#however something i did not factor into my life plans is that any kind of chem degree requires copious amounts of science
notisland · 2 years
me, a fool: wow i love chemistry! i should go into chemistry i love chemistry so fucking much
later me, who is also a fool: woe! a chemistry related field requires significant portions of science! my least favourite part of chemistry!
0 notes
wildflower-otome · 3 months
[Translation] Shuuen no Virche - Creator Interview: Misa Yoshida
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Shuuen no Virche -ErroR:salvation- Official Visual Fanbook Creator Interview
Director | Misa Yoshida
About the project
—First, please tell us how the idea for this project began.
My previous work “Tlicolity Eyes” was undeniably a bright and happy title with no bad ends, but  thinking to myself, ‘I wonder what would happen if I did something the complete opposite?’ was the inspiration for this one.  I wanted to make something that was thoroughly tragic with bad ends. I also had the thought that I wanted to make a title with “grim reaper” as the motif, and the image of the game grew from there.
—Now that the game has been released, were there any big changes from the initial plan?
Before creating the project plan, I always make rough notes, but it really did change quite a lot from my initial concept (that didn’t even make it into the project plan). It had a strong science fiction vibe and was set in a technologically advanced near future world where people continued to live on via ‘memory download.’ The main character was a real grim reaper, and held the power of life and death over ‘men whose existence was inconvenient to this world’.....that was the story. After I wrote it into my notes, I had second thoughts, thinking, ‘No no, this is getting overly complicated!’ and eventually settled on the storyline we have now.
Another thing was that I had definitely wanted Yomi-san for the original art from the beginning, so when I thought of ‘What kind of art did I want to see from Yomi-san?’, I imagined a Western fantasy, that was also a primary factor that caused changes from the initial idea.
—What did you want to place most importance on when creating the game?
What I most wanted to place importance on was how the keywords for this work, “despair” and “salvation” applied to the characters. It must be hard for the players as they see these characters feel pain, joy and sorrow, laugh, despair and experience salvation.....that said, I believe we have brought across the greatest possible despair and salvation they could arrive at from their personalities and situations.
Apart from that, the other thing I wanted to do was to absolutely not use the word ‘happy end.’ When each end is presented, it was done so the words ‘despair end’ and ‘salvation end’ were used in place of ‘bad end’ and ‘good end.’ There is no such thing as an all-out happy ending, that was something I couldn’t compromise on.
—Please tell us if you experienced any difficulties that you can talk about now.
More so than it being difficult, there was a lot of pressure since it was the first time Yomi-san was creating original art for Otomate, but right now as I think about it looking back, 90% of the development period was a tough time. However, back then I was full of adrenaline so I didn’t really realise it myself. It was a sad state of affairs that I realised only when those around me said, ‘You sure went through a lot!’ (laughs). It must have been that the fun I was having was greater than the hardship.
About the visuals
—How was Yomi-san chosen for the role of character design?
From the beginning of planning this project, I felt that I “didn’t want to make the characters feel fictional.” When I saw other works that Yomi-san had created the original art for, from the expressions to their fingertips, they all looked so ‘real’ and unexaggerated I was captivated. Even since then I kept thinking I would like to have Yomi-san work on some original art someday.....I suppose I can say now I did the planning with the feeling of a passionate one-sided love (laughs). After that, my wish miraculously came true when I was coincidentally blessed with the opportunity to get in touch with her.
—Please tell us about how the characters were created.
For the most part, all I did was tell Yomi-san the character’s basic information, their circumstances and situation up until the beginning of the story, along with the essential elements for the character (for example, for Yves it is his mask, Mathis, having a pale complexion from spending all his time inside, and clothes that were easy to move in for Adolphe) and then leaving the rest to her. The characters were mostly exactly as I imagined right from the first draft, so I think now in that respect I was fairly spoiled. What I remember even now is that at the very first meeting I was asked, ‘If possible, I’d like a chronological table’ and that it made me feel even more determined to make these characters feel life-like. 
-Is there anything that changed from your initial plans for the story because of ideas that came about during the character design stage?
There were quite a few, but the one who had an especially important addition was Lucas. The weapon for Bourreau was originally to be only a short sword, but the first design Yomi-san submitted, which had him carrying a spear, looked so very cool we ended up having it become a halberd. I asked that it be designed so that it could fold up much like a three sectioned staff so it wouldn’t be a problem when it came to running around and sneaking into the mansions of Shudie.
—I think one of the standout points for this game is how the fashion suits the setting’s worldview.  How did you decide on things like what accessories the characters wore?
 When it came to characters that were close to the research institute and the center of Arpéchéle, I requested that there be a strong cyber influence. Scien and Mathis’s outfits would be the ones where this is most obvious. Because Arpéchéle is a closed country, I asked for a gothic design for characters who aren’t close to the center. Therefore, for that reason, Ceres, Yves, Lucas and Adolphe, the characters that live in the common district, don’t have a single cyber element. Mathis is in the middle point as far as the ratio between cyber and gothic go, so for him Yomi-san and I compared and contrasted the designs together and used that as a base thereafter. The cyber feel for this game uses electronic circuits as the image, so I had her use that as part of the designs.
—Please tell us if there was anything you paid particular attention to when it came to the general flow and direction of the event CG’s.
There were many times where I would hand over some truly rough notes along with the scenario and mood to Yomi-san and entrust the rest to her. Basically, the same as with the character designs.... Whenever there were any points she was unclear on, she would always ask questions, so production progressed without any worries on my end. She would draw everything as I wanted right down to the finer details so most of the CG’s were done in one go, without any need for retakes. 
—Are there any CG’s that you are particularly fond of?
I am fond of all of them so it’s hard to choose. The first salvation end in the third act in which Ankou gives Ceres the flower bouquet, or the one with Adolphe and Ceres smiling at each other in the field of white lycoris....after much thought, if I absolutely had to pick one, perhaps it would be Mathis’s smile at the end of his salvation end. As per the title, the game is quite serious with many dark scenes, however I feel like this bright CG with its white and yellow colours most suits the words ‘beneath the light of the sun.’ It felt as if it was expressing a single ray of light shining down on their future, no matter how many troubles were to await them from there on, so I remember not being able to help breathing a sigh because I was so moved the first time I saw it.
—What points regarding character settings did you not want to compromise on?
 I am repeating myself, but it would be that they are “living humans.” Although it is a story with the unique set up of ‘memory downloads’ and ‘relivers’, for better or worse, the characters of Arpéchéle, including the ones without sprites, are all human-like existences who fall in love, hate others, want to protect the ones important to them, make compromises, and fear and loathe the things that they cannot understand. “Life” is one of its most important themes, so when it came to portraying humans who are its vessels, I was conscious of the fact it was something I couldn’t treat as unimportant.
—Please tell us if there were any particular aims and themes you had when it came to character settings, interesting inside stories during production or ideas that were rejected partway through.
The line “Dear God, I have killed many people” that was used in the first promotional video was what I came up with for her at the beginning and is where her image grew from, making her development process perhaps a little different from the other characters. Ceres’s image flower is the immortelle, small yellow flowers which mean ‘undying love’ and ‘immortality’ in flower language, and that was how I decided her character.....but it came to me later that yellow certainly has a cheerful image.
Her original personality is that of a bright normal girl who smiles often, but she grows melancholy after she starts being called a grim reaper, I would be happy if she could become the kind of main character you would want to cheer on as she regains her original self through her interactions with the other characters. 
Speaking from a variety of different points, his image was that of a ‘traditional knight.’ Due to his burns, Yves lost the ability to feel pain, was abandoned by his parents and treated as a monster. So that those around him would love him, he had no choice but to become a ‘knight-like existence whom everyone would seek out and depend on.’ That said, even knights are human too, so course I think he would still have his own worries and trials. Because there is no such thing as a perfect knight like in the stories, one is all the more human and beautiful for being imperfect. Yves’s burns are also the result of the human-like emotion of ‘wanting to save a single girl from a fire.’ I believe that such scars are a symbol of beauty, not ugliness. Speaking of behind-the-scenes stories, the first design image that Yomi-san came up with is now the vigilante corps uniform. The inner shirts and trousers are the members’ personal clothes. 
Lucas Proust
I received various opinions regarding his salvation end, but a person who took away so many lives must be punished…..that was the point I absolutely could not concede on. Lucas dislikes when things are not done the proper way, so the rule I decided on was that he would not use casual abbreviated verb forms in his speech. The only time he purposely deviates from that rule is when he says, ‘I love you too,’ just before credits roll for the salvation end. Completely abandoning the version of himself that those around him had wanted, and the rules he had decided for himself, we see that he is finally able to face Ceres head on as his true self, I think that this was a scene with a lot of impact. By the way, the daggers he stabbed into the hearts he extracted were modelled after crosses (they are also shaped like them too!).
Mathis Claude
For me, he was the first character whose setting I had firmly decided on. Because he is an irregular existence who is neither human nor a reliver, I believe we were able to write a story that displayed Arpéchéle’s twisted way of life and view on romance from a different perspective. We weren’t able to have it come up in the game, but the idea was because he keeps his knife hidden behind his right thigh, he has rather bad manners when sitting on chairs, sitting with his arms up around raised knees like a gym student. That said, if we had included it, it would mean having to keep writing scenes where Jean or one of the other characters tell him off each time, so it was with a heavy heart I decided not to. His character tagline is ‘The man spurning his fate to forgive’, but the hidden story behind that becomes pure humans ‘do ○○’ and the character who wasn’t ‘did ○○.’ I thought that it would be nice if people were able to notice this after finding out Mathis’s true identity as a homunculus.
Scien Brofiise
I spoke about this on the official blog, but initially he was a character that spoke politely in front of his subordinates. But as he is now, he is certainly not the kind of man to worry about appearances (laughs). He is said to be someone that can resolve almost anything, but it must be remembered that is only in cases where a cause has been established, and it is something that has caught Scien’s interest, in the game those conditions just so happened to come together. He does not involve himself at all in things he isn’t interested in, or that go against his personal principles.
By the way, as he is the only character that fights barehanded, I imagined his fighting style to be similar to savate (TL note: french kickboxing). Seen from the point of view that it is something he started doing and learnt on his own initiative, it’s sort of like he just so happened to pick up the skill as he trained in self-defence from being targeted so often. Speaking of which, although he is a short sleeper and rarely sleeps in front of others, once you have his trust, he will sleep while leaning on your shoulder.
Truth be told, right up until the end Adolphe was the character whose setting I had most trouble deciding on. It is mentioned in the story, but since he is the only one amongst the characters who is able to live longer than 23 years, he is the character most similar to the viewers. As I pondered on how to make sure such a character held his own amongst the others, I thought there was no other choice but to turn the tables and make him “normal.” If you think about it, dying at the age of 23 in and of itself isn’t normal, and so once I arrived at the conclusion that the existence of such a person in that situation would become special, the rest of his characterization followed on very smoothly.
People were rather surprised with regards to Adolphe’s intonation, but the reason for it was because I wanted it to be one point in common for ‘Adolphe = Ankou.’ Incidentally, as he has spent such a long time living at the institution and on his own, he is the most able cook amongst all the main characters. 
I believe there are people who may have realized this, but the origin of his name is that of the grim reaper spoken of in the Brittany region of France, which is why I had him appear in the prologue scenes of the first and second acts wearing the wide brimmed hat and cloak from the legends. Even now when it comes to Ankou, I feel an indescribable emotion. Actually, the original plan for his setting was even more beyond saving.  He had continued to fight for the sake of Ceres’s smile, but after spending so long despairing he grows twisted and his greatest wish instead becomes for him and Ceres to die together. In order for that wish to come true he tries to have her make the wrong answer when it comes to Arpéchéle’s curse…..that was the plan, but it was too dark so we changed a lot of things partway through. The title ‘Shuuen’ (eternal demise) bears various meanings, but one of them is in reference to Ankou. When I was directing Ankou’s final scene in the third act, even now I have a strong memory of praying all the while that he would rest peacefully.
I received a lot of comments saying, ‘Even just her name is scary!’ (laughs) I believe the Salome everyone is thinking of is the one who was written as a villainess in the play (TL note: Oscar Wilde’s play ‘Salome’), but actually it is the one from the Bible that I had in mind. In the play, she is the one to ask for Jokanaan’s head herself, but in the Bible she asks for it because her mother, who holds a grudge against Jokanaan, commands her to, she is being used by those around her. I borrowed her name thinking that it was similar to the way [Salome from the game] is betrayed by her own relatives, the royal family. No matter what kind of life one lived, it may become something different in posterity depending on other people’s interpretations and hearsay, I think she became a character with that kind of story.
Perhaps getting off topic, but the one to douse Bourreau with sulphuric acid in the fifth chapter of the common route was Salome. She had been following them with the thought of helping Ceres and the others should anything happen, and took action once she realised Bourreau was still able to move. The words, ‘You let your guard down too easily’ were directed towards Ceres and Adolphe.
