#how to watch lunar eclipse online
glade-constellation · 11 months
October Takeover is finally over again, an it’t time for me to give my take on the video.
First, I’m gonna talk about LAES real quick. I like that Castor and Pollux seem to be slowly going to Lunar and Earth’s side. Castor is actually helping Lunar with his powers, which is really going to help Lunar get in control of them. I’m suspecting there might actually be a fight between the Celestials in the future over if they’re going to keep Lunar alive or not. Some of the Celestials don’t actually seem like they hate Lunar, they just hate that Lunar has powers like them.
Next, the Eclipses. I’m actually really happy Nice Eclipse is choosing another name. There are way too many Eclipses in this show. I feel bad that he decided to do it because he feels the name is tainted, but it’s going to help differentiate him as a character now. I’m probably still going to stick with calling Ruin Eclipse Ruin to help differentiate him. I love him, and I’m so very much hoping that this isn’t an act on his part. I really hope this is the real Ruin. I just wanna like, hold him lmao. He’s so confused but he’s trying his best, and he’s so nice. I do wonder about the monitor though, and if Ruin can decipher what the Virus left on it. I’m wondering if something on it may help with the Stitchwraith situation. I’d feel like whatever was left on it was still important, as the show took the time to point out that Ruin can still see and understand it.
Last, I’m going to start with Bloodmoon, because I’m going to go into some heavier topics when talking about them. I’m really hoping they redeem them. Not even add him to the “good guys”, just give them a redemption arc. Maybe an anti-hero role. Don’t kill them off. I’m so tired of the narrative of “this trauma survivor came out ‘wrong’ so they have to die”. Do you see how fucking messed up that is? To say that someone couldn’t “heal correctly” from trauma and the only “cure” is death? Fuck no. It’s disgusting. I already had to watch it happen with Eclipse and I’m going to be fucking livid if I have to watch it happen again. Bloodmoon, since first coming online, has been used as a tool to farther other people’s goals. No one has actually cared for those two except for themselves. Coming to terms with that shit will absolutely fuck up your brain. This is coming from someone who went through something similar. When Bloodmoon screamed “FREEDOM” and ran from the situation? I understood what they were feeling in that moment. I’m really, truly hoping that Nice Eclipse continues to help them past what he already did. Bloodmoon deserves a chance to know what the words “freedom” and “family” actually mean.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 7 months
Pairings: None
Word Count: 3,194 Words
Summary: Eclipse 4.0 wakes up and finds out who his creator is.
Warnings: Cursing, Virus, Memory Alteration, Nightmares, Evil Twin (does it count if you share a body with the evil twin?), Past Character Death, Angst, Family Bonding, Hurt/Comfort, let me know if I should add anything else.
Note: I spun a wheel and this was the outcome. Probably crack but here we are. Have fun.
To Make Anew
“Fucking build running me out of materials.” Solar growled as he finished the new animatronic he had made. He had almost run out of materials this time, so it had to be smaller this time, more akin to Blood Moon’s height and its faceplate was one from storage that was an old one of Moon’s he had to recolor. It was aggravating to scrub that paint off his fingers to get rid of evidence.
The bot finally booted up, much to Solar’s relief, running scans and booting up its programming. The memories began to trickle into it after running through five different debugging programs. He was glad he was able to find the fried personality chip. He’d been able to pull everything off it at least and put it on a new chip.
Solar sighed impatiently as he waited to see the animatronic come online. He’d been sure that his presence from it would be wiped this time, he wouldn’t know anything about him, so that was more convenient. It wouldn’t have a chance to almost figure it out again.
Finally. Finally! The animatronic came online, its orange eyes beaming in the dimly lit Parts and Service room as the bot opened its eyes and shut them again, slowly blinking and taking in where it was and what it was. Finally, its eyes flickered blue and then back to orange as it began to move around and squirm to unhook itself from the various wires. Perfect.
“Eclipse.” Solar called attention to himself and the bot’s head whipped to look at him with a glare that immediately faded to shock.
“You…” Eclipse whispered, stunned at having learned who his creator was.
“Yes, me.” Solar sighed and sat back in his desk chair.
“Why!? How!? What!?” Eclipse burst into exclamations of confusion and shock.
“Simple, really. I want to be useful. They’ll throw me away eventually. And making you and sending you in will let me prove to them that I’m more than their personal mechanic.” Solar told him.
“Why are you telling me this?” Eclipse looked up at him from taking out the wire to his arm computer with slight apprehension. Eclipse could see the manic look in Solar’s eyes through that blank smiling expression all the daycare bots besides Earth had.
“Because you won’t remember it.” Solar snapped to shut him up, pulling out all but one of the wires to Eclipse, though he left him locked down to the table by the shackles.
“Why go after Lunar? You were supposed to kidnap him, not get in a verbal fight with him! You weren’t supposed to die!” Solar growled, injecting something into Eclipse’s code via the last wire connected to him. Eclipse didn’t know what it was, but it burned and ached in his head. It hurt, it felt like it was poison coursing through his code.
“What did you do to me!?” Eclipse strangled to growl as he thrashed on the table and tried to fight away and to get up.
“Something to make you a little easier to deal with.” Solar watched the poison run its course and dissipate into a constant hold on Eclipse’s code. It was made to essentially act as a chronic migraine and chronic pains. It would undoubtedly make Eclipse much easier to handle because Eclipse would be more focused on his chronic pains than he would be able to focus on finding Solar.
“Feeling it?” Solar asked, his grin becoming more malicious as he watched Eclipse shy from the light overhead and try to curl up, which was in vain due to the restraints, to sate the pain in his right chest like something was damaged inside, but it wasn’t.
“Make it stop. Please.” Eclipse weakly whined, eyes tightly shut, trying to avoid the light and his ears ringing at the high-pitched whine from the overhead light.
“No. This is going to be your punishment for not doing the right thing last time and just kidnapping Lunar.” Solar snapped, hooking the other wire up again, selecting all of Eclipse’s memories post-wake up and deleting them, which made Eclipse’s head drop back down with blue in his eyes as he bluescreened. Solar left to watch from the security cams in Fazer Blast as Eclipse booted back up.
Solar put his hand on one wall and made a portal to alert the others and cleared the two security cams, the one in Parts and Service and the one in Fazer Blast as he used the vents to get back to the theater in the daycare just in time for Eclipse’s directives teleported him to the daycare’s upstairs hallway just behind the balcony.
Solar watched intently as Moon came into the daycare to check on the spot Eclipse had died in. Solar was looking over the security cams ‘for Moon’. Realistically, he was checking to see if the data deletion from Parts and Service and Fazer Blast had worked right.
“And he was basically in the same spot as last time too.” Moon noted.
“Yeah, cosmic fate or something.” Solar muttered.
“Exactly. What I was thinking. Almost like he’s meant to die when he’s in or near this very spot.” Moon told him, standing in the spot where Eclipse had died the last time before this, the Eclipse they’d killed.
“Weird.” Solar hummed.
“I know.” Moon sighed, looking at the lack of anything where Eclipse had died. Solar saw movement upstairs and smirked that his plan had worked. The directives caused Eclipse to show he was alive immediately.
“Ah fuck.” Moon looked up and noted.
“You’re already back?” Solar asked with a roll of his eyes, coming over to stand by Moon.
“You thought I’d stay dead for long? That’s cute.” Eclipse looked at the both of them blankly, voice monotone. The directives are going a bit too much, but it was fine. Eclipse jumped down into the ball pit, and it seemed to rattle something in his head that made his new poisonous torture begin again.
