#hpma Shouren
cherry-pop-elf · 1 month
Hagrid 100% Has A Major Crush On Shouren
And Why You Should Ship Them To!
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They both have umbrella wands. Imagine how normal Hagrid feels, when he see’s Shouren take his wand out of his umbrella. They are Umbrella buddies.
Shouren holds nature, and dragons, at a very high regard. Something Hagrid does the same. Someone who finally understands his point of view, and won’t call him insulting names for it
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They can both relate to being not seen as equal by society
Big x Smol
They both are very loyal to who they belong to, and their causes
Hagren rolls off the tongue
You know Hagrid would spend hours just listening to Shouren explain his world travels, and Shouren is more than happy to talk about said travels
They are already established friends so fluffy friends to lovers
Look me in the eyes and say Hagrid isn’t currently hiding Shouren in his hut, when Shouren ‘leaves’ Hogwarts. Like Hagrid is hiding dangerous creatures all the time. A fugitive isn’t any different, if you think about it
Imagine Charlie, Shouren, and Hagrid all having tea together
Big chubby dad figure being gentle and sweet to this exhausted man that deserves a place to call home for once
Yes I’m in the middle of writing a fanfic about them on AO3 and I will make a post when the first chapter is posted
Shouren 100% gets along beautifully with Gwamp, and definitely is invested in whatever his younger brother has to talk about
They both would constantly steal dragon ages from the black market, and send them to Charlie to take care of. So they have a side hustle super hero business
Just, come on. LOOK AT THEM-!
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otakulexi13 · 5 months
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I wish we could see shouren and our little dragon again 😢
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godspeed123 · 5 months
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Here’s Shouren’s letter from the event this season. Hope my child is doing okay…
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chemzee · 7 months
Ok, hear me out, but like, imagine if Shouren had ASMR channel
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hpma-angel · 3 months
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Reunion with seasonal NPCs🦋
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mortimerdreadnaught · 8 months
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🐉long shouren stimboard🐉
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carmello-matcha · 8 months
Hello hello!!! Tis the new season for hpma and a new story is in tow for our dear and lovable mc.
So far we have met our main npc of the season and hpma tiktok's favorite Long Shouren. A dragonologist from china and an old friend of Hagrid's.
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There isn't much to say as its an introduction chapter other than I am very much hyped for how this story will unfold.
Speaking of story I should compile a summary of the qudditch event now that I think about it....
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cherry-pop-elf · 6 months
A art dump of Discord Shenanigans. Will I give context? Probably not. It’s gonna be a “if ya know ya know!”
First off. Emo George
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Next was a attempt at a Style Challenge with @chemzee
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This one was a Cyberpunk AU
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This one was a art trade with @avielex
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Next up is a gift for @mortimerdreadnaught about being cow buddies
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Also for @mortimerdreadnaught who has red green colorblindness. So I used a blue/yellow color pallet so he could 100% know what he’s looking at IS what he sees. A good excuse for a color experiment as well!
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Next up I had a moth phase. Green one being @carmello-matcha OC
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And George Weasley holding me/my persona. Teeny weeny moth naps
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And lastly, for now, Snails. I blame @cindxerrstarzz for it
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cherry-pop-elf · 1 month
A drawing I did, before the whole gene testing situation. Super proud of it, and needed to share it. Oc in the pink, aka Aruna, belongs to @venomousvio
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cherry-pop-elf · 9 days
Made this a while back for a friend. So if yall want something like this 🥺 my com’s are open. Just saying…..
Pin Up Boy under the cut 😘
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cherry-pop-elf · 3 months
Home Sweet Home
Ron Weasley x Reader
Ron had always been self conscious about his family, and felt like you would leave him if you saw his humble home. That you deserved better. Little did he know, you were about to live the cottage core dream. Just factor in a bunch of hot older brothers, and Ron’s relaxing it wasn’t the house he had to worry about
Set after The Battle Of Hogwarts, and uh No Dead Fred because FLUFF DAMMIT!
Warnings: jealous Ron, self conscious Ron, teasing, a very loaded house, hurt comfort, canon typical angst(?) and of course tooth rotting fluff
Writing Coms Open
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“Well…..Here we are-“ Ron swallowed, as the two of you would step from the fire place. You had been begging to visit his family, but his original excuse was that it was too dangerous to travel. Valid, but the war had ended. Sure, just because the war was over didn’t mean things were all tied off. Still, he can’t just hide you forever. You out right threatened to write a letter to Molly, and ask to come over yourself. That made him cave.
