#how to tie a scarf to a hand bag
writingoddess1125 · 10 months
Jessica Rabbit Effect pt. 4
So a lot of people have asked what if Crocodile & Mihawk found out about Buggys hot wife. So here we are!
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• Buggy would be dragging his feet and reluctant on letting you go.. Truthfully he wanted to keep you on his little island village were you could live in ignorance and bliss. (Cause he's possessive)
• However it seemed some things couldnt be helped-
• Especially after your kidnapping attempt. So he felt safer dragging you with him to the Cross Guild meeting-
• "I'm so nervous" You admit, stepping in land as he kept you close.
• "Don't be- You'll be fine. I promise nothing will happen" He stated confidently, you assuming because these men were his friends- (While Buggy ment he'd kill to make sure no one harmed you)
• Once inside you saw them- And you damn near were ready to run back to the ship..
• They looked so much scarier in person!
• Craning your head up to meet the two massive men- Your nerves now all over the place as they just seemed to stare down at you.
• Hard-
• Your hand instinctively squeezing Buggy for reassurance.
• "Croc, Hawk- This is my Wife (Y/N)" Buggy said calmly with a hint of irriation in his voice at having them meet you at all, keeping a secure hand on your waist as you smiled softly at the two infamous men, still a bit nervous.
• "It's lovely to meet you both"
• Sir Crocodile and Mihawk exchanged puzzled glances as they stood before Buggy's wife.
• Perplexed-
• This pretty women was Buggy's wife?- Sure they had both heard rumors that she was apparently attractive but they assumed this was just Buggy's dramatic words floating around.
• However you were actually gorgeous!?
• Crocodile muttered, "Lovely to meet you as well-" Migawk nodding in greeting to you.
• "I know its a bit short notice me coming here and all, vut I made you both some gifts as a gesture of kindness" You say so sweetly as you reach into your bag and pull out the nice gifts for both of them nicely wrapped in colored tissue paper. Mentally praying Buggy's information was correct.
• Both Guild Leaders took the gifts in question- Still assuming something about this was fishy as both slowly ripped the tissue paper to take a peak at what you'd made.
• You had made a beautiful silk orange gold puff tie for Sir Crocodile since Buggy kept saying he was wearing a 'scarf' as a tie (But you knew better that it's a Puff Tie and not a scarf)
• And for Sir Mihawk you made him a white ocean cotton button down with front frills, you didn't make it as dramatic as you typically made Buggys but it was a incredibly pretty and beautiful shirt that would be comforble to wear whenever.
• Both men stared at the gifts, like they were trying to figure out what sort of trickery this was.
• "You made these?" Mihawk questioned at first,
• "I'm a seamstress" You state calmly, a bit worried they wouldn't be interested. However smiled when Crocodile complemented your craft and the quality of the tie.
• Once inside the main meeting room, conversation flowed naturally, You chatting up both men so they could become familiar with you. Even telling them the story of how you and Buggy met all those years ago.
• "Are you wanted to married him?-" Crocodile mused, taking another drag of his cigar.
• "Of course! He's so sweet afterall" Buggy looked miffed by Crocodiles words and the fact you gushed so much-
• Mihawk was the most interested in you however, taking sips of wine as he looked over you calmly.
• "Would you reconsider your marriage for a more suitable option?-" He so bluntly asked which made you blink in total surprise.
• "HEY!" Buggy yelled, Wrapping a protective arm around you as he began to yell at Mihawk for daring to 'hit on' his lovely wife- His temper definitely getting the best of him.
• Buggy throwing a full on tantrum now as he pointed a finger at Mihawk and screamed at him. The yellow eyed man grabbing his sword in warning-
• You flushed in embrassment and patted Buggys arm gently to calm him down before he got chopped to bits. "No No- I'm very happy in my marriage and love my husband dearly. I wouldn't choose anyone else-"
• Buggy stopped his little tantrum and seemed to be soothed by your gentle hands and soft words.
• Both pirates respecting such a loyal trait and moving on from such conversations.
• Both Guild Leaders found you quite enjoyable- You had wonderful humor, great in terms of conversation and essentially made up for everything your husband lacked.
• Work did take place however, Buggy and the two men talking over strategies of wealth and gaining a greater sense of power between them all.
• They did however find it irritating they couldn't beat Buggy's ass like normal- Seeing how it would upset you and the man seemed to be practically glued to you.
• By the time for you and Buggy to retire, Maps, Plans and even money had been exchanged-
• As the meeting delved later. Food and Alcohol was served, which left you full and a bit tipsy. Leaning your head on Buggy's shoulder as you soon fell asleep against him.
• "(Y/N)? Buggy said softly, claiming his arm to properly secure you against him as he saw your sleeping form.
• "Seems it's time to go our separate ways" Migawk said calmly, having finished off 4 bottles of wine himself and not too far behind you in terms of sleep. Crocodile wiping his mouth of the crumbs with a napkin as he set his near finished cigar on a ash tray.
• "Yes.." Buggy said softly, scooping you up with care.
• "....Since my wife is asleep- I need to say this to you both"
• Buggy didn't look at the two of them just stroking your hair as you slept- "I will only speak this once... If you two hurt my wife or make her upset in any way- Death will be the kindest thing I can give to you"
• They had always know Buggy hid his true abilities and simply didn't take things seriously- But they saw you were his only button.
• His only weakness-
• No words were exchanged, but a silent agreement seemed to settle on the three men.
• You were off limits.
• Buggy carried you out of the meeting hall, taking you to his private quarters so you could rest properly. Already mentally mapping out changing you into your nice PJs-
• The two men left behind watching their peer leave with his prized wife. Crocodile muttered, "How did Buggy manage to snag such a pretty and sweet wife?"
• Mihawk, equally mystified nodding in agreement.
• "It's a mystery as profound as the Grand Line itself."
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"I can't believe those dirty bastards got you to make them clothes!" Buggy yelled, stomping his foot dramatically as he watched you sew at a purple and gold vest which clearly would belong to Crocodile by the large size.
You sitting in your favorte chair, dressed in comforble clothes as you continued to work into the evening in the home you shared with your dramatic husband.
"I make all your clothes" Gesturing to his low riding pajama pants and socks he was currently sporting. He waved this off with a dramatic eye roll-
"That's different your my wife and I still pay for your time since it's important! and they shouldnt get it fre-"
"They are paying me Buggy Boo" You cut him off quickly, taking the winds from his sails as he stopped mid rant.
"Eh?" He said confused, not knowing what you were talking about. You reach into your vanity next to you and handed your husband the letter both men had slipped you when you'd first met them in the guikd hall.
"They have me a lump some for 5 peices of clothes for each of them. 2 pairs of trousers, 2 shirts and a special item for each. For Crocodile he wanted this vest Im working on- and for Mihawk to restore a coat he liked" You explained, Buggy raising a brow at this news as he opened the letter quickly and read over how much they offered for such peices.
Buggy yelled as he fell to the ground foaming at the mouth at seeing the large number.
15,000,000 Beri for each man....
He couldn't complain-
Well not about the men paying you so handsomely but about having to become the grumpy delivery man for his wife once the clothes were finished.
When he went to the meeting handing his two peers the clothes they had specially bought from you in the nice boxes youd always packed everything in.
Both men quick to open them and look over their new purchased goodies. Mihawk immediately putting on the repaired coat after seeing its quality- which was better then when he bought it.
"Tell your wife I'd like to make another commission when she has free time- I'll pay double" Mihawk said smoothing out the coat and seeing the nice gold pattern on the sleeves and nice red satin insides of the inner coat.
Crocodile adjusting his orange Puff Tie and he nodded in agreement and went through his box with great satisfaction. "Same for me as well-"
"I fucking hate you both..."
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marlynnofmany · 4 months
Drying Out
The wind on this alien planet was like I’d expected: not quite strong enough to put my balance at risk, but enough to make me glad I’d braided my hair back extra tight. Even with that precaution, little hair tendrils were whipping the sides of my face as I walked, and I didn’t have a hand free to brush them away. I was, as usual, carrying a box.
Mur could have carried it, but it would have been much harder for him, since he needed his tentacles to walk. Lucky bipedal me, with my free hands. I tried to focus on that as I squinted into the wind, scanning the nearly-deserted spaceport for our clients. I really should have brought goggles. Or at least a hat that wouldn’t get blown off.
A beanie would be perfect right now, I thought. Or even a scarf. I could be nice and fashionable with my swim goggles and a tie-dye bandanna. Why did I grab chapstick but nothing for my eyes?
I knew it was because Wio had only mentioned the drying properties of the local air when I’d asked. She was a Strongarm like Mur, and they admittedly had different priorities. No hair, for one.
“There they are,” Mur said over the wind. Not a thing got in his eyes.
I followed the direction of his blue-black tentacle, and spotted the little alcove that looked like an old fashioned bus stop. Three small whitish shapes huddled there that I’d thought were trash bags. Whoops. A bit of judicious squinting showed that they were another pair of tentacle folk and their bag of belongings, avoiding the worst of the wind.
Not a bad idea.
They unfurled as we got close enough for them to see the package and correctly deduce that we were here to deliver whatever they’d ordered. Miscellaneous stuff from an offworld store without its own delivery crew, I think. Not my business.
Mur greeted them warmly, taking point in the conversation while I stood there like the hired muscle with the box. The clients were very glad to see us, mostly because that meant less waiting in all this wind. The bus shelter didn’t do much to hold it back.
“Thank you for being prompt!” said the bigger of the two Strongarms as she signed the payment tablet. Her coloring was off-white with patches of yellow, which reminded me of a popcorn-flavored jellybean. The other popcorn squid was a little smaller, but had the same coloration. Probably related, but what did I know?
“Our pleasure,” Mur said as he took the tablet back and they pulled out a small hover platform to carry the package. “The less time spent in this desiccating wind, the better.”
They agreed heartily. I placed the box on the platform and helped the small client strap it in place while the big one explained that they had one more delivery to wait for.
“Unfortunately, that ship has been delayed,” she said. “Which would have been good to know before we got out here, but that’s the twist of the current for you.”
The smaller one piped up in a voice that sounded young. “I’ll say. I ran out of moisturizer with one arm to go — I would have dug up more from storage if I’d known we were going to be out here all day.”
The big one was visibly worried, already tugging at the small one’s tentacles. “Where aren’t you covered? How bad is it? Let me see!”
Mur made sympathetic noises while I mentally went over what I knew of Strongarm physiology. The previous courier ship I’d worked on had kept the air at a higher moisture level than the current one, largely for their benefit. Mur had told me about the lotion they all wore in dry air. I’d honestly forgotten about it.
And it appeared to be a big deal. The one yellow-white tentacle that the small Strongarm had been holding curled close looked dry and stiff even from where I was standing. She winced as she uncurled it. Her mother (yeah, I’m assuming) rushed to dig through the bag for a bottle of water, which she rubbed into place with visible worry.
The young one watched her fuss over it. “I’ll be fine; it’s just a little dry.”
“It’s a lot dry! Why didn’t you say something? And I didn’t bring any moisturizer either, because this was supposed to be a short trip. Oh, and this port doesn’t have a shop!”
Mur winced. “Yeah, this place is mostly Heatseekers and Mesmers, isn’t it? They probably wouldn’t even stock the good stuff.”
“Or any stuff,” the older client agreed. Another gust of wind spun in from a new direction, as if it was determined to make things worse. I licked dry lips while the client fretted.
I had an idea.
“Hey, I don’t know if this works, but do you want my chapstick?” I offered, pulling the tube from my pocket and removing the cap. I swiped some on the back of my hand to demonstrate. “It’s made to keep human lips from drying out, but it might work for you. Assuming you’re not allergic. It has like three ingredients, mostly wax.”
The big Strongarm was already reaching for it, spilling gratitude. She inspected it quickly, picking up the cap with another tentacle while she read the ingredients. “Beeswax, coconut oil… What is coconut? And almond?”
“Plants from my planet,” I said. “Seeds, kind of? Though the coconut is really big and kind of like a fruit with a shell. I don’t know what it really counts as. At any rate, it’s not toxic for me, though that doesn’t mean much.”
She turned it further. “There’s a species-safe diagram here, though it’s very small. I think that’s a dot in the Strongarm corner. Do you remember which is where?” She looked up at Mur.
“Lemme see.” He studied it for a moment while the wind gusted around us and the smaller Strongarm curled her tentacle under her. “Yes, that’s the right corner! Good news.”
“Excellent! Thank you!” The client snatched the tube and instructed the young one to hold out the vulnerable tentacle.
It took a while to cover the whole thing in chapstick, but the elder was determined, and the youngster was patient. Also more than a little embarrassed if I was reading the body language right, but I couldn’t blame her for that.
“Done!” the elder announced. “Did I miss anything? Are there any other spots that feel dry?”
“No, it’s fine.” The youngster pulled her tentacle back. “Feels weird.”
“Yeah,” I agreed with sympathy. “The wax is more noticeable than a good moisturizing lotion would be. But I hope it helps!”
The elder put the cap back on and moved to return it to me, but I told her she could keep it. They needed it more than I did. Plus it had tentacle-alien cooties all over it now, which I’d feel weird about using on my own mouth, but I didn’t say that.
“Honestly, it’s my least favorite flavor,” I said instead. “I got that one in a multipack. I’ll just get a better one later.”
She thanked me again and badgered the younger one into holding the tube, with instructions to reapply it the moment her skin started feeling dry again. The youngster insisted she was fine. The adult had clearly heard that before.
“Well,” Mur said. “It’s been a pleasure doing business with you! May the wind torment you as little as possible.”
“We appreciate that,” the client said. “Do all humans carry these? I’ve seen human-run shops before, and never thought to look for moisturizing agent there.”
“Most of us probably don’t have chapstick on hand all the time, but it’s a good thing to have available. And humans do use skin moisturizer too! It’s probably not the same grade as the kind you’re used to, but if you’re in a tight spot in the future with a human-run store nearby, you can probably find something there.”
“That is very good to know,” she said. “Thank you again!”
We said our goodbyes and headed back out into the brunt of the wind. I could swear it was trying to unbraid my hair one strand at a time.
“Morbid curiosity,” Mur announced as we walked, “But what flavor do you prefer for lining your mouth with? Knowing humans, it’s probably gross.”
I had to smile. “I like the minty ones, which isn’t that weird. Or cherry. Though there was a cinnamon one I found once that I’d like to get again. It looked more like lipstick, which isn’t really what I’m going for, but it smelled good.”
“Hm,” Mur said. “And what was this one? Plant flavor?”
“It was mostly just beeswax. Not that great.”
“What kind of wax is ‘beez wax’?”
“Oh!” I lit up. “I told you about honey, right? The sweet stuff made by bugs?”
“Yeeeees,” he said with suspicion. “Your food additive that’s full of insect spit. Don’t tell me this is the same concept.”
“It’s what they make their hives with!” I told him. “I don’t think there’s as much spit involved. I looked it up once, and the wax seeps out of these pores on their sides, making little scales, then if enough of them flap their wings to raise the temperature to soften it, they can shape it into the little cells to lay eggs and store honey in. But not at the same time. And yeah, they probably do that with their mouths, so there might be some spit involved.”
Mur’s squid face was contorted into an expression of spectacular disgust. “And you put that on your mouth,” he said.
“Yup!” I brushed hair back from my face. “Probably good the client only asked about the other ingredients.”
Mur walked faster. “I hope they don’t find out until we are far out of range.”
“It’s not that gross!”
“You said that about honey too.”
These are the ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book.
Shared early on Patreon! There’s even a free tier to get them on the same day as the rest of the world.
The sequel novel is in progress (and will include characters from these stories. I hadn’t thought all of them up when I wrote the first book, but they’re too much fun to leave out of the second).
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Inspiration for muzzled Sebbie?
It's spring, so heat and mating time!
Sebastian gets touchy feely and keeps trying to give you hickies and smooches to try and release his feelings as well as get you aroused (even doe he knows you have important work to do...)
He won't come and ask for help when you're free. It's always. When. You're. Working.
So what do we do to bad demons that can't learn to be patient or properly communicate their needs? We muzzle them. (Desensitisation too if you're okay with that)
Leash him. Tie him to the table and have a bar (idk what it's called) separate his legs permanently so he can't try to rub himself out. The only way he can get pleasure is try to hump your foot till he admits he's been bad, apologises and asks for help directly
Oooh!! This is so good!! (A spreader bar I think is what you’re talking about? It forces a subs legs apart and keeps them like that)
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Sebastian (demon forms, teasing, nuzzling, basically underlining pet play, ed:ging, slight pact play, ruined org*sm (once), )
Spring caused a lot of things to bloom, and you don’t mind when it comes the only thing you get annoyed by is your butler getting into his yearly heats. He couldn’t wait till you finish any work before he’s getting handsy, practically inhaling your scent as he whines about how badly he needs you.
You’ve spoiled him in the past really, you indulged him preavously during his heats and now he things you’ll drop everything you’re doing to stroke/blow him whenever he’s aroused. (Which is basically 24/7 with this horny demon’s heats) He oversteps boundaries, nipping and biting at any exposed skin he can get close to, leaving a ton of sharp, clearly in human bites around your wrist, neck and shoulders.
