#however I’ve come to terms with it and I just go mm eh it happens
ohitslen · 1 year
Honestly I was writing for the fic i mentioned once and lost all interest midway. So um. Haha silly me will only do two parts instead of three like I originally planned :)
I don’t feel bad about it, I just figured I’d say it here anyways because my utmost respect goes to the long fic writers
What do y’all consume to do the ones that are over 15 parts and are also LONG, with an average of about 3k (usually more) words per chapter???
Ily btw because what the fuck you little weird and sick creature let me kiss your forehead what the fuck
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justkeeptrekkin · 5 years
A gift to all my followers!
This is something I whacked out a couple of weeks ago- just a thank you to all my followers who’ve stuck around, or who have just found me within the Good Omens fandom! It means the world to see you guys enjoy my fics. This is my gift to you guys, now that 2019 is coming to a close!
Enjoy! x
It’s hard to keep track of time when they're together on a good day. It’s even harder on the best of days. 
The Ritz is busy. The lunch table is inappropriately large for just the two of them. They’re sat right next to each other. Champagne is bitter-sweet on Crowley’s tongue and he could watch Aziraphale for hours, listen to him talking for hours. He measures the way Aziraphale leans towards him with a hand stretched across the table, sharing a story. Eyes bright, typically taut posture unusually relaxed. Entire aura relaxed. The feeling in his own chest, relaxed.
And so it’s harder than usual to keep track of the time. People leave after tea; people arrive for dinner; people leave after dinner. The waiters stare at them from the kitchen doors, waiting for them to ask for the bill, which they don’t. Crowley barely has it in him to glare at them. 
Their knees touch for almost the entire time. 
For Crowley and Aziraphale, time has only ever been a construct. However, it has also, always, been bound by celestial responsibilities. Now, they have no such responsibilities. And they are no longer being watched. 
The sky is darkening just a little when they finally leave. Green Park remains busy at-
Crowley checks the time on his phone.
-Greek Park remains busy at five thirty on a Tuesday night. People line up at the bus stop, heading home from work. Tourist stands filled with union jacks litter the streets outside the park. The colonnade of The Ritz shelters them from a light bit of drizzle. 
Crowley slides his hands into his negligible pockets and considers what comes next. Dining at The Ritz has always comes with a time limit, and somewhere to go immediately afterwards. Some sort of agenda. He doesn’t know what that is now. 
He looks over at Aziraphale, who hovers. Hovers and fiddles with his hands. Gaze flitting about as if he’s nervous, smile flickering on and off as if he doesn’t want Crowley to notice. He makes a feeble attempt at smiling again and gestures to the rain with a small nod. “Lovely weather we’re having, eh?” he says. It’s followed by a shaky half-laugh. 
Crowley frowns at him, the bottom half of his face forming a smile. He feels as if he’s watching the Angel of the Eastern gate, introducing himself at Eden. And something about the sudden awkwardness fills him with intrigue- more than that, anticipation. 
He leans back against a column, hands in pockets, and surveys Aziraphale’s anxious flapping.
“Well, go on, then,” Crowley prompts. “Something’s on your mind.”
“Not on my mind, per se,” Aziraphale concedes. His eyes darting up to the roof of the colonnade, to Heaven- a habit that may take some time to kick. “An idea of sorts.” “You’ve intrigued me,” Crowley drawls. 
“Nothing exciting. Only.” 
The look Aziraphale gives him in the brief moment of hesitation is heart-breaking. It’s filled with hope, and a healthy dollop of apprehension, too. As if Crowley would ever deny him anything. Crowley has experienced these moments of heart-shattering, heart-squashing, heart-pummelling love many times before, and he very much hopes that he’s done an alright job of concealing it from his expression.
He raises his eyebrows at Aziraphale and waits. 
Aziraphale sighs, looking uncomfortable and apparently having no intention of expanding. He expects Crowley to make the move. Unsurprising.
“I could…” Crowley starts. Aziraphale looks at him in hope again. Christ on a bike I’m a pushover, he thinks. “I could. Invite you round to mine for a drink. If… you were thus inclined.” A great beaming smile. “Oh, you took the words right out of my mouth.” Crowley huffs an almost-laugh. They look at each other. And they both let the weight of that sink in. Slowly, like the rain that’s currently seeping into the stone pavement beyond the Ritz’s colonnade. 
“Right,” he announces quickly, before thoughts can escalate any further. “Off we go, then?”
“Yes, just so. Tip top.”
Crowley conjures an umbrella. It’s not as if anyone would have noticed, he tells himself, though he sees the doorman at the Ritz recoil a little in shock. They share its shelter until Aziraphale miraculously hails a cab. 
“Best idea you’ve had all week, angel- and that includes the body swapping nonsense.”
Aziraphale is sat on Crowley’s sofa. He has been handed a glass of wine. He holds it between cupped hands like he plans to take communion. His legs are hidden behind a tartan blanket. (Crowley will never admit that he conjured such a thing long, long ago, just in case something like this might happen. Something like Aziraphale staying for a movie night, or even, staying for the night. It had always seemed so unlikely. In fact, the moment he’d created said blanket, Crowley had been so infuriated by his blind hope of ‘having Aziraphale round’ that he’d burned it. 
He’d restored the ashes to its original, tartaned form just a couple of hours later.)
“It seemed like the next logical thing,” Aziraphale explains pensively, brows raised and peering down into his Malbec. “If I had a ‘to do’ list, this is what I would put on it. I haven’t sat down and watched a movie all the way through in such a long time.” This may well be true, Crowley considers, as he rifles through his DVD collection, knees against polished concrete and painted nails tapping the spine of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Meanwhile, he’s simply marvelling at the fact that they’ve never sat down and watched a movie all the way through together, the two of them, ever. They’d always had more important things to be getting on with, like saving the world or performing miracles or negotiating the terms of their Agreement. And now. Now they can-
Now they can what?
He looks back over his shoulder at Aziraphale. Aziraphale is looking at him. The angel’s gaze flicks away instantly, staring back down into his wine. It hurts something in his chest. A nice kind of hurt, like a dash too much wasabi. 
Crowley takes a moment to recover from this. Then- “You. You still haven’t given me any clues. What you in the mood for, angel?”
Aziraphale’s eyes widen for the briefest moment as if he’s alarmed by this question, for whatever reason. Then he frowns to himself, purses his lips in thought. Casts his eyes around the room, for inspiration. “Something…” “If you say nice,” Crowley warns, knees hurting a little on the hard floor. 
“I wasn’t going to,” Aziraphale retorts. He pauses. He adds, more quietly, “I was going to say fun.”
Crowley groans. Turns to the DVD cabinet.
“I don’t do fun,” he says slowly, emphatically. 
“Alright, well. Something at least a bit light-hearted. I think saving the world rather calls for it, don’t you?” Crowley tilts his head from side to side in consideration. “It’s a fair point,” he concedes to himself more than Aziraphale. Pouts. “Don’t want to bring the mood down. Not sure I’d want to…”
The reason he doesn’t finish his sentence is because he’s just been, unfortunately, reacquainted with the more mushy end of his DVD collection. He’d forgotten that he has several Audrey Heburn films, as well as a couple of Julia Roberts classics. He glares at them. Hidden amongst the arthouse silent movies, they’re betraying just how soft he is. And Aziraphale’s watching.
The DVD boxes quiver under his stare. 
“How about we start with discussing what you have,” Aziraphale tries, reasonably. “Since we can’t reach a consensus. We don’t even have to watch a DVD if you don’t want-”
“Netflix,” Crowley remembers, standing up abruptly and immediately closing the cabinet. Then, “Netflix! That’s a thing. That’s a thing that we can do.” “Oh yes- I’ve heard of that,” Aziraphale says chirpily. 
“Oh, yes, well done, angel.”
Aziraphale glares. 
And so the Netflix loading screen bongs into life, Crowley collapsing onto the sofa beside Aziraphale. The red wine is jostled; Aziraphale tuts. Crowley props his heels on the coffee table. 
“Do you mind. I almost spilled Malbec on my shirt.” “Lots more choices now,” Crowley ignores him and begins flicking through. “Look, it’s all organised nicely in rows of genre. Love how tidy this is, look. And the search function is so much easier. Have you tried the search function on Amazon Prime, lately? Nightmare.” “I have no clue what you’re talking about,” Aziraphale replies lightly, spinning the wine in his glass like a whirlpool.
“Look, ‘s’got a whole section called ‘light-hearted movies’.” 
“Very helpful.”
They flick through the row. They go through all of them without choosing, and end up at the beginning of the loop again. Crowley growls and hangs his head off the back of the sofa.
“Oh, pass it here,” Aziraphale sighs, putting down his wine with a decisive clink and picking up the remote. He holds it with one hand and presses the directional buttons with his other hand, as if it’s far more complicated and delicate a process than it actually is. Like an octogenarian trying to use an iPhone.  
“How about this lovely looking Christmas film.“
"N- no. Anything but that. It’s October. And more importantly, no.”
“It looks ever so sweet, though. How lovely and romantic-”
“We are not watching The Christmas fucking-well Prince.”
He’d had a hand in inspiring that, and he’s too embarrassed to admit it even to himself. His evil deeds really are shit. 
“No need to snap,” Aziraphale mutters.  
“If you’re determined to watch something romantic and seasonal, I will accept The Holiday. If I must. Jack Black makes it bearable.”
Aziraphale lets the screen rest on the thumbnail of the movie. Then, quite thoughtfully, he says: “I like Kate Winslet. She seems like a nice woman.”
“Mm. Yeah, that’s. OK. I’m sure she is, angel.”
In all honesty, the idea of watching a rom-com with Aziraphale is border-line torture. It’s not quite as bad as waterboarding, but it’s close. More on the same level as those nightmares you get where you have to do a maths exam in your underwear, on stage, and all of your exes and crushes point and laugh at you. Not only are rom-coms pretty hit and miss- some influenced by Heaven, some by Hell, you never know what you’re going to get- they’re also a fantastic way of making Crowley feel incredibly exposed. Incredibly hot in the face from second-hand embarrassment. Incredibly aware that he’s meant to be sneering and heckling, when he’s just trying to concentrate on holding himself together. Stop the feelings from spurting out of his heart like water in a dam: feelings that he thinks are, embarrassingly, rather a lot like longing.
And yet, because it is Crowley, and this is what Crowley does, he lets Aziraphale select the movie and they watch The Holiday. They remark on the general cheesiness, the (at times) witty dialogue. The staggering amount of disbelief that has to be suspended for the plot to work. How nice Jude Law looks in glasses. 
Crowley’s only sort of watching. He’s concentrating on Aziraphale. Not outright staring at him (although he does often do that, it’s a wonder he hasn’t noticed and told Crowley to sod off). Rather, letting his brain tick over the knowledge that he is right beside him. Too much of his daft, devil mind is unable to ignore the fact that Aziraphale is there. 
Sometimes, it sends unhelpful thoughts his way. Like, you could touch his hand. Or, imagine feeding him popcorn- wouldn’t that be interesting. Or simply, there he is. He’s here. He’s with you. He’s chosen this. 
About half-way through the film, Aziraphale starts with those sad sighing sounds, making woebegone eyes at the television- which tells Crowley that he’s getting peckish but doesn’t want to bother Crowley with it. So, Crowley casually announces that he’s heard there’s a good new Chinese restaurant around the corner, and Aziraphale brightens up again immediately. And they have to pause the film to choose what to eat, because Crowley reckons he might actually order something for himself this time, and Aziraphale ums and ahs about these things for hours anyway. And once they’ve ordered- over the app, thank God for avoiding human interaction- the food arrives, quite miraculously, three minutes later. 
And once the food is gone, the film is almost finished. And Netflix seems to have decided what they should watch next, because it puts on the first episode of The Crown without asking them. Which they watch, although Crowley’s not really watching. And Aziraphale is complaining about the inaccuracies. 
And at some point they end up sitting very close.
No. That makes it sound as if Crowley has no idea how they ended up that close. He knows exactly when this happened, because he hasn’t taken a breath since. 
It happened like this.
They’re halfway through the first episode of The Crown, and Aziraphale has returned from the kitchen with a new bottle of red- a Pinot, this time- and he pours for both him and Crowley. Aziraphale has been sat on his own side of the sofa, and Crowley has been on his, draping his arms and legs wherever he sees fit. Now, as Aziraphale resettles on the sofa, he sits right beside him. The way Crowley is angled, his legs dangling off the arm of the sofa, means that he’s leaning in Aziraphale’s direction. Very obviously. 
