#humidity temperature meter
jutech01 · 2 years
An instrument called an insulation tester is used to gauge the electrical resistance of an insulating material. Since they can measure the resistance of any substance, including paper, plastic, and metal, digital multimeters are the most used type of insulation tester.
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labotronicsscientific · 7 months
Temperature and Humidity Meter
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Labotronics temperature and humidity is a portable, handheld meter measures humidity and temperature levels with dew point indicator.The sensors change its electrical properties with the surrounding environment and convert into respective reading mode.It measure temperature range at-35 °C~100 °C and humidity 0 % RH~100 % RH and display the results with its resoultions 0.1 °C/°F and 0.1 respectively.The dew point indicate moisture in the air can condense on surfaces and aware the risk of equipment corrosion.The unit automatically shuts down after 15 minutes of inactivity.
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nasa · 1 year
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Roman's primary structure hangs from cables as it moves into the big clean room at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.
What Makes the Clean Room So Clean?
When you picture NASA’s most important creations, you probably think of a satellite, telescope, or maybe a rover. But what about the room they’re made in? Believe it or not, the room itself where these instruments are put together—a clean room—is pretty special. 
A clean room is a space that protects technology from contamination. This is especially important when sending very sensitive items into space that even small particles could interfere with.
There are two main categories of contamination that we have to keep away from our instruments. The first is particulate contamination, like dust. The second is molecular contamination, which is more like oil or grease. Both types affect a telescope’s image quality, as well as the time it takes to capture imagery. Having too many particles on our instruments is like looking through a dirty window. A clean room makes for clean science!
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Two technicians clean the floor of Goddard’s big clean room.
Our Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland has the largest clean room of its kind in the world. It’s as tall as an eight-story building and as wide as two basketball courts.
Goddard’s clean room has fewer than 3,000 micron-size particles per cubic meter of air. If you lined up all those tiny particles, they’d be no longer than a sesame seed. If those particles were the size of 16-inch (0.4-meter) inflatable beach balls, we’d find only 3,000 spread throughout the whole body of Mount Everest!
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A clean room technician observes a sample under a microscope.
The clean room keeps out particles larger than five microns across, just seven percent of the width of an average human hair. It does this via special filters that remove around 99.97% of particles 0.3 microns and larger from incoming air. Six fans the size of school buses spin to keep air flowing and pressurize the room. Since the pressure inside is higher, the clean air keeps unclean air out when doors open.
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A technician analyzes a sample under ultraviolet light.
In addition, anyone who enters must wear a “bunny suit” to keep their body particles away from the machinery. A bunny suit covers most of the person inside. Sometimes scientists have trouble recognizing each other while in the suits, but they do get to know each other’s mannerisms very well.
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This illustration depicts the anatomy of a bunny suit, which covers clean room technicians from head to toe to protect sensitive technology.
The bunny suit is only the beginning: before putting it on, team members undergo a preparation routine involving a hairnet and an air shower. Fun fact – you’re not allowed to wear products like perfume, lotion, or deodorant. Even odors can transfer easily!
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Six of Goddard’s clean room technicians (left to right: Daniel DaCosta, Jill Bender, Anne Martino, Leon Bailey, Frank D’Annunzio, and Josh Thomas).
It takes a lot of specialists to run Goddard’s clean room. There are 10 people on the Contamination Control Technician Team, 30 people on the Clean Room Engineering Team to cover all Goddard missions, and another 10 people on the Facilities Team to monitor the clean room itself. They check on its temperature, humidity, and particle counts.
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A technician rinses critical hardware with isopropyl alcohol and separates the particulate and isopropyl alcohol to leave the particles on a membrane for microscopic analysis.
Besides the standard mopping and vacuuming, the team uses tools such as isopropyl alcohol, acetone, wipes, swabs, white light, and ultraviolet light. Plus, they have a particle monitor that uses a laser to measure air particle count and size.
The team keeping the clean room spotless plays an integral role in the success of NASA’s missions. So, the next time you have to clean your bedroom, consider yourself lucky that the stakes aren’t so high!
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yuri-badiner · 8 months
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Vent shafts traveler
The inhabitants of the seventeenth block complain about the air quality, so I travel through the general ventilation shafts again. My reliable tool always with me - a telescopic three-meter probe with a pair of precise sensors and a steel claw. With its help, I explore the situation in hard-to-reach places before climbing myself: temperature, humidity, structural strength, the presence of various fungi and other living creatures.
My friend Felix often neglected safety. A month ago, his head got stuck in an old rotten pipe and he stayed there for almost five hours until the guys from the second shift found him. There were no serious injuries, but during this time some insect laid eggs in his left ear. The doctors say Felix is ​​unlikely to return to work, so I borrowed his new overalls for now…
The environment built from white parts forces you to work with the exposure really carefully. Surfaces reflect a lot of light, glare and do it’s best to overexpose the frame. But there is also a positive point: large and powerful light sources are practically not needed here. In my case, I made do with two small LED light sources and shot at a short shutter speed.
