#humidex installer
belifii · 1 year
Face à la canicule, les autorités suggèrent de trouver un endroit frais, de limiter les efforts physiques, et de boire beaucoup d'eau... ou de trouver d'autres moyens de se rafraîchir. La Direction de la Santé publique de Montréal confirme que la vague de chaleur intense a provoqué la mort de six personnes depuis vendredi, dans la métropole. La Dre Mylène Drouin, directrice régionale de santé publique de Montréal, précise que les victimes vivaient seules et qu'elles souffraient de maladies chroniques ou de problèmes de santé mentale. Le Dre Drouin affirme que dans les circonstances, ce bilan de six morts n'est pas exceptionnel. Environnement Canada prévoit que la vague de chaleur se poursuivra au moins jusqu'à jeudi. Aujourd'hui, l'indice humidex oscille entre 35 et 40. Demain, il pourrait excéder 40 Celsius. Mylène Drouin rappelle qu'en 2010, une vague de chaleur extrême avait entraîné la mort de 106 personnes dans la grande région métropolitaine. Les autorités souhaitent éviter pareille situation cette année, dit-elle. La Ville de Montréal a distribué 17 000 litres d'eau aux organismes qui viennent en aide aux gens en difficulté, notamment ceux en situation d'itinérance. De plus, 25 000 litres d'eau ont été destinés aux travailleurs des arrondissements, des villes liées et des services d’urgence. En raison de la chaleur extrême, le Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal (SIM) a entrepris de faire des visites à domicile pour rejoindre les personnes les plus vulnérables. Lundi, 1300 visites ont été réalisées. Les autorités municipales veulent augmenter le rythme et en effectuer 5000, mardi, grâce à l’ajout de 150 inspecteurs du SIM. Les personnes qui vivent dans des endroits non climatisés ou dans des secteurs où l'on compte de nombreux îlots de chaleurs sont particulièrement ciblées, de même que celles dont le niveau socio-économique est peu élevé. L’organisation de sécurité civile de l’agglomération de Montréal est passée à la phase « intervention » de son Plan d’intervention en cas de chaleur extrême. Cette décision résulte des recommandations de la direction régionale de santé publique du CIUSSS du Centre-Sud de l’île de Montréal qui a constaté une augmentation du nombre d'appels à Urgence santé et une hausse du nombre de personnes transportées en ambulance, a indiqué la Dre Mylène Drouin. « Habituellement, on compte 540 transports en ambulance par jour. Or, au cours de la dernière journée, on est passé à 640 », précise la Dre Drouin. Un centre de coordination des mesures d’urgence a également été activé aujourd’hui. Les intervenants y feront le point quotidiennement pour ajuster leurs actions en continu. De plus, certaines personnes vulnérables identifiées par le réseau de la santé peuvent maintenant profiter de 19 haltes climatisées mises sur pied dans des CLSC. À qui s'adresser? Pour des informations sur les installations municipales, on peut appeler au 311. En cas de symptômes inhabituels, on peut faire le 811 (Info-Santé) et pour les situations d'urgence, le 911. Depuis le début de l’épisode de canicule, les heures d’ouverture des jeux d’eau, piscines, pataugeoires et lieux climatisés de la Ville et des arrondissements ont été prolongées. La mairesse Valérie Plante a lancé un appel à la solidarité des Montréalais, qu'elle a invités à s'assurer que les gens qui les entourent (proches, voisins) aillent bien. Les gens les plus vulnérables à la chaleur extrême sont les personnes âgées, celles qui souffrent de maladies chroniques ou de problèmes de santé mentale, les toxicomanes et les jeunes enfants. L'escalade des mesures d'urgence Le Plan d'intervention en cas de chaleur extrême comporte plusieurs niveaux d'alerte. Chaque année, entre le 15 mai et le 30 septembre, on entre en « veille saisonnière ». Lorsqu'Environnement Canada publie un avis de chaleur extrême, on passe à la « veille active ». Cette phase a commencé vendredi, a indiqué la Dre Drouin. Les intervenants du milieu
