#how to start investing singapore
growbeansprout · 2 years
An investment blog is the best way to stay updated about the market and investment strategies. Investment blogs Singapore are the best resources that anyone can read and improve their financial knowledge and stay informed about market trends and strategies.
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daddyricsdoll · 10 months
The guy coming home to me ✭ Carlos Sainz
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Summary: Investing in a F1 team in the middle of your worldwide tour was very outrageous and threw many questions at you. But of course they didn't know that you happened to date one of the drivers in the team, until a concert in Singapore.
Warnings: None, I know it's so different of me.
Word count: 0.7k
A/N: Based off of this request.
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You try to ignore all the camera’s that surround you, never getting a break whether you're picking up groceries or attending a big sports event. The voices behind the camera’s ask you questions that all revolve around the same thing– Your new sponsorship with Scuderia Ferrari F1 team.
It had come as a surprise to nearly everyone as you were halfway through your worldwide tour and decided to shake hands with a team in a sport you secretly loved. But they didn’t know that, and they also didn’t know about your months-long relationship with Carlos Sainz, one of the two drivers for the team. 
The week of the Singapore Grand Prix had started and you had meticulously planned your concert in the same country and city as one of your favourite races.
So on the Thursday in which all the drivers did media work you sat in a stadium counting the hours until you could do what you love, with the person you love in the same premises. As you received free paddock passes they received concert tickets and tonight happened to be the day everything lined up.
It was a coincidence to people that glanced, but the ones that stared could have noticed it was more. Probably from the times I went to races and interacted with many people but disappeared with a specific someone or when my attention couldn’t be divided between both Ferrari drivers and stuck to one. The one with dark brunette hair and eyes that glisten the same colour. Full and plump lips that I enjoy against mine, compliment his smooth accent and delicate fingers that can show rough. 
Apparently Carlos had been scrutinised about it as well, but listening to his P.R had paid off and he slid out of the situation easily. Therefore when you asked him to attend one of your concerts he accepted but with the company of a few of his fellow drivers. It was under one hour until you were to get on stage and the driver’s decided to give you a little good luck. You greeted them all with hugs, one lasting longer than others but they didn’t notice.
“You gonna do something special for us?” Lando asks jokingly. 
“You gonna get a podium?” You ask in the same tone and manage to gain a chuckle from him. 
You have to cut your conversations short and run off for final costume and makeup touch ups before making your way on stage. But not without Carlos sneaking his way through and wishing you a more personal good luck. He captures your lips in his and then mutter’s a few words against your skin. “Good luck Cariño, but I already know you’re gonna do great.” And in the time he leaves to get seated you stand at the back of the stage waiting for your queue. 
It makes you beam at how the crowd screams when they capture your silhouette and even  better when you actually emerge on stage. Through every song, you catch a glimpse of Carlos, his eyes always on you. 
As it edges closer into the night you realise how fast time has gone by, in which you have reached your last song of this warm night–Karma. You put all of your last energy into this song moving from one end of the stage to the other.
As you reach the near end of the bridge you make your way to the end of the stage with your eyes stuck on Carlos’ it was more than obvious. “Karma is the guy on the tracks, coming straight home to me.” You point at him with a proud smile as red and yellow fireworks emit into the sky accompanied by the same colours of confetti and lights.
You continue singing but can’t hold back your laughter as the faces of everyone in the stadium alter, especially the drivers. They all start shouting and bunch around Carlos with wide grins on their faces, including hints of curiosity. Through the crowd you manage to catch a glance of Carlos and you couldn’t be happier with the expression he wears. His big smile as his friends jump around him and confetti covers them all. He catches your eye and mouths “te amo”, you mouth it back and let out a content sigh, happy that he is the guy coming home to you.
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vanilasky · 1 year
Okay, I just saw a tiktok with a really great take on what is recently going on with Carlos and Rebecca's' relationship and I feel like sharing this here.
In my opinion it's pretty obvious this is a classic PR relationship. She may have not been the best choice considering her being an escort and generally very questionable person, but she was certainly in the right place at the right time to be the best possible choice. She did the Ferrari commercial and fans already noticed that Carlos and Isa were growing apart. Could there be a better way to sell cars than pairing one of your drivers with a "model" who appeared in the commercial?
Apart from that, during Carlos and Isa's relationship we barely saw these two together. Carlos kept saying he protects love and he isn't an affectionate man. And suddenly, just after he announced he broke up with her, we were inundated with pictures of him and Rebecca holding hands, hugging etc. In a spare of two months there were already more pictures of these two together than with him and Isa. What happened to the "I protect love" agenda? And to the people saying that "omg he's finally in love so he can show how happy he is". Nobody can force a twenty-something, rich, childless man to be trapped in a loveless relationship. Especially when your work allows him to travel all around the world and you don't have any commitments.
The weird thing about these photos is that they are always staged and forced. Or leaked to the gossip pages by Rebecca's friend who decided to go public for 10 minutes. There is always at least one photo or one video when Carlos looks directly into the camera and poses cause he knows he's being filmed. He's holding her hand, hugging her or so. But when he doesn't know there's a camera on him, suddenly Rebecca disappears. He's totally ignoring her which is easy to see on some of Singapore's videos from the party. She's basically pushed back from his circles into the crowd.
