#hrpf summer exchange
mxaether · 3 months
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Hello hello hello my loves, and HAPPY HRPF SUMMER EXCHANGE to @kingcameacallin
💖 you are gonna have to come to ao3 to see the full piece💖
thank you, @hrpffandomeventblog for organizing!
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offside-the-lines · 2 months
i'm half-doomed & you're semi-sweet | Connor McDavid (x Male!OC)
Summary: After a painful playoff exit to end the 2022-23 season, Connor just needs to get as far away as possible, all the way to Gold Coast, Australia. He expects some peace and quiet, a reprieve. What he doesn't expect is this happy and carefree bartender, Lucky, to make him question the choice he has been making since he was 10. Title inspo: Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes by Fall Out Boy
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This fic is dedicated to @hiding-from-reality-56 for @wyattjohnston's Summer Fic Exchange 2k24. I'm really sorry it's late. Life has been nuts. I really hope you like it! S/O to Demi, Ashley and T for being my cheerleaders, beta readers and editors. Ilysm. Pairing: Connor McDavid x M!OC. This fic features an original male character. Word count: 11.3k Warnings: SMUT: 18 + ONLY. MINORS DNI. SAFE SEX RESOURCE. Angst, lots of (I would say light) angst (first 1/2). Smut, lots of (light to medium) smut (second 1/2). This fic deals with internalized homophobia and coming to terms with your sexuality by way of having your first gay and first sexual encounter (it's hot and sweet, I hope). This was a super meaningful topic for me to write about, and I hope it resonates. Please take care of yourself if this is a topic that is sensitive for you. Connor is also, as I liked to say as I was writing this, Cognitive Distortions and Anxiety and Self-Doubt stacked on top of each other in a trench coat. Our poor boy is going through it in this. The smallest emetophobia warning. Small mention right in the first section (7 paragraphs in). Masterlist | (My requests are currently closed.) | Read this story on AO3
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It’s 4 am on May 15th, and Connor’s lying in his own bed. And the only thing he can think about is what should’ve been.
He should be going to Vegas, getting ready to win Game 7.
Or better yet, he should’ve never let it get to that point—needing a Game 7. They should be getting ready for the conference finals.
The humiliation of yet another failed year—a second-round exit, no less—stings deep, and he feels the bile rise in the back of his throat. The taste of ‘This is our year’ sits rotten on his tongue, the number of times he said it to the boys. Momentarily, he wonders if he ever truly believed it. If any of this means anything at all. Or if he really is just a mouse in a cage running on a wheel going nowhere.
The silence in Roger’s Place is all he can hear in the darkness of his own bedroom. It makes him feel like he’s going to crawl out of his skin. The idea of going back to his Toronto house, carrying the looming absence of those 35 pounds, makes him want to throw up.
Or maybe that’s just—
He bolts up in his bed, runs to his toilet, and throws up nothing but bile.
With his head resting against the cold ceramic, he thinks about his parents. He knows they’re not going to be disappointed. They don’t care about the Cu— They don’t care about all that. They care about him, but he doesn’t think he can stomach another off-season of their pitying looks and gentle encouragement.
Another off-season walking around the city of Toronto, feeling like everyone is laughing at him. ‘Look, there goes the Next Great One, the so-called McJesus. What a joke. Look at him, he’s a failure.’ He can hear their thoughts.
They don’t even know about the other thing.
He rinses his mouth and stumbles back to his bed. He picks up his phone and texts his agent about finding somewhere different to train this offseason before he can think better of it. “...in I don’t know. Fucking Australia or something. Just. Somewhere far,” he adds.
He sits on his bed, fiddling with his phone for a while.
He sighs and rests his head against the headboard. He closes his eyes and drifts, picturing what his life might look like if he wasn’t… Well… Him.
He remembers a sports psychologist he was encouraged to see called it ‘maladaptive daydreaming.’ Which—that’s always felt a little ridiculous, given that they also recommend ‘visualization techniques’. ‘Picture yourself scoring the goal, Connor,’ they’d say.
It always felt like the same thing.
He sighs and texts Jeff again. “Totally okay if not. I know it’s super late notice. Just feel like it might be good for me. And for next year.”
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The next few days pass like a blur, just room full of people after room full of people. Saying the same meaningless comments over and over. Play the part. Be sad, but not too sad. Be honest, but not too honest.
It doesn’t help that Leon’s grumpy, too. Well, not so grumpy he won’t sit on Connor’s couch—that does occasionally happen—but grumpy enough that he’s been mainly communicating in grunts. But, Connor figures, a grunting Leon is better than no Leon, so they sit in miserable silence as episode after episode of Friends plays on his ridiculously large 85-inch TV.
Which—who even needs an 85-inch TV? Well… Connor does, apparently, according to his decorator anyway. It’s ridiculous, and he hates the excessiveness more with each passing minute. He considers how bad it would be to just rip it off the wall. Probably quite bad. He doesn’t do it. Instead, he pokes Leon in the side with his toe and smiles weakly when he gets an irritated grunt in return and a heavy hand gripping his ankle.
Connor does his duty as Captain and hosts one last team barbecue in his absurd house that makes him feel like a zoo exhibit. He says goodbye to Leon for the summer—every year, it feels stilted and weird; he can never find the right words, but he thinks Leon gets it anyway. Or at least some of it. Not that Connor really knows what “it” is.
Not that Connor really wants to know what “it” is.
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Connor swallows down the lump in his throat and turns his phone off, settling in for the flight from LAX to Brisbane, Australia—apparently, Jeff took him literally. He can’t help but think What the fuck am I doing? But that’s the point, right? To not think.
For once in his life, it would be nice to just do something without thinking about it endlessly. To just do something without thinking through the whole play, without reviewing the tape and dissecting everything that could go wrong.
He pops a sleeping pill with the hope that maybe it means he won’t spend the 15-hour flight ruminating on whether or not he should be doing this at all. And then ruminating on whether or not he should be ruminating on whether or not— Yeah. Five hours of rumination he can do—he does it often with the NHL schedule and the Edmonton of it all—but 15 hours seems to be a stretch even for him. So, he pops a sleeping pill.
Besides, he hopes that if he’s asleep, he won’t have to make any more eye contact with the flight attendant whose hand Connor accidentally touched when he helped Connor put away his carry-on. He kept making such earnest conversation with Connor, a smile crinkling the corners of his dazzling green eyes as Connor embarrassingly fumbled over his words, which—
Yeah, he needs to get a grip. And sleep. Hopefully, when he wakes up, he will feel a little less mortified—from experience, unlikely. At least the guy was Australian and didn’t seem to know who he was.
Connor wonders if he would be like this if he worked in something mundane, like finance or sales. If he’s destined to be this way, or if hockey made him this way. At this point, it was impossible to determine where Connor ends and McDavid-97 begins.
Luckily, hockey means he gets the good pills, at least, and he is knocked out for at least 12 hours.
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Connor spends the first few weeks in a weird state of suspended animation, just going through the motions of his off-season training. He meets the trainers, who seem to have been briefed by Gary on what he needs and throws himself into the work. No one recognizes him except for a couple of the guys at the rink. But they don’t bother him. It’s a relief. He thinks he understands why Leon fucks off to Mallorca every summer. He wonders why he doesn’t fuck off to Mallorca with him—something else to not examine further.
He takes himself to the beach and watches the surfers and tries to remember to reapply sunscreen every 30 minutes, or whatever, even though it’s “winter”. He fails, of course, and burns bright red after only a few days. He’s forced to return only in the late afternoons.
He finds a pub-thing between his condo and the beach and sits at the bar for dinner every day; nothing better to do. He orders a beer with his dinner at the bartender’s suggestion. He hates it. He drinks it anyway. The bartender—Connor thinks he said his name was Lucky?—probably thinks he’s an absolute freak, judging by the little glances he throws Connor’s way and the amused look he has every time Connor orders.
It doesn’t help that Lucky is kind of stunning. It’s a thought that Connor usually keeps locked up, stuffed in some deep crevice of his mind where he won’t have to examine it, but the longer he watches Lucky—not that he’s watching, he just happens to be at the bar every night, and there’s not much else to do—the more he notices.
Connor watches the messy mop of curls fall in front of his eyes every time he bends over to put ice in a drink and the way he brushes it away with the back of a toned, tattooed forearm. It’s hard to tell exactly how dark his hair is or what the color of his eyes is in the dim interior of the pub, but Connor finds himself itching to know.
But the thing that Connor thinks about as he lays in bed at night is the way Lucky interacts with everyone—playful, easy. He notices the way he flirts—and the guys he flirts with. There’s this weird tightness that settles in his gut, and it twists every time he catches Lucky’s bright smile and the glint in his eyes.
There are an increasing number of days when Connor feels the need to stay until closing. There are a few other regulars he’s gotten to know, and it’s fun to hear about their lives. They will chat with Lucky as he’s cleaning up the bar. 
It has nothing to do with the way Lucky will sometimes take some guy home. Nothing to do with the way it’s just out in the open. Bold, confident, and unashamed. There are never any side-long glances from anyone, no snide comments.
Connor is completely unable to ignore the way his chest feels too small every time it happens. He wonders if he could ever do that. He wonders if he could even look at the thing head-on.
He thinks maybe Gold Coast Connor could.