“AH!” Eclipse disappeared mostly under the plastic spheres with his arms and head against the ‘island’ in the ball pit, seemingly unable to move now due to the migraine he now had. Solar grinned internally at how functional it was for Eclipse to come back to full consciousness in pain, but Solar didn’t show that or mention it.
“Whoa, shit, Jesus. Did you knock something out, idiot?” Moon asked as he waded into the ball pit and wrapped an arm around Eclipse to get the limp bot out of the ball pit, but Eclipse grabbed his arm and looked up at Moon.
“Shh, please.” Eclipse whispered, his hands going to his eyes to hold them closed, the high hum of the fluorescent bulbs in the daycare making his head ache and throb with pain.
“You got leftover pain from last time or something?” Moon asked.
“Please, I need somewhere quiet.” Eclipse kept his voice quiet, almost fragile with the migraine seeming to make him unable to make his voice any louder than that.
“Alright, one dark room without sound then and questions after.” Moon seemed sympathetic. This wasn’t good. Solar should’ve accounted for Moon’s occasional migraine at the light and had forgotten. Fuck.
Eclipse didn’t move his head but moved one hand to sign ‘yes please’, unable to do anything more because it was too painful. He was effectively blind, and everything hurt.
“Alright, weirdo, I’ll get you somewhere good.” Moon sighed, hooking his other arm under Eclipse’s knees to get him from the ball pit and then set Eclipse on his feet once he got them to the security desk. “Move your hands.” Moon instructed and grabbed his own emergency silicone eye pads from the small mini-fridge under the security desk and a stretchy headband that had buttons on the back to tighten and loosen it.
Eclipse slowly lowered his hands from his eyes, hesitantly, and Moon tilted his head back while Eclipse’s eyes were closed, putting the cold pads to Eclipse’s eyes and buttoning the headband snuggly around Eclipse’s faceplate to keep the pads in place.
Eclipse relaxed almost instantly, and Moon held his hands to guide him upstairs to the portal to his and Sun’s house. Eclipse could smell cat fur and fish vaguely. Both smells made him want to throw up, but Moon was guiding him away from them as he heard bits and pieces of a whispering conversation that he couldn’t focus on over the roar of his engines in his ears like a heartbeat.
He felt something soft under him and over him and quiet. Silence. Blessed silence. Eclipse relaxed and felt Moon’s arm on his shoulder, writing on him so Moon wouldn’t upset the migraine. ‘It’s okay. Relax. We’ll talk later.’ Eclipse signed for ‘yes’ and ‘thank you’, slowly drifting off to nightmares that held bits and pieces of memories that were thought to be deleted but were only buried in his subconscious.
Eclipse woke up in a cold ‘sweat’ with a scream. Animatronics couldn’t sweat, but he damn sure felt like he was with the nightmare? Memory? He didn’t know. But it scared him either way, and he slipped off the headband and eye pads into the bed in the dark room. Moon was asleep in the chair. Or he had been until Eclipse had seemingly woken up screaming.
“What happened!?” Moon buzzed up to attention and sighed seeing it was Eclipse sitting up in the bed looking panicked. “Hey, you came back and got a migraine immediately. You’re in my house. Don’t panic.” Moon tried to calm him, assuming Eclipse had screamed after not knowing where he was.
“It was Solar. It was Solar! He made me. He put some kind of poison in my code to make it hurt. Moon, please!” Eclipse told him.
“What?” Moon asked.
“Scan me. Scan my memories. He did it. I know he did it!” Eclipse told him.
“Alright, well, I’d have to hook you up to the computer in the daycare to check that, so come on.” Moon told him, guiding Eclipse up, hand supporting him when Eclipse’s joints felt like they would collapse under him from the aches in them. But he let Moon lead him. Moon was actually being nice to him. Was it pity? Was it sympathy? Eclipse didn’t know, but he was grateful for the help maneuvering anyway.
Moon got him into the daycare and Eclipse stayed hyperaware for any sight of Solar, looking around and checking corners as Moon hooked him up to the computer and began typing away on it to go through Eclipse’s memories. Most looked clear besides a chunk of memory that had been sent into Eclipse’s subconscious.
“This is weird. Is this what you remembered?” Moon asked as he brought the memory up and played through it, seeing Eclipse waking up and Solar talking to him and clearly angry. Moon could hear the entire audio of the memory and it made Eclipse shiver with familiarity, a chill going down his spine as his eye camera caught Solar’s angry face as Solar was chewing him out over going after Lunar the wrong way.
“Yes.” Eclipse told him.
“Well, this isn’t good.” Moon sighed, unplugging Eclipse from the computer. “I can’t get the virus that’s attached to your code out, I’m sorry. So I’ll take you back home again, and you can stay there with a heated blanket for the pain. This isn’t me forgetting that you’ve done shit in the past I don’t condone. This is me helping someone who’s struggling. Do not mistake my kindness for stupidity. I will be talking to you about this once it’s safer to do that.” Moon told him.
“Computer, lock access to Solar. If he comes in here, get him in the interview room.” Moon told the computer.
“Understood.” The computer told Moon as Moon guided Eclipse back to the portal to the house. Moon sat Eclipse on one of the couches and went to get the heated blanket. Sun was glaring accusingly, but he was appearing to ignore Eclipse regardless. Sun’s black cat jumped up on the couch and rubbed its head against Eclipse.
“Hi.” Eclipse lifted his hand a bit and pet the cat lightly, joints a bit too achy to do more than pet the cat’s back and sides,
“That’s Saturn.” Sun told him.
“Hi, Saturn.” Eclipse greeted the cat again as she rubbed on him, purring up a storm, which made him smile a bit as he leaned his head back onto the cushions on the back of the sofa. Saturn happily began to knead Eclipse’s thighs as he felt Moon put the heated blanket on top of him, and the cat shifted onto the back of the couch and rested its arm on his shoulder like it was keeping him there. Eclipse was asleep before he was even aware of the new whispering conversation in the kitchen nearby.
Moon sighed, leaning on the counter. Sun continued to rant and rave about how Eclipse could be lying. He just waited out the anger for Sun to have a pause. He’d rather his brother get the anger out than interrupt him and have Sun just completely lose it. Finally, the lull happened as Eclipse fell asleep on the couch and Sun looked to Saturn cozying up against Eclipse’s head, purring.
“Saturn hates mean people.” Sun tilted his head as he realized.
“Exactly. He’s behaving. He has no choice to, Sunny. Solar put a virus in him that melded to his code. He has chronic pain and chronic migraines because of it. That’s why he was here yesterday. He had a massive migraine after he was made again. I watched the memory that Solar tried to delete, he only pushed it to Eclipse’s subconscious. It was him booting up and Solar talking to him, talking about how we’ll throw Solar away and he made him to prove he’s more than a mechanic. Telling him he wasn’t supposed to get himself killed and was supposed to kidnap Lunar. He gave him that virus and then tried to wipe that chunk of memory from him.” Moon explained to Sun.
Moon then brought up his arm computer and showed Sun the download he’d done of Eclipse’s memory, showing Sun the interaction of Eclipse booting up and Solar. Sun’s expression slowly went from annoyance to shock at the visual and audio of the memory.
“Oh my god. Solar said that? That Eclipse was supposed to kidnap Lunar?” Sun asked.
“Yes. He said that shit.” Moon told him.
“Moon, I have put Solar into the interview room. He is behaving oddly.” Moon’s computer AI echoed through the house, making Tux hiss at it again for the third time this week alone. “Sorry, Tux.” The AI apologized to the cat.
