#however I am not a mean person 😇
the-bloody-sadist · 2 years
Man, I love the asks on Tumblr. Some of you guys (take note of some because definitely not all of you are included in that word) send the best asks and I have lots of fun answering them!
Once again please take note of the definitive use of "some", which means not all, or really even most. I say this because a few of you have sent the most fucking braindead asks I have ever seen and they will never be answered because why would you 1) send me that random ass shit and 2) expect me to spend time replying to it when it means nothing to me OR you, really
This was supposed to be a compliment driven post wherein I pat all your heads and tell you "gambare gambare! keep it up!" but you know what whichever of you guys sent those asks I'm talking about and you probably know who you are, you deserved that 🫵
I hope you know I showed it to all of my friends and we all made fun of you, and then the whole room clapped and I was crowned the king of Spain
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pretty-little-mind33 · 8 months
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James Potter x fem!reader
Summary: James has been persuing you for years and you've never said yes, until now?
Genre: Fluff 😇🎉 (bc i love happiness, ur welcome)
Warnings: misunderstandings, lovesick!James <3
It's not James's fault he's been head over heels in love with you for longer than he can remember. And it's really not his fault either that he's spent years acting like a complete and utter fool just to have a sliver of your attention. 
Talking the loudest in any room you're in? Easy.
"Accidentally" flying too close to where you're sitting in the Quidditch stands while he's supposed to be playing just so he can flip around obnoxiously? He's done that over three times now. 
So, when he hears you'll be at the Three Broomsticks this evening, it isn't surprising to anyone that he convinces Sirius and Remus to accompany him.
The moment they walk in, their loud demeanor makes everyone turn their heads. It's no secret James, Sirius, and Remus are the handsomest guys in your year — so no one could blame you when you look up too. 
Your friend digs her elbow into your side when James sees you looking and struts to your table. You sit up, taking a long sip of your pumpkin juice as James leans in and crosses his arms.
Sirius and Remus stand behind him, amused. "Ladies," James winks, his eyes focused only on you. "What brings you here on this lovely Friday evening?"
You turn your head, avoiding his gaze with a small smile that makes James lose his mind, "Nothing that concerns you, Potter,"
"Can I buy you a drink?" he asks, unfazed by your bluntness as he motions to your empty glass. 
When you stand, James smoothly moves out of the way and you send him a look behind your shoulder. "Mm, no thanks. But if you want you can walk with me to order my own drink," you joke, not thinking he'll actually want to.
But, if James was a puppy, he'd be your puppy. You have him wrapped around your little pinky and the only person who doesn't see it is you. 
"Gladly," The boy smirks and his arm brushes yours as he walks next to you. You frown a little but don't say anything. You've never minded James's attention, and you know he's been after you for years now, but still you can't wrap your mind around him being serious about it.
In your mind, the attention was always bound to fade with time, and you wouldn't be caught as the fool who'd fallen for it.
However, as you lean against the bar to order another pumpkin juice and you feel James's eyes glued on you, you start to wonder. 
"So, when's the expiration date for this little game?" you ask, looking at him seriously. 
James leans against the bar too and completely turns his body to you. "Hmm? What?" he asks with a smile. He tucks the loose strand of hair from in front of your eyes behind you ear, seemingly proud of himself when he can see you clearly again. 
"This," you point at him, and then throw your arms up dramatically, "Whatever it is that you're doing."
James just smiles. He's not really catching on as his hand slides closer to yours on the bar counter. "What am I doing?" he whispers, leaning in. He has that look in his eyes, the one that makes your stomach flutter. 
You move your hand away from his. You sound exhausted, "All this flirting! Aren't you done yet?" you say it a little loudly and the woman who hands you your drink sends you a glare. Your cheeks heat up and you mumble a small sorry as you slide her your money. 
James catches your other arm before you can turn around and walk away from him. "Hey wait, what do you mean am I done? Do'you want me to be done?" he sound unsure and you can see his confusion on his face. 
Now you're confused. "Are you not planning on being done?" you whisper.
James can't hear you over the loud music and chatter inside so he moves you outside gently and you don't have to time to wonder why you let him.
It's slightly dark but the air is warm and James can hear you now when you ask the question again. He looks you over, still extremely puzzled by the entire situation.
"Wait, done with what?" he asks.
You blink at him. "What?" you feel like you're losing your mind. 
"Am I done with what?" he asks camly and you roll your eyes. 
"Done with flirting with me!" you exclaim, running a hand in your hair, "I- I don't understand, James. Why haven't you moved on? Sure, it was funny for a while but it's been years, even you must find the joke stale by now?"
James mouth opens and closes like some kind of fish and then he stares at you like you have lost your mind. "Joke? What joke?" he says and walks a little closer to you. He sounds even more confused. "Y/n, do you want me to stop flirting with you?"
You bite your lip, "I mean, yes? Because, it's not really funny anymore. I didn't mind it, Potter, but —" you pause and then hold the drink in your hand tighter. "Okay, here. What if I say I like you too? Can we just have a good laugh about it and then it all be over?"
James's frown deepens and he waves his arms in the air. "Wait, you think I'm joking?"
You blink at him again. "You're not?"
James runs a hand through his hair, chuckling in disbelief, "Of course I'm not joking," he walks even closer and you feel his presence as your skin tingles. You look up as he brushes his thumb on your chin and then smiles warmly, "I'd never pursue anyone as a joke. If you said you like me, then I would say thank Merlin and then I would kiss you until you couldn't feel those gorgeous lips of yours," he says it so calmly but you almost drop your drink. 
"Wait, so you actually, no-jokes, like me?" 
"Oh yeah. Why would you think I was making that up?" James moves his thumb to brush over your lips now, a look of adoration in his eyes, "I'm not that committed to my jokes," he teases. 
He pauses to think, "you think a twelve-year-old boy would write you cheesy love notes every class and actually send them if it was a joke? Or likewise, a sixteen-year-old would spend all of 6th year reading every single book you borrowed from the library just in case he had the chance to impress you? Or lose sleep over the way you wear your hair, or know that you change your nail-polish every week but you rotate the same colors since 4th year," James blushes a little at the admission and pauses, "and now I just sound like a creep, don't I?"
You laugh and the sound makes James grin. You hesitate but touch his cheek, tilting your head, "So, you meant every over-the-top gesture and every hilariously stupid pick-up-line?" you ask, "ever since 2nd year?" 
James nods, leaning into your touch. "Mmm yeah, but we can pretend that I was joking about the pick-up-lines that way it's less embarrassing for me," he says sheepishly.
"But I liked your pick up lines," you pout with a smile, your shoulders relaxing. 
James's eyes sparkle, "Yeah? You did?"
You smile at him. "No, but now it's funnier that you were serious about them."
James looks at you and he laughs. He throws his head back with a grin and your chest tightens even more. Has he always been this handsome or have you just never let yourself fully admire him? James looks at you again and his next words almost cause a heart attack. "Merlin, I've never wanted to kiss you as much as I do now," 
Your eyes flicker to his lips unconsciously and you realiz ehow close he is. You're nervous now and James can tell. Gently, he takes the drink in your hand and sets it on the small ledge of the building. It might fall but that's the least of your worries. For now, you need to focus on remembering how to breathe. 
Something must be different in the way you're looking at him because James asks you if he can kiss you. Years and years of flirting and he's never asked you that. 
You don't answer him and just when the silence starts to become awkward you take his cheeks in your hands and pull him towards you. Your lips hit his clumsily and you gasp into his mouth when his arm swoops behind you and he pulls you closer. James kisses you hungrily and you start to wonder why you hadn't done this years earlier.
When James disconnects his lips from yours and looks at you sweetly. "I didn't think you'd say yes," he whispers, "even less that you'd say it like that," his cheeks are tainted pink and your lip-gloss stains his lips. 
"Neither did I," you admit and look away a moment. Goosebumps run across your arms and, because you don't know where to put your hands anymore, you put them in your jacket pockets. You frown and pull out the galleons you'd used to pay for your drink with your left hand. You look back at James and he looks guilty. "What's this?" you ask. 
"I paid for your drink when you weren't looking. I knew you'd most likely say no again but I couldn't resist. I'm sorry," he holds his nape and sways on his feet.
You stare at him, slightly annoyed but also impressed that he'd put the money in your pocket without you noticing. You outsrech your open palm for him to take the money. "You'know, you make it very hard for me not to fall head over heels in love with you, James Potter."
James grins and closes your hand around his. "That the point, love," he says. 
You roll your eyes, realizing if he'd gone behind your back to pay for you he'll never accept your money now. "So, are you gonna ask me out properly or what?"
James smirks, "Are you going to say yes this time?"
You grin, "You'll just have to find out now, won't you? Tenth times the charm?"
"I don't think that's the expression—"
"Just ask me already, you idiot," you giggle.