You had to wear scarfs when it’s 70 degrees out! It was so frustrating so you had to get a few ‘gifts’ to remind your dumb mutt his place. A pretty black muzzle, it would fit him perfectly and a bright pink collar and a matching leash! Even a little name tag for him (along with a phone number to call) to wear.
Before you were even in your house, Sebastian was on you, shoving you against the door, pressing his body right against you and leaning down to kiss you. You bring your free hand up to push him away, he quickly nips your hand and holds it firmly in a painfully sharp grip between his teeth.
You hiss in pain. “Let go.” You say firmly, you get a playful growl in response but he doesn’t let go until you make it an order. You glare at him as you bring the bag up to his eye level. He huffs and looks you over, seemingly not interested in the bags contents as he reaches to fondle your chest.
You grab the leash first, showing it to him. The clink of the tags and the leash get his attention and he stares at it for a second and shakes his head. “No, M-Master just, a hand?” He guides your free hand between his legs and you have to force his pact to stop him. You drag him in the house.
You snap the collar on and give the leash a firm yank, Sebastian in turn bows his head as he lets you pull him along. He whines as you drag him him to your kitchen. You notice the heavy boxes stacked on the table and without missing a beat, you tied Sebastian’s leash tightly. He looked at you like a kicked puppy, lightly tugging at the leash, the table moving as you step away. “Stop.” Your order forces him to freeze.
“M-Master, I cant r-reach you?” He ask in a confused tone. He tries to resist the pressure by rubbing his thighs together to stimulate his aching cock. You had just the item for this! You ordered him to strip (much to his delight) and grab a spreader and once he had kicked off his pants and undergarments, you spread his legs and lock it in place.
Unsurprisingly he was hard, making a mess. With a hushed tone, you speak clearly and slowly. “Don’t. Move. The. Table. That’s an order.” Sebastian groans and presses as far as he can without moving the table, when he reaches for you, you step just out of his range. A whimper escapes him, he claws the ground in frustration and uncomfortably sits on his heels, legs still forced apart. His cock bobbed and given how swollen it was and it was already dripping, you imagine how much it must ache when he can smell that this is arousing you as well.
Not to mention his heat, you can tell all he want is to just buck into you until he’s seeing stars, but now you won’t even let him touch you. “M-Master? I need you…why aren’t you…” He trailed off with a whine glancing between his cock and then to you. “Please?” He whines out.
His cock gives a few hopeful bobs before you step forward. You press a leg between his legs, watching him quickly buck up against your leg. You pull back before he even gets to touch you, earning a growl. “Bad boy!” You step out of his range right before he can grab you. To his embarrassment, his cock was drooling in anticipation, a small puddle of pre pooling between his legs.
“You cant take what you want. You are my dog. You only get what i give you, and you obey me. Be good, I’ll reward you, as your first punishment…” A grin spread across your face as you grab the last item in the bag. You are quick to put it in Sebastian, startling him enough that he didn’t struggle, seemingly not sure how to respond.
Once it clicked in place he seemed to snap out of his trance and you step back. To your amusement he shook his head first, but the muzzle didn’t come off, without being able to see the clasp, he cant easily get it off. He reaches up and feels the contraption on his face.
“Master…you’ve….m-muzzled me? I cant… bite you. I-I cant kiss-“ You force his head up to face you. Before you can speak, he pulls you down, nuzzling into your neck, you can feel his tongue drag over the bars to try and taste you. You growl at him.
“I order you to let go right now and sit like a good dog.” He releases you instantly and sits on his haunches. You step to the other half of the room before you release the order. He huffs and before he can do anything you add. “You are not to touch yourself, you are not to grab me, or touch me without permission.”
A whine escapes him as he listens to you. “And,” You add with a glare. “You need to learn self control…” You step forward, taking his cock into one hand, teasingly rubbing the head of it. You could see his entire body jolt as the pleasure shot through him. He bucks up instantly, but your hand lets go of his cock as soon as he moved.
“W-why..?” Sebastian whimpers out as his cock painful bobs in excitement. “I’ll be good, w-what am I supposed to do?”
You hum and reach down but stop short of his cock. “Don’t buck up when I touch you, if you want something, just tell me. I am sick of you bothering me at work, so today I’m training you.” Sebastian gave you a shocked look, a tremble goes through him at the authoritative tone you use on him.
“M-my heat! I-I can’t train l-like this! This is cruel!” He whines like you caught him stealing a cookie, not him dry humping you while you work. You lean down enough to be eye level with him.
“Higher stakes.” You half joke as your hand goes to his chest instead of cock, teasing his man hood with your other hand, avoiding the tip as you barely rub it between your fingers, intentionally putting too much pressure. “I don’t mind if you ask for it. Politely. But instead you bite me, leaving marks like a dog, so I’ll treat you appropriately. You can use your words when you’re ready to tell me what you want.”
You release his cock once more to his dismay. “You’re heat is going to make this more…intense for you. You only act up when you’re in heat too, so if I can get my dog to keep his bone tucked away whenever he smells his bitch, only then will I let him finish.” You glare at him and disgruntled whine in return.
“I’m not a dog-“ He tries to rub against anything, but in this position his cock can’t reach the floor without you noticing. His ‘bone’ throbbed in a attempt to get your attention, the tip bright red, looking like you had been torturing it…
He pauses, seeing you look down upon him, he can feel the power of your pact keeping him from releasing the agonizing tension between his legs…as much as he wants to fight…he just whimpers in response, tongue lulling out as he pants. “Please, my cock, touch me!” He sits up, almost like he’s presenting his cock to you.
You reach forward, lightly touching it, working it until you wrap a hand around it, you could feel it pulsing in your hand, but you didn’t move…you held his manhood their as he trembled, the pact preventing him from grabbing your hand, leaving it hovering above your hand. He growls in frustration, his teeth clear even with the muzzle, you let go of him and jump back just before there’s a change the in atmosphere.
His wings are out, trembling as his scarlet orbs desperately eye you. You watch him claw at the ground as he bears his teeth in frustration. “B-but I asked!” You nod, but don’t respond right away. “Master, it hurts! Please!” His wings flap desperately, leaving feathers to scatter.
When he sees the scowl on your face he freezes, and to your amusement, he bucks under your gaze and you hear the distinct sound of his cock smacking against his stomach. You let out a short laugh, watching his face turn red as he takes in the situation.
“Puppy,” You wait till he acknowledges you to continue. “You told me to touch you, so I did, you didn’t ask for me to help you, just for a touch.” Sebastian freezes and lets out a drawn out sight.
“Stroke m-my cock! I need you pleaseplease-“ He cries out as you tighten your hold of his throbbing shaft. You stroke him at a leisurely pace, watching the way his hips tremble as he tries to stay still. You barely have a grip on him, you don’t even move all the way to the tip with each stroke! “Please, please! Squeeze my cock! Stroke f-faster, p-please!”
His tone hurried, the ache between his legs worsening with each stroke. You know what he wants, but you’re dragging it out to drive a point home. You do show mercy this time though, hand speeding up and tightening more than he liked. Sebastian moans out a couple “Thank you!”s before he’s trembling.
“Close?” Sebastian nods, his man hood giving a heavy throb before you stopped and let go of him once more. Sebastian cries out, he couldn’t buck fast enough, he’s left trembling as you let him ruin his orgasm. You hear him near wheezing as he pulls on the collar, harder than he should, the table jerks forward and you see him try to get up to stop the boxes from falling, but the spreader causes him to lose his balance and practically bow in front of you. He glanced back to see a few of the boxes on the ledge, if he pulls again…you will definitely punish him if any of those fall…
When he turns back to you, he can see you’re think the same thing, he moves back to give his leash slack before putting his arms behind his back. His cock hung between his legs, still fully erect. “Master, I n-need you to stroke my cock. Please, let me cum! I want to feel good!”
You praise him and lean down, he meets you half way but with the muzzle, he cant kiss you. He let out a defeated whimper. “Muzzle off…please?” You eye him carefully.
“If you bite me once, I’ll leave you like this till tomorrow.” Sebastian whimpers but nods. To his confusion, you don’t touch him or take the muzzle off. Instead you shove your leg between his. You stand up straight and grin. “Hump my leg like a good dog, you can cum as much as you want on one condition.” Sebastian gives you his full attention, his manhood throbbing hard against your calf. “Admit you were a bad boy. Apologize.”
He whimpers and quickly caves. “I’m s-sorry, I’ve been bad, I need to cum please…” He’s bucking against your leg, you show him mercy and bounce your leg with every few thrust. You can feel that he’s close and you let him cum on your shoe, he collapses against you, too tired to support his own weight.
You step aside and he falls forward, dragging the table forwards, making the boxes fall with a loud thud….
Sebastian whimpers in response, he submissively bowed and apologized again with a tremble in his voice. “I-I’m s-sorry! I’m-I didn’t mean to…” You ruffle his hair but don’t punish him over it. Besides you can see his cock starting to come back to life, he’s gonna have to be good if he wants to finish again!
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yourmomsushi · 6 months
Simon Riley with a young civilian girly reader ₊♡₊˚ 🍒・₊✧ <3
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                 (head cannons) 
            (NSFW warning !!)
Simon never understood your obsession with bows. He was always so curious as to why there were bows everywhere in your tiny pretty pink apartment you both shared. There is always a bow in your soft wavy hair, the delicate usual baby pink bow lays in the middle of two strands of curls. There's even a bow tied around your hairbrush, and even your tiny white dior bag you found at the local mall that you convinced Simon to buy for you is covered in a combination of white and pink bows all over the straps. There is even a bow tied around your white lululemon water bottle!
Simon would never judge you about your style, if anything, he's intrigued by it. He's so intrigued that he lets you tie a bow around his biceps. 
he’d purr sweet nothing in your ear as you unsuccessfully tried to wrap the bow over his massively stiff bicep, groaning when the bow fell apart again.
“Need help, love?” he’d say in his thick gruff voice, gently taking the white ribbon out of your hands. A few failed attempts later, with your gentle guidance and a multiple huffs and grunts out of Simon, you manage to tie a pretty bow on his bicep. A small smile cracks against his scarred lips as he sees you marveled at his chest. If it wasn’t for the years of therapy you sternly forced Simon to do in order for him to dig out his trauma and become the best version of himself he wanted to be for you. He’d do anything for you, he let the things that broke him years ago break him again in a thousand pieces again to be put back together correctly for you. 
(NSFW warning !!)
He loved you so much he let you wrap a thick ribbon of pink around his dick. His happy trail led to a baby pink bow, covered in saliva as you sucked his dick.
The only thing Simon could focus on is your pretty pink lingerie as your neck bobbled and scarf down his size, your gags and muffles could be heard through the tiny bedroom you both shared, full of stuff animals such as hello kitty, frogs, dogs, squish-mallows <3 
Soft words of encouragement babbled out of Simon as he made you take it all
“Yeah - Yeah that's it baby.” he purred into your ear as he thrust into your mouth, saliva covering the bed. Tears pool down your round face as you take his long form. 
(woo! My first fanfic on tumblr! I would appreciate feedback if possible! I hate how I make Simon sound, so feedback on that would be nice !! )
With lots of love - Kitty
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silvergyus · 3 months
beautiful stranger- c.sb
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The train car rushed along its dark passage, weaving through the network of tunnels beneath the city. You sat, decompressing from a long work day, taking in the sights and sounds of your familiar commute home.
You were fortunate to have found a seat today, holding your bag snug on your lap instead of bracing against a pole or hanging onto a sticky handle to steady yourself. You tucked your legs in close, conscious to not take up too much space so that others could pass by. One earbud played music, the other ear free to take in the sounds of public transit.
This was your everyday routine, this shuffle of bodies, this mechanical jolting and stopping, this familiar blend of voices and laughter cut through by the muffled conductor’s voice overhead. The familiarity of the routine made people watching the perfect way to pass the time. You usually saw the same collection of faces- the old woman with the floral cane, the portly business man with his checkered tie- but today you caught sight of a new face.
This boy was beautiful. If you had to guess, you’d say he was in his early twenties. Dark hair fell into his eyes as he read his book. You had access to take in his features, noticing his high cheekbones, his perfectly-crafted cupid's bow arching over full lips, his wide dark eyes and the way his dark lashes contrasted with his skin.
You felt giddy, staring at him, a girlish crush blossoming in your chest. You hid a smile in your scarf as you noticed the slender beauty of his large hands, his delicate fingers turning the page. The butterflies in your stomach quickly turned into daydreams of your future with him. Him taking your hand before you left the train, asking you to stay, to take the seat next to him, tell him everything about yourself. You could almost feel the way his skin would be soft and warm against yours as it rubbed small circles against your knuckles while you spoke, distracting you, but his warm eyes would find yours, he’d nod in encouragement so you’d keep speaking, keep telling him everything you ever dreamed about.
Daydreams faded back into reality as a mother and son walked past, towards the opening doors, breaking your view of the boy. When they passed, you saw him again, perfect bow lips twisted in concentration. You saw him try, fail, and struggle to keep his eyes on the page and not on the bickering women beside him. Stolen Focus the title read. You caught a glimpse when he shifted in his seat, the large letters of the title barely visible between his long, elegant fingers. His hands were beautiful, everything about him was beautiful.
Stolen focus, how you wished that just for a second you could steal his. You watched his large, rich brown eyes dart across the page, willing them to look up, across the narrow aisle, to you.
Your eyes trailed down from his face, taking in his long, long legs. One stretched out into the aisle, a tripping hazard for anyone boarding, the other bounced with a nervous energy that shook his whole slender frame slightly.
A muffled voice blared over the old train car speakers, announcing the stop two ahead of yours. It wouldn’t be long now before you parted ways from the beautiful boy across from you. Unless this was his stop, or next? Maybe that would be easier? If he were the one to leave first? Freeing you from the impossible responsibility of having to break this fantasy? Save you from the urge to stand up and see if maybe, just maybe, he would like to recreate Before Sunrise with you?
Or maybe, even better, he’d get off at the same stop as you, walk the same path home as you, take this route a thousand more times, a constant factor, a million more chances to catch his eye, to make him smile, to start a life intertwined with his.
Such fantasies were dangerous. You knew this. You always set your heart up to break, but you couldn’t help it.
The rush of bodies exiting and boarding the train briefly broke you from your daydream. More bodies, more strangers entered the scene. What if instead of this boy, your future was with one of these others? No, you thought, not today at least. Your beautiful stranger sat straight in his seat, reaching for his phone from his jacket pocket. There was the stolen focus, you thought, smiling to yourself.
Again the warbled voice called over the speakers, calling out the stop before yours. The boy did not move, didn’t do more than cock his head to hear, before turning his twice-broken focus back to his phone. Your heart braced for disappointment as the train lurched from the platform, racing towards your stop. Either your stranger would leap up, grab your hand and run away with you like a fairytale, or he would bury his head back in his pages, never even knowing that you existed.
The doors chimed open as you came to your stop and you sighed, fighting the heartbreak you yourself invented. You stood to leave. The hot air of the platform rushed over your skin as the doors slid open. You felt compelled for one last look at your stranger.
Your heart skipped a beat as you turned to look back and found his brown eyes staring at you. Time seemed to slow as his gaze held yours, though it was only for a second, before he smiled, cupid’s bow mouth grinning wide, revealing deep dimples in his cheeks. It felt like a million futures on a million branches suddenly bloomed for you with his smile. He was beautiful before, locked into his book, but his smile, the curl of his lips and scrunch of his eyes, they made him light up in a way that made your heart flutter.
The rush of bodies, all commuters eager to go home, propelled you forward, out of the train, away from the warmth of your stranger’s smile, but you hoped, as you found yourself smiling fondly, that that wouldn’t be the last smile he gave you.
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Day 7: sharing clothes
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Masterlist flufftober 🎀
Reblog if you liked it!
That night Spencer arrived at his apartment quite tired, to the point of wanting to go straight to bed.
He had to admit that splitting the rent for an apartment hadn't convinced him at all at first, however, with each passing month he felt luckier to have someone to keep him company and help him with household chores. It's not that the girl he had as a roommate took care of everything, but because she was a university student, she had more free time and Spencer repaid him for all the favors by being her walking library or even helping him study the topics for the seasonal exams, as a kind of win-win.
“Spencer?” he heard from the common area, just as he was taking off his shoes. Still wearing his socks, he walked across the carpet until he reached the door and opened it, looking at you on the other side.
“Hey, can you lend me a tie for tomorrow?” you asked sadly. He was surprised to notice that you were wearing a formal suit, very different from the carefree outfits you usually wore, and for a moment he imagined you as a member of the BAU. “I have to attend a conference and I must follow the code of etiquette and stuff, but I don't want to wear a dress”
“Yeah, I must have some around here,” he laughed, turning to rummage through the closet. Spencer was very organized, in a strange way, so it didn't take him long to find what you needed “Do you like this one?”
“It's perfect, thank you,” you exclaimed, taking the purple tie he was offering you between your fingers. You couldn't know it, but the soft purple fabric was almost new and that was why he had chosen it, so that you would wear the best.