“Alright, I’m coming. Sun, can you stay and watch Eclipse? I’ll message Earth to watch Lunar.” Moon asked Sun.
“Yeah, fine. But I’m calling you if he tries anything.” Sun told him.
“He won’t trust me.” Moon told him and patted his brother’s shoulder before going through the portal to the daycare, walking to the interview room under the theater, and observing first. Solar was angry, holding his head with one hand and angrily seeming to rant and rave with the other hand. As Moon watched him, Solar looked very…stressed? But also angry? It was very odd. The computer was right that he was behaving oddly.
Moon opened the door and entered the interview room, which made Solar turn to him and glare at him first before the expression dropped, and Solar looked at him with mild horror in his eyes.
“Moon, I need help.” Solar told him in a bit of panic. “Don’t fucking listen to that shit.” Solar growled as he glared again. But Moon saw it. The flash of blue in his eyes as if a Moon was taking over, his eyelights turning from orange to red. Moon could see it.
“Listen, I don’t know who the fuck you are, but that body is my best friend’s, and I want him back. So you’re gonna tell me what you are. Now.” Moon growled.
“And why should I?” Solar asked, chuckling a bit at him.
“Because I can and will wipe you. I have a backup of Solar and I’m a hundred percent sure whatever you are isn’t in it.” Moon told him.
“You wouldn’t dare.” Solar growled.
“I would, so talk.” Moon snapped back.
“Moon, it’s Crescent’s kill code!” Solar fought through to him for a few seconds.
“You’re a kill code, huh? Good, I know how to get rid of you, you damn virus.” Moon smiled at them. “Solar, how attached is it?” Moon asked.
“Not attached!” Solar growled, holding his head in pain as he fought off the kill code trying to take control. Solar’s control slipped, and the kill code attempted to go after Moon for a minute to prevent Moon from getting the USB in his finger into Solar’s head.
Solar regained control mid-chase and held the metal table before slamming his face down into the table, making his faceplate dent and crack, and steam poured from his processors. While Solar was basically laying his upper half on the table, Moon put the USB in and deleted the kill code, making Solar look up at him with his busted faceplate and a goofy smile in his delirium.
“I know, buddy, we’ll get you fixed.” Moon told him.
“Thank you. I…I killed Crescent and he transferred his kill code to me beforehand. I didn’t know. I couldn’t control it.” Solar told him.
“Bud, it’s alright. We’ll figure this shit out. Right now, Eclipse is fine, Lunar’s is fine, everyone’s fine. You didn’t hurt anyone.” Moon promised as he helped Solar from the interview room and into the portal to the house.
“Moon? What happened?” Sun asked, sitting on the couch with Netflix on as Eclipse idly watched with him.
“He had his brother’s kill code ported to him when he killed his brother. I got the kill code out after he smashed his face into the table in the interview room to make the kill code stop chasing me.” Moon told him. “I’ll fix him while he’s sleeping.” Moon waved away the worry of Solar being injured.
“Solar?” Eclipse asked.
“Yeah?” Solar asked back.
“Truce.” Eclipse told him simply.
“Damn, yeah. Truce.” Solar agreed.
“Uh, Solar, there’s a dimensional disturbance in Fazer Blast. Why is that there?” Moon asked.
“Um…I think Crescent’s kill code had friends he was letting in.” Solar admitted.
“Shit. Uhhhh, it looks like a Blood Moon.” Moon told him, showing him the footage of a Blood Moon coming out of the portal in Fazer Blast.
“Are you kidding me? I’m somehow a fucking father because of a kill code!?” Solar sighed, hiding his face in his hands.
“I’ll go get your babies and talk to them. Hopefully these ones are more reasonable than ours.” Moon sighed and went off to the portal again, leaving Sun behind to watch Netflix with Solar and Eclipse with Saturn and Tux both choosing Eclipse and Solar to sit on respectively.
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loving-delusions · 1 year
SAMS Lunar headcannon <3
I'm putting it under the cut bc there's blood and talk of killing and murder and yadda yadda.. I got kind of carried away/descriptive with it at the end tho :(
also i made a lil drawing of it but it's pretty cartoonish, but still, blood <3
and a smidge of dynamic between the Blood twins and Lunar :)
Tumblr media
Okay so! This little headcannon was just made in my lil brain moments ago so forgive me if i got some parts wrong but then again this is a headcannon and im just some random guy online brainrotting over a fictional character
As we all know, Eclipse made Lunar since Eclipse didn't like Bloodmoon very much. Bloody was too violent for him (apparently.) so he made Lunar (hooray for the creation of our lil guy yaayyy~)
But I've been thinking
What if Eclipse still gave Lunar some form of violent-ish tendencies that Bloody has? Sure, it's not very visible or maybe Lunar just has better control of this ability
But since Eclipse never really seemed to mention this to Lunar (maybe from fear that Lunar would end up like Bloody), Lunar never really got to use his ability or acknowledge this want to kill since he isn't made to be very violent, like how Bloody was
But timeskip somewhere to when Lunar and Bloody got pretty close, maybe when he was able to give Bloody their own body, he decided that:
Yeah sure, he could come with and watch what Bloody is really doing when they kill people or hobos in the street (like what Lunar said lmfao)
And that's when it would click, i think
The moments when he'd watch the twins kill and mutilate someone over and over and over again, he'd grow some sort of fascination with it.
There's, like, this sense of curiousity, as morbid as it is
But then again, I never thought Lunar as all goody two shoes or even lawful good.
He would then come along and just watch from the sidelines, never actually participating in Bloody's little activity, but he is thinking and is brewing some thoughts in that little head of his
But when Bloody says something when they don't actually like killing and is just driven by the unwanted need for it and wants to do it less even with how much it pains them, Lunar would respect that ofc
At the end of the day, Lunar still sees Bloody as family and still shows care and concern (or whatever other familial feelings) for the guy
But he couldn't help but think about killing people, and just rewind the lil recorded memories of him watching Bloody out in the street while he stood a few feet away
dark red splattered on the pavement
the humans just seeing him behind Bloody and yelling at him for help before getting dragged back to the red animatronic
the strong metallic smell of the blood
Lunar couldn't help but smile at the thought :)
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theastralghost · 3 months
Another little info dump for my Mechanic Sun Au! Mostly some background lore that I've made up. (This is also inspired by some theories about Security Breach as a whole so yeah)
(Also wrote most of this on the day of and following Solar's death so I might change this later as I haven't watched a lot of the recent episodes due to school/work/life/ect.)
Some important lore for the timeline (seeing as I've already diverged from the canon timeline a bit):
- I really like the theory that was made about Freddy's starting as a Circus before it became a Pizza restaurant so that's included.
- Yes the missing kids incident did happen (I don't know if it's canon in the Security Breach shows as I only watch TSAMS and TLAES)
- No the missing kids aren't possessing the animatronics anymore. This is because they've moved on into the afterlife after Fazbear Frights was burned down and/or after Pizzeria Simulator. (Mostly)
- What about the animatronics they possessed? The missing kids left behind enough remnant for the animatronics to become sentient. The animatronics have no memories of being possessed.
- Remnant in this au is pretty much just what's left behind by a soul when a person dies/moves on to the afterlife. Agony is created from emotional turmoil just before/during death. (Pretty sure that's what they are normally but still)
- Lunar, Eclipse, and Bloodmoon all got their initial remnant from Sun. As they all were inside Sun's head at one point. Moon probably got some amount of remnant from Sun when they shared a body, but most of his probably derived from KC prior to KC gaining sentience.
