#htf poll
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congratulations to splendid for being the grand winner, squeaking by in the final round against handy with 51.1% of the vote!
here is what the final bracket ended up looking like!
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bluekightdragongirl · 8 months
I have a question I never expected to ask.
I’m just wondering if this kid has a kill count to go with his killed count. The baby’s not spared from death but does this baby spare death from others?
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dragongirldg · 1 year
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theradicalace · 4 months
been seeing those fuck marry kill polls going around and i wanna play too
spin the wheel for a happy tree friends character and weigh in
(if you don't know who they are you can just vote on aesthetic. or optionally for my followers you can vote on what you've picked up secondhand from me 😋)
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circus-clownn · 21 days
just out of curiosity
what htf character do you guys like how I draw the most?
you can send it anonymously if idk
or just reply on this post. I'm just curious
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Botanic Tournament : Main Bracket !
Round 2 Poll GG
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Elanor is a fictional flower that grows in Lorien. It's described as a golden star-shaped flower, and its name means "sun-star" in sindarin. Sam Gamgee named his eldest daughter after this flower, as per hobbit tradition to give flowery names to girls
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cartooemcanhis · 14 days
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Bracket 5, Round 1
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ickyguts · 1 year
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Posting this whiteboard in lieu of the polls! Congrats to smarties!
Sniffles and love wins drawn by confusedpickles on discord <3
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molandynation · 25 days
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redandyellowbracket · 2 years
Round 1, part 2
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Preliminary battle 7
Cuddles & Toothy vs Lifty & Shifty (happy tree friends)
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Propaganda under the cut!
I have provided translations if you got a hard time reading typing quirks!
Cuddles & Toothy
they 0ften get iin2 stupiid siituatii0ns & wiith cuddles she just d0esn't care that he's iin danger untiil she's ab0ut 2 diie n stuff & wiith t00thy they're pretty siimiilar wiith cuddles wiith the "n0t giiviing a shiit untiil deathh" thiing except iit's m0re liike "iif ii diie ii diie sucks 2 be me l0ll" iin a way & they're s0 ann0yiing /p0s & ii l0ve themm ^_^
Translation: they often get into stupid situations & with cuddles she just doesn’t care that he’s in danger until she’s about to die n stuff, and with toothy they’re pretty similar with cuddles with the “not giving shit until death,” thing except it’s more “if I die I die sucks to be me lol” in a way and they’re so annoying /pol & I love them ^_^
Lifty & Shifty
they cause tr0uble all the tiime 0ne tiime thwy triied stealiing miime's safe (theiir furniiture iis basiically miimedd) & miime was sh0cked when iit g0t st0len & the twiins are s0 stupiid & ann0yiingg /p0s
Translation: they cause trouble all the time, one time they tried to steal mime’s safe (their furniture is basically mime’d), and mime got shocked when it got stolen & the twins are so stupid and annoying /pos
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whowouldwininafite · 9 months
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