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konjaku · 13 days
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菊芋[Kikuimo] Helianthus tuberosus
Today, September 7, is 白露[Hakuro](lit. white dew; in terms of time period, from 7 to 21) in 二十四節気[Nijūshi-sekki](Twenty four solar terms), which means the time of year when nighttime temperatures decrease, dewdrops ares on the grass and flowers in the mornings and evenings, making them appear white and shiny. That said, it is still very hot this year. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_term
On the other hand, this heat is accompanied by low humidity in the day time, which makes the air clear and the sky blue.
Kikuimo is an exotic species that was introduced in the end of the Edo period(1859), has gone wild and thrives in various places today. In this time of year, it is very conspicuous because it grows easily over two meters tall and also produces several yellow flowers resembling those of chrysanthemum that bloom at the top of the grass are about ten centimeters in diameter.
On the other hand, the flowers look gorgeous, whether in the dim lit forest, in the rain, or under the Sunshine.
The flowers I looked up at were slowly swaying in the wind as they were looking up at the high blue autumn sky. And at this time, I was thinking about what kind of poems people would have composed back then if this plant had come into the country in a much earlier period. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7HLWNYPmzc
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droctaviolovecraft · 2 days
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"Jesus loved everyone, but the insects loved me more..."
ANM №: ANM-627
Identification: Hive Man
Danger Level: Snit 🟡 | Contained ⭕️
Lead Researcher: Dr. Öctavio Kalev
Type of Anomaly: Human, insectoid, historical, military
ANM-627 must be housed in a temperature-controlled containment chamber in Department-05, designed for insect-based anomalies, with an internal temperature maintained between 22-26°C and humidity levels between 50-60%. The chamber must be equipped with an air filtration system to prevent the escape of any insects from the subject. All personnel interacting with ANM-627 must wear full-body protective suits to avoid insect infestation. The chamber should be regularly inspected for structural integrity to ensure no cracks or gaps allow for a potential breach.
ANM-627 should be fed nutrient paste through an intravenous tube once every 48 hours. Interaction with ANM-627 is restricted to research personnel with Level 3 clearance or higher. No personnel should physically contact ANM-627 without prior approval. Any abnormal behavior or changes in insect population density must be reported immediately.
In the event of a containment breach, Subject P personnel armed with flamethrowers will be mobilized to neutralize all escaping entities. Recontainment efforts will focus on incapacitating ANM-627 using high-frequency ultrasonic devices to disrupt communication with the insects.
ANM-627, known as "Colony Man," is a humanoid male (formerly known as █████ ████), approximately 1.7 meters tall and weighing around 25 kg due to the skeletal state of his body. ANM-627 is in a constant state of decay, having undergone a remarkable and anomalous transformation wherein his body has become a living hive for insects, currently housing thousands of insect species, primarily beetles, ants, and wasps. Despite the extreme decomposition and mutilation, ANM-627 remains alive, though in a state of severe physical deterioration.
ANM-627's body is largely devoid of skin, muscle tissue, and internal organs. Most of his organs have been consumed by the insects inhabiting him, except for the brain, eyes, and a significant portion of the nervous system, which remain intact, though heavily deteriorated. What remains of his body is calcified bone, with the structure appearing fossilized and coated by a brittle, spiny substance similar to an exoskeleton secreted by the insects. Pockets of insect colonies are embedded within ANM-627's skeletal structure, notably in the ribcage, pelvis, and femur bones.
ANM-627’s mouth, now perpetually open, serves as the primary point of entry and exit for many insects, and his nasal cavity has similarly been hollowed out and repurposed as a conduit for insects. His appearance is deeply disturbing, especially to individuals with trypophobia (fear of holes or pitted surfaces) due to the numerous openings and cavities in his body where insects are constantly seen entering and exiting. Additionally, ANM-627’s insect-infested exterior is a source of extreme discomfort for those with entomophobia (fear of insects).
ANM-627 was first discovered in ████, Cuba, living in an improvised shelter within a garbage dump, subsisting in a semi-immobile state. Local reports indicated that ANM-627 had been seen wandering near urban waste disposal sites for years, but attempts to approach him failed due to the overwhelming swarm of insects that constantly surrounded him. Task force "Sewer Worms" was dispatched to handle ANM-627's retrieval after local authorities failed to relocate him safely, resulting in multiple fatalities caused by insect swarms.