- The dilemma: Yes I am aware this may seem confusing (and makes no sense). Basically Moon (and KC) was completely made by the Creator while Sun was fixed up and pretty much remade by him.
In the Mechanic Sun Au Sun is technically one of the oldest animatronics in the Pizza Plex (this is important as Sun is not the oldest animatronic, but he is the oldest in the Pizza Plex), or at least his Ai and (old) body are. Sun's original Ai and Endo skeleton came from the time when Fazbear was Circus. Obviously back then he wasn't nearly as advanced as the animatronics in the Sun and Moon Show, so his memories of that period are fuzzy at best, to almost non-existent. He does remember the fire that closed down the circus very clearly though, as that's where he and a few other animatronics at the time gained enough remnant/agony to become sentient.
After the fire, any animatronics that were at least somewhat functional were put into storage to be used for parts. This is where Sun remained for quite a few years. He witnessed the murder of the missing kids, and Afton.
How Sun stayed online for so long is that he (and other robots of his generation) was programmed with an extra feature to fix programming for other machines so the employees wouldn't have to. This was pretty finicky and even backfired on a occasions when the animatronics programmed machines in such a way human employees could no longer fix manually (at least not easily) and would have to start from scratch. This helped Sun though as he was able to continuously fix his programming over the years as it deteriorated. Obviously this didn't mean he was in any form of 'good' condition. But he was able to stay awake and move around somewhat.
Eventually after the location was shut down Sun was moved to the restaurant from Pizzeria Simulator to be used for scrapped parts. Until the place burnt down. Then some years later the employees went digging in the remains and pulled
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amphiptere-art · 8 months
So thinking about this alternate solar idea.
Solar presumingly must have been found around the time Sun was getting headaches. Since at June 1st to Blood Moon's first appearance of July 16th. It means eclipse was at least festering for 13 months. Adding in an extra 10 months from where he was sneakily controlling Sun every once in a while. So solar must have been found before those 13 months. And definitely was found very early on during the headache phase. Which is the only reason why Blood Moon would be non-existent in his universe. As their creation in the end was not needed.
Given all this information. This alternate solar must be a backup that he put very very very early on in Blood Moon. The backup has to be the first thing alternate solar did. Otherwise this idea doesn't work out as well.
Now I do want this alternate solar to watch the show up until that point. Whether it is a primary thing that gets shot into his brain as soon as he goes online. Or something he feels needs to be done before Moon and Sun catch blood moon.
Now because this solar is watching the show. I still want him to be bitter with Moon. Not really Sun. He honestly probably feels guilty for himself tormenting Sun for no other reason. But he definitely does not like moon still. Sun was the only one who even tried to be nice to eclipse. So alternate solar sees him as better while moon was still bitter and aggressive towards him being our time.
Alternate solar does feel a little bit of imposter syndrome. As he is supposed to be eclipse. He was eclipse apparently. This is a false thinking but it feels the same. I'm not sure if it is quite imposter syndrome, But he definitely feels like being around sun and moon isn't great. I like he will cause bad memories.
Also just as I am thinking about this. This also actually means that moon Is the one who goes into a vegetable state I guess. Not quite vegetable state in the same way as normal solar. But technically moon starts to have kill code problems. And it would be soon after this alternate solar gets released from blood moons grasp, that these problems would occur. It would probably take a little bit longer, But they would still occur.
The feeling will probably still be the same with alternate solar. Where he feels like he is the one at fault for moons craziness. Given it would put a lot of strain with what moon would consider eclipse staying in his house. And so I could do a switcheroo where Moon gets kill coded and Sun is the one who sticks around with alternate solar. I don't think Sun would blame alternate solar the same way solar's Moon does. But he would blame eclipse. Which feeds into that imposter syndrome of alternate solar feeling like he is at fault.
Which I guess plays into the fact that I need to figure out how they get alternate solar. Because he's in blood moon. And if they don't get him quickly, He will fester and turn into the standard eclipse. It's not exactly the hardest thing to do. Blood Moon went to Monty's place. Moon and Sun just got to check with Monty earlier. Which means that They can find a better way to contain blood moon. And therefore see that alternate solar is in him. This is probably a world where lunar and Blood Moon can actually become brothers. Because blood moon wouldn't run away. He couldn't because they have to get alternate solar out.
I think that's the end of this little lore rant? I can't think of anything else. But this is all you need for now.
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purplesurveys · 1 year
How many friends do you have on Facebook? 682.
What was on the last sandwich you ate? It just had some scrambled egg and mayonnaise on it. We have some leftover luncheon meat and egg (again) meant for me though because I skipped dinner earlier, so I might sandwichify those two later as a midnight snack. 
Have you ever gotten back together with an ex? I have. Ended catastrophically the second time around, but I’ve been doing okay for a while now.
What is your favourite Thai dish? You can’t go wrong with pad thai. I was already in Bangkok a month ago, but when I tell you it was still the only thing I had besides the street food, hahaha.
How many contacts do you have in your phone? I have no idea and I can’t be bothered to check, sorry.
When was the last time you made out with somebody? No idea. Three years ago, four years ago? Something like that.
What month of the year was your mother born? September.
Do you have any friends that seem to know all the hot gossip? Well, not all. Angela and I will update each other on whatever we’ll find, but it’s not like we treat gossip as life. We’ve also softened a lot in the last few years, like our gossipy conversations will usually go, “Apparently X does Y now... happy for them / hope they pull through!”
What TV show(s) have you been watching currently? I don’t watch TV shows. If anything I just do re-runs of Run BTS - at least one episode a day - even though it doesn’t technically count. If we’re strictly doing TV shows, I will watch an episode of Friends every now and then for the giggles and happy vibes.
How many apps do you have on your phone? Somewhere around 30-40. It’s a lot...it’s mostly so that I have options, and also because I have a handful of interests. I have 6 apps related to BTS alone, like Weverse and Stationhead haha. Then I have all the local online shopping app options, all the local ride-hailing app options, and all the parcel delivery app options too.
What pet names do you use with your significant other? I don’t have a significant other.
Do you have to wear a name badge where you work? Nope.
What brand is your toaster, if you have one? We don’t have a toaster. We have a microwave, but I don’t remember the brand name right now.
Can you hear anything right now? An interview with Yoongi and Jin.
Is there anybody else in the room you’re currently in? Nope, it’s just me 99% of the time here.
What’s the name of the store you usually get your groceries? Continued from last night. S&R.
Does your house have a porch/balcony? In the most technical sense, we do; but the balcony has actually been mostly transformed into my brother’s room. My parents did keep a small portion intact so my brother can have some kind of mini-balcony in his space.
What’s your favourite type of bread? I’m not really a big fan of bread. I’ll eat it, but I don’t like it enough to know the different kinds or have a favorite type.
Do you share a middle name with any of your siblings? Like our second name? Nope.
Have there ever been any bushfires/wildfires in your area? Never happened here.
Have you ever taken a ride in an ambulance? I have not.
When was the last time you took a nap during the day? Saturday. I was already awake for a while, but I wanted to sleep again so I napped from 11 to 1.
What did you have to eat for dinner last night? I skipped dinner because I had a really heavy lunch.
What was the last thing you had to drink? Water.
Who was the last message you received from and what did they say? It was just Angela sharing a TikTok link.
What’s your favourite kind of accent? I don’t have any.
Have you ever missed a flight? That has never happened. I’ve been delayed many times, but I’ve never missed.
