#however the actual issue which is declan having to look his brothers in the face and say he plans on becoming an anglican male churchwife
rotzaprachim · 4 years
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
But professor… - epilogue
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Summary: It's been a year and a half since their little baby was born. How are the two of them doing?
Professor!Walter Marshall x Penny Townsend (Asian ofc)
Wordcount: 1.7k
Warnings: None
A/N: Is it the end for Penny and Walter? Yes, omg i can't believe. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed writing it. The story took a full 180 (especially because I intended this story to be much shorter lol), but I'm very satisfied nonetheless 🥰
Masterlist // But professor… masterlist // Previous chapter //
Declan has a plan and that is to go outside. I mean, it’s kinda fair, since he spend a lot of time inside today. Not that he complained. No, no, no, he was an absolute angel at the salon—like always—playing with his toys, while I was at work, but now he needs some fresh air after we had a quick snack at home.
This little man is definitely as head strong as his dad, however he isn’t as stubborn as Walter can be.
Declan attempts to throw a ball at me and I can see there is some definite improvement. Just like any kid at that age, he is distracted like that. ‘Momma, momma,’ he says, pointing to a truck that passes by. ‘Dada!’
‘Oh honey, that is not his truck,’ I say, crouching down next to him. ‘Dada is gonna become soon. In his other car. His work car.’
Declan points. ‘No dada?’
‘Not yet.’
‘Dada home?’
‘Almost,’ I say to him, giving him a kiss on his cheek. Declan stops playing altogether, staring at the road, waiting for Walter to come home. His mouth slightly agape, as he focused on every car that passes by.
Finally his car pulls up and I exclaim: ‘There he is!’ When Walter gets out of the car with a smile that is only this wide when he sees us, I let Declan go and watch him wobble over to his dad. With one hand he lifts the little boy up and presses kisses on his chubby cheek. ‘I missed you,’ Walter says, looking his son in the eye.
‘Dada miss, dada miss!’
He chuckles. ‘That’s right.’ He walks up to me and says: ‘There is my princess.’
‘Princess momma,’ Declan says.
‘Give me a kiss, sweetheart,’ he says, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I press a peck on his lips and melt against his frame.
‘It went splendid,’ I say. ‘I actually got to do someone’s hair for an important interview and afterwards, she came back to the salon and told me it went great!’
He smiles. ‘I’m so proud of you.’
After Declan was born, I stayed home for about six months, acclimatizing to being a mom and those sleepless nights. It was hard, I cried a lot and I was very scared. I think I hung on the phone with my mom about seventy percent of the time, while calling Walter the remaining thirty percent. I have adjusted pretty okayish, especially when Walter went to work, made sure I have nothing to worry about.
No stress, providing for the two of us as much as he can and Declan and I sure are lucky that Walter is the love of my life.
My parents helped me financially to go to cosmetology school, which was an absolute blast. It was around fifteen minutes from my place and Declan was always allowed to come with me.
He sure wrapped everyone around his fingers with no issue at all.
While Walter still is that grumpy detective he was when I met him outside of our house, he changes into a big fluffy ball, shaped like a human the second the front door closes. No matter how tired he was, how long his shift was, he pushes it aside to take care of his family.
We walk inside of our place and I tell him: ‘I made dinner.’
While I’m not a world class chef, I do manage to make some decent meals, especially because I wanted to make Declan’s baby food, since my mom raised me with that as well (though I was no saint and had jars as well stored in my kitchen, just in case).
‘Princess, I’m so lucky to have you,’ Walter says. Once we’re inside, he places Declan in the high chair and scoots his own chair closer to it, a silent message that he will help Declan eat today. ‘Okay, little fella,’ Walter says, ‘you gonna be a good boy and not spill the food over me?’
Declan nods. ‘Deccie, good boy.’
I give Walter a kiss, after placing his plate and Declan’s in front of him. ‘He has been such a good boy at the salon today, so it’ll go great, I’m sure.’