Subsequent investigations revealed that ANM-627 is the former Cuban revolutionary █████ ████, a guerrilla fighter who assisted Che Guevara during the Cuban Revolution. Historical records indicate that ANM-627 was captured by Batista’s forces during the revolution, subjected to brutal torture, and used as a living host for insect-based torment over several months. His captors reportedly introduced colonies of carnivorous beetles, larvae, and other insects into his body as a form of enhanced torture. However, after a mass escape orchestrated by revolutionary forces, ANM-627 escaped captivity.
It is believed that ANM-627, severely disfigured and traumatized by months of insect-induced torture, developed anomalous abilities that allowed him to survive despite his grievous injuries. These abilities appear to be directly linked to the insects infesting his body, which now sustain his vital functions, using his skeletal remains as a hive.
Although ANM-627 exhibits constant physical pain, as evidenced by his hollow groans and occasional erratic muscle spasms, he has largely become desensitized to his suffering over time. ANM-627 is capable of limited speech and appears to have some degree of control over the insect colonies residing in his body. He has been observed giving subtle vocal or physical signals to the insects, which then respond by adjusting their behavior, including forming defensive swarms or retreating into ANM-627’s body cavities.
ANM-627’s ability to communicate with the insect colonies is still under investigation, but preliminary research suggests a form of neurochemical signaling or pheromone-based interaction. ANM-627 can also release insect swarms as a defense mechanism, overwhelming any perceived threats with sheer numbers.
Despite his grotesque physical state, ANM-627 has demonstrated a high level of cognition and retains fragmented memories of his life before the transformation. ANM-627 has referred to the insects inhabiting his body as "companions" and expressed a reluctant acceptance of his current state, claiming that the insects "saved" him and allowed him to continue the fight, though his understanding of the passage of time seems distorted.
Addendum 627-1: Interview Log
Interviewer: Dr. Ortega
Interviewee: ANM-627
Dr. Ortega: Can you tell us your name?
ANM-627: (in a distorted, raspy voice) ...█████... I was... that... once.
Dr. Ortega: Do you know what happened to you?
ANM-627: (pauses) The insects... they kept me alive. I didn’t want... but I needed them. They made me one of them... hollowed me out. Now I’m... a hive.
Dr. Ortega: Why did they choose you?
ANM-627: (shaking) I... fought. They tortured me... insects, crawling inside... eating me from within... but I fought... I got out. They stayed with me. (groaning in pain) Always with me.
Dr. Ortega: Do you control the insects?
ANM-627: (slowly, deliberately) They listen... they hear me. I... ask. They do what I need. They... protect me... they need me.
Dr. Ortega: Do you feel pain?
ANM-627: (long pause) Yes... but now it’s mine... we live with it. Together.
Dr. Ortega: One last question: Do you remember the revolution? Che Guevara?
ANM-627: (shaking, coughing) ...Che... we fought... for something... but now... all I fight for is them... and the silence. I know Che was killed... we failed... all together...
[End of Interview]
Addendum 627-2: Incident Report 627-A
On ██/██/20██, ANM-627 exhibited unusual behavior, with a significant increase in the insect population within his containment chamber. Several species of predatory wasps, not previously observed in ANM-627’s colony, emerged from his body and began attacking research personnel. After the initial swarm, ANM-627 was observed vocalizing loudly, causing the insects to retreat. This event raised concerns about the long-term stability of ANM-627’s containment.
Final Note: ANM-627 represents a unique and disturbing anomaly, merging human suffering and insect adaptation into a singular entity. Although the subject remains contained, further research is necessary to understand the full extent of ANM-627’s control over the insect colonies and how this relationship has allowed him to survive in his current state. The remains of a rebel may not want to attack, but his insects do. We hope they continue to obey him; we do not want another infestation issue like we had with ANM-284.
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lazybutsmexy · 2 years
Bird hunting
Ghost x fem!reader x Soap
Chapter 10: Flying Away
Ch.9 < Series Masterlist > Ch. 11
Warnings: description of a body/injuries
Summary: Ghost and Soap feel hope, Canary feels frustration.
Do not read this work if you're under 18. This work contains mature and triggering themes.
Word count: 1600~
Climbing the hill slope through the forest was no easy task with an open wound and burnt soles, but Canary took advantage of the adrenaline still pumping through her veins and managed it. She got to the top of the hill, nearly clawing at the trees around her for support, and purposely ignoring the pain coursing in waves through her body with each step. As soon as she got to the top of the hill, she looked towards the road, just a few feet away from where she stood. 
There were still no signs of any vehicles, but she wouldn’t wait to be found. She knew that Luke would be back anytime now with a different vehicle, and she didn’t have the strength to fight him if he caught sight of her. And with that in mind, she descended the other end of the slope. Her feet slid and scrambled against the humid leaves and the mud, and Canary groaned in pain as she stopped her skidding by holding onto the trees. 
Once she got to the bottom of the slope, the sound of a stream was heard from her twelve. Panting, she tried to maintain a hurried step as she reached the water, studying it cautiously. 
