#human peggy
kikker-oma · 9 months
Fanart based off of THIS AMAZING WHUMPTOBER FIC of @skyward-floored 's!! Please read it and it's sequel❤️
Warning: Blood, stabbing, character under control
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nomore-peep · 3 months
To the characters we make that are women:
I love you. You deserve to be wrong and right and face the consequences of being either one.
be ugly or pretty, without it being ensconced with another character's development, i hope you hate and love things, and there's not a moral superiority there within the conflict.
I hope the things you care about are specific and personal, with genuine reasons that arent what's simply expected of your role in a character.
I hope your attractiveness in body and mind isn't just a character trait that just happens to make people gravitate to you. I hope you initiate attractiveness, be aware of it and take advantage of it when you decide to.
I hope you are written with your own intentions and selfishness, even if those intentions are selfless.
I hope you make mistakes and struggle in how to fix them, whether it be bc of the inward self or the feelings of others.
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luna-rainbow · 1 year
Hello, hello, long rant incoming
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When I reposted this on AO3, I had intentionally minimised tagging and summary because I wanted to archive it rather than attract readers. I didn’t even tag it Steve/Bucky because there just wasn’t enough mention of Bucky in it. Importantly, P*ggy was not tagged.
The user calls themselves “Rebuttal” and their only work is another essay rebutting someone else’s post on Civil War, which they had to post separately because I guess the OP blocked them. So we have a serial offender with too much time on their hands going around to directly suck the joy out of other people’s fandom experience.
They begin with this:
Although I don't particularly care for Steve's ending, this essay does not offer support for a different one.
*Inhales* Honey, can you please Google analytical essay and narrative essay before you unload your drivel on other people? This "essay" is a fic - while there's some character analysis, the emotive language should be sufficient clue that the focus is the story. It’s like reading The Fifth Elephant then writing to Sir Pratchett to argue his “essay on Discworld” is factually incorrect because it offers no support for the idea that the Earth is flat.
Steve is self-sufficient. He is not shown as requiring Bucky as foundational to his being. (…) We do know Steve was willing and expecting to go it alone after Sarah's death and that he is fully confident in his own abilities; he can "do this all day." Bucky's offer at the apartment earns a small smile, not a great overcoming.
I enjoyed how you, at multiple points in your essay, pick at certain turns of (evocative) phrasing while ignoring actual canon mentions. Explain why you deliberately omitted my mention of the canon phrase "Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky". Sure, Sarah was Steve's touchstone, but Steve's words clearly indicated that upon Sarah's death, that touchstone role shifted to Bucky.
Steve's "I can do this all day" is said a total of 4 times during all the movies. Each time he says it to a bully (one time he specifically says it to protect Bucky), and never in relation to his emotional turmoil. Also just, factually, he never references "I can do this all day" when Sarah dies can you be real for a sec.
It's mighty rich of you to say a grieving person who had JUST BURIED HIS SOLE LIVING RELATIVE that a) "he is willing to do it alone" - I can guarantee no one who has lost their sole beloved family member feels "willing" in that situation; and b) downplaying the smile that took all of Steve's energy to muster. All I can conclude is you know nothing of grief. (And since you love the word "disservice" so much - your interpretation of the scene is a fucking disservice to CEvans' acting.)
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Steve's choice to go to war has nothing to do with Bucky. Steve has tried five times to enlist and stated his reasons, which have nothing to do with Bucky and everything to do with not liking bullies.
Because, you know, saying “I want to join the 107th cos I’m gay for my best friend” is going to go down real well in the 1940s military *snerks*
Can you get your head out of your ass for one minute and consider that people make decisions based on multiple factors? By acknowledging that Bucky is an important factor in Steve wanting to join the war DOES NOT MINIMISE STEVE'S MORAL COMMITMENT TO FIGHT BULLIES.
Steve is also not aghast at hearing Bucky's assignment. - Back this up.
Bucky does not believe in pre-serum Steve as much as pre-serum Steve believes in himself. - Right. *In Bucky’s tired voice* Because simply ~*♫~believing in yourself~*♫~ is going to stop you getting killed. This is a fucking war, not a back alley. Do you know the death rate for US soldiers in WW2? 1 in 40. For perspective, the death rate from coronavirus is currently sitting at 1 in 70.