de la santé ont alors été invités à signaler aux autorités de santé publique les décès liés à la chaleur et les coups de chaleur. Chacun des signalements a ensuite fait l'objet d'une enquête. La phase « alerte » a commencé dimanche, avec une prévision de trois jours consécutifs avec une température moyenne dépassant 33 degrés et ne descendant pas sous 22 degrés la nuit. Pendant cette phase, les intervenants se préparent à mettre en œuvre les mesures d'urgence. Le mode « intervention » est déclenché lorsque certains indicateurs dépassent les normes. RADIO-CANADA AVEC CBC Avec les informations de Pascal Robidas
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ka9oukeuktakal · 1 year
Face à la canicule, les autorités suggèrent de trouver un endroit frais, de limiter les efforts physiques, et de boire beaucoup d'eau... ou de trouver d'autres moyens de se rafraîchir. La Direction de la Santé publique de Montréal confirme que la vague de chaleur intense a provoqué la mort de six personnes depuis vendredi, dans la métropole. La Dre Mylène Drouin, directrice régionale de santé publique de Montréal, précise que les victimes vivaient seules et qu'elles souffraient de maladies chroniques ou de problèmes de santé mentale. Le Dre Drouin affirme que dans les circonstances, ce bilan de six morts n'est pas exceptionnel. Environnement Canada prévoit que la vague de chaleur se poursuivra au moins jusqu'à jeudi. Aujourd'hui, l'indice humidex oscille entre 35 et 40. Demain, il pourrait excéder 40 Celsius. Mylène Drouin rappelle qu'en 2010, une vague de chaleur extrême avait entraîné la mort de 106 personnes dans la grande région métropolitaine. Les autorités souhaitent éviter pareille situation cette année, dit-elle. La Ville de Montréal a distribué 17 000 litres d'eau aux organismes qui viennent en aide aux gens en difficulté, notamment ceux en situation d'itinérance. De plus, 25 000 litres d'eau ont été destinés aux travailleurs des arrondissements, des villes liées et des services d’urgence. En raison de la chaleur extrême, le Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal (SIM) a entrepris de faire des visites à domicile pour rejoindre les personnes les plus vulnérables. Lundi, 1300 visites ont été réalisées. Les autorités municipales veulent augmenter le rythme et en effectuer 5000, mardi, grâce à l’ajout de 150 inspecteurs du SIM. Les personnes qui vivent dans des endroits non climatisés ou dans des secteurs où l'on compte de nombreux îlots de chaleurs sont particulièrement ciblées, de même que celles dont le niveau socio-économique est peu élevé. L’organisation de sécurité civile de l’agglomération de Montréal est passée à la phase « intervention » de son Plan d’intervention en cas de chaleur extrême. Cette décision résulte des recommandations de la direction régionale de santé publique du CIUSSS du Centre-Sud de l’île de Montréal qui a constaté une augmentation du nombre d'appels à Urgence santé et une hausse du nombre de personnes transportées en ambulance, a indiqué la Dre Mylène Drouin. « Habituellement, on compte 540 transports en ambulance par jour. Or, au cours de la dernière journée, on est passé à 640 », précise la Dre Drouin. Un centre de coordination des mesures d’urgence a également été activé aujourd’hui. Les intervenants y feront le point quotidiennement pour ajuster leurs actions en continu. De plus, certaines personnes vulnérables identifiées par le réseau de la santé peuvent maintenant profiter de 19 haltes climatisées mises sur pied dans des CLSC. À qui s'adresser? Pour des informations sur les installations municipales, on peut appeler au 311. En cas de symptômes inhabituels, on peut faire le 811 (Info-Santé) et pour les situations d'urgence, le 911. Depuis le début de l’épisode de canicule, les heures d’ouverture des jeux d’eau, piscines, pataugeoires et lieux climatisés de la Ville et des arrondissements ont été prolongées. La mairesse Valérie Plante a lancé un appel à la solidarité