The stream didn’t look deep, but the current was strong and possibly very strong. Still, she needed to cross it, and she was not going to climb the hill again simply to get to the bridge - it would cost her precious time she didn’t have. Canary looked around until she found the shortest way to the other side. She walked over to the shore and took a deep breath, plunging her feet into the cold water. 
She swallowed a scream as she forced her feet forward, the water reached above her knees at the deepest, and the current was strong enough that it threatened to topple her over every time she raised her foot to take a step. She was already shivering at the low temperatures of the water, and realized her bandages were becoming wetter - only not with the water. 
To make things worse, just as she was halfway through the stream, she heard an engine approaching. In a panic, Canary painstakingly hurried her step, nearly tripping on a rock as she tried to get to the other side before whatever car passed. 
Just as she stepped on dry land, the engines were heard louder, and she stumbled to hide behind some tall bushes, wondering if it was the third man.
She instead saw a patrol car and a jeep. And inside the patrol car, a very familiar sight she would recognize in the darkest nights, through a sniper’s scope at five hundred meters away, or in complete darkness, with her eyes closed and using only her fingertips to guide herself - a skull balaclava. 
She let out a loud gasp before attempting to scream for Ghost to look her way. But she was short of breath from both her effort to cross the stream, and her body’s natural reaction to the cold water. 
“Gho-! *cough* Ghost! I’m here!” She still tried, nearly choking with her own spit as she tried to scream through her panting, only to watch both vehicles drive away.
The sound of the engines lulled to silence, and Canary simply stared at the spot where they disappeared to. 
They were there for her, she was sure of it. They would get to the cabin and realize she managed out, and would realize she had to go through the woods. They would get to her in no time.
That didn’t stop the tears from streaming down her face in frustration and a sob to choke up in her throat, as she lost the grip on the tree trunk next to her and fell to her knees on a bed of fallen leaves.  
The air within the patrol car was stuffy - or at least it felt like that to Luke. He was sat in between Ghost and Soap, two humongous men - compared to him at least. At one point during the drive, he dared to peek at them, and finding out that their biceps alone were the size of his head made him rethink all his life decisions that led him there.
He trained his eyes up front again. He would only speak to instruct the driver where to go, too afraid of what could happen if either he didn’t or if he lied. Just the memory of the Sergeant single-handedly nearly crushing his skull sent a shiver down his spine. If that man could do that, what would the Lieutenant be able to do? 
Luke let out a shuddery sigh. I should’ve stayed in school. 
After driving for a while through a labyrinth of windy roads, they took a long road that seemed to lead deep into the forest. It was a type of rural road which had more stones than pavement. The rumbling of the stones beneath the car made its occupants shake within. 
Soap briefly envied Price and Gaz, since they were riding the jeep. Whenever the smaller patrol car made a turn to avoid a hole or a too-big stone, his shoulder pushed against Luke. He could see that Ghost was in the same predicament, but neither of them made a comment. While Luke was overridden with terror for whatever would happen to him, both Soap and Ghost were antsy to get to Canary. Now that it was confirmed what her fate would be, they were going ready for a full-on tactical assault, with weapons charged and all. Price had even managed to call for a helicopter to be on standby in case it was needed. 
…Luke had been quiet for a while now. 
“How much longer?” Ghost asked, sharing Soap’s suspicions. Luke visibly flinched, as if he had gotten used to not hearing his voice. 
“J-just a few more kilometers,” he squeaked, leaning a bit away from Ghost only to lean against Soap’s arm, “w-we still have to cross a bridge, and then we’ll be close.”
“You better be telling the truth, kid,” Ghost looked at him out of the corner of his eye, and Luke thought he was about to faint as his future looked bleak, “your neck doesn’t look too strong.”
Several minutes passed before they finally saw the bridge. Luke gave another stuttery instruction to the officer, but Ghost felt the sudden need to look out of his window just as they were crossing it. The stream below was noisy, and its current looked quite strong. His eyes moved to the horizon and watched the afternoon sunlight over the trees, wondering where this sudden withering feeling in his heart was coming from. 
Just a couple minutes later, the officer drove up a hill, and Luke told him the next entrance to the right led to the cabin. Ghost made the officer stop.
“It won’t be good if we alert them that we’re coming," he climbed out and readied his weapon, Soap immediately following after him and readying his own weapon. He leaned into Hartford’s window then, “keep an eye on this mutt, we’ll take it from here.”
Soap flagged down the jeep, and told Price that they would continue on foot to have the element of surprise. Seconds later the four men, armed to the teeth and ready to rain a hail of bullets on whoever took their bird, sneaked through the edges of the forest with their sight fixed on the cabin. Price and Gaz gradually moved closer to the back of the building to surround it, while Soap and Ghost waited for the signal to move. 