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It takes him until the night before his flight to the NHL awards to decide that Gold Coast Connor can make moves. Gold Coast Connor has the confidence and freedom that Connor McDavid does not. Gold Coast Connor is funny and banters with strangers.
Connor McDavid knows to never have more than two drinks. It affects his performance the next day.
That’s why Gold Coast Connor has 5 or 6. Switches to whiskey after the usual disgusting beer. Lucky chuckles at him.
“I knew you hated that. Was trying to see how long you were gonna keep drinking that for. You should see the face you make every sip.”
Connor's face heats; he knows the ruddy red cheeks look ridiculous against his messy ginger beard.
After the third drink, Lucky shoots him a look. He responds with only a shrug, and he seems to decide to not press the issue.
He knows he’s drunk when he shoots his shot.
“Come home with me today,” he says to Lucky, leaning over the bar conspiratorially.
He laughs, smile wide and easy, eyes wrinkling. “Oh yeah?”
Lucky’s smile shifts, and he stares at Connor for a long moment, lips pressed together. The weight of the look sits heavy on him and makes him squirm. He fights the urge to run.
“Yeah, nah,” Lucky decides, “I think it’s time to cut you off. Switch to water.”
Connor suddenly realizes how this must look to him. “I’m serious,” he blurts out, “about the offer, I mean.”
Lucky laughs. “Good to know.” He winks, and Connor feels very warm. “But you’re six drinks deep when you usually only have one beer. Whatever this—” he gestures at Connor “—is, I’m not sure I want to get involved in that.”
His stomach sinks like a rock, and bile licks at the back of his throat. “Oh.” About twenty different thoughts battle in his mind, fighting for dominance.
Lucky looks at him consideringly and sighs. “Connor, it’s not a no. It’s a not today. Trust me, I am very interested. You’re—Look, you’re going on your business trip tomorrow, right?”
Connor nods.
“Okay, talk to me when you get back, yeah?” He leans in—it makes his biceps pop, but Connor tries not to let his eyes catch on it—something akin to amusement dances in his eyes as his lips curl into a smirk. “You can wait that long. You can be good, can’t you?”
A heat settles in Connor’s gut. “Uh, yeah,” he splutters.
Lucky leans back, his smirk bigger now, satisfied. “I thought you’d be into that. Yeah, we’ll have some fun when you get back.”
Connor swallows thickly; something that might be hope simmers under his skin.
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The good feeling Lucky leaves him with doesn’t last long. It starts with the mountain of texts, missed calls, and voicemails that come through as soon as he puts his normal SIM card back in.
It only gets worse when he’s faced with Leon’s fury. Leon is pissed off often, but it is rare to see him genuinely angry.
“Where the fuck have you been?” Leon fumes, steel grey eyes not even a foot from his face as he grips Connor’s arm so tightly he thinks it might bruise.
“Um, look—”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Leon continues right over Connor’s soft voice. “I had to call your agent just to make sure you were still alive. Hey—at least Cameron got a text, right? Nice of you to not ghost your family, I guess. Guess I didn’t make the cut, eh?”
“Leo, I’m s—”
“You know,” Leon grits, “I was going to fly back to Canada ‘cause I thought something had happened to you. But, no. Glad you’re living it up in Australia. Glad you’re having so much fun.” He drops Connor’s arm and steps back, chest heaving as he breathes heavily. “Well, if you don’t want anything to do with me, then you can have nothing to do with me.”
“Leo, please—” Connor’s voice breaks as his throat burns and his chest tightens like a vice grip.
“Fuck you, Connor. Seriously, you’re a fucking selfish asshole,” he says as he walks away, the door of Connor’s hotel room slamming behind him.
It takes too long for Connor to remember how to breathe after that, sitting on the floor of his hotel room, staring at his shaking hands.
The day somehow gets worse from there when he has to ask Mikael Backlund, of all people, why Matthew has a sling on.
Backlund gives him a strange look. “Wh—Chucky?”
“Yeah,” Connor swallows.
After a beat of silence, he says, “He broke his sternum. Game 3 of the finals against Vegas. Played in Game 4 anyway. Didn’t matter in the end.” Backlund winces. “They lost in 5.”
“Oh,” Connor winces in return.
Backlund stares at him for a while. “Heard it was pretty bad.”
The festivities continue around them. He gives a cordial nod to Nico Hischier and Jack Hughes as they walk past.
“I thought you two were friends; that’s what Chucky used to say anyway,” Backlund finally says.
“We are,” Connor swallows around the guilt sitting in his throat. “I just, uh, needed a break, so I was—Never mind. It looks like duty calls, so I’ll be—” Connor forces himself to stand up and gestures towards the event people waving at him. “Have a good night. See you next season.”
Backlund nods with an expression Connor can’t quite place—he thinks it might be pity.
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Connor sleeps so poorly over the next few days, and it’s a wonder he’s coherent when he meets the Bedard kid. He feels horribly ill-equipped to give the kid any advice and fumbles through some generic pointers. Leon was much better, as he usually is at these things.
At least the time together allowed him to earn back some of Leon’s good graces. They part with a promise of photos and texts and a hug that makes Connor feel unmoored. He wonders if Leon can tell he’s barely holding it together and just doesn’t care enough to ask anymore. He hopes not. He really needs it to not be that.
I guess we can add ‘friendship’ to the list of things Connor McDavid can’t do, he thinks. When he closes his eyes, he can only picture Leon’s furious expression, or Backlund’s confused disappointment, or Matthew’s annoyingly amused smirk when Connor finally had the chance to catch up with him and explain his absence. 
Leon’s anger is still the one that stings the most. It’s the one that plays on a loop in his head. It pops into his head at unexpected moments. It’s kept company with all the other failures and misses that haunt him.
He doesn’t sleep a wink on the flight back to Australia. 
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It takes Connor a few days to work up the courage to go to the pub again, now more sure than ever that he made a fool of himself the last time. But, eventually, he forces himself to just do it—it has nothing to do with his inability to cook.
Lucky greets him, same as always, with an easy smile and a glint in his eye. It’s so normal that it makes him think Lucky forgot about their last conversation. But, something about the way he reaches across the bar and taps Connor on the wrist as he laughs at some dumb comment Connor made. Or maybe it’s the wink he sends Connor when he catches Connor staring at the way his shirt rides up when he reaches for the top-shelf liquor…
Either way, Connor knows deep down that Lucky definitely remembers their conversation. Which means Lucky knows something about Connor that no one else does. 
It’s a thought that should make his chest tighten and stomach churn—the idea of it alone would usually send him down a paralyzing spiral—but instead, it makes him feel feverish, a small crackle of expectation settling just below his navel. There’s just something about Lucky that eases something in his chest—Well, there just is something about him.
Neither of them do anything about it, though. Connor can’t decide if he’s disappointed or relieved.
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A few days later, it’s almost closing and it’s quiet in the pub. There’s tennis on the TV: Wimbledon, Connor thinks, possibly a replay. He isn’t really paying attention. If he’s honest, he’s never really got tennis. Leon likes it, though, so he watches when it’s on.
“So,” Lucky says, interrupting Connor’s trance. He’s leaning against the bar back, polishing a glass—it makes the muscles in his forearm ripple. Connor pointedly doesn’t stare.
“So?” Connor says weakly. He knows. And he knows that Lucky knows he knows. He still doesn’t acknowledge it. He quickly looks around to check if anyone is close by.
“Did you still wanna come home with me?” Lucky says.
He just drops it into the space between them like it’s nothing. He just says it like it doesn’t turn Connor’s world upside down and his guts inside out.
Deep down, Connor knows that he could say no and Lucky would never mention it again. No hard feelings. Easy. They could both pretend like it never happened. Which is what Connor should want—it is what Connor wants. Which is why Connor is going to say no.
“Yeah.” It comes out close to a whisper, but it doesn’t need to be audible because Lucky smiles. Connor feels his cheeks heat, and it’s like every inch of skin suddenly fires up like live wire. 
Lucky turns around and places the glass on the shelf, and Connor blows out the breath he didn’t realize he was holding in a puff. 
“Good,” Lucky says when he turns back around, “‘cause I already asked Kazza to close out for me tonight. I just need to grab something from the office, and then I’m good to go.”
Connor swallows. “Yeah, sounds good.”
Lucky runs his bottom lip through his teeth consideringly before he flashes Connor a heated grin and walks away. 
Connor waits for the pang of regret or guilt to hit; something to tell him to put a stop to this. It doesn’t come. All he feels is the prickling simmer of anticipation.
“Connor?” Lucky says, poking his head around the corner.
“I meant for you to follow me,” he chuckles.
“Oh!” Connor scrambles to get out of the bar stool—it’s an entirely ungraceful affair—and follows Lucky and waits in the hall.
When he emerges from the office, he hands an envelope to Connor. “Can you hold this for a sec? Just need to put my jacket on.”
“Yeah, sure.” Connor looks down at the envelope, which has Lachlan written in Sharpie on the front. “Who’s this for?”
Lucky freezes and cocks his head. “What?”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to—It’s just on the—Nevermind. Don’t worry about it,” Connor mumbles.
“No, no. Wait.” He shakes his head and huffs. “It’s me? Lachlan, that’s my name?” He pronounces it like Lock-lan, which confuses Connor more.
“What do you mean?” 
“Lachy… It’s short for Lachlan?”
“It is?” Connor furrows his eyebrows.
“Yeah, mate! What have you been calling me?”
“I thought your name was Lucky!”
