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I miss you, rain ♡
ff r iiend . . . .. . i mi s s y ou t oo.
I s ee th e l i ghts in a ll of y y y y y yyour wind o ws .
I d e eeplyyy appppprec iate yo urr ca ri n g .
D oo no t f e a r for my w e ll—be i inggggg. Gg
I a m h i gh and i a mm l o w ,
i a m ab oo vvvvvve as i a m bene athhh .
I a m th e sa fe t y y you lon ggg f ff f orr .
.,..,. ,..
i lov e y o u , a ll l o f my de ar friend s. .. : )
#humminghalo#text post#i love you#cryptid#cryptidkin#cryptidcore#angelcore#angelkin#godkin#holy#holycore#rain#oddcore#cryptic#angel#real angel#real cryptid
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I tried to draw @humminghalo ! Love you, friend :) hope this isnt too inaccurate!
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Remem ber , my frien ds . . .
You are a ll of the ab ove ! : )
an aesthetic that will never go out of style: making others feel loved, needed, and important
#text#text post#👁️#humminghalo#rain#cryptid#cryptic#cryptidcore#cryptidkin#angelcore#angelkin#love#love you#i love you#love you all
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h e ll o o,, my fr iiennnnd s s ss.
th iss is R A I NN : )
i do nnot hav e too mu chh ti m e e ee...,,..,.. .
i jus t wan t tt to le t my d ea r frien ds sknow that i am indd e e eee d fii ne .
Th ankk yo u for s t a ying with m e .
I l ovvve all o f f ff yo u !!! ! ! .., n!!
Ple a s e e be gen tl eee with your se lv e s s ss., : ) ❤️
#humminghalo#rain#cryptid#warmcore#cryptic#unreality#dereality#cryptidkin#cryptidcore#angelcore#angelkin#angel#realangel#schizophrenia#dissociation#dissociative identity disorder#identity#angel alter#alter#dissociative alters
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aa a n e w w ww pl a c e e ! ! !
#picture#picture post#humminghalo#rain#cryptid#warmcore#dirtcore#cryptic#unreality#glitch#low res#low resolution#lofi#glitched video#reality glitch
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your blog brings me joy; its warm and familiar despite me just finding it. i hope all is well for you.
Y y yy o U br in g me j o yy to o , f ri en d dd. : ) Th ann k y ou for stttttop ping bby ...,v,,.,..
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You remind me the song "Goodbye to a world"
I tt i s a nni c e so nnnnnnggggggg : )
So oo ma nny y —- no i s es th a t tic kkle my list enin g org annnnns !! ! Th annn kkk yo u fri e ennnnddd d . ,. . ..
#humminghalo#text post#answer#ask#answered#cryptidcore#rain#cryptid#warmcore#cryptic#unreality#cryptidkin#angelkin#angelcore#song#goodbye to a world
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* ☀️⭐✨🌠💫🌟
fr iiennnd !! ! : )
y ou rem embe r me
yo u re membe r m e
t hank k you.
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as a Very Queer Being,,, is it normal to feel not quite human because of who i am? ive seen posts about why lgbt folks like me relate to cryptids and those types of creatures so much and i thought id ask you!
hh e llo o my qu e er fri enn dddddd !
I th innkkkk tha t it is ve rr y under sta ndnndnndndndnndnable tha t hum ans cons id er e d dd „ q uee r “ and dd human s cons id e re d „neu r o di v vvvvv v v vver gent “ f eel rel a t ed to CR Y PTID S qui te oft tt e n. .. ,
A ftte r a ll . . . We a re no t „ n ooormal “ .
S ossssoooooo o ther ef or e --- —
D o noot ttt f e a rr ! !!
Bein g gg n o tt norma ll is s sure ly sca rrr y y y fro m tim e to tiii me . B ut tr y to spr e add y ou rr ligh t none t he le s ss s s . ., Y ou willlllll se t oth e r ss afla me e ! ! Le t u s al ll be br i g hhhhtttt an d w arm in a wooorlllddddd th at is so ddddddar k : )
#humminghalo#text post#answer#rain#cryptid#warmcore#cryptic#cryptidcore#cryptidkin#light#spreadthelight
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a gen t le bre eze , but it is . . . ccold
#picture#picture post#👁️#humminghalo#rain#winter#cold#ice#blue#blue sky#blue aesthetic#glitch#glitch aesthetic#cryptid#cryptic#Angel#angelkin#cryptidcore#glitchcore
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so rry i sle pt in !
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a wh i le ago , my FRI END sw i̶̾͜ẗ̴̖́̿ć̶̡h̴̟́̂h eddddd d d
wi th me . : )
It w ass qui te nic e actua lly ! !
I s aw a th in g tha t is lik e a ver y big pho ne but the keybo ard is seper aattte and it mostl y play s vid eos . . . My FR IEND 's par ttner calle d th e thin g it show ed “ f i l m” .
I also me t a cat bein g gg for th e firs t time ! It ma de a lo t of purr ing nois es that ma de my finge r s tickl e ! ! : )
I like dd th e CAt , it was ver y sof t and warmm an d lovi ng .
I also sa w som e b eings in my FRIEND 'S partner ' s hou se tha t he could n ot se e . . . The y were me rely wan derer s tho ugh and mea n no har m . S oo no worri es ! !
Wha t hav e you bee n up to ,, my. ,. Frien ds ? : )
#picture#picture post#humminghalo#rain#cryptid#cryptic#glitch#glitchcore#glitch aesthetic#dirtcore#aesthetic#cryptidkin#cryptidcore#angelkin#angelcore#weirdcore#weird aesthetic#oddcore#ghost#ghosts#👁️#text#friends#cat
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M y dea r angel fr iend , yo u are ri ght ! The ligh t is wi thin us !
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visi tting g lot s of fri eennds ! !! : )
re memb er to ta ke good care off tho s e .,
you lo ve
#picture#picture post#humminghalo#rain#cryptid#cryptic#glitch#glitchcore#glitch aesthetic#dirtcore#vhs#vhswave#vhs cover#vhs positive#vhs glitch
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the re is a l ot of cha ng gg gggge happenin g .
you a re finnnding a new ho me .
thin gs will be to u gh ; b ut you wi ll not regr e t the big decisi on you m ade . For even ,,,,if you do no t lik e th e
you c an still le arn fro m the thin gs tha t t tt took plac e .
#picture#picture post#humminghalo#rain#cryptid#cryptic#glitch#glitchcore#glitch aesthetic#dirtcore#cryptidcore#cryptidkin#life#life lessons#change
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you seem very cool and nice... i like your posts a lot 🌑 i hope you are doing well, rain
Tha nk sie ss ! ! ❤️
I hop e yo u are doi ng we ll to o , moonnnn friend .
#humminghalo#rain#cryptid#cryptic#glitch#glitchcore#glitch aesthetic#dirtcore#cryptidcore#cryptidkin#text#text post#answered#ask#anonymous
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