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#methinks I saw a dagger just recently#rose and dagger#harry styles#hslot 2023 werchter#louis tomlinson#fitf 2023 vancouver#coded clothing
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Summary: Flight Attendant Y/N meets Captain Harry Styles for the first time and they join the mile high club, sort of.
Pairing: Reader y/n X Captain Harry
Word count: 4,207
A/N: Hey everyone! So sorry I haven’t posted in a while. I’ve been on holiday the last week and that is what inspired me to write this 🥰As always, please feel free to request anything! Hope you enjoy!
One of the things you enjoyed most about being a flight attendant was the thrill of being able to visit new places, if only for a brief period of time.
You had worked for British Airways for 3 years now and soon you would be hoping to step up to Team Leader where you could help train and look after new flight attendants.
You usually only did short-haul flights out of your base which was London Heathrow and flew across Europe; the longest flight being 6 hours. Short hail suited you, you typically flew to 3 or 4 places within a day and by 1 am, you were back in your bed. That’s if all went to plan. For today’s first flight, you were heading to Dusseldorf in Germany, somewhere you regularly flew to.
You parked your car in the staff area of the airport, changed out of your trainers and into your small black court shoes as driving in heels was never comfortable.
You pulled out your small case from the boot of your car which contained a spare uniform because you won’t be caught out again; on a previous flight a passenger spilt their red wine all over you one time and you had no spare shirt to change into, your water, your lunch because aeroplane food was awful and some spare makeup to top up with in between flights.
You smoothed out your navy pencil skirt, so old fashioned you thought, and tied the red, white and blue scarf around your neck ready to enter the airport.
You headed straight for security and through the fast track lane since you were crew. Once past, you headed to the staff area to check which gate you had to go through to get to the aircraft.
Approaching gate 7, you showed the staff your pass and they nodded and let you go.
You headed towards the aircraft, where you saw the First Officer; Andy doing the pre-flight walk-around. You had flown with Andy for the best part of a year and you knew him well. He got into flying after he fancied a change in career from being in the police. You always liked Andy, he was a father to 2 girls who he adored and always made the typical dad jokes which meant it was normally a good flight with him
“Alright wee one, nice to see you” he smiled at you. “Hey, how are you?” You smiled back at him.
“I’m good, ready for 12 hours of pure joy?” He joked and you laughed. “Always” you replied.
“Who’s the Captain today?” You asked, always fearing if it would be one of the older, slightly rude Captains or one more relaxed and friendly.
“New guy, Styles his name is. Seems like a good bloke, think Daniel already has the hots for him” he winked and you laughed.
You relaxed at the mention of Daniel who you had become best friends with after you had both started the job on the same day. You loved working with him as he always seemed to make the flight go in faster.
“Hey! Am I glad to see you today” you said once inside the aircraft.
“Hey!!” He said hugging you “I’ve not been with you on a flight for ages, we’ve got a lot of catching up to do!” he said excitedly. You laughed as he always saw working with you as gossip sessions rather than working.
You headed towards the front portion of the plane where the crew placed their bags and got ready for the flight. You glanced in at the cockpit where you saw the Captain sitting doing the necessary paperwork before departure. Although you could only see the back of him you could tell he was wearing his black double-breasted black jacket with the 4 gold stripes on both the epaulettes and the sleeve of his jacket; showing his ranking as Captain.
He had short, dark brown hair which you could tell had been meticulously styled that morning as not a hair was out of place. You had never worked with this captain before, so you weren’t sure what to expect from him; some captains could be so far up their own, you weren’t allowed to speak to them unless spoken so you kept quiet and put your things away and headed back out to the main cabin to find 2 more girls who you didn’t recognise arriving onto the plane.
“Hi, I’m Emma, Team Leader for today. Nice to meet you” the tall blonde girl who was wearing a minimal amount of makeup but still managed to look flawless said to you.
“Hi nice to meet you, I’m y/n��� “Lovely name, I’ll go sit my bag down and we can start the briefing” she smiled.
You noticed the other girl who had since boarded, she looked a little more reserved so you decided to introduce yourself.