So he’s using all his (very little) core strength to keep himself sitting upright enough not to fall into his lap. Even if it would be very nice to let his head rest on Aziraphale’s lap. And even if he’d really like to relax a little bit and lean his shoulder against Aziraphale’s. 
And for Heaven’s sake, it shouldn’t be an issue for a couple of six thousand year old beings to sit side-by-side on a sofa, and yet, here’s Crowley, having a crisis about it. It’s not as if he thought twice about pinning him against a wall. 
Although he probably should have. That was a lot.
His eyes follow the way Aziraphale’s legs stretch in front of him, crossed over at the ankles. A little slouched on the sofa, shoes off. It’s about as relaxed as Crowley’s ever seen him. 
“Why do you think they decided to make this TV series now, when the Queen is still alive,” Aziraphale remarks. It almost makes Crowley jump a little, so deep in thought that he’d forgotten time hadn’t stopped entirely.
“Whassat?” “Well, why do you think they’ve made the series now? It seems a bit-”
“Right,” Crowley says brain finally processing the question. “No- dunno, angel.” They both go quiet. Crowley’s hand grips the back of the sofa. The fear that he’s going to slip and lean against Aziraphale is too real. As nice as it would be-
Perfect. Miraculous. Wonderfully human. 
-It would also be mortifying. 
He can hear Aziraphale’s breathing. Slow. Precise and even, like he’s measuring out ingredients for a recipe. It makes Crowley’s mouth go dry with painful self-awareness.
“Do you remember,” Aziraphale starts quietly, “when you and I bumped into each other in Camden Town?” He takes a few seconds to pretend to think about this. “Yeah, ‘f course. Nineteen seventy-seven. What made you think of that?” Aziraphale shifts a little, looking at Crowley. Crowley doesn’t look back, watches the screen. If he turns towards Aziraphale, they’ll be-
“You were wearing that awful t-shirt.” That makes him laugh. A tipping-the-head-back laugh. “Oh yeah- my God Save the Queen t-shirt. Sex Pistols. Yeah, those were the days. Don’t knock ‘em, they were a good band.” “I’m sure they were.” “Don’t use that voice, they were. Anarchic music at its finest.” “I believe you, but bebop is still a little too baffling for me, I’m afraid.”
Crowley doesn’t expect it. He doesn’t know where it comes from- he thought he knew himself quite well at this point, but apparently not well enough. He feels something take over from out of nowhere. Rather, feels something erase everything else- a whiteboard rubber cleaning all the bullshit away. 
And now he’s turned to Aziraphale without the babbling voice of anxiety in his head. 
“It’s punk music, not bebop. And. I reckon you’d like it.” His voice is a murmur and his eyes are looking at Aziraphale’s lips. Thank Christ for sunglasses. 
When he looks back up and meets Aziraphale’s gaze, he’s watching Crowley. Looking for something. 
He feels his lips part, hears himself take a breath through his mouth. 
“Oh, really?” Aziraphale asks weakly. A small quirk in one eyebrow. 
“Y-” Fucking Hell. His throat’s all dry and he’s forgotten what words are. And now Aziraphale is definitely looking at his mouth. Fuck fuck fuck fu- “Yeah. You’re a rebel now, after all. Sort of. Breaking all those rules.”
“Yes,” Aziraphale replies in a whisper. Then, regaining his voice, “I suppose that’s true.”
“S- uh- mm- w- some of the songs, anyway, not all of them. You’d uh- h- some of them are a bit explicit than others and you’d probably not. Not get on with those ones.”
“Crowley…?” That’s all it takes. Thousands of years of keeping his feelings to himself and taking it slow, and all it takes is that little inflection in Aziraphale’s hushed voice. That hesitant request, draped over the sound of his name. Crowley leans in and presses his lips gently against Aziraphale’s. 
There’s that horrible moment when it stops, and everything else seems to stop, too. The what next? hangs in the air and Aziraphale stutters a shaky breath against Crowley’s skin. 
“Too fast?” is what Crowley ends up asking. Just to break the pause. 
And then the most dazzling, drunken smile spreads across Aziraphale’s face. Brows knit together. An expression that looks a lot like “To the world.” 
“No,” he half laughs, shaking his head infinitesimally. “For once, no. We… we saved the world, I rather think we deserve this.”
Something in Crowley relaxes, unhinges, collapses. It lets all the feelings free and they flood him till he swears he almost goes blind. And that is how they both end up falling asleep on the sofa, still wearing the days’ clothes and kicking off a tartaned blanket. Wrapped up in each other- starting this new era as they mean to continue.
Crowley wakes up and finds his head on Aziraphale’s chest. He’s splayed on top of him, arm hanging off the edge of the sofa. He feels Aziraphale’s hand, warm between his shoulder blades. 
“What would you like to do today?” Aziraphale asks with a smile in his voice. 
That is how it starts. They think of the things they were too scared to do together, the things that they never found the time to do together, the things they always liked to do together. 
They go for a walk through Hampstead Heath, just as the weather’s beginning to turn- their breathes steaming in front of their faces as they walk. They haven’t been here since 1815. They both try to avoid the muddy parts and fail spectacularly. They make fun of each other for the mess they’ve made of their shoes. They begin by hooking their fingers together, until they’re brave enough to hold hands completely. 
They go home and cook together. It goes disastrously. 
“What are we doing today?” Crowley asks the next morning, when they wake up on Crowley’s sofa again. 
They go to some hipster bar in East London- Tobacco Docks, it’s called. They find that there’s good food, lots of good booze and an ice rink- which Crowley absolutely point-blank refuses to go on until Aziraphale makes that wide-eyed, pleading face. They have a tipsy and very clumsy skate around the rink before returning to their drinks. Crowley’s better at wine than ice rinks. 
“What are we doing today?” Aziraphale asks, when they’ve woken up in Crowley’s bed. His white hair against his white sheets. A new part of the landscape of his room.
They end up doing very little. They read together on the sofa and make tea.  Crowley introduces Aziraphale to the best music ever created- disco, of course. They dance in the living room in bare feet and laugh till they can’t see through the tears. 
“What are we doing today?” Crowley asks the next morning. 
“What are we doing today?” Aziraphale asks the next. 
They’ve saved the world, and that still seems surreal. But there’s waking up on Crowley’s sofa after a movie marathon, too. A dinner date, or a night in. 
And that feels perfectly real. 
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eralisse · 4 years
Brothers Conflict: Passion Pink - Kaname route - Scene 2 - On the Beach at Night
I’ve smoothed over some bits to make the English flow better. My comments are at the end.
This scene directly follows after Main 9: Vacation Day 2.
Brothers Conflict Translations Index
August 12 (Thursday)
(A lot of things happened today… Although I was shocked when I heard that Wataru was missing, it’s great that nothing [bad] happened.
Anyway… I can’t sleep for some reason… My body should be tired, but my eyes are wide open.
Maybe… it’s Kaname-san’s fault… I can’t get him out of my head… The feeling of being hugged by his large arms hasn’t gone away…
Aahh, it’s no good…! Since I was thinking about it so much, my eyes are extra wide open. What should I do…)
Kaname: Oh? Imouto-chan? What are you doing here at this time?
Ema: ! … Kaname-san. Ah… I somehow… can’t sleep. Kaname-san, how about you?
Kaname: I was thinking of enjoying the night breeze a bit. Ah, that’s right. If you like, would you like to come with me?
Ema: Eh…?
[Choice: Go together.]
Ema: Ah… Sure. If it’s not annoying to you…
Kaname: Haha. I invited you, so no such thing! Anyway, shall we?
Ema: … Yes.
Kaname: It’s good that the rain has stopped.
Ema: Yes… And the night breeze feels nice.
Kaname: Yeah.
Ema: …
Kaname: …
(The sound of waves was carried by the mild wind blowing. Kaname was somewhat of few words tonight… His expression while looking out at the ocean was very calm. I think this was the first time I had ever seen him like this…)
Kaname: Hey… You can laugh at me and say I’m pretending. [**1]
Ema: … What is it?
Kaname: I like the ocean at night.
Ema: The ocean… at night?
Kaname: Yeah. When it gets dark, the boundary between sea and sky disappears, you see. To be tossed out into the wide space, it feels somewhat uneasy… I think that kind of feeling is good. [**2]
Ema: To be uneasy… is good?
Kaname: Yes. When you stand in a place where you can feel the power of nature… You can feel keenly humankind’s powerlessness, and that our existence is due only to heaven’s grace. The little things that we are troubled by, disappointed by, become very trivial. That’s why, every so often just like this, I look out at the ocean at night. Because I can empty my mind.
Ema: … Kaname-san…
Kaname: Hm?
Ema: You can think about that sort of thing, huh…
Kaname: Hmm? What do you mean?
Ema: It’s a little surprising. I thought that the inside of Kaname-san’s head was (just) filled with girls…
Kaname: Ehhh? How cruel. I’m still a monk though. I think about world peace and peace of mind, and then just a little bit about girls, you know?
Ema: See! You do think about girls after all!
Kaname: Haha, you’ve got me.
Ema: Hehe… However.
Kaname: Hm?
Ema: What you were saying earlier…. To be thrown out into such a dark place, I think is a bit frightening.
Kaname: That’s right, it’s frightening. But… it’s alright. If you are scared, I’ll come save you before you start crying.
Ema: Eh…?
Kaname: Today, not knowing where he was, you tried desperately to find Wataru… If anything happens to you, I’ll come save you. Thank you for what you did today. That a girl like you is my little sister, I think is truly great.
(Ah, that’s it-- I see. Kaname-san is always laughing lightly and making jokes. Today I feel he’s somehow being very… kind…)
Kaname: Mm! Well, I think I’ll enjoy the night ocean a bit more!
Ema: Eh… Kaname-san…? It’s dark, so it’s dangerous to go so far out into the water!
Kaname: It’s fine~!
(Saying that and laughing, Kaname-san seems a bit like a kid… As I beheld another of his expressions that I’d never seen before, my heart gave a small… thump, like the swell of a wave… I wonder why... ?)
Kaname: Whoa!?
Ema: Hey…! K-Kaname-san!? What happened!?
Kaname: ...Pah! Wha, what…? What is this, seaweed? I got tangled and tripped over from this?
Ema: …! Hehe! Kaname-san, you’re soaked!
Kaname: What is this, ugh… Not cool…
Ema: Hehe, are you alright? If you like, please hold onto me (and I’ll pull you up).
Kaname: Thanks. However, Imouto-chan. You were laughing at me just now, weren’t you?
Ema: Eh---?
(I was pulled over by the hand I’d extended toward Kaname-san. And then…)
Ema: … Pah!
Kaname: Haha! Payback for laughing.
Ema: Che… T-Terrible! Now I’m all soaked..!
Kaname: Haha, that’s right-! But hey… it was hot all day today, so doesn’t it feel nice…?
Ema: …!! W-what are you saying… Ah--
(When I looked up, Kaname-san’s face and chest were right in front of my eyes… Suddenly, I remembered when he hugged me this afternoon… And my heart started pounding loudly again…)
Kaname: You face… It’s red? Is it still (too) hot…?
Ema: It’s n-not hot…
(At that moment… I saw something out the corner of my eye.)
Ema: … Oh? Kaname-san, there’s… Around your right collarbone, what is that…
Kaname: Hm? Ahh, this? It’s a tattoo.
Ema: Tattoo? Ah… It’s the first time I’ve seen it. Um, is this a cross?
Kaname: Eh… Ahh, no. It’s a short sword.
Ema: Ah… That’s right. Since you’re a monk, it wouldn’t be a cross… Pardon me.
Kaname: …… Say, Imouto-chan. Can I tell you something?
Ema: Hm? What is it…?
Kaname: It’s something related to the sword. A long time ago, in a play from England, there was a line, “The pen is mightier than the sword.” 
Ema: A pen? A sword…?
Kaname: Yes. It means that words surpass armed force. However, in this world, there is something much stronger than the sword or the pen.
(...... Why is… Kaname-san’s face… getting closer…)
Kaname: That would be… love.
[Kaname kisses Ema.]
(.....? Wha…. What just… happened…)
Kaname: … Mm.
(Kaname-san’s lips… and my lips are…)
Kaname: … Earlier, I emptied out my mind. Now, I want to fill it with you… Is that okay, Ema…?
Ema: ……!!
[Ema pushes Kaname, and he splashes back into the water.]
Kaname: …! Imouto-chan!?
