#hp mini 110
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HP Mini 110
#art#computer#design#floral metro#frutiger aero#frutiger metro#gif#graphic design#graphics#hp#hp mini 110#illustration#laptop#photography#pink#tech#technology#vectorbloom
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decima kit nd slight redo of their basic lore redone now that we got remembrance as a playable path
5*, Remembrance, Fire. Sword. Emanator of Remembrance. Amphoreus. An author of lightcones which eerily foretell future events, they travel the cosmos with the Express in search of their fleeting humanity in the form of their closest confidant.
"rebuilt it" basic atk - deals Fire DMG equal to 50%-110% of Decima's atk onto a single enemy.
"bitter" enhanced atk - deals Fire DMG equal for 90%-150% of Decima's atk onto a single enemy, and 50% to adjacent enemies.
"tell me pretty little lies" skill - summons a random memory of decima's as apparitions to fight alongside them for two turns. depending on their feelings towards the memory summoned, acts like a mini version of differing paths:
negative : destruction. deals Fire DMG equal to 75% of Decima's ATK to a single enemy, and 45% of Decima's ATK to adjacent enemies, but deals 50% self-inflicted DMG to Decima.
neutral : abundance. heals member of the team with the least HP for 10% of Decima's ATK.
positive: preservation. gives the whole team a shield for 10% of Decima's ATK for one turn. provides an enhanced ATK for decima.
only one summon on the field can be present. using this skill removes the current summon and replaces it. all summons are random.
"always my fault" - ultimate. summoning the memories of their mortality, a vision of Decima appears with the spirit of a lover long gone, and in a gruesome act, they rip out his ribs and build a cage around the enemies, puts the field in the "Miscommunication" state preventing them from dealing final blows to allies, and the next enemies to come in are immediately caged. Decima is then put in the "Ruined" state. Decima is uncontrollable in this state for two turns, and their summons start appearing around the caged enemies and exploding, dealing 175%-275% Fire DMG to caged enemies. At the end of this state, Decima crushes the ribcage, dealing 200%-300% Fire DMG to all enemies.
"dust to dust" - talent. at 50% hp, a memory of decima's lover appears, ripping one of the bones off of their sword and stabbing them, infliction 20% of their ATK as self-DMG, but in exchange, it increases their ATK by 75% for two turns, or until healed to above 50% HP.
"lovely, angel, baby" - technique. decima launches a rib at the enemy, and starts the battle. immediately triggers "dust to dust."
#x. it's your future it's your choice. / study.#x. one thing's for sure i needed you the most. / v. hsr.#self harm cw#implied self harm cw#I LOVE YOU DECIMA [REDACTED] SANGSTER
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Snowclops - CR9 Giant
An arctic-dwelling cyclops with some cold magic and ki powers.
Artwork is in-game art from Nioh 2, copyright Team Ninja.
Snowclops are, as the name implies, cold-elemental cyclops that live in arctic regions and can control ice and snow. Their demeanor and culture is similar to that of typical cyclopes, but they are more isolated and do not seek out strife unless outsiders encroach on their land. Many snowclops tribes claim vast swathes of land as their own, however, which belonged to ancient snowclops empires millennia ago. A group of snowclops numbering as small as fifty might claim a 100-mile stretch of lifeless tundra as their imperial territory. Their small numbers prevent them from effectively defending this land, though they still try.
Although designed to function as a mini-boss on its own, you could definitely use a snowclops (or several) as a normal enemy or a boss minion in a higher level adventure.
Snowclops - CR 9
A single huge eye stares from the forehead of this nine-foot-tall giant, whose skin is scarred with ritual patterns and encrusted with ice. Below this sole orb, steamy breath and a hanging tongue emerge from its gaping mouth.
XP 6,400 N Large humanoid (cold, giant) Init +3 Senses low-light vision, see invisibility; Perception +23
AC 22, touch 8, flat-footed 22 (-1 Dex, +12 natural, +2 shield, -1 size) hp 110 (13d8+52) Fort +12; Ref +5; Will +7 Defensive Abilities cold healing, ferocity, frost-encrusted arms Immune cold Weaknesses vulnerable to fire
Speed 30 ft. Melee flurry of blows unarmed strike +14/+14/+9 (2d8+6 plus 1d6 cold and ice-blasting strike and icy fists) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks arctic zephyr blow, ice-blasting strike, icy fists
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th; concentration +7) Constant—see invisibility 3/day—snowball 1/day—wall of ice
Str 22, Dex 8, Con 19, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 8 Base Atk +9; CMB +16; CMD 25 Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Improved Unarmed Strike, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack Skills Climb +13, Survival +5, Perception +23, Sense Motive +3; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception Languages Cyclops, Giant SQ icewalking, trackless step
Arctic Zephyr Blow (Su) In place of an attack, when making a full-attack or using the attack action, a snowclops can disrupt the wind and create a sharp blast of air, as if using the spell gust of wind (caster level 8).
Cold Healing (Ex) While in an area that is below freezing, a snowclops has fast healing 10. This is suppressed for 1 round any time it takes fire damage.
Ice-Blasting Strike (Su) Four times per day, when a snowclops performs an unarmed strike against a target standing on the ground, it can create a blast of ice that coats a 5-foot square of ground under the target with ice. The number of uses per day is Constitution-based.
A creature can walk within or through the area of ice at half its normal speed with a successful DC 10 Acrobatics check. Failure by 4 or less means the creature can’t move that round (and must succeed at a Reflex save or fall); failure by 5 or more means it falls (see the Acrobatics skill). Creatures that do not move on their turn do not need to attempt this check.
A 5-foot square of ice has hardness 0 and 3 hit points. The ice is an instantaneous effect, but persists as non-magical ice. Under temperate conditions, the ice lasts 1 minute per level. In tropical environments, it might last only half as long. In cold environments where ice and snow persist without melting, it could last indefinitely.
Icewalking (Ex) A snowclops suffers no penalty to speed or on Acrobatics, Climb, or Stealth checks in snowy or icy terrain or weather conditions, and can move across icy or slippery terrain without penalty.
