#however i realize people are having fun and joking which is why i'm complaining here on my own blog lmao
sword-dad-fukuzawa · 2 months
"if light and L resolved their sexual tension by fucking the kira case would never have continued and they could've lived happily ever after" wrong. rewatch the anime. the lind L taylor gambit doesn't even occur until after light's resolved to cleanse the earth of criminals and sinners and kills like 500 people. shipping has rotted your brain and you've forgotten who Light Yagami is
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babyrdie · 1 month
Would you be interested about talking more about Jason and his character? I’d love to hear more about what you like about his characterisation in general, and how Apollonius describes him 🙂 /gen
Sure! Sorry for the delay, there was a lot to say since I don't usually talk about Jason here.
A few details first:
I was immensely inspired by Fernando Rodrigues Junior's translation because he wrote essays about the poem at the end of the edition, and they were very helpful. Credit to him. In addition to him, I looked for other academic opinions that better explained what I think. However, any opinion is still an opinion, be it mine or those of academics, and therefore you can certainly disagree.
When I refer to Jason as a non-traditional hero, I am talking about Argonautica. Pindar, for example, writes him in a traditional way. I’ll mention other sources here, but the focus is still Argonautica. Also, I'm going to assume that Argonautica uses the popular version of the myth (including Jason's family context and his ending with Medea) for character opinion purposes, but I'm aware that the text doesn't explicitly state anything.
I have reread considerable parts of the Argonautica (which is part of the reason I took so long to respond), but I haven’t reread it in its entirety. My memory may therefore be deceiving!
You asked about Jason, but I talked about Medea too because their developments are connected.
I'm not fluent in English and the translator is an ally, so please forgive any mistakes.
I'll take this opportunity to say that I think the debates surrounding the mythological Medea and Jason tend to be a waste of time, which is why I've given up on looking for anything about them here. Most of the time, people are making long posts about how Medea is cruel for killing her children as if people need constant reminders that killing your child (or children in general) is wrong. And no, someone posting something silly like "Medea is a queen" doesn't mean they don't know that Medea is cruel. People post about how Achilles and Odysseus are just little guys all the time and no one makes a post about how they're war criminals every time someone posts something like that. Because in the case of male characters, people realize it's a joke and in the case of female characters, people simply lose the ability to understand jokes. You have the right to sympathize with male characters who were also cruel, but you need to explain yourself if you do the same with cruel female characters. As for Jason, he's restricted to "the guy who was cruel to Medea" and apparently no one makes an effort to comment on anything more interesting about him, especially about the poem entirely dedicated to his journey. There are a lot of heroes who weren't as nice people as Jason either, but they at least get a chance to be explored in another way. It seems that most people don't want to talk about the complexities of the characters, most seem more focused on reaffirming obviousness (Medea is cruel) and reducing characters to a single thing (Jason is a bad husband). I'm incredulous that people don't comment, for example, on how Jason is innovative in Argonautica. No one comments on how Medea and Jason as a couple have an incredible dynamic and that part of the flavor of this couple is precisely that they're not cute and healthy. "Ah, but their marriage sucks!"...yes, it sucks! That's part of the fun! They're doomed, that's the point! Even Apollonius clearly knows about it, as I'll talk here. And it's not like I expect people to make deep, knowledgeable posts... I'm also just looking at mythology as a hobby and having fun with no major pretensions. I just wish the topic was less restricted, you know. Something other than debating Medea's morality or simply complaining that Jason is a bad husband. Likewise, trying to defend the morality of any of these characters is equally a waste of time.
Fernando (the mentioned translator) comments that, although Argonautica deals with many themes, by far the one that has most attracted academics to discuss the poem is the validity of the supposed heroism in the character of Jason. And, honestly, reading Argonautica I can see why. The elements of “young hero” and “hero who goes on a mission because he was ordered” are treated in a somewhat…different way here?
Okay, let's take Achilles and Perseus as an example, since I've already introduced them in this post. According to Pseudo-Apollodorus, Achilles was 15 when he joined the army, and even authors who don't give an exact age agree that he was very young. This is also visible in the iconography, since Achilles is always depicted beardless. His being young is part of the tragedy, but in the end he’s still a fearsome hero. His youth doesn’t inhibit his power, so to speak. Perseus is young (I'm not sure if he was a teenager or a young adult, though) and he went on a mission not because he wanted to, but because he had to — because of his mother, Danae, by order of King Polydectes. But in the end, Perseus is still heroic. He not only kills Medusa but saves Andromeda from the sea monster and returns home to save his mother, Danae. And he has divine help in this, but the divine help factor is something common for heroes. The thing is: Perseus doesn't need other people (note the term people, which excludes deities) to do things for him. Neither does Achilles, for that matter. Jason in Argonautica isn't like that. He’s young, he’s insecure, he’s passive, he’s unresponsive, he has people doing things for him all the time. Even the heroine of the poem, Medea, is more active and determined than he is, which is not exactly a common characteristic in Ancient Greek works. He isn’t fearsome like Achilles and he is not brave like Perseus.
In academia, Jason's character raised doubts. Among those who study ancient Greek literature, he seems to be...well, he's not like the others. Fernando comments on how Auguste Coaut, Alfred Körte, J.W. Mackail, C.M. Bowra, F. Wright, and G.W. Money all seem to think that Jason lacks something that makes him heroic — by ancient Greek standards — or even something that makes him a protagonist — i.e., the focal character who moves the narrative forward. The reasons are similar: he's passive, he's not brave, he has a weak presence, he's uninteresting, and some say he's selfish — in the sense of not doing something that benefits others. Compared to the other characters, Jason seems surprisingly lackluster to some readers, which is unexpected for a hero protagonist. When you read The Iliad, Achilles definitely doesn't seem like a weak presence or a coward. Same with Odysseus in The Odyssey and with other characters like Perseus and Heracles when their myths are told. None of these characters seem to need, for the most part, other people (note that I say people, not deities. Deities helping heroes is common) to solve things for them at all times. If anything, it's Achilles who is the most active of the Greek warriors in the Trojan War, it's Odysseus who is the main voice throughout the poem, it's Perseus who helps Andromeda and Danae, it's Heracles who overcomes his conflicts. They may receive help, but you can see that they’re capable. You don't question their capabilities at any point. Jason, on other hand, is very much questioned.
I'll give a summary, just to make it more understandable for those who haven't read it and to refresh the minds of those who have. The summary is focused more on Jason's attitudes or lack of attitudes, so it is not a summary of Argonautica itself. For example, I didn't describe Apollo's importance in the text because it doesn't really affect what I want to talk about. There are several myths mentioned by Apollonius that I didn't mention, and I also didn't mention all the reported fates of the Argonauts.
In Book 1, we have:
As Jason is leaving Ioculs, Apollonius points out that he’s hot like Apollo. Jason doesn't volunteer to be the leader and instead asks the Argonauts who should be the leader. Obviously, everyone chooses Heracles, the most experienced of the crew, but Heracles says that the job should go to Jason because he's the one who brought them together. And just because Heracles said it, the Argonauts agree. So not only did Jason not volunteer to take the lead, he wasn't the first choice. Furthermore, right at the beginning, Jason is already crying because he misses home (bro really wasn’t excited about this mission). The ship's seats are drawn at random, with the exception of Heracles and Ancaeus, who by unanimous decision are given the middle seat. Also by group decision, Tiphys is given the position of helmsman.
After making sacrifices to Apollo and Idmon, who is capable of divination, assuring them that they will return with the fleece but that Idmon is destined to die in a distant land, the Argonauts are both happy and saddened by both news. While everyone was having fun drinking and eating, Jason was despondent and thoughtful. Idas taunts him, insinuating that Jason is a fearful coward and that Idas, on the other hand, is strong and courageous. Jason doesn’t respond to Idas, but Idmon gets angry and reprimands Idas for not comforting a discouraged comrade with appropriate words. Idmon and Idas argue and the one who stops the argument is Orpheus singing and playing. The most Jason does is stop Idas from attacking Idmon, but all the Argonauts do that and not just Jason (that typical moment when a lot of people try to break up a fight lol).
When they land on Lemnos, an island of only women (they killed the men) who had even armed themselves to defend themselves, Jason's way of avoiding conflict is through eroticism and not heroism. Because he’s beautiful and charming, he’s captivating (like, all the women of Lemnos thought he was really hot lol). Thus, the heroes avoid conflict with the women and even spend days having sex (in Jason's case, with Hypsipyle, the queen of Lemnos). And it's not Jason who reminds the heroes that they have a mission to accomplish, but Heracles is the one who does. Heracles, who had stayed to guard the ship Argo, has to go and remind everyone that they have a mission and that the Golden Fleece won’t go to Iolcus alone. 
They disembark at the place of the Deliones, ruled by the newly married king Cyzicus. That part wasn't a problem for them, as Cyzicus was a good host. When they left, they were attacked by six-armed giants (known as Earth-born men) because such monsters were created by Hera as a trial for Heracles. However, Heracles dealt with them all. They set off again and it was night when the boat was moved to get closer to Deliones' home again without anyone noticing that they were on the same land they had been on before. The Doliones, who were constantly having problems with other people, thought the Argonauts were enemies and attacked them. Jason then kills Cyzicus without recognizing him and subsequently the rest of the Argonauts kill other Doliones. Only later did they realize that they had killed their own allies and spent three days mourning. Cyzicus' widow hanged herself.
Then they set off. As they sailed, a bird made a noise. Mopsus, hearing the animal, realized that it was a sign of good omen (birds were considered signs in divination) and told Jason where they should go and what to do. After doing what Mopsus said they should, they rowed again. When the sea became too strong, Heracles alone rowed hard enough, but ended up breaking his oar. They’re in Mysia and Heracles orders them to prepare something to eat while he goes to get wood to make a new oar. However, Heracles is accidentally left behind in Mysia along with the Argonaut Polyphemus (Heracles wanted to look for Hylas, who had been taken by the nymphs while looking for water, and so didn’t embark in time. And Polyphemus was the one who heard Hylas screaming, so he also stayed to help Heracles) without Jason noticing the absence. When the Argonauts notice Heracles' absence, Telamon accuses Jason of doing it on purpose so that Heracles wouldn’t overshadow him, and Jason doesn’t even defend himself. Telamon tries to get Tiphys to return for Heracles, but Boreas' sons (Zethes and Calais) stop him. The situation only ends when the god Glaucus intervenes and explains that Heracles was left behind by divine will, as he must finish his labors rather than continue with the Argonauts.
In Book 2, we have:
The Argonauts arrive at the home of the Bebrycians, whose king Amycus has a habit of challenging travelers to fight him in a boxing match. He then orders the Argonauts to choose the bravest warrior and doesn't even care to know who they are, which angers Polydeuces. That's why it's not Jason who volunteers, but Polydeuces (Helen's brother. The Dioscuri are part of the Argonauts and Polydeuces, specifically, is the demigod of Zeus. Castor is the son of Tyndareus). And indeed, it’s Polydeuces who defeats Amycus. This caused Bebrycians to attack the Argonauts, which led to a fight in which the Argonauts won and sent their enemies running (like, literally). One of the Argonauts comments that if Heracles was still with the Argonauts they probably wouldn't have gone through this, since Amycus would hardly challenge Heracles.
At one point, they stop at a place near the house of Phineus, an elderly and blind seer who is daily tormented by harpies because of a divine punishment imposed by Zeus. The Argonauts want to free him from the problem with the harpies, but it isn’t Jason who does it, but Zethes and Calais (demigods of the god of the north wind Boreas). Phineus, being a seer, prophesies to the Argonauts the challenges they will have to face. What he says leaves everyone scared, including Jason, who even takes a while to respond to Phineus because he’s so shocked.
They have to pass two rocks that move to crush those who sail between them, but they manage to advance. Not because of Jason, but because the goddess Athena helped them and the helmsman Tiphys was skilled. After they pass the Clashing Rocks with Athena's support, Tiphys notices how fearful Jason is and tries to comfort him telling him that they have divine help (in this case, Athena) and that Phineus, who is a seer, said that the voyage would continue well. Discouraged, Jason gently responds that he shouldn’t have accepted Pelias's imposition and instead should have never set out because he fears that he will lead all his companions to their deaths. However, the Argonauts motivate him and he regains the motivation to continue.
At one point, they are attacked by a wild boar and Idmon dies because of the animal. The Argonauts are obviously alarmed, but it isn’t Jason who resolves the situation. Peleus is the first to react and wounds the animal, and Idas is the one who delivers the fatal blow. Later in the journey, the helmsman Tiphys dies from an illness.
After losing their companions, the Argonauts are sad and don’t continue their journey. Jason, as their leader, doesn’t motivate them and instead joins them. Ancaeus, driven by Hera, motivates them to continue without fear and yet Jason does nothing. Peleus, however, is motivated and tries to encourage Jason, who dejectedly says that he thinks they have an evil fate awaiting them in a hopeless mood. And then Ancaeus, still driven by Hera, simply decides not to waste time with Jason and moves the ship himself. Hera is really motivated to bring Medea to Iolcus lol
Further on, they pass by the island of Ares, and one of the island's birds attacks Oileus, causing him to stop rowing. In the face of this attack, Jason does nothing. The ones who resolve the situation are Clytius, who kills the bird, and Eribotes, who tends to Oileus's wound. All of this without Jason's order. Furthermore, it’s Amphidamas who gives the suggestion that prevents the birds from stopping attacking them: to make noises to scare them away.
Later, the Argonauts encounter the sons of Phrixus, who had brought the Golden Fleece to Colchis years ago, in trouble after being shipwrecked. One of them, Argus (not to be confused with Argus, Arestor's son, who built the ship Argo), asks the Argonauts for help. It’s Jason who diplomatically mediates the situation, noting that this is part of Phineus' prophecies. After helping the sons of Phryxus, Jason takes the opportunity to ask them to reward him by helping him get the Golden Fleece. Argus, however, tells them about how cruel, powerful, and a demigod of Helios Aeetes is. This leaves everyone frightened, and once again, Jason does nothing to lift their spirits. But Peleus cheers everyone up.
Sighting Colchis, it’s Ancaeus who tells them that they must choose a strategy on how to approach Aeetes. Argus advised them where they should anchor the ship, so Jason gave the order for Argus's advice to be followed.
In Book 3, we have:
The Argonauts are still on the ship, unnoticed. Athena and Hera then think about how to get them the golden fleece. Hera wants to know if they should advise/influence them to try to deceive the king with smooth words or if Athena has a scheme in mind. Both then thought about what to do, until Hera gave an option: ask Aphrodite to make her son, Eros, make Medea fall in love with Jason.
On the Argo, Jason once again wants to know the Argonauts' opinion on his plan and encourages them to speak up, stating that as common cause is common cause, so is the right to speak. The plan is for the Argonauts to rest on the Argo while Jason, the sons of Phrixus, and two other comrades go to the palace to speak with Aeetes. He will then first see if, with words alone, he can deal with Aeetes or if it will be necessary to resort to more violence. Jason thinks it’s better to first test speech before violence, and comments that years before Aeetes welcomed Phrixus, so why assume that he would immediately be antagonistic to foreigners (in the future we will discover that Aeetes actually hates foreigners and only accepted Phrixius by divine order from Hermes). The Argonauts by mutual consent accept Jason's idea, and the comrades chosen to go along with him and the sons of Phrixus are Telamon and Augeias.
They easily go to the palace without being interrupted by the Colchians because Hera helped them to go unnoticed along the way. Medea quickly calls her sister, Chalciope, as she is Phrixus' widow and the mother of his children. Next come Aeetes and his wife, Eidiya. Taking advantage of the distraction, Eros shoots Medea, who immediately falls in love with Jason.
Aeetes asks his grandsons what happened and who these strangers are, and Argus, who is the oldest, answers. Basically, he describes the Argonauts in a very complimentary way, talks about how they saved him, says that they need the fleece to end a curse and even says, “Hey, Jason’s grandfather is Cretheus. Cretheus is Athamas’ brother. Guess who Athamas is? My grandfather! In other words, we’re related!” Aeetes gets furious because he thinks the Argonauts want the throne and tell them to leave, and threatens that he would have beheaded them if he hadn’t eaten with them. Jason tries to calm him down with his typical sweet and flattering words, but then Aeetes proposes to give him the fleece if Jason successfully completes a practically impossible task. Faced with this, Jason immediately becomes discouraged and thoughtful, but finally, desperate, he says that he will accept even if it is destiny to die because he has to carry out the order imposed by a king. Afterwards, Jason gets up and leaves with his companions while Apollonius describes that he is so hot that he surpasses everyone in beauty.
Argus suggests to Jason that he get help from Medea, as she is a follower of Hecate. He says that he can try to get her to contact Jason by asking his mother, Chalciope, to speak to Medea, since they are sisters. Jason accepts the suggestion. Returning to the Argo, Jason says that Aeetes has given the task of plowing the field using two fire-breathing oxen and planting seeds that create warriors (these are the seeds of Cadmus, who used them to form the first Thebans) and that it is Jason's duty to kill all the warriors on the same day, and he says that he accepted because there was nothing else to do. All the Argonauts are silent and desperate because no one (this includes the demigods in the group) there thought that this is a task that any of the Argonauts could accomplish. Again, it is Peleus who encourages them and comforts Jason. The Argonauts are excited and prepared.
Argus, however, stops the Argonauts and tells them that they must wait, as he will try to get help from Medea since she is skilled in the arts of Hecate. There are again bird signs, and Mopsus interprets to them that this is a positive sign that they should get help from Medea. All the Argonauts agree because they remember Phineus' words, except Idas. Idas finds it shameful that they’re asking for help from Aphrodite and not Ares, mocks the bird signs and thinks it’s bad that they focus on begging "waekling girls" instead of engaging in acts of war. The Argonauts murmur among themselves, but none actually say anything. Jason, as usual, ignores Idas and tells Argus to do as he was suggested, so Argus leaves to speak to his mother.
Argus talks to Calchiope, who agrees to talk to Medea that the foreigners want her help. She asks Medea to accept for the sake of Calchiope's children, but Medea would have already accepted for Jason anyway. Medea then prepares the necessary drugs and, at night, leaves to give them to Jason at the Temple of Hecate. Hera decides that she will make Jason more attractive to Medea, and Apollonius says that he has become so attractive that even the Argonauts are amazed and Mopsus immediately feels a good omen. Mopsus was supposed to go with Jason, but Hera tells him through a raven that no maiden will allow herself to be seduced with strangers around, so Mopsus assures Jason that it will be successful e but that he will have to go alone. Jason and Medea meet at the Temple of Hecate and the general idea is that they flirt with each other, Jason uses sweet words to convince Medea to help him (she is unsure about being a traitor to Colchis), Medea notices how hot Jason is, they blush and there is a promise of marriage in exchange for the help (it is not a hard promise for Jason, as he likes Medea and likes the idea of ​​marrying her). So they return to their proper places, Jason having the drugs that will help him in the task of Aeetes. Jason tells the Argonauts that it was a success and everyone is happy, except Idas who continued to sulk.
For the first time, Jason is able to have a moment of martial prowess all to himself as he successfully accomplishes Aeetes' task, including killing the warriors born from the seeds. However, he’s also only able to do so because Medea helped him by giving him drugs that made him temporarily invulnerable (in fact, he knew it would work because he had previously sprayed the drug on his equipment and had the Argonauts try to break it to see if it was invulnerable). Jason is compared to both Ares and Apollo. Apollo has been used before, but Ares to describe Jason is clearly a characteristic unique to this event of marcial demonstration. 
In Book 4, we have:
Hera urges Medea to leave with the Argonauts, as she wants her to be Pelias' punishment (he dishonored Hera). Medea runs to the Argonauts and tells them that she will put the fleece-guarding serpent to sleep and take the fleece herself, as long as Jason truly marries her under divine witness. Jason is happy, comforts her and makes a vow to Hera that he will make Medea his wife. They shake hands, as if making a deal. While being taken away on the Argo, Medea is sad to say goodbye to Colchis, but Jason comforts her.
They stop at the place where they will get the fleece. It is Medea who uses her drugs to put the guardian beast of the golden fleece to sleep. And during this process, Jason is described as being afraid while Medea does everything. She tells him to get the Golden Fleece, and then he goes and does it. The two return to Argo, where Jason shows the Argonauts the fleece and tells them to get ready as Aeetes will certainly come after them. Jason puts on his war armor and stands near Medea. Argus suggests where they should go and Hera gives a sign of good omen, which encourages the Argonauts and makes them do what Argus said.
The Colchians pursue the Argo, which makes Medea extremely angry (it’s said that she wanted to set the ship on fire, to get an idea) and Jason has to calm her down. She tells him that she has a plan to kill Absyrtus, her brother who is pursuing them, and Jason agrees to go along with the plan. Absyrtus is tricked and killed by Jason in front of the temple of Artemis, and her brother's blood splashes on Medea. Jason performs a sort of ritual to atone for murder (to avoid retribution from the Erinyes) and buries Absyrtus. The two return to the Argo, where Peleus encourages the Argonauts to row vigorously. Furious at the death of their prince, the Colchians are more than willing to pursue the Argonauts, but are prevented by Hera.
Zeus was angered by what Medea and Jason did to Absyrtus, and he wanted them to purify themselves with Circe on Aeaea. But none of the Argonauts knew this, so they passed right by the island and Zeus caused them to get lost. Hera, knowing what Zeus wanted, makes them turn back (there is a scene where she literally screams to warn them). Circe helps them, even recognizing that Medea is related to her because Medea has the bright eyes of the descendants of Helios.
Hera convinces Thetis to have the Nereids help the Argonauts to safe passage, using Achilles to do so (basically, he and Medea here are destined to marry in Elysium. So helping the Argonauts is helping her son's wife). Thetis goes to the Argo and, visible only to Peleus, simply tells him what needs to be done and then leaves. The Nereids really help them.
They arrive at the Phaeacian island, but the king wants to hand Medea over to Aeetes so that there will be no trouble. Medea, who is no fool, repeatedly begs Arete, the queen, not to let this happen. Arete is moved by Medea and goes to speak to her husband, Alcinous. Alcinous says that if Medea isn’t married, then he will hand her over to Aeetes because he is her guardian. But if Medea is married, then he won’t hand her over since she must stay with her husband. Arete sends a herald to warn Jason that he must marry Medea. The Argonauts celebrate the wedding of Jason and Medea, although they both wanted to marry at Ioculs with Jason's family present (in fact, Hera even sends nymphs to the wedding. And Medea and Jason consummate the marriage on a bed covered with the Golden Fleece). The next day, Alcinous agrees to help them, gives them gifts and Arete gives Medea handmaidens. The Argonauts set off and the second fleet of Colchians (remembering that the first was stopped by Hera) gives up pursuing them.
The Argonauts are stranded in Libya. Unable to get out, the Argonauts lose hope and quickly become discouraged. Medea and the handmaids too. Nymphs from Libya appear to give advice to Jason, who passes it on to the group. Peleus (yes, him again. He’s been working hard) interprets the instructions correctly and they finally make it out of there. They arrive at the Garden of the Hesperides and are very thirsty, so Orpheus asks them if they know of a source of water and promises to honor them when they return home. They reply that Heracles had previously come, killed the serpent and stolen the golden apples, and before leaving, he became thirsty and struck a rock and made water gush out for him to drink. The Argonauts go to drink from this new spring and one of them mentions that, even from a distance, Heracles was still of help to them.
Many things happen, including the presence of the god Triton to advise the Argonauts, but when they pass through Crete a bronze giant named Talos tries to stop them. However, Medea says that only she is capable of subduing Talos and so she alone deals with him using spells. The poem ends with the Argonauts arriving at Pegasae.