(In a daze, I pushed Kaname-san away. From far away… mixed in with the sound of waves behind me, I thought I heard Kaname-san’s voice calling out to me… But I couldn’t look back. I could only run to the cottage…) [**3]
1. What does 「スカしてる」mean in English? From Googling Japanese forums, I’ve translated it to “pretend” but it doesn’t seem right.
2. Where it says “uneasy”, the term was 「心もとない」, which also doesn’t seem right in English.
3. “In a daze” was 「無我夢中で」, which my dictionaries tell me is “to lose oneself, to be absorbed in”.
Ahhhhh, Kaname~~ Like I said in my previous entry, I think he confirmed his love for her during the afternoon when they were looking for Wataru, and then confessed it here. As much as he works fast, I don’t think his love for her comes out of nowhere. Actually, it might even be that during the previous 3 months after she moved in, depending on how family-oriented she was, he would have been falling for her during that time. (That said, the book pretty much skips from her moving in, to some beginning mishaps, straight to the vacation. And same with game.) In the cover of the second book, Ema asks the brothers what they consider most important. Kaname says “... Family. Of course, you too. Very important.” while looking contemplative. (I will promptly ignore the fact that in Kaname’s route in the game, if you raise family love too much, you will miss his scenes. Which is why I didn’t finish his route the first time around.)
That said, the game does this scene way better than the book, especially at the end. Ema is still slow here, but at least she has a clear response. (Even if it may be disappointing to us fangirls.) In the book, she does jack-all and just sits there in his kiss while Juli is screeching in the background.
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haikyuuateer · 4 years
a field of flowers || sugawara koushi
Tumblr media
pairing: sugawara x f!reader
word count: 2.7k (i think i overdid it)
warnings: none i’m just bad at writing
plot: "Did you seriously get lost again?”
a/n: consider this a random drabble, hehe.. also i try to avoid using chan, san, kun, etc. in writing since i do not know how to properly use these terms and i wouldn’t wanna guess and end up falsely using them so uh. yeah. 
┈     ┈     ┈
"Y/N, are you ready to go yet?"
Once you had finished zipping up your volleyball club jacket, you looked over in Daichi’s direction and smiled. "Yeah!" You replied enthusiastically, jogging over to them. "Thanks for not leaving me behind like everyone else did, you four."
Daichi, Koushi, Kiyoko, and Asahi all smiled at you, making your smile widen a bit in return. "Now, let’s go!" You jogged over to the others, and everyone else followed you with a laugh. 
It was another day of volleyball practice. You were in your third year along with Kiyoko, and you two were managers of the club, as well as the first year she had found, Yachi. Coach Ukai and Coach Takeda had decided that the boys should just be able to go on a light jog today for some easy exercise. You, Kiyoko, and Yachi decided to tag along as well, just for the heck of it. 
"Y/N, you better not make the rest of us slow down for you. If you get left behind, then you get left behind," Koushi said in a teasing voice, nudging you with his shoulder. You laughed and playfully shoved the silver-haired male.
You had known Koushi ever since your first year of junior high. You went to every single one of his volleyball games, and when you two went to Karasuno for high school, you were ecstatic to discover that you could be team manager. You and Kiyoko got along well over sharing the position, being the only girls,  and having Nishinoya and Tanaka be a little too overprotective over you two, but it was something you quickly got used to. When it came to games, you decided you would let Kiyoko stay with the coaches while you were in the bleachers- It was a bit nicer to have Yachi join you, since you kind of got lonely by yourself up there. 
You twirled a strand of your H/C hair around your finger as you watched everyone else get ready to start the jog. You snapped out of your little daze when you felt someone tap your shoulder. It was Kiyoko.
"Need a hairtie?" She asked, holding one out to you. 
"Ah- no, I’ll be alright. Thank you, Kiyoko."  "Okay."
The two of you walked over to the boys, as well as Yachi, who were all ready to get started. You walked up next to Koushi and lightly elbowed him without looking at him. "Wanna race?" You asked jokingly, your rosy lips curling into a playful grin. 
"And be like those two?" Koushi asked, pointing over at Kageyama and Hinata, who were already glaring at each other and posed as if they were about to run a relay. 
You put your hand over your mouth to stifle your laughter. "Okay, no, never mind. But those two... They really are something, aren’t they?"
"Yeah, I think they’ve already subtracted at least 10 years from Daichi’s lifespan," Koushi said with a laugh. "They’re a handful, but they’re incredible.."
"Mm. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone like them when it comes to volleyball. They really are special." "Alright, everyone! We’re gonna follow the roads around the school twice, so try not to get lost, or we’ll leave you behind." Daichi shot you a look, and you stuck your tongue out at him in return. Asahi and Koushi chuckled softly, and you felt Koushi nudge your shoulder. 
Okay, maybe one time you spaced out while jogging and ended up getting lost in your second year of being in the volleyball club. Everyone freaked out, Nishinoya and Tanaka ran down the streets screaming for you, and you felt a little bit guilty for how much you had stressed Koushi out when you finally reunited with everyone else. It’s not like you were gonna let it happen again. "Aye aye, captain," You mumbled in a disheartened tone, playfully rolling your eyes. Everyone laughed.
"Alright- Let’s go, then!"
And then all of you were off, jogging along the side of the road. You already saw everyone advancing ahead of you and smiled. Of course they were all faster than you- You weren’t the fastest, and today, you didn’t really feel like working up too much of a sweat. Your gaze travelled up to the sky, brilliantly streaked with vibrant oranges, reds, and yellows. There were hardly any clouds, and the sun was descending towards the horizon. The sky is so pretty today... And you let your mind wander. 
And then you slowed to a stop, and looked around you. And then you realized.
You got lost. 
"Aw man, Daichi and Koushi are going to kill me.." You mumbled to yourself. You looked behind you. You came from that way, but how long had you been jogging for? You were so lost in your thoughts that you hadn’t been paying attention to where you were going. 
Before you could start trying to navigate your way back to the school, you heard a familiar voice from behind you. Wait, behind? You turned back around, confused. Maybe while you were spaced out, you had taken random turns, subconsciously thinking that you were going the right way? 
You squinted and immediately recognized the familiar grey-haired boy running towards you, his expression laced with concern. "You dummy, you ran off somewhere completely random again.. You’re lucky I actually went to look for you."
"Ah- Koushi.. I’m sorry." You glanced away from him, playing with the ends of your sleeves. And then something caught your eye. A large field of yellow flowers, as far as the eye could see- You could run over there if you wanted to right now. And you did. "On second thought, let’s take the scenic route!" And before Koushi could protest, you grabbed his wrist and started running towards the field of flowers, dragging him behind you.
"Wh- Y/N, where are we going? If Daichi finds out that both of us are lost, he’s going to get so mad-"
"Look at that pretty field of flowers, Koushi! Let’s go play, okay?" You looked back at him and smiled before looking back towards the field.
Koushi sighed and let you drag him along- He couldn’t say no to that face. You just looked so excited. When you looked back at him, your eyes were sparkling, and you had the most adorable smile on your face that he had ever seen.
Wait, adorable? He shook his head slightly, blinking rapidly. Did he just think that you were adorable? His close friend? Did I hit my head earlier? Lately, he had been catching himself admiring you quite often. At first it was only occasional glances at you during classes, but it gradually became him gazing lovingly at you with a small smile on his face. Daichi, somehow, was the only person who seemed to be fully aware of Koushi’s helpless crush on you- Not even Koushi himself thought he had a crush on you.
You slowed to a stop once the two of you were standing right by the flower field. "Koushi.. It’s gorgeous," You murmured in awe, staring out at the flowers. They appeared golden under the evening light, and the breeze gently blowing past made the flowers dance, and they almost looked like ocean waves, gently rolling throughout the field. You stood there and Koushi’s wrist slipped from your hand- Your lips were slightly parted, and you continued to stare at the field, starstruck. 
Koushi giggled softly and waved his hand in front of your face. "Hello, Earth to Y/N?" He asked. You could hear the laugh in his voice and blinked, breaking out of your daze. "Oh.."
"I’m surprised- I’ve never seen this place before, either." He smiled and put his hands in his pockets, staring out at the field with you. However, his gaze didn’t stay on the field for long. He looked over at you and felt his breath hitch in his throat. The golden sunlight on your S/C skin and H/C hair, the look in your eyes as you admired the flowers, and the soft, dreamy smile that you had. He couldn’t help but think that you were beautiful- no- ethereal. And there he was, admiring you again. 
"Yeah.. Let’s go in it!" You grabbed his wrist again and dragged him into the field with you, laughing.
"Eh- But what if we get in trouble out here??"
"We’ll be fine, Koushi, come play with me!" You pulled him towards you and grabbed both of his wrists, spinning him around and laughing. Another breeze blew past the two of you. Your hair flowed in the wind, and petals and pollen almost seemed to swirl around you two as you danced around- It felt surreal, dancing in a field of yellow flowers, the sunset skies above you, and you had your closest friend right there with you. You were so lost in the moment, you and Koushi laughing and spinning around in the field, until you felt yourself trip over your own ankle and begin to fall backwards. You had still been gripping tightly onto Koushi’s wrists, and you accidentally pulled him towards you as you fell. "Uwah-"
It all happened in a second. You toppled backwards and fell to the ground, and Koushi had fallen with you. It was only until you both were on the ground that you realized you had shut your eyes. You opened them, only to find yourself staring into Koushi’s amber-colored eyes, which were wide in surprise. His cheeks were a bit rosy, and his lips were parted. And then you realized another thing. Koushi was practically straddling you, and his hands were at either side of your face. "Y-Y/N, I’m sorr-"
You cut him off with your laughter. "I’m- such a klutz- aren’t I?" You asked through your laughs, not minding that Koushi was basically on top of you. You had known him for years, so you trusted that he wouldn’t do anything to you. "Anyways- We should probably get back to everyone else so that they don’t worry." You propped yourself back up, still laughing, and then you looked at Koushi.. And then you realized how close the two of you were to each other. His hands were now by your sides, you were gazing into each other’s eyes, and your faces were only a few centimeters apart. You felt your cheeks warm up a bit. "O-Oh."
As if he had snapped back into reality, Koushi blinked and immediately pulled his hands away, blushing harder. "Ah- I’m sorry, Y/N, I just- I just didn’t want to straight up fall on top of you, and I-"
"It’s okay.. I’m okay," You murmured. You felt a bit lightheaded. Did you hit it on the ground too hard or something? Maybe you needed to see a nurse. A breeze blew past you and Koushi once more, and petals blew up into the air.
For some reason..
You really wanted to kiss him, right there, at that very moment. 
You reached your hand up and cupped his cheek. Your gaze went to the beauty mark under his eye, and you ran your thumb over it.
Your heart skipped a beat when you heard him say your name. "I-I’m sorry, I’m acting weird- I must have hit my head or something." You pulled your hand away from his face, but he caught your wrist and guided your hand back by his cheek, then he leaned his head against your palm. Heat rose to your cheeks again. What are we doing? "Koushi.." 
His heart skipped a beat when he heard you say his name, and little did you know, he was probably feeling the exact same way as you. He couldn’t stop himself, and he didn’t want to stop himself. It just felt so natural.. him being here with you right now, alone. "Y/N.. I..”
“I think I’m in love with you."
Once he uttered those seven words, it was as if everything around him had changed- It made sense now, why he loved teasing you so much, why he weirdly felt jealous whenever he saw you talk to one of the other boys in the volleyball club, why from the very beginning he knew he never wanted to lose you, and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.
He fell in love with you. It may not have been love at first sight, but there was something there, something that made him want to be with you forever, and it became love. 
You were at a loss for words. Koushi was in love with you? How didn't you notice after all these years? Wait- When did he even fall in love with you in the first place? Was it when you two first met? Was it just now? Was it before you even met? Unfortunately, the grey-haired boy didn’t know either, as he might have been in a bit of denial about his feelings at one point during your friendship. But.. Did you love him back?
Yes, yes, your heart screamed yes over and over again, but you didn't know what to say. It was as if the words themselves were caught in your throat. Yes, you loved him ever since that day in junior high where he told you something you had never forgotten. It all made sense now. 
"Y/N, I'm going to do my very best out there, and one day I'll make you the proudest you've ever been, okay?" Koushi smiled at you, then turned back towards the volleyball court. "One day, I'm going to play so well, you'll never forget it, ever. I want to make you proud of me, Y/N."
