#human papiloma virus
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60 pelajar dimasukkan ke hospital selepas suntikan vaksin HPV, badan siasatan ditubuhkan.
Di sebuah sekolah di Upazila Borhanuddin di Bhola, 60 pelajar jatuh sakit selepas mengambil vaksin HPV untuk kanser serviks. Kejadian itu berlaku di Sekolah Menengah Genda pada petang Selasa (29 Oktober).
Namun, bahagian kesihatan berkata bahawa ini sering berlaku "disebabkan panik" dalam memberikan vaksin.
Pelajar-pelajar yang jatuh sakit selepas mengambil vaksin telah diselamatkan dan pertama kali dimasukkan ke Kompleks Kesihatan Upazila Borhanuddin. Kemudian, apabila keadaan 6 orang gadis itu merosot, mereka dibawa ke Hospital Bhola Sadar. Dalam kejadian ini, terdapat panik di kalangan pelajar dan ibu bapa. Tetapi doktor berkata bahawa tidak ada apa-apa untuk panik dalam kejadian ini.
Sementara itu, Pesuruhjaya Bhola (DC) telah menubuhkan jawatankuasa berasingan dalam kes pelajar yang jatuh sakit selepas mengambil vaksin yang diberikan untuk mencegah kanser serviks.
Dikhabarkan bahawa kebanyakan pelajar yang sakit telah pulih dan pulang ke rumah. Program vaksinasi ini sedang dijalankan serentak di 524 institusi pendidikan di daerah ini. Di bawah program vaksin ini, vaksinasi HPV percuma sedang diberikan kepada gadis-gadis yang tidak bersekolah berumur 10-14 tahun yang belajar di kelas 5-9 atau setaraf. Bhola bertujuan untuk memberikan vaksinasi HPV percuma kepada 121,580 gadis buat kali pertama.
Menurut ibu bapa sekolah dan sumber hospital, vaksinasi HPV untuk pelajar sekolah bermula pada waktu pagi di Sekolah Menengah Genda di Union Pakhiya di Upazila Borhanuddin pada pagi Selasa. Selepas vaksinasi 162 pelajar selesai, pelajar-pelajar tersebut tiba-tiba jatuh sakit sekitar tengah hari dengan pelbagai simptom.
Kemudian, guru-guru dan ahli keluarga mereka telah memhospitalisasi mereka di Kompleks Kesihatan Upazila Borhanuddin. Daripada 60 pelajar ini, 5 telah dimasukkan ke Hospital Umum 250 Katil Bhola Sadar untuk rawatan lanjut. Berita ini tersebar di Bhola dan upazila sekitarnya dalam sekelip mata.
Dr. Sheikh Sufian Rustom, penolong pengarah Hospital Bhola Sadar, berkata bahawa dalam siasatan awal, seorang individu didapati sakit akibat "sebab psikogenik".
DC Azad Jahan berkata bahawa tiada apa yang perlu dibimbangkan dalam insiden ini. Satu pasukan perubatan telah dibentuk untuk memastikan rawatan pelajar yang sakit.
Program Vaksinasi sedang giat dijalankan di Malaysia
#suntikan vaksin#vaksin mrna#vaksin hpv#vaksinasi#vaksin#human papiloma virus#kkm#kementerian kesihatan malaysia
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There's a thread blowing up on Japanese twitter right now about the poor quality of localization. It's the first time I've ever actually seen a japanese perspective on the topic, and it's been extremely gratifying to see a ton people from over there talk about specific translation issues they've seen or learn for the first time that japanese media is often given the short end of the stick here in the USA.
Most of the time over here in the US, criticism of localization gets shouted down as whiny fans who think they know better than the translators. It's been heartening to see that people from japan are also annoyed by it, and its inspired me to write up a whole long-ass rant I've had simmering in the back of my mind for years, so buckle up, long post(s) incoming:
Let's start at the beginning with the first thing that ever caused me to start thinking about localization. This little guy:
If you've played Dragon Quest in the past 2 decades, you probably know this guy by the name "Spiked Hare." Not me though! I got into DQ on the game boy, in the brief window of time where DQ's localization was handled by Nob Ogasawara, the same guy responsible for translating every pokemon game up until Platinum. In the DQ games Nob worked on, he chose to translate this guy's name as "Almiraj." Why the huge difference in translation? I'll get to that in a minute.
The almiraj is an extremely minor enemy in Dragon Quest 3. It's pretty weak, and it's only real defining feature is that it can occasionally cast sleep spells on your party members. It's just one of hundreds of monsters in that game, and aside from it's cute design, it's pretty forgettable. As a weird kid overly obsessed with linguistics though, its name always seemed odd to me. You don't really see words that end with a "J" in english. It stuck out enough that one night, when I was bored, I decided to google "almiraj" to figure out what the name meant. It sent me down a rabbit hole (almiraj hole?) that taught me all sorts of cool shit, and permanently altered the way I looked at localization. The path I tumbled down that night went something like this:
The Dragon Quest almiraj is named after the almiraj, a "real" mythical creature described as a hare with a large horn on its head.
The original inspiration for accounts of the almiraj (as well as the jackalope, wolpertinger, etc.) is likely the Shope papiloma Virus, which causes rabbits to grow weird, horn-like growths on their face and head.
It was described by Zakariya al-Qazwini, an Iranian lawyer, author, and all around knowledgeable guy who lived in the 13th century.
al-Qazwini described it in the Aja'ib al-Makhluqat, a massive cosmographical treatise that attempted to describe basically everything in the known universe at the time. It was so popular in the Islamic world that it was copied and translated into dozens of languages, which meant plenty of copies have survived intact to modern times.
The almiraj was brought into the limelight in modern fantasy when it was introduced in the first edition of Dungeons and Dragons, as a relatively weak and unassuming monster as part of a campaign to expand the game with monster suggestions from fans of the series.
Dungeons and Dragons-style role playing games were brought into the digital world with the release of the first Wizardry game in 1981.
Yuji Horii was a massive fan of Wizardry, which he first discovered as part of a developer exchange program when he visited America in 1983. Three years later, he decided to try and recreate the things he loved from the series for console gamers in Japan, and the the original Dragon Quest was born.
One little name was all it took to open up this entire through-line of history that I had no idea even existed before that night. It's a tapestry of human experiences over 800 years in the making, spanning continents, cultures, languages, and medium. It's probably because I'm the type of person who sits around thinking about stuff too much, but I honestly get a little emotional wondering what al-Qazwini would think if he could see the mythical creatures he described all those years ago as little dudes hopping around inside a computer.
And the thing is the tapestry doesn't end there! Dragon Quest is still pretty niche in the west, but in Japan it's fucking titanic. There's an urban legend that the Japanese government banned Square Enix from releasing Dragon Quest games on a weekday, because so many people would skip work or school that it would impact the economy. (It's not true by the way, but the fact that the rumor exists at all is a testament to how huge the series' influence is over there.) I don't think it would be an overstatement to say that what Lord of the Rings did to modern western fantasy, Dragon Quest did to modern Japanese fantasy. Almost every JRPG, manga, or anime with a fantasy setting has the fingerprints of Dragon Quest on it. Countless other works have been inspired by DQ, and those works will go on to inspire others. A million different threads weaving tapestries back and forth across time and borders, all over the globe. And the almiraj is a part of that! It might just be a single, tiny, white and purple thread, but it's still in there helping to tie things together.
So back to the question I asked earlier: Why is it "Almiraj" in Mr. Ogasawara's translation but "Spiked hare" in the current one? Simple: Nob actually translated the name.
You can see on the DQ wiki that the original japanese name of the monster is "アルミラージ" which is literally just "almiraj" written in katakana:
The current DQ team has instead decided that all monster names should be puns. I'm not against puns or anything. "Spiked hare" for a rabbit with a horn is great! I might even raise my eyebrows and exhale slightly if I read it for the first time. Dragon Quest in general tends to have a lot of goofiness in it, so it's not like puns are out of place or anything. My problem is that, by deciding to replace monster names arbitrarily like this, all the little threads start to come unraveled. You lose the ability to look back down the line and discover all these different connections to history and nature and art that you might not ever learn otherwise. The almiraj isn't the only monster to get this treatment. A huge portion of the monsters in Dragon Quest are taken from mythologies around the world, and many of their names are literally already in English, just written with katakana.
The almiraj sticks out in my mind as a particularly egregious example because of just how much I learned because of the foreign-sounding name, but there's plenty of other name changes that have resulted in straight up confusing, ambiguous, or otherwise stupid outcomes in the current localization.