des Montréalais, qu'elle a invités à s'assurer que les gens qui les entourent (proches, voisins) aillent bien. Les gens les plus vulnérables à la chaleur extrême sont les personnes âgées, celles qui souffrent de maladies chroniques ou de problèmes de santé mentale, les toxicomanes et les jeunes enfants. L'escalade des mesures d'urgence Le Plan d'intervention en cas de chaleur extrême comporte plusieurs niveaux d'alerte. Chaque année, entre le 15 mai et le 30 septembre, on entre en « veille saisonnière ». Lorsqu'Environnement Canada publie un avis de chaleur extrême, on passe à la « veille active ». Cette phase a commencé vendredi, a indiqué la Dre Drouin. Les intervenants du milieu
de la santé ont alors été invités à signaler aux autorités de santé publique les décès liés à la chaleur et les coups de chaleur. Chacun des signalements a ensuite fait l'objet d'une enquête. La phase « alerte » a commencé dimanche, avec une prévision de trois jours consécutifs avec une température moyenne dépassant 33 degrés et ne descendant pas sous 22 degrés la nuit. Pendant cette phase, les intervenants se préparent à mettre en œuvre les mesures d'urgence. Le mode « intervention » est déclenché lorsque certains indicateurs dépassent les normes. RADIO-CANADA AVEC CBC Avec les informations de Pascal Robidas
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Humidex Installer | Effectivewaterproofing.com
Effectivewaterproofing.com is a full-service company that offers Humidex installation. We are committed to providing the best service for our customers and their homes. Contact us for more details.
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lennon-cuddlywump · 3 years
Weather theme coming up!
"Wow, this has to be our longest heat wave ever.. I bet I could end up doing the burst right here right now. I'm practically surrounded by fire!" Kai groaned, his attempts to fan himself haven't helped much to cool him off.
Despite being the elemental master of fire he was very easily susceptible to sunburns and heat stroke, especially when it hasn't been raining for two whole months. "Hey Nya you're basically the sea right? Why don't you try doing something about this nightmare?"
"If I could I would have called myself one with the rain." His transparent sister joked from inside the storm drain, they had it installed whenever she has time to visit from her new day job of causing tidal waves against whaling ships and spewing oil out of the ocean. "Man I really wish people would stop dumping."
Zane, being the ice master soon came out holding bowls of rapidly melting ice cream. "I was hoping to make a nice, sweet confectionary for everyone, but it seems like the heat is even to much for my element to handle. With the humidex it has gone up to over forty degrees Celsius."
"Aw damn you global warming!! Wait a sec, I bet if I shoot a streak of lightning into the air it'll give us the storm we need!" Jay suggested, readying his powers.
"Umm, Jay? I don't think that's such a go-"
Of course he did so anyways, what he got in return was a shock to the face and soot all over him. "Ack.. Hey I think I felt a drizzle! It worked!!"
"... Wow, I thought that only worked on kid's TV shows."
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onekisstotakewithme · 3 years
*snorts* No, not really. I’ve kept the curtains closed since yesterday to keep the light out and have two fans going. I have an AC unit, for the worst of summer, but I have to wait to install it with help, it’s bloody heavy. Maybe I can get that done next week.
It’s warm, but actually not that unbearable yet. It can and will get hotter. 44 with a humidex just below actual rain, ya know? I’m grateful we aren’t there yet.
Drink lots of water!
sending cool thoughts and popsicles in your direction.
And I'm fully expecting that terrible mid-July heatwave this year, because it's happened the past few years (working every July in a cherry orchard means I'm well-versed in the July Heatwave).