Have you ever seen a lunar eclipse? Idk eclipses hate this part of the world so I’ve only seen like 1 or 2 and never knew what kind they were. All I remember is that it was very exciting to see the moon turn red.
Do you know your significant other’s passwords? I don’t have one.
What’s your favourite type of salad? Spicy tuna salad.
Is your house usually too warm or too cold in the winter? We don’t have winter.
Have you ever been in love with someone much older or younger than you? No for both.
Would you rather have someone ask to kiss you, or just kiss you? It’s better to ask. Unless I was actually dating you, then feel free to do it any time.
What, if anything, do you substitute for fries? I dunno...I’m never in a situation where I have to find a substitute for fries.
Have you ever been in a building that was on fire? This has never happened to me.
Would you change your partner’s hair color if you could? I don’t have one...
Have you ever written a poem for someone? No. I would if I could, but poems were never my strong suit.
Have you been best friends with someone of a different race? Yes, I was very close with Carley, who’s from Pennsylvania. She struck me as a little alone, a little troubled...but I was very happy to be her friend and we used to video chat every single day when I’d come home from school while she would get ready for it. I don’t know what happened, maybe her life circumstances started to get the best of her, but she started going in and out of the radar for long periods of time. 
Like she’d come back and I’d be very excited to have her around again, only for her to stop talking to me for the next six months. Then she’d resurface and talk like nothing happened. It was very disorienting and somewhere down the line it started to feel more of an inconvenience, so I eventually just stopped replying whenever she’d have a ‘comeback.’
Who’s the last person who cussed you out in anger? I dunno anyone who would do this other than my mom.
Have you friended your parents on FB? Yes.
What’s the last tourist area you visited? Kuala Lumpur.
Have you ever been in a submarine? No, and especially after that Titan mess happened you will never find me in one.
Is there anyone whose grave you visit? Not a grave, but like the cubbyholes(?) in a columbarium, hehe. I visit my grandpa’s every now and then, usually during his birthday and All Souls’ Day.
Did your mother change her maiden name when/if she got married? Yes, she did.
Do you use TikTok? Very rarely; mostly for work. I like using IG Reels if I want to watch that kind of content.
What decorations do you have in your bathroom? We have some fake plants on top of the toilets.
Do you like Seinfeld? I haven’t tried watching it but it’s something I’ve always wanted to see.
What year was your favourite band formed? 2004 and 2013.
What’s your least favourite pizza topping? Pepperoni, sausage, beef, pork, pineapples.
What percentage battery is your phone on right now? 93%.
Have you ever smoked a cigarette? Did you like it? I have. It was okay, but it never felt like I needed to keep doing it.
Are you closer to your mother or father? Dad.
Have you ever sent a postcard? Where from? I’ve never done it.
Do you know anyone who speaks Spanish as a first language? No.
Who was the last person you kissed? My ex.
Do you have a Bachelor’s degree? If so, what in? Yes, in journalism.
Do loud noises bother you? It depends on the context. Construction noises while I’m working certainly won’t make me feel relaxed.
Do you rent or own the place you live? My parents own the house.
Have you ever made yourself as a Sim? Of course.
What brand is your phone? It’s an iPhone.
Have you ever had a friend named Mary? I mean her nickname is Mary, but her actual name is longer than that.
What does the name “Ada” make you think of? My high school classmate named Ada, and Ada Wong from Resident Evil.
Have you ever ridden in a horse-drawn carriage? I’ve been on a calesa once.
Did you ever sneak out of your house when you were younger? No, my mom has a way of finding things out anyway.
What is your best friend’s name? Angela, Andi.
Is anyone in your family an author or poet? We have an author.
Have you ever dated a guy with a girl’s name? I’ve never dated a guy.
Would you rather be named Fanny or Faye? Not a fan of both, but...eh, I guess I’ll go with Faye.
Do you have a godmother? Yes. Kind of a mandatory if you’re getting baptized in the Catholic Church.
Are you someone’s godmother? Yes.
When was the last time you wrote a poem? High school, I think.
Do you believe that it’s possible for someone to be resurrected from the dead? Save for experiences where the heart has been inactive for only a short period of time and it was able to be jolted back into activity, no. <--- this. < There we go.
What color hair does your current crush (or boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, whatever) have? I don’t have a crush.
What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you in a theater? Falling asleep way after the credits stopped rolling. Mind you this was the last screening for the day, so the mall literally couldn’t close down fully because of me haha. It was embarrassing but in hindsight I couldn’t understand why no one could just wake me up and told me to get the fuck out of there.
Have you ever had someone copy you or steal your ideas for something? Not that I can remember. If this ever happened I can tell you I’d definitely be petty about it and find a way for the credit to somehow come back my way.
Have you ever dated someone behind your parents’ back? Yes.
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anthony-usa-today · 11 days
Super Harvest Moon lunar eclipse: How to watch online for free on Sept. 17 | Space
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researchbuzz · 13 days
Super Harvest Moon Lunar Eclipse, AI in Military Technology, Social Media Rumors, More: Sunday Afternoon ResearchBuzz, September 15, 2024
EVENTS Space: Super Harvest Moon lunar eclipse: How to watch online for free on Sept. 17. “On Tuesday (Sept. 17), the Full Harvest Moon will experience a partial lunar eclipse that will be visible for North and South America (except for Alaska), Europe, most of Africa, western Asia, and parts of Antarctica…. If you can’t watch the eclipse in person for any reason, there are luckily a number of…
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alokkhandelwal · 1 year
Astrology and Stock Market Predictions
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The inventory market is a dynamic and complicated area that is stimulated with the aid of numerous factors, along with economic conditions, investor sentiment, and geopolitical activities. However, there may be another intriguing angle to not forget while reading market trends and making predictions: astrology. In this blog, we can delve into the captivating realm of financial astrology and discover how planetary influences can provide insights into inventory marketplace predictions. Understanding the relationship between astrology and the inventory market can offer a unique facet for traders seeking to make informed decisions.
Know more about Astrology and Stock Market Predictions. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
The Role of Planetary Energies
Astrology views celestial bodies as active forces that influence diverse components of human existence, together with monetary markets. Each planet incorporates awesome characteristics and vibrations that could affect the collective consciousness and market dynamics. For example, the expansive and constrictive power of Jupiter may additionally make contributions to periods of increase and prosperity, at the same time as the restrictive and cautious nature of Saturn can usher in durations of financial contraction and warning.
Planetary Transits and Stock Market Trends
Astrologers regularly examine the planetary transits, which represent the motion of planets in terms of one another and particular factors inside the zodiac. These transits can indicate capability shifts and trends within the inventory market. For example, while Mars aligns with Jupiter, it can characterize a length of increased market activity and fantastic investor sentiment. Conversely, while Saturn forms difficult elements with Mercury, it could propose a time of marketplace volatility and caution.
Sun Signs and Investor Behavior
The zodiac signs below which people are born also can affect their behavior as investors. For instance, fiery symptoms like Aries and Leo may additionally exhibit boldness and risk-taking dispositions, while sensible signs like Taurus and Capricorn may lean towards greater cautious and conservative investment methods. By understanding their own Sun signal and the way it aligns with the winning marketplace situations, buyers can benefit from insights into their herbal dispositions and regulate their techniques for that reason.
Read Also:- Astrological Rituals and Remedies for Prosperity during Shravan Maas
Eclipses and Turning Points
Eclipses, both solar and lunar, have long been deemed full-size celestial events in astrology. They are believed to mark turning factors and trigger changes in numerous elements of lifestyles, such as the stock marketplace. A solar eclipse, for instance, occurring near key market indicators, can sign a shift in trends or sentiments. Investors who take note of eclipses and their alignments with market indices can also discover valuable clues to make strategic funding decisions.
