#human nice Ozai... the one who is partly gone
kigozula · 5 months
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"I… I won't. I'll be good. I promise," Azula said, her voice small. Ozai, behind her, watched his daughter with amusement.
- Gladiator Chapter 346
The trip was much like those they often set out on, and Azula and Zuko fought throughout it as recklessly as they typically did. The nights, of course, were the better moments, as Zuko and Azula fell asleep, allowing Ozai and Ursa to bask in peace and quiet, watching the stars together on deck. It was a placid, easygoing time, and nothing seemed to get in the way of their tranquility…
Ozai reached down, clasping Azula's hand gently. The girl jolted after him, cheeks flushing with excitement as she tried to keep up with the long strides of the two taller men. Once they stood at a fair distance from the others, near the very bridge and pond Azula had fallen in, long ago, Ozai finally decided to speak his mind.
"I can…" Azula said, nervously. Piandao crooked an eyebrow.
"Then you would not ridicule your brother, should you best him in combat? You would not be upset, if he ridiculed you for it either?"
"Why can't I do it if he can…?" Azula mumbled. Piandao actually smiled.
"That's what you understood from that?" he asked. "Not quite the answer I was hoping for…"
"I… I won't. I'll be good. I promise," Azula said, her voice small. Ozai, behind her, watched his daughter with amusement.
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