As you've probably noticed, Jason is a character who is constantly insecure and afraid. He has no attitude most of the time, he gets discouraged easily and has to be motivated by the Argonauts (when the opposite would be expected and Jason, as the leader, would be the motivator). He also doesn't defend his honor when he's accused (which is strange, considering how this was handled in Ancient Greece). He has people constantly solving things for him (whether they're arguments or bigger things), and when Jason is the one who solves something, he does it through the erotic aspect rather than the heroic one or using diplomacy instead of force. He has a mission imposed on him, he cries when he leaves to go on the mission and, in the middle of it, he even wishes he had never gone. Even when he accepts to do the task imposed by Aeetes, he once again reaffirms that he was ordered by a king and that there's nothing he can do about it. In the first two Books, Jason's character is considered by many to be almost irrelevant, with his greatest martial feat being accidentally killing someone he shouldn't have (Cyzicus). Instead, other characters take temporary prominence with each challenge faced. From Book 3 onwards, Jason's character gains prominence, although he evidently shares the prominence with Medea, who is also more grounded and a more appealing character to most readers than he is.
In John Frederick Carpescken's opinion, the protagonist of the story isn’t Jason as an individual, but the Argonauts as a group. The poem doesn’t begin by talking about a specific hero, as The Iliad does with Achilles and The Odyssey with Odysseus, but about men in group: “Beginning with thee, O Phoebus, I will recount the famous deeds of men of old, who, at the behest of King Pelias, down through the mouth of Pontus and between the Cyanean rocks, sped well-benched Argo in quest of the golden fleece” (translated by R.C. Seaton). In later moments, different characters have their qualities emphasized and most of them are quite necessary for the narrative to work. The poem doesn’t end with Jason like The Iliad and The Odyssey; in fact, it ends with the group's arrival at Pagasa. For this reason, Jason's weak presence isn't necessarily a thing that causes narrative problems in the unit, since he isn’t really the protagonist.
Gilbert Lawall doesn't see it that way. He sees Jason as a weak leader who is more of a victim than an active player, since he is only brought to where he is because of Apollo's prophecy and Pelias' plan. During much of the narrative, other heroes, especially Heracles, solve the problems. But he sees this as Apollonius' intention. For him, Jason being weak in Books 1 and 2 and starting to gain some prominence in Book 3 isn’t a mere coincidence, but a purposeful choice by Apollonius as a way to demonstrate a narrative about Jason's growth. With Hypsipyle, he learns that it’s possible to use eroticism as an ally tool. With Cyzicus, Jason becomes more alert after accidentally killing an ally and it’s intentional that, after this episode, force is the last resort (because, when it was the first, it caused this). With Phineus, Jason learns to be merciful, as he sees what happens if he displeases the gods (although it doesn't work out very well, as Jason commits a crime outside Artemis' temple in Book 4). Such teachings, however, aren’t about becoming a hero, according to Lawall. Instead, Jason is the opposite of a hero, he’s an anti-hero. He achieves things by being treacherous and relying on the help of others. Thus, Argonautica demonstrates the corruption of the traditional hero narrative.
Charles Beye believes that Jason is indeed the protagonist, and he thinks that Apollonius clearly emphasizes this. But he doesn’t think that Jason is some kind of anti-hero, he simply thinks that Apollonius deconstructs aspects of the Greek epic epic genre. Since Argonautica is a deconstruction, it makes sense that the protagonist also represents a deconstruction. In his interpretation, what Jason seeks to represent is a love hero. He’s a hero who is beautiful, charming and achieves things more through erotic power than through any other aspect. Heracles being forgotten in Mysia is, therefore, intentional from a narrative perspective, because Heracles, being a typical hero of a Greek epic epic, doesn’t fit into a poem that seeks to deconstruct this.
Graham Zenker also believes that Jason's main weapon is erotic power. But Apollonius' intention is not to deconstruct the epic's narrative, but rather to contribute to it with a new aspect: a narrative in which eros prevails and Jason, as the protagonist, is also represented by this. Idas, who throughout the poem opposes Jason whenever he has the opportunity, is a kind of representation of an obsolete type of heroism. In this case, the type that acts impulsively and violently. The greatest example of this is when he disagrees with the plan to get Medea's help, something that is accomplished through the erotic sphere, and ends up being wrong, since Jason only accomplishes Aeetes' task thanks to this. More than once, Jason's beauty is emphasized. Upon arriving in Lemnos, he has a detailed description of his beauty and charms the women, twice he is compared to a bright star (once with Hypsipyle, once with Medea) and once Hera highlights Jason's beauty when he goes to meet Medea. Furthermore, according to Zenker, Jason constantly avoids force and prefers diplomatic means, with force being a last resort. He often prefers to make group decisions rather than making them himself, including regarding the crew leader. When given confusing advice when the heroes were lost in Libya, Jason wanted to hear everyone's opinion. At no point does he have superhuman feats on his own, as the only time this happens is when doing Aeetes's task, and in that case he was under the influence of Medea's drugs. For Zanker, Jason's indecision and fear are purposefully written to make him more human and relatable.
Francis Vian sees Jason as the most human hero of the crew, and that is why he is the main character — because Apollonius is interested in portraying a human hero rather than showing heroes doing great deeds. In fact, while all the Argonauts embark on a quest for glory of their own free will, Jason is only there because it was forced upon him. Jason isn’t even thinking about honors; he is thinking about a peaceful life when he returns to Iolcus. While Pelias wants to get rid of Jason because he fears that he will take the throne because of Apollo's prophecy, Jason himself never shows any interest in being king.
Personally, I’m immensely inclined towards some of these interpretations (all mentioned by Fernando, remember), especially Zenker's.
In my interpretation, Jason is in fact extremely human and, next to other more impressive heroes, he actually can look quite pathetic. He’s afraid and insecure and at no point does he repeatedly complain about how shameful this is, he’s just that way. The poem doesn’t constantly judge the character for demonstrating characteristics considered as “weakness”, it just introduces this as a casual part of the narrative. There is no feeling that we are seeing a moral lesson, you know. It’s different from the way, for example, ancient authors wrote the myth of Achilles hidden as a girl in Skyros. Many condemned — even directly — the attitude as unmanly and unheroic and Achilles’ attitude of choosing war was seen as Achilles recovering the honor that was lost, to eventually become the ideal of male youth (I have already posted about this). Here we don’t have that, here Apollonius does not seem to have any intention of necessarily portraying this as a horrible defect that urgently needs to be corrected. Yes, the other characters sometimes get irritated with Jason, but this is simply something normal that happens when a bunch of men spend days together at sea. I mean, the characters also get irritated by other Argonauts. Furthermore, although I see Jason as the protagonist and not the typulation itself, I still find Carspecken's observation regarding the poem's opening in comparison to the Homeric poems pertinent. Let's see:
“Rage—Goddess, sing the rage of Peleus’ son Achilles, murderous, doomed, that cost the Achaeans countless losses hurling down to the House of Death so many sturdy souls, great fighters’ souls, but made their bodies carrion, feasts for the dogs and birds, and the will of Zeus was moving toward its end. Begin, Muse, when the two first broke and clashed, Agamemnon, lord of men and brilliant Achilles.”
The Iliad. Translation by Robert Fagles.
Tell me, Muse, of the man of many ways, who was driven far journeys, after he had sacked Troy's sacred citadel. Many were they whose cities he saw, whose minds he learned of, many the pains he suffered in his spirit on the wide sea, struggling for his own life and the homecoming of his companions. Even so he could not save his companions, hard though he strove to; they were destroyed by their own wild recklessness, fools, who devoured the oxen of Helios, the Sun God, and he took away the day of their homecoming. From some point here, goddess, daughter of Zeus, speak, and begin our story
The Odyssey. Translation by Richmond Lattimore.
Beginning with thee, O Phoebus, I will recount the famous deeds of men of old, who, at the behest of King Pelias, down through the mouth of Pontus and between the Cyanean rocks, sped well-benched Argo in quest of the golden fleece.
Argonautica. Translation by R.C. Seaton. 
[This translation is in prose format.]
Homer opens both poems by addressing the Muse (Fagles translates as Goddess). This is because the Olympian Muses, often associated with the god Apollo, were deities of art and knowledge and believed to be sources of inspiration for poets. In the Theogony, for example, Hesiod credits his poetic ability to the Muses, who inspired him. Apollonius does not begin by addressing a Muse, but rather Apollo. But he isn’t asking Apollo to sing or tell anything (not asking Apollo for inspiration, as Homer is asking the Muse), he’s simply saying he will begin with him since it’s Apollo's prophecy that inspired Jason's mission.
Homer then gives an idea of ​​the theme of the poem (in The Iliad, Achilles' anger that will lead many to death and which was caused by a conflict with Agamemnon. In the Odyssey, the long and exhausting journey that Odysseus has after leaving Troy) and it’s notable that in both cases the main hero is emphasized. Achilles is referred to directly by name, while Odysseus is the "man of many ways", recognizable by that being the character's epithet. But Apollonius not only does not mention Jason by name, he simply doesn’t mention him directly at all, instead he refers to the Argonauts as a group. When your read it, you has the impression this isn’t about Jason having a journey, it’s about the Argonauts being on a journey. This is different from Odysseus who, although he also has a story with crew members, is still very obviously more prominent than the others.
This, of course, could open the door to the interpretation that the protagonist is, therefore, the Argonauts as a group and not Jason in isolation, as is the case with Achilles and Odysseus. Personally, I think that is a valid idea as well. But I also find it intriguing how, even at the moment when this was supposed to tell about how Jason is the hero of the poem, the credit is fairly shared with Jason's companions. And, since he’s a character who is written in a diplomatic way and who clearly understands the idea of ​​"unity is strength", I think it makes perfect sense for his character. In my interpretation, this is an early indication of what Jason's personality is like: a diplomatic person, a person who considers the abilities and opinions of his companions equally. He isn’t the leader who will give orders and they will obey and he isn’t the leader who will be remembered above the others, he’s the leader who is willing to listen and who doesn’t mind others taking the glory. In order to please the crew, Jason was perfectly willing to allow Heracles to be the leader.
In fact, the moment when Apollonius invokes a muse is in the opening of Book 3, where he invokes the muse Erato as a play on words with the name Eros, since Eros is part of the theme of the poem. And this time, he actually talks specifically about Jason instead of the Argonauts, which is quite convenient. Like, if in Books 1 and 2 Jason is often overshadowed and the Argonauts clearly stand out in many moments, it is from Book 3 onwards that he gains prominence. And, curiously, it’s precisely in Book 3 Apollonius opens the poem similar to Homer. But there is still a difference from Homer: Achilles is remembered for having led many to death because of his anger and Odysseus is remembered for having endured a long journey, while Jason... well, he’s remembered for being loved by Medea and right after that Apollonius talks about the power of Aphrodite. To me, this is just another sign that when Jason finally gets his moment to shine, his main skill is being loved/desired. It's the strength of Eros and Aphrodite that are primarily on his side, not martial gods.
[1] Come now, Erato, stand by my side, and say next how Jason brought back the fleece to Iolcus aided by the love of Medea. For thou sharest the power of Cypris, and by thy love-cares dost charm unwedded maidens; wherefore to thee too is attached a name that tells of love.
Argonautica, Book 3. Translation by R.C. Seaton.
Another moment in which he does this is in Book 4, although this time the protagonist is neither the Argonauts (as in book 1) nor Jason (as in book 3), but Medea. While the Argonauts are associated with the conquest of the Golden Fleece and Jason with the conquest through eroticism, Medea is a maiden with wiles. To me, this indicates that Medea here isn’t just a helpmate to the hero, as she was in Book 3, but is now a heroine herself.
[1] Now do thou thyself, goddess Muse, daughter of Zeus, tell of the labour and wiles of the Colchian maiden. Surely my soul within me wavers with speechless amazement as I ponder whether I should call it the lovesick grief of mad passion or a panic flight, through which she left the Colchian folk.
Argonautica, Book 4. Translation by R.C. Seaton. 
Also, like Perseus, Jason doesn't seem to want to embark on a quest for glory. He goes because it's a task imposed on him, and in any case, Jason wonders if he should have gone. Furthermore, he's not shown to be seeking a large fee upon returning home; most of the time, what he seems to want as a reward for returning is safety, since Jason is constantly fearing for his own life and the lives of his crew. But unlike Perseus, Jason doesn't become a traditional hero during the journey. He continues to be a non-traditional hero, and in the end he still manages to do what is necessary. While Perseus is, to me, special because he is a hero who doesn't seek glory, Argonautica Jason is special not only because he doesn't seek glory but also because he doesn't have any truly glorious attitudes (something Perseus has).
Regarding Jason's hesitation in relation to the mission, we have some examples:
Pelias imposes the mission (Book 1):
[5] Such was the oracle that Pelias heard, that a hateful doom awaited him to be slain at the prompting of the man whom he should see coming forth from the people with but one sandal. And no long time after, in accordance with that true report, Jason crossed the stream of wintry Anaurus on foot, and saved one sandal from the mire, but the other he left in the depths held back by the flood. And straightway he came to Pelias to share the banquet which the king was offering to his father Poseidon and the rest of the gods, though he paid no honour to Pelasgian Hera. Quickly the king saw him and pondered, and devised for him the toil of a troublous voyage, in order that on the sea or among strangers he might lose his home-return.
Jason, still at the beginning of the trip, already misses home (Book 1):
[519] Now when gleaming dawn with bright eyes beheld the lofty peaks of Pelion, and the calm headlands were being drenched as the sea was ruffled by the winds, then Tiphys awoke from sleep; and at once he roused his comrades to go on board and make ready the oars. And a strange cry did the harbour of Pagasae utter, yea and Pelian Argo herself, urging them to set forth. For in her a beam divine had been laid which Athena had brought from an oak of Dodona and fitted in the middle of the stem. And the heroes went to the benches one after the other, as they had previously assigned for each to row in his place, and took their seats in due order near their fighting gear. In the middle sat Antaeus and mighty Heracles, and near him he laid his club, and beneath his tread the ship's keel sank deep. And now the hawsers were being slipped and they poured wine on the sea. But Jason with tears held his eyes away from his fatherland. [...]
Jason wishes he had never accepted the mission (Book 2):
[619] He spake, and at once he sped the ship onward through the midst of the sea past the Bithynian coast. But Jason with gentle words addressed him in reply: "Tiphys, why dost thou comfort thus my grieving heart? I have erred and am distraught in wretched and helpless ruin. For I ought, when Pelias gave the command, to have straightway refused this quest to his face, yea, though I were doomed to die pitilessly, torn limb from limb, but now I am wrapped in excessive fear and cares unbearable, dreading to sail through the chilling paths of the sea, and dreading when we shall set foot on the mainland. For on every side are unkindly men. And ever when day is done I pass a night of groans from the time when ye first gathered together for my sake, while I take thought for all things; but thou talkest at thine ease, eating only for thine own life; while for myself I am dismayed not a whit; but I fear for this man and for that equally, and for thee, and for my other comrades, if I shall not bring you back safe to the land of Hellas."
I agree tha tJason avoids violence on the Argonautica, and most of the time, violence is mostly committed by other crew members. Jason doesn't want to be traditionally masculine, he wants to resolve things calmly. In Book 3, he explicitly states he don’t like using force as first recurse: “And let us not merely by force, before putting words to the test, deprive him of his own possession. But first it is better to go to him and win his favour by speech. Oftentimes, I ween, does speech accomplish at need what prowess could hardly catty through, smoothing the path in manner befitting”. He doesn't want to reaffirm his ideal manhood by reinforcing his leadership by taking decisive and self-efficient actions, he wants to know what the group thinks and wants to respect their decision. In Book 3, he even says “My friends, what pleases myself that will I say out; it is for you to bring about its fulfilment. For in common is our task, and common to all alike is the right of speech; and he who in silence withholds his thought and his counsel, let him know that it is he alone that bereaves this band of its home-return”. He doesn't get upset when Heracles is chosen as leader, although he is honored to be chosen as leader later. He doesn't want to resort to violence when there are other means, such as eroticism, to choose. If he can avoid a fight on Lemnos, why not? If he can lessen the difficulty with Medea's help, why not do so? Even if Idas disagrees, in the end Idas and his need to show himself as a hero of brute strength got him nowhere, while Jason and his new resources succeeded. On the other hand, in the two episodes of violence that Jason was emphasized, it resulted in something negative for Jason himself, and not just for the victim. In the Book, he accidentaly killed the one who had hosted him, and this resulted in the suicide of the king's young wife. In Book 4, the plan to kill Apsyrtus takes place in front of the temple of Artemis and both he and Medea need to turn to Circe to be purified of the crime.
Jason is, in fact, a social and realistic hero. Given the ancient Greek tradition of epic heroes with superhuman abilities and immense courage, it isn’t surprising that many academics accustomed to analyzing heroes in the Homeric model have read Argonautica and found Jason to be a dull character. However, I disagree. Jason isn't dull in Argonautica because he doesn't fit into epic heroism! Actually, he's special because he doesn't fit into epic heroism!
At the core of Jason’s heroic persona, therefore, is collaboration. He is gifted at forming  and shaping his relationships with women and men, crewmembers and foreigners alike. At  Pagasae and Colchis, for example, he reveals a keen interest in nurturing the crew’s sense of  commonality (cf. ξυνός, 1.336, 337; 3.173), and at the end of Book 1 he proves his dedication to  upholding the camaraderie of the men when he forgives Telamon, fostering the crew’s loyalty to  himself and to one another (1.1337-43). This commitment to group cohesion is celebrated in  Book 2 when the Argonauts dedicate a shrine to Homonoia (Unity) and make solemn oaths “to  aid one another for all time (εἰσαιέν) with unity of mind (ὁμοφροσύνῃσι νόοιο)” (2.714-19).15  Jason is also anxious to cultivate good relations with people outside of his crew: over the course  of the poem, he frequently embraces the value of diplomacy (cf. συνθεσίας, 1.340), and his  experiences with Hypsipyle at Lemnos (3.721-910) and with Medea at Colchis (esp. 3.948-1147)  confirm his talent at wooing women. Jason is a social hero. He is also remarkably realistic. While Achilles and Odysseus are certainly imbued with  realism on the level of emotion, relationships, and various experiences they face, on a strictly  heroic level they are superheroes. Achilles’ strength is impossibly incredible. Odysseus’ dependence on strategy and cunning is more believable than Achilles’ biē, but the sheer degree  of excellence Odysseus possesses in a variety of fields is not: in the world of the Odyssey, he is unmatched in mētis (passim), strength (e.g. he throws a heavier discus further than any of the  Phaeacian nobles, Od. 8.186-98), archery (e.g. the contest with the suitors, Od. 21.404-23), and  hand-to-hand combat (e.g. he wins a wrestling match against Philomeleïdes, Od. 4.341-46, and  slaughters dozens of suitors in Book 22). In contrast, Jason never once does something beyond  human ability, excluding the contest at the end of Book 3 where he relies on Medea’s magic to  accomplish the impossible tasks Aeetes has set. Jason is a credible hero with credible skills.
Iliadic and Odyssean Heroics: Apollonius’ Argonautica and the Epic Tradition, by Rebecca van der Horst, pg 7-8. 
[Mêtis = wisdom/craft/skill, biē = strength]
Another interesting detail is the clear lack of connection between Jason and Chiron in the Argonautica. Pindar, before Apollonius, had already written Jason as one of Chiron's students and even says that the name "Jason" was given to him by Chiron, without revealing his previous name. This is, in some ways, similar to the version of the myth in which Achilles was originally called Ligyron but was renamed Achilles by Chiron (see Library 3.13.6). This version also doesn’t belong to Classical Greece, since in Archaic Greece Hesiod had already written that Jason taught by Chiron on Pelion.
Scholiast on Homer, Od. xii. 69: Tyro the daughter of Salmoneus, having two sons by Poseidon, Neleus and Pelias, married Cretheus, and had by him three sons, Aeson, Pheres and Amythaon. And of Aeson and Polymede, according to Hesiod, Iason was born: "Aeson, who begot a son Iason, shepherd of the people, whom Chiron brought up in woody Pelion."
Catalogues of Women, frag 3. Translation by H.G. Evelyn-White.
[...] Deep-thinking Cheiron reared Jason under his stone roof [...]
Nemean Ode, 3.50. Translation by Diane Arnson Svarlien.
“[...] But you know the chief points of this story. Good citizens, show me clearly the home of my ancestors, who rode on white horses. For I am the son of Aeson, and a native; I do not arrive in a strange foreign land. The divine centaur called me by the name Jason." [...]
Pythian Ode, 4.75. Translation by Diane Arnson Svarlien.
Apollonius, who is from Hellenistic Greece, postdates both Hesiod and Pindar. I find it really unlikely that he wouldn’t have heard of the idea of ​​Jason being educated by Chiron in childhood either through oral or written tradition. One could argue that there may not have been room in the narrative to fit this detail, but in fact there was. In Book 1, Chiron appears and with him goes his nymph-wife Chariclo who carries Achilles in her arms. Chiron's intention is to offer Peleus the chance to see his son. If, for Apollonius, the relationship between Chiron and Jason was as relevant as the relationship between Chiron and Peleus or Chiron and Achilles, he would have had a great opportunity to show it in Book 1 since Chiron was watching the Argonauts leave. In Book 2, the myth of Chiron's birth is told and again Chiron's relationship with a student is emphasized: Aristaeus, the son of Apollo and Cyrene, who wanted to maintain her maidenhood but was carried off by Apollo to Libya; In Book 4, Hera says Chiron and the nymphs are caring for Achilles on Pelion. 
So we already know of the following relationships:
In Book 1, we know that Chiron has a wife (unnamed, but I assume it's Chariclo, since she's his wife in other sources), is raising Achilles, and has come to see Peleus. That's 3 relationships. One of them is his wife, and therefore a romantic relationship. Since Chariclo is the one holding Achilles, it seems they're both responsible for Achilles. As for Peleus, Chiron in mythology is depicted as being fond of Peleus (depending on the source, he and Chariclo are both Peleus's grandparents via his mother Endeis), and that seems to be the same case here.
In Book 2, we know that his father is the titan Cronus and his mother is the nymph Philyra. The reason he was born half-horse is because Cronus turned into a horse at the last minute so that Rhea, his wife, wouldn't notice him cheating on her. In addition, Apollo took his and Cyrene's son, Aristaeus, to be raised by Chiron. So we already know his genealogy and we also know that Rhea is involved in the myth. We don't know his relationship with these three characters in the birth myth, but we do know that Apollo saw Chiron as a trustworthy figure, and that's why Apollo himself entrusted Aristaeus to him.
In Book 4, Hera tells Thetis about Achilles being raised by Chiron and the water-nymphs on Pelion. Hera and Chiron know each other, as is notable because Chiron knows the Olympians in general and this is even indirectly mentioned in the Argonautica with the idea of ​​the marriage of Thetis and Peleus being celebrated by the gods (the place of the celebration is usually on Pelion, it is on this occasion that Chiron gives the spear to Peleus that Peleus gives to Achilles. The one that Homer says only Achilles can lift). Again, we have Achilles as a student. Here we also have water-nymphs in the role of taking care of Achilles, so apparently Chiron here also has a relationship with the water-nymphs, since he entrusts his student to them. Maybe because his wife is a nymph too? Maybe because he's used to them, since they live on Pelion?
Given that it’s possible to infer so much about Chiron's relationships, including two students, even when the character only has a brief physical appearance and doesn’t even really interfere in the narrative, it seems unlikely to me that Apollonius would leave out Jason and Chiron's connection simply for "lack of opportunity". In fact, the Argonautica itself references several different myths, it is like a big crossover. Indeed, in my opinion it makes no sense for Apollonius to be silent about this part of the Jason myth if he really considered this myth. Thus, I think Apollonius didn’t consider Jason being raised by Chiron, which, given the lack of typical characteristics of the heroes taught by Chiron, makes sense. And Pseudo-Apollodorus mentions a version in which Jason lived in the country: "Jason loved husbandry and therefore abode in the country" (Library, 1.9.16). I imagine that this or something similar was probably the case for Apollonius as well. I personally prefer this version of Pseudo-Apollodorus compared to Hesiod and Pindar's, but that's because I find Jason more interesting the less typically heroic he is. And let's face it, being raised by Chiron is really obvious a traditional heroic motif.
