#how to wear flare jeans
matchandelure · 1 year
realizing that all of the fictional characters i love the most can be sorted into three distinct categories: the one with questionable morals willing to do anything for the person they care for, and the one who’s just there to vibe but has no idea how to be a person because they were never taught how to, and the detective
#AND YOU KNOW WHAT MAYBE SOMETIMES THEY WILL BE ALL THREE AND WHEN THAT DOES HAPPEN#I THINK ABOUT THEM FROM THE MOMENT I WAKE UP TO THE MOMENT I GO TO SLEEP#i will be makign breakfast and think hhhm i wonder how they would like their bagels#i will be sitting in class wondering whether calculus and linalg would come easier for them than it does for me#i wll be doing homework and will see the sunset and think huh those match their colours#i will pick an outfit for the day with the end goal of matching their energy for the day#genuinely cannot just. how do you like something without being so absorbed you actually cannot focus on anything else#i will log onto botw spend one night in rito village then be thinking about it for the rest of the day#aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa my schools on break now so im using the time that was allocated to studying for exams to#draw and play games and do nothing productive :'''(#willows rambling branch#im really happy though bc lately i got a few new clothing pieces that now let me coordinate outfits that match linhardt vibes#LIEK THIS PAIR OF JEANS THAT FLARE flair..(?) OUT AT THE BOTTOM BUT NOT RIDICULOUSLY LARGE LIKE BELLBOTTOMS#JUST THE RIGHT AMOUNT AND THEY CREATE THE NICEST SILOUHETTE WHEN I WEAR MY HEELED BOOTS AND MATCH IT WITH A TIGHTER FITTING TURTLENECK ON T#OP AND WEAR A CARDIGAN OR OVERSIZED BLOUSE OVER IT#what do you mean university isnt a fashion show i wake up everyday so that i can wear my silly little outfits and attend my not so silly#calculus lectures and cs labs and econ lectures and stupid weekly mditerms
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mentally ill people who for whatever reason end up wearing the same exact clothing so many days in a row that it begins to disintegrate and will still not stop wearing it until it’s literally just scraps of fabric VS. those weird shitty rich people who ‘’can’t be seen in the same outfit twice’’ human dichotomy 
#poast brought to you by my pants that are missing an entire leg and completely open in the back and the front almost#to the point they could not really be considered pants anymore (I wear lots of layers so i have shorts under them but lol)#I tore them again sitting down and it made me introspect about when it's time to throw clothes out and how everyone has different standards#and etc. Like how some people will get stains on clothing and just throw it away#.where others will keep wearing stained stuff if they have an attachment to it. etc. etc.#or like One hole in jeans is okay but 20 holes is Crossing A Line - unless they were made that way as a fashion trend#which then made me think about those people who like.. change clothes multiple times a day and never want to rewear stuff#and just have a constant stream of fast fashion etc. Anyway. not a real dichotomy. just being silly. i like to think about humans behaviors#brggghghb.. still not being very productive as I just keep having flare up after flare up of various chronic issues I have so I'm feeling#sick like every few days but always for different reasons. As if something has increased the general  inflammation in my entire body#and its just bopping around making different things worse here and there. but I'm not sure of any underlying cause.#theorectially could always be stress since I am often stressed but I don't feel stressed more than usual. I have no infection markers#on blood tests and my covid tests so far have been negative. I guess my body just felt like 'hey happy new year. would you like.. uhm...#some... Problems.. as a treat? OuO''#I mean I'm lucky at this point that I don't have a condition that makes me completely bedridden or something and am grateful for that but#having so many smaller issues in the background overlapping all the time can be ehxausting and make it feel like a larger issue#because you just never get a break. once one problem clears up it's another. etc. modifying diet. supplements. doctors. new issue. new modif#ications. new doctors. new this#new that. etc. For my body to reach some sort of non-inflammed stable state I feel like I'm going to have to just be suspended in a gladd#*glass antigravity chamber for 3 years eating nothing but basic gruel and iv liquids. something so bland and so untriggering of anything#that literally nothing can be inflammed or etc. lol.. Though I'd probably still somehow have joint pain even with nogravity.#ANYWAY... I did finally edit a new sims video. for the few of you that follow my sims youtube. I have costumes totally ready to post I just#literally havent had the energy to queue up the photos. STILL WORKING ON EVIL WORLDBULDING SLIDESHOW task of  epic proportions#. other videos. other stuff. I've had to spend some time on social stuff since I really ned to get started finding friends in the potential#places I'd like to move so I know people when I get there. as it takes me like years to trust someone. but hjgh... I am so like. inherently#unrelatable to the average person. at least the avg people on friend making sites and stuff. I even made a perosnal compatibility quiz#but again.. thats something most people don't do lol... ''buhh just text snapchat me & get to know me through conversation why should i take#a 15 minute quiz up front?'' shut up. i woudl LOVE to take a custom compatibility quiz before talking to someone. its efficent. you will nev#er get it. that is a positive to me. if only anyone else did that. if only. (I'm being jokingly rude. its perfectly reaosnable for people to#have different standards and communication styles. etc. etc. lol) ANYWAY.. tldr me sleepy and feel bad no productive wehh
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i get insecure about the weirdest shit. oooh im not butch enough because i wear womens jeans. dude worry about ur porcelain doll collection
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aahsoka · 4 months
i have made enemies with a satirical victorian paper
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hungryfacesart · 11 months
Trend Alert: Embrace the 70s Revival - Retro Fashion is Back in Style!
Get ready to groove and twirl as we step back in time and rediscover the fabulous world of ’70s fashion. It’s time to dust off those bell-bottoms, embrace those vibrant patterns, and take a page from the style playbook of our beloved ’70s icons. From Jane Birkin’s effortlessly chic ensembles to Donna Summer’s disco glam, the ’70s era is making a dazzling comeback, allowing us to infuse a dash of…
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shotmrmiller · 4 months
simon isn't a man you take home. he's for the literal streets. dresses like he's homeless because all that matters is that his throwing knives and handguns are pristine. the only reason his home is spotless is because he doesn't live in it, it's all for show. his pantry has only salt and mouse traps, his fridge a long expired bottle of ketchup and something that if anyone ate, they'd gain superpowers.
he's got a crazy look in his eye, and who can blame him after all that shit he's been through? gut-wrenching betrayal, unimaginable torture, then buried alive shoulder to shoulder with his ol rotting buddy, ol decaying pal? he joined the military a butcher's apprentice, and now he's an echo of what simon riley used to be, a fading silhouette that wanders the corridors in base. a ghost.
he has to play music whenever he's not at work just to keep the screaming voices in his head at bay, and it has to be loud enough to drown out the incessant high-pitched ringing in his ears. a cacophony of noise that wears his thin string of patience into in-existence.
he's a killer, he's a man who's donned his skull mask for so long that he's forgotten the face underneath.
you don't bring a man like him home. and when you eventually did, even your parents had agreed.
he looks one clown short of a circus.
he hovers over you like a ghost. (ha)
possessive, obsessive, paranoid.
he'll kill you if you try to leave him.
simon heard everything, not like they had tried to keep their voice down. it hadn't really mattered to him, empty words pelting knotted flesh only a sharpened knife could cut through. but you hadn't taken any of it.
his little hero, coming to his defense. it'd been the first time- in a long time- that his icy cold, tiny heart skipped a beat.
simon's always been his own savior. he saved himself from the shit life he had with his family by joining the army. he'd clawed his way out of his own grave, freshly turned soil stuck under his fingernails for weeks. he'd gone after the head of roba, in the name of vengeance. even now, he's a part of the justice league, the task force 141.
unsung heroes.
and here you were, standing in your parent's kitchen, all bared teeth and scalding temper- over him.
simon's so aroused that when he rises from where he's seated, he sways on his feet. there's no stopping him from briskly walking over to you and hoisting you up and over his shoulder, heading for the door.
there's no stopping him from throwing you into the backseat, and climbing in after.
you weakly try to stop him with stammered words, just wanting to know what the fuck he's doing but when simon starts to impatiently undo the button of your jeans, his confined manhood pushing up underneath you, it clicks.
you don't want him to stop when the calloused pad of his thumb rubs your slippery clit with expertise, thick fingers curling inside your swollen cunt.
you definitely don't want him to stop when his cock slides through your slick folds, his hand wrapped around his thick base. his tip pushes inside, mild discomfort already flaring. gravity then does the work, slowly sinking you onto him until his thighs are flush against your arse. the sweet, decadent burn of him splitting you in half sparking your nerve endings alight, from the waist to your knees.
you beg him not to stop when he fucks you in earnest; desire, sticky and wet, dampening the coarse trimmed hair of his cock. the air inside the truck muggy, heavy and thick with sex. he places his hand under your navel, right when he knows he is, and grunts when he gently presses down. the noises coming from you and your sodden pussy are obscene, lewd, downright vulgar and he wonders if you'd let him record it- to replace the banal music he usually listens to.
your breath hitches beautifully, and simon makes sure to watch how you let go of his shoulder to weave that hand downward to take yourself over the edge.
"impatient little pet, can't even wait f'me to get ya there, eh?" the low chuckle he lets out is cut short at the feeling of your slick walls fluttering around him, making him groan. he keeps his sharp gaze on you when your body tenses, back arching as you jerk fast, little circles over your pearl. he plants his feet and begins to thrust upward, your weight nothing to his strength and-
how beautiful you look in the pleasure he brings you.
it's cliche, truly, that he comes when you do, but he couldn't care less in this instance. your cunt squeezes him like a silken fist, a tight vice that milks his cock almost painfully so. his grip around your waist is bruising, but it only adds to the sensation- the delightful bite of pain prolonging your pleasure.
the base of his spine tingles from his climax, and his breathing is ragged. alive. your hands skim the wide breadth of his chest, as if brushing off the dirt he'd once been buried under.
his little hero.
you took him home, so now he takes you to his.
(...don't look in the kitchen, pet.)
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ann1-wr1tes · 5 months
Save a Horse, ride a Cowboy
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Synopsis: You make the mistake of placing Leon's cowboy hat on your head and you have no idea what the "Cowboy rule" is...
Warnings: Smut, Adult themes, filth
Word Count: 2,692
A/N: Cowboy. Leon. Two of my most favorite things.
Your eyes dart around the entire space around you as your ears are drowned out by cheers and screams for the person who was currently riding a bull. Your friends thought it would be fun to go see a rodeo and so far it had been fun.
You got to see tons of people getting hurled off bulls which was entertaining in itself but you also couldn't help but agree with your friends when they all started to gush over how "hot" some of the cowboys were. Everywhere you looked you saw bandannas, flannels, cowboy hats, and flared jeans. You felt a little bit underdressed wearing your usual jeans and t-shirt but it was still fun getting to see all the hot cowboys and Southern charm.
As your friends ranted about this one man they saw who was about to ride a bull, you found your eyes stuck on someone else. Your eyes were glued to this one cowboy who was busy trying to calm the bull down enough to get the rider on top.
You couldn't see fully from where you were sitting but you could see the man's pretty blonde locks sticking out from underneath his cowboy hot and his crystal blue eyes that narrowed in concentration as he coaxed the bull into temporary peace. You didn't want to admit that you were drooling over him but you knew your friends would tease you if they saw how much you were staring at this guy.
Soon the rider is situated on the bull and a gunshot rings through the air. The gate that leads to the field is kicked open and within a second the bull is running out and thrashing wildly with the rider on top. You can audibly hear all the "ooohs" and "ahhs" as the rider holds on. Your friends are all squealing and cheering themselves as the man almost gets thrown off.
Then with another flail, the rider is thrown off the bull and ends up painfully tumbling onto the ground. As soon as that happens there are people going onto the field to scrape up the rider from the floor as others go to subdue the bull.
You can't help but cheer and holler as well as a smile comes to your face. What a show.
After the rodeo was over you wanted to conclude the evening by venturing to a nearby bar. It seemed like a lot of the people from the rodeo came as well as you noticed that once again you were surrounded by Southern accents and cowboy hats.
Your little group made their way to the bar and started to hover around it as the bartender asked everyone what they were getting. As soon as the orders are taken you are about to pay but as soon as you are about to give some cash to the bartender you are interrupted by a thick southern drawl.
"Drinks are on me, darlin'."