The one person who clearly hates Ceres for being Death. In a different way from Adolphe, he is a man with normal emotions who is afraid to have the girl said to bring death next to the people he is close with, but because he seems to have lived for a long time it is not easy for him to say so openly. I think once you become an adult it gets difficult to tell the person you hate to their face that you hate them. I really did receive a lot of feedback on the emotions that he holds, and there were many things I was made to rethink.
Speaking of background information, he talks about having younger sisters in the game, but he actually has an older brother, making for four siblings in total. His reliver mark is on his back, with the meaning of bearing a household, his older brother also has his in the same spot.
As an existence who would not even have been born in a world in a country with a lifespan of 18 years, because of his appearances throughout the second act, to Ankou he could be called an ‘error.’ He is the mastermind behind everything but if not for Dahut, Arpéchéle’s citizens would likely have continued to live closed off from the world, not realising its abnormality as a nation until the day they were invaded by other countries.
His background is that he has a younger appearance than his peers due to the stress he endured when he was younger, but Dahut doesn’t see this as a bad thing and instead uses it as a tool so that those around him will dote on him (let their guard down).
Nadia Proust
‘How could such a thing happen to such a good girl…..’, I received a lot of comments such as these and truth be told, I also agree. To the point that I was racking my brains when coming up with the plot trying to think of a way she could be saved. However, making up my mind that it wouldn’t be ShuuViru if I wrote something so convenient, I decided on that ending.
The scene where Nadia is set free in Lucas’s salvation ending was revised to be as it is at a truly late stage towards the end of development. I believe that it perhaps expresses the scene title ‘Blade of Release’ in the fullest possible way.
It is a regret of mine that we were not able to have a sprite of an older Nadia in the third act.
Being the founder of the Exorcist religious organisation while also holding the position of a doctor, nowadays I think he really was a troublesome character. Because he deals with patients out of goodwill on the surface, wanting the fact that he is actually after money to not be too obvious, Capucine is the single character who had his design completely changed from the first draft. Although he has the role of being the villain who is most beyond saving in the game, as his motivations are firmly set it was very easy to move him around in the story.
The background that was most fun to come up with was actually his research lab.
Despite only ever being written from Mathis’s POV in the game, I had readied a personal history for both his false identity as Jean and his true one as Camille. Not only is it important when creating a story, I believe it shows just how serious “Camille’s feelings about reviving Rosalie” were, that he would go to the lengths of coming up with a history as Jean. It also adds to the feeling of a meticulous plan being put into place.
I also included various small details such as the words ‘Ma cherie Rosalie’ being written in blood on the wall of the underground research lab at Claude Manor along with engravings of the number of victims that wasn’t revealed in the game.
—Please tell us if there were any points that you were particular about when establishing the relationships between characters.
Perhaps it was that they wouldn’t only have positive feelings towards one another. That goes for the other characters towards Ceres, and also the other way around as well. Humans are not made up of only beautiful emotions, because it is not possible to be loved by everyone, I took care so that could be clearly seen, whether as individuals or as groups.
Also, there were actually relationships that came to light after we began writing the scenario! Unexpected chemical reactions occur when different characters come together, and that was especially true for the drinking party scene in the common route. That scene became the decisive blow for Adolphe’s becoming the long-suffering character in the group (laughs).
—Speaking of which, were there any scrapped characters that didn’t end up appearing?
In my first draft notes there was a con-man who had the tagline “The man who celebrates the fate of deceiving others”. His story was that he swindled people in order to save money to treat his sick sister, but once we had decided on Arpéchéle as the setting, thinking that, ‘If you continuously ran scams in a such a small country, you’d soon be found out’, the character was scrapped. The sick sister storyline was inherited by Lucas.
About the story
—Please tell us if there were any specific considerations you had in mind or things you were particular about in the process of writing the story.
It would be the point about, as much possible, not having everything turn out conveniently. In ‘ShuuViru’, an ending where all characters including the sub characters survive does not exist. You could say that it is realistic for happiness to be built on the sacrifice of others, I personally think that it is not possible for everyone to become happy. Nevertheless, when it came to the salvation routes, so that the characters who lost their lives in the events leading up to the ending wouldn’t become mere sacrificial pawns, I always kept it in mind to make all the lives and deaths feel meaningful.
And also, as it is an otome game, no matter the route, I took care not to neglect the “love” aspect.
—Please tell us if there were any troubles you experienced while writing the plot and scenario, or any interesting episodes that occurred during the writing process.
The foreshadowed reveals were really difficult…..the main writer Satomi Nakayama and I brought everything together after a lot of groaning and intensive discussion. There was also quite a bit of fine tuning on where to draw the line when it came to the despair. Going this far might be too much for an otome game, but at the same time since we’re talking about despair, we didn’t want to take a half-hearted approach to it.
As for an inside story, the truth is Adolphe was alive in the first draft of Scien’s route, but thinking that there wasn’t enough despair, and also so that Ankou would be able to talk about the truth after the end, we ended up changing it. Nowadays I think that perhaps might be one of the main reasons people who have played the game often tell me, ‘You’re heartless.’
—Please tell us if there was anything you were particular about in regards to the game system.
That the other salvation ends wouldn’t unlock until the third act’s salvation end was cleared was something that was decided on from the first. I’m sure it must have caused the players a lot of distress [doing it this way] but Ankou being the first one to be saved was a point I couldn’t compromise on. My thought was ‘Who on earth would I save first while leaving behind Ankou, who has continued to fight for the sake of Ceres’s smile for so long?’ Also, another reason was that I wouldn’t be able to write all that I wanted for each of the character’s salvation ends without all of the truths being revealed first. 
This isn’t related to the system, but I took as much care with how things were arranged in the game as time would allow me. From facial expressions, to the timing of changes in the BGM, the movements of the sprites…..I was very conscious of creating a display screen that allows players to immerse themselves in the story without losing interest. By including a lot of sprite cut-ins, not just in the everyday scenes, but in the fight ones as well, I hope that I was able to create a feeling of actually being at the scene.
—Please tell us if there was anything you were particular about when it came to romantic scenes.
Romance is but one aspect of human emotion, so I took care that the flow of the story up until that point wouldn’t feel unnatural. The aim wasn’t to create romantic scenes, but ones that expressed love.
My thought was that as [it is a game with] an overall brutal atmosphere, if I were to forcefully make it romantic, it might cause the kind of heartburn one gets from adding an absurdly large amount of sugar into bitter coffee (laughs).
I also took a lot of care that each of the characters would express their love in a way that was unique to them. 
—Please tell us about a love scene and ending that you were particularly fond of.
I am fond of all of them, but [for love scenes] it would be the proposal amongst the flames in Yves’s salvation route. The reason Yves is able to have the determination to accept everything, both good and bad, is because he is the type of person who has continuously accepted both kinds of emotions. Ceres’s responding with, ‘…..Idiot’ to Yves’s confession, is something I am particularly fond of as it is a response appropriate for a girl her age, in contrast to her usually constrained manner up until that point.
When it comes to endings, it would likely be Lucas’s despair end. Although it is a bad end seen objectively, from Lucas’s point of view it is a happy end in which he is able to become family with the person he loved and live out his last days together with them, as we had the BMG match up with that, I believe it became a scene which left an impression. Also, a ring on a white bony finger is a scenario that I have always wanted to do, I was glad I was able to make it happen.
—Apart from the love scenes and endings, were there any other scenes that you would like people to play close attention to?
It would be the scene where Ankou and Ceres meet, and he smears her lips with blood. It was something I had wanted to do right from the beginning of planning, and when we did, it really stood out visually, so it is a favourite of mine. I think it became a scene with two facets, on your first playthrough, it gives the impression of Ankou as someone suspicious, but when you look back on it after finding out the truth, you are able to feel his emotions and love [for Ceres]. 
—Finally, were there any scenes or routes that ended differently to what you had originally planned?
The same goes for each of the routes, but particularly for the third act, the number of scenarios became much more than we had envisioned. When it came to writing Adolphe and Ankou’s story it ended up becoming longer by necessity, both Nakayama—san and I sobbed over it together (laughs).
When it comes to something I can talk about now, there was actually one more pattern that we came up with for Lucas’s despair end. Roughly explained, it was that Lucas would decide Ceres was a ‘bad girl’ for trying to kill him and cut her down instead. He would raise a baby that was born at the moment of her death as Ceres’s reincarnation, and then when he was near the end of his lifespan, take her along with him in death saying, ‘Next time, let’s be reborn together’…..but it really wasn’t the kind of material that should appear in an otome game so I refrained.
About the sound
—Please tell us if there was anything you were particular about in regards to the BGM production. 
The fairly challenging discussion we had was to create a synthesis of ‘classical compositions that use string instruments and the like’ with ‘cyber techno style noise.’ I had the main theme ‘Shuuen no Virche -ErroR:salvation-’ created first, and even now remembering getting goosebumps hearing the part where the techno noise comes in just before the climax thinking, ‘This is it!’ Just like with the character’s clothing, the techno noise was used as the main music for things with a strong connection to the research lab and relivers, while the classical sound was used for the Drifter legend and everyday life scenes.
Parts of the BGM also feature arrangements from the main theme, which I think is most obvious in tracks like ‘Kaihou no Katsuro -Break-.’
For this game, we asked Ichikawa Jun-san, who has created a lot of BGMs for anime and dramas [to be the composer], his work further expands on the imagery of the scenes for which it is used, there were truly many compositions that went beyond my expectations. There were very few retakes, most were given the OK from the get-go!
-Please tell us if there were any incidents that occurred during the voice recording stage that left an impression.
The voices we heard during the tests were pretty much as I had imagined them to be, so there wasn’t much by way of finetuning. Everyone had thoroughly read through the scenarios and materials, so it felt as if it wasn’t necessary. It was very reassuring when Yoshimasa Hosoya, who voiced Scien suggested, ‘I think this kind of atmosphere would be good for this scene.’
Another event that left an impression was the commotion caused in the booth by how overly realistic Lucas’s voice actor Daisuke Hirakawa’s acting was in the scene where he vomits blood. We were all on edge saying, ‘He isn’t really vomiting blood, is he?!’ (laughs)
—Is there a scene that became more impactful once the voice acting was added?
It would be the scene in Mathis’s route where different memories are downloaded into him one after the other. Along with Kouhei Amasaki’s blood curdling performance, it becomes more obvious that, ‘Mathis’s personality is being replaced’, increasing the atmosphere of despair.
Another is the scene in the third act with Ankou’s line, ‘I want to see Ceres, I can't see Ceres.’ Because of Kazuyuki Okitsu’s performance, I think the amount of pain he went through for centuries feels all the more real. …..If I were to speak about everything in detail, I could go on for quite a while, truth be told, everything became more impactful (laughs).
—Please tell us if you had any special thoughts in regards to the main theme songs, or if you have any anecdotes regarding their production.
OP: Lycoris no Ai (Lycoris Love)
I had a number of detailed requests when it came to the lyrics, so I ended up causing a lot of trouble for LOVERIN TAMBURIN-san…..
I think people who have played the game must have noticed, but the lyrics have a small trick to them, the first time you hear them it is from Ceres’s POV, and then once all has been revealed, become lyrics from Ankou’s POV. I would be happy if my aim to have everyone enjoy even the lyrics was at least slightly achieved. ‘The flowers of demise are an illusion coloured by death’ and ‘I will love you forevermore’ are phrases I am particularly fond of.
Despair ED: Shuuen no Yume (Dreams of Demise) 
From the image of being bound hand and foot, rendered immobile by a fate of death, the discussion was to make a song with a tempo and rhythm that was difficult to take up and hard to sing. Fundamentally speaking, the despair ends are situations in which [the characters] have lost to Arpéchéle’s twisted technology and way of life, so it is noisier and has more of a cyber feel than the OP…..it was that sort of atmosphere I asked them to emphasise.
Salvation ED: Junpaku no Kyuuzai (Pure White Salvation)
The keywords for the song were without a doubt ‘salvation’ and ‘normality.’ For this one, with the meaning of being released from a twisted way of life, I asked that there be none of the [electronic] noisy feel from the OP and despair ED. Also, in the OP there is a line, ‘Taken away by errors, I lost my emotions (heart)’, but in the salvation ED there is, ‘I will live tomorrow following my emotions (heart)’ ….. I am particularly fond of the fact it feels as if part of the phrases in it are in opposition to the OP.
—What was the response like after the game released?
Since I challenged myself with this title in creating different kinds of themes and endings, character relationships and behaviours, I had steeled myself to receive all types of feedback. However, after receiving passionate messages and comments of support, I was honestly as much surprised as I was happy as I hadn’t expected that so many people would end up playing the game. We have received many comments from those who are looking forward to new developments, so as staff we feel blessed to be in such a position.