“Hi I’m y/n, it’s nice to meet you” You smiled at her to help relax her. She looked young and a little unsure, she was maybe 18 or 19 years old so you assumed she hasn’t long qualified as cabin crew. You remember how nervous you were for your first few flights so you decided you wanted to look out for her during the day
“Hey, I’m Holly” she said. “Not long qualified?” You asked kindly.
“This is my 2nd flight” she said and you smiled.
“Don’t worry I remember my first couple of flights, it’s nerve-wracking but you’ll soon get the hang of it. There’s no better way to learn than doing it so if there’s anything you need a hand with today, just let me know. I’m always happy to help” you smiled.
“Come on, I’ll show you where to put your things” You smiled and led her towards the cockpit.
“So you can grab anything you need out of your bag and put it in the fridge if you’ve got a sandwich or anything like that, otherwise you can pop it in here and lock it, we all put our bags in one locker together
“Ahh, I thought I heard some voices. I was just coming to do the briefing” you heard the captain say from behind the cockpit door. You stood up straight and smiled at him coming out.
His eyes fell onto you first and he smiled “Harry Styles, pleasure to meet you” You shook his hand that he had extended for you and took in his beauty. He looked young, maybe 29 or 20. He had green eyes and fair skin which had a slight tan to it, making the dimple on the left side of his face more prominent.
“Y/N, lovely to meet you, Mr Styles”
“Please, call me Harry” he told you and you smiled at how genuine he seemed. Most captains would only allow you to refer to them as Captain and their last name so it was nice to have one who was more relaxed.
“This is our newbie Holly, this is her 2nd ever flight today” you smiled as you introduced the new recruit to him.
“Holly, nice to meet you. I’m Harry, hope you’re settling in well?” He asked kindly as he shook her hand.
“Nice to meet you, Captain Styles, yes settling in very well thank you” she sheepishly replied. It always was a bit intimidating to speak with a captain, especially ones you didn’t know much about.
“Call me Harry please” he smiled. “Shall we move to the cabin and start the brief?” He asked and you nodded, moving to the front part of where the passenger seats were located.
By this point, everyone was now in the cabin waiting to start the briefing. The captain introduced himself to the remaining crew members before you all took seats at the front of the plane.
“So my name is Emma I’m one of the British Airways Team Leaders and I’ll be working as number 1 for this shift. Today we’ve got Captain Harry Styles and First Officer Andrew Simmons on the flight deck. For cabin crew today we’ve got Daniel, Holly and y/n, I think we’ve already met each other by now yes?” Emma asked as she pointed to everyone during the introductions.
“Great, it’s a Boeing 777 we’re on today, I’ll let Captain Styles and First Officer Andy talk more about that in a bit. There are a total of 6 flights today; Heathrow to Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf to Heathrow, Heathrow to Las Palmas, Las Palmas to Heathrow and then Heathrow to Venice and Venice back to Heathrow. Full flights on all destinations so we need to be on top of our game in the cabin, Daniel can I ask you to be number 2 today? Holly, do you mind being 3 today and y/n as number 4?”
Number 1 meant you were looking after the passengers in the front of the plane, number 2 was in the middle of the plane, number 3 was in the back section of the plane and number 4 was an additional person who helped the rest of the team, including the flight crew.
You nodded in agreement, secretly glad you were given the position of helping to look after the captain and the FO.
“Captain Styles, do you want to run through your information?” She asked and he straightened up in his chair.
“Yeah sure I’ll just introduce myself a little more since I’m a new face to a lot of people. I’m Harry I’ve been a Captain now for 5 years having previously worked for Ryanair before moving here 3 weeks ago. Please call me Harry because Captain sounds old and although I’ve recently hit my 30s, I’m not quite there yet” This gained a few laughs from the crew, including yourself.
So he was attractive and funny? The more he spoke the more you found yourself more and more drawn to him. He was charming. But not in a cocky way, he seemed genuine and the fact he was a Pilot told you he was smart. Very smart. You always did have a thing for intelligence.
“We’ll be cruising around 30,000 feet once up in the air, weather looks good, clear skies with a 30% chance of light showers. The weather in Düsseldorf is 23 degrees which doesn’t concern us as we’ll have a 20-minute turnover before boarding to come back to the UK unfortunately, bet you wish you’d chosen long haul now Holly?” Harry joked at the fact that although travelling throughout Europe, you hardly ever got to even leave the plane.
