onepinkheiress-blog · 11 years
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I should do #photochallenge again.... I'm getting bored!!!😵 anyone wanna do it with me???? #fmsphotoaday #photoaday #photochallengejuly #photoadayjuly
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doorinthegrove · 7 years
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Day 28 of #hpjuly2017: Diagon Alley (bookish merch) . . This merch belongs to my sister. Guess what's her Hogwarts house? 😉 . Reminder! I'm currently hosting a bookish giveaway! Check my page and look for the picture marked with GIVEAWAY for more information 😊 Check the # "ladygreyGA" . . #bookstagram #instabooks #booktography #bibliophile #booknerd #bookaholic #bookgram #bookphotography #booklove #booklover #bookaddict #bookworm #bookishmerch #bookphotochallenge #photochallengejuly #hpmerch #harrypotter #hufflepuff #hpscarf #hufflepuffscarf #hpwand #hufflepuffmug #hufflepuffsweater #hplego #knightbus
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doorinthegrove · 7 years
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Day 28 of #julyofdisney: Cinderella (favourite bookish princess) . . I'm going with Celaena/Aelin (who's an actual princess/quern) and Tessa (who is a princess in my mind) 👑 . Reminder! I'm currently hosting a bookish giveaway! Check my page and look for the picture marked with GIVEAWAY for more information 😊 Check the # "ladygreyGA" . . #bookstagram #instabooks #booktography #yalit #bibliophile #booknerd #bookaholic #bookgram #yabooks #bookphotography #yafiction #booklove #booklover #bookaddict #bookworm #gorgeouscover #coverlove #bookphotochallenge #photochallengejuly #heiroffire #throneofglassseries #throneofglass #sarahjmaas #clockworkangel #theinfernaldevices #cassieclare #cassandraclare #shadowhunters
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doorinthegrove · 7 years
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Day 24 of #talesandteajuly: Ugly Duckling (book that surprised you) . . I actually read The Infernal Devices before The Mortal Instruments - and went into the series not knowing a thing about Cassandra Clare's world. All I knew was that some of my international friends were obsessed with her books 😉 And I ended up falling in love with this trilogy in particular 💕 . Reminder! I'm currently hosting a bookish giveaway! Check my page and look for the picture marked with GIVEAWAY for more information 😊 Check the # "ladygreyGA" . . #bookstagram #instabooks #booktography #yalit #bibliophile #booknerd #bookaholic #bookgram #yabooks #bookphotography #yafiction #booklove #booklover #bookaddict #bookworm #gorgeouscover #coverlove #bookphotochallenge #photochallengejuly #clockworkangel #theinfernaldevices #talesfromtheshadowhunteracademy #cassieclare #cassandraclare
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doorinthegrove · 7 years
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Day 22 of #bookishuniversejuly17: Chapter 13 . . Today is my birthday! 😄🎉😄 Going to celebrate it with a BBQ tonight - just me and the family 😊 . . #bookstagram #instabooks #booktography #yalit #bibliophile #booknerd #bookaholic #bookgram #yabooks #bookphotography #yafiction #booklove #booklover #bookaddict #bookworm #bookpage #bookphotochallenge #photochallengejuly #chapter13 #crownofmidnight #throneofglass #sarahjmaas #SJM
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doorinthegrove · 7 years
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Day 10 of #hpjuly2017: Gryffindor (red books) . . Last day of double posts. And last house-themed post. Where my lions at? 🦁❤🦁❤🦁❤🦁❤🦁❤🦁 . . #bookstagram #instabooks #booktography #bibliophile #booknerd #bookaholic #bookgram #redbooks #bookphotography #booklove #booklover #bookaddict #bookworm #gorgeouscover #coverlove #bookphotochallenge #photochallengejuly #gryffindor #cruelbeauty #rosamundhodge #sirensfury #maryweber #redphoenix #kyliechan
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doorinthegrove · 7 years
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Day 8 of #hpjuly2017: Hagrid (BIG books) . . Biggest book on my bookshelf is this book about the New Long March in China - which took place during the communist revolution. Book to the left is a regular sized hardcover book for comparison 😉 . . #bookstagram #instabooks #booktography #bibliophile #booknerd #bookaholic #bookgram #bookphotography #booklove #booklover #bookaddict #bookworm #gorgeouscover #coverlove #bookphotochallenge #photochallengejuly #hugebook #china #chinesehistory #thelongmarch
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doorinthegrove · 7 years
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Day 27 of #julyofdisney: The Court of Miracles (secret hideout) . . I don't really have a secret reading hideout. I like to sit in places that are reasonably private, but still in plain view. This corner of the couch is one of these places - which I do have to be quick to claim, because mum likes this spot as well. And Messi (the dog) does as well 😉 . Reminder! I'm currently hosting a bookish giveaway! Check my page and look for the picture marked with GIVEAWAY for more information 😊 Check the # "ladygreyGA" . . #bookstagram #instabooks #booktography #bibliophile #booknerd #bookaholic #bookgram #bookphotography #booklove #booklover #bookaddict #bookworm #readingspot #dog #corgi #corgicardigan #welshcorgi #bookphotochallenge #photochallengejuly #theheartofbetrayal #maryepearson
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doorinthegrove · 7 years
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Book haul! . These are the books I got my hands on in July 😊 The majority of them are from my grandparents; they're preparing to move to a smaller place and are thus sorting through all of their things and deciding what to keep. Including books 😊 So from them I got: 📚Lolita by Vladimir Nabukov 📚To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee 📚War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy 📚The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough 📚1984 by George Orwell . I then also bought two books: 📚Traveler by Arwen Elys Dayton 📚Pekingsyndromet by Ola Wong . I got no books for my birthday - which isn't strange. My parents know that if they buy books for me there is a high risk I already own it 😆 . . #bookstagram #instabooks #booktography #bibliophile #booknerd #bookaholic #bookgram #bookphotography #yafiction #booklove #booklover #bookaddict #bookworm #bookhaul #bookpile #bookspines #bookstack #bookphotochallenge #photochallengejuly #julybookhaul
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