#hr!sans: *GASP*
aka-indulgence · 1 year
If HT!Sans was a househusband. He'd 1000% drop whatever he's doing ad soon as ypu come home and stamp-runs all the way to the door like
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thefearandwonder · 10 months
An old friend of mine has retreated into social isolation, which I could have taken personally. But we've been through a lot together in our lives and I refuse to take anything he does personally. Have to give grace if you want to get it.
He said he wants to get away from the self so influenced by other people and find his center. I think that's a great idea. I'd like to do it myself, but it's a scary thought; even when I'm alone, I'm not truly alone. I reach out to people, I meet new people in virtual spaces, I write stories with others, and always look for social stimulation.
How much of me is 'me'? But, is 'me' something worth defining?
Because for a long time, I've seen myself as a hollow shell battered around by the world, filled up with its energies, emptied, charged up, wrung out, and again and again. I don't like to see myself, because myself is a dragon, a towering egomaniac, a striving and suffering lunatic who hurts herself with the intensity of her ambitions.
The only thing chasing ambition has ever gotten me is pain; I slam into walls and doors, and the faster I'm running, the harder the impact. The smarter I'm being, the further into trouble I get.
My forays into the jungle of American civilization are never productive. They start out hopeful, then end in mutual misery.
You know, I was driving through San Francisco at night last week. I saw billboards advertising not just AI, but digital solutions for AI-generated-image-detection services. Anti-AI. In a sea of lights and concrete, I saw a targeted advertisement as I sat in rush-hour traffic, telling me that I could literally 'find truth' with a product.
And earlier that day, I'd been walking through Yosemite, where the ravens flew by the dozens like bands of kings, with their hooked beaks and proud eyes, their manes of spiky feathers on their chest -- they looked at me and I looked at them. We saw each other, and there was truth there.
And the people who call themselves 'realists' will tell me of the meaninglessness of that experience, that the creature is somehow beneath me, and my deranged mind is deriving meaning from nothing.
Or, if my interpretation of the raven's symbol pleases their vanity, they will feed me scraps and lift me up like a treasured Bug a la some Jack London-esque short story and make me their favorite poet-propagandist. I'll be their truth maker.
And I woke up this morning with the insulin catheter in my abdomen ripped free, something that's never happened before. It was 4 AM. I replaced it without making too much noise and went to write a poem about wanting to sleep that made me cry -- a poem I wish I could share here, but it's going into a collection I intend to publish and therefore in order to sell the rights to print it exclusively it cannot appear in other media.
Well, after writing that poem, and crying, I went back to bed and held my wife. We slept in each other's arms and that's the truth.
Then we were woken up by a call from an unemployment benefits adjudicator who asked very pointed questions about why I left my previous job, opened up old wounds around confusion, anxiety, discrimination, being targeted by malicious parents, and feeling unprotected by admin or HR.
I told my story (again). I told the truth. They, who agreed not to 'contest' unemployment benefits (I suppose that means not filing an appeal for the approval decision) will also tell their truth. But they did not tell me the whole truth when I made the agreement to resign in grace rather than work somewhere I was made to feel so unwelcome. They kept many truths to themselves.
So what is the truth. The truth is that more and more I feel like a gasping animal caught in a net of buzzing light that Just
My truth, the thing I know inside me so true and deep, is that when I die, I will hear the sound of wind in trees. It will get louder and louder, until it overtakes me. It will transport me. It is the holiest sound I know. It sounds like the sea. It sounds like the hushings of a loving Universe.
It sounds like the Moon waking me with her light, to kiss me on the brow, and guide me back to sleep, to let me know I am safe and small. Truth.
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songmingisthighs · 2 years
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
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ch. xiii - kermit the frog ??
hybrid!san × human!reader
buy me coffee ?
everyone wants to belong, it's basic human need to connect with people around them. what happens when you're responsible for someone who belongs to two worlds but at the same time belongs to neither ? worst part is, what happens when it's your ex ?
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You sat on the lobby couch, rather anxious. The company building was beautiful and extravagant, something you completely expect from a big corporation. Even the lobby was amazing. For a company in a 62 story building, having office in over a quarter of its floors is crazy.
"They should just buy the fucking building at this point," you muttered to yourself.
You checked your phone and saw that it was five minutes to 9 am on the dot. You arrived 30 minutes early despite knowing that office hours start at 9 so you can't just go up. But seeing as it was near time, you took your handbag and iced coffee and walked over to the receptionist to get your visitor's pass.
The whole ride up the office floor was wild. You have never gotten into an elevator that you can't even control from the inside of the elevator itself. You almost embarrassed yourself when you waited behind some people for a long while before realizing that you had to tap the access card you were lent onto the underside of a monitor and then the monitor will tell you which elevator to take. It was simple but almost made you gasp.
On the office floor itself, you were immediately met with a person in front of the elevator. "Oh, hey, are you (y/n) (y/l/n)?" She asked as you stepped out of the elevator. "Yeah, that's me," you confirmed while nodding at her. Her face beamed up and she reached a hand for you to take, "Nice to meet you! I was about to go down to get you but I'm glad you were able to get up here first!" she said as she motioned for you to follow her. With her employee ID card, she tapped on a small box and the glass door opened, revealing a spacious working area. There were people around working wearing different types of clothes. Most seemed smart casual as most workers looked rather young, but you'd find the occasional suits among them. Those might be the higher-ranking officers but you can't really be sure.
The girl who greeted you had told you her name but between the hustle and bustle of people around and being wowed by the amazing office, your brain couldn't compute new information well. "This is our HR and legal floor, you can actually access the lab and the C-level floor using the stairs," she said as she pointed to the stairs in the middle of the floor that led up to where people were walking around in lab coats, "But the other floors you have to access using the elevator," she explained. You were so wrapped up in your fascination that you didn't realize someone looking at you from one of the refreshment bars on the floor in utter disbelief.
Soon enough, you both arrived at a room that the girl said was where you were going to have your interview conducted. The eyes that have been watching you didn't leave your form, it even seemed to blur out everyone and everything else.
"San," Yunho called out as he gently put a hand on San's shoulder, "You okay man?" San snapped out of his trance and turned to look at Yunho, "I'm sorry, what?" he asked finally. Yunho raised an eyebrow as his eyes darted between San and wherever he was looking in curiosity, "I... was asking if you're okay... You kinda spaced out on us there, buddy," he said, chuckling awkwardly. San wanted to ensure his friend that he was more than alright, but there was this swirling feeling inside of him that was making him uncomfortable. He didn't know when the feeling started exactly but he knew that his body began tingling and his stomach began swirling when he took notice of you. It was odd, usually, San couldn't care less about people walking by, but there was something calling out to him to investigate which allowed him to take notice of you.
Out of curiosity, Wooyoung craned his neck to take a look at what San was hyper-focusing on but unfortunately, he couldn't see anything due to the pillars outside. San noticed Wooyoung looking around and instantly became nervous as the last thing he wanted was his friends meeting you and being told of how much you hated him. Despite his nerves and weird feeling inside him, San managed a laugh to distract his friends, "You guys are worried for nothing," he said dismissively but effectively making his friends focus on him. Before anyone could say anything, San gulped down his coffee and handed the now empty cup off to Mingi who was closest to the trash can, "Hey, you three best get going before I'm gonna have to make a case to your bosses to keep you. Besides, I need to go to HR to deal with some things," he joked.
Luckily for San, his friends realized that he was right and after a minute or two of saying their goodbyes, they all parted ways.
Once San was sure that his friends are on their way off, he crept over to the office you were occupying with the HR team and stood by the door where you can't see him. He listened in on the conversation and from what he heard, the HR team seemed to like you and you seemed to like them too. Which is bad for him. He can't have you around. Your words from your last meeting with him rang in his ears, the words that you used to ensure San that you had absolutely no intention of ever getting back with him or that you even wanted him in your life. He knew he deserved that and so much more but the irrational part of his brain refused to make sense of that. The irrational part of his brain wanted to be petty and get the last say. The irrational part of his brain seemingly was under some kind of influence because San normally wouldn't make a big deal out of this. Heck, he would let you be. But somehow, he wanted to do something about it.
Without thinking twice, San walked into the room, surprising everyone there, especially you.
"Oh, good morning Mr. Choi, we-" the Head of HR tried to speak but San hold up his hand, silencing him completely as he reached for your CV that was neatly placed in front of the Head of HR and another HR staff. "Since when do you conduct interviews without letting me know first?" San asked as his eyes scanned over the information on that piece of paper. Though hesitant, the Head of HR answered him, "W-well, it was a special circumstance, Sir. It was a request from the Head of Bio Team, something about a report they made on a study that involved Ms. (y/l/n) here," he stated.
At that, you furrowed your eyebrows and rose slowly from your seat, "Excuse me, I don't understand. What study?" you asked. San immediately froze and his brain tried to come up with an explanation. He knew exactly what it was about and the knowledge made him nervous. "Well, one of the Bio Team staff made a report of a study done with the help of your... Material, for a lack of a better term, but we can't exactly disclose this because it is not our jurisdiction," The other staff blurted out which earned her a glare from the Head of HR as it dawned on her that she was not supposed to say that.
"I... What!?" you exclaimed, completely taken aback. Before the conversation about the study went further, San cut everyone off by slapping the paper onto the table with his hand loudly, "I don't care about that, and I sure as hell don't care about this special request because have you looked at this?" he scoffed. The Head of HR and his staff stared at each other as San continued after letting out a disappointed sigh, "From this..." He trailed off, chuckling sarcastically whilst shaking his head before looking straight at you, "I can't even use the word resume, it's easy to assume that she's a pain in the ass house squatter with no comprehension of the importance of having a career in anything whatsoever," your left eye twitched at the words he used made you felt... icky with yourself. San turned to his staff and shook his head firmly, "Our company has standards, okay? Even our interns should have higher credentials than this," he scoffed before turning to leave the room.
As he made his exit, you and the rest of the staff were left dumbfounded. "I... I can... I'll go text the Head of the Bio Team to... Ask her to come here so she can explain everything," the Head of HR said as he left the room with his staff scurrying behind him.
You were feeling so good earlier during the interview before San came in. You thought you were finally seen for your potential but San just had to belittle you like that. Sure, you had some reservations knowing that the company that wanted to recruit you belonged to your ex's family, but it was also your best friend's family. Knowing what you know, you've decided to make peace with the knowledge and look at the bright side. But no, he just had to ruin your moment.
With fists balled tightly, you pushed the chair you were sitting on and left the room to catch up to San.
"Hey!" You called out, making the man himself stopped in his tracks and turned around with an arrogant look on his face. Seriously, he was all apologetic and trying to talk to you, why is he a whole different person now? "You don't get to talk to me like that," you growled at him, making him raise an eyebrow in curiosity. You took that as a sign that he wasn't going to speak so you continued, "You're so privileged that you think you can just look down on people who are still struggling to find what they want to do in life and THAT's pathetic. That shows WHO you are exactly and that's disgusting," you spat. San was taken aback by the language you used. He opened his mouth to say something but you held your hand up to him, "I'm not done!" you stated loudly, effectively making San shut his mouth, "I had a hard time after the way YOU left me and right now, I'm trying to take every opportunity to explore and develop myself. You weren't mad that your team wanted to hire someone so incompetent, but you were mad that someone made a decision for you without you knowing and hoping that after this, you'll be able to just deal with it. How does that feel?" you spat.
San stood frozen, his mind blank but he felt his body regain its own control. Which was completely bad timing because at that moment, he was suddenly hyper-aware that both you and he had garnered quite the audience. People stood by to watch the scene unfolding and among them were his friends who looked just as shell-shocked but with a more hint of worry in their expressions. His eyes darted from one spectator to the other, nervous of how they might think of him. But when his eyes finally fell back on yours, all he felt was remorse. Not just because he felt bad for what he had said out of utter lack of control of his own words, but also because he had finally been made aware of how you struggled to hang on all this time. It was all his fault, yes, but he never truly realized the extent of it until right at that moment. In the middle of his office, with people who worked for him and his friends watching.
Neither of you wanted to say anything after that. San knew if he started talking, he'd just apologize profusely and if you accepted his apology (which he truly doubt), it'll just alleviate his guilt and make him feel slightly better without doing anything to you. You, on the other hand, you felt that you shouldn't ruin the meaning of your words by adding bullshit because the reaction you got from San, while not completely satisfactory, was hilarious. At that moment, you felt like you had the upper hand between you and him. Meanwhile, everyone made a mental note to not piss off the only person who seemed to be able to put Choi San in his place. Embarrassment and tmi aside.
"Ms. (y/l/n)?"
You turned to see that the Head of HR and his staff came back and a woman joined them, looking curious as to what just happened. "Shall we continue?" the Head of HR said. You immediately plastered on a bright smile and nod at him, "For sure." You turned to look at San who has now looked at least a little bit less guarded than before and let out a sigh, "I'm doing what's best for me, okay? Can we all just be grown-ups about this situation and be professional?"
Unfortunately, before San could even make a case for himself, you had already turned around and walked back into the room you were occupying. Realizing that the show was over, people dispersed and left San alone. Even his friends were hesitant to approach him. They wanted to make sure that he was okay but they didn't want to get thrown to the other side of the room.
Left on his own, San's remorse changed into something more painful as he watched you walk away. He felt his heart clench and his stomach drop. He hated the feeling and he hated the fact that you caused the feelings even more.
If things go the way San felt it wants to go just to mess with him, can he truly be professional with you when you seemed to affect him so much?
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random-vore-blog · 2 months
I’ve been on Vacation with my Rengoku plush, and my friend is recently teasing me with Rengoku so I was hoping that you could do a (at least a bit longer) sfw Vore story of (Human) Rengoku X Fukao (yes I am still on an art block but Maverick is the descendant of Fukao in this universe, I’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense but to put it short, both are heroes and work with some kind of toxic power in their timelines) but ye Rengoku X Fukao (HAVE A NICE DAY/NIGHT)
Okay! But I can't promise for a bit of a longer chapter because of no ideas and lack of motivation. Plus, Rengoku isn't actually a favourite of mine.
That was all he knew to do since the day he was born, to fight alongside those he was on the side of. Human, demon- it didn't matter. He just NEEDED to train more to become and prove everyone that he was independent.