A familiar sense of forewarning filled their bodies at the same time - why was the front door wide open? As soon as Price gave the signal, all four men stormed in with weapons at the ready, only to find a massacre. 
The man that had been with Luke in the van the first time they saw it, was laying on the floor like a starfish. His blood surrounded him on all sides, even above, like a grim blanket. Soap called the all-clear and got closer to the body.
“...I can count at least ten stab wounds,” he mumbled after a few moments, before looking up at Ghost, “think it was Canary?”
“Very probable,” he narrowed his eyes, taking in every aspect of the room. He saw the ripped bed sheets and the splatter of blood on the bed and the wall. He looked down, moving his foot and wiping a bit of the blood too easily. “It’s still fresh.”
Price walked in and made a grimace at the dead man, deliberately stepping on his hand while clicking his tongue. It was no secret that all four men wanted to have a bit of a turn against these men. It seemed like Canary got first dibs though, and he couldn’t be upset at that. 
“There’s more blood,” Ghost pointed out at the wall next to the front door, “it’s not from that guy,” he tilted his head towards Charlie. Soap frowned and stood up, stepping closer to Ghost and glancing at the table. 
“Two coffee cups, two piles of cigarette butts, two chairs,” Soap commented, then shook his head, “I don’t think these were for Canary at all.” 
“Luke mentioned a boss, right?” Gaz chimed in from outside, then called them all out, “I found what looks like blood drops.”
All men walked outside and followed Gaz to a spot on the grass. There, staring back at them, sat three droplets of blood. A few feet away, another three. 
A grim little trace that led them into the woods.
A/N: I know it's stretching but I love the dramaaaaaa
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astrojulia · 1 year
More than Seaweeds
Mermaid's Herbal Compendium
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Name: Basil
Scientific name: Ocimum selloi Benth.
Disclaimer: As English is not my native language, there may be some errors in scientific expressions. I am also using local resources.
Due to the shape of its leaves (heart), it was considered a symbol of love in Italy and of mourning in Greece. (Portal São Francisco, 2016)
4,000 years ago, the Hindus, who were percussionists in the culture of basil, exported it to Egypt. (Portal São Francisco, 2016)
In the last century, basil was used by shoemakers to attenuate the smell of leather. (Portal São Francisco, 2016)
The name "basilicum" has its origin in the Greek "basilikós," which means "of the kings or royal," to indicate its nobility. The Greek botanist Theophrastus, in the 3rd century BC, defined basil as an herb of kings. (History of Ingredients, 2016)
Plant characteristics: Basil is an herbaceous plant grown in gardens and widely known throughout Brazil. It is characterized by the pleasant smell that is released from its leaves. It has a quadrangular stem, and the leaves are opposite, sharp, and abundant. The plant produces small white flowers arranged on an elongated axis, with secondary inflorescences formed on each axis. The corolla has four pieces, and the plant bears fruit with four dark nuclei. It is a meliferous plant. Basil can be propagated by seeds or cuttings taken from the branches. It thrives in fertile soils rich in organic matter, permeable, and with high temperatures. (Treatise on Medicinal Plants, 2014)
Propagation: Basil can be propagated by seeds or cuttings from branches. Basil seeds are sown in 200-cell expanded polystyrene trays containing commercial substrate and kept in protected cultivation. At 30 days after sowing, the seedlings have four definitive leaves and are suitable for transplanting. (PEREIRA; MOREIRA, 2011)
Cultivation: Seedlings can be planted in pots or nurseries throughout the year. For this, the beds must be well prepared, raised to a height of 15 cm. Use 150 g of well-tanned bovine manure per square meter of bed and mix well. Sow the seeds and cover with 0.5 cm of light soil or fine sawdust. The recommended spacing is 30 cm between lines and 30 cm between plants. Irrigate at least once a day, preferably in the early morning or late afternoon. After 60 days of planting in the beds, the first harvest can be made by cutting the plant at 20 cm from the soil. (PEREIRA; MOREIRA, 2011)
How to choose and where to find:
Fresh: Fresh bunches and pots of basil can be found in fairs, markets, and supermarkets. Choose branches with lush leaves that are not stained or wilted.
Dry: Dry basil can be found in supermarkets and specialty stores. Look for products in dark packaging, protected from light, to prevent loss of aroma. Check the expiration date.
How to Store:
Basil spoils quickly, but it can be packed in plastic packaging and dried for up to three days at most.
Chop the leaves and place them in a closed glass container with oil.
Dry: Store in a sealed container, away from light and humidity.
How to dry:
Buy two large bundles of basil, wash them well, and spread them on a clean cloth until dry.
Separate the leaves and make layers of leaves in a glass bowl, alternating with thin layers of coarse salt.
Cover the glass bowl with plastic wrap and leave it at room temperature.
