was pretty hard, right? Haha..ha.”
“I watched your game last night, Yamaguchi-kun! You were amazing, I couldn’t take my eyes off you!” “Wha - Ah - Haha, that was nothing, just -  it was, uhm, the team they helped ahaha, I – Thank you?”
“Dude…” Tsukki would say, “What the hell just happened to you?”
Naturally, his friends got sick and tired of seeing him turn into a dumbass around you, so they decided to take matters into their own hands. 
Yamaguchi should have known what the boys were up to when they decided they wanted to throw a party after the game. As captain, he probably should have spoken against it, but he was also feeling pretty high from the win, and wanted to let loose. 
How they managed to trap him in this closet with you was beyond him. He thinks he heard the words “7 minutes in heaven” but the beers were making everything move too fast, and your proximity was more intoxicating than anything he drank that night.
You looked at him with glossy eyes, and he felt like he was drowning. More than a few minutes passed, neither of you moving. The tension was rising, and Yamaguchi didn’t want to make you feel like you had to do anything you didn’t want to.
“Y/N-san, you don’t have to –“ “Yamaguchi-kun, I like you.”
He froze, mouth hanging open. He watched as your gaze lowered, fiddling with your thumbs as you took a step back, and he instantly missed the closeness.
“I’m sorry, this was stupid. Tsukishima-san told me this would be a good idea, but I can see that I’m making you uncomfortable, I’m just going to –“
You felt Yamagachi’s warm hands on either side of your face, catching you off guard before he pulled you in and locked his lips onto yours. Your hands instantly moved up to wrap around his middle, and you lost yourself in the softness of his movements.
He pulled away, making a mental note to thank his idiot friends when you beamed up at him with a smile that blew him away. “I… I like you, too.”
A/N - This one is for @valiantrevolt​ !
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qianinterprises · 3 years
Smoke Detector
Pairing: Taeyong x Reader
Warnings: burnt food, tears, self-doubt
Scenario 1) when they (you) mess up cooking dinner for the first time.
Summary: you want to make dinner for Taeyong on your anniversary, but to do so requires help from the fourth best chef in NCT. Unfortunately, that isn't enough to stop disaster.
Genre: fluff, minor angst
Author's Notes: I am participating in the ficscafe scenario event! You may be seeing a few of these pop up as I am super excited to write these scenarios! Also, I apologize if this is kinda sucky. I wrote it in one sitting because I just had SO much inspiration, but there's a very good chance that this isn't very good.
Word Count: 2.6k
Tag List: @treasuretaeil @hachanbaecon
For as long as you could remember, you'd never learned how to properly put on a meal. Sure, you could make ramen in the microwave or throw together a sandwich, but anything involving more technical skills and you were screwed. For that reason, you never offered to cook for your boyfriend, which admittedly made you feel inadequate, but he was so an amazing chef that admitting your lack of skills was embarrassing to say the least.
Taeyong had no idea you had very little talent in the kitchen. You never told him about the time you nearly burnt down your mother's kitchen trying to make tacos or the time you forgot your scones in the oven until they were black as coal and hard as stones.
Taeyong's cooking skills were perfect. He could whip nothing into the most delectable meal you'd ever tasted. And that was daunting.
He should be with someone who he could partner with. Someone who could share the responsibility of the kitchen because you knew, when Taeyong got home after allday of schedules, the last thing he wanted to do was cook. But he did so anyway (unless you'd convinced him to get takeout). He never complained. Never questioned why you didn't cook for him. Never gave you anything but a happy smile and a soft peck on the lips.
Lee Taeyong was just too perfect. So perfect in fact that today, on the morning of your two year anniversary, he had taken the morning off and instead, bounced around in the kitchen cooking up all your favorite breakfast foods before surprising you in bed with them. He had roused you awake and placed the tray on your lap before crawling back in bed beside you and kissing your lips.
“Happy anniversary my love,” he had whispered against your lips.
The morning had been spent enjoying his well-crafted breakfast with sleepy cuddles and a slow, sensual, naked dance beneath the sheets before he had to peel himself away with a promise that he would be home in time to make dinner.
With that, he had left, and you spent the rest of the afternoon fretting. Taeyong had made breakfast. A breakfast that didn't consist of cheerios or toast. He had taken the time to use his morning to whip up a breakfast fit for a king. And now he was planning on two meals in one day!
Your stomach churned uncomfortably, fear gripping your heart. One day, Lee Taeyong would realize that he was too good for you, and then he’d be gone. Off to find someone better for him. Someone like Doyoung, who he could cook with without supervision. Or maybe even someone like Johnny, bigger than him, that could hold him tight and ease away all of his worries.
You were useless. At least, that’s what your subconsciousness whispered in the back of your head.
As two pm rolled around, you were tired of moping. Taeyong deserved someone better. So you would become better. That would just require a little bit (a lot) of help from someone who knew their way around the kitchen.
The first person you contacted was Kun, but when he didn’t respond, Doyoung became the next best thing. Quickly, you sent the male a quick text because you had no idea who Taeyong was scheduled with today.
‘Do you have 127 schedules today?’
Doyoung didn’t take long to text back.
‘Yeah, why?’
Always one to get to the point. But you liked that about Doyoung.
‘Just curious, wasn’t sure who Taeyong was scheduled with today.’
You huffed. The simplest choice went out the window. Had Doyoung been free, you would have invited the male over and had him help you cook a gorgeous dinner. Although part of you was glad you had to go with plan b. Plan b wouldn’t get irritated and yell at you quite as easily as Doyoung would.
‘How’s my favorite Dreamie?’ you sent, hoping Dreams schedules were clear that day because you were running out of options.
‘Jeno’s doing fine? Why?’
‘I’m not talking about Jeno, you nincompoop!’
These boys were going to be the death of you one of these days.
‘Haha, I know, what’s up? What do you need?’
‘Why do you assume I need something?’
‘Fine. I need your help cooking dinner for Taeyong!’
It took the boy longer to respond and you assumed his answer was no when your phone began to ring. When you answered, he didn’t even give you time for a proper greeting.
“Why do you need my help?” Jaemin asked.
You let out a huff. None of the boys knew your dirty little secret, but you knew Jaemin (or Doyoung for that matter) would help you without an explanation.
“Because I can’t cook to save my life! And he cooks all the time! And I just want our anniversary to be special! Will you help me or not?!”
“How are you dating Taeyong hyung without knowing how to cook?!”
“Jaemin!” you whined, red creeping up to your cheeks.
He let out a breathy laugh.
“I can’t come over. Our managers gave us the next few days off and Renjun and Jeno have barricaded us all in here, but I can help you over the phone!”
Not exactly what you had in mind, but with Jaemin helping you, what could possibly go wrong?
Later on that evening after deciding to make something relatively simple for Taeyong, Jaemin helps you create a grocery list and sends you on your way. Grocery shopping was the easy part. You were exceptionally good at shopping. It was when you got back home that your hands began to clam up as you stood in the center of the kitchen, trying to mentally prepare yourself for whatever was about to happen.
Your phone rang in your pocket as you were shakily pulling a pan out, placing it on the stove. You fished out your phone and answered, Jaemin’s face popping onto your screen.
“Ready to get cooking?” he asked, a wide grin spreading across your face.
“I’m nervous,” you mumbled.
“Oh come on! You’ve got me here to guide you! It’ll be great!” you promised.
Hopefully, he was right.
“Ok so the first thing you need to do is heat up the pan over the stove. While that’s heating, start chopping the vegetables. Just be careful!”
Nodding, you turned on the stove. When nothing happened to sabotage you this early in the game, you let out a sigh of relief and set out chopping all of the vegetables that you’d bought, preparing a hearty, healthy, but tasty dish for the man that never ceased to give you everything you desired.
“Ok, now get the meat out of the fridge and put it in the pan.”
Nodding to him, you slid on a pair of rubber gloves and pulled the hamburger meat out of the refrigerator. Ripping open the packaging, you dumped the red meat into the now sizzling frying pan and let out a small sound of joy when you succeeded in not making too big of a mess.
“Great now-” there was a knock over the line and Jaemin’s attention turned from you to the door.
“What?” he asked.
“We’re going out to the sports bar down the road. Wanna come?” Jeno’s voice asked in the background.
Jaemin let out a whine in the back of his throat.
“I promised (y/n) noona that I’d help her make dinner for Taeyong hyung.”
“Sucks to be you!” the door slammed and Jaemin turned back to you looking like a kicked puppy.
Your heart clenched. Not only did you have to elicit Jaemin’s help in the first place, but now you were keeping him from spending time with his friends and having fun.
“Explain to me everything that I need to do and go,” you offered.
His face lit up immediately and he opened his mouth to speak before freezing.
“But I promised…”
“Jaemin, it’s not that big of a deal! I’ve got this,” you said, hoping he couldn’t hear the way your voice wavered at the doubt creeping into your soul.
“Ok so…” and he rattled off instructions, letting you write them down.
“Now are you sure you can do this?” he asked.
You nodded even though you were positive you couldn’t do this.
“Ok! Good luck! And Taeyong hyung is going to love it!”
With that, the call ended and you were left alone with a pan of rapidly browning hamburger meat and a pot of boiling water.
“Ok (y/n), you got this,” you whispered to yourself.
You didn’t have this. In no way, shape, or form did you have this!
The meat browned too quickly, and while you were trying to get it off the heat, the pot of water boiled over, sizzling and fizzing on the burner You slightly burned your hand in a rush trying to get the lid off of the pot of noodles, but while you were fighting with it, the smoke alarm went off, blaring loudly through the house. Frantically, you trembled as you tried to quiet down the alarm before you realized why it was going off.
The meat had become a dark brown lump emitting thick black smoke that pillowed toward the ceiling. With a little screech, you grabbed the pan of meat and hurled it into the empty sink, rapidly turning the water on and letting it spill over the now ruined meat as you turned back to turn off the stove. However, before you could, the water was boiling over the sides again.
By the time you got the water in the pot to settle, your hair was a mess atop your head and tears had gathered into your eyes at the mess of a kitchen. Water was still running over the burned black meat. The noodles in the pot had secured themselves to the bottom of the pot, refusing the budge, and the vegetables you’d put in the oven to roast had gotten done while everything else had gone wrong. Now they sat on top of the stove crispy with an aftertaste of coal.
Dinner was ruined. But perhaps you’d still have time to order takeout before-
You heard his keys jiggle in the door and your heart dropped to your stomach. Not only had you not succeeded in making one simple meal, but Taeyong was going to see just how awful you were in the kitchen.
You sank to your knees on the floor, leaning against the cabinets under the sink and drawing your knees to your chest, burying your face in your hands as the tears flowed easily now.
“Honey! I’m ho-”
The first thing Taeyong noticed was the smell. The bitter, burnt scent of burning food making his nose crinkle in distaste.
“Babe?” he asked, stepping further into your shared apartment, closer to the kitchen where the smell was coming from.
When he entered, the sight broke his heart.
You were trembling on sobs below the sink, quiet whimpers leaving your lips that only got worse as he moved closer to you. Water was running over a pan of burnt something in the sink and the pot on the stove was scorched. The vegetables on the over pan looked like shriveled prunes.
Slowly, so as not to make you more upset, Taeyong made his way over to the stove and quickly switched off the two burners and the over, all of which you must have forgotten to turn off.
When the stove was handled, Taeyong took another look around the kitchen. Your phone was sitting on the counter by the stove, a piece of paper with hastily scratched instructions beside it. There was an old sweater hanging over the back of the table chair that you must have used to calm the smoke detector that was now dangling from the ceiling by a single wire. The refrigerator was slightly ajar and making a small dinging noise until he pushed it closed. You were crumpled on the floor in the center of all of the chaos, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out what had happened.
With a small sigh, Taeyong moved closer to you. He leaned over you to switch off the water pouring onto the burnt pan before lowering himself to the floor and wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“Baby, did you try to cook for me?” he whispered.
He already knew the answer to that, but he wanted to hear a response from you. When you only nodded, another whimper leaving your lips, he pulled you into his arms and placed a kiss on your head.
“Why baby? I told you I was going to cook.”
“You cooked breakfast,” you mumbled.
By now he was very confused. You never offered to cook. He just assumed you didn’t like to or couldn’t, which seemed to be the case.
“You deserve someone who can cook for you,” you muttered. “You always have to cook and I’m just useless not being able to.”
Taeyong was left speechless for a solid 30 seconds before he was pulling you into his lap, carefully spinning you around to face him.
“You are not useless. Baby, you give me warm hugs and kisses when I get home. You let me be the little spoon some nights when I’m exhausted. You draw baths for me and hold me while I relax. You are anything but useless. You do so much for me that I enjoy cooking for us when I get home. Even when I’m tired I love it. I love seeing your face light up when you taste something you like or watching you bounce in your seat over your favorite foods. I don’t get to take care of you half as much as you take care of me. Let me cook for you baby. I love it,” he said, letting his thumbs gently stroke over your face as he wiped away your tears.
Your glassy eyes looked up to meet his and he was drawing you closer, planting a soft kiss on your water lips.
“I love you baby. And I promise, just because you can’t cook doesn’t make me love you any less,” he said, kissing your forehead.
You nodded and dove into him, letting your head rest against his neck, holding onto him as warmth washed over you.
“I love you too,” you muttered, finally feeling relaxed after hours of stress that came with cooking.
“Who gave you those instructions on the counter? Did they not offer to help you?”
“Jaemin. Kun was busy. Doyoung was with you. I obviously wasn’t about to call you, so Jaemin helped me, but halfway through he had to go.”
Taeyong nodded and peppered kisses along your cheeks.
“How about we get dressed and go to the dinner where we had our first date? Then tomorrow, we’ll spend the whole day together. I might even help you learn how to cook!”
“You have tomorrow off?!”
“Mhm,” Taeyong cooed.
You jumped off his lap excitedly.
“That sounds perfect!” you grinned, dashing off to your shared bedroom to put on something other than sweats.
Laughing, Taeyong stood up and surveyed the kitchen once again.
You had the capabilities of cooking. That much was clear by the seasonings and well-chopped vegetables. Stress and distractions were your issues. And that, he could help you with.
With a smile, he made his way to the bedroom.
It didn't matter if you could cook or not. What mattered was that you were his. And if the ring tucked away in his pocket was any indication, he planned on making you his forever.
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Big Secret
Pairing: Kirishima x reader, but also . . . pining!Bakugou
Warnings: Mentions of/implied sex, but nothing actually graphically happening. Gay/Bi/Poly fun stuffs. Bakugou doesn’t like the color pink. Also language from YoU kNoW wHo
Author’s Note:
*sips tea*
Technically, no one asked for this, but I wanted to write it anyway. Then someone requested a sequel, so I made this prequel first (because I had a clearer idea, nothing against them). It doesn’t matter if you read Little Secret or Big Secret first, so do whatever if you’re new. 
Little Secret did surprisingly well, so I was more than happy to jump back into the mini AU. This takes place about a month before the events of Little Secret. I could not pick whether this is angst or crack, so I made it both. Both is good.