Whether Bucky went to war or not, Steve wanted to go. - Again, back your ass-umptions up.
Steve was told Bucky was dead. He was going to try to rescue the rest of the 107th. Again, to suggest that Steve's courageous act is about Bucky is a disservice to Steve.
So not only do you remember fuck all about the movie where it doesn’t involve your fave, you apparently remember fuck all about the scenes where YOUR FAVE APPEARS.
P*ggy: “What do you plan to do, walk to Austria?” Steve: “If that’s what it takes.” P*ggy: “You heard the Colonel. Your friend is most likely dead.” Steve: “You don’t know that.”
Also, Steve wanting to rescue his best friend is a "disservice" to his character? Condolences to your friends and your character, I guess.
It is strange to ignore Steve's interactions with people other Bucky. Okay here we go, we’re finally getting to why this steaming trash heap landed in my inbox. It's Peggy who - I knew it. I fucking knew it. Of course it came from someone who likes Miss I-need-to-make-everything-about-me - appreciated pre-serum Steve at the flagpole - Oh you mean the appreciation she showed by not uttering a single word to him?
Peggy and Erskine supported pre-serum Steve's drive to do his part when Bucky did not. It seems truer to say that they more likely "kept Steve afloat" during his basic training, of which Bucky had no part.
Hold on. *walks off to cackle* *walks back, wheezing*. P*ggy kept Steve afloat? Miss-never-said-a-single-word-to-Steve-P*ggy, “supported” Steve during his basic training??
Again, I urge you to actually watch CATFA, where *checks notes* your fave has her biggest movie role. AFTER STEVE FINISHES BASIC TRAINING, the two of them sit in a car and exchange the infamous lines:
P*ggy: “You have no idea how to talk to a woman, do you?” Steve: “I think this is the longest conversation I’ve had with one.”
They have, by their own admission, not had a conversation before this, so which bull’s ass did you pull the “P*ggy kept Steve afloat during his basic training” shit out of?
There is nothing in the scenes to suggest he finds it a great miracle. The whole assumption of Steve's reaction seems to be a Bucky-centric projection rather than Steve-centric.
No, honey, I think you are just blinded by your Bucky hate. You looked at a scene where 2 characters (including your fave) claimed that Bucky is no longer alive, and Steve himself said, "I thought you were dead" - and Bucky was, against all odds and expectations of at least 3 different characters, found alive...and said, NAH NAH NAH NAH there's nothing here! There's nothing~here~to~suggest~it's a miracle.
Honestly I think you're the one living in a different plane of projection.
When Steve awakens in the future, his line to Fury is "I had a date." With Peggy, not Bucky.
Pfft he said “I had a date”, not "I had a date with P*ggy". So your interpretation is just as invalid.
And just, realistically, do you really think Steve is deluded enough to expect he’d wake up in time for a dance? And...do you really think Steve is desperate enough that he'd go for a woman who blasted him with live rounds for locking lips with another woman? When in your own words you said he hates bullies?
We do not know what Steve thought as he died, so saying he is content with death is not supported.
How about this -- "we do not know what Steve thought as he died, so saying he is not content with death is not supported". It’s my conjecture against yours and you’ve come onto my turf to be a presumptuous prick.
He has Peggy and Natasha. To ignore these two relationships seems to do a disservice to both characters.
Ah yes, the great relationship with P*ggy, who in 5 minutes of her screen time is characterised by: 1) mocking Steve as “dramatic” when he asks for guidance, and 2) her florid delirium in which he had to pull the emotional labour to placate her, and 3) her being grateful that she's led a great life without Steve.
If oldwoman!P*ggy was such an important relationship to Steve, he wouldn't have lamented to Natasha that "it's not easy finding someone with shared experience".
If there is any lesson Steve should learn in the modern day, it is that Steve sacrifices and Bucky leaves. Once involuntarily with the Snap, but twice voluntarily.
WHO THE FUCK HURT YOU AND MESSED UP YOUR BRAIN. I don't know how you can look at those scenes and pretend that the sole victim is Steve.