Retrograde Planets and Market Corrections
Retrograde periods, when planets appear like transferring backwards from our vantage point on Earth, are recognised for causing disruptions and introspection. Retrograde planets inside the delivery chart of rustic or considerable marketplace events can indicate periods of marketplace corrections or changes. Mercury retrograde, especially, is closely watched as it’s far associated with communication and era, regularly leading to short-time period marketplace fluctuations and elevated buying and selling volatility.
Astrological Tools and Techniques
Astrologers appoint various tools and techniques to investigate and predict inventory marketplace trends. These encompass growing and reading delivery charts for international locations or stock exchanges, analyzing planetary components and styles, and utilizing astrological software to tune and interpret celestial movements. By combining economic know-how with astrological insights, experts can provide nuanced predictions and assist buyers in making knowledgeable choices.
While astrology may not offer foolproof stock marketplace predictions, it offers a unique attitude that may complement traditional economic analysis. Understanding planetary effects, reading transits, and thinking about investor behavior primarily based on astrological elements can contribute to an extra holistic knowledge of marketplace trends. Incorporating astrology into investment strategies allows for a comprehensive approach that considers each tangible and intangible effect.
As with any funding choice, it’s vital to discuss with economic specialists and use astrology as a supplementary device for gaining insights into the dynamic world of the stock market. By exploring the captivating connections between astrology and the inventory marketplace, investors can benefit from valuable perspectives and probably enhance their choice-making procedure in pursuit of monetary fulfillment.
Read Also:- Astrological Insights for Motivation and Consistency within the Gym
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alokastrology1 · 1 year
Astrology and Stock Market Predictions
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The inventory market is a dynamic and complicated area that is stimulated with the aid of numerous factors, along with economic conditions, investor sentiment, and geopolitical activities. However, there may be another intriguing angle to not forget while reading market trends and making predictions: astrology. In this blog, we can delve into the captivating realm of financial astrology and discover how planetary influences can provide insights into inventory marketplace predictions. Understanding the relationship between astrology and the inventory market can offer a unique facet for traders seeking to make informed decisions.
Know more about Astrology and Stock Market Predictions. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
The Role of Planetary Energies
Astrology views celestial bodies as active forces that influence diverse components of human existence, together with monetary markets. Each planet incorporates awesome characteristics and vibrations that could affect the collective consciousness and market dynamics. For example, the expansive and constrictive power of Jupiter may additionally make contributions to periods of increase and prosperity, at the same time as the restrictive and cautious nature of Saturn can usher in durations of financial contraction and warning.
Planetary Transits and Stock Market Trends
Astrologers regularly examine the planetary transits, which represent the motion of planets in terms of one another and particular factors inside the zodiac. These transits can indicate capability shifts and trends within the inventory market. For example, while Mars aligns with Jupiter, it can characterize a length of increased market activity and fantastic investor sentiment. Conversely, while Saturn forms difficult elements with Mercury, it could propose a time of marketplace volatility and caution.
Sun Signs and Investor Behavior
The zodiac signs below which people are born also can affect their behavior as investors. For instance, fiery symptoms like Aries and Leo may additionally exhibit boldness and risk-taking dispositions, while sensible signs like Taurus and Capricorn may lean towards greater cautious and conservative investment methods. By understanding their own Sun signal and the way it aligns with the winning marketplace situations, buyers can benefit from insights into their herbal dispositions and regulate their techniques for that reason.
Read Also:- Astrological Rituals and Remedies for Prosperity during Shravan Maas
Eclipses and Turning Points
Eclipses, both solar and lunar, have long been deemed full-size celestial events in astrology. They are believed to mark turning factors and trigger changes in numerous elements of lifestyles, such as the stock marketplace. A solar eclipse, for instance, occurring near key market indicators, can sign a shift in trends or sentiments. Investors who take note of eclipses and their alignments with market indices can also discover valuable clues to make strategic funding decisions.
Retrograde Planets and Market Corrections
Retrograde periods, when planets appear like transferring backwards from our vantage point on Earth, are recognised for causing disruptions and introspection. Retrograde planets inside the delivery chart of rustic or considerable marketplace events can indicate periods of marketplace corrections or changes. Mercury retrograde, especially, is closely watched as it’s far associated with communication and era, regularly leading to short-time period marketplace fluctuations and elevated buying and selling volatility.
Astrological Tools and Techniques
Astrologers appoint various tools and techniques to investigate and predict inventory marketplace trends. These encompass growing and reading delivery charts for international locations or stock exchanges, analyzing planetary components and styles, and utilizing astrological software to tune and interpret celestial movements. By combining economic know-how with astrological insights, experts can provide nuanced predictions and assist buyers in making knowledgeable choices.
While astrology may not offer foolproof stock marketplace predictions, it offers a unique attitude that may complement traditional economic analysis. Understanding planetary effects, reading transits, and thinking about investor behavior primarily based on astrological elements can contribute to an extra holistic knowledge of marketplace trends. Incorporating astrology into investment strategies allows for a comprehensive approach that considers each tangible and intangible effect.
As with any funding choice, it’s vital to discuss with economic specialists and use astrology as a supplementary device for gaining insights into the dynamic world of the stock market. By exploring the captivating connections between astrology and the inventory marketplace, investors can benefit from valuable perspectives and probably enhance their choice-making procedure in pursuit of monetary fulfillment.
Read Also:- Astrological Insights for Motivation and Consistency within the Gym
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jyotishgher · 2 years
What does Surya Grahan means?
What does Surya Grahan means?
Though the Solar Eclipse or Surya Grahan will not be visible in India, we can always watch it online. This Solar Eclipse will be an annular one, known as the ‘ring of fire. …
What is the word for grahan?
/grahaṇa/ mn. eclipse countable noun. When there is an eclipse of the sun or solar eclipse, the moon is between the Earth and the sun, so that part or all of the sun is hidden.
Types of Surya Grahan
There are as many as 4 types of Solar Eclipse based on how much the Sun disk is eclipsed by the moon. And these would be:
Partial Solar Eclipse – This occurs when the Moon partially obscures the Sun’s disk and casts only its penumbra on Earth.
Annular Solar eclipse – Annular Surya Grahan occurs when the Sun and the Moon are closer to each other and thus the Moon is not big enough to eclipse the whole of the Sun. Thus, as the Moon eclipses the Sun, the outer part of the Sun is still visible forming a ring of fire.
Total solar eclipse – As the name suggests, it is the type of Suraj Grahan that happens when the New Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, and entirely covers the Sun.
Hybrid Solar eclipse – Hybrid solar eclipse occur when the same eclipse changes from an annular to a total solar eclipse or vice versa.
Effect of Solar Eclipses on Zodiac Signs
Solar Eclipse affects all of us differently. During a solar eclipse, as the Sun, which symbolises our external personality, is obscured by the moon, which represents our mind and emotions, the solar eclipse often first begins internally before concerning our emotional relationships with others.
Also, the fact that it is the moon that casts its shadow on the Earth during a solar eclipse, the Moon of an individual is one of the Vedic elements that sees changes either positively or negatively.
Can we sleep during Surya Grahan?
You should not sleep during the duration of the eclipse.
So you can’t eat, you can’t have sex — and you’re not allowed to sleep either.
Can we eat during Surya Grahan?