And now we are coming to the photo posted on "accident" by Pierre. That's the take from tiktok so it's not mine but I feel like sharing it. Pierre posted that photo because the gossip accounts weren't enough. Not many people visit those types of accounts regularly since not all of them are interested in sportsmen's love life. But there's a 99,9% chance that people invested in sport will follow a sportsperson. Therefore, more people will see the photo and start searching. "Leaking" the photos to the gossip account by unknown sources wasn't enough for them. After the Singapore party there were already many people who started digging into Rebecca's past. They found out she is an escort and so they figured out she's only there to escort him to parties. A photo was used as proof that she's not only an escort (look, he took her on a date with his team) and to make this stunt feel more real because it came from Pierre. And obviously Pierre is kinda known in the F1 community as a creator of chaos. There were lots of people saying he made this as revenge on Carlos for calling him "pobrectio".
Last but not least, it's obvious she's (or all of them) are reading what people are saying. When she was at the paddock on Friday people were saying she always looks sloppy, dresses badly and always has her hair up. On Saturday she was wearing a dress, high heels and had her hair down. But sadly, no one cared cause even the gossip accounts didn't notice she was there in the first place. They were writing about Alexa (Charles' girlfriend) being there, but no one mentioned Rebecca, who was standing just a few meters away from Alexa. They posted about her only when another "unknown source" sent them the video of her being in the Ferrari's hospitality.
Honestly I don't know why Carlos' agreed on this. Seems like a very poor move from his team cause the only people who believe it's a true love are twelve years old or bots accounts. He will now be seen either as a person who hangs out with escorts, or as a man who is easy to manipulate and cannot stay single for three minutes. And for her, this whole stunt will backfire at some point. Not only was she not able to erase her past from the internet but people are already finding more questionable stuff about her. If there's at least one smart person involved in this, it's time to stop this.
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discluded · 2 years
I love love the fact that Mile Spoils Apo…and I’m not speaking in a materialistic way(although he does that too 🙊) but I’m speaking in the sense of how quickly Mile caught on to the fact that Apo is very sensitive to detail and he stored that information deep in his soul (and effectively used it with Apo) and he was able to pick up on things like the fact that Apo doesn’t use cologne but a alum stone stick (the fact that Mile paid attention to that maybe saw Apo wear it and it stuck to him) the fact that he started of by teasing Apo that he talked a lot yet he later understood that, it was Apo’s way of showing he cared (wanting to know everything about the person shows how invested Apo gets) so then when they wouldn’t film together Mile proceeded to call Apo to ask about his day ( if he ate if he drank water if he had a good shooting day)🥺 the way that he kept his phone off night mode until he was able to talk to Apo. The way he would actively take care of Apo on Set and then the one that I think hit me square in my chest and left me no doubt of the absolute adoration Apo feels for Mile is whenApo was doing his Birthday live on IG and “jokingly” (I personally don’t think it was a joke) said “How can I live with out Mile if he’s the one that takes care of Me” cue my tears 😭 the genuine care that Mile put into connecting/ understanding Apo was really what won Apo over. Knowing how they said that Mile was the first to open up to Apo and it gave into Apo returning that trust. (Also Apo GIVES as much as he gets and he returns to Mile tenfold) but I think it hits me a bit more with Mile bc he seemed to be a bit more rough.. ??(idk what word to use) in the beginning and and to see the little by little process of sweetness is just you know 😩😭 and now we have a Mile the almost never says no to Apo, I think I’ve only seen it twice. We see a soft spoken man that is always taking care of Po. And yeah let me just 🚶🏽‍♀️🚶🏽‍♀️ (Last but not least let’s never forget when Mile told Apo that he wasn’t weird that he just had character just like everyone else had theirs) and then we can hear Jeff in the back saying how “it’s so weird to hear Mile say that, since he rarely says this type of things” 🙈💓
The love that I have for these two individuals is going to burst out of my heart ❤️
ANON I CRYYYYYY you read my mind on everything.
One of the most telling aspects is how differently they act at the beginning when they were just getting to know each other and now. And yeah, I think you're right that "rough" is probably the right to describe how Mile was acting... but to be fair, it's often the way guys show affection, which would make sense at the beginning of their relationship.
But I think it's also suuupppper interesting in contrast to see the fact now how they act vs. with close cast mates that they both still rough house other castmates but not really each other as much. The only recent time I can think of is Singapore, Apo shaking Mile and making him dizzy lol, but even the tone of that is different where Mile was clearly happy to accept it until he got dizzy and Apo knew when to stop, where as Jeff begrudgingly had to accept their affection in the video 😂😂😂🤣.
Mile has already said that for him, money is not a problem. And Apo's affection and attention isn't so cheap it can be bought. The most important thing, and most limited resource Mile has, is time and Mile gave Apo all his time and attention. Apo saw that and returns all the attention and time and affection 🥺
As for the Feb IG live, I raise you:
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We're not gonna see any more IG lives. :') Which I'm OK with. The more they realized they have eyes on them, the more they retreated for their own privacy, which is normal. Their relationship is not for consumption, it's not for the fans, which is why it's so precious and they protect it and each other.