Icy Fists (Su) A snowclops’s unarmed strikes deal damage as an 8th level monk; they deal 2d8 base damage plus 1d6 additional cold damage, and count as magic, cold iron, and silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. A snowclops’s unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.
A snowclops gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat.
Flash of Insight (Su) Once per day as an immediate action, a snowclops can peer into an occluded visual spectrum of possible futures, gaining insight that allows it to select the exact result of one die roll before the roll is made. This effect can alter an action taken by the snowclops only, and cannot be applied to the rolls of others.
Flurry of Blows (Ex) When a snowclops performs a full-attack action using unarmed strikes, it can make one additional attack at its highest attack bonus. This additional attack stacks with the bonus attacks from haste and other similar effects, but not with two-weapon fighting.
Frost-Encrusted Arms (Ex) While both of a snowclops’s hands are free, it gains a +2 shield bonus to AC. This is already included in its statistics. If only one of its hands is free, it instead gains only a +1 shield bonus to AC.
Trackless Step (Ex) While in snow or icy terrain, a snowclops leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. It may choose to leave a trail if so desired.
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[Original twitter post date: 11/3/21] The Swap
Quick Pill Launcher
Fires projectiles that heal allies for 50 to but deal no damage to enemies -60% fire rate -45% reload speed
Portable Heal-Kit
+35% recharge rate -60% arc speed You are throwing small health kits and that is it
Doc's Informer
Upon hitting an ally, they gain scout speed for 4 seconds, if below 50% health, they also get the bonk effect -40% damage -20% swing speed
+100% projectile speed +65% damage Mini-crits on headshot +35% self-knock back -75% clip size -25% ammo capacity -50% reload speed Crits turned into mini-crits
Infinite ammo On hit: cover enemy in milk for 30 max seconds Crits and mini crits only increase the max seconds No damage -25% slower fire rate (Projectile speed is that of a stock flare gun)
Cow's Flail
Crits on enemies covered by milk +10% knockback +20% damage -36% swing speed No random crits
Supportive Swapper
+20% range +30% flame spread -40% max ammo -25% fire rate No afterburn Alt-fire: swap between 3 different ammo pools that all have their own ammo pool, jarate, mad milk, and gas passer
Pocket Breeze Maker
+100% max secondary ammo +50% reload speed +50% fire rate Your attack is a 50% stronger airblast with a 25% bigger radius that can reflect You can't deal damage with this (Reloads by ejecting a battery and putting a new one in)
Splashy Smasher
On hit to ally: extinguish them and clear them of jarate, milk, and gas passer-like effects +55% swing speed -70% damage Crits are mini-crits
Launch Pipes
+50% clip size +50% ammo capacity Fires in 3 round bursts -33% fire rate -30% direct damage Weird rolling due to projectile shape
Self-Improvement Kit
On wearer: +50% primary weapon direct damage +60% primary explosion radius +45% primary projectile speed +15% movement speed
làmh an dubhain
+100% holster and deploy speed +65% damage -70% swing speed Crits are mini-crits
The Russian HotRod
While reved:+100% movement speed +50% max primary ammo Your primary fire is a demoman-like charge that you can only go forward with,no turning,but at +150% speed but it also takes +25% longer to recharge then a demo charge no shooting -5 per second
Soviet Rifle
+90% accuracy +100% range +65% damage -100% spread Mini-crits on headshot -99% bullets per shot -65% reload speed
Zerovolog's Hammer
+70% damage Mini-crits turn into crits -70% swing speed
Personal Objectifer
+75% accuracy +75% clip size +75% ammo capacity On hit:sentry focuses that target for 5 seconds -99% bullets per shot -100% bullet spread -35% damage
Casual Burner
-50% weaker flamethrower and it uses -1 metal while firing Alt-fire: shoot a decent sized fire ball costing 50 metal
The Key Offense
Your sentries gain wheels and follow you around killing and chasing enemies within a 10/20/30 meter radius depending on level +75% sentry health +50% sentry upgrade and repair cost
On wearer: +40 hp +20% overheal provided by mini-gun
Aurating Outburst
Can have the beam connect between allies close to your primary target, -5% heal rate per person -10% overheal -20% holster and deploy speed
Gut Masher
+30% damage +30% swing speed No random crits
Tar-stralium Launcher
+60% max primary ammo On headshot:only mini-crit but you also slow enemies by 45% for 3 seconds Fires a projectile with no arc -35% base damage -25% fire rate
The Personal Shipment
On wearer: While not shooting your primary, you regain 1 ammo every 1.5 seconds out of combat, nearby allies also gain this +40% max primary ammo -15% movement speed
Outback ScrapGrabber
You gain a mini metal pool(110 max metal) On hit:steal enemy ammo(-2) and convert it into your metal(1 metal) or steal 5 metal from hitting an enemy engie You can use this metal to repair and upgrade buildings at a 20% slower rate then engie -35% holster and deploy speed