He went for the final blow on the dummy- before all hell broke loose when Mitsuri came.
" Oh god-"
" How are you doing in training?"
" ..."
He looked at her, and then sighed. It wouldn't be good to ignore someon of higher rank than him. It would make that obsessed ass Serpent Hashira angry.
" Still struggling with the training Iguro-san gave me. Being his Tsuguko is hard."
Her green eyes looked at him, and then gasped.
" Want to spa with Rengoku-san? He is in need of a challenger."
Hr lifted a brow, standing straight with a wooden katana held on his shoulder. The other arm on his hip. Was she serious? Him? A challenge to Rengoku? Never.
" Sorry, Mitsuri, but you must be mistaken. I am far below his ranking and skills to be considered as a challenger for him."
" Awe! But you are on the same level as Tengen-san!"
" ... I'll give it a try-"
" Great! Let's go!"
" Mitsuri-! Wait!"
But she had grabbed his arm and dragged him to where Rengoku was. Why did he make his life difficult? Why couldn't he say no? Oh- right... Iguro.
" This is forced, isn't it?"
" Yup!"
" Great-"
He rolled his eyes before spotting Rengoku. The beautiful flame-like orbs stared at him. It was just like being forced to put your hand in the flame...
" You were forced too, right?"
He asked loudly, still smiling despite the situation.
" Yes."
Fukao answered. He was tired of everyone's bullshit- and even his own bullshit. But, at last, he was the one with the most bullshit and can tolerate it. To a point, atleast.
" You can go now, Mitsuri. We'll take it from here."
" Have fun!"
And- she skipped away, happily. He sighed again, just wanting a break from the hell he is suffering at every corner.
" This is bullshit."
" Language, Fukao! Gyomei won't like it when he hears you swear."
" Like I'd care when I am in the mood to fight."
" Fukao!"
" Just making a point."
He got into battle position, and so did Rengoku.
" I am so done with life."
" Don't say that! Life is never done!"
" I meant it figuratively, Rengoku."
He grumbled, arms crossed as he glared at the dark wall of flesh in front of him. Was Rengoku SERIOUSLY mad at him for accidentally destroying a pillar? The support of his estate?
" I am still not sorry because we were training."
" How rude."
" Still."
Atleast he could take a nap. If it meant for only an hour max.
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thran-duils · 3 years
My Perfect Pet
Title: My Perfect Pet Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark!Boss Tony Stark. Reader disobeys Mr. Stark’s order to work in his office and learns her lesson for disobeying when he tells her to do something. Words: 2,303 Warnings (for the fic in entirety): Dom/sub, fingering, shameless smut, boss/employee relationship, punishment, office sex Author’s Note: I had a dream, alright? I got distracted from the other fics because of it.
Masterpost (mobile)
You walked into one of the old filing rooms where one of the old assistants was already working to scan old documents in. A whole archive had been discovered recently and they needed all of the papers uploaded onto the Stark database.
Aeisha looked up when you walked in and cocked an eyebrow. “Oh, I thought Abby was going to be down here with me.”
“She really wanted to be around and in Mr. Stark’s office.”
When you had arrived this morning, the head security told you where you were supposed to be. Mr. Stark gave orders at the beginning of the day where all of you were supposed to be and he had wanted you assisting him today. But Abby had complained to you, pouting. You figured it was not a big deal and told her you would take her job down in the filing room instead. She had been ecstatic.
The other girl snorted and said, “Of course she does. She’s been trying to get him to fuck her for months.”
You stammered, “W-what?”
“He has his favorites. She wants to be one of them.” She held up her phone, the newest version, and smirked, “He gives good gifts to keep us away from HR. Not that I would ever consider that.”
“You… have sex with him?”
Aeisha shrugged, “When he wants. It’s not often. In between the ladies at his parties and some other girls in the building, there’s time in between.” She saw the look on your face and gave a hearty laugh. “He’s good in bed. Don’t worry. When I said I wouldn’t consider going to HR, I mean it. That man knows how to work my pussy.”
‘That’s not what I’m worried about,” you muttered, opening one of the boxes. ‘I didn’t know I was gonna have to potentially fuck my boss if he ever gets a wild hair. Wasn’t in the job description. Sure, he’s extremely attractive – sexy – but, Jesus. That’s asking for issues if you ever wanna be in a relationship with someone and he’s still expecting it. Maybe I should be thanking Abby for taking his office today.”
Aeisha closed the scanner and shot you a curious look. “Wait… did you clear that switch with him?”
You shook your head and she rose her eyebrows, looking concerned.
“What?”’ you asked worriedly. “I didn’t think it would be a big deal. We are both gonna do the same thing no matter where we are at.”
“He wanted to see you in there, Y/N. He’s very specific about his instructions.”
Your stomach did a flip flop and you asked worriedly, “Am I going to get in trouble?”
Aeisha shrugged, “Who knows? If he hasn’t sent Abby back down here in the next twenty minutes, maybe it’ll just slide.”
You did not want to lose this job; it was well paying, especially for NYC.
“I guess I’ll just… go up there if she gets put back down here,” you said slowly, thumbing through the files.
You picked some of the papers up and asked Aeisha where she was filing the paperwork before going to your own scanner. You kept tensing whenever you heard someone walk by, thinking it was Abby coming down to fetch you and make you go upstairs where Mr. Stark wanted to see you. It was customary for you to wear pencil line skirts and low-cut shirts with heels, something that had been encouraged by the hiring manager. And you learned quickly it was just the norm with all of the assistants. Thankfully, you had already had a good enough collection started with going out wear that was easily masked as office wear. Such as the bodycon dress you were wearing today, the long zipper up the back that you had had to have your roommate help you with. But now you wondered if maybe you should cut back on it a little bit, knowing what you did now.
Shaking your head, you pushed the thoughts of your mind, focusing on your work.
It was almost 9:00pm when you were walking back from the filing room. You told your immediate supervisor that you would take a few more hours today to be able to get off early tomorrow for your appointment tomorrow afternoon a few weeks ago.
You stopped though outside Mr. Stark’s office, hearing noises coming from within. You furrowed your brow confused considering how late it was. You put your hand on the door, your ear coming closer. Someone yelped loudly inside and you threw the door open in alarm, thinking someone was getting hurt.
Upon seeing Mr. Stark being straddled by a naked woman and another kissing him beside them on the couch, you almost vomited in embarrassment.
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Stark. I thought—goodnight!” you stammered, closing the door clumsily and rushing off.
You were not surprised in the slightest when you arrived the next morning that Mr. Stark wanted you in his office. Reluctantly, you walked to the door and knocked. He called from inside and you took a deep breath, your heart hammering. All you could see was them on the couch last night and feel your mortification that had kept you up half the night.
He was working off to the side of his desk with a hologram table, his back to you. He was wearing a three-piece suit as usual, sans the jacket, all black.
You did not know what to say – if you should say anything too – so you just stood there awkwardly until he sensed the awkwardness too and turned around. You did not miss the slight smirk that graced his lips at the sight of you.
“Mhm, Y/N. Good morning,” he greeted you, closing the hologram and turning around to stride back to his desk.
“Good morning, Mr. Stark,” you managed to say.
He sat on the edge of the desk, running his eyes over you. You had chosen a mid-thigh dress, still showing leg but the top was long sleeved, no cleavage.
You blurted becoming uncomfortable with the silence, “I really am sorry.”
“For?” he questioned.
That caught you off guard and you stammered, “U-uh. Last night?”
“Oh, that,” Tony chuckled. “I didn’t know anyone was still on the floor. Quite a surprise to see you. Did throw the vibe off a bit, took me out of my element, really.” He cleared his throat and said, “As a matter of fact, thank you for apologizing because the sex really wasn’t as great as it was going to be if I hadn’t of seen you. Because it just reminded me of earlier in the day when I was expecting to see you when I came in the morning and I was severely annoyed when it wasn’t you. So, I was just a little irked during the whole threesome.”
He snickered seeing you at loss for words. “Well, I figure you can make it up to me. We can break in the couch. Just you and me.”
A strangled noise left your throat. “What?”
“Did I stammer? You disobeyed what I asked yesterday. I was gonna let it slide and give you a chance to make it right next time – aka this morning when I requested you again to be in here. I like my assistants in the building to follow directions specifically how I ask them. But then, you came in and interrupted when I was about to plow two of the hottest models on the market right now and threw off my vibe.”
That sounded so ridiculous, you said before you could stop yourself, “You still had sex with them.”
His eyes crinkled with his dangerous smile. “That’s cheeky. You are very determined to get me even more riled up, aren’t you? I didn’t mark you as bratty. Everyone’s got their surprises though...”
He stood up from the desk and you fought to stand your ground, your hands still folded in front of you. His eyes were searching hungrily, eyeing you up like a piece of meat.
“You’re definitely not a top rider like Vivian or Aeisha. They love sitting in my lap… reverse cowgirl…” Heat came to your cheeks as he ran his eyes over you again, lingering on your legs. A wicked smirk came to his face as he met your gaze again. “No. That’s not you. Not at all. You’re a perfect candidate for training.”
“In fact, we can have your first lesson now. Lock the door.”
“Mr. Stark—”
He sat on the couch and said, “Do you remember me just saying that I like my assistants to listen? And follow directions just as they’re told? This is your chance to do that. So, impress me, sweetheart. Or leave the building and don’t come back. I’ll have someone mail your check or direct deposit. Whatever the hell you have set up.”
You stared at him in bewilderment, and he was staring back, a hard look in his eyes. He was not messing around. Swallowing sharply, you turned on your heel and went to the door, sliding the lock into place. You turned around, your heart thumping.
“Take your dress off. Put this blindfold on,” he ordered, reaching for the piece of cloth on the table. You had failed to notice it sitting there before; he had already had this on his mind before you had come in apparently. “And get over my knee.”
Mortified, you took a step back towards the door and his eyes flashed at the movement.
“What’s it gonna be, sweetheart?”
You had a choice, really you did. You could find other work, but you did not want to. Sucking down a deep breath, you walked over towards him. He reached forward again and grabbed a small remote, clicking it. The large TV turned on at the end of the office and he turned on a random show, turning the volume up.
Your dress fell to your ankles and you stepped out of it. There was a fire sparked seeing the way he was looking at you, drinking you in. But it made you extremely nervous too; what if this went sideways and you lost the job anyway?
The blindfold was waiting on his thigh and you reached for it, putting it on and laid across his lap. You could feel his length through his dress pants, causing heat to come to your core already as well. You squirmed with the anticipation.
He smacked your ass hard and you gasped loudly with the sting. His hand caressed at your ass, squeezing. “Look at that nice jiggle you had just there. You’re gonna tell me you’re sorry when this is all done and take this like an obedient girl. Right?”
“’Right, sir’,” Tony corrected you.
“Right, sir,” you squeaked in repeat back to him.
He hummed in approval before he smacked you again, harder this time. He yanked your underwear down and ordered you to kick them off. He helped getting them around your heels and you felt him toss them. His hand was back on your ass, squeezing and admiring. Another smack landed and then another, drawing a low groan from you.
Tony’s fingers delved past your wet folds, running up and down your sex. A finger slipped in as his thumb massaged your clit, causing you to pant in need.
“Look at you, you little wanton harlot,” Tony husked, adding another finger.
He pulled his hand away and laid another hard smack across your cheeks, leaving wetness from you.
“Spread your legs,” he ordered.
You did what he told you and you squealed when he slapped your pussy, instinctively clenching and driving your hips forward.
“Keep them open!”
Hesitantly, you did what he said, and you cried out softly when he smacked your pussy again, repeatedly. The contact was reverberating, stimulating. He was driving you insane, loving the contact on your clit from each hit. You heard him spit and his other hand came to rub at your tight ring, wet from his spit, while the other found your nub again, circling faster now. He was working you too well, it was too much pressure. You did not want to come all over him, and you clenched again, trying to stop him from touching you.
He laid a rough smack across your ass and growled, “I told you to keep your legs open!”
Whimpering, you opened your legs again to him and he praised, “Good girl. Now, are you, sorry, pet?” You nodded and he squeezed at your nub causing you to whine sharply. “Tell me!”
“I’m sorry, sir!”
“Mhm, you’re a fast learner. Such a good girl. But what are you sorry for?” he asked, his fingers picking up speed.
“Not listening to you! For interrupting you!” you panted, gripping at the couch fabric.
“Yeah, that was really naughty of you,” Tony agreed, his knuckles brushing your sex as he hit your g spot. “Very naughty.” Your breath was quick and short, and he cooed, “Sweetheart, do you need to come?”
“Yes, sir! Please!” you begged, embarrassed simultaneously how easily you had come unraveled. How easy it was for you to fall into this role.
Tony hit your spot again and you moaned pathetically. “You can let go. Come for me.”
You cried out, shaking, coming undone around his fingers. His other hand came to your throat, holding tight as he continued to stroke you, slower now as you shook with your release. He squeezed in slightly and that only added a cherry on top to your orgasm.
Empty of him, you heard him salaciously sucking on his fingers, his other hand still flexing gently on your throat, and he hummed in approval again. “I think with some more lessons, you can shape up to my perfect pet.”
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21 @undecidedsworld
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
I’ve read some of your HR recs and found them pretty spot on! But the ones I’ve read have sort of an eager heroine.. I’m looking for sth like show Kathony, with maybe a more serious/ harder to get heroine, like harsh/ cold, and maybe a simper heroe? Have you rec’ed sth like that? And maybe it’s to much to ask, but if it has a comedic undertone, great! Thank you for doing the lords work 😁
I would saaaay
How To Love A Duke In Ten Days by Kerrigan Byrne--not comedic at all, but the heroine is pretty withholding (with good reasons, TW: for a tragic backstory in the prologue which includes sexual assault) and the hero is very much down bad
Secrets of A Summer Night by Lisa Kleypas--a lot more lighthearted, and the heroine is hard to get. She's pretty snobby, and the hero doesn't want to marry her (though he does want to support her and is gone for her very early)
Her Night with The Duke by Diana Quincy--heroine and hero hook up early but she's actually the (widowed) stepmother of the girl he's courting. Gasp! He's super into her and she's holding out hard.... until she isn't. Sarah MacLean recommended this as the best book to read if you want Bridgerton s2 vibes with more sex, and I agree.
