notreyev · 10 days
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i hope you guys understand why i couldnt post this in the pcc. office siren nureyev
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lekrow · 1 year
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Keep of Fire by Mark Anthony has me feeling a normal amount of normal feelings and I'm fine. (That's code for "it's all I'm gonna think about while I'm out of town this weekend 😩")
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dont tell chicory but the pepsi max crab was supposed to be for her birthday. we just fucked it up so badly we're gonna pretend we forgot it instead
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askata · 9 months
hrrgggh teeny toys exploration
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About the sentient computer part. He thinks I'm a rotom. HRRGGGH.
You're not?
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prim-moth · 1 year
HRRgGGH I wanna get into BG3 I wanna fuck a bear two types
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So I just get to uhm talk to a pioneer in this field on Thursday and explain to him how I interpret my preliminary results when uhm he was one of the main people who figured out how to measure and interpret this stuff in the first place and uhm also I have to convince him to like uh let me work independently in his lab for the next two years so like everything’s fine it’s just uhm I’d love to die
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clownbutt · 6 years
its so god damn mother fucking hot in my room i HATE living upstairs 
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sapphirerubycreates · 3 years
Missed Messages: A useless degree
Author’s Note: hot off the press of my word document. This was meant to be 3/4 of a page, but, as per usual, it is infact 3 pages long.
AU: Missed Messages
First week of February, Marvin and Robin’s senior year
They were working in the Union. It was a quiet Wednesday, especially for the beginning of the semester. She leaned back in her chair after she appeared to have finished writing for one of her classes. “Hey, you going to the career fair next week?”
“Mm, probably not.” Marvin took a drink from his water. Maybe now would be a good time for a stretch break.
“Ehh. I feel like I should. But they always just say apply online anyway. And there’s never really a connection made.”
“So, don’t go.”
“But like, it’s so hard to just apply to places and never hear back.”
“So, maybe only go for like, one or two companies. Don’t waste time, but make yourself feel good.”
“hrrgggh.” Robin bent her head down and covered her face with her hair. “I hate this.”
“Hey, you got this.”
Robin proceeded to slide her laptop away from her and put her head face down on the table. “Where are you applying to?” she mumbled from her position. Marvin considered hopping to the other side of the table to comfort her.
“I’m... not.”
Robin slowly lifted her head up and looked at Marvin, eyes tired despite it being barely past 5pm. “You’re really not? Like, I know you want to start a business with Chase, but wouldn’t it be better to get some hands-on experience first?”
“Well...” How truthful would he be with her? It was only the two of them here right now, so that factored into things. “I don’t really know if business is what I want to do.”
She laid her arm on the table and placed her head on it. From her lowly place, she looked up at Marvin, a frown on her face. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Nah, don’t be. I can find something, eventually.” Maybe he’d be like Chase, doing odd jobs and then being a house-husband. “Tons of people have useless degrees.”
“Hey,” she tried to reach across the table with her free hand. It was barely able to reach his own laptop. “It’s not worthless. Sure, you may not use everything you learned in class. But, you still keep some lessons. Maybe not from classes, but just from... existing. Experiencing.” She closed her eyes and sighed heavily. When she opened them, she had more weight in her limbs, and her eyes looked at the table instead of him. “You think you know what college is. Until you’re near the end. Then it’s different. Bigger, smaller. New things you didn’t realize you were taught...”
“Hey, you okay Robin?”
“I’m just tired.”
“Okay...” Marvin thought something felt off about her words. But if she wouldn’t say how she truly felt, he couldn’t force it out of her.
He took another drink from his water. “You should drink too,” he reminded her.
“I will.” She didn’t make a move for her water bottle. “You really think your degree is useless to you?”
“Well... if I don’t use what I learned in lectures, then isn’t it?” Those were his true feelings. Robin’s tired rambling couldn’t change that.
“Mmmmm. I don’t want to say the wrong thing...”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean... I don’t think I can make a comment on what you should do moving forward. We have different motivations.”
“You’re my friend. That means you’re allowed to have a comment.”
It took another minute for Robin to get back to sitting up in her seat and finally taking a sip of her water. “I think... you should take some time to think about what you want out of life. See if what you’re doing lines up with your goals, priorities, ideals, whatever you wanna call ’em.” She pushed her seat out from the table and hung there for a moment before dropping her arms down. “I’m gonna go get myself dinner. I find looking at the stars helps me think. Laying on benches, or a table, or one of the walls is nice.” She was moving at half speed when packing up her things. “Just keep your coat wrapped tight around you. And watch that your nose doesn’t freeze.”
Marvin had finished packing his stuff before she could stand from her seat. “Hey, why don’t I join you for dinner?”
“You hate Commons food. And you’d miss out on Chase’s cooking. Or good pizza.”
“Yeah, but...” What was a convincing enough reason to go? “I’m worried about you.” The truth seemed good.
“Don’t be.” She zipped up her coat and slung her backpack on. “I’ll be fine tomorrow.”
“Hey,” he raced around the table and grabbed her arm before she could even take a step. “Please?”
His acknowledgement was that she turned back towards him. He wanted to parrot ‘I’m worried about you,’ but he’d leave that for the second refusal. Stubborn girl didn’t know how to properly take care of herself. And Marvin found himself smiling, pleading.
“Okay. Just, don’t expect much conversation.” She started walking slowly, and he let go of her.
“I’ll do most of the talking then,” though, Marvin wasn’t sure what he would talk about.