Lucky—or Lachy?—bursts out laughing, snorting a little as he clutches his sides. “I thought you were just saying it weird,” he manages to get out between laughs.
Connor rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. “I mean, it was loud in there when you introduced yourself, so…” he lets himself trail off. He shifts on his feet, looking at the carpet.
Lachy shakes his head, still chuckling as he grabs Connor’s hand at the wrist. “Come on, this way.”
“It’s a bit weird now ‘cause I’ve been calling you Lucky all this time, and you’re Lucky in my head. I guess I have to change that now,” Connor murmurs, largely to himself.
Lachy hums. He tugs on Connor’s wrist and pulls him forward, swallowing the space between them as he backs them into a door. In a snap second, it’s like all the air has left the room, the world around them focusing in on the one point of contact at Connor’s wrist. Lachy’s hand is warm as it applies some pressure.
There is a beat of silence where Connor doesn’t know what to do but look. The lighting is a little better back here, and it catches on the strands of Lachy’s hair that have been lightened by the sun. In this lighting, Connor thinks Lachy’s eyes might be hazel or maybe a warm amber. He feels an inexplicable need to find out. 
The thing that catches Connor off-guard is the way he has to look down at Lachlan. Connor knew that he’s shorter—has seen him with his coworkers to compare—but it didn’t prepare him for the way it feels. The way that Lachy’s everything makes him feel pinned in place even as he towers over him—the six inches or so of height difference feels meaningless under his heated gaze.
Lachy reaches back with his free hand and grabs the door handle.
“You can keep calling me Lucky if you want, seeing as you’ll be getting Lucky tonight, right?” The corner of Lachy's lip ticks up in a smirk as he bites back a laugh. He leans in. “You can call me whatever you like once I’m inside you.”
Connor chokes. “Um, okay?” he squeaks, spluttering.
Lachy—Lucky?—leans his head back against the door and laughs. There is no explanation for the way the sound seeps into Connor, reaching every single crevice. It should be embarrassing to be this affected by someone’s laugh. Connor doesn’t have time to explore that thought further as Lucky pushes the door open and pulls Connor with him into the cool evening air.
The walk to Lucky’s place is not very long. But it is enough time for Connor to feel the ever-present doubt creeping in, even as Lucky tells him a funny story about a collision he saw while he was surfing that morning. He’s standing so close. Close enough that he can feel the heat of Lucky’s arm against his own. Closer than is normal for two guys casually strolling down the street, which—
Connor knows they’re not just two guys walking down the street. Not at all. He can still feel the anticipation simmering under his skin even as the cold air cuts through his thin sweater.
He tries to focus on the fact that the streets are empty, except for the occasional car, and no one knows him here. Here, he’s just Connor. So he tries not to let the looming shadow of his Name dig its claws in.
The thing is… he has a guy—a really hot guy who definitely knows what he’s doing—who is willing to take Connor home. A guy who seems to be into his disheveled and awkward self for some reason. A guy who inexplicably makes Connor feel safe, thousands of miles away from home and away from everything and everyone he knows.
Connor should take this gift with both hands and say thank you like the good Canadian boy that he is.
He thinks about the visualization exercises and pictures himself taking off the Edmonton Oilers jersey with McDavid 97 on the back and the C on the front. He pictures himself handing it over to Australian customs along with the apple he had forgotten was in his bag.
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Connor barely has time to even look at Lucky’s apartment before he’s crowded against the door. Connor sucks in a steadying breath.
Lucky looks up at him, his warm breath tickling Connor’s neck. “I’m sorry if I smell like beer; I know you don’t like beer.”
Connor makes an affronted noise. “I do so like beer. I just don’t like—”
Lucky huffs and cuts him off by slamming his lips on Connor’s. Connor lets out a little squeak of surprise before his body takes over. His eyes flutter shut as he takes in the warmth of Lucky’s soft lips.
It feels so foreign when Lucky slides his tongue over Connor’s bottom lip; the wet heat surprises him and makes him open his mouth instinctively. He’s rewarded as Lucky pulls his bottom lip into his mouth and nibbles on it slightly. Connor finds out he enjoys that as he bites back a groan.
Lucky’s hands move from the door behind Connor to rest on his hips, fingers applying gentle but firm pressure. His hands feel so warm Connor wonders if they would leave handprints for the world to see, like a brand.
Lucky makes a noise against his mouth that Connor can’t interpret. He hums a questioning sound and finds that it tickles a little. He finds out he likes that, too.
Lucky’s hands pull away, much to his dismay, only to grab Connor’s own hands and place them on his sides—Connor runs his hands down the firmness of his obliques and gives them an appreciative squeeze, earning him an approving sound as Lucky rests his hands on Connor’s chest.
Connor doesn’t know how long they just stay like that, kissing languidly as he slowly becomes more exploratory with his touches, sliding his hands over Lucky’s defined back. And Lucky returns the favor, running his hands over Connor’s chest—through the sweater material, it just feels like broad warm pressure—before reaching up to the nape of Connor’s neck and moving him the way he wants to deepen the kiss.
The wet, hot slide of their mouths feels so nice that Connor thinks maybe they could just stay doing this forever. But Lucky has other plans; he slides his hands under Connor’s sweater and hums appreciatively at what he finds. His hands travel up Connor’s chest; when he slides his hands directly over Connor’s nipples, Connor has to choke down a whine.
Connor’s hands move of their own accord, sliding down Lucky’s back and over his generous ass. His pressure is light, but it doesn’t stop Lucky from rocking forward and onto his tiptoes, stealing all the air from between their bodies. In doing so, he presses his hard dick right into Connor’s, the slide sending an electric shock through his body. They both moan at the same time.
Connor suddenly becomes acutely aware of how hard he is and the slight wet patch at the front of his boxers. Connor sucks in a breath through his nose. If he had known this was happening today, he would’ve jerked off before going to the pub. Hell—if he had even a second, he would’ve jerked off in the pub’s bathroom. Anything to take the edge off.
As it stands, Connor feels unable to get a hold of his restraint, like he’s reaching out to grab something just out of reach. It makes him feel underwater and suddenly too aware of all the sensations at once: the filthy slide of their mouths, Lucky’s thumbs rubbing over his nipples, the friction as Lucky grinds their clothed cocks together. It’s all too much as Connor feels his restraint fraying.
“Lucky,” Connor mumbles against his lips.
“Mmm,” he hums, leaning back a little.
This time, when Lucky slides his hands down Connor’s chest, he claws his hands, and his dull nails scrape over Connor’s nipples, drawing an unrestrained moan as he arches into Lucky.
“Fuck, you’re so sensitive,” Lucky mumbles as his hands continue to travel south, as he recaptures Connor’s lips in a messy kiss.
His mind feels fragmented. Split between needing this to stop so he doesn’t come way too soon, ruining the whole thing, and needing to come so bad he thinks he might die. But he can’t figure out how to put that into words, so he just floats in the liminal space between the two.
He feels Lucky slide hook his fingers over the waistband of his jeans and boxers, and it takes him a second too long to figure out what’s happening as Lucky’s hand dips inside. It’s just the brush of a hand over his bare dick, but it’s more than he’s gotten in almost ten years, and Connor panics.
“Wait—no—” he blurts out, muffled by Lucky’s mouth. 
Connor grabs Lucky’s hand and yanks it out of his pants, but it’s too late. He squeezes his eyes shut as he fights the shudder that travels through his whole body as he comes, largely untouched, in his too-expensive jeans.
He tucks his chin to his chest, face flaring so hot he must be bright red. He takes a few breaths to steady himself before he opens his eyes and dares to look up at Lucky.
He immediately winces at what he sees. Connor feels like he actually might die and prays for the ground to swallow him whole.
Lucky’s jaw clicks, his expression one that Connor has never seen on his handsome face before. One of hurt and confusion. Connor swallows.
“Is this a gay panic thing? Because I hate to break it to you, we’d been rubbing cocks for like twenty minutes,” he says, voice low and even.
“What? No! No, it’s not—” Connor stutters, “That’s not—No.”
“Right.” Lucky raises his eyebrows; he clearly doesn’t believe him. 
Connor realizes he is still clutching Lucky’s wrist so tightly it must hurt; he lets it go completely. Lucky takes a few steps back, and Connor misses the heat of his body immediately. He feels the edges of panic closing in, so he just speaks.
“No, I promise. That’s not what’s happening. I’ve known since I was like ten that maybe—” His eyes dart around the room, and his eyes fixate on all the little trinkets around Lucky’s house—it’s kind of adorable. He takes a deep breath. Fuck it. “No. I’ve known since I was 10. I’ve just never… told anyone before. Or done anything. That was… That was great. I really liked it. You’ve done nothing wrong. I’m so—” He runs his hands down his face. “Trust me, that is not what’s wrong. God, I want to die right now.”
His eyes affix to the surfboard mounted above the couch, a point just over Lucky’s left shoulder. It’s suffocatingly silent for a moment as Lucky looks him over. 
“Wait,” Lucky says, his voice low and tight, “Did you just… come?”
Connor drops his head in his hands and straight-up whines.
“Oh my god,” Lucky whispers. “Holy shit.”
Connor wonders if it’s possible to just travel through the door like a ghost. Or maybe blink out of existence.
There’s a shuffling sound before gentle hands on his wrists pull them away from his face. “Woah, hey, Connor. No worries, yeah? It’s okay. Don’t be embarrassed.”