“Do you know how to tie it?” he mumbled and from the awkward smile you showed him he assumed the answer was no. He wrapped it around your neck and gently pulled you towards him, managing to cut your breath. With one hand on each end of it he began to tie it, frowning and lightly pursing his lips as a sign of his concentration, until a nice knot was ready “Keep it like this and tomorrow you just slide it on, okay?”
“You're my hero,” you exclaimed happily, carefully holding the tie he had so carefully prepared “I made macaroni for dinner, do you want to join me?”
“Yeah,” he responded with a shrug.
The two of you had dinner together and after that you went to sleep, lacking the energy to stay awake any longer. In the morning you got up earlier than usual to get ready and in the process you noticed that your partner was walking around the apartment, moving here and there as if he were looking for something.
"What are you doing?"
“I can't find my scarf,” he lamented. “I probably left it in the laundry bag. Or so I hope"
“Take mine,” you offered kindly. From one of the drawers in your closet you took out a bright red scarf and extended it to the man, who hesitated whether to accept it or not “Come on, it's the least I can do. I don’t want you to catch a cold or we’ll have to quarantine you” you joked and then he finally took it.
“Good luck with your conference, take a lot of notes and if something is not clear, you can tell me”
“Good luck with your work too. Are you coming to dinner today?”
"I don't know"
“Well, either way I’ll wait for you,” you said kindly. Spencer responded with a smile and waved goodbye to you, making sure to adjust her scarf before leaving the apartment.
And that exchange was only the beginning for two closets to become, after a long time, practically one.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove @vivian-555@r-3dlips @rhiannonhippiegirl
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
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A Brand New Journey:
Part Five
(Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) (Part Four) (Part Five) (Part Six)
Macaque has always been so good to you. Even from the first day you accidentally stumbled onto him, he had been kind.
Your arm had been gashed open by an unfortunate fall, dripping blood and throbbing in pain with each shaky step forward. Although you had hoped to get home before dark and patch yourself up with an ever dwindling first-aid kit, praying that there were enough bandages and antiseptic left for the wound.
But then there were two sets of footsteps close behind, spurring you to disregard caution and start sprinting down the street-
Whereupon you had bumped into one very strange demon, wearing an inconspicuous ru and sporting a tattered scarf.
“Going somewhere, kiddo? You shouldn’t be in such a rush, you now. You might get hurt. Ah, but…”
His hand then shot forward to clamp around your wrist, turning it over to examine your bleeding forearm.
“Looks like you already did, huh? Here, let me just…”
Rip. Shriiiip.
The precise shredding of thick fabric, his clawed fingers cutting a rectangular strip from the already ragged scarf. He had placed one end on your wrist, then gave you a strange grin.
“Hang in there, kiddo.” The simian warned you almost too late, given barely a second to brace for the stinging pain of having a wound forcibly bound shut with naught but pressure and cloth.
Biting back a wail and a set of fresh tears, you watched the monkey demon firmly tie off the end of the makeshift bandage.
It had been such a simple thing to do- but you still cherished him for it all the same.
How you’ve come to cherish your precious mentor, who stares down at you now with a strange smile.
Lifting a sleeve to your puffy eyes, an effort is made to stand up- only for Macaque to push you back down.
“I don’t think you’re steady enough for that just yet, kiddo.” Base words to convince you to do as he says, and you believe him. You always do.
Have you ever not believed him? Even for a moment, has there ever been any doubt in your heart?
He wraps the crimson scarf a little tighter around you, making sure that it covers your shoulders and neck.
“Now, what’d you bring all the way out here? You really should know better than to carry such a fancy bag in a neighborhood like this, kiddo.”
Was this all your fault?
Maybe you should’ve wrapped the mooncakes up in something less appealing- grabbed one of the disposable plastic brown sacks from a grocery store before heading in.
How easy would that have been?
“I wanted to share a meal with you,” is the dull response you give, newly downcast and despondent. “I brought mooncakes and tea.”
“Aww, aren’t you just a gem? Just the nicest.”
Nice. Anyone can be nice, can’t they? But it’s a lot harder to be clever or strong or capable.
Maybe he’d be happier with a different student.
Maybe if you were less nice and more-
“C’mon, kiddo- are you eating or not?”
He’s already got everything ready, the mooncakes strewn across his coffee table, the bottles of tea in the microwave.
Strange. You never even saw him get up.
He notices your questioning eyes, and quickly shifts the subject.
“Real sweet of you to bring this all the way out- I’m guessing you got a good deal, if you brought all of this?”
“Y-yeah! Yeah, I, uh, I’ve been using an app that tells me about local deals, y’know? Saves some money, and, um, all that.”
“Smart,” he praises, and a rush of euphoria races through you at just that one word. It feels almost pathetic to rely so heavily on someone’s praise to feel good about yourself. Still, you can’t help but adore each moment he breaks from his reserved norm and drops an honest compliment.
“Go put your stuff up and get changed, kiddo. I’ll pour the tea and get cushions.”
An actual sit-down meal with your mentor! You wouldn’t just be snacking and chatting on the couch this time!
Jumping to your feet, you excitedly race to the guest room, painted in a smooth purple and decorated with black curtains. He had essentially given it to you, letting you settle in with him at least semi-permanently.
A shelf right next to your bed is stocked with mementos, most of them memories you’ve shared with Macaque. A little snap-together set you had convinced him to put together with you, a bright mecha built from colorful blocks. By the end of the build, you had learned that he’d much rather watch than try to fiddle pieces together with his claws.
A framed photo beside it of something that Macaque had enjoyed much more- pumpkin carving. In place of a serrated knife or design card, he had taken great joy in simply shredding precise diamonds into the thick orange hide of the vegetable. The carved gourd had looked something like a lantern by the end of his fun. It had even put him a good enough mood to allow for a photo to be taken.
And you had a photo of you, MK, and Mister Pigsy to put up, but-
Enough reminiscing! Your mentor is waiting for you, after all.
You throw on the coziest thing you have in the closet- an old nightgown, long abraded to softness. Black as night and cool to the touch, decorated with purple cloud embroidery. And it never seemed to stop smelling of plums, a scent you had grown familiar with very quickly.
You aren’t quite sure where it came from, or when you got it- just that it’s a few sizes too big and pools around you comfortably.
Shoes off, bag placed carefully in the corner, and then you’re racing back out to meet Macaque in the living room.
You don’t notice two golden-eyed figures slinking out of the shadows and into your room.
The coffee table is prepared, the bottled tea is poured into mugs and the mooncakes are laid out two by two. He’s even put your little sitting cushion beside his instead of across.
You quickly take your seat, Macaque’s hand coming to ruffle your hair.
“Are we ‘expanding my horizons’ again today, kiddo? An ice cream day wasn’t enough?”
“I want you to try nice things,” is your protest, causing his golden eyes to soften.
“That’s… sweet of you,” he admits, folding his arms. “Really, Y/N.”
“…yeah,” you awkwardly respond, grabbing one of the napkins Macaque had set out. You grab one of the mooncakes and wrap it, then pass it to your mentor. “Do you, uh, know what’s inside this one?”
The sable simian lifts the pastry to his nose, sniffing intently. Quickly, his face scrunches up. “Tsk. More ice cream? Not in all of them, I’m hoping. Unless you’re trying to give me cavities, kiddo.”
“No, there’s only four with ice cream- and we’ve got two of them right now. I know you don’t like your food too sweet.”
“You’re a good kid,” he chuckles, biting into the mooncake. Vanilla ice cream leaks from the middle, oozing onto his tongue.
In turn you munch on your own, slowly leaning your head onto his shoulder.
Macaque doesn’t hesitate to wrap an arm around your form, yanking you closer.
“You’re a good kid,” he says again, an ancient look in his golden eyes. There’s a newfound contentedness in them, and a pang of something much darker boiling underneath that new satisfaction. “Mind if I ask you a question?”
Swallowing down the last bit of the sweet pastry, you nod. “Sure, Macaque.”
“Nothing big- just I wanna know how you feel about me, kiddo.”
…something is scraping around in the room Macaque has fixed up for you.
“Keep looking,” a quiet and steady voice says. “They wouldn’t have just left it anywhere.”
“Shut up,” another angrily returns. “Don’t tell me what to do, Rumble! You’re lucky that I’m even helping you!”
“…you’re the one who wanted to come in here and look, Savage.”
“Shut up! Hurry up and throw me their bag!”
With a groan, Rumble carries your backpack to his ‘brother’ and drops it in front of him.
“Be quick,” he cautiously reminds. “Those mooncakes won’t last forever.”
“…I didn’t find the book,” Savage snarls, his crimson fingers hitting glass.
“But I did find something.”
And slowly, he pulls out the photo of you and your friends.
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romirola · 1 year
Headcanons for the Shaw Pack’s Favorite Clothing Accessories
David: His gold wristwatch that was a gift from Gabe. The watch commemorated David officially taking on the role of Gabe’s beta.
Angel: Their sunglasses. No matter the weather, Angel optimistically wears their sunglasses (whether on their face or on their head) because they always love to be prepared for sunny, warm weather.  
Asher: A gold-and-blue striped necktie. Asher had purchased the tie in preparation for proposing to Babe. Since that plan didn’t go as he expected, Asher has decided to wear the tie to the wedding. 
Babe:  A pair of red jeans that Babe always wears on casual Fridays. Red jeans are not exactly what someone who knows them would expect, which is exactly why Babe incorporated the jeans into their wardrobe. It’s empowering for them to see how they pull off the bold look when they catch a glimpse in the mirror.
Milo: His plaid winter scarf. Marie knitted the scarf for Milo when he was young. He was much too small for the scarf at the time, but Marie promised that one day, he’d grow into the scarf. Now an adult who has come into his own, Milo wears the scarf proudly. 
Sweetheart: A green, zip-up, long-sleeve jacket that shows the D.U.M.P. logo embroidered on the front with “Dahlia Division” embroidered in white lettering on their sleeve. The jacket fits Sweetheart sharply, is super-duper comfortable, and acts as a little reminder that they are in a position to enact so much potential good. 
Darling: A Shaw Pack insignia pin Asher gave them after they attended their first pack meeting since returning to Dahlia. Darling takes care to move the pin to their messenger bag, hat, coat, or whatever they are wearing because they like to have that physical denotation that they belong to their pack. 
Sam: A pair of thick, brown work gloves Sam has had since he was human. It’s one of the few pieces of clothing from his time as a human that  (unintentionally) serve as blackout-clothing that protects his now-vampiric skin from the sun. 
Gabe: His famous leather jacket. He wore it every chance he got. He was even wearing it the day he met his mate. 
Marie: Her yellow-and-black printed purse. It somehow goes with every outfit and holds absolutely anything and everything anyone around her could need. A pen? A snack? A bottle of water? Hand sanitizer? A safety pin? Marie’s got all of that and more inside this purse.
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biscuitblinkeu · 8 months
To be Loved
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Fluff • Abuse • Smut
Park Chaeyoung x Fem!reader -> Requested
Word Count: 6885~
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, violence, soft NSFW
Prompt: Soulmate AU with spoice— (reader is shorter than Rosè)
A/N: The long awaited one shot… yeah. I’m on my knees type of sorry for how long this took to get finish. Also, spice starts near the end— SJDHFHDHDJDJ don’t tell me anything about it, just let me fade into existence LOL. It’s not my strong suit, so bear with me. I hope you like some part of it anon! 😭🤞🏽
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Soulmates were such a complicated concept. They could be born many years before or after one another; die before meeting; fall in love with someone else— thus breaking their tie; or right out reject their fated pair. They could be halfway across the world, or live in a completely different society than your own.
There were those who didn’t believe in Soulmates, those that thought the system wasn’t fair. But what was fair about fate? It was just a way to bind two people together. Forever. You either got lucky or you didn’t, there’s no in between— soulmates are simply a random occurrence. And the world was too cruel to give everyone the same happiness.
You were one of the few people who didn’t believe in soulmates despite the evidence they were real being all around you. You didn’t believe in the fairytales from poets, the grand, romanticized adventures about those looking for their fated pair, those who traveled across the world, suffered many hardships, and finally, by the wonderful power of destiny, found their other half. 
It was all a joke to you. It was unhealthy, too. Imagine spending almost your whole life wishing upon a dazzling shooting star for a soulmate to take you away from the loneliness and the imaginary scenarios, making them true, only to find out they died or broke the tie. Or to pathetically plead to the otherworldly force that created soulmates each year for someone to save you, to love you, for it to not be answered?
It was your own personal experience— something you believed to be a forever thing.
 It wasn’t.
The crescent moon grinned down upon you mockingly, its light illuminating the streets. Everyone seemed to always have a destination in mind, somewhere they knew they had to go. You were always lost.
 A bitter wind nipped at your face and hands, and you pulled your scarf up more.You looked at the heavy brown-paper bag in your hands and sighed, you had to go back home. Those all familiar feelings bubbled up inside of you once again: hopelessness; fear. These feelings made you hurt, they were empty feelings that just seemed to grow bigger everyday, making it harder for you to have control. You clenched your fists to stop the shaking, even dug your nails into your skin. It didn’t help. 
(Even if you did right, you’d still get punished).
That’s how it always started: the trembling. It started from your fingers and made its way through your body till you’re shaking. When you shake you no longer have control of your nerves. If you’ve lost control of your nerves, you get dizzy. Then you’ve lost the ability to breathe properly… and you drown. 
You ripped your gaze away from the bag that held bottles of tequila and champagne and forced your feet to move forward. Though, too caught up in trying to prevent yourself from getting overwhelmed, you failed to notice the wild animal scurrying on the sidewalk in front of you. A shriek left you and the bag in your hands dropped as you jumped out of surprise, its contents smashing and spilling out on the floor and your shoes. The smell is strong, and you wrinkle your nose. 
There goes your chance at having a peaceful night.
You hope they’ve fallen asleep and forgot. When you’re walking up the driveway you saw that the lights were still on. They’ve just forgotten to turn them off. They’re asleep, you told yourself over and over as you're unlocking the door.
They’re not. 
Your mother was still perched on her soulmate’s lap, just as she was when you went out, looking at you expectantly. Your eyes darted to the floor, and a quiet, shaky breath left your lips. 
She noticed your hands are empty and her face falls. You could see the burning color appear on her cheeks— she’s angry now, and in front of her soulmate you’ve embarrassed her? 
“Excuse me,” she murmured as she slid off his lap. She walked past you, heading to the hallway, and even though she doesn’t verbally tell you to follow her or do any type of gesture, you just know to follow her. 
You’re in the hallway, and oh, what a hazardous place to be in. Your eyes darted around the small corridor, taking mental notes of what looked sharp and what could bruise you and what might— “(Y/n).” Her voice was cold and it made you jump, she gave you a what-the-fuck look. “Where are our drinks? Where have you gone to take this long and come back empty handed? Where’s my money? Where has it been spent?” She bombarded you with questions.
“I had them, but…” Should you tell her you were a klutz and dropped it? 
Well, you’re unable to anyways. The moment your mom scrunched her nose up with that glint in her eyes you knew what was coming, yet you weren’t ready for it. It was just so fast. 
A heavy, hard smack collided with your cheek, knocking you off balance to the ground. The trip wasn’t so smooth as your back dug into the sharp dresser edge on the way. You held your cheek, blinking rapidly as pain assaulted your senses. God, your head was spinning, your ears were ringing, and your face burned. You bit your lip to stop any cries. Tears pricked at your eyes and you refused to look at her, your gaze trained to the polished wood boards. 
Your mother has already come up with her scenario, her answer instead of hearing you out. (Not that the outcome would be any different, but maybe less harsh).
“So you decided to drink it yourself, huh?” She scoffed, rubbing at her temples like you were an annoying headache. “I knew I smelt something… You naughty little girl, that was ours!” You still smelt like the alcohol, meaning you must’ve drunk theirs, that’s the only reasonable conclusion, right?
You saw her coming closer to you. She grabbed a handful of your hair and you yelped, forced to stand up. Your legs scrambled for grip underneath you and as soon as it’s gained, it’s lost when your mother’s knuckles collide with your jaw on the same side of the slap. She was not going easy on you, and you deserve it. You deserve this, because this is what you get for not paying attention.
Your vision blurred for a moment and you finally let a cry escape your lips. “Mom!” Your mother rolled her eyes and practically manhandled you to your room, her nails digging into the side of your waist and arm with a bruising grip as she pushed you forward. “Mom! Please stop, it hurts!” 
“Good,” she sneered, fingers digging deeper into your skin. You whimpered in agony. “You had one job…couldn’t even do that.” You’re scared, everything hurts, and you're beginning to tremble again, and this time, maybe you’ll welcome the panic if it’ll give you something else to focus on. 
She pushed you onto your bedroom floor and snorted at your state. “Go to bed. I don’t want to hear anything from you.” Then she slammed the door, the sound ringing in your ears. 
You didn’t have the energy to drag yourself onto your bed, and would rather not risk making things harder for yourself, so you curled up on the ground. The sharp smell of cigarettes lingered in the air, causing your nose to sting, each shallow intake of air more stuttered than the last as you began to weep. The gash on your cheek was painful, and the feeling of a wet sensation let you know that the skin was broken and bleeding. 
