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kazsbrecker · 5 years ago
Darcy & Esther
DarcyFull Name: Darcy Morgan LowellGender and Sexuality: female, bisexualPronouns: she/herEthnicity/Species: caucasian witchBirthplace and Birthdate: Chicago  June 13, 1979 Guilty Pleasures: late-night wanderings, Passion, eating raw cookie dough at 2amPhobias: being powerless, being unloved, actually being as crazy as everyone says she isWhat They Would Be Famous For: (eventually) her blog where she records all her supernatural theories and findings and stories of Angel in LA (as an advertisement. trying to build a client base with Cordelia)What They Would Get Arrested For: arsonOC You Ship Them With: Daphne Meade @susiesamuraiOC Most Likely To Murder Them: honestly Rose O’Hara @harleyquinnzelz​. Darcy has an arc where she works with Angelus. so Rose would have justification.Favorite Movie/Book Genre: horror movies and trashy romancesLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: parents with secrets. hits too close to home.Talents and/or Powers: intelligent af, chaos magicWhy Someone Might Love Them: her sheer passion. she cares so much (about specific things) and she’s so magneticWhy Someone Might Hate Them: selfish, one-track mind when it comes to magic, continues to trust the wrong people How They Change: darcy starts off with a lot of hidden insecurities that influence her choices, but as her magic grows, her sense of confidence and identity grows stronger as well. she finds herself, becomes resolute in her decisions. Why You Love Them: she’s funny and passionate and chaotic. a storm of a girl. even when she is making bad choices i still love her because she’s doing it for herself and in a series that has this selfless hero, it’s such an interesting dynamic to see. a girl who is powerful and unapologetic for it.
EstherFull Name: her original name Lana Grace Everett  Gender and Sexuality: female, pansexual Pronouns: she/herEthnicity/Species: caucasian witch (formerly)Birthplace and Birthdate: London March 2, 1955Guilty Pleasures: ABBA, drinking wine at 10 amPhobias: her past coming back, Darcy making the same mistakes she did, losing DarcyWhat They Would Be Famous For: her magical original cocktailsWhat They Would Get Arrested For: Vandalism and shopliftingOC You Ship Them With: can’t really think of one? OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Mina Harker @susiesamurai currently Mina is fighting Esther for custody over her new favorite chaotic daughter figure DarcyFavorite Movie/Book Genre: scifiLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: fridging women for man painTalents and/or Powers: heavyweight drinker, excellent cook,  was extremely powerful with magic in younger 20s, still has a lot of arcane knowledge Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s charming and a lot of fun. has an incredible laugh and cares so so much for her loved ones. Why Someone Might Hate Them: stubborn. will keep secrets and will only do what they think is best. very set in her waysHow They Change: Esther is very driven by fear, especially when it comes to magic. she has learned its dangers and doesn’t want Darcy to make her mistakes. but slowly Esther comes to accept that she is not always right, and that Darcy is growing up, and while Esther wants to protect her, Darcy is growing up and becoming her own person.Why You Love Them: Esther is not a perfect parent. is flawed, but truly has the best of intentions, which i think its relatable and realistic. also i love her dynamic with giles. a very complicated history but they’re such a parenting team and do their best to try to protect their daughters.
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emiliachrstine · 5 years ago
Where would we find Julia and Dick in Season 2?
Okay not gonna lie, season 2 was such a dumpster fire in my opinion it kinda killed my muse for julia and her story. Regardless, I did draft out a few things. In terms of their relationship, it was going to very much be a will they won’t they type thing. It was going to be really angsty because it is quite clear that they still love each other but Dick has been burned by Julia’s decision to cut him out and then estrange herself from him for like ten years. By the end of season 1, they start to heal from it. But Dick isn’t really sure if he wants to try again with her. There is still a lot they he has to deal with himself and come to terms with. Plus with the whole Jericho thing and his problems with Hank, Dawn and Donna, Julia very much is an outsider with this group. She was never part of Titans, so she’s kinda just observing it from the sidelines. I did plan on going more into her romantic relationship with Donna in season 2. There was quite a bit I planned to write but I don’t think I’ll be writing for Freefall any time soon.
ask me questions!