Sliding gloves onto her hands, she and him walked in tandem. Out the first set of doors to the lobby, and then into the cold. Marvin immediately felt his temperature drop when the air hit, but it was a short walk. Down the stairs, Robin gripping the railing for dear life. Across the parking lot.
And that’s when Robin slipped and fell. “Whoa hey you okay?” Marvin immediately bent down and offered his hand.
“There’s black ice,” she said, a bit bewildered. But, after a moment, she grabbed Marvin’s hand. He lifted her up and steadied her.
“You good?”
“Think so. You should be careful driving home tonight.” She started walking, grabbing a hold of his hand. Even through the glove, he felt her warmth in his grip.
“Yeah. Or, you know, I could just call my brother. Teleportation subverts black ice.”
They started on the wooden stairs now, Marvin carefully scanning each step for more ice.
“He’s not a taxi service.”
“I’m sure he’d do it if you asked him to.”
“That can’t be true.”
“You wanna call him and find out?” Marvin started fishing in his left pocket, knowing his phone wasn’t in there, but also knowing he couldn’t let go of her with his right.
“No, no. Just. Get home safe tonight. Black ice is no joke.”
“Yeah, it’s scary.”
“Especially on the hills. Actually. No, call your brother. I’ll pay for your taxi ride.”
Marvin chuckled at it. “You don’t need to pay him.”
“If it stops you from driving and getting into an accident, I’ll pay you $50.”
Marvin full on laughed at that comment. “Alright alright. My car stays here tonight. That make you happy?”
“Yes.” She stopped walking a moment and looked up. “Not many stars out tonight.”
“Maybe there will be later.” She kept staring a few more seconds.
“Maybe.” She started walking again, Commons already in sight. “Did I ever tell you about my accident with black ice?”
“You mean like back there?”
She snickered a little at that. “No, accident. Like car accident.”
“Wait. You were in a car accident!?”
She opened the doors, letting some of the warmth flow out. “Guess I haven’t.”
“No you have not!” His heart was pounding in his chest.
“Well, guess I have to now.”
Part of dinner was spent having Robin tell a story about her car accident a few blocks from campus, including being a ‘human traffic cone’ (as she proudly called it), and not getting frostbite despite standing outside for a few hours while police never showed up to block off the icey hill. The other part of dinner was Marvin recounting skiing and sledding trips that mostly ended in a face full of snow and warming up in a lodge with hot cocoa.
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(Claps) Good job! How do you do such a hard thing :0..? I mean, I always stay up past my bed time and cant go to bed at the time that was set for me.. which is 10 PM.. But I stay up til' 11 PM.. How do you do it? (Pushes microphone to u) 🎤
I am usually the same way, but am trying to improve. It takes a lot of effort, but first I go “hrrgggh ok Fine I’ll stop looking at interesting stuff and put the computer away” (I have a reminder thing that goes “blormp” with a notification to start getting ready for bed, and I have it set to do that at 9 so I can have plenty of time to actually get around to doing that) Is good to get away from the screen early so your eyeballs aren’t kept all awake-y by the bright light.
I brush and floss my teeths, which is much easier than stopping reading an interesting thing.
Then I go read or sew for a bit, and after a while go “ugggghhh ok Fine I’ll put my sewing/book down and go to bed” and then I get into bed and because my sleep schedule is generally quite bad I usually have a hard time falling asleep, but I’m told it’s better if you have a regular sleep schedule, and I did in fact have one for a month or two a few years ago and I think I recall it being easier to fall asleep after a while?
I must keep making the efforts! I want to wake up early in the mornings on my days off so as to get lots of sewing done, and I also want to not be tired.
now is 9:36, so I will hit “publish” and close the computer, goobnight.
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radio-charlie · 5 years
me, useless, pretty: husband can u pls open this jar. i dont know how to do
husband: hrrgggh ok
husband: *opens jar*
both of us: *has sex*
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dunhoof · 4 years
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Isn’t Fuyuhiko in the Yakuza. I played the Yakuza games, they definitely kill people. And Peko works for them so I don’t think her hands are clean either. They’ve both killed a lot of people of their own choice. Pekos has definitely killed for Fuyuhiko as well making her hands even dirtier than his.
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That’s not-!
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Look. My friends and I aren’t innocent. I get that. I’m not trying to say we’re above consequences, because we’re not. Yeah, Fuyuhiko and Peko are Yakuza. Yeah, Mahiru agreed to hide the evidence for Natsumi’s murder. And yeah, brainwashed and broken or not, we all committed the worst crimes imaginable and ruined millions of lives.
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What I am saying is that, while a lot of that’s not happened yet, Ikusaba’s different. She’s been with Enoshima since birth. There’s no way we could really convince her to just give up and switch sides.
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And I’m gonna be honest and say I don’t really care enough to try. Some people are too far gone to be redeemed. And if any of you even try to compare her to me and Kamukura, I swear to fucking God…
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atlasllm · 7 years
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aquosevolved · 6 years
Sometimes, my best friend and I will just send each other a text that’s nothing but
“hrrgggh! Metal Gear!”
and then whoever gets the text sends it back.
Anyways, writing realistic friendships is hard as fuck.
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heylinfanclub · 2 years
So every month I need like $1700 for all my bills together and I just HRRGGGH. been on a -100$ deficit and I just. JUS. I’ll be asking for money at some point next week no doubt.
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