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simp4konig · 1 year
Intimate König headcannons
Gender-neutral Reader
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Word Count: 1246
Was down in the dumps and feeling really guiltt for not delivering fanficgions on time but you really reassure me and make ot seem like its alright for me to take my time 😇 Honestly am forevr used to the stress of deadlines and alwahs achieving expectations always expected of me thay i always feel intense guilt whenever i delay 😿😿 Thank you so mucj for your love and support uour messages are whay have kept me going 🙏🙏💖🫂(and motivated me immediately to write this in <5 hours LOL🤭)
also pls do NOT track my ip address puff PLEASE this is some next-levdl fbi investigation type shit and im honestly SHOOK are u secretly an fbi agent ?????😰😰never poetinf screenshots ever AGAIN ❌🚫‼️
*Physical intimacy (not sex guys🗿) headcannons for before your relationship and during your relationship
Tag List ♡ @simpforkonig ♡ @abysslovesyou ♡ @puff0o0 ☆ @rustic-guitar-notes ☆ @happy-mushrooms ♡ @reyner-lee
König's crush on you was not subtle. At ALL.
My personal headcannon is that he has never had a girlfriend/boyfriend/lover before. :(
I mean, bullied at school, enlisting into the military aged 17, climbing up the ranks to become a Colonel... yeah, to me it doesn't sound like the man would ever have time to find a significant other.
Oh, don't get me wrong, he would devote so much time to a partner (if he had one), would coddle them and cuddle them more than humanly possible and spend every, making the most out of every moment together. Precious hours never taken for granted that he dreamed of while on deployment.
...Yet, having no experience with receiving affection and being affectionate since being a very young boy, when his mother was still around to take care of him before he attended secondary school, up to this point he had ZERO (0) experience.
Still, König ALWAYS had a hand over your body in some way, under the guise of protecting you and keeping you out of harm's way. It was endearing that he cared so much about your well-being. 🥹
Resting a large hand on the small of your back as he guided you down crowded rooms (though that was almost always a pretence, as there would actually be very few people around, and it was only his excuse for touching you).
Leading you out, his hand would be quickly replaced by his arm wrapping around your side and pulling you close, closer even than you had been moments prior.
Truth be told, the way he touched you was the way he longed, craved for someone else to touch him. To long for him and crave him as much as he craved you.
It wasn't like you were oblivious. In fact, you were hyper-aware of the skin-to-skin touch, of every instance his fingers grazed your knuckles when handing you something, of every "accidental" bump of your head into his chest in corridors, of each time he rested a hand on your shoulder. Or on your back for reassurance — though, whether it was for your reassurance or his own, you couldn't tell.
All his touches, his gazes at your from afar and up close, the way his pale blue eyes crinkled in happiness under that long hood of his: all of it; you noticed it all. Every single time.
Obviously, you didn't object. You relished in this attention, so touch-starved that each touch made you melt. Besides, how could you even? You became putty in his hands, and you revelled the feeling of being so loved.
...However, your own intrusive thoughts insisted that you wouldn't be good enough for König, did not deserve such a man like him.
As much as it pained you to do so, you shied away from his advances, always the first to pull away.
And, of course, König noticed it. Every single time.
His immediate thought was that you didn't feel the same way. That you felt disgusted, disgusted by him and his touch.
Did you not like the way he touched you? Did you not like him?
Therefore, for a while, he toned down the touching. A simple pat on the back or a tap on the shoulder would have to suffice, despite his desperate need to feel more of you, touch you more.
Judging your reactions, scrutinising your cues... you weren't disgusted. Not in the slightest, it appeared.
You just looked... flustered. Shy. A hand would go up to hide the blush on your cheeks — nothing discreet about that — stubbornly avoiding his gaze, yet a small smile was on your face, and it made him wonder: what if you really did like the way he touched you? Liked him?
His touches became more daring. Confident.
One day, all of his anxiety ceased to exist when you reciprocated his touch with some of your own.
The hand kept in place of your hip flinched slightly at yours timidly moving to touch the top of his, interlocking fingers over his palm. Momentarily causing König to short-circuit, he became stiff, audibly gulping.
Adam's apple swallowing the dryness of his throat, he looked at you, frantically attempting to read the expression on your face.
You said nothing, didn't look at him at all, yet through that gesture alone König understood it better than had you could have ever said it in words.
For a moment, you regretted it. Even made a move to sheepishly pull your hand away. König, finally pulled out of his daze, held your hand in place, squeezing it three times. You squeezed it three times, too.
Suddenly, it all made sense to him, and, somehow, made sense to you too. You two were meant to be together, regardless of your insecurities.
Now, your dynamics shifted slightly.
Hands held together as you two sat by each other in a room, neither acknowleding the situation in case the other pulled away in embarassment. Never parting ways without a good-bye hug from you, your arms lingering by his own for a moment longer than they should have.
When you two are finally in a relationship?
☠️ Say goodbye to privacy and personal space ig
König is unbelievably clingy, and literally clings on to whatever of you he can reach. He does not let you go. There can be no compromise, and he keeps you in place, despite your protests and squirming, face flushed as you tried to playfully push him off you, obviously to no avail.
At the same time, König's touch is so, so gentle.
Tentative touches on your skin as if your body was precious porcelain, a fragile fine china.
Callous hands that had killed so many in cold blood running across your back, your arms, your waist, your legs, anywhere that König could reach, with a mildness that could have made people question whether it was even the same man and if so, how he could ever be capable of being so soft.
It doesn't matter whether you go to the gym regularly and have put on muscle or whether you are someone on the more petite side, you're so delicate to König. Like you could be broken at any moment.
For that reason, he holds back. Or, at least, tries to, for the most part. Bless his soul, he tries his best, but it's impossible not to cradle your body in his arms. <3
Unable to restrain himself, his resolve breaks after five minutes of going without you under him or on top of him or beside him or entangled with him, and his hands go back to touching you all over again, caressing you with such care and love that tears often brim in your eyes.
No one has ever been so gentle, so attentive, so loving. No one has ever touched you like this before.
And, seeing how you allow yourself to be vulnerable with him, to see you so sensitive, he would wordlessly wipe the tears away with his thumb, your eyes glassy like a doll's.
He'd run his fingers through your hair, whisper sweet nothings in a mix of English and German, often forgetting to speak in English and unconsciously reverting to German, calling you the loveliest things in a tone that expressed his complete devotion to you.
And, as you'd sleep peacefully beside him in bed, he'd admire you, and wonder how on Earth he possibly could have gotten so lucky.
Note: can i please have my own König irl please and thank you🙏🥰 want nothing more than a big beefy man to hold me 🥹❤️❤️(😭 man i need some mentsl help 🗿thays for another day tho am not wbout to get into the catastrophic state of my brain😊✨gonna keep deluding mtself instead !!<3)
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weepingwillowwonder · 27 days
(same person who asked for the the angel dust x transmasc reader nsfw headconnons)
ahh, so sorry i didn’t see it TwT
but i am here to annoy you again with the same question >:)
if ur taking requests, can you do some angel dust x transmasc reader nsfw headconnons??if u don’t de hcs/ don’t feel comfortable with it, no pressure at all!
Hi again~ Honestly that's MY BAD! I probably should have posted some sort of rules like a whileee ago. But I'm happy you requested it again!! (Yippeee!) Side Note: Similarly to another recent request I had - In complete honesty, I still don't have a good understanding of what Transmasc means, so I for the NSFW part I kinda stuck to more of a GN approach. (I would rather it be a little less detailed than to get it wrong and to possibly offend anyone/make someone upset...)
[NSFW Under the Cut, MDNI 18+ ONLY]
Angel Dust x Transmasc!Reader
▪︎ While his profession normally has him in a more submissive position, Angel is versatile with his partner and leans heavily on following their lead (in other words, he's is a switch). 
▪︎ If you let him take the lead, however, I can see him choosing to be in a more dominant role to allow him to be in control in a space where he normally isn’t. 
▪︎ Angel’s has a variety of experiences from his time working in the porn industry and so I could see him wanting to explore with his partner as well, if they were into that sort of thing. 
▪︎ “Babe, how would ya feel about tryin’ somethin’ new tonight, hm?” He’d ask sweetly, throwing his arms around your neck to pull you closer.
▪︎ Despite being full of kinky ideas and suggestive commentary, Angel would actually be really soft in bed most of the time. It would take him sometime to truly open up, initially relying heavily on the intense feelings of lust with his partner. But once that barrier was broken, he’d prefer the deep emotional connection of intimacy that would allow him to show a vulnerable version of himself.
▪︎ “You’ll let me take care of you, yeah? Wanna take my time with you…” 
▪︎ Angel is the type to dress up for his partner in the prettiest lingerie and lives for the compliments you give him. He'd also love your opinion on picking and choosing which he should wear. So much so that he might even give you teasing peeks in public just to get a reaction from you. 
▪︎ (I've said it before and I'll say it again 😇) Angel has a daddy kink. Whether that be calling his partner daddy or himself being called daddy, he is open to either option:
▪︎ "Oh fuck daddy, makin' me feel so good~"  
▪︎ "You love daddy's cock? Well It's all yours baby, it ain't goin' anywhere..."
