#hunter taking her by the shoulders: you are so much crazier than me or luz ever has been and that is something i thought was impossible
crimeronan · 11 months
Obsessing over your AU and Luz and Amity’s lumity dynamics. How tf are these two ever going to figure out they love each other? Is it going to be gradual (aka Amity realizing she has nothing to fear and Luz isn’t a cold murdering mastermind manipulator) or something more sudden where they’re in a situation where they HAVE to face their feelings, somehow? Very curious
god it deserves a full fic. i think i answered a similar question to this a few weeks ago but cannot for the Life of me remember what i said. (bad memory disease.) if this contradicts earlier kitkat just know that i contain multitudes but i Think it would be a combination of amity getting to know luz better and realizing that she actually really really REALLY wants to cede her power. and maybe even more than that, it's amity realizing that a lot of her most neurotic hangups about luz are bc of assumptions she's made about luz and hunter's relationship -- so the realization that hunter is nowhere Near as oppressed or mistreated as amity secretly worries he might be.
like i'm a sucker for involving a third party in any awkward romance but it's especially Vital here imo, because amity doesn't trust luz's intentions and also doesn't trust her own perceptions. and yet for some godforsaken reason, the person she DOES trust is hunter. like don't get me wrong, she thinks he's plotting her downfall at all times and like 80% of the time he IS, but he's also straightforward with her in a way that basically nobody else in the castle is.
amity and hunter getting into a heated argument because hunter is righteously indignantly going "she's NEVER mistreated me, she would NEVER hurt me, what are you ON" and amity is like "well of course you think that, you're delusional" and hunter is like "fine. tell me the ways you think she's 'mistreating' me"
and then amity rattles off like a solid twelve Wildly Incorrect And Also Super Fucked Up assumptions she's made about luz and hunter's power dynamic, while hunter is like
........blight. listen. do you like.... do you need me to go, like, kill your parents-
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thoughtsofananon · 2 years
Strayed So Far From Home Ch. 5
Chapters 1-4 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40244607/chapters/100801128
Chapter 5: Slice of Life
Willow was arguing. “They can’t be humans.” She said again. “The heads , Hunter. Triangles, Semicircles. . . ‘F’s? Tha- those aren’t Human heads. Also, they basically have superpowers, to human standards. I’m telling you, it’s building up to this whole demon reveal and then this show is gonna get even crazier.”
Hunter looked skeptical. “I’m sticking with what Luz said.” He said, confident. “It’s just a silly Human show about these two kids with weird heads building stuff with their friends.”
“She was probably lowering our expectations for the big reveal! I mean, you finished Azura, right? She had me absolutely convinced it was just a silly inaccurate Human witch story but then Good Witch Azura Happened.”
“I don’t see anything that points to a demon reveal.” Gus chimed in from below. “I’m with Hunter.”
“ Thank you, Gus.” Hunter appreciated.
I’m so glad he’s back to normal . Willow thought, relieved. No one was sure what Gus was acting like those first few weeks, but certainly not himself. He’d gone back to normal after a while, luckily, though there’d been a slight relapse after the whole. . . Belos/Phillip thing. But he was fine by the next evening. Hunter, on the other hand. . Willow knew he wasn’t over it. How could anyone be ‘over it’ in that tone of voice. But Willow didn’t know how to ask him without ‘just talk about it’ which he clearly wasn’t ready for.
She remembered her task at hand. But before she could launch back into her correct side of argument thank you very much she was interrupted by Amity leaning over the back of the couch.
“I’m with the boys on this one, Willow. It just doesn’t make sense for some silly human show to have some demon secret in it. I mean, I don’t think very many, if any human believes witches and demons exist.” She placed a hand on Willow’s shoulder. “By the way, could I borrow you for a moment?”
She followed her old friend to the kitchen.
“S-so,” Amity started. “I wanted to cheer Luz up after. . what happened, and so I thought of taking her out on that slice of life date she wanted to go one right befo- when you guys were saving me, and Vee helped me out with where to go and there’s this really nice park with a garden I think you’d really like it Willow- wait, uh, well I wanted your help because I wanted make her some cookies but, uh. I can’t cook.”
Willow glanced behind to see what Amity was trying (very badly) to hide. Burned cookies, and a bigger mess than Gus’s bedroom.
“So that’s what that smell was.” Willow laughed. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll help, Blight.”
As Amity cleaned the mess and Willow began making edible cookies, their conversation turned more serious.
“She feels horrible Amity. She feels like a criminal. And not the Eda ‘I have good reason and I’m not actively trying to hurt anyone’ criminal I mean ‘I killed someone who didn’t do anything for fun’ way.”
“She didn’t kill him for fun, Willow. And she did have good reason.” Amity said.
“I know.” Willow retorted. “But that’s how she feels. How stressed has she been these past few weeks? Mind incident and Day of Unity were a week apart. And I know there’s been time, but she’s going to do everything in her power to ignore everything bad.”
“I mean- I don-“ Amity stuttered, and sighed. “I know it’s bad that she’s pushing it all down, and I don’t want her to suffer in silence. Titan, I don’t know.” Amity sighed again, exasperated. “It’s just- the only thing I can think of.”