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cassercole · 5 years ago
huntsthemoon replied to your post: susiesamurai replied to your post: ...
Yes it is a rewrite ��
Gotcha! V cool! 
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arrthurpendragon · 5 years ago
I know we haven’t talked much lately but you’re incredibly talented and a genuinely amazing human being. You constantly give and give and give even if you don’t have any left. I hope that life gets better sooner rather than later because it’s going to happen. You deserve all the good things hun
This made my eyes get a bit misty.  Thank you for sending this, friend.  It really means a lot that you took time out of your life to send this to me when I needed it. Thank you. :)
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ocappreciation · 5 years ago
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We would like to wish Heather @huntsthemoon an amazing birthday! Please send them tons of birthday love! 🎂
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mystic-scripture · 6 years ago
How would Meg and Steph get along with Nora?
I think they would both be scared of ber to be honest, Steph will eventually find a kindred spirit in her after a while though. Steph's brother Danny however... heart eyes for days (add it to the list of things he hates derek for)
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squirrelstone · 6 years ago
A Haven/Danny Phantom crossover during season 5 of Haven. Mara tries to trouble Danny, but he’s immune and she tells Duke that he’s already got as much aether running through him as blood.
send me a 📖 and I’ll tell you about a random story concept I have or have had in the past that I may or may not ever actually write
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nefertiris · 6 years ago
So I seen your reblogging and tagging Hoechlin stuff with Hades, I need to know what this is about? You know I love this man lol
hi!! i was actually waiting for you to ask lmao. i have this dceu oc named roni whose father is hades, so i chose hoechlin as the faceclaim for him because i think he fits it really well. thats why i tag hoechlin posts as “dc!hades” xx
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fraysquake · 6 years ago
Daffodil Yellow, Strawberry Pink & Ice Blue
Daffodil Yellow: Does worldbuilding come easily to you?
Oooh I think yes and no? I do a lot of excessive research, like I have done so much reading about Irish/Celtic mythology to pull on for DOTN but I also base my work on canon so I’m mostly just adding extensions to a world that has already been built :P
Strawberry Pink: Ship trope you have in your book
Ah I’m so bad with tropes haha. But Ariana and Liam definitely have that good guy/bad girl kinda trope with a lil enemies to lovers kinda thrown in there, although they’re a little more complex now with everything I’m throwing at them :)
Ice Blue: Ship trope you think is overused in writing
Again I’m so terrible at picking up on tropes within a fic! But I do get a bit sick of the ‘Mary Sue’ perfect girl that the guy falls in love with. I’m all about them flaws!! Gimme flawed characters who do the wrong thing! Let them mistakes! Make your characters problematic!! 
send me a colourful writer ask!
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 6 years ago
ooooohhhh which of your OC's would fall in love with Nora?
Oooooh! Okay so Nora and Selena (and Derek) would be such an amazing trio once Selena moves past her extreme hatred of Argents and hunters (first Kate, of course, but then her hunter boyfriend in university - who she didn’t know was a hunter - tried to murder she, Derek, and Laura)
Also Nora and Ainsley Winchester???? And Amber Cain! And Charlotte Jones!
Okay so apparently I just ship Nora with too many OCs whoops lmao
Send me an OC (mine or yours) and I’ll tell you which of my OCs would fall in love with them
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kazsbrecker · 5 years ago
2, 7, 18, 29 & 30 for Darcy x Spike please
2. Big spoon/little spoon?
Spike always starts off the big spoon. But if they fall asleep, when they wake up, Darcy always ends up as the big spoon.
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
Spike becomes awkward around Darcy. They have a solid friendship, one that Spike genuinely loves and enjoys, and knows Darcy’s current stance on love, so he doesn’t want to risk the established dynamic between them. But he keeps catching himself just staring at her with adoration. 
Darcy becomes even more protective of Spike. Will not hesitate to burn everything down at a threat.
18. Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (bonus: what does it usually say?)Neither of them. Honestly, if anyone were to leave notes for Spike and Darcy, it would be Esther asking them to not kill any innocents (Spike) or set off any chaotic pranks (Darcy). 