After I sit across Walter, he asks about my day. From the looks of it, he had a rough one. Thankfully enough happened at the salon today for me to talk about. While we’re still working on improving him sharing more details, but I kinda understand. With Declan repeating a lot of words recently, we get a little bit more careful with what we’re saying.
After Dinner, Walter and I curl up on the couch after Walter changed into something more comfortable. Declan places his head on my chest, his eyelids growing heavier before he stretches out his hand to place on Walter’s chest.
I nuzzle against Walter’s side.
‘He is so cute,’ Walter notes.
I smile. ‘He sure is. He has your curls.’
‘But your pout and eyes. How can I ever say no to this kid?’
I shake my head. ‘You can’t, honey. I tried it today and it was the hardest thing in my life.’
He starts to chuckle softly. ‘You got nothing to do tomorrow?’
‘No, why?’
‘Can you come down the precinct? I wanna show off the two of you.’
I smile. ‘Oh my goodness, you are so predictable. Of course, I can come by. Maybe I’ll even steal some of my mom’s cookies, tell them I baked them.’
He chuckles. ‘Oh, you shouldn’t be lying when at the police.’
Declan stretches himself and whines a little bit. ‘Momma,’ he says, looking up to see me.
‘Oh, I think someone is really tired,’ I say. ‘You wanna go to bed?’
He nods. ‘Deccie tired.’
‘That’s what I thought.’
‘Here, sweetheart, I’ll do it. You relax, okay?’ Walter stands up and after I gave Declan a kiss, Walter lifts him up and carries the tired little one up the stairs.
I watch my big buff boyfriend walk back into the living room and he places the baby monitor in front of us, before he sits back on the couch. That monitor basically is glued to Walter’s hand as he always checks up on his boy. I thought I would be the parent that worries the most, however Walter puts me to shame.
The two of them are as thick as thieves and it makes me so grateful that we have a son together.
‘How was work today?’ I ask him.
He shrugs. ‘There was a dad who left his kids in the car,’ he says, ‘in the burning sun, before literally running away. Took us two hours before we found him.’
‘Oh no.’
‘Yeah, it was painful. The kids are gonna be okay, but… It reminds me that Declan is a really lucky kid.’
‘Do those kids have someone to go to?’
‘Yeah, an aunt,’ Walter says, rubbing his face. ‘Come here, princess.’
I wrap my arms around his neck, giving him a kiss on his lips. ‘I missed you.’
Walter smiles. ‘I missed you too. You have no idea how much it means to me to see you two in the yard, waiting for me. Especially after a shitty day like this one.’
‘You know you can always call me,’ I say. ‘Really, I always want to listen to you. You before anyone else, okay?’
He nods. ‘Have I already told you today that you are a very amazing mother and how lucky I am?’
I shake my head. ‘Nope, not today.’
He pulls me on his lap and gives me a peck on my forehead. ‘Just everything you do and say to him… It’s like you always know exactly what to do and you stay so patient and kind.’
‘Oh, Walter, that’s too sweet. I can guarantee: it’s all because you stayed—or at least pretended—to stay calm. Had you not done that, I would absolutely freaked out every time Declan had a funny breathing.’ I ruffle through his hairs and ask: ‘Have I been good to you as well?’
‘What kind of question is that? Of course you have. I’m so lucky that I have you and you and I have a family. There is no one else in the world I would rather have with me for important events.’ He places his hand on my sides, pushing up my shirt. ‘Give me a kiss, princess.’
I willingly oblige and press my lips on his. ‘I love you, Walter.’
‘Oh, I love you too. I want your honest opinion and really be honest, okay?’
‘Okay,’ I chuckle.
‘What do you say if you and I have another one?’
‘Another what?’
My eyes widen. ‘Really?’ I ask. He actually wants another kid with me? I mean, I always figured we would have more than one kid, but that would be in the future a little bit further away.
But already another one?
‘Yeah and I mean, if you’re not ready, then I totally understand and I won’t bring it up until you are ready, but I personally would love it.’ He smiles and adds: ‘I mean, two of the most beautiful babies running around here? Together with my beautiful girlfriend, who I’ll make my wife someday?’
