#hp's deca shite
leelarots · 2 months
deca shitpost dump #2
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here's my deca lore post if you want to hear more about who's who and my interpretations ^_^
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leelarots · 3 months
I thought it'd be really funny to not say anything abt the deca after pride month ended but unfortunately I can't keep my mouth shut. here is my VERY IMPORTANT HEADCANON about mortimus/the monk:
he would fall for hot singles in your area ads. thanks for your time
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leelarots · 2 months
this is a master post about my au/fic canon for the deca. i will link this in my deca posts in future, so i don't feel like I have to explain stuff every time. thank you so much to this sub-fandom for making me feel so welcome!
current lineup:
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6/10 drawn, design ages frozen at 18-25
to do: vansell, drax, mortimus, jelpax
basic info from left to right:
Magnus | 6'4 | Oakdown | hazel eyes, black hair
Ushas | 6'0 | [?] | 'black' eyes, dark brown hair [portrait]
Koschei | 5'7 | Oakdown | blue-grey eyes, black hair [portrait]
Theta | 5'8 | Lungbarrow | brown eyes, light brown hair [portrait]
Millennia | 5'3 | Brightshore | hazel eyes, blue hair
Rallon | 5'10 | Stillhaven | brown eyes, black hair
[other info on the fic(s) below cut]
current word count: 2.3k
the fic:
will be separated into different 'books', each focusing on a select few characters and one main plot each.
will have theta as a regular gallifreyan instead of half human or another species. however, it's worth noting that for the narrative, I am going to make all 'freyans have some human genes due to past inbreeding
(with luck!) will be partially illustrated
won't be an attempt at following the incredibly messy canon. godspeed to those who try.
won't be centred around thoschei. as much as I wish it was, writing worldbuilding for gallifrey and fleshing out other members of the deca is also enjoyable to write about
other notes on my worldbuilding:
at this point in time, time lord households do not refer to parents or siblings. the hierarchy goes from bottom to top cousins -> aunts/uncles -> granny/grampas -> kitriarch
theta may not be half human/the timeless child, but I aim to still make him 'adopted'. he knows who his father is, but his mother is not of rank, and left him as a baby outside of the lungbarrow household. the connection between him and braxtiel is that they were both left with a note in the same handwriting, addressed to their father.
koschei's 'hypnotic' nature and high telepathic ability is a rare genetic condition. most gallifreyans have a weak latent touch telepathy, trained up in the academy. hypnosis is a different story, but koschei can carry off a potent version of hypnotism without training. he is only in the academy because of his condition.
related to the above's last sentence, becoming a time lord is somewhat class locked due to the initial exam for joining the academy requiring training only supplied by expensive tutoring. if you are not born into a time lord family, it is very difficult to get in.
a main theme of the fics will be around the stagnation that occurs when people in power do not change. as the occupants of the high council live for so long, they have the ability to enforce only their beliefs/beliefs of a small bubble, refusing to move with the times or address changing circumstance.
looming has only just come into existence during the fic canon. none (or at least most) of the deca are not loomed.
'shobogans' are the occupants of the capitol's surrounding slums. this may change.
religion is banned/illegal, but I aim to portray that as being hypocritical—time lords started out as a religious sect. the cloisters are indeed remnants of the original religious building, buried underneath the capitol.
a large portion of gallifrey is not optimal for human-like life. the largest part of the planet's gallifreyan population is centred in the glass globe cities, such as arcadia or the capitol.
humans regularly trade with gallifrey, although the trade lines go: widespread human trade lines -> undocked spaceships around gallifrey -> permanent human settler-traders on the planet. it is not permitted for anyone to go to and from gallifrey freely without a specific, hard to obtain permit. time lords can obtain a permit more easily.
related to above, this is my reason as to why gallifrey has cats and other human items. some human plants and animals are considered invasive.
human-gallifreyan marriage is somewhat taboo. theta is commonly rumoured to be half human without basis because of his being 'different'. once again, the fact most gallifreyans are part human is to show that they are hypocritical.
I could go on, but I won't lol this is long
I am aware of how ambitious this project is. for that reason, I can never promise that the whole fic series will be completed. drawing and sharing my headcanons is enjoyable for me, though, as the deca is my current favourite thing. it's been years of me tinkering about with them in silence, I'm rather hoping I can find others who like my ideas.
my ao3 is soupsmog
want to know something specific? want to talk? pop me an ask, comment on my deca related posts, or join this academy era server, where I'm pretty active. dms are not really open because they make me anxious, sorry!
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leelarots · 2 months
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i made this for a thoschei server and proceeded to chicken out rofl
koschei heel reveal!!! most of them have this sort of shape because, in my experience, they're more comfortable to walk in. also peep the theta grandpa fit because as much as i love the poncho, he also needs that first doctor drip sometimes. as enrichment
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leelarots · 1 month
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his ass is NOT learning meditation properly
this is a draw over of an older rough that I drew. I like it a lot more now, especially millie, but I still got beef with theta >:[
on a much lighter note one of my lovely friends drew me my theta design and im on cloud nine rn i loooove you teemy
[original rough. I couldn't colour the lines cause some of the colouring was done on the same layer as the lineart (sometimes the painting habits are hard to drop)]
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leelarots · 26 days
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fourth repaint when do i accept that he just looks freaky and call it a day
i need to edit my stupid deca stuff post to have links to other posts cause it's all kinda scattered. also join this deca server and my life is yours
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leelarots · 3 months
some uhh outfit designs below for the deca this is the first time im sharing lore so im kinda nervous :')
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cut below so i dont clog ppls pages
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prydonian chapter uniform
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notes on underwear
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leelarots · 1 month
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i wanted to draw a rat i love rats i am the #1 rat fan /silly
have not decided how ushas names them/exactly what the experiments done on them are. she loves them in a fucked up manner, probably more than humans she experiments on as the rani
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leelarots · 14 days
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theta and koschei as wee little creatures
got embarrassed about infodumping thats why this is edited
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