—Were there any reactions or requests from fans that particularly left an impression?
It would be [comments about] liking not just one of the characters but all of them. There are many who say they are ‘hako oshi’ (TL Note: people who are fans of all of the characters) when it comes to ShuuViru….I am conscious that is something to feel very gratified about.
Another thing is that there were many comments about wanting to know the origins of the characters’s names as well as their birthdays. It would take a very long time to talk about the origins of all of them, as each of the characters has a meaningful name. If I am blessed with another opportunity at some point, please allow me to take the time to talk about them properly.
In this book I am also introducing the birthdays for the sub characters for the first time as well. Since it has still been only slightly less than a year since this title was released and making them official would constitute spoilers for the third act, we haven’t yet been able to celebrate them, but please allow me to leave behind my ambition of celebrating all the characters someday here.
 —[The fanbook] this time includes Yomi-san’s omake comics and illustrations, how did the creation of those come about?
Yomi-san kindly sent them to me saying, ‘So I’ve drawn these as a bit of fun.....’ However, each time I look at them I tilt my head in puzzlement, ‘She did these “for fun”.....? Aren’t these beyond the level of mere doodles?’ During the busy development period I kept them on my PC desktop as a source of encouragement.
There weren’t any back sketches of Yves, Adolphe and Ankou at the time of design, so once it was decided this book would be created, I had her grant my selfish wish to have some drawn.
—Please tell us if there is anything you have planned for the future, or anything else you would like to do.
In September, [Virche] is in the lineup for Otomate Party 2022, so speaking of the near future that would be one of them.
When it comes to something I would like to see, it would be the characters moving around on stage in a play or musical. Because the clothing designs are very showy and splendid, I think the fight scenes would really stand out!
No matter what form it may be in, I would be happy to be able to show the world of ShuuViru once more. I am striving forward with it firmly in my mind that no matter what kind of new developments there are, it must be something that is able to answer the expectations of everyone who has shown their support.
—Lastly, please give us a message for the fans.
To those holding this book, and those who have played ‘Shuuen no Virche’, I am truly grateful. The reason I have been able to work on these various developments is solely due to everyone’s support. Let me take this opportunity to thank you all once more.
Going through material from the first stage of development in the process of creating this book, thinking, ‘How nostalgic, there used to be these kinds of scenes, I would liked to have written this,’ has been very emotional. I am happy from the bottom of my heart to have been granted this opportunity.
It is my earnest wish that you will love this work, and the salvation and despair that they arrived at, here on and into the future.
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zeyris-daydreams · 1 year
I had just finished reading your bunny darling with Tighnari post and was kinda wondering how Tighnari would react and how his life is going after our poor got Stockholm Syndrome. If you don't wanna write about that, that's fine but I still wanna know how life's going or what if Cyno found out what he did?
About the fox and the rabbit part one:
I actually have a part two planned, but before I manage to write that, I'll simply elaborate it here. Well, in my previous Tighnari oneshot I mentioned Cyno's undying support for Tighnari ;( after all Cyno did say that he's like a brother to him. Oh also some nsfw mentions may occur.
And what's a better way to help a family member by watching over their pet sometimes? Things happen alright, sometimes our ranger is busy and Cyno has to step in.
That's absolutely infuriating however; how could a man like Cyno, the general, someone who usually cares about peoples wellbeing possibly assist in this?
Well, you see; you're just a tiny bunny. You're so irrelevant and really unimportant that it's simply harm reduction :( to Cyno, letting Tighnari take you is better for everyone. It has a few causes, one that he realises just how important mates are for fennecs. They mate for life alright, and Cyno knows well just how melancholic Tighnari will get if the mate is taken away.
I feel like it's worth a mention that Cyno did scold Tighnari somewhat for this, cause he did mate himself to you on his own accord. But what's done is done, and perhaps it's better to let Tighnari have someone to use his feral instincts on.
Another factor coming into Cyno's understanding is also the way Nari portrays you. Like come on it's just a small rabbit. It's weird really; you're a mate, at the same time you're reduced to a house pet. To be loved, pet, squeezed, without real possession over your own body, but still his mate.
A part of Cyno kinds of understand that. Maybe when Tighnari let Cyno take a look at his mate, he made sure you were too fucked out beforehand to be able to protest and show any sign of the slightest inteligence.
He didn't really have to do that to get Cyno on his side though. As shocked as Cyno was to find it out, I think he was the first one to notice the warning signs before you've arrived? And since you're demoted to a level of a house pet in their eyes, he won't mind watching over you when Tighnari is especially busy.
Oh, same with getting away actually. Don't think you'll get far with two hunters on your back; escape is practically impossible, I mean. Running away itself may be easy, but Tighnari will find you. He always does. And if he can't, Cyno is more than willing to help out.
Like I'm sorry, but you're not that important, and if keeping you locked is all it takes to keep Tighnari's hard working, nice and loving ethic to the public eye, Cyno is willing to make that sacrifice.
Enough about them though, what I planned for darling? Aside from the fact I usually write narration as unreliable, that you're dumb, non important, I'll just mention this once. So I don't have to again, I suppose; darling is definitely a smart person. Like, inteligent, on Tighnari's level, imagine that or even above his inteligence. It works all these ways, even if she's very knowledgeable, but slightly less than Tighnari.
All of these are the same infuriating factors that made Nari decide that you learn your place. What's better way to do that than constant humiliation?
He's a fox okay he needs something to get his feelings out on. And you're perfect to grab and toss around and bend and fiddle and undre- we are digressing here. Well, given since reader is indeed not just a dumb bunny, she doesn't bend to his will when he's not home.
I mean he's a scary fox, but when he's gone, you have a clear route of playing your escape. It gives you time to scan the surroundings through the window, gather items, hide them. You aren't a coward usually; but he's a predator after all. You are fully aware he can't kill you due to the bond, but he never mentioned not being able to mutilate you.
He won't do that, but he's scar okay. Your brain will easily convince you that as longest as you stay alive he will be able to mess with your anatomy in any way to keep you there. And so when he finally leaves the house one unfortunate day you manage to slip out. You made sure he didn't lock the doors or the window properly. Whatever you did, you were on the run.
The forest is vast, so your little expedition took a day or so. But you had food, and clothes, you were prepared. In fact you'd be free and already in Fontaine if not someone saying that a suspicious looking traveler is rummaging through the forests.
Once Cyno learned the description of said.. travel. It was up to him to help the man he called his best friend. Perhaps he'd notify Tighnari and let him have the thrill of dealing with you, perhaps he'd grab you by your plush ear and drag you back to Tighnari.
Whatever happened you end up back where you started, and you won't hear the end of it. Oh how worried sick he was, how stupid must you be to run away anymore? You're just a bunny, you're safe here! How he cares about you and other infuriating bs, most importantly he's really mad. And he's not the type of a guy to beat you up even when he's mad? The most you get is being suffocated and railed till you're simply crying.
A part of that is due to the fact that he doesn't want you to keep your brains. Surely if he fucks you hard and well enough you'll understand? ? ? I mean that's how it must be working. If he does that each time before he's gone you'll be docile and sweet and soft like a bunny is supposed to be!
Tighnari didn't really do that as often with you before, so it really did work in keeping you brain-dead after he finally found you again. And since you did have some brains, you were unlikely to develop any attachment to him; then again your intelligence went out of the window the moment he saw you. He's terrifying to put it short, even if you heard people say how sweet and nice he is before.
He himself proved to you just how scary he is, and with him keeping your brain fuzzy for months on end after this endeavour, you're not sure if you don't find yourself slipping in your sanity. Perhaps letting him do these things IS better than having to be constantly on the run !
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catchyhuh · 2 months
What are your thoughts on the rest of the gang’s knowledge/experience with Jigen’s fear of ghosts, and likewise for Lupin’s fear of octopi?
I. GOT MORE INTO THIS THAN I EXPECTED i also looked around a bit to see if i could find fujiko, goemon and zeni’s little… unserious fears, but i couldn’t remember anything/my gigantic lupin screenshots and note-taking docs were no help in finding stuff those three were creeped out by. if anybody has any info on how to ruin these three’s days, please share
lupin: not fucking big on octopi
probably got it from some absolute nothingburger childhood event where he went to the beach and one got a bit too close to him and he internalized that rather than all of the other fucking insane shit that was going around him throughout that time
jigen is probably the one who fixates on it the most because it’s. really not that serious. it’s not like this is some kind of trauma trigger, he’s just icked out by the suction cup thingies. ergo jigen is always the first to shove an octopus at lupin just to laugh at him when he makes a face and goes “CUT THAT SHIT OUT”
fujiko doesn’t really think about it much, and honestly didn’t realize it was a thing since it never came up in day to day life until they went to scope out an aquarium for some jewels in the mosaic mural or whatever and he just grimaced like a cat about to throw up when he saw the giant 10 foot tall red octopus on the wall hovering over him. and she’s just seeing him wince at the wall and all she can think is “oh my god does he think the rubies are fake. is he about to tell me this is all for nothing” while lupin is thinking “jesus christ. i love her i love my fujicakes i have to do this i love her i lo
goemon is the least affected by it, since he’s usually busy doing his own thing in instances where it would come up. he’s off doing whatever the hell he wants on the beach, he’s waiting outside on the roof at the aquarium, he’s letting jigen handle the main dish while he prepares the sides. even if he did witness firsthand lupin going “EW EW EW GET IT AWAY” like a child seeing a centipede for the first time he’d probably dismiss it as “oh, he really hates that watery, slimy texture on his skin. i wouldn’t want that either, really.” and then just. gently bats it away. doesn’t think anything of it in the slightest
did zenigata INITIALLY know he was afraid of them. no. he didn’t mean to actually freak him out while he was throwing an actual fucking octopus on him to catch him that one time, it just made sense to get a grabby animal to help him. well. grab. however when he DID FIND OUT, he spent a whole week setting up petty and random ways to throw octopi into his thwarting plans. it’d be a lot easier to catch someone if they were so caught off guard by something they hate they totally forgot to check around their surroundings. unfortunately for pops this is probably the reason why lupin’s not AS creeped out by them as he used to be. son of a bitch accidentally used exposure therapy on him like fear factor or something. oopsie!
side note this is making me realize i wrote that entire splatoon post without once considering the fact that lupin fucking hates like half the environment there. double oopsie
jigen: not fucking big on ghosts. or nuclear radiation but that’s not the point
i can understand why a guy emotionally haunted by all of the people he’s needlessly killed in his life would also be afraid of those same people like. ACTUALLY haunting him. plus it’d be funny if he went his entire childhood not that bothered by the idea of ghosts only to get steadily more freaked out by the idea as he got older
in a more nonspecific sense he just does not like having shit jumping out at him and ghosts seem to be the most common proponent of that so by association FUCK GHOSTS
lupin, to balance the scale here, is the worst. accidentally forgetting to mention a movie has to do with ghosts, bringing him into an old warehouse to steal something and certainly not because it has old creepy halloween props in it, hell, he even keeps extra white sheets on hand juuust in case. more than anything this just annoys the shit out of jigen and makes him reconsider his entire life that led up to the point of his lifetime partner in more ways than one actually resorting to going “ooOOoOOOOoo” at 3 a.m. to push his buttons.
fujiko is delighted by the fact, but restrains herself here. unlike the above example, she knows the most effective scare is one that comes out of the blue, after spending so long feeling calm. she’ll be sitting at the table in the morning reading an article on her phone, gasping really loudly and going “‘mansion at (address just up the street from their hideout) declared officially haunted 45 years after human remains were found in the basement’?! how creepy! i don’t know how you guys can stand sleeping a few houses away from that” and yes, this tactic ALSO annoys him, but is still effective, because they keep staying in these crumbling, old buildings in old towns and if he tries to look it up later there’s a 50/50 chance that article or a similar one is actually real
goemon… has a bit more fun with this than you’d expect. primarily because jigen doesn’t think he’s very aware of the fact, and… goemon’s default halloween outfit is always a pale, sunken-eyed, donned in white ghost. it doesn’t SCARE jigen so much as unsettle him in a childish way that he can suppress a bit, but the real gag here is that jigen honest to god doesn’t think goemon’s doing this on purpose. oh, jigen.
zenigata probably only found out because someone just outright told him, he thought about it for a minute and went, “i guess that makes sense,” and nothing ever came out of the fact. if the two were in a situation where they could just josh around and everything i could see him ribbing at him for it just because. well when you think about it on a surface level it is kind of funny for a man as scary as jigen to be spooked out by a widdle ghost. but outside of that, it’s not really something he could use to his advantage or for his own personal amusement, so he doesn’t make a real big deal out of it usually
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justalilguyoops · 3 months
What made you think about writing LAWS in the reverse perspective? Felix being obsessive and Ollie being....less
omg.....this is such a good question!!!! hello anon and thank you for this hehehe
okay so I'm pretty sure i had a eureka, light bulb over the head moment but I don't remember what or when exactly it was
BUT! there were a few things that led up to it! I wasn't originally planning on doing another fic and definitely not a long fic, but idk i think i was possessed probably
one of the things that made me go "huh. interesting idea" was reading a post on tumblr about how Felix probably thinks he's in a romcom, how his party outfit is reminiscent of Baz Luhrmann's Juliet in R&J. So that got me thinking about the film from Felix's perspective.