29. One headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart.
Darcy has a lot of insecurity that she is just a replacement for Dru. At one point she becomes very ill and weak and Spike becomes her most devoted caretaker. The situation parallels a lot of how Spike was like with Dru, so there’s always this fear in the back of her mind that Spike is still truly in love with Dru and Darcy is just his second pick.
30. One headcanon about this OTP that mends it.
When Spike figures out this insecurity of Darcy’s, he proves it to be wrong in a very dramatic and monumental way, in an act of devotion and love that goes beyond anything he did for Dru.. Part of him will always care for Dru, but his feelings for Darcy and the dynamic between them start changing him for the better. 
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emiliachrstine · 6 years ago
Julia x Dick (😉)
How did they they meet? They actually met when school started back up. Julia had heard from her mother that Bruce adopted the kid who lost his parents in the circus accident. So she sees him during school and is the first to introduce herself to him and they hit it off like right away.
Who developed romantic feelings first? I think they both do! They became pretty fast friends and Julia was the first person that Dick was really able to connect with and she always had a talent for making him laugh
Who is their biggest “shipper?” Probably Donna. She was the one who told them to stop denying it and just start dating already. Oh, Bruce was as well. He thought that they were great for each other
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances? So it’s a few months after they start dating. Dick, Julia and a few of their friends attend a local fair and they all have like a really good time. Then when Dick is dropping Julia off at home they both initiate the kiss and like Dick was so nervous but Julia was just like “it’s fine” and just went for it
Who confessed their feelings first? Dick
What was their first official date? Very simple. They went to a burger joint and then to a movie 
How do they feel about double dates/group dates? They don’t mind them at all!! They actually really like going on double dates because their high school friends were always rambunctious and they always had fun with them
What do they do in their down time? When they’re not fighting with Batman?!?! They love going on walks together or just sitting around and watching t.v. They really don’t care as long as they can spend time together.
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like? Well Dick was able to meet Julia’s parents when they were in high school and they liked him a lot. Unfortunately, Julia was never able to meet his parents but Dick always told her that they would’ve loved her
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it? Their first fight happens after they are reunited. It’s basically them airing out their anger and frustration from the past ten years
Which one is more easily made jealous? Honestly, I think both of them. Dick is a lot more expressive with his jealously and Julia is more on the reserved side. 
What is their favourite thing to get to eat? It bounces between burgers and pizza
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position? They both are, but I’d say maybe Julia, just a bit more. Their go to position is always with Dick being the big spoon and having his arm wrapped around her, making sure to keep her close
Are they hand holders? No, not really. When they do hold hands it’s usually when they’re alone
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances? So they actually have sex for the first time during their senior year in high school which is about 1-2 years after they started dating. So they waited their time before really getting into it
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into? Probably their first time behind the wheel of a car which they did together because Bruce offered to teach them lol
Who does the shopping and the cooking? It really depends. Sometimes they both go shopping together. But since Dick is usually out late, he’ll buy everything that’s needed and they’ll cook together
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness? Both of them
Who proposes? Definitely Dick because he knows that he can never lose her again or else he’d go insane
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bachelorette parties or separate? Separate ones. And i feel like Julia’s party would just be one wild night to remember
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids? Hmmm I think Donna would be the maid of honor and then either Bruce or Jason would be the best man
Big Ceremony or Small? Definitely small. They aren’t a really showy type couple
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where? Bruce would probably pay for it as part of his wedding gift to him. And they would go to some like secluded log cabin and just enjoy each other’s company and nature
Do they have children? How many? I’m actually not too sure. I haven’t really thought about them having kids because I’m not sure if Julia and Dick will be the endgame for my story. But if they did have kids I’d say maybe two or three?? Either a boy and a girl, or two girls and a boy.