Your head turns and you are met with the same face you were admiring earlier. The fluffy blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and oh…you could see him much better now and god did the man look heavenly in the candlelight that emitted from the bar.
You could now make out the stunning facial features of the man and you could feel your heart speed up tenfold when your eyes grazed over his chiseled jaw and high cheekbones. The way the cowboy hat sat on his head made something buzz inside you.
You are broken out of your thoughts when you hear your friends snicker from behind you. The man even seems to notice your sudden shock as a subtle smirk comes to his face.
"You don't need to do that." you smile nervously as the man's eyes rake over you. You think you might have gotten lost in those eyes. "But thank you anyway."
"No need to thank me, sweetheart. Something as pretty as you should have all the men 'round here buyin' your drinks." He winked at you making your cheeks heat up. Your friends snickered again but you ignore them with a small roll of your eyes.
"The name is Leon by the way, Leon Kennedy." he introduces while holding out his hand. You take it and introduce yourself in return and you're immediately caught off guard when Leon goes to press a kiss against your knuckle.
You were so relieved when you finally got your drinks. You thought you were about to combust just by being around Leon. Leon on the other hand was relishing in your flustered looks and shy behavior, in fact, he thought you were the cutest thing he'd ever laid eyes on.
Though soon your shy, flustered behavior was pushed back by liquid courage. It was sped up by how quickly you were drinking your beers but soon you didn't even notice how you were practically leaning into Leon, muttering things about the rodeo and how hard it seems to ride bulls.
"I mean…I thought the guy was gonna be dead…how he got flung off that thing.." you murmured to yourself with a silly grin as you looked up at Leon.
"Well ridin' is all in the hips sugar~" Leon hummed while leaning back on his elbows. Your stomach fluttered at the suggestive tone and you took another sip of your beer to try and quell your nerves. In an attempt to change the subject, your eyes dart to his hat and a smirk starts to pull at your lips.
"Y'know you look great in that hat…" you compliment as you eye it. Leon chuckles and gives you a smile that has you wondering why it makes your heartbeat pick up.
"Is that so?" he asks. You nod but there's a glint of playfulness in your eyes as you look at the cowboy hat.
"I think it'd look better on me though~" your hands reach out and pluck the hat right off of Leon's head and you place it on yours. You adjust it and tilt it just right on your head like it was on Leon's and then you look at him with a wide grin.
"Well, how does it look?" You ask. Leon seems frozen for a moment as his mind starts to comprehend what you just did. You notice the sudden hesitance for a moment and you almost think that you did something wrong but a smirk soon returns to Leon's face and there's an amused look as he flicks the brim of the hat up.
"It suits you well sugar, but do you know what happens when you put on another cowboy hat?" he asks.
Suddenly you're hit with confusion and it reads all over your face as Leon chuckles. Even the bartender seems to laugh a little and he quickly turns around and starts to clean out glasses when you look at him.
"Well, we have a rule called the Cowboy Rule. If you wear the cowboys hat, then you have to ride the cowboy." Leon explains calmly before taking a swig of his drink. You blink in surprise and you can feel the blush start to creep onto your face. You look down at your drink to hide it.
"Oh," is all you manage to croak out. Your throat suddenly feels incredibly dry. You feel a hand hook under your chin you meet Leon's piercing gaze. His eyes are filled with amusement and it sends shivers down your spine.
"If I do then can I keep the hat?" you cheekily ask. The corners of Leon's mouth tug up and it causes your insides to flip. Your heart begins to beat quicker.
"Wanna find out?" Leon says as he leans forward until his lips are barely inches away from yours. It takes everything in you to not close the space between you two. Instead, you nod your head frantically hoping that he understands your silent request for more.
Hungry hands rake across your body as your own hands run down Leons. The feeling of his skin against yours makes every single nerve in your body burn as you slowly unbutton his shirt and he reaches for yours as well. Your bodies collide together like magnets practically, there's such a strange pull that seems to be between you two as your mouths clash together.
Leon's teeth nip at your lower lip and you moan softly as he slides his tongue past your lips and deepens the kiss. In return you rake your hands through his blonde strands, tugging lightly when Leon's hand trails along your sides, going down to rest on your hips.
The cowboy hat still sits on your head as you lean back, breaking the kiss to sit back on your haunches. The sight in front of you was heavenly. Leon was laid back, his legs slightly parted, his shirt halfway unbuttoned and exposing his chest, then of course there was the glassy, lustful look in his blue eyes as his swollen lips were slightly parted.
The entire image made your cunt flutter with need.
You take off the hat for a moment and place it back on Leon's as you yank your shirt up and off your body and then your hands work to unbutton the rest of his buttons on his shirt. As soon you are done, Leon slips his shirt off and yanks you back on top of him by your hips.
In that action, your hips accidentally roll against his causing you both to have a moment of pleasure from the friction.
"Fuck darlin'…need to feel more of you.." Leon huskily utters as his hands tighten around your hips a little more.
With a hum of agreement your rest your hands on his chest and go to straddle his lap a bit better so that your heated core is pressed right up against his erection that is straining through his jeans. Teasingly, you roll your hips again and you both let out a long moan.
"Shit…stop teasin' me," Leon mumbles, his voice rasping and rough as it sends shivers down your spine. You giggle breathlessly, pressing your hips harder against the bulge in his jeans, grinding a little more.
"Why would I stop? I wanna see how many pretty noises I can get out of you cowboy." you coo.
Leon growls in response as he roughly pulls you back towards him, slamming a searing kiss to your mouth. This time he moves his free hand down and it slips down your jeans, finding your clothed clit and he rubs small circles against it. Your hips buck in response and you let out loud moans against Leon's lips.
"That's it baby…let me hear you." He grunts.
It's practically music to your ears as you rock your hips against his fingers as he continues to rub your clit and you feel the knot in your stomach tightening. Leon suddenly pulls his fingers away and you whine. You're left with nothing but the ache between your legs.
In desperation, your hands fly down to Leon's belt buckle and you start to undo his belt as quickly as you could.
"Easy there honey, I'm not goin' anywhere." Leon chuckles. He replaces your hands with his and soon he's tugging his pants down along with his black boxers to reveal his hardened cock. Its springs to life and slaps against his stomach.
You groan at the sight of it. It's big and thick and you almost want to take him in your mouth until his hands are already working on your own jeans.
He unbuttons your jeans and pushes them down your thighs. You kick them the rest of the way off and reposition yourself on top of Leon. Right as you are about to sink down onto Leon's length he interrupts you.
"I think you're forgettin' something.." Leon takes his cowboy hat off and puts it back on top of your head, tilting it just right.
"Beautiful." Leon breathes in a low tone.
"I think it looks better on you." You smile as Leon's hand grazes over your cheek and tucks a stray hair away from your face.
"That's nonsense, it looks stunnin' on you." He smirks and his thumb drags up and down your jawline, gently rubbing your cheek. The butterflies in your stomach flutter even more as he leans in closer to you, your noses brushing against one another.
You rub your slick folds back and forth on Leon's tip and slowly sink down onto his length, letting out moans at the stretch.
"L-Leon… it..so much" You pant between clenched teeth, gripping onto his broad shoulders.
"It's okay sweetheart, let me help.." he coos. The hands on your hips slowly start to help you roll into his, making sure to go slow and his grasp was decently gentle as he helps you build up a good pace.
"It's all in the hips sugar…." Leon whispers in your ear, sending tingles down your spine.
Soon on your own accord, you start to ride him faster. It catches Leon off guard as waves of hot, blinding pleasure course through his veins. He throws his head back with an audible moan as you bounce up and down on his cock.
"Good girl, keep rollin' your hips like that.." Leon praises, his voice rumbling low in his chest.
You nod and do as you are told, your body starting to twitch against Leon, your hands clenching onto his forearms tighter as he starts thrusting upwards, trying his best to push himself inside of you and meet your steady rhythm.
A whimper escapes your mouth as Leon sits up, connecting his lips to your neck. One of his hands trails up your back and plants itself on the nape of your neck as his lips suck and kiss your sensitive skin.
Your mind is spinning, your heart beats furiously. There are no words that can describe how amazing it all feels. Especially as the euphoria grows and the knot in your belly tightens. Leon, in his own desperation to chase his oncoming high, continues to buck his hips up into yours wildly from below.
His head has fallen back against the pillow as he feels your cunt tighten around him.
"Jesus…you feel so good darlin'." Leon groans in appreciation. You don't say anything, only moaning loudly and moving your hips with more vigor. The sounds from your mouth cause Leon to shudder as he watches you move against him. The sound of his name falling out of your mouth is driving him crazy and you look so damn pretty in his cowboy hat.
After a few more moments of bliss, you finally come undone releasing all of the fluids onto Leon's cock as your eyes roll back into your head and you slump down on top of Leon. Leon helps you along by moving his hand down to toy with your clit as you shudder from the waves of your orgasm.
"Look at you, you pretty little thing. So beautiful.." he grunts.
His hand comes up to the back of your neck as he holds you to his chest while burying his nose in the crook of your neck.
Your breathing is heavy and you wrap your arms tightly around his torso, feeling warm all over your body after your climax. Leon sighs as he starts to rub small circles into your back.
"Damn sweetheart, you may just be the death of me." he coos. A soft smile forms on your lips. Your head rests firmly on his chest, and you peer up at him.
"Does that mean I can keep the hat?" You ask with a sheepish smile.
Leon chuckles and rests a hand on your hat-covered head.
"Yeah, I 'spose so. It suits you."
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dior-and-dietcoke · 7 months
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starring! : mitsuya, mikey, model!hakkai
cw! : 18+, dacryphilia, public, afab!reader, oral, praise, sex on a bike, a lot of outfit descriptions, its a long one, sub!hakkai, threesome, implied mitsuya x hakkai,
summary! : future!toman with a messy model!reader working for mitsuya
a/n! : I had so much fucking fun writing this so I might write a part 2 (bonten version)
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It all started when you got a gig to model for this newer brand from Japan. You were actually contacted and called by the designer of this brand to model. He was very sweet and understanding. Which was very rare in the modeling industry. So you were intrigued, not only by the pieces of the designer but by the designer himself.
So when you arrived in Japan he already got you a cab from the airport to a fancy hotel and all.
When you were actually there at the shooting, they gave you a black belt with a big silver belt buckle in the shape of the familiar dragon symbol of all his clothing, then the woman gave you low waisted flared jeans with another dragon on each side of the legs. you raised your eyebrows in awe. It looked sexy.
"What about the shirt?" You asked the woman. "Oh, you will be shirtless in this shooting," She said and handed you sunglasses with another silver dragon on both sides. "You're okay with that, aren't you?" She asked, not being completely aware of your contract, but yes, you were okay with it, known for it, actually. You did loads of provocative pictures for dior, Versace, and miu miu.
"Oh yeah, don't worry about it." You smiled and disappeared into the dressing room "mister mitsuya will be here soon but if he's not here once you're done we'll just start without him." You let out a hum of approval as you took your shirt off.
You didn't immediately come out once you were done, first you were admiring the craftsmanship of the clothing and how hot you looked, so you striked a few poses until you heard the heavy door open from outside the dressing room and greetings to the designer.
Then you decided to leave the room without your robe on, so you just covered your nipples with your arm.
You looked around as your heels clacked through the room. You spotted the lilac haired man you knew from magazines, with his back turned to you as he talked to the woman who handed you the clothes. You saw the woman's eyes light up behind her glasses and pointed at you, making the man turn around. You immediately smiled at him, but he seemed a little surprised that you weren't wearing a robe. He smiled and walked up to you. "mitsuya, correct?" You asked bowing to greet him. He did the same."Takashi is fine. " he smiled at you, very obviously trying not to look at your squished up tits "it's really nice to finally meet and work with you"
"Likewise, I'm absolutely in love with your work and ideas!" You complimented him with a bright smile. He returned the smile and the compliment before the woman came back to lead you to the set. It was a white background with a motorcycle in front of it, you were already so fucking excited about how they would turn out, you snapped your finger and cheered lowly as you strutted towards the bike
"You've ever been on one?" Mitsuya asked casually standing behind the computer that would display the pictures, you swung one of your legs over the bike and let go of your tits to grab the handles "nope, but I was always so attracted to guys on bikes" you grinned, to which mitsuya surprisingly said "I got a bike, she's a real beauty" you looked up at him through your glasses and already knew: you're gonna fuck this man after this.