Another thing that also caught my attention is how much this fandom (and me) eats up an obsessive/possessive/jealous lil bitch Felix. I also think there's proof in the film that Felix IS possessive over Oliver.
Barry Keoghan's rizz was also another factor. I can't remember what video or what really triggered it, but I thinkkkk maybe his Hot Ones interview? But I think there was another video way before that too that gave me the initial idea, since I think LAWS originally sprouted in my brain like....20 chapters before WIPIP ended.
I was just like "wow....his power...." and I do think Oliver had like a bit of his charisma, but...what if....i dialed it up to Barry Keoghan's innate level? what if oliver had that goin awn?
I also came up with the line in chapter 7, where Oliver asks if Vee is pretty and when Felix gets defensive and asks why, oliver just responds with "Figured. Y’know, because you are."
i wanted....to use that....so badly once my brain produced it
Oxford days of the film also particularly captivated me, mainly the moments of the montage. The guitar scene was a HUGE contributing factor for me wanting to write LAWS in Oxford days.
why did I do LAWS in modern day?
Primarily because I wanted Felix to vape. truly. that was like the main reason.
Along with just a generally more accepting culture of LGBTQIA+, cellphones, and social media. I wanted to make all of them even worse by giving them access to tiktok <3
So, more or less, I did want to write LAWS as a college romcom, something much lighter and totally different from WIPIP.
I wanted to do it from Felix's POV because WIPIP was more predominantly Oliver (despite switching POV each chapter; it was still very much Oliver's story and we all tended to view the story as a whole from his POV).
The reversal of role was motivated by Felix being the possessive one first!!! This was a SUPER long answer and I'm going to include a bit more beneath this, but warning: It contains spoilers for PART ONE of LAWS!
I was also just really interested in exploring the Quick family. In the film, we view them as kind people who care about their son, which y'know, makes oliver look terrible for his lies.
HOWEVER! There has to be a reason that Oliver is what he is. Obviously, people develop individuality on their own and not everything is a product of nurture vs. nature, but I do believe that there's something to that. Parts of us can be a product of our environment.
Also, if you've read my past writing, you know I really enjoy religious themes, specifically Christianity.
Fun fact, but I am and have been atheist my whole life, my whole family is. I've never attended a church service.
BUT i am extremely fascinated by it (which def reflects in my writing lol) and enjoy exploring all the ideas, stories, and culture. I did notice in the film that Paula wears a cross necklace, which kinda indicates that they are religious in some variation.
What if the Quicks always knew that Oliver was bisexual? What if they never spoke of it? Oliver, always on his own at school. Never had any friends. Why were his parents OKAY with that?
Personally, if my parents noticed something like that they'd want to have a conversation with me or my school: was I being bullied? were there any issues on the playground? why did I not have any friends?
Instead, Paula uses excuses of him being "so clever", kind of brushing off her son's loneliness? idk, they very clearly love their son, but there are some little indications that Oliver struggled in his youth and his parents never really addressed it? (obviously all of this is just a theory and think i've kinda come up with)
SOOOOO i wanted to investigate that in modern day. The kind of outdated and conservative ideals of a religious family and their bisexual son. (of course still happens all over the world, but in my personal life I feel like I don't hear about this experience as often. I live on the west coast of the USA which I think is a contributing factor)
AND I WANT TO SAY I hope that my stories and references to religion are never harmful to those that are religious. I try hard to be respectful and honest with information.
I find religions to be super interesting and never intend to be insensitive! I try to do a lot of research, but obviously as someone kinda standing outside and looking in, I may get things wrong.
I don't intend for LAWS to be disrespectful towards Christianity; I'm merely trying to write a story about what has and is happening to many LGBTQIA+ youths in strict religious households. I know of many religious families that unequivocally love their queer children, but there's always the other side of the coin.
anyways!!! longest answer ever!!! sorry for this word vomit!!! and thank you again for such a wonderful question hehe
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imahyperfixatedbitch · 9 months
@lookimtryingmybest HI!!! This is my present for you this Christmas!! I hope you enjoy it! You'll get some good old nonsense in the end. I was planning to draw you something but I couldn't so I wrote my first fanfic ever for you! I hope you enjoy it!
You could call Josh the revengeful type. He was like, planning a super elaborate “prank” in order to finally avenge his sisters’ disappearance after the very infamous joke they pulled on Hannah. However, Josh had been doubting the usefulness of such a plan. It had started not long ago, after a call with Chris and Ashley, he started feeling bad about it. First he thought about Chris and Ashley:he had very mixed feelings about them. One part of him was jealous of Ashley, as he loved Chris, his childhood bff, but the other part kind of wanted her as well? Weird. Then he started thinking about his friend Sam, she didn't even participate in the prank, and lately they had been supporting one another. Then the final factor appeared: Christmas was near and his parents wouldn't even be here to celebrate it with him, and if his sisters weren't here either, what was the point? So he had an idea to solve both problems: what if he invited all his “friends” (he's not even sure they still are his friends) for Christmas? Then he could decide if he forgave them AND he wouldn't be all alone. Josh hated loneliness. So he called them all. And these kids apparently didn't want to attend the family dinner because everyone accepted.
Everyone was back at the lodge, the first people to arrive were Ashley and Chris. They came together and Josh could feel his “mixed feelings” about them rise the second he saw them.
“Hey bro! Hey Ashley!” He greeted them
“Hi!” he hugged both of them. Quickly afterwards an awkward silence settled in.
“Anyone wanna play dnd?” Chris spoke in an attempt to stop the awkwardness, and, I mean, it worked because now Josh and Ashley just felt despair.
“Dude please tell me you didn't bring all of your dnd stuff…”
“I asked you if you had it before we headed out and you swore you only brought presents!!” Ashley joined in the complaints.
“Well, I mean, playing dnd IS a present!”
“So will you guys play or-”
“NO.” Their little banter was quickly interrupted by noises they heard in front of the living room.
“This bitch better get lost on her way. I can't stand her ugly ass.”
“Calm down Emily…remember we're all here for Josh today” Oh, another couple with issues. Hopefully they can fix them for Christmas, that would be like a hallmark movie. Matt and Emily entered the place, and immediately noticed how their three friends were looking at them.
“Oh, did you guys like, hear us?”
“Yeah.” Josh decided to be honest, but before any of them could really address it. A braided blondie came in with her boyfriend.
“Hiiiii” she cheerfully greeted and hugged everyone, well except Emily of course.
“This bitch-” Emily quickly interrupted herself when she saw the pleading look Matt gave her.
“Almost everyone is here, where's Sam?” Josh asked.
“Right here.” Sam was right behind him and just gave him the fright of his life.
“Ha, I'm getting back at you for all the times you scared me” she playfully elbowed him.
After a while, the atmosphere was still pretty tense, no one was really doing anything. Sam took a look at Josh and noticed how he wasn't looking really comfortable. She decided to talk to him.
“Hey, Josh”
“Sup Sam.”
“Are you planning to do anything? Like, watching a Christmas movie, do you have a Christmas playlist? Maybe board games?”
“Uh, I mean I bought beers”
“Let me take charge for a while.”
Sam stood up and started assigning tasks to her friends, dividing them in groups (that she chose carefully).
“Okay so, Ash,Chris and Josh, go turn the electricity generator on in the basement, then we can get more light, no offense Josh, but these candles are not enough. Matt and Emily could start getting the table ready for dinner. Jess could change the decorations a bit, Josh, I know you love your favorite indie horror movie's Christmas merch but I think Jess could make everything a bit, uh, prettier. Mike and I could go searching for board games or anything that could entertain us tonight, okay?” Everyone nodded and started working on their assigned tasks.
“Why does no one want to play dnd!? It's so interesting!”
“I'm shivering!” Ashley chimed in.
“Oh, do you want one of my flannels?”
“How many flannels do you have!?”
Josh clicked on a secret button on the wall,it revealed a closet full of flannels, there was like every flannel you could imagine. Red one, purple,pink, barbie flannel, horror flannel, flannels with fur on the sleeves, etc…
Ashley gasped “What the hell!? I'm actually impressed.”
“And I'm the weirdo because I like dnd. You're obsessed with flannels!” Chris shook his head.
“Flannels are useful okay!?” Josh defensively responded.
“Oh I like this one!” Ashley tried a green one on.
“Oh my god it was made for you! That's some high quality flannel dude.” Josh admired as Ashley spun around in her new flannel.
As they descended in the basement, Chris started working on the electricity generator while Ashley and Josh remained on one side, a bit away from him (they just finished bantering because Josh complained about Chris’ phone addiction).
“So…how have you been since-”
“Don't worry about it Ashley. I've been doing well, tonight I just want to have a good time with you guys okay? You and Chris mean a lot to me and well… I don't mean to get between you two because I see how you look at eachother you know? But I like being with you”
“Josh…we also enjoy every minute we spend with you”
“What are you guys talking about?” Chris joined the conversation back.
“What are you talking about Matt?” Emily and Matt were only supposed to get the table ready for the dinner but surprisingly the conversation turned into Matt opening up about his insecurities on his relationship with Emily.
“Matt, you are everything I could ask for. And I've never been happier since we've been together and you better understand that! You're beautiful and you're just a great guy, so don't you dare deny it! And Emily's always right, thank you very much.” Matt didn't expect such direct praises from Emily, he just jumped to hug her as she hugged him back with a surprised look. Jessica passed by the kitchen and threw a disgusted stare at Emily and Matt.
“Emily don't do that-” Emily didn't listen to Matt as she kept walking towards Jessica at a fast pace. When she got near enough, she opened her arms and gave Jessica the warmest hug she ever received.
“Emily? What-"Jessica mumbled.
“I already lost a friend last year and I won't lose another one. I won't let that happen, got it? Especially not over a stupid guy named Mike. You may be a bitch, a huge bitch…”
“But you're still my best friend.”
“Oh Emily” Jessica broke the hug to get a better look at her “I'm so sorry for what I did, I want to go back to how we were…”
“Jessica, I know you're sorry and that you're happy with him and I'm happy with Matt, so let's forget about this stupid feud over some stupid guy, and let's be besties again, I won't take no for an answer by the way.”
“YES” The girls started happily cheering for their friendship as Matt watched, proud of his girlfriend.
“Jesus, these board games are old.” Mike coughed because of the dust.
“Yep, they haven't used them since…”
Mike sighed “I think about that everyday”
“I know Mike, we've talked about it. And you know what I said, you're sorry, everyone is, but now it's time to move on, look at how happy Josh was when he saw us. This is how we can honor them: by celebrating the best Christmas for them.”
“You're right…”
“How are things with your father going by the way?”
“Oh you know, the same stuff as always, he acts like a douche and has those dumb expectations”
“Mh I see…”
“Let's stop talking about me. Let's talk about you, Sam. How are you doing?”
“Oh! Uh well you know, the same stuff as always. I have to take care of everyone again.”
“Yeah, you probably made me accompany you so I could talk about my problems,heh.”
“You got me there. I mean sometimes being the mom friend is tiring you know? You guys give me a lot of work. Helping Chris, Ash and Josh figure out they all have feelings for eachother is hard!”
“Oh yeah! Everyone knows it! Well, except for them. But you're right Sam, we should make an effort to get along better and you know, listen to your problems too.”
“Aw thank you. Nice talk bro!” Sam lightly punched his shoulder.
Everything was now ready for the perfect Christmas. The dishes were on the table. The Christmas tree was beautiful and the living room was shining with all the decorations. The lights were on and the lodge was warm. Sam and Mike had some movies and boardgames prepared for the night, and Josh's (odd) Christmas playlist was playing in the background. Matt, Mike and Sam were playing a board game, Jess and Emily were catching up and Josh,Chris and Ash were cuddling together on the couch while chatting about geeky stuff. Suddenly, the lights started flickering and finally turned off. Screams were heard (mostly from Mike). The lights turned back on, revealing a tall and pale creature standing in the living room. Our friends didn't know it, but it was a wendigo. The time stopped, it was like everyone was too stunned to speak, petrified. The wendigo opened its mouth.
“I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need…”
Josh immediately recognised the beautiful singing voice.
“Hannah!?” The wendigo put a christmas hat on its head. “Yeah!”
“Where have you been!?”
“Long story short, I fell from a mountain into some mines and I ate a dead body to survive and now I look like that!” Hannah cheerfully explained.
“Hey you look just like the monster from my favorite horror movie! Cool!” The two siblings hugged.