“Easy for you to say,” he mumbles. Connor thinks about all the guys Lucky’s fucked before and wonders if any of them had ever come in their pants after being lightly grazed by a hand. Of course, he would be a failure at this, too.
“Baby,” Lucky’s voice is so gentle, “I’m serious, okay? You have nothing to be embarrassed about. That’s… Seriously, oh my fucking God, Connor, that is fucking hot.”
“It is?”
“Yeah, baby, it is.” He gently clasps Connor’s chin so he has to look at him and smiles softly. “Come on, maybe let’s take a break.”
“Oh.” Connor’s chest feels too tight. “Do you wanna stop? I’m sorry. I can go if you want. I’m sorry for ruining it for you.” He knows his voice sounds odd, but he’s too panicked to care.
“Stop? Who said anything about stopping?” Lucky chuckles. “Unless you want to stop, I am very much still very interested.” He directs Connor’s hand to the front of his jeans, where the hard outline of his cock twitches in Connor’s palm. “Trust me. Very. Interested. But I can wait for a second. Come on, lemme get us a drink.”
Lucky walks over to a bar cart and pours two whiskeys. Connor wonders if he should leave anyway, if he’s just being nice. Sure, he’s still hard, but does he really want Connor, the guy who came from a light breeze in his entryway? Connor thinks about all the guys he’s seen Lucky take home before, and he just knows he’s going to be the worst—or at least, the most disappointing. Maybe it would be less embarrassing for everyone if he left now.
Lucky walks over and leans against the kitchen counter opposite him and hands him the drink with a soft smile. 
Connor determines that he should probably stay, given he’s come once already, and Lucky hasn’t come at all. And that’s probably unfair.
“So,” Lucky says, “Earlier, you said that you’ve never told anyone you’re gay?” Connor shakes his head. “And you’ve never… done anything?”
Connor sighs. In for a penny, in for a pound, or whatever. “Yeah. That’s right.”
“Really? Never?” Lucky says, slightly incredulous.
“Well, there was like once or twice in juniors—high school, I mean, uh. Bro-jobs, or whatever, on, uh, school trips.” He shakes his head. “It just felt wrong ‘cause they weren’t gay, but I was. And it felt a little like I was taking advantage of it. So I stopped.”
Lucky snorts. “Well, sucking cock is pretty gay if you ask me.”
It pulls an unsuspecting laugh out of Connor. “I guess. I don’t know. That’s not what I meant—I guess—it was just different for me.” Connor shrugs and bites his lip. “Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I never did anything again after that.”
“Like… nothing?” Lucky asks, not unkindly.
“Yeah. Nothing.” Connor sighs. “I think you’re the first person I’ve kissed in like almost ten years. God, that’s so embarrassing to say out loud. You probably think I’m so fucking weird.”
Lucky reaches over and squeezes his arm. “Hey, I don’t think that’s embarrassing. Or weird. Different strokes, or whatever. It is what it is.”
Connor didn’t set out to have this conversation. Realistically, he never thought he would ever even have this conversation—not at least for another ten years. But something about the earnest way Lucky’s looking at him makes him want to say it. Like it’s suddenly something that’s clawing at his throat to get out.
“I just…” Connor pauses and worries at his lip again. “It’s different for me. I…” He takes a really deep breath and blows it out. “I work in the sports industry, and, unfortunately, being gay is still a pretty big deal in my line of work.”
“Shit,” Lucky nods. “That sucks.”
“I guess a little part of me always thought that if I didn’t say it out loud to anyone or do anything about it, then it was just something about me that was just for me to know. Something that other people don’t get to know about me. I guess in the process, I stopped really acknowledging it, even to myself. It’s weird. I’m not ashamed of it, but I also don’t want people to know. Which must mean I am ashamed of it, I guess. I don’t know.” Connor clears his throat to push through the tightness there. “I’ve never known another option. Like, I knew this was what I had to do from when I figured it out at 10. It’s like… if this is your reality, you might as well accept it and move on, you know?”
“That doesn’t mean it’s not painful, though. It still sucks. I’m sorry.” 
Connor shrugs as Lucky lets it hang in the air for a bit.
“Am I the first person you’ve told?” Lucky asks.
“Wow… that’s…” Lucky smiles. “Congratulations, Connor. That’s a big deal. Thank you for trusting me with that.”
Connor blows out a breath, and it comes out long and shaky. Despite that, his chest feels looser, like one of the invisible chains that wrap around his body loosened. “Yeah.”
They sit in comfortable silence for a bit as they sip their whiskeys, deep in thought. Connor takes the chance to look over Lucky in the bright kitchen lights. Connor finally determines that he has hazel eyes. They’re largely amber with flecks of green, and it makes him feel warm. It reminds him of the start of autumn and the beginning of the hockey season and the hope that comes with it.
The muscles in Lucky’s forearm ripples as he taps his fingers on the countertop to an unknown beat. It makes Connor think of the little hints of his body under the fitted black shirt and black pants. He knows from the way his shirt stretches when he reaches for a high shelf that Lucky has a broad, defined back. He’s seen enough of his arms and hands to fuel his fantasies for weeks. And what he’s seen of his ass and thighs makes him want to dig his fingers in, just to see what happens. Lucky just looks so handsome, beautiful, hot that it makes his head spin a little.
A flash of heat rolls over Connor as he remembers the feeling of the solid planes of Lucky’s body against his. Connor’s a professional athlete. He’s seen so many naked male bodies in peak physical form so many times and felt nothing that he sometimes questions whether he is actually into men. Of course, there’s always someone who would knock him away from that thought like an 18-wheeler truck. Either way, he doesn’t look in the locker room. Rarely even wants to.
This time, though, it’s Lucky. And he’s not a teammate. And he’s gay. And, for some inexplicable reason, he wants to fuck Connor—a thought that sends another wave of molten heat through his veins.
He shuffles on his feet and feels the uncomfortable wet patch in his pants and flushes. Something catches Lucky’s eye because he raises an eyebrow slightly and cocks his head. It’s a minuscule moment, but Connor catches it, and the way the air seems to shift.
Connor thinks about how he’s already here, everything out on the table. Connor thinks about how he might never get this opportunity again—at least not for another ten years—needs to make the most of it. Connor thinks about the weight of Lucky’s hard cock in his hand. Connor—
“So,” Connor finds himself saying, “Are we gonna fuck tonight or…?”
Lucky throws his head back and laughs. It exposes the long line of his neck, and—Connor doesn’t know if it’s the whiskey or some other form of intoxication, but he has a sudden overwhelming urge to bite it, lick it, kiss it.
So he does.
He closes the space between them in one big step and leans down to run his teeth along Lucky’s neck. He moans in response, a deep rumbling sound that tickles his lips. Connor licks it and savors the flavor of salty sweat and the aroma of heady musk. 
“Yeah, baby,” Lucky groans, his fingers finding purchase on Connor's hips and gripping firmly, “I’m going to make this so good for you.” He tilts his head and captures Connor’s lips in a heated kiss. 
This kiss is different to the one at the door. It’s more urgent, incessant, purposeful. It’s messy as their teeth clash and tongues slide against each other. Lucky bites down on Connor’s lip harder than before, and he moans. Connor sucks on Lucky’s tongue, earning a moan of his own, before letting go with a pop.
“What do you want, Connor?” Lucky murmurs against his lips.
“I want you to fuck me,” Connor blurts out, the words spilling out.
Lucky freezes for a split second, almost imperceptible, before shaking his head lightly. Connor feels the stab deep in his gut; the sting of rejection hits him by surprise, and it hurts—more than he thought it would. He tries to pull away.
Lucky shakes his head. “No, I just mean, I’m not gonna fuck you tonight.”
Connor furrows his brows, feeling confused, still trying to step away.
“Connor. Not on your first night. You’re not ready.” Lucky squeezes Connor’s hip. “Next time though…”
Connor freezes. “Next time? There’s a next time?” he hears himself say, voice small and quiet.
“Yeah, baby. If you’re game, there will be as many next times as you want before you leave. You’re here for a few more months, yeah?”
“Yeah,” he says, breathless.
Connor doesn’t know who closes the gap between them, their lips meeting in a heated kiss once again. Lucky guides him backward until he bumps up against the counter of the kitchen island again. He hears the empty whiskey glass clink as his body knocks it back a few inches.
“So, what are we gonna do then?” Connor asks nervously as Lucky kisses down his jaw and neck.
“Oh, there are plenty of ways I can make you feel good, baby, don’t you worry,” Lucky says against the neck, the puffs of air tickling him. 
“Oh,” Connor breathes.
He leans back. “Luckily,” he winks, beaming, “you’re in very good hands.”
It takes Connor a second to process the joke before a surprised giggle escapes his lips.
Lucky pushes his sweater up, exposing his stomach and chest. Lucky flicks a tongue over one nipple and a thumb over the other. Connor groans, his hands tightening on Lucky’s shirt.
“So sensitive,” Lucky laughs into his skin as he kisses his way down Connor’s front. “So pink. God, you’re so flushed, too. It goes all the way down to… I need to know if…”
Connor doesn’t have time to even process the way Lucky looks on his knees between his legs because Lucky is popping the buttons on his jeans and pulling his jeans and boxers down in one motion.
His dick bobs free, already achingly hard again. The swollen head glistens, wet with a mix of his come from before and the new beads of pre-come collecting at the tip. The air feels uncomfortably cold against him, and it makes him squirm. 