You too!! Or lemonade, or juice, or iced tea... something cold for sure ❄
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arialengineering · 3 years
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𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭?The past two days, with temps soaring to 38⁰ with the humidex in the City, When your Air-conditioner make you hot There’s only one name you need to know Arial Engineering Services We offer a complete solution for the Air-conditioning system. #Sales, #Services, and #Installation & #AMC.𝐖𝐞𝐛𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞: https://www.arialengineering.com𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐔𝐬 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐀𝐌𝐂: 𝟎𝟒𝟎-𝟔𝟔𝟏𝟑𝟏𝟓𝟓𝟓#arialengineering #summer2021 #aprilchallenge #airconditioner #office #inoffice #work #Hyderabad #city  
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atlanticcanada · 6 years
Soaring temperatures spark early heat alert in New Brunswick
Summer is still three weeks away, but some New Brunswick communities saw their first heat alerts of the season Thursday.
Temperatures rose into the 30s in many communities across the province, with humidex values climbing into the mid-30s and higher.
Heat alerts are becoming routine in St. Stephen, N.B.
“It’s regular May weather now. Last year it was the same way,” says St. Stephen Mayor Allan MacEachern. “We broke Canadian records for the hottest day for that time of the year and here we are doing it again, so it seems to be the norm in St. Stephen now.”
For roofers like Tony Young, stifling heat comes with the job.
“We deal with it every day. St. Stephen always seems to be a little warmer than everywhere else,” says Young, who spent Thursday installing a metal roof. “We don’t get the ocean breeze and stuff that everyone else around here gets, so we get used to the heat I guess.”
While not everyone is welcoming the hot temperatures, they mean a boost in business for ice cream vendor Emily Scott.
“The air conditioning really helps. It’s one of the many perks of this job,” says Scott. “Little snacks every once in a while and the air conditioning is really nice.”
While many Maritimers were basking in sunshine and warm temperatures Thursday, it was much cooler along the coasts.
“You go down toward Oak Bay and the temperature will drop four to five degrees when you’re down near the salt water there,” says St. Stephen resident Roy Anderson. “But when you cross the causeway and come back, the temperature will go up another five degrees.”
As temperatures rise, there is increasing concern about dryness in the woods. As a result, the New Brunswick government has imposed a province-wide burn ban until further notice.
With files from CTV Atlantic's Mike Cameron
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/2H8hILr
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thinkaboutrunning · 3 years
Things I can't run without
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I know, running is supposed to be the most basic of all exercises, except maybe walking. We should be able to run without any additional gear, even without special clothing. And if we must do it that way, we certainly can. But, it's so much more fun and so much more pleasant when we arm ourselves with available gadgets and gizmos. I've tried many and kept only a few I can't run without, sort of. From run trackers to podcast players, here's what I use.
I started "au naturel" wearing my ancient sports shorts from high school (I was lucky they made them so stretchy that I could fit in) and sneakers I bought for walking. They were comfortable and felt great. Sneakers were already moulded by my feet. Those were simple, chafing and blister-free runs.
The more serious I became about it, though, the more I started reading online and offline about things advertised as "essential" to improve my running. To tell the truth, I was mostly interested in finding a way to measure the distance I ran. Those were the days just before GPS became omnipresent. Sometimes I drove the route I was going to run to measure the distance on the car's odometer; on one occasion I even talked a friend into following me in a car. He avoids me ever since.
I turned to the internet, bought a Nike+ pedometer, put it on my shoes and paired it with my iPod. It was inaccurate, for sure — for example a marathon I ran with it was measured as a 45 kms run, full 3 kms longer than actual distance — but it was ingenious when it comes to motivation and goal-setting. Now I could set the weekly, monthly and other goals in distance and time. And, it had a feature I miss ever since - a "Power Song". I could pre-program my own pick-me-up tune and then play it whenever I want or need it during the run by pressing and holding iPod's menu button.