You can’t do this anymore. 
You've seen how hard it is for people with mothers and fathers that aren’t soulmates. The judgment, the uncertainty, the hushed whispers. You’ve experienced it first hand. 
Your mom and dad weren’t soulmates, just two people that stopped trying. Ever since your mom found her soulmate (Evan) and broke up with your dad, you were able to see your mom finally in true love, yet your dad was broken. His soulmate, who died before they could meet, awaited him in the afterlife. Not long before they broke up, it was like the Universe decided he had nothing else to live for if not with his soulmate, and he passed. 
Since then, Evan stopped you from finishing your studies to stay home and take care of your mom and the expected baby. The miscarriage was highly unexpected, and you’ve been the punching bag since. Your little brother's death was traumatic for them, and they couldn’t come up with a reason why it had to be that way— so it was pushed onto you. 
It’s your fault, your mom told you; you should’ve taken care of her better, Evan had said, she was too stressed out because of you. You’ll never find your soulmate, they said, creating the first crack. You're unlovable. Useless. Who could ever love you? You’re here because your soulmate left you.
(It was then you realized you couldn’t rely on a soulmate to save you).
With your studies discontinued, your life plans were shattered. You've been forced to live with your mom since your dad died, having no other place to go. You’ve hopped from job to job, saving up money to leave and get back on track, but they take it away from you anyways. You're stuck.
That’s why you decided to run away. 
When Evan and your mom retired to their room, you waited a few hours, then snuck out of your room— for the first time grateful for not having a lock— with a bag packed. You always kept some funds away from your mother, funds she didn’t know about, and today you would use them. The downstairs was quiet, and you made sure to stray away from creaky floorboards. You turned the corner, flinching upon seeing Evan in the kitchen digging through the fridge. You needed to go through the kitchen to get out. His droopy, unkind eyes settled on you. 
“Hey,” he said, frowning as he put his cup down. “Aren’t you supposed to be in your room?”
When he took a step towards you, you bolted, running past him and throwing the door open. A moment later the same door flew open, and you realized he was chasing you. “Hey! Fuck— get back here!”
You ran harder, barely getting air into your lungs as you turned corners and ran through streets, bumping into people. When you no longer heard his voice yelling after you, you switched into a slow jog, then a tired walk. 
You walked a few blocks, then entered a café to rest.
You glanced around the room, noting how cozy it was. It reminded you of how your grandma’s house would have a homey atmosphere; old family photographs hung proudly on the walls, soft music playing from a record player, and the air scented with something that made you warm. There weren't many customers, and you figured it was close to closing. 
You hung your backpack over a chair and sat down, resting your head on the table, taking a much needed break. You would order a drink, but didn’t want to inconvenience the baristas since they were cleaning up. When you felt your eyes closing, you reminded yourself to leave before 
they closed. 
It wasn’t long before you slipped into a nap, the comforting atmosphere lulling you deeper, and ignored the almost overwhelming feeling in your heart. You ignored the tugging sensation on your index finger too.
“Excuse me,” a voice whispered, accompanied by a soft tap on your shoulder. When you didn’t respond, she lightly shook your shoulder.
You flinched awake and she furrowed her brows. “Hi, I’m so sorry about that. I didn’t mean to scare you, but it’s closing time and…” She trailed off. 
You couldn’t believe Rosé from Blackpink, global kpop star and ambassador, was in front of you. You took note of the khaki, bear-printed apron she wore along with a name tag,p: the café’s uniform. But more importantly, why was she so much prettier up close? Her blonde hair was in a ponytail, and a couple strands were left out to frame her face. Her eyes were a soft but narrow shape, giving them a natural innocent look, and her nose was perfectly straight and sculpted. The bit of freckles that graced her nose and cheeks made her even more breathtaking.
The ever so reddening of her cheeks let you know that you were staring far too long. 
You quickly stood up and unhooked your backpack from the wooden chair, slinging it over your back. “I’m sorry,” you apologized almost immediately, as if it’s out of habit. Your eyes darted back to the floor, and she felt her heart break. 
Something clearly wasn’t right. 
“I’ll leave now…thank you for waking me up.” Without waiting for her response you started to walk away, unable to endure her curious gaze any longer. Though, a hand wrapping itself around your wrist stops you in your actions, and prompts a quiet gasp to leave your lips. Her touch was electric. You turned back around, trying not to dwell on the warmth encasing your wrist, and faced her. 
Why did she just grab you? She, too, looked shocked. Her cheeks dusted with a light pink as she looked away from you. Did she feel it too? 
Looking down, she noticed the harsh blobs of purple and green peeking out from your hoodie sleeve and her heart jumped for a whole different reason. They were shaped like fingerprints— like someone grabbed you violently. At the realization, she was momentarily rendered speechless. 
She only had one thing on her mind, and it wouldn't be right if she ignored it. Her eyebrows furrowed, and she looked down briefly before looking you straight in the eyes. Her eyes soft with concern, she asked, “Are you okay?” Immediately, you tensed up. You inhaled sharply, attempting to steady yourself by taking deep breaths. “You’re hurt. Who did this to you?” She pressed.
There it was. You could feel tears building at the corners of your eyes, and she definitely noticed. You tried to speak, but your tongue felt too heavy to form coherent words. “I— I’m…” You're fine? You injured yourself?
“Please tell me, I need to know.” Her voice was stern yet laced with a gently concern. You weren’t getting out of this. Her hand loosened its grip, but didn't fully let go. Did she know you would bolt the moment she did?
Your vision started to blur, and you blinked rapidly against the incoming stream of tears. It’s all you can do to keep yourself together. One part of you wanted to tell her, wanted to spill everything, the other held you back and wanted to tell a lie. You shouldn’t burden her. You could take care of yourself. But you couldn’t bring yourself to utter those words.
Noticing your inner turmoil, Rosé backtracked, and apologies were leaving her mouth in a rapid rush. “Sorry, I’m so sorry. That was very rude of me. I’m Chaeyoung. You are?”
You sniffled, feeling slightly overwhelmed. “…(Y/n).”
She smiled lightly. “(Y/n)? Your name is beautiful, I love it. Now… I know I was really forward just now, but I’m worried about you. I can’t just leave this unattended, I— I want to help you…if that’s alright.”
“Help?” You repeated quietly. The word felt foreign on your tongue, even more so hearing it applied to your situation. Usually people looked the other way, not wanting to get involved or merely too scared to. And you’ve gotten so used to it that you felt you weren’t deserving of help. Now, you bitterly wondered why it took so long to come to you, especially in times of need.
“Yes. Do you want my help?” She asked again, softer.
God, yes. Yes, you want help. You could only nod your head, a quiet sob leaving your lips. You hid your face, self-conscious in front of her. Suddenly, you're engulfed in a warmth, such a comforting embrace, and it only makes the tears fall harder. 
“It’ll be okay,” she murmured, letting you cry into her chest. She was taller than you, her chin resting delicately upon the crown of your head. The feeling of being cared for washed over you, easing your stress for a minute, allowing you to take some time to calm down. Her scent filled your lungs, and you could have sworn you smelled a floral mixed with vanilla. 
Once you calmed down enough, you pulled away and managed to whisper a hoarse, “Thank you.”
“Of course,” she replied. “Now, can I know what’s going on in order to help you better?”
After that short moment, you told her - a stranger you surprisingly felt you could trust - everything. You told her about your parents, getting chased as you tried to leave the house, and the origin of the bruises. You kept it brief, however, and once you explained the details of your situation she offered to take you to the hotel she was staying at.
You were hesitant to leave the café, fearing your family was searching the streets for you, she called her manager to get the two of you and you waited inside. While waiting, she asked you a few things about yourself and exchanged some things about her. 
You learned that she had a “complicated" job that left her restless at night, hence why she was helping out at her friend's café. She was humble to a fault, telling you about her friends and how grateful she is to have the opportunities she has now, too. 
It wasn’t long before her manager, a young-looking, friendly woman, greeted you when Chaeyoung opened the car door and the both of you slid in. You’re not good at small talk, but she was a natural at it. It wasn’t long before the conversation flowed freely and you didn’t have to pretend. She made you comfortable.
There was a lull in the air, the only noise being the car’s engine grumbling and the wind whipping by the slightly lowered window. She turned to face you fully, and you shifted in your seat from her gaze. “Do you know who I am?”
You bit your tongue at the question, not expecting it— at least, not this soon. (Was it obvious?) “I do. I mean, I may have seen your face on a few products and billboards.” You pinched at the fabric of your pants, not realizing you were beginning to frown. “Is that okay? I’m not trying to...” Intrude; leach; burden. 
She cut your rambling short with a chuckle. “That’s fine,” she assured. “It doesn’t change anything. I want to do this.” It honestly scared her how much she wanted to help you. 
She has been warned multiple times about “normal people”. 
They’re different, all they see is your fame, you on the stage, what you have and what they don’t. 
She has been used because of her kindness, taken advantage of and lied to. Threatened, even. But somehow she knew you weren’t like them. She was acting on a feeling she couldn’t explain. 
The feeling she has searched for her whole career, perhaps. She pushed the thought to the back of her brain— it was the least of her worries. Now, she needed to make sure you felt safe.
You expected she stayed at a quality hotel, but just seeing it— such a large, grandice building, was mind blowing. It was nestled between a street lined with high end brands and local restaurants, drawing eyes. Nonetheless, you didn’t feel any envy towards her. You knew she had worked hard to get to this point in life. 
You followed closely behind Chaeyoung, the guards at their post by the main entrance, intimating you with their blank expressions and bold stances. They gave her a singular nod as she passed, their eyes lingering on you for a few moments with masked confusion. You smiled wryly, imagining how it must look to others, and readjusted the facemask her manager had given you. 
You didn’t want to cause any problems for her.
Chaeyoung was a natural at conversing with people, something you lacked in, greeting the receptionist with a smile and small talk. She had just finished laughing at a joke. “Is there another room available on the same floor as mine?” She asked, glancing at you. You furrowed your brows, confusion reflected in your eyes.
The receptionist clicked around the computer for a moment. “Yes, there is. Are you trying to rent it?”
“I am,” she replied. 
“Okay can you state the guest name and residency? Or are you buying it in your name?”
“In my name—“
“No!” You blurt suddenly, coming closer to the counting. You turned to her, shaking your head. “I can…I can pay for it, Chaeyoung. You’ve already done enough for me. I can’t ask you to do anything more.” There was something in your voice, pleading, which caught her off guard. Why were you so against it? 
She tilted her head quizzically, her lips pursed together. Oh, she would spoil you. She smiled. “No, I can’t let you do that.”
You were flustered, calculating how much she would have to pay: a whole lot. It was definitely pricey for your current funds, but you didn’t care. You didn’t have to stay long… “But it’s only right—-“
”I want to. So please accept, okay?” 
Realizing she wasn’t going to back down, you gave up. (For now). “…You’ll at least let me pay you back after, right?” You really didn’t like owing people.
She pretends to think about it for a moment. “Nope, c’mon.” She grabs the keys from the lady and leads you to the elevator. 
The ride was silent, and Chaeyoung didn’t seem bothered by the lack of interaction. On the other hand, she realized you had a lot going through your mind. That much was obvious from your lack of expression.  
Once she returned to her suite, she would contact Alice or her family for connections to lawyers. Abuse was a touchy subject, getting you to open up would be difficult…
The suite was luxurious— spacious and lavishly decorated with high-end furniture, plush carpets, and drapery. The living room was furnished with comfortable sofas, armchairs, and a coffee table. The large windows offered breathtaking views of the surrounding city. Further in, the bedroom featured a king-sized bed with premium linens and soft pillows, and the lighting is carefully curated, creating a warm environment. The bathroom had marble floors and walls, a deep soaking tub, and a separate rainfall shower. 
You re-entered the living space, completely shook. Wasn’t this too much? 
Chaeyoung sat on one of the island chairs, swirling around. “Nice, isn’t it? I recently started booking with this place. They have 24-hour room service and a private chef upon request. There’s also a private lounge, spa, and fitness center— but I hardly have time to use those services anyways...” 
“It’s… definitely nice.” You couldn’t begin to imagine the price for one day— 
“I’m happy you think so, I want you to be comfortable. Are you hungry?” She was already grabbing her phone as she asked, a pamphlet in her hand.
You shook your head, only to be betrayed by your stomach rumbling. She laughed, and the sound made your heart stutter in your chest without warning. She had a cute smile on her face as she beckoned you over. “Not hungry, hm?” She teased. 
“Maybe a little,” You said then, your face heating up slightly due to the embarrassment. She smiled wider, typing in the Suite’s website and clicking on food service. 
“What would you like? This place is really famous for their pastas and stews, but they have almost everything here.” She started listing off items, going from the most popular to the lesser popular dishes (they’re all expensive either way). Halfway through the selections you stopped her, finding a simple meal that was the least expensive yet filling. 
“Can you add the pho and salad to the order? I’m paying for it. You don’t need to spend more than necessary on me.” A stranger.
She frowned at that. “But I’m treating you, still.” 
“I know…but you’ve really done enough for me. I can’t ask for more,” you were adamant. 
“You can,” She emphasized. “In fact, I want you to. And I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, but I was the one who wanted to bring you here, and I have more money than I know what to do with, so let me pay for your things, please. I want to do this, let me take care of you.” 
You bit into your tongue, mulling over the situation. You knew at this point she wouldn’t let anything go, she’d just insist, and insist, and insist, coaxing you to comply with her lovely smile, and her kind eyes, and her gentle tone that never fails to have you feeling so warm.
“Okay, fine,” You said, and immediately a smile was pulling at her lips, that cheerful mood she had before coming back as soon as it faded. “On one condition: you at least let me pay for the food— yours too.”
“I need to do something useful, Chaeyoung. It’s killing me, so just this once, please.”
“Alright,” she reluctantly agreed, almost hesitant to even let you type in your card for the order. “Just this once, and this time only.” 
“Yes, yes, thank you,” You finally smiled. 
The hotel staff didn’t take long preparing your orders, which is likely expected of such a fancy place like this. The servers came in with a trolly and placed the meals on the table. It looked and smelt delicious, and you and Chaeyoung ate right away. 
Sometime while eating, Chaeyoung called for your attention. “Hey, (Y/n)?”
“Do you believe in soulmates?”
You paused, bringing the utensil away from your mouth. You took in a breath, steeling your emotions. “No.” 
She almost choked. “Can I ask why not?”
At that question you became quiet. Even more so than before. Soulmates— there it is again.
Everyone seems to talk about soulmates; finding their perfect someone, and it seems Chaeyoung is one of them. “I don’t.” You answered, smiling wryly. “A long awaited destiny finding your other half? It’s…it’s really nothing but a fairytale.” 
“Oh. Yeah… I guess it’s a little childish.” Once you saw her expression drop more, that look of concern on her face, you glanced away and started stuffing your cheeks with rice again. You shouldn’t feel guilty for opposing the idea— everyone’s entitled to their own options, yet the crestfallen look on her face gave you a pang to your heart. You felt you needed to explain why, and you did. 
“No,I didn’t mean it like that… it’s not childish to believe in. I just— I know they’re real; and it’s great if you find yours and you’re happy,” you began, finding it hard to express yourself. “I just think the system isn’t fair.” What you didn’t say, however, is that sometimes it’s a waste of hoping and dreaming. You’re bound to get tired of it, to give up after a while. And giving up hurts the most, because it means accepting you won’t have that happiness.
“I see,” She murmured, given your response. She smiled again, but you could tell it was lacking. “Well, let’s finish eating. The food is getting cold.“
“Right.” You both ate in silence after that. The mood was heavy, filled with awkwardness, uncertainty, and just— something. You didn’t understand why, however. Why is she so caught up on that rare concept? Why does she care if you believe in it or not? You really couldn’t understand her. 
Chaeyoung was standing outside the door, returning to her own suite. “I sent you a text from my real number. If you need anything— don’t hesitate to call me, no matter the time. I’m just down the hallway.”
“Okay,” you nodded. Then she left you alone to your own devices. 
You decided going to sleep would be the best course of action. You avoided checking your phone, worried that even though you’ve turned off your location they’d still find you. 
Just sitting on the king-sized bed made you drowsy, and you were glad Chaeyoung was helping you, because it surely made you feel safer. It wasn’t long before your eyes grew heavy and your breathing evened out, and you were happy to sleep peacefully.
However, it was short lived by rapid-paced banging on the door. Still in the bedroom, you heard the door knob jiggling aggressively, and a few murmured voices. You flinched, immediately reached for your phone to dial a number. It rings twice before she picks up. “Hello? Chaeyoung?” You call anxiously, circling your knees up to your chest as you sit on your bed. 
“Yeah?” She answers lightly, her voice evident of sleep, and as much as you’d hate to rip her from her sleep, even if she said she didn’t mind, but you had a problem. 
“Someone’s—someone’s banging on my door. I don’t know what to do. What if they get inside? What if it’s my mom? What if they hurt me? I tried calling the security but I got no answer. I’m scared.” 
“Okay, okay. Calm down. I’ll be over there right away. Stay in your room for now, okay?” Chaeyoung hurried down the hallway, mindful to not keep you waiting.