This is my first crack at angst (haha, see what I did there? I’m so smart and funny). If it’s bad, then it’s kind of just practice for me. If it’s good and you decide you like it . . . hooray! I did something right for once.
Anyway, I’ll shut up now. Enjoy!
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Bakugou stood in front of your door, scowling as usual.
Ever since you and Kirishima had started dating, it felt like the red-haired hard boy was impossible to be reached, constantly spending all his time with you. Bakugou had expected as much when the two of you had announced to him that you were a couple, but this was starting to get ridiculous. He was starting to feel a little too left out, getting angry at how much he found himself missing your presences as you had once hung out interchangeably in all three of your rooms. But that was before, when you were all just friends.
Just friends.
Bakugou shook his head before rapping impatiently at your door. "Oi, (N/N), have you seen Kirishima?"
"I'm in here."
Katsuki immediately recognized the sound of the redhead's voice on the other side of your door, causing him to frown. Of course. Just as he'd anticipated.
"It's open," you called.
And you were in there too. Gods, he hoped he didn't just catch you two doing something disgusting, like kissing or worse. He was almost to the point of praying that the two of you were at least decently clothed when he opened the door.
What he most certainly didn't expect was the sight before him, immediately smacking him in the face the moment he walked in.
Kirishima had just gotten up from laying belly down on the floor, clad only in a pair of loose black sweatpants, defined muscles clearly out for anyone to see. You were right next to him, sitting in your cute pajamas. Bakugou had tried telling you off for copying him by wearing that black tank top like he did, but you had insisted that it had been as much your idea as it had been his. His gaze wandered to your bare legs, accentuated by a pair of short (F/C) shorts.
The most shocking thing however, was the fact that both your faces were slathered in some sort of mint-green paste, hair tied up and pushed back with fuzzy animal-themed headbands.
"Need something, Bakubro?" Kirishima asked, yanking him out of his thoughts before he could get too far down a rabbit hole that would be painfully embarrassing to climb himself back out of.
"You have my notes. I need them."
It was true, Kirishima had asked to borrow Katsuki's lesson notes, like he always did at the end of the week. Upon finding the boy absent from his room, Bakugou could have easily let himself in and taken them off his desk, right where they always were. But for some reason, he'd been driven to go out and find the redhead. He didn't know why. Maybe it was to torture himself. He never knew why he even still bothered being around you two.
There was a new feeling ever since you'd become official; a sickness churning in the pit of Katsuki's stomach. Oddly, he vaguely recognized it from when that damned Deku would constantly show him up, but this one was always much stronger, somehow even more painful.
Why did he wince every time you went to grab Eijirou's hand? Why did he find himself with the urge to go be sick when he'd first seen Eijirou lean over to give you a peck on the cheek? It had been because it was gross couple stuff, right? Bakugou wasn't here for all that nasty touchy-feely stuff. He'd seen his parents do it, and it disgusted him. And now his best friends were doing it with each other; sometimes right in front of him, sometimes when you thought he couldn't see.
But he saw, and he knew. He'd heard you, late that night after training. Heard the two of you noisily entering Kirishima's room, clicking the lock on the door as you'd stumbled to the opposite wall. He'd listened to everything: the telltale sounds of skin meeting skin and coming together. He'd heard both your sweet, pretty voices, desperately trying to keep quiet as foreign waves of feelings coursed through your bodies on the other side of the wall. The thin wall, where every sound was as plain as if the barrier hadn't been there at all.
He should have stopped himself then. He should have given up all hope, closed down all his feelings. He'd laid awake the whole night, thinking about how his two best friends were now seeing each other in this way. You were third years, and having relationships within the class was to be expected. But his best friends? Together? And now it was just him. The sideliner. The outcast. The third wheel. Alone.
He'd been forced to listen. It hadn't been his choice. It was even less his choice when the two of you had approached him the next day, listening one last torturous time to you as Kirishima sheepishly explained that the two of you had become an item. Bakugou pretended like he didn't already know.
He should have stopped hanging out with you, distancing himself as the two of you grew closer. But this had all happened almost four months ago, and he hadn't been able to force himself away from either of you. He couldn't tell if he resented you both or genuinely enjoyed your company.
What did it matter? It was only his stupid emotions, stupid feelings bleeding through his enforced walls. He had other things to focus on, better things. Like being a hero. Training to be at the top of the class, climbing ever higher to surpass All Might and be the number one hero. That was his goal. That was his purpose. It had nothing to do with his idiot, overly supportive best friends—if he could even call you that anymore.
"Your notes?" Eijirou's voice questioned.
"Yeah," Bakugou said. "Where are they?"
"My desk," Eijirou said. "Like always. My door should be open, you could have just taken them."
Bakugou scowled. "Oh," was all he said.
"Hey, we're having a spa night," you piped up.
"I noticed," Bakugou deadpanned.
"Ooh, you should totally join us, Bakubro!" Kirishima's green-caked face slipped into a grin with ease, flashing his ridiculously cute sharp teeth.
"Yeah!" It was your turn to beam, face lighting up in your smile. "Spa night for three!"
Just the three of you. That sounded wonderful. And also absolutely terrible.
Bakugou scoffed. "You're not going to get me to do your childish nonsense. I need to go study. And then sleep."
"The gren-nerd returns," you said, rolling your eyes. "Come on, Blasty, there is such a thing as too much sleep."
"Yeah," Kirishima agreed. "Besides, it's a Friday night. You have all weekend to do whatever. Have some fun with us and lighten up for a change!"
Katsuki glared at you, hovering inside the door frame. You smirked and began pumping your fists in front of you, maintaining eye contact with him.
"Spa night, spa night, spa night—" Your voice took on a low, stage whispered chant, and soon Kirishima joined in next to you.
"Spa night! Spa night! Spa night—!"
"Fucking dammit," Bakugou finally said, slamming the door shut behind him and stomping over to where you were sitting in the middle of your floor. He hurled himself down into a sitting position, trying to make every possible inch of his body language convey that he didn't want to be here. "You're just a pair of idiots and losers."
"I refuse to be cast down by your simplistic labels and insults," you said dramatically, placing a hand on your chest. "Gimme your face. Now."
Bakugou jerked his head back from you, even though you technically hadn't even reached for him yet. "What are you going to do?" he asked suspiciously.
"We must start with the face mask. Eiji, go get him a headband."
"A what?! I am not—"
"Yes, you are," you said firmly. "Unless you want to go take another shower to get it all out of your hairline, because, trust me, it gets everywhere."
Kirishima came back and flopped back down beside you, handing over a fuzzy, pink and white fabric headband with small bear ears stitched onto the side. Bakugou looked from it to the ones you were wearing. You donned a sparkly pink unicorn themed one, decorated with a horn, ears and a fluffy puff of a mane. Kirishima wore one that was very similar to the headband you were now holding, except his was black and white, clearly panda themed.
Katsuki pointed at Eijirou's head. "I want his."
The redhead blinked. "What?"
"Yours is cooler and not pink. I want that one."
You sighed. "Katsuki, it doesn't matter."
"I'm not wearing pink!"
"What's wrong with pink?" Eijirou asked.
"It's too girly!"
"Hey, pink can be a manly color," Kirishima argued. You nodded your head in agreement.
"Then why aren't you wearing it?" Bakugou shot back.
Eijirou blinked. "I, uh—um—"
"See, you don't want to wear it either!"
"That's not—!"
Bakugou lunged towards Kirishima, grabbing at the item keeping his red bangs pushed off his forehead.
"AAH—hey! It's gonna smear—!"
The boys took a moment to scuffle, Eijirou desperately trying to hold back Katsuki's arms as they grabbed at him. You took a moment to look into an invisible camera like you were on The Office, heaving a sigh.
"Alright, that's enough." You pulled Katsuki off your boyfriend by the back of his shirt collar, shoving the pink headband into his hand. "You can either wear the headband, or you can let it get in your hair. Eijirou was here first, so that one's his. Got it?"
Bakugou donned his 'I just bit into a lemon' face, spitting out a "tch" before reluctantly putting it on his head, pulling it up so his forehead was on display.
You noticed the ears were a bit off kilter, leaning a little too far to the left. It set off a tic in your face, making you reach over and straighten it out. You couldn't help but notice how Bakugou froze when your hands and face came nearer to his own, breaths stuttering and slowing to a stop. You sheepishly finished adjusting it, sitting back when you were satisfied.
In all honesty, you'd tried to ignore Bakugou's shift in behavior around you. He was as abrasive and irritable as ever, but there was something in the way you'd noticed him looking at Kirishima. You'd gotten briefly jealous until you realized he often acted the same around you. You told yourself to pay no heed to it, and now certainly wasn't the time to be sorting out and guessing at the feelings of your emotionally closed-off best friend.
"If either one of you takes my picture like this," Bakugou said. "I'm gonna fucking kill the both of you."
You glanced over and made eye contact with Eijirou. One of you had to do just that without him noticing by the end of the night. He was simply too cute not to; the pink matching his ash blond hair just right.
You tore your gaze away from Katsuki. I have a boyfriend right here, who I love very very much, you reminded yourself.
That much was true. Maybe you weren't allowed to order off the menu anymore, but it couldn't hurt to take another glance.
"Alright," you announced. "I'm getting the face mask back out." You got up and walked to your felt storage container of toiletries, grabbing the same green tube and package of face wipes you'd used only minutes prior.
"So why the fuck do you have three of these?" Bakugou asked, referring to his newly acquired pink ears.
"Sleepovers, duh. Also there was a sale and they're really cute and cheap, so there."
Bakugou let out another tch as you sat back down in front of him. You pulled out a wipe and began to work at his face, removing any oils that might have gotten on there throughout the day.
"Relax your face," you ordered, and Bakugou surprisingly complied. "You'll get wrinkles if you keep doing that. You know, the whole frowny thing."
"You sound like my mother, dumbass," he commented, keeping his lips turned down in a frown.
"Well, your mother is right."
You ignored his dismissive noise. "You have really nice skin, you know," you commented, moving back to your seated position and tossing the wipe in the general direction of your trash bin. "Do you have a routine? I found out today that Eijirou doesn't so that's what got us started."
The redhead shrugged behind you, having taken out his phone while you tended to Bakugou.
"Um, I wash it sometimes," Bakugou admitted. "My mom said something about how our sweat helps keep it clear, but she still sends me stuff every now and then."
"Neat." You sighed. "Wish my sweat actually helped my skin. Other than, you know, keeping it cool and whatever."
You took the tube from the floor next to you, popping the cap open and squeezing some onto your fingers.
"What is that stuff?"
"Avocado oatmeal clay mask," you said, glancing at the label. "Purifying."
You leaned forward again on your knees in front of him, beginning to spread the green paste over his cheeks and forehead like you'd done to Kirishima.
"I'm not a baby, you know," he protested. "I can do it myself."
"Oh, come on," you countered. "It's fun having your friends take care of you. Just let me do this."
Bakugou sighed through his nose. He had to admit, there was a teeny tiny part of him that liked how close you were, the way your fingers glided over his cheeks and forehead.
But you had a boyfriend. A very sweet, loving, cheerful boyfriend. He was yours and you were his, and Bakugou was . . . unavailable. He'd stay yours and Kirishima's friend, and he'd just have to accept it.
You finished fixing up his face, going back to your criss-crossed sitting position and wiping your fingers off with a tissue.
"Now what?" Bakugou asked.
"We can wash it off in about ten minutes, we just have to wait for it to dry."
Bakugou sat back, assessing the sensation of the mask on his face. It was cold and sticky, but he had to admit it smelled good. He'd never done anything like this before, and the tiniest part of him actually didn't hate it.
You started talking about a meme you'd seen on Instagram, and you laughed with Kirishima. You both were cute in your face masks and headbands. He would never admit it, not even to himself, but maybe Katsuki would be willing to sit through something like this again if it meant seeing you both like this.
You sat back and seemed to go into thought for a moment, as if trying to decide what to do next. "Eijirou, let me see your nails." He presented them to you, his face questioning. You studied his cuticles, clicking your tongue. "Imma get you some nail oil. We could probably all use some."
You got up again and grabbed the little bottle, twisting off the cap and beginning to brush the liquid onto your boyfriend's nails.
"What does that do, exactly?" he asked, watching you concentrate.
"Strengthens your nails," you explained. "Keeps them hydrated so they won't crack and break off so easily."
"Look at that Bakugou!" Kirishima proudly proclaimed. "I’m gonna have strong, manly nails!"
You giggled, beginning to blow on them so the solution would soak in and dry faster.
"Babe, I just realized something," Kirishima said.
"We look like Shrek."
You looked up at him, his face caked in the solid green mask, then turned your gaze to Bakugou. "You know, I wasn't going to say anything, but, yeah, we totally do."
You both started cracking up again, and Eijirou laid down on the floor as he laughed. He had the sweetest laugh, the absolute best. You provided hefty competition, however; your slightly higher voice adding to your own pretty sound.
"No hate on my mans Shrek, though," Kirishima said, sitting back up as his audible joy died down a bit.
"Shrek is love, Shrek is life," you said, nodding your head solemnly.
"I thought I was love. For you." Kirishima's expression changed to puppy eyes, pretending to be more hurt than he was.
"Uh, yes. But I've known Shrek longer than you, so he represents life."
"What the fuck, guys."
You both ignored Bakugou's comment, proceeding to bicker.
"But he doesn't love you like I do," Kirishima argued.
"He's shrekxy."
"I—" Kirishima blinked, shaking his head a little in bewilderment.
"Fite me, it's a scientific fact."
Instead, Kirishima turned his gaze to the blond, who was watching the full affair with barely concealed intrigue. "Bakubro, I'm getting jealous of a fictional 2-D green swamp ogre. I think my girlfriend is going to leave me for him."
"Actually he's 3-D," you corrected.
"See?" Kirishima exaggeratedly gestured at you in mock offense. "She doesn't appreciate me anymore for who I am. I'm going to rebound to you, Katsu."
Bakugou stiffened at the proposal. He knew it was just a joke, but now he couldn't get the thought out of his head of actually being with Kirishima. Allowing his hand to grasp his. Placing a kiss on the boy's cheek. Waking up next to him in the morning. Was that his problem? He wanted what you had with Shitty Hair? Or did he want what Kirishima had with you?
"Like I'd ever date you!" Bakugou finally spat, after maybe a bit too long of a pause. "You're a dumbass idiot, just like your girlfriend. You two are perfect for each other!"
Both you and Kirishima blinked at Katsuki's outburst, turning to make eye contact.
"Thank . . . you?" you said, unsure if you should take it as a compliment.
You were both used to Bakugou being brash and loud, often yelling insults he probably didn't mean. But this was a bit unusual, even for him.
What is going on with you, Katsuki?
You sat back and made a little "pthbb" sound with your lips, taking the cuticle oil and starting to apply it to your own nails.
"So when are you going to go back to rubbing my back?" Eijirou asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "Or is that only for Shrek?"
You snorted. "I love you, Eiji. I'd give you a kiss on the cheek to prove it, but you've got some artificial avocado there."
Bakugou's frown shifted a bit. At least the masks were good for one more thing.