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TERUJI! (WA) 0812-1440-8050 Pengobatan Diabetes Tipe 1 Dan 3 ny. djamilah najmuddin di Jl. Peneropongan Kabupaten Bandung
Kontak dan Janji Temu Hubungi 0812 1440 8050 Balai Pengobatan Tradisional Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin merupakan sebuah klinik pengobatan tradisional yang sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1985 hingga sekarang dan bertempat di kota Bandung. mengobati hpv secara alami,pengobatan tradisonal herbal human papiloma virus (hpv),hpv herbal treatments,hpv treatment herbs
Kontak dan Janji Temu Hubungi
0812 1440 8050 https://wa.me/6281214408050
Kunjungi website https://djamilah-najmuddin.com
Baca juga artikel lainnya : https://www.tumblr.com/pengobatandiabetestipe3/744033951166889984/terbukti-wa-0812-1440-8050-pengobatan-diabetes?source=share
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TERBUKTI! (WA) 0812-1440-8050 Pengobatan Infeksi Hpv ny. djamilah najmuddin di Jl. Karapitan Bandung
Mengobati HPV Secara Alami: Pengobatan Herbal dan Tradisional untuk Papiloma Virus Manusia
1. Hpv Treatment Herbs: Solusi Alami untuk Mengatasi HPV
Infeksi Human Papillomavirus (HPV) dapat menimbulkan tantangan kesehatan serius. Dalam upaya mencari solusi yang lebih alami, pengobatan herbal menjadi sorotan. Artikel ini akan membahas metode pengobatan alami untuk HPV, dengan fokus pada penggunaan tanaman herbal yang diyakini dapat membantu mengatasi virus.
Pengobatan Tradisional Herbal HPV
Dalam beberapa kasus, pengobatan herbal telah menjadi pilihan untuk menyembuhkan atau meredakan gejala HPV. Beberapa tanaman herbal yang sering dianggap efektif dalam mengobati HPV antara lain:
Ekstrak Kulit Manggis: Kulit manggis mengandung senyawa xanthones yang memiliki sifat antioksidan dan anti-inflamasi. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak kulit manggis dapat membantu melawan infeksi HPV.
Ekstrak Daun Teh Hijau: Teh hijau dikenal karena kandungan epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) yang dapat memiliki efek antiviral. Konsumsi teh hijau secara teratur dapat menjadi tambahan dalam mengatasi infeksi HPV.
Minyak Kelapa: Minyak kelapa telah lama digunakan dalam pengobatan tradisional. Kandungan asam laurat dalam minyak kelapa diyakini memiliki efek antiviral, menjadikannya sebagai opsi pengobatan HPV.
2. Pengobatan Tradisional Herbal Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Pengobatan Herbal Tradisional
Pengobatan herbal tradisional melibatkan pemanfaatan bahan-bahan alami seperti tumbuhan, akar, dan rempah-rempah untuk merawat penyakit. Beberapa metode pengobatan tradisional untuk HPV termasuk:
Ramuan Daun Sirih: Daun sirih memiliki kandungan antimikroba yang dapat membantu melawan virus. Membuat ramuan daun sirih dan menggunakannya secara topikal dapat membantu meredakan gejala HPV.
Minuman Herbal: Berbagai jenis minuman herbal, seperti ramuan jahe atau kunyit, dapat membantu meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh dan mendukung proses penyembuhan HPV.
FAQ: Pertanyaan Umum tentang Pengobatan HPV secara Alami
1. Bagaimana mengatasi gejala HPV dengan cara-cara tradisional?
Mengatasi gejala HPV dengan cara tradisional melibatkan konsumsi ramuan herbal, penggunaan minyak kelapa, dan menerapkan ramuan daun sirih secara topikal. Namun, konsultasikan dengan ahli kesehatan sebelum memulai pengobatan.
2. Apa manfaat minyak kelapa dalam pengobatan HPV?
Minyak kelapa mengandung asam laurat, yang memiliki sifat antiviral. Penggunaan minyak kelapa dapat membantu mengurangi gejala HPV dan mendukung proses penyembuhan.
3. Bagaimana cara mencegah infeksi HPV?
Langkah-langkah pencegahan infeksi HPV melibatkan vaksinasi, praktik seks yang aman, dan hidup sehat. Konsultasikan dengan dokter untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
4. Apakah kutil kelamin bisa hilang tanpa pengobatan?
Beberapa kasus kutil kelamin bisa hilang tanpa pengobatan, tetapi konsultasikan dengan profesional kesehatan untuk perawatan yang tepat.
5. Bagaimana cara mengobati infeksi HPV pada anak-anak?
Pengobatan HPV pada anak-anak memerlukan pendekatan khusus dan pengawasan dokter. Perbanyak konsumsi makanan bergizi dan konsultasikan dengan ahli pediatri.
3. Mengobati Hpv Pada Pria: Tantangan dan Solusi
Tantangan Pengobatan HPV pada Pria
Pengobatan HPV pada pria seringkali menghadapi tantangan karena beberapa gejala dapat bersifat tidak terlihat. Namun, metode pengobatan herbal dan tradisional tetap menjadi opsi yang dapat dijelajahi.
Pengobatan Herbal untuk Pria
Tanaman herbal seperti akar Echinacea, yang dikenal dapat meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh, bisa menjadi pilihan dalam mengatasi HPV pada pria. Perlu diingat bahwa konsultasi dengan profesional kesehatan tetap diperlukan.
Mengobati HPV secara alami melibatkan pemahaman mendalam tentang tanaman herbal dan pengobatan tradisional yang mungkin efektif. Namun, penting untuk selalu berkonsultasi dengan dokter sebelum memulai pengobatan alternatif. Dalam menghadapi kompleksitas HPV, kombinasi antara pengobatan konvensional dan herbal dapat menjadi pendekatan yang holistik. Semoga informasi ini memberikan wawasan yang bermanfaat dan menjadi panduan dalam perjalanan pengobatan HPV secara alami.
Kontak dan Janji Temu Hubungi 0812 1440 8050 Balai Pengobatan Tradisional Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin merupakan sebuah klinik pengobatan tradisional yang sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1985 hingga sekarang dan bertempat di kota Bandung. pengobatan tradisional di indonesia,pengobatan tradisional jawa barat,pengobatan tradisional terdekat,pengobatan alternatif yang bagus,pengobatan tradisional herbal,pengobatan herbal,pengobatan herbal di bandung
Lihat artikel lainnya :
Kontak dan Janji Temu Hubungi
0812 1440 8050 https://wa.me/6281214408050
Kunjungi website https://djamilah-najmuddin.com
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Vaksin HPV Gratis untuk Pelajar Masuk Program BIAS, Begini Cara Dapatnya
SERANG – Vaksin HPV (human papiloma virus) untuk mencegah kanker serviks atau kanker leher rahim diperluas untuk seluruh anak perempuan berusia 11 hingga 12 tahun di seluruh Indonesia. Dengan perluasan imunisasi vaksin HPV jadi program nasional, artinya tidak hanya anak perempuan kelas 5 hingga 6 SD di daerah tertentu saja yang bisa mengaksesnya, tapi semua anak perempuan tanpa memandang…
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Human papiloma virus
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TERUJI! (WA) 0812-1440-8050 Pengobatan Hepatitis Akut ny. djamilah najmuddin di Ciwastra Bandung
Kontak dan Janji Temu Hubungi 0812 1440 8050 Balai Pengobatan Tradisional Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin merupakan sebuah klinik pengobatan tradisional yang sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1985 hingga sekarang dan bertempat di kota Bandung. pengobatan kutil kelamin,pengobatan kutil kelamin pada wanita,pengobatan kutil kelamin pria,pengobatan kutil kelamin pada ibu hamil,mengobati kutil kelamin alami,penyembuhan kutil kelamin secara alami,pengobatan hsv 4
Baca juga artikel lainnya : https://www.tumblr.com/terapiuntukdiabetesmelitus/753785492797046784/ampuh-wa-0812-1440-8050-pengobatan-alami?source=share
Kontak dan Janji Temu Hubungi
0812 1440 8050 https://wa.me/6281214408050
Kunjungi website https://djamilah-najmuddin.com
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#terapihpv #terapihpvpadapria #pengobatankutilkelamin #pengobatankutilkelaminpadawanita #pengobatankutilkelaminpria #pengobatankutilkelaminpadaibuhamil #mengobatikutilkelaminalami #penyembuhankutilkelaminsecaraalami #pengobatanhsv1 #pengobatanhsv7
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just got my first HPV vaccine because I'm nothing if not determined to model good sexual health for you goons. it hurt like a bitch but I'm being so brave about it. if you didn't get vaccinated as a kid and have more than 6 months before you turn 26, pease consider starting the vaccine regimen if you can! it's great preventative care for a variety of cancers that can result from the (very very common) human papiloma virus.
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Are Pap smears ever necessary in animals?
No. They don’t get human papiloma virus.
- Dr Ferox
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Obat Kutil Kelamin Di Apotik By M. Mukhtar Fauzi yang Biasa Diresepkan Dokter - Bagi sobat sekalian yang sedang penasaran dengan penyakitnya, kenapa ada kutil di kemaluan? berikut sedikit informasi tentang penyakit kutil di kemaluan atau yang sering disebut juga dengan nama kutil kelamin. Sebenarnya apa sih kutil kelamin itu? Sebelumnya sobat perlu ketahui, bahwa penyakit ini masuk dalams alah satu kategori Penyakit Menular Seksual (PMS). Baik langsung saja, silahkan simak penjelasan di bawah ini.