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year
The Birthday Boy
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A/N: couldn’t miss out on the birthday celebrations for my favorite fictional man <3 I am wishing the happiest of birthday’s to Mr. Joel heartthrob Miller. P.S this is not proofread. It’s definitely a little silly and fluffy but that’s what my man deserves on his special day (let’s just pretend the outbreak never happened 😇)
~word count: 2.1k~
Pairing | horse dad! Joel Miller x f! reader
Summary: it’s your first time celebrating Joel’s birthday after starting the transition process of moving in with him and Sarah. You want to make sure the birthday boy knows just how loved he really is.
Warnings: none! Just a lot of fluff, feels, cheesy banter from our favorite horse dad!, implied smut bc it wouldn’t be a birthday without some birthday sex, teasing, family love, light swearing, no outbreak! This takes place in the blue jeans universe but can be read as a standalone, Joel is 35 and not 36 in this universe, reader has no physical descriptions, +18 minors dni!
master list series master list
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September 26th 2003: Joel Miller’s birthday. He wasn’t particularly a huge fan of his special day. He never was the type to enjoy any kind of spotlight. He preferred a more simple and quiet birthday compared to some extravagant party where he would have to worry about entertaining his guests. No, he would much rather enjoy a night in with Sarah on his one side, and you on his other. Your only request was make him a cake. He begrudgingly complied to your thoughtful request, but before any cake baking could take place, you had to wiggle your way out of his death grip that he presently held on you under the soft duvet of his bed. The whole sleeping over every other day was proving to be an easy transition for all three of you, and at this point you were practically moved into the Miller household.
Your mornings always started with Joel doing his utmost best to keep you tangled between his legs for a few minutes longer. This morning however, you were all his. You had slept with him intimately enough times to pick up on all his specific quirks and mannerisms that were tailored to him. He snored, but only when he was laying on his back. If you got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom or get a glass of water, he would be cuddling with your pillow until you returned. Sometimes his feet would get cold and he’d tuck them under your thighs to keep them warm. He talked in his sleep on the rare occasion. Most of it was gibberish, but you’d hear Sarah’s name and yours like the faintest of whispers.
You knew he was awake by the way his bare arm tightened around your waist as he lassoed you against his chest. His fingers were gently splayed under the soft cotton fabric of your sleep shirt (his of course) as he buried the bridge of his nose against the back of your neck. You could feel him inhale deeply through his nose before exhaling a warm breath of air that caused gooseflesh to pebble on your skin.
“Is the birthday boy finally awake?” You softly mused with your eyes half open like a crescent moon as you stretched your legs out under the warm confines of the comforter.
“Mmm, nope. The birthday boy is not awake right now. You’ll have to try again later my darlin.’” He teased, voice thick, gravelly and sticky with sleep as he pressed what felt like a dozen open mouth sweet kisses to your soft skin.
“Joooel” You giggled, warm and sweet as your hand brushed across his that rested across your middle. “You’re a shitty liar.”
“Baby, you can’t be mean to me when it’s my special day. Y’take that back right now.” He chuckled as he pulled you as close as he physically could. It never was enough, of course. He’d do anything to just crawl inside of your skin and make a little home for himself there. (not in a deranged way you sickos). That’s just what love did to him. It made him turn into this ushy- gushy softy that sometimes used you as his own personal heater.
“Well, if the birthday boy isn’t awake, then he doesn’t get his present.”
Well, that did it.
You barely finished your sentence before your man was nearly rolling over on top of you with a soft grunt from the ache in his back. “Okay, okay! The birthday boy is awake, and ready for his present.”
“Gotcha.” you peeked one eye open to find his not so impressed expression as a stray curl cascaded across his forehead. Dear god, he was truly so handsome, it hurt.
“You’re a lil’ tease, Y’know that? Gettin’ me all excited jus’ to go’in and break my heart!” He grasped his fist to his chest in mock despair as your sweet giggles filled the domestic air.
“Relax, Shakespeare. I’m only teasing!” You fought the urge to roll your eyes at his theatrics before you playfully pushed him onto his back just so you could straddle his hips.
“Shakespeare? Nah, I ain’t no Romeo, baby cakes, but you can be my Juliet?” He had a shit eating grin plastered on his kissable lips as you grabbed his wrists gently and pinned them above his head.
“That was so painfully lame, even for you, cowboy.”
“Yeah, but I jus’ know it made your puss–” You cut him off with a swift kiss to his lips that sent his heart melting into a puddle. Sweet, and filthy. What a lucky son of a bitch.
“Is the birthday boy going to be good so I can give him his present?” You mumbled against his lips as he kissed you back languidly.
“Ain’t I always bein’ a good boy for my baby?” He hummed as he rolled his hips slowly against yours.
“That’s a coin flip, cowboy.” He could feel your mischievous little grin blossom like flower petals as you slowly followed the rhythm of his hips with your own.
“Christ. Y’gonna fuck me or get me all riled up, baby? C’mon, please fuck me, honeybun. The birthday boy shouldn’t have’to beg.” he spoke with that deep Texas twang that always had you caving on the spot.
“We’re getting to that part, cowboy.”
Some gibberish followed by a deep moan that traveled deep from within his chest when you finally sank down around him.
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“Shell?” Joel asked with a small grin and arch of his brow as Sarah set a plate of eggs, toast, and bacon in front of him.
“Yep! Saved some just for you.” She teased. “I’m just kidding, Dad. There’s no shell! I promise.”
Joel seemed unconvinced as he used his fork to play around with his plate of scrambled eggs. “Hmm..are ya sure about that, kiddo?”
“Daaad.” Sarah placed her hands on her hips with a huff which only caused Joel’s grin to grow wider before he was reaching out and pulling his baby girl in for a hug as he pressed a gentle kiss to her mess of curls. “I trust ya.”
Sarah wrapped her arms back around him in a gentle hug, but she was smart to move away quickly when he attempted to tousle her hair.
It wouldn’t be a regular day in the Miller household without Tommy showing up with his own shit eating grin as he made a b-line straight for the fridge.
“Help yourself, why don’t ya?” Joel muttered with a mouthful of eggs.
“What’s it look like I'm doin?’” The younger Miller brother responded with a cheeky wink as he pulled out a container of leftover chicken wings from the fridge. “How old is grumpy today anyway, 50?”
“Do I look like–”
“He’s 35, but who’s really counting?” You chimed in as you pressed a quick kiss to Joel’s cheek before sitting down beside him.
“35 and he’s already gettin’ some gray’s I see. Gonna have to wear diapers soon.” Sarah teased as she took a bite of her eggs.
“Who says I don’t already?” Joel quipped back as he washed his eggs down with a big swig of coffee.
“Yes, my darlin?’”
“Your shirt is inside out.”
Joel tossed his fork down with a huff as he wasted no time to pull his t-shirt over his head and switch it the right way around.
“Y’girls still plannin’ on bakin’ me a cake?” He asked as he checked the time on his phone before standing up.
“You bet your fine Texas tush that we are. It’s going to be the best birthday cake you’ve ever tasted.”
Joel probably would have said something highly provocative if Sarah and Tommy weren’t listening in, so he opted for a quick kiss and a slight ass grab.
“Bus is leavin’ in five. Can’t wait to come home later and taste this delicious cake that you’re gonna make me, baby.”
“Gross.” Sarah nearly gagged as she picked up her plate and brought it to the kitchen sink.
“Hey, sugar? You think you can spare me a bit of cake too?” Tommy asked cheekily as he ducked down before Joel could thwack him upside the head. “Y’gotta be quicker than that, big brother.”
“G’nna kill him one of these days, I swear.” Joel mumbled as he looped his arms around your waist and pulled you in close. “Y’gonna pick Sarah up from school still? Dunno what time I'll be home later, but hopefully it ain’t too late.”
You looped your arms around his neck as your fingers gently played with the curly tendrils of hair that rested along the nape of his neck. “I’ll be there to pick her up. Try to not be home too late, okay?”
“G’nna do my best for my girls.” He closed the short gap between the two of you with a sweet affectionate kiss with a mumbled I love you before he was reluctantly pulling away when he heard Tommy beep from his truck in the driveway.
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“Did you get it fixed for him?” You asked Sarah as she climbed into the passenger seat of your car outside of the watchmaker's shop.
“Yep!” She beamed brightly up at you as she held the watch box up proudly.
“He’s gonna love it, kiddo.”
“What did you end up getting him?”
“Well, a little birdie whispered in my ear and told me that Curtis and Viper 2 is his absolute favorite movie. It’s the version with the deleted scenes.”
“Oh, wicked! He’s going to be soo happy!”
“As long as we don’t royally fuck up this cake. I don’t know the first thing about baking. Do you?”
“Well, if we happen to burn it..we can always cover the burnt spots with frosting?” Sarah suggested as she carefully slipped the watch box into her backpack.
“You’re a genius.”
“Oh, I know.” She winked before buckling up.
The cake turned out to not be a disaster..well, minus the first cake mix not rising properly. The best part was getting to decorate it with Sarah’s help. She insisted on the frosted red hearts while you piped out the letters spelling, happy birthday. It was nearing 10pm when Joel had finally arrived home. He was already feeling guilty for the fact that he was home later than he promised, but that all washed away when he found his two favorite girls cuddled up on the couch watching re-runs of Property Brothers on HGTV.