And fuck him you did.
You were pressed against the door of your hotel room as the handsome lilac haired man lifted one of your thighs to press himself further against you as he messily made out with you, your lipgloss staining his lips and the sides of his mouth.
He hummed as you reached down to feel his erection and he broke the kiss to look down at your hand on his clothes cock before looking back into your pretty eyes, "did riding my bike with me turn you on that much?" He asked out of breath, you bit your bottom lip and nodded "fuck yeah it did.." you giggled, to which he grabbed your hips to pick you up as if you weighed nothing and throw you on the bed.
Seeing you lay there, legs spread, hair messy and your lips swollen due to kissing him made him feral.
He got between your legs and started unbuckling his belt, watching take your panties off and raise your black tight dress. "Fuck, you're hot.." he hummed before he leaned back down to kiss you again while pulling your dress down your tits to expose them to him again.
"You want it, baby?" He asked against your lips as his cock lightly tapped your sensitive clit, making you gasp and whine "fuck! Yes, yes! Please.."
Mitsuya groaned at your sexy voice begging for his cock. "Fuck yeah.." he replied mindlessly to your begging as the tip of his red hot cock began to slide as slow as he possibly could into your tight and already wet pussy. Fuck he never felt anything like it...his nerves were on fire his skin tingled and his eyes rolled back in pleasure.
You gripped the sheets with your expensive manicured nails and curled your toes in absolute bliss and ecstasy just from him sliding inside of you. "ffuckk-you feel good, baby-oh shit.." mitsuya babbled as his hips stuttered against you, making you shiver and arch your back.
"O-ooohh!" You wailed, grinding against him "please just-" you got cut off by your own slutty moan as his cock twitched inside of you "please fuck me, taka.."
His eyes widened as you said his name in such an erotic way, his cock was never harder than it was right now..his mind just shut off and he began ramming his hips into your own, shoving his cock even deeper into your tight and weeping pussy.
Your head shot back along with your eyes rolling back into your skull at the overwhelming feeling of pleasure crawling up your body, making your mouth water and your mind foggy.
You've never had a better fuck, and you hoped you'll work more often with mitsuya...
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After the best sex you've ever had, mitsuya asked if you'd wanna also do a runway show for his new fashion line, and you obviously said yes. Not only do you love his clothes, but doing runways is almost just as fun as the shooting.
As you were getting your makeup done, you saw mitsuya in the corner of your eye, he walked up to you and looked at your gorgeous face in the mirror with his pretty hands on your shoulder "my friends are here tonight to see this line, it's inspired by my delinquent times" he laughed softly as his thumb rubbed your shoulder "we're going to a bar after the show and I think they'd be more than excited to meet you.." You grinned and looked him in his purple eyes through the mirror. "Oh? Is that so?" You giggled. "Why is that?"
Mitsuya smiled. "I showed them your finished pictures because I knew they'd love the 'half naked pretty girl on a bike' concept." he huffed out a quick laugh, he did more than just show them your pictures, he also told them about what an amazing fuck you are..and you knew he did, you're not stupid after all.
"Mhh..then I'd be happy to meet them too" you grinned.
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mitsuya sat down next to mikey and baji. Mitsuya stretched out his legs before crossing them. "She said she'd live to meet you all" baji grinned "oh fuck yeah, bet she's even hotter in person." Mikey laughed at his comment but draken stepped in "bet she's a lot of fun too after what Mitsuya told us" to which the lilac haired man nodded "she's a real sweetheart"
The lights then finally went off except for the ones illuminating the runway, the music started and two women holding hands came out dressed in black dresses looking like his brand logo and matching tattoo with his best friend.
After multiple gorgeous men and women strutted out in mitsuyas toman inspired outfits, finally mitsuya saw your beautiful figure strut out in your beautifully confident and sassy walk, wearing the glasses you had on in the photoshoot, a short black leather jacket with a white dragon on the back of it, no shirt or bra underneath. A sexy Jean mini skirt swaying around your hips with a little chain covered in Swarovski diamonds, while your black leather high heeled boots barely audible due to the music clacked on the white runway, Your hair swaying as you turned and posed before turning back to walk back.
The men watched every move you made, every step, sway, and every flip of your gorgeous hair. You were even hotter in person, you looked like a fucking dream.
The way you walked was so fucking confident and the way you posed was so attractive for some reason
"No wonder she's a model.." Mikey murmured absolutely enamored. He wasn't able to take his eyes off you for a single second, none of them could.
And since that night, you started working more for mitsuya in Japan just because you genuinely enjoyed his company, his work, and his friends, of course. You've met baji, mikey, draken and sanzu.
All of them were so fun to hang out and get drunk with. The attention they gave you was unlike any other, maybe it's because these men were your dream in your teenage years, and the stories they told were so fun to listen to.
And not only that, they were also fucking hot. Baji's hair was just literally your weak spot, the way he would sometimes swipe his hair over his shoulder.
The way draken worked on bikes, how his hands were so talented, and oh, what they could do to you..
Or how when you'd be at one of mikeys races and every time he'd win and cross that line, you knew you were crazy wet. You jumped and yelled until your throat was sore.
speaking of sore..
mikey took you back inro his garage at the racecourse when no one was working, to show you his bikes.
he told you all of their names and when he got them as the two of you were drinking a beer, you smiled at the cute names the bikes had and you always liked listening to mikey talk, he was fun and sweet.
mikey walked over to his newest bike and waved you over to it. "wanna sit on it?" he asked. You shivered at his question as you imagined to sit on something else..
but you shook those invasive thoughts off and happily nodded before you swung your beautiful legs over the bike to place your ass on the cold leather, mikey watched closely as your soft emerald dress hiked up your legs, and how your pretty heels stood on each side of his bike.
he took a sip of his beer before speaking up again "youre lucky i didn't know you back in the day.." You curiously looked up at him through his black hair as he tilted his head, taking you fully in.
"Why do you say that? i'm sure we could have had lots of fun," you grinned, biting your bottom lip
mikey chuckled and shook his head at your bluntness. "i bet.." he took another swig, "but if i knew you, i would have never let you go." he grinned, to which you sat straight up.
"That doesn't sound too bad.." If you knew any of the guys back then, you would have done the same.
Mikey just grinned and got closer to you, putting his one hand on the handle of his bike and the other on your back. You looked up into his beautiful gloomy but sensual eyes before you just reached up to press your lips onto his own.
Not soon after you were bent over the bike, desperately holding onto the bike handles as the black haired man fucked you from behind, his hands on your wide hips and his nails digging into your flesh.
Your legs were shaking on either side of the bike on your golden heels, your legs felt like jello as Mikey's cock hit all the right spots inside you. "Fuck, you feel so fuckin' good" he groaned as your pussy gripped him so tightly that it was hard not to cum immediately. The way your pussy fluttered around him felt like absolute heaven. His hands started to drag you back and forth onto his cock as his own legs began to wobble "oh shit-" his head threw back as the fear a familiar tingle up his back and down his crotch.
"Can I cum inside you?" Mikey asked as he leaned over you, reaching around to hastily play with your clit in an attempt to drive you closer to your own climax.
You could swear you started seeing stars as Mikey began to roll his hips against you. Your manicured hands gripped the handles harder as you drooled onto the seat like a dumb fuck toy "uhh-uh-huh" you mindlessly babbled in approval, Mikey took his left hand from your hip to grab your drool drenched chin and lift it up so you were looking right back into his pretty eyes "I need a clear answer, baby..." his thrusts became slow and hard, his tip teasing your sweet spot over and over again, "yyes! Fucking-ah!" You moaned and clenched down hard on his long cock "cum inside!!"
Mikey didn't need any further encouragement. He kissed your cheek. "Good girl.." Before he sat back up to grab those beautiful hips again and slam into at a fast pace.
Your back arched, and your toes almost lifted off the ground as you felt your orgasm rapidly approaching. "f-fuck! Mikey!!" You yelled out, not caring if there was anyone around that could hear, let them hear. Let them hear you getting one of the best fucks you've ever had.
"Mhm- just like that," Mikey huffed as his hand gently clapped your ass before caressing it. "Get loud, baby.."
Mikeys eyes gently rolled back and his mouth hung open as he felt his cock tingle and throb before he came harder than he ever did, he moaned so prettily and his cum was so sticky and warm as you two came together.
Mikeys hand grabbed your hand on the handles as he rode out his high with his head held low.
After the two of you came down from your highest high of your life, mikey just wrapped his arms around you from behind, snuggling his head against your sweaty back. With his cock still inside you and slowly softening "that was fucking amazing.." you said, laying your hot, sweat dripping face onto the cool leather of the seat.
"Mhh.." Mikey hummed, his hands just continued to caress your tummy and his lips gently meeting your skin.
This felt like such a cute and sweet moment, if only your legs weren't sore as fuck from getting banged on a motorcycle.
"Mikey, honey.. we need to get up, my legs are so sore, " but you just felt him shake his head and pout. "Not yet.." You laughed and put your hand on the one that was rubbing your stomach.
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In the morning, after the intense night with mikey, you had another shoot planned with mitsuya.
He mentioned that one of his models is going to pose with you and that it's going to be provocative. Provocative is your second name. so even though your legs were still a little shaky, you were beyond excited to meet another friend of mitsuyas.
As you stepped into the studio, you saw mitsuya discussing something with a blue haired man. His hair was shoulder-length, and he had a scar decorating the side of his lips.
"TAKAAA!" You said happily, raising your arms. Immediately, mitsuya turned his head and smiled at you before embracing you a little longer for a friendly hug. He kissed your cheek before looking back into your pretty eyes. "How are you?" He asked sweetly.
You actually blushed and giggled as if you were a teenage girl again. "I'm good, I'm good, but don't you wanna introduce me to your friend?" You turned around to face the tall man, who just froze up at your sudden attention.
Mitsuya chuckled. "Right, of course.." he opened his arms politely and introduced you to the man, to which he bowed, "and this tower of a man is hakkai shiba"
You smiled as you looked him up and down, which sent a shiver up the man's back.
He was wearing an open leather biker jacket without a shirt underneath, dark blue jeans held up by a big belt with a silver belt buckle, the same one that you wore on your first shoot with mitsuya.
You bowed and looked back up at him, making sure to be obvious that you thought he was hot.
Mitsuya just held back a laugh as hakkai stared at you wide-eyed and stiff as a board.
"Naomi has your clothes, by the way, I'm sure hakkai is already more than ready for you," the lilac haired man grinned and left to one of his assistants.
Naomi was the woman who helped you on your first day. You learned after the few days of working for mitsuya.
You had a nice conversation with Naomi as you got dressed in a black and red biker jacket paired with a black mini skirt - and I mean TINY mini skirt. Your ass was peeking out of it. Underneath the skirt was a thong of mitsuya's latest lingerie line, hakkai was supposed to lift your skirt to show it off, with you dragging his jeans down to reveal the male underwear line, you were so excited to pose with this fine ass man.
You put on the golden chain with the dragon on it before leaving the dressing room.
When you arrived at the set, the tall blue haired man was already getting some pictures taken until mitsuya clapped his hands to get everyone's attention, and the people already knew the main shoot would be starting now, your heels clacked against the floor as you happily waved with both hands.
As you arrived next to hakkai, he tried so hard to avoid eye contact awkwardly until he finally spoke up, "Hey, this is okay with you, right?" He asked quietly. You giggled and nodded. "Yes, of course." You turned to the camera and put your hand around his hips to pull his pants down to the side, exposing the black briefs.
Hakkai hesitated but lifted your mini to show your thong off. He kept his focus on the camera as you two tried different poses.
Mitsuya just had a sly grin on his face the whole shoot
"Okay," mitsuya started "now get on your knees and like pull his jeans down" you nodded and did as mitsuya said, hakkai accidentally let out a gasp as he saw you on your knees infront of him, the tried as hard as he could to keep his cool but it was hard..just like him.
He was getting hard. He just hoped you wouldn't notice.
But oh, you noticed. you grinned before putting your hand on his crotch, your insides tingled as you felt it twitch in your hand.