You all laughed and Holly agreed. Harry continued with the briefing, telling you about the time durations, and quizzing everyone on emergencies, something which was legally required to ensure all crew knew what to do in the event of one.
“Thanks everyone, I think we can start boarding now” Harry smiled and Emma nodded, knowing to start the boarding procedure.
“Y/N can you help Holly if she needs a hand opening the rear door?” Emma asked and you nodded.
You headed towards the rear of the cabin with Holly behind you.
Once everything was set for boarding, you headed towards the middle of the cabin to help passengers find their seats and help with any luggage they had.
Luckily, boarding took 20 minutes and before you knew it, you were doing the safety demonstration for the passengers while the plane reversed out of the airport and to the runway. You could hear Andy’s voice informing the passengers of the information Harry had relayed to you earlier about the weather etc to keep them up to date.
With the safety demonstration over and having checked everyone had their seatbelts on, Emma nodded to you to signal that you could sit down and prepare for the take-off.
“Cabin crew take seats and prepare for take-off” you heard Captain Styles say and you smiled a little at the sound of his voice.
You sat down at the rear of the plane next to Holly and fastened your seatbelt.
“I’ve done hundreds of flights and I never get bored of the take-off or landing” you said to her quietly as you could feel the plane taxing down the runway.
“I’ve done a handful and still get nervous” she said and you squeezed her hand a little to let her know it was okay to be nervous.
He must have gone from 50mph to about 170mph in less than 30 seconds because before you knew it, you were being hauled into the air with such speed that you swear your heart fell out of your arse. A “fuck” could be heard under Holly’s breath and you laughed.
That was a sure sign of a good takeoff. For a plane to take off at such speed it requires a good sustained acceleration which was exactly what Harry did.
So he was attractive, funny, intelligent and good at lifting 150-ton planes off the ground? Was there anything this Pilot wasn’t good at?
As the plane climbed into the air, Andy’s voice could be heard over the intercom “Ladies and Gentleman please remain in your seats with your seatbelts fastened until the captain has switched off the seatbelt sign. Thank you”
A common command that was often used for eager passengers who would immediately take their seatbelts off as the plane took off the ground.
10 minutes in, the seatbelt sign was switched off and people started to immediately stand up to use the toilets, it always looked like the hunger games you thought.
Because the duration of the flight was only 1 hour and 25 minutes, only the drinks and snack service were required so you and Holly started with that as one of your first tasks, hoping to keep the passengers settled.
Halfway through the service, the alarm which alerted cabin crew to the cockpit was rung and so as the number 4, you left the drinks cart and headed to the cockpit.
You straightened out your skirt and pushed back a few loose strands of hair before knocking and going in.
“Everything alright?” You asked politely squeezing through the small door and inside the cockpit.
“I’m just gonna nip to the loo” Andy said and you nodded, understanding. It was policy that the cockpit operated a “2-person flight deck” which meant 2 people had to be in the cockpit every second the aeroplane was in use.
Andy exited and headed for the toilet.
“Come and sit down” Harry said to you as he glanced over at the seat Andy had been sat in. You moved and sat down in the First Officer’s chair.
“How’s everything out there?” He asked looking over at you. The plane was now set on autopilot meaning it no longer required the captains' manual control, rather a system was being used to control the path of an aircraft.
“Yeah everything’s good, no difficult passengers yet, although what are the chances I’ve jinxed it now” you laugh.
“For the next 5 flights, we’ll have the worst passengers in the history of aviation” he joked and you laughed at his quick white
God, he looked so good sitting there. He had taken off his jacket which revealed a clean crisp white shirt, still showing the 4 gold stripes on his shoulder, but the shirt revealed tattoos. Tattoos which made you feel there was a lot about the Pilot you wanted to find out about.
“Great takeoff by the way” you remarked to him and he smiled lightly.
“Thanks, I’d practised take-off loads in flight school and then just lots of experience I suppose”
The way he spoke was so gentle but also with such passion for his career in his voice.