“Sorry I'm late. They gave us the wrong size for the headers. Took way longer than I was expectin.’ What are we watchin?’ He softly asked as he kicked his heavy duty work boots alongside the doormat.
“Property Brothers.” Sarah mumbled with her cheek gently pressed against your shoulder.
“They’re pretty good lookin.’” Joel added as he maneuvered his way over to the couch and plopped down. “Y’all make that cake you’ve been ravin’ about?” He gently draped his arm around the back of the couch where your head was presently resting.
“Well, we almost had a serious mishap, but it’ll still be the best damn cake you’ve ever eaten.”
“G’in get it f’me, darlin.’” He nearly yawned from being exhausted on the job all day as you leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to his temple before you got up and headed into the kitchen.
“Y’all didn’t burn it, right?” He asked his daughter who had shifted positions so she could cuddle up with him now.
“Nope. The first batch didn’t rise correctly, but two-times a charm, right?”
“That’s not how it goes, baby girl. Good effort though.” He chuckled softly as he wrapped his arm around her just as you came out of the kitchen with one hand supporting the base of the cake while the other was held close to the candles to keep them from burning out. Joel could see your eyes twinkle brightly from the flames of the candles, as a soft smile spread across his lips.
“Wow, y’all made this? Didn’t buy it from the store?”
“Homemade, just for you, baby.” You smiled warmly at him as you set the cake along the coffee table in front of him.
“Well, I'll be damned. That’s one fine lookin’ cake.” He nearly whistled.
You and Sarah sang Happy Birthday to him under the soft light of the candles glow while Joel listened proudly with happy tears glistening in his warm espresso colored eyes. All three of you were wearing silly little party hats from the dollar store, despite Joel’s protesting. (He looked damn cute in that hat) The cake was nothing short of delicious, and he was more than appreciative over both of his gifts. He might not have always been the biggest birthday person, but he was now all thanks to his favorite girls.
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Banners made by the lovely @saradika
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kkolg · 5 months
Ever since I saw them I am in desperate need of more of your MD OC's lore. That is Kimber, X, A, W & B, especially A and B like WHO ARE these GUYS and what is their place in the story I NEED to KNOW- (ehm... pretty please?)
omg I have kept this here for so long HELP
time to ramble😈🙏
Nuzi fankid who’s a little nerd and a little shit. Very creative when it comes to tech thanks to Uzi, he takes a lot of his personality from Uzi actually. Learned a lot of fighting stuff from N but he made sure to say to only use it in self defense. Very outspoken and surprisingly has a thing for parties.
Kinda an asshole and almost comparable to V slightly but without all of the psychotic murder sprees- she does kill tho. Meets Kim in a “N and Uzi style” type deal (parallels are super fucking important to this au btw so theorists take that with what you will 😈) She was found by A and taken into their own little “colony” and so now she’s just there :). She’s very close to A. After meeting Kim she changes a bit and becomes a lot more compassionate.
Girly is fucking insane. Was also found by A and lost her legs somehow don’t ask 💥 and then within the colony she was able to rebuild her own legs and gives herself upgrades. She’s a mix of Alice and V for sure. She does not show any remorse for her killings and probably never will <3
Dude is a big opportunist and a huge manipulator, bro has the charm of a snake (idk what that means shut it). Loves messing with people for the sake of his own personal gain. What does he gain really? Power…? Honestly no one really knows but that’s just what some assume.
If any of you guys have happened to also see my Bendy AU while looking on my page, yeah that’s just him. I made an Md au for my batim au because brainrot
But he also features in @jamieenthusiast’s Md au “Uzi’s Jumpscare Mansion” where his character is still very similar however the lore behind him is very different. Here he’s really his own character but still with the basic asshole type persona he likes to front. He has a ton of complex inner feelings but would much rather compensate by putting on a more exaggerated bitchy character rather than actually deal with his issues😇.
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yinyuedijun · 4 months
hi mao!! what are your favorite parts of dan heng's design? (visual, personality/backstory, or both! it's up to you how you wanna answer!)
amira!!!!! thank u for the ask, what a fun question 🥺💞💞 I honestly could have written an entire essay abt all the visual elements I adore about his design, but I felt it was easier to just post some images instead 😇
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his horns, his tail, the interesting cutout detail of his modernized changshan, his eyes, and his......hands.... I appreciate them all from a purely technical perspective of course. I find them visually compelling and I admire what hyv has done to incorporate chinese mythological elements into his aesthetics. I WANT HIM SO BAD AMIRA I FEEL INSANE LOOKING AT THESE IMAGES I mean halfsjka what who said that
in all seriousness though LOL I am actually. very enamoured with how much dan heng is inspired by chinese folklore. he is based on a literal real-life dragon deity like who wouldn't desire that carnally !!! im kidding IM KIDDING (sort of) but I do genuinely love how inspired his lore is by chinese religion/mythology it's just so cool
I also honestly am just a huge sucker for tragic reincarnation stories, like I will always eat that shit up and dan heng really does have one of the most tragic out there 🙏 HOWEVER hoyoverse unfortunately fumbled dan heng's character arc (and dan feng's character by extension) so I think there was a lot of missed potential with his characterization in general 😭 but there are still things I adore about him anyway... the fact that his past self committed a horrific sin (out of love!!!! YOU CAN'T TELL ME IT WASN'T OUT OF LOVE, HYV!!!!) and now dan heng has been suffering an insane level of punishment for it in this lifetime, yet he still turned out so kind-hearted despite all the trauma and ghosts chasing him...... I need to wife him expeditiously . horns and all 😔
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sanguiscaroclavus · 5 months
this is my horny outlet sideblog! if you’d like my main just send an ask about it! I live in a very red state and try to keep some parts of me on the down low, you understand! TERFs and other unmentionables are obviously not welcome here! I’m a bi transfemme in my 30s, though my Catholic upbringing means religious iconography appeals to me I am not a religious person anymore! So please don’t let that scare you! If you’d like to hear about some broad strokes of my likes and dislikes simply look under the cut 😇
I am typically more of a stone top since transitioning, with a low sex drive! Sometimes however it really kicks in and I certainly don’t say no to being submissive my likes: bodies! Ass! some bdsm! exploring! My neck being touched! My ears being nibbled! Making out! Yearning! Maybe some cnc and intox stuff! Anonymity! Masks! Show me what you’re into and let’s find out together how my body responds! my dislikes: dd/lg! Being heavily degraded or humiliated! Scat! Lotsa blood! I’ll add more as they come up!
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iamthecomet · 9 months
it's 1:00am and something just came to me
aurora: sorry babe i'm on my period :-( not tonight
aeon: (leaves the room)
aeon: (comes back in wearing a dracula cape)
aeon: Vhatever do you mean
i read a period fic one (1) time (cannot for the life of me remember who wrote it sadly ☹️) and it changed my brain chemistry forever
spreading the weird freak aeon agenda one ask at a time amen 😇🔥🍊🧡🙏🫶👍
This is so fucking random but ever since you sent me this (weeks ago), I keep running into this shit! Watched a movie with a scene like this in it. Read a book (not even a smut book! I was NOT expecting it) with something like this in it. IT'S JUST AROUND ME NOW. YOU'VE CONJURED IT. I'm not very into period/menstruation kink, personally (not a hard stop, but also not INTO it, just very neutral "eh" territory). HOWEVER, I am 100% positive that the ghouls (Aeon especially) are totally down with it. It's just another bodily function and half of them are already into blood so WHY NOT.
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anytimebitchess · 1 year
Ig I was tagged by @fabioquartararhoe 💜
Make a colour palette with your Sun, Moon, Rising and Venus signs. You can find it here
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My whole chart is fire & air and then comes my water rising like ‘hello 🤓”. Bitch, get off, you deceive ppl! But also makes me rational and intuitive ig 🥴 makes me look like an innocent harmless person..well SIKE ⚔️! I’m very much a sag and aquarius mix @ms-taurusvenus can confirm! I am basically Harry Styles’s and Taylor Swift’s astrological love child 😭 my friends call me “Harry styles’s muse” 💀whatever that means! However, I do have the biggest “Do I LOOK like igaf? cuz I don’t!” energy in my chart, and am a lot like that in life 😶
I’m tagging: @rainingmbappe @theoriginalcw @thesupermegahell @peligrosapop @pixeltori @photmath @anchyxsblog @swaggypsyduck @sendiiii @daylightisfadingaway @doinggreat @futbofurbo @grizoulvr @hufflepuffhabs @hereforbants @hattrickprincess @hannibunn @hufflehans @jkkyks @kylianmbappeh @karotland @kymb-10 @kevjrr @kylianmbappee @liverpool-enjoyer @lilpepi @zbee @cant-get-no-worse @cryingforcrocodiles @cherishlaluna @virgilvandijkswifey @bluenumbernine @blaugrana-blues @books-loverss @neyxmessi @neysdoll @neykyl @midfieldblackhole @7kylian @0alanasworld0 @mebiselfandi @ms-taurusvenus (not me being that one bitch that tags basically almost everyone that I follow 🫣)
If I forgot you, I’m so sorry, please forgive me! and consider yourself tagged if you want to do this! 🫶🏼 and of course please ignore if you don’t want to 😇
Love you’s 💖
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tarabyte3 · 1 year
✨Fanfiction updates!✨
I Want You to Show Me Weak
I'm over halfway done with chapter 24! Currently writing the smut half 😏 It's always the part that gives me the most trouble because I've written so much Kino x Reader smut at this point, trying to make things feel fresh is a challenge. But it's a fun challenge 😌 Unfortunately that means the last few chapters will take me longer to write. I AM writing them, though. I promise!