You smiled softly at Koushi, the very Koushi right in front of you at this very moment, the Koushi that had confessed his love for you, that you knew was waiting for your response. You were ready, now. You pulled him a bit closer, causing your faces to only be a couple centimeters apart, and it was as if your body moved on its own at that point. You broke the space that was between you two and pulled Koushi into a kiss. It was a gentle kiss, and you felt Koushi’s arms wrap around your waist and pull you closer to him. You loved it. The kiss only lasted for a few more seconds before you pulled away, smiling at him again.
"I'm in love with you too, Koushi Sugawara."
┈     ┈     ┈
You whipped your head around only to see Nishinoya and Asahi, and Daichi had been running up to join them. You and Koushi shot each other panicked looks, and you immediately pulled your hands away from each other, moving at least a meter away from each other. 
"What the hell are you two doing out here?!" Daichi yelled, and low and behold, he was angry. 
"Ah- Um. I.. I got.. Lost..?" You explained in a pathetic tone, your voice growing smaller by the second. "And.. Koushi.. Came to.. FInd me?"
"Then what are you doing in a field of flowers? How could you possibly get lost out here-" "Uhm.."
Koushi laughed and stood up, brushing off his jacket. He held his hand out to you and you took it, allowing him to help you stand up. As you brushed petals and pollen off of your jacket, you felt Koushi gently pull something out of your hair. It was probably a petal or something, and you didn’t mind it. But.. You two basically confessed to each other. And you didn’t get the chance to say anything else about it. Was everything going to be awkward now?
After that, you headed back to the high school with Nishinoya, Asahi, Daichi, and Koushi (everyone else except for Kiyoko seemed worried sick- you laughed when she told you she wasn’t surprised that you wandered off again) and ended up heading home. 
While you were laying on your bed, scrolling through Instagram, a notification from Koushi popped up on your screen. You opened the message. 
< Let’s go on a date on Saturday. >
And, in conclusion, the date was a success, since Koushi decided to be the sweetheart he always is and bring you to your favourite cafe. Not only did he do that- He did another thing you will never forget. 
He bought you a bouquet of the same yellow flowers you saw in the field where you two confessed to each other.
And ever since that day, you had a loving, adorable dork of a boyfriend named Koushi Sugawara. 
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hymn2000 · 5 years
Chiquitita - MCU AU fanfic - C7
Story summary: Something strange is happening. Someone from space has made their way to Earth, armed with a strange weapon. Targeting teenagers, their ray gun, when fired, turns the victim into a toddler. The Avengers set out to stop this, and find a way to reverse the effects. However, they don’t all come out of the battle unscathed.
Previous chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Part of my Frostiron and Spiderson series.
Warnings/themes: de-aging, family stuff, corporal punishment (early chapters only), mental health stuff, hurt/comfort
Chapter 7 -  Only A Week Since We Started
By Saturday, Loki was feeling completely burned out. He’d been looking after Peter pretty much on his own for almost a week, and he was exhausted. In some ways, it was getting easier: he knew Peter’s quirks and he’d figured out a routine for him. But he and Tony barely talked, and Tony was still essentially pretending all this wasn’t happening. It was easy to feel isolated, even with a talkative toddler around.
Loki’s phone rang.
“Hey Loki. It’s Clint”
“I said I’d call in about a week. How’s it going?”
“Ah” Loki said, glancing over at Peter, who was busy scribbling on an old newspaper with wax crayons. “Well. Peter’s doing ok. He seems healthy and happy enough”
“And Tony?”
Loki went quiet. He wasn’t sure how to put it.
“That bad, eh?” Clint said. 
“He’s been awful” Loki said. “I’ve never seen him like this”
“What, is he panicking?”
“A bit”
“What’s he been like? Giving the kid coffee? Refusing to stick to bedtime?”
“I’d prefer that, honestly” Loki sighed heavily. “He’s been useless. He’s basically ignored Peter all week. He won’t do anything for him. He won’t help put him to bed or bath him, he won’t play with him, he won’t hug him. Heck, he won’t even talk to him most of the time. It’s upsetting Peter, and it’s upsetting me. I want to kill him”
“You’re joking, right?”
“I wish I was” Loki said grimly. “I’ve barely seen him. I honestly don’t know what I can do about it. I’m going to burn out, and if that happens, where does that leave Peter?”
“You’ve got people who will help, but Tony needs to step up”
“I know, but it doesn’t matter what I say, he won’t put in the effort. For the first few days he wouldn’t even cook for him. He’s got better there; he’s been cooking in the evenings, making stuff Peter can eat, but that’s about it. He won’t do anything for him directly”
“Can I offer some advice?” 
Loki sighed. “Sure. I suppose it couldn’t hurt”
“You need to give him a good kick. Metaphorically speaking” Clint said. “You’ve gotta force him into it”
“And how exactly do you suggest I do that?”
“Don’t give him any choice in the matter” Clint said. “Find him, tell him that tonight, you’re having some time for yourself, and so he’ll need to look after Peter”
“I don’t think that will go down too well”
“Doesn’t matter. Let him whine and bitch about it, but keep to your word. Don’t step in at all after you’ve gone off for your me time. Don’t give him any option but to step up and be a dad” 
Loki thought for a moment. “Would that work?”
“Only one way to find out” Clint said. “There’s no reason for you to act single parent. So, Tony being a twat aside, how’s parenting a toddler going?”
“Being a parent is hard, I always knew that, but parenting a toddler is hard in a different way. It’s a whole different ball game. He’s not a bad kid. He’s a wiggly little thing, but he’s not so mischievous as I expected. He’s quite good, really. He’s really funny” Loki laughed slightly. “He’s a strange little thing, but he’s so cute. Unbelievably cute. He’s always laughing”
“Aww, I’m glad he’s well-behaved. No major incidents then? Any spider powers?”
“Thankfully not!” Loki said. “I don’t know how I’d cope with a toddler who could literally climb walls. I don’t know why he doesn’t have the powers, but, well, he doesn’t. As for incidents... Well. He ruined a box of bath salts, and he made an almighty mess of his room after that first night, but thankfully those are the main ones so far. He’s quite easy to distract with his rocket and a DVD, fortunately. All the other things that have gone wrong are just general kids stuff, I think, or errors on my part”
“Bless! He did look mighty cute cuddled up to that rocket when I saw him. So, what does he fuss about? All mine hated something at that age. How is he with baths?”
“Well, we nearly had a disaster the first time, but I invested in a non-slip mat, so we’ve had no repeats. But no, he’s fine with baths. He likes playing with his little boats and ducks. He’s not a huge fan of bedtime, though” Loki stopped a moment. “Ah. Maybe I shouldn’t give Tony that kick”
“Don’t turn into a pushover now, Loki. Tony’s more than capable of putting your kid to bed. He’ll have to learn somehow. He’ll probably be fine and know exactly what to when he’s in the situation, even if he insists beforehand that he doesn’t know what he’s doing. What if Peter’s a toddler for six months? Do you really want to struggle through everything on your own?”
“Mm, good point” Loki sighed. “I’ll do it. I’m just exhausted after this week”
“Where’s the kid now?”
“He’s in here with me”
“What’s he doing?”
“Drawing on a newspaper. I ought to get him some notebooks or colouring books... He doesn’t have much to do, Clint, and that worries me. Tony didn’t want to listen when I mentioned about getting him more toys. He’s got his cuddlies, and his bath toys, but that’s about it. He’s going to get bored soon”
“Yeah, and a bored toddler is a nightmare toddler, believe me. Can’t you go and get him stuff yourself? Or order stuff online?”
“I’d like to let him choose. Plus, it’d annoy Tony. And more importantly, I can’t really get there”
“What, the big toy shops?”
“Well, I can get there, but you really need a car if you’re buying lots of things, and I’ve not got a license for Tony’s motors: only my motorbike. I can’t exactly stick Peter on that. I need Tony helping”
“When Tony’s settled and started pulling his weight, get onto him about it”
“It might be ages. I don’t know if he’ll step up”
Clint cleared his throat. “Hey, can I visit? I’ll bring him something to play with if Tony’s still being a dick in a couple of days”
“I’ll have to get back to you on that one. I’m not too sure about having visitors while things are so tense here: it might just make Tony kick off more” 
“Ok, well, keep me updated. I care about the kid; we all do” Clint said. “I mean what I said: I’ll help. Give Peter a little hug from me, ok?”
“I will. Listen, thanks for checking in. I do appreciate it. It’s been very isolating, this week”
“Yeah, I get it” Clint said. “It must be weird, losing all those conversations and jokes you had with Peter. Before the whole ray gun thing. And being on bad terms with Tony? You two are always so close; it’s weird thinking about you two being annoyed at each other. Kick him into gear tonight, and it’ll be fine”
“I’ll give it a good go. I’d enjoy an evening reading and an early night or something like that. Tony’s going to have to sort himself out sooner or later. I’ve already had to blow off the hospital”
“What, really?!”
“Yes, I rang them, and of course they know what’s happened, but I told them anyway, and said I wouldn’t be in for the foreseeable future. I had a feeling Tony wouldn’t be up to looking after a child he’d been ignoring while I disappeared in my scrubs... Clint, if I tell you something, it stays between us, doesn’t it?”
“Oh yeah, definitely. I still value my life” 
Loki laughed slightly. “Good. Now, this is going to sound really bad, and it’s nothing I’ve ever thought before, but... Right now? I don’t trust Tony with Peter”
Clint was quiet for a moment. “I don’t blame you. You’re both scared. See how you feel tomorrow morning. Force Tony to take the reins for tonight. Say goodnight to Peter, and make yourself scarce for the evening. And report back to me: I wanna know if my idea pays off”
“Ok, ok. I’ll do it, for myself as well as the family"
“Good. Kick that stubborn bastard into shape. He’s a good dad. Make him remember that”
Loki nodded. “Yeah, yeah, he can’t slack off forever”
“Daddy, daddy!” Peter was suddenly in front of him, tugging at his trouser leg. “Daddy!”
“Hold on a second, Clint” Loki lowered the phone. “What’s the matter, chick?”
“Thirsty! I need a drink” 
“Ok sweetheart, just a second” he put the phone back to his ear. “I’ve got to go”
“I heard. You get off. Talk to you later”
“Yes, talk to you later. Goodbye”
He put the phone down, and picked Peter up, giving him a cuddle.
“This is from Uncle Clint” he said. “He told me to give you a hug from him”
“Oh!” Peter giggled. “Uncle Clint!”
“He might come for a visit in a few days” Loki said, setting Peter down, standing up, and taking his hand. “Let’s go and get you a drink, little pal”
“Apple juice!”
“I don’t think we’ve got any left, darling” Loki said. “How about something else? How about... chocolate milkshake?”
“Wow! Yes please!”
Loki smiled, squeezing Peter’s hand. “Ok, chicken. Let’s get you sorted”
Loki put Peter down for his nap, and then went to find Tony. 
“Hello, gorgeousness” Tony said. “What’s up?”
“I’m having some time to myself tonight” Loki said. “After tea, the evenings mine”
“Ok” Tony said. 
“Which means you’ll have to look after Peter” Loki continued. “Give him his bath and put him to bed and stuff”
Loki nodded. “Right. Ok. Good. I’ll see you in a bit”
“See you in a bit”
Loki was true to his word. Once he’d finished eating, he put the dirty plates and cutlery by the sink, and put the kettle on. He made himself a mug of tea, and shoved a packet of chocolate chip shortbread into his pocket. 
“Right, that’s me” he said.
“What?!” Tony said. “What do you mean?”
“Well, like I said earlier; I’m having an evening to myself” he kissed Tony on the cheek, and gave Peter a little cuddle. “Goodnight, chick. You be good for daddy”
“Wait, Loki-”
“Remember he needs his bath tonight. Goodnight, darlings. See you in the morning” Loki trilled, and he swept out of the room quickly.
Tony froze, looking at the tiny boy diagonally across from him at the breakfast bar. The little boy looked back at him. Tony stood up quickly and went over to the sink, turning the taps on. He watched the water gushing into the washing up bowl, and heard a thump. He spun round quickly, and found that Peter had fallen off his seat while trying to get down. The little boy started howling. 
“LOKI?!” Tony called, but of course received no answer. 
Tony bit his lip, unsure what to do. He knew one thing; he couldn’t deal with that squealing. He went over to the boy, standing above him.
“Are you going to stay there all night?” 
Peter just kept crying. He had a red mark on his forehead where he’d hit the tiles. Tony hoicked the boy up with an arm round the chest, and marched off to the room with the reading nook.
Loki glared at him when he came in.
“He’s hit his head” Tony said, thrusting the boy at him. 