Sweetest Scoundrel by Elizabeth Hoyt--again, pretty dark and TW for sexual assault, but the heroine is definitely a difficult catch in this one, however much the hero wants her
Duke of Midnight by Elizabeth Hoyt--similar deals, sans sexual assault history
Married By Morning by Lisa Kleypas--withholding heroine, obsessed hero, fairly light though she does have a dark past
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ateezmystery · 2 years
🌺San Update
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"He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping..." Mingi thinks to himself as he shifts into a more comfortable position in his chair. San lets out a small sigh and moves his head to face the other side, the gifts of friends and well-wishers rolling off his chest as he does so. Mingi leans back in his chair and pulls out his phone, flicking through his apps aimlessly as he waits for another doctor to come in and perform even more tests on San's sleeping body in preparation for this new experimental surgery that might, or might not, save his life.
A few minutes pass, and suddenly Mingi is extremely aware of how quiet the room is. Something isn't right. He puts his phone down and looks up at the multiple machines reaching out their countless wires attached to San. The room is silent, apart from the sound of cars passing by a few levels down.
"He's not breathing."
A dozen nurses and doctors burst into the ward with new, almost alien looking equipment, calmly asking Mingi to remove himself from the room. After a bit of protesting, he does, but stays close by so he can hear the conversation between the staff.
"he's not responding."
"remove these toys from the bed and put them with HR, they'll look after them until something happens."
"call the surgery department, tell them we need them now."
"get him breathing and sedate him, we need to do this surgery today."
A gasp, and the slow, steady and familiar beeping resumes. Mingi clutches at his chest, leaning his back against the wall as he sinks to the floor. He lifts his head in time to see San's bed rolling out of the room, the nurses bustling around him, trying to attach the new equipment to his seemingly lifeless body.
A doctor stays behind, crouching beside Mingi, sighing. "Don't worry. He's in good hands now. We've taken him to the operations room, he needs this surgery as soon as he can get it. It's estimated to take about 26 hours in total, but we'll make sure to keep you updated on Mr. Choi's status. Try not to worry, okay? Panic will do nothing to help him. It might be useful to contact family and close friends of his to make them aware of this, and that the surgery may bring about some... Unexpected changes."
The doctor stands up and helps Mingi to the waiting room, before quickly making their way into the surgery room. All Mingi can do is sit and wait, trying to ignore the feeling that won't quite be the same again.
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holykillercake · 4 years
Hazy Justice - 02
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01 03
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pairing: Cop!Smoker x MilitaryDoctor!Reader
word count: 2k
summary: After eight years serving your country in a war, you returned to your hometown as the new head of Trauma Surgery in one of the best hospitals in the country. You were expecting a calmer life now, but suddenly you see yourself choosing between your brain and your heart, light and dark, justice and evil.
notes: I guess you saw the gif already! We have the introduction of a new character!
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𝕷𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘, 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊!
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Stiff neck and a headache. This is what you get for sleeping on your living room floor. 
You took a quick shower and some painkillers before heading for another day of work. On your silent drive towards the hospital, your mind ran through various things. 
The first being the list of your patients, the ones you had to check upon first, their conditions, and find out the attending who took care of them during the night, ask them about possible complications and current situation. 
The second subject hovered your head as more of a question, though. Had you finally met your neighbor, or was it just a dream, the result of your exhausted state? 
You spotted a cute restaurant when you stopped at the red light, perhaps you´d have lunch there today, it was near the hospital, and the place gave you a ¨good food¨ vibe. 
The image of the man you dreamed about wandered its way back into your thoughts, despite your difficulty of seeing a perfect picture. His hair was actually the only thing you were sure about. White, a single lock was falling on his forehead, but it didn´t look like it was meant to be there. Maybe it was just ¨end of the day¨ hairstyle. 
You parked your car on your designated spot and looked around the parking lot. It was the first time you´ve seen it so crowded. It made sense, though. 
A yellow Jaguar drove in a couple of minutes after you did, and since that was the only yellow car you had seen so far, and you spot the small white stuffed bear hanging on the mirror, you knew it was Law. 
He left his car and walked over to you with a strange expression.
¨Y/N-ya, what are you doing here?¨ always so straight to the point.
¨Well, good morning, Law. How are you?¨ the man rolled his eyes, but you refused to answer until he learned how to talk to people properly. 
¨Morning, Y/N-ya. I´m good. What are you doing here?¨
¨What do you mean? I work here.¨ you gave him a duh face. 
¨Yeah, but not today.¨ your head tilted to the side ¨Today is your day off.¨
¨My day off?¨ you were so used to not having days off that it didn´t even cross your mind. You asked the HR person everything but days off. ¨What am I supposed to do on my day off?¨
¨I don´t know, Y/N-ya. Go explore the city or have some rest. Today you only get inside this hospital wounded or dead.¨ he said bitterly, patted your shoulder, and entered the building. 
The only thing besides work you had planned for the day was paying a visit to that cute restaurant, so it took you some good thinking to come up with a plan. Maybe Tashigi was free, and you two could do something together. 
<Mornin´ Tashigi! U free today?>
<Morning, Y/N-san! I just need to take somethings to the office then I´m free!>
<Do u mind if we meet there?>
<Of course not! Smoker-san will be there too I think. You said you wanted to meet him.>
<Perfect then! See you in a bit ~>
<See you, Y/N-san!>
Tashigi´s station was inside the Justice District, so it didn´t take long for you to reach it. The journey was peaceful, and the view was something to take note of. Beautiful leafy trees were strategically planted on the sidewalks, offering shadows for those who preferred to walk, no scratched paint in any house, store, or building. They all looked recently finished. The asphalt was shiny and without bumps or holes, making every car trip smooth.
You entered the Police Department and couldn´t help but feel a bit lost.
¨The new Commissioner made quite a few changes in the place.¨ you mumbled to yourself. 
Back in the day when Sengoku was the Chief of the Police Headquarters, the halls were lighter and brighter, the furniture was softer, and it smelled like spring - if that is possible. After he retired, a man named Sakazuki took his place, and to be honest, he seemed pretty decent, but he deals with justice differently, and the place shows. 
First, it was damn cold; the AC was making his money worth it; the smell was the second thing that hit you. The strong odor of bleach, the freezing temperature, and the morbid LEDs on the bleak grey ceiling made you feel like you were in a morgue. Everything else was made out of either leather or metal. 
This Sakazuki guy was definitely on the list of the people you didn´t want to meet. 
¨Hi, can you help me? I´m looking for-¨
¨Y/N-san!¨ Tashigi yelled, almost losing balance and falling on her face. 
¨Hey, careful there!¨ you hugged her. ¨You´re good to go?¨
¨Yeah, I just...¨ she turned her head around a couple of times, looking for something. She smiled and waved at someone ¨Smoker-san! Here!¨
The man was getting out of a room, sunglasses on and a cigar on his mouth. He was tall and seemed muscular under the leather jacket, but what caught your attention was his hair, the same white hair you remembered from last night. Only this time it was completely put back, no loose locks. 
The change in his expression made you think he had recognized you as well, and the thought of Tashigi´s boss being your front-door neighbor made you chuckle. 
¨That´s what I call a coincidence.¨ he said and took off the shades. You struggled not to gasp when his light-brown eyes met yours.
¨Right? I was so tired last night that I thought you were a dream.¨ you giggled, and he broke a smile. 
¨You know each other?¨ Tashigi asked.
¨We´re neighbors! It took a while for us to meet, though.¨ 
¨Tough week.¨ he touched the nape of his neck. 
¨Yeah, it was. We even saw you yesterday, Y/N-san!¨ the young officer said, confusing you ¨The Sora park, we were there too! But since you looked so busy, I didn´t want to interrupt.¨
So much happened, but you couldn´t recall anything. 
You just focused on starting the triage process. Determining the severity of the patient´s condition, assign a priority level, taking care of those who could be assisted in the local, and having the severely injured ones being sent to the hospital where you knew Marco would take good care of them. 
You were immensely wrong when you guessed that the triage process would be easier, thinking that the majority of the victims were fatalities.
 Apparently, the park was celebrating its 5th anniversary, so people from not only the different districts but other cities were all gathered in the park. 
¨Sorry, I didn´t... see you guys.¨ you said a little apologetic and lost. 
¨No apologies needed.¨ Smoker said ¨It was pretty intense. Although we were not supposed to spread knowledge of our presence in the scene.¨ he gave her a disguised rebuke, and you watched your friend get redder than a bell pepper, apologizing. 
You stared at each other for two seconds before you burst into laughter.
¨You´re still as clumsy as I remember, Tashigi.¨ you wiped a few tears ¨But don´t worry, this information dies with me.¨ you turned to Smoker, and he nodded, trusting you as a military. 
¨S-Should we go, Y/N-san?¨ 
¨Yes, of course! Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, Smoker.¨ 
¨Pleasure is all mine, Y/N.¨ you shook hands again, staring each other in the eyes. 
His eyes slowly traveled to your lips, and you noticed that you were biting it, blushing more than Tashigi. 
¨Well, see you, then!¨ you let go of his hand and rushed to the door. 
¨Y/N,¨ you turned with an audible hm? and raised brows ¨knock if you need anything.¨ you nodded and smiled. 
¨Will do.¨ 
¨I´ll have the Kenafa, please.¨ Tashigi told the waiter with so much of a look in the menu. 
The cute restaurant you drove by earlier was called Terracota, and it was specialized in foreign cuisine. Even with the names and ingredients, you couldn´t figure out something you´d like, so you decided to order the same thing as the officer. 
¨That´s what eight years of ration do to you.¨ you joked.  
¨What have you been eating these days?¨ 
¨Whatever they have on the menu at the hospital. Sandwiches, pasta, sandwiches, sandwiches, chocolate bars, sandwiches...¨ you laughed ¨Haven´t had time to think about cooking yet.¨
¨Take outs are simpler, right?¨ you nodded ¨So, what do you think about Smoker-san?¨ 
¨Looks decent, polite, hard worker-¨
¨Aw, come on, Y/N-san! That´s not what I asked!¨ she gave you a suggestive look ¨He´s not taken, you know.¨
You open and closed your mouth a couple of times, words refusing to come out.
¨What? Tashigi!¨
¨I´m just saying!¨ she held her hands up, defending herself in the middle of giggles ¨But seriously, Y/N-san, I think he liked you too.¨
¨Ok, first, I never said I liked him, and second, I just got here. Can´t really think about this stuff.¨ 
¨Well, you should consider, at least. He doesn´t go out a lot, so...¨ she prolonged the last word ¨...maybe it was fate that put you two as neighbors.¨ you scoffed.
¨You believe in this stuff?¨
¨I do. Sometimes we see some crazy things...¨ her expression frowned ¨...it helps if I believe in fate. And the reason behind things... you know?¨ you nodded when she looked at you, even though you didn´t.
For your salvation, the waiter came back with the amuse-bouche, breaking the uncomfortable moment.
 You didn´t want to tell her that you stopped believing that everything happens for a reason a long time ago.
¨But you said you have a brother here, right? Have you seen him already?¨
¨Unfortunately, no. He´s out of town now, so I´ll have to wait. God, I miss him so much!¨ a smile grew on your lips with the idea of seeing him again. 
¨Oh yeah, you told me he runs businesses. Do you know the names? Maybe I know or visited before, or even know him!¨
¨Of course! There´s the Casino Verde, the Hotel Verde and a restaurant called Suna. I´ve never be-¨ 
The girl in front of you turned purple as she choked on her food, a raucous cough called everyone´s attention while one hand covered her mouth and the other smacked her chest. 
¨Y-Your brother is C-Crocodile?¨ she asked with a hushed voice, still trying to fight her food from coming out. 
You were expecting her to know him, but the explosive noodle reaction caught you a little off guard. 
¨Yeah... are you ok?¨ you offered her a napkin which she gladly accepted.
¨I´m sorry about this, it´s just...¨ she paused a bit, brows furrowing while her fingers tore the napkin you gave her. Then she took a deep breath and recomposed herself ¨... he´s very famous, you know? He basically runs the Light District!¨
You knew he was rich and powerful, but to say that he ran the most extravagant district was a surprise. A good one, though. You couldn't help but feel proud of him. 
You remember all the sacrifices he made when you were two just kids lost in this world. All the humiliating jobs he´d work at to buy you food. The pain of having his childhood taken from him at such young age. 
He became a man to protect you. He never let anything or anyone hurt you, he never let you starve even if that meant he´d be going to sleep with nothing but a glass of tap water in his stomach.
You felt a burning sensation on your nose, and your eyes started to water, bringing a genuine smile to rise on your lips and tears roll down your cheeks. You didn´t mind it, though. You were too happy.
¨Yeah... he is my brother.¨ 
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leemaht · 4 years
haikyuu!! smau
part 17: confessions
warnings: swearing
pairing: suna rintarou x fem!reader, a ship
notes: sorry i wrote that on my phone, so no 'keep reading ' link :(
previous masterlist next
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while the bush friends had talked, bokuto kinda found a piece of courage. at least enough to talk to akaashi again, who at this point looked at him worriedly for being so quiet. something bokuto had never been before.
'so um.. y/n just texted me that something came up. they won't be able to make it.' bokuto said hesitantly, akaashi nodded slowly. bokuto already got ready to jump up and leave as fast as possible but the biology-mayor on front of him had other plans.
'it's almost time for lunch, we might as well eat something, right bokuto-san?' akaashi have him a questioning look, that literally forced him to sink back into his seat. 'i wanted to talk with you anyways' now bokuto was the one nodding. he may have looked normal but on the inside he was a nervous wreck. did he want to talk about the confession? what am i supposed to tell him? bokuto worried.
a waitress found her way to their table, took their order and left again.
'so' akaashi began making bokuto sweat bullets and the shower he took before completely in vain. 'how did it go with y/n? it sounded like you were in good terms.' there it was. the moment bokuto had feared so much. he stayed quiet for another few moments.
'so it didn't go that well?'
'oh no! it worked out just fine. i told y/n about my feelings.' akaashi nodded. did bokuto hallucinate or did he actually look a bit bummed out. 'but it's really not how you think it is. we are still friends if that's it what you think.' he stopped for a second.
this was the perfect opportunity, the perfect moment.
'what i really wanted to tell you all the time is-'
'your orders!' the waitress interrupted him not reading the tension, placing the plates on the table. that bummed out bokuto's confidence. after she left it took him a bit to recover.
