#how wholly and destructively i devote every drop of my time and thoughts and emotions and energy on you and only you
redtippedcanines · 11 months
i don't trust you anymore
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andersonguy-blog1 · 8 years
Divine intervention
If you have seen the way in which your inner chaos operates then you are fortunate indeed. Chaos may seem over dramatic but the relationship between body (emotions) and mind (ego) can be like a whirlwind going on around in you. If you have sat and watched the turmoil within, if you have stayed with it and continued till you reached paradise then you are more than fortunate you are blessed with divine intervention, you have held the universe in your hands. Maybe this seems over the top but I would say it’s an understatement, my words are nothing compared. If this has happened to you then you will know the soul definition of independence and you will know that you are solely and wholly responsible for your peace and how beautiful it is to be in sole possession of such a godlike quality. You can be godly and truly content and at ease throughout your life but why would I say this when I still get anxious and fearful and sad? Because the key word is ‘can’. I am not saying as soon as one sees the facade pretending to be them that they’ll become permanently enlightened I am saying that at least for the moment you are enlightened you’ll be the calm amongst the storm, you’ll be the light amongst the dark and the journey of finding yourself will instantly be dropped. You will live effortlessly, you’ll feel alive and you’ll enjoy knowing that life is simply expressing itself through you, you’ll also know how to be enlightened and you will become dedicated to your inner, your inner state will be more important to you than anything or anyone outside of you. Our consciousness is our most important focus because without consciousness we are unable to love. With enlightenment comes freedom from inflicting hurt onto yourself and others too - complete freedom from hurting but not to be mistaken with permanent freedom. I mean in the moment of pure consciousness it is simply impossible to hurt anything, everything is rose tinted, every-thing is pure. Someone is shouting at you, someone is saying stuff about you, someone is wanting you to suffer and you simply look at them like they are the most innocent human being you have seen before you and you realise how special, kind, compassionate and everything else beautiful you feel. You don’t think any of these words and you don’t try and figure out why you aren’t reacting, you can’t do either you are in pure consciousness but you feel the sweet serenity these words arise, you are bathing in your own clarity your soul is alight. There is only one way discomfort and disappointment and confusion and sadness and anger and frustration can disperse and you no longer need to look for the remedy. The act of looking for the cure is stressful in itself and it will only magnify these emotions at times. You are the cure and you simply need to watch your inner chaos to realise it for yourself. I have been confused recently as to why I am always watching my mind but I’m still becoming identified fairly easy, I’ve been going from great moments of peace to sadness. And then I remembered; the significance of watching the body is paramount to stopping thought because emotions and ego are a viscous cycle. They feed each other and until both thoughts and emotions/feelings are watched then the hold will remain. Witnessing them is facing them, it is staring at the route of all fear directly in the face that is why finding oneself is the most courageous act a human could ever embark on. The greatest fear people have is the fear of knowing their self, to expose the false self creates great fear. It is much easier to turn away from fear and buy things, or to go out and try to forget about it, or to cheat on ones partner or to take drugs or alcohol. There are many more tricks and strategies but fear always catches up eventually and when it does it will usually override someone’s state of mind and subsequent actions. Some people can become so entrenched they become physically violent or they self harm or they become politicians and create nuclear weapons. There is no need to judge anyone though for their craziness, they are only listening to the sickness of the mind but they are not their mind and they can become free of its destructiveness. The mind can be healed by giving it ones full attention, not to be confused with listening but just silently watching so that you become separate from it. Bravery is not in the doing it is in the being, bravery isn’t men with guns it’s unconditional love, anyone can shoot anyone but can a man love his wife even if she chooses not to be with him. That is bravery, choosing to always be love by facing what in us isn’t. ‘Death is a stripping away of all that is not you. The secret of life is to die before you die — and find that there is no death.’ (Eckhart 🙏🏻)
Universal synchronicity is in your favour it wants you to awaken and until you do you will experience polarity - pleasure and pain. Maybe you are reading my blogs because you can sense your truth in some of my words and you want to see more truth or maybe you want too see me say some more crazy stuff, you are enjoying the show. Both are the same really though they are both exploration of ones truth it’s just that one is looking on me favourably and the other maybe not so. I love how Osho uses the word dehypnosis, he says that most religions teach beliefs but he teaches watching. He says to go and watch and you’ll see it for yourself, there is no need for him and his talks but yet people love listening to him including me. He has a dehypnotising effect because he is one of very few who knows his self and stays in his self too, some people call him their master I simply see him as more in tune with his true nature. Type in dehypnosis in google and Osho will come up first, how crazy is that it isn’t even a real word he just made it up. Yet it’s the one word that could potentially save humanity from wiping each other out. I thought the other day how crazy wars are, planes drop bombs on innocent people that have nothing to do with war and the murderers that do it still remain in senior positions and not only do they remain but they are respected for it. How crazy that an argument of false power and insecurity about who’s land it is involves the many lives of people minding their own business. No ones land is anyone’s land anyway, there are no countries or borders or lines no piece of the universe belongs to anyone or any group the world is unnamed. Poverty is an illusion too, we are meant to believe that more money is needed through charity and alike but really it’s that too many people don’t care. It is not the money it is the people, we can create spaceships but we can’t solve poverty. This kind of statement typically arises the thought 'why don’t you do something about it then Guy’ but nothing can be done about it, the madness will always be there. Sure you can make some changes but those changes will change because the route problem hasn’t been solved - deep dissatisfaction and discontentment in nearly all humankind.
I looked over to my friend earlier and I asked him 'when was the last time you saw me upset’ and he casually said 'about 2 years ago’. My eyes lit up I couldn’t be sure he knew this too but he is right I haven’t been upset around him for some time. Yet when I first got unwell I used to cry around him cause I was so frustrated and sad about my dizziness but suddenly over a few days my negativity stopped and this is why I write. It didn’t stop permanently but i went from extreme discomfort and stress to harmony and peace in a very short space of time. I saw no way out of my health beforehand, i saw no route to happiness yet nothing on the physical level has changed really, it’s only recently has someone said he thinks he can cure it. But what changed was my consciousness and when your consciousness changes you realise it’s the only thing that ever needs to change. I have something to say that nearly all religions don’t teach. Religion didn’t save me, no spiritual teacher did but Eckhart Tolle showed me how to save myself, his book will be transformational for the ones who are ready to drop their self. The self that is responsible for all misery. I did something sweet for someone before Christmas, something I have never done for anyone. It wasn’t so much what I did it was why I did it. I said to my friend at the time I’m going to do this because I’m going to continue to truly love this person as a friend whatever, even when I can’t I will try. It was an act of devotion, not necessarily devotion to her but to myself. I have never spent so much on something that I knew could be rejected which is what makes it the most precious gift I have ever given. It was precious because I had no desire of reciprocation at the time in fact I thought it was very unlikely, it was precious because I was saying I believe in you still and that I can believe in you no matter what when I am in love. It’s normal to give and expect the same back, it’s normal to treat love like a business, to carefully consider and calculate instead of intuitively act on feeling. Many people will say 'give to the ones who are deserving’ but I say give to anyone you wish to give too there are no rules and if you give to anyone you wish you are also saying that anyone is deserving and they are. If everyone is deserving of your love then you are deserving of everyones love too. No one is deserving because they reciprocate or say thank you or they are respected or likeable they are deserving because they are alive. They are deserving because they are a human being.
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