Tony turned on his heel. Loki thrust a hand out quickly, and the door slammed shut.
“Don’t you dare walk away” Loki hissed. He looked back at Peter. “Let’s have a little look at you, sweetheart”
He checked Peter’s head, and after a little kiss and a cuddle, the boy stopped crying. Loki kissed him once more, and then stood up, putting Peter back in Tony’s arms. 
“There. Now, if you’d happily excuse me, I’d like to be left undisturbed for the rest of the night”
Tony put Peter down at the first opportunity. Peter found his rocket and quite happily played in the kitchen while Tony was doing the washing up. Tony took his time, wondering how dire the consequences would be if he simply put the toddler in with Loki and locked himself in the lab for the rest of the night. But Loki had been cross with him all week anyway, and he didn’t really want to risk a major fight. And he supposed there was no harm in his husband having a quiet evening. At least, he couldn’t think of any good reason to pull him out of it. He certainly couldn’t say he had to help look after the kid, not after he himself hadn’t done anything of the sort ever since the accident. That wasn’t ideal.
Once Tony had finished sorting the kitchen, he turned to the little boy. Peter had gotten hold of a wooden spoon, and was busy pushing his rocket round the kitchen with it.
“Loki- uh, daddy said you need a bath tonight” Tony said, not quite looking at the boy. 
Peter stopped what he was doing. “Why?”
Tony shrugged. “He just did. Probably better to get it over and done with. Come on”
Peter dropped the spoon and picked up his rocket. 
“Uh. Right. Let’s- let’s go to your room, to your bathroom” Tony said. 
“Because it’s bath time”
“Because it is. Stop asking silly questions and come with me”
Peter trotted after him, humming happily to himself. He stood bouncing on the balls of his feet when they got to the en suite, watching Tony. Tony didn’t feel great. He was kind of nervous. He’d bathed Peter before - big Peter. He wasn’t sure how different it would be bathing a toddler. He’d avoided him a lot, and he hadn’t talked much with Loki, so he wasn’t sure if he was a pain in the arse or not. He looked at the kiddie toiletries lined up on the edge of the bath. He looked at the duck-patterned anti-slip mat in the bath. He looked at the little basket of bath toys on the floor by the bath. He sighed, put the plug in, and turned the taps on. 
“I need a wee”
Tony turned round. “What?”
“I SAID, I need a WEE!”
“Oh. Uhh, ok, I’ll step out for a moment” Tony said, and wasted no time in doing so. 
He looked down at his feet as he stood outside the bathroom. He looked around the room. It was still Peter’s, with the big elephant and the trophies and photos and the school satchel in the corner. But along with all the normal Peter things, there were the two boxes of kids clothes. There were tiny slippers by the bed, tiny pyjamas folded at the end of it, a kids blanket, a tiny dressing gown hanging over the normal one on the back of the bedroom door, wax crayons littered on the floor, and a sippy cup on the bedside table. It was still all so strange and scary and weird. 
Peter started chattering to Tony when he came back into the en suite and turned the bath taps off. Tony didn’t really listen to anything he was saying, too deep in thought, still not entirely accepting what had happened to his son.
“Bath’s ready” he said.
Peter put his rocket down, and peered over the edge of the bath.
“There’s no snow” he said, plunging his arms into the water.
“Hey! You’ve still got your shirt on!” Tony snapped, pulling him back. “Yuck. You’ve absolutely soaked yourself”
Peter didn’t seem to care. He picked his rocket back up. Tony sighed irritably. 
“Whatever. Get your clothes off”
“What about my rocket?”
“What about it?”
“He needs to go on his launch pad”
Tony blinked at him. “What?”
“His launch pad! Up there!” Peter pointed at the soap dish. 
It took a moment for him to click. He took the toy rocket, and put it up on the soap dish. Peter smiled happily. 
“Right. Clothes”
Peter looked down at himself, shuffling on his feet. Tony sighed.
Peter blinked at him. Tony sighed again, and tugged the boys clothes off impatiently. Peter squeaked and whined.
“Stop whimpering” Tony said. “It’s only a bath”
“It’s a rubbish bath! It doesn’t even have any snow!”
Tony ignored him. He grabbed the boy under the arms and put him into the bath. Peter squawked at him. 
“Too hot!”
“Don’t be silly”
“IT’S TOO HOT!!” Peter yelled, trying to scramble out of the bath. “TOO HOT, TOO HOT, TOO HOT!!!”
Tony growled in annoyance, grabbing the boy and plonking him down on the bathroom mat. He turned the cold tap back on.
“Stop squeaking”
“You’re not even in it anymore” Tony grumbled, sticking his hand into the bath.
Hmm. It was quite hot further down. Maybe it really was too hot for the little tyke. He kept the cold water running until he was sure it had cooled throughout, and then he turned the tap off.
“Right, it’s not hot now” he said, taking hold of Peter.
Peter squealed. “No! No, don’t want to! Too hot, too hot!”
“I’ve just put cold in it!” Tony said, forcing the wriggling toddler back into the water.
Peter still squealed a moment longer, but then went quiet when he realised it wasn’t too hot anymore. Tony grabbed a beaker and filled it from the bath. He put a hand on Peter’s forehead, shielding his eyes, tipped his head back, and poured the water over his head. Peter squeaked indignantly, bringing his little hands down on the surface of the water, splashing Tony.
“Hey!” Tony said, drawing back. “Don’t do that!”
Peter did it again. And again. Tony grabbed his wrists.
“I said don’t!”
Peter shook his head vigorously, spraying Tony with water that way. Tony let go of him, grabbing a towel to dry his face and dab ineffectively at his damp shirt. 
“Thanks for that” he grumbled. “I need to wash you, so stay still”
“No! Staying still is boring!”
Tony glared at him, and then remembered the little box of bath toys. He took the big yellow rubber duck from the top, and handed it to the toddler.
Peter took it in both hands, and promptly stuck its beak in his mouth. He went quiet, looking up at Tony with his big puppy-dog eyes.
“Aww” Tony said, before he could stop himself. “You’re actually kinda sweet when you’re quiet...”
Peter didn’t say anything. Tony hesitantly reached out, shielding the boys eyes with his hand again and tipping his head back.
“Stay still, ok?”
“Ok, daddy” Peter said, a little indistinct as he was still chewing on his toy.
Tony poured another cup of water over the boys head, and then reached for the bottle of shampoo. Peter was good while Tony washed his hair, distracted by the duck, which was still in his mouth. He whined a little when Tony rinsed the suds, but he didn’t make a big fuss. Tony breathed out in relief.
“There” Tony said, letting go of the boy and setting the beaker down. “Uhh. Right...” 
He picked up the new sponge and body wash. He could feel Peter watching him, which was a little off-putting. Maybe this was the bit of the bath the boy didn’t like. Tony prepared himself for screaming and squeaking and shouting, and began to wash the boy. 
Peter didn’t scream. He didn’t squeak, and he didn’t shout. He stayed perfectly quiet, letting himself be washed, and staring up at his dad intently. 
“There, that was ok, wasn’t it?” Tony said, once he’d finished. 
Peter took the ducks beak out of his mouth. “Yep”
“Yeah... Ok. Uh...” he looked at the bottles by the bath, thinking. “What else do we need to do?”
Tony looked at him. “What?” 
“Play!” Peter repeated. “I wanna play!”
“Oh. Uh, well, I guess that’s ok..” he picked up a plastic boat and a rubber fish from the basket, and put them in the water. 
“I need another boat”
Tony gave him one, and then unfolded the little old folding chair and sat on it. He watched Peter playing. It was quite funny to see his little game, and hear the different voices he gave the different toys. Tony still didn’t exactly want to be there, but at least he had a relatively good kid to look after, and not a total screaming nightmare. He just had to get through the evening, and then the responsibility would be back over to Loki.
Tony hoicked Peter out of the bath and wrapped a towel round him. 
“Ok, right. I think it’s bedtime next”
“No it’s not!” Peter said. 
“Isn’t it?”
Peter shook his head. “It’s too early!”
Tony checked his watch. “Mm. I thought it was later, since we had that early tea. Uh. Maybe you should get into your pyjamas anyway”
“I wanna play”
“Right. Pyjamas first. So, uh, we need to get you dry”
He knelt down, taking the towel from round the boy and using it to rub him dry. Peter whined and wriggled a bit, especially while Tony was doing his hair. Tony tried to ignore him. He dragged a comb through the boys hair, which Peter made clear he hated, and then he released him, standing up.
“There, that’ll do” Tony said. “Now, uh, you stay here”
“Why??” Peter whined, still a little cross about how rough Tony had been while doing his hair. 
“I need to find you some pyjamas”
“Oh” Peter said, thinking for a moment. “I wanna wear the teddy one!” 
Tony remembered it. “Right”
“I need my rocket”
“Not until you’re decent”
“What does that mean?”
“Clothed” Tony said. “Stay right there; I’ll just be a minute”
Peter looked round the bathroom while Tony was gone. Other daddy always got out the big bottle of powder after baths, so Peter thought he’d help this daddy and find it. The trouble was, Peter couldn’t see it anywhere. It must be in the other room. The bathroom door had been left ajar, so he slipped out into the bedroom.
“Hey, I told you to stay put!” Tony snapped. 
“But it’s not in there!”
“What’s not in there?”
“The bottle”
“What bottle?!” Tony asked, starting to get agitated. 
“The big bottle of soft snow!”
“I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about”
Peter pouted, jumping about and trying to see if it was on the top of one of his cabinets.
“For gods sake, stop thumping about like that! Come here; let’s get this on you”
“But what about the SNOW?!”
Tony took a very deep breath, and cleared his throat. “Tell me about this ‘snow’”
“Daddy uses it after bath time” Peter said. “It’s soft and white and makes you look all pale”
“Oh!” Tony said, clicking. “I think you mean baby powder”
He spotted the bottle on top of one of the cabinets, and took it down. He showed it to Peter.
Peter nodded. “Soft snow!”
“Right. Uh, I don’t really think... Ok, powder and then pyjamas, I suppose”
“I wanna be a teddy bear!”
“Whatever, just hold still for a minute”
Tony still felt like he had absolutely no idea what he was doing. He never used talc himself, so he wasn’t sure how much to use. As it happened, he ended up using far too much. Peter found it hilarious. He giggled like anything, clapping his little hands and dancing on his little feet.
“Snowstorm, snowstorm, snowstorm!” he chanted.
“Yeah, we’ll not use so much next time” Tony said, closing the bottle of powder and putting it back where he’d found it. “Right, uh, pyjamas”
“Keep your voice down! Ok, teddy bear” he quickly found the onesie. “Ok, lets get you into this”
“Hey, I said keep your voice down! Now zip it”
Peter blinked at him, and stayed quiet while Tony got him into his nightclothes. Tony put the toddlers hood up.
“Oh wow. You’re... You’re really cute, aren’t you?”
“Guess what time it is!”
Tony blinked at him. “What?”
“Bear hug time!” Peter giggled, stretching his arms out. 
Tony looked at him, at this funny little toddler with bright eyes and fluffy damp curls. Slowly, he held his arms out, and the toddler fell into them, giggling happily. He hesitated, and then held him close. He felt so tiny. He was small and soft and sweet - but this wasn’t the person Tony had adopted, and Tony couldn’t shake that thought. He let go of the toddler quickly.
“Go play for a bit before bed” he said, standing up.
“Ok!” Peter grinned. “Can I have my rocket now?”
Tony went into the bathroom, grabbing the rocket toy and taking it back to him. Peter took it, hugging it to his chest, giggling.
“Thank you!”
Tony swallowed. “Right. Let’s go to the living room. You can play in there for a while”
Peter held his hand out to Tony. 
“You don’t need me holding your hand” Tony said, not quite looking at him. “You can just follow me”
Peter didn’t let it phase him. He just nodded, and trotted along with his rocket, making his funny little rocket noises. Tony tried not to look at him, tried not to listen to him. He felt all mixed up and weird, and he didn’t like it, not one bit.
Peter played quite boisterously. Tony didn’t really pay any attention. He flicked through the camera roll on his phone distractedly, looking at pictures of Peter - teenage Peter, his Peter - and feeling very lost indeed. 
By the time Tony was brought out of his deep thoughts, it was nearly nine o’ clock. He looked at the toddler, who was still playing, but quietly now. He was looking very sleepy. 
“I think it’s bedtime” Tony said.
Peter looked up, nodding. He looked incredibly cute, and Tony found he couldn’t deny that - or the warm feeling in his chest when he looked at him. He lifted the boy into his arms, rubbing his back gently.