“Woah-!” You just beamed, as you set your bag down. You were already utterly enchanted. It was so cozy, and busy! You could hear the many siblings all around the building. Ron had warned you the place would be packed. After the war, it was a need to be closer to family. So, a Summer at the burrow it was. Oh all the romantic partners, jammed in. You included.
“Who should I meet first?!” You asked, as Ron seemed flabbergasted. You were in love with the madness, and hardly were here a minute. Before he could speak, he was tackled by the twins. Ronniekins was quick to fill the living room, as they ruffled his hair. Pinching his cheeks, and just being a menace.
You knew the twins, and Ginny, well. It was Percy, and up, that were as forgien as their hair was orange. Percy was always so busy with his studies, you sometimes forgot it was a gaggles of seven, and not six. Made it more surprising to see him, but not a surprise that it was in a suit.
“It’s complicated-“ Ron was quick to whisper, to make sure you knew not to bring up the Ministry job. You just nodded your head, as you watched the up tight man hang up his suit jacket. Hardly gave the man time to register you were there, before your were suddenly engulfed by the sent of fire crackers. Along with long arms.
“OUR LITTLE RONNIE-KINS IS ALL GROWN UP-!” The twins would give a mock sob, as George would cradle Ron’s head. It was, painfully, easy to tell who was who. Poor George. Still handsome as ever, but that’s gotta mess with your head after all. From identical, to not.
“Alright, that’s four brothers down. Two to go-!” You tried to make sure the mood stayed chipper, while your poor boyfriend was being a knuckle to his scalp. You could hear Molly tsking, before she shouted. “BOYS-! DONT MAKE ME GRAB CHARLIE-!” She warned.
“As if I’m any better-!” That had you turn your head, and woof. He was, oh he was something. The thick muscles, sun kisses skin, freckles, the fire crisped mullet, currently being tied back by blistered hands. Oh he was hot, and literally as well. You could feel the heat on his exposed skin. Given it was a tank top and jeans, damn was there a burn.
“THEN WILLIAM-!” Molly groaned, as he was next to pop his head in. You tried not to wince, but it couldn’t be helped. Half his face was just….Not there anymore. The right side of his face was rough. Blinded eye, his cheek in a permeant split to always expose his teeth. How the scar went through his hair, so to leave a permeant part. Despite it all, there was beauty. Pale complexion from exhaustion with curses, tall frame, long hair. He was stunning.
“Looks like Ronnie-Kins has competition~!” The twins mocked Ron, which made his ears go red. He was always self conscious. Even before you knew he even had brothers. He was always the last out. Even Ginny seemed to have more superiority than him. Despite the fact she was outside, riding her broom, he still would be last to the table. That’s what he thought, anyway.
“Yeah, the married men are in a contest with their little brother.” Bill snorted, as he waved his hand. Showing off his band. “Yeah, sorry, I like my men like I like my dragons. Dragons-“ You had no idea what that meant, but you were certain you’ll learn eventually. You knew not everyone was here yet, after all.
“Can SOMEONE help me with the cooking already?!” Molly shouted, only for every man in the room to scatter. You found that so rude to do to Molly, but then it clicked. Bonding time for you and her. Ok, that was sweet. They get a pass, this time.
“I’m here, Mama Molly!” You chirped, as you hurried into the kitchen. That smile of hers just warmed your soul, as she patted your cheek. “Oh thank you, love.” And like that, you were busy in the kitchen. Happily listening to the endless stories she had to share. Your favorites were of Ron, of course. It was, however, nice to be caught up to speed about the other couples.
Fleur and Bill were married, of course. Ron wanted to invite you to the wedding, but your family wanted to stay out of England until things settled. Smart choice. Charlie finding someone was a surprise, but rumor has it the guy is literally part dragon. That explains that. Percy seemed to hit it off with Oliver, that caught you by surprised. The nerd, and the jock? No way. Fred and George seemed to be sharing Angelina. For some reason, you couldn’t imagine it any other way. Muggle twins weren’t the same as magical ones, that’s for sure. Ginny wasn’t a surprise. She and Luna became official a while ago. Everyone knew that poor Ginny felt like she had to like Harry. Seemed the same was for The Boy Who Lived. So it was mutual, and healthy. Good for them.