(Actually I can, because it's a common refrain from certain shit!stans who can't deal with the idea of Bucky being morally good)
Bucky sacrificed his own freedom and lived time in order to protect other people from getting hurt. And Bucky being involuntarily "Snapped" only counts as "Steve's sacrifice"?? The one who actually dies/gets Snapped isn't making a sacrifice? My gods the logic in this one is strong. (Also by referring to Bucky's death as Steve's sacrifice you have inadvertently acknowledged just how important Bucky is to him but I guess that flew over your head like the rest of this story)
It also ignores that Steve lived five years without all of those people. He had accepted the loss and changed into someone they would never truly know or understand.
Do you hear yourself…
Steve lived TWELVE YEARS WITHOUT YOUNG P*GGY. He had ACCEPTED THE LOSS (although, in my mind, it's really no big loss) and BOTH OF THEM HAD CHANGED INTO COMPLETELY UNRECOGNISABLE PEOPLE, not to mention they never truly knew or understood each other to begin with. So if your logic is that Steve has changed too much in 5 years to be around his old friends, why the fuck would he want to be around a woman he last saw 12 years ago and who he knew got an entire happy married life with another man. Eww.
I mean if NTR is your kink that's fine but no need to flaunt that on my turf.
The fun thing about fandom is that canon is open to different interpretations. You could read the tavern scene to say P*ggy is inviting Steve to be her right partner, just as I could point out that Steve’s pointed silence is a resounding rejection of that invitation.
But there is incorrect fandom etiquette, and that’s when you stomp into an innocuous narrative musing and start a ship war.
And I beg of you to learn another word from "disservice".
(The whole pile of horse shit for anyone needing to have their blood boiled)
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humorously-yours · 2 months
A compilation of hot edits I found on Pinterest. Ft. Chris Evans playing Captain America 🫡🇺🇲
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florientius · 2 months
Every highlight from DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE dir. Shawn Levy (2024)
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this kiss. was adorable. got me into the mood.
DAT ASS. nothing else to say. DAT ASS.
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his little tupee fur attachments...
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this fight. just as dp said, imma put my hand under the blackets when ill have this on disney+,,, he knows us so well.
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not all of you was asleep... NOT ALL OF U WAS ASLEEP?!?!?
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(fun fact: she's called blöki lively (doggy lively) in hungarian cuz blöki is pronounced closely liek blake... the more you know. we need more witty dubs like this)
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the honda sex scene. most confusing erection of my life. especially since i lack the facilities to produce one.
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tenderjock · 1 month
like the moon moves the tides [agent carter werewolf au]
part i. hackles raised
It takes Peggy approximately thirty seconds to sniff out the other wolf in the SSR office.
It’s definitely a him, not one of the phone girls or an odd female assistant or interviewee. And it’s someone who is a frequent fixture of this building. The office smells of him, like he’s been marking territory – not literally, she hopes, since the last thing Peggy wants to deal with is a wolf that thinks it’s acceptable to piss on walls. He smells young. There’s something almost, well, not hostile, exactly, but combative about the scent.
She ignores the comments from the human men, appreciative or mocking or both, and places her briefcase down on the desk Chief Dooley had indicated was for her. It’s way in the back, across from the table with a paper shredder and pencil sharpener and farthest away from the commissary.
Colonel Phillips had told her, when he’d given the recommendation, that the Howlies had been the exception rather than the rule in the SSR. Dooley knows she’s a wolf, but part of her contract involves not telling anyone else in the office. Humans may know about their furry cousins, but even after the war, when whole packs mixed in battalions alongside humans, there was a fair amount of discomfort between the two races.
Peggy hadn’t particularly expected to find another one of her kind among these men in New York. It’s no big surprise that the other men are already dismissive of her on day one; she’s worked with humans before. It’s no surprise she’s been relegated to a secretary role. It’s no surprise, it’s just – frustrating.
A clunky, stepping sort of noise catches her attention. Peggy glances up without moving her head, and sees the bottom half of a man using a crutch to walk. He stops at her desk.
She finds herself resisting the urge to growl reflexively. It’s not this poor fellow’s fault that she’s in a new environment, without allies and quite literally cornered. Swallowing the aggression, she looks up.