“I think you’ve tired yourself out”
“I’m not a bit tired” Peter yawned.
“You just keep telling yourself that”
Tony carried him to his room. He pulled the covers back, and carefully set him down in the middle of the bed, wary that he might fall out if he put him on one side of the bed instead. Peter looked up at him, his little nose wrinkling as he yawned again. He cuddled up with his rocket.
“There we go” Tony said, tucking the covers round him. 
“Shh. It’s time to sleep”
“Daddy, I love you”
Tony looked at him, really looked at him. He could really see his Peter in this little boy, and that made the whole thing all the more difficult. He was gentle, and cute, and Tony hated that. He didn’t want to accept what had happened. He wanted his son back, his fifteen year old son. But now he had this toddler. He’d secretly been quite proud of himself for managing to avoid him as long as he did. But now he was face to face with him. He’d had to look after him, watch him play, get him washed and into his pyjamas and into bed, actually interact with him and see what he was like. And as much as he hated to admit it, he knew this little kid was weaseling his way into his heart. He didn’t feel ready for that. He hadn’t adopted a toddler - how could he possible parent one? How could he act like he hadn’t lost his little boy? Ok, so he was still here, physically (although small), but he wasn’t here in any other way. He’d been right to fear Kindsprengens gun. 
He swallowed, and very gently kissed the toddler on the forehead.
“Go to sleep”
Loki was just coming out of his en suite, towel round his shoulders, when Tony came into his bedroom. Loki sighed, assuming he was going to try to rope him back into childcare.
Tony’s eyes welled with tears. Loki looked at him, and saw that his shoulders had started to shake.
“Tony?! Oh Tony, hey! Oh darling!”
He put his hands on Tony’s shoulders. Tony threw his arms round Loki, burying his face in his shoulder. Loki hesitated, surprised, and then held him tight.
“Oh darling” Loki said, resting his head against Tony’s. “What is it? It’s ok; I’ve got you”
Tony couldn’t speak. He clung to Loki desperately, and he sobbed and sobbed, and sobbed.
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muwi-translates · 6 years
木の葉隠れの陣 謙信&佐助V.S.顕如&蘭丸~フリースタイル忍者バトル~
Ikemen Sengoku Drama CD 4: Hidden Battle in the Foliage, Kenshin & Sasuke VS Kennyo & Ranmaru ~Freestyle Ninja Battle~ Part Two
Part One **Please don’t move this translation or claim it as your own.**
Requested and links courtesy of @nyktoon-ikemenlove!
Note: I will mainly be focusing on the Chinese subtitles, with light cross-referencing of the Japanese, since the former is the one I’m more comfortable working with. There may be some slight differences between the languages, but the general story should be the same. Enjoy!
Note 2: Sasuke uses a lot of English-loan words, and to not make things so confusing, I have italicized them. You’ll be able to hear them, of course!
Sasuke: Now then, let’s begin the Freestyle Ninja Battle.
Ranmaru: ‘Fu- furisutairu? Ba-batoru?’
Sasuke: It’s a style of competition where we have the highest degree of freedom, and mutually display our ninja arts, where the winner is the one who is capable of showing the highest degree of ability. The judging can go to Kenshin-sama and Kennyo-san.
Kennyo: But then Kenshin can pick you, and I can pick Ranmaru.
Sasuke: When it comes to determining victors, Kenshin-sama is a fair person. And I believe Kennyo-san is also that kind of person.
Kennyo: Don’t overestimate me. I am a demon that lives for revenge...
Ranmaru: Isn’t that a given? Kennyo-sama is just and upright, and also compassionate.
Kennyo: Ranmaru. Don’t interrupt when people are speaking.
Ranmaru: Sorry...
Kenshin: If you’re done boasting, hurry up and start.
Sasuke: Yes. Then, I will begin first. First... (heh and hah noises)
Kennyo: Oh, he can walk and scatter caltrops at the same time. I see he is a nimble one.
Ranmaru: He~eh, he’s not bad.
Sasuke: From walking caltrops to running caltrops.
Kenshin: Hoh, he’s accelerating.
Sasuke: And here, I turn! Triple axel caltrops!
Ranmaru: He rotated and scattered the caltrops?!
Sasuke: Now... moonwalk caltrops. 
Kennyo: What a strange way of walking. He pretends to be walking forward, but is actually walking backwards...
Sasuke: Ina bauer [1]... um, caltrops.. 
Ranmaru: What an amazing arch, his body is pretty flexible!
Kenshin: Just then... did he almost forget the two words he put in front of ‘caltrop’?
Sasuke: And then, somersault caltrops!
Kennyo: A somersault technique, I’m surprised he didn’t lose consciousness.
Ranmaru: That being said, he scattered so many, the fact that he hasn’t step on any is a bit amazing.
Kenshin: However, just being able to scatter caltrops cannot be the key point to determining the victor.
Sasuke: You are too naive, Kenshin-sama. The path of the ninja... begins with the caltrop, and ends with the caltrop. Am I right, Ranmaru-kun?
Ranmaru: Eh? I- Is that so? Anyhow, I felt Sasuke-dono’s mysterious passion for caltrops!
Sasuke: The one who controls caltrops can say they have controlled the way of the ninja. Besides, I did not just scatter them about. Please take a look at the ground.
Kenshin: This is... He wrote something out of caltrops?!
Ranmaru: What? You’re lying!
Sasuke: It’s decided. Ultra C [2].
Kennyo: What did he write? ‘I...’
Kenshin: ‘...love...’
Ranmaru: ‘...you’? ‘I love you’?
Sasuke: If you use this skill when you’re confessing to the person you like, I guarantee you will be able to put on a good show.
Kennyo: But I feel like the chances of the other person feeling bewildered is quite high.
Sasuke: That’s strange. If I was being confessed to, I would give them a high mark.
Ranmaru: That said, does Sasuke-dono have a girl he likes?
Sasuke: That’s...
Ranmaru: That’s...?
Sasuke: A secret.
Ranmaru: If it’s a secret then there is someone! You were definitely thinking about your special girl just then, right?
Kenshin: Oi, Sasuke. The woman you were just thinking about... is it that one who’s your friend?
Sasuke: My friend? I don’t know who you’re referring to.
Kenshin: Don’t play dumb. The woman who smiles carefreely, in Azuchi.
Kennyo: Azuchi... perhaps it is that girl. Indeed, her smile is carefree. Perhaps you can also say pure...
Ranmaru: Kennyo-sama, do you know her?
Kennyo: Yes. She’s a strange girl.
Ranmaru: Hm~ if Kennyo-sama says it like that... I want to see that girl too!
Kenshin: No. A suspicious brat with doubtful origins like yourself should get lost.
Ranmaru: Even if you say that~ Kenshin-sama and that girl don’t have any relations either.
Kenshin: Sasuke’s part is over. If you don’t hurry up and start, I will forcibly give this competition a victor.
Ranmaru: Gyaah! Scary~ don’t do that!
Kenshin: I don’t believe this ninja has the qualifications of a victor. Just let me-!
Ranmaru: Ha! You shouldn’t underestimate me. Ninja don’t just merely rely on strength to battle.
Kenshin: Hoh, what an impertinent mouth. So this is your true self.
Sasuke: That cunning behaviour... it’s to throw off his opponent!
Kennyo: No, this is just his hobby. Probably.
Sasuke: ... Hobby.
Ranmaru: Alright! I’ll give it all I’ve got and show you my ninja arts! Ninja Arts~ The Art of Sexual Appeal! [3] 
Sasuke: !! His hair unraveled!
Kenshin: It’s getting harder and harder to tell if he’s a man or a woman.
Ranmaru / Orchid: My name is ‘Oran’ (Orchid) [4]. I live in the small village nearby, I got lost in the woods when I came out to buy things... I’m scared that wild beasts might come out... Look, my leg is shaking... look here ♡
Sasuke: A high level technique in which you roll up the hem of your clothes to let your legs become visible! This is the Art of Sexual Appeal...
Kenshin: When his opponent is looking down, he uses that split second to approach and dispatch them!
Kennyo: It appears no matter happens you can always think in such a dangerous direction.
Ranmaru / Orchid: Um... can you... hold my hand? If you do that, then I won’t be scared anymore.
Kenshin: This time, he’s planning on closing the distance between him and his opponent, and taking his hand to limit his movements before killing him in one strike.
Sasuke: It really is a dangerous way of thinking. Well, as an assassination method, it does have its effectiveness.
Ranmaru / Orchid: Eh? What kind of men do I like? Those kind of things... Orchid doesn’t quite know yet... Buuut~ if I must say, it would have to be a person who warmly and cutely adores me! Just like... you. Aha~ If you want to, we can go to a place where the two of us can be alone together. And slowly~ talk a bit~?
Kenshin: If this is a man with poor taste, these sweet words are enough for him to take the bait.
Kennyo: To have even the woman-hating Kenshin’s approval, then Ranmaru’s Art of Sexual Appeal is worthy of evaluation. Aside from the ridiculous name.
Ranmaru: After all, to be a ninja, it’s important that you need to sometimes know how to win the enemy over and infiltrate to get information.
Kenshin: I only said my general thoughts. You won’t find a weak man who becomes careless when a woman greets him in my Uesugi troop.
Ranmaru: Is that so? If the girl Kenshin-dono likes came to greet you, would you not become careless? Likeeeee, the girl we were talking about?
Kenshin: Why are we talking about her again?
Ranmaru: Who knows? But I was just thinking, if you don’t have any relations to her, your reaction is pretty excessive!
Sasuke: Even though I won’t deny it. But that sentence, I feel like that can also be asked at Kennyo-san.
Kennyo: !!
Ranmaru: Ah. He wavered a bit. I’m becoming more and more interested in this person!
Kennyo: I did not waver.
Kenshin: I don’t know why but I am starting to feel excessively unpleasant. I really feel like cutting down everyone here.
Sasuke: Aaah, that’s bad. Let’s go back to what we were talking about. Winning over the enemy also counts as a ninja art. It was perfect with no blind spots.
Ranmaru: Sasuke-dono probably can’t do it. Sasuke-dono is, how to say it, expressionless.
Sasuke: Mm. But I think my emotions are plentiful.
Kennyo: It is utterly impossible to see.
Kenshin: A ninja art where you smile happily at the opponent is not something my ninja needs. However, someone who cannot beat a ninja like that is also unforgiveable. Sasuke. Smile for me. It’s an order.
Sasuke: Kenshin-sama. I believe that even if it wasn’t me, with you pointing that sword, the amount of people who can smile right now is quite small.
Kennyo: However, Sarutobi Sasuke needs to show the God of War that he is not just an expressionless man, and that he is also a man who is hard for Ranmaru for win over.
Ranmaru: Really? Kennyo-sama! Which side are you on?
Kennyo: Didn’t you say that I was going to be fair? However, finding a winner among these two ninjas with different directions is going to be difficult.
Kenshin: Not to mention it was a boring competition. If you don’t show me more exciting ninja arts, you won’t move my heart.
Sasuke: An exciting ninja art... huh.
[1] Ina bauer - an ice-skating move. Imagine Sasuke doing this.
[2] Ultra C - originated from the Japanese Olympics gymnastic team in 1968, it;s a colloquial term for one’s trump card, or to do something that goes beyond the ‘best score’.
[3] Art of Sexual Appeal - a Naruto parody, I suppose?
[4] Oran - comes from the first word of Ranmaru’s name, meaning Orchid. ‘O’ is polite suffix.
This was really fun! I’ve never actually done this long of an audio translation before but I really enjoyed it ;v; I’d actually like to do the ones that haven’t been done in the series if there are subtitles!
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moczothe1st · 6 years
Let’s Play Fire Emblem IV: Genealogy of the Holy War, Part 16: The World’s Last Hope, Maybe, Sorta
Part 15
Welcome back to Fire Emblem IV, as we begin the second generation in earnest. Unlike in real life, this new generation may actually succeed in making the world a better place, though in fairness that’s partially because the last one left it in such a state there’s nowhere to go but up.
When we signed off, we had just met a pair of idiots and I allowed you to choose between them, because I’m a great guy like that.  You picked Johan, unanimously, for reasons varying from his superior speed growths, to his greater range of movement, to just hating Johalvier’s stupid face. All valid reasons!  So I’ll be picking him up ASAP, to prevent him from accidentally getting his dumb ass killed.  But first, as our turn begins, we have a new arrival to the battlefield…
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And she’s blue, so I like her already. 