"Where?" Eijirou teased, feeling at his face as though it wasn't slathered in a thick layer of green paste.
"Ha ha," you said dryly. "I'll go back to personal masseuse-ing after we wash these off."
"When's that?"
You leaned over and tapped at Bakugou's face, finding his still a little moist. "Five minutes," you wagered.
Eijirou started a conversation about training, lightheartedly arguing with Bakugou over one of his techniques.
You watched the nuances of how the two interacted. They'd been friends for so long, they just sort of flowed together and bounced off each other perfectly. Kirishima was clearly more physical, wrapping an arm around Bakugou's shoulders or touching him on his arm or his back. Bakugou never yelled about this like he would with probably anyone else, instead choosing to silently glower while Eijirou finished his thought.
Finally it was time for the masks to be washed off, the three of you crowding around the sink in your cramped bathroom. Eijirou helped you wipe yours away first with some damp paper towels, delighting in being so close to you and your beautiful face. Bakugou opted to simply wash his own off in the sink, splashing cold water over his cheeks. He watched the little green flakes and chunks swirl down into the drain, some of them catching stubbornly on the porcelain surface.
He straightened and looked at his newly washed face in the mirror. He didn't look or feel any different, sans the fuzzy pink bear ears that still wrapped around his forehead. Bakugou tugged them off, stepping away from the sink so Kirishima could take his own turn in washing.
The blond watched the both of you finish up, Eijirou rubbing gently at his face while you patted toner into yours. There was something so mundane about it, even in your tight closet of a toilet space. He liked the little smile you took on as you gently slapped liquid onto your cheeks, and how Eijirou squeezed his eyes shut and gave little shakes of his head to escape from the rivulets of water streaming over his features.
Kirishima stood back up, taking a look at himself in the mirror much like Bakugou had done moments before. "Wait a minute—I still have acne!" He leaned in and closer examined a small cluster of raised bumps.
"Of course you do, ya goof," you said, snickering and setting down your bottle of toner. "It's just a clay mask. If you want magic, use calamine lotion overnight. That should do the trick."
"Why didn't we do that instead?"
"Because these are more fun. And a lot shorter."
Eijirou shrugged and pulled his own headband off, soft red bangs falling over his eyes. Katsuki took a second to admire it. What would it feel like under his fingertips? He wondered for a brief moment how soft it truly was before he ripped his eyes away again. No. No. NO.
"So are you going to rub my back again?" Eijirou asked, puppy-dog eyes shining at you hopefully.
"Maybe later," you said, sliding your headband over your head and undoing your hair. "Right now it's Katsuki's turn. And mine, if it's not too much trouble."
Kirishima sighed tragically, slumping forward. You grinned and went up behind him, rolling the pads of your thumbs into his shoulder blades. He tilted his head back, sighing and closing his eyes at the feeling.
"Babyyy," he said, drawing out the last syllable. "Don't tease me like that."
You giggled and kissed his shoulder. "I'll get back to you soon enough, just be patient."
Bakugou watched the two of you yet again. He had a strange feeling like this was more complicated for him than it should be. Why couldn't he just pick one of you to hate more than the other and move on? Why couldn't he decide which one of you he would rather be in your situation?
"Yo, Katsu," you said to him, bringing him out of his own head. "Get over here." You had sat yourself back down on the floor in the middle of your room, and Kirishima was stationed behind you.
Bakugou walked over and flopped down in front of you, unsure of what to expect.
"Lay down perpendicular to me," you said, tapping his shoulder.
"What? Why?"
"You'll relax more. Do it."
The blond grumbled a bit more before turning himself and laying down on his stomach. "Happy, dumbass?"
"Indeed." You began to work at his shoulders through the barrier of his shirt. Behind you, your boyfriend did the same, running his large hands over the muscles on your back. "How often do you get this done?" you asked the boy under you.
"What? A massage?" Bakugou was really trying to ignore how good your fingers felt on him, pushing and applying pressure in places he didn't even know he needed.
"Never," he admitted.
"Wait, what?" Eijirou said from behind you.
"Yeah, how?" you asked, stilling your hands. Bakugou resisted the temptation to squirm under you to get you to resume what you had been doing. "That can't be good what with all the training you do."
"I have those foam rollers," he said. "They work just fine."
"Aw, come on," Kirishima said. Bakugou was glad his face was more or less planted on the floor so he wouldn't have to look up at him. "It feels so much better when you have someone else do it for you."
"Katsuki, Katsuki, Katsuki," you tsked, going back to your motions on him.
The blond quietly sighed through his nose, allowing himself for a moment to sink into the feeling of your fingers dancing over his muscles. As much as he hated to admit it, even to himself, it felt really nice. He was surprised at how skilled you were, alternating between your thumbs and your knuckles to provide the most pressure, working out tension as you went along. Your hands, which were so small compared to his and his friend's.
Maybe he was starting to like this a little too much.
You and Eijirou had picked up another conversation about nothing. Bakugou was more than content to zone in and out of it, picking up on your even voices. He listened to the little breathy sighs you'd let escape as the redhead pushed into your back much like you were doing to Katsuki. They were almost too cute, and the more he was left in his own mind, the less comfortable he became.
He began to shuffle under you, a part of him wanting to get up and leave, another willing himself to stay.
"You comfortable, Bakugou?" you asked him. "Want a pillow or something?"
The way you'd said his family name; Bakugou. He was an outsider. He shouldn't be here. He pushed himself up from the floor and out from under your hands.
"Woah," Kirishima said. "Where you going, man?"
"I need to leave." Bakugou rammed his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants and turned to your door.
"Wait, are you okay?" you asked, moving to get up too. "Did I do something wrong?"
Bakugou ignored you, adjusting his black t-shirt as he flung your door open and shut behind him.
You slumped back into Eijirou in defeat. "What is going on with him?" you lamented, eyes glued to the closed door.
Your boyfriend rested his chin on the top of your head, pondering as you pressed into him. "I have no idea. He's been acting weird for a while . . . . Could it be something going on at home?"
Your eyebrows scrunched a bit in thought. "I don't know about that. Do you think it could be us?"
Kiri shifted himself so he could lean in and look at your face inquisitively. "What do you mean by that?"
"I don't know," you shrugged. "It's just that . . . you and I are together and he's . . . alone. I mean, we're still friends, but he might feel . . . left out."
"Ohhh." Kirishima sat back again, pulling you further into his chest. "What should we do?"
You sighed, curling up against his bare skin. "I don't know."
Bakugou sat, finally alone in his room. What was happening? What was going on? What was wrong with him?
He hated this, these new feelings. The jealousy he felt whenever you and Kirishima were close and he was left to the side. He wanted to join you, feeling your arms wrapped around him and Eijirou's kiss on his cheek.
But he would never be able to.
Surely, you both would hate him if he said anything. You'd think he was just being sad and greedy, maybe even a creep. It would completely destroy your relationship with him, and he'd lose the two best friends he'd ever had.
Katsuki's bed dipped beneath him as he sat down onto it, placing his head in his hands. Infinite loops of yes and no spiraled forever around in his brain, willing him to just do something.
But he couldn't. There was nothing he could do. He'd have to choose either parting ways with you both or just feeling this way . . . forever, keeping it to himself. He was tired of it already. He wanted the feelings to go away. He wanted to stop hurting like this and being so confused. His rational mind told him to just turn and leave. It made sense. He'd be able to focus fully on his ambitions and become the best hero ever. And yet a tiny, stubborn little part of him knew, just knew that he wouldn't be able to go. There was something between the three of you, and even the tsundere-lord Bakugou Katsuki couldn't ignore it.
He laid back on his bed, closing his eyes. In the dark, he listened. But this time there was no sound. His mind wouldn't rest however, racing and screaming and hurting. It would be hard, but Bakugou would have to do it.
This would all just have to be his big secret.
[Little Secret]
Author’s Note:
No happy ending?? Well guess what, this is a three-parter. The epilogue/sequel/part three will be purely Kiribaku(+you) fluff, so get ready for that. I know I am!! Also remember Little Secret exists. CUDDLES!! and TICKLES!! YES!
Thanks for reading,
Taglist: @basicaegyo​ @iiminibattlehero​ @katsugay​​ @nabo39​​ @pyrofanatic​​ @sendhelpimstupid​ @sokkasangel​​ @xoxopam4​​
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shadow--writer · 4 years
Hello there! I was wondering if you could headcanon a modern AU with Arsa, Julian, and Muriel being in their freshman year of high school and an older!MC (like, junior year) defending them from bullies, so the boys gain a massive crush on the MC but don’t say anything about their said crush until they find MC being bullied and just go “How dare they bully my future spouse!” Fluffy confession afterwards.
👀👀👀👀 why hello there. More modern au stuff? Heck yes this is my jam!
I hope you don’t mind me tweaking this a little bit for the guys + the beautiful Asra (who is non-binary so no gendered terms for this beautiful person! Just a reminder ^^ yes I use they/them and he/him interchangeably like the chaos demon I am it’s what Asra would’ve wanted) to be new in the High School but they’re all Juniors ^^ 
(sorry Freshmen x upperclassmen feels a little gross since Freshmen are right out of middle school, just feels weird to write so I aged em up a bit!)
I really did go bezerk today so much writing got done! I’m in class Wednesdays and Thursdays so nothing gets done haha :,) but today I got two things done! Requests are open check out my pinned post!
Also I went bonkers on these headcanons lmao enjoy! 
Julian, Asra, Muriel x MC highschool au
He’s new to your school and in your human anatomy class (along with your theatre and art class)
He’s very shy at first 
Once he opens up he’s loud and the classclown
But uhhh some kids aren’t too happy with him gaining as much attention and love as you are
After class during your lunch period a group of kids go after him, taking his stuff
When they come across his notes on anatomy (and more science notes) and when they find his sketchbook things go from bad to worse
Julian is almost in tears when they laugh at him, tearing up his notes and his drawings
But he can’t cry, he can’t be going around school known as the kid who cried over this
He’s taller than these kids but they move faster, he seems like a calf who just seemed to walk chasing after them
You’ve had enough of this group of kids. They go after every new person and you’ve had it up to here with them
Julian falls for you hard and fast, watching you chase after them, even getting into a fight with one
You got pretty beat up, cut your lip and you’re bruising. Since he wants to be a doctor and he’s pretty good with his hands and stuff he patches you up
You look so cool and badass wiping the blood off the corner of your mouth he could swoon right then and there
Don’t worry he takes you to the nurse
He now has the BIGGEST crush on you. Like it is huge
He draws you now, little doodles to help with face structure and anatomy 
He keeps drawing you after you got into a fight, he just loves how badass and amazing you looked
He’ll start to get closer to you after that, and you find out he’s actually really funny and cool
One day the bullies come back for a round two
This time Julian is ready, he’s been at this school for months he can deal with these guys now
They corner you two after school (y’all are probably going out to get ice cream with some more friends)
One tries to come at you but Julian punches them accidently yelling “STAY AWAY FROM THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!”
You’re...you’re shocked
Everyone is shocked
Julian is mortified. 
After you two scare the bullies away he mumbles his way through an apology and how that was wrong of him to say and it was an accident
But you thought it was cute
And you kind of like him too. .....you like him a lot 
You kiss his cheek to get him to stop rambling with a small smile. “I like you a lot.”
He grins and picks you up in a hug. “Really really?!”
More giggles. “Yes really really!”
He’ll kiss you so hard your cheeks squish and your teeth clash together 
Ice cream and homework can wait
Asra is a very shy person to start off with 
Doesn’t make friends very easily, you have to come to him first 
But once he gets drawn out of his shell he’s outgoing and fun
With bring his tarot cards in to do readings during lunch. The other kids love it it’s very fun
But there’s a group of people who don’t like him or his cards at all
So they corner him after school and take his cards 
Now tarot cards are expensive (I say this from experience of buying a deck)
So he’s in tears by the time they’re done tearing some of the cards up 
You’re on your way home from school when you see it happening 
Without even thinking you charge into the fray, yelling at the bullies and yanking the cards out of their hands
You bite the hand of one of the bullies who wasn’t letting go
They hurl insults at you and Asra as they walk away leaving the two of you with the mess of torn up cards
The cards that did survive were the Fool, the Magician and the Lovers
Asra is still crying over the loss of most of his other cards. He was very attached to them and judging by their worn corners and faded art he had them for a while
You offer to take him to buy some new ones
He jolts up to look at you, his tears startled away.
“O-Oh MC you don’t h-have to do that...I’ll be okay...”
You insist, and finally he gives in
They pick out a deck that he does admit is way prettier than his old one (this deck being the deck in the game)
You buy it and suddenly it has way more value to him 
He watched you fight for his cards and him
So he starts to fall for you 
You being oblivious but a sweetheart, befriend him and you two become very close
He only does tarot readings for your close friend group now
He doesn’t want to risk the deck you gave to him
One day you two are walking home to do homework and hang out 
But the bully you bit corners you and starts yelling 
Apparently they were embarrassed over the fact you bit them and now there’s a joke about how they got taken down by someone who bit them
So they want to get you back to regain their honour 
Asra sees and just heckin
their backpack at them yelling: “IF YOU TOUCH MY CRUSH I’LL SIC MY SNAKE ON YOU”
They fall to the ground, Asra swipes the bag up and the two of you book it
You’re laughing really hard and he wonders why
Then you tell him about confessionsino and he about dies on the side of the road
Wheezing from being out of breath and laughing you kiss him 
“I like you too, snake lover.”
Muriel is shy before and after you get to know him. He’s the new kid so you expect it but he never opens up
He no talk
Nope nope no he’s very tight lipped and will blush whenever he gets called on
He gets bullied for being too shy
Like looking at the size of him he should be on the football team but no he volunteers at the animal shelter and is in the animal science club
I’m sorry but hear me out here: Muriel with thick black glasses (I don’t make the rules or take critique)
He gets cornered by some of the spots teams trying to pressure him into joining during lunch 
He doesn’t want to 
Things get a little violent
You’re eating nearby, listening to music and trying to get some Zoology work done
Sounds of a scuffle get your attention, you’re a little pissed off since you want to get some work done in peace
Then you see the new kid (Muriel) getting roughed around by some of the sports kids
Angrily, you get to your feet and stomp over to them, yelling at them to stop what they were doing
They don’t listen to you and Muriel’s glasses get broken (someone steps on them)
You start fighting them, yelling at them to leave Muriel alone
Finally after a bit they leave, spitting on the ground at your feet
You yell after them (probably calling them lowlife lizard skin cowards) hands trembling with your anger
Taking a deep breath you turn to Muriel, helping him pick up his stuff
When he sees his glasses in pieces he nearly cries
You pack his bag, asking softly if it would be okay if you hugged him 
He nods slowly, and you wrap your arms around him, letting him cry silently into your shoulder
You stick near him after that, becoming his friend and fierce protector 
He gets this huge crush on you soon after that
Poor baby doesn’t know what to do 
He helps you out with your Zoology homework and you listen as he goes on about the dogs in the shelter he works on
You develop a crush on him after that
One day the sports kids come back for a round two after school 
Muriel is in the bathroom and you told him you’d be waiting in the courtyard
The sports kids were going for Muriel but seeing you alone was too good an opportunity to pass up
They start pushing you around and when Muriel comes out to see them messing with you he gets so angry
Seeing this 6′5 (he grows taller by the end of the year) broad kid walk towards them scares the heck outta the sports kids 
But they don’t back off until he stands over them, eyes dark with anger
“Leave my friend and crush alone,” he snaps
They scurry off soon after that
You’re standing there shocked at what he said
When he realizes what he says he melts down
You jump into his arms in a hug and laugh 
“You’re my crush too!”