In front of your door, a man in a suit slumped against the wall, the hotel staff fussing over him. “Sir, you’re drunk! You’re disturbing our guests, this is not your room. Let us…”
She let out a sigh of relief, knowing the problem wasn’t serious— but still felt tense knowing you weren’t aware of the situation. When the staff got the man off his butt, she knocked on your suite door. “It’s just me. I’m coming in, okay?” With that, she cracked open the door slowly. Her heart nearly stopped when she saw you curled up into a tight ball, crying softly in your bed. Without hesitation, she walked over to the corner of your room where you sat, taking a seat beside you. You leaned back into her arms with a sniffle, looking at her with tears welling up in your eyes. The sight made her want to hold you tighter. “Hey,” she whispered, rubbing your back. “It was just a confused man, he had mistaken the room number.”
“…Really?” You sniffled and pulled away slightly, half-embarrassed you’re relying on her again, half not wanting to leave her arms. She made you feel safe. 
“Yes, the staff took care of it right away. I’m sorry you had to experience that…” She was frowning, frustrated it had to be your room, that you were probably scared out of your sleep because of it, and that it might’ve resurfaced some of your trauma. It pulled on her heartstrings seeing you so shaken up and anxious. 
“Oh,” you nodded, instantly feeling calmer at the news. “That’s good.”
“It is,” she agreed. 
You quietly cleared your throat, realizing the death grip you had on her shirt. Heat spreaded across your nape and face. In front of Chaeyoung, you felt like a middle schooler with a crush all over again. “Thank you,” you mumbled. 
“For what?” She asked. 
You fiddled with your fingers unconsciously, avoiding her soft gaze. Did she truly not know? “For coming here— for everything.” 
Chaeyoung wanted to shake her head and deny it— she did it out of her own violation, afterall, but instead accepted your gratitude. “Of course.”
Something has been on her mind for a while— your presence demanded her full attention; and despite not knowing each other for more than two days, you’ve managed to make her a mess— she felt like she'd do anything for you. 
“What’s that on your finger?” She asked, her voice a low murmur.  It was a red string, tied into a neat little bow, the other linking end tightly wound around her own finger. Her lips parted in shock, realization donning her features. 
“What do you…?” You looked at your finger, only for your words to die in your throat. You stared at the foreign string, heart pounding in your chest and blood rushing in your ears. It couldn’t be.
“You’re my soulmate,” she murmured, sounding so undeniably happy. 
“No…” you whispered, shaking your head. It was useless, though, because the evidence was there. You suddenly felt the need to escape Chaeyoung’s embrace— your soulmates embrace. Before you could attempt to get any farther, another step— there were a pair of arms quickly wrapping around you, pulling you against a familiar chest in a tight, tight, tight embrace. It's warm, unyielding, and you were trapped completely— you couldn't get away even if you fought. "Chaeyoung," you started, sucking in shaky breaths, trying to not get drunk by the close proximity. "Y-You said I'm—I'm yours. Your—soulmate?" You get out, half coherent and half blubbering.
She understood you nonetheless, and hummed in acknowledgment, holding you a little bit tighter. "I did," She confirmed. You hadn't even realized that you’d started crying— but you were, and there are hot tears streaming down your cheeks. They're salty, and they're bitter with disappointment, yet above all they're filled with relief.
You’re soulmates, she said.
The rare, one-time chance concept of being a fated pair— having someone in the world that was meant for you and you alone, your complete significant other, where the world pulled you toward them until that bond is broken by choice. It was a lot to process, and it changed just about everything, but—
“I’m here, and we can take this at whatever pace you want. I know it’s hard, very sudden, but… I want this. I want you, if you're willing to accept me.” 
…. ⚠️
“You look so beautiful tonight,” Chaeyoung told you, following behind you to your shared bedroom, admiring the way your dress hugged your body. It was a black fitted dress that showed off your shoulders and figure. Your hair was tied up loosely with a pink ribbon. 
She changed after the show, wearing something much more comfortable, but still looked amazing. 
You flushed, beginning to take your jewelry off at the vanity.  “That’s the fifth time you’ve told me that,” you said, a smile present on your face. “But thank you, it makes me really happy.  I should say I couldn’t take my eyes off you when you were dancing. It made me….” You trailed off, finding it too bold to confess. Over the course of six months, she’s worked her way into your heart almost effortlessly, supporting and loving you every step of the way. Everyday you're grateful that you were able to meet, even if the way you met wasn’t romantic. 
“Made you what?” Rosie stood behind you and rested her hands on your hips. Unable to help herself, she  bent down to kiss your exposed neck. You closed your eyes, sighing softly as she kissed the side of your throat. “It’s embarrassing,” you muttered, and she sank her teeth into your skin, causing you to gasp. “Ah— Chaeyoung…”
“Tell me, baby.” Her voice held that tone again, the one that had you shivering under her touch, aching for more. 
Knowing you couldn’t convey it through words, you turned around in her arms and wrapped your own around her neck, pressing a soft kiss to her lips as you remembered how she moved to some of their songs’ sensual choreographies and the control she had while doing so. She kissed back, deep and languid. Her palm was hot, sliding over your curves and leaving behind a searing sensation. You broke away from the kiss, your breath coming out ragged as you  looked into her eyes, her pupils dilated. “That’s how you make me feel,” you whispered into the little space between you. 
She responded by pulling you into another heated kiss. The vibrations of your moans against her mouth made her heart hammer in her chest as she began to lift your dress up slightly, wanting to feel your thighs on her hands again. 
Breath hitching roughly in her throat, Chaeyoung felt the tip of your tongue flick at the seam before sliding across its full length. She let you push your tongue past her lips, feeling herself losing herself in the moment, completely surrendering to the sensations coursing through her. (Kissing you seemed to do that to her).
Lips sliding and pressing against each other, tongues touching and tangling, you felt weak in the knees. You squeezed her arm, “Chaeyoung,” you said in between kisses, tugging at her shirt.
She groaned, the breathy sound of her name and the authoritative, low tone coming from you sent tingles rippling down her spine and left her feeling lightheaded.
With one last lingering kiss, she pulled away and led you to the bed by your hand. You laid down first, reaching for her and pulling her towards you. She crawled onto the bed after you, kissing you again. Your fingers played with her hair, combed gently through the locks. “This feels good,” you said quietly, tilting your head for more access, feeling a sense of contentment, desire, and love welling up inside of you. You felt her pause and smile against your skin. 
While busying herself with making pretty marks on your neck, her fingers traced along your bare thigh, making you writhe beneath her, and she reveled in how sensitive you were to her touch. 
She groaned at the slight tug from your fingers threading themselves in her hair as she continued to kiss your neck. “We can stop anytime...”
"No,” You said almost too quickly, gasping when you felt her bite you lightly, teeth nipping at your neck before a tongue soothed the area. "Please, don't stop.” You were ready to go all the way tonight.
Chaeyoung’s heart could burst out of her chest in that moment, knowing that you were ready for the next step, that between soulmates it would make the bond even stronger. She made her way up and kissed you again, now with a fever and tenderness that had a growing hunger.
Your fingernails dug into her back when she darted her tongue slow and deep across the roof of your mouth— in and out, over and over, in a way that made you instantly imagine her mouth traveling elsewhere. The idea alone got you riled up. 
"Chaeyoung, please.." you gasped against her lips as another wave of heat circled through your abdomen and pulsed between your legs. 
"We've got time, my love," She slotted a leg between your thighs, pressing against your center purposefully. “I'm all yours tonight." Her hand slipped between your bodies, hiking up your mini-dress just enough for her to have access to your lace panties.
You gasped and tightened your grip in her hair, subconsciously bucking your hips the moment her fingers brushed across your center. A wave of pleasure overtook your body, and you could feel her edging to dip her fingers lower. It wasn’t long before she felt how soaked you were, how wet she made you, forcing a stifled moan from her throat that vibrated against your lips. You whimpered, tightening your thighs around her hand at the sound.
Knowing what you needed, she quickly discarded your underwear, and dipped a finger in you, making you shudder and squirm. Giving you a few moments to adjust, she watched your face for any signs of discomfort before pumping in and out. You lifted your hips off the bed to meet her pace, her finger reaching deeper with each slow, tantalizing pump. 
You could barely think straight with how intense everything suddenly became, and it only intensified as she added a second finger, pumping faster. There was a coil building in your stomach, moments away from snapping. “Chaeyoung— I’m gonna—” You panted heavily, your face burning, eyes closed tightly. With every stroke, your walls contracted tightly around her finger, making her curse under her breath. "Fuck, love. You're so tight... Are you close?”  
You nodded against her shoulder frantically, nails digging into her back.  
“Then come for me,” she murmured, adding her thumb in the mix to push you over the edge, her fingers relentless, as you arched forward, the pressure in your lower stomach building to such an extent you couldn’t hold back anymore. Your whole body trembled, incoherent words and moans leaving your mouth, your entire body shaking as an orgasm ripped through you. 
All the while Chaeyoung slowed the pace, your body writhing underneath her hand as she pumped in and out, her fingers gliding across your sensitive spot as she watched you come apart for her, helping you ride it out. She felt breathless, and absolutely loved seeing you like that; all flushed and sweaty, needy for her. You're her Angel— her soulmate. 
She kissed you, slow and sweet. “There, love. I’ve got you,” she cooed softly. “I love you, you did so well.”
You reached up, cupping her cheeks, loving the way your soulmate looked at you. “Just give me a moment,” you said, smiling. “It’ll be your turn next.”
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its-vannah · 2 years
Angel of my Eyes | Graham Dunne x Reader
Request from anonymous: gasps NFWMB by Hozier and a graham x reader fic inspired by it falls to knees. reader brings out the better in him and it feels like only the two of them in the world
Warnings: Profanities
Daisy Jones and The Six Masterlist
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Eddie: So much happened when we moved to LA. The band started getting bigger, we got our own house... We were on top of the world.
Graham: Even if we never went anywhere in LA—if the label hadn't picked us up or we hadn't gone on tour—it wouldn't have been for nothing. I mean, I met my wife in LA.
There were times when Graham missed the feeling of being back home in Hazelwood. While LA was his home now, a part of him longed to go back to his childhood bedroom and just keep dreaming. Keep dreaming about the band getting bigger; only waking up to the smell of his mom's cooking.
But he was an adult now and he had made his choice. He never really regretted moving to the west coast, he just missed the feeling of home.
He was in the middle of creating a new riff to suggest to Billy when they practiced later when he saw a bright yellow bike cruising down the road. It stood out against the rundown house across the street and the vast amount of trees.
What caught his attention even more was the woman on the bike. With an orange headband holding back her hair from getting caught in her face, sunglasses perched on her nose—a permanent smile plastered to her face as she peddaled. She looked like an angel.
As soon as she was out of his view, Graham raced to his desk, shuffling through the drawer until he found a pen and piece of paper. With you on his mind, he started writing.
Graham: I wrote "Angel in my Eyes" in under an hour. But when I pitched the idea to Billy, he shut it down; told me the song was shit. I sold it a few weeks later and it climbed the charts to number two.
Billy: I always hated that damn song.
Graham: I waited weeks to see her again, but I never saw her riding by our street. I had almost given up hope. I'm glad I didn't.
Graham was on his way to the grocery store to grab any odds and ends he needed around the house. That's when he saw it: a bright yellow bike chained to a bike rack.
Graham: I must've waited outside by her bike for a half hour before she came outside. Looking back on it, I probably looked like some sort of creep.
Y/N Dunne, wife of Graham Dunne: I was walking back to my bike when I see a grown man sitting on the ground by my bike. My first instinct was to go back inside, but something in me decided against it.
Graham: I don't think she saw me at first, cause she was just humming a song. But it wasn't any song, it was my song.
"Can I help you with something?" You asked, holding two bags of groceries in your hands.
His eyes widened, scrambling to get up off the ground, "That song—that song you were humming—"
"'Angel in my Eyes'?"
"I wrote that song."
You forced a smile on your face, unsure of whether you should believe him, "Congratulations."
"About you, I wrote that song about you."
You paused, "We've never met before."
"This bike," He gestured to the bright yellow bicycle behind him, "I saw you riding it down my street—it inspired me to write the song."
"How do I know you're telling the truth?"
His chest was heaving now as he rambled, "You were wearing an orange scarf to tie your hair back, sunglasses, a white blouse, and jean shorts."
"And my shoes?"
He hesitated, suddenly flustered, "I—"
"I'm just messing with you, Graham."
His eyes widened, "You know my name?"
"Everyone in the United States knows your name."
"So you believe me?" He asked, "That I wrote that song about you?"
You shrugged, "You can tell me more about it over dinner."
"Over dinner?"
"Well, you do think I'm an angel who fell from heaven," You teased, "That is how the song goes, right?
Graham nodded eagerly, "What time are you free?"
Y/N: If he hadn't been a well-known, respected musician in LA, I would've turned him down. I mean, usually when people stand outside waiting for you despite having never met you, you run in the other direction. But he was different.
Graham: I still can't believe she agreed to it.
Y/N: He was so wound up, he didn't even ask me my name until our first date.
Graham: I just called her "Angel" until she pulled out her license and showed it to me.
Y/N: I figured it gave him a basic run down of everything about me. My name, my last name, eye color, birthday, height. That way, we could skip that part of the conversation and move on to something else.
Graham: It took me a minute to realize what she was doing.
Y/N: It takes him a minute with certain things, but it was kind of endearing.
You met the band a week or so after your first date. After that night, Graham swore up and down he was going to marry you.
To his delight, you got a long with everyone great—even Billy.
Y/N: Billy wasn't easy to get along with, but I knew that if Graham and I were going to last, we had to be cordial to each other.
Billy: She meant a lot to Graham, still does. I didn't want to ruin that for him.
Graham: It was rare for my brother to get along with anyone, especially outside of the band.
Karen: Y/N was—and still is—the best thing that ever happened to him. He started standing up for himself during rehearsals. Billy used to just tell him what to do and he'd do it, but Y/N encouraged him to speak his mind.
Eddie: God, Y/N really was an angel. Graham wasn't such a pushover for Billy anymore, it was fucking great.
Y/N: He had so many ideas that were shut down because they weren't Billy's. I told him that if he wanted to be taken seriously, he needed to take a stand. To my surprise, he did.
Graham: Once you have a girl like Y/N, you don't let her go.
Weeks passed by that turned into months. Through it all, you were by Graham's side, supporting him in any way you could.
You took time off of work to go to a few of their concerts out of state. You were witness to the end of Daisy Jones and The Six.
Y/N: When you watch someone pour their heart and soul into something their passionate about—and it ends—it breaks your heart.
Graham: I don't know that I would've gotten through it like I did if it hadn't been for Y/N. I would've gotten down on my hands and knees and begged everyone to stay together. But I accepted it.
Y/N: I was proud of him.
Graham: She made me a better person.
Graham proposed to you a month after the band split up. You said yes before he even got out the full question.
When the wedding rolled around, he decided to invite everyone from the band. Everyone showed up except for Daisy. Eddie just made sure to keep his distance from Billy to avoid any fights.
Y/N: I remember our wedding like it was yesterday.
Graham: It seems like a lifetime ago. We've been married for half my life—I really don't know how to live without her.
Y/N: During the vows, he quoted a few lyrics from "Angel of my Eyes". I had to hold myself together.
Graham: I could've talked about her for hours, but if I did, the ceremony never would've ended.
Y/N: I'll never forget the lines he said, "You're the angel of my eyes, and I'm the devil in disguise/I gave you my heart, you gave me the world/My angel, where have you been all of my life"
Graham: She still tears up about it to this day, nineteen years later.
Y/N: How could I not?
Graham: Every song I wrote from then on was about her. I owed her everything—she made me who I am.
Y/N: When he looks at me, I feel like I'm the only other person in the world.
Graham: It feels like we're the only people in the world.
Warren: It was awkward as hell watching them eyefuck each other whenever they were together. Get a room, damn.
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vanfleeter · 6 months
fluffy dad!jake blurb 💙:
Remember Tommy's obsession with Winnie the Pooh?
Well, the family finally plans a trip to Disney World. Which means, Tommy has to meet Pooh.
So while everyone is occupied with their lunch, and Tommy scarfed down his food, he begs and pleads Jake to go find Pooh. "I want to Pooh to meet my Pooh! Daddy, please can we go now?"
Jake tells you that they'll meet up with everyone in Tomorrowland before standing from the table and grabbing Tommy's book bag. And off they go through the crowded theme park on a search for Pooh. Thanks to the app that Jake downloaded, he was able to locate Pooh.
Tommy pulls on Jake's hand, begging him to walk a little faster, "I don't want to miss Pooh! Come on!"
"I'm going as fast as I can." Jake chuckles. "But you better slow down or you're gonna trip. What have we said about moving fast when there's a lot of people around?"
Tommy huffs and stops in front of Jake. "We can trip and fall and hurt ourselves."
"Correct, now relax and slow down."
Tommy looks up at Jake, his brows furrowed and he points a stern finger at him. "If I miss Pooh because you made me walk, I'll be upset."