'what were you saying, bokuto-san?' akaashi tried to animate him to continue, even though he clearly saw how much the ace in front of him struggled.
'what... i wanted to say was.' bokuto looked up. nowhere in particular. he just didn't want to look at the man in front of him.
'bokuto-san, you know that you can tell me anything, right?' that made bokuto look at him again.
'really, two times at the same day?' he muttered under his breath, more to himself than anything else.
'what do you mean?'
'ah nothing! y/n just said the same thing earlier.' he stopped.
'i have told you before that it isn't how you think it is, right? i confessed my feelings to y/n, but those weren't about her.' it was too late to back out now. he had started it and now he needed to finish it.
akaashi looked up to him in confusion. 'they are not about y/n? why did you do all of that then, when you aren't in love with her?'
'as i said. I've known her so long, we've practically grown up together. she is like a little sister to me, she's always been there for me, so when atsumu pulled all this crap i just had this .... i felt like i needed to protect her. like i needed to be there for her like she's been for me.' akaashi was in a trance like state.
'that makes sense. well... but you said those feelings aren't about y/n... that means you have feelings for somebody.' akaashi summarised.
bokuto knew now was the moment. he reached over the table and touched akaashi's hand ever so slightly. akaashi looked up in surprise while bokuto avoided his gaze purposely.
'it's you, akaashi. it's always been you. and I'm sorry if you don't feel the same. i don't even know if you are into guys, but i just wanted you to know. I've been in love with you since my second year of highschool. i actually wanted to tell you for a long time now but then all this happened and... y'know.' bokuto slowly took away his hand from akaashi's and got ready to get up and leave, not wanting to face the embarrassment of rejection in public, but before he could actually move away akaashi abruptly grabbed his hand again and pulled him closer. then he reached out with his other hand and yanked him by the collar or his shirt, so that their faces were now mere inches apart.
the table they were sitting on wasn't very big so it was easy for akaashi to pull bokuto over. the people at the neighbouring tables were staring, but neither of them cared at the moment.
bokuto was in a state of shock, being so close to the person he loved, but he couldn't read into his expression and the position they were in didn’t help much either. was he about to hit him, kiss him, yell at him, tell him that his feelings disgusted him?
but before he could overthink any longer, akaashi tilted his head to the right and went in, closer until their lips finally touched. bokuto was so surprised that hr forgot to kiss back for a second, but when he did sparks flew.
(the bush kids gasped all at the same time. kenma and you hugged each other, nearly blowing up your cover, while makki and tendou high fived.)
they broke the kiss after a few seconds, but didn't pull away, looking deep into each others eyes. bokuto flashed his widest, toothy smile.
akaashi started to tear up, teardrops flowing down his cheeks. bokuto put a hand on his cheek.
'akaashi. what's wrong? why are you crying?' he shook his head and wiped away a few of his tears, while bokuto sat back down.
'ah it's nothing, bokuto-san. i just thought i was the only one feeling this way.' bokuto reached out his hand to hold akaashi's again.
'you cowards can come out now.' akaashi yelled in the direction of the bushes. the people around them looked pretty confused.
'damn. they knew???' makki complained as all 4 of you slowly emerged and pulled chairs with you, so you could sit together.
the 6 of you sat there for about another hour, chatting and laughing, knowing that all the secrets between you were nonexistent anymore.
after you went home.
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taglist: @doggonudez @mizukisonoda @caxsthetic @missalienqueen @aquariarose @banapplepi @nnessi1901 @rachelexe @valrubiii @crazyconglasses @elianetsantana @haikyuusugasuga @miracleboy420 @willdieforsugawara @amaj1k1t
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #652: A Bit of an Unexpected Introductions (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
12:50 p.m. at the Sidewalks of Smash Town......
Kyoko: (Sitting Next to her Girlfriend and Boyfriend While Looking Up at the Blue Sky) You guys ever thought about what kind of cloud you want to be?
Misako: (Turns to Kyoko With a Confused Look on her Face) The hell kind of question is that?
Kyoko: Just a bit of curiosity is all. For instance, I would like to be a pink, puffy cloud.....(Eyes Suddenly Starts to Glitter in Joy) Filled with Cotton Candy~
Dark Pit: Bright and sweet....(Smirks Playfully at Kyoko) It's perfectly describe you already.
Misako: (Nodded in Agreement) Yep.
Kyoko: (Starts Blushing While Giggling Softly) D'awww~ Thanks, you guys~ Now it's your turn, Misako. What's cloud you wanna be like?
Misako: ('Psh') I dunno. I guess....Mines would be.... purple and junk?
Dark Pit: (Chuckles Lightly) Real original, babe.
Misako: (Pouts at Dark Pit) Well, what about you, Mr. Smartass? What would your cloud would be if mines are sooooooo original?
Dark Pit: Simple. Mines would black and dark, which could shoot out killer lighting storms and everything.
Misako: Dark a.d fierce.....Yeeeup. That's definitely you in a nutshell.
Dark Pit: (Nodded Proudly) ('Hmph') Damn right.
Kyoko: That maybe true, buuuuuuut there is one feature of that cloud of yours that is missing.
Dark Pit: Which is......
Kyoko: (Smiles Brightly) It's cuteness~ (Gives Dark Pit a Big Kiss on the Cheek) ('Mmwaaah')
Dark Pit: (Gives Kyoko a Deadpinned Look on his Face While Blushing) Seriously?
Kyoko: Yes, seriously! You are our adorable edgy angel boi after all~
Misako: (Starts to Smirk Playfully) I gotta agree with our girl on this one, babe. (Begins to Pull on Dark Pit's Cheek) Cuteness is an important factor for your "Black and Dark" style of a cloud~
Dark Pit: H-Hey! Knock that shit off already!
Misako: Not a chance, angel boi-
?????: Pitto-san?
The trio couple stops what they were doing, look up, and see it was none other than Ren and Makoto staring down at them in a bit of a surprise manner.
Ren: Is that you?
Dark Pit: (Crap.) In the flesh.
Makoto: Who are those two girls you are sitting with?
Kyoko: You know those two, Pitto-Kins?
Dark Pit: (Sighs as He Gets up From the Bench) Didn't think I would do this so soon, but...(Turns to the Girls and have his Hand Pointed at the Couple Behind Him) Girls, I wanna Introduce you to my older brother, Ren, and his girlfriend, Makoto.
Ren: (Wave his Hand Up at Misako and Kyoko) Hey.
Makoto: (Bows at the Girls) Please to meet the both of you.
Dark Pit: (Turns to the Couple) And guys, I like you two meet Misako and Kyoko...(Takes a Bit of a Deep Breath) My girlfriends.
Ren/Makoto: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprised) (Girlfriends!?)
Misako: (Got Up from the Bench with Kyoko and Wave) 'Sup.
Kyoko: (Happily Waves at Ren and Makoto) Hello!~ (Turns to Ren) So you're really Pitto-Kins big brother?
Ren: (Tries His Hardest Not to Burst Out Laughing at the Nickname with a Straight Face) Adopted Big Brother. But we're still family nonetheless. (Puts out a Playful Smirk at the Trio) So I take it you two girls are responsible for sweeping Pitto-Kins here off his two feet of love, am I right?~
Kyoko: (Happily Nodded) Yep!~ He's our precious edgy angel boi after all~
Makoto: (Already Intrigued) Oh really?~ (Begins to Smirk Playfully as Well) Well, if it's no problem, would you two mind telling us when and how the both of you met our "edgy angel boi" here?~
Dark Pit: (Glares and Silently Growls at Ren and Makoto, Hoping they Would Get the Message to Shut Up Already)
Misako: Well, if you must know, the three of us first met in Oct-
Kyoko: ('GASPS') MISAKO!!
Misako: (Turns to Kyoko) What?
Kyoko: It's already five minutes close to one!!
Misako: (Takes a Look at her Phone at Eyes Widened Once She Sees the Time on the Screen) Holy shit. You're right. (Turns to Rest of the Gang Behind Her) As much as we would love to stay and chat, we gotta get back home fast.
Kyoko: Young & The Restless is about to start at any minute! We can't be late!!
Dark Pit: (Rolled his Eyes) You guys still watch that low tier trash?
Kyoko: (Glares at Dark Pit Intense While Grabbing Him By the Collar) HEY! Don't you DARE insult that romantic masterpiece, mister!! YOU GOT THAT!?
Dark Pit: Okay! Okay! I won't insult it anymore! I promise!!
Kyoko: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Letting Go of Dark Pit's Collar and Smiles Brightly) I'm glad we have an understanding Pitto-Kins!~ (Kiss Dark Pit on the Cheeks Again)
Dark Pit: (Starts Blushing) Y-Yeah...No problem...
Misako: (Chuckles Lightly) Alright. We're about to head off. Be sure to text us when you get back home, 'kay?~
Dark Pit: Will do. Be safe out there.
Misako: You too, babe. (Kisses Dark Pit on the Lips Before Sprinting Away with Kyoko) See ya.
Kyoko: (Wave Goodbye to her Boyfriend While Sprinting) We Loooooove Youuuu!~
Dark Pit: (Waves Back at the Girls) Love you idiots too!~ (Turns to Ren and Makoto, Who Are Still Smirking at Him) ('Sigh') Alright. Get all your dumb questions out of your systems now....
Makoto: Pitto-san! Why didn't you tell us you got yourself two girlfriends?~
Ren: Let alone dating at all?~
Dark Pit: (Rolled his Eyes) I was planning on telling you guys about them sooner, but apparently the universe has other plans....
Ren: (Chuckles Lightly) And it definitely shows.
Makoto: So how exactly did you three met?
Dark Pit: We met two in a half months ago. I was walking by, minding my own business, when the girls was getting rallied up by a bunch of jocks and preppy guys. So I decided to help them out.
Makoto: (Being Hopefully) By having a calm and nonviolence conversation among each other?
Dark Pit: By kicking all of their sorry asses to the group.
Makoto: Oh. Figure you would say something like that.....
Dark Pit: Yeah, well, they started first, sis. So afterwards, we decided to hangout, get to each other a lot more than I thought we would at the time and then eventually, we....(Starts Blushing a Little) Decided to start a three way relationship with one another.
Ren: That's sweet and all, but...How exactly did you ended dating two of them at the same time?
Dark Pit: Well, during our time together, they both told me that had feelings for me and want me to choose between the both of them. And honestly, that was pretty much the most hardest decision I've gotten myself into in my entire life.
Makoto: Seriously?
Dark Pit: Yep. I mean...On the one hand, you got Misako, who's tough, witty, can kick ass on her own, and is pretty cool to hangout with, despite her smartass remarks. And on the other hand, you got Kyoko, who's overall cuteness could literally rival that to Kirby's. I'm not even kidding on that statement. So, instead of choosing, I made up a third option and told them that I want to date the both of them. And....to my surprise, they.... actually agree to it. But not like....right away. It was after they confessed their feelings to one another first, since they're best friends since kindergarten and everything. And after all of that, we all became a couple.
Makoto: Awww~ That's actually really sweet, Pitto-san. We're glad it worked out for you three in the end.
Dark Pit: So.....Does this mean that you approved in our relationship?
Ren: (Smiles Softly) Yeah. I mean, we have been since the moment you introduce us to them. (Chuckles Lightly) We could already tell that those two are perfect matches for you.
Makoto: (Smiles Brightly) And all it really matters to the both of us is that you three are happy with another. But, if you like, Ren-Ren and I could give you some pointers of being in a relationship.
Ren: You know, since we're a power couple and all.
Dark Pit: You mean like an old married couple?
Makoto: (Blushes Herself) S-Somthing like that.....
Dark Pit: (Sighs While Smiling a Little) Well, either way, I'm.... kinda thankful for you guys.
Ren: No thanks are necessary....(Smirks Starts Forming on his Face) Pitto-Kins.
Dark Pit: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock Once He Heard that Nickname) What did you just call me?
Ren: Oh nothing. Just your nickname. What was it again?.....Ah. I know. Pitto-Kins.
Dark Pit: No...(Slowly Starts Glaring at Ren) No. No. Nono. No. No! We are NOT doing this right now, Ren!
Ren: Doing what? Giving you a taste of your own medicine? Need I remind you all of the times you called me "Ren-Ren"?
Dark Pit: What the hell are you.... EVERYONE CALLS YOU THAT!?
Ren: Yeah, but more or less, they have privileges to do so. You, on the other, kept calling me that out of spite.
Dark Pit: ('Groans im Annoyance') Whatever. All i know is that you, are NOT allow to call me that! Only Kyoko and sometimes Misako can do so!
Ren: You say that. But when I tell the whole gang about it at the mansion, you're gonna wish you kept it a secret sooner.
Dark Pit: (Got up Into Ren's Face) You wanna go right now, Joker Boy?
Ren: I like to see you try, you little Edgelord-
Makoto: That's enough! (Pulls her Boys Away from One Another) Both of you, no fighting on my watch, understand?
Ren/Dark Pit: (Points at One Another) But hr started it-
Makoto: (Immediately Gives the Duo the Cold, Old Fashion Niijima Glare) Boys.....
Ren/Dark Pit: (Sweating Bullets in Fear Before Sighing in Defeat) Yes, ma'am.... We're sorry.....
Makoto: (Smiles Brightly While Placing Both of her Around Ren and Dark Pit's Backs) Good. Now, how about we head back home already? I'm pretty sure everyone is wondering where we are right now.
Ren: (Shrugged) Fine by me. (Turns to Dark Pit) What do think, kid?
Dark Pit: (Shrugged) Eh. Let's go home already.
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tickly-trashcan · 4 years
Plane Ride {DaiHaru}
A/N: Wow, i was suddenly inspired to write for this lovely show! july 16 cannot come sooner for me, so I had to indulge myself just a bit with this in the mean time, hope you all enjoy~
Word Count: 1.6k (more under the cut)
How did he even get himself into this? That was all Haru Katou could think of as he sat in the seat of the private jet belonging to one of his newest headaches: Daisuke Kanbe.
Just a bit earlier, he had agreed to go to Hong Kong to attend a symposium discussing international crime, but what he didn’t know was that he would be accompanied by an annoying, rich bastard along the way!