Silahkan Baca Juga: Obat Kutil Kelamin Di Apotik
Kutil Genitalis atau dengan nama lain Kondiloma Akuminata merupakan kutil di dalam atau di sekeliling vagina, penis atau dubur, yang ditularkan melalui hubungan seksual. Kondiloma akuminatum ialah vegetasi oleh Human Papiloma Virus tipe tertentu, bertangkai, dan permukaannya berjonjot. Tipe HPV tertentu mempunyai potensi onkogenik yang tinggi, yaitu tipe 16 dan 18. tipe ini merupakan jenis virus yang paling sering dijumpai pada kanker serviks. Sedangkan tipe 6 dan 11 lebih sering dijumpai pada kondiloma akuminatum dan neoplasia intraepitelial serviks derajat ringan.
Kutil genitalis sering ditemukan dan menyebabkan kecemasan karena:
Tidak enak dilihat
Bisa terinfeksi bakteri
Bisa merupakan petunjuk adanya gangguan sistem kekebalan.
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin
Penyebab penyakit ini adalah virus papilloma.Pada wanita, virus papiloma tipe 16 dan 18, yang menyerang leher rahim tetapi tidak menyebabkan kutil pada alat kelamin luar dan bisa menyebabkan kanker leher rahim. Virus tipe ini dan virus papiloma lainnya bisa menyebabkan tumor intra-epitel pada leher rahim (ditunjukkan dengan hasil Pap-smear yang abnormal) atau kanker pada vagina, vulva, dubur, penis,mulut, tenggorokan atau kerongkongan.
Gejala Klinis Kutil Kelamin Kutil genitalis paling sering tumbuh di permukaan tubuh yang hangat dan lembap. Pada pria, area yang sering terkena adalah ujung dan batang penis dan dibawah kulit depannya (jika tidak disunat). Pada wanita, kutil timbul di vulva, dinding vagina, leher rahim (serviks) dan kulit di sekeliling vagina. Kutil genitalis juga bisa terjadi di daerah sekeliling anus dan rektum, terutama pada pria homoseksual dan wanita yang melakukan hubungan seksual melalui dubur.
Kutil biasanya muncul dalam waktu 1-6 bulan setelah terinfeksi, dimulai sebagai pembengkakan kecil yang lembut, lembap, berwarna merah atau pink. Mereka tumbuh dengan cepat dan bisa memiliki tangkai. Pada suatu daerah seringkali tumbuh beberapa kutil dan permukaannya yang kasar memberikan gambaran seperti bunga kol (blumkol).
Pada wanita hamil, pada gangguan sistem kekebalan (penderita AIDS atau pengobatan dengan obat yang menekan sistem kekebalan) dan pada orang yang kulitnya meradang, pertumbuhan kutil ini sangat cepat.
Diagnosa Kutil Kelamin
Diagnosis ditegakkan berdasarkan gejala dan hasil pemeriksaan fisik. Kutil yang menetap bisa diangkat melalui pembedahan dan diperiksa dibawah mikroskop untuk meyakinkan bahwa itu bukan merupakan suatu keganasan. Wanita yang memiliki kutil di leher rahimnya, harus menjalani pemeriksaan Pap-smear secara rutin.
Obat Kutil Kelamin - Pengobatan Kutil Kelamin Kutil pada alat kelamin luar bisa diangkat melalui laser, krioterapi (pembekuan) atau pembedahan dengan bius lokal. Pengobatan kimiawi, seperti podofilum resin atau racun yang dimurnikan atau asam trikloroasetat, bisa dioleskan langsung pada kutil. Tetapi pengobatan ini memerlukan waktu beberapa minggu sampai beberapa bulan, bisa melukai kulit di sekelilingnya dan sering gatal.
Kutil di uretra bisa diobati dengan obat anti kanker seperti tiotepa atau florourasil. Pilihan lainnya adalah pengangkatan kutil dari uretra melalui pembedahan endoskopik. Kutil genitalis sering kambuh dan memerlukan pengobatan ulang. Pada pria yang belum disunat, kekambuhan bisa dicegah dengan menjalani penyunatan.
Gejala Kutil Kelamin
Kutil kelamin muncul sekitar 2-4 minggu setelah infeksi, tetapi seringkali perlu beberapa bulan sampai terlihat nyata. Kutil biasanya tidak menyakitkan, tetapi dapat menyebabkan gatal-gatal. Penampilan kutil bervariasi, dari benar-benar datar sampai kasar seperti kembang kol. Kutil bisa begitu datar sehingga tidak terlihat dengan mata telanjang, tetapi dapat menyebabkan nyeri dan gatal.
Mereka dapat muncul secara sendiri-sendiri atau berkelompok. Pada pria, kutil kelamin biasanya muncul di penis atau di bawah kulup. Kutil kelamin juga dapat muncul di dalam uretra, biasanya hanya pada meatus uretra (pembukaan uretra di kepala penis). Pada wanita, kutil kelamin terlihat pada vagina, labia atau uretra. Baik pada pria maupun wanita, kutil dapat muncul pada rektum dan daerah sekitarnya.
Cara Penularan Penyakit Kutil Kelamin
Kutil kelamin ditularkan terutama melalui hubungan seksual. Dalam kasus yang jarang, penularan dapat terjadi secara tidak langsung setelah menggunakan handuk yang terkontaminasi. Bayi juga dapat terinfeksi selama proses kelahiran.
Pengobatan kutil kelamin
Penderita Kutil Kelamin yang telah terinveksi disarankan untuk segera melakukan pengobatan secepat mungkin sebelum Virus HPV penyebab kutil kelamin makin banyak(berkembang biak) di dalam sel darah, makin lama dibiarkan akan memperparah kondisi organ vital karena kutil kelamin akan terus membesar sehingga terlihat seperti jengger ayam, untuk penderita yang baru tertular kurang dari satu bulan biasanyaakan lebih cepat ditanggulangi.
Cara yang sering di lakukan untuk menghilangkan kutil kelamin adalah dengan carapembedahah atau operasi, cara ini tentu memerlukan dana yang tidak sedikit. metode Pilihan pembedahan yang dapat Anda lakukan, antara lain:
Cryotherapy. Jenis pembedahan ini dilakukan
untuk membekukan kutil dengan menggunakan nitrogen cair. Namun, hal ini dapat menyebabkan area di sekitar kulit Anda melepuh.
Elektrokauter. Prosedur ini menggunakan arus listrik untuk membakar kutil.
Eksisi bedah. Jenis pembedahan ini dilakukan untuk memotong kutil yang ada pada organ intim Anda. Ketika Anda melakukan pembedahan ini, Anda memerlukan anestasi lokal.
Terapi laser. Dokter menggunakan balok intens cahaya dan biasanya jenis pengobatan ini dilakukan ketika ukuran kutil Anda sudah sangat besar dan sulit untuk diobati.
Obat Untuk Menghilangkan Kutil Kelamin - Penyebab kutil kelamin adalah virus yang biasa disebut Human Papiloma Virus atau disingkat menjadi HPV. Virus ini menghinfeksi lapisan permukaan kulit sehingga kutil bisa berada pada kulit. Ada lebih dari 100 jenis virus HPV, tetapi hanya beberapa yang dapat menyebabkan kutil kelamin.
Kutil kelamin muncul sekitar 2-4 minggu setelah infeksi, tetapi seringkali perlu beberapa bulan sampai terlihat nyata. Kutil biasanya tidak menyakitkan, tetapi dapat menyebabkan gatal-gatal. Penampilan kutil bervariasi, dari benar-benar datar sampai kasar seperti kembang kol. Kutil bisa begitu datar sehingga tidak terlihat dengan mata telanjang, tetapi dapat menyebabkan nyeri dan gatal.
Mereka dapat muncul secara sendiri-sendiri atau berkelompok. Pada pria, kutil kelamin biasanya muncul di penis atau di bawah kulup. Kutil kelamin juga dapat muncul di dalam uretra, biasanya hanya pada meatus uretra (pembukaan uretra di kepala penis). Pada wanita, kutil kelamin terlihat pada vagina, labia atau uretra. Baik pada pria maupun wanita, kutil dapat muncul pada rektum dan daerah sekitarnya.cara Penularan Penyakit Kutil Kelamin Kutil kelamin ditularkan terutama melalui hubungan seksual. Dalam kasus yang jarang, penularan dapat terjadi secara tidak langsung setelah menggunakan handuk yang terkontaminasi. Bayi juga dapat terinfeksi selama proses kelahiran.
Beli paket obat kutil kelamin pria, obat kutil kelamin wanita, obat kutil kelamin Ibu hamil, obat kutil kelamin Ibu menyusui, tanpa ribet ruet yang mudah digunakan dirumah sendiri!
Pengiriman Obat Kutil Kelamin Ke Seluruh Indonesia Dan Luar Negeri
Konsultasikan keluhan Anda!
Hubungi 085229203009
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My spotify:
*finishes playing a song on normal volume*
Advertisement that is ten times more loud than any music on my entire computer: THE HUMAN PAPILOMA VIRUS CAN CAUSE GENITAL AND ANAL WARTS AND HERPES WITH MEN WHO HAVE SEX WITH OTHER MEN!!!!!!