Stir once a day for the first three days.
The dried basil can be used for up to two months. The leaves become dry, and the salt absorbs the aroma of basil. You can use only the leaves or also the coarse salt.
Chemical Composition:
Tannins: Tannins are astringent and hemostatic, and their therapeutic applications are related to these properties. They are mainly used in the tanning and paint industries. They are also used in laboratories to detect proteins and alkaloids and as antidotes in cases of poisoning by alkaloid plants.
Flavonoids: The therapeutic functions of flavonoids are not yet fully understood. The group is known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and vasoprotective effects (treatment of thrombosis). Rutin and hesperidin are important flavonoids used in the treatment of capillary fragility.
Saponins: Saponoside glycosides are named for their ability to form abundant foam when agitated with water (from Latin "frog" = soap). They taste bitter and acrid, and drugs containing them are usually sternutatory (cause sneezing) and irritating to the mucous membranes. They are non-nitrogen compounds that dissolve in water, producing foaming solutions by decreasing the surface tension of the liquid. They also have the properties of emulsifying oils and causing hemolysis. The latter is due to the ability of the glycoside to combine with the cholesterol molecules present in the erythrocyte membrane, disrupting the internal-external balance and promoting the rupture of the cell, resulting in the release of hemoglobin.
Essential Oils:
o Thymol: It has carminative, anti-spasmodic, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory properties. It also has significant antiseptic potential. o Methyl-chavicol: It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, local anesthetic, and insecticidal activities. o Linalool: It is used for its woody, floral, and refreshing aroma. o Eugenol: It has anesthetic, bactericidal, antifungal, and flavoring properties, with a hot and spicy note. o Cineol: It has decongestant and anti-inflammatory properties and gives a eucalyptus aroma. o Pyrene
Herbal Actions:
Digestant: An herb that promotes good digestion.
Carminative: Herbs or essential oils that help the intestines release gas by relaxing gut spasms and increasing peristalsis to expel gas.
Sweetener: It has the ability to sweeten.
Aperientes: Aperientes herbs are mild laxatives.
Indications: Basil is beneficial for those who have difficulties in digestion, gas, heartburn, and headaches resulting from heavy or inadequate food. It facilitates the functioning of the intestines and acts as a diuretic. It is good for coughs, vomiting, and bad breath. Along with malva and sage, it helps in mouth infections.
Dosage: There is little information on the safe and effective dosage of basil. Usually, 10 to 20 ml of fresh basil leaf juice is used once a day, or teas can be made by infusing 2 grams of fresh basil or dried herb in boiling water twice a day.
Contraindications: Basil is not suitable for long-term use in children, and it should not be used by pregnant women in the first three months of pregnancy.
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Ares, Eros, Zeus, Apollo, Vishnu, and Krishna
Tarot Cards: The Empress, Justice, Six of Swords, Ten of Cups
Zodiac: Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Sabbath: Yule, Imbolc
Magical Uses (under observation of effectiveness): Basil is linked to love, health, exorcism, and clairvoyance in magical practices. Its fresh leaves can be used as a natural scent to attract passion. Hanging some branches around the house can protect the environment and bring permanent joy. In some ancient cultures, basil was placed on the chest of the dead as a symbol of a passport to paradise. Fun fact: There are over 64 types of basil. (GORI, 2021)
Therapeutic and Enchanted Recipes:
INGREDIENTS: 1 teaspoon of basil, 1 teaspoon of thyme.
PREPARATION: Heat the water for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat. Add the basil and thyme and let it steep for 15 minutes.
INGREDIENTS: 1 teaspoon of basil, 1 teaspoon of hibiscus.
PREPARATION: Heat the water for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat. Add the basil and hibiscus and let it steep for 15 minutes. Drink four sips before your divination practices, especially oracles.
INGREDIENTS: 1 cup of basil, 1 cup of rose petals and buds, 1/2 cup of patchouli leaves, 1/2 cup of lavender flowers, 2 tablespoons of dragon's blood.
PREPARATION: Place this herbal mixture in a bowl in your home to attract love.
*This is a recipe that makes me feel really happy...
INGREDIENTS: Fresh basil leaves, fresh strawberries.
PREPARATION: Make a flavored water by adding as much basil and strawberry as your heart desires. Let it sit for a while (to taste) and drink it. I used to make this a lot when working at the office, and it made me feel fresh and happy.
CUNNINGHAM, Scott. Enciclopédia das Ervas Mágicas do Cunningham. 1ª ed. São Paulo: Editora Alfabeto, 2021.
PRIETO, Claudiney. Rituais de Magia com o Tarô. 1ª ed. São Paulo: Editora Alfabeto, 2021.
GORI, Tânia. Herbologia Mágica. 2ª ed. São Paulo: Editora Alfabeto, 2021.