Invis Blaster
Upon hitting ally: grant them invisibility for 2.5 seconds Upon hitting enemy:1.5 second stun Fires a projectile(as shown in image) Deals no damage -35% fire rate -25% reload speed
Health Transmitter
+100% hokster and deploy speed +35% backstab raise animation Upon backstabbing enemy: drain half of their up and their overheal, storing it in a vaccinator-esque hud Upon backstabbing an ally:drain bars and heal them and give them overheal -65% damage
Le Surcharge
+20% sapper damage Upon being destroyed stun the person who destroyed it for 2.5 seconds -40% sapper hp
Flanker's Guard
+70% longer cloak duration
-60% recharge rate
Cloak type:shielding When "cloaking" you don't go invisible but instead gain a personal sized mvm medic shield infront of you
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note-pc.co【 1240 】,低価格、1年間保証、PSE認証、対応迅速
最安価格 JBL 1240 電池,大容量 600mAh/0.212Wh JBL 1240 互換バッテリー人気発売中, JBL 1240 対応 JBL Tune Flex, 一年間保証,高速配送! メーカー直売ですから超安い , 100%の新品。
ブランド : JBL 電池
タイプ(材質) : Li-ion
容量 : 600mAh/0.212Wh
電圧 : 3.85V
商品コード : 24KK970J_Oth
1240 次のモデルで利用可能:1240製品 JBL 1240 製品モデルとは JBL Tune Flex 完全に互換性があります:For 2pcs Batteries購入チャネルの推奨JP: JBL 1240 電池 US: JBL 1240 Other Battery FR: JBL 1240 Batterie Compatible ES: JBL 1240 Batería Compatible IT: JBL 1240 Batteria Compatibile PL: JBL 1240 Kompatybilna Bateria UK: JBL 1240 Other Battery 他のタイプのJBL電池モデルを見るJBL GSP1029101バッテリー3000mAh 7.4VJBL PR-652954バッテリー2000mAh/7.4Wh 4.2VJBL GSP872693-01バッテリー3000mAh 3.7VJBL P5542100-Pバッテリー6000mAh 3.7VJBL LY1091バッテリー7260mAh/26.14Wh 3.6VJBL P763098-01Aバッテリー6000mAh/22.2Wh 3.7VJBL GSP072035バッテリー610mAh/2.26Wh 3.7VJBL GSP0931134バッテリー5000mAh/37Wh 7.4VJBL ID998バッテリー7500mAh/27.0WH 3.6VJBL AEC103550-2Sバッテリー2500mah/19.1Wh 7.68V人気の検索商品モデルSHARP EA-BL21 バッテリー; SHARP SH7218C SH7218U SH7228U SH803T SH806T; 960mAh/3.6WH 3.7VBQ BQ-4072 バッテリー; BQ BQ-4072 Strike Mini; 1300mAh 3.7VLenovo L19D1P31 バッテリー; Lenovo Tab M8 TB-8505F/M/N/I; 5000mAh/19.3WH 3.86VAUX BA-026 バッテリー; AUX V920 V960 V929 V963 V980 V960t; 1800mAh/6.66WH 3.7VHP PCD010 電源; HP Pavilion 500 110 24-Pin ATX PSU 742317-001 751589-001; 100-240V 50-60Hz 6.0A 180W;+12Vb=10A;-12V=0.3A;+5.08Vsb=1.5ALenovo BL237 バッテリー; Lenovo A355E; 1300MAH/4.81Wh 3.7V/4.2VMEIZU BA02 バッテリー; Meizu Meilan M1E A680Q/M; 3000mAh/11.55WH 3.85VTP-LINK NBL-44A3045 バッテリー; Neffos C5 Max TP702A TP702B TP702C TP702E; 3045mAh/11.57Wh 3.8vXIAOMI BP4K バッテリー; XIAOMI Redmi poco x5pro; 5000mAh/19.3WH 3.87VRADIOLINK 752040 バッテリー; RADIOLINK A560 fixed wing F3P indoor mosquito car model aircraft; 500mAh 7.4VLenovo BL301 バッテリー; Lenovo K6 Enjoy; 3200mAh/12.3WH 3.85VHP BE06XL バッテリー; HP Elitebook 1040 G4 918045-1C1 HSTNN-IB7V 918180-855; 5800mAh/67Wh 11.55VSONY 772030 バッテリー; SONY WF-1000XM5 charging case BOX; 500mAh/1.925Wh 3.85VAcer A13-045N2A 電源; Acer Aspire E3 E5 ES1; 100-240V; 50-60Hz 19V 2.15A/2.37A 45WKYOCERa KYBAH1 バッテリー; KYOCERA phone; 1500MAH/5.7WH 3.8VSteelSeries 160240 バッテリー; SteelSeries Arctis Pro Wireless 800 840; 700mAh/2.59Wh 3.7VGarmin 361-00077-10 バッテリー; Garmin Zumo 590 590LM 595 595LM; 1880mAh 7Wh 3.7VPAX S600A バッテリー; PAX S600A pack; 2950mAh 11.21Wh 3.8VMOTOROLA SNN5705D バッテリー; Motorola DTR410 DTR520 MTH650 MTH800; 1800mAh 3.6VJJRC H37 バッテリー; JJRC H37 drone; 500mAh 3.7V
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Speaker Mini Portable bass terbaik ? Review dan Unboxing Robot RB-110
Link Pembelian TERMURAH Shopee : https://shope.ee/8pAUmTt0E4 Tokopedia : https://tokopedia.link/9All6JNHRCb
Review dan Unboxing kali ini adalah speaker mini bass mantap, Speaker Bluetooth, Speaker Bluetooth Mini, Speaker kecil ini merupakan speaker dari Brand Robot yang sudah tidak asing di dunia elektronik indonesia. Speaker mini ini menawarkan BASS MANTAP di ukuran body yang sekecil ini, Speaker mini ini memiliki double speaker, dimana memiliki 1 Speaker dan 1 Subwoofer yang cukup nendang
Tetapi dilihat dari penampilannya, Speaker ini sangat siap untuk dibawa di medan yang sulit, karena desain body nya yang melengkung dan sangat siap apabila terjatuh atau terbanting
Jadi buat kamu yang cari Speaker kecil yang bisa dibawa ke gunung, traveling, mungkin speaker ini bisa menjai pilihan
Tonton videonya sampai selesai untuk mengetahui Review Lengkapnya
YouTube : youtube.com/MejaUnbox TikTok : tiktok.com/mejaunbox Instagram : instagram.com/meja.unbox Facebook Page : facebook.com/mejaunbox Twitter : x.com/MejaUnbox
speaker komputer terbaik speaker komputer tidak mengeluarkan suara speaker komputer bass terbaik speaker komputer murah berkualitas speaker komputer murah speaker komputer jadi bluetooth speaker 300rb komputer ke hp speaker komputer advance speaker komputer suara kecil speaker komputer simbadda speaker komputer dipasang di mobil speaker komputer altec lansing speaker komputer ada tanda silang speaker aktif komputer speaker aktif komputer terbaik speaker komputer tidak ada suara speaker aktif pc computer speaker aux cable repair computer speaker amplifier speaker aktif pc terbaik pc speaker amplifier ampli speaker komputer cara komputer ada suara tanpa speaker cara menyambungkan speaker advance ke komputer cara menyambungkan speaker aktif ke komputer cara memasang speaker advance di komputer cara menyambungkan bluetooth komputer ke speaker harga 300rb aktif cara pasang speaker aktif ke komputer cara memperbaiki speaker aktif komputer speaker komputer bass speaker komputer berdengung speaker komputer bluetooth speaker komputer bluetooth terbaik speaker komputer buat karaoke speaker komputer bass murah speaker komputer bagus speaker komputer bose speaker komputer bunyi kresek-kresek speaker komputer berisik speaker gaming speaker gaming terbaik speaker gaming murah speaker gaming rgb speaker gaming murah terbaik speaker gaming robot rs200 speaker gaming terbaik 2022