“What about you, how long have you been in the air for?”
“I’ve been cabin crew for 3 years now, I love it. I was saying to Holly earlier that no matter how many times I fly, I still get the same buzz each time we take off and land”
You watched as his lips turned upwards into a smirk “You’ve not experienced my landing yet, wait until you do”
You laughed at the comment and right on time, Andy came back.
“Fancy swapping jobs for the day?” He joked when he saw you in his chair. You laughed and got up “No thank you, I’d rather not be responsible for 130 passengers” you said and they laughed.
“You guys need anything before I head back out?” You asked them both.
“Could I get a tea if possible please y/n?” Harry asked you politely.
“Of course, how do you take it?”
“Milk and 2 sugars” he told you and you took a mental note of it.
“Nothing for me thanks y/n” Andy said.
You headed back to the cabin, being stopped multiple times by passengers to ask for certain things before making this Captain his tea.
You knocked on the cockpit door and went in.
“Here’s your tea for you” you said handing it to Harry. He smiled and took it off you “Thanks” You headed back to get a Karen in row 21 the G&T she had previously asked for .
“Y/n!” You heard your name being called by the captain from behind the door of the cockpit you had just been in.
You sighed a little, sensing something was wrong and headed back in.
“That’s the best cup of tea anyone has ever made me” he remarked as he smiled at you.
You laughed slightly “I’ll add tea-making skills to my CV then”
“Honestly it’s perfect, I might have to request you on every one of my flights so you can make me the perfect cuppa”
“Right you two, enough with the flirting. Styles we’ve got 25 minutes until landing” Andy jumped in and you and Harry both laughed.
Andy winked at you and you continued with the rest of your tasks.
You arrived in Düsseldorf, with a very smooth landing from Captain Styles at 7:20 am with the next flight at 8 am, giving you a 20-minute turnaround time to get things ready for the next lot of passengers boarding. It was a quick turnaround and before you knew it, you were taking off from Düsseldorf back to London
Landing back at Heathrow at 9:30 am, the next flight was at 10:15 and already there was an issue.
A nervous passenger was starting to feel unwell and wasn’t sure if she would be able to fly to Las Palmas. You and Emma were trying to convince her that the 4-hour and 30-minute trip would be completely safe and she had nothing to worry about.
“I can’t, I can’t fly. What if the plane crashes or falls into the sea? I can’t swim, I will drown and die. I can’t” the passenger who looked no more than 25 said.
“I completely understand your nerves, I can assure you that aeroplanes these days are made to be very very safe and the chances of anything happening are so very slim” you tried to reason with her.
Meanwhile, Emma had instructed Daniel to tell the flight deck what the delay was.
“Hi, I heard we’ve got a nervous flyer?” You heard the same voice who had complimented your tea-making skills say from behind you. The woman nodded.
You looked up to see Harry standing in the cabin, looking to speak with the passenger.
You stepped back and let him crouch down beside her in her seat.
“I’m Harry, I’m the Captain who’ll be taking you over to Palma today. Can I ask your name?” He asked kindly to the passenger.
“It’s Rebecca” she said.
“Okay Rebecca, it’s nice to meet you. So Daniel explained to me that you’re quite nervous when flying?”
“Yeah, I worry the plane will crash or fall into the water”
“Okay I can see why those are concerns, the risk of a crash or the plane failing and falling into the sea is 1 in 11 million. The aircraft is completely safe and in all my years of flying, I’ve never had an emergency on board, well actually I forgot my coffee once which was a real emergency. I’m a real grump without my coffee” he joked and the passenger laughed, as did you at the comment.
“The team are all here to look after you during the flight and if you need anything at all, you can press this button above your head for assistance and they’ll be right over to help you. Does that put your mind at ease a little bit?” He asked still crouched down beside her.
“It does thank you yes captain” Rebecca smiled.
“Good, we’ll be taking off in around 10 minutes so sit back, relax and try and enjoy the flight as much as you can” He smiled and renters back into the cockpit to being the takeoff procedure.
During the flight, the nervous passenger fell asleep halfway through and only woke up when the plane was safely on the ground. Harry came to check on her as she was disembarking and she couldn’t thank him enough for his kindness in calming her down.