Mitsuya nodded and spoke up again. "Now hakkai, do the same to her." Hakkai swallowed hard as he got down on his knees while you were already up on your feet, hakkai shyly pulled your skirt up and audibly gasped when he felt your heel on his shoulder, he swear he could almost smell the sweet scent of your pretty pussy at this "distance"
You bit your lip a little and put your hand in his hair, making hakkai softly whine.
Mitsuya stood there with his arms crossed as smiling in satisfaction. "Perfect..." he murmured, admiring the two of you together, clearly noticing the sexual tension between you two.
After the shoot was over, you didn't waste a second to invite hakkai to your changing room. Claiming you wanna "discuss some poses," and it technically wasn't a lie.
Once you were inside, you started kissing hakkai against the wall. He moaned in surprise, and the feeling of your beautiful body pressed against his own, both of you half naked from the waist up.
"You're pretty.." hakkai said between messy and wet kisses,"I know~" You hummed before continuing to make out with the pretty man.
You slightly hummed into his mouth when you felt his shaky hands softly grip your waist.
To his surprise, you suddenly got down on your knees, and before he could ask, you pulled his pants down along with his boxers. Letting his long cock jump out.
You grinned up at him before grabbing it and licking around his hot tip, hakkai moaned, and you felt his thighs twitch and move. "Oh fuck-" he whined, hakkais cute sounds woke something carnal inside of you. He was so sensitive already..
you continue to hallow your cheeks and lick through his wet slit, making the man obviously weak in the knees. They buckled, and his hands desperately wanted to just touch your beautiful and feminine body.
but his mind was just foggy with the mindblowing pleasure of your lips around his cock.
"a-ahh! you feel -" he moaned and threw his head back. "s-so goood-ah!" His cock twitched in your mouth as you lowered your head down to the base of his cock.
Hakkai grabbed at the wall behind him as his eyes rolled back, "f-fuck!" He let out a cute whimper, almost as if he was crying, and honestly, he could cry at how good he feels right now. His brain can't comprehend it.
So he just brainlessly asked "c-can I fuck you-please?" And you immediately looked up at his pretty, groggy and hooded eyes.
In response, you just got up and kissed him. You pulled at his jacket and let him cage you in against the wall. You then ripped his jacket off, making the silver chain on his neck jingle through the sound of your wet lips smacking against each other.
You pulled your own jacket off and pulled the latex bikini off, while hakkai pulled your thong slowly down and gasped at the sight of your bare pussy.
"Like what you see, hun?" You smiled, putting your hand into his soft, blue hair. He softly bites his bottom lips before speaking up "can I maybe-" he gasped breathlessly "can I eat your pussy?"
You nodded. "Go ahead, baby." hakkai didn't waste a second to suck on your swollen clit. Due to the sounds of your moans and hakkais wet sucking and tongue fucking, you didn't hear the door open. "Just as I thought" your eyes shot open and hakkai turned his head "t-taka-chan- I uh-" he began to apologize but mitsuya just shook his head and smiled "no keep going, look at her..she's so needy" you grinned at his statement and hakkai just continued, he didn't even think about it twice. He was too pussy drunk to stop.
You moaned and looked down at the pretty man, "No, no.." mitsuya spoke softly next to you, making you look at him with his hand on your hot cheek."Keep your eyes on me, okay?"
You nodded as your hips began to grind into hakkais face.
Mitsuya then started kissing your shoulder, slowly moving up to your neck. And sucking on your delicate skin. "Takashi-ah!" You drunkenly muttered. "Shh, we got you.." he softly said against your neckline before sliding down to grab at your tits and sucking your nipple into his mouth.
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The second you all got out again, your hairs were all messy, faces flushed, and still a little sweaty. You and hakkai had hickeys all over your necks and chests, while mitsuya looked calm and collected as always, aside from his kiss swollen lips and flushed face.
You could barely walk after getting tag teamed by both of the pretty men.
The assistants and photographers stared at you three for obvious reasons.
Mitsuya got back behind the computers. "Get in position, you two!" He commanded. You were surprised that Mitsuya wanted to take more pictures even though the both of you looked literally fucked.
But your confusion disappeared once you saw the pictures. You looked so hot in these.
Especially the one where you two faux open-mouthed kissed. "We'll definitely use this one." Mitsuya pointed at the exact picture you were admiring. "You both look amazing."
Mitsuya turned his head to look at you, and you shyly smiled.
You might have a little crush on mitsuya..
He then walked up to you and kissed you on the cheek. "Let's go eat something later, hm?" You smiled at him and put your hands on his waist. "I'd love to, taka"
Fuck you love your work lately.
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slutforfinnickodair · 2 months
HI BBG😻😻 I was wondering if you could write something for Sam Monroe like maybe he has a prince albert piercing?! I’m going feral rn. Okay love yaa
At the piercer
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Pairing: Older!F!Reader x Sam Monroe
plot: Sam is in a little need of some money and after one of his friends bets him a lot of it in change for that piercing, he goes to visit one of his friends.
warnings: oral (male receiving), piercings, talk of smoking and use of drugs, age gap — sam is like 21 reader is more like 29, cheating
a/n: holy cow. WHOEVER REQUESTED THIS PLEASE MESSAGE ME😭🙏 By the way guys my inbox is open so please give me some requests😻
word count: 1.4k
“Yo, dude.” Josh nudged Sam by his shoulders. Sam gave him a look from the side before taking off his headphones that were blasting Metallica a moment ago.
“What do you want?” His hoarse voice made Josh want to laugh but he stood his ground.
“Want to bet five hundred bucks?” Josh said while leaning against the fence of their house.
Sam sighed before thinking of it. Five hundred bucks would be good for at least three pounds of weed. Maybe he could get some cigarettes along with it or even pills.
“What’s the deal?” Sam stood up from the grass, making Josh smirk before he turned his head to look at Thomas.
“He won’t do it man let it go.” Tommy shook his head while Josh kicked his leg making Thomas buckle his knees.
“You got a thing for that Y/N don’t you?” Josh asked while Sam narrowed his eyes at the blonde. Who was he to question if he liked her or not? She was already married for two years now so he had no chance over a man who looked like he was coming out from a Vogue magazine’s frontpage. Plus, he was way younger.
“Just say what you want, Jonathan.” Sam crossed his arms on his chest.
“How about you go to her salon and ask for a piercing?” Josh chuckled while looking down at his own groin.
The raven haired boy instantly shook his head.
“Come on Sam, it's gonna be fun. Don’t be such a pimp. Isn’t this what you want after all? Some weed and pills. You know five hundred dollars isn’t a small amount of money” Josh teased.
“I’m not doing it anyways.” Sam said. “Either if I get the money or not.”
“Are you shy? That she will see how small your dick actually is?” Thomas laughed while Josh kicked him again.
Sam tilted his head backwards. A piercing? Down there? Sure for five hundred it wasn’t really a big deal but he wasn’t even sure Y/N could do something like that.
“Fine, I'll do it.” Sam suddenly said while Josh smirked and patted Thomas on his back while turning around and walking back into their house.
Sam walked into your shop, hearing the bell echo through the building as he stepped inside and closed the door behind himself.
“Oh, Hi Sam.” You said as you spotted him across the reception. He was wearing flared jeans with one of those metal rock bands on it that you casually knew the name of but didn’t listen to any of their songs.
“Hi.” He said while walking over to you.
“What brings you in today?” You asked while pulling out your notepad to add a new customer for today. You only had five today and it was already two in the afternoon so it was quite a slow day.
Now this was the part where Sam lost all of his confidence just looking at you all over again.
You had your hair pinned up so it didn’t fall into your sight. You were wearing a blouse with nothing underneath so he saw your nipple piercings poking through the fabric.
He felt his mouth watering up at the sight as you leant against the counter, writing his name in in your diary.
“Well..umm.” He started but then stopped again as you looked up at him. “I..”
You tilted your head smiling slightly as you saw a little red creeping up to his face.
“I’m guessing you want it somewhere private.” You said while he let out a chuckle, scratching the back of his neck.
“Nipple piercings?” You guessed while looking up at him.
You tried to think of anything that could weird out a twenty one year old boy, then the question suddenly left your mouth.
“A cockring?” You asked while Sam breathed out and nodded his head slowly.
“Okay.” You got up from behind the counter and walked towards the mattress where you did all of your job.
“Lay down.” You said while sitting down on the barstool next to him.
Sam laid down as you said and stared at the ceiling while you got some of the stuff that was needed. You put on some gloves, searching for a needle and the disinfectant with a cotton swab nearby.
“Are you nervous?” You asked to make a brief conversation.
“A little.” He admitted while readjusting his position.
“Don’t worry it will be fine.” You said while turning around. “Though you would need to pull your jeans and underwear down.” You said while waiting for him to do so.
“Oh right.” He murmured while quickly fidgeting with his belt.
Your thoughts suddenly drifted away. You’ve been doing piercings for Sam since he turned seventeen. Of course you thought he looked fine but he was way too young for you. You were already twenty five when you met.
Your husband wouldn’t give a shit if you just went and slept around, because he did the same. Not that you did care, you needed the money and that was it.
Sam was different, you only thought of him as a one night stand and even that was a huge mistake to think of. He probably had many women drooling around him; he didn't need one who was married.
“Okay so.” You started while looking at his pretty face. “You know I would like you to get a little bit aroused before we start this so the needle can easily pierce your skin.” You dared not to look down at his member. Sam paid attention to this as he stared right into your gorgeous eyes, waiting for you to finally touch him even if it meant his head would be swelling for a good two weeks.
“I’ll leave you alone to do this.” You said while getting up from the barstool that you were seated on. Sam wanted to call out for you but he rather closed his mouth and watched as you walked behind the counter again, looking up at the clock before diving your head into one of your notebooks where you rearranged some appointments that were off for today. You were basically just scribbling down whatever came to your mind.
By the time you walked back to where Sam was, you saw exactly how he was currently rubbing himself, trying to get ready. All you saw was that the poor boy tried to do his best but he was still limp. You pulled at your lips as a wicked thought ran up into your head.
Jacking him off wouldn’t be cheating would it be?
You didn’t care though, you walked over to him and sat back on the barstool. When he noticed you he quickly pulled away his hands, staring at you.
“Seems like you don’t have anyone to think about.” You said while he gulped down his spit. Gosh how could you be so hot and confident at the same time?
“Trust me, I do.” He murmured while looking down at your cleavage.
“Okay pretty boy well how about I help you out a little bit?” You suggested while pulling out something like lube from one of your drawers.
“You would?” He asked surprised.
Oh god, she’s going to stroke my dick.
“Well if I need to..” You pressed some of that lube on your fingertips looking down at him.
Sam kept looking at you, praying not to cum in a minute under your hands. You probably had no time for him anyways.
You looked him into the eyes once before taking his tip between your fingertips, rubbing the lube right on the skin.
This was the first time Sam held his moans back, trying to gain composure as you kept flicking the head with your hands. If you kept going like this you would be having to see him cumming all over your hand.
“Fuck.” He muttered under his breath as you went faster. You even forgot this wasn’t supposed to be a blowjob until the very moment you got thick ropes of white coming down your hands.
A soft gasp left your lips but even then you kept going. Sam twitched underneath your hand, groaning once you sped up again.
“You gonna cum again for me baby?” You purred while now your hand was caressing his entire length.
“Yes..” He gasped while you kept smirking.
Let’s just say Sam Monroe turned out to visit your salon more after that encounter. Plus, he always made sure your husband would see the leftover marks that your setting powder couldn’t cover.
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traumatrios · 2 months
i can't stop thinking about Stanford!art in his backwards hat!! could u maybe write something for Stanford art plsss no pressure tho.
warnings! frat boy!art, drinking and suggestiveness (?)
josie’s notes! loved this look sm 🧎‍♀️ pls tell me if yall understand the ending bc idk if i was too vague…
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You don’t know where it came from— besides the obvious Stanford merch shop on campus. Art just began to wear the cap every day. He always defended the look with “it helps keep the hair from my eyes” and how the girls “totally dig it”.
He was right, even when being sarcastic about it. You did ‘dig’ it.
It gave him the flare of a true college stud, especially when he decided to join a lesser-known frat and paired the red hat with a Kappa Alpha t-shirt on.
God, you would feel the drool pooling in your mouth the first time he gave you a peek at the new look.
Frat boys weren’t your type, but when Art sported the charisma one could get only from brotherhood, it was just so attractive.
“If you take a picture it will last longer.”