#youtube#Speaker Mini Portable bass terbaik ? Review dan Unboxing Robot RB-110 Link Pembelian TERMURAH Shopee : https://shope.ee/8pAUmTt0E4 Tokopedi
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Speaker Mini Portable bass terbaik ? Review dan Unboxing Robot RB-110
Link Pembelian TERMURAH Shopee : https://shope.ee/8pAUmTt0E4 Tokopedia : https://tokopedia.link/9All6JNHRCb
Review dan Unboxing kali ini adalah speaker mini bass mantap, Speaker Bluetooth, Speaker Bluetooth Mini, Speaker kecil ini merupakan speaker dari Brand Robot yang sudah tidak asing di dunia elektronik indonesia. Speaker mini ini menawarkan BASS MANTAP di ukuran body yang sekecil ini, Speaker mini ini memiliki double speaker, dimana memiliki 1 Speaker dan 1 Subwoofer yang cukup nendang
Tetapi dilihat dari penampilannya, Speaker ini sangat siap untuk dibawa di medan yang sulit, karena desain body nya yang melengkung dan sangat siap apabila terjatuh atau terbanting
Jadi buat kamu yang cari Speaker kecil yang bisa dibawa ke gunung, traveling, mungkin speaker ini bisa menjai pilihan
Tonton videonya sampai selesai untuk mengetahui Review Lengkapnya
YouTube : youtube.com/MejaUnbox TikTok : tiktok.com/mejaunbox Instagram : instagram.com/meja.unbox Facebook Page : facebook.com/mejaunbox Twitter : x.com/MejaUnbox
speaker komputer terbaik speaker komputer tidak mengeluarkan suara speaker komputer bass terbaik speaker komputer murah berkualitas speaker komputer murah speaker komputer jadi bluetooth speaker 300rb komputer ke hp speaker komputer advance speaker komputer suara kecil speaker komputer simbadda speaker komputer dipasang di mobil speaker komputer altec lansing speaker komputer ada tanda silang speaker aktif komputer speaker aktif komputer terbaik speaker komputer tidak ada suara speaker aktif pc computer speaker aux cable repair computer speaker amplifier speaker aktif pc terbaik pc speaker amplifier ampli speaker komputer cara komputer ada suara tanpa speaker cara menyambungkan speaker advance ke komputer cara menyambungkan speaker aktif ke komputer cara memasang speaker advance di komputer cara menyambungkan bluetooth komputer ke speaker harga 300rb aktif cara pasang speaker aktif ke komputer cara memperbaiki speaker aktif komputer speaker komputer bass speaker komputer berdengung speaker komputer bluetooth speaker komputer bluetooth terbaik speaker komputer buat karaoke speaker komputer bass murah speaker komputer bagus speaker komputer bose speaker komputer bunyi kresek-kresek speaker komputer berisik speaker gaming speaker gaming terbaik speaker gaming murah speaker gaming rgb speaker gaming murah terbaik speaker gaming robot rs200 speaker gaming terbaik 2022
#youtube#Speaker Mini Portable bass terbaik ? Review dan Unboxing Robot RB-110 Link Pembelian TERMURAH Shopee : https://shope.ee/8pAUmTt0E4 Tokopedi
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Speaker Mini Portable bass terbaik ? Review dan Unboxing Robot RB-110
Link Pembelian TERMURAH Shopee : https://shope.ee/8pAUmTt0E4 Tokopedia : https://tokopedia.link/9All6JNHRCb
Review dan Unboxing kali ini adalah speaker mini bass mantap, Speaker Bluetooth, Speaker Bluetooth Mini, Speaker kecil ini merupakan speaker dari Brand Robot yang sudah tidak asing di dunia elektronik indonesia. Speaker mini ini menawarkan BASS MANTAP di ukuran body yang sekecil ini, Speaker mini ini memiliki double speaker, dimana memiliki 1 Speaker dan 1 Subwoofer yang cukup nendang
Tetapi dilihat dari penampilannya, Speaker ini sangat siap untuk dibawa di medan yang sulit, karena desain body nya yang melengkung dan sangat siap apabila terjatuh atau terbanting
Jadi buat kamu yang cari Speaker kecil yang bisa dibawa ke gunung, traveling, mungkin speaker ini bisa menjai pilihan
Tonton videonya sampai selesai untuk mengetahui Review Lengkapnya
YouTube : youtube.com/MejaUnbox TikTok : tiktok.com/mejaunbox Instagram : instagram.com/meja.unbox Facebook Page : facebook.com/mejaunbox Twitter : x.com/MejaUnbox