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cassercole · 6 years ago
Because you seem in the mood can I get some mordern day Kicky headcanons? Plz and thx
Oh I’m always in the mood to talk about Modern Day!Kicky haha 
after the events of winter soldier and as bucky starts to ~find himself~ again, he remembers kitty and goes on a little adventure to find the facility where he last remembers her being kept
only finds out that she’s not there, which leads him to assume that she’s dead, but of course she’s not and he figures that out and tracks her down to some undecided european country 
where she is thriving and has been for literal years since being released from the headspace and dumped in the ocean to die 
both of them are very surprised to see each other once more -- both of them thought the other to be dead
and they’re so different than their past selves
( so much so that bucky sometimes regrets ever searching her out again )
learning to live together again is tricky esp with bucky’s lack of memories and his journey of self-discovery.
but since kitty went on that same one years ago, she has no problem helping him and wants to because they can finally, really, truly have a life together (right?) 
it’s a complete role-reversal tbh where kitty’s the confident and sure one while bucky’s the quiet and reserved one 
kitty helps get him to come out of his shell a bit more with little reminders of their past lives and encouragements of the new one they get to live together
she’s much more sassy and easily able to vocalize her opinions without fear of being judged than before  
he’s always thinking about how they’re constantly in danger of being found out by hydra and taken back to the headspace or worse
he takes his time thinking through answers and reactions rather than just saying the first thing that pops in his head like he had before
though, at the same time, it’s kind of the same:
she takes him on shopping extravaganzas and funds their travels everywhere, making sure to stay under the radar  
he still thinks she’s too good for him and knows it’s just a matter of time before she realizes it too 
they’re both fiercely protective over each other, moreso than they had been in the headspace because there’s so many risks now and they don’t wanna lose each other again.  
there’s moments where they forget about the world around them and feel transported back to the headspace where everything’s perfect and lovely and they’re themselves again and it’s such a nice feeling to see bucky genuinely smile at the sight of her or laugh at something she said and then for him to see her do something she used to do back in the headspace or reference a memory they shared together and for it not to be a painful one.
kitty just wants bucky to be bale to live a safe, normal life and does her best to make it that way for as long as she can 
(i have a small headcanon that when kitty learns bucky’s been taken in by the berlin branch of the cia, she goes straight to the office in her powersuit and basically commands the room without a word and then politely demands that bucky be let go and everyone is like ????? bc who is this chick??) 
it takes a while for bucky to at least catch back up and give back in to the intense love he has for kitty, where as she’s never let it go 
so while they don’t immediately get back together, they stick together from the moment he shows up at her door -- both of them one day hoping to rediscover what they had taken from them. 
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send me questions about my oc!
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arrthurpendragon · 5 years ago
Please no more kiwis
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ceruleanmusings · 6 years ago
“You’re not in bed. I came looking for you.” Pairing of your choice 😁
I feel like this is a good time to finally bring Bucky x Kamaria to life! I kind of took the quote in a different direction so I hope you all like it!
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Bucky may have had his programming removed from his mind—a feat he never dreamed possible—but that didn’t mean it was removed from his body. So when the wind shifted, so slightly that anyone else wouldn’t have noticed, he stilled. The white rhino, who had been benefiting from Bucky’s attention just seconds ago, blew a snort-like breath though its nose and pressed further into his palm. A baby begging for attention. For some reason, the calf was attached. It still baffled him, after everything that he’d done.
“There you are.”
Bucky hummed, lowering his arm. The calf nudged against his side, letting out a noise of disappointment. “I’ll be back,” he told the rhino. “Go play.” He lifted his chin in the direction of the other wandering calves, a few of which seemed to be playing a game of chicken.
If he’d been told, back in the 40s, that he would end up working alongside and effectively raising rhinoceroses in a seemingly third-wold country, he would have laughed. And asked what was in their drink. Sometimes he wondered if this was some strange fever dream. First a spider…kid and now this. Stranger things, indeed.
“You should not be out here alone,” Kamaria continued; approaching him with easy steps, he noted. Compared to other Wakandans who walked stiff and tense around him. Not that he blamed them.
“I can handle myself,” he stated. The calf bumped into him once more, sending him forward to catch himself with stuttering steps.
Kamaria chortled, her eyes crinkling in the corners. “Yes, I can see that.” Her laughter had faded but the smile had stayed on her face. He tore his eyes away, rubbed the back of his neck. Smiles directed at him? A rare commodity he didn’t deserve. Not in this lifetime. “You should be resting,” she continued. He picked up the rolling rs and depressor affect on certain syllables; he found himself enjoying hearing her speak. Them all, he corrected in his mind. It just so happened he spent more time with her and Shuri once he woke. He was used to them.