Jason being with Chiron isn’t explained as far as I know (it could be my mistake), so I just assumed it was maybe because of Jason's family drama. I mean, Tyro had the twins Pelias and Neleus — that's Nestor's father! — with Poseidon, and with king of Iolcus Cretheus she had Pheres — that's Admetus' father, Admetus is the one who was served by Apollo for a while and who is Alcestis' husband —, Amythaon and Aeson. Pelias and Neleus were abandoned by Tyro because they were Poseidon's sons and she was afraid (detail: Poseidon tricked her by pretending to be a river god she loved. She didn't even know it was Poseidon. See Library 1.9.8) and so they were found and raised as commoners, but were later recognized and returned to being royalty (see Pseudo-Apollodorus' Library, Menander's Epitrepontes and Aristotles' Poetics). But Pelias was determined to be king of Iolcus and came into serious conflict with his brothers, which led to Neleus leaving Ioculs and founding Pylos (see Description of Greece 4.2.5), Pheres leaving Iolcus and founding Pherae (see Library 1.9.14) and Amythaon apparently following Neleus to Pylos (two of his sons went with Neleus according to Diodorus Siculus’ Library of History 4.68.3 and, according to Pindar in Pythian Odes 4.125, he was in Messania. Pylos is located in Messania). The only brother who remained in Iolcus was Aeson, and I can imagine why Aeson and his wife — she has several possible names — would think that sending Jason to Chiron was the best option. But honestly, it just makes the idea that Jason could be living a simple life in the countryside instead of sheltered with Chiron more appealing. This kid who grew up loving the countryside and didn't really think about being anyone special, this kid who wasn't raised by a wise centaur and who was already involved in a twisted family plot before he was even born. This child who grew up to set off on a journey he wasn't sure or confident about, but who survived to return victorious and with a devoted wife. This man who, along with his wife, left a trail of destruction. This wife whose extreme devotion proved to be capable of extreme hatred as soon as he dared to abandon her after everything she had done for him. The development seems more interesting to me with the version where he's not with Chiron, honestly.
Returning to Argonautica, Jason’s beauty is also different from the beauty of traditional heroes, especially the Homeric ones. Many heroes have been described as beautiful, but in Jason’s case his beauty is mainly emphasized in moments when it is clearly associated with his mission. Achilles’ beauty, for example, has no intrinsic role in his mission. Although Athena beautified Odysseus in The Odyssey, Odysseus’ achievements have no relation to his appearance. And in any case, Odysseus in his normal state (without Athena’s interference) isn’t repeatedly emphasized as objectively beautiful: after all, that isn’t his defining characteristic. His defining characteristic is his mind, something that is indeed emphasized. Likewise, even if Achilles is objectively the most beautiful of the Achaeans, his strength is still emphasized more than his beauty. Because Achilles’ main ability isn’t charm, it’s being strong beyond human capacity. Big Ajax is described as the second most handsome of the Achaeans, but this doesn’t interfere narratively with the character. Agamemnon is also handsome and even compared to three gods — Ares, Poseidon, Zeus —, but again: that doesn’t define him.
Now, let's look at some examples:
Here, in Book 1, Jason is compared to Apollo and this happens just when he is starting the journey.In addition to Apollo representing the ideal of young men, which includes the ideal of young men's beauty, he is also a deity involved in Jason's mission. After all, the prophecy came from him, and in addition, Apollo is also present at other points in the poem. Therefore, I particularly interpret it as reinforcing that Jason is objectively handsome as much as the association of Jason and Apollo. But there are academics who theorize that it's a kind of parody, since, as Jason hasn't done anything yet, there is no reason for this comparison with a god to happen.
[292] Thus with moaning she wept, and her handmaidens, standing by, lamented; but Jason spake gently to her with comforting words: "Do not, I pray thee, mother, store up bitter sorrows overmuch, for thou wilt not redeem me from evil by tears, but wilt still add grief to grief. For unseen are the woes that the gods mete out to mortals; be strong to endure thy share of them though with grief in thy heart; take courage from the promises of Athena, and from the answers of the gods (for very favourable oracles has Phoebus given), and then from the help of the chieftains. But do thou remain here, quiet among thy handmaids, and be not a bird of ill omen to the ship; and thither my clansmen and thralls will follow me." [306] He spake, and started forth to leave the house. And as Apollo goes forth from some fragrant shrine to divine Delos or Claros or Pytho or to broad Lyeia near the stream of Xanthus, in such beauty moved Jason through the throng of people; and a cry arose as they shouted together. And there met him aged Iphias, priestess of Artemis guardian of the city, and kissed his right hand, but she had not strength to say a word, for all her eagerness, as the crowd rushed on, but she was left there by the wayside, as the old are left by the young, and he passed on and was gone afar.
Here, in Book 1, Jason's beauty is emphasized when he’s on Lemnos. And it’s precisely his beauty that causes the conflict to be avoided.
[721] Now he had buckled round his shoulders a purple mantle of double fold, the work of the Tritonian goddess, which Pallas had given him when she first laid the keel-props of the ship Argo and taught him how to measure timbers with the rule. More easily wouldst thou cast thy eyes upon the sun at its rising than behold that blazing splendour. [...] [774] And he went on his way to the city like to a bright star, which maidens, pent up in new-built chambers, behold as it rises above their homes, and through the dark air it charms their eyes with its fair red gleam and the maid rejoices, love-sick for the youth who is far away amid strangers, for whom her parents are keeping her to be his bride; like to that star the hero trod the way to the city. And when they had passed within the gates and the city, the women of the people surged behind them, delighting in the stranger, but he with his eyes fixed on the ground fared straight on, till he reached the glorious palace of Hypsipyle; and when he appeared the maids opened the folding doors, fitted with well-fashioned panels. Here Iphinoe leading him quickly through a fair porch set him upon a shining seat opposite her mistress, but Hypsipyle turned her eyes aside and a blush covered her maiden cheeks [...]
[I shortened the description about Jason's equipment and didn't put Hypsipyle's dialogue to make it shorter and kept the parts that highlight his beauty. But the description of Jason's clothing here is a deconstruction of Homer's typical arming scenes.]
In Book 3, the first time they see each other after the Argonauts are received by King Aeetes, Jason's beauty is described as far more remarkable than that of his companions. Medea is described as admiring Jason's appearance and "honey-sweet words." Notably, she isn’t admiring things like strength, courage or achievements, but rather Jason's beauty and the way he speaks well, both constituent elements of courtship/flirting.
[396] He spake outright; and Jason rose from his seat, and Augeias and Telamon at once; and Argus followed alone, for he signed to his brothers to stay there on the spot meantime; and so they went forth from the hall. And wonderfully among them all shone the son of Aeson for beauty and grace; and the maiden looked at him with stealthy glance, holding her bright veil aside, her heart smouldering with pain; and her soul creeping like a dream flitted in his track as he went. So they passed forth from the palace sorely troubled. And Chalciope, shielding herself from the wrath of Aeetes, had gone quickly to her chamber with her sons. And Medea likewise followed, and much she brooded in her soul all the cares that the Loves awaken. And before her eyes the vision still appeared -- himself what like he was, with what vesture he was clad, what things he spake, how he sat on his seat, how he moved forth to the door -- and as she pondered she deemed there never was such another man; and ever in her ears rung his voice and the honey-sweet words which he uttered. And she feared for him, lest the oxen or Aeetes with his own hand should slay him; and she mourned him as though already slain outright, and in her affliction a round tear through very grievous pity coursed down her cheek; and gently weeping she lifted up her voice aloud: "Why does this grief come upon me, poor wretch? Whether he be the best of heroes now about to perish, or the worst, let him go to his doom. Yet I would that he had escaped unharmed; yea, may this be so, revered goddess, daughter of Perses, may he avoid death and return home; but if it be his lot to be o'ermastered by the oxen, may he first learn this, that I at least do not rejoice in his cruel calamity."
In Book 3, Hera beautifies Jason before meeting Medea. Clearly, Hera saw that beauty could be useful for the mission.
[919] Never yet had there been such a man in the days of old, neither of all the heroes of the lineage of Zeus himself, nor of those who sprung from the blood of the other gods, as on that day the bride of Zeus made Jason, both to look upon and to hold converse with. Even his comrades wondered as they gazed upon him, radiant with manifold graces; and the son of Ampycus rejoiced in their journey, already foreboding how all would end.
Here, in Book 3, they meet at Hecate's temple, where Jason speaks to her in order to convince her to help him. Again, his beauty and manner of speaking are emphasized as part of the reason Medea is in love with him. Plus, it’s precisely Medea's passion for Jason that makes the mission a success.
[1131] Thus he spake; and her soul melted within her to hear his words; nevertheless she shuddered to behold the deeds of destruction to come. Poor wretch! Not long was she destined to refuse a home in Hellas. For thus Hera devised it, that Aeaean Medea might come to Ioleus for a bane to Pelias, forsaking her native land. [1137] And now her handmaids, glancing at them from a distance, were grieving in silence; and the time of day required that the maiden should return home to her mother's side. But she thought not yet of departing, for her soul delighted both in his beauty and in his winsome words, but Aeson's son took heed, and spake at last, though late: "It is time to depart, lest the sunlight sink before we know it, and some stranger notice all; but again will we come and meet here."
In Jason's case, his attractiveness isn't just a detail, it's an intriguing part of his character. It's the most valuable weapon he has. And he seems to be, at the very least, unconsciously aware of this. After all, the way Jason behaves with Medea when they meet at the Temple of Hecate is amusingly akin to negotiation, something we already understand Jason enjoys using as a tool rather than immediate violence.
That is where Jason comes in, love-hero extraordinaire. Similar to Jason's interaction with Hypsipyle at Lemnos, Jason's first meeting with Medea near the temple of Hecate is cast in heroic light but celebrates erotic, not martial, prowess. As Jason sets out from the Argo to join Medea, he is described in grandiose, heroic terms: "Never before had there been such a man in earlier generations, neither among all the descendants of Zeus himself nor among all the heroes (ἥρωες) sprung from the blood of the other immortals, as on that day Zeus' wife had made Jason, both to behold and to converse with. Even his very comrades marveled as they gazed upon him, radiant with graces (xapítɛoσiv)” (3.919-26). Jason stands above all other heroes not for his skills as a soldier or a strategist, but as a symbol of attractiveness and charisma. To quote Beye, "[These lines] convey the grandeur of any traditional epic hero's entrance into battle, except that kallos and kharitas replace menos." He brings as weapons not a sword but his charm and sexual allure. Notably, while Athena similarly beautified Odysseus before his meeting with Nausicaa (6.229-37), Homer only notes that Athena made him appear taller and stronger with prettier hair; there are no sweeping statements about Odysseus looking more spectacular than any other hero ever born. That is Jason’s own special privilege as the “Eros-Heros”. And Jason does not even technically need Hera's help to stand out as a sex magnet: at Lemnos, without any god's embellishments, he attracted all of the women's eyes (3.774-86); at Colchis, after first meeting with Aeetes, Jason departs with his companions and Apollonius notes how "wondrously among all of them the son of Iason was distinguished for his beauty and graces (κáλλεï Kai Xapítɛooi)" (3.443-44); and Medea, too, has already become spellbound by his natural attractions (esp. 3.451-58). Jason appears to be, quite simply, a stud. And this appraisal of the hero is even more pronounced if, as some scholars propose, the gods are interpreted not as actual characters in the poem but as "allegorized psychology" (Beye [1982] 126), namely, that Cupid's arrow is not real but rather serves as a dramatization of how Jason's own sexual attraction provokes and inflames Medea's passion. Regardless, Jason's sexuality is—with and without divine help potent, and Apollonius is clearly bestowing on that eroticism heroic flavor. 
When Jason is compared to the rising Sirius, a simile used in the Iliad to describe Diomedes and Achilles right before their most significant contributions to the Trojan war, Apollonius further suggests that Jason's meeting with Medea is a kind of aristeia. As soon as Medea catches her first glimpse of Jason, Apollonius jumps into a simile that compares Jason to the star Sirius: “But soon he appeared to her longing eyes, striding on high like Sirius from the Ocean, which rises beautiful and bright to behold (каλòç μèv ȧρíÿηλòç t' έσidéolai), but casts unspeakable grief on the flocks. So did Jason come to her, beautiful to behold (кaλòc εioopάaolai), but by appearing he aroused lovesick distress" (3.956-60). The adjective "beautiful" (kaλòc) appears twice in this passage in the same metrical position. In contrast, when Diomedes (II. 5.1-8, preparing to enter the battlefield for his aristeia) and Achilles (II. 22.25-32, advancing on Hector for their final climactic battle) are compared to Sirius, the star is conspicuous for its brightness (μάλιστα / λαμπρὸν παμφαίνῃσι, 5.5-6; λαμπρότατος, 22.30), not its beauty, and the gleam of Sirius is specifically connected to the sheen of the heroes' armor (Diomedes' helmet and shield; Achilles' bronze breastplate). The focal point in Homer is on the Iliadic warriors' tools of war. In Apollonius, Jason's only weapon is his attractiveness. And yet it is no less effective at producing physical symptoms similar to death in Medea: her heart falls out of her chest, her eyesight darkens, and her body freezes, unable to move (3.962-65). Jason conquers through passion, not steel. Therefore, as Beye says, Apollonius sets the stage for Jason's interaction with Medea in this scene to be "almost a preliminary aristeia” ([1982] 137). Like Diomedes who is about to commence his famous rampage and Achilles who will soon kill the best of the Trojan warriors, Jason will be participating in an event that will determine his fate as a hero. He cannot win Aeetes’ trial alone, and thus far, acquiring Medea’s assistance has been the best (and only) feasible plan presented to the Argonauts. Jason's success, therefore, is vital. It is, without a doubt, the most important moment in Jason's career thus far.  And he performs admirably. His keen blend of diplomacy and romance cuts through all of Medea's indecision and wins him her full support. In his first speech, Jason sets up (as he did earlier with her father) many of the hallmarks of successful negotiation: Argus — continuing in Jason's role as intermediary between the Greeks and Colchians — is the one to arrange the meeting, and when Jason meets alone with Medea, he notes that the two of them have come to the table "with good will for each other" (ἀλλήλοισιν εὐμενέοντες, 3.980), observes that the temple of Hecate provides neutral and safe ground for their deliberation (3.981), emphasizes his status as a suppliant and guest in her land (3.985-989), and states that Medea should be upfront about her questions and conditions (3.3.978-79, 982). When Jason and Argus were dealing with Aeetes, they proposed subduing the Sauromatae as payment but made it clear that they were open to pursuing other forms of payment per Aeetes' desire ("as it is pleasing to you yourself, just in that way it will come to pass,” 3.350). Similarly, within the first eight lines of his first speech, Jason twice tells Medea that she should feel free to ask for and speak whatever she desires (3.979, 982). As with Aeetes, Jason is willing to parley.
Ilidiac and Odyssean Heroics: Apollonius’ Argonautica and The Epic Tradition, by Rebecca van der Horst, pg 123-126.
[Aristeia = when a character proves himself to be an aristo, that is, the best. It’s the character's moment of prominence, traditionally linked to a martial demonstration. For example, Book 16 of The Iliad is the aristeia of Patroclus. The author is suggesting that Jason's moment of "aristeia" is his conquest of Medea, as this is indeed his greatest achievement in Argonautica. As for the quote “[These lines] convey the grandeur of any traditional epic hero's entrance into battle, except that kallos and kharitas replace menos”, it’s like: "[These lines] convey the grandeur of any traditional epic hero's entrance into battle, except that beauty and graciousness replace violence”]
The importance of eros to the success of the mission is most evident in Book 3 in the scene where Aphrodite, the goddess of love and sexuality, at the request of Athena goes to her son Eros, the god of eroticism, and asks him to influence Medea. He does so, and Medea immediately falls in love with Jason, begins to feel immensely affected by him, and is slowly becoming more obsessed. If it weren’t for Aphrodite and Eros, either the literal gods or the concepts they represent, would Jason have succeeded? And the most interesting part is that this element of Eros/Aphrodite in association with Jason's victory is an element that exists even in sources other than Argonautica. For example:
Pindar's Pythian Ode says that Aphrodite taught Jason, which highlights that Jason's skill at flirting was useful. An interesting detail is: Pindar is temporally earlier than Apollonius, which indicates that, although Jason's realistic nature fits with the Hellenistic period (Apollonius' time), the characteristic of associating Jason in some way with Aphrodite or Eros was already present in Classical Greece (Pindar's time).
[...] And the queen of sharpest arrows brought the dappled wryneck from Olympus, bound to the four spokes [215] of the indissoluble wheel: Aphrodite of Cyprus brought the maddening bird to men for the first time, and she taught the son of Aeson skill in prayerful incantations, so that he could rob Medea of reverence for her parents, and a longing for Greece would lash her, her mind on fire, with the whip of Persuasion. [...]
Pythian Odes, 4.200. Translation by Diane Arnson Svarlien.
[Son of Aeson = Jason. Persuasion = Peitho, a goddess typically depicted alongside Aphrodite and whose persuasive power, which she personifies, can be associated with erotic persuasion.]
Euripides, also from Classical Greece, wrote Jason in the play Medea dedicating the success of the Argonauts' mission to Aphrodite.
Jason It appears, woman, that I must be no mean speaker but like the good helmsman of a ship reef my sail up to its hem and run before the storm [525] of your wearisome prattling. Since you so exaggerate your kindness to me, I for my part think that Aphrodite alone of gods and mortals was the savior of my expedition. As for you, I grant you have a clever mind—but to tell [530] how Eros forced you with his ineluctable arrows to save me would expose me to ill-will. No, I will not make too strict a reckoning on this point. So far as you did help me, you did well. But in return for saving me [535] you got more than you gave, as I shall make clear. First, you now live among Greeks and not barbarians, and you understand justice and the rule of law, with no concession to force. All the Greeks have learned that you are clever, [540] and you have won renown. But if you lived at the world's edge, there would be no talk of you. May I have neither gold in my house nor power to sing songs sweeter than Orpheus if it is not my lot to have high renown!
Medea, 522-545. Translation by David Kovacs. 
[He’s replicating Medea who, having discovered that Jason intends to abandon her for Creusa, had retaliated that Jason only succeeded because of Medea's help.]
Orphic Argonautica, of unknown authorship, has many similarities to Apollonius' poem, including the roles of Aphrodite and Eros.
[...] Then, on the advice of Hera, Medea of the unlucky marriage was conquered by the allure of Jason; for the Cytheran mother of love, Aphrodite, sent desire into her, and the most ancient one [Eros] sent an arrow into her heart. [...]
Orphic Argonautica, 858. Translation by Jason Colavito.
Hyginus' Fabulae directly mentions Aphrodite's interference. I'm using it as a source of Greek myth because Hyginus basically tells Greek myths adapted to a Roman audience, hence the Roman names. He even sometimes cites which Greek author he’s referencing, including mentioning Apollonius.
[...] He had carried her across when others who had passed over despised her. And so since she knew that Jason could not perform the commands without help of Medea, she asked Venus to inspire Medea with love. At Venus' instigation, Jason was loved by Medea. [...]
Fabulae, 22. Translation by Mary Grant. 
[Juno = Hera. Venus = Aphrodite.]
Ioannis Tzetzes, while writing a Byzantine scholia of Lycophron's poem Alexandra, told of how “Love is also called "Iynx" and a certain bird called "seisopygis", which the witches use for love potions” and, in explaining the myth of the bird, mentions that Aphrodite gave it to Jason while teaching him how to woo Medea, a version similar to Pindar's.
[...] So, they say, this Iynx was first given by Aphrodite to Jason, teaching him how to charm Medea. They say that this Iynx was a woman before, the daughter of Peitho or Echo and Pan, and having bewitched Zeus for the love of Io, she was pursued by Hera and turned into a bird. Others say that the Iynx is a very melodious lyre, hence everything desirable is called Iynx. [...]
Ad Lycophronem, 310.
Even in sources where neither Aphrodite nor Eros are directly mentioned, the success of the mission is often linked to Medea's love for Jason, as this is what made her help him. To avoid having to quote excerpts, some sources that describe such a correlation are Library by Pseudo-Apollodorus (1.9.23), Library of History by Diodorus Siculus (4.46.4), Olympian Odes by Pindar (ode 13). It’s also notable how Hera, the goddess of marriage, plays an important role in Jason's mission, as she wished to take revenge on Pelias for not honoring her (Library of Pseudo-Apollodorus even specifies that Pelias committed sacrilege by killing a person inside Hera's temple, this is in 1.9.8). So Jason's mission isn’t only interfered with by deities associated with love and eroticism like Aphrodite and Eros, but also with the interference of the goddess of marriage, Hera, who purposely plans Medea as an evil for Pelias — an evil motivated by the desire to be useful to Jason, since that is the reason why Medea tricks Pelias' daughters into killing their father. 
This, of course, doesn’t mean that only deities associated with sexuality and marriage are involved, since, as I said, Apollo (this one is very present, but not as active as Hera) and Athena also participate. If we count non-Olympians, we still have: the Nereids, who help the argonauts; the Nymphs of Libya, who advise Jason; Glaucus, who warns them about the Zeus's plan for Heracles; Triton, who also advice them. Perhaps the Hesperides could also be considered, since they indicate where there is water to drink. Of the non-Olympian deities, most are related to the sea, which makes sense given the sea voyage (Glaucus, Thetis and the other Nereids, Triton. Although it’s interesting to remember that Thetis's help still has to do with the sphere of marriage, since it is influenced by Medea being her future daughter-in-law. Hera's first attempt to convince Thetis was also through marriage, as she mentioned Peleus as an Argonaut, although this aspect didn’t work). The nymphs of Libya are associated with the foreign land aspect, which also makes sense.
Having established that I believe in the interpretation that Jason’s mission will be accomplished through love and eroticism rather than martial power, I want to comment on how Aphrodite persuades her son Eros, here depicted as a child, to influence Medea. Aphrodite finds him playing with Ganymede, the young Trojan kidnapped by Zeus for being too beautiful. But Eros is a cheat and continues to cheat at the game while laughing at Ganymede’s frustration, which angers Ganymede and causes him to give up the game and leave — Ganymede here also seems to be a significantly juvenile figure, since the text narrates him and Eros, who we know is depicted as a child, playing dice as “as boys in one house are wont to do” and Aphrodite calls him an “innocent child.” Aphrodite approaches and reprimands Eros for gloating after winning unfairly, and then tells him that she will give him a new toy if he can make Medea fall in love with Jason, which Eros accepts although he’s initially suspicious of the proposal. But it turns out that this is no random toy, it’s a golden ball that belonged to Zeus himself and has detailed description. Such elements seem too specific for a supposedly simple scene of a mother convincing her son with a toy, and this has certainly led to possible interpretations in academic circles.
[...] Amid this farrago, one item commands special attention: the golden ball with which Aphrodite bribes her spoiled and willful son Eros when she seeks to win his aid for the proposed scheme. Apollonius describes the ball in some détail (although, as we shall see, commentators find it difficult to agrée on its appearance and construction) in Aphrodite's speech to her son, as follows: I will give you the beautiful toy of Zeus, which his dear nurse Adrasteia made for him while he was still a child in the Idaean cave, a well-rounded sphère. You'd get no finer one from the hands of Hephaestus. Its circles are wrought of gold, and around each one twofold rings whirl in a circle.  The seams are hidden, and a dark blue spiral runs over them  all (3, 132-40).  
Furthermore, this marvelous ball, when thrown, leaves a gleaming  trail, like a shooting star (ἀστὴρ ως3, 140-41).  Students of thè poem hâve long suspected that this toy is not merely  a child's plaything. While they recognize that its significance is far  greater than the brief description might suggest (thè bali never actually  appears in the poem), they characterize it differently. Accordingly, we  are told that the ball represents either «thè earth», «thè universe» or  «Planetenkreise und Sonnenkugel»; or that its ornamentation has «sans  doute une signification astronomique». Two associations hâve quite  properly led them to recognize the ball's importance. First, in the  visual arts, a ball associated with the adult Zeus regularly symbolizes  his power over thè universe4. Second, Adrasteia, the nurse who gave it  to him, frequently represents thè inevitability of fate that her name  implies. A third association will remove any doubt about the weight  we must accord this symbol, and that is the following fact.   Apollonius is alluding to a contemporary didactic poem, Aratus’  Phaenomena, in a fashion that makes it certain that the bail represents  the spherical cosmos. Recognizing this allusion clarifies two further  issues. First, it sheds light on the much-debated question of the ball's  physical appearance. Next, and more importantly, the implications of  Eros' control of the bail taken on startling — even alarming — force.