speaker komputer terbaik speaker komputer tidak mengeluarkan suara speaker komputer bass terbaik speaker komputer murah berkualitas speaker komputer murah speaker komputer jadi bluetooth speaker 300rb komputer ke hp speaker komputer advance speaker komputer suara kecil speaker komputer simbadda speaker komputer dipasang di mobil speaker komputer altec lansing speaker komputer ada tanda silang speaker aktif komputer speaker aktif komputer terbaik speaker komputer tidak ada suara speaker aktif pc computer speaker aux cable repair computer speaker amplifier speaker aktif pc terbaik pc speaker amplifier ampli speaker komputer cara komputer ada suara tanpa speaker cara menyambungkan speaker advance ke komputer cara menyambungkan speaker aktif ke komputer cara memasang speaker advance di komputer cara menyambungkan bluetooth komputer ke speaker harga 300rb aktif cara pasang speaker aktif ke komputer cara memperbaiki speaker aktif komputer speaker komputer bass speaker komputer berdengung speaker komputer bluetooth speaker komputer bluetooth terbaik speaker komputer buat karaoke speaker komputer bass murah speaker komputer bagus speaker komputer bose speaker komputer bunyi kresek-kresek speaker komputer berisik speaker gaming speaker gaming terbaik speaker gaming murah speaker gaming rgb speaker gaming murah terbaik speaker gaming robot rs200 speaker gaming terbaik 2022
#youtube#Speaker Mini Portable bass terbaik ? Review dan Unboxing Robot RB-110 Link Pembelian TERMURAH Shopee : https://shope.ee/8pAUmTt0E4 Tokopedi
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Speaker Home Theater Surround Ala Bioskop Desain Vintage ! Review Olike S4H
Link Pembelian TERMURAH Shopee : https://shope.ee/20UlgtHmOB Tokopedia : https://tokopedia.link/Hwse4yz6EEb
Speaker Bekas Review dijual disini : https://s.shopee.co.id/A9vTNQ9Wgf ( Cek link ini secara berkala, suatu saat ada update Produk baru )
Link Grup Komunitas Meja Unbox : Grup WhatsApp : https://chat.whatsapp.com/BiEQ2v8IDsg... Grup Telegram : https://t.me/+Yg5a0rFFgmc2ZDFl
Kabar gembira buat kamu yang suka nonton film tapi kesusahan cari speaker murah yang bagsu untuk diajak nonton, karena telah hadir Olike S4H Mini Home Theater Speaker yang siap menemanimu menonton film dengan budget dibawah 300 ribu !
Untuk kualitas suara, Speaker ini memiliki surround yang sangat baik, baik suara kiri dan kanan , maupun atas bawah, untuk pengetesannya silahkan tonton di video, karena kami telah membuat video uji cobanya
Dengerin musik ? juga oke, karena speaker ini memiliki power yang sangat kuat sehingga bisa digunakan di luarangan berukuran besar sekalipun
Dengan desain yang sangat elegan dan juga vintage ini, membuatnya bisa dipajang dimanapun, seperti ruang tamu, kamar, ataupun hanya buat sekedar dekorasi ruangan, speaker ini sangat cocok.
Saya sangat merekomendasikan Speaker ini, karena overall memiliki kualitas yang sangat baik.
YouTube : youtube.com/MejaUnbox TikTok : tiktok.com/mejaunbox Instagram : instagram.com/meja.unbox Facebook Page : facebook.com/mejaunbox Twitter : x.com/MejaUnbox
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#youtube#Speaker Home Theater Surround Ala Bioskop Desain Vintage ! Review Olike S4H Link Pembelian TERMURAH Shopee : https://shope.ee/20UlgtHmOB To
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HP Mini 110 WordWorld Netbook
Windows Vista: Home Premium
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180W Alimentation Secourue HP 742317-001 pour HP Pavilion 500 110 PSU
Commandez votre Alimentation Secourue 180W (742317-001) au meilleur prix sur Batteriexpert.com. Commandez votre Alimentation Secourue HP Pavilion 500 110 PSU - Livraison rapide et livraison gratuite.
180W Alimentation Secourue HP 742317-001 pour HP Pavilion 500 110 PSU
HP 742317-001 Caractéristiques Techniques: Marca:HP Alimentation Secourue Courant de sortie:100-240V 50-60Hz 6.0A Tension de Entrée:180W Dimension de l'unité: Alimentation Secourue HP 742317-001 est neuf et composée de composant de qualité. Il est 100 % compatible avec votre appareil. Protection contre: Courts-circuits, Surchauffes, Surtensions. Sécurité et Fiabilité. Livraison rapide + 1 ans de garantie + Retour de 30 jours + Livraison Gratuite! Lien d'achat:https://www.batteriexpert.com/detail/HP-742317-001-1739099.html
Remplace les batteries suivantes: 742317-001 751589-001
Cette batterie est compatible avec: HP Pavilion 500 110 PSU
Autres Magasins en Ligne: United Kingdom------------Cheap HP 742317-001 Laptop Adapter Germany------------180W HP 742317-001 Netzteil Japan------------180W HP 742317-001 充電器·ACアダプター the Netherlands------------180W HP 742317-001 Adapter
Batteriexpert.com est un site français de confiance En achetant ici vous achetez la qualitée et bénéficiez de l'expertise d'un magasin en France, d'un suivi de commande et d'un sav de qualité. Produit selon les normes européennes en vigueur, respect des normes, contrôle qualité effectué par bureau de certification. Avec ce Chargeur Neuf de remplacement retrouvez les performances de votre appareil comme aux premiers jours. Le 180W HP 742317-001 Alimentation Secourue est neuf et composée de composant de qualité. Il est 100 % compatible avec votre appareil. Protection contre: Courts-circuits, Surchauffes, Surtensions. Sécurité et Fiabilité.
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EB-BG800BBE Smartphone Akku für Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini SM-G800F
Der Samsung EB-BG800BBE Smartphone Akku ist ein Austausch- oder Ersatzakku für die neuen Modelle der Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini SM-G800F. Der wiederaufladbare Akku kann als Ersatz- oder praktischer zweitakku für Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini SM-G800F verwendet werden, 100% kompatibel und passgenau zu dem Original-Akku.