I should not be squealing, yet I totally do. ‘Walter, honey,’ I say with a chuckle. ‘I’d love to have another baby with you.’
He starts to smile even wider. ‘Really?’
‘Yes, really. I’d love for Declan to have a few brothers and sisters.’
‘A few? How many you thinking about?’
‘I don’t know. How about three kids? Or four?’
He starts to laugh. ‘Then you and I better get some practice in with some baby making,’ he chuckles. ‘Because this time it’s not gonna be an accident.’
I slap him across his chest. ‘Walter, what did I say about that word?’
‘Oh, right right.’ He gives me a kiss and says: ‘Declan wasn’t an accident, he was our surprise baby. Forgot.’
I place my forehead against his, wrapping my arms around his neck. ‘Forever and ever, right?’
‘Forever and ever.’
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notveryglittery · 6 years
a walk in the park (2)
summary: “It was almost too good to be true. I’d never find another pair like that, not if I looked for a hundred years.” ships: romantic royality, platonic moxiety. platonic logince, eventual romantic analogical. platonic lamp. / words: 2,100 notes: another shout out to @euelioi because this au would not exist without them!!! hope y’all like this chapter :3  @fandersfic-royality @fandersfic-moxiety | read on ao3
ch. 1 | ch. 2
It was nearing the end of the day and Patton was practically vibrating in his chair. Mrs. Dungey had stopped by an hour ago to pick up Madison and Virgil had brought her out personally. He never failed to do so and Patton thought it adorable, Virgil’s obvious favoritism. It worked out just fine, though, since Mrs. Dungey was partial to Virgil as well. There were only six daycare dogs left to be picked up, four of which belonged to Roman Sanders.
Patton sighed.
He couldn’t help it, okay! Roman was just so charming and kind! He loved his pets so much which meant he probably loved just as wholly in every other way! Patton had officially been working at the front desk of Foster Dawg for six months. For the first half of the year, he had been in the back with Virgil. They’d taken care of the dogs, whether they were there for the day, or boarding for a few days longer. Just because Patton’s family owned the business didn’t mean that he could automatically get the position he wanted. He’d been okay with that; it meant more time spent with his best friend and all the cute dogs. Besides, it was important for him to understand every job at the daycare!
The first time he met Roman Sanders was a Thursday. Patton was full on sweets from Porto’s and he knew he had Jeopardy to look forward to that night with his parents. It had been his first time handling the four dogs left by the youngest Sanders son and Patton was immediately smitten with them. The husky, Walt, knew lots of tricks; the British golden, Shadow, was the sleepiest of good boys; the pompoodle, Cooper, loved to play; the corgi, Einstein, was incredibly well behaved. He was almost sad to see them go but Virgil, who was getting the hang of this job much more quickly than Patton was, had promised they’d be back another day.
With Virgil leading Shadow and Cooper out, Patton took up the rear with Walt and Einstein. A voice rang out from the lobby.
“My babies!!!” it screeched and quite suddenly, Patton was being dragged forward by the husky. Virgil had similar issues with the pompoodle; again, he was better at this than Patton was, and managed to reign the canine in with ease. Patton, however, went stumbling forward. He lost his grip on the corgi’s leash but he apparently had too good a hold on Walt’s. He braced for impact, expecting to slam face first into the tiled floor, but instead…
“I’m so sorry!” the voice was saying this time, full of laughter and embarrassment. “I just get so excited seeing them after being apart for so long and…”
Wide blue met shining green.
Patton was fiercely aware of the hands gripping his forearms, keeping him from falling over. Eager barking was the first thing he heard, followed quickly by his name. He blinked and shook his head, pulling away.
“Patton!” Virgil was saying, tone thick with worry, “are you okay?!”
“I’m okay…” He heard himself answer, gaze still locked with the owner of the dogs Patton had so quickly fell in love with… He wondered if that had anything to do with the butterflies in his stomach…
“Pardon me,” Virgil said, angrily. He hooked an arm around Patton’s elbow and put some distance between the pair. “You really should be more careful.” He shoved over the leashes for Shadow and Cooper, rather unceremoniously.