Not eating during the Surya Grahan is an age-old belief. It is also mentioned in the scriptures that the Grahan period is unlucky and thus one should avoid eating food at this time. Eating food at this time can even lead to diseases.
Is solar eclipse good or bad?
Although eclipses are a natural phenomenon, the radiation emitted from the mystical event may impact your health in some ways. Here are some ways the eclipse can impact your health. Eye injury: Viewing the eclipse with naked eyes can damage your retina and even lead to blindness.
What is solar eclipse diagram?
When the moon passes directly between the sun and Earth, a solar eclipse takes place. (NEVER look at the sun during any type of solar eclipse! Looking at the sun is dangerous. It can damage your eyes.)
Why does Surya Grahan happen?
Solar Eclipse is also known as Surya Grahan. … A total Solar Eclipse happens when the Sun, Moon, and the Earth come in a straight line in such a way that the Moon blocks the rays of the Sun from reaching the Earth.
Why do solar eclipses happen?
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon gets between Earth and the sun, and the moon casts a shadow over Earth. A solar eclipse can only take place at the phase of new moon, when the moon passes directly between the sun and Earth and its shadows fall upon Earth’s surface.
What should not do during grahan?
Avoid eating food cooked before the surya grahan. According to Ayurveda, the harmful rays from the grahan will contaminate the food and thus affect our digestive system. Do not look at the surya grahan phenomenon. Do not touch any idol, a Tulsi or Shami tree.
Why we dont eat during eclipse?
It is believed that the rays of solar eclipse can affect cooked food, which when consumed during the eclipse period may cause indigestion and an upset stomach.
Can we drink water during grahan?
Question: can i drink water during lunar eclipse ??
It is just a normal day. Please eat and drink to avoid any kind of weakness. Affect of eclipse on pregnancy is miscommunicated from long time so nobody is sure about it. Scientifically there is no affect on pregnancy but To be on safe side don’t go out.
Can we pee during solar eclipse?
According to Hindu Mythology, an eclipse is considered to be an inauspicious event, as the disappearance of the sun even for a short duration of time is contemplated as ‘unhealthy. … It also prohibits one from sleeping, urination, defecating, putting on makeup or having sexual intercourse during an eclipse.
Should we take bath after solar eclipse?
After the eclipse:
It is best to take a bath in cold water after the eclipse is over. The Satsangijivan, written by Shatãnand Muni, states that after one purifies oneself, one should offer donations according to one’s income.
During the solar eclipse, people will see multiple instances of fire, theft, dacoity and unrest happening in the country. A lack of unity among politicians will affect the development of the country. Deficient rainfall may result in lesser production of barley, heat, gram, peas, oilseeds and pulses etc.
Aries: 21 March - 19 April Your personal life undergoes a disturbing period. This spells pain with respect to marital union, partnerships and domestic life. Financially you will hit a new low. Partnerships at work fizzle out, almost. Day-to-day expenditure will be ill-managed to a great extent. Remedy: It is beneficial to worship Lord Surya and avoid any unnecessary expense.
Taurus: 20 April - 20 May Health is ill-favoured by stars and problems may crop up during this time. Legally you may get into hassles as well. The so far suppressed anxieties and tensions suddenly resurface due to which the existing problems multiply. If you have overseas travel aspirations, you will be able to materialize them this time. Students, especially those intending to study abroad will fulfil their dreams/. Remedy: Avoid conflicts and tiffs with loved ones. Donate white-coloured food items to the needy and the poor.
Gemini: 21 May - 20 June You will be relieved at the positive developments in the lives of your children. You will resume your academic courses that were pending to be done with the support of your punya of past life. Additional unforeseen expenses and monetary issues may bog you down. An important matter which should have been solved in your favour gets unnecessarily delayed and the results will not match your expectations. To establish a harmonious relationship with the family and your spouse, you need external help surely. Remedy: You need to focus on education and postpone any new beginnings.
Cancer: 21 June - 22 July This period is propitious for resuming any pending task that was kept on hold. You will invest on real assets this time. Legal suits will resolve in your favour. You will be surprised by some political developments against you at your workplace. If your career is associated with politics, you will succeed in it, but you are easily swayed by others' opinions. You will focus more on earning well and your practical mindset will only assist you well. Remedy: Do not display your vulnerabilities. Do not discuss sensitive matters in anybody's presence.
Leo: 23 July - 22 August This is a very decisive time for you professionally. Long-distance and short jaunts will be the standing features of this year. Property acquisitions and property deals will be struck profitably. Siblings will lend all financial support. If you are a budding litterateur, bright chances of success are ahead. Domestic and marital life will be conducive to your peace of mind. Remedy: You need to avoid envying and misunderstandings with your siblings and neighbours.
Virgo: 23 August - 22 September You will earn well due to various monetary resources, but see that you pay taxes on time and never evade it. Some of you may receive defamation suits. Check your words and tone of speech as they may tend to sound harsh. Married Virgos will not face marital strife but the ones in love life will face turbulence. Some of you may even consider and plan your second marriage. If you happen to be working for the government, your promotion is due, or you will sense some activities happening in that direction. Remedy: Avoid ego and keep your caustic tongue tightly reined. Be on good terms with father, grandfather, teachers and Guru.
Libra: 23 September - 22 October You undergo an attitudinal sea change by showing a bit of aggression. Rigidity, steadiness and also a good amount of selfish tendencies. Socially and politically active people might climb the ladders of fame. Your father may suffer ill health and your hidden ailments may resurface. You will experience stability in marriage and love life Remedy: Avoid clashes with officers, seniors, and people whose words and stature matter in society.
Scorpio: 23 October - 21 November This solar eclipse makes you powerful in many ways. You will score over your rivals although you are surrounded by them. You will be neck deep involved in occult studies and some secret tasks. Disagreements with your father regarding property and real estate are likely. You will be embroiled in relationships with more than one people. Education related out of the country tours are likely to happen. Remedy: Keep in check your impulse to overeat and to go on unwanted tours for the moment.
Sagittarius: 22 November - 21 December If you are in politics, there are bright chances of being recognized as a good leader. Profits in good measure are foretold for you from the government. You will experience good influx of money. Share market and stock investment will yield good returns. Domestic life, academic pursuits, and your relationships will be a point of strength for you. More than one source of income can be expected. Remedy: You need to have a firm awareness of your investments. Eyes and legs will be the weaker area health-wise, to take care of.
Capricorn: 22 December - 19 January This is the time for new beginnings and for embarking a new job assignment. Recognition in the field of your work is on its way. You will be affiliated with a political group and carry out social work. You may even become a local leader. Family disputes will get resolved in your favour. New partnerships in business must be strictly avoided. Your confidence will be boosted due to your abilities and skills. Remedy: Avoid tiffs with partners, seniors and bosses. Don't court challenges that are bigger than your capacity to handle them.
Aquarius: 20 January - 18 February This time is unfavourable for your father's career and reputation. Family business and work can occupy most of your time. You will begin a new academic pursuit overseas. Students pursuing master's degree will have a pleasant time. Focus more on religious activities. Your efforts in marrying for the second time will be successful. Recognition in your area of work will gladden you. Remedy: Avoid getting into ego tussles with elders and father. Keep your ego in check and try to be polite.
Pisces: 19 February - 20 March Family property and inheritance will be received. You will also earn from secret tasks due to which there will be sudden gains. Your family and professional life will go topsy-turvy. Research scholars will succeed in their ventures. You will welcome a new member to your family and generally enjoy a happy contented life. Remedy: Avoid clashes with family on domestic issues. Be extremely wary and guarded in your financial dealings.