He’s very shocked, you tenderly kiss him with another smile
You go to his house, hand in hand, talking about dogs, laughing, and blushing.
Maybe moving schools wasn’t so bad.
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yuzukimist · 3 years
For the WIP Ask game . . . for your current main! ^_^ #2, 5, 7, 8 annnddd 17!
Thank you so much for the ask! I love doing these so much. :D
Let’s see…I’ve spent the last day and a half fixating on my LOTR fic Legends Are Made (the one where the main character is a Haradrim OC) so we’ll answer the questions for that one. ;D
2: Post a line from your WIP with no context:
“The Shadow-Sword himself is hunting for you,” Yantanis hisses, emerald eyes almost glowing with fear even as her nails dig into the skin of Nasrin’s arms, and that one simple statement more than explains the elf-maiden’s distress.
5:  Search for the word “knife” in your WIP. If you find it, paste the line and explain the context. Strangely enough (even I was surprised lol) the word “knife” is actually not currently in Legends Are Made (at least, not in any of the parts I haven’t already posted). But because that’s not a very fun answer, let’s swap out “knife” for “weapon”, shall we? ;D
She hurls her glaive spear-point first at the second beast, but its ferocious charge barely slows even as her weapon plunges deep into its shoulder, momentum carrying it forward as it snarls its fury at her.
The context is basically that Nasrin (the Haradrim original character who is pretty much the main character of the story along with an Avari Elf named Gwath) and the, uh, group she’s traveling with for a little while gets attacked by some wargs. It’s all very dramatic. ;D
7: What are you the most proud of? Oooh, the lore and the world-building I’m doing, without a doubt. We (the fandom) don’t get a lot in the way of canon information about the Haradrim and Haradwaith in general, so I really enjoy exploring the various aspects of that and I’m really pleased with everything I’ve done so far. :D
8: What is your biggest challenge? Posting consistent updates, as per always lol. My eternal struggle as a writer is juggling all my many WIPs (they multiply like gerbils, I swear) and to my great regret Legends Are Made is often one of the fics that gets shuffled to the back burner because it doesn’t have as many readers as my other non-OC fics. But! I’m all about self-indulgence lately, so you can probably expect updates on a, uh, slightly more frequent basis moving forward? Hopefully? ^_^;
17: Does your WIP have any themes or motifs? Ooooh man. I don’t know how to answer this question lol, I’m really bad at putting things like that into words when it comes to my own writing haha. For Legends Are Made it’s even more difficult because while I have a general sense of where the story is going in regards to certain plot points, I haven’t even finished writing the first ten chapters and everything else is largely just…vibes, lol.
That being said, since it is a Lord of the Rings fic, there is of course the overarching theme of Good vs. Evil, and the additional reoccurring theme of courage and perseverance in the face of adversity; I’m also going to try to weave in love, because for me one of the most important themes of all Middle-Earth works is the love; between romantic partners, between friends, between family, etc. In Legends Are Made specifically, Nasrin’s main motivation for almost everything she does is the tremendous and unwavering love she has for not only her own tribe but also all the peoples of Haradwaith; her country is suffering because of Sauron and the coming war and she’s furious over it because she cares so much. There will also be some romantic love and strong friendships woven into the narrative as well, although I don’t know that those necessarily count as ‘themes’ lol.
TL;DR: Courage, Perseverance, Love.
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littleaipom · 3 years
A reading&commentary of "Camilly's Friend"
Hey guys I thought it'd be fun to share one of these books I made with crayon as a kid(approx age 7). I'm transcribing the pages, spelling errors and all, while sharing some commentary because I'd like to think it's more fun that way. You'll have to excuse the quality of these--even though I scanned them, I can't undo the wear and tear on the old paper. Anyway here we go:
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"Camilly's Friend"
Here we have a fully colored illustration for the cover, complete with smiles on the sun and flowers. My finest work yet ✨ Our star, Camilly, is the handsome green dragon on the left. But the fine dragon on the right? Who is she?? 👀  I remember starting with a scribbled oval for Camilly's face and regretted it after how well the other dragon came out lol.
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"Once there was a little dragon named Camilly. He didn't have any friends. So he went to look for one." In the background is a sign that reads "Green Forest".
Straight to the point! I mean, walking alone into the woods to looks for friends seemed like a perfectly good decision to me. You've gotta go looking!!
The rest is under the cut! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
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"Then he went to White Land and fond a dragon named Marshmelow. Marshmelow asked if he would like to have smors. He said yes. So They ate smors together and it was fun."
From the look of the paper, I was /really/ trying to spell Marshmallow correctly. I got close! The implication that Marshmelow grew marshmallows on her spine and that they used them for s'mores is definitely... an interesting one. But hey she's sharing and caring. I just realized she has a cutie mark omg?? how apparent is it that both pokemon and (pre gen4) mlp were formative to me haha
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"One day they were playing at the dragon park."
So we have a dragon-themed park for dragons, with a custom lizard-shaped slide and a pencil-themed roller coaster! I had to make sure Camilly and Marshmelow were experiencing epic friendship forming moments, so a cool park seemed right. On display are a few other OC's. The one on the bridge was my friend's--I don't remember the dragon's name, but her color and spines change to reflect the weather! The green one in the sand was a spikier/edgier version of Camilly's species. His name must have been like... "spike" or "thorn" or "thistle" if I had to guess.
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"Then the devel dragons came and they had to atac!"
oh no!! Red fire dragons who exist to be evil are here now! Even the Sun is surprised! It's okay though, because Camilly and Marshmelow are capable individuals. Marshmelow can.. create giant marshmallows I guess? I love how smug she looks even with the fire hurling toward her face. I wonder if being part marshmallow makes her absorb fire damage somehow. Meanwhile Camilly has a chameleon tongue that he is using to tornado-spin his enemies away with. Nice.
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"But the devel dragons lost. Now there friends forever."
Nothing like good triumphing over evil to seal a friendship, right? The Sun seems to approve, and the arm's length hug is really funny+cute to me here. They are holding,,
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"Now there grown up and they live in a house they both made. they also have a child"
dsfgnh,bmj.nk something about the way I describe but never state that these dragons are a married couple really sends me. "Now there friends forever." "Also they have a child." 10/10, would adopt a similarly innocent/naive view of romance for the rest of my life. Okay but the bit with the house they both made was such a genuinely good addition. That's like still a pipe dream of mine I have: to live in a house I built(with a loved one, cough). Anyway, here's the dragons' happily ever after with a little slice of homemade paradise. What a good thing that Camilly went looking for a friend that day <3 lol
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"Camilly Marshleafow Marshmelow"
A family portrait to end the story! I get to show off the child, Marshleafow, and his 50/50 blend of each parent's genes.
And that's it! Thanks for reading, I hope it was enjoyable ^^ It's really surprising and fun to me just how much of my core interests and personality show up in this book that I made at a fairly young age.
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volleychumps · 4 years
Melodies. -Yamaguchi Tadashi-
 One of the works I’ve wanted to do of my own accord, I promise I’ll be back to answering requests soon haha! Please enjoy this fic of my favorite freckled server, he needs all the love<3 Turns into kind of a song fic at the end! 
Set in a college AU-  (warnings: mild swearing)
WordCount: 2766
the one in which the shy freckled boy discovers a playlist with his name as the title on his best friend’s phone
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The first day of college calculus had started off absolutely horrendous. 
Your anxiety had continued bubbling up immensely as you laid wide awake in your bed the night before, the fearful result being you waking up a good six minutes after you were supposed to be in class, freshly prepared and showered with a caffienated drink in hand. 
Only you weren’t. 
So that’s how you stumbled into class a solid fifteen minutes late, hair thrown up in some sort of messy knot accompanied by a simple outfit of leggings (you slept in those), and a hoodie that was much too massive for your figure. To make matters worse, along with the pointed stare from your professor and the other near a hundred, most of the seats seemed to be filled at full glance. You withold the urge to tug at your hair and kick the wall. Your worst expectations had become a reality. 
“Nice of you to join us, Miss...L/N, is it? You’re the only one I wasn’t able to call out from the roster, and I usually do not take attendance. It’s the first day of the semester, in case you forgot. “ 
You suck air through your teeth before nodding once, ignoring the searing heat on your cheeks as a few chuckles chorused through the large group of students. 
“Take your seat. And don’t bother coming next time at all if you’re going to interrupt my lecture.” 
You nod once again before awkwardly walking up the steps, feeling all eyes on you as you willed yourself to get through the nightmarish situation. So he was one of those.
 The seats were full, to your dismay, and you felt heat rise to your eyes as you wished the professor would continue teaching, to get the attention off of you. 
“When you’re ready, Miss L/N.” 
Every cell in your body urged you to get out of there until by some stroke of luck, you saw movement in the scarily still classroom. A freckled boy had been waving his hand just high enough for you to see it, pointing downwards a bit shyly to signal the seat next to him was free. 
A rush of relief washes over you as you make a beeline over, plopping down in the offered shared desk as the professor finally begins to speak again. You had been saved, your savior moving his bag over some more to give you more room. 
“I promise I don’t usually look like this.” You whisper, getting your notebook and materials out. “But thank you sooo much, you don’t even know how close I was to crying.” 
“D-Don’t mention it.” The freckled boy whispers back, fiddling with his pen as you realized how shy he seemed, knowing that almost everyone on the first day of semester wanted friends, the shy ones being too scared to take the first step. Your eyes brightened at his phone screen, seeing a familiar song light it up before nudging him by the shoulder, your professor’s words of a syllabus becoming background noise as he looks towards you a second time, eyes kind in case you needed anything. 
“A man with taste, I see.” You grin, and the dark haired boy blushes before brushing some of his hair out of his face. 
“You listen to lovelytheband?” 
“Yamaguchi. L/N.” You both straighten immediately, ‘Yamaguchi’ turning a darker shade of red as he stands at attention, bowing immediately as you sat awkwardly next to his aplogetic figure. The professor sends you a scolding look as you shrink down in your seat, hating college already as he resumes class once again, figuring you had been placed on the bottom of his spectrum of students. 
However, you take just one more chance, scribbling on the corner of the now embarrassed boy’s syllabus with a small, secretive smile as the red ink appears on paper. 
Yamaguchi, was it?
Yamaguchi’s lips quirk up the slightest bit at the childish antic of writing notes to each other before blue ink touches below your note, red fading from his cheeks and taking on a pink hue. 
Yes. L/N-san?
All previous embarrassment forgotten, you figure all the awful events leading up to meeting your first friend had been worth it. 
Call me Y/N. 
“Tadashi, I don’t want to go! He’s hated me since day one, and you know it.” 
“Y/N, I already bought your coffee, don’t waste it please.” Yamaguchi sighs, shrugging his own bag off before placing it on your bed, taking a seat on the edge of it as you talk to him through your bathroom door. The first year of college seemed to whizz by in a flash, most memories being with the awkward, freckled kid that had soon become your closest friend seeing as you had been each other’s first.
“You’ve made it through the entirety of the semester, right? You’re going to pass this final.” 
“Shut up, you’re smart, you don’t get an opinion!” You pout, emerging from your bathroom in jeans and a bra as Yamaguchi reddens, turning immediately to face the wall respectfully as you withold a giggle, knowing Yamaguchi had seen a lot more than that after helping you back to your dorm after nights of getting wasted at your high school friend’s fraternity house. Bokuto and Kuroo pretty much got shit-faced every weekend. 
“We studied-” 
“You studied, Tadashi. I poked the seeds out of strawberries with a toothpick half the time.” You correct, braiding your hair back when fully dressed. “You can look now, Mr. Purity, I won’t corrupt you.”
Yamaguchi ruffles your hair, bending slightly to match your height as he stands from your bed, a key to your dorm dangling from his bike keys. “You’ve got this, alright? Don’t doubt yourself, you were at least doing math when counting the seeds-” 
You snatch your coffee as Yamaguchi chuckles, following you out of your dorm as you ensure the halls are mostly empty, not needing your RA to scold you for bringing Yamaguchi in here again, even after seeing he was harmless. Yamaguchi takes your phone and keys, your hands full from the beverage and your bag as you meet your other two friends in the morning sun. 
“Oh look. The fuckbuddies who apparently don’t fuck are here.” 
“Well hello to you too, Tsukishima.”
 You blink, unfazed as Yamaguchi blushes at the cynical blonde’s crude language, Sugawara swatting the blonde’s back as Tsukishima simply shrugs in reply. 
“Are we meeting up with Kuroo and the others after finals are over?” You grin excitedly as Suga clicks his tongue, flicking your forehead in a parental like way as you pout, Yamaguchi chuckling from alongside you. 
“How about we take our Calculus final first, and then you can focus on the party.” 
“Yes, mother of mine.” 
You dodge the next flick to the forehead as Yamaguchi puts a single hand on your shoulder, reading something on his phone as his eyes suddenly widen. “Crap! Last minute turn of events, we’re getting put into two separate rooms according to our last names! Y/N, you and Suga’s room is farther out!”
Suga groans, tugging your forearm along as you share in that groan. “So we have what, eight minutes to get somewhere all the way across campus?” 
“If we run, we’ll make it!” You exclaim, beginning to drag Suga with you as you break into a run, offering Yamaguchi a bright smile before doing so and promptly flicking Tsukishima off, who responds in the same fashion without missing a beat. 
“Wait, Y/N your phone-!” 
“Keep it! Get it back to me after I fail this test! Love you Tadashi!” 
“Y-Yeah, l-love you too!” 
“Have fun failing!” 
“I took notes on how to do it from you, Kei, don’t worry!” 
Tsukishima rolls his eyes as yours and Suga’s figures fade into the distance, your coffee splashing within it’s cup as Suga laughed at how easily tired you seemed. Golden brown eyes examine his friend, noting how Yamaguchi had a far off look in his eyes as your laughter died down in volume the further you got, soft smile set on his lips that was almost sad. 
“If you like her, just tell her.” Tsukishima had continued walking casually as Yamaguchi chokes on air at the sudden heavy words hurled in his direction. 
“Don’t even bother trying to hide it. All of us guessed it, and you just confirmed it with that reaction.” Tsukishima shrugs as Yamaguchi races to his side, heart beating in his ears as his shoulders seemed to sink in defeat, almost as if he had been fighting a losing battle yet still wanted to be on the frontlines. 
“Y/N’s way too good for me.” Yamaguchi finally said as the pair lucky enough to walk the normal distance continued their stroll to class. “I’m happy just...being close to her. I don’t need anything more.” 
