#hrt anniversary
chrissy-kaos · 19 days
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Today 9/1/2024 marks my 4 year HRT anniversary!. I don’t have words to express how incredible that feels. I started this journey at 31 now at 35, I can’t believe I’m even here right now. It feels like I just started this journey yesterday. It’s been an adventure to say the least. But I’m so happy I got the courage to take the first step. It’s changed my life so much and I couldn’t be happier! And to think I thought I’d never be pretty at 30+, Oh my gosh was I wrong! I’ve worked so hard to get to this point. If you bust your ass and put the effort in, anything is possible! Never give up! It’s never too late to transition and be the person you’re meant to be!
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thespongemagic · 5 months
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IT'S MY 1ST HRT ANNIVERSARY. I've been taking this for 366 days now. I actually got my meds two days before but I decided to wait to take them because funny number lol
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lgbtqtext · 1 month
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ashtraldreams · 1 year
Today marks two years of being on HRT for me. It’s amazing to see how far I’ve come and how much more confident I am.
First day on E, One year on E, Two years on E 💜
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izzyslumber · 1 month
It’s my girl birthday! 2 years on hrt today ☺️
I’m going to get cute and I’ll probably make a longer post later with some pics
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ginnybrie420 · 4 months
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Two year hrt anniversary.
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humangreenskull · 8 months
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Gay Nineties - Results Verified By Medical Observation 💉🏳️‍⚧️
Mini-collage made for a friend as a one-year HRT anniversary present, featuring a @sweatermuppet sticker on the back
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videoworm · 11 days
Good morning! This baby is 2 years old!!!
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faeriedaez · 4 months
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Three years on hrt and all I got was this awesome rack.
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thefastestqueeralive · 5 months
I’ve been on HRT for 4 years now!!
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misscammiedawn · 1 year
It's my E-nniversary!
3 years ago on July 27th after a year of "social transitioning" I was okay to take my first dose of estrogen.
To celebrate this year I wanted to go through my old photographs and remember him. See him as he was. Not an imperfect version of our "Final Form" or a reflection of who we are now in a carnival mirror. I wanted to reach through time and see "The Kid" and embrace him tightly and accept him as he was... as he is.
These photos were taken on our birthday when when we were trapped in Kansas City for a couple weeks on a worktrip. We had no means of transport and had no connections so we sat in a room all day. I have since discovered that "spend all day in a hotel room" can be a fun experience, under the right circumstances.
The photoshoot was born from just seeing light pouring in and thinking "I want to capture that"
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I look at these today with nothing but love and warmth. He was a handsome lil' ginger. I can see why people were fond of him back in the day. He didn't smile often but when it did it was radiant.
To celebrate E-day I pulled out the camera and tried to coax some light into the basement for a few shots of my own. Tried to emulate the style and mood but, well, there's only so much you can do with a tiny bedroom and a LED lamp.
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I feel good in my skin.
I feel attractive.
It's my E-nniversary and I think it's a happy one.
Don't you think so too?
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rottingbiogirl · 10 months
Should I celebrate the anniversary of the day I took my first T-blocker (tomorrow) or the day I took E for the first time (the day after)? 🤔
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auntbibby · 8 days
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as of tday (september 11th 2024) ive been on feminizing HRT for 5 years!!!!!!
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psychomorphary · 9 days
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It's my 1 year anniversary for starting T, and this is what my husband texted me. I f-ing love him so much!! How did I get so lucky?! Having a supportive partner makes all the difference...
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skellish · 9 months
Alright, so I don't usually do stuff like this, but today is a very special day to me: My 1 year mark of HRT! So I figured I would write a little and show my progress, to have a record for myself, but also because one of the most helpful things in my journey was seeing posts like these, showing me that things actually can change, and giving me hope for the future. So I wanted to maybe do that as well for anyone else struggling with their gender/identity like I was.
So, I wasn't the type that always knew who i was. I was a very awkward "boy", never quite felt right in my skin, but never considered that that wasn't normal. I spent my whole life shifting into and out of different identities and presentations, always doubting myself about who i wanted to be and who I was supposed to be. But about a year ago today (October ish 2022) my "egg" finally busted open. It was honestly pretty painful, having my whole life be flipped all around in somewhat of an instant, but also so relieving. I finally found the issue! I could fix my problem! That didn't stop me from still doubting myself, panicking about my future, wrangling internalized transphobia for the next few months, but something FINALLY actually felt right.
So, I went a little faster than most people should honestly. I immediately sought out some kind of gender clinic or what have you, to pursue hormone replacement therapy. (Ended up with planned parenthood to begin with. Wonderful people.) This is, of course, not necessary to be trans, but I reasoned in my head that this would be the easiest way to tell if I was wrong or not. I highly recommend you do not rush these things like I did, and that this was just my experience, but I digress. I figured If I was wrong, I would live with whatever consequences there were, but with the knowledge of who I am. If I was right however, then like. Hell yeah lol. It was scary for sure, and most of my loved ones thought I was rushing and not thinking clearly (fair points tbh) but I was right, and here I am!
This was me one year ago today
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And this is me just a few days ago
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I have gained weight, life is still very difficult, and it wasn't a miracle solution, but I can now at least say I know who I am. I'm beginning to like what I see in the mirror, be shaped in a way that is congruent with my soul, and be seen the way I want to be seen.
I don't know if these words will be seen by anyone, but if even just one person sees this and is helped like I was, then I've done my job here. See yall same time next year!
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kittehxx · 5 months
Today marks my three year anniversary on hrt! And to celebrate, the sun, earth, and moon all lined up to treat me with a beautiful total eclipse. Very cool very fun. It was so unlike anything I've ever seen before. It was incredible. So so so glad I was able to make it to this and that the weather cooperated and everything. SO. FUCKING. COOL.
I also got this picture during totality like wow wow wow look at that it's so cool
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