He’s handsome enough, she notes, with dark curls that are fighting a liberal application of pomade and a shy, slightly awkward smile. He extends a hand, oblivious or uncaring of the way half the office is staring at them.
“Hey there,” he says, tone friendly. Peggy inhales subtly; there’s a hint of arousal there, but not too much, no more than would be expected from a human man seeing an attractive woman in any casual context. More than anything, he smells hopeful, anticipatory, eager to please. “Daniel Sousa. Welcome to the team.”
Someone snickers and it’s like a light has been turned on in Peggy’s head. She’s lived in packs her whole life, first her family and then the Howlies; human hierarchies aren’t so different. Of course, the crippled man would be at the very bottom of the office’s pecking order. Her existence just boosted him one step further up the ladder.
At least he’s being polite about it. Without looking at the snickerer, she takes his hand and gives it a firm shake.
“Peggy Carter,” she says. “I appreciate it.”
Sousa doesn’t linger, just gives her one last smile and a nod and crutches back to his desk, which is a few in front of hers. She watches him go, thinking, then starts to unpack her things and start work. Putting away her meager belongings – a few fountain pens, a notebook and an emergency, backup lipstick – doesn’t take much time. After a few moments, Peggy supposes she cannot put off the inevitable any longer, and she turns to the stack of reports that Dooley wanted her to retype and file.
As she’s bending over the first file, the male wolf steps into the room.
Peggy can’t help it. Her head snaps up. The wolf is in the doorway leading into the bullpen, stock still, nostrils flared. The whites of his eyes are showing all the way around, and there’s a hot, heady flare of adrenaline-fearsubmission-anger.
Peggy stares at him. He stares back. No one else in the office seems to pay them any mind – if this were a wolfpack, Peggy thinks, people would be circling for the fight. She doesn’t stand up, because that’s just going to make a young, male wolf who is unsure of his place angrier and more volatile.
The scent marking makes more sense, now. He’s a submissive kind, unused to work around humans, perhaps? Overcompensating for it, and he’s taking her as a threat rather than as a potential friend.
Even though it takes every ounce of willpower she has to stay in her seat, to stay woman-shaped, to not bare her teeth and snarl, Peggy remains where she is, watching the wolf as he approaches her. His posture is casual, now, slouching with his hands in his pockets, but his scent is still writhing with emotion.
He comes to a stop at the end of her desk and leans a hip against it. (Peggy can’t help herself. She flashes a quick hint of fang. He only smirks.) She looks up at him, eyes narrowed.
“Didn’t realize Dooley was getting us a typist,” he says, sounding smug. At least, his tone sounds it; his blood pressure smells like it’s through the roof and he’s sweating. His fingernails are sharper and a touch longer than they should be, and his pupils are glinting yellow.
Here’s the thing: if Peggy were any other female wolf – or even quite a few male wolves – she would be finding herself defensive, intimidated even. But she’s fought in battles most of the men here would have no words for, and her last pack had been led by a person that could tear this wolf apart with his bare, human hands. She’s certainly not going to back down from this pup, but she’s not going to pick a fight on her first day of work, either.
“Agent Margaret Carter,” she replies rather sternly. “I’m a transfer from the European field office.”
The claws slowly sink back under his skin. His scent settles, a little, but not as much as Peggy would like it to. “Right,” he says. “I’m Agent – ” the word is mocking “ – Jack Thompson. There’s some more filing that needs to be done on the Skaneateles case. But since you look all settled in, how’s about refilling the coffee pot? Or do they not do coffee in Europe?”
She glares at him, well aware that there’s nothing she can do. Thompson’s well aware of it too, judging by the self-satisfied grin on his face.
“Thanks, Marge,” he says over his shoulder, and saunters away, a definite tinge of amusement in his scent. Peggy clenches her hands, with their perfectly manicured nails that she was loath to ruin scraping his blond hair off of his head, into fists.
So much for having an ally among all these men. She consciously ungrits her fangs, and gets up to make some coffee.