The Devil Makes Us Sin
I'm maaaybe 2/3 of the way through chapter 3? The chapters for this fic will be longer than what I've done for previous works. Chapter 2 was 9.9k words and this one is already over 7k.
I have 3 other Kino pieces on AO3 that I've never posted here: 1. Reprieve - A short Kino centric masturbation one shot, 2. Wake Up, Look Me in the Eyes Again - A Kino x M!Reader one shot, and 3. Wants, Needs, and Clerical Errors - My first Kino x F!Reader fic that is 3 chapters long. I'm going make Tumblr posts for them this week so I can eventually make a fic masterlist.
There was a future smut scene I was writing for TDMUS that I got halfway through before I realized it didn't fit the tone of that fic. But I still loved it (🥵🫠) so I'm turning it into a smutty oneshot. Now you have even more David Robey smut to look forward to!
I have a new Kino x Reader idea that I've been making notes for because it'll be my next multi chapter Kino fic after Show Me Weak (just much shorter length). It's a modern setting AU with Kino as a personal fitness trainer. STAY WITH ME! I SWEAR IT'S WORTH IT, JUST HEAR ME OUT! A month ago I started going to my own personal trainer. He's an awesome dude that I'm comfortable being completely pathetic and whiny around. And I'm enjoying it because he's kicking my ass into shape. However. The man has said things to me to try to motivate me that, when taken out of context, are some of the most casual, unhinged dom things I've ever heard IRL. When I shared them with my discord friends (Next Big Franchise shout out, I love you 💖), it was suggested that I make a Personal Trainer!Kino fic based on just the quotes alone and I latched onto that idea so fuckin hard. Because my PT saying them does absolutely nothing for me (grey ace), but the thought of Kino saying them is jfc hot 🥵. And because I am benevolent, here are a few examples: 🔸"Good, I want you to hurt" 🔸 "Do it again. You're going to keep those thighs open for me." 🔸 "I know you can give me more." 🔸 "Don't lift those hips. I'll hold you down if I have to." So there you have it: Modern AU PT!Kino x Reader that becomes more and more sexually confusing until they're just fucking on a weight bench 😌😇
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lunarsun12 · 5 months
Double Cross
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Jongho was so exited that Hongjong has came home. He immediately hugged him with smile saying ‘I love you!’. What he didn’t realise Seonghwa was behind Hongjong and saw everything and may teased Jongho a bit.
The flustered Jongho can’t have Seonghwa, seeing doing that revenge free. Even though he is is Eomma. Jongho has assembled the evilest duo, he can think and that is Woosan.
However Jongho revenge plan has took a U-turn? Did Seonghwa figure it out?
Jongho Created The Chat:
I Am Boss Baby Bear
Today 18:00
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: Why is it just me and San here…?
Jongho🍎: You two are the most evilest when together. You two are boring once apart…
San🗻: I am not evil…I am an angel 😇
Jongho🍎: Says the one who stole the expired meat last week…
San🗻: You literally barged into my room and demanded I steal it. With no thank you’s
Jongho🍎: You don’t derserve my thanks. YOU GAVE ME FOOD POISONING
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: Boohoo you got food poisoning. Not the worst thing I made San did…
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: Anyways what do you want?
San🗻: The person, who can make us homeless?
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: You want to take Eomma down? Bahahahah
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: I tried doing that since day 1. This guy has eyes behind his head
Jongho🍎: HE DERSERVE IT! Cause he was there when he supposed to be not
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: Please elaborate! Need to help to the max of course!!
Jongho🍎: I am not here to spill my secrets. I wouldn’t be talking to you two. That Yunho job. Just come up with a plan!
San🗻: Jongho don’t be shy, you always text me when you feeling sad
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: Hmmmm me and San will have talk. We will comeback to you
10mins later….
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: I have a way but it is dangerous…we can ask Eomma fan club and leak his favourite park to go too
San🗻: Wooyoungie! That’s too mean! Eomma shed a tear when Soobin husband came…
Jongho🍎: Do it! Wooyoung can make the call
Mingi🦄: What is this chat? I HAVE TO WARN EOMMA
The next day….
Back At Ateez Family Chat
Today 18:00
Yunho🐶: Okay! Jongho being this calm after he got caught hugging Appa
Yeosang🍗: No Yunho, Jongho got that look when he is up to no good
Mingi🦄: Honestly, he is way more shy then Yeosang. At least he hugs Eomma and Appa voluntarily
Jongho🍎: Yes Eomma! How was your trip to the park?
Seonghwa🌸: I didn’t go…I was told I will be mobbed there and it has your name written on it
Seonghwa🌸: It’s nothing wrong, that I caught you hugging your Appa
Hongjong🏴‍☠️: You guys…I am at the hospital! I got trampled on by your Eomma fanclub when I was on my home
Jongho🍎: That not part of the plan..
Seonghwa🌸: WHAT? Omo omo. That could have been me…Jongho let’s have talk about getting revenge
Jongho🍎: I-I didn’t do it, that was meant for you! I only wanted to scare you honestly I-I didn’t want anyone to get hurt
Seonghwa🌸: Jongho, if you want to show love please do it non violent way
Yunho🐶: Ermmm don’t come into living room you all. Jongho wants erm privacy remember the outcome of Eomma
Now, how an earth did Hongjong get wrapped into this.
Back Woosan is superior then Jongho Chat
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: Pheeesh, that so easy! Jongho immediately is in tears. That will teach him for ever think he can outrule me
San🗻: Don’t you mean us?
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: Yeah Yeah…
San🗻: Appa is in the hospital! If he ever found out! My appa privilege will be gone!
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: No one will ever knows it was us. Who sent the mob to Appa
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: WIN FOR WOOYOUNG!
San🗻: AHEM
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: WIN FOR WOOSAN <3
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simp4konig · 1 year
König finding out that you are hard of hearing
Gender-neutral Reader
*Slow burn
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Word count: ~4265
Always ignoring your Colonel, König takes it into his own hands to finally turn your attention on to him.
What he doesn't anticipate... is that you have actually been hard of hearing all along.
*‼️Mature themes**‼️ (mostly in the form of König's overly sexual[ised] fantasies and downright delusional thoughts of you). König is a MAJORRR pervert, and you're oblivious. 😋💅✨
I AM BACK!!!! 😳😳FROM THE *DEAD*!!!!! ☠️💀🧟‍♂️And ive fot a lil smth planned for you Ghost lovers ;)
*Many thanks to -—>@trepaika&lt;;—-🤭💖✨💓💞🩷💕 for proofreading this !!😇😇 I had no energy whatsoever to read it afger typikg this out so i am so honoired that you took time out of your day/night to help mw out and it rlly means alot 🥹🥹💙💙🩵🫂💙🩵 you better do yoir fucking biologu work afterthis 😡😡
*Thabk you so much to @reyner-lee for this request!! 🥰💖💖💕 Initiallt, i was aiming for a "idiots in love" plot where König and reader are both oblivious😩😩😩 . .... made König veey mentally unstable and psosessive instead ☠️☠️💀, mb broski😇💁🏼‍♀️🧚✨🌟💫💕💞💞💕✨
no but seriouslh i didnt mean to mwke this so mature it was meant to be a FLUFFY(mayb a little bit angsty 😳) fic as ALWAYS😡😡 so im SO sorry for dekivering something COMPLETELY different to what u probs had in mindbc lets face it this is completely diffetent to whay i initially hwd in mind too LMAO😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
*Part of the KönigxKing series (drabbles with loose plot, no world-building just a collection of one-shots)
*Edited 14/10/2023 for typos
Tag List ♡ @simpforkonig ♡ @abysslovesyou ♡ @puff0o0 ☆ @rustic-guitar-notes ☆ @happy-mushrooms ♡ @reyner-lee ☆ @lotionlamp ♡ @trepaika
You couldn't pinpoint the exact moment when your hearing worsened.
As a soldier, heightened senses were something of a blessing, especially in high-pressure situations: a 20/20 vision, a gut feeling, or even just the ability to distinguish the most indistinguishable of sounds that others would miss was something of a life-saver.
Hairs standing on end and goosebumps running down arms could alert a soldier — you — to an assassin sneaking behind them, hand with a knife glistening under reflected light in the dark, poised ready to slit their neck.
Instead, you could save yourself in the nick of time by executing them before they had the chance to do so.