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tezlivenews · 3 years
Lunar Eclipse 2021: लगने वाला है सबसे लंबा आंशिक चंद्रग्रहण, 18 नवंबर को ऐसे देखें ये खूबसूरत नजारा
Lunar Eclipse 2021: लगने वाला है सबसे लंबा आंशिक चंद्रग्रहण, 18 नवंबर को ऐसे देखें ये खूबसूरत नजारा
Lunar Eclipse 2021 Timings in India: 18 और 19 नवंबर को भारत समेत दुनिया के कई हिस्सों में आंशिक चंद्र ग्रहण लगेगा, बता दें कि इसी दिन कार्तिक पूर्णिमा भी है। आप लोगों की जानकारी के लिए बता दें कि आंशिक चंद्र ग्रहण है जिस वजह से इस अवधि के दौरान सूतक नहीं लगेगा। कब लगता है आंशिक चंद्रग्रहण (Chandra Grahan 2021)?अमेरिकी अंतरिक्ष एजेंसी NASA के अनुसार, आंशिक चंद्रग्रहण उस वक्त लगता है जब पृथ्वी या…
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breakingnewsworld · 3 years
Skygazers across the globe are waiting for the 'super moon' but it will not be visible from all the parts of the world therefore many observatories and other facilities are taking to online platforms to webcast the grand lunar...
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nasa · 3 years
June 10 Solar Eclipse in the Northern Hemisphere!
On June 10, people in parts of the northern hemisphere will have the chance to witness a solar eclipse.
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Watch the full visualization of the eclipse.
The June 10 eclipse is an annular solar eclipse, meaning that the Sun will never be completely covered by the Moon. The Moon’s orbit around the Earth is not a perfect circle, so throughout each month, the Moon’s distance from Earth varies. During an annular eclipse, the Moon is far enough away from Earth that the Moon appears smaller than the Sun in the sky. Since the Moon does not block the entire view of the Sun, it will look like a dark disk on top of a larger, bright disk. This creates what looks like a ring of fire around the Moon.
People in the narrow path of annularity — which, for this eclipse, cuts through Canada, Greenland, and northern Russia — will see the ring of fire effect as the Moon passes across the Sun.
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Credit: Dale Cruikshank
Outside this path of annularity, many people in the northern hemisphere have a chance to see a partial solar eclipse. The partial eclipse will fall on parts of the eastern United States, as well as northern Alaska. Some locations will only see a very small piece of the Sun covered, while locations closer to the path of annularity can see the Moon cover most of the Sun.
To learn which times the eclipse may be visible in certain areas, you can click anywhere on the map here. (Note that the maximum obscuration and maximum eclipse timing noted on this map may occur before sunrise in many locations.)
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This solar eclipse is a pair with the total lunar eclipse that happened on May 26.
Both solar and lunar eclipses happen when the Sun, Moon, and Earth line up in the same plane — a lunar eclipse happens when Earth is in the middle and casts its shadow on the Moon, and a solar eclipse happens when the Moon is in the middle and casts its shadow on Earth. The Moon’s orbit is tilted, so it’s usually too high or too low for this alignment to work out.
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The May 26 lunar eclipse was a supermoon lunar eclipse, meaning that the full moon happened while the Moon was near its closest point to Earth, making the Moon appear larger in the sky. The solar eclipse happens at the opposite point of the Moon’s orbit, during the new moon — and in this case, the new moon happens near the Moon’s farthest point from Earth, making the Moon appear smaller and resulting in an annular (rather than total) solar eclipse.
How to watch the eclipse
From anywhere: Watch the eclipse online with us! Weather permitting, we’ll be sharing live telescope views of the partial eclipse courtesy of Luc Boulard of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Sudbury Centre. Tune in starting at 5 a.m. EDT on June 10 at nasa.gov/live.
From the path of the annular or partial eclipse: Be sure to take safety precuations if you plan to watch in person!
It is never safe to look directly at the Sun's rays, even if the Sun is partly or mostly obscured, like during a partial or annular eclipse — doing so can severely harm your eyes. If you’re planning to watch the eclipse on June 10, you should use solar viewing glasses or an indirect viewing method at all points during the eclipse if you want to face the Sun. Solar viewing glasses, sometimes called eclipse glasses, are NOT regular sunglasses; regular sunglasses are not safe for viewing the Sun.
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If you don’t have solar viewing or eclipse glasses, you can use an alternate indirect method like a pinhole projector. Pinhole projectors shouldn’t be used to look at the Sun; instead, they’re an easy way to project an image of the Sun onto a surface. Read more about how to create a pinhole projector.
This is a sunrise eclipse in the contiguous U.S. At locations in the lower 48 states that can see the partial eclipse, the show starts before sunrise, when the Sun is still below the horizon. That means the best chance to see the eclipse in these locations will be during and shortly after sunrise, when the Sun is very low in the sky. In northern Alaska, the eclipse happens in the very early hours of June 10 when the Sun is low on the horizon.
Bottom line: If you’re trying to watch the eclipse in the contiguous U.S., look for a location with a clear view of the horizon to the northeast, and plan to watch starting at sunrise with your solar filter or indirect viewer.
The next two eclipses in the continental U.S. are in 2023 and 2024. The annular solar eclipse of Oct. 14, 2023, will cut from Oregon to Texas, and the total solar eclipse of April 8, 2024, will pass from Texas to Maine. Keep up with the latest on eclipses and eclipse science at nasa.gov/eclipse.
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anki14542 · 4 years
चंद्रग्रहण 2020: कुछ मटमैला सा दिखाई देगा कल रात चांद, जानिए कैसे होती है चंद्रगहण की खगोलीय घटना
चंद्रग्रहण 2020: कुछ मटमैला सा दिखाई देगा कल रात चांद, जानिए कैसे होती है चंद्रगहण की खगोलीय घटना
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Image Source : INDIA TV Chandra Grahan 2020
नई दिल्ली।इस साल (2020) लगने वाले दूसरा चंद्रगहण कल (5 जून, शुक्रवार) रात लगेगा। 5 जून को लगने वाला चंद्रग्रहण उपछाया चंद्रग्रहण होगा। 5 जून को लगने वाला दूसरा चंद्रग्रहण 3 घंटे 18 मिनट का होगा। जिसकी शुरुआत 5 जून की रात 11 बजकर 16 मिनट से होगी और समाप्ति 6 जून को रात्रि 2 बजकर 32 मिनट पर होगी। ग्रहण…
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newsaryavart · 4 years
चंद्रग्रहण 2020: कुछ मटमैला सा दिखाई देगा कल रात चांद, जानिए कैसे होती है चंद्रगहण की खगोलीय घटना
चंद्रग्रहण 2020: कुछ मटमैला सा दिखाई देगा कल रात चांद, जानिए कैसे होती है चंद्रगहण की खगोलीय घटना
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Image Source : INDIA TV Chandra Grahan 2020
नई दिल्ली।इस साल (2020) लगने वाले दूसरा चंद्रगहण कल (5 जून, शुक्रवार) रात लगेगा। 5 जून को लगने वाला चंद्रग्रहण उपछाया चंद्रग्रहण होगा। 5 जून को लगने वाला दूसरा चंद्रग्रहण 3 घंटे 18 मिनट का होगा। जिसकी शुरुआत 5 जून की रात 11 बजकर 16 मिनट से होगी और समाप्ति 6 जून को रात्रि 2 बजकर 32 मिनट पर होगी। ग्रहण 12 बजकर 55 मिनट पर…
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