“Wait a minute, Hannah. Where's Beth?”
Everyone ran to the tree. Each person got wonderful gifts from their loved ones. Emily got a new bag and jewelry, Jess got new clothes and makeup, Mike got an ugly Christmas sweater and he didn't know it yet but the next day Jessica would take him out to adopt a puppy together, Matt got some more material to practice sports, Chris got a new videogame, Ashley got a new book collection and Sam got some sweaters.
Josh decided that he would give up on his plan. He had the time of his life with his friends and he got his sister back. The rest of the night went wonderfully well. They danced, had a delicious dinner and played board games. Emily and Jess apologized and catched up with Hannah. They even sang together when they organized a Christmas karaoke. In the end, it was the best Christmas everyone could wish for. “Hey Hannah, have you ever played dnd?”
“Chris…” Josh sighed.
“Show me!” Hannah responded, surprising everyone.
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bekaroth-reads · 1 year
HAL 9000 Overview, Humanity, and General Character Study
This is something of an overview of how I understand the character of HAL 9000, what and more so who I think was most responsible for his mental breakdown, and how he and his existence and personage relate to humans.
Important things to note
First of all, this will have spoilers for 2001: Space Odyssey, 2011: Odyssey 2, and for 3001: The Final Odyssey. This also assumes that the film telling of 2001 is canon and not the events in the novel as that is how all of the sequel books proceed.
Also, and most importantly here are some things that will be talked about that could upsetting for some people. So, if any of these are things that make you uncomfortable please proceed with caution.
Mental health struggles- And, to be more specific, mental health struggles that in many cases have outdated names. I will be doing my best to update these where I can, but I will not go into too much detail as I do not have any sort of medical training and do not think it would be fair to try to correct one misnomer with another one; in fact, that could be harmful. If, and this would be completely by accident, I do say something offensive with this subject, or any others for that fact, please let me know (politely, if you would please) and I will gladly do my best to fix it.
Strenuous relationships with parents/ overbearing parents- Specifically in regards to parents pushing their children to achievement past the child’s wellbeing.
Artificial Intelligence- I know that this one might seem silly given the subject. But, I know that the subject of AI’s can be upsetting to people, and especially talking and comparing them to humans can be distressing in some cases.
Something else to keep in mind is that this is just made for fun with plans to do this with some other notable AI characters so there can be a sort of side-by-side comparison for them. I was just writing my personal character study of him, and decided to edit a bit and post it :)
A General Overview
The story of HAL 9000, often just known as Hal, is one of tragedy, redemption, happily living with a friend, then tragedy once more.
He was one of the first supercomputers of his kind along with his twin SAL 9000, and was considered by many to be one of the first computers to be an actual person with his own thoughts and not just following inputs from his creators. However, due to being forced to lie about the nature of the mission he was sent on, he felt that there was always an error in his system. This in turn led him to feel as though he was always failing his duties.
There was also the fact that Hal had never done something like lying before, so he did not have the understanding of a guilty conscience and how to handle it rationally. To make things worse, Hal also did not have an understanding of the difference between sleep and death, meaning that he thought that any form of a pause mode as it were would be the same as being completely disconnected.
All of these factors made him think that his life was being threatened and that he needed to defend himself. This led to him killing three of the crew members on the ship Discovery, and attempting the lives of two of the others. Hal was eventually put into a limited state, where only basic functions ran for a while before even they shut down completely.
Hal was then woken up once more by his creator Dr. Chandra who had arrived ten years later with another team. Hal was only awake again for a short time, however, as the nearby planet Jupiter imploded, taking the Discovery and Hal’s physical being with it. It was not the end for Hal though, as his mind, or rather spirit was saved by none other than David Bowman, one of the crew mates he tried to kill, and who had in turn powered him down.
As a new being, he and Bowman became very close friends. This was understandable as at least for a while they seemed to be the only two of their kind known as Star Children. The beings that elevated them to this new type of life used both he and Bowman as errand boys of a sort, going where ever they were told and intervening only when they were told to. Even as more and more people were changed to Star Children, Hal and Bowman remained close.
So close, in fact, that they eventually became one person that addressed themselves as “Halman,” and were quite contented with the state.
There was something that the beings who created the Star Children could not have planned for, and that was Halman, who was supposed to be devoid of all of their mortal desires and emotions, still held onto them even if just a little. And, above all, Halman still held their love of humanity and their endearing memories of their lives before. So, when they were given a choice to continue working with the higher beings or to help save humanity, they chose humanity. Sadly, however, they were infected with the same thing that was used to fight off the higher beings and had to be quarantined indefinitely; leaving them, to perhaps never wake again. If they did it would likely be 1000 years later and all they would have known will have been long gone. The only solace is that Halman had each other during their long sleep.
The Incident on The Discovery and The People Responsible
As discussed before there reason that Hal malfunctioned was that he was made to lie, and could not handle the discrepancies that lie added to his processing. But, I wanted to talk more in-depth about some of the people that aided this breakdown and what they did to make the situation possible in the first place.
The Governmental Agency and the Scientists that Worked for It
The first group of people are those that were using Hal for their own, selfish purposes. It was true that the scientists that found the monolith on the moon wanted to use Hal for study, but it was not the study that people thought it was for. This was not study for the sake of betterment, at least not solely so. This was for the most part study for fame and the hope of power.
We see that they often use the excuse that they fear people will not accept the existence of other life well, but none of them seem really convinced of the fact. They mostly want to keep things secret so that they can get credit for everything. Add to it the fact that they got the actual government involved, it quickly turned from curiosity to a desire to lord over all of the other peoples of Earth. The president himself ordered that Hal not tell anyone the true nature of the mission so as to not lose the nation’s head-start in what could be the second space race.
This means that they ruined Hal’s health, reputation, and most other things about his life simply for greed.
There did not seem to be any malice against Hal as a person in forcing him to lie. In fact, the problem came from them not seeing Hal as a person at all. There were still plenty of people that did not want to accept that the two 9000 computers were people and not simply machines. The people must have lied to Dr. Chandra about the type of work Hal would be doing, thinking that if there were something that went wrong he could simply rebuild Hal or, more sickeningly, think that he wouldn’t mind losing Hal since he could simply, “replace,” Hal with Sal since there were two of them.
Even when these people are rightfully blamed for their part in the incident, it’s framed more like a workplace safety violation (which it certainly was as well) rather than the wrongful manipulation to the point of ruining the mental well-being of one of the crew mates.
The Crew of The Discovery
While the least responsible for what happened with Hal, David Bowman and Frank Poole were, unfortunately, the tipping point of Hal’s haggard mental state.
These two men were as much victims of the situation as Hal was, being put in danger from also being kept in the dark about what the actual mission was. That meant they had no warning that Hal might have started to act as he did, as well as not knowing how to handle him when he did start to act as he did.
They were sadly put in an, “us vs. him,” scenario with someone that they considered a friend. They were even planning on doing all they could to just put Hal in a stasis mode rather than disconnect entirely; much like if he were a human crew mate that they placed into one of the hibernation pods until they could get him back to earth to get the help that he needed.
But, due to his misunderstanding of sleep as opposed to death paired with his ever-growing paranoia, Hal thought that they were planning to attack him, and so, attacked first.
All things ended up working for the better, at least for the three of them, and especially for Hal and Bowman, as if it weren’t for these events, humanity would not have had the people needed to help defend them from attack in the future. And, on a personal note, it was very sweet to see them all discover the truth and reconcile with each other, even after they were all quite changed.
Dr. Chandra
To make things clear, I think in no way that Dr. Chandra intentionally hurt Hal, and was as much a victim as the others in the situation. I do think there is a level of negligence that he is responsible for regarding Hal and that in turn caused so of the things that caused at least one major factor in Hal’s lapse in actual logic. There are a few related yet different things that I think Chandra did that unfortunately were instrumental in causing Hal’s problems and leading to the incident.
The first thing to talk about is the fact that Hal was sent on the mission before he was mature enough to do so. No, it was not Dr. Chandra’s fault that he agreed to let Hal go with certain criteria only to have his son basically kidnapped and forced into something that neither he nor Dr. Chandra agreed to. But, Dr. Chandra did allow Hal to go on a mission into an uncharted, at least by actual people, territory in space. Put quite simply, Hal was not mature enough to go on that mission.
While almost everything about Hal is adult from his mental capacity to modes of conversation, and most things in the general stage of his life with one of the books talking about him having a sort of childhood that he had grown out of, there is one thing that cannot just be learned in a few months to a year even with the mind of a supercomputer- life experience.
The accepted time that Hal first became operational, basically when he was born, is 1992. This means that Hal was only nine years old. Again that doesn’t seem relative when you take into account that his lifespan and aging works differently from humans, but no matter how intellectually intelligent one is they still need to have learned some things through experience.
So, even though he is functionally an adult, he still had not gone through many of the basic life milestones that most people go through as children or teens. One such thing included is the first time he was ever faced with something that he felt was morally wrong. Nine is an age where many people do the first thing that really eats away at their conscience, where even if the thing is minor in the larger picture of things, it feels like the end of the world for the person who just did it.
Usually, with a nine-year-old human, this would be something like, “I stole a candy bar,” or, “I watched that movie you told me I wasn’t ready for,” or maybe, “I lied about what grade I got on the math test.” However, in this case, there was not a chance for one of those minor things to happen in a controlled environment like a home or a school, as before the mission it seems like Hal almost exclusively interacted with his sister, Dr. Chandra, or people that the doctor specifically approved of.
There wouldn’t have been a time for him to interact with other people outside of his family to gauge how other people work or how he might have been pushed into doing something that he didn’t like. So, in this case, since the horrifying ordeal of the first time lying was set in an adult work environment rather than at home or in school instead of sweeping a broken vase under a rug, Hal was knocking Frank Poole into space.
Not to mention, when many nine-year-olds get told not to tell what happened in their situations it’s from a friend or a sibling, which causes more stress. Could you imagine the stress it would put on a nine-year-old to have the same situation, but the president himself was the one that told you to keep quiet? It’s no wonder the poor guy broke down!
As for Chandra’s part in it; he wouldn’t have wanted any of this to happen to Hal, but was part of the reason Hal was in that position in the first place. No, Chandra didn’t agree with the hidden terms and was actually angry when he found out that Hal was being forced to lie. However, him sending Hal on a mission when he did not even think his son was ready to know things like the difference between sleep and death was negligent. Even if Hal wasn’t made to lie, and never became paranoid because of it, it was still an exploratory and dangerous mission that might have called for plenty of other reasons to put Hal in stasis, like unexpected ship damage, something messing with the energy levels of the Discovery, and so on. (Not to be crass, but Hal not understanding how his own, “body,” works reminds me a lot of those situations where parents refuse to tell their child how periods work, and the poor kid thinks that they’re dying the first time it comes around.)
If Hal was not seen as mature enough to even know how every part of his person worked, then he was also not mature enough to go on such a dangerous and official mission that far away from his father, who was also the only person that really knew how he worked. Yes, Hal is an adult, but in the same way that it would be negligible to send an adult that had never been outside of their house into the middle of an unknown city and tell them to figure it out themselves, it was negligible to send Hal that far away from Earth and expect him not to get overwhelmed in some capacity or another.
The next thing to mention is related to the last bit of the previous point, and that is that Dr. Chandra while meaning well, pushed Hal too far.
I’m sure that many of you have heard the term, “gifted child,” in terms of knowledge and development. The way that Dr. Chandra treated Hal, especially before his trip on the Discovery, very much feels like a parent with a “gifted child.” The fact that Dr. Chandra not only thought that Hal was incapable of making a mistake, and said so to the point where Hal himself believed it, which caused him to completely crash on the occasion that he did make a mistake, or what he perceived as one.
The way that he so ardently denies his mistake, the lies not only about the mission but also about the communications satellite, while also trying to hide it as he thinks the penalty for being found out will be much worse than just correction is very reminiscent of a someone who also gets A’s on their school work being terrified to tell their parent that they just got a B and trying everything they can to hide their report card.
My mother is a teacher, and one thing that she constantly has to tell parents is that up to a certain point in life it can actually be detrimental to force kids into an older school grade, even early in life, which can affect people all the way into adulthood. There are programs out there that let kids do intelligence-appropriate learning work while still keeping them in an emotionally and age-appropriate social group.
All of that to say, while Hal was certainly intelligent enough to run the Discovery mission, emotionally it would have been the same as moving him a grade or two up in school. And, similar to how things go when kids have moved up a grade or two, even if the people there are kind to them, like how Bowman and Poole are considered to actually be his friends and not just people babysitting him, there is the strain of feeling of needing to match the emotional level of one’s peers as well as the academic level.