#Spotify my god my neighbours can hear this!!!#DON'T OUT PEOPLE#It's great you're putting up ads about herpes and shit but like PLEASE STOP WITH IT BEING SO FUCKING LOUD?#Also I am sure there are people out there who live in the closet and this will make people raise brows
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EFEKTIF! (WA) 0812-1440-8050 Pengobatan Infeksi Menular Seksual ny. djamilah najmuddin di Cisurupan Bandung
Kontak dan Janji Temu Hubungi 0812 1440 8050 Balai Pengobatan Tradisional Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin merupakan sebuah klinik pengobatan tradisional yang sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1985 hingga sekarang dan bertempat di kota Bandung. pengobatan tradisional diabetes mellitus,pengobatan diabetes terbaru,pengobatan diabetes secara alami,pengobatan papiloma,pengobatan human papillomavirus hpv,pengobatan penyakit hpv,pengobatan herbal hpv
Pengobatan Virus HPV: Pilihan Terbaik dan Terkini
Solusi Terkait Virus HPV: Pengobatan Mulut, Wanita, dan Pengobatan Herbal di Bandung
Virus HPV, atau Human Papillomavirus, adalah masalah kesehatan yang mendalam dan kompleks yang memengaruhi jutaan orang di seluruh dunia. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas berbagai pilihan pengobatan untuk HPV, termasuk pengobatan untuk HPV di mulut, pengobatan untuk wanita, serta metode pengobatan herbal yang dapat ditemukan di Bandung. Mari kita temukan solusi terkini dan informasi yang relevan untuk menghadapi virus HPV.
Pengobatan Virus HPV
Pengenalan Pengobatan HPVVirus HPV adalah penyebab umum kutil kelamin dan dapat menyebabkan masalah kesehatan serius seperti kanker serviks. Oleh karena itu, pengobatan untuk HPV menjadi sangat penting. Pengobatan HPV dapat mencakup berbagai metode, termasuk pengobatan medis dan herbal.
Pengobatan HPV di MulutHPV dapat menginfeksi mulut dan tenggorokan, menyebabkan kutil di daerah tersebut. Pengobatan HPV di mulut mungkin melibatkan berbagai langkah:
Pengobatan Medis: Untuk lesi prakanker atau kanker mulut, pengobatan medis seperti operasi, terapi radiasi, atau kemoterapi mungkin diperlukan.
Pengobatan Tradisional: Pengobatan tradisional dengan ramuan herbal atau teknik khusus mungkin juga menjadi pilihan. Di Bandung, Anda dapat menemukan praktisi pengobatan herbal yang dapat membantu dengan metode alami.
Pengobatan HPV pada WanitaPengobatan HPV pada wanita sangat bergantung pada jenis HPV dan tingkat infeksi. Beberapa pilihan pengobatan mungkin termasuk:
Konisasi atau aborsi listrik: Untuk lesi prakanker atau kanker serviks pada tahap awal, dokter mungkin akan merekomendasikan prosedur pengangkatan ini.
Pemantauan Rutin: Jika infeksi HPV tidak menimbulkan komplikasi serius, dokter mungkin hanya memerlukan pemantauan reguler, termasuk pemeriksaan Pap smear dan colposcopy.
Pengobatan Herbal di Bandung
Bandung, kota yang dikenal dengan budayanya yang kaya dan pemandangan alam yang indah, juga menawarkan berbagai pilihan pengobatan herbal. Di kota ini, Anda dapat menemukan praktisi pengobatan herbal yang menggunakan tanaman obat lokal dan ramuan tradisional untuk membantu mengobati berbagai masalah kesehatan, termasuk HPV. Pengobatan herbal sering melibatkan pemakaian minyak esensial dan tanaman obat tertentu yang memiliki sifat antivirus dan antiinflamasi.
FAQ tentang Pengobatan Virus HPV
1. Apakah ada pengobatan khusus untuk virus HPV itu sendiri?
Saat ini, tidak ada pengobatan khusus untuk virus HPV itu sendiri. Namun, terdapat berbagai metode pengobatan yang dapat membantu mengatasi komplikasi yang disebabkan oleh infeksi HPV, seperti kutil kelamin atau kanker serviks.
2. Apakah pengobatan herbal efektif untuk mengatasi HPV?
Pengobatan herbal dapat membantu beberapa orang dalam mengatasi infeksi HPV atau gejalanya. Namun, hasilnya mungkin bervariasi, dan penting untuk berkonsultasi dengan praktisi pengobatan herbal yang berpengalaman.
3. Bagaimana saya dapat menemukan pengobatan herbal di Bandung?
Anda dapat memulai pencarian dengan bertanya kepada teman atau keluarga yang mungkin memiliki pengalaman dengan pengobatan herbal di Bandung. Selain itu, mencari referensi dari sumber daya online dan komunitas lokal juga dapat membantu Anda menemukan praktisi yang cocok untuk kebutuhan Anda.
Pengobatan HPV adalah topik yang penting dan kompleks, dan pilihan pengobatan dapat bervariasi tergantung pada kondisi individu. Baik itu melalui pengobatan medis konvensional, pengobatan herbal, atau campuran keduanya, penting untuk berkonsultasi dengan penyedia layanan kesehatan yang berpengalaman. Dengan pengetahuan dan perawatan yang tepat, kita dapat menghadapi virus HPV dengan bijak dan efektif. Artikel ini diharapkan memberikan wawasan yang bermanfaat kepada Anda yang mencari informasi tentang pengobatan HPV di Bandung dan solusi terkini yang tersedia.
Kontak dan Janji Temu Hubungi
0812 1440 8050 https://wa.me/6281214408050
Kunjungi website https://djamilah-najmuddin.com
Baca juga : https://www.tumblr.com/terapihpvpadapria/733062082558312448/teruji-wa-0812-1440-8050-pengobatan-diabetes?source=share&ref=terapihpvpadapria
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Nguyên Nhân Nào Dẫn Đến Sùi Mào Gà Ở Bộ Phận Sinh Dục Nam Giới?
Theo thống kê, những năm qua tỷ lệ mắc bệnh sùi mào gà ở nam giới có xu hướng tăng mạnh. Virus gây bệnh có thể xảy ra ở các bộ phận trên cơ thể nhưng nhiều nhất vẫn là “vùng kín” nam. Vậy nguyên nhân nào dẫn đến sùi mào gà ở bộ phận sinh dục nam giới? Hãy cùng tìm hiểu qua bài viết sau đây.
Nguyên Nhân Sùi Mào Gà Ở Bộ Phận Sinh Dục Nam
Bệnh sùi mào gà do virus Human Papiloma (HPV) gây ra và là một trong những bệnh xã hội nguy hiểm. Sùi mào gà có thể xuất hiện khắp cơ thể song bộ phận sinh dục luôn ẩm ướt là điều kiện lý tưởng để virus trú ngụ.
Sùi mào gà ở bộ phận sinh dục nam có khả năng lây nhiễm nhanh chóng thông qua các con đường:
✘ Quan hệ tình dục không an toàn là con đường lây bệnh phổ biến nhất, Virus tập trung nhiều ở “vùng kín” của bạn tình, sau đó nhanh chóng tấn công bộ phận sinh dục của nam giới và sinh sôi phát triển.
✘ Virus tồn tại nhiều trong dịch tiết, nước bọt và có thể sống khá lâu trên các đồ vật như bàn chải, dao cạo, khăn tắm.. Người bệnh có thể lây nhiễm gián tiếp qua các vật dụng cá nhân.
✘ Khi có sự tiếp xúc với máu của người bệnh thông qua việc đụng chạm vết thương hở thì nguy cơ mắc sùi mào gà cũng rất cao.
✘ Lây nhiễm từ trong bụng mẹ do di truyền qua máu hoặc quá trình sinh tự nhiên, bé trai tiếp xúc với virus ở âm đạo của mẹ và mắc bệnh.
Có thể bạn quan tâm:
Chồng bị sùi mào gà có lây sang cho vợ không?
Các bệnh dễ nhầm lẫn với sùi mào gà bạn nên biết
Dấu Hiệu Và Tác Hại Sùi Mào Gà Ở Bộ Phận Sinh Dục Nam
Sau thời gian ủ bệnh khá lâu, sùi mào gà ở bộ phận sinh dục nam sẽ bắt đầu phát tác. Các dấu hiệu sẽ xuất hiện theo từng giai đoạn cụ thể:
➤ Xung quanh bộ phận sinh dục nam như dương vật, lỗ niệu đạo, tinh hoàn.. xuất hiện các mụn nhỏ hồng nhạt, đường kính khoảng 1-2mm, hơi trồi lên trên bề m��t da.
➤ Các u sùi dần phát triển về kích thước, thành 1 khối lớn và có hình dạng như mào gà, bông súp lơ, lây lan diện rộng tới nếp gấp bẹn, quanh hậu môn..
➤ Các mụn sùi sờ vào có cảm giác mềm, ẩm ướt, bên trong có dịch mủ.
➤ Xuất hiện tình trạng lở loét, nốt sùi vỡ ra mùi hôi tanh và người bệnh bị đau rát.
Sùi mào gà ở bộ phận sinh dục nam nếu như không sớm chữa trị sẽ có thể gây ra các biến chứng:
➤ Viêm nhiễm lây lan gây các bệnh nam khoa: Viêm niệu đạo, viêm bao quy đầu..