“It’s no trouble at all, you have a good holiday now” he told her as she left the aircraft.
So he was attractive, funny, intelligent, good at lifting 150-ton planes off the ground and great at calming people down. If you hadn’t already fallen in love with this man, by the next 3 flights, you definitely will have.
Thankfully, the following 3 flights were uneventful, except for the drunken guy who had spilt his crisps all over another passenger which you had to clean up.
The last flight from Venice back to base at Heathrow was welcomed. Your feet were sore, your makeup had half melted off and you couldn’t wait to get your hair out of the uncomfortable bun you were required to wear all day.
After seeing all the passengers off the plane, you started to clear up.
“What a day, thanks for all your help guys” Harry shouted down the cabin as he locked it up for the night.
“No problem Captain Styles, hope to be working with you again soon” Emma said to him.
“Likewise, you guys head off I’m just going to do a walk around” you heard him say.
“Are you sure?” Emma said. “Yeah sure, thanks again everyone” he said once more.
You, Holly, Emma and Daniel started to get ready to leave when you felt Harry’s arm touch yours slightly.
“You stay” you heard him whisper into your ear subtly as you passed him to get your bag.
You blushed and swallowed hard “You guys go, I need the loo” you said to the rest of them.
“Go in the airport” Daniel said and you hinted at him to go.
“Weak bladder, you go I’ll see you soon” you smiled at them.
“Text me later!” Daniel said and you smiled as they left the aircraft.
“Weak bladder eh?” The captain raised an eyebrow at you when everyone was out of sight.
You laughed “I couldn’t think of anything else”
He laughed and smirked at you “I couldn’t help but think about you today. That shitty landing in Venice was your fault, I couldn’t think of anything else”
“I’ll just add ‘distraction to pilot’ on my CV as well then shall I?” You joked.
“You’re such a distraction to the pilot,” he said quietly as he leaned in closer to you.
He cups your face in his hands and he leans in and slowly kisses you. The kiss soon starts to grow more intense as moans echo through the cabin.
He’s started to groan in your ear and kiss your neck up and down.
He pushes you down into a seat in the front row by your hips and he kneels down in front of you.
His hands go up underneath your skirt and start to pull on your tights to reveal your bare legs.
"Harry we can’t do this here." You say completely out of breath already.
“You’re right, the toilet is better. Does this count as joining the mile high club even if we’re not in the air?” He smirked as he led you, barefoot to the bathroom.
For the next 10 minutes, you and Harry enjoyed each other’s company in the toilet as he moved his hips slowly inside of you, each thrust getting faster and faster.
You felt like you might collapse soon and he knew it too so he decided to stop just before you orgasmed and let you out of the toilet.
You sat down in the front row, completely out of breath, a little disheartened he’d pulled out before you orgasmed.
He appeared from the toilet, zipping up his trousers and putting his belt back on.
“Let’s finish at my house” he said and you happily obliged. It was fair to say that night you never got any sleep, despite how tired you had been after your shift.
Thanks to Harry giving you the most amazing sex you’d ever had, you had never been more grateful to be an Air Hostess as you had been that day for meeting your now boyfriend, Captain Harry Styles.
#harry styles#harry styles blurbs#harry styles fandom#harry styles concept#harry styles masterlist#harry styles x reader#harrystylesoneshot#harry styles boyfriend#harry styles fanfiction#Pilot!harry#PilotHarry#CaptainHarry#flight attendant#harry styles one shot#hslot werchter#love on tour#hslot 2023#harrystyles#harry fanfic
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My Larrie ass was blessed today at Werchter. Met the sweetest Larries while being with our own Larrie gang. Were greeted with a blue-greener on stage, who found an (almost) equally enthusiastic blue-greener in the crowd. Screamed my little Larrie heart out together with others surrounding me and left the haters silenced and shook.
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#harry styles#hslot 2023#lot : werchter#i went last week ive been processing it#heres my processing#mine*#idk whats going on in the background#this man has so many tattoos
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An hour after he get off stage? Edward.... What the hell's going on....

HarryStyles: Love on Tour. Werchter. June, 2024.
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