“Jeez, that’s a lot of food-“ You wheezed, as you had to use magic to float said food over. “Seven kids, six partners. Half of said kids eat like they are five kids at once-!” She huffed, but was happy. Ever since things finally settled down, a proper income was flying their way. Curse breaker, Dragonologist, WWW, Aurur, Quidditch Athelet. Good fortune smiled on them, finally.
“Sorry for being late-! You would not believe the-Oh-! Well if it isn’t Ron’s little honey bee. So happy to see you-!” Arthur didn’t even take the time to pull his robe off. Just so quick to hug you. That made you feel so adored. Didn’t even take the time to deformal. You had to be hugged.
“Seems like just about everyone is here for supper. Fleur and Luna are upstairs, Angelina, Ginny, and Oliver are outside, we just need-“ Before she could finish, you screamed. Why did you scream? Because something was grabbing your ankle. You gave a violent kick, and the thing went flying into the sink.
“THAT WAS NOT CHARLIE-!” A voice alerted you, and the parents, as someone was quick to hurry to said sink. Long salt and pepper hair was a curtain down his back, while he seemed to wear a robe of some kind. Yukata-? Hanfu-? You didn’t really know the names. You just knew it was no bath robe.
“Shouren, we talked about this-“ Molly gave a playful scold, as she wasn’t mad at all. The Weasley twins had to get that playful side from both families after all. “Apologies, I….We haven’t seen each other in months, and I-“ He defended, as you were able to process the scene.
What went flying was a mechanical arm of sorts. The silvery eyed man, full of scars, would soon lower the side of his robe. There was a scarred up shoulder, with plating on it. With a simple click, and pop, the arm was attached. Fingers were given a test movement, before Molly dried it off for him.
“Oh, hello-!” He waved, with his working arm. “Sorry about that, I’m Long Shouren-“ He offered his hand, and you took it. “Weasleys, am I right?” You joke, as to show no hard feelings. Least your screams of bloody murder was making everyone hurry to the kitchen. PTSD does that.
“Wonderful! William set the table, Charlie grab the drinks-“ Molly was quick to run down the list, and send out orders. Like a well oiled machine. Robes were hung up, people were set, and everything was in order. Just one issue. There was zero chance everyone will fit at the table. No worries, with Luna.
“Let’s sit where we feel ourselves feel most at peace, so we can take a moment to savor.” Luna said, ever in her whimsical way. So, everyone was kinda scattered around. As if that was an issue. Weasleys were loud. Voices could carry for miles.
As expected, couples found their ways to snuggle. Molly and Arthur remained at the table, with Bill and Fleur. Same goes for Percy and Oliver. The twins had Angelina squished between themselves on the couch, while Charlie was sitting cross legged with Shouren. Ginny and Luna? They stole the free counter space, and happily kicked their feet.
“This house-“ Ron huffed, as you snuggled into him at the dinner table. That seemed to relax him, a little. Still, he seemed to more so play with his food. Compared to actually eating it. His eyes catching glances at his siblings. Everyone seemed so in tuned with each other. Even Percy and Oliver. Oliver the one to lead the conversation, and Percy listened.
“Come on, eat. Someone’s gotta keep fit to kick some death eater behind.” You teased, with a poke to his nose. Made that freckled thing wiggle, and you were a giggle at it. Maybe he was over thinking it. Despite all the chaos around you all, your eyes were focused on him. All his brothers were so loud in their personalities. Ginny all the same. Loud, beautiful, chaotic, then there was him.
“So who wants to be the next test subject-?” Angelina called, while Luna was quick to raise her hand. “LUNA NO-!” Ginny wheezed, as everyone was laughing at her eager nature. “I lost enough limbs, thank you very much-“ Shouren called, waving his fake arm. “I mean-“ Oliver began. “Do NOT entertain them-“ Percy warned. Bill was just shaking his head at them, as the conversation flowed like water. The time going by.
When dinner had long since been finished, and Bill finished helping Molly with washing the dishes, everyone was sent to bed. Travel was exhausting after all. You couldn’t help but wonder how the hell Bill and Charlie were going to handle sharing a room with two extra people. Those thoughts were washed away, as you entered Ron’s room.
“I know it’s not much-“ He began, only for your gasp to hush him. “YOUR ROOM IS SO COOL-!” You beamed, as you spun around in it. You loved it. It was so him. It also had a semi tiny balcony, that you were quick to look over. Enjoying the warm summer night air. The smell of his home. The smell of him.