➤ Nguy cơ mắc bệnh ung thư: Virus HPV gây bệnh sùi mào gà được tìm thấy ở 85% trường hợp mắc ung thư dương vật.
➤ Virus xâm nhập gây tổn thương tới các cơ quan sinh sản. Lâu dài suy giảm chất lượng tinh trùng, nguy cơ vô sinh – hiếm muộn.
➤ Đau rát, khó chịu khiến nam giới cảm thấy mệt mỏi, mất tập trung trong công việc và bất tiện trong sinh hoạt hàng ngày.
Để ngăn chặn các biến chứng không mong muốn xảy ra. Khi phát hiện dấu hiệu nghi ngờ mắc bệnh, nam giới hãy đến ngay cơ sở chuyên khoa để được thăm khám và điều trị đúng cách
Điều Tri Sùi Mào Gà Ở Bộ Phận Sinh Dục Nam Như Thế Nào?
Hiện nay tại hải Phòng, Chuyên khoa Bệnh xã hội – Đa khoa Phượng Đỏ là cơ sở nhận được đánh giá cao của Sở Y tế và bệnh nhân. Nhờ vào kết quả tích cực trong việc điều trị tích bệnh sùi mào gà với phương pháp ALA_PDT tiên tiến.
Đây là phương pháp chữa sùi mào gà hoạt động trên nguyên tắc phản ứng qua lại của ánh sáng, tia huỳnh quang và 1 lượng oxy hoạt tính. Nhằm ngăn chặn sự tăng sinh của các tế bào bất thường và triệt tiêu các u nhú trên cơ thể.
✓ Các nốt sùi được tiêu diệt tận gốc kể cả ở những vị trí phức tạp
✓ Ít gây đau đớn, không để lại sẹo mất thẩm mỹ
✓ Chi phí hợp lý, hiệu quả cao, tỷ lệ tái phát thấp.
Với đội ngũ chuyên gia hơn 20 năm kinh nghiệm cùng trang thiết bị hiện đại, người bệnh có thể yên tâm tuyệt đối khi gửi gắm bệnh tình của mình tại Phượng Đỏ.
Trên đây là những chia sẻ về nguyên nhân sùi mào gà ở bộ phận sinh dục nam giới và một số thông tin liên quan, Hy vọng đã cung cấp thông tin hữu ích, giúp người bệnh chủ động trong việc điều trị cũng như có biện pháp giảm thiểu nguy cơ lây nhiễm từ bây giờ.
Nếu còn băn khoăn cần giải đáp hoặc có nhu cầu đặt hẹn, vui lòng gọi tới hotline 0225 369 9999 để được hỗ trợ.
#sùi mào gà bộ phận sinh dục#nguyên nhân sùi mào gà nam giới#nguyên nhân sùi mào gà bộ phận sinh dục nam
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Lupine Publishers | Barriers to the Pap Smear in Women of Fertile Age
The cervical cancer (CC) is one of the main threats against women life; it is estimated that right now in the world, this disease affects over one million women and most of them have neither been diagnosed or have access to a treatment that could save them or extend their life. In 2012, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that it was diagnosed 528 000 new occurrences, and 266 000 women died of this disease, over 90% of them happened in countries with medium to low income. It is predicted, without immediate attention, the deaths caused by CC could raise by 25% in the next ten years; this same data is reported by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) (WHO/PAHO [5] as mortality indexes due to CC.
The CC is closely related with the presence of the Human Papiloma Virus (HPV) mainly those identified as high risk; the two that cause with higher frequency are types 16 and 18, which together, are responsible for an approximate of 70% of CC cases around the world PAHO [6]. In the female population, CC is the main death cause by malignant neoplasm, especially in the range of 25 to 64 years old, this according to the Mexican Official Norm (NOM- 014SSA2-1994).
In Mexico it is recommended that all the female population with active sexual life should perform the Papanicolau (PAP) each year, each three years for those who have had a negative result to infection by HPV in the last two PAP, dysplasias or cancer; women infected by VPH, dysplasia or cancer should be traced by a dysplasia clinic and, when they are released by the hospital, they should begin again with PAP with an annual frequency; those who have positive PAP results due to non-specific inflammatory processes or additional findings should receive medical treatment and continue with annual PAP until there are two straight negative results, according with the Mexican Official Norm NOM-014-SSA2-1998 for prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment, control and epidemiological surveillance of CC Minister of Health [1]. There is a low prevalence of the usage of this test and the found factors related with its limited use are the modesty, lack of information about the usefulness of the test or lack of approval by the partner Sagarduy [7].
This topical has generated multiple controversies by the stretch relationship it has with the different cultures that the human being has; including that, nowadays women have the false believe that if they do not have a background of developing the CaCU disease, they do not have the necessity of performing PAP. Some barriers to not entering a periodical screening is to not know the age in which the test must be performed and with which frequency it should be done, they also mention that they do not come to their control due to fear of being diagnosed with cancer, also as shame to be examined in the genitals, and never had any children. Other beliefs are that they should have an active sexual life, being that CaCU is a serious health problem and it can take them to perform a chemotherapy, a hysterectomy or even death, and because of this, if she has 21 years old, the woman can perform the cytological exam.
The main action that drives women to come and perform an PAP is by the indication of a medical doctor or a nurse, because they heard it on television or radio, and because family members mentioned the topic in relationship with received benefits, being the most important health care Urrutia [8]; however, the majority of women have the belief that they will be hurt in the moment of performing the PAP, or that they will experiment pain during the exploration; this can have a reason in a lack of appropriate information by the medical staff about the realization of the test; they also refer this fear or shame to being male the one who is going to perform the test and that young women who live with their parents have fear of being revealed that they have an active sexual life. Other of the mentioned barriers mentioned by women are that they do not come to perform the test due to the lack of time or the long await to receive the result of the test, or the lack of consent by the couple, which is very common in the Mexican population by the still perceived machismo.
Material and Methods
The design of this study was descriptive, transversal in a population conformed by women in fertile age in the independence health center in the city of H. Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico. The sampling was by convenience, it included all women who manifested the intention and availability to participate in the study, obtaining a final sample of 150 woman. To collect personal identification data, it was used the personal identification card (PIC) which included information related with age, level of education, civil status, type of relationship with the couple and previous results of papanicolau. The variable beliefs about PAP and CC was measured with an instrument developed and validated with Chilean population based in the health beliefs model descripted by Rosenstock [9]. To answer the objective, it was applied an instrument developed and validated based in the health beliefs model descripted by Rosenstock [9] which presents 6 dimensions divided in: 1. Barriers, which contains 9 items. 2. Benefits, which contains 3 items. 3. Severity, which contains 4 items. 4. Susceptibility, which contains 3 items. 5. Signals of action, which contains 6 items and 6. Requirements, which contains 3 items.
For this research, it was only used the dimension of barriers, composed by 9 items and which is subdivided into three dimensions: fear to find having cervical cancer, waiting time to being attended and shame to be observed in the genitals, which an answer range type Likert of 5 points which ranges from completely agree to completely disagree, Items 2,3,4,5,9 are about time and schedules that the patients have to perform the Pap, item 1 is about the lack of knowledge that the patients have with respect to the age where they should begin the monitoring and performing of the Pap, item 6 is about the fear the patients can have by the news of having cervical cancer. Item 7 is about shame that women can have to have somebody inspecting their genitals, since it is a very intimate body part, and item 8 is about the bad treatment that the patients can have by the medical staff working in the health center where the women come. For the capture and data analysis, it was used the statistical package SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) version 20, where a descriptive statistic was used. The results presented are liability of 96 through the Alpha of Cronbach.
Results and Discussion
The socio-demographic profile presented by the women participating in the study corresponds to an average age of 34.7 years (SD=7.01), in relationship with the level of education, 43.3% reported middle school level and a low percentage (10%) reported being currently studying at a university. The bigger proportion reported a marital status of being married with an 57.3% and the 89.3% of the participants reported having a stable sexual partner, and in the PAP results, the PAP class II (normal) with a 96.0 (Table 1) prevailed. These results coincide with multiple studies where the average age is 35 years old and women are in a stable sexual relationship Urrutia [4], Sagarduy [7]. Results are presented in relationship with the study variables where it can be observer that women do not know in which age is necessary to perform the PAP and with which frequency it is necessary to come to perform the test with averages ranging from 2.62 (SD=1.64) to 2.77 (SD=1.39); results that differ from the study performed by Huamani [10] where it was reported that participants from its study presented a high knowledge, where 64.8% knew about how it is performed the PAP and 65.2% knew the optimal frequency to perform the PAP, highlighting that in a 38.5% the level of studies was university, where we can observe that a lower education level and an inadequate history of PAP are associated with poor knowledge and a negative attitude towards the performance of Papanicolau Huamani [10]. In relationship with the barriers to the practice of the papanicolaou, women agree that they do not take the PAP because when they attend, it takes a large amount of time to be attended by medical staff and they do not have that time, results with averages ranging from 2.52 (SD=1.37) and 2.55 (SD=1.40) (Table 1). Similar results are reported by Polo-Peña [11] where in its study, it was mentioned that the time availability was a main cultural factor, which constructs barriers to the realization of cytology in the 95% of its participants.