Eros Ludens: Apollonius' Argonautica 3, 132-41, by Mary Louise B. Pendergraft, pg 95-96. 
[This book by Aratus mentioned by Pendergraft describes constellations and weather signs. It’s available online at Theoi]
Therefore, the toy being so specific may seek to represent a power of cosmic origin, represented both by the clearly cosmic theme of the object’s appearance and by the fact that its former owner was none other than the king of the gods and, therefore, the one who has great power over the cosmos. Eros, in fact, was immediately introduced as a cunning and deceitful figure who obtains victory through reprehensible means — a child who doesn’t accept being told “no.” And it’s now this unstable figure who holds the power of the narrative.
When we realize that the marvelous toy, once Zeus's and now Eros', represents a model of the cosmos, we can feel only shock at the farreaching implication of the scene: the universe is but a bauble used to bribe a spoiled child. Now, Apollonius did not create the figure of Eros with a ball, but he did give it an almost unprecedented significance. When Anacreon pictures him as a ballplayer (Fr. 302 Page) or a dicer (Fr. 325 Page — the game at which he is cheating Ganymede in Argon. 3) he plays with the lives of individual men: he is ruthless, perhaps, but not of universal relevance. Eros does play a cosmic role in some other contexts: in Orphic writings he has a cosmogonic function. He holds the globe in artistic representations as well: on Roman coins, on gems, and on small bronzes — all, apparently, dating later than our poem. These traditions imply a belief in the creative power of Eros, of love as a guiding force in the world, a notion reminiscent of Empedocles' λórns or Lucretius' Venus. They portray, in short, the force of attraction, of fertility and life, ruling the cosmos. Radically different is the character Apollonius gives to his Eros. This deity evokes no awe or reverence; rather, he is simply a most unpleasant child. His mother complains of his temper, his shamelessness, his wickedness; she can win his cooperation only through bribery (3, 90-99). Greedy, suspicious, and heartless, he laughs at Ganymede's distress at being cheated; he is wheedling and impatient; distrusting even his mother, he counts his dice before entrusting them to her (3, 114-30, 145-55). Yet our investigation has made it clear that we must take him seriously, since his toy is nothing less than the universe. The closest parallel to such a figure is none of those we have mentioned, but rather Alcibiades' notorious shield device, where Eros wielding Zeus's thunderbolt provoked outrage by its arrogance. We can appreciate the response of Alcibiades' contemporaries by comparing Apollonius' vignette to Aratus' Phaenomena, a comparison he invites through his deliberate evocation of this source for his heavenly globe. «From Zeus let us begin» is the famous phrase that opens the poem; «we all depend on him in every way; for indeed we are his offspring». The Stoic poet also stressed the regularity and predictability of the stars and their movements; their reliable pattern, the visible form of the celestial sphere, is clear evidence of Zeus's providential care for his creatures: «he, kindly to mankind, gives us sure signs»>. Apollonius transforms this lofty and reassuring symbol by presenting the cosmic orb as a plaything for a selfish and petulant boy. The fate of the universe, as well as of individuals, is controlled neither by Adrasteia the inevitable nor by a providential father-god; events are not fixed or predictable; rather, everything is subject to the love-god's self-gratifying whims. The figure of Eros ludens has become an emblem that well represents the non-traditional and anti-heroic ethos of the Argonautica.
Eros Ludens: Apollonius' Argonautica 3, 132-41, by Mary Louise B. Pendergraft, pg 101-102.
[The aforementioned shield of Alcibiades is described by Plutarch: “But all this statecraft and eloquence and lofty purpose and cleverness was attended with great luxuriousness of life, with wanton drunkenness  and lewdness, with effeminacy in dress, — he would trail long purple robes through the market place, — and with prodigal expenditures. He would have the decks of his triremes cut away that he might sleep more softly, his bedding being slung on cords rather than spread on the hard planks. He had a golden shield made for himself, bearing no ancestral device, but an Eros armed with a thunderbolt. The reputable men of the city looked on all these things with loathing and indignation, and feared his contemptuous and lawless spirit. They thought such conduct as his tyrant-like and monstrous”. Perhaps the implication of this image with Eros having the power of Zeus was a kind of mockery of the way Alcibiades was sometimes seen as excessively lustful by the Greeks. You can read it here.]
Thus, Argonautia is a poem that not only doesn’t follow what is traditionally expected, but has as its theme love. Love isn’t only a pleasant concept, but also a destructive, selfish, suspicious and deceitful concept represented in the childlike figure of Eros, who now holds the power of the narrative when in more traditional narratives (such as the Homeric poems) it should be Zeus (the former owner of the toy). Ironically, these adjectives that can be used to describe the way Eros is represented in Argonautica also fit with what we know Jason and Medea's relationship will become. These signs are already showing up in the narrative, especially in the character of Medea, who is in fact destructive and deceitful if necessary for her beloved. Therefore, when Jason chooses to employ eros as a weapon he isn’t simply being weak, but is using a dangerous power. In the same way that Eros didn’t care about Ganymede's frustration for the sake of his own satisfaction, Jason and Medea will leave a trail of destruction with each questionable action that Medea will take for the sake of love.
As for his dynamic with Medea in Argonautica… I got the impression that I was reading characters with at least partially reversed gender roles! Who is the character that causes desire in other people, beautiful, fearful, insecure and who receives help from his love interest? Jason! Who is the character who is firm, courageous, active and who will achieve conquests in exchange for the hand of her beloved? Medea!
In mythology you usually see mortal men somehow making conquests for a beautiful woman (often the woman's high status is also part of the reward). Some examples: anything involving Helen; Odysseus, who marries Penelope either in exchange for solving Tyndareus's problem or by winning a race against other suitors; Pelops, who had to compete for the hand of Hippoddamia; Hippomene, who had to prove himself in competition with Atalanta to marry her; Perseus, who saved Andromeda from death and thus won her love; Heracles, who fought with the river god Achelous for the hand of Dejanira. In other cases, although the man doesn’t directly do anything for the marriage, he still marries a beautiful — and high-status — woman as a reward for some virtue/achievement of his. Some examples are Cadmus, who received the goddess Harmonia as his wife thanks to his importance in the founding of Thebes, and Neoptolemus, to whom Menelaus gave his daughter as a wife as a reward for participating in the Trojan War and thus fulfilling the prophecy.
Well, Jason doesn't do any such things. He certainly didn't receive Medea as a reward, since Aetes didn't actually authorize the marriage and the only deity who is actively willing their marriage is Hera, and this is usually attributed to her wanting revenge on Pelias (here in the Argonautica this is the reason as well. It's mentioned at the beginning of Book 1, and then Hera mentions it in her line in Book 3 and it’s repeated in the narrative of Book 4) and not wanting to reward Jason. He also didn't gain Medea's interest because of his deeds, after all she fell in love with him before he had even proven anything significant — Eros shot her with the arrow. And while Medea is described as beautiful and even a princess of status, these are certainly not the main characteristics about her that make Jason want her as is the case in the examples I gave. In fact, the reason Jason promises to marry Medea is because of her talents — i.e. Medea's help in saving Jason. And such talents aren’t skills expected of a good wife like weaving — an example is Penelope, whose weaving theme is a strong characteristic and whose character was used as an example of an ideal wife —, the talents Jason is placing value on is her ability to make drugs and, depending on the version, even her capacity for violence, which wasn’t an element men generally looked for in their wives in mythology.
On the other hand, divine interference (Hera who spoke to Athena, who asked Aphrodite, who made Eros interfere) aside, the reason Medea falls in love with Jason isn’t his heroism or his typically male virtues. Most of the time, I got the impression that the most striking characteristic of Jason to Medea was his beauty. She wasn’t heroically saved by a fearless man like Andromeda was, she didn't see her suitor defeat a god to get her as Dejanira, she didn't have a horrible situation in her home resolved by the foreign hero as Ariadne, etc. And, madly in love with Jason, Medea wants to have him through her usefulness rather than her beauty, modesty, or status (she has all these characteristics, though. Even modesty! She seems quite shy in Book 3, in fact). She wants him to see how she can save him, and she wants that to be enough to make him want her too. She wants him to see how brave and capable she is of achieving victory, and for that to seduce him. Furthermore, Medea's desire for Jason is clearly more emphasized than Jason's desire for Medea, which is also unusual for ancient Greek literature in the case of characters who actually form a couple. I say "actually form a couple" because I'm obviously not referring to cases like Phaedra x Hippolytus or Echo x Narcissus, because in those cases the male characters didn't simply show less interest than the female character...they really didn't want anything to do with them! This isn’t the case with Jason here, Jason actively takes action to establish the relationship. He isn’t a victim. The reciprocity of Jason's love is a matter of debate, as at times his supposed romantic feelings for Medea seem to be mixed with an interest in her usefulness. Personally, I interpret it as him finding her beautiful and interesting rather than merely convenient, but I don't think he will ever love Medea as she loves him.
In Emotion, Genre and Gender in the Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius, pp. 52-217, Dimitra Karamitsou discusses gender roles in Greek literature. She explores Homer's epics and gender roles in tragedies and comedies, but unfortunately I won't comment on what she said because it would be too long for an already long post. So I'll stick to Argonautica only, although I won't show everything she explored and I'll focus only on what she said about Jason and Medea, since that's the focus of the post. Note that she's Greek and read Argonautica in Greek, so she's definitely not analyzing it with the same translation as us. Also, her text is also in Greek, which is why I'll summarize it instead of excerpting it. On the subject, she says:
In the Argonautica, Apollonius follows the idea of ​​women with intense emotions. This wasn’t uncommon for the Hellenistic period, as seen in Callimachus' Hecale, Moschus' Europa, and finally in Theocritus' characters: Simaetha of Idyll 2, Gorgo and Praxinoa of Idyll 15, and Alcmene of Idyll 24. The increasingly popular identification of women with intense emotions in the Hellenistic period is due to the strengthening of the female role of the period, both in the domestic and in the public sphere. Thus, female characters become the object of greater interest for Hellenistic authors, also influenced by the desire of the literature of the time to distance itself from more typical ideas, which sometimes included challenging gender stereotypes. In the Argonautica, the woman is not related to the heroic man and, instead, is more focused on the erotic sphere unlike the focus on chastity. This is consistent with the characteristic of Hellenistic literature of emphasizing eroticism. The strengthening of the female role in the narrative of the Argonautica is also evident in the number of female monologues and even dialogues between women and men, compared to previous epics. They are, however, still characterized mainly by more traditionally feminine emotions in literature, such as fear, anxiety and sadness. However, Karamitsou comments that the subversion of gender roles on both sides is notable in the Argonautica. In fact, women (especially Medea) begin to occupy a leading role in their own right and take typically masculine actions that develop the plot. This is a consequence of the tendency of Hellenistic poets to wish to turn to less explored ideas.
Jason's main emotional characteristic is his lack of anger. For example, he is not shown to be angry with Pelias despite all that he has done. The only time Jason is associated with anger throughout the poem is indirectly through the simile in Book 3, when he is doing Aeetes's task, which compares him to a wild boar ready to attack the hunters. Otherwise, Jason's lack of anger is evident throughout the rest of the poem. When Telamon fundamentally underestimates Jason's worth, he does not get angry despite this being the typical attitude of a male character in epic. In fact, throughout the poem, Jason treats Telamon kindly. For Karamitsou, Telamon offending him is not something that actually offends him, but something that makes him feel honored. Jason, as a leader, is less concerned with rewards and more concerned with companionship, which includes keeping his companions comfortable enough to be honest with him even if it’s in a negative way. For her, the value of friendship for Jason is confirmed when, after the situation is resolved, Jason is happy to know that Telamon would defend him with the same fervor that he defended Heracles if necessary. The terms μῆνιν and μενέηνας in Jason's speech denote anger, but in the first case he only states that being considered negatively by Telamon is not capable of making him angry, and in the second case he says that he would only be angry if the accusation referred to a material belonging. In this way, Apollonius indirectly associates anger with material belongings.
When Jason doesn’t participate in the festive atmosphere, Idas associates this with cowardice and insults him. Thus, while Telamon interpreted Jason's lack of reaction as indifference to Heracles and therefore a betrayal, Idas interpreted Jason's lack of reaction as a sign of cowardice and therefore a weakness. In both cases, Jason's heroism is questioned. In Idas' case, his name is not even mentioned after Idas's insult, since Idmon immediately takes action to defend him and, therefore, is the one whose name is mentioned. Jason's name appears again only when he, along with other Argonauts, tries to prevent Idas and Idmon from fighting physically. Thus, not only is he not overcome by anger, but he doesn’t want his companions to be. The other moment when Jason is expected to become angry, even by Hellenistic literary standards, is when Aeetes not only threatens him but also the Argonauts as a whole. He could, with right, respond to the insult in an angry manner. However, he addresses Aeetes calmly. While Aeetes gives an emotional speech, Jason gives a rational speech. He doesn't just try to calm Aeetes down, he tries to flatter him. This works, as Aeetes doesn't actually take any immediate violent action. It's notable that Jason is much more active in responding to Aeetes' insults compared to Telamon and Idas' insults, since in the case with the Argonauts he didn't even respond to them. This is because Telamon and Idas are angry fellows, while Aeetes is actually a threat. So while Jason's passivity has been criticized, it’s important in reaffirming the character's moral code (avoiding anger and violence) and in establishing him as a diplomatic and composed hero.
Another recurring emotion of Jason is embarrassment. When he is unable to make choices, the narrative depicts him as embarrassed. He’s often portrayed as introspective, often silent and apathetic while thinking. For her, this can be characterized as embarrassment or apathy, that is, the inability to allow oneself to experience an emotion and externalize it. Jason's constant refraining from experiencing emotion is sometimes contrasted with the experience of emotion by a female character. When they say goodbye, Jason's mother is quite emotional, while Jason seems mostly apathetic. When the women of Lemnos show their attraction to him, Jason simply looks at the ground. When he says goodbye to Hypsipyle, she’s clearly being quite emotional while Jason seems mostly practical. For Karamitsou, this is a consequence of Jason's indecision about how to deal with situations, which leads him to appear apathetic, which in turn can be a source of irritation to other characters. This is also contrasted with male characters, in this case the Argonauts. Jason shows no emotion when he learns that Heracles has been abandoned, unlike the others. While everyone is celebrating, Jason is not. Although Apollonius's decision to portray two Argonauts (Telamon, Idas) condemning this attitude may make it seem like he does, this isn’t the case, as demonstrated by the amicable way in which both episodes ended without Jason changing his personality. Jason's emotional detachment is positive, as it balances the tense atmosphere of the other Argonauts. He’s constantly perplexed and embarrassed by his own indecision, which often leads Jason to leave the final word to other characters. This characteristic manifests itself as indecision and apathy and, in a way, reaffirms the character's self-control and diplomacy. 
Jason is also constantly afraid, which often leads to embarrassment. When Tiphys dies, he is saddened by his death and embarrassed by the lack of a solution to the problem of the absence of a helmsman. Aeetes's announcement makes him afraid, which causes him to become embarrassed. Karamitsou says that, although this contrasts with the previous view that apathy and indecision are related to self-control and diplomacy and therefore not negative, the two views do not cancel each other out, but coexist. Feeling afraid is simply human, and although Jason initially feels embarrassed, he tends to be able to deal with it appropriately and calmly rather than reacting too negatively. Jason's sadness and fear also make him a pessimist, as repeatedly throughout the poem he thinks that he or his companions will die. Even at the moment Jason accepts his most heroic task (Aeetes's task), he’s pessimistic in saying that he has no choice. Such a pessimistic trait may characterize him as someone with a weak psyche. Karamitsou, however, mentions the possibility that he may have used pessimism deliberately to test his companions, which is when Jason becomes depressed after passing through the Clashing Rocks. This is a possibility due to the way the terms are used in Greek, which may suggest a lie in Jason's behavior. If this was indeed the case, it worked, as the Argonauts cheer up in an attempt to cheer him up. Therefore, although sadness and fear are characteristics that get in the way of the mission, they also serve to demonstrate the character’s humanity.
Jason is also a romantically involved hero whose erotic relationships are important to moving the plot forward. However, he is different from the love interests. While Hypsipyle is shown to be much more loving and mournful, Jason not only doesn’t reciprocate the feeling to the same extent but he also doesn’t seem to have a real problem with leaving her behind. In fact, he seems more concerned with their possible child than with her. This may, perhaps, make him an opportunist. This is also true of his relationship with Medea. While Medea repeatedly shows her love in different ways, Jason is limited to mostly verbal promises. In the Temple of Hecate, Jason's soft words still seem more like an exercise in rhetorical skill than entirely sincere words. He also, in a way, manipulates Medea by comparing her to Ariadne while conveniently leaving out the detail that Theseus abandoned Ariadne (I’ll comment on this later). In Euripides' Medea, Jason acts in a similar way, as he admits that he prefers to abandon Medea in favor of Creusa because this will bring him fewer difficulties since Creusa is a princess of Corinth and Medea is a barbarian. Despite being an erotic hero, this characteristic concerns more the desire that Jason inflicts on others and less about the desire that Jason himself feels for other people. Jason's love as a weapon shows how love is the driving force of Apollonius' poem.
While Jason’s main emotional characteristic is his lack of anger, Medea’s main emotional characteristic is love. Although initially born from the direct intervention of Eros, the feeling seems to develop into a real characteristic of Medea. Thus, despite the obvious divine interference, there is still the element of realistic emotions in the narrative. Medea is primarily motivated by her love for Jason, which at one point is described as τρέλα (madness) and makes her indecisive, something Medea attributes to weakness and attributes to divine responsibility. Her love for him, however, initially arises from an idealized version of him. After all, even before they interact, Medea is already thinking of him in a very idealized way.
Furthermore, Medea is clearly more affected by love than Jason. At night, Medea's sleep is interrupted by a dream she has in which Jason comes to Colchis not for the golden fleece, but to ask her to marry him. This dream represents how her love for Jason is also a challenge to her expected loyalty to her father, a dilemma whose outcome we already know. Upon waking, Medea wakes up screaming and desperate, almost as if it were a nightmare. The passages that describe Medea's love are influenced by Sapho and Archilochus, with descriptions of “symptoms” of passion such as: inability to speak, cold sweat, paleness, tremor, blushing, ringing in the ears, internal burning, accelerated palpitation, weakness of vision, inability to move. In one scene, Medea also glances at Jason sideways through the veil she wears, which may represent a maiden looking at the source of her desire through a "barrier" (in this case, the veil, which is also a symbol associated with chastity).
Although initially a pure love, even typical of a young virgin, throughout the narrative it’s associated with characteristics such as deceit and magic. The etymology of the name Medea is a clue to the reader of the evolution of a seemingly innocent young woman into a cunning character (Medea means something like "planner, schemer"). The magical characteristic is reinforced by her connection with the goddess Hecate, her kinship with both Circe and Pasithea, and her own abilities as a sorceress. Apollonius uses πολυφάρμακος (polypharmakos, meaning "knowing many drugs/maybe charms", similar to the schemer Odysseus' epithet polytropos, meaning "of many resources"), and interestingly the term is used both when Medea is the chaste virgin of Book 3 and when she’s the treacherous witch of Book 4. The connection of love with magic occurs when Medea's primary way of proving her love is by offering to help Jason through her magical abilities. The deception associated with love, on the other hand, is initially introduced in the conversation with her sister, where Medea lets her sister think that she’s motivated by helping her nephews and not by her love for Jason.
However, such youthful love evolves to resemble a forced contract. Furthermore, Medea flees Colchis not motivated by love, but by fear of Aeetes's reaction. When Jason makes vows to Hera, he and Medea part hands as if in a business agreement. She also doen’t marry for love, but because it’s necessary for Alcinous to help the Argonauts, which includes Medea herself. This, coupled with Jason's interest in Medea's love being motivated by the usefulness of her love, makes this love doomed from the start, since it was formed entirely on need and fear. Even when she asks Arete for help, she does not use her love for Jason as a reason for sympathy, but rather fear of the consequences. Her love begins as an intense mental state, which is then externalized with intense physical symptoms. Its nature is dual. Initially it is identified with pure amorous desire, but later it’s associated with trickery and magic, losing its purity. The role of Medea's love in the narrative plot is crucial, as it’s Jason's main 'weapon' to complete the mission.
Like Jason, Medea is also embarrassed and indecisive, although in her case it’s about a specific dilemma: her father or her future husband. Choosing Jason means being a traitor, choosing to lose her home and her family's honor. Medea is often described as unsure of which decision to make, which is why Jason has to convince her in the Temple of Hecate, for example. This is also why the dream of marrying Jason causes her to wake up with a nightmare-like reaction. And when she does choose Jason, Medea really has no other option but to marry him. This is why Medea not only asks the Argonauts to take her with them to avoid Aeetes' punishment, she makes Jason swear by Hera that he will marry her. By marrying again, Medea is able to obtain a new home, a new family, and her honor is restored, since the betrayal is justified by a wife's behavior in helping her husband. Her indecision, however, diminishes when she helps Jason and, throughout the narrative, disappears. Therefore, in her case, her embarrassment and insecurity are more related to her role as a woman and her maidenhood. It’s shameful that she would consider betraying her father, who is her guardian. It’s also shameful that, as a chaste young woman, she would desire Jason in this way. After she actually chooses Jason, this disappears. Thus, it doesn’t seem that indecision is a fixedly defining characteristic of Medea, but rather occasional/occasional, although it actively affects her.
Medea, like Jason, is also afraid and sad. But if Jason's fear is triggered by his mission, Medea's fear is triggered by the lust/love she feels for Jason (sometimes she feels sad because she loves him) or by Jason's own fate (sometimes she feels sad when she sees him or imagines him in threatening situations). However, these feelings are later replaced by a feeling that Jason does not demonstrate, but that Medea does: anger. The presence of this emotion is particularly striking in Book 4, confirming the transition in Medea's personality. Medea, by giving the Golden Fleece to Jason, is metaphorically giving him her own chastity. For this reason, feelings related to the dilemma of chastity no longer have space after this moment in the narrative. Anger also represents Medea's development in love, which ceases to be fanciful and idealized and becomes full of doubts and suspicions. The main cause of Medea's embarrassment was her desire to help Jason, and so by having this dilemma suppressed, this emotion is also suppressed. But it still exists, as shown by the way Medea looks away at her brother's death. This moment marks the moment when the new Medea emerges, so much so that when she kills Talos there is no embarrassment in her attitude.
Medea's development can also be seen through her veil, especially by analyzing five scenes. The first time is when she falls in love with Jason, the second is when she prepares to meet him at the Temple of Hecate, the third is when she leaves home to go with Jason, the fourth is when they kill her brother, and the last time is when she kills the bronze giant Talos. Initially, the veil is described as white/shining, to symbolize Medea's purity and beauty. In the Absyrtus scene, she covers her face with the veil out of shame for the murder. In the Talos scene, Medea doesn’t wear a veil, which represents her change as someone who is no longer a chaste and ashamed young woman. The veil is also a link between Apollonius' Medea and Euripides' Medea, as in the play she kills Creusa, Jason's bride, by giving her a poisoned veil as a gift. Thus, the veil demonstrates Medea's change from an innocent and chaste young woman to a cunning witch.
Returning to the theme of anger, unlike Jason, Medea is verbal about being angry. Angry, she confronts Jason and complains about his real motivations, indicating that she distrusts him. This distrust will become correct, because in the myth Jason breaks the only promise that Medea demanded (to maintain a marriage with her). She seems to consider Jason's sweet words as deceitful, which makes her furious, because Medea believes that it’s thanks to her willingness to defy her own home for him that Jason has the Golden Fleece. In her speech, she calls him “son of Aeson”, suggesting estrangement. Her anger makes her want to harm the Argonauts and herself, as it even makes her want to set fire to the ship. When she ran for the Argonauts to take her with them in their escape, Medea practically demanded Jason's vows to Hera as a way of forcing him to prove the sweet words that had made her help him. The idea that Jason could have ruined so much of her rationality that he made her risk her place in her family, home, and society and yet he couldn’t reward her angers Medea. It’s also in the midst of her anger that Medea then plans her brother's death, the first undeniably reprehensible act she commits. She also personifies anger in her defeat of the giant Talos, as she glares at him with hostility, invokes vengeful Chthonian deities such as the Erinyes, and is ultimately filled with destructive rage when she defeats him.
