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justhereforfanfiction · 4 years ago
Potterhead Question
Because of all of the rubbish She Who Must Not Be Named has been coming up with, I’m making an effort to not buy any hp merch that she receives money from. I’ve found a shop called the harry potter shop at platform 9 and 3/4, and I was wondering if anyone could let me know if money from them supports/goes to her? I’ve sent a few emails but received no replies - I had thought it didn’t support her but i noticed the website was linked on pottermore/wizarding world which she has written on quite a lot in the past. 
Any ways to tell shops are linked to her (so I can avoid having to ask again) and other good hp merch store recommendations are also welcome!
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jenlizrose · 4 years ago
For just £12.00 Digital art hand drawn by me! Beautiful colours and great quality.
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bookreviewsbydi · 5 years ago
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@chiquicreates #ccphoto2019 contest comes to an end today and my little one decided that it would be best if we photographed ALL of my #ChiquiCreates collection at once. I think she was inspired by @foxynerdyrebelle's photo! (and yes, she does watch me while I browse through #bookstagram!) • • I really love Chiqui's store and not only is her jewellery amazing, the latest items in her store are gorgeous enamel pins and I love watching her design them! There's a Mr Kindly out there with my name on him! • • #becauseofreading #bookaddict #bookfeature #bookgram #bookishlove #booksofig #bookwormlife #bookwormsunite #unitedbookstagram #readingismagic #welovebooks #bookphotography #bookblogger #bookishjewellery #bookishmerch #ACOTARmerch #HPmerch #mermaidscales #ASOIAFmerch #ADSOMmerch https://www.instagram.com/p/B3CeDxSAM4u/?igshid=15pnam8zzg117
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crmediagal · 7 years ago
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New cauldron mug: “Amortentia” addition. Didn’t need it but... // 🤷‍♀️🤓💚 . . . . . #idgaf #cauldron #cauldronmug #lovepotionmug #harrypottermug #snapemug #snapecauldron #severussnape #severussnapecollectible #severussnapefigure #harrypottermerch #harrypotterpurchase #hp #hpmerch #hottopic #hottopicfinds #potterhead #proudpotterhead #ineededthis #ineededthislikeaholeinthehead #amortentia #amortentiacauldron #amortentiamug
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slightlyf0xed · 7 years ago
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"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, J. K. Rowling 🦊 Ohhh guys. I've just finished my annual re-read of Half Blood Prince and no matter how many times I read it, I get teary when, well, YOU KNOW. It put me in a funk all yesterday, so I've pushed on to Deathly Halloween because THAT'LL FIX IT 😒 It's a good thing I love this series so much, because they really take it out of me emotionally. 😬💕 🦊 Are there any series you keep coming back to, that stay as gut-punchingly real each time? (is is Harry Potter?) 🦊 . . . . . . #hp #always #maraudersmap #marauders #jkrowling #harrypotter #bookmerch #hpmerch #bookshelf #shelfie #reading #reread #reader #read #bookish #booklover #bookaddict#bookworm #bookstagram #booklove #bookphoto #bookquotes #quotes #bookaholic #favouritebook
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bunnyaimee · 4 years ago
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I LOVE my new Ravenclaw bag!💙 I've needed a new "everyday" handbag for over a year now & I finally found one! I find bags that fit comfortably on my chair and also fit everything I need in it everyday can be a difficult mix, and it's also a big reason I tend to avoid buying bags online, but this was so cute & after speaking to the brand to get more info, I had to get it! 👜 This is also why it's really important for brands to show the inside of their products, I appreciate it can be harder to photograph, but even a clear description with measurements would help, but photos would be the ideal, especially as I love having lots of inside pockets which you can't see from the outside! 😊 What do you look for in an everyday bag? Do you like organisation or just chuck everything in the bottom 😂 ________________________________ #ravenclaw #ravenclawbag #RavenclawPride #merchoid #merch #merchandise #hp #hogwarts #pottergram #harrypotter #wisdom #wit #learning #handbag #bag #purse #roadto2k #edit #picsart #hpmerch #treat #muchneeded #treatformyself #necessity #paidmyself #onlineshop #followme https://www.instagram.com/p/CGGGAppnaKJ/?igshid=2gn4ze92vgy9
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yourbiggestfangirl · 7 years ago
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Our kind of mugshot ☕️#harrypotter #harrypotterfan #hpmerch #gryffindor #hpfan #teatime #yourbiggestfangirl #yourbiggestfangirlpodcast #ybfgpodcast #ybfg #fandom #fangirl #podcast (at Hogwarts)
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flickerwix · 5 years ago
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Never fear, my children… no Grim 🐺 for you! I see only great things in your FUUUT-CHHHA! 🔮 . . Happy Fri-yay, fellow Potterheads! ⚡️ Great news today! It’s Friday 🙌 AND the HP Christmas at the Castle Advent boxes shipped today. 🦉 YAAAASSSS! 😃 . . The full boxes shipped this morning and Candle Only boxes will go on tomorrow’s Owl Post! I can’t wait for you to get these babies — please give Hedwig an extra treat when you see her. 💕 . . In other shop news, the Holiday Orders are in full swing. 🎄 Another batch is going tomorrow and I’ll have daily batches shipping Monday through Saturday next week. 🙌 . . The goal is to have all orders shipped by the 14th, but we’re running at about 2-2.5 weeks processing time right now. Please note that large orders take a bit longer to make, pack and ship and will be the ones towards the end of that window. ✨ . . Thanks so much for your patience, I know the holidays are a stressful time! As always, please shoot me an email or DM if you’d like an update on your specific order - or if you have a firm need-by date and I’ll do my best to accommodate. ⚡️ . . I hope you all have magical weekends, my lovelies! 🥰 . . . . . . . . . . #flickerwix #hpmerch #bookishmerch #bookishcandleshop #trelawny https://www.instagram.com/p/B5vigt1AVaB/?igshid=128lfbv7ze1gh
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anaclaudiadamaso · 7 years ago
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"Have a biscuit Potter" 😍💜🔮🎆⚡ #funkopop #harrypotter #mcgonagall #harrypottermerch #hpmerch #harrypottermerchandise #haveabiscuitpotter
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doorinthegrove · 8 years ago
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Day 28 of #hpjuly2017: Diagon Alley (bookish merch) . . This merch belongs to my sister. Guess what's her Hogwarts house? 😉 . Reminder! I'm currently hosting a bookish giveaway! Check my page and look for the picture marked with GIVEAWAY for more information 😊 Check the # "ladygreyGA" . . #bookstagram #instabooks #booktography #bibliophile #booknerd #bookaholic #bookgram #bookphotography #booklove #booklover #bookaddict #bookworm #bookishmerch #bookphotochallenge #photochallengejuly #hpmerch #harrypotter #hufflepuff #hpscarf #hufflepuffscarf #hpwand #hufflepuffmug #hufflepuffsweater #hplego #knightbus
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jenlizrose · 5 years ago
For just £12.00 Digital art hand drawn by me! Beautiful colours and great quality.