“Hm. Oh really?” The blonde yawns, carelessness in his tone. “Even if someone else wants to be even closer?” 
Tsukishima smirks a little at the lack of reply as the exam building comes into view before patting Yamaguchi once on the back, done stirring up the sensitive boy’s emotions.
“Definitely not the right time to get your head stuck with that dumbass. You coming?” 
“Y-Yeah, just let me turn off my phone-” 
“Better hurry up.” 
Tsukishima’s continued steps sounded in Yamaguchi’s ears as he hurriedly turned on and swiped open his phone, heart dropping when realizing he had accidentally grabbed yours. Going to turn it off after seeing it open to your music application, something else catches his eye. 
Issa Vibe
At least try to study, dumb hoe
Shit Kuroo wants me to listen to (don’t) 
Yamaguchi Tadashi:)
Red spread across freckled cheeks before he finds himself sending the playlist to himself, deleting the message afterwards as if he was in a trance before turning off your phone, wanting nothing more than to sit back and listen to the music inside the playlist named after him. Guilt in his chest, he steps into the building, head spinning with something that was definitely not calculus.
“Wow, well fuck me then I guess.” 
You laugh out loud as you enter the fraternity house Bokuto and Kuroo resided in for the end of semester party, throwing yourself into your high school friend’s arms after not seeing Bokuto for awhile. Kuroo scoffs when you go to hug him next, pretending not to enjoy it as he scolds you for how short your skirt is. 
“Where’s Tsukki and Yama?” You question over the music as Bokuto grins, jutting a thumb backwards where Daichi and Suga were playing an intense game of beer pong against Tsukishima and Akaashi.
“I saw your freckled pet go upstairs earlier.” Kuroo grins as you feel a twinge in your chest. 
“Like with a girl?” 
“Have you met the kid? No way, he said something about wanting to lie down and he’s in Kenma’s room right now.”
You nod your head thanks, suddenly serious as Bokuto whoops childishly, causing you to roll your eyes as Suga sends you a questioning, overprotective stare on why you were going up the stairs of a frat house. You mouth Yamaguchi, before waving back to Daichi with a bright grin. 
“Go get your boy, Y/N!” 
“Akaashi, please scold him-” 
“On it. Kenma’s room is on the left by the way.” 
The many doors were confusing, accidentally opening one to Oikawa Tooru’s (who coaxed you to come in, what a tool), one to Terushima Yuuji’s (same thing, god you hated frat houses), and finally to Kenma’s, one of the few normal ones living in the house mainly because of Kuroo. You had opened the door right as Kenma had been planning to leave, and he nods to you once before glancing behind him to your best friend’s figure laying on his bed on his back, eyes closed with a pair of earbuds in. 
“He asked to borrow a pair of headphones and he’s been like that for awhile. Those are sound-cancelling, so do with that information what you will.” 
You pout, knowing Kuroo probably told Kenma about how much of a crackhead you were sometimes. “Aw, where’s the faith?” 
“Apparently none, with you.” Kenma cracks a small smile in response before leaving the room, turning back once to leave some parting words.  
“If you’re planning on doing anything, do it in Kuroo’s room, not mine.” 
Before you can deny that suggestion, Kenma’s already closing the door behind him as you groan and roll your eyes, wondering why everyone seemed to have the two of you figured out when in reality,
 you were just friends-
nothing more. 
You turn your attention to your best friend, careful not to make any sudden noise before realizing Yamaguchi was intensely concentrated on what he was listening to. Your eyes trace over his features, from the hands that helped you at your call, to the spread of the even freckles that were reddened half the time, and even to the length of his eyelashes, wanting nothing more than to lay next to him. You stop yourself, shaking your head- 
nothing less.
Just like that first day in class, you tap on the screen to see what music would brighten his phone screen and keep him in such a trance.
The lump forms in your throat before you can stop it, wondering how the hell he suddenly developed a taste for mxmtoon’s Falling for U, remembering how when you showed him that artist, he had claimed it wasn’t for him. 
Fearfully, you swipe into his phone to see your off-chance suspicions had been correct as you sit on the edge of the bed hastily, startling Yamaguchi to sit up from his laying position, panicked. He relaxes slightly when seeing you, only to panic again when he sees his brightened phone screen. 
“U-Um, Y/N, I-” 
You stand, eyes downcast as you brush your skirt off, walking towards the door as a fake laugh cuts his stuttered explanations off, heart pounding in your ears. 
“H-Haha! Uh, I didn’t mean to wake you, you just looked so peaceful.” 
Your pace quickens.
“I’ll see you downstairs, okay? They have a really cool cereal dispenser and I want some cereal all of a sudden-” 
You hear the creak of the bed, signalling he was to his feet as you begin to pull open the door.  
“Hey, how was the exam by the-?” 
You take a shaky breath when Yamaguchi’s arm extends, hand closing the door shut once again as you stand there, noticing the slight tremble of Yamaguchi’s arm before turning, pressing your back against the door as one of the freckled boy’s arms trap you in, proximity so close you can feel each other’s breaths. 
Yamaguchi takes one of the earbuds, putting one in your ear as the lyrics sound in your ears, and you look away, hearing the familiar tune as Yamaguchi takes the other one, slowly as to not startle you.
(IT’S CUTER IF YOU LISTEN TO IT: Falling For U- mxmtoon)
But I can't help it I'm falling for you And I can't quit it 'Cause I'm stuck on you
Your eyes brim with unshed tears before you can stop them, feeling Yamaguchi’s hand cup your cheek gently, droplets falling onto his knuckles.
And it might be pathetic and you might be skeptical But I just want to be with you Please tell me, boy
Fear filled your chest, the secret you tried so desperately hard to keep locked away becoming exposed without your knowledge. You were scared of how the boy you loved would react, how would Yamaguchi look at you after knowing you had kept it a secret for the sake of the friendship you cherished so?
Can you get a clue? Or come through 'cause I just want to be with you
“Tadashi.” You whisper, seeing a whole other person from the shy, freckled boy with the blue ink on your first day of class as Yamaguchi smiles softly, nodding once. 
I'm scared... Of telling you how I feel
“I love you.” 
Maybe It's better If I just try to conceal The truth
“Y/N L/N.” 
For me And for you
“I’m pretty sure I loved you first.”
And then from the close proximity, the distance was closed, a hand slipping into yours tightly as the wetness on your cheeks become unnoticeable, Yamaguchi Tadashi kissing you with a gentless so sweet you could melt. 
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viastro · 4 years
there for you | chwe vernon hansol
ミ★ synopsis: in which you can’t admit you’re in love with your best friend, vernon, so joshua takes matters into his own hands.
ミ★ genre: best friends to lovers!au, humor, fluff, some angst
ミ★ warnings: none!
ミ★ word count: 3,752
ミ★ pairings: vernon x female reader
ミ★ notes: hi guys! I just wanted to start off by saying thank you so much for following me! I just hit 100 followers last night and that was really crazy to me HAHA. It really means so much to me and I’m so grateful that 100 people like my writing, so thank you so much ! I hope you enjoy this oneshot for vernon! <3
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“I just think that megalodon is still out there, like what if they’re just swimming at the bottom of the ocean!” You exclaim, Vernon turning to look at you with a scoff. 
“You’re crazy, there’s no way that big ass shark bitch is still alive.” You frown at those words, choosing to shove him off your bed as a response. 
“BRUH.” Vernon shouts from your carpeted floor, and you let out a content sigh. 
“Don’t disrespect my boy megalodon like that.” You simply tell him, and you can feel him roll his eyes from your floor. “Don’t roll your eyes at me!” You say, leaning off your bed to point at him.
He gives you an evil grin, and before you know it, he’s grabbed your arm and pulled you down on top of him. He lets out a loud, “OOF!” and you laugh in his face, making him chuckle and roll you off of him. 
“I was not expecting you to literally knock the breath out of me. Holy fuck I wasn’t ready.” Vernon groans and you giggle, staring up at the worn out glow in the dark stars on your ceiling.
You and Vernon became friends in your freshman year of high school. You met each other through your mutual friend Joshua, who may have had secret matchmaking intentions, and the two of you instantly clicked. You started hanging out after school, going to the library to study together, joining drama club for fun but getting kicked out for being too loud during the actual play itself. 
You and Vernon are quite literally two peas in a pod (or is the phrase three peas in a pod?) Either way, you’re best friends. This is proven from the fact that you’re both in your last year of college, about to graduate and obtain your bachelor’s degree, and are still hanging out just the same. You both almost got an apartment together, but you decided to room by yourself and Vernon would room with Joshua. However, it’s almost as if you guys live together anyways by how much you go over to his apartment and he goes to yours. 
No matter how busy you both are, you still try and make time to see each other. Especially on Fridays, those were your cooking nights. Joshua joins in on this tradition as well, considering that it involves eating food. The three of you research recipes to offer to the table on Friday, whoever’s recipe gets the most votes, then you guys make it. It’s the highlight of your week, if you’re being honest.
Those around you have always thought you and Vernon were dating at some point in knowing the both of you, but you and him have never made any move to push your friendship into something more. The only thing you guys have done is be each other's first kiss, which is actually a very anticlimactic story. no it’s not.
It was the winter of senior year, you and Vernon were making it a mission to build an igloo due to the recent heavy snowfall that hit Seoul. You were focused on building the igloo, but Vernon had other ideas.
“Vernon, please! I wanna at least get this base layer done-” You’re cut off when you get hit in the face with a snowball, knocking you over from your crouched position. You close your eyes, hearing Vernon’s loud laugh at your tragic fate.
“I’m gonna kill you Chwe Vernon.” You mutter, standing up and making a snowball. 
“If you can catch me yn!” He taunts, thus beginning your chase around his backyard. 
“I swear to god! I just wanted to make an igloo!” You yell, laughing when he slips and falls backwards, knocking the wind out of him. You run up to him, placing your snowball right on top of his nose. He lets out a small laugh, making you giggle as well. He grabs your arm and pulls you down so that you’re laying beside him in the cold snow. 
“Have you ever thought about the fact that we’re eighteen, and still haven’t had our first kiss yet?” Vernon asks you, turning to glance at you. You stare at the small snowflakes falling, watching your breath expand into the sky due to the cold.
“What makes you think I haven’t had my first kiss yet?” You challenge, turning your head to look back at him. He scoffs at that, immediately calling out your lie, “Yeah, okay. Says the girl who literally ran away from her crush when he tried to give her back her pencil.” 
You sit up, hitting his stomach and he lets out a loud laugh, “You’re gonna look at me and tell me that I’m wrong?” He asks, sitting up as well and turning to face you.
“I mean, you’re not. But still! I hate that memory with a passion.” You say with a pout, and he smiles at you. “Why would you even bring up that topic though?” You ask and he shrugs, turning away.
“I don’t know. I was gonna ask if we could be each other’s first kiss, to get it over with, ya know?” Your eyes widen once his proposition falls past his lips. The tips of his ears are red, and you can’t tell if it’s because of the cold, or because of what he just suggested, or maybe both. Either way, they’re red, and your face is very warm.
“You’re crazy.” You sputter and he shakes his head.
“It’s not a bad idea though, like if anyone asks we could say that we’ve had our first kiss. We don’t even need to mention that we were each other’s first kiss! This is strictly for the sake of our egos.” Vernon says, and you hate how right he sounds. 
“Ugh, fine.” You mutter and Vernon’s eyes widen, turning to look at you to make sure you are serious.
“I’m about to take it back if you don’t kiss me now.” You state, turning towards him and closing your eyes. “See! My eyes are even closed, just get it over with.” 
Vernon lets out a nervous chuckle, taking in the visual of you with snowflakes on your hair, the snowflake on the tip of nose, and your ridiculously pretty lips. He knew that he didn’t have feelings for you, and that this was simply a… platonic… kiss, but he knew this image would be ingrained in his mind for the rest of his life.
He reaches his hand out, slowly brushing it against your cheek. You let out a small huff of air through your lips, and he smiles. That’s when he decides to lean in and give you both your very first kiss.
“Oh shit, I have to go get ready.” Vernon says, snapping you back to reality. He gets up off the floor, and you stare at him with a dazed expression.
“Why? It’s only 5-”
“I have a date tonight.” He tells you with a small sheepish smile, and you feel your heart slowly sink into your ass.
“Deadass? With who?” You ask, feeling a strange sense of DEATH linger in your ass.
“You know that one girl I partnered with in my intro to literature class, Minji? I asked her out the other day because I’ve been interested in her since we did that project together, turns out the feelings were reciprocated. We’re going on our first date at 6, so I should head back to my apartment to get ready.” Vernon explains quickly as he grabs his wallet, phone, and charger. He pats your head and heads out of your room. 
“I’ll text you later tonight!” He calls, then you hear your apartment door close. You stay in the same position for awhile, wondering why the fuck your heart sank into your ass.
You and Vernon are just friends! Besties! Bffies! Of course he’s gonna go find a person to date, so are you! College is the time for exploring and possibly meeting the person you’re gonna spend the rest of your life with! It’s such a good thing that Vernon has found himself a date! You’re his best friend! You should be ecstatic over this!!
So why the FUCK are you sitting here feeling like your heart got ripped out of your ASSHOLE .
“It’s probably because I’m jealous,” You say, feeling your stomach twist at the sentence, “jealous of the fact that she might replace me and Vernon won’t need a best friend anymore. Yeah. That’s better.” it’s not better.
“Oh God, I’m gonna call Joshua. I feel like I’m gonna hurl.” You mutter, whipping your phone out of your pocket to text Joshua to come over.
“Have you considered the thought that you might be, I don’t know, jealous?” Joshua asks from your kitchen as he whips up two eggs for the both of you. Joshua came as soon as you called, and you sat down at your kitchen island to tell him the story while he went into your kitchen to cook you some comfort food.
“Yes! That’s the conclusion I came up with-”
“Oh thank fucking God. I was wondering how long it was gonna take for one of you to realize that you both like-”
“That I’m jealous of the fact that Minji might take my place! Like, I’m pretty much one of the only girls in his life aside from his mom and his sister, so I feel threatened! Especially because Vernon has never been on a date in the duration of our friendship. That’s why I’m jealous. It makes perfect sense.” You finish, taking a large gulp of your green tea. Joshua stares at you, realizing how stupid you are. 
“Uh, you okay Shua? Your eye is like… twitching…” You point out, and he raises a hand up to his eye, letting out a small exasperated chuckle.
“I’m fine…” He responds, realizing that his two best friends are fucking idiots. I didn’t introduce the two of them to each other in freshman year of high school JUST for them to stay best friends god DAMN IT. He thinks to himself, placing the finished eggs on each of your plates.
Joshua walks over to your kitchen island, sitting down on the stool and handing you your plate. You mutter a small “Thank you, Shua.” then you both begin to eat, seemingly ignoring the subject to focus on filling your empty stomachs.
Also because Joshua thought he was gonna explode if he spent another second discussing it.
Actually no he’s gonna say ONE LAST THING.