Thus, both characters subvert gender roles within the Greek epic genre. Jason isn’t a traditional hero and, consequently, he isn’t a traditional man either. The absence of characteristics such as pride, anger or even martial skills makes him immensely different from Achilles and Odysseus. Unlike Achilles, Jason clearly doesn’t care about his honor. Contrary to Hector's opinion that vanity and association with eros are negative characteristics of Paris, Jason uses both as his main weapon. Jason's characteristic of being a listener also doesn’t resemble Homeric leaders. Agamemnon only cares about public opinion at critical moments; general opinion isn’t part of his usual leadership strategy. Odysseus not only doesn't ask for opinions but also doesn't try to see the reaction of his companions, he just gives orders and the others execute them. On the other hand, Jason constantly wants to hear opinion and constantly observes the reaction. Where Agamemnon easily takes offense to Achilles and treats his suggestion to hand over Chryseis as disrespectful to him and consequently punishes Achilles for it, Jason doesn’t do anything similar. Even when Idas and Telamon directly insult him, Jason doesn’t punish them. Although he uses more strategy than force, he still does’t resemble Odysseus in this situation, for the one who actually has a similar type of cunning to Odysseus is Medea, as represented by her epithet that parallels Odysseus' epithet.
Similarly, Medea isn’t a Homeric female character. In Book 3, she even resembles the Homeric characters, as she’s chaste, beautiful and expresses her emotions especially in private environments with her feelings directed towards male figures — in this case Jason and Aeetes. Something similar to Helen from The Iliad and Penelope from The Odyssey. She helps Jason, but this isn’t enough to differentiate her entirely from the Homeric model of a female character, since she’s still not the protagonist of the conquest, but rather Jason, who is described as doing the tasks. For example, Odysseus is assisted by female figures while the main conquest is still his, since he is the protagonist. The Medea of ​​Book 4, however, does not fit the role of the woman in the epic, since she is more like the woman in the tragedy. Similar to characters such as Euripides' Iphigenia and Sophocles' Antigone, Medea defies gender restrictions and abandons the domestic environment for the public environment and begins to assume the leading role. Similar to Phaedra and Euripides' Medea, Medea has an uncontrolled passion that threatens the people around her. Anger as Medea's main emotion is also a characteristic more typical of tragic female characters, rather than female characters in the epic. Furthermore, Medea goes from being a helper to becoming an active participant. For example, she’s the one who kills Talos, something that wouldn’t happen with any mortal female character in Homeric poetry. And as already mentioned, it’s Medea who is indirectly associated with a Homeric hero, in this case Odysseus, through the use of similar epithets. Although she’s associated with Ariadne, who isn’t a Homeric heroine but is still a traditional female character in mythology, Medea herself says that she isn’t like her. Unlike her, Medea isn’t a helper, but an active protagonist, and she also doesn’t live happily ever after in a marriage. Furthermore, the deconstruction of Medea's chastity is also not something that Homer does with female characters.
Now that I've commented on Dimitra Karamitsou's interpretation, I want to comment on something that I found interesting while reading Argonautica: Medea’s willingness to be helpful to Jason is a parallel to Ariadne’s willingness to be helpful to Theseus. Both princesses who, loving a foreign hero, offer the help that will guarantee their success with the only condition of obtaining a marriage. And maybe this makes my opinion strange, since Ariadne is clearly not a character who subverts gender roles, but I think they have differences that make it possible to coexist the idea that Medea isn’t a character who fulfills the typical gender role and the idea that Medea can be a parallel to Ariadne. The difference, of course, is the personality and the type of help. Ariadne isn’t portrayed as someone who has a volatile and dangerous personality and the help she offers is a guide thread for Theseus to follow, and not something like drugs or even murder. 
I mean, can you imagine Ariadne doing that?
[350] Now when the maiden had mused upon all this, sharp anguish shook her heart unceasingly; and quickly she called forth Jason alone apart from his comrades, and led him aside until they were far away, and before his face uttered her speech all broken with sobs: "What is this purpose that ye are now devising about me, O son of Aeson? Has thy triumph utterly cast forgetfulness upon thee, and reekest thou nothing of all that thou spakest when held fast by necessity? Whither are fled the oaths by Zeus the suppliants' god, whither are fled thy honied promises? For which in no seemly wise, with shameless will, I have left my country, the glories of my home and even my parents — things that were dearest to me; and far away all alone I am borne over the sea with the plaintive kingfishers because of thy trouble, in order that I might save thy life in fulfilling the contests with the oxen and the earthborn men. Last of all the fleece — when the matter became known, it was by my folly thou didst win it; and a foul reproach have I poured on womankind. Wherefore I say that as thy child, thy bride and thy sister, I follow thee to the land of Hellas. Be ready to stand by me to the end, abandon me not left forlorn of thee when thou dost visit the kings. But only save me; let justice and right, to which we have both agreed, stand firm; or else do thou at once shear through this neck with the sword, that I may gain the guerdon due to my mad passion. Poor wretch! if the king, to whom you both commit your cruel covenant, doom me to belong to my brother. How shall I come to my father's sight? Will it be with a good name? What revenge, what heavy calamity shall I not endure in agony for the terrible deeds I have done? And wilt thou win the return that thy heart desires? Never may Zeus' bride, the queen of all, in whom thou dost glory, bring that to pass. Mayst thou some time remember me when thou art racked with anguish; may the fleece like a dream vanish into the nether darkness on the wings of the wind! And may my avenging Furies forthwith drive thee from thy country, for all that I have suffered through thy cruelty! These curses will not be allowed to fall unaccomplished to the ground. A mighty oath hast thou transgressed, ruthless one; but not long shalt thou and thy comrades sit at ease casting eyes of mockery upon me, for all your covenants." [391] Thus she spake, seething with fierce wrath; and she longed to set fire to the ship and to hew it utterly in pieces, and herself to fall into the raging flame. But Jason, half afraid, thus addressed her with gentle words: "Forbear, lady; me too this pleases not. But we seek some respite from battle, for such a cloud of hostile men, like to a fire, surrounds us, on thy account. For all that inhabit this land are eager to aid Apsyrtus, that they may lead thee back home to thy father, like some captured maid. And all of us would perish in hateful destruction, if we closed with them in fight; and bitterer still will be the pain, if we are slain and leave thee to be their prey. But this covenant will weave a web of guile to lead him to ruin. Nor will the people of the land for thy sake oppose us, to favour the Colchians, when their prince is no longer with them, who is thy champion and thy brother; nor will I shrink from matching myself in fight with the Colchians, if they bar my way homeward." [410] Thus he spake soothing her; and she uttered a deadly speech: "Take heed now. For when sorry deeds are done we must needs devise sorry counsel, since at first I was distraught by my error, and by heaven's will it was I wrought the accomplishment of evil desires. Do thou in the turmoil shield me from the Colchians' spears; and I will beguile Apsyrtus to come into thy hands — do thou greet him with splendid gifts — if only I could persuade the heralds on their departure to bring him alone to hearken to my words. Thereupon if this deed pleases thee, slay him and raise a conflict with the Colchians, I care not.
Argonautica, Book 4. Translation by R.C. Searton. 
[Chased by the Colchians, Medea becomes enraged and needs to be calmed by Jason. She then tells him of her plan to kill her brother, Apsyrtus, who is chasing the Argo.]
And when I say that this parallel exists, it isn’t me merely linking the myths, it’s something Apollonius himself does. 
In Book 1, the Ariadne element was already present in some ways because of the Isle of Lemnos, as Queen Hypsipyle is the daughter of Thoas, a son of Dionysus and Ariadne (he was the only male from Lemnos to survive, as his daughter secretly helped him escape). After the erotic involvement between Hypsipyle and Jason and the necessity of the Argonauts' departure (remembered by Heracles), they say goodbye. Hypsipyle assures Jason that if he returns to Lemnos he can be king, although she herself feels that he won’t return. She then wants Jason to promise to remember her and asks what she should do if she finds out she's pregnant. Jason fears that he may not return home, so he asks her that if she has a son, she should send him to Iolcus to be raised there as a comfort to Jason's parents. Thoas' ancestrality, however, isn’t immediately stated in Book 1.
In Book 3, Jason is described as wearing “dark robe, which Hypsipyle of Lemnos had given him aforetime, a memorial of many a loving embrace”, a gift that wasn’t mentioned in Book 1. Remember that detail!
Anyway, let's continue with Book 3! After Jason met and talked with Medea, the myth of Ariadne and Theseus is introduced into the dialogue between the two by Jason. He tries to comfort her since she seems sad and insecure, and in the process he assures Medea that she will be known for being great, in the same way that Ariadne was known for having been important in the victory of the hero Theseus over the Minotaur. Basically, it's as if Medea is Jason's Ariadne. More specifically, he says: “[...] In days past the maiden Ariadne, daughter of Minos, with kindly intent rescued Theseus from grim contests — the maiden whom Pasiphae daughter of Helios bare. But she, when Minos had lulled his wrath to rest, went aboard the ship with him and left her fatherland; and her even the immortal gods loved, and, as a sign in mid-sky, a crown of stars, which men call Ariadne's crown, rolls along all night among the heavenly constellations. So to thee too shall be thanks from the gods, if thou wilt save so mighty an array of chieftains. For surely from thy lovely form thou art like to excel in gentle courtest." 
This comparison returns in their conversation because, at a certain point, Medea asks Jason to talk more about Ariadne. After all, wasn't he the one who compared Medea to her? He, however, changes the subject and doesn't finish the story.
[1063] Thus she spake, and cast her eyes to her feet in silence, and her cheek, divinely fair, was wet with warm tears as she sorrowed for that he was about to wander far from her side over the wide sea: and once again she addressed him face to face with mournful words, and took his right hand; for now shame had left her eyes: "Remember, if haply thou returnest to thy home, Medea's name; and so will I remember thine, though thou be far away. And of thy kindness tell me this, where is thy home, whither wilt thou sail hence in thy ship over the sea; wilt thou come near wealthy Orchomenus, or near the Aeaean isle? And tell me of the maiden, whosoever she be that thou hast named, the far-renowned daughter of Pasiphae, who is kinswoman to my father." [1077] Thus she spake; and over him too, at the tears of the maiden, stole Love the destroyer, and he thus answered her: "All too surely do I deem that never by night and never by day will I forget thee if I escape death and indeed make my way in safety to the Achaean land, and Aeetes set not before us some other contest worse than this. And if it pleases thee to know about my fatherland, I will tell it out; for indeed my own heart bids me do that. There is a land encircled by lofty mountains, rich in sheep and in pasture, where Prometheus, son of Iapetus, begat goodly Deucalion, who first founded cities and reared temples to the immortal gods, and first ruled over men. This land the neighbours who dwell around call Haemonia. And in it stands Iolcus, my city, and in it many others, where they have not so much as heard the name of the Aeaean isle; yet there is a story that Minyas starting thence, Minyas son of Aeolus, built long ago the city of Orchomenus that borders on the Cadmeians. But why do I tell thee all this vain talk, of our home and of Minos' daughter, far-famed Ariadne, by which glorious name they called that lovely maiden of whom thou askest me? Would that, as Minos then was well inclined to Theseus for her sake, so may thy father be joined to us in friendship!" [1102] Thus he spake, soothing her with gentle converse. But pangs most bitter stirred her heart and in grief did she address him with vehement words: "In Hellas, I ween, this is fair to pay heed to covenants; but Aeetes is not such a man among men as thou sayest was Pasiphae's husband, Minos; nor can I liken myself to Ariadne; wherefore speak not of guest-love. But only do thou, when thou hast reached Iolcus, remember me, and thee even in my parents' despite, will I remember. And from far off may a rumour come to me or some messenger-bird, when thou forgettest me; or me, even me, may swift blasts catch up and bear over the sea hence to Iolcus, that so I may cast reproaches in thy face and remind thee that it was by my good will thou didst escape. May I then be seated in thy halls, an unexpected guest!"
Argonautica, Book 3. Translation by R.C. Searton.
In Book 4, Hypsipyle's cloak returns. It is one of the false gifts offered to Apsyrtus in Medea's plan to deceive her brother. We learn that the Graces (best known for being Aphrodite's companions) wove it for Dionysus, and that Dionysus and Ariadne conceived Thoas on it. The divine cloak was then given to Thoas, who gave it to Hypsipyle, who gave it to Jason.
[421] So they two agreed and prepared a great web of guile for Apsyrtus, and provided many gifts such as are due to guests, and among them gave a sacred robe of Hypsipyle, of crimson hue. The Graces with their own hands had wrought it for Dionysus in sea-girt Dia, and he gave it to his son Thoas thereafter, and Thoas left it to Hypsipyle, and she gave that fair-wrought guest-gift with many another marvel to Aeson's son to wear. Never couldst thou satisfy thy sweet desire by touching it or gazing on it. And from it a divine fragrance breathed from the time when the king of Nysa himself lay to rest thereon, flushed with wine and nectar as he clasped the beauteous breast of the maiden-daughter of Minos, whom once Theseus forsook in the island of Dia, when she had followed him from Cnossus. And when she had worked upon the heralds to induce her brother to come, as soon as she reached the temple of the goddess, according to the agreement, and the darkness of night surrounded them, that so she might devise with him a cunning plan for her to take the mighty fleece of gold and return to the home of Aeetes, for, she said, the sons of Phrixus had given her by force to the strangers to carry off; with such beguiling words she scattered to the air and the breezes her witching charms, which even from afar would have drawn down the savage beast from the steep mountain-height.
Argonautica, Book 4. Translation by R.C. Searton.
Hoping to comfort and convince Medea, Jason compares her to Ariadne, to whom Medea is related by blood, though Jason probably did not know this when he made the comparison (her mother is Pasiphae, whom Apollonius claims is the daughter of Helios and therefore the sister of Aeetes, Medea's father. This makes Medea and Ariadne cousins). What he wants is for her not to feel bad about betraying her father and helping the Argonauts, assuring her like Ariadne she will become famous for providing aid to a foreign hero. However, when Medea asks Jason to tell her more about Ariadne, he changes the subject. He purposely doesn’t tell Medea that Theseus, the hero she helped, abandoned her on the island of Naxos. After all, how would that be any comfort to Medea? For all Jason knows, this could very well make her not help him. The association of Medea with Ariadne is already an sign: no matter how helpful Medea is now or even how Jason begins to reciprocate her feelings, this couple's ending will not be happy just as Theseus and Ariadne didn’t live happily ever after. Apollonius certainly seems to recognize the ending of Ariadne's story in Argonautica, after all, he tells us the story of the cloak Hypsipyle gave Jason: an item used by both Dionysus and Ariadne, now married and parents of Thoas, father of Hypsipyle.
Another way to know that this couple is doomed is through a line from Hera. In Book 4, Hera tries to persuade Thetis to have the Nereids help the Argonauts. Using Peleus, one of the Argonauts, as an argument is useless, since Thetis actually clearly has a negative opinion about their forced marriage (something that Hera seems not to really take into account and that, in fact, she was partly responsible for since she was the one who chose Peleus as Thetis' husband). Knowing this, Hera uses a person she knows will convince Thetis: Achilles, her son. She informs Thetis that Medea will be Achilles' wife in Elysium and, therefore, Thetis' daughter-in-law and for this reason she must help the Argonauts, since Medea is among them. This convinces Thetis, who gets the Nereids to help them. But if, after all, the poem introduces us to a love story between Medea and Jason starting in Book 3, why would Medea have to marry another man in Elysium? So, ironically, when Jason compares Medea to Ariadne, he’s trying to achieve success but is premeditating the tragic ending he will have.
They won't be together, something foreshadowed in Jason's comparison and reinforced in Hera's argument. The same love that guaranteed Jason future glory — by returning with the Golden Fleece thanks to Medea's help — will not persist for long. So, even if through seduction Jason has achieved conquests (peace with Hypsipyle and support with Medea, ironically both linked to Ariadne, who here is the exemplary representative of the trope of the young woman who helps a foreign hero), this will have greater consequences than he thinks. Even Apollonius recognizes the destructive power of Medea's love when he relates how, out of love for Jason, Medea planned her own brother's death and was an accomplice in a sacrilege (remembering that the murder took place in front of the temple of Artemis).
[445] Ruthless Love, great bane, great curse to mankind, from thee come deadly strifes and lamentations and groans, and countless pains as well have their stormy birth from thee. Arise, thou god, and arm thyself against the sons of our foes in such guise as when thou didst fill Medea's heart with accursed madness. How then by evil doom did she slay Apsyrtus when he came to meet her? For that must our song tell next.
Argonautica, Book 4. Translation by R.C. Searton.
Ironically, the cloak given to Jason is used in this scheme, as the excerpt I mentioned above in the post says. The cloak that represents Ariadne's happy ending, since it’s important for her relationship with Dionysus. The cloak that represents the love of a father for a daughter, since Thoas passed it on to Hypsipyle (a love reinforced by the fact that, while the women of Lemnons killed all the men, Hypsipyle saved her father). The cover that represents the love of a woman who knows she will never see her beloved again, as Hypsipyle gave something so important to Jason as a memory of her. This same cloak is the one used in the plan to murder Apsyrtus as one of the fake gifts, a plan devised by Medea who, in her destructive love, went so far as to wish her brother dead. Personally, I like to interpret this as a sign of how Medea's love is different. It is not the happily ever after love that Dionysus and Ariadne share, it is not a lasting love like Thoas and Hypsipyle, it is not the love of Hypsipyle's longing for Jason. It is an excessive love, it is a love that resembles madness. Medea told Jason that she can't compare to Ariadne and really, they are not the same. And Jason won't be her Theseus, after all he will really make her his wife, but he won't be her Dionysus either, because they won't be happy. The thing — seduction, love, eroticism — that made Jason capable of accomplishing the mission is the same thing that will ruin him.
And I think it is possible to reconcile Argonautica Jason with the Jason of other sources. I have already mentioned what I think about Chiron's involvement in Jason's education (I prefer when there is none) and I have already used other sources to reaffirm the idea of ​​eroticism surrounding Jason and the voyage of the Argonauts — in addition to, of course, having to use other sources to provide context for Jason's family. The thing is, let's analyze what Jason does after the voyage with the Argonauts in the other sources according to the popular version, which is: death of Pelias, Jason and Medea in Corinth, wrath of Medea and death of Jason.
After returning to Iolcus, Jason wanted Pelias punished. In one version, he wants to punish Pelias for sending him on such a dangerous mission (Fabulae 24), and in another he wants to punish Pelias for killing his father and younger brother Promachus and somehow causing his mother to commit suicide (Library of History 4.50.1-4, Library 1.9.27). Although the details vary, Medea, knowing that her husband wants Pelias dead, offers to do it herself, and Jason agrees to let her do it for him (note: in Library, it’s Jason who urges her to do this rather than her offering). And Medea actually does what she promised, tricking Pelias' daughters into killing their father while they think they are rejuvenating him. Then there are two versions: despite gaining power over the palace (albeit violently), Jason doesn’t keep the kingdom and gives it to Acastus, Pelias' son, or else he is expelled by Acastus. Either way, he and Medea go to Corinth after this. In a version in which Aeson isn’t dead he is rejuvenated by Medea, although the context of the original Greek is lost (Nostoi frag 2). If Ovid was faithful to the original context of the myth in his Metamorphoses, then Jason asked her to take part of his life to extend Aeson's life and Medea didn’t want to do this to Jason. Instead, she rejuvenated Aeson without having to take any of Jason's life. She later used the fact that this feat had become famous in Iolcus to convince Pelias' daughters that she could rejuvenate their father.
In Corinth, Medea and Jason lived for years as a married couple and had children, whose number and names vary depending on the source. However, Jason eventually wanted to abandon Medea for another woman. Through a possible marriage to Creusa, daughter of the Corinthian king Creon, he could try to start a new life. A new beautiful wife, a father-in-law who clearly views him favorably, and the elevation of status through marriage. The best-known version of the myth is from Euripides' play Medea, in which Jason not only acts completely asshole to Medea but also belittles her when she reminds him of how much she helped him. Not only was he going to betray Medea, he also agreed to have her banished from Colchis, since her presence there was uncomfortable because she was feared by Creon. When confronted about this, he tells Medea that he could not refuse the opportunity to marry a princess from Colchis and reminds Medea that, after all, she is still a barbarian woman and therefore does not represent the same status as Creusa. He offers to give Medea money to cover the costs of the children (yes, Jason didn’t mind his children being exiled either. He only keeps the children after Medea herself suggests it, although she did it as part of her revenge plan) and says that in the future she can still be his lover. This makes Medea furious, which causes her to execute a plan that results in the death of Jason's new wife and new father-in-law and she also kills both of their children and doesn’t allow Jason to give them a funeral as she says that she will do this herself while leaving in the sun chariot that was a gift from her grandfather Helios. This probably wasn't the oldest version of the myth, since there are indications that perhaps the oldest version was the one in which Medea leaves her children in the temple of Hera before fleeing and the Corinthians kill them (Pausanias mentions this version, if I'm not mistaken. In any case, possibly the first myth of Medea didn't include a mother who killed her children), but I consider this one because I like it better despite being more cruel.
In Euripides' version, Jason is destined to die crushed by the planks of the Argo, the ship used by the Argonauts on their mission and built with Athena's advice, for having dishonored his marriage vows to Medea (from what I understand, this displeased Hera. She was the one who planned the wedding and, besides, Jason made the vows dedicated to Hera). Apparently, Euripides' scholia also mentions a version in which Jason dies after being struck by lightning and also mentions that he died while sleeping on the Argo. According to Diodorus Siculus (who, by the way, presents a considerably different version of the myth of Jason and Medea), Jason killed himself. According to Hyginus, Jason was killed by Medea along with Creusa and Creon. Regardless of the version, his death is either quite tragic or quite pathetic.
But what then? Jason keeps turning to Medea for help, whether to kill Pelias or to rejuvenate Aeson. And even while dismissing her as a “barbarian” while Creusa is a Greek princess, Jason suggests that they eventually remain lovers, which shows that he still wanted to keep her (given how unaffectionate Jason is in this play, I’m more inclined to believe that it was for Medea’s usefulness or as a stupid attempt to calm her down, knowing her temper). By dishonoring his marriage vows to Medea, Jason receives a disgraceful end. In the end, Jason continues to have his most memorable moments linked to Medea’s usefulness (Pelias’ daughters) and in the end he continues to use relationships to his advantage (in this case, marriage to Creusa). And the act of discarding her as a wife still screws him over. She was the one who made him rise to glory, as the mission was only a success because of her, but she was also the one who made him have a miserable end. Jason still only achieves repeated success while he’s in a relationship with Medea. The other more typically heroic myths of Jason also tend to portray him in a group/team setting like in the Argonautica, as is the case with the Hunt of the Calydonian Boar myth.
So I think it’s possible to connect Argonautica to other sources. In Book 4, Jason has already done a really horrible thing, he committed sacrilege by killing Medea’s brother in front of the temple of Artemis. After all, he still has the potential to do evil things. And given the way love is portrayed as a destructive force in Argonautica, the mere act of being with Medea, who we know to be destructive, certainly makes him capable of causing misfortune himself. Also, Apollonius makes Jason out to be like an ordinary, human person, but isn't that what Jason was? He really was an ordinary person. But what about after returning from such a dangerous mission successfully? It wouldn't be strange if fame made him arrogant and, knowing that he can count on Medea's help, it wouldn't be strange if he increasingly used violence as a practical tool. And, thinking that he can keep Medea's help while using other women to gain status in the same way he gained status with Medea (not through marriage, but because she influenced the outcome of the mission), he’s still a Jason who uses his romantic/sexual/marital relationships to get what he needs. And since his fame was indirectly built through marriage, the destruction of said marriage is the destruction of Jason himself.