He’s not uncomfortable for long, though, because Lucky wraps one hand around the base of his dick and squeezes firmly before running a hot tongue up the shaft. Connor’s breath catches in his chest. 
He’s given no time to process the sensation before Lucky sucks the head into his mouth, bobbing once before sucking him all the way down with a salacious wink. Connor groans and is, for the first time this evening, happy that he’s come already because it is the only reason he doesn’t blow it from that alone.
Lucky moves, bobbing up and down, his hands resting on Connor’s hipbones, holding him still. It is impossibly hot and impossibly wet and impossibly tight. Connor doesn’t even know what sensation to focus on; the only thing he can think is fuck, that feels so good.
“Fuck, that feels so good,” he moans, squeezing his eyes shut as he tries to get a handle on his ragged breathing.
He has nothing really to compare this to, but he doesn’t need to compare anything because he feels as though he is on fire, sweat prickling all over him as he focuses on not coming. He focuses on the tension and heat that settles in his gut. 
It’s so different than when he touches himself; it’s just so much more. More everything, everywhere. The sounds, the smells—he hasn’t even opened his eyes yet. He thinks that maybe he can’t open his eyes and see what this looks like from a real POV perspective because seeing it would ruin his life.
Connor likes to think that as a professional athlete, he has conditioned himself to have great control over his body. A theory that is being very much tested as moans and curses fall from his mouth without his input at all.
“God, fuck,” he rasps, his hoarse voice sounds insanely erotic. “Lucky…” Lucky swirls his tongue over the head as he moves himself up and down Connor’s dick. “Lachy… Fuck. Lachlan,” he moans.
Lucky hums—Connor feels it all the way up his spine—and pulls off with a pop. “Say it again.” His hand moves to lazily slide up and down his shaft.
“My name. Say it again.” His voice sounds even more fucked than Connor’s; it makes his head spin.
“Lachlan,” he says softly.
Lucky smiles and makes a low noise of approval before sucking Connor back down, all while keeping his eyes pinned on Connor, who can’t look away.
“Oh fuck, Lachlan,” he says, and he’s rewarded with another groan. “You look so good. You feel so good. This is… ahh…”
His hands are gripping the kitchen counter so hard it hurts. The view of Lucky’s shiny red lips stretched over him is too much, his hold on his self-control close to faltering. 
He closes his eyes and lets his head hang back; he’s unable to bite down the keening sound that escapes when Lucky flicks his tongue along the frenulum. The symphony of sound in the room sounds so filthy Connor thinks he would be flushing even pinker if he could. But he knows he’s already flushed red from his face to his dick that’s disappearing into Lucky’s incredible mouth.
Connor thinks about Leo and what he would say if he saw this. He wonders if he would be disgusted. If he’d never talk to him off the ice again. If he’d request a trade. If he would lose his best friend. He thinks about what the people would say if they saw him like this—Cam, his parents, his teammates, his agent—
Lucky’s hand slides down Connor’s shaft to the root and traces the line between his balls that are wound up high and tight against his body. His dick throbs inside Lucky’s mouth, and he feels more than hears Lucky’s moan of appreciation.
He decides he shouldn't be thinking of anything at all. However, the decision is more or less taken out of his hands when Lucky presses a finger behind his balls with such incredible precision his knees almost buckle.
The movement causes him open his eyes, and he watches as he accidentally fucks into Lucky’s mouth. Lucky’s dark lashes are wet, and his hazel eyes glisten as they look up at Connor as he fights against a choke, eyes fluttering shut in concentration. Connor thinks he’s never going to forget this moment, the way this looks. Even if this is only a one-time thing, it’s worth it.
Lucky reached up to grab Connor’s hand and place it in his hair. Connor cards his fingers through the soft curls. Lucky rolls his eyes humorously before pulling off.
“Fuck my face, Connor,” he rasps.
“Oh… Oh, fuck,” Connor whispers, hands shaking slightly as they move to grip his hair.
Lucky waits, mouth open, as he reaches one hand between his own pants. Connor watches as Lucky wraps a hand around his own cock, and feels compelled to say something.
“No,” he says.
“No?” Lucky furrows his brow.
“No, don’t—I want to get you. After—”
“Oh,” Lucky breathes, “Fuck, yeah. Okay.”
Connor watches as Lucky gives himself a firm squeeze before pulling his hand out and placing it on his broad thigh. He looks up at Connor and smiles before opening his mouth again, tongue hanging out over his bottom teeth. Connor groans as his dick kicks, another bead of precome collecting at the tip. Lucky leans forward and licks it off lightly.
Connor swears before grabbing his dick in one hand and Lucky’s hair in the other before feeding his dick into Lucky’s awaiting mouth. The heat, and wetness, and tightness puts him on edge immediately as his hand clenches, pulling Lucky’s hair tighter. His moan vibrates against Connor’s dick, and he feels it resonate inside every bone in his body. The urge to come is suddenly close to overwhelming. 
He keeps his eyes open this time as he rocks into Lucky’s mouth experimentally, watching for any sign of discomfort. As if reading his mind, Lucky rolls his eyes and makes a brief movement with his hands. It surprises a chuckle out of Connor as he relents.
He brushes over Lucky’s lips reverently with the hand that was gripping the base of his dick before he moves it to cup the back of Lucky’s head as he starts to fuck deeper into his throat. With each thrust, he feels the control he barely had fray and unravel.
His pace quickens, hitting the back of Lucky’s throat on every thrust. Lucky places his hand back on Connor’s hip to steady himself as Connor fucks his face. The tension in his groin feels impossibly taut.
“Lachlan, fuck, you’re incredible,” he murmurs. “Fuck, I’m gonna come.” 
Lucky hums and grips his hip tighter so Connor doesn’t even think about pulling out. Their eyes lock, Connor unable to look away as Lucky cups his aching balls in his hand, reaching behind to the spot, and presses his fingers deep, plunging Connor over the edge.
Connor moans his name as he spills down Lucky’s throat, the world going hazy as his balls tighten and throb. He thinks the only thing that keeps him upright is all the years of balancing on knives on ice.
He gently eases Lucky off his dick, realizing suddenly just how tightly he was clutching his hair. 
“Sorry, was that,” Connor says, his voice hoarse and soft, “Was that okay? Did I hurt you?”
Lucky laughs, shaking his head before tipping forward and burying his face into the crook of Connor’s thigh.
“Yeah, baby, you did so good. A total pro at getting your cock sucked.”
“Oh, fuck you,” Connor rolls his eyes, unable to contain his laughter too.
“Now, there’s an idea,” Lucky says.
“Yeah?” Connor says, voice suddenly small as a wave of heat rushes over him. His spent dick throbs valiantly in interest.
“Oh, yeah,” Lucky hums against his thigh, “Not today though.”
Connor reaches down and pulls Lucky up to stand, supporting his weight a little as he comes off his knees. He leans down and kisses him gently.
“Thank you,” he murmurs against his lips. He can taste the faint flavor of himself on his lips.
“Nah. Yeah, no worries, baby,” Lucky chuckles, “Any time.”
Connor’s body shudders at that thought, and he chooses to push it aside as he feels Lucky’s hard cock against his thigh.
“I want to take care of you. Can I?” he asks quietly.
Lucky hums and pushes a hand under Connor’s sweater, muttering, “Why are we still fucking wearing clothes? And to answer your question, fuck yeah. Come on.”
They fumble, Lucky guiding Connor, who’s walking backward, to the bedroom, their mouths clashing while they finally remove their clothes.
Connor feels his knees knock against the bed as Lucky gives him a slight push, sending him sprawling. His dick unceremoniously flops on his stomach, and Connor feels momentarily embarrassed before he looks up at Lucky.
His breath catches at the sight. Lucky is standing there, naked at the end of the bed, his heated gaze raking down Connor’s body as he strokes himself. Connor is transfixed by the movement. From where he is, Lucky’s dick looks thick, thicker than Connor’s own anyway, maybe a bit shorter. It tapers down to the tip, where the head, red-purple and mouth-wateringly wet, peeks out from the foreskin.
Connor always thought he would be nervous at this moment, unsure. But looking at Lucky, he feels calm, like the moment before his skate hits the fresh ice in pre-game. Every single cell in his body feels dialed into this moment, reaching out to feel Lucky’s skin against his.
His eyes follow the dark trail of hair, from the groomed patch at the base of his cock up to the mat of hair between his nipples. His eyes track the movement of Lucky’s toned arm as he works himself slowly, languidly. He bites his lip as his eyes trail down Lucky’s thick thighs, a carpet of dark hair over them. For some reason, Connor just wants to sink his teeth into the meat of his thigh.
When he finally meets Lucky’s eye, he feels like his soul is going to leave his body. The look is almost predatory, the way his gaze feels heavy, pinning him in place. His eyes are so dark now, his pupils swallowing the beautiful hazel, as his curly hair falls messily over his face.
“You like what you see,” Lucky says gruffly.
“Yeah,” Connor replies, breathless once again.
“Good.” He kneels on the bed, and Connor slides back further onto the bed. “Me too.”
Lucky knee-walks his way up the bed, his thick thighs bracketing Connor’s legs, skin blazingly hot. Connor can’t help but scramble back until his head hits the pillow.