Stealth on missions was a lifeline. To sneak in and out, to extract intel, evading all detection all the while, and to disappear when you hadn't even appeared on the enemy's radar in the first place made you breathe easier on the journey home.
The ability to hear footsteps in enclosed spaces and pinpoint the exact location of someone through a mis-step on a creaky floorboard or a squeaky door hinge was vital. Crucial. An important distinction between life or death, between success and failure.
Obviously, you were no super-soldier. In fact, your eyesight was below average — having to wear contact lenses specifically designed to be as discreet as possible so you weren't a walking lighthouse sending a signal to your postion always — and you could never separate the feelings of foreboding from the foreshadowing of what was to come, the fine line between imagination and intuition blurred.
However, hearing shuffling that others wouldn't, muffled footsteps upstairs that others couldn't, hushed voices around the corner that others would miss, gave you and your team the upper hand.
You weren't the best, but you proved damn useful, more useful than someone that could see in the dark or a person that had some omniscient sixth-sense.
At least your hearing used to be put to good use. Could have been put to good use.
Up to the point when a grenade blew off right beside you on a mission.
No time to realise, no time to react, and no time to recover from the shock, let alone alone to dive for cover, a blast flung you to the side, arms and legs flailing mid-air like a lifeless ragdoll. Time seemed to slow down, and for what felt like an eternity — mere seconds in reality — you were suspended in the air.
Body suddenly thudding on solid ground with a deep thump, you hit your head so hard against the pavement that you had thought you cracked your skull. Debris toppled over your stomach, dust making your eyes tear up and cough painfully, collapsed brick all around you.
You groaned in agony as an ear-splitting ringing inside your head nearly broke your forehead in two.
You couldn't raise your limbs, body limp and weighed down by what felt like a tonne, but could feel the thick waterfall of blood through the open wound on the side of your head; staining your uniform, streaming into your mouth, the metallic taste and smell on your tongue and in your nostrils.
Confusion, disorientation. Bewilderment.
Seeing double, figures running to and fro looked like a dozen, and panic stiffened you.
Desperate blinking eyes squinting to try and make sense of the scene before you, head spinning and unable to think clearly, struggling to lift the limbs that each weighed a tonne, all you did — all you could do — was lay there. Limp.
No one was nearby to help you, and your anxiety intensified: it was just you, and broken debris to keep you company, all noise muted aside from the high-pitched screeching.
Not much is clear from that incident after that. Memories are hazy and unclear.
All you remember are hands tapping your face, tugging your arm and willing your eyes to focus. Then, those same hands suddenly lugging you up by the scruff of your collar and slinging you over their shoulder. Finding yourself being lifted off by a helicopter, and ultimately passing out in the end.
Medics told you your ear drums were inverted, turned inside out from the force, and ear canal blocked by dust. Thankfully, all you required for the head injury were a few stitches, and you wouldn't suffer any brain damage.
Still, the news of becoming hearingly impaired made your world come crashing down.
Yes, you'd still be able to process sounds, they assured, but not as well as you used to.
An official diagnosis was made, and condolences were given to you, for there was nothing that could be done to fix your hearing. You were practically inoperable as the risk was too high, and you could go permanently deaf if the procedure was to go wrong.
You didn't reveal you having a hearing impairment to anyone — why should you, anyways? Things like this happened, and there were people in your faction that have had it worse.
Besides, it wasn't like you would be permanently deaf or anything, you reasoned, so the only thing to do was keep working.
Like you used to. All things considered you were a good shot, with good aim, with good spatial awareness and reaction times.
You could keep working, keep serving your country.
Yet you didn't work like you used to.
How intensely you stared at people, their face, eyes darting from theirs and their lips, was passed off as you being attentive.
No one would have considered that you were desperately trying to keep up with everyone else, and feeling like you were left behind. To fend for yourself as the world moved in triple speed, while you were still processing your new circumstances.
Of course, no one noticed the change.
And König, for one, sure didn't.
Completely enamored by you, he thought it foolish, really, to be so taken by a soldier, one below him in ranks and younger than him.
Yet, he admired you, was your secret admirer, and let his feelings blind him to what could have been so easy to see.
Well, to onlookers, his admiration for you was far from secret. In fact, it was obvious. Very obvious.
Initially, people joked that you were going to be reprimanded by the Colonel, taught a valuable lesson for some mishap you had committed, when you'd be pulled aside. Not a single one could have forseen König's behaviour towards you.
Stares, only strategically turning his head when you looked in his vague direction. An aura of threat, had it not been for the way his eyes sparkled. Held a particular glint that no one could pinpoint his intentions, and his needing to excuse himself to go to the restroom and not return for half an hour.
Walking behind you, guarding you at all times. Making sure he figuratively — and literally — had your back. A hand that would roam, explore, and push its limits, figuring out how low he would have to go before you broke, before you'd beg for more.
Demonstrating combat moves to you under the pretence that it would help fix your reaction times, all an excuse to be near you, to touch your mid-section and rest his hands on your body for seconds longer than necessary.
Touches that he would commit to memory, that would help him reach his climax behind closed doors at the thought of feeling your bare skin, and the feeling of your clothed body having to suffice.
No, none of it showed intent to humiliate you like they thought he would; rather, it was evident that their Colonel had taken a liking to you. Favoured you among the rest.
Obviously, no one saw the perverted nature behind your interactions, the side that König revelled in.
You always seemed to appreciate the gestures, albeit hesistantly, and would blush up to your ears and would flash him an uncertain yet award-winning smile, one that made blood rush up to his face and lower half as he wondered what other sorts of facial expressions you could be making, and whether that smile would stay if you saw his most intimate self.
However, you rarely paid him any attention afterwards. Would go on about your day, as if he wasn't even there.
Ignored him, as if he wasn't worth your time, or even your acknowledgment.
He'd attempt small-talk with you when you were on your own, trying all he could to find common ground, to keep you interested —or, butt in the conversation when someone else diverted your attention from what should have been on him — but, throughout it all, your facial expression was blank. Like you didn't even recognize him.
Eyebrows furrowed, wondering why your colleague stopped talking, you'd only come to realise that König existed when they'd nudge your side with their elbow, whispered frantically in your ear, and when you turned back around you'd jump up with seemingly exaggerated fright, blushing.
Stuttering and sputtering apologies to your superior with a bowed head, eyes avoiding his, König thought that there was a triumphant smirk that you were hiding, a strut as you walked, back turned as you flaunted your way out of the room in a mischievous manner.
Teasing, testing the waters to see how long you could go on without admitting that he was there next to you, to see how long König would last before he broke.
Oh, the things that you were doing to him.
Fury brewed in König, and he'd stew over your (his) one-sided interactions, your blatant ignorance of him, your complete disregard of him. Regarding him as not worth your time, and seemingly ignoring him with an air of superiority.
So imprudent, so rude, and such a daring little thing. So fucking naughty.
Contradicting urges of wanting to yank you by the collar into a passionate kiss in front of anyone and everyone and marking you as his in his private quarters became near impossible to contain. To put you in your place, and prove that you weren't all that that you made yourself out to be.
After all, brats like you had to be tamed, and König would not stand you demeaning his ego like that.
Reprimands from unsuspecting soldiers got harsher. Spitting at others in a rasping voice, barking commands loudly from the background. Drills became a living nightmare — everyone a target for König's relentless bullying. Sparring became relentless, and damn-near a deadly duel as he was unrelenting, remorseless.
König needed to release his pent-up frustration somehow.
König hated that his love was unreciprocated, and would be in a bad temper, stomping around the grounds looking for an inferior to abuse.
He loathed how you made him feel, yet loved what you made him feel, his feelings intensifying when you were in eyesight, and the knuckles of his fists turning white, shaking with rage as you frolicked off with some dummkopf, some piece of shit saukerl that didn't pay attention to you like he did, not considering the higher-ranking alternative.
Figuratively speaking: as, let's face it, König was the full package; and literally speaking, as he had a full package of his own to satisfy your every need, and would convert you to his lover in an instant.
You were an enigma. König couldn't read you at all, and was in internal turmoil.
Why couldn't he win you over? Were you really that high-maintenance, or playing hard to get?
You had to like him back. There was no way you weren't doing this on purpose.
Were you really that unbothered? Unbothered by his advances, not caring at all?
Or, were you really just proud, too full of yourself to pay respect to your superiors?
Really, König should have taught you a personal lesson if that had been the case, one so personal you'd learn to never disrespect him ever again, and be as respectful as a little darling as ever.
...Yet you? You couldn't have been more oblivious.
Sensing a presence in the background as you scrolled mindlessly on your phone, you only became vaguely aware of something off about König when you realised the intensity of a stranger's stare, bearing down on your neck.
Glare. König's glaring at you from afar, camouflaged in the corner by the shadow of the dimly-lit room, the few flickering light bulbs all the more unnerving.
Only in close proximity did you become aware of your Colonel, imposing even while sitting down, tall even with his being hunched over.
Accidentally meeting the eyes behind the veil draped over his face, he unapologetically took up as much space in the room as he could, back straightened to his full height and long legs wide spread apart in an act of dominance.