CABOT, Laurie; CABOT, Penny; PENCZAK, Cristopher. Tradução de Virginia Dalbo. Livro de Feitiços de Laurie Cabot. 3ª ed. São Paulo. Editora Alfabeto, 2021.
LADDY, Brianna. Apostila Magia das Ervas. 2019. Her Instagram
LADDY, Brianna. 25 Feitiços usando a Magia das Ervas. 2021. Her Instagram
MINHAVIDA. Manjericão alivia problemas intestinais e tem ação anti-inflamatória. Disponível em: https://www.minhavida.com.br/materias/materia-11744#:~:text=Existe%20pouca%20informa%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20sobre%20a,fervente%20duas%20vezes%20ao%20dia. Acesso em: 11 abr. 2021.
SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE FARMACOGNOSIA. Taninos. Disponível em: http://www.sbfgnosia.org.br/Ensino/taninos.html. Acesso em: 11 abr. 2021.
PARODI, Lorenzo. MANJERICÃO. Disponível em: http://www.ingredientes.blog.br/. Acesso em: 11 abr. 2021.
PORTAL SÃO FRANCISCO. Manjericão. Disponível em: https://www.portalsaofrancisco.com.br/alimentos/manjericao#:~:text=Devido%20%C3%A0%20forma%20de%20suas%20folhas%2C%20(cora%C3%A7%C3%A3o)%2C%20era,atenuar%20o%20cheiro%20do%20couro. Acesso em: 11 abr. 2021.
GRANDI, Telma Sueli Mesquita. Tratado das plantas medicinais [recurso eletrônico]: mineiras, nativas e cultivadas. 1. ed. – Dados eletrônicos. Belo Horizonte: Adaequatio Estúdio, 2014. (Download the book HERE)
HOFFMANN, David. Tradução Euclides Luiz Calloni. O guia completo das plantas medicinais: ervas de A a Z para tratar doenças; restabelecer a saúde e o bem-estar. 1ª ed. São Paulo: Cultrix, 2017.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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crevicedwelling · 9 months
hello! I recently found a book about various invertebrates, and it’s pretty old so I wouldn’t be surprised if the info is outdated, but in it it described porcellio scaber isopods as ground dwelling during the spring and summer, but that they climb up into tree bark up to two meters high in the winter. Is this true at all? Also, would there then be a benefit to giving pet p. scaber isopods a vertical surface for winter?
I don’t doubt it happens, but it’s certainly not universal or limited to one season. where I live, it’s too cold for Porcellio scaber to be active most of the winter, while during the hot, humid summer, I commonly find them in trees or climbing concrete walls.
offering sticks or textured walls are a nice way to increase surface area in an isopod container but aren’t necessary for this species. neither is a “winter” cooling period, since I’ve found mine to breed perfectly well year-round at room temperature (I have once heard they can be tricky to culture in the tropics, but no reason was given).
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jutech01 · 2 years
Even when we have no control over exterior humidity levels, we may monitor interior humidity levels with a humidity temperature metre to keep a balance that is appropriate for our bodies, homes, and workplaces. In locations like museums that display expensive artwork, the proper humidity levels may help to maintain the treasures.
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labotronicsscientific · 8 months
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Temperature and humidity meter
Temperature and humidity meter is a portable, handheld meter for precise environmental monitoring. It quickly and conveniently measures humidity and temperature with dew point indicator. Large, clear display with backlit ensures optimal readability, even in a dark environment. The unit automatically shuts down after 15 minutes of inactivity, thus extends battery life.
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ladyhoneydee · 6 months
for the ask game: 🍎
oh BOY newt have I learned so much stuff for fics. Including fics I’ve never posted or even written. Some of my favorite factoids are:
Honey can conduct electricity
caves experience environmental differences based on the time of day; they’re more still at night and get more air flow during the day. They also change in humidity!
parasitic wasps don’t have queens or a hive, unlike most other wasps. those bitches just vibe on their own and oviposit and die
humans can free dive up to like 100+ meters but people who do it for subsistence typically do so only up to like 70m
severe burns, including those from caustic substances, may not ever completely heal and require additional care
sister city programs are often set up between cities for mutual economic benefit, but sometimes it’s because of reasons like cross-cultural education/awareness, or because one city has a large immigrant population from the other city (or that city’s country)!