If you promise not to laugh at my taste in music, I'll tell you the song that carried me through the heavy-legged final stages of quite a few marathons and half-marathons; it was Christina Aguilera's "Candyman". Other than catchy melody and cheerful vibe, it also had the perfect beat-per-minute rhythm to which I could match my stride and get some badly needed speed. When I evolved to more sophisticated distance trackers, I lost that Power Song feature and miss it ever since!
I already outed myself as the non-purist runner. (The purists being runners who don't listen to anything other than the sounds of their surroundings and their own breathing.) Yes, I run with headphones, and am not apologizing for it. Nowadays, my phone is my tracking device and a few "essential" apps keep track of my runs and make them more enjoyable. Before I bare my running soul and sole in front of you, I want you to know that I'm kind of an old geek. I like to experiment and try new things all the time, sometimes to my own detriment. One can't know if something's really good until he tries it, right? So, here are my running essentials.
A GPS-capable smartphone is a must. I have an old-ish iPhone 8 which still tracks my distance quite well.
Comfortable headphones. My ears are large — I know, I'm not proud of them and didn't ask for them, but there they are. Most of the earbuds and other fancy small earphones won't stay in my ears. They wiggle and slide out after a few running steps. So, I'm looking for headphones that hook in place in some way. Trust me, running with an earbud that needs to be tucked back in every few steps can ruin your mood run! The current ones I have is the simplest of simple sets of Panasonic wired sport headphones with plastic hook over the ear. What I look for in headphones? I want them light, with some sort of hooking solution either over ears or around the head. Waterproof, or at least water-resistant is preferable. Because, no amount of sweat or rain can stop us, right? Bluetooth wireless are great, but tend to be heavier due to the battery they need to function, which makes them fall outta my ears easier. Also, some bluetooth headphones have connection problems, even though my phone is in my waist-belt less than a meter down from my ears. Further, I prefer earphones which sit outside my ear canal, thus allowing me to hear the sound of my surroundings. It's always useful to hear the car approaching. I know it spoils the sound quality, but ask yourself do you really need a studio-quality sound while running on the road?
I've seen people running with fancy over-the-ear noise-cancelling headphones — I'd love me a pair of those for when I'm on an airplane, but there are two problems I have with them in running situation: they tend to be hot and make me sweat even more; they make me unaware of the traffic and things approaching me outside my field of vision.
My favourite run-tracking app is iSmoothrun. It has more data of my run than I really need, but hey — better too much than not enough, right? It tracks the mileage on my shoes, too. It has easily programmable intervals with great audio feedback. And it syncs with many running community and tracking sites, from Strava to RunKeeper and many in between.
Running community site I use is RunKeeper. It's neither better nor worse than the others. I have used it since 2010, all my running data since then is there and even though I tried Strava and many others, I haven't found a compelling reason to switch, yet. RunKeeper is owned by ASICS, which sort of guarantees they'll be around for a while. But really, it's the matter of preference. I can only suggest that, when you find the site that works for you, stick with it and keep all your data in one place.
One more essential app or site is a weather app. I'm currently running in Europe and use two weather mobile websites which, between them, give me the most accurate hourly forecast: Yahoo weather and Norwegian YR. In North America I trusted The Weather Network the most. Whichever app you choose, I suggest check if it offers the wind speed data per hour. Also "feels like" feature for temperature, whether it's the humidex factor (humidity index) or windchill (in the winter) is very helpful when you need to decide what to wear for the run. All the sites I mentioned above have it.
When it comes to on-run entertainment, there is your music app, whether it's the streaming one (Apple Music, Spotify) or just music playing one. I can't help you much with it, as I'm using Apple Music because it's pre-installed and all my music is there.
Then, there's a podcasts app. Podcasts are radio on demand on any topic you can think of and many you never thought of. They are great way to break the monotony of a long run. My "weapon" of choice is Overcast.
Finally, for the book-loving runners among us, there's an audiobooks app of your choice. On Apple's platforms Apple Books app (former iBooks) doubles as an e-book reader and an audiobook player. Personally, I'm a big reader, but find the audiobooks not affordable, especially at my reading pace of 3-5 books a month. I tried Audible too, it gives one book a month within the subscription, the rest costs extra. Too much for my pocket!
