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musicalelo · 18 days ago
Rainha, criola de carapinha Pele bunita, tu és poema Flor de revolução
Pé de Choro - Huca
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irrazabalblog · 1 year ago
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No lugares by @andres-irrazabal
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weirdo09 · 2 years ago
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something something lucas meets hobie something something hobie introduces him to punk n anarchist ideas something something lucas learns to love these after max and slowly hobie himself something something
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eurovision-del · 1 year ago
Portugal start their Eurovision selection tonight with the first semi final of Festival da Canção. This is another national final I always look forward to, so what did I make of this year's songs?
iolanda – Grito
João Borsch – Pelas Costuras
Rita Rocha – Pontos Finais
Bispo – Casa Portuguesa
MELA – Água
Huca – Pé de Choro
Rita Onofre – Criatura
Perpétua – Bem Longe Daqui
Nena – Teorias da Conspiração
Mila Dores – Afia a Língua
No Maka ft. Ana Maria – Aceitar
João Couto – Quarto Para Um
Maria João – Dia
LEFT. – Volto a Ti
Léo Middea – Doce Mistério
Buba Espinho – O Farol
FILIPA – You Can’t Hide
Cristina Clara – Primavera
Silk Nobre – Change
NOBLE – Memory
I generally enjoyed this selection – writing up a few notes on each song as I listen to help me rank them, the word I used more than any other was ‘interesting’ – usually as a compliment but occasionally not so much. However, aside from a couple of songs at the bottom that did not work for me, I enjoy the vast majority of songs here, but two stand out above the rest.
My absolute favourite is Grito. This is a fantastic song, dramatic without being melodramatic, sombre but never dull. I love the way it progresses, from the completely a cappella opening (which will be impressive if she can nail it live) building up to a climax on the titular cry at the end of the bridge, before drawing back for an ending that summarises the melancholic tone of the whole song. I love the melody on the chorus, the little repeated ‘ainda arde’ is beautiful and sticks in my mind. The overall sound here has an almost cinematic quality with the orchestration, it feels powerful, but also haunting at the same time. It’s a brilliant example of the sort of ballad I love.
I also really like Pelas Costuras – I knew I would before João even started singing with that guitar intro and immediate pulsing beat. It’s a very cool sound, and the descending melody gives it this dark colour which I love. I like the way it’s been produced, it’s got this gritty quality to it while also sounding polished and complete, and I love the tone of João’s vocals on the studio cut.
I really want one of those two to win. While there are plenty of other songs I enjoy, those two are so far ahead of the rest of the pack for me I’ll miss them if something else wins. Of course, my opinions could change if either fails to deliver live, but I’m really hoping they can both pull it off. Looking at the whole competition, the semis are really unbalanced in terms of how much I like the songs in each – in my entire top 10 there's only two from the second semi – not a great place to be in cause it means I'm definitely gonna loose some songs I like tonight, but on the other hand it means I’ve got a lot to look forward to in the show itself!
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howieabel · 1 year ago
"The same division of the world into good and evil defined the McCarthyism of the 1950s. For readers who don’t remember, the term derived from American senator Joseph McCarthy, who together with the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUCA), led a witch hunt targeting anyone (actors, directors, journalists, musicians, writers, diplomats, even members of the armed forces) suspected of being a communist. It’s no coincidence that Wittfogel himself participated in this witch hunt. In 1951, he accused the UN delegation chief and Canadian diplomat Herbert Norman of being a communist agent. Norman denied everything, but he was once again put under indictment. He committed suicide in Cairo." - Marco d'Eramo
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azlovesem · 3 months ago
This is a fip shit region. I know better than anyone. I know that Rob Ford i know how those liberals are and any duddenly rich jew immigrant. They could care less for people. Ive smoked a few c of em. It doesnt uh put a dent in them. They learn nothing it only gets worse in my region we re a lil sick of it. But drastic neasures mean killing half of em. But we dont wanna act like naxzis thpugh we can if we want, i dont look back on history like any of those peopke were smart or new better. Like solemn scum bags and religios do. We re gonna kill those people orobably. We re not goin back to smaris those people are relgionwarmsking dcum. Uoull back up other people live there. Uhh mike huca yokel fuck ass abee ill nliw ur fuckn head right off. Kill thar hug kill him.! Hes war making scum!!! They will start a nuvkear war. Or a massive attack by all mydlim stayes at once. Israel will get eiped put. I font asnna see that. Ah uoure weak you sint me you sint nato fucker bitch.