That seemed to snap the other out of it.
“Of course!” He exclaimed, distractedly patting the top of Walt’s head.
“My sincerest apologies,” he offered to Patton. His paperwork and payment had already been taken care of by their receptionist. He retrieved Einstein’s leash from the floor. The last one was Walt’s, still held firmly in Patton’s hand.
“I suppose I’ll just… be on my way then…” It felt like something out of a movie, Patton would tell Virgil later on. It was like slow motion, their hands meeting to exchange the leash. Their fingertips brushed. Patton felt sparks.
“… tton…”
A dazzling smile spread across his face.
“I’m Roman,” he said, with far less grandeur than the last few minutes, but just as genuine. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” His voice was eager and curious and Patton hoped he wasn’t imagining it.
Virgil scoffed, rolling his eyes. It was hardly how he should be treating a customer but this was why he worked in the back. “Yeah, real nice. He almost cracked his skull open.” He was gripping Patton’s elbow now and Patton could feel the nervous energy radiating off of his best friend.
“See you tomorrow,” Virgil snapped, tugging Patton towards the back and away from Roman. Patton, far too awestruck to do much else, gave Roman a tiny wave and a shy smile.
“Alright, Space Cadet, I know you’re head over heels, but come on…” A hand landed on his shoulder and shook him out of it.
“Forty two!” Patton shouted, jolting out of his seat.
Virgil jerked back, surprised. “Really? Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy?”
Patton pouted at him. “We watched it last night!”
Virgil grinned, fond and exasperated. “He’s gonna be here, like, any minute. You good?”
Patton nodded fervently.
“How…” He hesitated but Virgil’s patient expression spurred him on. “Do I look okay?” He patted his hair, as if it would be that easy a fix.
Virgil frowned. “If he doesn’t think you’re the cutest thing he’s ever laid eyes on regardless of how you look, then I’ll kick his ass myself.” Still, he reached forward and ruffled Patton’s hair until it wasn’t sticking up in the back anymore. There was always that one stubborn cowlick…
“Language,” Patton scolded.
Virgil snickered. “I’ll go get the babies ready.”
Patton needlessly shuffled some papers around while he waited. The last six months had been spent at the desk. Their receptionist was traveling abroad for the summer and they’d hired enough employees to help Virgil in the back for Patton to move up front. It offered him far more opportunities to interact with Roman Sanders. There was a whole lot less accidental hand brushing, unfortunately, but a whole lot more eye contact made up for it. Sometimes his brother Declan dropped the dogs off, but Roman never failed to be the one to pick them up.
The clock in the lobby struck 6pm and a pretty red car pulled into the parking lot.
Patton sat up straighter and resisted the urge to mess with his hair. He pretended he wasn’t watching as Roman’s seat belt got stuck when he tried to close the door. He pretended to be hard at work when Roman sauntered in. He pretended he wasn’t internally screaming.
“Good evening!” Roman greeted him, coming to a stop in front of the desk.
Patton looked up from the file he hadn’t actually been reading. “Hi!” he chirped in response.
Roman dug into his messenger bag for his paperwork. “Did my darlings behave today? I know my brother had to drop them off this morning and I always worry his foul mood will get to them…” He set the pink sheet of paper down on the desk.
“Oh, they were perfect, as always!” Patton said, retrieving his own copies of the paperwork.
“Speaking of Declan…” Patton began, only slightly awkwardly. “He said you had an audition…?” He repeated the very same motion as earlier, tucking a strand of hair that was not actually loose behind his ear.
Roman, who had been in the middle of taking money from his wallet, froze. He stared at Patton for a few seconds, apparently stunned. Patton tried to backtrack, feeling foolish.
“Sorry!” he squeaked, waving his hands. “I know, it’s none of my business! You don’t have to tell me! I hope you did well, though?" This was not going well, oh gosh, wrap it up, Patton! "It’s okay if you didn’t! There’s always next time! They’re going to regret it, though, if they said no to you! I mean, you’re… y’know…!” He gestured vaguely at Roman.