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f0point5 · 1 year
Alright here we go... another chapter, another session of rambling. :D
I saw what you did there with the messages between Metaphor and y/n... like yesterday I said she doesn't change her approach with the messages and all of a sudden she's asking questions and using emojis. I'm shocked 😯😅
What drives me nuts about this chapter is her chat with Max. I'd LOVE to take a glimpse into their thoughts. Seriously. Like her texting with him is soo different compared to anyone else. It's like they're flirting without knowing it. When she talks about being robbed of the sweaty post race hair shots and telling him she misses him. Like there's no doubt about it and no reason for her not to say things like that.
I just keep asking myself what SHE wants Max to do... she was so irritated about her friends warning and nagging her what her dating someone could possibly mean to Max and how he'd react, she did seem bothered when none of it happened and he didn't react at all. But was it really only because she was angry about herself and her friends making it bigger than it seemingly was? Or does she want to get a reaction out of him? And if so... is it happening consciously or not?
And that gets me to the one thing that stuck out to me in between their texts... I didn't see it right away but the more I thought about how natural and easy their conversations always are, the more I picked up that there was something different this time... and I feel like it's been creeping into their messages slowly and barely recognizable, but it's there.
Like she's teasing him about the hair and writing things like he's robbing them of the post race sweaty hair and all and he questions whether she's drunk. Also his 'y/n...?' when she started how she doesn't know how to say this. You didn't give away anything that's going on inside his head after y/n told him about he dinner date with Metaphor. So where did that leave him? It just feels like he's a little more sensitive to everything that could possibly be laced with innuendo.
And like I said I wonder if she actually wants to get a reaction out of him. Is that why she's saying all those things. Is it their usual bickering? Is it their normal way of communicating? But why would he ask her if she's drunk then? It's like she pushes him a tiny little more than he's used to (maybe even unconsciously) and he hasn't yet figured out how to react, trying to navigate the streets of his own feelings and possibly very much afraid to ruin what they got. From her side it's always like 'I said what I said', she doesn't pull back whatever it was, and he's lost without an explanation how to interpret it. So he opts for the explanation of her possibly being drunk, out of mind, saying he doesn't have time for this.
It's like she's pushing for signs of him and he's fending her attempts off because he doesn't see hers, while desperately in need to get some.
Or there's always the possibility that I think waaay too much about it, but that's what you do to me with that story, that's how invested you get me. 🤣
We LOVE a ramble here!
The thing about the Elliot messages, and I guess this did not land like it did in my head because you can’t see when in the day this all happens and I should have time stamped - everyone she normally talks to is asleep. By the time she’s telling Elliot about her day all her friends in Singapore are in bed lol. I do think she’s consciously trying to give him more but also she was running low on options lol. I saw it very much like, she’d had a bit of an emotional day, and everyone she goes to for comfort wasn’t there, and then there’s Elliot asking how her day was and she suddenly appreciates his presence a little more than usual. She realised, hey here’s someone I can talk to who’s sweet and charming and takes my mind off things and most importantly he’s here.
I will tell you, because I don’t think this gives too much away, Y/N wants Max to do exactly what Max wants to do, and as far as she knows that’s what he’s doing.
Max, for his part, is a little on edge. He was waiting for her to tell him about Elliot, now he’s waiting for the next shift, the next shoe to drop. A bit of anxiety is creeping in that maybe they are on borrowed time. He sees her saying she wants to talk and his chest seizes like, what now.
I also think Max doesn’t like to be messed with. Dirty joke? Yes. Flirt? No. And he knows she knows that, so he’s a bit like, why are being like that with me, how do you want me to react? Because it’s not something he can really reciprocate. And on top of everything else, I think the poor guy was like, can this girl give a break.
Also, I did a writing exercise of what happened when Y/N came home from her date so I have headcanon of what their last in person interaction was like and just…poor Maxy is probably feeling the heat in Singapore in more ways than one lol.
I describe all emotions as Taylor Swift lyrics and right now it’s giving
This is looking like a contest of who can act like they care less
And idk who’s winning.
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jruthphipps · 1 month
Crazy Rich Asians (2018)
Slightly spoilery.
Honestly, I spent most of the film seething at Nick for not preparing Rachel in any way at all for his family or the general rich people culture shock. I get not telling her anything at the very start of their relationship but he said nothing until they were taken to first class on the plane and he literally couldn't avoid it any more. I think the confrontation they did have about this wasn't enough. Thank goodness Rachel had Peik Lin.
Otherwise it was an enjoyable film. I don't have any personal insight into Singapore, so I can't comment on how well or accurately it was portrayed. I was invested in Rachel as a character from early on and cried for her as the inevitable drama unfolded. Ally characters such as Peik Lin, Oliver and Astrid were very likeable and Michelle Yeoh turned in a good performance as Nick's mother doing her stern best to keep everything proper and in line but you could still feel how willingly she would torture herself in order to do what she thought was the best for her family.