Connor swallows hard when Lucky finally towers over him. The hand not stroking his cock is pressed against the pillow right next to Connor’s head. The view is intoxicating. Connor’s hands twitch at his sides.
“Can I touch you?” he whispers.
Lucky moans and nods, biting his lip.
Connor reaches up and runs his hands over Lucky’s cheek. Lucky’s eyes flutter closed as he leans into it. Connor’s thumbs brush over his thick eyelashes, and then he pulls his bottom lip out from between his teeth. Lucky’s mouth remains slightly parted as Connor slides his hands down his neck, through the thick hair at his chest, down the hard planes of his stomach, and onto his thighs. 
Connor digs his fingers in, earning him a small hiss, and pulls Lucky’s thighs forward so he can sit comfortably on Connor’s stomach. He slides his hands up the back of his thighs, savoring the contrasting rough and soft of his thick leg hair. He takes a moment to knead Lucky’s ample glutes before taking one hand to trace the thick groomed hair at his pelvis.
Lucky’s hard cock sits heavy on Connor’s stomach, the pre-come smearing a little against Connor’s flushed red skin. Lucky wiggles at the light touch, cock kicking, as Connor runs his fingers down the soft velvety skin of the shaft, tracing the snaking veins. He is so transfixed by it, how soft it is, how much it responds to his touch, how hot all of this is—
“Please,” he hears Lucky whisper, a hint of a whine.
Connor blinks and looks up at Lucky, who looks like he’s in a tremendous amount of pain—although Connor knows that’s not what it is. His jaw is clenched, and he’s breathing hard and raggedly.
“Sorry, I just—Sorry,” Connor says softly.
He takes a deep breath before wrapping his hand around the shaft of Lucky’s cock, earning him a deep moan. He pumps his hand experimentally, noting the difference in how it feels in his hand compared to his own dick, before applying more pressure. When Connor slides his hand up and down again, he runs his thumb lightly against the underside of the tip.
“Connor,” Lucky moans above him, his head dropping a little. His curly hair brushes against Connor’s cheek.
He hums, drawing up the play in his head as he continues to repeat the motion. Lucky’s leaking so much that it doesn’t take long before his hand is wet enough to touch the sensitive head without it being uncomfortable—he hopes at least. He alternates his strokes between one that goes from the root to the tip and one that squeezes the head with a slight twist—the way he knows feels good.
“Fuuuuck,” Lucky breathes. His arm is starting to shake a little from where it is next to Connor’s head. Connor turns his head slightly and presses a light kiss to Lucky’s wrist. “Baby, that’s so fucking good.”
Connor smiles and feels his chest puff a little, proud like when a new drill finally clicks. He looks up at Lucky’s face, now flushed with pleasure. He watches as he applies more pressure, watching the way Lucky’s eyes roll behind the closed lids and lips hang open. 
“Yeah, fuck, just like that,” Lucky says. His hand comes up from where it was resting on Connor’s thigh and grabs onto his shoulder, fingers digging in. It hurts, but Connor doesn’t mind.
Connor continues to stroke at an even pace, eyes gliding over Lucky’s face and body, taking it all in. Lucky continues to drop little praises between them, mixed with his moans and curses. Connor feels like he could listen to the way Lucky says his name forever.
It’s not long before Connor notices the way Lucky’s hips start hitching with his strokes and speeds up his hand. He loosens his grip slightly so Lucky can fuck into his hand in time with his strokes. 
“Lachlan,” Connor’s voice sounds hoarse and fucked-out, even to his own ears, “Open your eyes. I want to watch you come.”
Lucky moans and his eyes open, gaze unfocused. Connor is transfixed by his face: the square jawline and full cheeks flushed with pleasure, the way his eyelashes flutter as he struggles to keep his eyes open, the shape of his mouth as he moans Connor’s name over and over.
Connor feels Lucky’s cock get impossibly harder in his hand as his pace becomes more erratic. Connor sees the moment before he comes in his eyes as they roll back, his eyes slamming shut. Connor feels the momentary desperation before the relief in the way Lucky’s fingers clench into the pillow beside his head and into the meat of his shoulder.
He feels the first pulse in the kick of Lucky’s cock in his hand before the cum hits his chest, his name on Lucky’s lips as he comes. He strokes Lucky through his orgasm in even pulls. He feels breathless and in awe and reaches up with his lips to pull Lucky into a deep kiss.
When they pull away, a while after the last pulse Connor feels, Connor is smiling wide. Lucky rolls off him and pants in the bed next to him, his arm draped over his eyes as he catches his breath. Connor stays smiling like an idiot at the ceiling.
“Holy fuck,” Lucky murmurs against his elbow next to him.
Connor hums. “Yeah.”
“No, seriously. Holy fuck.” Lucky knocks his leg against Connor’s. “You’re seriously telling me you’ve never done that before?”
Connor lets his head drop to the side to look at him. “No?”
Lucky peaks an eye out and looks at him. “What are you, some kind of prodigy? What the fuck?”
“Did you hack my brain? How—I’m serious, Connor. I can’t believe that’s the first handjob you’ve ever given. I think I might’ve died and fucking transcended. Fuck,” he breathes.
“Um… Thanks?” Connor says, unsure, “I guess I’ve spent a lot of time jerking off, so…”
Lucky knocks a knee against him again, harder this time. “Shut the fuck up.”
Connor laughs.
Lucky turns in the bed to face him and smiles dopily. “Do you want me to get you again?”
Lucky gestures to Connor’s dick, hard and curved up against his stomach.
“Oh! I didn’t even—No, I’m okay. I think I might be fully dry.”
Lucky laughs. “Yeah, okay.” He’s silent for a second. “Hey, Connor?”
“Stay, yeah?” he says, voice quiet. 
“Okay,” Connor replies softly.
“You can stay there; I’ll grab you a towel to clean up.”
“Your chest?”
“Oh!” he huffs and looks down at the mess on his chest. He runs a finger through the mess and pops it in his mouth, the flavor salty and tangy on his tongue. “Hmm!”
Lucky groans beside him, “Oh my god! What the fuck am I gonna do with you? You’re a fucking menace.”
“What?” Connor asks, confused.
Lucky rolls his eyes and climbs off the bed. “I can’t believe you genuinely don’t know what you do to people, do you? Fuck.”
Connor shrugs, not really following but too content to care.
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They wake up facing each other the next morning, the sliver of light streaming in through the curtains illuminating their faces. Their bodies are pressed in close. Close enough that Connor feels Lucky’s morning boner pressing into his own.
Through sleepy blinks, they kiss for a long time, slow and heated, their bodies sliding against each other. Lucky hooks a strong thigh over Connor’s and pulls them even closer together, their hard dicks sliding against each other perfectly.
They moan into each other’s mouths, kissing messily as the sensations build. Eventually, Lucky reaches down and wraps a hand around both of them, rocking against each other. The air in the room feels thick with their pants and moans.
Each slide of Lucky’s cock against Connor’s sends sparks up his spine; the way their heads rub together is unlike anything Connor’s ever felt before. The pressure of Lucky’s hand is light, and it shouldn’t be enough to get him to the edge, but it does faster than he expects.
“Lachlan, I’m gonna come,” he whispers, his voice thick with sleep and arousal.
“Mmm, me too,” Lucky moans.
When Connor comes, it’s nothing like the night before. It’s slow and sensual, waves of heat and pleasure rolling through him like molasses. Lucky follows not long after, covering them both in sticky heat.
Lucky captures Connor’s lips again, resuming their lazy kiss for a little while longer until the mess between them gets to be uncomfortable.
Lucky reaches up with his hand and licks it clean—it unbelievably makes a molten wave of heat roll through Connor’s body again—before he reaches up to cup Connor’s cheek.
“You didn’t panic and run away,” Lucky says evenly, without judgment and maybe even with a sigh of appreciation and wonder.
“Yeah, I guess I didn’t,” Connor smiles. “Why? Did you expect me to?”
Lucky shrugs. “I don’t know, I guess.” He pauses and sighs. “It happens. A lot of guys will have the post-nut clarity, or whatever, and make it clear that they regret what happened. They’ll try to make it real clear they’re “straight” which…” He shakes his head. “Anyway, I didn’t know you wouldn’t do the same. I mean, I hoped you wouldn’t. But…” He trails off and shrugs.
It stings more than Connor expects, and he feels his full-body wince. “Good thing I’m gay then, eh?” he says. 
He didn’t know he was going to say that when he opened his mouth to respond, but he feels with amazing—post-nut—clarity that he is glad he did.
Lucky smiles and it's the smile that makes Connor feel warm and tingly from the top of his head to the tips of his toes. It’s a different heat than before. He imagines it’s the type of heat that sunflowers chase when they supposedly turn to follow the sun.
“I’m glad you stayed,” Lucky says.
“Me too.” Connor leans in and plants a soft kiss on Lucky’s lips.
Lucky hums, content. “Come on. Let’s shower, and then I can make us breakfast.”
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Later, when he’s sat at the kitchen island watching Lucky talk animatedly about the merit of sharks of all things while making an incredibly delicious smelling omelet, Connor is struck by the normality of the whole thing.
You could replace Connor with any single person, and the world would keep spinning. Why would Connor be any different?
He thinks about checking his phone earlier. He had opened it, heart pounding, holding his breath while he towel dried his hair—he took the opportunity while Lucky was drying his hair in the bathroom with an absolutely wild-looking contraption—”It’s called a diffuser, Connor”.
