#humble farmer
mysticmonkiebusiness · 4 months
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clarisinne · 2 days
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Harvey / (Cringefail) Farmer pt. 68
great, now SHANE is involved
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carlyraejepsans · 2 months
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yuri warriors you have my axe
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utilitycaster · 1 year
the other best thing about Bor'Dor is that I'm like 95% sure this is a very similar vibe to what Laudna was experiencing 30-odd years ago which is why she takes pity on him. Scrungly wet cat sorcerer solidarity.
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gus-dix · 3 months
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been playing the daughter simulator and ended up caring a lot about my daughter. shocker!
do not erase the caption, use or rePOST my art (reblog ok)
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@tes-summer-fest 24, day 6: mirror
When the barber ask if this is okay, and you look in the mirror and at a loss for words.
Molly belongs to @wouldntyoulichentoknow (thank you for letting me draw her <3)
Molly used to be a barber in Kvatch. Somehow Martin didn't get a haircut from her before. Until today that is XD
Remember that Uriel with fancy hair post?
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If you haven't seen that post, don't worry I'll reblog below.
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jekyll-doodles · 4 months
Here's something funny and interesting, albeit not really important...
Do the Human lords swear? Like are they prone to swearing, and if so, how frequently or um...vulgar do they get? I'm under the impression it's not much or often if so because it's impolite and not very kind.
But maybe I'm wrong!
So. A thing that i had to look up was if there may have been a difference in "swearing" back then, and the short answer seems to be Yes. The usage of "vulgar" language was a bit less taboo, especially when its. Just the Name for the Thing (ex. Shit).
Seems "Medieval Swearing" was less about vulgar words and more about Swearing By God, and that wasnt taken lightly.
So as for "Vulgar Language", I'd imagine that its varying levels of usage, mostly based on preference and situation. Like, yes they can and have used those words before. But nothing too vulgar for the most part, nor that often. That last year alive, I can imagine Citrinitas and Rubedo uncharacteristically slipping into foul language more, due to the ambassador's influence on them. Snarling threats and salacious teasing.
None of them were the kind to have sworn God's name or such. Perhaps a bit at the end maybe.
Wakey Wakey: While in Containment, Nigredo is gonna have some explaining to do when he forgets himself and stubs his toe, and just blurts out "fUCkingGodDamnIt".
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now im not saying anything about whether or not you ~should~ vote for the immigrant-hating palestinian-killer who happens to be a "democrat" but i swear if i see one more post about how "if everyone had just voted! trump never would have gotten in office and we don't want that to happen again!!" i'm gonna go chimp mode
trump didn't even win the popular vote, you idiots. am i the only one who remembers the weeks of protests because of it?
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momochanners · 1 year
Tumblr told me that you were, and I quote, "Big in baldurs gate 3", Is this true? how do you respond to these allegations?
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radiance1 · 1 year
So I have another idea that's kinda based off my other one.
More so in the way that Danny and Vlad are a dragon and phoenix. Danny being a dragon is kinda vital to this au AnYwAyS so.
Unlike in my other half king idea aus, Danny and Vlad do not have a truce, well kinda but also not. They won't go out of their way to fight each other if say, they're on the other side of the zone or out of it and such.
But as soon as they see each other physically it's on sight.
(Like all my other half king ideas, Danny has the crown and Vlad the ring.)
It doesn't matter where or when, as soon as they so much has make eye contact they drop every damn thing they be doing- important or not, and go blow to blow. Either in words or physically.
Though most of the time, fighting in words is when they're in human form, physically is almost always going to be in mythical beast form.
Not that it's 100% but it is what it is.
The reason being that Dragons and Phoenix's are either mortal enemies, or have a harmonious relationship with each other.
And in this case there is literally no in between.
And guess which one Danny and Vlad got.
So in one of their very recent fights, they managed to mortally wound each other. Which wouldn't be possible for ghosts, but since they're also half human they managed it.
So when they decided to fuck it and disregarding their shared status of Ghost King they make the choice to go the extra mile and finish the other off.
Not that it would actually kill them, but it's literally not much in the face of their shared eternity.
After pulling off the last attack, they both get knocked out, ectoplasm and blood flowing from their wounds but instead of falling into a random part of the ghost zone they instead fall into a portal that opened under their falling bodies.
They didn't fall through time, nor to anywhere on their earth.
No, they instead fell into another dimension entirely.
Vlad fell onto a farm, a loud crash announcing his entrance from the portal. His flames were weak, barely an ember from his magnificence that once was, not even hot enough to burn anything around him.
His blood started pooling under him and he twitched, the only thing telling that he was alive. He could faintly hear the sounds of hurried footsteps, waking him from unconsciousness and he struggled to open on of his eyes.
Imagine his surprise to see a farm, and an old human couple in front of him.
On Danny's side of things, he fell into a giant pit of glowing green liquid. He woke up after he fell in, and at first he thought it was Ectoplasm, but it wasn't.
It was too filled with life, the pure opposite of the death energy he was intimately familiar with. He could feel it stitching up his wounds, he could feel it invading his body and being not at all friendly with the ectoplasm in his blood.
He managed to drag himself out of the pool, his body felt weak and feeble despite how physically it looked like it was in prime condition. He could feel himself condensing from his place on the floor, his body slowly becoming the form of a giant egg of glowing white and green with streaks of an icey blue within.
The last thing he heard was the hurried click clacks of heels nearing his location, before he blacked out, the only thing left was the edges of his consciousness.
On another note, the Kent family, even with their son being Superman. Did not expect a giant phoenix to be resting, no doubt slowly bleeding to death, outside of their house after they heard a crash.
Neither was one Barbara Kean expecting to see a dragon turn into a giant egg after dragging itself out of the Lazarus Pit.
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konfizry · 3 months
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this particular quote always haunts me because what little we know of renan society is that it is stratified into a strict and ever self-reinforcing hiearchy that has individuals' perceived value and fates decided entirely by performance indicators that cater specifically to the system's destructive needs for growth and expansion, with such performance indicators being highly correlated to the individual's family background on which they have no control. which is more or less what meritocracy is, shionne was so real for this actually
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People within the Scroll of Memory
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clarisinne · 2 months
I’m really behind on this but whats cringefail’s name? I thought we just call her cringe fail😭
i keep forgetting there's new folks around sorry about that
i had to come up with a name for fanfic writers and i came up with Clarice which is a bit of clarisinne a bit of cringe idk i couldn't be bothered to give her a much different name than a variation of my own/my username
also uhm your question makes me think you haven't read the cf fics? plugging my homie real quick
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
"this is a 8k+ post to me" "how does this only have 500 notes" "this reads like a 40k notes post" shhhhhhh. be quiet. let it come naturally.
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hallaburger · 2 years
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ofthecaravel · 1 year
i hope my dani drawing reminds you all that I blog to cause lgbt moments within you all
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