Daisuke sat next to him across the aisle, cigar in one hand and a magazine in the other, taking in long, deep breaths of smoke before exhaling them in a cloud that eventually wafted over towards Haru. He groaned in annoyance and leaned his chin on his hand as he stared out the window of the plane, the city growing smaller as they climbed higher in altitude and nearer to the big, fluffy clouds that decorated the horizon.
One of the flight attendees walked over to Daisuke with a silver tray holding a glass of champagne, two glasses, and an ashtray. He motioned for her to set it on his seat table, and she placed everything on the table before popping the champagne and pouring it into the glasses. He tapped his cigar ashes off into the tray and picked up the champagne glass. He looked over towards Haru and held the glass out towards him.
Haru scoffed. “I’m good, I don’t need any of your 30,000 yen champagne, thank you very much.”
“It’s actually 80,000 yen champagne, Armand de Brignac Blanc de Noirs, although I can see how someone such as yourself wouldn’t know the difference between this and a bottle of Andre Brut,” Daisuke said with a smirk.
Why that little…! Haru’s eye twitched in anger as Daisuke took a sip of his champagne, setting it back on the tray and picking up his cigar again. He took a long puff and, without taking his eyes off the magazine, turned his head towards Haru and exhaled, purposefully dousing him with the smoke.
Haru coughed and waved the smoke out of his face roughly. “And what was that for?!”
“You don’t smile that often, do you?” Daisuke asked though it was said more like a statement.
Haru grumbled, annoyed that his question had been ignored and faced the window. “I’m pretty sure you took away my ability to smile…”
“Would you like me to help you get it back?”
Haru whipped his head around, a confused look on his face as he saw Daisuke had set down his magazine and was looking at him quite seriously.
Haru huffed out a short, sarcastic laugh and folded his arms across his chest. “What are you gonna do, pay me a million yen to give you a grin?” There was a pause for a moment before Daisuke replied, “Do you want me to?”
Haru massaged his temple with his thumb and sighed. This grown man didn’t understand that everything can’t just be bought, and it frustrated Haru immensely.
“Katou-san.” Haru turned to face Daisuke again after hearing his voice only to see him looming over him, his hand on the head of Haru’s seat. He jumped a bit at their sudden close proximity and leaned further back as Daisuke leaned down further, a devious smile on his lips. 
“Wh-What are you doing?” Haru stammered, flustered.
Daisuke waved to one of the flight attendants that was in the cabin, who nodded and shut the sliding door, leaving the two detectives alone in the spacious cabin. 
“I’m going to make you smile, that’s what I’m doing,” Daisuke said flatly, reaching one hand slowly towards Haru, who pushed it away. 
“Don’t touch me, you weirdo!” he shouted, trying to scoot away from Daisuke, but was trapped by the seat in front of him.
Haru reached over the seat in front and tried to pull himself over, but not before Daisuke grabbed him by the hips and pulled him back down on the seat, making Haru yelp.
Daisuke straddled Haru, who now lay across the whole row of seats, squirming and pushing at Daisuke’s chest helplessly.
“Let me go, dumbass! Who do you think you- Ah!” he squeaked when he felt a pinch at his side, and a horrible realization set in as he looked back up at Daisuke, who’s face still had that stupid smug smirk on it.
“No. No no no. Don’t you dare. Don’t you fucking dahahare!” Haru yelped when Daisuke’s fingers began to squeeze his sides, making him clamp his arms down.
Daisuke explored Haru’s torso, switching to lightly scribbling across his tummy. Haru giggled loudly, trying to curl his body away from the ticklish sensations.
“Shihihihihihiiiiiit stop! This is unproffessionahahaHAL!” Haru let out a loud squeal when Daisuke grabbed his hips. He began to rub his thumbs gently into the bone and Haru started laughing in earnest now, his cheeks heating up slightly as one of his worst spots was attacked. His attempts to push Daisuke off of him lessened and he instead grabbed his wrists to try and pull them away from his body.
“Tsk, tsk, Katou-san, see how easy that was to make you smile?” Daisuke teased, shooting his hands quickly up under Haru’s arms, which was met with a loud, girlish scream and peals of intense laughter.
“GAH- I’m smiling! SeeHEEHEEHEE!? StohohoHOP!!” Haru coughed, pushing desperately at Daisuke with one hand, the other trying to pull away desperately.
“Your hands are annoying, stop.” “You stohohohop!”
Daisuke lifted one hand towards his shirt collar and grabbed the knot of his tie, pulling it off quickly. He grabbed Haru’s hand that was pushing him away and tied his wrist with the tie and looped it around the seat’s armrest. As he leaned forward to tie it around the seats armrest, his chest came very close to Haru’s face, making him flush. He smelled strongly of cigars as his chest pressed lightly against him, grabbing Haru’s other wrist and tying it up as a blush quickly crept up Haru’s ears.
“You rich piece of shit stop! Don’t you fucking dare, stop it!” He yelled, snapping out of his short daze, pulling his arms as much as he could, but Daisuke had the upper hand and soon Haru was completely at Daisuke’s mercy.
Haru kicked his legs around aimlessly as Daisuke slowly lowered his hands towards Haru’s ribcage as he giggled in anticipation. “I-I can repohort you to HR you know!” Haru exclaimed desperately, but Daisuke’s smug smirk stayed in place as he gently shook his head. “I don’t think that will work, Inspector Katou.”
Haru was about to yell out another threat, but Daisuke’s hands finally descended and began their torture on the upper part of Haru’s ribs. He let out a shriek and arched his back, bucking his body around as he desperately tried to get the rich bastard off of him. He laughed loudly and earnestly, trying to hide his face in his tied arms. 
Daisuke noticed this and flittered his fingers across Haru’s neck, making him yelp and quickly uncover his face. Haru closed his eyes and cackled as Daisuke moved down to his sides and squeezed there in an agonizingly ticklish way. 
“Jesus Christ stahahahahap! I’m- I’m gohohohohonna dieeee!” Haru begged, squirming wildly. 
Daisuke rolled his eyes. “You’re not going to die, Katou-san, I have HEUSC on your vitals and you’re fine.”
“St-Stahahap letting your stuhuhuhupid butler scahaHAHAHAN MEEEE!” Haru let out a loud yell when Daisuke drilled his fingers into his bony hips, teasing the sensitive flesh.
“Why not? I thought you were going to die, Katou-san?”
Daisuke grabbed Haru’s upper thigh and squeezed, making him squeal and let out a stream of bubbly giggles. His other hand fluttered towards Haru’s shirt, slowly, slowly untucking it. Haru’s eyes buldged open and he shook his head. 
“I’m gohohohoing to destroy yohohohouu!” he yelled, squirming away from Daisuke’s curious hands.
“I feel very threatened by that statement, especially since you’re blushing and laughing like a child.” 
And with that, Daisuke stuffed both hands under Haru’s shirt and began to scribble over his tummy, pinching at his sides as well.
If Haru wasn’t laughing before, he sure as hell was now. Daisuke’s fingers were slightly cold and dammit he probably got manicures once a week so his nails scratching against his skin was almost painful it tickled so much.
“You’re kihihiHIHILLING meheheheheeee! Aaaah~!” Haru let out a noise he himself had never heard when Daisuke tickled right along his inner hip near the rim of his slacks, and clearly Daisuke never had either, since he briefly ceased his torture. 
Haru opened his eyes now that the tickling had stopped and looked up to see… what?
Daisuke’s smirk had disappeared and his attempt at a poker face was clearly unsuccessful, as a blush began to show barely on his cheeks. He noticed Haru looking at him, and quickly resumed his torture unexpectedly, making Haru yell.
“Mehehehehercy plehehehehease! I-I cahahahan’t breathe!” Haru barely gasped out, his previous struggling slowing down as his stamina did as well.
Daisuke seemed to realize that, indeed, Haru was having respiratory problems, and ceased his attack, his hands staying in place as his palms warmed Haru’s sides. Haru breathed in the air deeply, some giggles still leaving his mouth as he wiped away some tears of mirth that had slipped out with his arm.
“Your smile… it’s nice, Katou-san.”
Haru paused where he was, his breath hitching as Daisuke withdrew his hands and he shivered as the warmth from him left. What Daisuke said soon registered and he blushed furiously, stammering.
“You don’t get to tell me that, asshole! You almost tickled me to death!” Haru went to push Daisuke off of him, forgetting for a moment that he was tied up. He huffed.
“Will you untie me now?”
Daisuke smirked and got off of Haru, walking back to his own seat, relighting his cigar and picking up his magazine.
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ahogedetective · 3 years
shield - maybe Kotoko protecting her big brother????
{ from this meme!! }
Shuichi always knew the risks that came with exposing guilty people of the unlawful acts/crimes they've committed. Often a close friend or relative of theirs would want to seek out Shuichi for payback; or if the guilty one didn't go to jail or was released from it, depending on what they did: then they would personally seek Shuichi out themselves, with the intention to hurt him.
He was taught self defense by Maki, so he can be able to protect himself better; though he always hopes it won't have to come into play.... And when he and Kotoko were walking together, just planning to spend a nice day together doing whatever... "...?" When suddenly, a man had approached him. The menacing glare he gave Shuichi, made him stand in front of Kotoko in protection as he asked: "...Can I help you....?"
"Are you that detective, Saihara? The one who fucked over my marriage and career?"
"...Huh? Ah-" Getting a closer look at him, Shuichi recognized this guy: a TV host who was caught up in an infidelity scandal that Shuichi successfully exposed when pursuing this case 2 months ago. The man's reputation and marriage was understandably tainted, having gone into hiding for a while. But he does not feel any remorse for what he's done and such: wanted to get personal revenge on the boy who "ruined" him. "....Takeyama-san, was it? ... I did not ruin anything for you: it was your unfaithfulness that brought your own downfall."
“Tch...!” The man grits his teeth, knowing deep down he couldn’t deny that, which only made him angrier. “All I did was just... fool around with her a little! We were both stressed out adults from how busy we were! My wife didn’t have to know; everyone should’ve just minded their own business. But then you had to come and make it such a big deal. Now I’m a disgrace, and can never show my face in that building again...!”
“And whose fault is that?” He gives the man a firmer glare. “I’m sorry, but if you’re expecting me to feel any sympathy for you, then it’s not happening. Making excuses for your actions, rather than feeling remorse for how heartbroken and betrayed your wife felt; you really care the worst... you deserved the karma you received. Now if you will excuse me, my little sister and I have somewhere to be.”
“Y...You fucking....!!!” Clenching his fist, the man called Takeyama yells out: “I’ll kill you!!” Before he begins to rush towards Shuichi.
“Ah...!” Seeing the man about to lunge at him, Shuichi was prepared to defend himself against the attack, but especially to make sure Kotoko doesn’t risk getting hurt. But before the man could get too close.... “?!” Kotoko had suddenly stood in front of Shuichi in protection this time, making Takeyama come to a startling halt. Shuichi gasped in shock, eyes darted down at her. “K...K-Kotoko!!”
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“Huh?! W-What are you-?!”  Even if he registered her standing right next to her brother, he didn’t fully notice her until right now. Sweating, the fist that was going to try launching into Shuichi’s face, was now slowly lowering down. Scummy as the man is, even he wouldn’t dare to hurt a child, just to get to the detective. That, and if anyone else came onto this street and saw this scene: that could be really bad for him, having an already soured enough reputation as is. “St-Stupid brat... this has nothing to do with you...” He mutters, clicking his tongue. He casts one more glare at Shuichi, pointing a finger towards him. “...You’d better hope you’re not alone the next time I see you.” And with that, he angrily stomps off.
“.............” Shuichi couldn’t help but just... stare as he saw the man abruptly walk off. He was admittedly a bit shaken up, since that man was still bigger and surely stronger than him, so that punch would’ve really hurt if he did hit him. Once the man was out of his line of vision, he looks down at Kotoko. “K...Kotoko...” She protected him.... if it weren’t for hr, that man would’ve hurt Shuichi. “I...a-ah.....th-thank you... for protecting me...” It felt so odd to say that, since it was usually the other way around... The big brother part of him would never wish for Kotoko to feel as if she has to protect him, too, feeling as if that should only be his job to protect solely her. But at the same time; he knows it wouldn’t make her happy if he absolutely refused to let her do so. Of course, not that he’ll ever want her to do so in dangerous situations like his one could’ve been, still: but in any other situation where neither can risk being hurt? Then maybe he won’t feel as bad about her protecting him.
Still, he couldn’t help the immense amount of worry that overcame him as he quickly stepped around to be in front of her, before kneeling down and cupping her shoulders. “B-But still!! Doing something like that all of a sudden...! Thank god that man didn’t try to hurt you, too! J-Just... “ He pulls her into a soft hug. “Be more careful next time...okay? If you ever got hurt trying to protect me, I’d be really angry at myself..” He meekly laughs, before his smile relaxes a bit, growing more warm as he softly utters:
“That isn’t to say I still ddon’t appreciate what you did for me, because I do. Thank you, Kotoko. You truly are the best little sister a big brother could ask for.”
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kimjoongs · 5 years
—ateez college au series [psh]
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so seonghwa is a nursing major bc why not and no this isnt bc im also a nursing major or maybe it is idk shh
he wanted to become a nurse bc his mom was one, and he saw how much she adored her job
plus seonghwa is a self-less and caring person, so this was the perfect choice for him
he lives in an apartment on campus with his roommate hongjoong and it’s both a blessing and a curse
it was a blessing because his and hongjoong’s personalities matched very well, so they rarely had arguments
but it was also a curse bc joong was a music production major so he’d be producing music in his room, which normally wasn’t a problem, but on nights where seonghwa was studying for his exams, hongjoong would be in the room next door blasting music
usually all seonghwa had to do was knock on his door and ask him to keep it down, but there were nights where he would just pack up his stuff and study at the campus library instead
he often stayed for about 3-4 hours or more if he had an exam the next day
hwa really liked anatomy and phys but absolutely despised chemistry
“what the hell is the difference between polar and nonpolar? wait, why does this lewis structure only have 2 bonds? shouldn’t it have 3? ah shit i forgot an electron–”
sometimes hongjoong would come out of his room to get a glass of water only to find hwa asleep at the kitchen table with a copy of the periodic table on his head
he loves getting to wear his scrubs on lab day bc 1) scrubs are super comfortable and 2) it gets him excited thinking about the future
he also started volunteering at the nursing college in the labs
he’d help the lab ops set up the labs, refill the fluids, repack the medication, or clean up the simulation rooms
this also gave him the opportunity to get to know his future professors, and he would never admit it, but whilst he was volunteering, he would admire the older nursing students wearing the official university scrubs
it made him that much more determined to get into nursing school
during his first semester his second year, he had less of a workload compared to his first year, so he had more free time and was able to go out more
one day hongjoong asked seonghwa if he wanted to hang out with a few of his friends, and he said yes
so the two of them went out to this nearby boba cafe where hongjoong’s friends mingi, san, and wooyoung were waiting for him
you were there as well, tagging along as a mutual friend of san’s, and he introduced you to the two them
“hey hongjoong, seonghwa, this is my friend y/n! i hope it’s cool if they come along. i needed to drag them out of their room or else they’d be studying for hours on end,” san teased, knocking your head lightly w his fist
you stuck your tongue out at him then turned to shake hongjoong’s and seonghwa’s hands
when you made eye contact with the latter, his face lit up with recognition “oh wait, y/n? you’re in my pathophysiology class right?”