I am also the world’s greatest encyclopedia on Ubota Point in BotW. Want to know its precise layout and temperatures and what time the sun rises and sets and what directions you can see different views from? Oh boy I am your girl
thanks for the ask bb
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emmanuelbagac · 1 year
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Nasugbu, Batangas
Jump-off point: Evercrest Golf Course, Nasugbu LLA: 14.0408 N 120.8011 E 811 MASL Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 2-4 hours
Features: Open trails, rolling slopes, scenic views of Batangas Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 4/9, Trail class 3 with 60-70 degrees assualt
Mt. Batulao's cool environment provides an enjoyable getaway from the city. On a clear day, it provides magnificent views of the terrain in Batangas and other adjacent provinces. The height of Mt. Batulao is 811 meters (2,660 feet) above sea level. It features established paths that are suitable for beginners and has a 4/9 difficulty rating. Its gorgeous rolling slopes and somewhat steep topography make it one of the coolest mountains to climb in Southern Luzon.
The name of Mount Batulao has a fascinating beginning. The word "yellow stone" is Batong Dilaw in Tagalog. According to legend, the mountain received its name because, on clear days, the early morning sun's rays would paint the slope yellow. Mt. Batulao's beauty throughout the year is more than enough to make it one of the most popular hiking destinations in the Southern Luzon region, even though this only occurs during the last week of December.
You will experience the same chill as Tagaytay visitors the moment you arrive at the Evercrest Golf Course, the jumpoff. And this temperature will follow you around, even in the typically dry and chilly months of January and February. On the other hand, due to the exposed aspect of its routes and its propensity for muddiness during the wet season (June to October), there are some days when Mt. Batulao can feel like a desert—extremely hot and humid. However, Mt. Batulao frequently receives gusts that make any trek, regardless of how hot or how cool, delightful.
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Info for Faith In The Future World Tour ASBURY PARK, NJ - JUL 28 2023
With special guests GIANT ROOKS & ANDREW CUSHIN!
Important Times:
6:00 PM - Doors Open
7:00 PM - Andrew Cushin
8:00 PM - Giant Rooks
9:00 PM - Louis Tomlinson
Times are all approximate and subject to change.
General admission (pit tickets):
The whole venue is general admission, first come first serve standing room only. However, there are bar stools through the venue, which is also a first come first serve basis.
Guests can begin lining up no earlier than 9:00 AM on the day of LOUIS TOMLINSON (July 28th).
Sequentially numbered wristbands will be put on guests' wrists upon arrival on a first come, first served basis.
Guests must have a valid ticket for The Stone Pony on July 28th to receive a wristband, and all guests in a party must be present to receive a wristband.
Any guests that have camped overnight or arrived before 9:00 AM will not be given wristbands and will be sent to the back of the line.
Guests are encouraged to return at 3:00 PM to queue for General Admission entry beginning at 1st Ave Gates.
Security will honor wristbands from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM.
After 4:00 PM, guests will join the line on a first come, first served basis
Loss, removal or tampering with a wristband will result in loss of place in the GA line. Guests are not permitted to hold places in line. Please be respectful and courteous to all other guests in line
Check the venue’s socials for updates!
HIGH TEMPERATURES expected in Asbury Park, NJ!
Temperatures will reach 90ºF/ 33ºC
Hot temperatures and high humidity may cause heat illnesses to occur.
YOU MUST Hydrate before the show, while waiting in line and during the show
Wear sunscreen!
Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on each other. Nobody should ever be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances. Take extra precautions when spending time outside. When possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1.
YOU MUST Hydrate before the show, while waiting in line and during the show
For optimal hydration drink something with electrolytes such as Gatorade or LiquidIV
Eat well!
Here are important things to know:
Parking: There is street parking which is paid by meter, or download the Asbury Park Parking app. There are also paid lots located on Fourth, Second, and Lake avenues. Parking in the summer can be a challenge, so rideshares or public transportation are a smart choice. Info here
ADA info here
Cameras: NO cameras with detachable lenses are permitted. No video or recording equipment.
NO Cans, Bottles or Glass
NO baskets
NO coolers
NO Outside food, beverages, or alcohol
NO Kegs and mini-kegs
NO Picnics 
NO chairs of any kind
NO blankets
NO umbrellas
NO Animals (service animals are welcome)
NO Controlled Substances
NO Fireworks or sparklers
NO knives, firearms, Brass knuckles, Tasers & mace/pepper spray or weapons of any kind
NO chains of any kind
NO Recording devices, iPads/laptops
NO Selfie sticks, drones
NO Laser Pointers/flashlights
Prescriptions drugs will not be allowed into the venue unless they are in a prescription bottle. The ID of the person holding the prescription must match the name on the bottle.
There is NO RE-ENTRY!
Lost & Found info here
*This list is not exhaustive. Items not appearing on the list may still be prohibited at the discretion of Security.
For more details click here
Bag Policy:
Average size bags/small backpacks ok
No large bags or backpacks will be allowed.
Banners, signs and flag policy:
Signs must be no larger than a sheet of paper
For additional questions please call the venue at 732-502-0600. You can also access their website. Check their Twitter and IG for updates. Address: 913 Ocean Avenue Asbury Park, NJ 07712. Venue: The Stone Pony
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