On the topic of a mother's love, the moment when Rachel's mother arrives and Rachel instantly regains a spark in her after being lifeless for a few days was very precious. My favourite moment though has to be Astrid's final, confident, confrontation with her husband; "It was never my job to make you feel like a man. I can't make you something you're not." The delighted noise I made in that moment!
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carlimuja · 4 months
Furniture Maintenance: How to Keep Your Dining Chairs Looking New
Investing in a set of stylish and comfortable dining chairs can instantly elevate the overall ambience of your dining area. Whether you have chosen classic wooden chairs or modern upholstered ones, it's crucial to maintain them properly to ensure their longevity and keep them looking new. Let us explore the tips and tricks for maintaining your dining chairs in Singapore, helping you preserve their beauty and functionality for years.
Regular cleaning can prevent dirt, dust, and food particles from accumulating on your dining chairs. Start by vacuuming the chairs to remove loose debris. Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe any remaining dust from wooden chairs. 
Upholstered chairs can be vacuumed or brushed to remove surface dirt. If there are any spills or stains, act quickly and follow the manufacturer's guidelines for stain removal.
Consider using chair covers to safeguard your dining chairs from accidental spills and stains. These covers protect the chairs and add a touch of elegance to your dining space. Opt for chair covers made from durable and easy-to-clean fabrics that match your overall decor. Remember to remove and wash the covers regularly to maintain cleanliness and freshness.
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Excessive exposure to sunlight can cause fading and damage to the materials of your dining chairs. To protect them, position the chairs away from direct sunlight or use curtains, blinds, or window films to filter the harsh rays. This simple precaution will help preserve the colour and integrity of the chairs for a longer time.
If your dining chairs have removable cushions, rotate them regularly to ensure even wear and tear. It helps prevent permanent indentations and extends the cushions' lifespan. You can also distribute the weight evenly, avoiding imbalances and maintaining a comfortable seating experience by switching cushions as often as possible.
Over time, regular use can cause screws and bolts in your dining chairs to become loose. To prevent wobbling and potential damage, inspect and tighten them periodically. Use a suitable screwdriver or wrench to ensure the stability of the chairs. Taking care of these small maintenance tasks can significantly prolong the life of your dining chairs.
To protect your dining chairs and your floors, consider using floor protectors. These simple accessories, such as felt pads or rubber caps, can be attached to the bottom of the chair legs, preventing scratches and reducing noise when moving the chairs. 
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While dining chairs are designed to support weight, it's crucial to avoid placing excessive pressure on them. Avoid using chairs as stepping stools or placing heavy objects on them. It will help prevent structural damage and maintain the overall stability and integrity of the chairs.
By following these practical tips for furniture maintenance, you can ensure that your dining chairs in Singapore remain in good condition, preserving their beauty and functionality for years to come. Regular cleaning, using chair covers, protecting from direct sunlight, cushion rotation, tightening loose screws, utilising floor protectors, and avoiding excessive weight are all essential steps to maintain your dining chairs effectively. Take care of your investment so your dining area will continue to radiate style and comfort.
Remember, well-maintained dining chairs not only enhance your dining experience but also contribute to the overall aesthetics of your home. So, make these maintenance practises a part of your routine and enjoy your beautiful dining chairs for a long time. Visit our website today to discover a wide range of dining chairs in Singapore. Invest in quality furniture and create a dining space that reflects your style and stands the test of time.
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landinrris · 1 year
Hey!! If you're still sharing notebook pages, could I please ask to see 64 and 102?
Thanks!! Hope you're having an awesome weekend <3
Looking forward to checking out your new fic!
Hey! Yeah, of course, always happy to share more. (Also, I hope you enjoy the new fic whenever you get the chance!)
In order from left to right are pages 64 and 102 (this page goes a bit vaguely nsfw)
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Ask me about my writing notes!
Page 64: This is from Gold Light Falling Backward Through the Glass. Aka Glass Closet fic
(This is a couple bullet points from the first draft of the Glass Closet fic that was outlined back after The Picture in Mexico last year. It filled out in the time since this. Let's just say in the days following that pic drop and Carlos being at the Brazil house again with Lando... I felt a little insane)
[...] for awhile now, in all actuality. It makes Lando feel equal parts an ass and grateful. They agree not to tell anyone for the time being.
Coming back home from summer break is reenergizing in more ways than one. Carlos is the only one he tells about the breakup for a week before he drops the news on Instagram only to delete it shortly after. And then Carlos tells the world he's only gotten closer to Lando once they stopped being teammates, and Lando's in it deep.
They go out to dinner for Carlos' birthday and Lando tries not to overthink everything.
Lando makes the decision to invest in a nice camera going into Singapore. He's always liked photography anyway. He uses the camera as motivation to get better by taking pictures every day and showing them to the world. Plus, it'll he cool to see how he's gotten better over time. He uses the camera to set a precedent- taking pictures of everyone he seens. That way, when he starts posting about Carlos, it isn't necessarily out of the ordinary.