But yet he still runs, completely ignoring Jake's warning. Knowing how clumsy Tommy is, considering the fact that he's his kid, Jake kept close. And he is sure glad that he did. As Tommy rounds the corner, he steps on his shoelace that had come undone in his race to find Pooh. Jake rushes up quickly and snatches him up before he can hit the ground.
"And that is why we walk." He says.
"I would have been fine.." Tommy says as he roughly tugs his shirt back into place.
"Oh really? You want to tell that to your body as it flopped like a fish?"
"I get it from you.." Tommy says as Jake goes to tie his shoes.
Well.. He isn't wrong..
Finally they reach the spot and find Pooh catching butterflies. Tommy lets go of Jake's hand and runs up to the fence that borders the area. Jake picks him up, resting him on his hip--a decision he's going to regret later.
Tommy successfully grabs Pooh's attention, who then waddles over to the fence. "Hi Pooh!" Tommy excitedly says as he high fives Pooh. "Look! I brought my own Pooh!" He holds up the small stuffed Pooh. Pooh silently laughs and pretends to blush. "Daddy reads me your story every night before bed.
Tommy may be his kid, but he sure speaks animatedly like his Uncle Joshy. The excitement flows right out of the small body as he excitedly tells Pooh about all of the adventures that he and Jake go on every night before bed and how Uncle Sammy is going to try to experiment with floating with balloons like Pooh does to get honey.
But the time comes where they have to say their goodbyes. So after a couple pictures and one final hug and a high five, Jake is carrying the still energized four year old back through the park.
"Was it awesome?" Jake asks.
"Yes! It was so much fun!" Tommy says, throwing his arms in the air. "Now we can go ride the speedway! I'm finally tall enough to ride it!"
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whatgaviiformes · 10 months
Fic: Muted/Unmuted
Summary: A visit to his brother's university doesn't go as planned - but it's what was needed.
Characters: Virgil, John
Words: 3K
Warnings: depression, hinted.
A/N: I have a small contribution. Look, it's been so long, I'm going to drop this and run. Have 3K of Virgil playing piano.
Or, Read on Ao3
The restaurant had a coat check, and that’s how John knew he’d have to use the Tracy name to get himself a table coming in without a reservation like he was. Taking advantage of their privilege wasn’t among his favorite things to do - or any of theirs really - but he made a mental note to donate to a local food kitchen, deciding the time with Virgil was worth him using his name for personal reasons.
“Near the music, if available,” he advised the hostess once he’d handed over his gray overcoat. Though it looked flat on the hanger, it was specially tailored to his silhouette. Around his neck, he continued to wear the long, wide scarf he’d walked in with. It had kept him warm walking through the campus of Denver Tech. Though it was warmer inside the building, he’d carried some of the outside chill with him. He’d been out walking a lot longer than he’d intended - once he’d managed to find the Edwards building from Virgil’s scrawl, one of his suitemates had redirected him into town, here, where Virgil had apparently picked up a last minute shift. 
John hadn’t even known that Virgil was working, not with the coursework he had on his plate to keep up with his two majors. But Virgil was like Scott, like John himself, and like their father before them: a man of action. He liked to keep his hands busy. 
He couldn’t deny the skip in his step, for it had been too long since he’d had a chance to visit Virgil in person, let alone had the chance to listen to his music live. Gordon or Alan or even Scott would’ve lamented the time lost, especially when the weekend was already so short to begin with, before finding something else to keep themselves busy. But John had arrived earlier than expected and it made him smile to know nothing had really changed about his brother since going their separate ways to University. Virgil would always step up when he was needed. 
There was nothing John would rather be doing with his first evening visiting than spending a few hours listening to his brother play the piano. The large textbook adding weight to his satchel reminded him he had his own studying he could do. It would be just like old times -  him lounging in the armchair deep in a book and Virgil practicing his scales and arpeggios before launching immediately into whichever piece was his current creative outlet. Sometimes it was the school play, sometimes a competition piece, and for a while his Juilliard entry, back when he thought he might apply. 
“I’ll likely settle down here for a while,” he advised the woman seating him as he relieved himself of the weight on his shoulder and placed his bag on the private booth before sliding in himself. 
“Of course, Mr. Tracy.” 
Privacy curtains blocked out the tables in his periphery, and though he wasn’t directly in front of where Virgil would play, they had secured him a space adjacent to the small stage space with two pianos, currently empty. 
He worried not about the clientele, letting the people fade away from his mind. But he was curious about the place his brother spent so much of his time, noting the soft, warm lighting, swirls of cloudy marble for each table counter, and seating cushioned with velvet. The kind of luxury they’d grown up with. 
Movement at his left caught his eye as Virgil situated himself at the piano. A black suit, slimming, but not among those specially tailored to his form, gave him the appearance of similar elegance. John recognized it for what it was, a uniform just as much as those worn by the other employees. A tie, nondescript enough that he couldn’t make out its coloring in this light. Though his hair was gelled into his usual coif. 
When he noticed John's eyes on him, Virgil gave him a small smile in acknowledgement from across the tables as he flexed his wrists in preparation for his set. John waved back, then opened his textbook to the latest chapter.
The piano keys, pliant under Virgil's capable fingertips, fluttered familiar melodies with the accompaniment of gently clinking glassware and the hum of dinner chatter. For awhile, John lost himself in physics, math, possibility, and theory. A glass of amber, cooled by stone, opened his mind to think a little looser and with a little less pressure sitting behind his brow. 
He thanked the server for bringing out his first course and used the opportunity to glance around the room. For as much as he liked to keep to himself, people-watching was among his favorite pastimes. When they were younger, he and Virgil used to make up backstories for the people they encountered. It had been a simple form of entertainment and yet great practice for their respective creative endeavors where they both relied on their powers of observation and expression. 
But for all the exercises in years past, his brother stole his gaze this evening, so familiar and yet changed in the months since they'd seen each other last. His face had filled out a little around his high cheekbones, five o'clock shadow a bit more prominent in the evening light. The suit squared his strong shoulders, and it made him seem bigger behind the instrument. Not that Virgil ever seemed small sitting at the piano keys, not with the way he enchanted audiences and conjured emotions in tones. 
Virgil was unaware of his prying eyes, his expression locked on the space where his sheet music usually rested. It was blank. Where his fingers flew over the keys with ease, the music itself was beautiful. Light and ever so gentle. But looking over the crowd, enamored with their respective dining partners or focused on the business portions of their dealings that evening, not one gave a care to the direction of the music. So much so that Virgil was practically background; when he paused between songs, there was no applause or acknowledgement to his performance. 
John’s antipasto turned in his stomach, the silverware suddenly loudening in his ears in a moment where Virgil paused and caught him looking, no doubt his expression bewildered. Barely a breath, and his brother was back in his set. And this time, with his mind less divided with his schoolwork set to the side, John heard it. 
The music was beautiful. That hadn’t changed, and Virgil was as precise as ever.
But it was soulless, as lifeless as the chestnut eyes that refused to meet his. 
Virgil performed two more sets after the first finished, three in total spanning from six to half after nine, with short breaks in between where he scurried somewhere in the back. John tried both times to catch him on his way to the restroom, but both times his brother had eluded him. After the second, a part of him wondered if the disappearing act was intentional. 
“Would you like a refill, Mr. Tracy?” a server asked, a gloved hand reaching for his glass of water before he could answer. “Do you know him, sir?” she asked, noticing his gaze during the final set. “The pianist?”
The more he watched, the more he noticed. There was a lack of embellishment, and his heart pounded over the lack of flourishes in the melodies. After a while, every tune started to sound like the same song repeated, Virgil’s movements rote and uninspired. 
“Oh, well, if you are into music, we have dueling pianos every Thursday night. It’s a bit more lively with two of them.”  
“Does V- he ever play?” 
“Oh, yes, sometimes he’s on the schedule. But you’ll want to come for Monsieur Allard. Should I see about securing you a reservation this upcoming week, Mr. Tracy?” 
John shook his head and broke the news that he was just in town for the weekend, waiting until she’d left to hiss out the breath he’d been holding. It wasn’t the server’s fault that Virgil was playing at barely half his talent, stifled and muted in this space of opulent luxury. It was apparent they didn’t know who Virgil really was, otherwise she wouldn’t have asked. And if John knew his brother, that had been intentional, a place to unwind where he could just play and not be his father’s son with their name marketed for the clientele. 
But, oh, the cost. He didn't know everything, yet. He intended to find out, but one thing he knew - this place was bleeding the life from him. 
He paid his check long before Virgil finished, loath to linger any longer than he needed to in the restaurant. His meal had been as luxurious as their menu boasted, and though the decadent flavors had turned flavorless in his observations, he sent his compliments to the chef and left a generous tip nonetheless. 
Out front, he received in message form. And with that he slung his messenger bag back over his shoulder, retrieved his coat, and happily left the building behind him.
Virgil beamed when he saw him, his arms laden with a garment bag and struggling with his phone. He'd since changed into casual jeans and flannel where the collar peeked through a similar overcoat. 
"You made it!" he laughed, pushing off the wall he was leaning on and slinging his free arm around John's thin shoulders. 
"A bit early," John admitted, the excitement infectious. 
"Come on," Virgil gestured In the direction of campus. "A short walk then we can get you out of the cold." 
They walked in step, and Virgil voiced the directions as they went. John had memorized them on his way in the first time, but there was no reason for him to tell Virgil that, especially when the instructions came with storytelling about which classes he had in the buildings they passed or which dormitories had the most drama. 
"The arts building is to your left." 
John didn't know what to say. He knew Virgil didn't have any classes there; they'd discussed their respective semesters at length this past summer. 
Virgil smiled at him, and it seemed genuine. 
But those eyes. John couldn't ease the turn in his stomach left by the way they looked through him. The glassiness he'd witnessed was long gone, but that didn't mean whatever was doing that to his brother was resolved. 
And they'd seen this before. 
"Are you okay?" The words burst out of him. "You'd tell one of us if you weren't, right?" 
Virgil's expression crumpled. 
John stopped in his tracks, a tentative hand reaching for his elbow "Virgil?"
"Why do you ask?" he replied, spinning toward him. 
“You - you just didn’t seem like yourself.” John dropped his hold on him.
Virgil sighed, wincing as the instinct to tug at his hair left residue on his fingers. He rubbed them anxiously on his jeans. “I guess I owe you an explanation.”
“It’s who they want you to be.”
He bowed his head. “I’m Vince Tanner there; I really thought I’d be doing right by mom’s name. I’d be playing after all. Anyway, I’m sorry I didn’t come say hello; they have rules around us approaching the dinner patrons.” 
“They what?!”
“Anything on the set list has to be pre-approved, all these crowd pleasers. They all sound the same after a while, you know? And I’m not normally so irritated by repetition; but I can’t even -”
Virgil reached out his hands before him, as if invisible keys had sprung out to answer where the words couldn’t, and he played a tune John couldn’t hear. “I tried once. They said I was too disruptive to the guests.” 
John hummed. “What about this Allard person? He any good?”
Virgil snorted. “He sounds sophisticated and smart.”
“Do you get to release any of that,” - he didn’t have the music theory knowledge for the right descriptions, but he knew Virgil understood what he meant - “during the dueling piano nights?”
“No. That whole thing is a joke, and we’re supposed to be there to make Andre sound good. That’s all.”
“Virgil!” At this time of night, the campus was still busy with night owls like themselves or those returning from evening festivities at their party or tavern of choice -  some even on their way to. John didn’t care how his voice raised. There was no visible wound, but Virgil was being bled dry nonetheless. “Why do you even show up?”
“Diego called out sick.” 
“Not just today. Any day. Why are you letting them do this?”
For that, if Virgil had an answer he didn’t share it, his jaw tight. In the yellow light of the street lamps, his skin turned sallow, and he’d crossed his arms over his chest. To protect himself from the cold or from the conversation, John didn’t know fully. But Virgil always did wear his heart on his sleeve. 
“You’ve given me an explanation. Thank you,” John stepped in front of him and grasped him by the shoulders. “But that’s still not an answer.” 
“Can you let it go?” Virgil pleaded, his voice small and deflated. “I don’t want to bring this visit down anymore than it has been.”
“No, I can’t.”  
He glanced up, his eyes welling. “I’m fi-”
“You’re not.”
“No,” Virgil shook his head finally, “I’m really not.” He tightened his arms around himself, breathing deep to push back the swell of tears threatening to fall. “I’m not okay. I’m not.”
This would be the moment big brother would have wrapped him in a hug, Gordon would’ve done the same long before, and Alan wouldn’t have known to push that hard. But John? John had a different answer. Keeping his hands firmly on his brother’s heaving shoulders, he urged them both out of the walkway and toward the building they’d just passed. 
John let Virgil believe the door had just been open; his rule-abiding would’ve had him running all the way back to Kansas if he’d known they’d broken into the music and arts building. The lock jammer built into his watch was a gift from Parker upon John’s graduation. He hadn’t known if it would work on its own; he’d only had his hope that Denver was as unaware of their security issues as Cambridge. But sure enough, John budged the door open easily and ushered his older brother through the threshold. 
After admitting his struggles Virgil had gone silent. That was ok, John knew. At this stage, the music would speak where Virgil couldn’t yet. 
“Do you know where the music room is?” he asked him. “That’s ok,” he continued when Virgil shook his head mutedly. “We’ll find it.” To the center seemed to be a concert hall, with a gallery lined along the walls of the surrounding hallways. Likely the classrooms would be further back. John stepped further into the left hall, looking for any indication of whether it was approaching the art wing or the music one. 
“Here.” John cocked his head at his brother’s voice, where Virgil was holding the door to the concert hall open and gesturing for John to come back the way he came. “They have a few performances this weekend,” Virgil explained thinly. “I figured the piano might still be here.” 
The theater was Virgil’s space, not John’s, and within a few minutes, Virgil had found the controls he needed to give them a bit of light. The grand piano was situated stage right, facing towards the orchestra seating to provide the audience a side view of the instrument and the pianist. 
While the audience seating looked much more comfortable, John opted for grabbing one of the chairs set up for the back violins and pulled it closer to Virgil’s side. He wanted to stay close. Virgil hands hovered over the keys. Bright eyes looked over to him, unsure.
 “I don’t know where to start.” 
“Play something you wanted to play tonight. Something not on the approved setlist.” John couldn’t help the condemnation laced in his words, nor did he try to. 
Virgil’s flat smile twitched at the edges, and he huffed in agreement, though the sound was shadowed by a trickle of tones that molded into an elaborate musical story. 
Angry and somber, the melody from Virgil’s hands was familiar and the instinct to fill in the poetry of the words overtook him - not enough for John to sing out loud, but with each progressing chord he felt a jolt to his gut. 
It was a cry, a song lamenting the loss of times of war. 
“It feels so wrong to feel the way I feel when there’s this happening. Every day, when I wake up my thoughts drift to Scott, and I wonder what he’s seen that day. How much worse it must be to be in the thick of all this violence.” 
His breath hitched. 
“I want to play something that matters.” 
A harsh crescendo of notes from Virgil’s left hand. The right continuing the melody, softly while the chord bounced along the auditorium and faded. 
“Something mom would be proud of.” 
He stopped. 
“You know,” John tried. “Others’ experiences don’t negate your own just by being worse. I’m worried for Scott too.” 
A flicker of life with a trill, and his hands fell to his sides. 
He looked at John. “Every day my decisions feel like mistakes. Would dad be proud of the path I’ve chosen? Would mom understand? I feel so wrong and worthless. All the time.”
“Oh, Virgil.” 
He sucked in a breath and turned away, hands poised back above the ivory. “This isn’t going to be pretty.”
“Doesn’t need to be, just make it real.” John leaned forward, then asked if Virgil wanted him to go.
Virgil shook his head. “No. You can stay.”
Vulnerable with the cover of night, in a space sacred to Virgil, emotion poured from him, fragmented at first - anger, sadness, jubilance quieted all too quickly - before they converged into a jumble of sound and frustration. 
His soul bled beat after beat. A refrain of Juilliard’s audition pounded from the heart. 
Slashed with another, until it was the two melodies speaking to each other before one assimilated the other.
The cry of war mashed with the trill from earlier, turned minor with panic and worry, persisting. Unrelenting - soulless and lifeless. 
And then it built back up from a singular note, repeated into a quickened pulse, blurred with discordance, then the themes came back, louder, fiercer. Crescendoed while Virgil’s heart purged itself upon the keys.
Songs from the restaurant cascaded around them, the pretty made furious as it washed over them.
Virgil pushed back from the piano stool, standing, his whole self looming over the the movement of his hands, while he borrowed from the strength of his trembling arms and shoulders and back as he pounded on the instrument - and pounded until the music left them breathless, choked of air until there was only heat and noise. Until -
He broke.
A sob slashed the last chord, and Virgil fell to the stage with a thump of his large form. John tumbled forward to his knees in front of him, the pressure behind his own eyes released from watching. But at least Virgil hadn’t been alone. And as soon as he was near enough, Virgil launched himself at the closest brother he had while John gathered him close and whispered not that he was ok, but that he wouldn't be alone.