“It’s so cozy! I love cozy.” You beamed, as you hurried back in. Happily admiring his many posters, pictures and what have you. It was so perfect, because it was Ron. You couldn’t help it, as you flopped on his bed. Messy with quilts, and smelled of wood and rain.
“Yer not just saying that, right?” He asked, with his ears a soft red. He just always had such low self esteem. Everything felt like it was hidden behind other words. That nothing was honest, but you were. You would sit up, and smiled.
“Ron, you think I dated you for some kind of hero credit? Lame. Give me the cute red head helping teach the first years chess, thank you very much.” You smirked, as his face burned red. Course you remembered that. You wanted to learn chess as well, but you felt shy because you were the same age. So you often just watched, and the rest was history.
“Now come on. I’m exhausted. I love your family, but wow….” You yawned, as Ron agreed. He grew up with them, but the energy is hard to match. Before either of you could fall asleep, you bother were quick to change into your sleep wear. That more so being stealing his shirt before he could even get it on. He allowed it, because you looked good in it.
“Think you can handle a whole summer of this?” Ron asked, as you curled up into his arms. Just like a puzzle. It felt so perfect. His strong arms around you, as he gently played with your hair. Legs a tangle mess, as you both hid under a thin blanket. Able to enjoy the summer night air.
“If I have you, I’ll face anything.” You smiled, and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. It was returned, as he held you a little tighter. As if you said a spell to lock him in place. He felt a little more confident in the relationship now, and that made you so happy.
Hardly a minute went by, and you two were knocked out cold. His snores just perfect for your white noise. The sounds of nature, Ron, an old house full of love, and the crickets outside. With the smells of love, and home, to soothe you. What more could you want? The whole world was in your arms, and no way will you part from it.
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cherry-pop-elf · 17 days
Some discord shenanigans to fill the void that is my tumblr atm because tomorrow I get my gene test results. Pls send help 😭 Accept this shitty attempt at animation as a proof of my poor mental space. I WAS PRACTICING ANIMATION 😭
Aight first thing first. COTL has temporarily invaded our sever so take this doodle of bird Weasley twins and me as a lamb
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Next is a weeb @arrozconlecheeee
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Here we have a Pick Me Girl in denial @chemzee
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Now we have my furry saga
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Take a little babeh @arrozconlecheeee
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Over here is a little oodle for @venomousvio
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My attempt at discord emojis
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And of course mimi’s invented by @praxieserver
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That’s all, for now, from our weird ass sever
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cherry-pop-elf · 7 months
Like A Flower
Long Shouren X Reader: Platonic Fic
Warnings: None. Just Fluff. Platonic X Readers are valid and deserved. Sometimes you just need a father figure. Not always romance
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“No luck-?” A tender voice spoke behind you, as a shade soon fell over your body. Hidden under a almost green glow, as you turned your head. Eyes meeting that of your Dragonology Professor. You had been sitting there, in the Padlock, for over a hour now. Just trying to finish your homework, but struggling with such.
“Maybe-“ You muttered, as you stared at your notes. Frustrated with the lack of progress you were making. Who knew studying about dragons could be so difficult. You loved dragons. Yet it seemed just because you love something, you don’t know it inside and out. Left you frustrated that your desired reflected no results.
“Show me what troubles you-“ Your professor ordered, as he soon was sitting next to you. His umbrella secure in his lap, as you were both shielded from the heat of the late autumn weather. Left to just hand over your papers, for his working hand to take. Trained eyes would glance over the ink work, before smiling.
“No no no-“ He laughed, as he shook his head. “You can not be aggressive with Dragons. No no, that is what will make you end up like me-“ He lightly joked, as he would roll the metal joints of his wrist. “You must be kind, and gentle. They are living and breathing creatures. Just like us.” He would explain, leaving you confused.
“But they are dragons. Don’t you need to like….Show who’s in charge?” You asked, getting a nod. “Yes, but that isn’t going to work on every dragon. Much like how certain study method’s will not work on every student.” He would, gently, explain. Why did he always have to be so calm, and so right?
“Yeah. Guess that’s true-“ You mumbled, as you watched the young dragons. How they played with each other, chewed on bones, and over all were so puppy like. Taking a moment to just watched them, and breathing, helped give a new insight. You could feel your professor smiling, as you stopped stressing so hard. Just taking time to smell the roses.