Another important factor are those related with fatalists thoughts and machismo that might be present as barriers to perform this test in a periodical manner, in the present study, the women that do not take PAP due to fear to a cancer diagnostic and being ashamed to have their genitals being examined are averages ranging from 2.50 (SD=1.41) to 2.48 (SD=1.41) (Table 1); these results match with previously analyzed literature where multiple authors report that shame, fear and lack of time are barriers against the perform of Papanicolau, as it is also the lack of information about age to take the exam Urrutia [4] Sagarduy [7] Mosavel [12- 14].
In relationship with the obtained results, it can be concluded that there still exists false beliefs about PAP and CC, where the most relevant ones are that the population does not know in which age it is necessary to take PAP [13] it also does not know the frequency in which it should be taken, they do not take the PAP due to a long time to being attended in the medical center and do not have that time to take the test, fear of knowing to have cancer and shame to be examined in the genitals. It is very important data to consider by the professionals in the preventive health field, where providing brief information is not enough to achieve woman empowerment and adhere to perform the Papanicolau test.
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Iris publishers- Iris Journal of Nursing & Care (IJNC)
HPV: Impact on Women’s Lives
Authored by Maria Cristina Porto e Silva*
Objective:b> To identify the feelings involved in the discovery of HPV infection and to point out the impacts on the woman’s life after a positive result for human papilloma virus.
Method: This is a descriptive and cross-sectional study, based on a theoretical and methodological basis based on the principles of qualitative research whose data were analyzed according to phenomenological inspiration. The study population consisted of women who had the presence of HPV in the last result of the cytopathological examination. The data were obtained through semi-structured interviews consisting of guiding questions, which, after approval by the ethics committee and authorization of the participants, were recorded.
Result: Nine units of meaning were identified with the following themes: the repercussion in the lives of the participants, the importance of hope after the discovery of HPV, the patient’s uncertainties regarding HPV, the unknown disease, the diagnosis of HPV as an unexpected fact, pointing out the impacts after the discovery of the infection, the impact of the diagnosis on the relationship, confusion of thoughts about the diagnosis, anguish caused by the HPV result, alarmed by the next relationships, without reaction on the exam.
Considerations:b> Sexual behavior is linked to the growth of the diagnosis of human papilloma virus, considering that changes in habits, such as condom use during sexual intercourse even with a steady partner, are necessary for safe sexuality. Feelings of fear and worry happen through an unexpected result, which can contribute to the re-signification of the lived world.
Keywords: Human papillomavirus; Feelings; Women; Nursing
The increase in the rates of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) has been considering the behavioral change in sexual practices in society, being transmitted through sexual contact (oral, vaginal and anal) without the use of condoms, which can still occur in the form of vertical transmission during pregnancy, childbirth and through breastfeeding [1]. The human papilloma virus (HPV), an infectious agent that manifests itself through lesions known as culminated condyloma, genital wart or cock’s crest, has affected women in greater numbers, with contagious lesions that can be asymptomatic and transient, but some women develop persistent infections that can result in cervical cancer precursor lesions [2]. The persistent infection of some types of human papilloma has been the cause of cervical cancer, with infection by this virus being very frequent, and cellular alterations may occur and progress to cancer. The discovery can be by cytopathological examination or Pap smear, being curable in almost all cases [3]. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) considered a virus that causes a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) is the most common type, and worldwide, approximately 600 million people have HPV, and about 75-80% of the population acquire this virus. at some point in life [4]. The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) virus belongs to the Papovaviridae family of the genus Papiloma, it is a DNA virus composed of a circular double loop and the variants of the nucleotide sequences allowed to find more than 100 different types of viruses. It presents a tropism for epithelial cells where it replicates in the nucleus of squamous cells, generating infections by mucous membranes and skin in the form of warty lesions that compromise the epithelium [5]. Viruses are installed in basal epithelial cells, in which replication depends on the terminal differentiation of the host cell, promoting productive, transforming, and latent infections, that is, viral DNA replication occurs, absence of viral transcripts and transformation of infected cells into benign or malignant tumor cells [6]. The virus is transmitted to women and men through unprotected sex, in which a quarter of the population can present joint infection with two or more types of virus, thus being exposed to a greater risk of infection by oncogenic subtypes [5]. According to the National Cancer Institute, among subtypes of papailoma virus, there are those of oncogenic character and which may be related to cases of persistent infections, affecting mainly the cervix, but also the vagina, vulva, anus, penis, oropharynx and mouth. The treatment of women with HPV improves the quality of life, but unfortunately does not interrupt the chain of transmission of these infections, as HPV is not only curable for treatment and prevention [3]. Currently, the vaccine approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for women between 9 and 26 years old, which prioritizes girls between 11 and 13 years old who have not had sexual intercourse, is 100% effective and has no serious adverse event. Although the woman does not enter this age group and has already had sexual intercourse, vaccination is recommended, if she has contact with one type of virus, she may still be immunized against other viral types [7]. The vaccine that protects against Human Papillomavirus (HPV) was incorporated into the Unified Health System (SUS) in 2014 and is currently applied to girls and adolescents between 9 and 14 years of age (14 years, 11 months, and 29 days), boys and adolescents between 11 and 14 years old (14 years, 11 months and 29 days) of age and for groups with special clinical conditions [8]. The combination of the vaccine and regular Pap smear is the best way to guarantee the decrease in high rates of cervical cancer and in the future the disease will become less threatening to the lives of women [5]. A study reports that in view of the increasing involvement of women with STIs and the high influence caused by the socioeconomic context in the course of these infections, the importance of public policies that establish adequate strategies for their prevention, early diagnosis and treatment is highlighted, so that there is promotion of the quality of life of this population [4]. The increasing number of STI statistics has shown that the lack of knowledge both about the disease, as well as its transmission and prevention, has also been an impasse to change this scenario, thus making it a public health problem that has repercussions on the woman’s life and on the conjugal relationship. The study is important to strengthen a reflection on the sexual behavior of the population, allowing the knowledge of the feelings involved in the discovery of sexually transmitted infections mainly by the papilloma virus due to the impact it can have on the woman’s life, and consequently reflecting on the relationship the partner and in sex life. A study points out that health education is one of the main tools in contributing to knowledge about HPV infection, awareness about dissemination and care, promoting technical and popular knowledge and thus providing quality of life not only for the individual but also for the community [9]. For nursing, there is a need to act in preventing infection and promoting women’s health, with the consequence of improving the quality of life and mainly reducing the emotional disturbance that can surround the woman’s life. This study contributes to the community, as a means of clarifying the HPV contamination from the perspective of women who are affected by the precursor of cervical cancer, and thus helping professionals to have interventions focused on physical integrity and mental. Also, for supporting the preparation of the scientific community to develop strategies aimed at increasing the level of information of women and the health team, always promoting quality in the care and in the lives of the women affected. Therefore, the objective of the study was to identify the feelings involved in the discovery of the HPV infection and to point out the impacts on the woman’s life after the discovery of the infection.
This research has its theoretical and methodological basis based on the principles of qualitative research, with a descriptive and transversal approach, whose proposal will be to understand human phenomena from a concrete experience, lived in daily life, in the phenomenological perspective adopted for the analysis of the collected data. The study scenario was the outpatient clinic of Hospital das Clínicas that serves the city of Pouso Alegre-MG and surrounding municipalities, being a reference to medium and high complexity care. Women were selected who presented the presence of Human Papillomavirus in the last result of the cytopathological or Pap test. The interviews were scheduled and carried out in the care unit itself, which, after approval by the ethics committee and signature of the free and informed consent term, were collected in a restricted, comfortable and bright place, favoring a quiet and private environment for the subjects of the study. research. The inclusion criteria included women who presented the results of the cytopathological or Pap test in the period of 6 months with a positive result for Human Papillomavirus; women aged 18 years or older; women who agreed to participate in the research. And the exclusion criteria were those who refused to be part of the research; women who have not had a cytopathological exam or Pap smear with Human Papillomavirus; women who presented the results of the cytopathological exam or Pap smear over 6 months with Human Papillomavirus. The data were obtained through semi-structured interviews, which, after approval by the ethics committee and authorization of the participants, were recorded. They were guided by a script consisting of the following questions: For you, what was it like to know that the Pap smear result had an infection with the Human Papillomavirus, a precursor of cervical cancer? What in your life does that mean? It’s because? This research was submitted to the evaluation of the Ethics Committee of the Vale do Sapucaí University respecting what is recommended by Resolution No. 466 of 2012 of the Ministry of Health, which deals with research with human beings. The data related to the women’s reports about what it meant to have the result of the cytopathological examination presenting the infection with Human Papillomavirus and what repercussions it brought to their lives, were analyzed according to the qualitative approach of phenomenological inspiration, by the following steps: the recordings were listened to carefully in its entirety, transcribed in full and the content of the interviews was read in order to learn about the phenomenon and simultaneously highlighted the main points of each speech. This stage was carried out with each participant, and the similarities identified in the set of interviews were grouped, which, in turn, were constituted in themes, considering similar aspects, divergences and, finally, presented in a descriptive manner, based on the statements of women.