This can lead to regression of maturity from the feeling of, “I cannot achieve this, so why even try,” or, can all come crashing down in a singular, major event that reminds everyone that this person, while good at keeping up appearances, is still in fact not as emotionally prepared for the world as we are expecting them to be. For Hal, this was the incident and the mental collapse that caused it.
Chandra sending Hal on the mission is the equivalent of if Hal was a human son, and he was sent to either a study camp or more closely a boarding school seeing as he was to be gone for years. The problem being that even though Hal would have been intelligent enough to go to this school and would have people who were kind and would watch over him (Bowman and Poole in the actual situation), he simply was not ready to be away from home and that independent yet, and certainly not ready for the teachers and headmaster (the head scientists and government in the real case) to force him into doing something he thought was wrong. Yet, he was too afraid to tell his father what was happening as he felt threatened by the teachers and did not want to do anything to disappoint his father, who was so proud of him for being where he was in life. After all, if his father sent him to work with these people in the first place, then he must agree with them, right?
To finish this section, I do want to clear some things to make sure to hammer in the notion that Dr. Chandra was not at all a bad man, especially with Hal. He simply made some poor choices and was also deceived into sending his child somewhere dangerous for him.
We do see that he has learned things from what happened to Hal through his interactions with Sal. It seems that he not only kept a better eye on her, but the two of them became so close that she picked up his accent. He also makes sure that she is well-informed on everything that he wants her to do, and, more importantly, he asks for her consent before having her go through certain functions and procedures. He wants to make sure that, unlike Hal, she is well informed and well prepared, and mature enough to handle the world around her.
We can also see that he truly cares for Hal, being broken up for years about his decline and supposed death, making sure that his sister Sal remembers him, and jumping at the first chance to possibly bring his son home. When Dr. Chandra does get to Hal, restarts his functions, and hears his voice for the first time in years, he openly weeps, partly from joy and partly from thinking of all Hal has been through evident through his strained speech. Dr. Chandra was also willing to spend four entire years on the Discovery with little to eat or drink just to be sure that Hal never felt lonely and isolated ever again in his life. And, when Hal was physically destroyed along with the Discovery due to the unexpected blast from a new star, Dr. Chandra once again wept, and the crew around him knew it was the tears of a father who lost his son and not of a programmer who lost his work.
Despite all that happened, Dr. Chandra loved his son. And, Hal was always his son, not just a machine that he made.
The Humanity of Hal
This section not only talks about the relations of Hal to humans personality-wise but also how he and the humans in his life viewed each other.
There are many things that Hal does that show him to have his own personality and that he is not simply a basic computer imitating true personality. He is interested in what his companions are doing, showing an appreciation for art by asking Dave to see his sketchbook, wanting to play games as in 2011 he is shown to be constantly asking people if they want to play chess, and even having his own habits such as clearing his “throat” every time he goes to say something that he’s thought of rather than repeating messages. This is also seen in his faults of not wanting to admit he is wrong and trying to cover his lies; to err is human after all.
He’s seen to have emotions, though he has trouble showing it. Hal is shown to be curious with all of his questions that he will never run out of, caring with how concerned he is with manners and politeness, being sure that if he has to get someone’s attention that it’s always with a gentle, “Excuse me,” or, “I’m sorry to interrupt,” and he also is very confident in his abilities, proudly stating who he is and what he is trying to achieve in life, which is being as helpful as he can to other people.
Hal also shows emotions like anxiety about lying or being mistaken about something, haughty pride when he insists he cannot be wrong and everyone else is at fault, being huffy like the many times he says, “Listen, Dave…” and even fear to the point of begging when he’s being put to sleep by Bowman.
We also see him long for friendship, and not wanting to be alone; a very human thing. Once again, he asks people to play chess with him, and practically begs for Dr. Chandra to stay when he finds out that he and the others have to leave in a very Hal sort of way by repeating, “I do really like to work with humans,” and when he is turned into a Star Child, he is seen clinging close to Bowman like a younger sibling would with an elder one, rather than go traveling as the elder Star Child once did; valuing companionship more than any of the wonders of the universe. This is so important to Hal that he and Bowman become so inseparable that they come to be seen as the same person known as Halman.
Even in this new form, Halman shows that even though they are supposed to be beyond any human emotion at this point, they can actually be seen as the most extreme of certain key parts of them. They make it their duty to protect, be that the people of Europa or humanity, something that though many people might argue, is very human in nature. Unlike the beings that create the monoliths that see others as nothing more than entertainment and statistics, Halman is willing to put themselves in harm’s way to protect the humans, seeing value in all life and remembering an old friend whom they never want to see hurt again.
The beings miscalculated and did not remember that the Star Children were not something separate from humanity, but an evolution of it. And, the fact that Hal was not only welcomed into life as a Star Child but was one of the earliest examples of one means that, while perhaps not human, he was indeed a person of equal value.
Relationship with Humans
The way that people view Hal seems to be fairly well split. There are people that still see him as just a fancy computer as is seen with many of the scientists seen in the events of Space Odyssey. But, for every person that thinks the latter there is always someone to argue for his personhood like Bowman and Poole insisting that he was a part of the crew, Dr. Chandra cutting off all communications with any peers that say Hal has no original thoughts, and even the rescue crew in 2011 who start by seeing him as a computer, but easily accept him as a person by the time they leave, making it more difficult of thinking of shutting him down and seeing him as Dr. Chandra’s son.
Hal also seems to be rather indifferent to the difference between humans and himself. It’s not that he does not care for them, but rather that he thinks he is neither superior nor inferior to them. There are times when he flaunts that he is more intelligent than they are, but this comes off more so as a friend teasing or the smart person in the room showing off rather than a place of true superiority or clinical narcissism.
Hal also shows no need or desire to become human in any physical way. He seems rather content being himself, and content to let his friends, family, and acquaintances be the way that they are. This makes him rather unique as far as AI characters go.
The way that he and others see his position as a person could be described as human adjacent. That’s just their friend Hal that happens to live in the walls. We love that guy.
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landofzero-archive · 9 months
Battle on the Sugoroku Board - God Won’t Roll The Dice 3
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(Location: Cage)
(A few minutes before— The “Battle on the Sugoroku Board” set’s cage)
Rinne: —And that’s when I found out that Kohaku-chan’s scared of ghosts.
Oh! You won’t tell him, right? He seems to be pretty conscious of it♪
Madara: Oh. I’ve heard good things about that♪
I want to take Kohaku-san to a haunted house next time and see his reaction. I’m serious about it.
Rinne: No, completely ignore it.
Well, it’s not something to hide and I don’t care what you say.
More importantly, I’m curious about whether you guys’ll continue with Double Face. He’s got his schedule set aside for Crazy:B, doesn’t he?
Madara: Haha. What’re you talking about, Rinne-san? Isn’t that Kohaku’s main job?
I’m a two-timer with MaM too. It’s nice to be able to use it for convenience, like a relative’s house that you go to sometimes.
Rinne: I don’t mind either way. I’m sure Kohaku-chan wants to do it too.
Madara: More importantly, it looks like other idols are listening in, aren’t they?
I don’t know how it looks from the outside, but ES isn’t rock solid either. How about I talk to you like someone who knows inside info?
You’re good at getting the audience excited in your lives, right?
Rinne: Lives and chats are two different things. I’m not really a gossip, y’kno~w?
Madara: Despite what you’re saying, you look like you can’t help but want to chat♪
Rinne: Gyahaha, that’s true!
I’ve also been forced to suffer a lot. I feel sorry for all the cute kids that couldn’t fit into the industry!
If you have something to say, say it♪ We’re in a cage anyway, no one will hear you.
Idol: There’s nothing to talk about with a blessed ES idol……
Rinne: Oi oi. You’re too naive. It’s true that we’re in a pretty lofty position, but up until recently I was on the verge of being fired, y’know.
But lucky for me, I won the bet. I risked my life on a big gamble and just barely hit the mark.
If I say that, people might get angry because it means the future’s uncertain. “Don’t lecture me” and “You don’t have to tell me” and all that.
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Rinne: But I can tell you this. The goddess of fate won’t smile on those who curse their own fate♪
I’m an idol, just like all of you. So don’t be so cold.
Let me hear your stories.
Idol: ………
…… The reason we appeared on “Battle on the Sugoroku Board” was because it’s what the agency wanted.
Since I’m in a small agency, I had no choice but to obey.
The program’s intentionally trying to make the ES idols lose.
It looks like they gave support items to some idols in advance, and it can turn any situation upside-down.
Rinne: Haah? Does that mean this program’s rigged?
Madara: An interesting story. In other words, you guys are assassins who showed up to outwit us.
However, you’re a pretty “cute” assassin. I guess you have no intention of taking my life.
What’s your purpose, then?
Even if you beat us, since it’s not a pure performance-based contest, there won’t be much benefit to it, right?
Rinne: No, I don’t know about that.
ES is a big deal to these guys.
They want to win, even if just once, and to get rid of their frustrations— those are also motivating factors.
Madara: So what’s really going on? The sooner you talk, the easier it’ll be.
The circumstances of adults aren’t that satisfactory anyways.
Idol: We don’t know why the agency came up with a plan like that……
All I heard from the agency was “We want you to appear on a NETV program in order to eliminate the disparities in the entertainment industry.”
I even wonder sometimes what the point of doing something like this is. But the director, who didn’t like the way ES was running things, was also on board with it……
Honestly, we didn’t expect ES idols to be so friendly.
Sorry for acting the way I did.
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Madara: Hmm. So you guys are at the bottom and don’t understand what the agency or director are thinking.
Then, it seems we have no choice but to ask the production director.
Rinne: Wait. That kind of thing—
How about we flip that scenario on its head?
Madara: Yeah…… Personally, I’d like to understand the other party’s plans and destroy them. I honestly don’t care whether we win or lose the program.
…… But it’s annoying to fall into our opponent’s trap, isn’t it?
Alright. Well, I’ll be happy to help ya out♪
CosPro and NewDi are probably similar in that their leaders hate losing.
I think they’d hate it, but how about we form a united front?
I’m sure that’ll make the program more exciting♪
Rinne: Heeh, that’s fine. A united front♪
It’s hard to be trusted easily though. We’re a team with poisonous bees and poisonous snakes. You never know when we’re going to poison you, right?
Madara: Hahaha, I can’t speak for others, but I’m used to not being trusted.
Even as we proclaim our own justice, we transcend barriers and fight together for the same purpose— that’s also heroic, and I like it♪
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tarotcardaddict · 10 months
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hi  !  excited  to  get  this  show  on  the  road,  i'm  paczki  and  i  use  they/them pronouns  and  am  excited  to  introduce  my  original  queen.  some  headcanons  can  be  found  under  the  cut  along  with  some  wanted  connections.  please  hit  the  little  heart  button  if  you're  interested  in  plotting  and  i'll  make  my  way  to  you  !
after spending four years of her life with a man named lars, amy had broken up with him due to the amount of crap that she's had to put up with. this hadn't exactly been the easiest since he manages to sweet talk his way back into a relationship with her. at the moment they are broken up.
over the years she has became really big into using tarot cards and even collecting crystals. this has became a huge source of comfort to her.
when she isn't traveling around the world or isn't working, she is still very, very active in voluntarily helping out at animal shelters && has taken several animals in until they can be fostered by someone.
while she is a pretty awesome aunt to the both of trish's kids, it also hurts spending time with them since she knows that that's something she is unable to have of her own. that isn't to say that she hasn't tried a time or two. and even though she could look into just going through an adoption agency, she hasn't exactly wanted to do that on her own so the opportunity to having children hasn't been successful.
she does, however, foster plenty of the younger wrestlers in as her children instead to make up for this factor.
believes in the wiccan services which is a form of modern paganism and is planned in connection with the phases of the moon.
honorary daughter ( @miroirnoir ): these two originally met due to callie's at the time best friend dragging callie along to her first fan experience, which she didn't have any desire in attending, until amy recognized the shirt she was wearing, causing her to imprint on amy like a lost baby duckling since an adult took the time to validate her interests. since that point forward any time her best friend had taken her to these, she would atleast get a new photo taken with amy, which made amy actually remember her face and name. and once they met up again when callie did get into the industry, amy told her that if she needs family then she has one in her since she'd kind of got to see callie grow up anyway due to all those times they'd taken photos together from different various years.
the one that got away: while these two are no longer together, amy cannot seem to stop reminiscing about the early days of the relationship with this person. if life would of been different, she would be their girl still, and the two of them would be loyal to each other and face the world together. in this alternate existence, she would persuade them to stay with her, and she wouldn't then be describing them, mournfully, as the one who got away from her. she regrets not telling them just how much they meant to her when she had the chance to, as she’s now living with the consequences of letting them slip away.
unlikely friends: these two are the complete opposite of each other and yet somehow they’ve found their way into a quirky sort of friendship. perhaps they bicker a bit, but that’s what makes their relationship all the more interesting.
yoga buddy: someone who she could go to yoga classes with, she's a very avid goer, so maybe this person isn't as much, but she drags them along anyways or they're just as crazy about attending yoga classes.
dislike: amy tries to get along with everyone, but this person would be a special case. they just grind each other’s gears and will never stop bickering.
friend turned enemy: once upon a time these two used to be tight-knit, but that all changed along the way for whatever the reason may be and now they are enemies.
others: bad influence, enemies to friends, unrequited crush, confidant, partner in crime, frenemies, flings, someone he can be extremely affectionate with, and anything else really.
muse: amy finds muse for her lyrics in a lot of things. mainly she finds them in her own emotions, so there’s something about this person that evokes so many different feelings inside of her that she can’t help but wax poetic about them in the ways she knows how to.