“There you go-“ He whispered, before he plucked up one of the wild flowers of the forests edge. He then handed it over to you. “Dragons are like flowers. Some are more deadly than others. They are beautiful, come in so many shapes and sizes, but most importantly this. They all deserve love, kindness, shelter, and health. They deserve to to grow freely in nature. Not locked away, just for people’s pleasure. Nature is to be free.” He said, as you took notes on that.
“Thanks. Think I might have this homework figured out now.” You smiled, as you held the flower up to yourself. Smelling it, as he patted your head. With his living hand, seeming proud. “Wonderful. If you ever have questions, or wish to simply relax, my tent is always open.” He offered, before walking off.
Now left with your thoughts, one of the baby dragons would waddle towards you. Tilting its head, with big and curious eyes. You tilted back, and mimicked. That made the dragon give a trill of happiness, and you laughed. Yeah. Like a flower. Feed it love, and they’ll bloom.
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((Don’t forget my commissions are open 😉))
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cherry-pop-elf · 6 months
Need A Hand?
A Shouren X Reader
Requested by: Anon
18+, Improper use of a prosthetic arm, sex toy(?) voyeurism, teasing, No Regrets
Commissions are open
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“Shouren?” You called into the tent, looking around. Seems like he wasn’t home, at the moment anyway. Your boyfriend was always running off somewhere. Saving orphaned dragons, hiding bodies of poachers, feeding said poachers to the dragons at Hogwarts, just normal stuff.
Left you with more free time than you liked. Sure, he’s off being a hero, but you needed attention to! You swore he loved dragons more than you. Deep down, you knew that wasn’t true. His name is literally Long Tian Shouren. Wasn’t that literally what Celestial Chinese Dragons were called? Was he a dragon-?
Those were the thoughts that often kept you busy, as you would lay around in the cozy tent. He could have moved into the actual hut at the padlock, but he was a boy of nature. You won’t lie, there was something so nice star gazing together. Also meant you could hog the hut all yourself, and have some nice healthy alone time. Healthy relationship goals.
Still, you didn’t like being alone all the time. You had needs, and he had needs. Seems the need to save dragons overpowered any libido he ever got. Lame. You have a huff, as you went snooping around. Seeing if you could find out where he ran off to this night. Maybe some mysterious map to a fantastical land. Maybe even secret letters for the underground. Or maybe….
“Must be here on the grounds-“ You muttered, as you saw his arm on the bedside table to his futon. Probably going to collect more healing potions, or watch his daughter’s Quidditch practices. You loved that about him. Such a supportive dad. Had you smile, as you played with his arm.
You would play with the joints, and admired the way it moved. Fascinated on how it worked. How much life it had, when attached. Most likely a special charm to make it connect to his nerves. Charms were so cool. You would just smile, as you would bend the fingers. Enjoying how it moved so smoothly, just to lock into place when no longer making contact.
You won’t lie, it was giving you ideas. The joints locked into place after all, so maybe……No. No that’s such an invasive thing. Just because it wasn’t attached to him right now doesn’t mean it’s not any less his hand. That’s just not right…..But he did say his arm was just as much yours as his. Some romantic word fumble when his English short circuited.
You would give a look around, before quickly closing the tent flaps. As if you wanted anyone walking in. It felt so dirty to do this, and that was what was so thrilling. Using your boyfriend’s own arm. So taboo. Then again, you were wizards. What really is taboo for a wizard anyway? Better to not over think it, or factor in the laws and morals it takes to enjoy the comforts of a Animagus.
You quickly shook your head, before sneaking behind the room divider. The beautiful cherry blossom designs casting pink shadows over you, as you got cozy in the shared futon. Snuggling into the pillows you shared, and taking in a deep breath. How rich it was with him.
You would hesitate for a moment, before you said screw it. Literally. With your bottoms removed, you would spread your legs. You took in a few deep breaths, as you would make the hand form a shape. Two fingers, with a hook curve. So it could hit you just right.
With one more look around, you would let the hand’s fingers slide into you. The cold metal sending sharp shivers up and down your spine. The thrill of the taboo was exciting, as you kept a good grip on the metal. Moving the arm up and down. Letting it move in and out, as you covered your eyes with your free arm.
The thrill of it all was the exciting part, more so than the actual pleasure. It was so dirty, and so strange. You knew you shouldn’t, and that was the fun of it. To just close your eyes, as you used your own boyfriend’s prosthetic to pleasure yourself. Had you biting your lip, as you felt it rub you just right.