Those eyes pierced yours, and made you shiver, all intentions of small-talk drying in your throat and, in fear of becoming tongue-tied and losing your cool, you said nothing.
Why was he just... staring at you like that? Did you do something wrong?
It made you shudder, and you shivered, trying to shake off the ominous feeling.
Never in a million years would you have thought that König had any sexual romantic interest in you — if anything, with that grim expression you'd have thought he'd had a bone to pick with you.
He looked absolutely terrifying. A beast of a man, with penetrating eyes.
Unbeknownst to you, König was undressing you with those same eyes. Penetrating, yes, but imagining scenarios where he himself would he penetrating you.
He made himself so inviting, with the spot on his lap reserved as a seat especially for you, reclining on a chair with a head in his palm as he gazed at you in interest.
He even considered making a gesture with his hand, a beckoning finger signalling for you to "Come here", just to make it loud and clear that he was welcoming you, and wanted you exactly where he had positioned himself.
Until some soldier entered the room, saw you and hit you up, starting casual banter and exchanging sarcastic remarks, which made you laugh. The tension melting in your body, you allowed yourself to relax, and forgot about what was looming in the very same room.
To König, the man was flirting with you, and with the way you had a hand clasped over your mouth, practically swooning over the guy, it was solidified.
Grinding his teeth in frustration, he jolted upright, and the chair he was sat on was nearly flung backwards from his sudden action, a deafening screech echoing in the room.
Two pairs of eyes on him, he beckoned the man over to him:
"Come here. I have a duty for you, sergeant."
Only this time, he wasn't at all inviting, and even the man beside you knew he was in for it big time with how König's fury was seething.
"Toilettendienst, weil du ein Stück Schei��e bist."
Cackling, and a sly, venomous smile under his veil. "I'm sure you'll love it, seeing as you can't mind your own business."
Your encounters with König were terrifying, but you tried with all your might to keep them out of your mind. After all, you were still struggling to get by, so to be so on edge would only make matters for you worse.
Having people repeat what they said to you over and over again was passed off as bad signal or static over walkie-talkies, yet without being able to read their lips you were practically deaf and couldn't interpret the gargling, speech drowned by the feeling of your head being underwater.
However, you managed. Managed to keep afloat, somehow. Clung on to your life raft, despite the crashing waves of the tide that flung you from side to side.
And, lulled into a false sense of security, you were contracted for another mission.
Just like before, and on all the other missions before all the ones before your injury, all seemed to be going smoothly.
No sudden movements, no noises out of the ordinary. Nothing amiss.
Except, suffocating silence had shifted and pushed its weight down against you, swirling and following your movements as it had slowly tied a noose around you and your crew's necks, making it difficult to breathe.
But you shrugged it off. You rationalised your nerves as post-morbid jitters. No way was it a gut feeling.
It was unusual how well things were going, and was second-guessing yourself after not having had been deployed in ages.
Your guessing proved to be true, and it was a shame that you realised this too late.
Ambushed out of nowhere, bullets and blood were all that you saw; blasts and bangs were all that you heard.
No one escaped unscathed. Every single one of the operators had sustained some sort of injury, yours minor scratches compared to gaping bullet wounds, stabs in the abdomen, and broken bones.
Intense guilt plagued you for hours, days afterwards, and you were unable to look those colleagues in the eyes for days, weeks afterwards.
How could you let that happen?
Clawing up the ranks until you were finally trusted, finally deemed worthy, it shook you to your very core that you failed to forsee any of this. Failed your colleagues. Failed.
No one blamed you, because they didn't connect the dots that you were the common denominator behind both incidents, the one that catastrophically failed your allies.
König, seeing you in your most vulnerable state, pounced at the opportunity to finally confront you once and for all. To settle the doubts in his mind and come to a solid conclusion.
He wasted no time in hunting you down as you were walking, alone, a predatory look in his eyes.
At last, cornering you in a remote area where no one would interrupt, nor allow you weasle your little way out of it again:
You dropped your head, avoiding his gaze. Readying yourself for the severe scolding, being berated by König, you dropped your head, cowering below him.
"Before you say anything—" mumbling under your breath, "—I will admit this myself first."
"I... I messed up. Messed up completely on this mission. I'm— I'm so sorry for endangering your men, for nearly getting the entire crew killed. It was my fault."
König's eyes widened a little. This was the most you had ever said to him in one conversation. And you sounded so... sincere.
...Could he have had the wrong perception of you all along? Were you just... Timid? Shy? Maybe a little bit introverted even, and not one for socialising?
No, that couldn't have been right.
He needed to interrogate you, press you for information, put you under pressure. You'd break then, and he'd finally figure out the truth for himself.
"Ja," he spat shortly, voice unwavering and eyes betraying no emotions. "You did mess up. My men are all injured."
You were mortified when all you could interpret was harsh gibberish. None of the words made sense to you, and you couldn't differentiate any consonants from the syllables.
You breathed in deeply, feeling so foolish for thinking of asking this, and prepared yourself for the worst:
"Sorry, sir? Can you repeat that?"
König was the one to be bewildered this time. For a few agonisingly long moments, he needed to process what you had just said. Your request.
Finally, it sank in.
Oh, you were in for it now.
What did you mean "Sorry, sir?"?
You ignored him, have been ignoring him for all this time, and you had the gall to give him attitude?
Worst of all, to fail to pay attention when he is was scolding you?
No. König wasn't having it.
Both hands slammed against the wall above you, with such a force that even you could hear a deep crack of splintering brick.
With you trapped, he wasn't about to let you go until you learned your place.
"You're not going to say anything anything more, maus?" He leans in closer, steel-blue eyes betraying no emotion baring into yours. "Pip-squeak has lost its voice, has it? You really should learn manners."
Understanding "...going to say anything more, maus?... Pip-squeak... should learn manners" it was enough for you to understand what he was implying, and you were confused. In disbelief. Bewildered.
"S-sir, I—! "
Eyes wide, you shook your head vehemently, hands held up in protest. "—It's not like that at all! I swear!"
König quirked a brow, leaning in closer. Licked his lips inquisitively, curious to hear your defence.
"I've not... been ignoring you, sir. Never. I wouldn't ever do that..."
You trailed off, averting your gaze. "...Or, at least, consciously..."
You bit your lip. Shifting uncomfortably, your fingers fidgeted, fingernails digging into the palm of your hand. How were you going to explain this?
"Y-you see, I'm—"
Bracing yourself, you breathed in deeply.
"—I-I'm— I'm actually hard of hearing."
König blinked twice. It was his turn to be confused, and he pulled away a few inches, concentrating hard.
Seeing the blank look in his eyes, you immediately clarified:
"N-not deaf, obviously! — I suppose I can still hear, in a way — but my hearing is not good. I struggle to understand people."
A defeated sigh. "Communication is tough enough because I'm not good at reading lips yet, and..."
"...with you, it is — would — have been impossible, because of the—"
A weak gesture towards his face covering "—mask..."
An awkward pause.
"L-look sir, I'm sorry for ignoring you. Honestly, I never meant to. It's just I—"
"Never heard," König said, nodding faintly. "I understand."
He understood, alright. Understood what a moron he had been all this time.
God, what a fool he was.
All this time, concocting scenarios of finding a way to prove himself to you, of asserting his authority, of sexually frustrated evenings considering all the possibilities, all personality traits... was all one-sided pining.
Poor thing, you were just oblivious.
He couldn't blame you, and was kicking himself for viewing you as anything other than a pure soul.
If he had known this, known of your condition earlier, perhaps he wouldn't have been so frustrated, so confrontational.
Now, he had ruined all his chances with you by intimidating you out of nowhere.
God, he was such an idiot.
Embarrassed, and not knowing what to say, he sheepishly slid his hands off the wall.
Coughing twice, he cleared his voice, and projected his voice so it was clearer and louder:
You looked up, face showing shame and genuine guilt.
"Gut. Keep looking at me."
To your surprise, König's hand was reaching up to his veil, fingers hooking under the the hem.
In a prolongued but fluid movement, the fabric was pulled up, and, slowly, slowly, he revealed his face.
His white chin and stubbled jawline came into view first. Only slightly defined, not modelled after some Greek God, yet not lacking definition, either.
Then, thin lips, pale pink and pressed into a tight line.
A hooked nose, crooked likely from it being broken more than once before, neither long nor large nor flat. Perhaps slightly off-center.
Keeping the fabric in place, he would not raise it higher.
After a few seconds of silence, you saw how his Adam's apple moved when he gulped, his lips quivering as he breathed in deeply.
Even seeing the half of his face, he looked handsome to you.
"Well... is this better?"
Mouth moving to reveal white teeth, some misshappen and others crowded, it looked as if he had never worn braces before.
He swallowed thickly, then his hot breath fanned your face, mouth partly-open as he panted in increasing agitation.
Blue-gray eyes looked into yours, no longer domineering. Instead, pleading.
Wanting your affirmation, to be reassured that you would appreciate him partly presenting his identity to you, the most vulnerable part of him.
To be told that you truly did appreciate this gesture after all.