So, he was hiding, essentially, crouched on Lucky’s bedroom floor where Lucky had plugged his phone in before bed, knuckles white around his phone as he turned the screen on.
It was underwhelming, really. The world did not burn down. It wasn’t front-page news on ESPN or Deadspin or Twitter or something. There wasn’t some sort of international beacon that went out screaming: “Connor McDavid is Gay” or “Connor McDavid has Gay Sex; what is next for the Edmonton Oilers Captain”. There were no “you’re fired” texts from Ken or Bettman. There were no “you’re disgusting, and I hate you” texts from all the people in his life who loved him.
There were only the normal texts. Photos from Cam of some Canada Geese. A text from his mum asking how he was doing. The most notable thing on his phone was a recent text from Leo, apologizing for Nashville—an apology Connor didn’t feel like he was owed, but Leo wanted to let him know he was sorry anyway. 
“Hey, just wanted to say sorry for how I was in Nashville. I don’t want you to think I meant it,” he had said. “You’re one of the best people I know. I was worried and hurt. So I’m sorry. I hope you’re having a good time in Australia. You haven’t sent me any pictures, asshole.”
“Isn’t it like 3 am in Germany right now? Shouldn’t you be getting your beauty sleep?” Connor had texted back.
Leon had sent back his typical response—an eye roll emoji—and Connor had smiled and turned off his phone.
So, Connor watches Lucky move at the stove, easy and carefree. And, for the first time in a long time, Connor feels a little bit of that ease in his chest. Like there is just a little bit more room to breathe. Like there is an ever so slightly less weight on his shoulders.
For the first time since he was 10, Connor considered that maybe he could be wrong. That maybe Connor McDavid could get to have something like this. Something easy—private but easy. Connor considers that maybe this is something he might want to share with a select few people when he’s ready. Not the people who would make it into a Connor McDavid-97-Captain issue. But people who deserve to see Connor a little more clearly.
But for now, he’s just content to watch as Lucky tries—and fails—to flip the omelet in the air like a pancake.
“So, how do you feel about scrambled eggs?” Lucky asks, smile broad and eyes shining.
“Good,” Connor laughs. “I feel good about scrambled eggs.”
“Fuck yeah!” Lucky laughs.
“Fuck yeah,” Connor says softly.
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Masterlist | (My requests are currently closed.) | AO3
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hrpffandomeventblog · 4 months
It's time for the Summer Vibes HRPF exchange!
Do you create content featuring dumb hockeys? Do you want someone to create content FOR you featuring your favorite dumb hockey?
If you make fic, art, photo manips, poety edits, moodboards or playlists - this is the exchange for you!
Sign up via google form and please boost and spread the word!
Signups are today-June 6.
Assignments go out by June 10th.
Posting is the first week of July.
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kairos44 · 3 months
Pack (5,5 k) Pairing: Leon Draisaitl/Matthew Tkachuk Rating: M Tags: AU - Werewolves, Angst with a happy ending, werewolf turning, werewolf bond, werewolf mates Summary Matthew wakes up in a hospital room, disoriented and scared. His memories of what happened are fuzzy. There was a hockey game, there was a win – and there was an attack.
Written for @mxaether and their prompt words: red, heat & fate and their love for wolves during the HRPF Summer Exchange 2024 held by @hrpffandomeventblog
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Upcoming Fandom Events!
Special Focus: 🍉
@hockey4palestine: Hockey4Palestine is now running to raise funds in support of the Palestinian people, please go check out this amazing event and consider donating if you have the means to do so!
On-Going 🏒
@hrpffandomeventblog: Hosting the HRPF SUMMER BANG 2024: REWRITE THE ROMANCE event, artist sign-ups coming soon! Check their blog for more information and dates.
@bostonbruinsficexchange: Hosting the first year of the Boston Bruins fic exchange! Sign-ups are long past, but check out their blog to stay tuned for posting dates!
@summerboyfriendsexchange: The Summer Boyfriends Exchange featuring new fics for Sidney/Nate! Sign-ups are long past, but check out their blog to stay tuned for posting dates!
@lightthelamprarepairs: A prompt challenge specifically for rare pairs, open all year round! Check their blog for more details.
@hckyrcl (Get On Your Knees): A prompt challenge for your darkest hrpf fantasies! Check out their blog for more details (18+ content).
Future 🥅
September 1 - October 31, 2024
@habsfic: A bingo card full of prompts celebrating the return of hockey! Fill out three squares for a bingo. Check out the blog for more details!
September 8, 2024
@allcaps-fest24: A prompt based fest for the Washington Capitals! Prompts and signups open on September 8th, check their tumblr and A03 collection for more deets!
October 10, 2024
@sharkuda-prompt-meme: A San Jose Sharks prompt meme for the '24 to '25 season! Prompts open October 10th, check out their blog for all rules and details!
Reminder to please tag the blog if you have any events you'd like advertised here as well!
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callsign-bubbles · 3 months
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‘til the party and the music and the truth collide, a hughesson fanmix for the 2024 hrpf summer exchange!
this was such a fun project to do for @puckology101! (i know, you’ve seen it already, but i forgot the tumblr post lol)
the playlist is summery, very gay, and hopefully captures the vibes of our captain and his blonde <3
thank you to @hrpffandomeventblog for setting this up! it was fun and i'd love to do it again!
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caixxa · 2 years
My fic year 2022
12 works, all hockey rpf
82,086 words
Average word count 6840 (highest 29234, lowest 1879)
11 pairings + 2 threesomes
Average kudos 34 (highest 63, lowest 9)
Only one 0 comment fic, House Rules! (Feel free to go and fix that if you dare, even though I feel a certain satisfaction in writing something... unspeakably dirty)
More bookmarks (70) than comments (61)
No new fics on my existing series; 2 new miniseries, 2 fics each
No longfics, only 2 moderate 5/5 chapter fics
4 entries for a kink bingo week
1 gift fic, an extra treat for a fic exchange
Self rec list with ao3 links below the cut!
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ingénue E, 2.5K. Stars star veteran Joe wants a boy so he takes Joel. Joel may like it, we don't know because consent is a non-issue for Joe.
Into The Great Wide Open T, 2K. Juuse misses retired Pekka at the All Stars. Soft and cute, my kudos leader of the year. Part 1 of Built to Last series.
Pearl Cleavage E, 2K. Trevor worships Jamie's ass in a hotel room. Posted for the HRPF Penalty Week kink bingo, frottage.
Kitty Got Claws E, 3K. HRPF Penalty week: slapping, bruising. Coach Rod/player Sepe sexual tension, face-slapping, rough fucking. (I'm drooling 🤤 had such fun w them)
Ruby Room (dirty floors and sticky tables) E, 3.7K. HRPF Penalty week, misuse of hockey equipment. Mean!Sepe roughing Granlund in Winner's Room. Unorthodox BDSM dubcon.
House Rules, E, 1.8K. HRPF Penalty week, watersports, bukkake. Leon breaks the one and only house rule on a cottage weekend with some Oilers and the Tkachuk bros and must face the consequences on the bathroom floor. (LOL my zero comment work, wonder why 😆)
Learning To Fly (but I ain't got wings) E, 3.6K. Part 2 of Built to Last series, sexy sequel to Into The Great Wide Open. Pekka makes Juuse wait for sex.
Summer Kisses E, 29K. Part 1 of Boys of Summer series. Polyamory and kink negotiations between Pekka and his winter and summer boys. So much hot sex as a plot device.
Dog Days of Summer M, 11.5K. Part 2 of Boys of Summer series, same summer, same timeline, focus on different relationships. Main character Miro Heiskanen, my only Swift songfic ever. This one burned out my motivation to write for months.
windsor knot E, 2K. Avs win, coach daddy fucks eager baby slut Burky, unhappy ending. Made it fun again.
tästä asti aikaa E, 5K. Roope, Miro and Sepe made a pass the phone video and I wrote a fic about it (and Sepe/Roope junior camp romance) in Finnish.
need you now E, 7K. ...and translated it to English for wider exposure. The exposure is 126 hits as I'm writing this but I had a good time and the right people have found it. Maybe you can be the next to give it a try?
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(Mood board for Dog Days of Summer)
The first fic in this list is the last fic I wrote last year. The last fic I have written this year will be out on new year's day, and under my name a week later.
But that's it for some time; go read fan fiction, comment, interact with writers. See you out there!
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Master List of Stories
It's not complete, but here you go!