Art appeared in front of you with a red solo cup in one hand and the other stuffed into his jeans. Fuck, you were caught.
Parties became a regular occurrence in Art’s social life, which eventually meant it became one in yours, too. Especially when your mutual friends swear you’re only seen together… which isn’t true!
“You don’t think my eyes are pretty?” You fluttered your eyelashes up at the boy, your intoxicated state influencing the confidence that gushed from your features.
“Very pretty,” he smiled. Art was surprisingly tolerant of his alcohol, which is something you’ve questioned for the past two years of your close friendship. You, on the other hand.
“Mm, like your hat,” you reached a hand up to twist the rim of his cap. Now he had been shadowing his forehead rather than the back of his neck.
Now he looked like a golfing dad, especially with the million dollar twinkle in his eye and the way he charmed you to the bone.
Unhappy with the new look, Art took the hat completely off of his head and fixed it on yours. The canvas material of the hat wrinkled around the width of your head and even slid to the space between your brows. Nonetheless, your smile persisted.
He was convinced it lit up the whole room.
“Your head is big,” was all you could say, giggling at how he rolled his eyes and threatened to take the hat back by lunging one of his large hands toward the cap. You swung up your forearm in defense, turning your head away from the boy.
Art pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, watching you twirl away from his playful attacks. “Mine now?” you asked.
“No-no, but keep it on ‘til the morning,” he flicked your forehead, just above the adjustable snaps of the cap.
You rose an eyebrow in question. “Morning?”
Art didn’t say anything else. Instead, he just wrapped his fingers around the rim of your cup sauntered off to the kitchen.
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divider by @benkeibear!
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im-yn-suckers · 4 months
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bf!enha x latina!reader; how enhypen would be with a latina girlfriend! -pure fluff!- warnings; booty smacking, kissing, boobies
bro loves ur boobs. most latinas have bigger chests (not me tho stay safe.) so when ure laying down, expect this goofvball to lay on your tits
would call you mami pt 1
along w titties, i feel like hed also like butts. like imagine ure standing in the kitchen and he comes up behind u, pinches ur butt, then backhugs you. like-
all latinas have very beautiful bodies, but if youre like a curvier one with a waist and thighs, bros on his knees.
now we know bros a chef so hed def try andn make some foods from where ur from!!
adores everypart of you for sure!!
personall when someone says 'mi amor' it kinda cringes me out idk why. so if youre lkike me, hed def say it just to see u cringe
not related but would let you bite him ^^
calls you mami pt2
butt lover pt 2
a lot of latinas looks really good in low rise jeans w the white outline(not me tho stay safe pt 2) yk eat im talking ant right. neway, bros on his kness pt2
will wear "i heart my hot latina gf" shirt
will go to a baile or like ur fams bday party and will be the one dragging you to dance
ngl this is hard. but hed for sure but u the flare pants bc all latinas look good in those. the forbidden pants are a big pass only bc the pattern
loves big booty latinas and will wear shirts that say it
latinas never admit they were wrong. and neither does he. good lucl fr
cant forget he loves kissing you bc the lips??? th full lips??? the plump lips??
food lover!!! hed actually love all the food.
'baby do you have anymore of those chips' after eating an entire bag of takis (most latinas eat hot vheetos but hot cheetos are basic)
two psychotic hot ppl in love for sure
qnother one whi loves kissies >3<
'babe, what does chinga tu madre mean?' only tellhim if he swears to use it apporpriately not just say it for fun ToT
yk those thread braclets with beads and charms on it. yea bro would wear it
will say youre crazy and when you freak *not all latinas are like this* hell def get scared
another food one
butt lover pt 3 lays on your butt, squeezes your butt and smacks your butt.
tit lover pt 2 not in a sexual way. hed also lay on yout titties
eats hot cheetos with valentina w/o you
def calls you mi amor once again to cringe you out, bc he also cringes.
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caramelberzatto · 5 months
a little taste // c. berzatto
oh we're so back-
- clarke xx
(nsfw below: 18+, swearing, p in v, etc. afab!reader. no use of pronouns.)
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He called your name through the dark apartment, but it went unheard from where you laid, face down. One arm tucked under your pillow, one leg hiked up, resting over the bunched duvet, your even breaths whispered into the room. Wearing only your work blouse and underwear, as close as you’d gotten to having a shower after work before passing out, goosebumps pebbled your flesh from the AC blaring. 
“Sweetheart,” Carmy muttered when he stepped into your bedroom, noting your sleeping form, a smile tugged at his lips. He’d missed you today, after he’d woken up late and found you’d already left for work, but he vaguely remembered your goodbye kiss, the taste of your lipgloss still lingered on his tongue. It had left him with a boiling pit in his stomach, a need that prodded his mind the whole day, leaving him irritable and… flustered; not that he’d ever admit that.
Pulling his shirt over his head, leaving it in a pool of fabric by the door, he approached you, wincing as the bed creaked when he knelt on it, moving to hover over you. 
“Baby,” he muttered, brushing your hair out of your face, smiling slightly at the mascara smudged beneath your eyes, the faint glimmer of gloss that had survived the day. “Come shower.”
You stirred, only slightly, only enough to raise your hips, brushing your ass against his crotch, and that boiling pit flared into a bonfire. Carmy groaned, a low sound at the back of his throat, and kissed your cheek. 
“Come on,” he almost choked on his words when you brushed against him again, with a little more force this time, and Carmy shook his head when he noticed the smirk on your face though your eyes remained closed.
“Later, Carm,” you hummed, hiking your leg a little higher, a silent invitation. “I’m so comfy.”
Carmy scoffed, skirting his hand up your side, a slight skimming of warm fingertips, slipping beneath your shirt. “You want something, huh?”
You said nothing, only mumbling a few indiscernible words before burying your face in the pillow.
“Didn’t quite catch that,” Carmy slid his hand into your hair and tugged, ever so gently, until you glanced over your shoulder at him, sleepy eyes fluttering open. “You’ll have to use your words.”
A soft whine escaped your lips and you shook your head, fighting the mischievous grin that would give you away; as though Carmy didn’t already know exactly what you wanted.
“Come on,” he prompted, leaning down to kiss your neck, running his tongue along the sensitive flesh, before nipping at your jaw. “Ask me.”
Groaning something that sounded an awful lot like his name, you arched up, pressing your ass fully against him, where you found the hardness of his cock straining against his jeans.
“Please… I want you to fuck me… right here, like this.”
Carmy was a man of steely reserve, but his resolve crumbled hearing your soft voice, still hoarse and thick with sleep, asking him to fuck you. And you said it so damn sweetly, how could he ever say no?
Moving slowly, he lifted two fingers to his mouth, let a thin trail of spit coat them, then tucked your underwear to the side, easing into your warmth. The sound that slipped from your mouth, something so fractured and pathetic, made Carmy’s cock twitch. And when he curled his fingers, hitting that spot inside you, a shiver worked its way through your body and you gripped the sheets, desperate for some kind of tether.
It was torturous, pushing back into him, only to have him pull away. And, if you’d opened your eyes, you knew you would’ve seen that insufferable smirk pasted across his face. Carmen Berzatto loved to tease, and he was stupidly, unfairly good at it.
His fingers slid out of you, and the sharp grating sound of a zip reached your ears in your sleepy haze and you fought to hold back a smile. It seemed that he didn’t want to tease today, and you held back your sigh of relief. But it didn’t stop you from playing a little game of your own.
“You gonna give me what I want?” You were trying for boldness, but it came out as soft murmur, warped by a gentle smirk. 
“That depends,” he grunted, accompanied by the telltale rustling of fabrics, before the head of his cock settled where you wanted it most. He swiped it through the slick gathered there, but made no move to push in. “You gonna say please?”
The ‘please’ left your lips as soon as he’d asked for it, almost embarrassingly quickly, but Jesus Christ. Wanting him, needing him, was all-consuming, and it was easy to fall into a pattern of craving him. 
And then he was inside you, burying deep with one slow thrust, and the two of you moaned in unison. His breath warmed the side of your neck as he caged you in, forearms braced on either side of your head, the only warning before he sunk his teeth into the sensitive flesh of your neck. A whine of his name died on your lips as he moved, pulling out then thrusting back in. Slow, lazy strokes that had you whimpering quietly into the pillow, brows furrowed and eyes scrunched shut. 
There was no haste, only minute-after-minute passing by, slowly moving together. No rush, no fervour, just the familiar comfort of having him close, each thrust hitting deep. The soft whines that slipped from your lips turned into muttered curses, then a steady repetition of his name. A quiet and desperate prayer. A plea.
He was hovering, just barely, his chest against your back. Each stroke pushed you down into the mattress slightly. And it felt so sinfully good to be surrounded by him, to feel him everywhere. Some days, the need for him just felt so dire that you just wanted to stay in bed with him and spend hours memorising the taste of him; his lips, his tongue, his cock. All of it. There was a certain kind of relief, knowing he was yours. 
“You feel so fuckin’ good, sweetheart,” Carmy groaned, bracing a hand on your waist in an attempt to ground himself, contain himself. 
“So do– fuck, so do you.” You could hardly breathe, too caught up in the pleasure he provided. Raising your hips slightly, one of your hands slithered down, gliding against the sheets, to your clit, where you traced slow circles. But Carmy’s hand swatted yours away.
“Let me, baby,” he muttered, kissing the tender spot below your ear, nipping at your earlobe affectionately. “Just relax for me. Lay there and just take it, baby.”
It didn’t take long after that. 
Writhing beneath him, you let out a long, low moan into the pillow as you shuddered, thighs trembling. Carmy thrusted deep, though his composure wavered, and when he pulled out, jerking his cock a few times, you rolled over, wanting to see him lose it completely.
His head tilted back, mouth slightly ajar, he groaned as he came, spilling onto your stomach. The warmth of it made you shiver. The veins in his neck bulged, and you wanted to graze your teeth along them, drag your tongue up the length of his throat. 
Carmy looked down at you then, breathless and panting, smiling placidly up at him. Dragging your finger through the mess he’d made, you brought it to your lips, sucking it clean.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” He ran his hands through his hair, climbing off you. “Let’s go shower, get you cleaned up, fuck.” 
But he couldn’t look away; the way that you just laid there looking at him with that perfect fucking smile, the dirty evidence of what the two of you had done, legs draped open. Fuck. 
Carmy couldn’t help himself as he grabbed your ankles, gently manoeuvring you to the edge of the bed, and knelt between your legs.
A little taste couldn’t hurt.
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befemininenow · 1 year
Are you a trans girl or non-conforming and would like to try out feminine clothing? You may want to check this out.
Say you found this dress online and you really love the overall style of it. Great! If you’re like me, you would say “F it! I’ll buy the dress and I’ll wear it how I like!” and move on with your life. That should the end of this guide, right? Except, there is one little problem: not everybody thinks this way. Those who look for the best matching outfits aren’t just searching to fit their style, color, or personality. It also has to do with their body type. If you’re in that situation, this guide may help you out.
Body shape
Believe it or not, there are many different types of body shape (up to 10). However, the most common tend to be the following (in no order):
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Rectangle- Even distribution on shoulders, hips, and waistline
Pear/Triangle- Wide hips, well-defined waist, small shoulders
Hourglass- Near-exact hip and shoulder measurements, thinner waistline
Inverted Triangle- Broader shoulders, narrower hips, little waist definition
Apple/Round- Broad shoulders and big bust, thin legs and hips
Many transgender women have the inverted triangle body shape due to several factors such as genetics, bone structure, and age. However, your body shape may also change over time due to a rebalancing of hormones, body fat, and even lifestyle. While you can’t change your bone structure, you can change your body definition through exercises.
Body proportion
Here is something you may find useful if you’re looking to customize your look. Body proportions are unique to every individual and play a factor on clothing and to some extent, accessories such as jewelry. For instance, you may find the skirt you bought looks either too long or short. There are a few areas where to measure your body proportions such as wrist length or neck size. But the best way to improve your dress type is by following the “golden ratio rule” of dividing your body into three:
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The way this is read is you’re either one-third top, two-thirds bottom, or you’re two-thirds top, one-third bottom. Once you get more knowledge, you can go upwards even eighths! But for now, the focus is on these two outcomes.