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Elizabeth Hurley
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olexxorodnixxsxyswifxx · 7 months ago
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8,13,13,1 (HMMA) (VOOI) (87.00),
22119, 22559, 22669
VT, 11.20.1942
1944~63, 18
8,13,2,1 (HMU) (5.35, 999, 7)
8,2,13,1 (HUCA)
8, 2, 2, 1
8, 1, 313, 1
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verycheesecakebasement · 10 months ago
Juanele ya está en casa tras recibir el alta en el HUCA: el ex del Sporting continúa la rehabilitación junto a su familia - La Nueva España
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demoura · 11 months ago
DIA 21DE MARÇO DE 2024 : LER A POESIA DE BRECHT E TEATRO MOÇAMBICANO   NA CULTURGEST COM   “AS AREIAS DO IMPERADOR “; AO JANTAR UMA FOCACCIA DE CEBOLA CARAMELIZADA :  no dia mundial da poesia li poemas de Bertold Brecht na reedição da Relógio de Água de 2023 da tradução de Paulo Quintela . Se há poesia que sofra com a tradução e a de Brecht mas é o que há … .Ao fim do dia decidi assistir a As Areias do Imperador, na Culturgest, em Lisboa.Através da adaptação do romance As Areias do Imperador, do autor moçambicano Mia Couto, Victor de Oliveira prossegue o caminho em torno das relações entre a Europa e África e transporta-nos para o final do século XIX, no meio de um Moçambique devastado por guerras políticas”.Da escuridão, surge, sozinha, Imani. “Sou uma raça. Sou uma tribo. Sou um sexo. Sou o que me impede de ser eu mesma. Sou negra. Sou dos Vatxopi, uma pequena tribo no litoral de Moçambique”, profere, ao introduzir a peça. Quando a música começa a soar e as luzes se acendem, Imani já não está em palco. Este é agora habitado por uma árvore, feita em rede cor creme. É nesta região, no antigo Império de Gaza liderado pelo imperador Ngungunyane, que se desenvolve a relação entre Imani e o sargento Germano e em que nos é aberta a porta à história do colonialismo português neste país. Uma história de amor impossível, carregada por 15 intérpretes moçambicanos, portugueses e franceses que, através do destino desses dois seres, nos dão a ver a grande História.O espetáculo conta com boas interpretações de Ana Magaia, Bruno Huca, Daniel Pinto, Elliot Alex, Eunice Mandlate, Horácio Guiamba, Isabelle Cagnat, Josefina Massango, Lucrécia Paco, Klemente Tsamba, Mário Santos, Miguel Moreira, Miguel Nunes, Sofaida Moyane e do próprio Victor de Oliveira.. Bela música e vídeos sofisticados . Todavia saí ao intervalo ao fim de 2 horas de espectáculo por cansaço físico . 3 horas e meia só para Wagner ou Verdi . Mas recomendo aos admiradores de Mia Couto. Antes tinha jantado uma focaccia de cebola roxa caramelizada e um copo de branco na Cafetaria Copenhagen. Poucos espectadores no Auditório , talvez meia centena …
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magrit-alessa · 1 year ago
My weekly chart (04 Mar 2024 - 10 Mar 2024)
That's what I like. That's what surrounds me. That's what creates my mood.
*Created by my preferences only*
Аll 10 chart positions in 4 minutes here -> https://youtu.be/6rTudSMCD-c
10. ELEY - Rock My Body
9. UBLU - Planetary Hearts
8. DURLANSKI – Muzika
7. luka - Move On
6. MAIAA - Fljúga burt
5. MeidĖ - ZOO
4. Rita Onofre – Criatura
3. Filip Baloš - Duga je noć
2. Ryk - Oh Boy
1. Huca – Pé de Choro
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plameta · 1 year ago
Más de 3.000 accidentes cerebrovasculares al año: la triste estadística que encabeza Asturias
Los ictus afectan cada vez a personas más jóvenes: la incidencia en personas entre 40 y 65 años ha aumentado un 20% en los últimos veinte años. Sergio Calleja, coordinador de la unidad de ictus del HUCA, recomienda más hábitos saludables y medidas públicas para aminorar las desigualdades sociales, que son un determinante clave — Leer en…
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karanliksular · 1 year ago
K, huca, karanlıksular her nickin kiside bir karakteri olurmus kendine en cok uyanı söyler misin
tekelkirmizisi var bir de onu unutmussun
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fotecho · 2 years ago
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ACCIDENTE AUTOBÚS ASTURIAS | Grave accidente en Covadonga al despeñarse un autobús que iba a los Lagos
Helicópteros y ocho ambulancias pusieron rumbo al lugar del siniestro y hay más de 40 heridos, siete de ellos de mayor consideración y trasladados de urgencia a HUCA y Arriondas Se ha instalado un hospital de campaña para valorar a los pasajeros heridos y atender a sus familiares — Leer en www.lne.es/oriente/2023/07/31/grave-accidente-covadonga-despenarse-autobus-90511042.amp.html
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sucesosbaleares · 2 years ago
Herido un varón que sufrió una caída en el acantilado de la playa de Verdicio en Gozón
Un varón ha resultado herido tras sufrir una caída en la zona de acantilado en la playa de Verdicio en Gozón. Según los datos facilitados por el Servicio de Atención Médica Urgente el afectado, que ha sido trasladado por la UVI Móvil al Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias (HUCA), presenta un pronóstico reservado a expensas de más pruebas y hasta nueva valoración médica. El Centro de…
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epsentiemporeal · 2 years ago
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DÍA: 10 MARZO 2023 
HORA:  12:30 – 13:30  LUGAR: AULA 0.0.1  
Charla del investigador Nahuel Costa, investigador de la Universidad de Oviedo en el campo de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) aplicado a problemas de Ingeniería Biomédica. El investigador y su grupo trabajan con la empresa Medtronic y el hospital central de Asturias (HUCA) para la monitorización con IA de pacientes con Fibrilación Auricular. También aplica IA a la monitorización de motores de avión de la empresa Rolls Royce y con la empresa Zitrón para ventiladores de túneles.
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