“Do you really think you’re jealous of that? Like, do you really think-”
“Yes! It makes the most sense Shua, what else would I be jealous about-”
“Maybe because you have feelings for Vernon that you’ve been suppressing all these years due to the fear that he might not reciprocate them?” He suggests, turning to glance at your reaction.
You freeze at his words, staring down at the yolk oozing out of the egg onto your rice. You can’t help but feel like you’ve been caught, but you haven’t been caught? Because it’s not true… right? it’s true.
“That’s not true.” You mean to say this confidently, but you mutter it so quietly that even Joshua has a hard time being able to understand what you said.
“It’s not true!” You announce, feeling more upset and sick by the minute. Joshua can’t help but feel guilty, but he knows that this conversation is important or else you’ll always hold in these feelings.
“Yn, you know that it’s true.” He says softly, and you let out a shaky breath, “I’m scared.” Joshua cocks his head to the side, confused as to why you’d be scared.
“Why?” He asks, and you bite your lip. You turn your head and give him a small smile, feeling tears flood your eyes.
“Because if I say it, then it’s true. It’ll be out there. It won’t be the secret I’ve been hiding since I was nineteen, the day he got me cotton candy at the store for no reason, simply because he knew it’s my favorite.” You answer honestly, wiping away the stray tears that fell. 
“I knew it then. That was the day I really knew my feelings weren’t just adoration and love because we were close friends. It was because I really did love him. I had a feeling that what I was feeling towards him wasn’t really… normal in friendships. That I was actually developing feelings for him, but I always just pushed it back.” You explain, avoiding eye contact with Joshua. He stays quiet beside you, and you anxiously shove two spoonfuls of egg and rice in your mouth. 
“Why don’t you tell him? If you don’t say anything now then it’ll be too late-”
“It already is too late Joshua! He’s already on a date with a girl he’s been interested in for awhile. I,” You sigh, taking in another shaky breath before continuing. “I haven’t told him or tried to initiate anything because I didn’t wanna ruin our friendship either. It’s so cheesy and like the most generic excuse someone could give for falling for their best friend, but it’s true! If he doesn’t feel the same, and I confess how I feel, then it all just gets awkward. We won’t go back to how we used to be.”
You shove the last spoonful of rice and egg in your mouth, standing up with your plate to go and wash it. Joshua watches you with sad eyes as you aggressively start soaping up your plate and silverware.
“I just,” you turn off the faucet and place your hands on the counter, gripping it to keep you in place. “The day that him and I kissed? Just for the sake of us having our first kiss? It taunts me. I didn’t even like him at that time, but the memory is like a slap in the face. It was hard to not fall in love with him, I still failed at that though, right?” 
Joshua lets out an agitated sigh, “I have to tell you something-”
“No, don’t say that he loves me too. Don’t give me false hope like that Shua, it’s too late anyways.” You tell him, turning and giving him a sad smile. 
“But it’s not! He’s literally crazy about you yn!” You open your mouth to object, only to be cut off by a knock on your door. Joshua gives you a look as if to say, were you expecting someone? To which you give him a look that means, no, I didn’t.
Joshua walks over to look through your peephole to see who’s at the door, only for his eyes to widen when he sees Vernon waiting on the other side. He turns to look at you, motioning for you to come over. You wipe your wet hands on your kitchen towel before walking over. Eyes immediately widening when you see Vernon through the peephole.
“Yn? Are you home?” He calls, and you let out a small squeak. 
“Alright, I’m coming in anyways.” He responds, taking out your spare key from his pocket. Joshua turns to look at you with wide eyes and you give him a panicked look.
“He has your keys?!” He whispers as you both run to your kitchen to act as if you didn’t hear Vernon.
“Of course he has my keys! I have your guys’ key too!” You whisper back, frantically turning on the sink. Joshua shoves the last of the rice in his mouth before walking over to your side to act as if he was helping you wash dishes.
“You have our keys?!” He whisper shouts and you swat his arm, muttering that this is not the problem at hand.
“Yn?” Vernon calls as he steps in, noticing another pair of shoes beside your door.
“In the kitchen with Joshua!” You call back and Vernon nods his head, placing the bag of store bought goods on your kitchen island.
“Yall hung out without me?” He asks with a pout, and you almost giggle out a response before Joshua beats you to it.
“You were on a date anyways Vernon, we wouldn’t want to fourth wheel.” He teases, but Vernon notices the slight edge in his tone that you’re unable to.
“By the way, how was the date?” You ask, trying to ignore the pang in your heart as soon as the question leaves your mouth. He shrugs, sitting on one of the stools in front of your kitchen island.
 “Kinda disappointing I guess? It wasn’t a proper fit, her and I.” Vernon says, and you scold yourself for feeling a twinge of hope.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” You respond, and Joshua nudges you. You turn and look at him, and he gives you a look that basically means, TELL HIM YOU LOVE HIM BEFORE I DO! You glare back at him, shaking your head NO!
“So now you guys are speaking in code too? Damn, what did I miss in those two hours.” Vernon jokes. 
“If you don’t do it, I will. I’m tired of seeing you two act like you’re not hurting.” Joshua whispers and you glare at him. “You wouldn’t dare Joshua Hong-”
“Yn is in love with you Vernon.” Your mouth drops open when the sentence leaves his mouth, and so does Vernon’s mouth. 
My god he really done diddly dared.
“N-no I don’t.” You sputter, turning off the sink and wiping your hands on the kitchen towel.
“Yes she does. She’s been pushing her feelings away this whole time. Also, yn,” Joshua says, turning around to face you. 
“Vernon’s been in love with you since you both had your first kiss when it was snowing. I’ll be taking my leave now, please use protection if this newfound information takes you to that route once I leave. Love you! Update me later!” Joshua says, waving goodbye as he leaves your apartment. 
Leaving you and Vernon to just stand there, staring at each other with wide eyes and warmth rushing tp your faces. You look down at the kitchen floor, unsure of what to do now that your feelings are literally out and about, but you know that what you had feared didn’t come true.
because vernon loves you.
“I uh,” Vernon starts, coughing into his arm before continuing, “bought us cotton candy ice cream to eat? We can eat it while we talk if you want?” 
You feel your heart melt at the fact that he bought your favorite ice cream flavor in the world on his way home, so you nod your head. You grab two bowls and two spoons, placing them on the kitchen island. Vernon scoops out the pink and purple colored ice cream into each bowl. Once he’s done, you place the tub in the freezer, and you both head towards your couch. 
He sits down, and you sit down beside him. For the first few minutes, you both kinda just sit there eating your ice cream. In those few minutes, you’re both having an internal battle in your minds.
Until you break the silence and turn to him, causing him to look back at you, spoon in his mouth and all.
“I love you. I’ve loved you for years, I just didn’t accept it until now.” You state, but he’s staring at the small dribble of ice cream at the corner of your lip. He reaches out and brushes it off with his thumb, before bringing his thumb back to his mouth to suck off the ice cream. 
“D-did you hear what I just said?” You stutter, currently a panicking mess at the previous move he pulled even though he’s done it countless of times before. It’s different now.
“Yes, and I’m currently losing my marbles internally over that because I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long.” He says, giving you a small nervous smile. He places his bowl on your coffee table, taking your bowl as well and placing it beside his. Now that your hands are empty, he grasps them, giving them a small squeeze.
“I knew from the moment you closed your eyes, waiting for me to kiss you as the snow fell around us, that I was in love with you. I thought you were the most beautiful thing I’ve ever witnessed in my eighteen years of living at that time, and I still think that you are the most beautiful, precious person that I have been blessed to have in my life.” Vernon confesses, and you feel an intense rush of warmth flood to your cheeks as he stares into your eyes with the most genuine look you’ve ever seen on him.
“I love you, yn. I’ve loved you since we were eighteen. I went on that date with Minji today because I thought I could try and get over you that way, which is dumb I know, don’t need to tell me twice. I just, fuck. When we were at the restaurant, I’d look at her, right,” He makes a hand motion as if he was looking through a pair of binoculars and you let out a giggle.
“And I would wish that she was you. That’s why the date didn’t work out, because she and I didn’t fit. I can’t try and date someone else when all I wish is for them to be you.” Vernon says and you bite the inside of your cheek, feeling your heart pang against your chest. You squeeze his hands, and he lets out a small laugh.
“That being said, will you go on a date with me?” Vernon asks, and you smile, nodding your head softly.
“I’d love to.” You answer and he gives you a big smile, opening his arms and pulling you in them. You wrap your arms around his waist, hearing his loud heartbeat against his chest. He presses a kiss to the top of your head, smiling happily.
“I love you.” He whispers and you let out a small squeal, making him laugh. You raise your head up from his shoulder, looking into his deep brown eyes.
“I love you too.” You whisper back, closing your eyes and pressing a kiss to his lips. He responds right away, squeezing your hips softly. He lets a smile break loose, making you smile as well until the kiss is just teeth clashing. You pull away, laying your head in the crook of his neck once again. 
“I’ve been wanting to do that again since the first time. Jesus Christ, it’s been four years since we had our first kiss.” He mutters and you laugh, lifting your head up again so that you’re facing each other. 
“Can I kiss you again?” Vernon asks and you smile.
“You don’t have to ask if you can kiss me silly.”
“Of course I have to! I need to respect women!”
“Oh my God, your mind.”
Joshua is at his apartment, playing his guitar quietly. He’s at peace knowing that all is well and his ship has finally sailed happily.
“I better be his best man for pulling that one.” Joshua mutters to himself, smiling at the prospect that you and Vernon are finally together. 
All because of ME BABY! All ME!
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ramonabulaklak · 3 years
I loved anime so much as a kid. I didn’t realize it then, but I grew up watching hundreds of hours of anime all throughout grade school and high school. I progressed from playing Tinier Me (god bless this gacha game), albeit having zero funds, to listening to Vocaloid and Miku Hatsune, and straight up watching hentai or how-is-this-not-a-hentai? stuff like HOTD. I committed lots of my time drawing anime characters, which somehow led to a serious interest in the arts and refined my crude style to something I could actually sell later on.
Lots of people said I would eventually grow out of it and I did, actually. For the entirety of my college years, I completely shed all the otaku in me and turned punk rock lololol. don’t ask me why. I had a completely blank slate and I thought maybe it was time to discover other things. I loved Green Day, My Chemical Romance, and a lot of other punk and emo bands during my freshman and sophomore years. I then discovered indie OPM and went to gigs in Makati and QC. I felt so cool smoking cigarettes after a wild gig infront of B-Side in my tight black jeans, black shirt, and black high-cut Chucks. 
It was all fun, but I outgrew that phase too. The pandemic came and when we were stuck inside of our houses, I decided to watch anime again. I watched Haikyuu and boy was it good. Then that was the start of me getting hurled again to the otaku world. 
I don’t regret hitting pause to my anime obsession. It made me experience things that I’m very thankful for. I wouldn’t have had funds for concerts and gig nights if I was still mindlessly purchasing anime merchandise hahaha.
I’m happy to discover that the love I had for Japanese anime and games is still very much alive and somehow just grew stronger, I guess. If you’re somebody like me, maybe you will get the sense of what I’m trying to say, but if you’re not, maybe you will find it ridiculous and weird haha. I used to be ashamed of being an otaku, but I think I outgrew that too.
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a-cat001 · 4 years
Winter Warfare
Christmas had come to pass but the memories of winter had still laid their touch upon Tokyo, blanketing it in a sheet of crystal white. With Christmas having just passed, the students of Santa school were having their break before they returned to their studies, so Yule decided now would be the best time to invite you over to visit and hang out. Ryota had wanted to join but was sadly denied as Shiro had put off Ryota’s and Kengo’s extra lessons for the holidays but now that they have ended, they will be busy in study sessions. You arrive at the entrance of the Santa school, trudging through the sea of snow that goes up to your knees, to see a reindeer transient waiting by the door. As they turn their head their gaze falls upon you and begins to run up to you, “Hey there MC, I’m so glad to see you!”. The transient stops in front of you and begins to look you up and down, you are wearing your winter outfit but could have dressed a bit more warmly considering how cold the weather turned, “You must be freezing out here, come on Krampus is waiting for us inside” he states as he grabs your hand to lead you inside. As you make your way to Youl’s dorm room you admire the surroundings of the school which are still decorated top to bottom with festive lights, ribbon and garland. “Wow, even though Christmas was yesterday it still feels like everyone’s gearing up for the festivities.” You announce, “Yeah, I guess we just haven’t had the chance to take some of this stuff down, although a good amount will stay up anyways.” Yule says as he smiles at the decorations that adorn the walls. “It’s kind of sad that Christmas has ended, even though it was just yesterday I already miss the smiling faces of those children when they received their presents” Yule looks to the side with a brief glint of disappointment before you speak to him “Well at least there will always be next year, so now you have something to look forward to”. This seems to snap Yule out of his stupor as he looks back at you with surprise before swiftly shaking his head and putting on a new face that was brimming with determination and hope, “Your right! I won’t forget the past filled with smiles but I’m not going to let it keep from working towards making new ones, I’m going to work hard and look forward to next Christmas from this point on!”. Yule’s newfound confidence radiates out from him, a confidence he feels he can only show when he is near those closest to him and so to himself he thanks the threads of fate that have led to meeting you, as well as his friends like Ryota and Krampus. You and Yule finally arrive at his dorm room, a soft glow emanates from beneath the door, from which a shadow passes back and forth. The door opens to reveal Krampus turned away from you and setting up what looks to be a small snack table full of delicious looking treats that give off a sweet, warm aroma reminiscent of dinner on Christmas night. You and Yule enter the room before greeting Krampus who jumps at the sound of your voice, nearly dropping a plate topped with cookies. Krampus manages to catch himself before dropping the plate, quickly setting it down onto the table before turning to the two of you, “You two really scared me there, n-next time knock before you enter,.. That was embarrassing.”. “Sorry Krampus-senpai, we didn’t mean to scare you but look who came!” Yule exclaims, indicating over to you to which you smile and wave to Krmapus. “O-oh, hey MC, I’m really glad you decided to come hang out with us.” Krampus says while scratching his chin with his index finger. Looking past Krampus to the snack table you gaze upon the home-made treats before looking back to Krampus, “Those snacks look amazing Krampus, did you make them?” you ask, causing Krampus to look back to the snack table, “Hmm? Oh, Yule made those for us to enjoy while we hang out.” he replies. Yule then happily chimes in upon the discussion stating “Baking is actually offered here as an extracurricular course, so I have some experience with these kinds of things.”, Yule then leans in to whisper into your ear, “Although Krampus-senpai actually helped bake several of these.” he says but it is clearly evident that Krampus overheard the little note that Yule shared as he quickly pulls his hood over his head to hide his now blushing face. You are quick to change the subject to pull Krampus from his embarrassment, “So what do you guys want to do?”, at this Krampus looks back at you with a glint in his eyes as a confident smile spread across his face. In the next instant he whips around with his arms crossed over his chest, in each hand he held a stack of DVDs fanned out like a hand of cards. “HAHA! Look I’ve got plenty of Ranger shows from each season!” he roared, the sight of the DVD’s seemed to cause Yule to collapse in exhaustion, “I wonder how many ranger shows Krampus has shown to yule?” you think to yourself as you look down at the stunned reindeer. Krampus then leans in close, his face looking embarrassed but with a child-like smile at the same time “I’d be really happy if you would pick out the first one.” he says, extending his selection of DVDs for you to pick from. Before you can respond Yule picks himself off the ground and recomposes himself “No offense Krampus-senpai but could we possibly save the ranger shows for later tonight?” he say while scratching the back of his head, “I just really want to go out and do something right now, I’m still full of energy from last night.”. Krampus lets out an exhausted sigh, letting his arms drop to his side “I can’t believe you're still so full of energy after last night, I’m still pretty worn out from all the stress and punishing I had to do last night.”, “Sounds like you’ve had it rough, what exactly happened last night.” you ask him, to which he turns away to avoid looking you in the eye before responding “I-i’d rather not talk about it.”. You begin to walk around the room thinking of what to do before you stop next to the window, gazing out into the blinding white that surrounds the school and covers the earth you get an idea. “Hey guys wait right here I have an idea!” both Yule and Krampus cock their heads in curiosity as you rush outside the dorms, making your way outside to the front of the school and dig your hands into the soft snow, picking it up and shaping into several white spheres. 