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beansprean · 2 years
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Hey y’all remember that post about the jilted fiancés from Hallmark Xmas movies? @vampireshmampire wrote a fic 😂
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1. Full body of Guillermo and a human Nandor sitting next to each other at an airport gate. Guillermo is wearing a green knit sweater over a shirt and tie, khaki dress pants, and brown leather shoes. He has a matching black leather Versace duffel bag and computer bag sitting next to him. Nandor has his hair down and is wearing a dark red peacoat, grey pants, and a patterned orange and yellow scarf tucked into the coat. He is smiling kindly at Guillermo and offering him an open bottle of alcohol wrapped in a paper bag. Guillermo is smiling back at him, charmed, and hesitantly reaching out to take the offer. 2. Close up on Guillermo and Nandor leaning into each other several drinks in, laughing hysterically. Their hands are overlapping on the bottle held up between them, and Nandor is fully resting his forehead on Guillermo’s temple as he giggles. Guillermo, tie loosened, has his eyes are open, watching Nandor with a wide laughing grin. 3. Waist up shot. Nandor makes a snarling face at nothing through his drunken flush and gestures wildly with both hands, declaring, “You know what? Fuck them!” Guillermo, holding the bottle out like a toast and leaning into Nandor’s side, replies with a little cackle, “Yeah!” 4. Waist up shot. Guillermo, fully drunk and flushed red and dazed, sadly tips the bottle over to see one last drop fall and says “Mr. Duty-Free Vodka is no longer with us…” Nandor, equally flushed and uncoordinated, gasps and holds up an almost empty miniature bottle of orange juice with both hands. He stares at it with shiny eyes and declares, “Oh! The widow…” 5. At the bottom of the image, repeating this for who knows how long, is the Djinn dressed up as a flight attendant, leaning pointedly into the mic on her kiosk and announcing “Last call. Flight 474 to JFK.” /end ID
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merajsblog · 11 months
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akaashi keji
it was your favorite time of year. it was cold and the air was sharp outside. muddled colors of orange and brown as the leaves fell from the trees outside. you were sat on a bench outside the gymnasium, hearing the familiar sound of the volleyball smacking the hard wood floor. there was faint laughter of students behind you. your hands were jammed in your blazer, while you hid your nose in your scarf. it was ridiculously cold today. as you huddled up on the bench, you saw the flow of students leaving the gym. you waved to familiar faces of the boys volleyball team before getting up and stepping inside.
“akaashi can’t you back me up here a little!!” you heard the familiar noise of bokuto whining.
“bokuto, you know i can’t stay that late..” you heard akaashi grumble softly.
“but how am i going to make top three aces!!!! we need this extra practice after practice!” bokuto says, crossing his arms and pouting.
you let out a little giggle, their relationship was just adorable. they both turned to you shocked. they were too caught up in their own world to acknowledge you standing there. akaashi instantly smilied, almost beaming. bokuto couldn’t help but smile too.
“hi! how long were you waiting there..” akaashi says slowly while walking over. you smiled, “long enough!”. bokuto immediately rushed at you, grabbing your hands. “PLEASE LET ME KEEP AKAASHI HERE A LITTLE LONGER!!” he said looking at you with attempted puppy eyes.
at first, you were shocked but now you were amused. “it’s up to keji isn’t it?” you said tilting your head while looking at him. he had his arms crossed and his eyebrows were slightly kneaded. “bokuto, i will give you three tosses exactly. then we are leaving. it’s cold outside and the flu is going around.” he simply stated. bokuto immediately jumped up in happiness, almost dragging you down to the floor. he sprinted over to the net, like a dog to a ball, as he waiting patiently for the toss. akaashi walks up to you, tucking your scarf into your blazer before placing a soft kiss on your nose. “would you be willing to throw to me so i can pass him his tosses?” he said softly, in a lovers voice. smugly smiling, you nodded before walking towards the bench to put your stuff down. you carefully took your blazer off, and scarf, revealing your tie and button up with a skirt, the common fukurodani uniform. as you rolled up your sleeves, you picked up the first ball. akaashi was basically in a trance. bokuto slapped him on the back before resuming his position. you tossed the ball to akaashi who effortlessly set it to bokuto. he immediately slammed it down, making a sound like a firework booming in a quiet night. it never ceases to amaze you. three throws and it was already over. you placed your hands on your hips, watching as bokuto tried super hard to get akaashi to say yes once more. he had other plans though. he immediately said no before grabbing your stuff and your hand to walk outside. as you put on your blazer and grabbed your bag and scarf, bokuto was a mumbling mess as he cleaned up. you and akaashi waved your goodbyes outside the gym before walking towards home.
“why isn’t your scarf on?” akaashi said narrowing his eyebrows. you sighed. “i only spent maybe 10 minutes in there and i’m already hot.” you said sticking your tounge out. he immediately stopped you before snatching your scarf and wrapping it around you. “your body won’t do well with the change from cold to hot to cold again. youll get sick. with finals coming up, that won’t do any good.” he said frowning. you smiled, watching him carefully, up close. his eyes shone a deep grey while they stared intensely at your now covered neck. he stood back in happiness, admiring his work. he put his hands on his hips. “there! i’m done.” he said smiling. you stepped closer to him before giving him a soft kiss on the lips. everytime you did something like that it look a few years off his life from the shock he would go through. you always made him feel flustered. grabbing his hand, you pulled him towards home. you two would gather around his table and attempt at doing homework before you would pull him away to mess around and distract each other from work. you would end up somehow waking up on the couch with some movie playing in the background. akaashi had his arm slung around you, his glasses still on as he fell asleep. he was breathing softly, his arm locked on you. your head was tucked away in the crook of his neck, your hand placed on his stomache. these were your pockets of peace.
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littlespacereader · 1 year
Hello! can we have daddy will bringing littl!reader to work with him? maybe hanni picking them up at the end of a work day? 🩵
Have a wonderful day!! stay safe🤍
HECK YES YOU CAN GET THAT! When I wrote Will’s Headcannons I had this idea in mind. I think Will is so cute as a professor and the idea of him bringing his Little to work is even cuter!! Such a cute concept! I might’ve went above and beyond for this request so it is lengthy. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this fic!
Bring your Little to Work Day (SFW)
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Caregiver! Will Graham, Caregiver! Hannibal Lector & Fem Little! Reader
Tags: pull-ups, stuffie, coloring, helping CG, naps, and general fluff
Nicknames: Daddy (for Will), Papa (for Hannibal), Sweetheart, Darling, Sweetie
“Y/N.” Daddy voice said to me, so far away yet so close. His hand started to make small circles on my back. But my bed was just so cozy this morning. Why was Daddy waking me up so early?
“Y/N,” Will repeated. “Come on darling, we’re going to be late if we don’t get up soon.”
I whined as I started to wake up. Why were we getting up so early? Were we going on vacation again? But just as I started to open my eyes and my brain finally switched on I realized.
Today is Take Your Little To Work Day!!!!
I sit up and look at Will. He looked half asleep himself, his hair was messy, he wore a plain white shirt and long plaid pajama pants.
“It’s go to work day!” I said with a smile then a yawn.
Will smiled back “Yeah we’re going to the academy today.” He lifted me from my bed and brought me over to get changed. “See how early Daddy gets up for his job?”
I yawned again and shook my head. “Too early!” I complained with him.
“Well you’ll have to bring that up to Uncle Jack when we see him today.” Will smirked.
Will helped me get changed out of my old pull-up and pajamas, and into a fresh pull-up and cute outfit for the day. Nothing too babyish which I appreciate especially going to a new place.
Once changed Will took my hand and lead me to the stairs. “I’m going to go get ready. You go downstairs and get some breakfast. Papa is waiting for you in the kitchen.”
“Okay!” I said about to rush down the stairs.
Will stopped me noticing this. “Wow! Take your time with each step. Or do you need me to walk you downstairs?” He asked but I shook my head.
“Okay, see you in a minute.” He leaned down and placed a kiss on my head before walking to his bedroom.
I took my time going downstairs. But the moment I hit the ground I took off to the kitchen! The excitement of the day was in my veins! I’ve been talking about going to Daddy’s work for weeks! And todays the day!
Hannibal was in his usual fancy attire only difference was his sleeves rolled back and his apron on while he cooked. He was making a yogurt parfait for me and an omelet for Will. On top of this he was packing a lunch for the two of us, Will’s in a paper bag and mine in a…
I gasped in shock as I looked at my new lunch box. Hannibal smiled seeing my excitement as I entered the kitchen. “Good morning darling. Do you like your little lunch box?”
Like?! Like wasn’t the word for it! It was shaped to look like the Mystery Machine!! “I love it Papa thank you!” I ran around the counter and gave him a warm hug.
He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me back just as tightly. Once we broke apart he lifted me up and held me on his hip while he cooked. “Are you excited to join Daddy at work today?”
“Yeah,” I replied. Resting my head on his shoulder. “He gets up too early though.”
Hannibal chuckled, “I got up earlier than you and I’m not tired.”
“You’re a morning person. I’m not.” I replied with a yawn to tie the point over.
Once Hannibal finished cooking he brought everything to the table. He sat me down in my seat then took a seat at the head of the table. I looked across at the empty chair.
“What about Daddy?” Will’s omelet sat deserted infront of me.
“He’ll be down soon. You start eat your breakfast.” Hannibal explained. But knowing his husband, he would scarf it down anyway and rush out the door. He sighed to himself and shook his head.
Like clockwork Will rushed downstairs and sat at the table. “Sorry I couldn’t find my coat.” Will was dressed his usual Professor fit, his small brown glasses, plaid shirt, blazer jacket with the patches on the elbows and tie. While he looked pretty nerdy to anyone else, Hannibal was head over heels.
But true to Hannibal’s word, Will sat down and scarfed down his food. Not caring for the taste of everything like he does. But he gave Will a bit of an excuse today, it was a lot to get yourself ready but adding a Little to the mix certainly didn’t help.
Once breakfast was done the three set out to the front door to leave. Hannibal scoped Y/N back into his arms while he grabbed everyone belongings, including his own. He handed Will his lunch and had Y/N hold onto theirs.
Will grabbed his leather briefcase, putting his lunch inside before closing it. “Alright, ready to go?”
Hannibal smirked, “You’re forgetting something love.” He pointed with his eyes since his hand were full. There on the bench with all their belonging was Y/N’s Little bag. Inside contained anything and everything they could possibly need for their little one.
“Right,” Will looked a bit embarrassed he almost forgot it. “Thank you.”
“Wait!” I stopped the two in their tracks. “What about Comet?” I couldn’t leave without my favorite stuffie! She’s a deer stuffed animal Will and Hannibal got me when I first became their Little. She’s named after one of Santa’s reindeer. I never go anywhere without her.
“Is Comet in the backpack?” Will asked knowing full well that the odds were never in his favor.
“No she’s upstairs.” I forgot to grab her this morning. How rude of me! I couldn’t forget my friend! Especially not on an exciting adventure like today!
Will and Hannibal shared a look all Caregivers could relate to. “Alright, I’ll go and grab her while you and Papa go in the car.” And with that we parted ways.
Hannibal placed me in the car seat and buckled me up. He put my backpack and lunch box by my feet. His brief case and Will’s sat in the seat next to mine. After that he hoped into the drivers seat.
The weight of everything seemed to have hit me the moment I got buckled up. Will works as a professor at the FBI academy, meaning there were going to be a lot of people seeing me today.
Littles are everywhere in the world so it’s nothing out of the ordinary. But when I’m in my headspace and meeting new people, sometimes I tend to hide in my shell at first. The thought of so many people was starting to make me feel a bit anxious.
“Papa, why couldn’t I go to your work instead?” Hannibal’s job would’ve been the best. Just me, him and whatever client he was seeing for the day.
“I’m sorry my love, but I can’t have you in the office while a therapy session is going on. It’s for the patients privacy.” He tried to explain.
“But I wouldn’t tell anyone.” I reasoned.
Hannibal smirked, “I know you wouldn’t but Papa would get in a lot of trouble if you were there.”
I sighed and crossed my arms. That’s unfair!
“Are you nervous?” He asked, almost reading my mind.
I uncrossed my arms and sighed, “A little.”
Will hoped into the passenger seat. He leaned back and handed Comet before buckling up.
“Alright I think we’re finally all ready to go.”
And with that, Hannibal started to drive us to work! I held Comet tightly as the journey began.
Soon we arrived to the FBI Academy! Students walked around with their backpacks on and teachers walked around chatting with one another. Hannibal pulled up outside the front of Will’s lecture hall and dropped us off before heading to work himself.
Then it was just Will and I, standing outside the building. I had my backpack on, Comet under my arm and my lunch box in hand. Will took his hand in mine and started to walk toward the building. But he only took one step and was yanked back by me, who was frozen in place.
Will turned to me concerned, his original worry of being late disappearing seeing me. “Y/N sweetheart. What’s wrong?”
This had all been my idea. I brought up the holiday, I wanted to go to his work. Why was I so nervous right now?
I looked up at him with worried eyes. “What if they don’t like me? What if they think I’m weird? Or they don’t like Littles? Or-.” My brain was spiraling with thoughts.
Will immediately stopped those thought in their tracks. “Y/N,” he leaned down and met my eye level, “My classes are so exciting to see you. I made a class announcement and both my morning and afternoon class can’t wait to finally meet you.” He tried to reassure.
“No one will say anything bad to you. But, in the very rare chance someone does, I will expel them from the class immediately. Sound good?” He asked me and I nodded, feeling a bit better hearing his reassurance.
Will smiled and ruffled my hair a bit. “Okay sweetheart. Let’s go to work.” Instead of taking my hand, I put my arms out for Will to carry me. He didn’t even hesitate in picking me up.
Once we entered the building I noticed some of the student looking over at us as Will walked to his lecture hall.
“Good morning Professor Graham!” Someone said as we passed.
“Good morning Jess.” Will replied. I simply hid my face in his shoulder as we continued down the hall.
There were a few more student that wished us a good morning. They all seemed so nice, especially this early in the morning.
“You know, since you’re at work with me that makes you my teacher assistant.”
That got me to lift my head and look at him. “I’m your teacher assistant?” I said with a bit of excitement.
“Yeah, I’m the teacher and you’re my little assistant. If you want, you can help me throughout the day with my classes. Are you up to the task Professor Y/N?” He smirked poking at my sides and making me giggle.
“Yeah!” I smiled back. The excitement beating away my anxiety for the moment. “Can Comet help too?” I asked lifting her up.
“Of course she can. We can use all the help we can get.” He winked.
Then, faster than I imagined, we were standing outside his classroom. Before we entered he put me down and held my hand. “Are you ready Professor Y/N?” He asked.
I squeezed his hand and smiled. “I’m ready!”
And with that the two of us entered.
Since we were running a bit behind the class already had a good number of student already seated. Once we entered the class started to quiet down. Will and I walked over to his desk, setting his briefcase on the desk and my backpack behind it.
I sat in his desk chair and realized something…this chair can spin! So while Will grabbed his laptop and hooked it up to his little podium for the projector in the center of the classroom, I did a couple of spins in the chair.
After my head stopped spinning I looked out into the crowd of student. Most of them were smiling at the sight of the two of us. One waved at me and I shyly waved back.
Will checked his watch and looked into the crowd. For once in his classroom instead of seeing bored or tried faces, he saw curious and adoring faces. It seems his little one was having an effect on his class.
“Good morning everyone. I hope you all had a nice weekend. As I said last week, today is bring your Little to work day. Over here, sitting at my desk is my beautiful little one Y/N.”
Will turned towards me and smiled. I looked up at the crowd and smiled, waving to the crowd before grabbing Comet and bring her close to me.
“Since our usual subject matter is not suitable for someone with a younger mindset, we’ll instead be going over last weeks exam. If you’d like to grab a pen or pencil, we’ll start to look over the exam.”
As the student grabbed their pens and pencils, Will walked over to me and grabbed his briefcase. He grabbed the stack of exams inside all marked with red ink corrections.
“Y/N, want to help out?” He asked me, big stack of exams in hand. I nodded, looking at him curious.
He held the opposite hand out to me to take. I put Comet in my chair and took his hand. Will lead me to the middle of the class where he was standing next to the podium. Unconsciously I started to lean closer to him.
“When I call your name I’d like for you to raise your hand and keep it up. Y/N will come to you and hand your exam back.” Will explained.
I smiled at the idea. I mean it looked like a lot of fun! I could run around the classroom and up the stairs to the people sitting high up.
Will looked back at me before going on. “Is that okay darling? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He quietly asked.
I shook my head, “No! No I want to! I’m the teacher assistant!” The classroom laughed, finding the comment adorable.
“That right, you are.” He ruffled my hair a little before grabbing the first paper and reading it off. “Henry?”
He handed me the paper and I looked into the crowd. Sure enough there was Henry, sitting in the second row. I looked at Will who gave me a reassuring nod that I could go over. Instead of taking off right away I simply walked over and up the step to the second row, handing it to Henry. He thanked me before I went back to Will.
I grabbed the next paper and walked to Spencer, seated in the front row. He thanked me as well.
She raised her hand, seated in the back row. Yes!! This time my enthusiasm started up and I ran up the steps to the last row. She smiled and thanked me but she also complimented my outfit. I thanked her and went back to Will.