EB-BG800BBE Smartphone Akku für Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini SM-G800F
Mit Vertrauen Einkaufen! Herzlich willkommen in unserem Shop und vielen Dank für Ihren Einkauf dieser hochwertigen Samsung EB-BG800BBE Smartphone Akku auf Akku-plus.com! Wenn Sie unsere Produkte kaufen, kaufen Sie das Vertrauen! Für alle unseren Samsung EB-BG800BBE Batterien bieten wir eine vollständige einjährige Garantie und jede Batterie wird geladen und getestet, bevor sie dem Versand übergeben werden. Wir bieten auch eine 30 Tage Geld-zurück-Garantie, wenn Sie nicht vollständig zufrieden sind. Bevor Sie Auftrag erteilen, stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass die Teilenummer oder Modellnummer Ihrer alten originalen Samsung EB-BG800BBE Batterie wie folgt aufgelistet werden und die gleiche Form wie die in den Bildern gezeigten Samsung EB-BG800BBE Ersatzbatterie haben.
Ersetzt Folgende Modelle EB-BG800BBE
Kompatibel Zu Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini SM-G800F
Die Betriebsdauer des Samsung EB-BG800BBE Smartphone Akku und dessen Ladezeit hängen von einer Reihe von Faktoren ab. Dazu zählen unter anderem: der physikalische Zustand des Akkus, die Bildschirmhelligkeit, die Ausstattung des Notebooks, die Konfiguration des Power-Managements sowie weitere kundenspezifische Einstellungen.
Eine Schutzelektronik und die Verarbeitung hochwertiger Komponenten bieten Ihnen ein hohes Maß an Sicherheit, sowohl gegen Überladung, als auch gegen Kurzschluss. So kann der Akku eine höhere Anzahl von Lade-Entlade-Zyklen erreichen. Dies bedeutet eine längere Lebensdauer Ihres neuen Smartphone Akku für Samsung EB-BG800BBE.
Ähnliche Produkte: T7M_SCUD Akku für Twinhead Durabook T7M CP1654_A3 Akku für VARTA CP1654 A3 Bluetoot Headset BTRY-RS50EAB02-01 Akku für Zebra RS507 RS507X SERIES RS50EA 70E-BTSC Akku für Honeywell Dolphin 70e BAT-STANDARD-01 45N1741 45N1742 45N1743 Akku für ThinkPad T550 T550s W550 W550s IS743 Akku für KuaiMai KM-701 KM-702 180W Netzteil für Thunderobot 911M-M1A 911-T1A 911GT-Y3/Y2 911-T1/T2 Power Supply BL8002 Akku für Fly IQ4490I NP-50 Akku für Fujifilm NP-50A F665 F750 F75 F100 F900 XF1 X10 X20 F85 HBLDT50 Akku für Urovo DT50 PDA MCFP12 Akku für HP BL460C G9 G63QN Akku für Google Pixel 6 Pro TT03XL Akku für HP HSN-I13C-5 HSTNN-LB8H 933322-855 932824-421 HSTNN-DB8K NF2MW Akku für Dell Latitude 7400 E7260 E7270 9410 0C76H7 ADLX65CLGC2A Netzteil für Lenovo Ideapad 100 110 PA-1450-55 YOGA 710 510
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Going muggle clothes shopping with the Golden Trio Era boys would include...
so me and my babe @obsessedwithrandomthings noticed that our hp boys aren’t exactly the most fashion forward (sweater vests, paisley shirts, etc) and started talking about how it would be fun to go shopping with them for new clothes. and then these headcanons came about so we thought we’d share 😂
these mini headcanon scenarios could become a weekly thing if you guys like them! 💗
Fred, and you can fight me on this, immediately goes towards the underwear shops and either picks out things for you instead of him, or tries to put a bra on himself and prances around the store with it on
“What do you reckon? Am I a DD or what?” “Please put that back.”
Definitely buys things for you without you looking, more specifically the skimpiest lingerie he can find
When you try and get him to actually shop for clothes for himself, he chooses the ugliest things on purpose, just so you feel inclined to tell him to sit down and wait for you, instead of him having to walk around after you
Would 110% go straight into Ann Summers and definitely ask you try on one of those slutty bunny costumes
“You’ll look all pretty in it for me, though.”
Lots of pda, grabbing your arse, overall just trying to keep himself entertained whilst you shop for him
George, for some reason, actually has really good female fashion sense so is amazing at helping you choose what to buy for yourself
Also very much enjoys it when you try clothes on in the changing room and model them for him
“Can I watch you take them off for me too?”
Needs help when it comes to male fashion sense, is skeptical about some things you choose for him but trusts your judgment
“I don't know why we're putting so much effort into this when you're going to go home and want me to undress anyway?"
Picks up the worst shirt imaginable, laughs at the look of horror on your face
“Please put that back.” “I can’t, I lost a bet with Fred.”
Most likely ends up accidentally taking one of your bags instead of his and wears a shirt you bought for yourself out in public instead of one of his new ones without realising
He still makes it work somehow
Draco is the best dressed male at Hogwarts, I mean did you see his suits in GOF onwards? He don’t need no help because he’s stylish af, but will always bring you along to help him pick out new shirts and trousers
Will shower you with gifts even though you beg him not to
“Only the best for my girl.”
Probably rented out the entire shopping centre so you’ve got the place to yourselves
Takes advantage of the empty space, particularly in the dressing rooms
Especially in front of the mirrors
Gets you to try on loads of pairs of heels and walk up and down the aisles for him
Really just wants to look at your arse whilst you’re walking. you know, but do it anyway
He ends up buying every single pair you try on
Harry “but I am the chosen one” Potter is fed up of having Dudley’s castoffs and buys everything he sees, much like he did with the treats on the trolley on the hogwarts express, even the ugly items
Buys a leather jacket because he wants to be like his godfather Sirius
Also buys a sweater vest to be like Remus
Is oblivious to fashion as a whole and ends up just wearing hoodies and sweaters every day
Sees a shirt that is almost identical to the one he wears all the time and tries to buy three more of it
Buys more glasses because his are extremely old
You actually decide to secretly keep the old ones, for sentimental reasons
Gets extremely distracted by non-clothes shops, meaning you spend most of the day browsing music and films instead of buying what you intended, but still have a good time regardless
Overall Harry is just a lot of fun to go shopping with and has you smiling the entire time
Ron is extremely insecure whilst shopping as he’s never had to choose his own clothes before (never had the chance) and also is afraid he’ll choose something you’ll hate
Is kindly reassured that you’re there for fashion guidance
Asks a lot of questions about muggle fashion, is confused about why fashion trends come and go
Ends up with a few different items
Also insists on buying a lil something for each of his family members, as a token of his day out
Arthur in particular is extremely chuffed with his new muggle tape player
Is shocked at the prices for some of the more high end sweaters
"Mum could be making a fortune selling the sweaters she knits, don't you think?"