Results and Discussions
Data collection was carried out with eight women and it was possible to analyze the statements based on two themes that relate to the guiding questions and the objective of the study:
• The impact on the participants’ lives
• Point out the impacts after the discovery of the infection.
Four categories emerged from the first theme:
• The importance of hope after the discovery of HPV
• The patient’s uncertainties regarding HPV
• The unknown disease
• The diagnosis of HPV as an unexpected fact. And the second theme allowed us to divide it into five units:
• The impact of the diagnosis on the relationship
• Confusion of thoughts about the diagnosis
• Anguish caused by the HPV result.
• Alarmed by the forthcoming relationships.
• No reaction to the exam.
The repercussions on the lives of the participants
The importance of hope after the discovery of HPV: The result of the cytopathological examination with cellular alterations implies for women a lack of knowledge about the scientific aspect, but it is frightening as to its effects in daily life. For some of these women after having a clear diagnosis, they remain in the hope of six months later to repeat and obtain normal results. A study found that when diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection, specifically HPV, women are faced with a reality that is imposed on them and with which they will inevitably have to deal with the unknown and with the doubt of loyalty [10]. The search for strength to cope makes the woman find the hope of improvement, as in the speech: What I felt was that for me it was everything that if God wants it will be all right, that I was not beaten, that is it (P2). These feelings awaken to an understanding of the world from which they lived experience is founded on the subject’s perception, intertwining body-world, giving new meaning, feeling what it is like to be in the world creating meanings through the perception of the unfolding place of life. before you for the experiences [11]. Believing that everything can have a positive outcome is the basis for facing the difficulties imposed on the body by the lived world. Therefore, positivity and the encounter with religion is necessary support to face what lies ahead. Having knowledge about the characteristics of the HPV virus, will favor having a better view of your health status, and the need for continuous care, helping to adhere to the proposed health treatment [9]. Perception of the world that materializes with it, in the body that moves, that suffers, that interacts with the environment, assigning meanings.
The patient’s uncertainties regarding HPV: The first information about HPV generates uncertainty and the possibility of having cancer, in which some studies show that women associate warts on the genitalia as a synonym for a malignant tumor. When they receive the information that some types of HPV are likely to develop into cervical cancer, fear is a dominant feeling, revealing the ghost of cancer as a destructive force, an invasive and silent disease [12]. Acquiring HPV means living with doubt when discussing the evolution of the disease, in which it is not possible to give an exact prognosis of the pathology [12]. It is the certainty that you have plunged into the world-disease that scares you. The idealized world loses its meaning. Ah! I was really worried, because when I found out about warts, right?! I already had condyloma there, it was very, well, very embarrassing because we already think a lot of bullshit and I already had breast cancer so in my fear it was like having cancer in the uterus too (P3). Ah, I was sad, I was sad, it was one, “I don’t know” it was an exam result that left me shaken (P7) I was very scared thinking that I had cancer’ (P5). Thus, meanings, goals and limitations arising from being affected by the disease provide the meaning of oneself from the difficulties that they have been going through in their daily lives related to changes in their natural body. The investigated subject’s experience of falling ill suggests something in the field of impotence, that is, the loss of power and control over the situation experienced.
The unknown disease: HPV is unknown and even its treatment, due to lack of information, arouses feelings of insecurity and fear, in which the situation requires decision-making to face and move forward. Existence is not explained by objectivity, by the world of ideas, but by understanding and experiencing the world, the lived world. Therefore, with all the feelings and changes that occur in life, receiving a positive diagnosis for HPV, orienting yourself and understanding your current situation and starting to face the new reality, is important at this time [9]. The lack of adequate information can result in misconceptions, which can generate negative behaviors, given the statement below: It was a “thud” because we don’t have any information in the region where we are it should be more at the health center or something like that to pay more attention, more explanation, let’s say so. Clear doubts (P4). When sick the attention turns to the part that is not working, at this moment the harmony between the object body and the lived body is broken, with the meaning of the simple mechanical dysfunction reaching the being-in-the-world, it loses the conscience of coping and lives the anguish of the assumption. Unawareness or little knowledge is a reason to cause sadness and dread in the face of the perception of the partner, family, and oneself, in addition to the concern about possible changes in their routine with the family and work [9]. I stayed, I did not know what it was yet and then I got scared (P6). The impact of the diagnosis meant discovering having a sexually transmitted infection and living with it is sharing moments of fear, insecurity, revolt, and uncertainty [10]. However, being sick is a presence that changes life, transforming the way we experience our bodies, react, and perform tasks. Getting sick is a painful way to reveal the intimately bodily nature of our being. Having STI makes women more exposed to bad feelings about their prognosis, making them more psychologically vulnerable to negative emotions that May arise [12]. It was a horrible feeling, it was a painful, horrible feeling. Wow, I do not even know how to speak, it hurts too much, it hurts too much, it is like, something that, you know, wow! The time I heard about it ended with me and it was very hard, very painful, I cried for several days until we go on talking to a person, the person gives us a word of friend, we calm down because otherwise you cannot bear it. It is hard, I wish it to anyone, because it’s a horrible feeling (P8). The significant experience of a situation where there is no body that suffers, but an incarnate being that feels pain, expression, meaning. Fear and pain are mixed when experiencing the new reality of being a woman with HPV, feelings being most aroused by this diagnosis and by experiencing a new reality [9]. The changes resulting from these feelings bring continuous changes in your being, giving you meanings and meanings for the world body. Knowledge does not bring fear, it shows that it is possible to face the diagnosis, the absence of information and the opportunity to have it, it makes the woman negatively experience the existence in the world.
The diagnosis of HPV as an unexpected fact: The diagnosis of any disease is not something that inspires positive and pleasant feelings, knowing that you have HPV comes as a surprise mainly because many women do not know the real severity of the disease and only discover later how the virus is transmitted. The body is an ally of consciousness that expresses the meaning attributed to transformations organic. In the experience of pain and suffering, the consequences of what the disease is imprisoned. There is now no body-object affected by HPV, but together, a subject body that feels, that means and assigns meanings. Ah, I was shocked, right?! Because I did not expect that (P1). The lack of knowledge about the existence of the disease is also a way of demonstrating impotence in the face of the circumstances caused by the contamination [12]. Research on the diagnosis of cancer shows that fear of the unexpected can lead to loss of emotional balance and health [13].
Point out the impacts after the discovery of the infection.
The impact of diagnosis on the relationship: The partner in some studies is directly or indirectly related to the new situation that the woman is experiencing and recognizing as having HPV [2]. The impact it causes on the lives of women is linked to the loyalty and trust that is built in the marital relationship, so the possibility of a betrayal in the relationship may exist or the impact on fidelity may weaken with the discovery for both. In this process of interaction with oneself and the world, a series of feelings and thoughts permeate the world of life. Now it will have to give a new meaning to an unexpected and natural situation, and, thus, transform it, inventing a better future [9]. Ah so I do not know, I do not even know how to speak, I know I was very upset with fear of dying and so in the beginning, I do not know, I thought it was my husband who transmitted it to me (P5). Fights and marital instability can be a consequence experienced by women. Consequently, the result of an HPV test interferes with the marital relationship, leading to a change in the couple’s attitudes, non-acceptance and, consequently, the discontinuity of the relationship [14]. Ah it hurt my life a lot, mainly, you know, because I have little time that I got married again. So, it hurt a lot, it hurt my married relationship (P1). Sexuality throughout all personal existence is conceived as an existential need and part of the general existence of the human being. For a woman who experiences an STI experience and during so many feelings, the woman wonders about the betrayal of her partner and at the same time it is visible the guilt she carries, an extra burden of betrayal that mix and this can be the end many relationships as well as the continuity of a moment.
Confusion of thoughts about the diagnosis: Doubt, anguish and incredulity are feelings that share space with hope, optimism and belief, the diagnosis of the precursor disease of cervical cancer can bring ambiguity of emotions and feelings [2]. I do not know that, right?! The answer I do not know how to answer because it was generated (P2). This feeling is attributed to the lack of knowledge about the disease or the lack of adequate assimilation of the value attributed to that moment of diagnosis. When the test result is positive for the HPV virus, there is a mixture of thoughts that drive attitudes and many of these are related to relationships experienced, such as distrust in the relationship or lack of communication with family members, fear of judgment and what others might think and worry about [15]. In Symbolic Interactionism, the human being acts in relation to things based on the meanings they have for him. These things are understood as physical objects, human beings, institutions, ideas, human actions, and other situations experienced in the individual’s daily life [14]. When there is a report in which the woman does not know why this happened, it is possible to realize that she does not understand why it was transmitted, and the word cancer refers that there was a lack of understanding or clarity in the professional’s explanation. It may be a moment attributed to the denial of everything that may have led to this experience and what may still suffer as a result of an examination of this.
Anguish caused by the HPV result: The sadness in the speeches reflects the lack of dialogue with the people around it is generating more anguish, feeling alone is one of the most dangerous feelings since some people are susceptible to depression. What did it mean? Ah. I was sad, I had to do the treatments, I was depressed (P6). For me what it meant, then it meant so much like that you know, “ain” hurt, it meant you know I said my God I can die leaving my little girl of five years old that was horrible (P8). These present feelings can be in the first moments instated by the discovery; however, it can be the beginning to take the government of their lives and to re-signify the moment lived, establishing another look on the situation.