Anthony Beauvillier Stand Alone-
Mafia AU - Sidney Crosby, Jamie Oleksiak, Tyler Seguin and Andre Burakovsky
Miro Heiskanen/OC Stand Alone-
Star Crossed-
Jamie Oleksiak/Reader insert Stand Alone- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/674747797495529472/hello-sunshine-winter-fic-exchange
Tyler Segin/OC Stand Alone
See you Again- Tyler Seguin stand alone https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/681971102590877696/summary-when-addy-meets-tyler-through-mutual
Crosby Crew- Sidney Crosby/OC Dad fic (3 parts)
Crosby Crew Part One- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/661790024969420801/crosby-crew
Crosby Part Part Two- https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/starshine-hockey-girl/689764038260998144?source=share
Crosby Crew Part Three-
Magical Mystery Ride- Tyler Seguin/Jamie Oleksiak/OC(Teddy)
Chapter One-Trouble with a capital T-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/653360134099288064/trouble-with-a-capital-t-magical-mystery
Chapter Two- Maserati Man-Magical Mystery Ride-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/653998030382596096/maserati-man-magical-mystery-ride-chapter-two
Chapter Three-  Shut up and Drive-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/654263759268904960/shut-up-and-drive-magical-mystery-ride-chapter
Chapter Four-You Need a Beard-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/654728599571742722/you-need-a-beard-magical-mystery-ride-chapter
Chapter Five- I’m Not That Girl-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/655449406103060480/im-not-that-girl-magical-mystery-ride-chapter
Chapter Six-  The Gordie Howe Hat Trick-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/656080443488288768/the-gordie-howe-hat-trick-magical-mystery-ride
Chapter Seven- A little experiment-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/656298792357888000/a-little-experiment-magical-mystery-ride-chapter
Chapter Eight- Emotional Hangover-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/656707836505636864/emotional-hangover-magical-mystery-ride-chapter
Chapter Nine-Mixed Signals-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/657169867485659136/mixed-signals-magical-mystery-ride-chapter-nine
Chapter Ten- Like a Handprint on My Heart-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/657428862630756352/like-a-handprint-on-my-heart-magical-mystery-ride
Chapter Eleven-Day One-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/657535613323640832/day-one-magical-mystery-ride
Chapter Twelve- Best Birthday in Six Years- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/657898637002686464/summary-tyler-seguin-didnt-usually-have-to-work
Chapter Thirteen-Still Friends with the Best Benefits-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/658070439617249281/still-friends-with-best-benefits-magical-mystery
Chapter Fourteen-Crosby Chips-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/658283950072053760/crosby-chirps-magical-mystery-ride-chapter
Chapter Fifteen-  Trouble in Paradise-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/658710228764901376/master
Chapter Sixteen- The Missing Note- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/659074524911960065/the-missing-note-magical-mystery-ride-chapter
Chapter Seventeen- The First Date- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/659601481399435265/authors-note-teddy-and-tyler-first-date
Chapter Eighteen- Welcome to My House- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/660159711199510528/welcome-to-my-house-authors-note-this-is-the
Chapter Nineteen- Training Camp-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/660833679187312640/magical-mystery-ride-authors-notes-teddy-and-lex
Chapter Twenty- Teddy drops the Mic https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/661701772005490688/teddy-drops-the-mic
Chapter Twenty One- Boundaries- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/665806764141379584/boundaries-magical-mystery-ride
Chapter Twenty Two-This Ends Tonight- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/668583962844741632/this-ends-tonight-magical-mystery-ride-chapter
Chapter Twenty Three- Meet the Parents- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/670569735817150464/thursday-november-22nd-2018-teddy-nuzzled-her
Chapter Twenty Four- Aftershocks- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/680844369144741888/aftershocks-magical-mystery-ride-chapter-twenty
Chapter Twenty Five- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - https://at.tumblr.com/starshine-hockey-girl/the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly/1cuh67rb2yp9
Chapter Twenty Six - The Dove and the Serpent
AU- The Threesome- https://at.tumblr.com/starshine-hockey-girl/best-of-both-worlds/u6j4pk1dyumq
Journey to the Emerald City - spin-off fo Magical Mystery Ride- Jamie Oleksiak and OC Teddy-read the first 15 chapters of Magical Mystery Ride first
Chapter One-Return of Lex-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/658814587986116608/chapter-one-journey-to-the-emerald-city
Chapter Two Officially Monogamous-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/659276133599166464/officially-monogamous
Chapter Three- Summer of Love- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/659874674499518464/summer-of-love-journey-to-the-emerald-city
Chapter Four- Instagram Official-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/660465318988316672/authors-notes-i-am-coming-to-terms-that-this
Chapter Five-We Survived-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/661157261901725696/starshine-hockey-girl-we-survived-journey-to
Chapter Six-Sweet Revenge- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/662354800801906688/authors-note-just-a-bit-of-fluff-before-we-have
Chapter Seven- Hard Candy Christmas-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/663496293118820352/hard-candy-christmas-authors-note-this-chapter
Chapter Eight- Full Disclosure- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/666866808097243136/authors-note-this-is-probably-the-darkest
Chapter Nine- Back to Big D- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/671206259212566528/back-to-big-d
Chapter Ten(part one)- All our Exes Part One https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/675750127826272257/all-of-our-exes
Chapter Ten(part two)- All Our Exes Part Two- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/677101954116222976/all-our-exes-part-two-journey-to-the-emerald
Chapter Eleven- Get Out of Jail Day- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/679312932292739072/get-out-jail-day-journey-to-the-emerald
Chapter Twelve- Final Reckoning- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/682609762641297408/final-reckoning-journey-to-the-emerald-city
Chapter Thirteen- Take a Walk on the Wild Side - https://at.tumblr.com/starshine-hockey-girl/take-a-walk-on-the-wild-side-journey-to-the/00d7owolawkw
Chapter Fourteen- Bridge Over Troubled Water
Chapter Fifteen-
Never Ever Have I- Sidney Crosby and OC (Evie)
Chapter One- Never Have I- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/658986447888695296/never-ever-have-iChapter Two- Dirty Little Secret- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/661242676070514688/dirty-little-secret Chapter Three- Will you Be Mine-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/663119085153943552/will-you-be-mine
Chapter Four- Taking it to the Next Level-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/664419654815612928/taking-it-to-the-next-level
Chapter Five- Weekend in Sewickly- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/666057933793214464/weekend-in-sewickly-word-count-approximately-7k
Chapter Six- Evie Takes Control-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/667396284273049600/evie-takes-control-never-ever-have-i-chapter
Chapter Seven- Growing Pains- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/669207447824662528/summary-sidney-and-evie-experience-some-growing
Chapter Eight- Naughty or Nice- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/671220970707632128/naughty-or-nice-never-ever-have-i
Christmas in Cole Harbor (Part One)- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/673203043352920064/christmas-in-cole-harbor-part-one
Christmas in Cole Harbor (Part Two) https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/673372445556785152/cole-harbor-christmas-part-two
Baby, You're An All Star-Chapter Ten- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/678710674142216192/baby-youre-an-all-star-never-ever-have-i
Love Drunk-Chapter Eleven- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/680974529439383552/love-drunk-never-ever-have-i-chapter-eleven
City of Brotherly Love- Chapter Twelve- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/682897135451176960/city-of-brotherly-love-never-ever-have-i-chapter
Home Sweet Home-Chapter Thirteen- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/683797767347470336/home-sweet-home-never-ever-have-i-chapter
La Familia- Chapter Fourteen- https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/starshine-hockey-girl/683978735223013376
It's the Playoff- Chapter Fifteen
Win or Lose-Chapter Sixteen https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/starshine-hockey-girl/689040780615155712?source=share
Sweet, Sweet Fantasy-Chapter Seventeen https://at.tumblr.com/starshine-hockey-girl/sweet-sweet-fantasy-never-ever-have-i-chapter/1b4wwjaum4xz
Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls-Chapter Eighteen https://at.tumblr.com/starshine-hockey-girl/dont-go-chasing-waterfalls-never-ever-have-i/jwh0fs48xkur
Arms of Orion-Chapter Nineteen https://at.tumblr.com/starshine-hockey-girl/arms-of-orion-never-ever-have-i-chapter-nineteen/h8lx6dsnfy9i
Come Away With Me-Chapter Twenty https://at.tumblr.com/starshine-hockey-girl/come-away-with-me-never-ever-have-i-chapter/94r3jfh32z7n
What Happens in Vegas-Chapter Twenty One https://at.tumblr.com/starshine-hockey-girl/what-happens-in-vegas-never-ever-have-i-chapter/uavpuw3x2kz5
Summer Loving-Chapter Twenty Two https://at.tumblr.com/starshine-hockey-girl/summer-lovin-never-ever-have-i-chapter-twenty/lwodv6s6z5c1
Season Two All in- Chapter Twenty Three https://at.tumblr.com/starshine-hockey-girl/season-two-all-in-never-ever-have-i-chapter/q23epvhwbbk5
Planning on Perfection- Chapter Twenty-Four https://www.tumblr.com/starshine-hockey-girl/713183735570415616/planning-on-perfection-never-ever-have-i
Failure to Launch- Chapter Twenty Five
Far Future Chapter- Fall of 2021 in the timeline- Evie's Been A Good, Good girll-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/683245545037463552/evies-been-a-good-good-girl-never-ever-have-i
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hrpffandomeventblog · 2 months
Here's a round-up of all the awesome content created for the Summer Exchange!
Thanks to everyone who participated, you all are amazing!!!!!!
The AO3 collection
The content creators:
The Content:
Y'all it is GOOD. Go check it out. Make sure to leave kudos/comments/bookmarks. Share the love and reblog.
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hrpffandomeventblog · 3 months
Tomorrow we will post a re-cap of the Summer Exchange works with links so we can collectively ogle and applaud!
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hrpffandomeventblog · 4 months
Have assignments gone out? Checked spam and nothing yet!
ASSIGNMENTS have JUST gone out!!!
Please check emails and spam folders!!!!
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hrpffandomeventblog · 3 months
Yes Hi! I am panicking a little over the ‘Summer Vibes HRPF exchange’ only now realising, should it be summer themed?! Because mine isn’t…😩
So long as it incorporates the words/vibes of the recipient's request you are all good!
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