Ultimately gets bored after an hour and just wants to sit down for food or go home
Would ask you shyly if he can watch you try on your new clothes once you get home
You obviously say yes
Neville would literally wear whatever you tell him because he wants to make you happy
Asks for your opinion on everything he picks up to make sure you approve
Holds your hand all the way through
Half because he adores you and half because the crowds make him uneasy and he likes being close to you
Carries all the bags and insists you buy something/s for yourself too and then pays for it even though you tell him not to
Literally would buy an entire new wardrobe if you asked
Definitely buys a shirt with “go green!” written on it, lil plant boi he is
As a joke you say to buy a leather jacket. He buys it anyway
Buys something for his grandmother, possibly a new handbag
Suggests buying matching sweaters, which you agree to and both look cute af
Cedric you can’t convince me doesn’t already have great style
But it’s more outdoorsy which can be borderline middle aged dad so may need help straying from that
Tbf would look good in anything, even a bin bag
Gets sidetracked looking at fishing/golf gear
Is overly invested in hair and skin care products, loves looking at all the muggle items available
Would spend as long as you liked shopping though, and would carry all your bags
Models his new clothes for you when you gets home, poses dramatically
“We should go muggle shopping more often!”
Oliver spends most of the day in one of the sports shops, marvelling at all the muggle things
Wonders where all the quidditch things are
Asks the poor shop employees so many questions about sports, teams, rules - anything and everything
Just wants to buy all the sporting t-shirts but you convince him to try other shops
Actually has a good fashion style when he’s not talking about quidditch strategies
Ends up talking a lot about sports whilst you’re busy choosing clothes for yourself
“You still look the best in my quidditch jersey, babe.”
#fred weasley x reader#george weasley x reader#draco malfoy x reader#harry potter x reader#ron weasley x reader#neville longbottom x reader#cedric diggory x reader#oliver wood x reader#hp headcanons
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one hundred followers extravaganza!
getting into writing again after years and seeing that people enjoy them has been such a beautiful experience (and thank u all so much for the little messages; it always brightens my day).
from now until august 7th, i'll be working on asks/requests!
check out my masterlist for more works!
🌞 send me up to three prompts and i’ll write a ficlet for the character of your choice!
🌷 send me a character and theme/idea and i’ll make you a moodboard :)
💭 ask me any question about a character and i’ll do my best to respond/write a mini drabble for them
🎶 send me a taylor swift song/lyric and i'll write you a ficlet! i have so many music themed stories planned so i figured i'd get the ball rolling with these mini works
🧚♀️ we hit 200! (this celebration is still going on though!) here's some of my favorite marvel fics
at the moment, i write primarily for marvel ->bucky barnes + peter parker (including tams!)
(and sometimes for the marauders)
but i'm open to writing for other marvel/hp characters!
i feel most comfortable writing with fem! or gn! reader, but i'm 110% comfortable writing wlw/queer relationships if u have any requests >:))
keep in mind i do not write [explicit] smut but if there is something you're *not sure* you should submit, feel free to send it in anyways (but exercise judgement please)! the worst that'll happen is i don't write it
the listed questions/prompts etc are all suggestions for if you don't have something already in mind! i'm open to writing pretty much anything :)
if you want something like enemies to lovers / angst with a happy ending, please lmk! i wanna make sure i get the structure right <3
anonymous req: send 'em in!! love u guys just as much. if u wanna identify urself with an emoji, feel free to!
tagging a couple followers/mutuals <33
@im-a-slut-for-fluff @bambamwolf87 @monty2000 @gabby913 @ithinkihaveseenthisfilmbefore @itllbefineeeeee @tomhollandsam
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Speaker Home Theater Surround Ala Bioskop Desain Vintage ! Review Olike S4H
Link Pembelian TERMURAH Shopee : https://shope.ee/20UlgtHmOB Tokopedia : https://tokopedia.link/Hwse4yz6EEb
Speaker Bekas Review dijual disini : https://s.shopee.co.id/A9vTNQ9Wgf ( Cek link ini secara berkala, suatu saat ada update Produk baru )
Link Grup Komunitas Meja Unbox : Grup WhatsApp : https://chat.whatsapp.com/BiEQ2v8IDsg... Grup Telegram : https://t.me/+Yg5a0rFFgmc2ZDFl
Kabar gembira buat kamu yang suka nonton film tapi kesusahan cari speaker murah yang bagsu untuk diajak nonton, karena telah hadir Olike S4H Mini Home Theater Speaker yang siap menemanimu menonton film dengan budget dibawah 300 ribu !
Untuk kualitas suara, Speaker ini memiliki surround yang sangat baik, baik suara kiri dan kanan , maupun atas bawah, untuk pengetesannya silahkan tonton di video, karena kami telah membuat video uji cobanya
Dengerin musik ? juga oke, karena speaker ini memiliki power yang sangat kuat sehingga bisa digunakan di luarangan berukuran besar sekalipun
Dengan desain yang sangat elegan dan juga vintage ini, membuatnya bisa dipajang dimanapun, seperti ruang tamu, kamar, ataupun hanya buat sekedar dekorasi ruangan, speaker ini sangat cocok.
Saya sangat merekomendasikan Speaker ini, karena overall memiliki kualitas yang sangat baik.