Then I found the solution! There's an iOS app (I'm certain there's something similar for Android too) called Epub Reader. It not only lets me read ebooks, but it also reads it to me. There is selections of voices to choose from and some of them sound almost human. When a book is so good I can't put it down for a run, I listen to it in the same app, while running. My version of the app takes only epub formatted ebooks, but there are plenty free online book conversion sites to help if your book is in a different format. You can try ToEpub, or just search for "free epub converter online".
There you go — these are the gizmos that made my runs enjoyable for years. What are yours? Also, if you have any question, just ask!
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Ductless Air Conditioning Systems: A Allowable Choice to Deal With the Summer Wrathfulness
The heat wave is going strong. Humidex makes temperatures raise over 35 degrees. All for many days modernized, he haven’t slept much. You are EUR irritable EUR You need sleep. What you really need is an air conditioner. In what period the time for choosing an foam conditioning unit comes, several options are available to you:
Among these, ductless air conditioning systems are gaining popularity session according to year, and for a good common sense. Wall mounted ductless air conditioners attempt many benefits compared to central systems, and window or portable overtone conditioning units:
Since no ventilation ducts are irreductible, installation is easier, faster and minor expensive than central moderate breeze instillment; On balance no need to in transit to unmuddied ducts which can accumulate dust and bacteria. Yours truly also breathe cleaner air; A bulkhead in mounted air conditioner is much more and more efficient and much quieter than a fanlight gestures conditioner or through the cage air conditioner; Reminiscently the ductless air conditioning unit is installed close to the ceiling, them in no time attacks the warmer and more humid areas of the home. It is therefore more capable. Wall mounted air conditioning units are equipped with an antibacterial filter eliminating flaunt pollutants and allergens. Ceteris paribus you emit cleaner air.
This article can be seen first here https://parceling-coloured-kurta-tfm.tumblr.com/post/128557157775/ductless-air-conditioning-systems-a-allowable
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effectmatrixh · 7 years
Effective water proofing offers Mold remediation and Humidex installation in New Jersey. Call us at 1800 957 0075 for Humidex installation and Mold remediation New Jersey. Mold remediation New Jersey
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Ductless Air Conditioning Systems: A Allowable Choice to Deal With the Summer Wrathfulness
The heat wave is going strong. Humidex makes temperatures raise over 35 degrees. All for many days modernized, he haven’t slept much. You are EUR irritable EUR You need sleep. What you really need is an air conditioner. In what period the time for choosing an foam conditioning unit comes, several options are available to you:
Among these, ductless air conditioning systems are gaining popularity session according to year, and for a good common sense. Wall mounted ductless air conditioners attempt many benefits compared to central systems, and window or portable overtone conditioning units:
Since no ventilation ducts are irreductible, installation is easier, faster and minor expensive than central moderate breeze instillment; On balance no need to in transit to unmuddied ducts which can accumulate dust and bacteria. Yours truly also breathe cleaner air; A bulkhead in mounted air conditioner is much more and more efficient and much quieter than a fanlight gestures conditioner or through the cage air conditioner;
Reminiscently the ductless air conditioning unit is installed close to the ceiling, them in no time attacks the warmer and more humid areas of the home. It is therefore more capable.
Wall mounted air conditioning units are equipped with an antibacterial filter eliminating flaunt pollutants and allergens. Ceteris paribus you emit cleaner air.
There are several factors to play around with in anticipation of choosing a wall mounted air rehearsal megohm:
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You perseverance find a large alteration as for models available wich offer the rolling in money environment so that you in different considered installation locations.
Some multy type system correspond to ability installation swish 2 to 5 rooms in lieu of one bar split. Alter can choose save some types on vent conditioners homoousian to the interior pattern and installation habitat.
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