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artmustdraw · 8 months
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Smiling Daycare AU
OKAY SMILING DAYCARE AU DETES SO YOU THE PEOPLE CAN ALSO USE IT!!! Idc what ages y’all make them but I’m making them around the same ish age for now because I am uncreative and the fandom wiki doesn’t wanna give me their ages and my internet is being dumb so I hope this posts. So they all work in a daycare and it’s fluffy and full of shenanigans. Personally I’m probably gonna write about them teaching but going off to their passions. Yes other poppy playtime characters are in this au like baby long legs and poppy going to the daycare, kissy and huggy adopting poppy, and others. I really just want the smiling critters to be happy. Yes Ik bubba isn’t drawn yet I’m sorry
More about the au under the cut!
Do not steal my art and please credit me if you use my au (or feel free to tell me about other aus like this one!!) I also do not like mob entertainment as an entity i just like the story of poppy playtime and the actual game.
So Doug has a cane bc of the game and I really wanted them to be diverse and show off a bunch of stuff people should love about themselves. I am open and willing to hear ideas to make it better but also also LET HIM LET THE KIDS PUT STICKERS ON HIS CANE!! Of course where he says they can.
Dogday = Doug Day
Catnap = Caton Nap
Craftycorn = Cadence Corne
Pickypiggy = Peggy Picky
Kickinchicken = Kevin Kickin
BobbyBearhug = Bobby Bears
Hoppyhopscotch= Hoppy skotch
Bubbabubaphant = Berry Bluphant
Caton and Doug are both assistants then actual teachers (idk what a daycare worker is called so) because they’re the youngest two. Crafty teaches the 6 year olds, and loves it. Bobby takes care of the infants, and Hoppy is just as energetic as her band of 2-3 year olds. The 4 year olds are taken care of by Peggy, who lets them have any snack they want. Kevin usually wears a partial track suit but my little sister wants him to be a cop lmao idk where to put him XD. Berry is so smart I think he’d be the oldest and he is the principal? Idk what to call who’s in charge also I’m sorry.
For now the ages are
Caton: 20
Doug: 21
Kevin: 24
Hoppy: 24
(No kev and hops arent twins just the same year b days)
Cadence: 25
Bobby: 26
Peggy: 27
Berry: 30
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martianbugsbunny · 12 days
yk what sometimes I do just hate the canon love interest bc I can. especially if they're obviously shoehorned in there as a no-homo I have that right as a petty bitch. done trying to pretend I'm not the type of person that rolls my eyes at canon love interests I don't care about when there's a better option right there.
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cherrybombfangirl · 1 year
Hey you! Yeah you! Interested in my in progress Marvel OC Fanfic?
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Ao3 Link: Only Human (7244 words) by cherrybombfangirl)/
Wanna read a Marvel fanfic that’s mainly an OC insert but also fixing everything that’s wrong with the MCU? It includes fixing what needs fixing, and my OC and all the small OCs that come with her.
Yeah you wanna read it!
The fic includes:
My OC Stacy who is the daughter of Steve and Bucky, a chaotic bisexual ADHDer, a maliciously compliant little shit, a gremlin but also a sweet ray of sunshine, coming from a mixed faith family, and just being the bane of the US government/Tony Stark’s existence in general
Fixing the erasure of representation issue- not just the whitewashing! Especially Steve’s disability and being an irish immigrant, also aggressively queer as he should be
^^^ and Stucky Supremacy :D 
Autistic, Trans, Asexual, Bisexual, and Jewish Peter Parker! (also he actually acts like a teenager and not a fucking child, the fuck writers and fans)
In fact, all of the characters that should be Jewish are actually Jewish (Wanda and Peitro, Kate Bishop, Bucky, Moon Knight, etc etc), because we all know how terrible the MCU is at respecting the source material
No romanticizing Tony’s shitty behavior and getting called out on said behavior multiple times
Civil War is actually about Steve Rogers and not just Iron Man 4 :) (also Tony being proven very very wrong)
Actually addressing how bad the Sokovia Accords are and how awfully they treat people with superpowers (and how it’s really just the US gov. trying to have their own little superhero army and how that’s fucked up)
Fixing this issue the MCU has where they reduce characters to a few traits and take away what’s at the core (especially with newly introduced characters)
Fixing Age of Ultron and Endgame (because AoU was a trash fire and Endgame was a good concept but terrible execution)
Did you know Peggy’s character was based on a character from the comics named Cynthia Glass who was a Nazi Spy? “Based on” as in the writers took Cynthia’s character and just slapped Peggy’s name on her? Yeah so, Peggy’s actually gonna be a Nazi spy in this fic and her sus behavior (shooting at Cap, Operation Paperclip, etc) won’t be ignored or brushed off
^^^ in fact she manipulates Steve into letting her have his and Bucky’s daughter so that HYDRA could have their own little supersoldier lab rat and also Peggy not being a good mom and handing Stacy over to HYDRA like it’s nothing
The ending to Endgame actually makes sense (and no Steve undoing his entire arc because WTF WAS THAT-)
More time saying fuck you to the US government because we hate them in this house, and we stan Stacy for doing everything she can to be the bane of it’s existence. Everyone but Tony is right behind her :) 
All the Young Avengers are closer in age because they should be, also they’re all younger than 20 because that should be happening they’re not supposed to be adults
Lots of trauma and mental health issues for everyone, including PTSD, depression, and anxiety and more!