YouTube : youtube.com/MejaUnbox TikTok : tiktok.com/mejaunbox Instagram : instagram.com/meja.unbox Facebook Page : facebook.com/mejaunbox Twitter : x.com/MejaUnbox
speaker home theater speaker home theater terbaik speaker home theater pakai amplifier speaker home theater polytron speaker home theater lg speaker home theater murah speaker home theater tidak bunyi semua speaker home theater murah terbaik speaker home theater sony speaker home theater bodum speaker home theater sharp merubah home theater menjadi speaker aktif speaker aktif home theater terbaik speaker aktif home theater speaker aktif polytron home theater speaker aktif jadi home theater speaker vintage jbl speaker vintage box speaker vintage bluetooth speaker vintage diy speaker vintage vintage gramophone bluetooth speaker sarina vintage vinyl retro wireless speaker vintage style bluetooth speaker vintage 30 speaker vintage speaker review speaker acr classic 12 inch speaker acr classic 15 inch old speaker amplifier old speaker and mobile vintage amp speaker terminal upgrade speaker nonton film speaker buat nonton film speaker terbaik untuk nonton film speaker untuk nonton film hk speaker hk speaker bluetooth hp terbaik buat nonton film hp buat nonton film hp speaker stereo termurah rekomendasi speaker untuk nonton film speaker bluetooth untuk nonton speaker murah speaker murah berkualitas speaker murah bass mantap speaker murah 15 inch speaker murah 12 inch speaker murah untuk karaoke speaker murah 18 inch speaker murah suara mantap speaker murah bagus speaker murah suara menggelegar speaker murah tapi kualitas bagus speaker aktif murah berkualitas speaker aktif murah berkualitas 100 ribuan speaker olike speaker olike sf3 speaker olike obs 110 speaker olike s3h speaker olike s7 speaker olike obs 400 speaker olike sv1 speaker olike obs 600 speaker olike obs 300 pro speaker olike sf1 speaker olike obs 500 speaker aktif olike speaker like alexa speaker olike beatz olike speaker bluetooth
#youtube#Speaker Home Theater Surround Ala Bioskop Desain Vintage ! Review Olike S4H Link Pembelian TERMURAH Shopee : https://shope.ee/20UlgtHmOB To
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Speaker Home Theater Surround Ala Bioskop Desain Vintage ! Review Olike S4H
Link Pembelian TERMURAH Shopee : https://shope.ee/20UlgtHmOB Tokopedia : https://tokopedia.link/Hwse4yz6EEb
Speaker Bekas Review dijual disini : https://s.shopee.co.id/A9vTNQ9Wgf ( Cek link ini secara berkala, suatu saat ada update Produk baru )
Link Grup Komunitas Meja Unbox : Grup WhatsApp : https://chat.whatsapp.com/BiEQ2v8IDsg... Grup Telegram : https://t.me/+Yg5a0rFFgmc2ZDFl
Kabar gembira buat kamu yang suka nonton film tapi kesusahan cari speaker murah yang bagsu untuk diajak nonton, karena telah hadir Olike S4H Mini Home Theater Speaker yang siap menemanimu menonton film dengan budget dibawah 300 ribu !
Untuk kualitas suara, Speaker ini memiliki surround yang sangat baik, baik suara kiri dan kanan , maupun atas bawah, untuk pengetesannya silahkan tonton di video, karena kami telah membuat video uji cobanya
Dengerin musik ? juga oke, karena speaker ini memiliki power yang sangat kuat sehingga bisa digunakan di luarangan berukuran besar sekalipun
Dengan desain yang sangat elegan dan juga vintage ini, membuatnya bisa dipajang dimanapun, seperti ruang tamu, kamar, ataupun hanya buat sekedar dekorasi ruangan, speaker ini sangat cocok.
Saya sangat merekomendasikan Speaker ini, karena overall memiliki kualitas yang sangat baik.
YouTube : youtube.com/MejaUnbox TikTok : tiktok.com/mejaunbox Instagram : instagram.com/meja.unbox Facebook Page : facebook.com/mejaunbox Twitter : x.com/MejaUnbox
speaker home theater speaker home theater terbaik speaker home theater pakai amplifier speaker home theater polytron speaker home theater lg speaker home theater murah speaker home theater tidak bunyi semua speaker home theater murah terbaik speaker home theater sony speaker home theater bodum speaker home theater sharp merubah home theater menjadi speaker aktif speaker aktif home theater terbaik speaker aktif home theater speaker aktif polytron home theater speaker aktif jadi home theater speaker vintage jbl speaker vintage box speaker vintage bluetooth speaker vintage diy speaker vintage vintage gramophone bluetooth speaker sarina vintage vinyl retro wireless speaker vintage style bluetooth speaker vintage 30 speaker vintage speaker review speaker acr classic 12 inch speaker acr classic 15 inch old speaker amplifier old speaker and mobile vintage amp speaker terminal upgrade speaker nonton film speaker buat nonton film speaker terbaik untuk nonton film speaker untuk nonton film hk speaker hk speaker bluetooth hp terbaik buat nonton film hp buat nonton film hp speaker stereo termurah rekomendasi speaker untuk nonton film speaker bluetooth untuk nonton speaker murah speaker murah berkualitas speaker murah bass mantap speaker murah 15 inch speaker murah 12 inch speaker murah untuk karaoke speaker murah 18 inch speaker murah suara mantap speaker murah bagus speaker murah suara menggelegar speaker murah tapi kualitas bagus speaker aktif murah berkualitas speaker aktif murah berkualitas 100 ribuan speaker olike speaker olike sf3 speaker olike obs 110 speaker olike s3h speaker olike s7 speaker olike obs 400 speaker olike sv1 speaker olike obs 600 speaker olike obs 300 pro speaker olike sf1 speaker olike obs 500 speaker aktif olike speaker like alexa speaker olike beatz olike speaker bluetooth
#youtube#Speaker Home Theater Surround Ala Bioskop Desain Vintage ! Review Olike S4H Link Pembelian TERMURAH Shopee : https://shope.ee/20UlgtHmOB To
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