The two-thirds top, one-third bottom words well with long dresses:
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while the one-third top, two-thirds bottom works well with more casual clothing:
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Body measurements
Now that we got a few problems out of our way, it’s time to figure out what measurements you have. The best way to find out is by using a mirror and a soft measuring tape for body. Measure all the crucial parts of your body, which are the waist, hips, shoulders, and bust. This will determine the type of body you have and have a better idea on what length you will need to try out your clothing of choice.
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Shoe size
One thing very important about an outfit is choosing footwear. Although you can use your old Converses with your flared jeans, you’re certainly not going to use them with a ruffled dress. You’re definitely going to want heels or flats! Unfortunately, women’s shoe size are not exactly the same as men. But don’t give up! Fortunately, there are women’s size conversion charts that help you choose what shoe size you need.
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To find out your measurements on your own, grab at least two blank pieces of paper, a pencil or pen, and a measuring tape. Place your foot firmly forward and carefully trace around the outer area of your foot. Repeat this with your other foot. Once finished, grab your measuring tape and measure from your highest point to your lowest on both sheets. Measure the width as well. If both feet measure close to 10.5, your women’s size is a 12. However, due to a difference in manufacturing based on shoe brand, as well as shoe type like pumps, the average recommended size is at least 2 inches above your actual size. For those living in other countries that don’t use the US measuring size, I left a chart that shows all the possible measurements you may use to convert your shoe size into women’s size.
What to wear based on body type
Since not all clothing is made for everyone, it’s time to list what is considered the “ideal” clothing choices based on body type. Note that these are opinions from my source’s authors. IMO, the pictures below each suggestion are a better opinion. Your are free to choose your type of clothing.
Rounded or apple shapes fit best with monochrome colors and make the person look more “fit”.
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Pear or triangle shapes look more balanced with decorative accessories on top while keeping the bottom more plain.
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Rectangle shapes tend to have more volume with a waist belt while pleated pants give more volume on hips.
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Hourglass shapes look best when wearing bodycon dresses and cardigans to emphasize volume in their waistline.
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Inverted triangle shapes pull off the wide leg pants and fitted top combo the best.
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For a much more comprehensive guide for each body type, I highly recommend reading The Concept Wardrobe’s guides. It gives more details on what to wear and how to choose the best combinations. Link is provided here: https://theconceptwardrobe.com/search?query=body+frame
Tips on what to wear
Now that you reached this point, I’m pretty sure you’re excited to try out what your heart desires. However, before you go out and buy that two-piece dress, I recommend researching and observing the type of clothing women wear today. Believe it or not, people will judge based on your way of dressing, from background to social status to age. A simple look like bodysuit and jeans may look perfect on you and blend you in with the girls, but something like a hot pink bodycon will make you stand out, and most likely not in a good way. So how would you choose something that blends you in with society, but also be comfortable at the same time? Here are some tips and pics:
Find clothing that “feels” feminine. In other words, buy clothing that “feminizes” your body, such as tops that make your shoulders look shorter, wrap dresses that make your waistline shorter, and skirts that make your hips look wider.
Find the best colors based on skin tone and hair color. For instance, try out warm colors such as orange if your skin tone is warm.
Dress sexy, but never go too revealing. Seriously, have some respect to yourself. But if you really want to go out wearing, for example, a two-piece outfit, wear one that looks stylish and flatters your body in a great way.
Use accessories that fit and blend well with your body. Large jewelry goes well with larger frame, small jewelry fits with smaller wrist, and so forth. Don’t forget the purse! It is absolutely necessary now that you’re wearing pocketless clothing. Choose one that fits your taste and needs.
Bras and undergarments are necessary to wear now. As you further into your transition, your breasts will start growing and it will become more difficult and uncomfortable going out braless. Start out with a brassiere, then move on to a fitted bra as they become bigger over time. As for down there, I would use boy briefs as they’re similar to boxers. Although HRT will cause it to shrink, it does not make it disappear. If you must hide it, use a gaff or a tuck, but do not use chastity belts (Seriously, stay away from that unless you’re really into that thing). 
Optional: use waist shapers or corsets to slim down waist. Hip enlargement pads will also give your narrow hips and butt much needed volume. Breast forms can also give you an idea how big you want them in the future.
Fashion sense
But the most important part of choosing clothing as a trans girl is to wear whatever suits your taste.
For instance, are you more into the traditional and simple feminine aesthetic? Cottagecore may be for you:
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But what if you’re the rebellious type that prefers to defy tradition? Well, maybe the alt-girl fashion is for you:
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Maybe you’re the type that changes clothing based on season. So if you’re a summer-season type of girl, you’re definitely going for an outfit like this:
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How about if you’re into the gym? Clearly your goal is to be like this:
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Are you into business casual? There’s also a pic for that:
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(The girl in the pic is also transgender! Her name is Suzi Hunter, better known as The Sphere Hunter.)
But we also can’t forget cosplay, either!:
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(Cosplayer is Eden the Doll, a trans woman cosplayer! Picture belongs to Geo Leon.)
You’re probably the party type who loves some action:
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Casual wear can also be tasteful and attractive too:
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There’s so much to pic, but each style says a lot about what type of woman you are.
Where to buy clothing
If you’re interested in finding the right clothes for you, check out places that are especially gender-inclusive. As I’m based in the US, clothing stores such as Target are a good start while higher-end chains such as Nordstrom and Macy’s may have a better variety to choose from. If you’re a thrifty shopper, your local outlets, discount stores, and thrift shops have a surprising amount of great clothing for affordable prices. Although online sites like Amazon, Shein, and Zara have affordable and appealing clothing, many of these brands also have ethical concerns that overshadow their reputation. Dubbed “fast fashion”, they are a source of scrutiny among fashion fans and I would personally avoid them if possible. If you really need something affordable and new, I highly recommend purchasing through discount and thrift stores.
If you’re in need of safe undergarments, check out Urbody. They have clothing suitable for trans people, non-binary, and other identities, varying from binders to tucked leggings. They are founded by trans and non-binary people and use ethical practices and living wages for their workers. If you’re interested in checking their site out, here is the link to their page (I am not sponsored by them): https://urbody.co/
The whole point of this guide is to help you pick the proper clothing and accessories as a newly-out girl. I made this guide since there doesn’t seem to be many that are detailed. Keep in mind I’m still learning about female clothing as I am still in the first stages of transition myself. If anyone would like to add more info that is missing or provide any corrections, please reblog and add more helpful tips as it would help trans girls, trans women, non-binary, and anyone else that desires to wear affirming clothing. Please refrain from using any hurtful language if you’re doing so. Thank you and hugs!
Links to sources:
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vivwritesfics · 2 months
Fashion Show
A self indulgent fic in the Jake and Bug universe!! Her final university prom this is coming up and she needs help picking a dress
Warnings: rather sexual but no smut
Jake and Bug
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Jake Seresin hadn't been expecting any company. The one person he wanted to spend his day with had left his bed hours ago, kissed him sweetly before she disappeared for the day.
But then there was a knock on the door.
Jake didn't know who he expected. He paused the television and made his way to the door. But, when he pulled it open, there she stood.
"Bug," he said with surprise.
She had several bags in her arms. Jake immediately reached to take them from her and stepped to the side to let her in. "Hi, Jakey," she said and kissed his cheek.
"What've you got here, Bug?" He asked.
That was the thing with Jake and Bug. When he didn't have her on her back, ankles in the air, he was so sweet with her. Slow kisses, arms around her. His favourite lazy Sunday's were the ones where he'd put on a movie (a movie she picked and would proceed to tell him all of the facts about, but Jake didn't mind) and she'd eventually fall asleep on his chest.
"I need your help," she said, voice serious.
The smile dropped from Jake's face. "What's wrong?" He asked and put the bags down on the coffee table.
Bug sat herself down on the sofa and shrugged off her jacket. "My University Ball is in a week and I've got nothing to wear," she said with a pout.
Finally, Jake looked into the bags on the coffee table. Each one had a different dress inside of it. He pulled out the first one, green, the fabric silky beneath his fingers.
"If I try some one, can I get your opinions?" She asked sweetly.
Holy fuck. Jake felt himself strain against his jeans. "Of course, Bug," he said through a swallow. He pulled her up from the sofa and placed the dress into her free hand, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. As much as he wanted more, he was desperate to see her in those dresses.
Wearing a grin, she picked up the bags of dresses and rushed to his bedroom (well, it wasn't really his bedroom, anymore. She spent more time there than at her own apartment). Jake waited patiently. He didn't turn the television back on, knee bouncing as she waited.
And then he heard her curse from the bedroom. She walked out, keeping the top of the green dress from falling away from her body and holding the skirt from the floor. "I can't fucking zip it," she muttered.
Jake's mouth was dry as he looked at her. But he recovered, stood and zipped her up. His fingers were gentle, brushing her hair over her shoulder. And, when he was done, he stepped back to look at her.
She dropped the skirt, let it fall to the floor. "Holy fuck, bug," he whispered as he took her in. Long, green skirt, patterned bodice that made her look so fucking pretty. "You look..."
"Yeah, I liked this one, too. I saw it first but then I saw so many others but they were all so pretty, Jakey!"
(No, she didn't have all the money in the world to buy all these gorgeous and expensive dresses. She'd borrowed money from her dad to buy them, with the view of returning whatever she didn't choose).
She gave him a spin and the dress flared out slightly. But then she was facing away from Jake and holding her hair over her shoulder. "Can you unzip me?"
He unzipped her. But, as soon as he could reach his hand inside, Jake grabbed her bare hip beneath the dress and pulled her back into his chest. His lips were against her naked shoulder, pressing soft kisses against her skin. "Bug, you..."
But he couldn't find the words.
She pulled out of his grip with a teasing giggle. "Let me go get the next," she said, picked up the skirts and rushed back to the bedroom.
If Jake thought the last dress was nice, he wasn't ready for what she stepped out in. He wasn't sure how she'd managed to zip the back of it herself. But, shit, she looked so fucking pretty.
The skirt of this dress was so much shorter, falling to her mid thigh. The dress was a blushy pink and sparkly. It hugged her in all of the right ways. She walked in on her tiptoes, imitating the heels she would be wearing for the Ball.
Jake held himself. He didn't hide it as his eyes roamed her body. "Give me a spin, Bug," he said through a grunt.
She did just that. As soon as she was facing him again, Jake grabbed a hold of her and pulled her towards him, pulling her onto his lap. He gripped her hips, pulled her as close as physically possible. "Keep this one, Bug," he said as he rocked her body against his own. "Don't wear it to the Ball, but keep it. I'll pay for it."
Her hands were in his hair as she kissed him, moving her hips against on her own. She had a moment of complete control as she kissed Jake, felt him squeeze her tighter.
When he pulled away and dragged her bottom lip between his teeth, she melted against him.
"I've got one more dress," she mumbled as she played with his shirt.
He released her and she stood up, heading back to the bedroom. Jake didn't miss the sway of her hips as she walked.
This last dress was a lot like the green one. It had a similar skirt, with a slit going up the side. Unlike the green dress, this one had thicker straps that fell off of her shoulder. Just like with the green dress, Jake helped her to zip it up.
"Gorgeous, Bug," he said as he took her hand and spun her around. "But I think go with the green dress, keep the pink one for me."
Grinning, she went back into the bedroom and changed out of the blue dress. She made quick work of folding it up and placing it back into the bag.
When she emerged from the bedroom again, she was back in the pink dress. Jake took one glance at her and surged forward. He picked her up, marched her into the bedroom, and kicked the door shut behind him.
Taglist: @littlebear423
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aylasology · 3 months
Rocket Queen
A guitar solo and the finishing touches.
warnings : smut!! Fingering and oral. Using cocaine. Reader gets fucked in a recording studio 😭
notes : jeez this was long. This is a part of my rockstar!Robin x groupie!reader universe btw! Check her out here :) Here's my birthday treat from me to you 🫶
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Heels tap on the hardwood floor as you watch her sing. Her hands shoved in the pockets of her flare jeans, blue eyes tinted red as her heart shaped glasses slip on the bridge of her nose. Robin Buckley is a rockstar in the flesh - and she is in her element.
Her tall frame stands by a microphone. Her voice has a rasp in it, a strong low voice that no one could compete with.
"I'm a sexual innuendo in this burned out paradise, if you turn me on to anything you better turn me on tonight."