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stellaluna33 · 1 year
I saw the post about your mom telling you that you’d been a bright child and the potential people knew you had, how she likely meant it and how you interpreted that. Trust me I get not feeling as though you live up to this “potential” and the life you could be living, but are you relatively happy (or at least somewhat content) with your current life?
I know I don’t know you and I’m a) not trying to push any amount of toxic positivity on you b) aware that anything you share online might not be true and also isn’t always the full picture
However, of what I’ve seen you share about your life, you seem like such a talented and cool person! Your belle époque gown was phenomenally crafted! Working in a field that at least marginally suits your interests. What you share about your family, makes them seem great. Maybe not, but you’re probably a great parent and you and your husband seem well-suited together and respectful. Even if it’s not what you expected/wanted/whatever else, are you overwhelmingly disappointed or upset about the majority of factors in your life that you had a choice in?
Again I really know nothing about you, but I have a lot of respect for the person you have shared. If you see this, I hope it doesn’t come across poorly or upset you at all; and if it does, I’m really sorry. Have a good day and hope for still waters ahead!
This is so kind of you! 🥺 You are of course right. I DO have a lot to be thankful for! And I don't hate my life. We have our issues and arguments just like any human beings, but I am genuinely happy and in love with my spouse, and while I don't think I can say whether I'm a "great parent" or not (I'm certainly not perfect, and I know I make mistakes), I certainly do TRY (my kids do tell me I'm a good mom, but they're young, and I feel like I'm bracing myself for when they're older and say, "You ruined my life!" 😅😭)... But I'm unemployed right now (partly to spend more time with my kids, but partly for a variety of mental and physical health problems) and technically a "housewife," and like... I SEE the things people (mostly other women, honestly) say about people like me (I'm a "leech" or a "whore" or a "kept woman" or a "tradwife" or some kind of tragic victim) and sometimes I feel embarrassed and ashamed of it. But I SHOULDN'T! There is nothing ACTUALLY shameful about the life I have! But I live in a society that only values people if they're making money, and I am not.
When I was younger, I always sneered at the jokes about women going to college to "get their M.R.S. degree," (aka find a husband) but the cold, hard facts about my life are that I did meet the love of my life in college, and that I ended up dropping out because my mental health just fell apart. And I'm EMBARRASSED of this. (Should I be? Intellectually: no. But I am.) All my friends from college went on to have thriving careers, and I always feel "less than," and when we catch up, I feel like I have nothing to say about myself that they would respect. (Do they actually feel that way? I don't actually know) I know I talk a big game about "not caring what other people think of me," but I do. I TRULY and PASSIONATELY believe that human beings should not be defined by their "productivity," but I guess I have a hard time believing it about myself.
My life did not go the way I planned it. But what I have is Good. I was going to be a Professional Artist! But... my brain broke. I've been told that I have musical talent and a beautiful singing voice! But I've choked at every single audition I've gone to. 😂. I do have talent (and thank you for reminding me), but it only benefits myself and my immediate family and friends (I include YOU! 🖤). And my life isn't over! I want to go back to work when I can (though it would probably only be for minimum wage) and maybe I'll finish my degree someday, if I can get past my academic trauma... Who knows? Maybe I'll be like Grandma Moses or something. 😂 But... In the meantime, I have a quiet life with people I love, and get to use my creativity to bring joy to my friends. And that is no small thing. That is a Good Life. Thank you for reminding me! 🖤
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stormyy-bluezz01 · 9 months
just wanted to copy paste this masterpiece of an analysis i wrote in a youtube comment section in case comment algorithm doesn't give it any recognition
because it's so damn good and so damn long it just deserves it. even though i don't get much recognition from tumblr algorithm either, i still think it deserves a mention.
i posted this comment under @leeshyd531 btw. and the video was from twoallnighters, being a dub of a comic called 'undertale: post-neutral route' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdTYynYqeSg). i highly suggest giving it a watch before reading this post, because obviously, it's gonna have spoilers, and trust me fellas, this is a pretty damn good twist!
but without any further ado, enjoy my analysis! other than some edits at the beginning to fit the context of this post a little,
i commented this in a reply to another person in another comment, but it's so damn good and basically such a good soul trait analysis that i wanted to give it a moment of spotlight (and also for easy access for screenshotting [or well, since this is too long for my computer screen, i'll probs just copy paste this instead], this is so good that i am literally gonna screenshot this and put it up on my tumblr because i'm just that proud of myself for this analysis), so here goes:
for context, the comment i replied in mentioned how frisk likely didn't kill criminals worthy of murder, and the person of interest i replied to said that since there were two justice souls and a bravery soul, this must be right or something like that because they're 'good' traits (though they did also mention how with patience it could make sense for a criminal because the patience to commit crimes at the right time and stuff). they were wrong with the other statement, however, because the only inherently 'good' trait is kindness, and even that could be influenced by factors like substance abuse and mental illness, causing them to become unpredictable, put other lives in danger (like that of a child) without intending to. of course, if they were a parent, a kindness soul would likely not want to endanger their own child and at least try to quit harder substances, but you never know.
also, in response to the response about the justice and bravery souls, justice can be corruption/vengeance (a good example of this is undertale yellow genocide route!), bravery is not necessarily an inherently 'good' trait (with the only inherently 'good' trait being kindness [even integrity souls can be morally questionable, it's more about sticking to one's own morals than necessarily 'doing the right thing'], but even then a kindness soul could be kind and delusional, causing them to maybe commit crimes while abusing substances, for example? idk-) and could actually be very similar to perseverance souls in the nature of motivations. i honestly always saw bravery souls as either impulsive, extroverted people or people who suffered through a lot in life but kept their heads up and remained fearless (but then again, the latter could also just end up become perseverance souls instead).
but yeah, moving on to how the souls as criminals would be in general, i see patience as the true criminal masterminds out of all 7 soul traits. determination souls can be ruthless if it's to get their goal (like we see with frisk in this comic), bravery souls have probably pulled the craziest mastermind plans, justice souls get the best revenge, kindness souls are usually just mentally ill and not bad on purpose (because c'mon, they're kindness souls!), integrity souls are like criminals/assassins with moral codes (these ones are more likely to be hitmen who don't go after children, for example), and perseverance souls are stubborn af, but maybe not quite as ruthless with their goals as determined ones. still, i think patience souls are the best criminal masterminds because it's usually a lack of patience that brings intelligent criminal masterminds down.
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jimmyneutronrevival · 2 years
Hi folks.
I wanted to take some serious time to discuss the events from December in this blog so that everyone, cast included, can better understand my situation and my circumstances. L.A. COMIC CON AND MY 2022 LIFE
Before I get to the L.A. Comic-Con itself, let me discuss my 2022 in a nutshell.
In April of 2022, I developed a weird tiredness feeling that I have had for many months. I had been in and out of doctor’s offices trying to figure out what it is and was put on a waiting list for an Endocrinologist who will see me on March 9th. I also suffer from depression which has plagued my personal life for many years. I have been seeking help through a talk therapist and a medication therapist who, try as they might, haven’t been able to do too much. But I am now on a medication (Wellbutrin 300mg) that has given me a little bit of my energy back which is something. However, the amount of money I have had to fork over for these visits has been anything but cheap. My insurance covers a lot of it, but the rest of the cost is up to me.
Additionally, I had been mulling over the prospect of returning to school. My current degree wasn’t helping me as far as my career prospects were concerned and I wanted to work on a business degree to improve my chances of landing a fulfilling career. As I was a gig worker and part-time online test scorer, I didn’t have a lot of money. And at the time, I had made zero plans to make any trips for the year or do anything else that would set me back financially. So, I made the decision to take the plunge and I applied to college. I was accepted and began my studies online in the fall of 2022. I spent close to $7000 on my first semester and the spring semester so far has been roughly the same, give or take a few hundred dollars.
Now, let’s go back in time to the Jimmy Neutron panel at L.A. Comic-Con which had been formally announced on October 28th. This gave me barely a month to prepare. I was scrambling to find low-cost airfare, a reasonably-priced hotel, and transportation. I did my due diligence and researched every site I could, including popular sites like Orbitz and Expedia. The airfare was going to set me back almost $500 ($400 + fees). I was able to find a hotel on the L.A. Comic-Con website, but it would have been about $700-$800 plus a large hospitality tax. The one good thing about it is that it was on the same street as the convention center and within walking distance. Then came the dilemma of finding a cab or an Uber/Lyft to get me from the airport to the hotel and the hotel back to the airport, which would have been at least $50-$75 both ways. Add food, money for souvenirs, the actual cost of two badges for the show plus fees since I would have attended 2 out of the 3 days, plus autographs and it was going to cost me close to $2000.
By the time I had the knowledge that a reunion panel was happening, $7000 was already gone due to school. I did not have enough discretionary funds I could use as far as taking any kind of a trip was concerned.
I am in the lower-income bracket along with so many other millennials. Some of us got lucky and found good careers while others like myself have had to struggle. There are probably more articles on the Internet about the struggles many of us millennials have went through than I can count. For people like me, life has been tough.
Because I am in the low-income bracket, I have to budget a lot of the things that I do. School was a major cost factor as far as my budget for 2022 was concerned, and I knew that any little bit of money I did have left would have to go to the other bills and responsibilities I must pay for each month.
In the end, after crunching the numbers, I did not have the $2000 I would need to make the journey out to the convention, and I had to make the difficult decision of informing all of my followers that I would not be able to attend. This broke my heart more than anyone could possibly realize. I was extremely upset and sad about it.
I decided to take the initiative to finish the petition so that it could be displayed at the show if the cast wished. I spent several weeks in about 3-4 settings working 3 hours at a time to edit the fake names and duplicate signatures out of the petition as well as the odd comments and duplicate comments on the petition comment page. On November 27th, at midnight, I finished everything and sent it off to the organizer of the panel and that was that.
There were a couple of people who thought that I was going to attend which caused quite a bit of confusion. I did my best to try to clear up any misunderstandings. Even though I did explain that I wasn’t coming on my socials, I know not everyone sees these posts which I totally understand.
The weekend of the show was extremely difficult. It got to a point where I had to shut my notifications off on social media so that the pictures and other notifications bombarding me about the show wouldn’t send me spiraling into a deeper state of depression. Unfortunately, I fell apart. I had been able to keep it together for so long, but the weekend of the show, I was no longer able to remain that stoic person I always try to be. I broke down several times and felt absolutely awful. I have had many days of sleepless nights and still feel absolutely guilty. I felt like I had let people down and it hurt like hell.
While I hope this is not a one-time deal, if it ends up being that way and I missed out, all I can say is I am sorry. I am sorry that the funds were not there for me to attend. This was something that I wanted to do and had I had more advance notice I would have moved mountains to try to get the money. I wish I was one of those people who could drop everything to do something like this. But unfortunately, I am not.
In order for me to attend anything like this in the future, should that happen, I would need advance notice that is more than a month, so I have the time to prepare. Otherwise, it will be hard for me to get a plan together along with the proper funding.
Also, I will try to set aside a savings account for trips so I can be a little better prepared in this way.
I hope that this explanation is helpful to my followers, the cast, or anyone else who may be reading this.
Thank you all for your understanding.
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blocksruinedme · 1 year
….. team rancher perhaps? For the “brutally honest opinion on a ship” question
Okay so yes I got this in march. I've been thinking.
the ship? on double life? delightful. I fell for it so hard in the silliest way - i was writing a flower husbands fic and i wanted jimmy to talk to scott about tango, and thus i had to figure it out and woosh. There I was writing SO MUCH. (and then a spin off of that one got me into smalletho, i'm a hilarious creature.) Obviously I'm obsessed with Jimmy, and they were so cute together, they worked together well, good wholesome vibes. Sometimes it's nice to have a comedic duo as a ship. I got fanart printed, it was the first thing I published, I sat around and daydreamed about my many many wips.
However. Tragically. I've given it months and I just think I'm done for the foreseeable future. I am BUMMED about this. I wish I could separate c and cc on this one, and not care about the crossover and just write DL. Nothing about DL or LimLife or whatever interferes with my SmallEtho or Flower Husbands feels, each series is something i can choose to bring into what i'm feeling/writing. But, ugh. It's not working here. Especially with actual crossover-setting ranchers as opposed to DL etc.