Alarmed by the forthcoming relations: Women feel insecure in trusting their partners, even if it is something lasting, the risk of infidelity is something that surrounds personal life. Aiming that an unprotected relationship can bring several diseases and one of them, HPV, the woman feels insecure and suspicious about entering into new relationships. Upon being aware that HPV is a sexually transmitted disease, fidelity will almost always be threatened, and the marital relationship destabilized [10]. The whole human experience cannot separate body and consciousness, so the experience of having HPV brings a new look at life and future relationships. No, it meant that I got smarter, you know, because I probably took it with sexual intercourse without a condom, so we get smarter in life (P3). Women with an unstable marriage show a confirmation of infidelity and in view of the situation, a decision is necessary, especially if there are children involved in the marriage.
No reaction on the exam: One of the most frequent questions is what to do now, that is, how they should react to the virus, who to tell or whether to tell. In fact, the questions never stop. The news in the medical professional’s office can be a shock and each one has a different reaction, however many remain unresponsive, and it is only after this state has passed that they begin to react to the solution of the problem. Being a carrier of HPV is also living with doubt, especially when discussing the evolution of the disease [10]. Some infections are most of the time asymptomatic and when presenting in the cytopathological result it is surprising for them, in people’s conception the diseases have symptoms and signs which facilitates the early diagnosis, unfortunately others are asymptomatic. Na, it meant like I felt a person kind of impotent without knowing what was going on, I only found out when they referred me to the woman’s health. Ah, because she has no clarification, there is, um, how can I speak, people do not take questions from us at the health center, do not take questions from us as it was taken here, right?! Explained exactly why? How did we get it? Huh?! So, it was like that. No symptoms yet (P4). The health professional can contribute to the construction of the meaning of having or not the disease and thus will be able to minimize the distress of this woman [15]. Oh, I can’t even explain why I think it’s something that nobody wants to know, right, an exam result that I think nobody wants. He came to say that I “had” this virus (P7). The woman reports that no one would like to know about this result, thereby increasing the denial of the diagnosis, while intervention for treatment should be the priority to stimulate positive feelings and acceptance. Existence is not explained by objectivity, by the world of ideas, but by understanding and experiencing the world, the lived world.
Final Considerations
Sexual behavior is linked to the growth of the diagnosis of Human Papillomavirus since changes in habits, such as condom use during sexual intercourse even with a steady partner, are necessary for safe sexuality, avoiding the sexually transmitted infection disorder. The knowledge deficit in relation to HPV is noticeable, the lack of knowledge is the mainstay for negative feelings, depression, anguish, and fear. Health professionals have an important role in raising awareness by acting in a safe and clear manner, using language that all women can understand. Information such as vaccination with quadrivalent HPV vaccine, the action of the virus on the woman’s body and prevention measures are topics that must be addressed in health actions, public places and meetings of the group of pregnant women, parents and educators as a way of alerting physical and emotional risks. Public policies must be implemented to prevent the disease, because when we talk about costs for managers, the prevention of cervical cancer is financially more economical than treatment. This is due to several factors, one of them, the low cost of the cytopathological examination, the training of health professionals in the primary care network, health actions in schools and information material distributed to the entire population. Considering that the nurse’s role is fundamental for the reduction of infection rates by the virus, acting in primary care actively capturing women resistant to the exam and guiding the population on the risks and benefits of care, are actions that help decrease the risk of increased infections. It is important to show women that emotional distress is greater than preventing cervical cancer.
To read more about this article: https://irispublishers.com/ijnc/fulltext/hpv-impact-on-women-lives.ID.000572.php
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ALAMI! (WA) 0812-1440-8050 Pengobatan Hepatitis A Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin di Jatihandap Bandung
Pengobatan untuk Virus HPV: Solusi Terbaik untuk Mengatasi Masalah
Virus HPV (Human Papillomavirus) merupakan masalah kesehatan yang serius yang dapat mempengaruhi siapa pun, baik pria maupun wanita. Salah satu manifestasi yang paling umum dari infeksi HPV adalah kutil kelamin, yang bisa sangat mengganggu dan merusak kepercayaan diri seseorang. Namun, penting untuk mengetahui bahwa ada berbagai pilihan pengobatan yang tersedia untuk membantu mengatasi masalah ini.
Pengobatan Kutil Kelamin Pada Ibu Hamil dan Metode Alami yang Efektif
Pengobatan Medis
Untuk mengobati kutil kelamin, banyak orang mencari bantuan medis, terutama jika kutil kelamin muncul pada area yang sensitif atau menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan yang signifikan. Dokter dapat merekomendasikan berbagai metode pengobatan, termasuk krioterapi (pembekuan kutil dengan nitrogen cair), terapi laser, atau penggunaan obat topikal yang diresepkan.
Mengobati Kutil Kelamin Alami
Selain pengobatan medis, banyak yang mencari cara alami untuk mengatasi kutil kelamin. Beberapa metode alami yang efektif termasuk penggunaan minyak pohon teh, ekstrak lidah buaya, atau aplikasi cuka apel. Namun, penting untuk berkonsultasi dengan dokter sebelum mencoba pengobatan alami untuk memastikan keselamatan dan efektivitasnya.
Penyembuhan Kutil Kelamin Secara Alami dan Pengobatan Papiloma
Pengobatan alami dapat menjadi pilihan yang baik bagi mereka yang mencari solusi yang ramah lingkungan dan aman. Beberapa orang melaporkan bahwa penggunaan bahan alami seperti minyak esensial atau ramuan herbal tertentu dapat membantu mengurangi kutil kelamin dan meningkatkan kondisi kulit secara keseluruhan. Namun, efektivitas pengobatan alami dapat bervariasi dari individu ke individu, dan perlu kesabaran serta konsistensi dalam penggunaannya.
FAQ: Pertanyaan Umum tentang Pengobatan Kutil Kelamin
1. Bagaimana mengobati kutil kelamin pada kulit wajah?
Kutil kelamin yang muncul pada kulit wajah harus ditangani dengan hati-hati karena daerah tersebut sangat sensitif. Pengobatan medis seperti krioterapi atau terapi laser seringkali direkomendasikan untuk menghilangkan kutil kelamin pada kulit wajah. Konsultasikan dengan dokter Anda untuk mendapatkan rekomendasi pengobatan yang sesuai.
2. Apakah ada hubungan antara HPV dan kanker mulut?
Ya, beberapa jenis HPV dapat meningkatkan risiko terjadinya kanker mulut dan tenggorokan. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk mengobati infeksi HPV dengan tepat dan menjaga kesehatan mulut secara umum untuk mengurangi risiko perkembangan kanker mulut.
3. Apakah kutil kelamin dapat menular melalui tangan?
Meskipun tidak umum, kutil kelamin dapat menular melalui kontak kulit ke kulit atau melalui benda-benda yang terkontaminasi dengan virus HPV. Penting untuk menjaga kebersihan dan menghindari kontak langsung dengan kutil kelamin untuk mencegah penularan.
4. Apa saja jenis pengobatan kutil kelamin yang tersedia?
Beberapa jenis pengobatan kutil kelamin meliputi krioterapi, terapi laser, penggunaan obat topikal seperti imiquimod atau podofilox, dan prosedur bedah seperti eksisi atau elektrokauterisasi. Pilihan pengobatan akan bergantung pada lokasi dan ukuran kutil kelamin, serta preferensi dan kondisi individu.
5. Apakah ada vaksin untuk mencegah kutil kelamin?
Ya, vaksin HPV telah tersedia untuk mencegah infeksi HPV, termasuk beberapa jenis HPV yang menyebabkan kutil kelamin. Vaksin direkomendasikan untuk remaja dan dewasa muda sebagai langkah pencegahan terhadap infeksi HPV dan kanker terkait HPV. Dalam beberapa kasus, vaksinasi dapat membantu mengurangi risiko perkembangan kutil kelamin. Pastikan untuk berkonsultasi dengan dokter Anda untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut tentang vaksin HPV.
Mengatasi masalah kutil kelamin membutuhkan pendekatan yang komprehensif dan seringkali melibatkan kombinasi pengobatan medis dan alami. Penting untuk berkonsultasi dengan dokter Anda untuk mendapatkan diagnosis yang tepat dan rekomendasi pengobatan yang sesuai dengan kondisi individu Anda. Dengan perawatan yang tepat dan pemantauan yang rutin, banyak orang dapat mengatasi infeksi HPV dan meningkatkan kesehatan kulit mereka secara keseluruhan.
Kontak dan Janji Temu Hubungi 0812 1440 8050 Balai Pengobatan Tradisional Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin merupakan sebuah klinik pengobatan tradisional yang sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1985 hingga sekarang dan bertempat di kota Bandung. pengobatan hepatitis alkoholik,pengobatan hepatitis adalah,pengobatan hepatitis a b c d e,pengobatan hepatitis akut pada anak,terapi hepatitis a,pengobatan hepatitis berapa lama,pengobatan hepatitis b pada anak
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