“oh yeah, i sit right behind you. nice to meet you, seonghwa!” you flashed him a smile, and he smile back
after everyone introduced themselves, you all found a table and ordered your drinks
mingi, san, and seonghwa sat on one side of the booth whilst you, wooyoung, and hongjoong sat on the other
you were quite surprised, and quite relieved, at how well you were fitting in and getting along with hongjoong and seonghwa…especially seonghwa
during the time that you all were together, seonghwa found out that you were a nursing major too and the two of you launched into a full blown discussion about it, unaware of the looks the others were giving you both
hongjoong had a faint smile on his face, mingi was chuckling and shaking his head, and san and wooyoung were giving each other knowing smirks
at the end of the night, seonghwa had asked you for your number in case yall wanted to study tgt, and you happily obliged
then you all said your farewells and went your separate ways
a few days pass and you don’t hear from seonghwa, which was quite understandable considering the fact that it was midterm season and you were both busy
but you were also kind of looking forward to study with him, he seemed really smart and self-disciplined which was exactly the type of study buddy you needed
but another couple days pass and lo and behold you receive a text from the one and only park seonghwa that reads: hey you wanna study tgt for the patho exam at the library today?
ofc you said yes and half an hr later, you found yourself at the library sitting right across from seonghwa
the two of you had your laptops, notebooks, and handouts spread all over the tables and were completely in the zone
after an hr or two of straight studying, you suggested taking a small break and that’s where the two of you got to talking abt nursing and why you both chose to major in it
“well my mom’s a nurse, and when i was younger she would always talk about how much she loved her job. she’s super hardworking and cares about her patients, and that’s how i want to be someday. plus as a nurse, if i could just make someone’s day just a little bit better, then that’s all that matters to me.”
needless to say, you were captivated by the raw passion and love seonghwa had for his future career, and you couldn’t help but admire him for it
after your short break, the two of you went back to studying, but this time yall would often make eye contact and send each other encouraging smiles
you found yourself slowly becoming more comfortable with seonghwa as the time passed by
and after that, the two you started having more and more study sessions, growing closer and closer
whenever an exam or quiz was coming up, you two would always be found studying tgt whether it was at his apartment or the library
and that’s when the hesi exam came in
the amount of time you guys spent studying for regular exams was nothing compared to the amount of time yall spent studying for the hesi
on the day of, you and hwa were practically freaking out
“oh my god y/n i’m so scared. what if i forget how to do the conversions? what if i forget everything i learned in anatomy? what if i forget basic grammar–”
“hwa shut up you’re making me nervous!”
basically yall are a wreck from the beginning of the exam all the way to the end, and once yall walk out of that testing room you almost collapse
anyways fast forward a few weeks later it’s almost the end of the semester and also around the time where you would be receiving your letter saying whether or not you were accepted into the program
it was a friday night and the entire gang was at your apartment having a movie night
you were looking thru your emails when you stumbled upon one from your university, and when you saw what the subject was you screamed, scaring the living daylights out of mingi who was sitting next you
“y/n what the hell–” “guys, guys my nursing school letter came in oh my god, oh my god!”
the entire room went silent for a millisecond before san let out a shriek and soon everyone was crowding around you
hongjoong gripped seonghwa’s shoulder “did you get yours yet?”
the latter’s eyes widened in realization and he also whipped out his phone, letting out a choked gasp when he saw the same email “mine came in too!”
at this point all of yall were freaking the hell out, and you and seonghwa somehow found each other’s hands and held them tightly tgt
“okay, okay, okay!” you reposition yourself on the couch so you were facing your fellow nursing major “on the count of three we open it at the same time, yeah?” all seonghwa did was nod
“alright, one…two…three!” everyone held their breath and it seemed like an eternity had passed…and then you and seonghwa jumped up from the couch
“i got in!” you yelled at the same time, which caused the others to belt out the loudest cheers you’ve ever heard
overwhelmed with excitement and pride, you threw yourself onto seonghwa and gave him the tightest hug, and he wrapped his arms around your waist, gently lifting you off the ground
when you guys separated, both your eyes widened at the lack of space btwn the two of you, and you immediately jumped away from each other
“um,” you cleared your throat “i’m…i’m really proud of you, hwa.” he gave you the softest of smiles, one that made your heart race even more than it was right now
“i’m proud of you too, y/n.”
aaaand fast forward again to the beginning of the next semester! you and seonghwa were officially in the clinical portion of the nursing program which meant you two were now able to wear the university’s official nursing scrubs seonghwa probably cried a little when he first tried his on
and since yall were in the program tgt, you saw each other more frequently, even more compared to the previous semester
which certainly didnt help alleviate the strong emotions you were feeling ever since the two of you shared that small, intimate moment just a couple months prior
before you didnt use to feel anything when you hung out with seonghwa, but now just thinking abt him was enough to get you all giddy and nervous at the same time
it had reached a point where you couldnt take it anymore, so you decided to seek help from the one person who knew seonghwa best: his best friend and roommate, hongjoong
when you met up with him and poured out what it was you were feeling, hongjoong sent you a fond, knowing smile “y/n…you like him. romantically, i mean.” 
you gaped “i…what?”
“you, y/n, have romantic feelings for my best friend, seonghwa.”
“i..i like him? i don’t…i don’t have–” you froze upon seeing the way hongjoong raised his eyebrows at you
“i…i like…i like seonghwa,” you finally breathed out. hongjoong’s gaze softened and he chuckled “took you long enough…now if only seonghwa could stop being a coward and just ask you out already,” he mumbled the second part under his breath
not knowing what to do with the information you had just uncovered abt yourself, you thought it’d a good idea (read: it was the stupidest idea) to distance yourself from seonghwa for a bit, just long enough for you to process the thoughts racing thru your mind
you were unaware, however, of how you distancing yourself might look like from seonghwa’s pov
he’s noticed you not hanging out with him as much anymore outside of class, and during class whenever he’d try to talk to you, you’d just scurry over to the other side of the room
he started getting worried and, ironically, he went to hongjoong for advice
upon hearing what’s been going on, hongjoong sighed loudly and slammed his hands down on the counter
“okay, initially i wasn’t going to say anything because i wanted the two of you to find out on your own, but obviously that isn’t going to happen so i’m just going to say it. y/n’s avoiding you because they realized they’ve fallen head over heels in love with you and don’t know how to react. so hwa, please be a nice guy and help them figure it out if you catch my drift.”
at that, hongjoong walked out and into his room, leaving an open-mouthed seonghwa frozen in the kitchen, he was at a loss for words
he knew hongjoong knew abt his feelings for you, but he didn’t think you’d feel the same
after contemplating whether or not what he was abt to do was a good idea or not, seonghwa simply said “screw it” and dashed out the door, heading straight for your apartment
once he arrived, he knocked rapidly on your front door
you had barely opened the door when seonghwa practically slid right in
“seonghwa? what are you doing he–”
“y/n, i’m sorry for just barging in but i need to ask you something really important and i want you to be completely honest.”
you gasped softly at the way he was looking at you, it was so intense and so serious you’ve never seen him like that before
“uh, okay? what’s going on?” you asked nervously
“do you have feelings for me?”
you choked “w-what?!”
“i talked to hongjoong and asked him for advice bc you’ve been avoiding me the past few days, and he said it’s bc you like me. is that true?”
you didn’t know what to say, the familiar warm feeling in your stomach came back and you found it difficult to maintain eye contact with seonghwa
a few seconds of silence passed, and you could see seonghwa’s serious gaze slowly start to crumble and all of a sudden you panicked
“yes! y-yes…it’s true. i do have feelings for you,” your voice trailed off at the end, but you knew he heard you when he saw him stiffen up
he let out a shaky breath “how long?”
“how long have you liked me, y/n?” he asked more firmly
“u-um, i’m not sure? i honestly didn’t start noticing i felt like this until about two months ago when we found we got accepted. although, the more i think about it, i’ve been attracted to you since our first study session together. the way you talked so passionately about your future and how dedicated you were into making it come true made me feel something, and what you said was really inspiring to me and i just–”
your sentence was interrupted by a pair of lips connecting with your own, and it took a second for you to realize that…seonghwa was kissing you
oh my god…oh my god seonghwa was kissing you
once you finally registered what was happening, he pulled away from you, eyes wide and cheeks flushed
“oh..oh shit, y/n i’m so sorry! i didn’t mean to–i should’ve asked for your permission first. i’m so so sorry!”
seonghwa tried to take a step back, but you grabbed his wrist before he could
“y-y/n?” he stared at you
you couldn’t wait anymore. not after that.
“please, do that again.”
now it was seonghwa’s turn to choke on his breath “h-huh?”
you tightened your grip on his wrist “seonghwa, this is me giving you permission. kiss me again.”
and he did
unlike the first kiss, this one was much longer and more heartfelt. you felt his arms snake around your waist, tugging you closer and closer
you could feel the way your cheeks were heating up, but at the moment you didn’t care, wanting this moment to last forever
but unfortunately, all good things must come to an end
“hey y/n, who was at the doo–holy shit!” at the sight of you and seonghwa, mingi let out the loudest screech, causing the two of you to jump away from each other
“oh fuck i forgot san and mingi were here,” you cursed under your breath. seonghwa stood next to you, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck
mingi still remained where he was in the hallway, mouth wide open in shock before he recollected himself “ohoho my god, san! text wooyoung and tell him he owes me dinner!” and with that, mingi took off running down the hall and into one of the rooms
and once again you were left alone w seonghwa
for the longest time, the two of you just stood there, refusing to speak nor look at each other
the room was so silent you could practically hear both of your hearts racing
“so uh…does this mean you and i are…?” seonghwa asked sheepishly, taking a small step towards you
you glanced up at him and couldn’t help but giggle at the hopeful look on his face
you turned towards him and flashed him the brightest grin “yeah, we are.”
the smile that appeared on seonghwa’s face at that moment was enough to take your breath away, and you had to physically restrain yourself from kissing him again
instead you opted for taking his hand in yours and entwining your fingers tgt
now that you and seonghwa were officially dating, it made studying that much more fun
when you guys started doing your clinicals, it became hard for yall to see each other, but it made your time tgt much more special when you did have time
seonghwa is a very touchy and cuddly person, so whenever there’s a short break in btwn lab or lecture, he’ll either be sitting next to you with his head on your shoulder or his arm around your shoulder and your head on his chest
the other nursing students (and sometimes the professors) would scream at how cute yall were
and bro if you thought seonghwa was your biggest motivator before you started dating, then he’s even bigger motivator now
when he quizzes you, he’ll always give you a kiss on the cheek if you answer a question correctly, or when you come back from a particularly rough shift he’ll be there to hold you and tell you that you did your best
oh yeah and to cheer you up he’ll say a bunch of anatomy jokes
“hey y/n, i aorta tell you how much i love you”
“oh god, hwa don’t even start.”
“oh c’mon, quit ovary-acting.”
“park seonghwa”
“you’re going tibia okay”
“i’m breaking up with you”
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dearlazerbunny · 6 years
Second Chances
Pairings: Kylo x Reader
Genre/Rating: Modern AU; G
Words: 2900
Summary: Requested by anon, who wanted an mean-to-the-reader-but-secretly-likes-them Kylo  let me know if you enjoy it anon and if there’s any changes you’d like made!
Sitting back from your desk, you stretch your arms above your head, barely avoiding a groan. You’d been working nonstop all day- time for a little break. You grab your coffee mug from its place of honor to the right of your computer and head to the break room, where you can smell a fresh pot brewing. Unfortunately, you pause in the doorway. Looks like someone beat you to it.
Kylo Ren, also known as the world’s biggest pain in the ass and infinite thorn in your side, is staring intently at the coffee pot waiting for it to finish dripping, completely blocking the countertop. How just like him.
“Ahem.” You clear your throat, and he turns. When he see you, his eyes immediately narrow.
“Ren. Would you mind moving your- sorry. Would you please consider moving your entitled self a few feet to the left so everyone can enjoy the coffee?”
“Wow, you even said please this time. Just for that- no.” He continues staring at the pot.
Why is it this man’s goal to make your life as difficult as possible? Through gritted teeth, you ask, “did you at least put those papers I requested on my desk?”
“I gave them to Janet.”
“I- specifically asked that you give them to me.”
“But I don’t like you, so. Easy decision.”
God fucking- you intentionally take a deep breath as he finally fills his cup. Calm down, Y/N. This is nothing new, just the usual back and forth. No need to get upset. That is, until he pointedly looks at you, takes the brand spanking new pot of coffee, and very deliberately pours it down the kitchen sink, casually sipping from his mug in the other hand as he does so.
“Enjoy your coffee.” He drops the pot into the sink with a clang of finality before sauntering out of the kitchen as your anger simmers into overdrive.
Stalking back to your desk, you slam your mug down and sit yourself down, rubbing your hand over your forehead to ward off a migraine. Why does he insist on being such an asshole? And why does it bother you so much? Maybe it’s because to absolutely everyone else in the office, he’s perfectly decent towards. Well, maybe not decent, but certainly not hostile. He’s always been a bit of a loner, never really making any friends or talking to anyone throughout the workday. Kind of awkward around people, if you think about it. But still, being friendless is no excuse for the amount of shit you put up with.