Page 102: This is from Double Exposure. Aka paddock photographer Lando fic
(These aren't so much parts of the outline as they were moments I thought of while/after it was created. More like specific moments I wanted to be sure to include because parts of the outline, especially at the beginning which included Monaco, were written more vaguely. Basically more in-depth bits extra from the outline. Also included are my own word count tracker for before and after edits 😂)
In Monaco, Lando eventually loses Carlos in the crows. He's really keyed up from the drinks and Carlos being so close. Ends up going home with some guy and having sex. Wakes up the next morning to a message from Carlos saying he hopes he got home safe.
In Zandvoort it's the first time they see each other after Spa sex. Someone tells Lando Carlos asks for him in his driver's room. Lando shows up, being like "hey what's up?" Carlos pulls him in, closes the door, and fucks Lando against the door before a session. One of Lando's legs hiked up around Carlos' hip to hold on. It feels more intense than the car.
Before edits: 35341; 36390
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Nine People Tag Game
I was tagged by @windwardstar. Thankie Osie :>
Rules: Answer the questions below & tag nine people to do the same.
Tagging (no obligation to answer, of course, this is just for fun): @partialdignity, @lovingempress, @abalisk, @the8thsphynx, @teddog, @exmeowstic, @caprisodas, @chiefladylightyay, and @withanina, maybe?
3 Ships: (stares off into the distance in brief confusion) Um. Not counting fanfic stuff for a minute to wake myself up from social fatigue...
Akira Tounome and Yakou Shizuka from The Invisible Man and his Soon-To-Be Wife (I found the first volume of this manga as a happy accident at Barnes and Noble, haven't looked back since)
Shoko Komi and Hitohito Tadano from Komi Can't Communicate
Anis and Euphie from The Magical Revolution of a Reincarnated Princess and a Genius Young Lady
Currently listening to: YOASOBI's The Blessing and Assassination Classroom's Bye Bye Yesterday. Since I've been trying to write for Da Vinci Rider/Lily and those were the songs I chose for her chapter in Passing Days.
Last movie: ...The second compilation movie of the original Mobile Suit Gundam, or Gundam 0079 on Netflix. Because it's easier to watch them over the TV series in terms of time investment. And with both my rl Robin and Achi loving the lore of the original Universal Century of Gundam, I wanted to get into it. Somehow.
Currently reading: Le Morte d'Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory and The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi in terms of things that aren't manga/light novels. Because Fate had me get curious about the history too.
Currently watching: Um... (stares at my open browser tabs) Why do I have Fate/Extra Last Encore up again when I hate Deadface Hakuno... oh. It's the only speaking, animated role of Robin. Of course. And I needed comfy white noise for FGO grinding and rest.
Currently consuming: My last meal earlier today was vegetarian ham prepared with Singapore-style noodles, courtesy of mom. Every time I eat her cooking, I feel very blessed knowing she's willing to cook and pack my work lunches to this day.
Currently craving: ...The energy to draw seriously again. Because the last sketch I tried is half-finished and it looks like crap to me. Not to mention how I wanna write Oberon since I finished LB6, but the words for Da Vinci's chapter aren't coming by. Not to mention Naruto for CP/Civilian Pianist and S&S/The Sea and Stars. AND reviewing for Lang! And CLS applications. I need to start those. Like seriously.
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mariacallous · 1 year
At this year’s G-7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan, U.S. President Joe Biden summed up his foreign-policy doctrine in two words: “democracies deliver.”
It is a sentiment shared by many other democratic leaders, such as European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, who seek to showcase democratic success at a time of widespread democratic disillusionment.
But what does it mean for democracies to deliver? And how can they do it better?
In a recent book, Defeating the Dictators: How Democracy Can Prevail in the Age of the Strongman, Charles Dunst explores these questions, arguing that, while democracies have delivered great things in the past, from the Marshall Plan to the moon landing, democratic systems are falling short today.
If democracies want to maintain their edge in the global competition against autocracies, he asserts, they will need to identify their own deficits and remedy them. Only when democracies are flourishing at home can they maximize their power and influence abroad—and convince the world that the democratic model is one to be admired and emulated.
According to Dunst, a government delivers when it can provide “a good life” for its citizens. This generally means ensuring basic needs such as health care and education, functional and fair state institutions, and a strong economy.
Dunst notes that throughout history, democracies have delivered, thanks to their free, open, and stable systems. Indeed, as one of us argued in a recent book, democracies have consistently outcompeted autocracies for the past 2,500 years, from the Greeks against the Persians through the Cold War.
But Dunst warns that autocracies today are more capable and more attractive than in the past, threatening democracy’s long-standing dominance. He argues that small autocracies such as Singapore and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) demonstrate how illiberal regimes can provide their people with a high quality of life—even while denying them basic political rights. Singapore’s subsidized housing or the UAE’s free health care services are appealing to many.
Larger autocracies can sometimes deliver, too. China, he argues, despite its recent slowdown, has made significant strides in infrastructure, education, and economic growth over the last few decades. Meanwhile, according to Dunst, democracies have been struggling with fraying or nonexistent social safety nets, outdated infrastructure, and political polarization, among other challenges, while autocracies build new airports and high-speed rail connections. It is no surprise that some are starting to question whether autocracies might be just as effective—if not more so—at delivering the good life than democracies.