Willow sighed as well. “I can’t really think of anything else either.” She admitted. “Though I’m not really sure what walking around and getting a drink will do.”
Amity playfully shoved Willow’s shoulder. “It’s a romantic outing, Willow. She’ll feel way better! I’m sure.” Willow smiled and rolled her eyes.
“Whatever you say.”
The alarm dinged.
Amity gathered the cookies (supposedly Luz’s favorite) and a note onto a plate, and nervously walked upstairs and into her girlfriend’s bedroom.
Camila and Vee were cuddled around Luz, who had stopped crying, but now looked hollow. It made Amity shiver. They were reading Good Witch Azura 5, Luz’s favorite book.
Camila looked up as Amity walked in, and seemed like a mix of relieved and happy. She knew about Amity’s plans, and was hoping as much as Amity it would help, even if just a little.
“Hey, Luz.” Amity whispered, kneeling down and gently kissing Luz’s forehead.
“Hey.” Luz said.
“How. . you feeling?”
Luz mumbled something that sounded “like shit” and hid her face in Amity’s stomach.
“Yeah. . well, I wanted to ask you something once, a long time ago.” Amity began her proposal. Gently, she unfolded the copy of the note.
Will you go to Grom with me?
“Oh- oh. ” Luz realized. “You wa- that wa- You wanted to ask me to Grom.”
Amity blushed. “Yeah.” She admitted. “I still got you eventually.” Luz smiled for the first time she’d seen in days. “And now,” she said. “I’m asking you to come with me on a slice-of-life date in the Human realm. . . . what do you say?”
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Luz and Amity walked out of the house and down the road, Luz promising her mom yet again that yes, I promise I’ll answer every single text you send me. She kissed the top of her palisman egg before placing it in her bag.
Alright, Mittens. Amity thought. Remember, Slice of life. You’ve made sure there’s nothing to remind her of things that happened. Now. . make sure she doesn’t think about anything that happened.
“So, sweet potato,” She began. “What are your favorite things about this place? I still feel like I barely know anything.”
“Hmm.” Luz said, sounding cheerful. “Well, my Mom, duh. And of course Azura and all the shows I watch.”
“There is no secret demon reveal in that one like Willow thinks, right?”
“Definetly not.”
Luz continued. “Oh, there’s also this game called Creatures and Caverns. It’s this roleplay game where someone called the Cavern Master narrates a story while a couple of other people play as characters and play out the story.” Luz proudly pointed at herself. “I’ve CM’d a few campaigns myself. But they’re all online, my victims say that tabletop is much better.”
“ Victims?!” Amity spluttered.
“Ohhhh, yeah.” Luz winced. “Not really victims, I’m just a really evil CM. Well no, I-I’m not evil. I. . .uh. I’ve just done a lot of things in there! L-like you know, just making them freak out a bit! Scaring them! Just fun things!”
Oh no. Oh no no no.
“I. . . had to leave when I went to. . summer camp. I said we’d resume the campaign when I got back, but. . .”
“H-hey, hey, um.” Amity stuttered. Oh no oh no Slice of Life Slice of Life, Blight! Slice. Of. Life. “Hey, they’re patient, right? They said they’d wait, and look! They’re so good at waiting! I’m sure they’ll be okay with waiting only a little longer. A-anyway, what were you saying about that coffee shop? Stalebarks? You were always talking about Stalebarks, we can get something from there!”
Luz’s face brightened. “Oh yeah! It’s called Starbucks, by the way. And it is good.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thank Titan. They’d gotten their drinks, but more importantly, Luz wasn’t upset anymore.
She’s acting weird you idiot. She’s been depressed and barely able to move for the past two days and now she’s suddenly happy and pretending it never happened? Hm. Oh, and who else has been doing that? YOU. Quit lying to yourself, Blight.
Shut up shut up shut up.
But now that she’d thought it she couldn’t ignore it. She was scared by what happened. She always thought of Luz as someone who would never choose violence. Who would always find a peaceful solution. Did she hide that part of herself and show everyone else her nice side? No, no she was a good person. Luz was someone who wanted peace.
It’s like I told her. She didn’t have another option.
Would you have killed him? Would you even recognize him? Or would you have just let him stay there and let him do something to Hunter? He was hanging out there the whole time and you didn’t even notice.
NO, BAD. Hunter and I are friends now. NO ONE would have let Belos do anything to him. Luz did what she had to do, and so would everyone else, including me.
But you’re still horrified by what she did.
Yeah, but-
She did kill him, didn’t she?
Yeah, but. .
But what?
“OW!” Someone roared. Amity snapped out of her stupor with a shriek and stumbled backwards.
The owner of the voice she’d bumped into was a girl about her age with blonde hair and a pink-dyed stripe down the middle. She looked furious as she rubbed her cheek, which must’ve hit Amity. But her expression vanished in an instant when she saw-
“Luz?” She laughed. “Is that you? ”
Amity discovered that Luz was hiding behind her back, and slumped in defeat when the girl addressed her.