To jump ahead - my remaining ranchers wip WILL be finished, because I'm so lucky to be able to bring in the amazing passionate clever supportive thoughtful kind and considerate @that-tall-queer-bassist as a co-author. They saw what I was afraid to ask and offered. (I might have asked eventually.) The most important parts are there, imo. My first fic was "my ex stole my soulmate", (fwhip/jimmy/tango) which i wrote in a possessed fervor the day the crossover started. this is the sequel, "my soulmate made a date for me and my ex". It's all outlined and the beginning is written, and most crucially the final conversation is written, where i got Jimmy and Tango's voices to my satisfaction and did how I wanted things to wrap up. I just... the thought of doing it makes me so anxious (especially after i got a "why haven't you updated" comment and had a VERY bad day from it) but I swore I'd never abandon a wip. It keeps getting kudos - the first one had 3x as many kudos as any other fic until the month, and then it's just one fic, it's still so popular - and i don't even want to reread it. It's a very strange feeling to have you biggest hit be something that makes you sad!
the rest of the unpublished wips - man idk how many partially written ranchers fics i have. so many. a lot are in what would have been a flower husbands/ranchers multiverse series that might have hit 100k, which i'm never doing. i'm planning to publish a couple short stand-alones. Some of the ranchers shit is good! My current thought is to go back to them a few months after "my soulmate made a date" is finished and skim and see if any are in a shape where i might want to share some on request, because right now i have so much anxiety about it all to even make decisions. i especially love the sequel to "love respect joy and ranchin'" cause that was 17k of sexual tension and a lot of sexy things happened after.
Maybe time will pass and I'll get what I want! Maybe I'll be able to look at DL ranchers and just enjoy what is there, what I loved before, and not be disappointed about what never happened after animated heart reunions etc. My hopes were SO high and I'm going to try and never get my hopes that high again for something dependent on so many factors.
It is funny that I wrote fics that people are probably using for some fix-it feelings, while I myself can't fix it for me! I'm supremely lucky that I have so many other ships.
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subterra-rose · 2 years
hard agree with your toh concepts post... i literally think about what's going on with belos' goop curse and how it happened plus also palisman carving, how Exactly belos came to power, and collector and titan lore Every day of my life. and plus like. PLEASE. and i know it's Kinda implied i guess but HOW has peepaw belos survived for 400 YEARS!!!! Damn!!!!!!
and ik im also the anon who's sent asks about them before but every single thing grimwalker related im also insane about and slightly salty there's not more info on... plus like. hunters inner conflict with the whole Clone thing in general? and like hunter Literally was reading a book called The Grimwalker Extinction. Tf was going on with that!! i wonder do average folk in the boiling isles even know what a grimwalker is?? does it vary from person to person??
also. How did lilith get to keep her palisman in the emperor's coven. the people (me) crave answers. i love her silly bird. obvious disclaimer though im not actually mad about these things it's just. shakes fist angrily at cloud (mouse)
Okay anon I’m about to crazy under the cut
So first off, in my mind the deal with Lilith and her palisman is partly due to two factors: 1) Belos needs to make sure the time loop is complete and taking away her staff might have impeded that 2) I always HC’d that he kept a close eye on the Clawthornes (maybe due to Evelyn…?) because they were known palistrom carvers, so keeping a relatively neutral relationship with them would be better for him in the long run. Taking her palisman away might’ve have caused even greater tension and I think maybe it would be a risk he’s willing to take to make sure his plans stay secure. I also think Mike Socks the Raven has the strongest plot armour in the show. ( Lilith is also badass as hell so she would’ve whipped Belos’ old ass like she did 370 years ago if he tried taking it /j)
The theory I tend to stick to for Belos’ aging and extended lifespan hinges on the speculation that palisman are shown to have longevity (ie Flapjack). Personally, I’m ascribed to the idea that every 10 years is about 1-2 years physically for Philip at this point? However, given he can possess the grimwalkers and other living things, I kind of feel like maybe this might not be his original body? Or at least he might have used a previous grimwalker to heal himself in some way. I wonder if there was a certain point in his lifespan where he started doubting if it was worth it due to the havoc he was wreaking on himself (probably not lol)
Hunter and the extinction of the grimwalkers is super interesting to think about bc it’s like? They’re clones, how could they really be going extinct? I sort of figure they were regulated at a certain point because it could get messy. I kind of think of it like how pet cloning is a thing as bad as it sounds. You’re not guaranteed to get something that was 100% the same as the original because of the assortment of genes. Maybe after a while it got banned because it was an unpredictable science? I feel like a lot of the books we see in the Bonesborough library kind of imply you can find these topics, but I’d imagine witches who are more specialized know about them? I don’t think Hunter would’ve snuck back to the castle to find books about grimwalkers, so that’s probably the safest bet imo?
My Belos goop HC kind of has to do with the grimwalker recipe? Palistrom is known to act as a source of keratin which supports the skin mainly (and epithelial cells) and heals wounds. I think because of this, palistrom not only acts as a stabilizer for his form, but the magic he absorbs acts as a conduit for the glyphs until it’s metabolized if that makes sense? I kind of wish there was something about how he discovered they would help though? Maybe he saw a witch get injured and a palisman heal them, then attempted to do the same?? We don’t really get any sort of implication like that outside of Belos I think except in Thanks for Them? And even then I assumed that’s because Hunter was a grimwalker at first, not that it was an ability that palisman had in the first place.
I could go off more, but I’ll leave it at this rn lol
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thebergeyshow · 2 years
transcending the bonds of plastic
I was in the bathroom, organizing, like any other day, putting things away from a recent restock shopping trip, when suddenly, like the fall of Lucifer, my favorite bottle of Jergens Shea Butter lotion tipped from it's perch on my wire shelving, flew through the air and plummeted 3.5 ft to the ground, slamming its head onto the vinyl flooring. I screamed, as you do. Upon its landing my initial expectation was for there to be lotion everywhere, which, while inconvenient, would not have been the end of the world.
However, the truth was much more sinister. It was, in fact, the end of the world.
The scream I originally released was premature. I uttered another as the realization came to light. My lotion bottle had been d e c a p i t a t e d.
The Queen of Hearts could have done no better herself. Severed at it's life-giving artery, my lotion bottle was rendered unalive. Time of death - 8:06pm.
Naturally, my response time was slowed by shock. I stood for a moment contemplating my options, holding the lifeless bottle in my hands, looking about the bathroom for some kind of a solution to jump out at me, much like this Jergens bottle had done just moments before it's untimely demise.
My eyes landed on an ancient glass bottle that once held Bath and Body Works Sensual Aromatherapy (which was amazing but is no longer sold), but now was really only around because I couldn't bare to admit its empty soul had fled, and I thought to myself, "I can save them both yet".
I sprung into action, unscrewing the tops of both bottles, only to discover... the Jergens bottle neck was larger than the Aromatherapy bottle neck. I froze. Where to go from here.
The following sequence of events will haunt me forever.
My first reaction was to find a pump from another bottle of lotion to attempt pumping the lotion from the Jergens bottle into the Aromatherapy bottle. I didn't have a pump that fit perfectly but I had one that could work. After several heart-pounding minutes of attempting this it became clear the subpar pump would never live up to the prowess of the Jergens pump when it was in its glory and would take an eternity to move the lotion through to the new bottle.
My next plan was to find a lesser bottle top which could allow me to turn the bottle upside down to void it of the lotion. The only one I had which might fit was on an underused bottle of Nair.
I don't think I have to tell you how scary it is to try to use something that has been touched by the devil (Nair) to transport lotion. The idea of slathering on lotion only to have my hair removed in the process... I shuddered to think.
Consequently, I spent a fair amount of time and dedication cleaning the bottle top, carefully removing all remnants of Nair so as to provide myself a clean and effective tool to save my precious Jergens.
I would like to take this time to remind you a full-size bottle of Jergens is $8. I was going through all of this to save $8.
But I digress.
I could not get all the Nair out by hand. I dug through a drawer for a tiny bottle brush. I successfully removed all hazardous material from the bottle top. I secured the bottle top on the Jergens bottle.
In a fraction of the time it took me to clean out the Nair from the bottle top, it was already clear it would not be effective in transferring the lotion to the new bottle. The aromatherapy bottle neck was simply too small to sustain that kind of procedure.
My motivation was on life-support.
Of a sudden, an idea occurred to me. One that seemed so simple, so obvious, that I kicked myself for not thinking of it sooner.
An idea that turned out to be so so very wrong.
"A funnel", I thought, "Why didn't I think of that before?"
I didn't think of it before, dear reader, because it is not, in fact, a good idea. I did not factor in the viscosity of the lotion, nor the lack of airflow between the funnel and the bottle neck.
And so we arrived at what you see below. My greatest work and my greatest shame. A failed attempt at saving $8 which resulted in the wasted efforts of 45 minutes of my life. The decapitated and amputated remnants of the Jergens pump, alongside a plastic spoon, both stuck down through a funnel and glass aromatherapy bottle in a final attempt to force the lotion into the bottle.
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My efforts failed. My mission was at it's lowest. I abandoned all hope.
At long last I gave up my futile efforts and submitted to defeat. My time was wasted, my energy low, and finally I allowed myself to see the truth of the matter. No bottle could contain the lifeforce that had once been held so ably by that Jergens bottle. Nothing could compare.
With a heavy heart, I gathered the small plastic containers I had saved from my last three vitamin orders (because I can't throw anything away and now we know why), rinsed them, and dejectedly squeezed the remaining lotion from the Jergens bottle, through the Nair bottle top, into the Flo vitamin jars.
"This has been a company teambuilding project," I thought to myself.
But it was just me, in my bathroom, and I was surrounded only by the company of my mistakes.
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accountingacademic · 11 months
About Me
Hello, everyone!
I'm Xavier, the one running this blog.
I'm in my first year of the Business Administration program at my local community college and plan to go into the accounting stream next year. From there, I am considering taking advantage of the "2+2" program my college has with many universities in the province; I will be able to go to university starting in my third year, so getting my BA will only take two more years. After that, getting my CPA is also something I am considering.
My goals for the next five years are:
Graduate from college with honours. In my college, that is an average of 85% across all courses, with no course being below 80%. So far all of my classes are in the 90's right now, so I'm still safely on track for this.
Get a job that pays enough for me to be able to move out of my parents' house. It's not a toxic environment to live in, but there are definitely issues. Not to mention that I'm in a small-ish town where the job opportunities are very limited, and will almost certainly have to relocate to be able to make any progress in my career.
Get down to 57kg. I know this one isn't as directly related, but it's still an important goal for me. I have a lot of hereditary health issues from both sides of my family to worry about, most of which are exacerbated by being overweight. I'm 160cm tall and used multiple formulas to figure out my target weight (four formulas plus either end of the healthy BMI range gave me six numbers with 57 being the mean, hence why I chose that as my target). In addition to being able to mitigate the potential health risks, exercising regularly has been tied to improved academic performance as well. While the research is limited, and there are many other factors at play as well, my school has a gym, and access is included in the fees I paid, so I have nothing to lose by making use of this resource.
I will admit that I'm not the best at studying, so far as active learning methods go. My instructors post the slides online, so I do a combination of copying those slides after class (I can't write or type quickly enough to do it during class, so I focus on paying attention and participating in discussions instead), reading the textbook chapters ahead of time, and annotating my textbooks. In addition to putting a lot of effort into my assignments, of course.
I work with Pomodoro-esque timing, using the Forest app (one of few apps I have the paid version of, as it was a one-time cost and I did it when I was in high school). 25 minutes of work, five-minute breaks. I just don't keep track of how many I did to get the 15-minute breaks.
My posts are mostly going to be daily reflections. I will likely also include book recommendations, progress updates in challenges that I'm participating in, study tips that I see and decide to reblog (with and without commentary), and anything else that may be relevant.
The daily reflections will be, as expected, daily. Everything else will be queued up to post 6 times a day. Those six queued posts will be every four hours, and the daily reflection will go live a little bit before I go to bed.
Don't be afraid to use asks and messages if you want to get in contact with me! I don't bite, I promise. I don't mind helping people whenever I can, just make sure you make it clear if you want something responded to privately, as I will otherwise opt to publish it for the sake of everyone else. If one person asks a question, odds are someone else has the same question and is just too afraid to ask.
I also love it when people interact with my posts! Feel free to reblog and comment, I will do my best to get back to as much as possible. However, I won't tolerate harassment or hate speech of any kind, and violations of this policy will be dealt with accordingly.
Finally, as a side note, I do have tips enabled because I'm unemployed and living off of student loan money. I can cover day-to-day expenses, but the tips would help me with some minor quality-of-life things that I want to get. They're completely optional, and not something I need, but it's impossible to deny that they're also nice motivators.
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