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shanearden · 6 years ago
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NEW HONEST POD STORE COMING SOON #HPmerch #Reissue #217bands @shane_arden (at Decatur, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt10W17AvlB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hwctnq8nno2o
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tall-dwarf-22 · 8 years ago
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New favourite store 😍😍😍 #harrypotter #hpmerch (at Museum Context)
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I am currently writing my second term paper for this semester. It's coming along quite well, definitely better than expected, but I was nevertheless happy to receive my wand (or better, Bellatrix') today. Kind of kept me motivated 😁 #bookstagram #wand #hp⚡ #hpmerch #bellatrixlestrange #bellatrix #deatheater #harrypotter #jkrowling #avadakedavra #voldemort #hp7 #Hogwarts #magic #wizards #harrypotter #helenabonhamcarter
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frumiousreads · 6 years ago
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This is hands down one of the best gifts I got this Christmas. A “burse” made from the hardcover of one of my favorite Harry Potter books: Goblet of Fire. It’s so well made and fantastic, I am so excited to use it!! ⚡️📚✨📚⚡️📚✨📚⚡️📚✨📚⚡️📚✨📚⚡️📚✨📚⚡️📚✨📚 #harrypotter #christmasgift #burse #purse #hpbooks #gobletoffire #hpmerch #harrypotterfan #bookworm #christmas #bookstagram #instabooks #bookgram #diy #gifts #merrychristmas https://www.instagram.com/p/BsABaY8Hdj_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y9x33nkhs33s
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bookreviewsbydi · 7 years ago
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How was your weekend? We have a long one here, so for once I'm not sad about it being Monday! 😁 • Are you a burner or a hoarder? I think I'm a hoarder although I'm a little desperate to burn my #sortinghat candle from @happypiranha! #TheCandleNeverLies. 🤣 • I've also recently acquired their #ChocolateFrog candle and let me just tell you, it smells edible without even lighting the wick! • I'm currently about 30% through my reread of Throne of Glass which is scheduled in our reading group to be finished by tomorrow (hopefully I'll get there!). I'm also about halfway through Language of Thorns and I'm loving these dark and nasty short stories from the Grishaverse. • What are you CR and what do you think of it? • The lovely @chiquireads tagged me for the #cozybookwormonawintersday tag. 🐻Warm Bear Hug: Shout-out to those friends you've made here who always make you smile: I've tagged as many as I could! 🔥 Cozy by the Fire: Book that you reached for in Winter: I did a #SteelandStone reread that was FABULOUS for Winter. 🍷 Mulled Wine: Films that you reached for if a loved ones need cheering up: I'm going with the same answer here - good family movies like Disney/Pixar! Those are full of positive messages and some great feels! 🌧️ Soothing Rain: Fave books to read on rainy days/nights: I don't have any favourite rainy day reads, but I love reading when I can hear the sound of rain on the roof! Whatever I'm currently reading works. ❄️ Baby It's Cold Outside: You're stuck indoors during the blizzard, you can only have 3 books: Okay, a blizzard isn't forever! Soooo. I'll take the top 3 off my TBR right now being: Falling Kingdoms, Spinning Silver and Illuminae! 🛣️ Winter Road trip: Fictional places you'd love to visit: Oh gosh, too many! Velaris, Hogsmeade, Red London, Middle Earth, Camp Half-blood, Ravka! 🌟 Warm Glow: Bookish candle you light on really cold days: I love the smell of the #HappyPiranha #ChocolateFrog candle! Delicious! 🥘 Omnomnom: Fave winter comfort food: freshly baked apple crumble and with added home made custard too! 🤤🤤🤤 • #bookish #bookstagram #bookdragon #instabooks #bookworm #booknerd #booklover #HPMerch #HarryPotter https://www.instagram.com/p/BmaK-JjFmnX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cdn6iiajcfr4
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