One way in which the transition is reflected is by repeated allusions to Jason and Medea’s doomed marriage. Throughout Books 3 and 4, in the lead up to their actual marriage at Argon. 4.1127–69, scenes in which Medea appears contain moments that can be read symbolically as representative of her relationship with Jason. For example, her veiled (or unveiled) face is repeatedly mentioned (3.444–7, 3.828–35, 4.41–6, 4.465–7), which both highlights her status as an unmarried girl and draws the reader repeatedly to Medea’s use of vision as an erotic signifier. 3 Moreover, the narrator twice draws on comparisons to grieving wives to elucidate Medea’s emotional turmoil (3.656–64, 4.1062–7); these two unhappy similes hint at a similarly unpleasant end to Medea’s relationship with Jason. Furthermore, Medea enacts a series of symbolic marital rituals as she flees her home (4.26–49), transferring into Jason’s protection during the night and leaving symbols of her virginity behind for her mother. These are some of the key ways in which wedding imagery pervades Medea’s representation throughout Books 3 and 4. In addition, the actual wedding between Jason and Medea contains aspects of wedding ritual; all of them are, however, undermined by the unsuitability of location, time and context. Queen Arete gauges from her husband King Alcinous that he intends to decree that Medea should only belong with the Argonauts if she is already married to Jason. This provokes a midnight marriage, performed in secret, with an armed guard and an unenthusiastic couple (οὐ μὲν ἐν Ἀλκινόοιο γάμον μενέαινε τελέσσαι | ἥρως Αἰσονίδης, μεγάροις δ᾽ ἐνὶ πατρὸς ἑοῖο, | νοστήσας ἐς Ἰωλκὸν ὑπότροπος· ὧς δὲ καὶ αὐτὴ | Μήδεια φρονέεσκε· τότ᾽ αὖ χρεὼ ἦγε μιγῆναι ‘The hero Jason wished to hold the wedding not in Alcinous’ land but rather in the halls of his father, having returned home to Iolcus. So too did Medea wish this: but necessity forced them to join there’, 4.1161–4). 6 The marriage scene itself, performed out of necessity rather than will, provides an inauspicious beginning for their marriage and allows for the pos- sibility that the eventual failure of their marriage can be traced to as far back as its origins.
Wedding Imagery in the Talos episode: Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 4-1653-88, by Sarah Cassidy, pg 442-443.
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riftwalker-limbro · 1 year
3, 4, and 8 for kelth and 3, 13, and 15 for kali!
Ooooo many!! i will put this under a readmore because knowing myself this will be long. Thank you for the ask!
Kelth, 3: What is this character's favourite colour? Hajhdbg i haven't thought about this from Kelth's own POV. i personally love blues. you may notice this in screenshots i throw on here sometimes. and as a result kelth's whole ingame world is also very blue. so i'm just gonna say that my preferences are kelth's too, and they also like blue a whole lot
Kelth, 4: Does this character have any pets? the simple answer is yes but i haven't thought about which ones & why yet so i will take this opportunity to make that shit up properly. me personally i just have a kennelful of kubrows & a charger, so I'm gonna go ahead & say that on the Zariman, kelth had one dog who followed them around everywhere & they were really good friends, and that's why they have a bunch now again. the one kelth had on the zariman was of course rather. distinct. from the strains available to them now: the current-day strains they are able to get from the incubator are still obviously influenced by their direct wild/feral ancestry, whereas the orokin dog was probably more like a labrador/lap dog/comfort beast, with genetically-modified-dull claws and such. not that they don't appreciate the combat ability of their current companions - they're very good as guards, and helping them find resources, and they never complain - but sometimes they do miss their old buddy.
Kelth, 8: Do they have any hobbies? Yes!! But there's a History. at first there was just so much shit to do they didn't really let themself have a true non-combat-related hobby. they let themselves have void relics: the puzzles, getting random stuff & then trying to sell it to still make a profit, the hard work that went into it, was very fun. but it definitely did not help take their mind off of... well, everything. eventually, they realized that no matter how hard they mop, the state of the origin system is very much a stuck-open faucet, so they picked up recreational programming again. solving logic puzzles, making up little games to share with others, and such. if they're really not feeling like doing anything (mentally) intense, reading and listening to music are their go-tos. do notice how none of these hobbies require other people.
Kali, 3: What is this character's favourite colour? You're making a Chroma choose a favourite colour? :D god. i haven't even gotten another chroma (prime) yet in game so i haven't yet been able to fashion wars but given kali's slowly forming personality in my head i'm literally just gonna say the whole rainbow. it likes different colours more on different days. often together with other colours. theres nothing so fun as mixing and matching colours. bright and shiny and showing-off.
Kali, 13: Why/under which circumstances did they get turned into a Warframe? See this is why I love ask games. I am being forced by peer pressure to develop these guys. OKAY. Kali got caught doing something she shouldn't have been. That something might have been planting explosives in the vicinity of an Orokin outpost. Because it didn't care about what the Orokin thought of it, it admitted everything immediately, spouting insults and jokes at their expense all the way to the experimental facilities. It's a good thing that the Helminth mostly capitalises on what's already present to make a warframe - Kali had always known how to make the best of a situation, and after the changes were made, it didn't take her long to escape at all. They never found it again.
Kali, 15: Do they have anything that still ties them back to their days as human? All of her weapons and other gear had been confiscated when she'd been caught, and once she'd gotten out of the facility, she never looked back, so nothing physical. However, even though the Helminth completed the physical transformation, the scientists never had the chance to break its mind. It is still as shrewd, boisterous, cunning, and vindictive as it was back when it was still human, just now as much on the outside as on the inside. Other than that, nothing. It tries not to think about it.
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zannadu · 4 years
Now nobody asked for this but I’m going to do it anyway.
Includes: Katsuki Bakugou, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Hanta Sero, and Mina Ashido
Warnings: fluff, mentions of sex, mentions of oral sex, kissing, and just dumb funny shit
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MHA as Stoners
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Katsuki Bakugou
It varies how fast he gets high, but his favorite way to smoke is with a simple joint
Okay this man will refuse to do any at first
But eventually will give in after the rest of the Bakusquad convinces him
(Though he will say “whatever I’ll do it”)
After the first smoke sesh with the squad he began to enjoy it more so he now does it more often.
If you are with him, he will either have a hard time being around her or will want to be next to you the whole time.
If you hold him he will act nonchalant but inside he will be exploding (no pun intended)
He will do his best to cuddle without making you uncomfortable.
He will get the munchies bad and insist you come with him to get more snacks every thirty minutes
He is much more open with his feelings and willing to talk more without yelling
He calms down a lot
He will show much more affection to you around people than he normally does.
Cuddling, kissing, squeezing, biting the whole PDA shabang.
He will not give two shits what everyone else thinks.
And when he finally has you alone, that’s when it gets a little hot and heavy. 👀
And he doesn’t even mean to.
Not that you’re complaining. ✌️
Katsuki’s hands snaked their way around your waist and his face found a home in the crook of your neck.
“You know, if you want to cuddle, you could just say so,” you stated, resting your hand on his locked arms. He let out a soft groan against your skin. His breathing was slow and his eyes foggy. He squeezed you tighter and moved his hands to intertwine them with yours. His heavy eyes looked up and around the room meeting with everyone else’s eyes.
“You're touchy tonight,” Sero snickered, taking another hit off the joint that currently sat, squished in between his fingers.
Katsuki did nothing but roll his eyes and squeezed your fingers. He placed his mouth closer to your ear, his breath just tickling your ear lobe. Suddenly his teeth began to nibble on your ear, sending shivers down your arms, evident with the goosebumps now arise on your delicate skin.
“What do you say that we go to my room, I want you, ” his voice was low and husky. His fingers released from yours and fiddled the hem of your clothing and caressed your soft skin. His teeth began to but harder, causing you to gasp. He then continued to nibble slowly moving to your neck. How could you say no?
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Eijiro Kirishima
It doesn't take very much to get him high so his favorite way to smoke is with a dab pen
Now usually this baby boy is sweet and manly
But when he's been smoking he gets VERY hungry
Like he will eat the entire kitchen.
He will space out a lot but will still listen to you if you're trying to talk to him
(or he will try to)
“Wait, what did you say?”
He isn't afraid of PDA either however he will wait till he's in private with you.
(as he should, he's respectful)
You might need to help him to his room
And try not to let him hug you until you're in bed because he will NOT let go until morning.
He is very sentimental and will give the BEST advice
“Babe, will you come to get food with me please🥺?”
“Kiri, you have a whole pint of ice cream, three bags of chips, AND meat buns. You don't need anything else😂”
He would pout omg.
He would fall asleep if you play with his hair in an instant
Kirishima laid in your lap, and you picked up each piece of his hair and gently let it fall. He had showered and decided on no gel, therefore his hair is silky soft.
“Babe, why did you let me eat so much?” he groaned looking up at you. All you could do was laugh, being high just made everything funnier. He began to pout which ceased your laughter.
“I tried to stop you, but you wouldn't listen, ” you almost began to laugh again. He groaned and held his stomach.
“Next time, don't let me eat so much, ” he squeezed his eyes so much. You continued playing with his hair and smiled at the tired boy.
His eyes began to close and he looked up at you and soon he was out cold.
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Denki Kaminari
His favorite way to smoke it with a pipe. Just makes him feel cool and the glass is trippy
Denki is usually very goofy and doesn't take things seriously, but when he's high he gets very philosophical
Like this man will talk about how space is so big and how a fish finds its way home.
Anything that will make you question your existence
He won't even realize what he's talking about until he looks at the rest of the group who is just starting wide-eyed and thinking about their whole existence on earth.
For some reason, he seems smarter than he lets people believe.
If he's with you he will be resting his head in your lap
He will have deep conversations sigh you
He will unknowingly rub small circles on your thighs while he's lost in thought💕
Continues to pick on Bakugou and how he's much different stoned
Usually wants alone time with you afterward, he feels safer when you sleep with him
He likes to be the little spoon
Denki sat on the bed and leaned against the wall. His eyes studied the ceiling, his mouth slightly agape in a soft smile as he got even more lost in his thoughts. His eyes were almost entirely closed. The hushed murders from the other teens seemed to entirely disappear. The soft music that was also playing just took his mind further into the abyss.
“Hey do you guys think it's crazy that one muscle in your body is the reason you are alive, and if it just decides to quit one day you will just topple over and die?” Denki continued to stare up at the ceiling. The entire room went silent, the only noise was the light music.
“Dude what the fuck, ” sero looked at home from down on the floor. Denki shifted his head to look at the rest of the gang who were all just staring at him.
“What, I'm just saying, ” he shrugged his shoulders. You just looked at him and laughed. That was the most random thing to say and he probably would do it again soon.
“C’mon baby let's get you to bed, ” you grabbed his hand and went out of the room making sure to say goodnight to everyone. One thing was for sure, Denki could not WAIT to be cuddled.
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Sero Hanta
This man's the og stoner and will hit a bong over everything else.
When Sero is stoned he makes sure everyone else is having fun
He makes sure everyone is comfortable with what they are doing
If someone doesn't know how to do something, like hit a bong, he will gladly show them
He is a weed mom
The best kind of mom honestly
If someone is paranoid or worried about an adult finding out or getting in trouble, he will try his darn hardest to calm them down
Has the necessities
Carries gum, eye drops, perfume or cologne on him at all times.
Has a pipe on him always
Provides the goods 🌿
Now let me tell you, this man gets HELLA horny when he's stoned
If everyone is settled in and comfortable he will turn his attention to you.
He doesn't even hide it.
“Mi amor, you look beautiful right now”
He will make you so flustered you will have to leave the room.
“Sero, what are you doing?” you ask as me scoots over to you across the floor. You can't help but laugh. The cheesy grin on his face was everything at the moment. It seemed like you were the only two in the room.
“Just coming over to check on you, mi amor, ”he purred as he placed his finger under your chin to make you look into his eyes. His eyelids were heavy, the red tint covered by a foggy gloss, just made him that much hotter. He blinked slowly and began to inch closer to your lips.
“Sero, ” you breathed out right before gently placed his lips on yours, moving to pull your body impossibly closer to his. His lips worked over yours as you found your rhythm. He pulled away looking up at your eyes from your lips.
He leaned forward again, this time next to your ear so no one else could hear but you.
“I can't wait till everyone leaves so I can finally find out how good you taste.”
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Mina Ashido
This girl's favorite way to smoke is a simple joint
She is great at rolling
(cuz she's good with her fingers if you know what I mean)
She is definitely in charge of the music and the vibes it puts off
But will also try and get everyone to go out and do stuff like getting food or to annoy Aizawa.
She also is the person laughing the most
She will laugh at literally anything
Kirishima making jokes about food or how hungry he is, Denki just acting dumb, or getting a rise outta Bakugou, whatever it is she will be laughing
This girl is part of the alphabet mafia and you can't change my mind🏳️‍🌈
Now she's is a cutie when it comes to relationships
She won't act inappropriately in front of everyone else out of respect for you
However, when she gets you alone that's a whole other story
“C’mon y/n, let's go to my room. I have something to show you, ” Mina smirked at you and squeezed your hand in hers. You had no other choice to follow her as you were already headed out of Sero’s room and straight to her room. You didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to everyone.
You finally made it to her room and she closed the door behind you.
“What did you want to show me?” you asked sitting on her bed. You look around the very pink room and back to her standing in front of you. Mina looked you up and down and reached out to grab your cheeks gently with her hands. She leaned down and kissed you gently, working for her hands down to the hem of your shirt, eager to get it off. Her eyes glazed over and watched your every movement as you striped your clothes. Her fingers grazed over the sides of your arms and you went back in for a kiss. She pushed you farther back onto the bed, straddling her legs around your waist.
“This is going to be fun, ” she said breathlessly and pulled you in yet again for another lustful kiss.
Asks are open!!! This is my first official post on here, advice would be fantastic, or if you have any ideas that would be awesome! Thank you for reading😁❤️
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themadauthorshatter · 4 years
Do you guys know what could've been kind of interesting to see in SGE? More specifically, the first book? Tedros realizing he has some possible feelings for Agatha while still thinking he's in love with Sophie.
Think of it like this:
Tedros trying to be closer with Sophie, i.e. trying to talk about his life back in Camelot, any frustrations he's having in his classes or with his friends, or even just wanting to know more about HER, but Sophie only hugs his arm, rests her head on his shoulder, or simply holds his hand and tells him she loves him.
Upon seeing this, his mind and eyes drift to Agatha, who is doing something like getting some homework done early or practicing some magic. Maybe he sees Kiko and Agatha together and Kiko is complaining about accidentally dying her hair green and making it all spiky, so Agatha waves a glowimg finger and fixes it right up for her, explaining to Kiko, who wanted blonde hair, that she's beautiful with her dark hair and Tristan is an idiot if he doesn't see that; not a very "Agatha" line, but I imagine she'd be tired of seeing and hearing Kiko cry and is genuine in her words because Kiko's nice to her and a pretty decent friend.
Maybe a challenge happens where people from the opposite side partner with each other and Tedros OBVIOUSLY partners with Sophie.
Agatha, however, doesn't get a chamce to think before Hester and Anadil equally take a step forward-
AND HORT CRASHES INTO AGATHA INSTEAD-He wants to get Sophie back for using him, and Hester is not taking her away from him.
Even with a possible concussion, Agatha and Hort do well, the challenge being getting across a deep and raging river by walking across a log or something, I'm not good at making up challenges for fairytales.
Because she's in heels and doesn't want to ruin her makeup, Sophie crawls across the log rather than walks, which makes Tedros have to slow down and wait for her.
I should probably mention that this log is close to the water and is cracking beneath them, so THEY NEED TO GTFO the log.
Tedros knows this, but doesn't want to leave Sophie(both because they'll get points taking away for leaving their partner and he's still pretty sure he loves her).
Chekhov's gun fires. The log breaks and both Sophie and Tedros fall in and are swept away beneath the surface.
Agatha follows with most of the students and Yuba following.
Because she's a smart person, can swin, and doesn't care about her looks, unlike many of the other students, Agatha recruits Chaddick, because he's strong, and Anadil, with she has rats, which are CRAZY intelligent, and they find another dead tree or a vine or something to put over the river, thin enough for Sophie and Tedros to grab, but thick enough that it won't break. Anadil kicks her maguc into overdrive and grows her rats to be the size of pitbulls, and Chaddick and Agatha use them to get to Tedros and Sophie out of the river before the tree or vine snaps.
I'm sorry for making Anadil OP, but she's exhausted when her rats are back to their normal sizes, too tired to even stand up as she glares at Agatha and tells her, "That is the last time I'm helping you."
Tedros storms back to the Evers with Sophie trailing behind him, begging for him to listen as she apologizes.
Under water, she had flailed and held Tedros down as he tried to get above the surface, which almost made them both drown.
He doesn't talk to her at lunch, but does notice Chaddick awkwardly commending Agatha for her quick thinking. By awkward, I mean it's almost painful to watch him find the right words to thank this "witch" for helping to save his best friend.
Again, this is an awkward exchange and it takes a few minutes for Agath to understand Chaddick and not get offended.
Tedros thinks on this and considers all the "connection" moments he's had like the goblin challenge where he mistook Agatha for Sophie and when he picked Agatha's coffin.
Sophie notices him staring and asks if everything's alright and why he isn't paying attention to her; water on the brain.
He shrugs, smiles, and says it's nothing, which makes Sophie smile and go back to talkimg, Tedros inconspicuously watching Agatha cackle her giddy ass off when Beatrix accidentally falls in mud while trying to approach Tedros in glass slippers. Kiko laughs behind her hand, but is close to tears. Agatha does magic her clean, but Beatrix still pouts and gets a little mad, even if the squeal she did was nothing short of hilarious.
Trial By Tale happens, events and all, but Tedros doesn't instantly break up with Sophie. He keeps his distance instead.
One night, after he's won and hasn't spoken a word to Sophie or sat near her at lunch, eating in his room instead to avoid her and because he's still a little injured, he is awake and can't sleep, so he wanders the quiet school halls, watching snow fall and reminiscing about home and how his school year's been, maybe even having a made up conversation with his father about what's happened.
This is the conversation between them that follows:
(Agatha turns to look at him with annoyed eyes)"... Here to call me a witch again?"
"Well, as long as you don't punch me again, I won't."
(Narrows her eyes a little mire before turning back to the snow.) "Why are you out here?"
(Tedros leans against the wall facing her and tips his head back, watching the snow.) "Can't sleep. Hester's demon got me better than I thought." (Chuckle) "I still have a bruise on my side from the thing."
(Agatha gulps as she remembers how it broke into pieces and attacked him, but says nothing.)
"How about you? Does the witch have you doing her work for her again?"
(Agatha gasps, surprised by the jab to her friend and at how he figured it out. Tedros's face is mostly expressionless, though he does raise an eyebrow as if to say, 'Go 'head. Prove me wrong.' She relaxes again and shakes her head.) "My room doesn't have a good view of the trees. I bet it's snowing in Gavaldon, too. Harder than it is here, maybe."
"My village. Where Sophie and I came from. Our home."
(Tedros laughs) "I'm sorry, how long have you two been friends for?"
"Long enough. What about you? What brings the prince of Camelot out to watch the first snow of winter?"
(Tedros's smile drops as he returns his gaze to outside.) "Like I said. I couldn't sleep."
"Why are you REALLY out here?"
(Tedros is silent for a few seconds, biting his lip because he's obviously uncomfortable.) "... Your village. Gavaldon. Do you... miss it?"
(After another second of silence, Agatha responds.) "A little bit. We were better friends there, at least. And I miss my cat."
(Tedros humms quietly as he gives a slight nod, biting back a 'witch' comment.)
"I guess you're used to the attention. Being the prince and all."
(Tedros shrugs and scratches the back of his neck.) "Sort of. Not really. No one ever followed me around like Beatrix. Could you see a maid being on my tail like SHE does?"
(Agatha can't help but laugh, Tedros chucklong with her before his smile drops.)
"I don't know. I mean..." (He leans on the ledge.) "I like being with my mates and all, but... it gets annoying when there's always a couple of girls giggling at you behind the corner. I miss my room, too. And the library. And the court yard. And the garden. And the field."
(His voice breaks at that last one, but Agatha doesn't bring it up. Instead, it's her turn to talk about home.)
"I miss my mom. We didn't really get along, but she's my family, Reaper, too."
"You named your cat Reaper?"
"He took care of our rat and bird problem. You'd be surprised at how many blue jays come to a cemetery." (Agatha's smile drops.) "I miss that, too, the cemetery. It was quiet. And just reading fairytales in my room instead of studying to BE in one."
(Tedros nods at that, no joke or quip.) "It's all fun until you learn how dangerous it all really is." (He is silent for a second, gulping and running his hand through his hair.) "Thanks, by the way."
(Agatha turns to him, playing coy because she's not used to the Evers ACTUALLY being nice to her, save for Kiko.) "For what?"
"The Trial. Saving me. I don't think I'd be here, if you didn't."
(Agatha blushes and looks at her hands.) "No... No problem. I mean... Well... I guess that..."
(Tedros smiles and slips some hair behind her ear and kisses her hand.) "'You're welcome, Tedros. I hope you can repay me, somehow, Tedros.'"
(Agatha almost tells him to forgive Sophie, but instead says something else.) "Can you talk to Sophie? She's sorry about what happened and she really does love you."
(Tedros frowns.) "Love isn't pulling someone down with you when you're under water. And neither is leaving your teammate to fight alone."
"You said you wanted to repay me, this is how. Do you really want to be indebted to a witch?"
(Tedros reluctantly nods.) "Fine. I'll talk to her."
"Thank you."
(Agatha turns and walks back to her room, but Tedros only watches her leave, speaking when she's out of ear shot.) "I don't think you're a witch."
I feel like I could add more, but this will be enough for now.
I hope you guys enjoyed, sorry if this came off as fanfiction-y or any of the characters were a little OP, magic or otherwise. And like I said in my progress post, this is just what I would have done to have Tedros and Agatha fall in love, or start falling in love
Either way, I hope you enjoyed this
Incase you're interested, here's a link to part 2: https://themadauthorshatter.tumblr.com/post/642332442965983232/im-bored-im-continuing-with-that-tagatha
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Thank you for doing this!
Bingo box; mischief, pairing: tech/wrecker(I'm also happy their just friends), prompt: Wrecker chalenges Tech to a throwing contest. He didn't say Tech couldn't use technology.
(AHsdhshkfdhs I love)
“Why should I even agree to do this?” Tech immediately asks.
“Because it’s fun!” Wrecker replies, as if Tech doesn’t know his actual motive, something that he doesn’t hesitate to make known.
“No, it’s because you like these stupid games because you always win,” he says in fact. For what other reason would Wrecker come to him of all people challenging him to a throwing competition?
This is nothing new however: Wrecker does tend to get restless, and when he does he often turns to challenging the others to some sort of contest, anything to battle the boredom. It’s not like Tech doesn’t understand him, but he also doesn’t want him to get cocky after an easy win, because let’s face, he’d never be able to beat him.
Wait, unless…
 “You know what?” he says. “Fine, I’ll do it.”
“Awesome! Then we--”
“But not now.”
“What do you mean ‘not now’?” Wrecker asks, confused.
“I mean that I need time to prepare. What? You thought I’d be able to do it immediately?” Tech replies, patting on Wrecker’s bicep. “I don’t wanna lose to you.”
At that, Wrecker burst into laughter; it isn’t a mocking laughter though, he genuinely finds it funny but not in a bad way.
“Alright, I’ll give you some time,” he says, jovially slapping Tech’s shoulder and almost sending him fumbling ahead. “Come find me when you’re ready!”
Tech has to fight really hard to hide the smirk on his face, but he manages. “Don’t worry big guy, I will.”
 It takes less time than Tech thought to get ready, which is good because eventually Wrecker would’ve grown bored of waiting and he would’ve sought him out to finally do this challenge.