Back in the dorm room Yule and Krampus converse with each other over what you could have possibly come up with before hearing the rush of footsteps coming up to the door followed by a “Hey!”, as they turn around two snowballs hit them square in the nose with sniper-like precision, sending out a spray of frost on impact. Krampus shakes the snow of his nose, “Hey, what was that for?”, “Come on, you're not gonna take that lying down are ya?” you shout before turning on your heels and dashing out the dorm once more. Krampus quickly grins before shouting after you “You bet I won’t!”, taking a sprint after you followed by Yule. As you rush outside you turn back and throw another snowball, Krampus notices the incoming snowball before he makes it outside and quickly uses the entrance door as a shield, the snowball splatting against it. As you’ve run out of snowballs you crouch down to gather more snow, giving Krampus the chance to move beyond the entrance, vaulting over the railing and into the snow before reaching down and gathering a massive amount of snow in his arms. After you finish shaping the snow into suitable ammo you stand back up with your arm pulled back, ready to fire another snowball but stop when you notice the entirety of your vision is blocked by the massive oncoming snowball Krampus hurls at you. The massive snowball hits you directly in the face,  the force of the impact sending you reeling backwards into the snow, Yule, who had been watching, grabs his antlers in panic before shouting out, “Don’t you think you may have thrown that bit too hard!?”. Krampus quickly turns from excitement to panic as he rushes over to your side, accompanied by Yule, “I-i’m sorry, I didn’t mean to throw it so hard, I just got caught up in the moment!” he says in alarm as he helps you sit up. Once you're up you shake away the snow before exclaiming “Woooo, that was awesome, nice shot Krampus!”, Krampus becoming quickly relieved at your excited reaction as you hop to your feet, “come on, I’m not down for the count yet!” you yell before dashing away to grab more snowballs. 
The three of you continue your free-for-all snowball fight, snowballs flying one direction only to fly back with return fire from the safety of the snow fort each of the three of you had built. With all the snow and frost flying back and forth some stray snowballs crash against the windows of the school, catching the attention of other students who were passing by. As the students line up around the windows to see the spectacle, many turn and rush back to their rooms to grab their coats and join in on the winter fun. The three of you learn just how much attention your snowball fight has garnered when a volley of snoballs rains down from the sidelines, you turn to look at your attackers, seeing more students coming out one after the other and before long everyone is joining in on the fight and eventually forming teams. Many of the teams had directed their attention to you and your friends with their leader coming forth, “We know who you are the guild master of the summoners! We may not be able to win a normal battle against you but snowball fights are our turf! I can’t wait to tell everyone I beat the summoner guild master!”, at his command the small army of fellow students ready their aim and simultaneously launch their snowballs into the air, which rain down upon the three of you. The three of you quickly take cover behind one of the forts you had made, a mutual agreement formed between you three to defeat the common foe. You and Krampus launch snowball after snowball while Yule replenishes your ammunition, the technique behind the three of you works like a well-oiled machine but are slowly being pushed back. As you and Krampus are pinned down you look to see that Yule has disappeared, “Where did Yule go” you ask aloud only to be swiftly answered as a sleigh pulled by Yule, stops drift out in front of you, sending a wave of snow crashing down upon the enemy and creating a momentary ceasefire. Yule then motions to you and speaks “get in” he says in a serious tone, to which Krampus lifts you up into the sleigh and begins to pass snowballs to you before lifting himself into the sleigh. Once Krampus is in, Yule takes off at blinding speed just as the other students restart their assault but Yule is able to bob and weave throughout the field with ease while you and Krampus launch snowballs from your newfound mobile artillery unit. You are soon able to push back your opponents with equal force despite the difference in numbers, the tides of war hang in the balance as neither side is ready to give in but the balance is soon disrupted as a large figure jumps from the top of the school and lands between both parties and sends up snow. Both sides stop their fire at the figure entrance who stands tall to reveal black Ded, a mischievous smile spread across his face, “all right you brats, class is in session, time to show how a real santa does a snowball!”. As soon as Ded finishes speaking, several different guns materialize around, each one giving off a resounding click before they fire off ammunition made of snow, the spray of fire sending both sides scrambling for cover while Ded’s laughter rings out into the winter air. Even with Yule’s skillful maneuvering you and Krampus are forced to duck into the sleigh as Ded continues his onslaught without reprieve, “Where’s Melusine when you need her?!” you ask aloud. “Achoo” Melusine sneezes, “What is the matter frau Melusine?” Licht asks, “Tis nothing Monsieur Licht, I just felt a slight chill.” she responds, “Perhaps it is the result of this frigid weather we have today.”, Melusine stares out into the distance and narrows her eyes, “Perhaps”. suddenly Ded seems to double over “Gaah! My back again!” he yells. Seizing this opportunity, you jump from the sleigh with snowballs in hand and head towards Ded to strike your decisive blow, but little to your knowledge Ded’s grin returns as he instantly straightens up, this time with a missile launcher in hand. “Hah! Gotcha now!” He bellows, followed by the thunderous boom of his cannon firing off a massive snowball, the world seems to slow down as you watch the snowball fly towards you, “Welp, I guess this is how I go out.” you think to yourself. In the moment you have resigned yourself, You find the path between you and the snowball blocked by Krampus, “Not so fast! The hero always arrives at the best moment to save people in distress! Winter punisher!” he roars, rearing back his fist before swinging full force at the oncoming projectile, smashing it on contact into nothing more than shimmering crystals that dance throughout the air. Krampus retains his pose with his fist outstretched for a moment before placing his hands on his hips in a triumphant pose, a gallant laugh accompanying his new persona. “Krampus, you're my hero!” you shout while running up to him and embracing him causing his face to blush as well as stiffen in response but relaxes before patting you on the head “T-there, there, if you're ever in trouble, the hero Krampus will always show up to protect you.”. As you release Krampus, Yule runs up to the two of you “That was awesome Krampus-senpai! Although Mr. Ded is still up.”, you turn to Yules indication and true to his word Ded is still standing, seeming to stand in waiting for your next move. “Well in that case, it’s time for some wild punishment!” Krampus thrusts both hands in the air as he shouts before he then equips his sacred artifact claws, meanwhile you and Yule nod in silent agreement and begin to roll together a massive snowball. Krampus then charges forward at Ded, his claws at the ready while you and Yule carry the large snowball behind him. With a wicked smile, Ded unleashes another barrage of snowballs in your direction but in response Krampus turns into a flurry of slashes, chains and bells ring out into the air with ominous sound as though everything else had gone silent. As Krampus carves a path towards Ded you and and Yule follow behind and begin to close the distance until you're finally within range to which Krampus stomps his boot into the ground and spins on his heel like a whirlwind, slicing up any remaining snowballs between you and Ded. Krampus quickly regains his footing and side steps out of the way for you and Yule who together, launch the snowball, hitting Ded and toppling him over. With Ded half buried in snow he gives a small chuckle before he raises both his hands in defeat, “Alright you three, I give, I guess I really am getting old.”, as he announces his defeat the students that had been previously hiding let out a resounding cheer. Despite the excitement in the air, you, Yule and Krampus are exhausted and ready to head inside to warmth and some delicious food.
With the conclusion of the snowball fight, the three of you head inside to clean off and sit down to watch some DVDs. Yule lights a fire in the fireplace while Krampus turns on the television and inserts a DVD and you grab one of the plates of cookies before moving over in front of the TV and sit down. You grab one of the cookies from the plate and bite into it, the warm taste of ginger floods your mouth and you're lost in a moment of bliss. In that moment you are unaware as Krampus sits down behind you, his arms wrapping around your stomach and pulling you in close while also placing his chin on top of your head, effectively surrounding you in a living blanket of warm therian fur. Craning your head around to look at Krampus he looks back down at you with flushed cheeks “I just wanted to make sure you weren’t cold after being outside so long.” he says softly trying his best to maintain eye contact. As you look at Krampus another hand comes to gently rest on your own, turning your head again you see Yule red with embarrassment as he sits next to you, his hand clasping onto your own. Krampus takes notice of this and smiles before reaching out and wrapping one arm around Yule, pulling him into you and Krampus, he seems nervous at first but quickly settles in as he leans up against you with Krampus still behind the two of you. Now settled into your warm huddle you begin the ranger show marathon that extends well into the night and into sleep. “Heh, just like little children” Ded whispered to himself as he gazed down at the three of you who had fallen asleep with you and Yule cuddling each other while also being cradled in Krampus’s arms, holding the three of you close, each had a soft smile upon their faces. Ded pulled out a large blanket and draped it over the three of you before turning to leave, “You really do hold a soft spot for them black” White Ded says from within “Shut up will ya! I’m just doing a small favor.”, “Hoho how flustered you have become, even if that was true you still seemed quite merry to play with those three earlier.” white retorts. Black Ded grumbles to himself a bit before leaving, giving one last look at the three sleeping before flashing a gentle smile and closing the door.
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jafreitag · 3 years
Grateful Dead Monthly: Gaelic Park – New York, NY 8/26/71
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Fifty years ago today, on Thursday, August 26, 1971, the Grateful Dead played a concert at Gaelic Park in New York City.
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Gaelic Park is located at West 240th Street and Broadway, five miles north and east of Yankee Stadium, in the Bronx. In 1926, the Gaelic Athletic Association purchased it to host the Gaelic Games. What are Gaelic Games? I’m a sliver Irish (just learned that a few years ago from a cousin who did some DNA stuff), but I didn’t know about such games until I asked the Google machine. Here you go, from the Wiki:
“Gaelic games (Irish: Cluichí Gaelacha) are sports played in Ireland under the auspices of the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA). They include Gaelic football, hurling, Gaelic handball and rounders. Women’s versions of hurling and football are also played: camogie, organised by the Camogie Association of Ireland, and ladies’ Gaelic football, organised by the Ladies’ Gaelic Football Association. While women’s versions are not organised by the GAA (with the exception of handball, where men’s and women’s handball competitions are both organised by the GAA Handball organisation), they are closely associated with it.”
Some to unpack there. What’s Gaelic football? It’s basically rugby. (The rules are probably way different, but this is a music blog, so don’t judge.) And hurling? Rugby with a small ball and sticks that look like sporty pizza paddles. (Again, don’t judge.) Gaelic handball? Racquetball, except you use your hands and you’re outside, not in some bougie health club from the ’80s. Finally, rounders? It’s actually alot like baseball. Pretty cool.
Why were the Dead there? A 9/2/71 piece in the Village Voice by Carman Moore, now archived on the Grateful Dead Sources blog, said that Gotham promoter Howard Stein, a Bill Graham competitor who booked the Dead to play at the Cap Theater in Port Chester, NY and the Academy of Music in NYC, had turned “the drab little Riverdale soccer field … into a summer rock mini-festival.” (Check out the poster above.) Moore’s writing has an early-70s sizzle, and he refers to his colleague, now-legendary rock scribe Robert Christgau. Here’s an excerpt:
“Last week’s Grateful Dead concert up at Gaelic Park was a usual Dead session, meaning that the band-to-fan-to-band electro-chemical process for which rock music is famed was on like high mass at Easter. Although I think I know most of the time what they are doing musically (Christgau will like this notion); I don’t quite understand them electro-chemically. Like the New York Knicks of two seasons ago, they can do excellent things together though they are not a group of deathless superstars. Garcia gets his songs across, but he can’t sing, and Bob Weir’s voice rises to about average…maybe better when he gets to screaming and the music sweeps him along. I still find it difficult to recognize the Dead songs that aren’t “Truckin'” or “St. Stephen” one from the other. I am not one of their fans, but seem to be one of their admirers. Their music speaks in a special language to their live listeners, and that language has the vocabulary of everybody else, but a convoluted syntax all its own. The note sequences are not completely dependent upon musical factors but are also dictated by how involved the band feels and also upon what kind of heat the audience is giving off. I’m trying to get to some essences of this thing.
The drama of a Dead concert revolves around the fact that wherever the band plays they know that a certain number (several tons) of their partisans will be there and that their crowd knows the Dead potential to excite them, but they also know that the Dead may not get into gear until the crowd begins to apply some heat, and so forth. Both parties also know that the concert will be long enough and informal enough for anything to happen on either side of the footlights, and so audiences improvise (smoke, go to the hot dog stand, kiss and snuggle, cheer, dance, listen like star-struck fools) just like their musician friends on stage (who play light and funny for awhile, retire backstage awhile, stand around, or get lost in a piece and turn on the heavy jets). Like good lovers, the Grateful Dead know the secrets of good foreplay, taking your time, surprising the partner for awhile, and then just reacting for a spell.”
The timing of the show seems odd. The band was on the East Coast in July, but began August back in Cali – LA, SD, Berkeley – before a three-night run at Chicago’s historic Auditorium Theater. Then they trekked back to NYC. Our resident Deaditor ECM explains that aspect: “This show was supposed to be played the day before the Yale Bowl concert on July 30, but some issues with the equipment trucks and/or weather prevented it from happening from the scheduled date. There are a few stories on the web about people who didn’t get the message (no twitter back then!) and dropped some acid only to show up to an empty stadium. Haha!”
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Moore said that the show reminded him of “a high school stadium I used to know – low stands, unfulfilled infield grass, mud holes here and there, beer sold at one end in some quantity.” He continued:
“The formal shape of the concert was a general crescendo, light at the beginning and heavy-groovy at the end – not a shooting-star, call-the-law finale, just a heightened physical-emotional climate…the goods delivered as promised…sort of like good preaching in a church known to be a happy place. I did not enjoy their country-westernish opening tunes; maybe they didn’t either, because the pieces were awfully short. But by the three-quarter mark they had involved themselves, the crowd, and me too.