You retrieve your papers from Janet, which is actually a very important set of documents crucial to closing a project you were assigned months ago. Work of this magnitude meant a raise, maybe even a promotion- if you did it right. The only problem is, it meant you had to work directly with Ren’s department, and Ren himself. It was a struggle to get him to do anything for you, but apparently he eventually got the papers done.
So you thought. Looking over the first page, something seems… off. And studying it more closely, your heart sinks with every line. All of the data you requested is either complete gibberish or definitely not what was actually aggregated, and most of the graphs look like they were done by a kindergartner on Microsoft paint. Entire paragraphs are copied and pasted from random internet articles that have nothing to do with the topic at hand, and it’s all written in what looks like comic sans. Worst of all, at the end of the twenty-plus page document, is his own signature- Kylo Ren- signing off on the report.
All at once, your chest grows tight, and tears begin to well in your eyes. This project was due in two days, there was no way you’d have time to redo all this work. What had you done to deserve this? You were perfectly pleasant to everyone- until Ren started being rude, and then you could give as good as you take. But this- this was the final straw. Snippy comments were one thing, but there’s no way you’re letting some lowlife asshole jeopardize your career.
Wiping away water with one finger, careful not to smudge your makeup, you pull up your email and begin typing a manifesto that you should have started a long, long time ago.
“Ren.” You stand by his desk, rigid, but internally triumphant. “If I could please speak with you in the board room.”
“Bit busy here at the moment, sweetheart.” He isn’t, of course, just dicking around online that doesn’t look like anything work related, but you take a deep breath and plaster on your best pretty-please falsetto.
“I really need to speak with you. I’m sure your… work can wait.”
Taken aback by your tone- your voice never got nicer than a growl when talking in his general direction- he finally nods and stands, following you to the meeting room. It’s private and not scheduled to be used for another hour, which is all you need to get your point across. You even hold the wooden door open for him as he walks in.
“What is this about? I’m more important than you, I’ve got actual work to complete.”
“Oh, because scrolling through tumblr counts as work. Right,” you shoot back.
“If you brought me in here to snark at me, I’m more than happy to oblige, but I have a meeting right about now, so I’ll see you in the break room-”
You hold out a hand, effectively stopping this six foot something man in his place. “No, you don’t. I checked your schedule. Sit your ass down.”
He does so, crossing his legs with a smirk on his face. “Such language. I could have you reported for that.”
You slam his bogus report down in front of him onto the table. “Mind explaining what this is?”
He smiles. “Just the report you asked for.”
“I’m not even going to dignify that with a response. Did you know the CEO asked me personally to handle this for him?”
Suddenly, his face seems to turn a little somber. “The CEO? He-”
“Did you know.” You cut him off, tears wavering in your voice, “That this project could have meant a raise for me? Maybe even a promotion?”
“No, I- are you crying?”
Damnit. You blink them away. “No. Of course you didn’t. Because all you are is a twelve year old child who insists on pulling bully pranks on someone who doesn’t deserve it.” You tap the papers in front of him. “I reported to to HR. Expect to hear from them very, very soon.”
Now he’s paying attention. “You did what now?”
“You heard me. I reported you. I’m sick of the abuse, Ren. I’m sick of the pettiness, the anxiety, the useless arguing. And once I show them what you handed me for this project? They won’t have any choice but to believe me.”
“No, don’t you Y/N me, Ren. It’s over. You’re done.”
“I can explain.”
That stops you short. “You- you can explain? Explain what, exactly? Why you’re hell bent on making my life miserable? I might accept that after one bad joke, Ren, but not after an entire year of putting me down. If you have some sort of excuse, it better be a damn good one.”
“I- I like you.”
You stare at him. Wonder if you heard him right. No, that’s definitely what he said. Then slowly, take a seat across the table from him in one of the big leather armchairs. Your voice is dangerously calm. “You. What?”
“I like you.” He’s wide eyed, almost like he’s begging.
You laugh. You laugh so hard tears come to your eyes, but this time from sheer glee rather than frustration. You laugh so hard you’re almost out of breath and have to gasp for air. “You like me. You like me! Well, that clears up abso-fucking-lutely everything now doesn’t it?” You stand and straighten your skirt. “Get out of here. I assume you might want to start packing your desk.”
“No, Y/N, wait-” he grabs your wrist, which you wrench away.
“Don’t touch me, you creep.”
“Hear me out, then. Please. One minute.”
You sigh. Might as well give a dead man his final wish. “Fine. One minute.”
“I…. like you. I’ve liked you from the moment you’ve stepped foot in the office. And I thought I could get your attention by-”
“By what? Being horrific towards me?”
He winces. “Am I really that bad?”
“Try worse.”
“God.” He runs his hands through his hair, mussing the curls. To think when he first started here you thought he was attractive. “ I really fucked everything up, didn’t I?”
Unexpectedly, a tiny sliver of sympathy runs through you. “Even more than you could possibly imagine.” And with that, you march out of the room, head held high.
Ren did indeed get fired the next day. You tried not to feel sorry for him as he slowly packed up his desk- after all, he brought this on himself. But you couldn’t help but feel the tiniest bit guilty. You didn’t know if you’d actually wanted to get him fired- having the abuse stop probably would have been enough? But no. Now you wouldn’t have to see his face everyday as a reminder of what you went through.
It’s been a month since then and you can honestly say you’ve never been happier at your job. No more constant aggravation or anger directed towards you has done wonders for your productivity, and you’ve actually started to make friends around the office. As time went on, Ren became a distant memory, and you quickly rose to one of the best workers in the office. However, on the off days, you couldn’t help but wonder if he had found another job, or if he was doing okay. Hell, even going to the coffee machine was a little too quiet for your liking now that he was gone. It was almost like you… missed him? But that couldn’t be right.
“Y/N?” You look up and see Phasma, the CEO’s assistant, standing by your desk. “If you’re not busy at the moment, Mr. Hux would like a word with you.”
Oh, damn. “No, I’m not busy. Is he ready now?”
She nods, and gestures for you to follow her. You do so, down the carpeted corridor and to the big imposing glass office that rules that floor of the office. Hux is sitting at his desk in an ever-polished suit, writing something on a notepad, but he looks up when Phasma knocks on the door. “Y/N here to see you, sir.” He waves you in and you go through the big doors and stand behind the chairs opposite his desk, unsure if it was appropriate to sit down or not.
“Please, have a seat.” You do so at the very edge, trying not to wring your hands nervously. “So, Y/N, how goes the project?”
Said project is the one that Ren almost ruined, but luckily the contractors were very understanding and let you have an extension to complete the work. “Exactly on schedule, sir. And I promise this time it will be done right.”
“Ah, yes. That is in the line of what I called you in here to talk about.” He drops his pen and steeples his fingers. “I’d like to speak with you about Ren.”
“R- Ren?” You ask, confused. “What about him, sir?”
He sighs. “I thought I might provide a bit of…context, to the situation. If you would like to hear me out, of course.” You nod, unsure of where this is going. “You see, I personally hired Ren. He and I are friends, from our college days. And as his friend, I would like to be the first to apologize for how he’s treated you.”
“Um, thank you, sir.”
He nods. “You see, Ren has always been… troubled, when faced with human interactions. He doesn’t really know how to handle people, or their emotions… or his own. In fact, it’s because of this he was having difficulty finding a job, and so I took him on as a favor. He’s smart, you see, and good at what he does. But he doesn’t know how to interact on a basic level.”
“…what are you saying?”
Hux smiles thinly. “My point is, how he interacted with you is the only way he knows how to interact with people he likes. I ad to cut off communication with him at work because if anyone saw him snarking at me, they’d wonder why I didn’t fire him immediately. But it’s just his way. He doesn’t know any other.”
“So you’re telling me when he told me he liked me, he was telling the truth. And by harassing me, he was showing me that he liked me?”
Hux raises an eyebrow. “He told you he liked you?”
“Right after I told him I was going to get him fired, yes.”
“Interesting. He’s usually a very closely guarded person. To tell you such a thing…” there’s a vague twinkle in his eye, an expression you’ve never seen on your boss’ face. “You must really be something special to him.”
“Something- forgive me if I’m having a hard time believing you.”
“I know it can be difficult to understand. All I ask is that you think on what I’ve told you.”
“I- sure. I will. Thank you.”
He nods. “You’re free to go.”
You leave the office more confused than ever.
That night at home, after ruminating over several glasses of wine, you had to admit part of what Hux had told you made sense. Why Ren never had many friends in the office, why he only seemed to rag on you. You almost felt like you were going soft, but you felt like you owed him some sort of apology. Maybe you had just missed the right cues and picked up on all the wrong ones. You even felt a bit sorry for him, if you were being honest.
A knock on the door takes you out of your thoughts, and you go to look through the peephole. Lo and behold, none other than Kylo Ren stands there, hands behind his back. You open it, ready to apologize before he could say anything, but are surprised by him shoving a big bundle of flowers right under your nose before you could even take a breath.
“Ren…? What are..?” You take them from his grasp and hold them out- a beautiful arrangement of assorted blooms and blossoms. “They’re lovely.”
“Do you like them?” He’s looking at you anxiously, like a child who’s expecting a scolding.
You have to smile. “Yes, I do. Do you want to come in?”
He looks surprised, but nods, following you inside. He stands quietly in the living room as you bustle to the kitchen to put the flowers in water.
“I know Hux talked to you.”
You sigh. “Yes, Kylo, he did. And-”
“Wait. What did you just say?”
“I’m- sorry?”
“Kylo. You called me Kylo.” He looks mystified, but also insanely happy. “You’ve never called me that before.”
“I guess I haven’t. Is.. that okay?”
“Oh, yeah, definitely. I was just… surprised, I guess.”
You nod. “Hux did talk to me, Kylo. But to be honest, I’d like to hear it in your own words.”
He sighs. “That’s what I was afraid of.” He sits down on the couch, running his hands through his hair. “I’m not good with… words. Or people. Or how people might think of me, when I do certain things. I’ve never liked anyone like you, Y/N. All my friends, they know me, they know how I talk, and they know to just brush it off and call me a dick when I do something stupid. But you… aren’t them. I never stopped to think that you wouldn’t know how to take it when I was being a jerk.” He takes a breath. “And I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. For everything.”
“I like you a lot, and I didn’t know how to deal with it, so I went to my default.” He looks up at you. “Hux explained to me that that probably wasn’t the best idea.”
“Well, you’re spot on about just about everything. How was I supposed to know tormenting was your way of being friendly?”
“You couldn’t have, Y/N, it’s not your fault, it’s mine. And I hope, someday… you’ll let me take you out. To show you how sorry I am, and maybe make up for all the times I made you cry.”
“How about tonight?”
His eyes widen. “T- tonight?”
“Kylo, just by explaining yourself you’ve shown me how sorry you are. And I believe you, trust me.” You take a deep breath. “So maybe we can just start over, okay? Starting tonight.”
His smile could have lit up the entire city. “I’d like that. I’d like that a lot.”
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queercapwriting · 7 years
I feel like maybe if Kara has ever been intimate before then she probably only gave to the other person and didn't want to receive out of fear of hurting them. Can you do supercorp, not necessarily their first ever time, but Lena urging Kara to have faith in herself and saying she trusts her and she let's Lena touch her for the first time?
She cried into Alex’s shoulder – not just had tears down her face, but heavy, body-wracking sobs – the first time she broke a boy’s nose.
He’d cursed with words in English she hadn’t learned yet, and then, through the blood, he’d spat a word she knew all too well by then.
The second time it happened, he was nicer about it. Maybe she was getting better at picking boys.
But apparently, she wasn’t getting any better at kissing them.
That second time, Alex’s long hair smelled of alcohol and smoke as she ran to embrace her little sister, and Kara didn’t ask – not at that moment, anyway – because Alex deserved to have a good time with her life. She didn’t do it enough, and if Kara asked, she was afraid Alex would feel guilty for enjoying herself and partying, would clam up, would stop having fun.
So Kara just let herself cry. But softer, this time.
At his bedside, this time.
Eliza helped his parents pay the parts of the medical expenses that insurance didn’t cover.
Because where was the clause about alien girl with superhuman strength trying to kiss human boy with regularhuman bones?
The third time it happened, Kara didn’t cry.
But she very nearly gave up.
When she didn’t date for two years, Eliza lit into Alex. Constantly. Because somehow, Kara’s fear of hurting someone – of being intimate – were Alex’s responsibility. 
Alex’s fault.
Kara worked harder at her control.
She went on a few dates.
For no other reason than to get Eliza off Alex’s back. Because Alex’s back always drooped a lot lower after… those conversations with her mother.
Alex helped, just like Alex had helped her learn how to hold a pencil without breaking it. How to run without forming a crater in the ground. How to jump on the bed without taking flight. How to hug without cracking Alex’s ribs for the third time.
Alex helped, with mind exercises and with physics lessons and with moral support.
But just like she still squeezed Alex too hard when she was excited, Kara was afraid.
Terrified, really.
That if she couldn’t even make out with a human boy, how could she ever hope to… do more than that with one?
Lucy Lane came along, and Kara started thinking that maybe a human girl would be nicer to kiss than a human boy.
She tried not to think of Lucy and James together, of both of them… 
She tried not to think of intimacy at all, because… well, because it hurt too much.
Her heart, and other people’s bodies.
It was easier, with Adam.
She liked him. A lot. It helped that he was Cat Grant’s son. She associated him, even before she met him, with passion and with a certain undefinable heat in her core.
But when she kissed him, she didn’t feel herself getting swept away in passion. Alex’s physics lessons, meditative exercises to keep in control of her strength, were easier to keep at the forefront of her mind.
It was harder, with James.
Because she could lose herself in him.
But losing herself in him might make her lose… well, him.
Because she could kill him.
She could kill anyone.
Sometimes she wished she could drink human alcohol and join in Alex’s whiskey escapades.
But then…
Then, there was Lena.
Lena who knew she was Supergirl, whose eyes softened when Kara pulled back from their first kiss, tears in her eyes, nearly hyperventilating, because I can’t, I can’t, I’ll hurt you, Lena, do you know how many noses I’ve broken? You have a beautiful nose, I don’t want you to be in pain, I don’t want to ever cause you pain, I can’t, I’m sorry, I want to, but I – 
Lena had laughed softly at Kara’s rambling comment about her nose, and she’d shaken her head gently with tears in her eyes, taking Kara’s hands into her own and bringing her lips tenderly to the knuckles that had saved her life more than once, as both Supergirl and as Kara Danvers.