“Hey, Lora.” Luz muttered sullenly.
“Bestie, stop hiding back there!” She unceremoniously shoved Amity away and Luz tried desperately to grab onto the back of her shirt.
“God, what are you wearing?” Lora slung an arm over Luz’s shoulder as if they were old pals. “I thought you had achieved some sense of style, even if it was shitty, and stopped acting like some crazy person, but wow. ”
She fingered Eda’s jacket.
“Your name doesn’t start with E, does it? Did you steal this? You know, Emerson was talking about how he couldn’t find his jacket, and you were wearing it all along?”
Wh-what’s going on?
“ I didn’t steal it. ” Luz snarled, something dark in her eyes.
This is what she was dealing with in the Human Realm?
“Ooo, did you steal a spine too?”
Amity ran the few feet to her girlfriend and pried the bully off of Luz.
“Fuck off!” She spat, baring her fangs. “She didn’t steal this jacket and when was it your business to be horrible?”
Lora was unfazed. “Ooo, guess you don’t know much about her, do you, new girl?”
“I do know her very well, actually.” Amity growled. “And as I said, fuck off. ” She steered Luz away from the girl.
“You seem to be the ones fucking off!” She called as they walked down the road.
Ignore her just ignore her.
The two girlfriends speed walked into a park, where they collapsed on a bench. And Luz burst into tears.
“Oh titan, Lu-”
“ I’m a horrible person!” Luz sobbed. “I- shouldn’t- I-I sh-shouldn’t even b-be allowed t-to- t-t-to-”
“Luz, no , don’t you dare. ” Amity’s words spilled out against her will. “I-I’m sorry, I was trying to make this date Slice of Life but I don’t know what happened, I probably fucked up, and now you’re upset and nothing’s okay!”
“Why are you being strong for me? ” Luz was genuinely confused. “I- I killed Phillip, I kept so many secrets from you, a-and when Lora came by, I-I just thought- l-like I did it once I can just do it again! If it was so easy the first time why shouldn’t you just get rid of her? She’s been bothering you for years and th-there’s a part of me that wants to, I-I wanted to, Amity!” She was crying so hard Amity could barely understand her. “A-and it’s not just her, it’s everyone else too! It’s Vee, it’s Willow, it’s Gus and Hunter, it’s you and Mom , I just keep thinking it would be so easy! I’m horrible! Why are you still here , please just stop pretending and go. ”
That was. . a lot to take in. Amity breathed deeply, trying not to cry herself, and thought for what to say. Slice of Life was long gone. It didn’t matter if it was perfect or not.
Amity gently took Luz’s face in her hands.
“Hey.” She whispered. “If you want to, look at me, but you don’t have to.” Luz didn’t. Amity continued. “You said it yourself. They’re just thoughts, Luz. They’re not real. I know what happened with Belos was real, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to be stuck in an endless loop of killing, even if that’s what your brain tells you. Don’t you dare think that after one thing everyone is going to stop caring about you, because we’re not , and I’m not. If you feel bad about about it, why should act like you don’t?”
“B-but Hunter, I k-killed the person who- who raised him, and he’s avoiding me, and-”
“He just needs a little time, I think.” Amity reassured. “I know we all hate how he’s pushing it all down, but I’m sure eventually he’ll be okay. He’s just shocked, like we all are. It. . .” Amity prayed with all her might. “It did scare me. What you did. But please, think about the stuff I just said, Luz please. ”
She gently lifted Luz’s head a little more so their eyes met.
“I love you, and that will never change. Nobody’s perfect. You taught me that.”
Luz sobbed and hugged her so tight she had to hold down a coughing fit.
A few minutes passed, though it felt like forever.
Loves you too!
“Wh-what?” Luz muttered, groggy from tears and confused. “‘Mity, did you say s-something?”
Loves you too!
Amity sounded confused. “I didn’t hear anything.” Where’d that voice come from? She glanced down. She didn’t see any people nearby, and there wasn-
Her eyes caught on her bag.
No way.
Luz fumbled with the zipper, but finally managed to open it and-
Her palisman egg. She’d completely forgotten she’d taken it with her. The pale blue-gray wood had unwound itself into the cutest, smallest, most friendly-looking little snake she’d ever seen.
It also seemed extremely smug about how much it was causing her to freak out.
“It’s a lil Noodle!!” Luz shrieked, jumping up and spinning her girlfriend around. “I’m a mother, Amity!”
The purple haired witch laughed. “I wouldn’t exactly say ‘mother’ but yeah!” She shook the excited human as they let out a simultaneous squeal.
Luz picked up the palisman and held it right up to her face, eyes wider than the moon and sparkling brighter than the stars.
“Your name will be Noodle and you will be mine and you will be my Noodle you baby child little guy you danger noodle you.” Still holding the snake, she hopped up and down in excitement.
Luz suddenly gasped. “We gotta get home!” She yelled. “I- we gotta-” She pointed frantically at the palisman in her hand. Amity grabbed Luz’s free one and began to tug her down the path.
“Well then stop standing there, come on!”
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