Dunst argues that democracies are not doomed, but they need redirection and better long-term strategies to foster good governance and better compete with China and other autocracies.
He provides a series of policy recommendations for rejuvenating democracy: investing in human capital and innovation, building robust 21st-century physical and digital infrastructure, expanding health care and workers’ rights, cleaning up corruption, and enacting smart immigration policies to attract the best and brightest to democratic shores.
Overall, Defeating the Dictators is a creative and thought-provoking book bolstered by well-researched statistics, potent anecdotes, and a slate of high-profile endorsements from defenders of democracy on both sides of the aisle in the United States and from around the world. It provides a welcome, mostly optimistic take on a subject characterized by too much recent pessimism.
Still, the book has some shortcomings.
First, the methodology is questionable. Dunst cherry-picks the world’s most successful dictatorships, like Singapore and the UAE, and identifies their policy successes that democracies should emulate.
But this focus on highly anomalous autocracies risks losing sight of the broader, more dismal picture for dictators around the world, which Dunst only briefly mentions. After all, dictatorships are much more likely to be abject failures than standout successes. There is a robust correlation, for example, between autocratic rule and low GDP per capita.
Furthermore, Singapore and the UAE are both small states. It is doubtful their model can travel to other, larger states—whether autocracies or democracies.
Many of Dunst’s sensible recommendations border on the unrealistic, as he himself acknowledges. Passing sweeping voting rights or immigration reform legislation in the United States and other major democracies will not be easy. Some of his solutions for overcoming gridlock—for politicians to be “braver” and have “courage”—are likely insufficient.
After all, the inability to force through massive change is a feature—not a bug—of democracy. Urging democracies, as Dunst does, to overcome their divisions and mass resources for investments in major priorities is like advising dictators to impose checks and balances on themselves to constrain rash decision-making. Neither set of recommendations meshes with the logic of the respective political system.
Second, with its strong and justified emphasis on domestic democratic renewal, the book mostly overlooks the important advantages that democracy provides in foreign policy. International relations scholars have shown that democracies build larger and more effective alliances, are more likely to sign and comply with international agreements, and are more likely to win the wars they fight.
In the strategic competition between democracies and autocracies, what democracies can achieve together may be more important than what they can achieve separately at home. Indeed, after Russia’s 2022 full-scale invasion of Ukraine, there has been remarkable free-world unity, with the United States, Europe, Japan, South Korea, and Australia working together to sanction Russia and provide aid to Ukraine.
In many of the areas where Dunst advocates democratic investments, such as emerging technologies, democracies will be most successful if they combine efforts and work together. A democratic technology alliance, for example, could help the free world maintain its innovation edge and serve to embed democratic norms into 21st-century technologies. New democratic trade and economic partnerships could help “de-risk” and secure supply chains from autocratic coercion and overreliance on China and Russia.
To be sure, balancing domestic priorities with allied commitments will always be challenging, as evidenced by Europe’s recent frustration with Washington’s “Buy American” approach to clean energy innovation. Still, greater international coordination among like-minded democracies has vast potential.
In the end, democracies can defeat dictators by doing what they do best. They should continue to provide the stable economic institutions and freedoms that unleash radical economic innovation and high long-run rates of growth. They should use their combined economic heft to build the military power necessary to deter revisionist autocracies. They should expand and deepen their alliances and partnerships with like-minded states to advance shared goals and develop the free-world strategies of tomorrow.
They should also heed Dunst’s advice, to the extent possible, and strengthen their own societies and institutions to unlock democracy’s full potential at home.
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growbeansprout · 2 years
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technewsbite · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know About NFT Influencer Marketing in Singapore
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Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have become increasingly popular in the digital world. With their unique attributes, NFTs have created a new form of digital ownership, allowing businesses to monetize their digital assets. In Singapore, NFTs have become a hot topic in the world of influencer marketing. As more and more businesses look to leverage NFTs to promote their brands, it is important for them to understand the basics of NFT influencer marketing.
In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the basics of NFTs and how businesses in Singapore can use them to promote their brands through influencer marketing.
What are NFTs?
NFTs are digital tokens that represent ownership of a unique digital asset. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, each NFT is unique and cannot be exchanged for another NFT of equal value. NFTs are stored on a blockchain, making them transparent and secure.
NFTs have become popular in the art world, where they are used to represent digital art and other digital assets. They have also been used in the music industry, where artists can sell NFTs representing their music.
How can NFTs be used in influencer marketing?
NFTs can be used in influencer marketing in a number of ways. One of the most common ways is through the creation of branded NFTs. These NFTs can represent a brand's products, services, or even their logo. By creating branded NFTs, businesses can create a new form of digital ownership and incentivize their customers to engage with their brand.
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Another way that NFTs can be used in influencer marketing is through collaborations with influencers. By working with influencers to create NFTs, businesses can tap into the influencer's audience and promote their brand to a wider audience.
One example of NFT influencer marketing in Singapore is the recent collaboration between influencer Xiaxue and digital art marketplace OpenSea. Xiaxue created a series of NFTs representing her digital art, which were then sold on OpenSea. The collaboration was a success, with Xiaxue's NFTs selling out within minutes of their release.