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(A green-haired pegasus knight whose mount is named after Erin’s sister. I wonder who her mom is.)
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(Arthur is a little less obvious since weird white hair is pretty common in this game, as Julia reminded us last week, but he’s Taillte and Lewyn’s son.)
Arthur: Er, right. Sorry about that. Say, Fee, I don’t have too far to go. If you want, I can just walk from here.
Fee: Where are you off to, anyway?
Arthur: Oh, just Alster.
Fee: A-Alster?! Geez, you’re dumber than I thought! Alster’s waaaay south of here. There’s an entire sea in the way, for crying out loud! I dunno what you’re thinking, but you haven’t a hope in heck of walking the rest of the way there!
Arthur: Eh, it’s fine. I’m hardly in a hurry.  
Fee: So, er, why do you need to go to Alster?
Arthur: Oh, see, I’ve got a sister I haven’t seen in years who might be there.
(… And yet, not in a hurry.)
Arthur: She and my mom were taken away when I was just a kid. I was sort of left alone in some far corner of Silesse or another.  I just heard a rumor, but at this point even a rumor’s enough if it means I might find her.  
Fee: Huh, really? You know, I know just what that’s like. My big brother’s been missing for ages.
Arthur:  Did you get separated from him as well?
Fee: Oh, no, nothing that bad. We’ve always lived together in Silesse, but awhile back he ran off to try and find our dad.  
Arthur: Your father, huh?
Fee: Yeah, he’s been missing for years. Mom spent the rest of her life waiting for him to come back, but he never did…
Arthur: What happened to her?
(Was the use of ‘the rest of her life’ too subtle for you, Captain Tact?)
Fee: She… she’s dead. Illness…
Arthur: Oh… sorry about that. I shouldn’t have brought it up…
Fee: It’s okay! I mean, you’ve already brought up lots of things that you shouldn’t have.
(I think Fee and I will get along just fine.)
Fee: … Heh, kidding. You’re actually not that bad.
Arthur: Heh heh, thanks. And thanks for giving me a chance and letting me come along with you.
Fee: No problem! So was the sister thing real? Is that actually why you’re travelling?
Arthur: Yeah, it’s real. But what about you? What’s your deal?
Fee: Actually, I kinda want to join that Isaachian rebel army.  
(And I want more flying units, so we’re both in a good place. Welcome to the team, Fee!  Don’t stand too close to Larcei if you don’t want to get coated in the blood of her victims.)  
Fee: When I was little, mom told me stories about the paladin Sigurd and his brave allies, and those have always meant a lot to me. Lately I’ve been hearing about how Sigurd’s son is somewhere in Isaach, raising a revolution. And it all just sort of clicked, y’know? I knew that’s where I need to be, s oI just ran right out of home to try and find him.
Arthur: Wow… that’s pretty great of you. Y’know, I think I’ll help you out here for a while. It’s the least I can do for you putting up with me.
Fee: Okay! Partners it is, then. Good luck out there… partner!
Arthur: Heh! Upbeat as ever, aren’t you?
And with that, we round out our team for the second generation’s first chapter, except for Johan, who isn’t recruited yet and also doesn’t count.  Let’s take a look at what we got.  
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First, Julia, the mysterious priestess whose identity could be anyone. She might be a random person from anywhere in the entire world. There’s no way to tell who she is.  It’s a total, unabashed, impossible mystery to sol-
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Oh, she has Major Naga and Minor Vala Holy Blood, so she’s Deirdre and Arvis’s kid.  Yeah, honestly, it’s kind of like the developers forgot you can just look at the stat screens to find out a general idea of these character’s parents.  They really try to play up Julia’s identity as a mystery, but there’s literally only one person she could be.  Notice, however, that she doesn’t have Loptyr blood. Now there’s a mystery for ya…
In terms of her utility as a character, meanwhile, Julia is excellent. Blows her mom out of the water, thanks to inheriting Adept and Pursuit from her shitty father and having a generally better base stats and superior growths; in particular, thanks to her two Holy Bloods adding to her already naturally huge Magic growth from Deirdre, she actually comes to a magic growth of 100%.  She will always get a magic point when leveling up, so by the end of the game she will be a goddamn magic cannon. Her weak points will be her Defense and Speed, the former of which is partially offset by the fact she actually has a remarkably high HP growth as well.  
However, none of this matters right now because she starts off without any weapons.  Don’t worry, that will change soon enough.  Oh, and while we’re here…  
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Lana: You know, Lord Seliph’s actually really been worrying about you.  
(PLATONICALLY!  He has been PLATONICALLY worrying about his HALF-SISTER.)
Lana: If there’s anything I can do to help you, just let me know and I’ll get right on it.  
Julia: Mm. Thank you…
Lana: Oh, and I’ve got a little something for you.
Julia: This is… a Mend staff?
Lana: You can use these, right?
Julia: For me? Thank you, Lana. With this… I know I can help everyone.
Lana: You’re welcome, Julia. Let’s give this our all, together!
D’aaaaaaaaaw. Shame this game was released like twenty years before it was socially acceptable to admit lesbians existed, because I ship Lana/Julia now.  And not just because I want to make absolutely sure the latter cannot ever accidentally marry her brother.
Next up, Fee.  
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Like her mom before her, Fee is just generally solid.  Her base stats mark her as a speedster, but her defense, resistance, and strength are all set at 8 when she’s only level 2, so she isn’t fragile or weak by any means; if she follows in Erin’s footsteps and gets lucky on the Defense growths, only archers will ever really be a threat to her. My hope is that by giving her Azel as a dad means she’ll also get a solid Magic growth (+30% from his Minor Vala Blood!) and will become sort of a flying artillery piece wielding all our magic swords to rain death on the enemy from above.  This is kind of experimental, I admit. But on the plus side, even if that doesn’t work out, just ‘a second Erin’ is still plenty fine by me. Erin was cool beans.
And finally, Arthur.  
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*deep breath*
Arthur is invincible. He has Forseti and he’s invincible.  I mean his growths and all that shit are great too, he’s essentially Lewyn 2.0 with all the latest upgrade software, but really, that’s the summary. He’s got Forseti, and for the purposes of this map he is invincible. It’s going to be two more chapters before we fight anything that can lay a finger on him while he’s wielding that monster.
This isn’t the only reason I married Lewyn and Taillte. But it certainly is a big one.
Now then. Like a moron, I accidentally moved Lana and Julia too far forward to have them chat with each other. They’re in the range of Johan’s army. So I have the rest of the team form a perimeter while Larcei and Seliph run their butts off to join in.  Arthur starts moving toward the castle to remove the current owner, and Fee moves to the village nearest her starting point to take a swing at the bandit there…
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Did you just get hit on a 21% chance? And I was just talking up how good you are! *sigh* End turn. Johan’s army takes their swing at us…
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…. That was pathetic!  Only Ulster dodged any of that, and not nearly enough for my tastes considering he almost died anyway.  What happened, kids?! You were rocking last week! Sigh. Okay. Okay. Let’s try and salvage this…
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…. Yes, that’s a good start.
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Oh, that doesn’t count, Arthur. You’re holding a universal cheat code.
Now, I have the remaining characters form a line that will force Johan’s axe men to take a long, weird path to get to anyone who can’t fight back. With luck this means nobody will get attacked more than once.  Honestly, at this point, I’m mostly afraid Johan will hit someone who can really fight back and get his dumb ass killed; that would be embarrassing to get a reset over someone who technically isn’t even my ally. Larcei is in his range, though… hopefully he will talk to her, rather than try to axe her. End turn…
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Oh, and Johalvier’s douches have been moving toward us too, because I can’t have nice things .
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Oifey can’t actually one-shot these guys normally. He procced Critical on this one because he’s a killstealing old bastard.
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…. Why have you people decided to stop dodging…?
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This may… go badly.
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… And of course we’re in a situation where I need Oifey to both dodge (it’s only a 30% chance to hit but he hasn’t been performing lately) and not hit back too hard. Fucking grand.
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Now. NOW.  First, Julia heals Oifey and I send him a space up to let Larcei run in.
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(No, he’s just an idiot.)
Johan: Larcei… oh Larcei! Your words are as the sweetest birdsong! Your eyes are as the most brilliant stars! Oh, without you at my side, what purpose is there in life? What joy could possibly be?
Larcei: Stop it! How revolting! This is a battlefield! Are you out of your mind?!
Johan: I can deny my heart no longer, Larcei. Believe me when I say I’ve tried! Alas, love is a maddening beast at times…. What else can I do but be at your side? Men, we are joining the liberation army! From this day on, we are men of honor! Fight on in the name of justice, love, and Larcei!
Well. At least he’s enthusiastic.
At this, Johan joins the army and his units all become neutral, friendly to us and hostile to Johalvier’s army.  They’re also all heavily wounded, so they’re mostly just going to die, but at least they’ll take some fire off us for one turn.  
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(… Did he, though?)
Johalvier: Bet he’s gone and sided with her army ,too. That weak-willed fool…
(Okay, that he definitely did.)
Johalvier: Hmph… fine by me! Men, attack! Johan’s unit is now the enemy!
And seeing this declaration of war by his brother and rival, Johan runs away to Lana for healing so he doesn’t get totally destroyed.  
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End turn!
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(I’m actually going for the other one, thanks.)
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*sniff* Oh, milord Seliph, you are truly on the path to surpass your father. Seriously. I don’t think he got a level that good in his entire half of the game, and it’s like your third so far in just your first map.  I’ve never seen Seliph get off to a start this strong, and if he keeps it up he’ll be a walking nuclear war when he promotes.  
I’m a little nervous now. What if he’s building me up so he can let me down later?  I’ve been hurt before.
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Dannan: Schmidt! Get out there! Take back my castles, now!
Schmidt: Yes, sir! You can depend on me!
(“No way I’m just a one-chapter flunky boss! No way, not ol’ Schmidty!  Schmidt, that’s the name of a Big Bad right there! I bet I’m really Super-Loptyr in disguise!”)
Anyhow, when Johan joined his castle became neutral to us, and Schmidt is gonna go take it.  That’s actually a very good thing, so I’m going to let him do that while we finish off Johalvier’s goons.  
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… Or they finish us off. 4% chance to hit and he popped ya one right in the jaw, Larcei? Seriously? You’re lucky I have two healers now.
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And of course, what’s life without a little bit of killing your brother?
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That’s the end of the interesting; Arthur is still walking toward a village, and Fee takes a distance shot at a bandit with her Bolt Sword but doesn’t kill him.  End turn.
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I should be happy that Johan dodged on an 87% chance to be hit, but frankly I’m just more angry at the others now.  
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Awesome. With that, there’s only one member of the Sophara army left. First, I have Fee and Arthur clear out the villages they’re near;
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And Fee liberates hers.
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Neat. Now it’s just a matter of wiping out the last of Johalvier’s soldiers:
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And the army begins to move south. There’s one more village to clear out, and we have to be ready to take back Isaach after Schmidt takes it.  
Again: We want this to happen. There are two castles, and we want Isaach.  You want Isaach to fall so you can take it back, or you want to recruit Johalvier so it’s hostile from the start. You do not want to take Sophara. DO NOT.  
I’m not joking.
This is super important.
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Pick it up, you losers.  
The team just spends another turn moving south, while Arthur liberates a village.
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Isn’t This the Same Guy From the Last Village: Well, those imperial sods won’t stand a chance at all! Every last one of them will be run right out of our great land!
Sure thing. End turn!
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*sigh* They all have hand axes, so this is actually going to take them awhile. It’s okay, that gives us time to set up a defensive line. Lester, meanwhile, clears and liberates a village.
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Best Girl: I bet we’d all have a much better time with him on the throne if that were true, huh? Here, take this here skill ring. Go on, do your best! We’re all behind you!
Sweet. Bows are one of the more inaccurate weapons in the game, so more skill for Lester is quite welcome. Plus, Fee gets close enough to chat with Seliph finally.
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Fee: Call me Fee! I’m from Silesse.
Seliph: Silesse, you say? Are you a pegasus knight, then?
(She’s literally riding a pegasus and holding a sword, man.)
Fee: Er, not just yet. I’m kinda still in training. My mom was one, though! Actually, in the big war years ago, she helped Lord Sigurd out in his army.
Seliph: Is that so? She has my utmost gratitude on my father’s behalf. Now, what brings you here, Fee?
Fee: See, what happened was I was looking for my brother, who ran away ages ago. But then I heard about you, sir, and how you’re taking on the Empire! And I just knew I had to be here too. Can I join your army, sir? Please?