It wasn’t easy to hide his project from him, given how close they are, Tech had to utilize every single moment in which they weren’t together to work on it. Thankfully he could’ve counted on the others’ help who, having gotten wind of Tech’s plan, did their best to keep Wrecker away from him; they’re true friends.
Now that he’s finally ready, however, he doesn’t need to avoid it anymore, and actually, he goes straight to him. It’s not hard to find him, Tech only had to follow the noise - he never was that stealthy to begin with.
Mh, looks like Wrecker’s doing some weights. Tech almost feels bad for interrupting him so he just leans against the doors and waits for him to be done, which might be just an excuse to admire his body. What? If Wrecker didn’t want to be watched, he could’ve sealed the doors. Besides, those back muscles look so good that Tech can’t help but to stare…
 He chuckles at the startled way Wrecker turns towards him when he finally speaks - he hadn’t noticed him at all.
“Hey there, big guy…”
“Holy-- Tech! How long have you been there?” Yes, Wrecker really hadn’t noticed him.
“A while,” Tech replies, a smirk on his face that gets soon mirrored by the other.
“I see, I see. Enjoying the show, huh?” he comments, flexing his arm. Tech has to bite his lower lip or else he’d say something that would completely deviate from his original purpose.
Concentrate, Tech! Now’s not the time to get distracted!
“Not really, actually,” he says. “I came here for the challenge.”
Wrecker still doesn’t drop the smirk. “Oh? You think you’re ready?”
“I don’t think I’m ready, I am,” Tech replies, trying very hard not to sound cocky, but he can’t help it, not with his secret weapon. Sure, it might be cheating, but Wrecker never set any rule about using technology, so technically he’s not breaking them.
Wrecker picks up on the tone, however, and he looks more than intrigued. He’s figured that Tech must have some sort of plan, which makes him curious.
“Let’s get going then.”
 They walk out of the Havok Marauder, not wanting to break anything inside, and get settled on the clearing they have landed. Miles and miles of plain fields, the perfect zone for a throwing contest.
“What do we get if we win?” Tech can’t help but to ask.
“Huh?” Wrecker replies, scratching the back of his neck. “I didn’t really think about that…”
Typical Wrecker, he throws himself into any kind of challenge without even thinking about what comes next.
“How about who wins gets a kiss?” he proposes.
“But we already kiss all the time!” Wrecker replies. “What would make that special?”
“It would be a victory kiss…” Tech explains, though he himself isn’t that convinced about that. Kissing was the first thing that came to mind, that why he suggested it.
Wrecker thinks about it just a moment, then he nods.
“Yeah, makes sense. I think…” he says, turning immediately towards Tech again. “So, are we doing this?”
“Ladies first,” Tech jokes, though he’s serious about wanting Wrecker to go first.
 They’ve agreed to throw one EMP grenade each, since they don’t want to cause actual harm to the environment. That kind of grenades is harmful only to droids, so they should be safe.
Wrecker weighs the one in his hand, juggling it a bit. His stare is fixed ahead of him, observing a potential target.
The rules are simple: whoever throws the grenade furthest wins.
Tech smiles, stretching his hand. If only Wrecker would’ve noticed that his armor is slightly different from the usual he might’ve questioned what he did to it, which by the way is nothing too major: just a thruster that will help him launch the grenade further and give it a little boost.
He feels a bit bad about what he’s doing, but how does that saying go? In war and love there are no rules. Sure this might not be as serious as actual war, but hey they’re still soldiers, so he guesses it counts. He isn’t sure about that, and actually is pretty sure that it’s just some excuse that he’s ramble-y brain came up with, but whatever. Not everything has to be serious: sometimes he might just want to do something just for the sake of doing it, or just for the sake of general mischief in this particular case.
 Wrecker goes completely still, just for a moment, then he throws the grenade. It flies through the air through an ample arc. Tech doesn’t have his bucket on so he can’t calculate the exact distance, but he doesn’t need it to discern that it’s a lot; it makes him wonder if even the help of technology will be enough to win this. Not that it would be such a huge loss, but c’mon he does have some pride.
They’re barely able to hear the sound of the EMP grenade detonate, which prompts Wrecker to turn towards Tech with an excited gaze.
“Pretty good, huh?”
“Yeah…” Tech can’t help but to admit, sounding genuinely impressed. Ok, maybe he won’t be that mad if he loses after all.
 It’s his turn now.
He takes Wrecker’s place, observing the field in front of him. He didn’t want to use his bucket to calculate the trajectory because he felt that would’ve been too much cheating, but now he finds himself regretting it.
He does his best to understand the wind’s direction and use this information to figure out what his best throwing angle will be. Eventually, however, Wrecker has to yell at him: “We don’t have all day!”
“R-Right, sorry…” he apologizes, deciding to wind it. If it works, good, if it doesn’t, at least he tried.
He almost dislocates his shoulder for who strongly the machinery in his armor pulls at it, and after throwing the grenade, Tech finds himself stumbling a few steps ahead before finding some semblance of equilibrium back.
In a moment Wrecker’s by his side, holding him up.
“Shit, Tech! Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I think I am,” the other replies, not wanting Wrecker to worry for nothing.
 They wait, they wait and they wait, but after loosing track of the grenade, they still haven’t heard the sound of its detonation, which means…
The realization hits them both at the same time, making them turn towards each other, Tech with a cocky gaze and Wrecker with a surprised one.
“Looks like I--”
“No way!” Wrecker immediately exclaims. “Something must’ve gone wrong!”
“Yeah, like?” Tech challenges him.
“Oh I don’t know… Maybe it just didn’t detonate!”
“Wrecker, they’ve never not detonate, so why it should’ve done it now?”
“I just…”
“Face it, big guy, I won.”
 Every bad feeling Tech had about this dissipates into nothing as he watches Wrecker try to make sense of all this. It’s really fun to watch.
“You used some trick! There’s no other way!”
“So what? You never mentioned anything about them,” Tech points out, the smile still on his face.
“… Shit, you’re right,” Wrecker finally realizes. This is as close as an admission that he lost that Tech is going to get, so he’ll let that be enough. Besides…
 He turns his face towards Wrecker, exposing his cheek.
“So? I’m waiting for my prize.”
He hears Wrecker huff, then he suddenly grabs Tech by the chin, forcing him to turn his face again so that he can press their lips together, which isn’t what Tech was expecting - not that he’s complaining, of course.
When they pull away, Wrecker’s still pouting, though it’s obvious that he’s forcing himself to keep it up.
“Happy now?” he asks, and Tech can’t help but to laugh, leaning closer for another kiss.
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jin-was-here-2 · 5 years
Ship Questions: McReigns Edition 2
Who In Your Ship:
drives when they go on road trips? do they switch at the halfway point? does one drive there and the other drive back?
It's who ever's less tired or just wants to. It's one of those things they just have to do and want to be over and done with.
Roman is a radio hog no matter if he's the one driving or not.
looks over the menu for fifteen minutes before ordering the same thing they order EVERYWHERE they go? does the other half of your ship get annoyed by this, or do they find it endearing?
Roman's a foodie; he likes to know what all his options are. But a lot of the time he also wants to get something he knows he'll like. Drew finds it annoyingly endearing.
is more likely to get arrested?
...Drew. ...Just... sometimes certain types of people can really set him off and he gets a little... well, psycho. Great for in the ring... not so much in public.
is afraid of rollercoasters? does the other half of your ship try and convince them to face the fear, or do they take a softer approach and not push them at all?
Roman's not big on heights and crazy rides. Prefers the slower stuff. He can actually enjoy those and have fun. Rollercoasters aren't really Drew's thing either way, but he had fun goading Roman on to one once.
"C'mooon. You'll go against anyone and anything in the ring, but a little bumping does you in, Big Dog?"
"First of all, that isn't ''a little'' anything. Second, fine. But if I die I'm coming back to haunt you."
"Pffff. Noted."
shows up at home with a dog unannounced despite the fact they’ve already got three/four/however many pets?
Roman. He loves animals. Especially Dogs. (So do his brothers Seth and Dean. They're all bad influences for each other. When it comes to them.) So what if they already have a pomeranian, two chihuahuas, and a house cat? What's one more cute and fluffy family member? I mean really?
It drives Drew up the wall, because the only one he can really tolerate is the cat (They have a shared understanding of each other) and they always have people coming to their door looking for their bloody animals.
demands that they do date night? does the other person complain or do they go with it just to see the excited look on their partners face?
Roman. He's a total romantic. Mostly for the little shows of it. So the big things aren't something he needs all the time or even often. But there are times when the big ones go a long way with him.
Like they go out a lot, to just be together, however they don't really call them dates. It's just mutually nice. But sometimes Roman's bit by a love bug and wants a date date. And Drew obliges to keep the bf happy because he wants the bf happy.
is the clumsy one whose always tripping up flights of stairs or over their own feet? does it stress the other half of your ship out or do they find it hilarious?
Neither one is really clumsy. In fact, for two behemoths, they're suprising graceful.
*picks the music when they’re in the car? does the other complain about their taste in music?
insists on paying for everything when they’re out? do they fight about it?
Neither one really cares, but sometimes Drew takes it upon himself to be a little annoying. And then Roman will do the same next time to get him back for being a tit.
is the one to quietly suggest they get high together for the first time? how does the other half of your ship react?
Oh man. Well seeing as he has a nice plug in Dean and Renee, Roman. Drew dosen't have anything against it he just happens to not do it. And Roman wanted to see him high sooooooo baaad.
is secretly terrified of horror movies and yet watches them all the time bc its something the other half of your ship loves?
Roman, 'cause Drew likes a good scary movie. And it gives him a reason to curl up to him for comfort. (Which is also why Drew picks them in the first place a lot of the time.) Roman's ok with monster movies; you can physically fight monsters. It's the supernatural stuff that messes with him.
talks in their sleep? does their partner record it and call them out, or not tell them and keep it as a secret so they can keep enjoying it?
Roman talks in his sleep. Mostly loving on his brothers, pets, or Drew in his sleep. Drew secretly loves it. It's pure and soft and for his eyes only. Especially when there are little moans mixed in. He has started something more than once, kissing Roman awake once he heard those.
brings up the conversation of marriage + babies? how does the conversation go?
Roman wants allllll the kids ok. He has too much big dad energy to not want kids. It as to go somewhere. It'd be a long while before they have that conversation though. And Drew's gonna be caught off guard by it no matter when.
has to pull the other back by their back of their sweater when they try and do something stupid in public?
Both have had to. For trying to fight idiots in public. Roman more so 'cause Drew has like zero patience for people's bullshit.
is more likely to pick the other up from the airport with an obnoxiously large cardboard sign? what does the sign say?
YES. It's a dumb joke between them at this point.
Some of Roman's:
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"You're evil cat has locked me out the bedroom. So now you're in the dog house. >:c"
"Looking for a tall unapproachable scary man. I'm very worried."
Some of Drew's:
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"Here for The Big... Puppy. c:<"
"Looking for my lover. He's big, friendly, and will follow you if you give him food. I'm very not worried."
tries to cook a meal and accidentally almost burns the house down?
Drew. Poor man. Roman will never let him live it down. ...But I mean who burns spaghetti that bad?????
deliberately makes a squeaky chair squeak until the other person flips out?
Roman, 'cause he likes to push Drew's buttons every chance he gets. Rile him up. He thinks he's hot when he's annoyed. ...Especially at him.
falls asleep no matter what position they’re in + needs to be carried to bed?
Roman. He's a very sleepy boy.
They'll be watching a movie in the living room and Drew'll spot him nodding off.
"You better not be falling asleep. I am not carrying you to bed."
But then he dose. 'Cause he loooove hiiiimmmm.
is the little spoon when they cuddle?
Roman. Uhhhh he's baby??? And Drew pretty much makes sure of it for the most part. But there are times where Roman will snuggle up behind Drew and it's nice.
hates thunderstorms and needs to be comforted for the duration?
Neither one. Storms are whatever.
brings the other breakfast in bed? is it a proper cooked breakfast - or just an old muffin?
Both on occasions. Roman goes all out with a proper home cooked breakfast. Drew was very dimple-y that morning.
Drew went with pre-packaged muffins and yogurt. And Roman was just as touched by it.
convinces the other to go on a hike? do they love it, or are they absolutely miserable?
Drew, but it depends. They both like working out but Roman can be a little lazy or in a mood about it. But by the end he'd have had a good time.
uses emojis in replace of words? does it drive the other person insane?
Roman loves emojis. More so when he finds out Drew hates excessive use of them. It got so bad Drew gave him a limit. No more than two per paragraph or "bad things will happen".
can never admit they’re wrong?
They both have their moments.
lets the dog sleep on the bed when the other isn’t paying attention?
Roman. Everytime he's caught Drew throws a mighty fit. But like the dogs are super cute????? And he wants to be close to them?????
who decorates their house? does the other come home and blink at all the pastel pink and force a smile despite how much they hate it?
Roman's more decorative, but nothing so extreme that Drew hates it. Actually Drew is the one with this lounge chair that's so god-awful that Roman would like to see it burned
is more likely to get into a fight to defend the other?
Drew. It's actually how he realized he was catching feelings for Roman? And Roman highkey likes seeing himself being fought over.
is constantly spewing random facts about absolutely anything and everything? does it annoy the other person or do they find it all interesting?
Drew, and Roman finds it very interesting at times.
is the lovey dovey drunk?
Roman. He gets very touchy-feely. Like more so than usual.
laughs at their own jokes? does the other laugh at the joke… or at their partner?
When the joke or comeback is at the other's expense they laugh at their own joke. It's a hit or miss whether the other laughs at the joke or not.
is competitive about EVERYTHING?
Both. They really bring out the competitiveness out of each other.
apologises first when they have a fight?
Roman. He doesn't like when things aren't ok for too long.
makes the other a flower crown? does the other wear it without complaint or beg not to be embarrassed?
Drew wouldn't be caught dead making or wearing a flower crown.
is more likely to put their fist through a wall when they’re angry?
Either one. As long as it's not their wall. Roman expecially has too much pride in the house .
sends the other memes despite the fact they’re laying in bed next to each other?
Roman. He forgets 'cause Drew, Dean, and Seth are the usual ones he sends things he thinks are funny.
wears the others clothes the most?
Roman. 'Cause he can wear Drew's tops and bottoms. But they basically share pants at this point.
pranks the other on a near constant basis? how does the other react?
They drive each other nuts with how much they mess with each other, already. Only a few times has it turned into a full-blown Prank War. Which Roman is really good at 'cause uhhhh Dean. Drew knows he can't win.
comes up with obnoxiously sappy pet names for the other just to watch them roll their eyes?
Drew. He loves throwing up sarcastic sickeningly sweet pet names. He knows how they sound coming from someone like him. And sometimes he'll say them close to Roman's ear just to see him squirm.
forgets their anniversary
Neither. But we're talking about the big ones.
Roman likes to keep track of the little ones. Ya know, just to think about and reminisce.
is impulsive and makes big choices for them without stopping to think through what it all means?
...Drew. It's something they really have to work on because it has caused a lot of fights. He just gets in these moods sometimes where he "thinks he knows best, and if you don't agree well then that's too damn bad". Roman's used to group compromise. So that kind of attitude get's right up Roman's nose, and he's too strong willed himself to deal with it so they clash.
writes cute messages for the other on the bathroom mirror when they have a shower?
Roman. He'll be brushing his teeth and'll spot the mirror steaming back up from Drew showering and'll write something short and sweet like "love you ♡". And
Then while he's getting dressed Drew'll hug him and kiss his on the head. "You're cute."
has to do the dishes because the other gags any time they stick their hands in the water?
Can I just take the time to say I loathe nasty ass dish water.
Neither really. But Drew really ain't about that life. "We have a dishwasher for a reason."
jumps into the pool without testing the temperature, and who dips their toes in first?
Roman cannonballs without a second thought. He's so used to water. Drew prefers to test it first.
tries to kill bugs in the house… and which one stops them and gets the bug out of the house alive and well?
If there's a bug it needs to go. Preferably with Drew dealing with it.
can speak a second/third/forth language and uses it to annoy the other when they’re fighting?
Neither? If they do they don't annoy each other with it.
says i love you first? does the other immediately say it back?
It was surprisingly Drew. When they weren't at all together or even that friendly with each other but were sleeping together fairly regularly. ...It was a very confusing time. And something that had been bubbling up for awhile.
wins when they arm wrestle?
Ooooo. Oooooooooooo. They're 2-3 'cause Drew just broke the tie. But that's ok. Soon.
gets caught singing some old, corny one direction song to themselves?
Usually it's Roman. But everyone has had What Makes You Beautiful stuck in their head. Everyone. Even big ol' scary Drew.
"...Ar- Are you singing‐?"
is forever forcing the other to take selfies with them? does the other person complain every time?
Drew don't do selfies. Or at least not often. Roman doesn't either but they're fun with other people. Drew complains a lot but he does it in the end.
shows up at the others house with chinese food + a six pack of beer when they’re having a bad day?
Roman. Beer and food make everything better.
sends the cheesy good morning/night texts?
When they were apart Roman would always send good night texts. Later on Drew would send morning ones when ever they're apart.
can never admit that they were wrong?
Drew has his moments.
suggests they send out a christmas card together? does the other go for it, or question when they turned into old people?
Roman saw it in movie one year and suggested it. Half for as joke and half because he really wanted to. It'd be funny. ...Nice, maybe? Drew definitely asked when they turned into old people.
is a morning person and who pulls the covers up over their head and begs for five more minutes?
Roman likes his "beauty sleep" and sleepin' in. Hates being woken up. Drew just likes to get his day started.
is constantly insisting they won’t need a jacket before they go out… and then has to steal the others when they get cold?
Oh my god, Drew is the worst with this. It's always, "ahh, I'll be fine". But then not that long into whatever they're doing he'll sit and act like he's not cold, and Roman'll roll his eyes and pass him the extra jacket he brought.
is a smoker and has to deal with the other forever showing them gross photos to try and convince them to quit?
Neither. Ok, occasionally Roman does some jesus cabbage with the boys. Drew dosen't get that hung up over it.
decides they need to go on a health binge and throws out all the sugary food in the house? how does the other react?
Drew did. Once. And never again after. Roman had kittens he was so mad.
holds all the important documents when they’re travelling? why?
Roman. Drew likes to think he can remember everything. He can't.
hates flying? how does the other help them relax before/during/after a flight?
They've done it so much it ain't anything nothing to either.
is more likely to suggest a lil fool around in the bathrooms at a club? how does the other react?
They're both fond of jumping each other in uncompromising places. Especially in the beginning when they were just fooling around with each other.
plans a night of board games for date night, and who plans a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant?
When they do do date dates. It's because Drew knows Roman wants one. And good food goes a long way. But when they want something chill either one pulls out board games.
cries watching the news?
They don't watch the news. Or at least mainstream versions of it.
teases the other one for having a crush on them… despite the fact they’ve been dating for a year?
Roman. Mostly when Drew does something extra soft towards him.
believes in aliens?
Drew. Roman doesn't think much of it. Or it kinda freaks him out if he thinks to much about it. The rare times they're all together and Dean and Drew aren't at each other throats, it's because they're talking about spoopy stuff like that. Roman is amazed every time.
is constantly leaving the lights on in every room in the house?
rocks the seat on the ferris wheel?
Drew would have had to really talk him on to it in the first place; he wouldn't be that mean. Maybe Drew would have at the beginning though, when they were enemies with benefits but was just starting to turn into something else.
is a terrible liar?
Ro can't lie to people he cares about to save his life. Baby feels soooo bad. And it's so visible.
is always reading the other their star sign despite the fact they don’t believe in any of it?
Drew. Everytime he sees it in s magazine. He thinks it's absolutely ridiculous how they say something different every time. How many meaning can they have? I mean really.
who panics when mercury goes into retrograde?
Neither even knows what that really means.
insists they watch documentaries to broaden their knowledge?
Drew. But then he'll see one that's wrestling related and they'll end up watching that.
is constantly renovating part of their house but not finishing one thing before moving on to the next?
They aren't home enough for multiple projects. So they'll have one that'll last longer than it'd usually need to take.
uses all the hot water?
ROMAN. It's why Drew is is extra pissy when they have to get up but he doesn't get to the shower fast enough.
"It's all that blood hair you have!"
is the shower person? whose the bath person?
They both like shower. They're quick and they have places to be. But when they have the time Roman suggests a nice long soak together. Helps with soreness sometimes.
is most likely to be unfaithful?
Neither. But if we're looking for angst... Roman might... accidentally... fool around with Dean... or Seth... or something. Maybe there was some pinning on one of there sides. But they were supposed to be just bros. They had some drinks and it just happened? I don't know but drama. Angst.
what is your otps song?
The Mighty Fall In Love by Fall Out Boy
do their families approve of the relationship? why/why not?
Yeah. I like to think everyone's chill. But there's always room for angst there.
whose friends do they hang out with more?
Roman's. Drew don't really have friend friends.
what do they do on their first date? did they have a first date, or did they just sort of… start dating?
Being together just sort of came up and bit them in the ass. They have no idea how or when it happened but they have allll the feelings now so fuck it.
what is their favorite way to spend the holidays? do they go to one of their families houses? or do they create their own tradition by staying in bed listening to christmas music and getting drunk?
They either go to each other's families, their friend's, or just have a little thing for themselves. Roman has a ball cooking special things for them.
what do they name their dog? do the give it a super boring name like allen - or do they name it something like bubblegum princess?
Roman named his pomeranian Tiger, and his chihuahua Tiny and his smaller chihuahua Mini. He baby talks to him a lot.
Drew is just as bad with his two black cats. He just refuses to admit it. He named them Max and Monty.
Y'all I'm bad with names. I donno.
how do they handle emergencies? does one of them crack under the pressure - or do they bicker because they both need to be in control?
They both have a strong need to control things. And it's amplified when things go wrong so they clash there at times too.
how did they meet? were they immediately drawn to each other?
Instant mutual dislike. But strangely attracted.
what do they fight about the most? how do they resolve their fights?
Control. They're both so stubborn and strong willed it causes a lot of friction at times.
Or Drew's refusal to get along with Dean and vice versa.
Inspo (x) 
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allourheroes · 6 years
Sterek. Cotton candy. Also I'm sorry you're sad and frustrated 😔
Thanks. It’s okay. It happens. :/
Anyway, here’s cotton candy for Sterek! ~1300 words.
{{ on ao3: Not On The First Date }}
Stiles takes Derek to the amusement park because it’s just about the cheesiest date he can think of and if Derek isn’t serious, he’ll bail.
It may sound like a strange plan, but when Derek had agreed to go out with him, Stiles had been ninety percent sure he was joking and Stiles is not about to let other people make him look the fool. He does that well enough on his own, thanks.
But Derek had let Stiles come pick him up in the Jeep and had given him a Look when Stiles told him where they were going…but he had still gone. He hadn’t even complained. Which is maybe even more suspicious, but Stiles buys their tickets anyway.
They wander the park for about twenty minutes and Stiles rambles about how all the games are rigged because he doesn’t know what else to do, but then Derek takes his hand as they’re walking and he stops mid-sentence. Mid-step.
Derek raises a questioning eyebrow at him.
Oh. So that’s how they were playing it. Yeah. It’s fine. He’s got this.
Derek points to one of the old-fashioned games where you have to knock down the bottles. “That one.”
“What?” Stiles turns, his mind briefly setting off alarm bells when he feels the tug of Derek’s hand in his own.
“Let’s go do that one.”
“Were you not listening to a word I said?” Stiles whines, but then he’s met with an incredulous look.
“I’m a werewolf,” Derek deadpans and Stiles swallows.
It isn’t like Stiles had forgotten, but he hadn’t exactly put two and two together. He gestures Derek toward the rip-off with surprisingly high expectations, super strength in mind, and Derek pulls him along until Stiles syncs up their steps. It’s oddly gratifying.
When the kid working the booth tells them it’ll be five bucks, Derek looks to Stiles, who rolls his eyes.
“Aren’t you rich?” he mutters, but he shells out the cash anyway.