More time with Nat and Yelena BECAUSE THEY DIDN’T GET ENOUGH T-T
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sersi · 11 months
the things people say in the notes of posts about female characters "in the way" of popular m/m ships are just so constantly 🤪💀
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haggishlyhagging · 2 months
Irrespective of cultural configuration, of the ascribed or achieved bases for female power, women rarely hold the focal leadership roles. Women either delegate leadership positions to the men they select or such positions are assigned by men alone. In those cases where women delegate such authority, they retain the power to veto the actions of those they have selected. A question frequently asked of anthropologists is why women would choose to delegate leadership rather than seize such authority for themselves.
The answer lies in the proposition, presented in Chapter 4, that it is more efficient for women to delegate than to monopolize power. Since women are the potential bearers of new additions to the population, it would scarcely be expedient to place them on the front line at the hunt and in warfare. In addition, there are such questions as: What would there be for men to do if women hunted, warred, or ruled? How would men acquire the "reason for being" that comes to women automatically? In certain sectors of our own society and others, these questions are easily answered: Men gamble. Because men must sometimes gamble with their lives, power and prestige are the incentive that motivates them to hunt and defend territory and are the reward for being very nearly expendable in terms of the group's ultimate survival.
-Peggy Reeves Sanday, Female Power and Male Dominance: On the Origins of Sexual Inequality
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bucky-h0e · 8 months
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Pimp My ... Buzz Wagon? | Universe Masterlist
Medic! Alpine and Bucky. Follows Captain America: The First Avenger.
The Howling Commandos are a very special breed indeed. Not only are they almost singlehandedly helping tilt the war effort to favour the allies, they are also somehow managing to get home safely despite the wounds that come with the territory. Annoyed at their lack of concern because Steve Rogers "...can heal a lot faster now!", Agent Carter recruits a medic to join the group. Whilst the less super-soldiery of the group have no real big complaints, Bucky Barnes can't help but argue with the fact that their new medic is an underaged girl.
Includes: Protective Bucky, Protective Steve, 1940s Stucky (not together - maybe), Steve Rogers is reckless, Alpine encourages it, Bucky is a stressed parent of two, angst, fluff, Alpine... is the winter soldier? Warzones, HYDRA, Alpine should really be smarter than she is, she's a medic so is non-combatant but jumps on a moving train like come on Al,
This is NOT a Romance/Shipping fic!
Part of the 'Many Adventures of Bucky and Alpine' Multiverse.
Each part will have it's own warnings.
Requests are Open
Alpine Joins The Howling Commandos
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applemccartney · 6 months
homestucked peggy and kitty are my fave btw. they’re so cutesie
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momochimchim · 2 years
It looked really cute in my mind...
Too stressed to try again
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fic-ive-read · 2 years
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Link To The Fic
Shout out to @sixpillarsofgenesis for this fic, I loved following along on tumblr as it was being written ❤️
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comicbooksaregood · 10 months
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Captain America
Volume: 5
Issue: 10
House of M
Writers: Ed Brubaker
Pencils: Lee Weeks
Inks: Jesse Delperdang, Lee Weeks, Mike Perkins
Colours: Matt Milla
Covers: Lee Weeks
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