A smile tugged at your lips. "Yes. Much better, sir."
You were touched.
To think, that your commander, your Colonel, the big, beefy, burly man, the masked soldier of towering stature, would go out of his way to be sensitive. To be at the mercy of you.
It made you tear up a little. No one had ever gone out of their way to accommodate you like this, and it left you at a loss for words.
"Sir, I—"
"Nein. Call me König."
Cleared throat. "König, sir—"
A devillish smirk formed on his face, and he shook his head.
"Gott, such a sweet little thing," he cooed, purposefully slowing down his speech so you could interpret it on your own. "Will need to have you getting used to you saying my name, ja?"
Those steel blue eyes had melted. Were warm. Held a fondness in them that he hadn't had before — or, maybe they had, but you had never noticed it until now — either way, you felt at ease with him. With König.
One of your biggest mistakes.
"Thank you, König. Really. For being so patient."
Rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly, you shot him a bashful, lopsided grin.
"I'm sorry that you had to be patient in the first place! I wish I could make it up to you, König. I really do."
König's mind flashed with blasphemous images of you.
Images that he had visualised in vivid detail, when he had been longing for you, longing to have you around him.
He was almost regretting what he had on his mind, yet, he reasoned, it was only fair you gave him a reward.
For his patience.
The smirk on his face became broader. Serpentine.
"Don't you worry, meine liebe. I know of a way."
A cackle, sounding forced and a little too loud to be genuine.
"I'll make sure that you'll be loud enough so that even you can hear it for yourself."
Note: i promised yesterdag id get thus oit today ... 🥹Bit late cuz at the time im typimg this ntoe its 22:33 (gonna be later once i proofread this for the final time😫😫) Edit: its 23:25 and i have a test tmr hahaHHhahahahAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA 😍😍😍😍
Hope yoi guys like perverted König 🗿 i for one do 😇😇 (fyi, it was NOT MT INTENTION to write him in this wau I PROMISW😭😭😭😭😭it just sorta happened and i rolled witj it ☠️💀)
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ub-club · 6 months
ub-club home page. Welcome
-I AM AN ADULT BUT DONT POST WEIRDO SHIT!!! (this, however, does not mean i hate all weirdos ☝️🤯 and doesnt ENTIRELY exclude me posting something i gotta use a tag for [i tag all good so just block tags u dont wont to see :3])
-I have posted art here every once in a blue moon, but this is mainly just a reblogging account. My youtube is my most active, under the name unnabeam. (also theres a sideblog @unnabeam where i routinely [once a year 😇] reblog posts from here)
-If you have deleted art from old fandom accounts of mine.... 🙄😒
I generally don't care. Theres nothing truly horrible ive created so do whatever you want with old FANDOM pieces. Use them for edits or plagiarize them, trace them or whatever u want. Just don't be pushy and ONLY credit me by 'Unna' so I don't find you using them and people who like those pieces cant find me.
-I dont mutual follow people with who I have no similar interests or former communication.. so please refrain from following if your only interest is in being a mutual (unless you ask ofc, I can moot if u say hi :3)
-I will block you if you're a generally unacceptable person (this goes if you're into or make rancid weird shit/are horrible to others/are just fucking around/making ragebait in general, I'm not giving you the list of what all those people are called. that is not my job. I'm just some guy on tumblr, if youre a bad person you probably already know it anyways)
yeah I'm not gonna say anything else its just my tumblr Unna disclaimers I didnt want to stuff into my blog bio.
If you know me or think any thoughts about me you are free to say hello! You are also free to ask a question! I will answer :)
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reinekes-fox · 9 months
Non wip questions. Hope that's okay??
Pardon me if I'm being too intrusive, I simply like getting to know my favorite writers. Feel free to skip anything you aren't comfortable with.
1. Which of your projects are your favorite to write?
2. Which character are you most biased towards and why?
3. What are your preferred pronouns?
4. Where would you love to see your projects going?
5. You deal with alot of not just gender identity topics but sexual oriented ones aswell in your works. As a member of the community I appreciate the representation aswell as the very realistic panic that accompanies it. Is that an important topic for you to explore when doing world building?
6. What Is your favorite thing to do when you aren't writing?
7. Lastly you mentioned Chase and baking. If he had to attempt at baking your favorite food/dessert what would it be that he would ultimately fuck up?
Thank you for answering in advance 😇
What is something you do for inspiration and what keeps you going?
Sure, thats okay! Don't worry about being intrusive, I will just skip should I not feel comfortable with sth!
It depends on the mood I am in: but atm Birds of a Rose, Hawks and Doves and Dog Nights. I just love urban fantasy and dystopia. Afterwards the rest of my projects, they need more world building, which is making me avoid them a bit.
I am most biased when writing Elrond atm! Because there are a lot of things that connect me with this character.
I would love to seem them finished soon, which will probably not happen lol. But I would be proud knowing my writings will help and comfort people (even with the very dark topics than can take place), and be well known for high replayability and good writing. I just want to deliver some good games tbh.
What is very important to me, as an aroace trans person, is making unique dialouge, and making MC learn about it and what it means, instead of just making it just "Oh, you choose aro/ace? No romance for you". I want it to matter. And adress some form of harrasment we often face. So far I have unique dialouge for aro/ace routes if you reject Droznik and if you get together with E. Falkenflug at the party.
I love to read! Learn new things about history.
My favourite baked cookies are rather easy tbh: White Chocolate Macadamie nut cookies! However he would probably fuck up simply because he totally forget to change the metric from EU to US lol
What I do for inspiration: reading books to get me into the right mindset (I have a ton of books about state youth organisations which always gets me into mood for Hawks and Doves for example).
What keeps me going: as cheesy as it sounds, messages like this. Messages that show me that I am not just throwing my stories into a void, that people pick up on the small stuff and changes. That my stories have an audience.
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Top 10 Skyrim Characters
I was tagged by @blossom-adventures (thank you so much! 🥰) to share my top ten Skyrim characters, so here we go:
Miraak. Not only because I'm writing a fic about him, but because I truly believe he had potential both as a character alone and concerning his bond with the LDB. Bethesda did not do him justice and his story was written hastily and with many plot holes, however, this is why there are many wonderful fics with amazing headcanons that reconstruct his past and his personality, so he doesn't seem like the ultimate black villain with absolutely no motives for his actions.
Paarthurnax. He is this old and wise grandpa we all run for advice and in contrast with Miraak, Paarthurnax was written in-depth: even though a villainous dragon, he overcame his dominant nature through effort and was redeemed.
Vilkas & Farkas. The wolves of my heart! I love how they have been written with completely different personalities despite being twins, and I wish they were my best friends (or my protective big brothers! 🤗).
Brynjolf. He has big brotherly vibes too; he is this friend who will pick a cute nickname for you (this soft-voiced "lass" is everything, I swear!). What I love the most about his character is his loyalty to the Guild and his undying faith/trust in the Dragonborn from the first time he sees them until the very end when he declares them as Guild Master.
Speaking about the Guild, I absolutely love Karliah, too. I can't get enough of this melodious voice she has, and her beautiful purple eyes. Also, she is the reason why the Dragonborn is still alive after Mercer's betrayal and attack (nursing them back to health and all), plus, I adore her tragic romance with Gallus - calling her his "little nightingale" inspired me quite a lot for another cute bird-like term of endearment in my own fic... 😇
Serana. I mean, I am emotionally attached to her. Mostly because she has a veryveryvery similar personality to my own LDB (and a rather shared traumatic experience), but truly, Laura Bailey's soothing, smooth voice is amazing; I could listen to it all day! (Also, I think I can spoil this, Serana will make a big cameo in my fic, and she will play an important role in the story... 👀).
Teldryn Sero. My favorite follower in-game, and the best elven character in Skyrim. He has lived a long life himself, and he cannot help but be constantly snarky with witty remarks that make me want to smooch him! 😘 I love that he is also a spellsword, like Jia, and together they always make the perfect duo!
Delphine (& Esbern). Yes, I like Delphine. She may not maintain the best relations with my LDB, because of this Paarthurnax issue, but she is a character I admire, and I think she and Esbern are well-written. Despite their age, they don't hesitate to fight with fearlessness, they are brave and dedicated to their oath as Blades, and they hate the Thalmor. Anyone who hates the Thalmor is a friendly character.
Jarl Balgruuf & Jarl Idgrod. Probably the most likable, honorable Jarls. I love Balgruuf's wisdom and Idgrod's ability to see visions - despite being stigmatized by it.
Ulfric Stormcloak. The truth is, that the questline about the civil war I don't usually complete it, because I don't really want to choose a side. So, I'm neither an Imperial nor a Stormcloak. But Ulfric is the epitome of a gray character - he is not bad, per se, but he is not good either, and some of his motives are unclear. I personally love complex, gray characters that I end up loving to hate; makes me try to comprehend their deeper intentions, and thus I know that their development is meticulous and well-written.
Now for the tags! I tag: @miraakulous-cloud-district @illumiera @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @prettytamagnii @b-lizi to reveal their top 10 Skyrim characters! 🥰🥰
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