And it continued like that for the remainder of the students. Grabbing a paper from Will and brining it to the corresponding student. Most of them, if not all of them thanked me and smiled. This seemed like a nice class!
Once I returned to Will the stack was gone. “All done?” I asked.
Will smiled back, “All done. You did such a good job.” He looked so genuinely proud of me. I was beaming with pride.
I returned to Comet at Will desk and took a seat. Wow! Running around the lecture hall was tiring.
“Alright take a look at your exams, see what you got right or what you got wrong. In a moment we’ll begin to go over each question.”
Everyone turn the pages of their exam and started to look it over. During that time Will came over to the desk.
“I am so proud of you. You’re such a big help to Daddy.” The two of us smiled.
“Thank you. It was fun!” I smiled, blushing a bit under the praise.
He grabbed my backpack and pulled out my coloring book and some crayons. “Now the boring part of the day. So why don’t you relax for a little bit and color a nice picture for me.”
I nodded and happily took the crayons and coloring book from Will. Once he walked back to the podium I started to flip through my book for the very best picture to color for him.
But as the morning started to drag on, I was getting more and more tired. Soon I was leaning down, head on the desk, coloring my picture. Soon without realizing it, my eyes started to get droopy. I put my crayon down and brought Comet close as my eyes started to shut.
Mid way through his review Will noticed that Y/N had been exceptionally quiet. He turned around and noticed her sleeping soundly on his desk. He laughed to himself, his little one was not a morning person. Then again he isn’t either. But coffee helps.
“Give me one second please.”
He stepped away from the podium and went over to his desk. He took his jacket off and draped it over Y/N’s back. She snuggle into it immediately. With a little kiss to her head, he walked away and back to the podium.
“Alright let’s continue on.”
He continued on through the rest of the exam for another 15 minutes until the last question.
“Onto our last question: what is not an optional service in crime labs? The correct answer is B, physical science unit. The Toxicology unit, the Finger print unit and the Polygraph unit are optional services.”
He closed his exam key and looked into the crowd. “Now does anyone have any questions before the end of class?”
No one raised their hands. Will looked at Y/N still sleeping and back at his class. Everyone was smiling just like Will was.
“Well now I can’t yell at you guys for falling asleep during my lectures anymore.” Will joked, getting a few chuckles from the students. “With that I think we’ll wrap up today’s class. I’ll see you on Wednesday when we start chapter 11.”
With that his class started to get up and leave. On the way out of his class Will heard some student talking about Y/N.
“She’s so cute!” One said.
“What an adorable Little!”
“What an adore pair they are!”
“I wish she was in class with us all the time.” Another added.
“She’s so much fun! Running up and down the walkways.”
Will smirked to himself as he gathered his materials from his podium. Just as the last student left someone else entered.
“Looks like Y/N was a big hit in class today.” Jack entered the now empty classroom. “But what kind of a lecture were you giving? You put her right to sleep!” Jack joked.
“No, she just not a morning person.” Will replied.
He walked back over to his desk and started to wake his little one up. It was close to an hour she’s been asleep. As much as he didn’t want to wake her, it was their lunch break between his two classes and he didn’t want her to go without eating.
I started to hear Will talking to someone as I woke up. Why was I laying on a desk? Oh! It all started to come back to me out of my sleepy state. I’m at Will’s work and- oh. I feel asleep at Will’s work…
I stared to open my eyes and stretch a little. Will’s jacket sat on my shoulders as I sat up in the chair, rubbed my tired eyes, and greeted everyone.
“Hi Uncle Jack.” I said with a yawn, still a bit tired.
“Hi sweetie. Enjoying your day at work with your Daddy?” He asked.
I smiled back. “I am but it’s too early in the morning for this.”
Will and Jack shared a laugh.
Will leaned against the desk facing me. Before he could say anything I spoke up first. “I’m sorry I feel asleep while you were teaching.” I said a bit embarrassed.
“No, no, no, don’t be! I’m happy you took a nap. You’re not use to getting up so early like this. The nap was good for you.” Will reassured.
“I’m sure plenty of your students wish they could take a nap in class like you.” Jack smiled.
I smiled back, “Yeah. It was nice. Daddy works too early.” I explained to Uncle Jack.
“Well thankfully now is a break time for us. So why don’t we run to the restroom real fast then we can enjoy our lunch break. Sound good?” Will explained.
I looked at him confused until I felt the cold and damp pull-up beneath me. My face immediately started to heat up. Before I could get upset, Jack excused himself. “If you don’t mind I’d love to join you two on your lunch break. I’ll go grab my lunch while you’re gone.”
Jack left soon after giving Will and I some privacy. I put Will’s jacket on as he grabbed my backpack, slinging it over his shoulder. He handing me Comet, “Don’t worry,” he reassured, “I know a quieter bathroom us to get you changed in.” He said as he picked me up.
And with that we entered the busy hallway of the academy. While I was coming out of my shell the more I was here, being in a wet pull-up in my Daddy’s arms started to put me right back in my shell. I simply hid my face in his shoulder.
I heard student chattering as we walked by. Nothing about me thankfully but more about drama going around. I did hear one person mention me, but they were just saying how cute Will and I were. That was kind of them!
Finally though Will reached the bathroom. He was right, it was much quieter than the busy hallways and thankfully we were the only ones inside. Will walked into the big stall that had a changing table inside.
He hooked my backpack on the door and started to grab everything I needed. Then once all set, he picked me up and laid me down to get changed.
This used to be embarrassing beyond belief to me. I used to be so incredibly self conscious and ashamed of having an accident. But Will and Hannibal helped me to understand that it’s just a part of my regression and it’s nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of. They helped me through a lot. I’m so incredibly grateful to have them as my Caregivers.
Will is like a ninja when it comes to changing me. Two second and he’s done. Hannibal is more delicate and easy does it.
“All done!” Will helped pick me up and off the changing table. He cleaned everything off and washed his hand. “Wash your hands too, we’re going to have our lunch when we get back.” He instructed.
“Okay,” I walked over and washed my hands in the sink as well. Will helped, getting the soap from the crazy descender and the paper towels from the other crazy machine.
Once we finished in the bathroom, Will and I walked out and back into the madness that was the hallways of the school. He held my hand tightly in mine. “Don’t want to lose you in the sea of people. I’d be lost without you my first mate.” Will said in a pirate voice, I giggled.
“Are you enjoying your day at work?” He asked in his regular voice.
“I love it! It cool to see your world!” It really was cool to step into his shoes for the day and see what he does on a daily basis.
“Am I ever going to get my jacket back?” He asked seeing me still wearing the oversized jacket.
I smiled and shook my head, “Nope.”
We walked back inside the classroom to find Jack setting up two extra chairs for us all to eat at Will’s desk. Upon seeing us return, Jack opened his arms up for me to run into. He didn’t have to ask twice. Immediately I took off and ran into his arms. He spun me around and gave me a big hug.
“My favorite niece in the whole world.” He said still holding me in his arms. “I see you brought your stuffie with you today. What their name again?” He say noticing my reindeer.
“This is Comet. She’s one of Santa’s reindeer.” While my stuffed animal looked closer to a deer than a reindeer, my little side couldn’t really tell the difference. Plus I got her around Christmas time.
“Well it’s nice to see again Comet.” He said shaking the reindeer’s hove.
“It’s lunch time you two.” Will took out his lunch and my lunch from our bags.
Once Jack set me down I ran over and held my lunch box for him to see. “Uncle Jack! Uncle Jack! Look at my lunch box!”
“Wow! Is that the mystery machine? What a cool lunch box Y/N!” Jack praised. He took a seat across from Will at his desk. I sat next to Will, and Will sat in his desk chair.
Then we started to dig into our lunch. While the adults talked about adult stuff, I opened my lunchbox to see a little handwritten note from Hannibal.
Dear Y/N,
I hope you have a wonderful day at work with Daddy. I’ll be thinking about you all day and I’ll miss you every second we’re apart. But I can’t wait to hear about all the exciting adventures you’ll have today. Be good for Daddy today and eat all your vegetables in your lunch box.
Love always,
Papa xoxo
I smiled and held the note close for a minute. I put it my jacket pocket for safe keeping before I started to dig into the fancy lunch Hannibal made me.
Jack, Will and I talked for a while and ate our lunch in peace. Jack talked to Will about more adult boring stuff, then I talked about Comet and the adventures we went on recently, then Jack started to talk about us coming over for dinner at his house with his wife Bella.
But as soon as the lunch break started, is as soon as it finished. Jack helped us clean up before saying his goodbyes.
“I hope you have a fun rest of your day at work Y/N.” Jack said before he broke apart from our hug.
“Thank you! Bye Uncle Jack!” I waved.
“Goodbye sweetie. Talk to you soon Will.” And with that he left.
“Student should be coming in soon. Would you like to help Daddy again with passing out papers?” Will asked.
“Yes!!” I ran back over to the desk and grabbed his briefcase, when I noticed something inside. A flashlight looking thing. I pulled it out and pressed the button and WOW! A laser light!
“Daddy do you need this for your class?” I handed him the laser pointer.
Will smiled but shook his head. “No I won’t darling. But you can play with it until students start to come in.” He handed me back the laser pointer and I handed him his briefcase.
The laser pointer was fun! I got to play with it for at least a good 10 minutes before the first couple of students started to come in. Then I handed it back to Daddy.
The classes started to fill and eventually it was time to start. “Good afternoon everyone, I hope you all had a nice weekend. As I said last week, today is bring your Little to work day. So standing at my side is my lovely little one Y/N.”
I waved again to the crowd. This time a couple of people waved back at me and smiled.
“We will be going over last week’s exam. Y/N will be passing them back to you. So when I call your name please raise you hand and keep it raised until she hands you the paper.”
Will picked up the stack of paper and handed me the first one.
“Robert?” Will asked. Robert raised his hand.
And just like before I did my laps around the classroom handing out papers to everyone. Thanks to having lunch before I had plenty of energy passing out the marked exams.
Once I finished I went back to Will’s desk to finish up my picture while he began his review of the exams. I occasionally would stop and listen to Will’s lecture. It’s so boring! But Will looks so cool standing up there so confidently explaining to the class the right answer from wrong.
My colored picture was more than 50% done before I fell asleep, so within 10 minutes I was finished with my picture for Daddy!
But he was still teaching…but I needed to show him my picture now…it’s for him after all… Maybe there’s a way for me to go over all sneaky like so I don’t bother Daddy but I give him my colored picture.
I ripped the page from my coloring book and I picked up my stuffie Comet. Then I slowly but carefully walked over to the podium that Daddy was teaching at. There were a couple of students who noticed me sneaking up who started to laugh.
Eventually I made my way to Daddy who was just going to the next question on his exam review. I pulled on his sleeve to get his attention.
Will turned to me and stopped mid sentence, “Hey, what’s going on? Is everything okay?” He leaned down to talk.
Now that I was up front in the class I started to get a bit self conscious. I just held up photo for Will to see. “I made you a picture.”
There was a second where I was worried that he would be mad at me for interrupting his class. After all I just bothered him about a colored picture of a dog.
But Will had the opposite reaction, in fact he lightened up seeing my picture. “Did you color this for Daddy?” He asked.
I started to smile, “Yeah! I colored the puppy to look like Winston! And he has sunglasses on too!” I pointed to the picture to show him.
“It looks exactly like Winston! I love it! Thank you darling.” He kissed the crown of my head causing me to giggle.
“Now do you want to stay with Daddy at the podium or do you want to go back to Daddy’s desk?”
“With you,” I said holding onto his sleeve.
“Actually I have a great idea on how you can help Daddy.”
Will lifted me up into his arms then handed me the laser pointer off the podium. “I’m going to whisper to you the right answer and you’re going to point to it with the laser pointer on the projection board.” Will turned and showed me the projection on the back wall. “Sound good?”
I was beaming with pride! I nodded and held the laser pointer ready!
“Okay, onto question 32. Who established the first crime lab?” Will asked the class.
Then he turned to me and whispered “The answer is A.”
He turns with me in his arms and I use the laser pointer to point to A’s answer. The class giggles as I circle the A enthusiastically.
“Thank you my little teacher assistant. Yes, the answer is A, Edmund Locard.” Will praised, I smiled back.
Hannibal quietly entered the classroom some time later, hoping to get a glance of his husband and Little hard at work. What he saw made his heart swell with love. His husband holding onto Y/N tightly in his arms while teaching, and Y/N wearing Will’s jacket helping the review along with her laser pointer.
The Caregiver Professor and Little Teacher Assistant hard at work!
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drvnkd4zed · 2 years
Random scenarios with Enhypen
♡ Jungwon
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Late night walks through the promenade with Jungwon are one of the things you love the most. Even if the cold weather is freezing your nose, the warmth from Jungwon's hands holding yours makes you forget everything. For this date, he chose to wear clothes in your favorite color and you think he looks cute in that outfit. He'd take you near the water just to trace your names on the sand with a heart in between. Jungwon would hold you tight so that the long scarf you two are sharing won't fall, but you can see him freezing so you'd convince him to rush into a bakery to get something hot to drink. "Even if the waves erase our names, they are still engraved in our hearts together" he'd say. "You're so cheesy!" you state blushing, "This hot chocolate is making me sweet".
♡ Heeseung
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You two were very undecisive about which videogame you should've played that night, but in the end of a long session of rock paper scissor you finally chose a game. You two started playing at 10pm your eyes were still wide open until 2am, the laptop's heat was burning your leg but it didn't hurt, you were too focused on the game. You were so sleepy that you eventually fell asleep without even noticing, so Heeseung turned off your laptop and wrapped you in a blanket. He started caressing your hair as he was petting a sleepy kitten. Right when he kisses your forehead, you wake up to his soft lips. "Did I win?" you ask, still sleepy. "Yeah" he replies, even if you lost.
♡ Jay
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"Who needs a recipe when you've got a brain" he said looking at all the ingredients he placed on the table. "Us" you told Jay, making him turn to you confused. "Don't you trust me? I'm a goog chef". Of course you trusted Jay, but he looked a little too confident and you knew it usually leads him to mess up. "You mix that and pour flour when it becomes creamy" he said. You grabbed the mixer and put it inside the bowl, but when you're about to start it, Jay stops you. "Your hair might annoy you" he explained tucking your hair behind your ears. You blushed at his touch and he noticed it. "Let me tie them up for you", he grabbed a scrunchie and tied your hair in a ponytail. As you were waiting for him to appear again by your side, you feel his hands on your stomach and his warm body hugging you from behind.
♡ Jake
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Jake noticed how beautiful the sky looked that day so he wanted to take out Layla for a walk, you joined him and you two together decided to head to an old playground where no one goes anymore. It was the two of two of you, Layla and a huge amount of fallen leaves on the ground. He started raking up the leaves and jumped into them. "It's fun!" he said, inviting you to join him. In that moment, you felt a wet drop on your cheek. "We should go, it's starting to rain!". You two (and Layla) began to walk again towards home, you feel kinda sad because you really wanted to spend some time there with Jake, so you hold the umbrella with Jake, placing your hand on his.
♡ Sunghoon
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You turned back to see if Sunghoon was still with you, and few meters behind you, you could spot his slender figure spacing out while holding three bags of clothes. He said he likes to take you shopping for clothes, sometimes he kept just pop out of nowhere telling you he bought you a dress thinking that'd suit you. He followed you to the fitting rooms as you wanted his opinions on the clothes you picked, "I don't want you to buy clothes that could make the others place their eyes on you" he explained crossing his arms. "It means you're not seeing me dressed like this either" you said, looking at him straight into his eyes. "Honestly the thing I love the most after carrying your bags is seeing you with the clothes that are in them"
♡ Sunoo
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For your anniversary, Sunoo gifted you with some very colorful and unique flowers, while you opted for a sweeter present. You handed him a box of sweets, full of the ones he loves the most. He was so happy and excited that he kissed your lips immediately and hugged you. Your heart melted seeing how much he liked your gift, "they're all for you! no need to share them with me" you said. "Thank you for the amazing day, Y/n" he stated, holding your hand. You were so tired as you visited all the cake shops to find the best sweets for Sunoo, so you went to sleep. Your mind was full of happiness after seeing that big smile on Sunoo's face. You woke up in the middle of the night because of a scent you've smelt before. You walk to the kitchen to find out Sunoo was eating the sweets, with the happiest smile on his face. He looked so cute that you sat near him. "You chose my favorite ones, I couldn't resist".
♡ Niki
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"This is you" he said as he showed you a picture of a clown. "And you're this" you replied, showing him a picture of a pigeon. "At least I fly" he said, taking a sip of his coffee. "But I don't poop on people's cars" you told him laughing. You stole his cup of coffee and took a sip right after him. "Pooping on people's car must be so funny" he continues. You giggled and hit him on his shoulder. He started booping your nose with his finger, which is something you love. "Anyways..." - he said - "About pigeons" he continued. You took another sip of coffee and nod as you were listening to him. "I adopted one and it's trapped in the basement". When he said that, you spat out your coffee shocked. "No you didn't-" you started, but he interrupted you - "I named him after you".
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