“Kara, I trust you. Intimately. I – “
“But Alex trusts me, and I’ve broken her ribs just hugging her – “
“And, while I’m glad to hear that you want to do more than hug me, Kara, that doesn’t change my trust in you. I know who you are. All of you. I know how strong you are. Inside and out. I trust you, Kara Danvers. My hero.”
She’d kissed the tears off of Kara’s face and it had been all Kara could do not to bring her lips to Lena’s soft ones.
“But I’m not just Kara, I – “
“Kara Zor-El. I trust you. I trust you, I trust you, I trust you.” Lena hadn’t stopped murmuring the words, punctuating them with soft kisses to Kara’s face, until her breathing evened out. Until her body relaxed.
Until Kara smiled and the flash of desire surged back into her eyes. “I like when you kiss me there,” she’d gulped, making a mental note to ask Alex – or, maybe Maggie would be better, or Lucy – about how to talk to women later.
But apparently Lena had thought she’d done just fine sans advice, because the low sound that came out of her throat at Kara’s words wasn’t anything Kara ever wanted to forget.
Months passed, and Alex had teamed up with Lena to equip Lena’s apartment and Kara’s apartment with strong red sun lamps.
Lena had installed the ones in her office on her own.
“It’s nothing the eldest Ms. Danvers needs to know about,” she’d explained to Jess, who internally cheered because she’d won her bet with Pam from the DEO’s HR department about how soon it would be that they’d get those lamps installed at L Corp.
Months passed, and Kara… Kara learned quickly.
Kara learned how much Lena loved being nipped at just below her collarbone, and she learned how licking at Lena’s navel made her arch her hips, made her squirm, made her beg for more. 
Kara learned how it felt to have Lena’s nipples harden under her insistent tongue, how much Lena loved it when Kara lifted her eyes from between her legs and held eye contact with her while she licked her through to an orgasm.
Kara learned a lot, but not how to let Lena touch her.
“May I?” Lena asked one night, her fingertips flirting with the waistband of Kara’s boy shorts, and Kara bit her lip.
They’d been naked together before, but she knew Lena, by now.
Knew that this question was about more than taking clothes off.
“Lena, I… the lamps… they don’t completely dull my powers, and if you…” She squinted and sat up onto her elbows, and Lena sighed and ran her hands through her own mussed hair as she watched her girlfriend think. It brought a small smile to her lips instinctively.
“The way you kiss me nearly makes me lose all control, it…” It was Lena’s turn to bite her lip, and Kara had to focus extra hard to think in Kryptonian, let alone in English, let alone to speak in English. “I can’t imagine if I let you do… more. To me. Remember that one time I let you put your mouth on my breasts?”
“Otherwise known as one of the most erotic moments of my life,” Lena leaned over to kiss Kara’s nose, and they both blushed deeply and giggled before Kara sobered and continued.
“Right. I… it felt amazing. You’re amazing. But I’m afraid you’re… too amazing? That you make me feel too amazing. That I’ll lose control, that I’ll – “
“You didn’t break my nose that first time we kissed, darling. Or the second, or the third. Or the fourth, or the…”
Lena’s smile matched Kara’s growing one, and they both instinctively cuddled closer. “You’ve yet to hurt me, Kara Zor-El. And I know the red sun lamps dampen rather than wipe out your power, but I want to be able to give you pleasure from more than just giving pleasure to me, and… but obviously only if it’s what you want, I – “
“No, I do, I do, Lena. Rao, I just… I don’t want to hurt you.”
Lena licked her lips and nodded slowly, her eyes flickering between Kara’s eyes and her mouth. When she locked eyes with her again, her voice was low and cracked and absolutely perfect.
“Then don’t hurt me,” she said simply, and Kara blinked. “I trust you. You can trust yourself too, darling.”
Kara kissed her then, slow and sensual, heated and calm.
“Can I think about it?” she asked between breaths.
“Of course,” Lena smiled before they both lost themselves in the other.
Mostly, because it still took Kara a long while – and plenty of talks with her big sister – to truly trust herself enough to keep Lena safe.
To let herself be open, completely, to someone she could accidentally kill.
Alex engineered a stronger setting for the sun lamps, connected to Kara’s bio readings, so they’d increase in strength the more… excited Kara got. 
The extra layer of security helped.
Alex’s love for her helped. Lena’s faith in her – and, she was beginning to think, Lena’s love – for her helped.
“Lena,” she gasped with her tongue on Lena’s nipples. “Can you… do you want… do you want to do this to me?”
Her heart swelled when she looked up into Lena’s eyes to find them full of tears.
Good tears. Happy tears.
“Come here, darling,” Lena had smiled, and Kara had gulped before complying.
Before feeling a woman’s tongue on her nipples for the first time, soft lips and careful fingers and the occasional, perfectly timed, perfectly positioned nip. 
Kara slammed her hands into the reinforced bed as Lena grinded down onto her thigh, moaning into her breasts, tears slipping onto Kara’s chest.
“You good?” Kara managed to choke, and Lena went from eager, almost desperate licking and sucking to tender, almost worshipful kissing. 
“Are you, love?” she asked, and the word buoyed Kara more than a yellow sun ever had.
“Please don’t stop,” Kara whispered, and Lena smiled.
She didn’t come that night – she’d gotten too overwhelmed by the sight alone of Lena’s tongue between her legs, of her fingers slipping inside her, that she’d needed to stop and cuddle – but the next night, and the night after that, and the night after that?
She was glad they’d soundproofed the apartment weeks ago.
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Table of ContentsCalifornia Wedding Venue - Disney's Fairy Tale WeddingsTop 10 Best Free Wedding Venues In San Diego, Ca - Last ...Paradise Falls Weddings - Outdoor Wedding Venue In ...Wedding Locations - Callaway Vineyard & WineryBest Wedding Venues In San Diego, Ca - Junebug WeddingsThis Site Will Help You Find An Affordable Wedding Venue
A tent on the residential property can hold 225. And the rental fee goes towards preservation efforts. The cost arrays from $1,200 to $5,800, depending upon the day of the week as well as season. 185 Lyman Road, Waltham, 617-994-6672, historicnewengland.orgClockwise from leading left: The 1620 Winery in Plymouth; the Natural Herb Lyceum at Gilson's; the African Satisfying Residence/ Museum of African American Background; and also the Lyman Estate in Waltham.
The area, which was Boston's heart of African-American life as well as society in the 19th century, is flooded in history: The New England Anti-Slavery Culture was founded inside it by William Lloyd Garrison; Frederick Douglass spoke up against slavery there. In 2011, the African Satisfying House resumed after an estimated $9.5 million repair that returned it to its 1855 appearance.
( The place does not host large functions.) 8 Smith Court, Boston, 617-725-0022 ext. 216, maah.orgWhen the sis hotel of New york city City's The Plaza debuted in Boston in 1912, Mayor John F. "Honey Fitz" Fitzgerald helmed a reception for even more than 1,000 guests in the Grand Ballroom, a palatial area with a 30-foot ceiling, opulent arcs, and mirror-covered walls.
" As soon as we open up the big mirror doors from the mixed drink hour right into the ballroom, people always gasp," claims senior food catering manager Alice Fay. Wedding events normally cost from $180 to $400 each before charges and tax obligations, plus $3,000 for the ceremony. 138 St. James Opportunity, Boston, 617-867-8562, fairmontcopleyplazaweddings.comLots of wedding events feature trademark mixed drinks, however when Boston Harbor Distillery makes them for guests, they include their own craft spirits.
San Diego Wedding Venues - Price 698 Venues - Wedding Spot
Now charmingly rustic weddings for as numerous as 140 individuals can incorporate the distillery's whiskey barrels into the design. The price is $6,050 for just the location. 12R Ericsson Road, Boston, 617-533-7492, bostonharbordistillery.comLeading, from left: Boston Harbor Distillery in Dorchester as well as The Mount in Lexox. Bottom: The Fairmont Copley Plaza.
Couples can host the event in either the Italian Yard or the French Blossom Garden. Wharton herself took a great bargain of satisfaction in the premises. (" Extremely, I'm a far better landscape garden enthusiast than author, and also this area, every line of which is my very own work, far surpasses Your house of Mirth," she wrote in a letter.) Then visitors can mingle in the mansion throughout mixed drink hr before supper as well as dancing for as much as 250 in a tent.
Durst Winery & Estate's picturesque as well as extraordinary property is the ideal location to declare your vows and begin a brand-new life with each other. Whether you are trying to find a tiny yard event surrounded by close Supplying a place for "classic elegant" romantic weddings, Grace Vineyards is your premier wedding celebration place in the higher Lodi location.
A charming tasting space lies amongst the appealing surroundings, recommending an event that is extravagant and also inviting. As your day unfolds, The Hill Home is Queen Anne Victorian house held in a charitable trust fund to depraved the Hillside family members residence and also Maurice Hill's creative works. Readily available to rent out indoor or exterior for all occasions.
Top 10 Best Free Wedding Venues In San Diego, Ca - Last ...
Throughout the years, the ranch and ranch have made it through the Our sampling area and occasion center on 7 perfectly landscaped acres can be the start of your happily ever before after! The spectacular setting can be the background to your attractive wedding or special occasion. Checking Out Oak Farm Vineyards (OF), you will experience our passion for wine and also friendliness at our Lodi Destination Winery.
It is a family run service combining 3 enthusiasms; Beer, Wine, & Bread. The red wines are made Viaggio Estate & Vineyard is located in the heart of Lodi's famous Red wine Nation, nestled among rich estate vineyards, dubious walnut orchards as well as along with the serene Mokelumne River. Our goal is to suit A glass of wine & Roses is a prize-winning, North The golden state wedding celebration location.
Our residential or commercial property attributes a number of distinct wedding celebration The Lady's Club of Lodi is a historical building that was created in 1923 to house Lodi's Woman's Club. This area has actually historically been utilized to host efficiencies as well as gatherings in Lodi. As the biggest.
Telephone Call (970) 728-7440 to speak with among our wedding event specialists. Function place for approximately 130 guests Set down high atop the gondola at 10,551 feet, Allred's flaunts amazing sights of the surrounding optimals as well as the historic town of Telluride 1,800 feet below. Telephone Call (970) 728-7440 to talk to one of our wedding experts.
Paradise Falls Weddings - Outdoor Wedding Venue In ...
This is a perfect place for ceremonies, receptions, or any type of special celebration. Telephone Call (970) 728-7440 to speak with one of our wedding celebration specialists. Event & alcoholic drink reception place only, for up to 250 guests Boasting one of one of the most stunning panoramas in the Rocky Hills, the San Sophia Overlook has 360 degree sights of the Sneffels Mountain Range to the north, as well as the renowned San Juan Hill Array to the south.
Function place for up to 120 visitors. Gamine Pub is the perfect location to host a summer occasion. With a big slope-side patio and just recently remodeled indoor, Tomboy Tavern is an absolutely authentic hill venue. Telephone Call (970) 728-7440 to talk to one of our wedding celebration specialists. Ceremony and reception guest restrictions differ in between locations The Peaks Resort & Health spa offers the opportunity to host everything under one roof covering, with its 160 visitor rooms, 30 deluxe cabins and condominiums, 42,000-square-foot health spa, as well as several events rooms that all brag jaw-dropping sights of the Wilson Peaks.
Event and reception place for as much as 28 guests. Available only during the winter season ski season. With a refined hill environment, Alpino Vino is situated on top of Telluride Ski Resort at 12,200 ft. Supplying an eating experience like no various other, Alpino Vino is one of the highest elevation fine-dining restaurants in the world.
Phone Call (970) 728-7440 to talk with one of our wedding celebration professionals. Ski in/ski out ceremony location only. Readily available just throughout the winter ski period. Telephone Call (970) 728-7440 to speak to one of our wedding event professionals. Charming wedding evening lodgings. Ski-in/Ski-out lunch and apres events, exclusive suppers, tiny wedding celebrations, in addition to intimate overnight holiday accommodation for two.
Best Wedding Venues In San Diego, Ca - Junebug Weddings
Phone Call (970) 728-7440 to speak to among our wedding celebration experts. Preferably matched for a light cocktail reception approximately 100 visitors. This is the excellent location for an intimate alcoholic drink reception. The inside is do with custom-made timber work, stone floors, luxurious over-sized leather furnishings and a grand piano.
Phone Call (970) 728-7440 to talk with one of our wedding celebration experts. Ceremony and also reception place for 50 to 350 visitors. Found in the heart of Telluride's Hill Village is our extremely own Mountain Village Ballroom. A very functional space, the MV Ballroom has the ability to fit Wedding events, Rehearsal Dinners & Events of any type of kind.
Event as well as reception venue for up to 75 visitors. Situated at the top of the Polar Queen Express delight in an experience special to North America at our latest on-mountain dining establishment, Bon bryllup Vivant. Bon Vivant sits in the basin of Palmyra Peak and has views of the Gold Hill 1-10 chutes.
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Dream Beach Wedding - Wedding Venues - San Diego
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Wedding Locations In The Pocono Mountains
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Appointments: (858) 565-3600, (877) 565-3600 Whether your party is official or informal, an intimate event or sophisticated gala event, there's an Area Park in San Diego that can play host to your special event. Tour our unique occasion areas to locate the excellent location. No issue the season, we're happy to assist you in scheduling the wedding celebration of your dreams! Locate motivation and view photos on our web page.
The wedding event tree, as well as marvelous oak groves are faves of this East Region spots. A practical recreation center (with kitchen!) and an attractive shaded grass area for a function or ceremony. Private locations amongst the oaks provide fantastic chances for a remarkable outdoor wedding event. A picturesque wood gazebo and a big reception area are the star tourist attractions at this East County park.
2 indoor spaces with sights of the lake are readily available for wedding celebrations as well as functions in this preferred park. (A cooking area is offered.) An exterior plaza with processional aisle ignores the lake. An attractive imaginative amphitheater tucked amongst a stand of Coastline Live Oaks gives a perfect setting for your outdoor ceremony.
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