How can businesses in Singapore get started with NFT influencer marketing?
To get started with NFT influencer marketing, businesses in Singapore should first familiarize themselves with the basics of NFTs. They should understand how NFTs work, how they are created, and how they can be used to promote their brand.
Once businesses have a basic understanding of NFTs, they can begin to explore potential collaborations with influencers. They should look for influencers who have a strong following in their target audience and who have experience creating NFTs.
When collaborating with influencers, businesses should be clear about their goals and objectives. They should communicate their brand values and ensure that the influencer's content aligns with their brand.
Businesses should also be prepared to invest in the creation of NFTs. Creating NFTs can be expensive, so businesses should be prepared to budget accordingly.
NFTs have opened up a whole new world of digital ownership that businesses can use to promote their brands through influencer marketing in Singapore. By creating branded NFTs and collaborating with influencers who have a strong following in their target audience, businesses can harness the power of NFTs to expand their reach and engage with their customers in a new and innovative way. However, it is crucial for businesses to understand the fundamentals of NFTs and to carefully select their influencers to ensure the success of their NFT Influencer Marketing campaigns in Singapore. With the right strategy and approach, NFTs can be a powerful tool for businesses in Singapore to stay ahead of the competition and leave a lasting impression on their audience.
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atrealtoothless · 1 year
The aforementioned promotional material mainly highlights the promotion of an insurance company known as “Manulife Philippines” and the upcoming Marvel film entitled “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.” Manulife is an insurance and investment company that is committed to aiding individuals in their decisions for the essential parts of life. Offering people health, life, travel, and mortgage protection insurance. Additionally, this company has numerous branches in countries such as Canada (Main branch), The United States, Europe, Cambodia, Mainland China, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, and the Philippines.
With that, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is preparing to release its 32nd film, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3,  in the Philippines on May 3, 2023. As the previous films (GOTG Vol. 1 & Vol. 2) symbolically discuss our relationships with our mother and father, respectively, this third installment in the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise focuses on “the self” and how we come to terms with self-acceptance. It also focuses on Rocket Racoon as the main protagonist of the film as he is the one who has a lot of “issues” to deal with out of the other characters. The film is set to be the last Marvel film directed and written by James Gunn because he is currently the newly appointed head CEO of DC Studios, which has been the rival company of Marvel Studios since their first conceptions as comic mediums in the 1930s. 
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Since this advertisement promotes the company and the movie, it is apparent that this video is intended for individuals who seek some form of insurance for their life and entertainment value with the Guardians’ family. As previously stated, the company of Manulife offers health, life, travel, and mortgage protection insurance and investment opportunities. Moreover, the film aspects of the ad are also targeted at the long-time fans of this particular franchise who would love to see how the story of the Guardians of the Galaxy closes out the trilogy and the artistic direction James Gunn has to offer with this third installment. Although the promotional material offers no physical product, it still manages to promote aspects that lead to having future life assurance and present life entertainment value, which are both deemed good to the people who have seen the ad online or on television. It is also necessarily good for the audience because once they see what is being advertised, they are given the opportunity to live a secure life with Manulife and a break or sense of calmness in watching the film in theaters, as the world can often be cruel, complicated, and fast-paced.
By observation, deduction, and research, the advertisement above has no forms of media manipulation present within the created/edited video.  It merely captured the attention of viewers through simple editing and wordplay factors. The ad cuts together both aspects of Manulife and some clips/scenes from the trailers of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 to encapsulate the promotion of the film and the company. Seen in the following sentences are the forms of wordplay that the advert utilized. Additionally, the parentheses contain the words that relate to the company, and the last two sentences directly relate to the company and the film, respectively. 
“We can’t shoot blasters (but we can help you hit your health goals).”
“We don’t have superhuman powers (but we have the human touch).”
“The galaxy has its guardians (we’re ready to be yours).”
“Manulife, guarding your health starts today.”
“Marvel Studios, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, in cinemas, May 3.”
Overall, I personally think that this particular commercial ad is a great example of what promotional material should be. As it effectively highlights and promotes the said company and film by combining and relating the significant yet positive qualities of the Guardians characters and Manulife in this 30-second advertisement.
References: Insurance Canada. (n.d.). Manulife. https://www.manulife.ca/personal/insurance.html
Manulife | About Us. (n.d.). Manulife Global. https://www.manulife.com/en/about/index.html 
Manulife Philippines. (2023, April 28). Guard your health [Video]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntyvHe9WAzg 
Manulife Products & Services Philippines. (n.d.). Manulife Global. https://www.manulife.com/en/products/philippines.html Rotten Tomatoes [@RottenTomatoes]. (2023, May 4). "I think of Vol. 1 as being about the mother. Vol. 2 is about the father. And Vol. 3 is about the self." James Gunn breaks down the emotional undertones of each of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. #GotGVol3 [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/RottenTomatoes/status/1653874344693727233
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sketchyfletch · 2 years
People you want to get to know better
Tagged by @dwead-piwate-meggers (thank you! I am having a stressful morning because of boiler noises so this is very sweet and appreciated)
1. Three Ships: Varies on depending what I'm into, but right now - Beau/Yasha from Critical Role, Leliana/F Warden from Dragon Age, Korra/Asami forever.