Her eyes shoot to you. A shit-eating smirk on her face as she kept singing. You could remember how she wrote this song so vividly. On her bed, you sprawled naked underneath the sheets as she lay next to you with a pen and a notebook in hand. Tapping to a melody she hummed quietly. The notebook was on a blank page, scribbles and crossed out words on the other side.
Robin was convinced that this next album was going to be a hit. She was convinced that her vocals, and the band's distinct sound is gonna take them somewhere. She was strong in her belief and you couldn't help but believe it too.
You don't know what it was about her that made her so magnetic. It was something beyond looks, something beyond that voice that made you let her toy you around and use you. Maybe it was the thrill? The thrill of getting caught and getting outed? The thrill of finally getting touched by a woman? You couldn't lay a finger on it.
Their guitarist, Eddie Munson, started playing his riff, fingers fast in its movement as it moved against the fretboard. Stiff in her movement however, Robin's eyes squeezed shut, a serious look on her face as if she was deep in thought. You knew what this look meant, the look that said something was wrong. Something didn't align to whatever artistic sound she had in mind.
"Eddie wait."
Eddie stopped playing. A resounding, rather pissed off "what?" Slipping from his lips. Robin's eyes wandered in thought, eyes wandering to you. She looked you up and down, eyes wandering on the tiny skirt you've decided to wear. A thought comes to mind.
"Uh, just keep playing actually..."
After recording, a pair of hands snake from behind your waist, tugging onto the fabric of your shirt. Robin.
"Hey sweetheart..." She cooed, peppering kisses on the skin of your neck. "I can just eat you up.." she murmured in between the kisses. Robin always seemed so drunk in love when it came to you. You were never sure if it was love, but you were sure of one thing : you aroused her.
"Robin..." you chuckled as she had turned you to face her, pulling you in the recording booth. Everyone had dispersed out of the studio by now, the room suddenly so chilly and quiet.
"Shh, sweetheart..." She cooed. "Need something from you really quickly..." She murmured, pressing your back against a beat up leather couch, pushing a microphone next to you. "Gonna need a quick little fix 'fore I ask for a favor m'kay?"
A little nod was all it took for her to lay you down completely, pulling out a small plastic bag with white powder in it - cocaine. She lifts your shirt up, a small but demanding "bite" grunts out of her lips. Quick to obey, you bit the fabric of the shirt to keep it up.
She adjusts herself, straddling your hips as she sat on you, eyes hungry as she took in the sight of your body. The curve of your hips, the swell of your breasts, your already erect nipples. Of course you didn't wear a bra.
She rips the plastic to form a little hole, cocaine on your belly and all the way up the middle of your breasts. You could hear her groan, the sight of you enough for her to completely ravish you.
"So pretty this way...just a pretty little thing for me to use..."
She bends down, pressing a kiss on your skin before sniffing down the powder. A hand on the curve of your hips, words slipping out of her mouth every time she'd sit up to just look at you.
"Such a perfect little slut....you gonna let me abuse you, honey?"
"Such a good girl for me...god, you're perfect."
And as a small trail is left in between the perfect globes of your breasts, her tongue prods out of her mouth, licking the skin and the cocaine off of it. Her eyes stare up at you, needy eyes that could tell everything she wanted to do to you.
"Robin..." You could only whimper, mouth waiting and cunt soaked in anticipation. The heat inside your skirt boiling.
She leans closer to your face. "I know, princess, I know..." She cooed, before pressing her tongue onto yours. The taste of cocaine landed on your tongue, a hand kneading one of your breasts and the other cupped onto your face.
Her kisses seemed eager, and they felt as though they were waiting for a reaction. And when she gains that soft moan from you, she pulls away, a string of saliva connecting each other's tongue.
"Gonna need more from you, sweetheart..." She groaned. She pulls away from your body, ordering you to sit up. She pulls your skirt down, a smirk on her lips as she feels your panties soaked.
"All this for me?" She teased, fingers tracing circles on the wet patch, your legs shaking in anticipation.
"Robin..." You cried, an awkward blush on your plump cheeks.
"Oh so you're blushing now too? Fuck sweetheart, you're just so cute..."
"Robin!" You groaned, absolutely having enough of the teasing. A chuckle erupts from her lips as she pulled the panties off. Her hands gripped onto your ankles, holding your legs up as her finger pushes in deep, slow strokes. A moan slipping from your lips.
"There she is..." She hummed, a chuckle slips from her lips as she watched your face contort in pleasure. She adds another finger, her pace moving quicker as she spreads your legs wider. "Gonna need you real loud for me sweetheart..."
Without waiting for a response, she pushes your legs further, you moan softly in pain, but she's fucking you too good for you to want it to stop. "Feel good sweetheart?"
"Fuck..." You cry out. "Yes..fuck...yes..." You moaned as you lay your head against the arm rest of the couch. A plethora of moans and cries falling from your lips as she spread your folds open.
And as a familiar, twisting knot forms in your stomach, her fingers pull away. A soft, but reassuring "We're not done yet..." hums from her lips.
She adjusted herself, keeping your legs spread open as she kissed your thighs and stomach. And before you could complain on how much of a tease she was, she dipped lower. Licking your sensitive clit before moving inside your folds immediately.
You moaned against the sensation. Robin's tongue was warm and eager and sloppy and it was perfect against you. It found and abused nerve endings, unbridled pleasure taking over your being.
Your fingers grasp onto her hair, hips bucking against her mouth as your slick and her spit seemed to drip on her chin and onto the couch. Your moans came out in hurried grunts. Your thighs squeeze her face, as suffocating as it was she didn't care - she felt as though she could happily die like this, head in between your thighs and a mouth lapping up pussy. Your pussy. Your moans continued to sound desperate, a slight crack in them and a rasp that only Robin could recognize. Robin was the only person who touched you like this.
The knot in your stomach comes undone, sticky fluids of your release all over her lips and cheek. She pulled away, letting you watch her swallow it all down. She leans close to your face, kissing your cheek. "You did so good, sweetheart..."
Before you could say anything, your body is instantly hit with exhaustion. Pretty eyes of yours fluttering shut as you lay there with a pillow on your head and another on your hand. A chuckle slips from Robin's lips.
"I'll let you rest, m'kay? I'll be here when you wake up."
And she was there in the studio once you woke up, tampering with the audio of their recording session from earlier. You could hear her play it, legs wobbly as you stood up and walked over to her.
You could hear the guitar solo in full blast, though another sound seemed to be playing alongside it. The sound of what could be considered as lips smacking together in a kiss, which then lead to needy and desperate moans. The moans held a crack in them, a rasp that bubbled from the throat. Desperate and loud, and...wait...
"Robin, was that...?"
"Yes sweetheart, that was you." She replied with a cocky smile, lifting your hand up to her lips. "You always told me how much you wanted to be a muse..." She muttered before kissing the skin.
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sunflowerwinds · 9 months
maroon [h.c]
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summary: hazel’s fight with tucker made you realize how much she means to you. caretaking and ass-kicking ensues.
pairing: hazel callahan x fem!reader
contains: mature language, violence and blood, reader has a slight panic attack, attentive and kind! reader, making out (for the distraction of course) mutual pining, sweet and fluffy, hurt/comfort (my weakness), women being bad-asses.
word count: 3.5K
a/n: this is both a request and won a poll. that scene still makes me wince to this day. and yes, the title is a taylor swift song. the lyrics, though, have nothing to do with the actual oneshot. i love you all and enjoy <33
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You had told Hazel that agreeing to this would be a bad idea. After Tim had approached Hazel with the chance to humiliate PJ and Josie in front of the entire school at the pep rally before the big game, you got a bad vibe from it.
The sound of Tucker’s foot kicking Hazel’s eye echoed ferociously in your head.
It all happened so quickly, you could barely process seeing Hazel’s limp body on the ground. The sight made your stomach turn as you shot up from your seat in the bleachers to check up on Hazel. You glared in the direction of Tim and Jeff and that fucking psychopath Tucker— who you were pretty sure was a thirty year old man.
Everything had already been so tense in the group after PJ had humiliated Hazel in front of everyone. Finding out that PJ and Josie had started the group to get with Isabel and Brittany was an eye-opener to what their true intentions were.
This crossed the fucking line.
You were running over to her still frame, trailing right behind Isabel. You kneeled down next to her ribs, a bit of her blood getting on your jeans but you really couldn't care less.
“Hazel,” you whisper her name, wincing at the sight of her bleeding eye.
No response.
Panic settled in you as Stella and Brittany began to lift her body. Your eyes watered as you covered your mouth at her now blood-stained collared shirt.
“Is that true?” You heard Isabel ask PJ and Josie who had also come down from the bleachers as the staff and the rest of the students dispersed. Her voice cracked at the end of her sentence. “That’s why you started this?”
You whipped your head to the two girls, eyes flaring with anger and hurt for Hazel.
Josie immediately began to protest.
“N-no, not entirely—“
“Not entire—Okay.” PJ cut her off loudly. “Listen guys. It doesn’t matter…the reason that we started this.”
You felt your skin itch with fury as you watched them drag Hazel’s body out of the gymnasium. You couldn't even listen to whatever bullshit excuse PJ had to say anymore. Sylvie began to walk away as did you and Isabel.
All you could focus on was if Hazel was okay.
The next few days, you didn’t leave Hazel’s side. You were at the hospital that same night at one in the morning with Mrs. Callahan in the waiting room and by her bedside when she came out of getting blood tests and prescribed medications. When the group would go over to her house and spend a few hours after school being attentive and showing support, you would stay the night tending to her wounds.
It was night three and the swelling had just begun to deflate, her eye revealing itself just a bit. Mrs. Callahan had been really understanding about you spending the nights as much as you knew you were intruding. She had pulled you aside after the second night to tell you how much she appreciated you and everyone else staying by her side.
Especially you — for a reason she didn’t disclose to.
You were crouched down next to Hazel’s bed, helping her with the eye drops that were prescribed by the doctor. Hazel was wearing one of her grandpa sweaters and a pair of sweatpants. Splotches of red, purple and yellow covered her entire face.
“Hold on, Haze.” You leaned in a little closer to her face to focus on the little opening of her eye.
Hazel had been fidgeting the entire night and you had no idea what had made her this way. She muttered an apology before sucking in a deep breath. You were gently cupping the unswollen side to give you leverage.
You pretended not to notice her untouched eye flicker to your dry lips.
“Are you okay?” Hazel asked as you held the dropper right above the swollen skin.
You merely hummed in response as you were focused on her eye. Hazel waited until you put the instructed amount into the dry eye, making sure they all got in. You couldn’t risk her getting infection.
“Are you sure?” She pressed again.
You set the dropper down onto the tray full of doctor prescribed pills and remedies for her abrasions. Your brows furrowed as you held an expression of disbelief.
“Haze, I— why are you asking me if I’m okay when you got the shit beat out of you?” You emphasized, chuckling in disbelief.
“I know but—“
“Seriously. If it wasn’t for this fucking club, this wouldn’t have happened to you, Haze.” You expressed with more irritation laced in your tone.
You admit that you haven’t been getting the most sleep since the event; maybe three or four hours at best. Your mind was clouded with worry for Hazel’s well being.
What if Tucker gave her a concussion that would damage her brain forever? What if she went into a coma? What if she dies in her sleep?
Okay, and you also tended to overthink.
“Hey,” Hazel’s tone was gentle with a hint of stern attitude.
You hadn't realized that hot tears were leaving your tired eyes. You had been so busy taking care of Hazel that you hadn’t fully processed what had happened to her. Not a single tear had left your face until now.
“He could’ve really hurt you, Haze.” You whisper, raising your hand to wipe away the tears from your hot cheek.
Hazel remained silent as she knew deep down that Tucker could’ve done a lot more damage than she had received. She just didn't think that you cared this much about her; let alone cry for her pain. She noticed your chest rising and falling faster than she’s ever seen in her entire life. Your bottom lip quivered as you attempted to hold back the burning tears that were threatening to leave your eyes.
“I know but I’m doing okay. You’ve helped a lot, okay? More than I could ever ask for.” Hazel reached for your shaking hand, taking it gingerly into her grasp.
You nod, not trusting yourself to talk as your throat ached from how much you were resisting to let yourself cry. Hazel sat up slowly, her back aching and cracking from being inactive all day.