Roman caught Patton’s hand in his own. “I’m…?” He asked gently.
“Y—yeah,” Patton’s voice pitched, somehow, even higher.
Patton wasn’t sure how much longer they stayed like that for. They were interrupted by a door opening and a voice groaning. Patton ripped his hand from Roman’s and spun towards the sound. Virgil looked thoroughly irked.
“I swear, you two…” he mumbled.
“Oh!!!” Roman squealed. He knelt down and patted his knees, opening his arms wide.
“Wait, no,” Virgil realized a second before the impending disaster struck.
“Come to me, my dear ones!!”
The dogs lunged towards Roman, yipping excitedly. Clearly, they were feeling some type of way over not having spent more time with him that morning. Virgil was good but he wasn’t good enough to get four dogs to heel. Before they could take him much farther, he dropped their leashes completely, and stumbled to a stop, catching himself on the desk. He and Patton watched as Roman was knocked over by Walt and Shadow. He fell over onto his back, laughing while Cooper and Einstein danced around his head and feet. Patton cooed at the sight.
“I can’t deal with this,” Virgil announced, turning and stalking out of the lobby.
Patton came around the desk and picked up the leashes for the pompoodle and the corgi.
“Roman?” he prompted carefully. Roman struggled to sit up with his dogs attacking him so affectionately, but he managed.
“I apologize,” he said between giggles. He clambered to his feet, grabbing Walt and Shadow’s leashes as he did so. Patton handed over Cooper and Einstein’s leashes as well; he swore electricity sparked where their fingers brushed. “I didn’t even get to give them goodbye kisses this morning, I was in such a hurry…”
Patton’s mind blanked on the word kisses.
He continued on autopilot, taking Roman’s payment, and filing the papers away. Roman was smiling at him, hesitant and shy and so unlike Patton had ever seen him before. He started paying attention just as Roman spoke.
“I’m… glad I got to see you today.” His voice was soft.
Patton, somehow, managed to not melt right then and there. “I’m glad I got to see you, too!” He fluttered his hands a bit before dropping them and clasping them together behind the counter.
Roman looked like he was ready to say something else when his phone rang. It was the Bill Nye, the Science Guy theme song. Patton giggled. Roman never once tore his gaze from Patton as he fumbled for his phone. He finally answered the call but he looked disgruntled as he brought the phone to his ear.
“Yeah, Lo?”
Patton’s heart sunk a little. He wished Roman had a nickname for him…
“I just picked them all up!” He paused, nodding.
“Yeah,” he held a finger up, as if asking Patton to wait a moment, before turning away. He, somehow, kept hold of all four leashes in one hand. Patton wondered how long he’d had so many dogs to be so good at keeping track of them. He tried to ignore Roman’s half of the conversation, not wanting to eavesdrop. Roman was, by nature, a loud person, though, and so it was kind of difficult.
“Uh huh… I can be over in half an hour… Are you sure?… Oh! Okay, fifteen minutes… Yeah, yeah, I’ll follow all traffic laws and speed limits, whatever… See you in a bit.”
Roman hung up and sighed. He carded a hand through his hair and Patton swooned at the sight. He composed himself just as Roman faced him again.
“Is everything okay?” Patton asked.
“Maybe,” Roman answered honestly, running his thumb across the phone screen. He looked a little put out and Patton just wanted to reach across the desk, and hold his hand, and reassure him that everything would be alright, and…
“... I’m sure it’ll be okay,” Roman was saying and Patton internally scolded himself for spacing out.
For a minute, they both stood still, on either side of the desk, staring at each other. Patton might have just died on the spot if he had to look into those pretty green eyes any longer and, apparently, Roman’s dogs could tell. They decided all at once to start squirming impatiently.
“Yes, yes, sweeties,” Roman exclaimed, as if simply that would appease them. “We’re going, we’re going—”
He gave Patton one last smile before turning and leaving. The very second Roman was pulling out of the parking lot, Patton pivoted away from the door, and screamed into his hands.
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