Seliph: Certainly! Thank you. What of your brother, though?
Fee: It’s silly, sir, but I have this feeling we’ll run into him somewhere down the line.
(“Foreshadowing, sir.”)
Not much to show other than that. Arthur starts slooooowly moving toward the rest of the team, and Julia gains her first level from healing.
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…. Remember when I said Deirdre wasn’t very good and then she got a bunch of great levels to spite me? I’m kind of scared Julia’s decided to do the opposite as some teenage rebellion against her mom’s legacy.
To the south, the Schmidtmeister finally takes Isaach, and his army starts moving north toward us, which suits me just fine.  I ain’t in no rush, yo. In fact, I’ll just wait a few turns in my fine defensive formation while Arthur runs toward us. Come at us when you’re ready, losers.  
Four turns later, the first of them arrives, alone, and misses.
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Fear the wrath of the Schmidtritter.
Now, these guys totally suck with one exception. Schmidt himself is fairly badass, and there’s a reason for that:
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BITCH HAS LEX’S BRAVE AXE! Remember when I said the items from people who didn’t pass them on to kids will show up later? Well, it’s later.  I think we can all agree this cannot stand, out of honor to Lex and also I want that axe back.  But, of course, that means killing him with an axe dude. And we only have one of those. So for Johan to not disappoint us, I think we need to soften him up first.  Lester?
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(Well, looks like somebody thinks he’s hot Schmidt.)
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Hm. Okay performance, and an average level. At least it was better than his first level.  But seriously, man, your dad was beating you out by this point. That’s sad. And I’m not entirely sure Schmidt will die to a single hit from Johan, so I send in another helper to soften him up further.
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Not bad! Defense is definitely great for her, and her Luck is pretty abysmal too, so combined I’m not displeased with this showing.  Johan?
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…. Oh hey, Johan missed on an 80% chance to hit, and died to the counterattack.
If I hadn’t promised to do a no-death run I would leave his corpse rotting in the sunny plains of Isaach.  Reset.
Luckily this was the start of our turn, so I can screw around the RNG a little by moving people in different orders.  This even has the benefit of changing the levels we gain:
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And hey, not terrible. Fee’s is actually unambiguously better, and Lester’s is  about equal.  And I also, because I’m not a total moron, remember to park Dermott near the front lines where his Charisma skill can amp up Johan’s accuracy.  Okay, big guy, care to give it another go?
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Much better. The Brave Axe alone turns him from the worst unit in the army to the like, second or third worst. And now, with the enemy exposed and bereft of their leader, His Lordship takes the front lines.
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… Okay, I mean, not very dramatic, woulda been cooler if you’d slain your enemy, but you didn’t get hit. I’ll take it. End turn!
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Fortunately, Hand Axes are not super accurate.  And in this chokepoint, most of them can’t even reach us. A few errant swings later, we are up to bat again.
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You know, it’s kind of telling that they’re all getting levels I would have been perfectly happy to see in their parents, and yet I’m still somehow disappointed. We’ve barely started this generation and I’m already spoiled.
End turn. I suppose. The enemy… erm…
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Well, they all go after Oifey, and they cannot hit him.  Note their chance to hit. It’s zero.  So… I’m not sure what’s up there. Let’s… let’s just finish this up.
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See? You can do it if you try, Lester! Now, the map is basically over. I basically just hang out awhile, letting Arthur finally catch up for his own talk with Seliph.  
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Arthur: The name’s Arthur. I came here from Silesse.
Seliph: Wait, so you are that Arthur fellow? I’ve heard of how you have been aiding us so far. Thank you so much!
(“I heard you defeated two enemies and then spent the rest of the map slowly walking. My deepest gratitude!”)
Arthur: Eh, it was no big deal.
Seliph: You are capable of wielding magic, yes? That’s truly impressive. I’m almost envious!
Arthur: My mother was a talented war-mage…but I’ve still got a lot to learn, myself.  
Seliph: We all do, do we not? So long as we all fight together, though, perhaps we still truly can change our world. After all, that’s what brought us here today.
Arthur: Yeah… you’re right. My power’s at your disposal, sir. I’ll give my all to aid the cause. I’m glad we could finally meet, Lord Seliph.  
And then have Seliph finally run up and re-take Isaach.  
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Info Master: Indeed, and ecstatic to see you to boot! Thanks to you, Lord Seliphk we know that at long last, Isaach shall have its freedom!
Seliph: Thank you, sir, but the effort isn’t mine along. I could never have come so far without the support of the common man.  
(If you call them ‘the common man’, you may be a bit of a classist. Maybe try to work on that, Selly.)
Seliph: You’ve all supported me from the beginning. I likely wouldn’t be here if not for you!
Info Master: Fate is a funny thing, isn’t it, sir? Just twenty years ago, our late king had the utmost trust in your grandfather’s wisdom. Then your father came to protect Prince Shanan, and now the prince has guided you to adulthood. Perhaps fate has bound Isaach and Chalphy as one…
Seliph: Isaach is the only home I’ve ever known, and Prince Shanan is like a brother to me.  I pray our friendship lasts the rest of our lives.
Info Master: Lord Seliph, you are the rightful heir to House Belhalla and the throne of Grannvale.  Not a soul alive in Isaach, nor in the rest of the world, can doubt this. We beg of you! Raise the banner of justice high, march on Belhalla, and reclaim your true throne!
(“Well, sort of. I don’t think you actually have the right magic blood. But it’s not like you’re going to run into any waifs who should be doing the job instead!”)
Now. You may be wondering why I was so adamant we take Isaach when there was another castle off to the west we could have been going after.  And the answer is: Julia can now have a conversation with Seliph. Let’s see that.
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Seliph: Actually, I have something for you. I found this in Isaach castle.
Julia: What is…?
Seliph: It’s a light magic tome called Nosferatu.  You can wield these, yes?
Julia: Yes… I’m able to use light magic.
Seliph: Excellent! Hopefully you’ll now have an easier time protecting yourself in combat.
Julia: Thank you, Lord Seliph… thank you so much…
And with that, Julia gets a weapon! The only one she will ever need, even! See (and of course the game doesn’t tell you this), which castle you take alters what weapon she gets. If you take Johalvier’s castle, Sophara, you get her Deirdre’s old Aura tome. You might remember Aura as being very powerful, but also very heavy and largely useless.  As for Nosferatu, it isn’t as strong, but it’s considerably lighter and with Julia’s excellent magic and (unlike Deirdre) access to Pursuit for double attacking, she’ll still be doing enough damage to take out most anything she fights.
Oh, and any damage it does to an enemy, she absorbs to heal herself. 
That’s right: the mysterious waif just became a tank.  
Now, all that’s left to do is kill Dannan. And he, like Chagall before him, forgot to bring a ranged weapon to the party. So I take a little time, liberate a village, and wait to feed him to the suddenly unstoppable Julia. Village?
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Grim Gritty Girl: Thanks to you lot, Isaach’s free from the Empire at last, but the rest of the world’s still in a very dark place… all across Jugdral, they’re waiting for you to rise up and defeat the Empire! Please, I’m begging you… you’ve gotta make it to Grannvale soon!
Neat. Lana gains a level, too!
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Well, not up to her mom’s exacting standards, but she’s already gotten more magic than Ethlyn ever did. I’ll allow it. And now, time for Julia’s first murder and the end of the map.
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(Bitch, she’s your princess. The game hasn’t said it yet, but we know she is. Show some respect.)
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And in one round of combat, she almost completely destroys him (she did proc Adept, so she hit him three times instead of two), and gains a big-person level. So far, so good. One more turn should do it!
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Welcome to the team, Julia. You’re not really one of us until you’ve killed a sentient being.  (I know that Lana hasn’t killed anyone on screen, but we all know what she gets up to at night.) Seliph drops in on Rivough Castle, and we’re all set.
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(You can go home, Lewyn. We have your book, and that’s all we need from you.)
Lewyn: Yeah… I only just got back now. Look, Seliph, are you aware that right now, the world’s at a critical turning point?
Seliph: Hm? No… I’m afraid not.  
(Teenagers don’t follow the news, Lewyn.)
Lewyn: It’s been fifteen years since Arvis conquered Jugdral and united it as the Grannvale Empire. Honestly, for awhile at first it wasn’t all that bad. In the empire’s dawn, Emperor Arvis sought to bind his nation using only the strictures of law. It was strict and constraining, but we got a few good years of peace out of it. But obviously he changed his mind. A few years back, as if by magic, the Empire turned into that oppressive force we all know and love today. Even worse… the ancient heretics of the Loptyr Order have arisen from the shadows once more and raised influence across the land. Their murderous rituals have returned with them, and all across Jugdral they abduct children to sacrifice in droves to resurrect their fell god. All attempts to resist are crushed and met with brutal executions or enslavement. It couldn’t be more plain that they seek to return Jugdral to the days of that ancient abomination, the Loptyr Empire.
Seliph: This cannot be happening! I’ve heard rumors saying the same, but… never did I think they could be more than mere rumor…
Lewyn: By the look of it, Isaach hasn’t had it quite as bad as most. Dannan’s two sons, at least, refused to follow through on the child hunts. And of course there’s been people trying to rebel against the Empire left, right, and center, but they were all scattered and disorganized.  Before you, none have ever posed a proper threat. They were all swiftly crushed before they could so much as blink. Jugdral needs a savior. It needs a man to unite behind. And I’m sure that man is you, Seliph. You’re the only one who stands a chance.
Seliph: Hold on a moment! Are you sure of this? A savior would require power that I sorely lack…
Lewyn: Chalk it up to duty, Seliph. You’re the eldest child of Empress Deirdre. That makes you the elder brother to Crown Prince Julius.
(“And the fact that the prince is named Julius should not suggest in any way that Julia is connected to the royal family. Er, you haven’t checked her stat screens, right?”)
Lewyn: You’re the one true heir to Saint Heim. Your destiny is to unite the power of the Crusaders of this era and free the world from evil’s grip.
Seliph: But I...
Lewyn: Trust me, you really do have what it takes. Your true power and potential sleeps within you. That is, the sacred blood of the Crusader Baldur. Once you get your holy blade, Tyrfing, not even the heavens will be able to stand in your way!
Seliph: But I-
Lewyn: Sorry, Seliph, but that’s how the gods will it.
(I hate to take Lewyn’s side on this, Seliph, but if you really didn’t want to free the world, you shouldn’t have let him talk over you so much.)
Lewyn: You’re Sigurd’s son. The son of a man who fate led to a brutal end. The fulfillment of his dying wishes and his final quest falls to you.
(Pretty sure his final wish was to just not be burned to death.)
Lewyn: You can’t afford to doubt yourself now. You understand, Seliph?
Seliph: Y-yes… yes. I do. If this is fate and the will of the gods, then so be it. I will do my duty.
Lewyn: There actually isn’t a single absolute fate, nor is there just one person it all hinges upon.
Lewyn: As obtuse as that sounds, trust me, one day it’ll make sense.
Lewyn: Sigurd left behind so much to help you on your quest.
(“Though not the really good sword.”)
Lewyn: Most importantly, the many friendships he forged in his life. Me, for instance.
Lewyn: Brave youths from all over are already lining up to join your cause, all guided by Sigurd’s kindness.
Seliph: My father won the love and trust of so many people, from all walks of life. I can only pray that in time I’ll prove worthy of his legacy.
Lewyn: You’ll be fine. Anyway, to business. Our immediate goal is to reach Leonster. The son of Quan, your father’s closest friend, raised his own rebellion only to suffer severe losses. He’s in pretty urgent need of backup. I know you’ve had no time to rest, but we need to get going as soon as possible.
(Wait, weren’t you just there? You… you didn’t help? You ran down, explicitly didn’t help, and then ran back here to make me do it for you? Dick.)
Lewyn: For now, at least, we can leave Isaach in the care of its citizens. Odds are we’ll run into Prince Shanan on our way.
(Wait, I thought Shanan was off in the middle of the Yied Desert…… fuck it’s going to be a sand map, isn’t it. We’re going to a sand map.)
Seliph: Understood!
And that’s that. First map done, and now we’re off to Leonster to meet Quan’s son Leif (you may recall him being mentioned by name a few times back when he was an infant. He’s beefed up somewhat since then, thankfully) for what is definitely going to feel like an eternity.
See you next week in… *sigh* in the Yied Desert. Again. 
Resets: Up to an even 20. Johan’s intro to our army has not been the best.
Part 17
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