It was so easy to get lost in the moment. It was all so nice. To just feel the cool metal move inside of you, as you relaxed into the cushions. As you did, you let out a shakey breath. You felt the fingers move, and straighten out. You must have pushed to hard, and changed the position. That was what you thought, until the wrist started to move on its own.
You gave a gasp, as the fingers started to move on their own. Starting to speed up, and spread you open. Your eyes quickly opened, only to see your boyfriend standing above you. His working arm on his hip, as he was in his messy casual Hanfu. Those soft greens to accent that salt and pepper hair.
“Need a hand-?” He asked, as the hand started to finger you faster. You were so embarrassed, to have him walk in on you like this. You were so flustered, only to be left moaning. Learning he had more control over that arm than you thought. You would just toss your head back, as you kept the arm close to you. Not wanting the pleasure to stop.
“I know you enjoy toys, but this is rather silly.” He laughed at you, as you were so embarrassed. Just trying to hide your face, but unable to let the arm go. You were so close. You just had to ride on a little longer, and it seemed your boyfriend gave you mercy. Letting those mechanical fingers move faster, and even slipped a third finger in.
It finally got too much, as you came across the metal arm. He finally made it stop moving, as you rode out the high. He would tsk at you, before taking it away from you. “I just cleaned this-“ He playfully said, as you just enjoyed the after glow. “I suppose I should have seen this coming.” He teases, as you rolled your eyes.
“Just remember to do that again to me, sometime.” You offered, as he smiled. “As long as you promise to clean it afterwards.” He offered, before he planted a sweet kiss to your cheek, as he playfully had his metal hand pat your cheek. You stuck your tongue out at him, and those almond eyes smiled. This was going to be fun.
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mortimerdreadnaught · 7 months
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Playing With Dragon's Fire: Chapter Four
"Despite the drama, the tiny dragon was a joy to behold.
The fire in the forest may have been extinguished, but your passion for the little beast will burn forever."
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cherry-pop-elf · 7 months
Since my Disabled George Weasley Headcanons kinda uh. Popped off, time for more disabled rep-!
Headcanons For Long Shouren About His Missing Arm
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His arm is completely missing. No nub. It’s just a shoulder, with deep burns that reach across his chest and back
Given he works as a Dragonologist, that metal arm of his is covered in bite marks
Also it means his arm gets stolen by baby dragons constantly
Since he has burn scars, the metal arm tends to irritate it very easily. Especially since there is a metal plating that goes over his shoulder, as a makeshift shoulder blade for the metal arm
Since he felt like he deserved to lose his arm, he takes any pain he gets and keeps quiet about it. Never really venting about it, or having actual grief or mourning. Which isn’t healthy, but as I said. He felt like he deserved it, and whatever pain that came with it
He has more than one arm, for different occasions. Like a ceramic for special parties of formal nature. Amongst others
He holds no issue in explaining his arm, and showing it off to anyone who asks. Given he has the mentality of deserving to lose it, he doesn’t really see it as a burden or issue. So in a morbid way, it helps him live a mentally healthier life with the social norms
He has 100% taken said arm off, and wacked people with it for being stupid. So mostly Charlie Weasley
Despite it all, he still suffers intense nightmares from the event. Especially if he’s had a long day wearing the arm. Causing heavy irritation
It’s hard to ever see him without his arm, unless he feels truly safe with you. Given how dangerous a job like Dragonology is. The only person who has actually seen him with out his arm, that wasn’t before bed, was Charlie Weasley
He has a habit of spinning his wrist, as a fidget. Along with messing with said arm in any fashion. It’s a portable fidget toy, with all its small parts that help make it work after all
Unfortunately, he was actually left handed. But given the incident, he’s now been forced to become ambidextrous
The only person that Shouren has somewhat been open about his problems is Charlie Weasley
He has to wear clothes over his metal arm, or his hair WILL keep getting caught in the joints. That shit hurts
He has muscle spasms, neck pain, chronic pain, Phantom Pain, and multiple types of nerve damage. I mean, he literally had his arm burned right off. You aren’t going to live a normal life from burn damage. Especially since it’s implied it was burned to an absolute ash. His nerves are shot. He isn’t going to live a happy and ever normal life
He’s in a job where stuff like this happens constantly. So he will have a support network that can help him. The arm was most likely even company policy to offer, since it happens so frequently. He will also have Charlie Weasley to offer support. A strong support network goes a long way
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