2. First Ever Ship: The earliest I can ever remember being invested in the relationship side of things I think was either Quasimodo/Esmerelda (Disney version) or Hercules/Meg. Although looking back Esmerelda was my baby gay awakening so I don't even know what was going on there.
3. Last Song: Last one was from tumblr - Sa Ma (Horse Races) by Haihuai Huang. The last song I intentionally listened to was the Punk Rock Factory cover of Poor Unfortunate Souls (an absolute banger).
4. Last Movie: Shotgun Wedding - 3 out of 5. Pretty fun. Last movie I really enjoyed is a hard decision between Knives Out: Glass Onion and the Lost City.
5. Currently Reading: I usually have two physical books and a couple of kindles on the go along with whatever section of Ao3 I am stuck on. Currently:
The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida by Shehan Karuntilaka - really good, a photographer in Sri Lanka who is dead trying to figure out what happened. But holy heck it's a grim read at times.
How to be a Woman by Caitlin Moran - a lot of people get put off by the title because they think it's a guide. It's more how Caitlin herself figured out what it means for her specifically, and she is a tremendously funny writer. She doesn't hold back on descriptions of various bodily fluids.
Crazy Rich Asians Trilogy by Kevin Kwan - this is my go to re-read at the moment. Rachel's reaction to the mad world of the super-rich is extremely relatable but Kevin's true talent is describing beautiful architecture and FOOD. Oh my god the food descriptions. I want to go to a Singapore hawker's market so badly.
The Adventure Zone graphic novels by the McElroys. The next book is out this month! I am ridiculously excited!
6. Currently Watching: Season 2 of the Legend of Vox Machina. I never watched the first campaign as the second was starting around the time I got into it, and this is a great way of saving me 400 hours of my life.
7. Currently Consuming: Tea with milk. I rarely drink tea but I have an engineer in the flat and it feels like I'm not entirely ignoring him if I offer tea periodically. Also it's cold as tits in my flat rn.
8. Currently Craving: I love making Chinese-inspired chicken thighs. The marinade is five-spice, soy sauce, sesame oil, rice wine and ginger. Sometimes I put a little tomato puree in there too. Soak in the marinade for two hours/overnight, and then bake in the oven for 40 mins. They are so good and I am never not wanting them.
Thank you! Tagging for the 'would like to know you better' - @forestlich @thessalian @yamisnuffles
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mayasdeluca · 2 years
I invested 3 hrs into that NCIS crossover and 1-they never answered why that Morgan chick started up the Simon Williams project again (to kill everyone associated with it from testifying) but why? What did it have to do with her or was she just a hired hand? and 2-they can just pull Lucy from her Agent afloat position so easily and drop her in LA to help with this big case when Hawai'i is closer to Singapore. I'd rather her not be involved to be honest. Cause now she's gone again until...?
Yeah that's a good question, I'm not sure! Maybe just a hired hand. I was so confused trying to keep track of all the characters and follow the plot for 3 straight hours lol it was a lot! And it was interesting how Lucy was just brought in for the LA portion and it was as if she had been there all along? It was kind of weird honestly. I was glad she was involved but also it seemed like she was just put in last minute almost. I'm assuming she was in the LA portion because that was more convenient filming wise for Yas? But still...interesting choice. Kind of a bummer to get no interaction with her and Kate or even a mention. And yeah, it seems like she's not back again next week so how much longer is she gone for? I saw people say that she's back in episode 13 so does that mean 2 more episodes without her? Jeez.
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whattheabcxyz · 2 years
5-room BTO flat in Yishun left vacant for 8 years - just goes to show the government’s policy for flat purchase & ownership requirement sucks
44 arrested in KTV raid as part of largest enforcement blitz since start of pandemic
Maid cut own neck to stage break-in after stealing from employer & fellow maid - really devious!
10-year-old boy caught on video throwing cat to its death from HDB block
...& meanwhile, teen assaults his mother, threatening to “take out her intestines” - maybe we should cull all defective human male youths before they reach adulthood & become a real menace
Singapore: Non-oil exports tumble 14.6% in November - economists warn of darkening outlook
Temasek-backed crypto firm Amber raises $408m to tackle damage from FTX - looks like our stupid government has got more “investments” (read: gambles) in crypto $hit
Autistic man kills his younger sister in a rage
Massive 14m-high Berlin aquarium that had over 1.5K fish bursts - poor fish :(
Your gut bacteria may influence how motivated you are to exercise
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^ Why the zebrafish is so important to scientific research - “As a vertebrate, the zebrafish has the same major organs and tissues as humans. Their muscle, blood, kidney and eyes share many features with human systems.”
Let’s all laugh at Flat Earthers - stupidity is in it itself already dangerous, but coupled with social media which allows this stupidity to proliferate & influence other stupids, that’s when you really have to worry
Singapore: Free tours at Gardens by the Bay on carbon capture & biodiversity from next year
ICA rolls out automated immigration clearance for families & wheelchair users at Changi Airport
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