Stiles is impressed with the way Derek looks like he’s considering the toss, like he’s uncertain, but then the corner of his mouth twitches up and he throws the ball so hard it bursts, bringing everything else down with it, the bottles and the table they may or may not have been attached to and— Wow.
The kid looks terrified, but Stiles is so in awe of his date—his date?—that he doesn’t bother trying to reassure him.
“Holy god,” Stiles mutters, barely aware of Derek as he stares at the carnage of the booth.
But then he’s being nudged and glances down to dimly process the fact that Derek is pushing a big, green stuffed animal into his arms. Stiles blinks. He holds the thing up to examine it and raises his eyebrows quizzically. “A frog?”
“They don’t have wolves,” Derek says and he’s… He’s teasing Stiles. But he looks like he’s genuinely having fun and Stiles may have been uncertain about the sincerity of their date up until this point, but no longer.
“Alright, big guy,” and he takes Derek’s hand again, pleased when Derek squeezes his hand just a little after they’re linked, “no more traumatizing the workers. They’ve got it bad enough as it is.” He gestures to the rollercoaster with his unattached hand, although it must look ridiculous since he’s holding onto the frog.
“That death trap?” Derek asks, but when Stiles nods and starts dragging him toward the rollercoaster, much as he had dragged Stiles toward the booth, he goes with it.
The line for the coaster is pretty bad, but Derek is in a surprisingly talkative mood, and they’re only half-arguing. Their fingers are more loosely tangled as they traverse they wait and Stiles keeps trying to flail his hands, only to find one trapped.
“Didn’t take you for a hand-holder,” he says eventually.
Derek shrugs. “Why not?”
Stiles balks, but then actually considers it. “The threats,” he decides. “You know, all the talk of punching me and ripping out my throat and… Yeah, hand-holding never occurred to me.”
Head tilted, Derek stares him down and Stiles gets to look at Derek like he’s the ridiculous one. Because he totally is.
Derek actually blushes. “I like holding hands. And winning you stuffed animals. I like all that stupid romantic stuff.”
“Huh.” He grins and it’s positively evil. He shoves the frog into Derek, who grabs it because he has no other choice, and pulls out his phone. “First date selfie,” he explains.
“You know my eyes will ruin the picture, right?”
“So close ’em,” Stiles commands and, with, a sigh, Derek does.
Stiles snaps the picture and it’s only another minute before they’re being loaded onto the coaster. “You think you can hold onto Naveen?”
“‘Naveen’?” Derek questions.
“Yeah, the handsome prince from The Princess and the Frog who’s kind of a douche until he realizes how to be better.”
Stiles can see Derek wondering whether or not to read into the comment, but he doesn’t further explain. He does, however, laugh uproariously—until the wind rips it out of him—as Derek grips the safety bar so hard it dents with one hand and the other crushes Naveen to his side.
Stumbling off, Stiles feels like he could fall over and it has nothing to do with the way the ground lurches beneath him. He makes them stop in front of the photos and points to the one of him and Derek. Well, it has to be him and Derek with the blinding glare it’s got on it. He takes a picture with his phone.
“Why?” Derek asks.
“The memory,” Stiles responds, and he turns to smile a softer smile at Derek.
The rest of the evening is filled with moments like that, and a lot more casual hand-holding. By the end of it, Stiles feels weird dropping Derek back off because if he’s not gripping Derek’s hand or the steering wheel, what is he supposed to be doing?
“Next time, I choose the place,” Derek tells him as they stand awkwardly next to the Jeep.
“Next time?” Stiles asks, even though he had been pretty sure there would be after they shared that churro and it had seemed like Derek was about two seconds from kissing him. Kissing him. Yeah. That’s a good thought.
“Next time,” Derek assures and almost gives in as Stiles leans closer, but places a hand to Stiles’s chest instead. “I don’t kiss on the first date.”
Stiles splutters, then catches himself. “Tomorrow?”
Derek quirks an eyebrow, a hint of a smirk forming. “I’ll pick you up at eight.”
Stiles watches as Derek saunters—actually saunters—away and sighs. “Tomorrow,” he mutters to himself. “I am so gonna get kissed.”
Stiles drives Scott to Deaton’s the next morning because his bike is out of commission. They’re there a little early and Stiles has broken the news that he won’t be able to pick Scott up since he’s working until the evening. He doesn’t say it’s because he needs to get ready for whatever date Derek plans, but it’s still too early to talk about that anyway.
“Oh, yeah. I need to call my mom,” Scott says. He frantically pats his pockets and Stiles hands his over without a word.
But then Scott is holding it, hesitating.
“What?” Stiles asks.
Scott holds up Stiles’s phone, the lockscreen bright and…well, the right word is probably incriminating, but Stiles hadn’t realized when he gave Scott his phone.
“Is that Derek?” Scott turns the phone back to his own face, squints at it. “Is he eating cotton candy?”
“Y-es?” Stiles squeaks, peeks over Scott’s shoulder to glimpse the phone again. “And yes.”
“Did you go on a date?” Scott asks. “With Derek?”
Stiles bites his lip, takes one more solid look at his lockscreen. “Yes.”
He thinks Scott might say something shitty. He and Derek haven’t been the best of friends, after all, but instead Scott smiles. “Are there more pictures?”
Stiles grins. “Yes.”
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ifollowfugo · 6 years
Heya! Can I get scenarios for brunos gang with a short (i'm 5'4"!) grunge/metalhead boyfriend who looks soft and cute but is that guy who has a baby voice but still shouts fuck a lot? 🤣 I also am quite blunt and nevet think before I speak so I make a lot of shitty comments and jokes and lose it in laughter over simple things that aren't that funny!!
Well, this is very specific! I really hope I got it right. That personality sounds really similar to mine, we would probably be good friends! And I’m so sorry about the wait, but this rather long so I hope it compensates!
Bruno was sitting on a little Caffè, waiting for his boyfriend to get there. He has important news. When he got to the table Bruno was sitting in, he greeted him with a little kiss, and he was already complaining about how on his way there a lady almost rolled him over and that’s why he wasn’t on time. A few of the people sitting near them started looking at him a little annoyed with his yelling, but Bruno didn’t mind at all. He loved him anyway.
“Bruno, is something the matter? You look like that fucking lady almost rolled you over.”
“As a matter of fact, I have some news. As you know, I haven’t really told you anything about what I do because I want to protect you, and that will remain like that. But I will tell you this because I’m really excited: I got promoted!”
“Really? I’m so happy for you! I knew your hard work would reward you soon enough.” Bruno’s partner was being as loud as he had ever been, which was absolutely hilarious because his voice had started to sound like a child’s.
Bruno stared at him until he realized and asked why to which Bruno said: “You’re my best reward.”
Abbacchio was walking down the street with his boyfriend, who was ranting about something to do with his favorite band not coming to the festival that was taking place the following week. It was always hilarious to see him angry because he looked like a dwarf from Lord of the Rings. He also liked that band and was disappointed about it, but he was less talkative than his partner was. They were just taking a walk, but Abbacchio decided to direct them both somewhere he could make his love feel better.
They arrived at the music store around fifteen minutes later.
“Leone, what are we doing here?”
“I decided I wanted to get something.” His face was expressionless, but his boyfriend knew that was just his face, and he was very much comfortable around him.
They decided to look around separately for a little while, some individuality never hurts.
Around half an hour later Abbacchio came to get him, his boyfriend had been listening to some CDs, not paying attention at anything else.
They arrived at Abbacchio’s house and went directly to the couch, exhausted after walking all day. That’s when Abbacchio took the little bag from the store and gave it to him.
“What is it?” He opened it to find some CDs from the band he had been talking about earlier.
“I had decided to get you something to show you that I care”
Mista was buying some wine to get to his boyfriend’s house. He decided to get him some of those candies he liked. He made his way there thinking about how much he loved his man, and how lucky he was to have him. Once he got there, he poured two glasses and decided to play a board game his boyfriend had gotten in his last trip to his parent’s place.
They were having a really good time when something popped into Mista’s head.
“You know I love you, right?” Mista’s eyes were serious and as dark as the night.
“Of course, and I love you too. What’s on your mind?”
“Well, I have been thinking. I know you, you know me, we sleep on the same bed a few nights a week, I buy your favorite candy and you make my favorite foods. What do you think about…” He paused.
“What? What is it?!” He’s getting restless.
“Okay, Okay, sorry. I wanted to give it some suspense. I was just going to say if you wanted to have a designated space in my place (and maybe I can have one here).”
“WAS THAT IT? YOU MADE ME THINK YOU WERE GOING TO BUY ME A FUCKING BLENDER OR SOMETHING, I DON’T KNOW. Of course we can do that! Want to make space together?”
“Sure! While you mentioned blenders, want a milkshake?”
Narancia is in a hospital bed bored out of his mind. He has already read all his comics and watched some tv, but he wanted to move and do something fun. Of course, he couldn’t do that and he only had himself to blame. His boyfriend arrived just when Narancia was about to start crying of frustration.
“Oh, I fell and hit my head.” His boyfriend started laughing hysterically. He just couldn’t stop.
“Eh, who are you laughing at… They took my knife.” This only served to make him laugh harder, tears fell from his eyes.
“Aw, c’mon Narancia, you have to understand, this is just so funny. You’re fine and now we have a really good story to tell people.”
“You know? I love you.” This reply took him by surprise.”I love you because you always help me see the good part of everything. I love you because I always have a good time if you’re near. I love you because your lips are soft and I adore kissing them. But I love you for having them.”
Narancia planted a soft kiss on his lover’s lips and stood there enjoying it.
Fugo had spent most of the week thinking of a good idea for a date to take his boyfriend. He was really nervous about it because he wanted it to be a surprise, but if he didn’t ask he couldn’t be sure he’d like it. He decided to take him to a museum.
He picked him up at his house and together they made their way to the museum hand in hand. When they were about a block away, Fugo told him to close his eyes as to not spoil the surprise. Some really awkward steps later, Fugo told him to stay still and open his eyes.
“You brought me to the museum I wanted to come to for weeks! I didn’t tell you about it, how did you know?” Fugo was amazed seeing how much luck he had had.
“I just thought you’d like it and apparently you do. I’m glad.”
“You know me really well. Wouldn’t expect nothing less from you, my little genius.” Fugo didn’t like it when his parents called him that, but hearing it from his love wasn’t so bad. Actually, he was proud of being “his little genius”.
Around 40 minutes later, however, both of them were already bored.
“Well, this turned out to be really fucking horrible”
He said this referring to the museum, but Fugo took it as a commentary about the date.
“Who the fuck do you think you are, you little shit? I take time planning a date and you say THAT to me?”
He tried to explain himself but Fugo was already heading for the door, blinded by rage.
“Fugo! Please stop!” Fugo did. Not to listen, but because it was raining.”Please hear me out!”
“Why should I? You just insulted our date, the one I had been so nervous about, in front of me!”
“That is why you should listen! I wasn’t talking about the date!”
“... what? And what were you talking about?”
“The museum! It wasn’t what I thought it’d be.”
“Oh… I thought the same, I was about to suggest we leave. I’m sorry I got like that. Would you like something to eat?”
Giorno wasn’t sure about what was happening. His boyfriend said he had planned a date, but told him to dress comfortably. He was planning on dressing his best for the man he loved, what was he going to wear now? He decided to obey. After all, he didn’t know what he had planned.
When the day arrived, they got together at 8a.m.
“Honey, you know I don’t mind getting up early, but what are we doing at this hour in the morning?”
“We, Mr. Giovanna, are going to spend the day in the woods! Like a little camping, but only for today. I packed food for lunch and some sweets for you. I wanted to spend some time together away from everything and every annoying distraction.”
Giorno was moved by his partner’s motivations. They were so pure, he wasn’t used to anyone acting out of completely good intentions.
“I’d love that. Would you like for me to do something?”
“Not now, but maybe you can make us a little furry friend to spend the day with!”
The whole trip there Giorno was thinking about different animals and which would be best. He settled for a friendly fox.
They spent the morning walking, looking for the perfect spot. They found a beautiful lake and decided to stay on the edge. They spent the day playing and enjoying each other, and Giorno couldn’t stop thinking about him. He had to say it.
“(name). I adore you. You are the light I see when everything else is dark. You make me laugh and you’re so good and kind I can’t believe you ended up in my life. I promise to keep you safe and to love you for as long as you let me because I can’t conceive a life without you in it.”
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aadmelioraa · 7 years
Hey Kat! I've got a prompt for the Bellarke Holiday thing you're doing. :) Could you do one where Bellamy and Clarke get snowed in (modern AU) and if possible, with the "we're pretending we hate each other but actually we really don't" trope? Cause I'm a hoe for that classic enemies-to-friends-to-lovers. All good if you want to shift some things around, thanks!!
Thanks so much for the fantastic prompt, Kate!! Enjoy :)
“This is the absolute worst,” Clarke grumbled, checking the weather on her phone for the hundredth time that hour. “I can’t believe its snowing this hard already, they said the storm was supposed to hit tomorrow.”
“I would have counted on you to know meteorology isn’t an exact science,” replied Bellamy sarcastically from his position reclining on the couch. He was staring out the window, watching large fluffy flakes of snow fall. The driveway to the cabin they’d all gone in on together for Thanksgiving was already completely hidden under the initial snowfall, and it didn’t look likely to let up any time soon.
Clarke sighed and stirred the fire with a long metal poker from her seat across the room. “Yeah, I know that, I just was counting on the rest of the group to make it here before the storm hit. It’s not looking good, they’re calling for a winter weather advisory through Sunday afternoon…”
Both their phones beeped with an incoming text from Wells. We’re all just going to crash at Monty’s and Miller’s place, and see if it clears up later. Sorry we can’t make it, it’s just too far to drive now that the storm’s hit. Hope you both are making nice! Don’t do anything stupid like try to leave in this weather…
Clarke rolled her eyes. “As if we would!”
“I don’t know,” Bellamy shrugged, “You seem pretty unhappy about this whole situation…”
“Of course I’m not happy about it!” replied Clarke defensively. “We were supposed to all have a fun carefree weekend away, just drinking games and Murphy’s cooking and no family drama, and instead everyone else is having fun and I’m stuck here-“
“With your least favorite person,” Bellamy filled in dryly. Clarke made a face as if to protest, but gave up and sank down into her chair.
“You’re not my least favorite person,” she muttered, a few minutes later. “I just…thought this weekend would be different. I’ve been so busy lately, and I haven’t been able to hang out with anyone in ages, and all I wanted was to have fun for a few days and not feel guilty about it.”
“Sorry,” Bellamy replied, and he sounded like he meant it. “I know you’ve been busy lately. Everyone’s missed you, if that makes you feel any better.” He paused, but as soon as she made eye contact continued hurriedly, “You can still have fun this weekend, you know.”
“I guess I do have most of the booze with me,” Clarke remembered, eyeing the case by the door. “I can try to make a dent in that.”
“I hope you’re planning on sharing, because its going to get awfully boring being the only sober one.”
Clarke felt an odd sensation in the pit of her stomach, but instead of trying to figure out what it was, she hopped up to grab a bottle of tequila from the box she’d brought. “I was supposed to share this with Raven,” she said mournfully as she broke open the seal. “I guess you’ll have to do.”
It was Bellamy’s turn to roll his eyes now, but he sat up so that she could join him on the couch. “Didn’t know we were going to escalate to cuddling so fast,” he joked.
“Shut up,” Clarke replied, kicking him as she passed him the bottle.
Truth be told, Clarke knew why she was so upset about the way the weekend was going. She and Bellamy hadn’t spent a lot of time alone together since that weird night almost a year ago when they’d gotten a little too friendly at Jasper’s party. They’d been flirting furiously for a few weeks prior, and something about the music and the laughter that night had eliminated all Clarke’s natural defenses. She’d almost kissed him, but Murphy accidentally interrupted them. The truly embarrassing part was Bellamy had reacted by abruptly leaving the party immediately afterward. They’d never talked about it, Clarke writing it off as a stupid mistake on her part and awkwardness on his. They weren’t exactly friends anymore, though. They weren’t exactly anything.
Bellamy was and always had been very awkward. Clarke had no idea how he’d dated as many people as he had— Roma, Bree, and Gina just within the past year. He was such a dork, honestly, and would always rather watch the history channel or play video games with a few friends than go out. Secretly, Clarke thought that was one of his better qualities, though she never let on. Honestly though—he told dad jokes and she could always count on him to harass her if she used even the slightest historical anachronism to make a point. He really was the worst…but damn, he was attractive. Even now, dressed in baggy sweatpants and a thrift store sweater, she couldn’t deny he was nice to look at. Those curls, those freckles, the way his eyes lit up when he smiled. It was a pretty unfair advantage to offset his lack of social skills.
He was doing it right now, that smiling thing, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he poked her playfully with the tequila bottle. This might be a bad idea, Clarke thought, but there was no going anywhere now…
“Did you bring any food with you, or just booze?” Bellamy asked in a teasing tone. “Not complaining, this is great, but…we were meant to cook a meal tomorrow, and I’m pretty sure you’re still a lightweight.”
“Fuck off,” Clarke shot back. “I can handle myself.”
Bellamy flushed a little, which surprised Clarke. “Sorry,” she continued, sighing, “that was probably a little aggressive.”
“A little,” he agreed ruefully. “You tend to get a rather feisty when you drink…”
“You tend to get a little uptight when you don’t.”
Bellamy snorted derisively. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing!” Clarke replied fiercely. “Just—just worry about yourself. I’m fine.” She took another swig from the bottle to punctuate her point, however poorly.
They sat in silence for a moment, until Bellamy finally spoke. “Is this about Jasper’s party?”
Clarke glanced up at him, completely caught off guard. She hadn’t expected him to ever acknowledge the moment had occurred, but she supposed the tequila might have helped. “Yeah, I guess it is,” she admitted.
“So that is what this all has been about?” he continued, in a baffled tone, “you’ve been pissed at me for months because I didn’t kiss you when you were drunk?”
“I wasn’t drunk!” Clarke replied indignantly, “I wasn’t even tipsy!”
“You weren’t?” Bellamy replied skeptically. “Because you seemed pretty…loose.” He flushed. “Poor word choice, sorry…you just didn’t seem like your normal self that night.”
“I was having fun, Bellamy! I can have fun too, you know.”
He frowned. “Ok, sure.”
“Anyway, you were kind of a dick that night.”
“I’m sorry.” He sounded sincere. “I really thought you were wasted. You don’t party very much, and I guess I hadn’t seen you so relaxed before.” He shrugged and grabbed the bottle back from her. “If it’s any consolation, I really wanted to kiss you and now I feel like a complete idiot for misreading the situation.” He took a large swig and grimaced as he swallowed, though Clarke wasn’t sure it it was for the alcohol or his admission.
They sat quite still for another moment, Clarke taken aback at his complete transparancy, finally breaking the silence by bluntly asking, “Well, if you really wanted to kiss me, why didn’t you ever?”
“Are you serious, Clarke?” Bellamy laughed, eyebrows raised in amusement, “You barely gave me the time of day for months afterwards! Plus, you dated people, I dated people…”
“Yeah…I had a long term relationship, you had a flavor of the month club,” Clarke snapped, grabbing the bottle from him.
Bellamy bit back a smile. “You slut-shaming me, Griffin?”
Clarke couldn’t help but blush. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it to come out like that. Forget it.”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that,” he said, still smirking.
“Whatever,” Clarke sighed, “Fine, I was mad at you for a long time, and it didn’t feel great to see you with a bunch of other people because…I actually like you and thought we had a connection for a minute there.” Her eyes widened in horror as she realized what she’d said. “Liked, liked, past tense!”
Bellamy just grinned.
“Shut up, shut up! It’s the tequila,” she concluded lamely, shoving the bottle at him.
Bellamy eyed the bottle. “We haven’t actually had that much, Clarke.”
“I know,” she replied miserably, burying her head in her hands. “Fine, I still like you, and now I’ve said it so I can die of awkwardness.”
Bellamy chuckled. She heard the clink of glass against the hard wood of the floor, and looked up to see that he had set the tequila down and was looking at her with a curious expression. “Did it ever occur to you, Clarke, that I still like you too?”
Well, it was now or never, Clarke thought. She leaned forward. He did too, meeting her halfway. It was a good kiss. One of the better kisses she’d had lately, for sure. Possibly ever. It was broken when an involuntary laugh slipped from her. She was suddenly overcome by the humor of the situation. She couldn’t stop laughing, till the tears came.
Bellamy pulled back, his face flushed with amusement. “What, may I ask, is so funny?”
“Nothing,” Clarke sighed, wiping the the tears from her eyes. “I just…didn’t see this coming. I thought this weekend was going to end in one of us murdering the other.”
Bellamy chuckled, and leaned forward to kiss her again. “There’s still time for that, Griffin. Let’s just see what happens next.”
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midnight-in-town · 8 years
Sorry I'm a bit confused ^^" but isn't there a chance that the clowns might be on Kaneki's side after this arc? Or do you think they won't stop being villains?
Hello Anon! And no problem, it’s not like there is anything certain about the Clowns anyway, so all questions are legit. :)
About the Clowns, I tried to make a simple recap of all my thoughts in order to answer your question (please remember that I could be completely wrong):
The boss is likely to be either Donato or Itori
They (Donato, Uta, Nico, Itori and maybe Roma as well) probably all have a complicated past leading to having a personal agenda but  nonetheless they pursue a general goal all together which probably has to do with destroying the world because it’s unfair/twisted/a big joke. 
look at Donato complaining about how his peace (his life with Amon) was taken away from him in the last chapter [x]
here is my theory when it comes to Itori’s and Uta’s backstory
They’re not particularly loyal to Furuta, it’s just that following his current plan wasn’t going against their interest, so I wouldn’t exclude a possible betrayal later (if Furuta has yet to catch on). 
So to say they’re on their own side is probably the most accurate, but they’re also stirring up trouble everywhere else in order to make the world change. You coul see this as: they want the world to change, so they play on every side and spark fires everywhere so that it will happen. 
They’re all interested in Kaneki:
overall just look at TG ch143.
Donato asking Urie about Sasaki and saying the Clowns love famous people during the last chapter
Uta saying Kaneki is a special customer and wishing to see how he would fight against Aogiri back in TG (”I’m glad I came. Your mask started to suit you, you’re kind”)
Itori giving him hints about the Garden and V from the very beginning
Nico most likely doing him a favor by giving him Ogura’s card. 
Roma’s words in TG
So back to your question, are they villains? Well, currently they are, because they’re helping Furuta who definitely is a villain + they certainly have a peculiar way to do things. However, seeing as I think there is no loyalty between them and Furuta, if they somehow end up betraying him, then they could very well join Kaneki’s group.
So far, none of them did anything that Kaneki can’t forgive (especially not when he welcomed Seidou and the remnants of Aogiri to his side) and he has a special relationship with all the Clowns so I could see them being temporary allies since their goals probably aren’t so different.
Besides, with what Nico did at the beginning of the arc, Kaneki realized that something was up between Nico (if not all the Clowns) and Furuta…
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…so depending on if it was just Nico’s idea or if they came as a representative of the Clowns, I could see a partnership forming if the Clowns betray Furuta.
That being said, considering what Donato told Urie…
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…even a partnership after this arc wouldn’t exclude the possibility of the Clowns (or just some of them) to remain villains since… well, ch143 kinda made clear that they like to have fun…
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So manipulating Kaneki, even though they probably have similar goals, wouldn’t be out of their league which is why I think for now it’s best to consider that they always were on their own side and that it might continue in the future.
Again, this doesn’t mean they can’t make alliances here and there, but just that they are more wild cards than trustworthy allies (on top of the fact that Kaneki would definitely make a great Clown so if they want to mess with him, I don’t see why they would refrain themselves). 
I hope this might have made things clearer? :/ Just remember that nothing is certain so it can be a bit complicated to write coherent thoughts about them.
TL;DR everything is possible at this point: they might stay villains or not (although calling them Kaneki’s enemies isn’t particularly accurate either imo), they might betray Furuta and join Kaneki or remain on their own side without becoming allies with Kaneki.
Sorry again if that doesn’t make a lot of sense. Have a nice day Anon!
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