First they got the rhythm engaged and finally, courtesy of Jerry Garcia’s lead and interplays with Lesh and Weir, they went into the soloing and jamming which are the real magic music territory of this band. Much is made of the Dead soloists, but it became clear to me by last Thursday that bassist Phil Lesh plus those two drummers create the atmosphere that makes the Dead thing possible. The drummers were exceptionally understated, but Lesh kept bopping and thrumming away, heavily at all times, until his patterns were consistently getting the other players off. In the middle of “St. Stephen” there was a special coming together: Lesh had found a nice ambiguous but compelling set of licks; Garcia eased into a solo; Weir strummed a cross-time lick over all of it; it built; it quieted; Garcia started to play strange classical kind of lines; the drums dropped out; the audience got quiet; nothing at all could be predicted for a minute or so; then Lesh began to grope his way out with two chords and rhythms which began to regularize; audience began to jump and then to clap; guitars began to straighten out; the band came home to the cheers of the fans. Good music-making. The listener goes home without a little tune to whistle, but he hears music. As if they were finishing off some personal solos based over the last riffs heard, the fans went out of Gaelic Park without a thousand encores and without a lot of fuss on the streets outside.
It’s all very interesting, surprising, and I guess mystifying as before. All I know is that the Dead, or their fans, or the combination of both lure you into planning to return when they’re all assembled and back in town again.”
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Apparently, there was some grief about bootlegs at this show. The GD Sources blog has a post that archives a 10/6/71 piece by the excellently-handled Basho Katzenjammer (Basho, the 17th Century Japanese haiku master; Katzenjammer, the German word for hangover) that gripes about an army of 200# “muscle freaks” at the direction of tour manager Sam Cutler liberating a handful of tapes from 100# weakling Johnny Lee. It’s a truly fun read. An excerpt:
“The biggest piece of shit spewing from Cutler’s mouth is about the reasons the Dead have for being so pissed off: they don’t like the quality (remember Garcia’s line in “I Got No Chance of Losin”? He says, “I’m only in it for the gold.” Yeah, music has a way of being more honest than the artist intends it to be at times…) The “quality”? Anyone who has bought a bootleg recently will know and agree that the bootleg stereo album called “Grateful Dead” is one of the best underground products yet. The tape was taken from a concert the group did at Winterland, on the coast a few months back. Yeah, Garcia fucks up a bit on “Casey Jones,” and Pigpen’s ego may have been deflated a bit by his voice coming over poorly on “Good Loving” but that was a concert. You do a concert and you stand by your performance, good or bad. That’s show business.
This effete artistic bullshit doesn’t matter anyway … When you’re out to get all the money you can out of your gigs, like the Dead seem to be (like all the groups seem to be) you might be accused of being a bit piggish; when you use strong-arm shit to insure that you get every last penny that you deserve — by making Amerikan standards — you are a Pig. Jerry Garcia, is that you?
Nobody buys that anti-bootleg shit about the artistic integrity of the artist in saying what goes out. One, you stand by your performance; two, even if you don’t want to, Jerry, somewhat, and say “all your private property is fair game for your brothers (especially when they sell records of concerts that don’t compete with coming releases) and your brother (who’s gonna continue to dig you as we live off your comets we’re gonna keep ripping you off because it is possible. As simple as that.” If you and Cutler and Stein continue your shit, though, we’ll just have to sing the song the same old way, you guys being put in the position of being the same old reactionary establishment that we’re all ripping off. It’s all around. You break your back playing gigs for ten years and suddenly success is staring you in the face. Bread: lots and lots of bread. You turn your back on your poor, ripping ’em off roots and start to tighten up. You’re in the biggest rip-off industry around, but no one cares as long as they’re having fun.
Money. That’s the whole story, isn’t it? If these were other times, in another land under a different set of rules maybe you could justifiably complain about the people who want to give your recorded performances out free because you didn’t screen them and pick out the sections you didn’t like and do them over for the cat, ’cause no one charges for their music, and because the means of production belong to the people, and they can turn out all the good sounds they can, and you have a natural right to screen all releases. But we’re here. Now. You guys are making millions — or soon will be. Money is power, especially as the concept of money is crumbling nation-wide and power freaks like Stein are cornering the market on it. The channels that the green-power the Dead bring in travel aren’t the healthiest for the generations of revolution to come. Stein is one of these hopeful images of a freak with a chance to change things positively gone sour, who uses all his power to consolidate his power; who’ll go to any extremes to insure the natural expansion of that power. Fuck him. Fuck you.”
Speak, Basho! Quaint that the beef about bootlegs back then was sound quality, rather than copyright. Stuff got figured out at some point, I think. Like when Bobby shut down the LMA, lmao.
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Ed featured part of this show in the 2016 edition of his epcot 31 Days of Dead project. Here are his listening notes, which are typically spot-on (and better than than the not-quite-on-the-bus commentary from Mr. Moore): 
“Less than three weeks after Pigpen’s definitive performance of Hard To Handle at the Hollywood Palladium (8/6/71), the Grateful Dead play the final date of their summer tour in 1971 at Gaelic Park in the Bronx. It will be Pig’s last show until December and the last time the band will ever perform in their original quintet configuration of Jerry, Phil, Pig, Billy and Bobby. By September, Keith will be rehearsing with the band to assume a full-time role on the keys. Perhaps anticipating his absence, Pigpen leads the band through 6 of his songs including the rarely-played Empty Pages and the last Hard To Handle. It is also one of the last performances of Saint Stephen, until the band revived it in 1976 with a major facelift, never to be played the same way again. When you consider these historical milestones along with the departure of Mickey Hart and the closings of the legendary Fillmore East and West earlier in the year it makes you realize that this concert carried a little more weight than anyone could have ever foreseen at the time. It truly was the end of a chapter in the life of the Grateful Dead. As you listen to each song you can’t help but feel a certain degree of nostalgia.
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For me, the hidden gem of the show is the outstanding version of Uncle Johns Band. Jerry’s first guitar solo is an absolute joy to hear. His notes sing with irresistible melody and happy sunshine which perfectly capture the nostalgia of those carefree early years. If you listen closely you can hear Pigpen playing the wood claves.”
Speaking of Pig, this show features the second and final performance of Empty Pages. The NYS Music blog, which has a nice write-up of this show, describes it as a McKernan original that “pairs his traditional crooning style with a slow blues jam that’s nicely peppered with fiery guitar licks from Garcia. It’s a true rarity and a shame that the band wouldn’t be able to further develop this one.”
I feel like this was a try-hard post. It might be tl;dr, idk. Here’s the true goodness…
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Transport to the Charlie Miller remaster of the soundboard recording HERE.
More soon.
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hermannsthumb · 4 years
Hello!! If you're not too busy and are so inclined, could you do 24, 27, 37 for the fall prompts? For Newt and Hermann o b v i o u s l y. Thank u so so much!! Keep up the great work xoxo
24. Warm Sweaters + 37. Cold
from autumn fic prompts here
im cheating a LITTLE and not filling the “27. corn maze” part because I wrote it last year and im def not inspired enough to do another HAHA. and also...because I want to work towards finishing my @theloccent bingo card belatedly with Spooning and Huddling for Warmth. SORRY I TOOK SO LONG, ive had a weird summer and i just moved/started grad school last week, it hasn't been very conducive for writing. set ambiguously before they're transferred to the HK shatterdome
“I must say, Newton,” Hermann says, “I believe I sorely underestimated your abilities.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Newt says, gloomily.
“You went above and beyond what I expected.”
“I get it,” Newt says.
“It takes a true sort of talent to screw things up as much as you have.”
“I get it,” Newt says.
Hermann is not smirking--he’s too angry right now for that--but he does have a somewhat unpleasant curl to his mouth that’s making Newt boil hot with embarrassment all the same. Sort of a sneer, maybe. “I get it,” Newt says for the third time. “I’m a fuck-up, I’m a walking disaster, I--” He kicks the front of the rental car hard with the end of his boot, relishing in the dull thud that echoes from it, and less in the dull pain. “--can’t even figure out how to patch a fucking tire.”
“Or drive,” Hermann offers, helpfully. “You can’t drive, either.”
“Neither can you, Mr. Speed Demon,” Newt shoots back, but he knows it falls flat. After all--when their connecting flight got cancelled, Hermann wasn't the one who insisted they leave the relative safety of the airport to peel out into a snowstorm in search of a hotel. Hermann wasn’t the one who insisted on driving the rental. Hermann isn’t the one who got them lost down some shitty little road in the middle of nowhere, with snow piling up all around them, and he definitely isn’t the one who got distracted behind the wheel trying to adjust the radio and didn't see a patch of ice in time and sent the car--well. The point is, they’re down two tires, probably an engine, most definitely their only mode of transportation, and sure as hell aren’t near any hotel.
Around them is snow as far as the eye can see. When they get home (and that’s if they ever make it back to the airport), Newt is requesting a transfer to the LA Shatterdome ASAP. “Well, Newton?” Hermann says. He’s bundled up in his stupid parka and more scarves than Newt even owns. Newt can barely see his face. “What’s your next brilliant plan? Build an igloo?”
Not a bad idea, at this rate; the snow is no joke. “I’m thinking,” Newt grumbles. His breath puffs out white in front of him. “Tow truck,” he says. “We need a tow truck.”
“Astute,” Hermann says.
Newt ignores him and pulls his cell phone from his pocket. No bars. Right, of course, middle of fucking nowhere. “Do you have any reception?” Newt sighs.
“I didn’t bring my mobile,” Hermann says.
Newt’s eyes snap up to fix on him incredulously. “You didn’t bring--?! What the hell, man?”
“I had no need for it on the trip,” Hermann says. “We’re meant to be at a conference. I didn't think we’d get lost.” He doesn’t even have the audacity to look ashamed. Newt debates hurling his cell phone into the snow bank in frustration, but decides against it, because it did kind of cost a lot.
“Unbelievable,” he says instead. “Fucking unbelievable. Fine. Let’s go find--”
“You’re not saying we ought to walk somewhere?” Hermann interrupts.
“What other options do we have?” Newt says. “Freeze to death? There’s gotta be at least a gas station or something nearby--I could find someone to tow the car, while you--” He looks Hermann up and down, from his oversized Oxfords to his twenty scarves to his pathetic red cheeks. Hermann’s leg gets stiff as hell in the cold; there’s no way he’d be able to make any kind of distance right now, and who knows how long they’d be walking. There’s also no way Newt’s leaving him behind. “Come on,” he finally sighs, and touches Hermann’s elbow tentatively. “Let’s just get back in the car. It’s warmer in there.”
Maybe he’ll go off by himself once the snow stops. Or maybe, if they’re lucky, someone will stop by and offer them a ride before that. “Only barely,” Hermann says with a scowl, but he obliges.
Newt doesn’t get back in the car right away, though. Instead, he pops the trunk, pulls out their duffel bags, and begins feeling around the backseat. They’ve only had the rental for a few hours, and Newt isn’t exactly the most skilled around cars, but he thinks... “What are you doing back there?” Hermann says.
“One sec,” Newt says, and when he tugs a little lever off to the side, the seats fold down. Another tug, and they fold back into the trunk, leaving the back half of the car entirely flat. “Oh, awesome!”
Newt ignores Hermann and begins digging around in their duffel bags. He has nothing but a few spare sweatshirts and boxers in his own; Hermann’s proves far more promising. “Score,” Newt whistles, and pulls out two--three--four ugly sweaters. “Holy shit, dude, we were only supposed to be there for a night. Why’d you pack so much?”
“I like to be prepared,” Hermann says. “Which you clearly know nothing about. Hang on--” He cranes his neck around his seat headrest to frown at Newt. “Why are you--?”
“You’re a regular Boy Scout,” Newt interrupts. He climbs into the back of the car, kicks his boots a few times against the back fender to knock off all the snow, and shuts the trunk behind him. “Come on,” he says, unlacing his boots, “get back here already. I’m cold.”
Hermann stares at him.
Newt shucks off his leather jacket and pulls one of Hermann’s sweater over his head instead. It’s insane how much of a difference it makes--maybe Hermann has been on something all these years when he tells Newt he needs proper winter wear or whatever the fuck. He pulls on a second one for good measure, pleasantly surprised to find he can still move his arms, and then pulls on a second pair of his socks over his first. “C’mon, Hermann,” he says. “Time to share some body heat, dude.”
Hermann grumbles, and he shakes his head, and he tucks the hood of his parka down over his face (like being unable to see Newt means Newt will just magically forget he’s there), and then--finally--he turns back to face Newt again. “This is ridiculous,” he declares. “We must have other options.”
Newt lays down and stretches out on his side, blinking up at Hermann coyly. “You’re making it weird for no reason,” he says. “It doesn’t have to be weird, you know.” It can be perfectly natural--two dudes, who sometimes fight, and sometimes do things a little more amorous than fight, sharing body heat. That's all. “It’s just biology. Cats do it, penguins do it--”
“No,” Hermann says.
He comes to the backseat anyway. Newt likes to think it’s because he’s too irresistible.
“I call being big spoon,” Newt says happily, and he tucks himself around Hermann’s bony--and, at the moment, puffy--back before Hermann can protest. One leg, he nudges between Hermann’s, making sure not to put any weight where he shouldn’t; he settles the arm wrapped around Hermann at his waist, splaying his hand somewhere around Hermann’s upper abdomen. “There. Isn’t that nice?”
“Hmph,” Hermann says.
Outside, the storm rages on around them, snow piling up on the windows and frosting them over where it hasn’t landed yet. The last dregs of the heat in the car die out. Newt tucks himself a little closer to Hermann, inhaling his shampoo, the slight damp scent his fuzzy parka hood always has. Hasn’t the guy ever heard of dry-cleaning? “Feeling cozy?” Newt mumbles.
“You’re shivering,” Hermann tells him.
“Am I?” Newt says.
He is. Huh. Hermann turns over with a grunt, then unzips his parka and tucks Newt into it in one fluid motion. Newt winds his arms around Hermann instinctively. “There we are,” Hermann murmurs. “Let’s get you warm.”
The zipper goes back up with some difficulty, pressing Newt so tight against Hermann’s chest he can barely move. Hermann’s chin bumps his forehead. Newt looks up to find his wide mouth parted slightly. “I think I want to kiss you,” Newt says, surprising himself.
“Hm?” Hermann says.
“I want to kiss you,” Newt repeats a little louder, and that gets a reaction--Hermann’s eyebrows leap to his sweaty bangs, and his whole body stiffens. “Listen--listen. Uh. The best way to share body heat--you know--it’s stuff like that. Kissing, and--”
“I am not having sex with you in the back of a bloody rental car,” Hermann half-shouts. 
Newt wriggles around a little until he can steal an uncoordinated kiss from Hermann, landing it somewhere to the left of his mouth. He has better aim with his next one. “I won’t tell anyone if you don't,” he promises.
“We are not,” Hermann says, but the next kiss, he instigates himself.
They’re rescued half an hour later when a local knocks on the window and asks if they need a lift; the bed and breakfast Newt was so sure he was leading them to, as it turns out, is only a five minute walk away, hidden from view by some trees and the snow. “At least we had some fun bonding time,” Newt tells Hermann sheepishly in the lobby.
Hermann scowls, but to Newt’s delight, requests a single queen for them both.
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