“Is that why you’re here?” he asked.
“You’re not in bed. I came looking for you.”
“I’m fine.”
“So I see.” Her smile returned and her eyes cast downwards. He followed her gaze to the calf. Lacking attention, it had resorted to chewing on the end of his red robes. “Even so, you must not overexert yourself. You still need to regain your strength.”
“Strength isn’t my problem,” he stated. Much more bluntly than he meant to, but…well, he was who he was. His infamy was international. From war hero to hired gun. And yet there they stood, giving him much more than he was worth.
Lifting her chin, Kamaria locked eyes with him and stated, “I believe it is.” All smiles vanished, her jaw clenched and her face hardened. “Pride holds power that inhibits forgiveness.“ And then she repeated, “You need to regain your strength.”
He pressed his lips together. If there was one thing he learned while in Wakanda, it was the at the women were as fierce as their words. And Kamaria, well, she didn’t back down from him, she stepped up, toe-to-toe, as if he weren’t branded with the Winter Soldier moniker. As if that didn’t matter.
Maybe it doesn’t to her.
And then, in the blink of an eye, a smile snapped back onto her face as she said, “Come! I’m sure you are hungry, yes? There is plenty of akara and mandazi to go around.” She winked. “If you are lucky. As my mother says, we really put our foot in our food.”
He blinked rapidly, adjusting to the whiplash of her topic change and the emotion flashing across her face. A second later she pulled a face and stuttered, “Not…not literally! We do not actually put our feet in…oh, Bast!”
Fretting, she muttered something rapidly in a Wakandan language he didn’t understand, red settling into her cheeks, whilst waving her hands. Almost as if she were casting some sort of magic spell on him.
“I feel I should admit,” she said, switching back to English. The red dusting on her cheeks didn’t fade. “I have had surgery. On my jaw, see. To allow myself to stick feet into it.” Kicking at the ground, almost shyly, she added, “Many feet, it seems.”
Bucky cracked a smile. “Your surgery results appear worthwhile to me. it’s enhanced your smile.”
She whistled. “Smooth. You get two thumbs up for that one.” As she spoke she lifted her thumbs and wiggled them in his direction. When Bucky looked down at his lone hand she made a face, and then added, “Er…or you will. Once Shuri and I make your other one. See? Mouth meet foot.” Waving her hand again she said, more to herself, “Why am I introducing you two? They’re on a first name basis at this point!”
At that, Bucky laughed aloud; a good, hearty laugh that surprised him so much he wasn’t even aware the noise came from him at first. She looked him over, with such a tender gaze in her eyes that it could have knocked him off balance.
Maybe she did cast a spell on him.
[Soft sentence prompt]
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mystic-scripture · 6 years ago
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Oh geeze! I wrote a whole paragraph and submitted it, and I guess it got lost in the mobileverse!
I have been toying with several Marvel characters, a teen for peter, an agent for clint, I have even contemplated a girl for rocket (which trust me got complicated)
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My baby, my pride, my sweet murderous little bean, my favorite OC that I have kept to myself until I talked to @captdnvrs about it a couple nights ago, is my gal for Buck:
Alexandria Dugan would bother her cousin Timmy for updates on the adventures of Captain America and his Howling Commandos, earning her gossip and fame points back home. Sure she did her due diligence on them all, but she was always curious about the other lad from Brooklyn.
She develops a fantasy in her head of meeting Sgt Barnes and Timothy demanding they be bound for life. Then she gets a letter.
Refusing to believe the various accounts Dum Dum collected, she did everything in her power to find him. She even tracked down Cap's old girlfriend and insisted on joining her organization. Climbing the ranks and getting several rude awakenings on life, she gains access to all sorts of leads on Barnes' death.
Finally, she gets a possible lead on a man seen with the same skill set and the need for a handler in some far undercover branch of her own job. Not about to give up the five years she put into it. Zandria applies for the transfer.
Little did she know what she would find.
(Thanks for asking back!)
Send me a 📖 and I'll tell you a concept for something I do or don't have published
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