“Hazel, the doctor said to refrain from sitting upright.” You begin to scold her but she waves her hand at you.
“I’m okay. I-I’m fine.” Hazel shut her eyes, letting out a grunt as she adjusted her body so that she was leaning up against her bed frame.
You reach forward to push her falling strands out of her face, frowning at her wincing.
“Has PJ or Josie—“
“No.” You remark, refraining from rolling your eyes. You already knew where that question was going and still had a grudge against the two.
What hurt the most that you knew Hazel was going to forgive them; specifically PJ. You knew that they didn't hurt her directly but none of this would’ve ever happened if the club never existed. Then again, you never would’ve become friends without the club.
You would’ve still been just admiring her from afar as you passed through the halls.
“Why did you stay here?” Hazel hummed.
You suck in a deep breath as you continue the night routine as normal. You grabbed the tube of ointment and began to apply it to the slit on her high cheekbones.
“I didn't like the thought of you being alone during this.” You admit, hoping it didn't sound so smitten. “I am your friend, you know? I care about you.”
Hazel’s eyes followed the natural arch of your eyebrows and slope of your nose as you spoke. You knew you looked tired but it was truly the least of your worries.
“I know. Now, at least.” Hazel replied, her gaze finally locking on your lips.
“You didn't think I cared?” The dip between your brows depended on her confession.
“It’s nothing against you. I never really had good friends before. It’s nice to not have shitty friends for a change.” Hazel shrugs her shoulders, fiddling with a loose string on her pants.
“You deserve good friends, Haze. You deserve so much.” You express, your voice keeps a gentle yet passionate volume.
The thought of Hazel getting mistreated all her life made your chest ache. Her eyes were darting all over your features as you pulled your hand away from her aching face.
“Well, thank you for all of this.” Hazel replied, not knowing how to take all of your kind words.
You breathe out: “Yeah, of course, Haze.”
You almost missed how she began to lean into your body. You cleared your throat as a tension fell over you guys. You stood up from the bed, brushing your messy hair out of your face.
“I’ll head to bed now. Goodnight, Hazel.” You nod, turning your back to her as you couldn't have her see you so bothered by the fact that she had leaned into you.
You didn't want to have high hopes but they were there. Way, way, up there. Fucking cloud nine up there.
But it wasn’t right. Not yet.
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The Huntington versus Rockridge game arrived faster than you could comprehend. You were wedged between Annie and Hazel, waiting patiently for the game to start.
Her eye swelling had completely gone down at that point to where she just had deep brushing all over her pale features. You were happy to see her darling blue eyes once again. Mrs. Callahan insisted that you two come to the game. You were reluctant but maybe it could be something better to do other than sulk around and be annoyed at Josie and PJ.
As the announcer began to cheer on the Vikings, you noticed Josie and PJ walking up the bleachers, stopping right in front of Hazel. Your eyes rolled as you waited to see what they were going to say.
“Okay, first off, PJ has something to say to Hazel, so…” Josie starts, panting through her words.
You stare at PJ along with Sylvie, Annie and Hazel. Her jaw drops, not knowing what to say exactly.
“The apology. Do the apology. Do the apology we said.” Josie muttered to her in a rushed tone.
“Okay! I’m sorry that I called your mom a skank.” PJ exclaimed.
When Hazel merely sighed and avoided her gaze, PJ continued. “And I’m sorry for saying that you have no friends really loud in front of all of your friends.”
Hazel looked down, glancing over at you as PJ could tell she still wasn’t satisfied with her apology.
“And I’m sorry for being an asshole a lot of the time.”
You and Annie give her ‘really?’ looks when she says a lot of the time.
“Most of the— All of the time!” She finalizes.
Josie hums in agreement with her best friend.
“And I do think that it's nice you always have notes and then you type them up and email them to everyone…” Hazel rolls her eyes with an attitude because she knows that they’re helpful. You’ve told her this a million times before. “And I really appreciate it.”
Hazel stares at her blankly for a moment, trying to process what she was going to say.
“Do you forgive me?”
Hazel’s smile creeps onto her lips as she nods with a soft ‘yes’. You send PJ a forced grin before paying attention to whatever Josie was talking about. Something about the Huntington players targeting a single player on the Rockridge team and how you all needed some sort of distraction to save the players.
“Oh, now you want a bomb?” Hazel smirks at the opportunity to blow shit up.
You would be lying to yourself if you said your bruised features didn't make her more attractive to you. You had followed Hazel and the group regardless of your feelings towards PJ as honestly, you didn't have anything better to do.
They still were your friends.
You and Hazel were crouched behind the tree across the yard as she had formulated some sort of bomb out of the blue. Where the hell did she even get this shit?
“Is it the red wire?” Hazel said out-loud, uncertainty laced in her voice. “Shit, or is it the yellow?”
You stare at her in shock.
“You don’t know?” You whisper-shouted at her.
“I-I get them mixed up. Fuck.” Hazel replied back in a panic.
Just then, you hear Annie shout from across the field that the game was about to start. Hazel glanced up at you as she hurriedly guessed which wires connected to one another and grabbed your hand in hers. You blushed as she tugged you along, sprinting across the field.
You did not wear the right bra for this.
The two of you jumped into the group's presence, your arm dripping over Hazel’s back as you all ducked from the expected explosion. After a few seconds of silence, you and Hazel looked up to the tree to see it was still intact.
“Hazel, it's not working.” Annie tapped her shoulder.
“Fuck. Fucking…” Hazel grabbed the remote, releasing your grasp to aim it at the explosive.
“Maybe try turning it on and off again?” You suggest as you stare at the metal antena.
Everyone was clamoring over Hazel to see what went wrong. You hear the crowd grow more and more in volume as the football team and cheerleaders begin to hip-thrust.
“Okay, Plan B, we get the cheerleaders to make out.” Annie stated as she got up and jogged over to the squad.
“What?” You ask in disbelief, trailing after her as did the rest of the group.
“Guys! Guys, kiss each other!” You shout over, making crude motions along with PJ, Annie and Sylvie.
Hazel had run up top to the bleachers, shouting at them to makeout from there. It was no use. Isabel and Brittany were still upset with PJ and Josie, ignoring their requests entirely. You groaned as you noticed the Huntington team begin to make their way onto the field.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you muttered before you feel someone shove your shoulder.
It was PJ.
“Go and make out with Hazel.” She instructed, jerking her head up to the bleachers.
“Just go! Hurry!” PJ was now full on pushing you now, staring at Hazel who had seemed to give up on the cheerleaders.
You run as fast as your legs can take you, calling her name from the distance. You’ve never made out with someone before and this is how it was going to happen?
Fuck it.
Hazel turned to you, asking: “What do we do?”
You grabbed the side of her head, pulling her into a messy kiss. Her hands gripped onto your biceps through your navy sweater, trying to go along with your jagged movements. You could hear Annie telling everyone to ‘look!’ as the slobbery mess became a sensual kiss.
You inhale as you feel Hazel take the reins, gripping your face to show you how to control your jaw. Her tongue ever so slightly grazed your bottom lip, humming at the feeling.
Was she always this good of a kisser? Who the hell has she been hooking up with?
The makeout turned into soft gentle kisses, your smile growing as you pulled her in closer.
“Oh, wait. I’m gay!” You hear Stella-Rebecca say as you pull away with a sigh from Hazel’s experienced lips.
Hazel tugs you back in with a grip on your face, seeming to completely forget about why you were even making out in the first place. Her cold rings dug into your cheeks making you crave more and more of her.
Me fucking too, Stella.
The announcer calls the attention back to the game that people came for, causing you and Hazel to pull away with a soft smack. Her hand was at your waist now, both of you staring at the field of players. You pull away, letting out a nervous chuckle as you begin to walk back down to the track field surrounding the football one.
Hazel followed behind you, seeming to be out of it as much as you were. You had not been listening to a goddamn word PJ was saying as you thought about Hazel’s hands on your face and her tongue in your mouth.
How can you move on from this?
“They kissed on the mouth,” Sylvie stated cheekily, pointing at your flushed figures. “With tongue.”
“Okay, yeah. It was for the good of the school so if anyone is asking, we’ll do it again.” You quip back, trying not to make it seem like a big deal when all you wanted to do was have her back on you again.
Josie turned to you guys, suddenly realizing what Sylvie had said. “When did this happen?”
“There were no other distractions! The bomb didn't work.” You protested.
“They’re gonna spray the field.” Annie muttered.
You would’ve missed it if she didn’t repeat it in a much panicked and louder tone.
“We’re gonna have to run.”
“Fuck, more?” You complained as you ran beside Hazel, the insides of your thighs burning from how fast you were sprinting.
You had kicked one of the players away from Jeff, a flood of adrenaline running through you. Fuck, that felt good.
Josie had taken Jeff into her grasp, tugging him up and off of the grass. PJ had her hands over the sprinkler, ready for the pineapple juice to spray everywhere. You stare across the field at the group of Huntington players, eyes widening in a panic. Stella, Isabel, and Brittany joined by the group's side, too, staring down the rivals.
Were you really going to beat the fuck out of the rival football team with the girl you’ve been crushing on and just made out with? To save Jeff nonetheless?
The main player in the middle removed his helmet, staring the group down. He began to scream at the group which resulted in the group screaming back. You saw a large man run up to you, swinging his leg to your chest.
You dodge the force and grab his calf, twisting it clockwise to hear a loud crunch before grabbing onto his helmet guard and throwing him off of you. You feel a blow to your back to see another yellow jersey player, his helmet in hand.
“Fucking asshole!” You scream before throwing a kick to his crotch and throwing a punch to the middle of his face, blooding seeping onto your knuckles.
You don’t know exactly how so much blood got on you. It had all been one huge blur up until you saw Hazel getting punched in the stomach.
You ran over with a shout as you swung a hard punch into his cheek to throw him off guard. Hazel ended it with a kick to the ribs and another punch to the jaw before he fell to the ground.
Your entire body was aching and Hazel looked so weirdly attractive covered in blood.
“Are you okay?” Hazel asked as gently as ever as she grabbed onto your wrist, leading you to the rest of the group.
“Yeah,” you pant, feeling a burning sensation run up your spine. Definitely not. “I’m okay.”
You had blood splattered all over your blue jeans, running up the sleeve of your sweater with a few dots here and there on your face. There was a collective silence when everyone realized how much damage they had done.
You slowly turn toward the crowd of peers and adults, eyes wide with shock on what had just happened. The sprinklers suddenly turned on and Tim shouted to turn them off once he realized it was pineapple juice.
He slowly began to clap for you and the rest of the girls as the half-dead, half-unconscious Huntington players lay all around you. You let out an awkward chuckle, grabbing onto Hazel’s blood-lathered arm as you lean into her touch. You waved at everyone, snuggling into her maroon-stained shirt.
“So, that was…” You turn to her, not knowing what the fuck to even say about what had just went down.
“We’ll process it tomorrow.” She shakes her head, blood-stained face and all.
“Right, yeah.” You nod mindlessly, slowly blinking at her.
“Did you like the kiss—“
“Are we together now?”
Your question threw Hazel off guard, letting out a soft chuckle as she nervously scratched the back of her neck.
“I mean, I don’t personally just make-out with anyone.” You push out a gust of air, staring into her radiating blue eyes.
“Me neither.” Hazel rushes out, a shy smile on her lips. “So… yeah?”
You nod, laughing out a ‘yeah.’ You look around at the football field now stained with red from the bodies.
“To think, all it took was fucking up some football players for us to get together.” You grin cheekily.
“Oh, I think some of them are actually dead.” Hazel stated as you threw your arms around her neck, more of the blood spreading onto your sleeves.
“Well, the red makes your eyes pop. It’s kind of hot.” You half-joke which causes her to shake her head with a chuckle.
The forgotten tree then exploded, causing everyone to pause in their tracks. The excitement and cheers from the crowd came to a complete halt. You cover your mouth with one hand as the tree caught on fire. Hazel buries her head into your neck, groaning at her failed bomb attempt.
Hazel was right; you’ll process this tomorrow
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taglist: @lovelyy-moonlight @imjustapearl @seethesin @matchamilkislover @beabeebrie @curiousshifter101 @uraesthete @fictionalcharacterspecialist @c4llahansgirl @maggiecc @fruitysnackysmain @crvptidgf <33
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